#tryna tag this in a way ill be able to find it when i want to rant about it next
multifandomhoodies · 3 years
the sea shanty/space shanty/workers songs post made me think okay. I so wish workers songs would make a comeback but obviously there’s so many things impeding that from happening including that most people don’t work in jobs where that’d be possible. well i do. so. im gonna infodump about this. it’s my blog. granted i do spend a lot of time working either one on one or with ear protection in but there are still a lot of itmes i’m working with a group of people. idk if my coworkers would go for singing at work asdfgbdsa in fact i can for sure say at least two people would be out but like! it’d be cool. and at my winter seasonal job like,, it was a big place but a call and repeat song could have been done easily and the fact that i already had a few lines written? just from being bored of moving toboggans? interesting. at my job now in park miantenance or my conservation corps job it’s not unusual that someone will start singing a song they’ve got stuck in their head or like, the one day with my cc crew i was singing “always look on the brightside of life” from life of brian but like. there’s so much bonding in song and bonding through work and like being able to talk and converse with your coworkers and ejoy each others company while working is so important and anyways we should bring back worker’s songs. 
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bostonbashers · 4 years
mercs react to their s/o being terminally ill. ~
Hi I don’t know if you’re an angst person but I hope you consider my request. May I request the mercs with an s/o that gets diagnosed with a terminal illness that has no cure and could potentially be fatal? How do they deal with the idea that they could die?
How about mercs with an s/o who is very sick? Thank you and good luck!
so y’all tryna break my heart today, huh. i love writing angst but it always ends up hurting me :’)
terminally ill could be considered a heavy topic so i will tag it accordingly! poor mercs.. please enjoy! ❤️
scared to death for them. his face grows white upon hearing the news and he freezes, his stomach turning at the realization that he may lose the only person that could understand him, not as a scout but as himself.
will probably hurt more than his other half and the news weighs him down greatly, affecting his everyday tasks. he becomes very clingy and is worried that once he leaves their side, they’ll be gone from his reach.
not the best caretaker and doesn’t really know how to assist a sick person, so he calls his ma up for advice and tries his best to follow it, even if he makes a few stumbles here and there. you know he means well even if he nearly burns all the food he makes for you.
demands the medical center to do something about it and says it’s an order, his voice booming around the quiet area. when they apologize and inform him that nothing could be done, he nearly loses his shit and has to be held back before he decides to blow up the place.
tries to be strong for them, even if he’s godly worried but doesn’t show it. he highly believes they can make it through their sickness and tries to keep their spirit up no matter how low the day is; “this disease has got nothing on you, cupcake! you are the strongest fighter i know!” and when they smile, it motivates him to continue on.
they whimper cause they know something isn’t right. though they can’t quite put their finger on it, they do notice the change of behavior their s/o has as time passes. the way they drag their body, eat and sleep less, often too weak to move and it just worries them. they know something is wrong.
hugs and rainbows and everything bright makes everyone happy right? so they do just that. even if they can’t understand what they’re going through, they try to cheer them up with everything they have; stuffed animals, their favorite food, cuddles and even sets up little skits for them.
on their worse days, where they’re terribly ill and can’t build up the strength to do even the simplest of tasks, they just stay by their side, hugging them here and there to show that they’re not alone.
tavish is heart broken but he doesn’t show it to his s/o. the last thing they need to see is another crying face around them. instead, he asks how his s/o how they’re feeling and comforts them in their time of need despite the tears threatening to spill.
he mostly grieves in silence at first, not even alcohol being able to silence the pain that ached inside him. he cries to himself for a while until his s/o catches him one night, hunched over on the table while he let out soft sobs. they hug him from behind until he’s ready to talk and when he does, he feels much better. 
once he composes himself the day after, he tries to cut down on the alcohol to be sober enough to care for his s/o properly. he wants to be there for them completely in their time of need.
is deeply saddened for his s/o, not knowing the impact it had placed on their shoulders. he doesn’t say much but hugs them gently, caressing their back for comfort. “(y/n) will be okay. misha is here.”
he’s already a worry wart so upon learning this, he becomes even worse with his concerns and frets about his s/o often, commenting on every little thing. if they cough too loud or even vomit, he freaks out inwardly and does everything and anything he can to help them.
he often asks medic for advice on how to help them cope with their disease at the least and follows his tips to the bone. he also makes sure that his s/o doesn’t overwork themselves at all and tells them to rest often.
he thinks that the doctor is just pulling shit out of their ass and probably just giving his s/o a scare. they’ve been acting and looking fine lately, so it’d be strange for them to have an incurable disease. he brushes it off his shoulders for the time being.
but then as he slowly observes them more, he does notice major changes that he hadn’t caught before. the way they moved, spoke, and even the way their beautiful smile weakened eventually caught up to him and he’s completely devastated, reality finally striking him.
stays up countless nights to find a cure, anything and everything that could at least prevent it from worsening. it’s true, he could always bring people back to life but it wasn’t always an assurity and he wasn’t sure if a disease was the same, so it worries him more. even if his s/o begs him to take a break, he just won’t. not when they’re in danger.
he gets angry at the doctor at first, spewing out questions that he knew the doctor couldnt answer himself; “wut do ya mean ya weasels can’t do a thing? isn’t that your job?” when his s/o drags him out of the medical center, he grows eerily quiet compared to the moments earlier and keeps his head down the rest of the way home.
when his s/o does confront him later that night, they cup both his scruffy cheeks in their hands and he leans into their touch unconciously. “i’m gonna be okay.” he stays quiet, staring at them with a sullen expression. “oi know.” he murmurs, “oim just- just afraid to lose ya.” and they shake their head and wrap their arms around his torso, “you won’t.”
afraid is just the beginning. he’s utterly mortified with the idea of losing them, often keeping him awake at night and sending him into nightmares. he’s lost so many people in his life and he knows the pain of it, but this was different. this pain is absolutely unbearable and he holds them tight as they sleep, silently begging that they don’t take away the one perfect thing he has going in his life.
he tries not to cry right in front of his s/o as they announce the news to the both of them, but his s/o knows he’s one second away from breaking down so they pull him out of there as soon as possible. he tearfully apologizes to them, blaming himself for not taking care of them more often and how he should’ve noticed. his s/o tries to reassure him it’s not his fault but it doesn’t really change his mind.
doesn’t deal with the idea of losing his s/o very well. he smiles less and worries more, stressing himself out but tries to maintain his positive attitude for the sake of keeping them happy during these times.
anything his s/o needs, he does without a complaint. no matter what time of the day or how busy he is, he will drop it just to attend to them. he takes it up a notch once he’s aware his s/o is sick and you best believe it’ll be done in a heartbeat once those words leave your mouth.
he’s had a feeling for a while that his other half was sick, hence the reason why he forcefully decided to drag them to the hospital. when the news is confirmed, he thanks the doctors and quietly pulls them out of the building. he sees the teary eyes of his s/o and sighs deeply, embracing them in a tight hug, whispering sweet nothings to them.
is aware that their s/o’s mental health may decline due to the sudden shock and tries to lighten up their day often, buying them things they want or complimenting them whenever he sees them. he also starts conversations whenever they’re around. even goes as far as dancing with them in the middle of his quarters.
makes sure his s/o is relaxed as possible at the same time. he messages their back and wherever it hurts, holds them whenever they need it, and becomes a mother hen whenever they fall terribly ill. even if he’s outwardly fine, he’s honestly devastated but tries to keep his head on his shoulders, knowing that panicking will only worsen the situation.
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Something more than Dreaming (One Shot)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Warnings: weird dreams. Panic blushing
Word Count: It feels so weird to work in an office which has one-fourth of the workload of your previous office (though this one has ten times the responsibility, coz I am the head here). Anywhooo, I am in a place where there is no booze, no bars, no friends. :/
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
The lights are a mixture of all the flavours the Gods can taste on their tongue. The seventy-five coloured rainbow seems like the perfect vibe for the buzz that is setting in on the nerves currently. Bass-boosted music and the cool air running through the building filled with heated, sweat-ridden bodies is driving everyone up on a new high. Wait. Is everyone feeling the same high? Or is it just me? Before that sharp brain of his can evaluate the situation, a new beat is hitting him hard along with the scene he witnesses unfolding in front of him. There in the unruly crowd of drunk and horny strangers, seven hottest aliens dance along with the one person his eyes seem to be searching for. You.
It's not good enough for me, since I been with you It's not gonna work for you, nobody can equal me
Everything else fades away in the background- and he is convincing himself that it is because his senses are heightened in a dark place filled with lunatics- and the only focus is you. That is what he repeats to himself when his eyes land on the movement of your fingers in your hair; that is what he is singing internally when watching you pout and bite your lip makes him gulp.
I'm gonna sip on this drink when I'm fucked up I should know how to pick up
That is what he wants to smack into his head when he feels his body gravitate in your direction while you are swinging your hips in a way he feels should be considered a sin; a sweet seductive sin.
I'm gonna catch the rhythm while she push up against me Ooh, and she tipsy
He keeps denying the internal dialogue of feeling jealous with all these strangers around you all this time, and still cannot get his icy glare off anyone who gets even an inch closer to you. At one point he is happy to see the boys be distracted by the light show that begins at the bar. That is until he sees something he does not like. He does not even realise the eyes he turns with those veins popping out of his arms and neck, neither does he acknowledge the dangerous vibe he gives off that automatically clears his path to you to remove that excuse of a lizard trying to prey on you from your back. With one tight hold on his neck, he is making that pervy lizard writhe and struggle where he stands, making him shed his skin with just the poisonous look in those green eyes. That devilish glare is enough to send that creature running. Once he is convinced there is no sign of any more ill intentions, he turns back to the most unaware person in the world- you, of course- and watches you struggling to twerk.
I had enough convo for 24 I peep'd you from across the room Pretty little body, dancing like GoGo, aye
There is a minute pause when he tries to absorb what exactly it is that you are trying to do and has to question how you are the same person he saw dancing so effortlessly a few seconds ago. Just when his patience runs out, he grabs your hand and takes you away, walking through the dispersing crowd without looking back till he finds the darkest corner in this excuse of a building and pushes you towards it. He can easily assess that with the amount of bao-bao in your system, you won't struggle. And you don't. Your back is against the wall and by the time you can ask him- in between the giggles- what was going on, you find those familiar arms caging you from either side.
But you are unforgettable I need to get you alone Why not?
The bubbles of fun are suddenly popping from the heat your whole body feels at once with Loki's body so close to yours. That perfect mess that is his hair is covering his face while eyes are stuck on you. His brows are struggling to loosen themselves up and his breaths are shallow.
A fucking good time, never hurt nobody I got a little drink but it's not Bacardi
You can tell he has been sweating, for you can smell his very intense natural odour- something you have become quite familiar with on this space trip; the trip that continues to make you conscious about your own body's smell now that you do not have any deodorants to cover it up. You can also tell there is something wrong with the way his veins are popping in his neck- though you do not refrain from admitting to yourself that it kinda makes him look hot. Very hot.
If you loved the girl then I'm so, so sorry I got to give it to her like we in a marriage
You know it is that bao-bao making you so bold but you could swear to all the powers in the universe you want to take a chance. The thought is tempting and fun to fantasise about till you realise that his hands have come close enough to brush against your arms and the mere touch is sending an unfathomable buzz up and down your body. "Loki-" is all you struggle to get out of your dry throat that is thirsting for things it should not be. And to add to these strange waves crashing inside your limbs, he brings his face closer to yours. You know your heart has taken a dive and your lungs are fluttering with that sweet scent of alcohol that brushes on your lips with his sigh. So close is his face that you can spot every single cell of flawlessness on his skin. Is this really happening?
Oh, like we in a hurry No, no I won't tell nobody
It feels like he can hear your thoughts for his hand comes to pick those sweaty stray strands of your hair away from your face and behind your ear. This is really happening. The world is swirling all around you. So are your breaths when they see those wanting lips come closer. Not able to take this twist along with the stuff you are high on, you close your eyes and wait with parted lips.
You're on your level too Tryna do what lovers do
The fire inside his gut is driving him closer to you even though his sanity is questioning every logical reason behind this. But that sweet scent coming off you is clouding every possible sane answer there could be. That's the thing. He does not want to be sane anymore. What is the advantage in that anyway? His hand is moving on its own, catching his breath when he feels your heated skin on the back of his fingers while brushing away those hair strands that are driving him mad for making you look so...he dare not say such things even to himself- that make him feel things. And boy, does he not like feeling things, especially such things. Oh, lords be praised! He loves the way your gaze is struggling to rest at one place, walking all over his eyes to his jaw before settling on his lips. And then closing themselves shut. He does not know whether that is an invitation or not. But looks like this sweet alcohol is making him bold. So, this is what alcohol really does to you, huh, he wonders, thanking the maker for this ale that was able to make a God feel the buzz. ... Wait. I am feeling the buzz. His own statement makes him blink out of the drunken trance for a second. "Why did the beer taste sweet?" his suspicion speaks. That suspicion is quickly turned right when he sees your meek smile and feels the floor beneath his feet sweep him face down into the ground. "Oh f-"
   The boy band patiently sits in the lounge in their own particular ways. While one is sipping on their drink, the other has got their face in their palms. One has that mischievous smirk on his face and the one sitting next to him is gazing with a look of pure confusion. One has got his brow up while tapping his lips with his index and the other one is pushing two glasses of- what looks like- water towards the one particular side. And their captain is just plain tired at this point, looking at the ones who are their centre of attention. You and Loki.
You sway to and fro on the couch while Loki sits next to you with his head in his palms, his eyes lost in a void, given up on this world. You are pouting by this point, looking at the empty table in the middle of the crowd of you nine. "So...are we going to order food soon?" You had to ask. You feel a movement from your left and are nervous to look in that direction, whining internally when Loki drowns you in his judgmental gaze. "I'm hungry," you mutter as you look down. "I don't think you're getting any food today, Princess," Violet mentions, turning all the heads to him. "What, I was just translating what Loki's eyes are saying." "But I'm hungryyy," you cry. Loki closes his eyes and sighs. "Serves you right to starve." Violet carries on with his translation. "Stop it," Loki commands with his eyes still shut. "Okay." "Why did you spike his drink though?" Green asks put loud, making it hard for you to get away from all those curious eyes. You shrug. "I just thought it'd be fun. Loki will let his hair down and, I don't know, dance." "From the looks of it, it was gonna be more than a dance." "What?" "I said from the looks of it Loki can't dance." Loki pretends to have not heard White's word but narrows his eyes at him when he gets the chance. "Relax-" White gestures you two to drink the water-like liquid- "both of you are on the fourth stage. One more and it'll wear off like it was never there." "What's the fifth stage?" you tilt your head while your hands are squeezing your abdomen. "And how do you know about these stages?" "The Bao-Baos are our people's speciality," all seven of them say in sync, leaving you a little speechless. "So what's the fif-" You pause and never come back to the sentence. Your eyes are looking at infinity, seemingly lost in a trance, your body has let go of all the tightness, easing into the couch. Loki turns to watch the slow transformation. Anyone can tell from the look on his face that the word 'worried' right now begins and ends on you. He also knows that with that metabolism of his, he is going to hit that stage you are in, in no time. And so he goes, letting his trance begin while his gaze is still settled on you. There is a pause around the table as seven pairs of eyes observe the both of you. "Alright boys-" White slaps his thighs- "you know what to do." All of them get up with different tasks in mind. Violet takes two fuzzy blankets out of nowhere to put them around you and Loki. Green lights a candle and puts it a little close to the side where his tranced bunnies sit. Orange takes the charge to put headphones on and takes a few seconds to decide whether to put on his romance playlist or horror playlist. Red and Yellow draw the curtains to the private lounge while Sky puts shades on you and Loki before tucking a plushy under your arm, Loki's arm and handing one to Lulu as well. "Perfect," White announces, "now let's have some fun till they sober up." He calls for Lulu- who readily jumps and settles on his shoulder- and goes out into the crowd with his brothers, leaving the two of you to go through the final stage of your colourful high.
You The music is a soft melody with a depth given to the bass, and you can automatically tell there is a touch of Galimatias in there somewhere. Blinking and feeling the environment around you, you find yourself out in the open, an unlit paper lamp in your hand surrounded by the building and creatures you were just dancing around. This cannot be real, is just a passing thought in your mind, never given the weight it deserves. Why? Because you are already distracted by the pairs sitting on the grass under the shimmering night sky and oil lamps either hung on the trees, rested on rock piles or kept safely on the grass. The scenic beauty is too romantic and the smell of vanilla burning somewhere is bringing up emotions you wanted to keep hidden from the world for some time more. If it isn't for the voice that calls out for you from behind, you are quite sure another minute would have ended in tears. "Is this the spot?" You know the voice all too well to turn around voluntarily but a part of your subconscious itches at this new wavelength you feel in that very sound. That silken voice that has a veil over it suddenly seems...free. And to add to your surprise, the God of Mischief who adores the shades of gold, green and black is out of the blue walking towards you in a white shirt and blue jeans. Are those ripped jeans? And did he just tie his hair back? You are in the middle of thinking about this new persona when you are pushed into the river of questions with that slight tilt of his head and a huge smile. If only you could see the look on your face like Loki 2.0 was seeing right now. Your frown; your wrinkled nose and those lips turned as if they have tasted something sour.  "What?" He laughs. "You're laughing?" Your gasp of unbelief is not making it easy for the God. "I just asked you if we're sitting here and you looked at me as if I was some strange alien." He shakes his head. So do you- at the fact that you could see his teeth throughout that sentence. "It's just-" you lick your lips and try to move a liiiittle back, away from him- "I've never seen you smile this much, let alone laugh." He breaks in a giggle, making you pause your breath. "Staahhp," he nearly sings and pokes you on your collar, trying to act all shy, forcing you to wonder if he is an imposter. "Okay, something is definitely of-faa-" The distraction in front of you makes you miss the end of the stone beneath your step, almost sending you down seven feet but Loki is quick to catch you by your hand and pulling in towards him by your waist. Ah. Now, this chest to chest nearness is quite familiar. So is that scent that naturally lingers on him. It is him. More or less.
Loki The illuminated aquatic ball gets a red and yellow micro planet down the hole. The tentacled pink alien grumbles something at his opponent, breaks his cue stick and stomps out of the bar. A nonchalant chuckle comes of that very opponent as he straightens himself after those smooth three shots. "Come back when you are old enough to stop whining." "One Midgardian Sex on the Beach for Loki," the waitress sings before setting the twirling glass down beside his cue stick and walking away- but not before she has felt that ass on her fingers. There is not much colour on his face except for a tired look in his eyes when he feels those intruding hands on his jeans. "Get those hands away be-" "Before he cuts them off clean." Loki has to turn to find the source of the voice that is somewhat quite usual to his ears. And when he does, the waitress is forgotten right at that moment, for all his senses are on you. You stand at the entrance facing Loki, who has to take a lungful of this musty bar air to come to terms that the person wearing a generous amount of kajal and smokey eyes is you. That smile on your lips assures him that. But the outfit brings back some more questions. All black. Those jeans- black. That tank top- black. That leather jacket- black. Those high boots- black. Those belt accessories hanging off those thighs- wait, they actually look good on her. And is that a nose ring? Your steps come to a halt right in front of the God; the very God who stands there nearly toppling over his cue stick. Your fingers take the liberty to tap him under the chin and draw yourself close enough. "Better keep that butt safe from unwanted hands before I claw someone for even looking at them," you whisper before pretending to bite him and walking away with his drink. The chill around his neck does not subside even after you're gone. And he is still wondering just one thing. "What kind of bao-bao did she eat now?"
You "What?" "...Nothing." Loki smiles and tries to hide his face in his hair. "Why are you looking at me like that?" It's no lie. You have been staring at Loki for the past twenty minutes with a smile on your face. You are sitting the same way you were sitting when he longingly looked at a couple making out, or when he moaned while eating a burger, or when he said you looked pretty in the moonlight. "I am wondering," you hum, letting your arm cradle your head, your gaze still stuck on him. "Wondering what." Loki mirrors you. "How amazing you are," you sigh, closing your eyes, "and yet I miss my Loki."
Loki "Are you comfortable in those?" He is still getting used to your eyes following every single hot body that passes by the room, checking them out without any restraints. Your eyes finally come back to him and find him pointing at your outfit. "Why? You wanna borrow them for the night?" Your suggestive voice raises the God's brows and forces him to inhale through his mouth before blowing all that air out. "I will just borrow my own drink for now," he acknowledges while taking his cocktail and downing it in huge gulps, all the while you sit there with your legs apart, resting quite casually with your arms on the bar table. Breathing in through your teeth you lick your lips. "You are looking quite yummy today, Loki-" you tilt your head and smirk with your eyes- "wonder how you'll look on that pool table there." "Quite heavy on top of you," he quips, feeling a burp come up. His arms go past you to keep the glass over the tabletop when he feels your legs wind themselves around his to pull him closer. "What makes you think you'll get to the top?" you point out while playing with his belt loops. Loki looks at you for one long minute. Eventually, he lets his hand set those two hair strands in their place, every from those side braids that add something to your look which clearly does something to Loki. "As painfully lovely as that offer is," Loki hums and looks right into your eyes, "I feel I should rather bear with the Y/N I know."
You wake up with a jolt to the bass-boosted music thumping outside. Removing the shades and rubbing your eyes you nearly slip your lenses out. "Fuck," you mumble under your breath before realising you had been drooling. On Loki's shirt. Your fingers work discreetly to wipe that drool off his black shirt. "You are buying me a new one." His voice reverberates in your ear that is closer to his chest, sending goosebumps down your body. Slowly moving away from his chest to sit straight, you wipe the marks of your saliva away from your lips and clear your throat. Loki clears his throat and snaps the knots in his neck and then removes his shades. "I didn't realise when I fell asleep," you mumble as your fingers move through your hair to straighten them out. "Probably went through the last stage," Loki insists, removing any wrinkles from his shirt and finding something resembling a plushy under his arm. "Which was one bizarre dream," he mutters. "Felt like a weird dream," you utter. Both of you freeze for a short second at the synchronisation of your thoughts, turning to face each other for one fleeting moment. As if looking into each other's eyes opens certain doors that did not seem to be there before, both of you turn away to hide your heated faces- questioning whether the other one knows something. You busy your hands to move your hair behind your ears. Loki pulls at his cuffs before trying to scratch an itch in the back of his head. You move the blanket over you closer to your chest before wanting to bury your face in it. Loki tries to play with the plushy's head, trying his best to check if he could see you from the corner of his eyes. "Do you wear white?" You blurt out without a warning and it is only later that your eyes are popping out as words register in your mind. "What?" Loki is confused. He blinks and tilts his head a bit. "Uhh, no. I...don't." He does not know why he is answering that question. "Do you have a naval piercing?" He asks, genuinely curious; more like cautious. "God no," you gasp, feeling your hand go over your naval to check. You blow out some of that hot air burning inside you. Loki inhales, trying to look at anything but you. "Have you ever tried braiding your hair?" Even though it is an interesting question, it is a bit strange coming from Loki. "Like, like those side braids?" You ask softly, showing him a rough example on your hair. Loki nods. "No-" you shake your head- "but it'll look good on you." Loki nods. "You too. It will look great on you as well." "And a bun at back will look good on you as well." A minute or two passes as you two sit there awkwardly, trying to find something to talk about. You look at your wrist to watch the time before realising you are not wearing a watch. Loki is scratching an itch on his palm as he tries to come up with a strategy. "Oh!" you jolt up in your seat at a sudden realisation. "the kids!" "Hmm?" "We should find Lulu and Javier." "Oh! Yes!" Loki nods and gathers the blankets and the headphones, keeping them at one side before getting up with you. "We should find them and get back home." "I hope they are okay." "They better be okay or I will kill those colourful bastards for neglecting the kids in their care." And off you two go into the alien rave, thinking the new door has been shut for good, never anticipating the events that are about to come that would change the whole dynamic of many relationships.
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 5 years
Somewhere In Translation
@sneaky-ash: Im not sure if youre taking requests but im not fussed about when/if you write this; its just youre one of the best smut writers ive found in a while and lowkey a seungkwan enthusiast. Anyway ive been thinking about bumping into svt whilst theyre like, filming a surprise or smth in your local area. They ask you for directions and you end up hanging out with them and SK get flirtier the more time you spend with them. Eventually you guys end up getting together in his room all the while he’s tryna communicate in english as much as he can, and you try your best with extremely limited korean. Idk i feel like the language thing is something thats really ignored in fics and i kinda wanna see smth more realistic. Anyway!! Ive droned on a bit but if you find this ask kinda boring then dont mention it :(: but i wanted to get this out there since i thought youd be the best write for this. If you cant tell, i love your work! Im not extremely active but ill support you x 
Seungkwan x Female Reader
Word Count: 2553
Contents: fingering, oral (female receiving), some nipple play, unprotected sex
Note: I can’t seem to tag you. Also as expected this took a while but it’s here now. I’m back from my mini hiatus and I love u all.
You had to do a double, then a triple take to process what you were seeing. You really thought you might be going crazy. There was no way that actual members of an actual kpop group were in your town. It was a big enough city to warrant them visiting but you hadn’t heard about any concerts.
And what were the odds that they would stop by your favourite café?
You were almost thankful that Seventeen wasn’t your favourite group or you might be screaming right now. You liked their music and knew them well enough to know their names and faces and a little bit about each of them but you didn’t know every single detail about them and you had failed miserably when you tried their name chants. You looked between Seungkwan, Seokmin, Soonyoung, and Hansol thinking that they were much taller than you expected, until one of them caught your eye.
You would have felt silly that Seungkwan caught you staring at him, but they had people staring at them all the time. It couldn’t be that much of a surprise, could it? You smiled at him warmly and confidently despite feeling a little shaky. You swore he checked you out quickly before returning the smile. You took your drink and made your way to a table, catching him each time he threw glances at you. Hansol caught the two of you looking at each other and chuckled before saying something to Seungkwan that you were too far away to hear. He blushed and looked between you and Hansol before his drink was ready. He took it and Hansol nudged him and motioned to you.
You’d decided that you were going to go with this. Maybe it was all a crazy dream but either way you were going to enjoy it while it lasted. Seungkwan made his way across the café to you while throwing glances back at the others nervously. He stopped behind the chair across from you.
“Hi,” he said awkwardly.
“Hello,” you hummed, grinning. “Did you want to sit down?”
“Ah, yes,” he blushed and took a seat. You waited as he thought through what he wanted to say. “You’re… very pretty.”
You couldn’t help he blush that spread across your face. You’d decided this had to be a dream. There was no way this could be real. On the slight chance it was though, and you weren’t about to wake up, you had to enjoy it.
“Thank you, you’re very handsome, but you probably already know that,” you said. You watched as he processed what you were saying and a shy smile spread across his face. “What are you all doing here anyway?” you asked, motioning to the other three who were sitting a little ways away, sipping their drinks, and chatting while shooting glances at the two of you.
“We have… um, schedule. We are…” he looked back at the others who all looks down at their drinks, chuckling. “lost.”
“I know the area really well if you need a hand,” you smiled.
He blushed and nodded, throwing his friends what almost looked like a dirty look before getting up. You followed him to their table where the other three greeted you warmly. Hansol told you where they were looking to go and you smiled, assuring them it was nearby and that you could take them there yourself to make sure they didn’t get lost.
You did your best to talk to all of them as you walked but it was easiest to hold a conversation with Hansol. Soonyoung and Seokmin walked behind you and chatted with each other while Seungkwan tried to keep up with you and Hansol. You did your best not to speak too quickly and you noticed Hansol giving him lots of chances to talk.
You led them to the nearby arcade they were heading to. It very much seemed to be the right place as there was a camera crew there and someone who might have been their manager who looked relieved to see them. You watched as they made their way into the arcade and turned to leave but someone grabbed your hand. You turned back to see Seungkwan smiling nervously.
“Will you, uh… wait until we are done?”
You smiled and nodded. He sighed happily before going to join the other members. You watched from the corner of the arcade as they filmed. They all seemed to turn on their energy and turn up their smile for the camera. Still them, but like turning up a dimmer switch, they were a brighter, more glamourous version of themselves. Whenever the camera was pointed elsewhere Seungkwan shot you a smile. It was the same smile he used on stage, it was dazzling and took your breath away and seemed like such a stark contrast to his shy grin from earlier.
You realized why he had asked you to stick around when they wrapped up filming sooner than you expected. You leaned against the wall and watched as the four of them approached you.
“You’re done so soon,” you said brightly.
They all nodded and Soonyoung pushed Seungkwan closer.
“We are going, uh,” he gave Hansol a panicked look. Hansol whispered something to him. “to the mall. Do you want… to, come?”
You grinned. “Yeah sure, do you know the way from here?”
“Ye-” he started but Soonyoung shoved him. “Uh, no.”
You offered your hand. “Let me show you then.” Seungkwan blushed as he took your hand and walked with you. The others chuckled and followed along behind.
“It was fun watching you film,” you said. “You’re so interesting, and I think the video will turn out well.”
You swore you saw a smirk cross his face and he followed along the crowded sidewalk of the market. “You seemed… happy?” he thought for a second. “…interested?” He spoke quickly to Hansol who laughed.
“He wants to say you seemed very charmed by him.”
You felt the blush creep up your cheeks and he chuckled and squeezed your hand. “Ah, you’re so cute.”
You wandered through the mall with them. Eventually Soonyoung and Seokmin wandered off to look at something, pulling Hansol with him to translate. You felt more nervous being alone with Seungkwan but as you were finding out he understood English well. Speaking was another matter but considering your Korean consisted of phrases that you had picked up from kpop you thought he was doing pretty well. You wandered through a few clothing stores where he insisted you try on a few things and almost made off to pay for them before you caught him and pulled out your own card. He did buy you a tea which you sipped on as you wandered back to the front of the mall. You had a feeling your day with him might be coming to an end.
He seemed nervous as he considered his words carefully. “Do you want to… hang out?”
You smiled, way too happy that this was happening. “Of course!”
He grinned at you as he ushered you towards a car. You got in with him and tried to take in the conversation between him and their driver that was ultimately lost on you. The driver took a sigh and drove and you noticed the way Seungkwan kept glancing at you. His hand found yours but after checking to see that the driver wasn’t watching he slid it over further to rest his hand on your thigh. He rubbed his thumb in slow circles on your thigh before you leaned over.
“What did you mean exactly by ‘hang out’?” you asked, not being able to help the way a grin tugged at your lips.
In response he kissed you, quickly but passionately, his hand squeezing your thigh.
He pulled away and chuckled at the slightly dazed look on your face. “Something like that.”
“Okay,” your said breathily, now very aware of his hand which had moved a little higher on your thigh.
He pretty quickly pulled you out of the car once you got to what you assumed was their hotel. He moved quickly through the lobby and to the elevator. You noticed the way he was biting his lip while he glanced at you and it made you wish there was no one else in the elevator. He pulled you out just as quickly and down the hall to his room. The second he had the door closed behind him his hands were on your waist and his lips found yours. He kissed you deeply and backed you into the wall as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. When he broke away from the kiss you were breathless and dazed.
“I have… wanted to do that all day,” he said.
“God I’m so glad you did,” you replied as your eyes focused on his plush lips before you pulled him back in for another kiss. You let your hands wander down his shoulders to his arms as he pressed closer to you and rocked his hips against yours. He let out a soft sigh into your kiss and said something quietly in Korean that you didn’t understand.
“Hmm?” you hummed against his lips.
He pulled back enough to look at you and blushed. “Don’t worry about it,” he blushed. You opened your mouth to protest but a small whine came out instead as his lips started to suck on your neck. His hands slid down your body and he grabbed your ass, pressing you closer. You could feel his bulge through his pants and it only served to turn you on more. He rolled his hips against yours moaning against your skin. He painted your neck in purple before kissing you deeply again as you started to pull him towards the bed.
You back against the bed and barely laid down before he crawled on top of you, ridding himself of his shirt before kissing you again. He pulled your shirt off between kisses and started to kiss down your body. He kissed the tops of your breasts and lifted you enough to get you out of your bra. He mumbled something against your skin before he sucked one of your nipples between his plush lips and you blushed as your ears registered the Korean word for beautiful. His hands slid down to waist and started to undo your belt. He helped you out of your jeans before settling between your legs. His hands trailed up your torso and he let his fingers trail over your nipples while he kissed further down your body. He peeked up at you as he went and took in the way you were arching into his touch.
He kissed along your inner thighs until you were squirming and giving him a pleading look.
“Seungkwan, please,” you whined.
He grinned up at you as he pulled your panties down slowly. He kissed slowly along your inner thighs until he was kissing right next to your core. You tried to roll your hips against him but he just chuckled and pulled away.
“Patience,” he hummed and you whined as he went back to teasing you, bringing a finger to tease your entrance. You let out a small whimper and tried to hold still, need him to move on from his teasing. You gave him the sweetest, most desperate look you could muster and he let out a whine before finally bringing his lips where you needed them. You let out a loud moan and bucked your hips his face and he held them down as he traced your clit with his tongue and pushed one finger into you.
He pumped his finger slowly, and soon added another as he moved his tongue too slow. You moaned for him to go faster and searched your memory to see if you knew the right word in Korean but one look at his smug grin and you realized he was doing it on purpose. You groaned and threw your head back, gripping the sheets as he slowly picked up the pace with his fingers. You cried out when he passed over a particularly good spot and he started to rub back and forth over it faster before sucking your clit between his lips.
You moaned out his name as you came on his fingers, bucking your hips against his hand and face. You whimpered as he pulled his fingers put slowly and moved to lap up your release until you were pulling away. He mumbled something against you and you hmm.
He looked up at you a blushed. “You, taste good,” he hummed, blushing slightly.
You smiled as you pulled him up towards you. You kissed him deeply and started to fumble with his belt. As soon as it was undone you helped him push down his pants and he kicked them off, still kissing you passionately.
He let out a loud moan as you took his cock into your hand and started to stroke him. He quickly stopped your hand and broke away from the kiss, scrambling for the words.
“I… if you… I might… um,” he was blushing deeply and grinned as you took in what he was saying.
“You might cum too fast?” you asked, pumping his cock again.
“Y-Yes,” he gasped up, trying to stop your hand again. “I want to…” he trailed off unsure of the words.
You kissed him sweetly before pulling him closer to you. “Me too.”
He started to grind his cock against you and you both let out moans at the feeling. You helped him to align himself with you before he slowly pushed in. He let his head fall into the crook of your neck and moaned as you gripped him tightly. He stayed still for a few moments as you both adjusted until you started to whine and move your hips. He pulled back and thrust into you slow and deep.
He worked up his pace slowly, leaving more kisses and love bites along your neck and collarbone. Your toes curled at the feeling as you moved your hips in time with him and started to moan out his name.
You could feel your second orgasm building and from the sound of his moans he was getting close too. “Fuck, Seungkwan, c-can you, your hand-”
You felt his grin against your skin as his fingers found your clit and started to rub it in quick, even circles.
You cried out as you came on his cock, holding him close through your orgasm. His thrusts grew sloppier and the way you were clenching around him had him cumming quickly after. You pulled him in to kiss you as he roll his hips into, riding out his own orgasm.
You were both panting as he rolled off of you and you started to come down from your highs.
“That was fantastic,” you breathed.
He smiled at you. “Yeah.” He tugged you  little closer and you cuddled up to him. You had no idea if this would lead somewhere or if this meant anything at all but you could at least enjoy the cuddles while they lasted.
You decided that if that was a dream, it was the best dream you’d ever had.
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ryujin-zanba · 4 years
Triple The Dose
Bucky wakes up feeling unwell and his partners each take their turn at looking after him. Not all of them have the same idea of what 'taking care' means, however~
Rating: Explicit Words: 2275 Tags: Fluff, Smut, Caretaking, Tenderness, Sickfic, Pegging, Aftercare Pairings: Sam/Bucky/Steve/Nat & Bucky/Nat
commission for @toltzidot  ♡
“Sam,” Bucky murmurs as the sleeping face of his boyfriend comes into view within moments of opening his eyes.
 “Hey, big guy,” Sam acknowledges him with an affectionate tone; his own eyes still closed even though he’s evidently been awake for some time.
 “Sam, I don’t feel very well,” the retired soldier confesses. His head feels like it’s full of cotton and there’s a kind of nausea weighing his limbs down.
 Steve stirs in-between them as Sam reaches over to feel Bucky’s forehead.
 “You are a little warm,” he confirms, sighing away the remnants of sleep as he slips out of bed and comes round to Bucky’s side, prompting Steve to instinctively roll out into the warm and vacant space.
 Admittedly, Bucky isn’t used to getting sick. In their youth that was always Steve’s misfortune, and during his time as the Winter Soldier, well, there was no way Hydra would let such a valuable asset fall into inaction.
 Sam tuts softly as he sits on the edge of the bed and helps Bucky to sit up, feeling his chest briefly to search for any indication of congestion.
 “Open your mouth, baby,” he instructs, moving on to gently hold Bucky’s chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Stick your tongue out.”
 Bucky obediently follows every order, but Sam doesn’t really need to do all this to judge how pale and weary he looks. His eyes are glassy and his skin has a clamminess to it that suggests he’s certainly coming down with something.
 “Hm,” Sam concludes after checking his tonsils. “Could just be a little dehydrated… you wanna’ go see the doctor?”
 Predictably, Bucky shakes his head. He hates anything to do with hospitals these days, and it’s exactly why Sam thought to ask, because at the very least, if he’s not in enough pain to want to see a doctor he’ll probably live.
 “Alright, big guy… well, I think at worst it’s a cold, maybe a fever,” the Captain presumes as he holds his hand to Bucky’s forehead again to check. “You just stay in bed today, okay?”
 Bucky nods unquestioningly, slumping back down against the pillows.
 “Where’s Nat?” he groans, realising in this state of discomfort that he is in fact missing another body to cuddle up to.
 “She was working last night, baby, remember?” Sam kindly enlightens as he stops by the door. “Don’t you worry, she’ll be back to take care’a you soon,” he thinks to reassure, knowing full-well that Bucky feels the most secure when he has his whole family around.
  Sam glances at the kitchen clock as he goes in to start up breakfast. He has a meeting with Fury and Bruce today about the Avengers initiative being amended, and they need to discuss how they want to proceed with the new recruits.
 “Hey, Sam,” Steve greets his boyfriend cordially as he wanders in; presumably impelled by the smell of bacon.
 “Hey, there he is,” Sam croons, leaning down to share a good morning kiss with Steve as the petite man begins helping him.
 “Bucky said he’s feelin’ kinda’ sick today,” he mentions.
 “Yeah, I checked his temperature and I think he’s brewing something for sure, but I gotta’ get going soon so—”
 “I know, you got your meeting,” Steve grins. “Don’t worry about it, Cap. I can take care of him.”
 “Atta’ boy,” Sam smirks, sitting down to eat his own breakfast as Steve takes over catering to Bucky.
 Thanks to the little guy’s help, Sam is able to have a leisurely shower and kiss both his boys goodbye as he sets off in good time.
 “Just call if you need anything, alri—”
 “Yeah, yeah, I know,” Steve interrupts with a chuckle, ushering Captain America out of the door before he makes himself late. “I’ll hold down the fort! You can count on me, sir!” he calls from the porch with a very serious salute.
 Sam just laughs and shakes his head as he gets into his car. Now that he thinks about it, this is probably nice for Steve. He’s usually the one succumbing to his many ailments, so having the chance to care for one of his partners must really give him a morale boost and make him feel useful again.
 “Hey Buck, all finished?” Steve asks as he comes back inside to find the other man ambling into the kitchen with his empty tray table. “Well, you ate everything, that’s good going,” the blond remarks.
 “Yeah, it was great, thanks… has Sam already left?”
 “Yeah but, I’m here to look after you,” Steve heartens, seeing the slight shimmer of sadness in Bucky’s eyes as he’s now down yet another person he could really do to be cuddling. “Hey, why don’t you get back into bed, okay? You really shouldn’t be walking around when you’re feeling sick,” the sweet-natured soldier encourages.
 Admittedly feeling a little dizzy now that he’s stood up, Bucky just nods and lets Steve take his tray before padding back into their room and collapsing on the still-warm-bed.
 It must be unpleasant for him given that he hasn’t encountered this feeling for literal decades, Steve thinks. Losing the serum was tough on him too, and he had mourned the fact that he no longer had the durability to withstand the things he’d gotten so used to not suffering from, but at least he knew what to expect, poor Bucky has no way of preparing to feel the wrath of an illness.
 “Here, Buck,” Steve croons as he comes in a few minutes later with some honey and lemon tea for him.
 He helps him to sip slowly, supporting his head as he drinks, and then a small smile curls Bucky’s lips as he notices what Steve is holding.
 “You gonna’ read to me?” he presumes.
 That’s what he would always do for Steve when he was sat by his bedside. Even if Steve was sound asleep, Bucky would continue reading from a book or the paper out loud to him, letting him know even in his subconscious that he wasn’t alone.
 “You comfy?” Steve smirks, pulling up the chair that is generally used for dumping laundry on when no one can be bothered to source the hamper, and crossing one leg over the other as he secures his thick-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.
 Bucky turns over to face Steve so he can watch while he listens, that smile never leaving his face as the other man’s voice washes over him and tells him about a quaint little house built into a hill, residing somewhere in a shire on the moors of Middle Earth.
 It isn’t long before he’s asleep, and Steve only stops reading when he hears the front door go in order to greet their girlfriend.
 “Hey, sweetheart, w—”
 Steve makes a hush gesture with one finger to his lips, prompting Nat to drop her velvety tone to a whisper.
 “Bucky’s not feelin’ well. I’m tryna’ keep him asleep,” he enlightens.
 “Ohhh, okay,” the redhead nods, pressing a kiss to the top of Steve’s head before making her way to the bedroom.
 “Uh, Nat,” Steve speaks up before she goes in. “I actually um… I have somewhere I’m s’posed to be but I—”
 “Oh, your art thing? Yeah, of course, you go, I got this,” she reassures.
 “Are you sure?” the little soldier frets, “I know you just got back so I don’t wanna’ drop this on you but—”
 “You go, I’ll take care of him,” Nat reiterates in that faithful drawl as she steps closer and drops the car keys in Steve’s palm. “Have fun, okay?”
 Steve nods fervently and takes to his tiptoes a little to give her a kiss on the lips.
 “You’re the best, doll,” he grins.
 Nat watches him out the door then before tossing her heels in the closet and unzipping her dress at the back.
 It was another intel mission that had been simple enough; woo a few key players at the bar, find out what she needs to know and then knock them unconscious before they ask her home.
 Low risk jobs like that are starting to appeal more and more to her lately, actually. Maybe it’s because she has a family to come home to and feels less inclined to throw caution into the wind on a mission, or maybe it’s because she has enough support now to be picky about jobs. Either way, they’ll likely be dining out sometime soon at a very fancy restaurant once that pay comes through.
 “Hey, tough guy,” Nat says in the dulcet tone reserved just for moments like this as she gently strokes back Bucky’s hair and leans down to kiss his forehead.
 She can feel just from the heat of his skin through her lips that he’s burning up, and his eyes open blearily like he’s fighting fog to see her.
 “You’re home~” Bucky croons, reaching up to pull her down into a hug.
 “I’m home, sweetheart,” she confirms. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, what can mama do to help?”
 Bucky just shakes his head and holds her tight, evidently considering this enough.
 As she snuggles up though, she can see how his chest is labouring and how clammy his skin is. He’s really not well, and it looks like he’s running a fever.
 “Does your head hurt, baby?” she investigates, rubbing his belly affectionately.
 Bucky just nods, but he seems to have exerted all the consciousness he can afford, because he’s starting to drift.
 “Why don’t you lemme’ see if I can break this fever for you, huh, big guy? You might feel better,” the redhead entices, sitting up to try and regain his attention.
 “B-break it?” Bucky murmurs, “how… do you break it?”
 A smirk plays on her red lips as she leans down to whisper the answer to him, and Bucky seems to grasp a bit of lucidity as she utters the words, “I could fuck you.”
 It’s impossible to tell if his face is that red because of the fever of if he’s blushing, but it would be an educated assumption to say it’s both.
 “You want that, honey?” Nat tries to confirm, earning a wide-eyed nod from Bucky as his hands rest at her hips.
 She smiles and gets off the bed then, heading to their toy box to get the strap.
 Bucky watches her with keen interest, his vision blurring a little when she’s too far across the room to focus on, but she comes back dressed down to her lingerie; quite opportune that she was on a mission of seduction the night before, actually.
 “Let’s get you warmed up,” she purrs, pulling the covers back and situating herself between Bucky’s soft thighs, which he obediently parts for her.
 He lifts his hips as Nat wriggles his underwear down to his ankles and frees him of them, and then the pillow comes under his back as she secures his legs over her own thighs and lubes up two fingers to start.
 Bucky moans softly as she circles his asshole, letting his head loll to the side as his eyelashes flutter and he urges his body to relax so this can begin quickly.
 “Good boy,” Nat encourages him when he takes the first finger with total ease. She can feel how he’s pushing out, welcoming her with absolute want.
 He moans her name and arches his back, his cock swaying with interest at the sensation of a second finger entering him, and Nat is getting the strong indication that he’s perhaps even more eager than she first anticipated.
 She won’t rush it though, so only after a couple more minutes of working him open does she test his desire by holding the head of the strap to his greedy hole.
 Bucky gasps and grips her knees; bracing himself on them as he attempts to draw her in.
 Nat just chuckles and shakes her head, unable to believe that even in such a state the Winter Soldier is this greedy for cock.
 She sinks into him slowly; pushing a keening gasp out of him as he presses is head back into the pillow. He’s even hotter than before now, and the pounding in his head keeps growing, but the pleasure of what’s happening to the rest of his body is almost overpowering it.
 Once Nat has set the pace, his eyes roll up and his jaw goes slack; bouncy little moans and mewling sounds tumbling off his tongue as she fucks him.
 She can tell when he’s close to cumming; his dick is dribbling onto his belly and after a little while the noises stop except for the low, heaving groan that explodes into a loud gasp as he stills then spasms then trembles like a leaf as he comes down panting.
 “Good boy,” Nat praises him, rubbing the insides of his quivering thighs as Bucky gasps for air.
 He barely notices her leaving him to remove the harness at her hips and fetch him a towel, but he tunes back in when he feels her presence beside him and her gently wiping the sweat off his face.
 “Did that work?” she wonders, barely sounding out of breath.
 “I dunno’ but who cares?” Bucky groans, “that felt great~”
 Nat smiles warmly and kisses his shoulder, pulling the covers up over him once he’s all wiped down to avoid him catching a chill.
 “Well, if it didn’t we can always try again later,” she purrs, settling in to hold him for a little while until the others return. If Bucky’s fever is resilient, maybe it’ll take all three of them…
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jewpacabruhs · 6 years
I was reading your tags and please, for the love of God, write a Mafia AU. I haven't been able to find any good ones.
i wanna so bad! i find organized crime fascinating, & i’m also a big movie nerd, with crime films being my fav genre, so im super into that sorta thing. definitely would love to see it, but o boy, maybe ill jus write it myself?? gotta do everythin myself haha
i’d def go the historical route, so it’d be interesting to try to both apply characters that are firmly rooted in 90s/2000s behaviors & beliefs, and stick them in the 1900s. oh, boy, writing historical stuff is a pain. so much research. worth it tho, if it’s done well. aye, and it’ll be cool to try to keep it as nonfictional as possible. like, attempting to insert the kids (as adults, obvs) into crime history. i wonder if i could do tht? it’d be fun. it’s definitely uncharted waters. there’s a lot of potential there.
but, hmm, i think mafia aus are so rare in fandom (not just the sp fandom, but across the board) bc they contradict everything that’s popular in fanfic. mob aus would feature violence, business, finances, and corruption. whereas fics prefer cuddles, leisure time, a world where money aint an issue, and wholesomeness. and considering the majority of fic is written by horny and/or love-starved teenage girls who dont know or care about the aforementioned subjects, it makes sense. kinda a bummer, but understandable. in the defense of like everyone, lmao, those sorta fics take a lot of planning, & aint nobody got time. so i get it.
oof i think a major thing too is how gay-centric fic/fandom is, when the mobster world is undeniably a heterosexual one. thats an issue. shit, i wonder how many gay characters i could get away with while keeping it realistic. i mean, im sure there were gay mobsters, in fact i’ve read about a couple, but the lifestyles did not go hand in hand, lol.
i’m thinking 1940s new york. im inclined towards kyman, as u probs kno, but again, the gay thing. huh. maybe i can figure it out. maybe theyre young bachelors, and theyre business partners & fuck around sometimes. we’ll see. anyway. if we’re gonna include all characters….
cartman would pull a goodfellas - he’s of, what, german descent? hell, considering his parents, he probably wouldn’t even exist in this universe. eh. well. he’d def be from yorkville, manhattan, cuz tht was a german neighbourhood. anyway he’d weasel into the italian mob, bc he’d be into the idea of 1) exorbitant amounts of money, and 2) being feared/respected. his authoritah! psh. and someone would notice how smart he is & mentor him, regardless of nationality. he’d quickly make enemies, though, because he’s rude & brash. he’d also quickly become one of the most respected young dons (would he reach that level, without a family? doubt it. he’d have to become a made man, which i believe is reserved exclusively for italians ….. ehhhh ill figure it out. maybe he’d branch out, start his own crime family. that’d be interesting. ooo.) damn, ukno, i think the 40s would make a real interesting character out of cartman. huh. yah, that’d be cool to explore, how that time period would shape him. like i said, he likely wouldt even exist. did the denver broncos exist back then? doubt it
kyle would get wrapped up in the jewish mob (which existed, and which i’d personally l o v e to be a part of lol - if i was born 100 years ago), maybe while trying to protect ike from getting involved? that’d be cool. maybe he’d demonstrate his brains & be offered a job as an accountant or an attorney, and he’d be forced to comply, either bc 1) his fam was threatened if he declined, or 2) his fam was doing bad financially & needed it. maybe both. hell, maybe he avoids the jewish mob & gets involved with the others. MAYBE IKE IS THE ONE IN THE JEWISH MOB & WANTS HIS BROTHER BACK FROM THE ITALIANS. OOOOOOOOO also they’d be from brooklyn, likely, bc that’s where jews were primarily located back then. u kno there was 400k jews in new york in 1899?? including my great great great grandparents. that’s a shit ton of jews lol. lil fun fact for ya. 
wait ok so oof this is hard now, bc the mob was primarily divided into three chunks - the italians, the jews, & the irishmen. there was also the puerto ricans, but that was, like, a different division. i’m mentioning this because nationality was important to mobsters, to all organized crimes groups actually, but south park doesn’t make a habit of mentioning what countries each character’s ancestors came from, lol. so it’d be a lot of writer interpretation. and that’s cool and all, but doesn’t give me much to work with, considering most of the kids are white and likely german/england-descended. 
i could make kenny & butters irish. that’d work. i think kenny’s last names irish, actually. they could be from hell’s kitchen, which had a p hefty irish-american population. maybe i could make stan irish, too. wendy might be able to pass for italian (little italy manhattan??? maybe the bronx??? im tryna think geography lol. for scale.). that’d work, if i wanted to put some stendy in there, bc i love making stan the token het guy, haha. maybe wendys dad marries her off to stan to form an alliance between the italians & irish. that’d be interesting. maybe cartman was rallying to get wendy to marry him, bc he needed to marry someone bc of, like, societal expectations, & she was the only girl who caught his interest. maybe he declares war on stan, to win back the bride he wants. maybe kyles best friends w stan, tht happened somehow, & interjects. goes to meet cartman to discuss a way out - ohhhhh theres my kyman babay!!! oooooo!!!
omg. plot forming. this is def an interesting concept. maybe i can use it as a chance to write a plot-oriented fic that doesn’t rely heavily on ships. that’d be awesome. i’ve wanted to do that for ages.
maybe we can squeeze christophe in as a french immigrant, maybe an associate of someone. same with gregory, but, like, british. that’d be fun. craig & tweek can be somewhere in there, too. associates of cartman or something. maybe they own a brothel. oooh. who else. bebe! maybe she can be a cabaret dancer who someone falls for. nothin wrong w hetero nonsense if it’s done right & if it aint nonsense. yah? maybe she can be ken’s love interest. also maybe token & nichole can be in there somewhere, from harlem?
this sounds fun as fuck, though, def. im really obsessed with new york right now, so maybe writing this could be a love letter to its history. that’d be dope. ooh, and im from las vegas actually, born & raised, so maybe i could do a chapter set there, considering the mob was very influential in the strip’s development. that’d be rad. holy heck. im excited abt this now. gotta finish oboitd asap & get into this, haha.
o shit. i jus realized, like, just how much research i’d have to do. like, not only about organized crime, abt 40s slang & dress, abt new york, abt everything. oooh boy this is a Project
ill get on that eventually haha, im into it now. it’s 4am rn tho so ima sleep, gnite anon
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imagine-wannaone · 7 years
Lee Daehwi Super Powers Au
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Waddup So this was written yesterday and idk whether to do a powers au so I guess this is just a try??
In other news I got Seventeens new album for my bday today and got The8 i am blessed. Anywhere, here we go. also pls tell me if I need to tag any triggers, I’m not great at this stuff whoops.
 • Lemme get one thing straight, you didn’t want to use your ability for bad,  • It just kinda happened that you became a theif,  • You were trapped,  • You were a teen when you got dragged into a whole mess of a gang, when you went to take out a loan to pay for treatment for your brother’s illness,  • Because your brother was the most important thing to you but your family couldn’t afford his treatment,  • But you didn’t realise the loan company was actually kinda not a company and you had just officially ruined your life,
 • With gastronomic Interest, you had to pay them back the money with no way of being able to do it,  • Read the small print y'all,  • So they offered you another option: you hated it but there was no other way to help your brother, and they threatened to cut your brother’s treatment if you stepped out of line,  • And in a world made with certain people who had abilities, they made sure to utilize yours,  • Aka the ability to change your appearance and voice to fit it,  • They had you as a thief, and with your skill and ability you quickly became notorious around the city,  • Which made you extremely paranoid, causing you to constantly switch appearances,  • I don’t mean switching looks every minute or something bizarre,  • I mean you never showed your true appearance anymore, you were always someone else and started to panic at the thought of people seeing the real you,  • So you stayed in your place by day planning heists the gang had sent you to do, and went on the missions by night,  • And you hated everything about the way you lived, but you knew your brother was getting better, so you kept at it,  • The gang sent you a particularly dangerous heist one night, and you did not think it was a wise idea at all,  • Like there were shit tonnes of guards and cameras and the switch overs were smooth and the codes hard to crack,  • As a thief, you were known to be able to go in and out before anyone would even realise anything was gone, shifting into guards or ceo’s or customers,  • And you trained your ability to perfection, having no flaws in your transformation and being able to quickly switch features,  • A master™  • But you plan this near impossible heist anyway because you have to, you have everything to lose,  • And while bits of the heist are a bit by chance or freestyle,  • You hate yourself for being quite confidant, as always,  • But heists had started going wrong lately,  • A guard unconvinced and almost omniscient,  • Or the whole place closed for a day as if they already knew,  • Little things going wrong preventing the heists and causing them to go wrong,  • You didn’t know how because they were all planned to perfection, but something was happening,  • You heard whispers of a mole but no one ever told you anything so you had no idea really,  • So you’re dropped off by the usual gruff looking men who are going to wait down the street, safe for them,  • You where dressed as a medium height middle aged woman with brown hair, trying to blend in with the people around you,
 • Like a chameleon damn,  • You float into the bank and act naturally, milling around the atm’s and looking at posters,  • A boy around your actual age seems to keep glancing at you, which sets your nerves off,  • Not only is he cute, it’d be insanely weird for someone his age to be staring at a middle aged lady,  • You try to sway away from his prying eyes and keep your heart at normal pace and prevent your hands shaking,  • You always got nerves before a heist and this dude really wasn’t helping,  • At all,  • Smh doesn’t he know it’s rude to stare?  • You’re nearly set on going over there and telling him yourself, but with your ‘can I see the manager’ hair style you play your role and send him a disapproving mum glare and shake you head, moving on,  • Perfect, v realistic,  • But the dude doesn’t stop sending u shady side eyes, so you decide to get the hell on with it,  • So your eyes scan the floor before slipping into a side door,  • Smooth as always, might I add,  • You change your appearance quickly into a guard and take out a hand mirror quickly to check that you’re perfect,  • Indeed you are perfect,
 •You were about to take off down the hall when the door slides open again,  • You’re about to get into character when the boy from earlier locks eyes with you and lunges,  • You dodge as quick as a whippet and a fight™ ensues,  • You can tell idk how to write a fight omg,  • DW I’ll get better,  • You’re both incredibly good to the point you defo know this ain’t just a usual kid who’s taken some martial arts classes,  • Because as soon as you dodge one punch and throw your own, he’s dodged that and is launching another assault with a knee or elbow,
 • He keeps saying something along the line of 'Stop I’m trying to help’ but you ain’t buying no shady nonsense,  • And you’re both getting pretty beaten, bruises and small cuts appearing, a bloody nose or a broken finger,  • But shit really hits the fan when a guard comes round the corner and then you’re both in for it,  • You’re internally having a meltdown you’ve never had to deal with this before,  • And then your tryna fight the boy and the guards and - shit,  • A bullet grazes your leg but it instantly burns and shocks you to hell,  • Your appearance flickers before returning to the middle aged lady aka the wrong disguise, who0ps,  • Your leg burns and the shock throws you off balance long enough for the boy to wrap an arm around your shoulder and have you against a wall in a second,  • You’re about to swing your leg back to hit him when chloroform and damn you’re out cold,  • Actually outraged in your knocked out state,  • Who DaRe?  • Like you don’t blame them, you’re a damn thief, tbh you’d probs knock yourself out if you were in their situation,  • but hOw DaRe tHey?  • And you’re defo worried about who just chloroformed you but whatever,  • Idek if you can think all this while passed out but you find a way,  • You wake up with someone’s hand on your forehead and you stay still, trying to gather your bearings and figure stuff out before you let them know you’re awake,  • I mean the hand thing is so weird but you deal with it you til you gather that your head’s also in someone’s lap and your skin is tingling and you decide this is very weird,  • I mean not a hard conclusion to come to but a conclusion all the same,  • You slowly open one eye and wow,  • Bright lights,  • But you soldier through it and stare straight ahead at the face of the boy ahead of you,  • You’re about to jump out of your skin but the boys eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful with flawless skin and a slight frown, his brow creased in concentration,  • And then you realise your leg doesn’t burn and your hand and knuckles don’t scream like they did before you dropped,  • And you realise he’s someone like you, he’s a healer,  • And it makes your heart fly with joy, you’ve found someone else with an ability and all of a sudden you feel safer,  • Especially because he’s a healer,  • But then your eyes trail to your arm and your body and all the safety is thrown away,  • You have no disguise, no fake face or fake voice; it’s purely you and it makes you dizzy and sick,  • He must sense your panic because his eyes crack open and he smiles widely at you, removing his hand from your forehead,  • Wow his smile settles your heart and warms your cheeks,  • A million questions run through your foggy brain, where are we and what happened? Who is he and why is he so cute? Where’s the boy from before and what’s going to happen when your former gang know you’re not with them?  • “Y/N, right? I’m Daehwi, and give me a sec and I’ll tell you all the gossip,”  • While his soft voice is calming when you sit up, a wave of dizziness hits you like a wrecking ball ridden by Miley cirus  • (Wow my pop culture references about 5 years too late),  •But despite your swimming head you quickly change your skin, opting for the first thing you can think of, which happens to be Daehwi,  • You change your hair quickly and alter your face and body to match his within seconds,  • You’re kinda embarrassed that you just changed into him but you’re panicking,  • While the boy next to you may have seen your face, you’d prefer if no one else would,  • “That’s increadible,”  • The look on Daehwi’s face, as well has his bubbly laugh, makes you flush but you’re heart is still beating a mile a minute and your chest feels a little too tight,  • “While that’s really cool, and I’m really flattered, I thought your natural face was much prettier,”  • Your face (or is it Daehwi’s?) blushes violently at the comment but the fact you don’t look like yourself calms you a little,  • “A healer, then?”  • You ask simply to change the subject, although it’s pretty obvious at this point,  • “Yep, not one of the coolest abilities but pretty handy. You’re obviously a shape shifter, damn the whole city knows you’re a shape shifter, but seeing it myself, damn, it’s way cooler than I thought”  • He talks in such a laid back manner, leaning back onto his hands, his whole presence relaxing,  • He really suits his ability,  • “I think healing’s the best ability, you get to help,”  • Your voice is quiet but your words are the truth, and you can see Daehwi’s about to reply when the door swings open and the boy from earlier wonders in, doing a double take at the two Daehwi’s sat on the bed and sighing before dropping down into a nearby chair,  • He’s hardly met you and he’s already done with your shit lmao,  • But you’re eyeing him suspiciously because this guy FRICKEN chloroformed you and you still have no answers as to what the hell is going when he launched into a Hella Long explanation,  • To put it simply,
 • Daehwi and the boy, Guanlin, are part of an organisation that rescue abilities from sticky situations and tries to stop the people with abilities for using them nastily,  • (Avengers who?)  • There was indeed a mole in your gang as they planned to rescue you whilst intercepting a heist of yours,  • They didn’t expect you to fight so defiantly back but I mean,  • So then you explain that you’re really not nasty, I mean you used to put milk in before your cereal but yOu’vE cHanGeD,  • You explain your situation and they agreed  that they’ll see what they can do for your brother and you feel like you might cry because this is too good to be true,  • Half convinced this is some awful experiment or teasing you,  • So you spend a few days in the room you wake up in, just in case, in which you discover is actually Daehwi’s room,  • Which is kinda awkward,  • But you honestly can’t ask for a better first friend in the base they have there,  • Daehwi is oh so patient, painfully so, encouraging you to take your time and helps introduce you to the many people in the base, most of which have powers themselves which blows your mind a little
 • You’ve never seen so many abilities,  • And it takes you a while to trust Guanlin, but as soon as you do you realise he’s just a goof and you apologise endlessly for hurting him,  • And you start helping out at the base, doing small missions to help others by using your ability,  • And it feels good,  • Especially when you can come back to Daehwi at the end of the day and laugh and relax into the night,  • And you visit your brother for a very emotional reunion and he’s getting better and life just seems to be good,
 • And in the middle of it all is Daehwi, who you would trust with your life,  • I mean he is a healer many people trust him with their lives,
 • So you’re sat in his room (or your now shared one - you refuse to sleep anywhere else, feeling unsafe) chatting into the night,  • When you both reach a lull in conversation,  • “Y/N, why do you never walk, or sleep, or eat, or live in your normal skin?”  • The question is so out of the blue that your eyes snap to his,  • Which rest on you,  • They always rest on you,  • And you try to figure out a way to say it without feeling stupid,  • Because in your mind it is a whole concept and fear, but there aren’t enough words to describe how you feel, and to condense your thoughts into words belittles them endlessly,  • “It’s scary, showing your true self. I used to fear people would recognise me and arrest me, for being a thief, but nowadays it’s almost as if I don’t trust people enough. Enough to see my face,”  • You pick your words carefully but still feel as if it’s a weak excuse,  • “You don’t trust me, y/n?”  • His words shock you, make you question yourself, and you look into those soft, open eyes and brace yourself,  •You know he’s right as you relax, completely relax for the first time in years, letting all of your facade melt away to show your true skin, your true eyes, your true being,  • And there’s something in Daehwi’s eyes that you love as he looks at your pure self,
 • You feel insanely exposed but Daehwi himself settles you,  • And you know you no longer need to hide yourself from Daehwi anymore when he leans over, wrapping an arm around your real hips,  • Cups the back of your head,  • And gently smiles and he places his lips on your real ones,
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flickerfic · 7 years
Skateboard Sally: PART 3
“I think I like her, Ed,” the blonde groans as she slumps across her friends couch on another Friday evening. It’s been two weeks after the rock pool adventure. Karlie reported feeling ill during their time apart. Taylor found this to be true as she wasn’t seen around the half pipe or in school. She anxiously inquired if Selena’s cuisine had finally failed her but Karlie assured her it was the flu. 
The girls had been communicating over the break from one another. Often it was a tag in a funny post on Facebook, usually something school related. Sometimes Karlie would tag Taylor in a cat video after noticing she shared them a lot. Taylor would usually tag Karlie in skateboarding failure clips, along with a somewhat teasing warning of this could be you. New profile pictures or updates were ‘liked’ here and there. This behaviour went on without question from either. Recently Taylor received a text saying a full recovery had come about and that Karlie would like to meet her at the park.
“I saw it coming,” Ed says as he taps away on his laptop. He saves his file and then removes his glasses to look at Taylor more intently. “You’ve been mentioning her non stop since that photo thing you’re doing together.”
“I’ve got it that bad?” Taylor sighs with her hands over her face.
“She wants to meet at the park. Maybe start giving her a few signs and see what happens,” Ed says clasping his hands together on his desk like a school principal.
“I don’t even know if she likes girls, Eddie,” Taylor grumbles. She crosses her arms and stares at the ceiling in despair. “I mean…she’s kind of a guy and hangs with guys, but it’s a dumb move to assume her sexuality based solely on that.”
“Then start hinting that you like her and see what happens,” Ed repeats, more firmly this time. “If she’s not into girls there’s nothing you can do, love. But you can’t waste precious time asking yourself why or what if. You said she texted you today? See what the plan is.”
Taylor digs out her phone and stares at Karlie’s contact. There’s a rain cloud emoji beside her name. She sighs at it and continues to stare blankly. Ed coaxes her on and she selects it. She begins a response.
Hey there! Glad you’re feeling better. What would the plan for the park be?
Her response is almost instant and it nearly gives her a heart attack.
We could meet tomorrow at 10? I was thinking about the lake where all the ducks are…
Taylor notes the better use of grammar in the text. She keeps in mind that Karlie only uses abbreviations when she’s feeling awkward about discussing something. Smiling she texts back.
Sounds good! I’ll be ready… You can bring that skateboard of yours if you like.
Taylor hesitates to add the last part but takes a leap of faith and sends the text. Karlie replies minutes later.
Haha! Thanks. But walking is better for the park. I’ll see you tomorrow then.
Taylor’s heart flutters at the reaction she’s received. Did Karlie imply that she made her laugh? Ed catches Taylor’s blushing smiley face and rolls his eyes. “Is it good news or great news?” he asks amusedly.
“Hush,” Taylor murmurs, still smiling like a goof at the screen as she begins typing. Ed throws his arms up in defeat and stands to check the roast chicken in the oven.
Taylor - Maybe you can show me how some time haha! Karlie - I don’t trust you with a skateboard. At all. Taylor - Oh? And why is that? Karlie - your dumb long legs couldn’t step over one without falling that’s for sure
Taylor takes a moment to realise that Karlie’s once seemingly crude way of speaking is simply a characteristic of hers. She uses it to make herself seem bigger. But she also uses it to make others she trusts feel comfortable. To show that she’s comfortable around them.
Taylor - Your dumb long legs are LONGER than my dumb long legs? Karlie - spazz Taylor - Dumb Long Legs Karlie - touché…
Taylor bursts out laughing and Ed nearly drops her plate of roast chicken. He sighs and places it on the coffee table. “Plate’s hot, be careful,” he says and sets down cutlery wrapped up in a napkin. “What are you laughing like a hyena for?”
“Nothing,” Taylor smiles.
“Right, I totally believe you. What, did she make a dirty joke or something?”
“No, please,” Taylor says shaking her head. “We’re just setting up tomorrow.”
Ed shakes his head. “Your food will get cold, let’s eat.”
Karlie’s lens is inches away from the pile of sleeping ducklings. She silently snaps a few pictures and Taylor has her hands over her mouth a few feet away. The girls had found a secluded part of the park at the edge of the lake. Karlie was the one that spotted the nest amongst the reeds and flowering rushes. She then carefully tip toes away so as not to disturb the babies. They sit at a park bench.
“Wow, check these out,” Karlie says, letting out a breath she hadn’t known she’d been holding. She slides through the six pictures she’s taken and Taylor smiles in awe.
“They’re so precious!” she squeals excitedly. “Their little fuzzy faces.”
“One shook its head in this one so he’s all blurry except for the other four. Looks like he’s transforming into a ghost or something,” she says with a brief chuckle.
Taylor laughs and nods at Karlie’s observation. “Oh, they are all so cute,” she coos. “Good job!” she grins facing Karlie. Karlie half grins back and they even hold eye contact for a few seconds. It’s the first time Taylor has noticed how striking her gaze is. It’s a mix of a mossy green and hazelnut brown. Karlie is the first to break it and coughs awkwardly.
“You wanna look for more stuff? I bet we’ll find squirrels in the trees,” she says as she stands.
“Bet we will. Let’s go,” Taylor grins.
Sure enough they find a trio of squirrels munching on someone’s spilled McDonald’s fries under a tree. Taylor takes these photos, crouching down a good five or so feet away. The squirrels take no notice of her and feast away on their treat. Karlie grins at the scene. A proper grin too. One she’s not holding back.
“Maybe we can call this one Modern Day Squirrel. Make a statement about today’s society. Reminiscing on the days squirrels used to eat acorns and birdseed.”
Taylor giggles loudly at the comment and nearly startles the bunch. She stands and shows the results to Karlie who’s highly amused by them. “These are gold.”
“A real natural beauty of Earth, huh!” Taylor smirks. “You wanna get lunch?”
“I, uh, had somewhere planned for today actually,” Karlie says with a shy turn away. “You like burgers?”
Karlie takes Taylor to a rustic looking burger bar and café. The sign out front reads Blood Bath. Taylor raises an eyebrow at the name and sees that their company logo is a simplistic pig head outline over a pentagram. “Looks intimidating,” she murmurs.
“You scared, stupid?” Karlie grins as she opens the door for her. They’re seated at a booth for two. The restaurant is a dark colour scheme but well lit. Taylor notes this as a clever interior design feature, always being one to take in the decorative choices of any establishment. Karlie helps her order. “I’d highly recommend the Red Cheddar Roost. That’s a personal favourite of mine. Or if you don’t like a lot of cheese I’d go for the Big Blood Classic.”
“What’s with the blood aspect of this place?” Taylor asks amusedly as she skims over the menu. “I’ll have what you’re having.”
“The blood aspect is kind of just an eye catcher for tourists. But they do do a beautiful rare blue steak burger. It’s their best seller or something.”
Taylor is glad to see that Karlie is getting more talkative with her. She smiles warmly at the girl’s enthusiastic description of the favoured restaurant. They order two Red Cheddar Roosts and Taylor is blown away by how good it is. Karlie is pleased by her reaction and smirks humbly at the sight of her devouring it. They end up spending two hours at the restaurant, ordering a shared dessert of chocolate cake and tea afterwards. Karlie charms Taylor more and more with each her wicked sense of humour, and Taylor is fast melting Karlie’s ice cold heart with her innocence and sweetness.
When Karlie walks her home again they linger at the doorstep.
“Today was pretty successful. We’re practically almost done!” Taylor says proudly. It then dawns on her that…they’re almost done. She gives Karlie a smile and a tilt of her head that encourages her to say something.
“Yeah, I’m… I’m glad we’ll be able to…finish this up soon. I should get going,” she nods and turns to leave.
“Kar– Karlie!” Taylor exclaims nervously. Karlie turns back and looks up at her. “Do you…want to come inside for coffee?”
Karlie is enthralled by the sight of Taylor’s cats. She muses over their funny little ears and their bushy tails. “I’m not even a cat person but these guys are cool,” she says as she jingles a feathery toy mouse around Olivia’s curious face.
“I’m glad you think they’re cool,” Taylor grins as she sets two coffee cups down in front of the couch. She sits herself beside Karlie. Olivia grabs her toy and pounces off with it, leaving Karlie to shake her head laughing at her playfulness.
“Wish I had time to look after a cat,” Karlie says and takes her mug.
“They’re not too hard to care for. You just gotta feed em and change their litter box. They don’t do a lot,” Taylor giggles.
“She’s doing a lot,” Karlie nods to Olivia who is scampering around the legs of the kitchen table.
“I think she likes to show off around guests. Once you leave she’ll be out cold like her,” Taylor says and nods towards Meredith’s chubby body sprawled out on her cat bed by the window.
Karlie smiles and sips her coffee. Taylor sips hers. It’s a comfortable silence, one that Taylor is glad happened. She enjoys that she can be quiet with Karlie as well as have colourful conversations with her. Karlie is the first to break the silence.
“So what are you tryna be?” she asks casually.
Taylor chuckles, “A writer. I wanna write this great American novel, ya know. Maybe a series. I wanna keep the literary world popular. And you?”
“Nice,” Karlie nods. “Me? It’s stupid.”
“You haven’t even told me,” Taylor teases.
“Well… An artist, I guess.”
“That’s not stupid, Karlie,” Taylor smiles. “I don’t know why you think that’s stupid.” She sets her coffee cup down, showing that she’s ready to listen.
“Ugh, because everyone hates an artist. Oh, could you not find a real job? How does that make money? Are you starving? Depressed? Can you draw me? I hate it sometimes.”
Taylor is intrigued by now Karlie has suddenly opened up to her. She feels as if she’s seeing a completely different side to the person. One that is secret and hidden.
“People like to be nosy. But all you gotta do is smile, nod, and move on doing what you love,” Taylor says. She got this advice from none other than Ed, and hopes that he’s going to be proud once she tells him she has shared his knowledge with someone.
“…Thanks, Taylor,” Karlie murmurs. She then sets down her mug too and stares at the girl. Taylor, once again, is breath taken by the girl’s eyes. And not only their colour, but the way they seem to be staring into her more so than at her.
At first Taylor Taylor thinks it’s the new clock she has hung in the wall when she hears the pounding in her ears. But it soon becomes clear that it’s her heart. She feels her cheeks heat up and she knows she’s full on blushing at Karlie. But Karlie’s expression remains calm as she continues to seamlessly hold their stare.
Am I leaning in or is she? Taylor wonders to herself internally.
Either way, lips brush against lips. And soon enough Taylor is cupping Karlie’s left cheek in one hand. Taylor has not kissed many girls before. The times she has were enjoyable. But this kiss is different. This kiss is slow and thought out. Karlie’s arm is resting on the back of the couch with her hand dangling between them. Taylor’s arm is doing the same and their fingers brush against one another. The bliss ends too quickly.
Karlie pulls away, startled. She catches her breath and stares at Taylor. “Why…Why did we do that,” she pants. The comment rubs Taylor the wrong way and she bites her lip to hold back the tears that are welling up in her eyes.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for us to…” she trails off. She’s shaking her head and babbling apologies but she herself isn’t too sure she understands them.
“I gotta go,” Karlie murmurs and grabs her backpack.
Taylor races to the front door and stands in front of her, digging herself a deeper grave. No, Karlie I– I’m sorry! Please, I didn’t mean to– I don't–"
“Shut up, idiot!” Karlie yells and moves her aside. She clambers down the stairs and doesn’t look back. Not even as Taylor cries for her to come back.
Selena squeals with glee as she picks out a sea blue party dress from its hanger. She holds it in front of her for Taylor to see and she cups her face with awe.
“Sel, it’s absolutely perfect,” she breathes. “Oh the colour, it’s stunning!”
“Is it five stars?” Selena asks with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
Taylor giggles, “A million stars. Billions! You’re gonna look fantastic tomorrow night.”
“All right, now let’s get you sorted out,” Selena says as she folds the dress over her shoulder.
“Me? I have a dress,” Taylor says.
“You’re prom dress from high school is pretty, Tay. But this is a bigger event. This is five stars on my fucking restaurant big!” the brunette beams.
Taylor chuckles and sighs. “I don’t need a new–”
“Nope, it’s final. We’re finding you a hot dress. You gonna bring a cute date to this thing?” Selena asks as they walk through the store.
Taylor bites her lip. She despises that her mind has automatically gone to Karlie. She had spoken to Selena briefly about the incident last week, and Selena didn’t know what to do. Taylor doesn’t blame her. It’s a peculiar situation.
“I guess not,” she says.
“What abouuut…her?” Selena says.
“She hates me,” Taylor mumbles as she brushes her fingers over some hangers with cream coloured dresses.
“She’s probably just freaked out that you like her back. Most people who are bullies get like that around crushes.”
“So you’re still pretty certain she’s bad for me and yet you encourage me to get to know her better?” Taylor asks. “Twisted, Selena.”
“Do you wanna bring her to the party or not,” Selena chuckles as she scoops out a dress for Taylor to judge.
“I don’t know,” Taylor sighs.
“Well make up your mind soon. We gotta know how much food to make and tables to set out.”
That evening Taylor finds herself pacing her living room floor. She has her phone turned on and set down on her coffee table. Karlie’s contact is open. Their last conversation was about when to meet at the park last week. Karlie hadn’t bothered to reply when Taylor sent an apology and asked to talk about things. Taylor feels the tears beginning to brim over her cheeks again. She places her head in her hands and Olivia slinks over to lovingly rub against her legs as if she knows what’s wrong. Taylor cries softly to herself, muffling her gentle sobs with sweater sleeves. She sinks down into an armchair and let’s her shoulders shake with each breathy cry.
“Do I like her?… Or do I just want her to like me?” she whispers to herself. Taylor usually found herself talking to herself in desperate times. Often it helped. She hopes this time it helps too.
“I like her… I definitely like her and I’m scared of that. But if I keep waiting around like this…asking myself what if…I’ll get nowhere.” Taylor takes a deep shaky breath. She stares longingly at her phone and then slowly reaches for it. She’s not going to text Karlie. She’ll call her.
The phone rings five times before Karlie answers it. Taylor’s about to hang up on the sixth ring but the sound of shuffling on the other end makes her heart stop.
“Hey,” murmurs a voice. Karlie sounds moody. She sounds like Taylor is the last person she wants to speak to right now. With a heavy heart Taylor feels like hanging up. But Karlie surprises her and speaks again. “You gonna say something?”
Taylor tries to bite back the impending sob in her throat but it comes out in her next sentence. “I like you…”
A silence falls over the conversation. It’s ear shattering to Taylor and she fears she’ll break down completely if Karlie doesn’t say anything. Thankfully her wish is granted.
“Is that so?” Karlie asks. Her tone is different now. It’s soft. Almost motherly.
“Yeah,” Taylor says dumbly. She sounds like a whimpering puppy.
“How much?” Karlie asks, whispered.
“I don’t know. A lot I guess,” Taylor sniffs. The conversation sounds like a cliché high school confession. Taylor winces at how raspy her voice is.
“Hmm,” Karlie says, followed by another silence. She continues, “And what are you gonna do about it?”
Taylor isn’t sure if Karlie is being rude or genuinely asking how she’s going to deal with the situation. She assumes the latter. “Selena’s restaurant got its five stars… There’s a party, and…”
“And you want me to come with you?” Karlie finishes.
“Yeah,” Taylor says. “It’s at eight, tomorrow.”
Another silence. There’s the sound of Karlie puffing out air and Taylor wonders if she’s smoking. She hopes she isn’t smoking.
“Okay,” Karlie finally says.
Taylor wonders if she’s heard her right. She coughs and speaks. “Uh, okay… I will see you there.”
“You will,” Karlie murmurs. Her tone has been the same through mostly the whole conversation. Taylor wishes she could keep her cool like that.
“Okay… Bye,” Taylor says shyly.
“Bye, loser,” Karlie murmurs. Taylor can hear a smirk in her voice and it just about blows her lungs up.
Selena’s five star party is a loud, colourful, music filled celebration. Neon lights grace the ceiling. Silvery balloons float at every corner. People chat happily and eat the finest of food. Taylor stands in a corner with Ed and a few of his friends. They greet Taylor and she hits it off with the group. Despite having people to talk to she still feels isolated. Her stomach has been in knots the entire night and she hasn’t been able to enjoy the food. She continuously smoothes down the deep red cocktail dress Selena helped her choose out. Occasionally she scratches at her arm, a nervous habit. Ed notices her tense behaviour.
“She said she was coming?” he asks her quietly.
“Y-Yeah,” Taylor stammers, taken aback by the question.
“She’s nearly an hour late,” Ed says as he shows her his watch.
“Well, people are still coming in! Not everyone is here yet I’m sure,” Taylor rambles.
Ed gives her a pitiful look. “Tay…I think she stood–”
“Taylor?” calls a husky voice within the crowd.
Taylor’s head spins around to scan the sea of people. Sure enough Karlie is craning her long neck to try and find Taylor. The blonde excuses herself and hurries towards her. The crowd departs for her as she tries to get to Karlie. She grabs her arm and turns her to face her.
Karlie is dressed in a black dress pants and blazer. A crisp white shirt with the top two buttons casually undone rest underneath. The girl wears beige heels, making her even more tantalisingly tall. A smokey brown eye and nude lip grace her sharp features. Her dirty blonde hair has been straightened and tied into a high ponytail, a golden leaf hairpiece decorating the back. She’s stunning.
“Hey there, dork,” Karlie greets.
Taylor wants to cry tears of happiness. “I was worried you weren’t coming.”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I had to drop a friend to hospital. Skateboard accident. Happens a lot,” Karlie smirks. “Just a broken arm.”
Taylor laughs, “You look… You look wonderful.”
“You don’t sound too sure about that,” Karlie says with a playful side eye. A man stops by them and offers a glass of champagne, which they both take gratefully.  
“I just haven’t seen you like this before. You brush up well,” Taylor teases as she sips from her glass.
“That’s an honour coming from you. That little red number really suits you,” Karlie says with somewhat of a dark undertone in her cool voice. She brings a finger out to bounce one of Taylor’s soft curls. “Your hair is nice this way.”
Taylor blushes like a shy kid and has to sip her champagne to stop herself from giggling like an idiot. “I like your hair too. It’s nice tied back like that.”
“I just didn’t have time to do anything fancy,” Karlie smiles. “They got anything to eat around here? This being a restaurant party and all?”
“The meal should be starting soon. There’s finger food going around though,” Taylor says.
“I’ll be a good girl and wait,” Karlie smirks.
Eventually they are seated at their tables. Taylor asked for Karlie to be seated at hers and Selena happily allowed the request. Karlie sits across from Taylor and they chat away the night. Karlie is surprisingly very good at talking to strangers at a dinner table. She catches the eye of many the male guests. But she seems to only have eyes for Taylor. By the time desert comes it’s safe to say that everyone is either drunk or tipsy. Taylor falls more on the barely tipsy side but Karlie is laughing loudly at even the unfunniest of dad jokes pulled up by the guys at her table. It isn’t all that noticeable however. Many people are letting their drunk selves be known. After things begin to die down, Taylor suggests she and Karlie get some fresh air on the outdoor balcony. Karlie is sipping water now and sobering herself up. Taylor has her arms wrapped around her as they stare out at the full moon and the still ocean.
“I had fun tonight,” Taylor whispers, the alcohol making her cheeks heat up faster than usual. She’s getting shy again.
“Me too, I had fun,” Karlie grins. “Here’s to the first night of spring break, huh” she says as she raises her glass of lemon water and sips.
Taylor stares up at her adoringly. She’s in love. And she knows she’s in for a whole load of trouble with this woman because of that.
“Karlie?” Taylor whispers.
“Yes, Taylor?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Karlie finishes her water and sets the glass aside. She stares down at Taylor, the moonlight making her eyes seem to glow. Her expression is gentle. She licks her lips and nods slowly. Taylor almost gasps softly before closing the space between them with a kiss. A kiss that is accepted and eagerly returned.
Taylor discovers that Karlie’s house is only twenty minutes away from her apartment. The estate is a tidy area with small Victorian style houses, grey lampposts at every stop. Karlie was trusting in Taylor to drive them while she directed. They come to house number twenty two and Karlie leads Taylor inside once the car is safely in the garage. Taylor is pushed against the front door with rough kiss as Karlie removes her blazer and tosses it aside. She’s breathing heavily and getting her fingers lost in Karlie’s hair, her ponytail long undone. Taylor is moaning softly with each hard kiss. Karlie suddenly hoists her up and carries her bridal style upstairs. Taylor is sucking on her neck as she does this. She turns the light on with her shoulder and lands Taylor on her bed so she can undress herself. Taylor takes a moment to catch her breath. She sits up on her elbows and looks around.
Karlie’s room is noisy. Her walls are white but there are posters of various bands and icons pinned to it. Her bedsheets are black. The print is a white demon eyed goat head surrounded by a satanic pentagram. Shelves of strange items such as animal skulls and taxidermy butterflies decorate the walls. Taylor is startled by the sudden volume of Karlie’s stereo. She apologises and turns the music down. It’s a heavy metal or rock band playing. Taylor is thankful she has turned it down. When she lays eyes on Karlie again she fears she’ll melt. Karlie’s underwear is matching. She’s in a black lace bra and satin panties. Taylor’s eyes widen on seeing Karlie has abs. Not too prominent. But just enough to make her eyebrows raise with impressment. Karlie kneels down on the bed and helps Taylor out of her dress, before both girls press themselves to one another again. Karlie pulls away suddenly.
“Wait just a sec,” she pants and hops up from the bed to the en suite bathroom. She cones out with a handful of black candles and lights them around the room. Taylor’s heart races as the lights are turned out so that they are left in flickering candle glow. Karlie appears mysterious now, shadowed by the orangey candle light. A small bedside lamp is still on, so she’s clear to see. But the atmosphere is still…romantic. That is apart from the muffled heavy metal music. But Taylor doesn’t mind it.
“I always imagined you as a white lace girl,” Karlie breathes as she snaps one of Taylor’s bra straps, causing Taylor to gulp with excitement.
“Oh, Kar,” is all Taylor can whisper.
Karlie smirks evilly and trails kisses down along Taylor’s neck. Taylor moans softly at Karlie’s hot touch. Karlie moves aside one of Taylor’s bra cups so that she can suck at the nipple. Taylor moans louder now and covers her mouth for fear of stirring the neighbours. Karlie removes her bra completely and tenderly massages at her breasts whilst kissing them passionately. Taylor gets wetter and wetter. She gyrates her hips underneath Karlie, silently asking her to move south. Karlie giggles deeply and begins sliding down Taylor’s body to her panties. She teasingly kisses and sucks her trembling inner thighs, all the while massaging her breasts. Taylor closes her eyes, her mouth hanging open as Karlie does this. Soon enough her panties are tugged down her hips and flutter to the floor.
Karlie licks once over Taylor’s slit and she gasps with excitement. Karlie’s tongue gently teases her outer lips, slowly licking up and down the brief length of her wet core. Soon she flattens her tongue and dips into Taylor’s centre, licking upwards and eventually over her throbbing clit. Taylor shoves her knuckles into her mouth and bites down. She pushes her hips towards Karlie’s face and whimpers her name. Karlie is loving the attention and begins to swirl her tongue around Taylor’s clit. She hums and makes kissing sounds against Taylor’s dripping entrance.
“I wanna try something with you,” Karlie murmurs.
Taylor is starry eyed and panting. She stares down at Karlie, a curious expression on her sweet face. Karlie leans over the bedside and pulls out something. It’s in a paper bag by the sounds of it. And encased in plastic packaging. A few metallic clinking sounds follow. Karlie is then stepping into something. When she positions herself at Taylor’s entrance again, Taylor is surprised to find a sizeable strap-on between the girl’s legs. Her eyes widen with lust as Karlie removes her own bra. Taylor bites her lip, gazing up at her perky breasts.
“I’ll be gentle. I think you’ll like this,” Karlie grins. There’s complete and utter sex in her stare and it’s melting Taylor to a puddle. She helps Karlie guide herself into entrance folds. Once Karlie slides herself in Taylor’s on cloud nine.
“Oh baby, that’s good,” she breathes.
“Mm, I knew you’d like it,” Karlie smirks as she confidently starts to thrust in and out of Taylor’s pussy.
The combined candles, heavy metal, and strap-on together is the closest thing to a sensory overload Taylor has ever experienced. She wants more and more with each of Karlie’s thrusts. Karlie hooks Taylor’s legs over her shoulders, kissing her calves as she pounds her. Taylor is in constant O face mode and nearing her climax. The girth of the strap-ons shaft is perfect. It generously stretches Taylor’s walls, hitting her G-spot seamlessly each time. Karlie is a master of seduction and display.
“Still think I’m an extremely rude individual?” Karlie grins.
Taylor let’s her pound a few more times before fluttering her eyes open. She dazedly blinks up at the woman, darkly shadowed by the candles that make her tan body glow like fire.
“I think you’re the Devil incarnate.”
Her comment was supposed to come off as teasing but it comes out breathy and tender. Karlie’s eyes flash for a split second, seemingly aroused by Taylor’s choked comeback.
“Karlie, I…I’m gonna… Oh gosh, I’m going to…” Taylor babbles feverishly.
“So polite, even on the brink of coming all over me,” Karlie purrs. She speeds up her thrusts and pounds Taylor hard.
Taylor let’s out one final cry and orgasms hard on Karlie’s toy. Karlie coaxes her on whilst continuing to slide in and out of her. “Good girl, come for me. That’s it, Tay.”
“That was…amazing,” Taylor pants, shakily recollecting herself. Karlie removes the strap on and crawls over to her. She rolls Taylor on top of her, kissing her passionately. Taylor drags her hands down the length of Karlie’s lithe body. She finds the girls panties and slips her hand underneath them. Karlie smirks at her and flutters her eyes closed. She moans softly as Taylor slips two fingers into her wet core. Taylor curls her digits against Karlie’s tight walls, pumping slowly. Karlie squeezes Taylor’s hips as she does this. Taylor’s eyes never leave Karlie’s face as she fingers her.
“Baby, that’s so fucking good,” Karlie whispers. She bites her lip and makes approving grunts and moans with each of Taylor’s curls or pumps. “Little faster, babe,” she says.
Taylor obliges and pumps faster, causing Karlie to jolt slightly. She chuckles at her own reflexes and brings her hands to Taylor’s face, pulling her in for a deep kiss. Taylor moans into the kiss and Karlie’s back begins to arch. She tangles her slender fingers into Taylor’s hair and tugs it. “That’s it, Tay. I’m gonna come, keep doing that. Oh I’m gonna fucking come. You’re making me fucking come, Taylor,” Karlie chants breathily. Taylor adores how vocal she is and presses a thumb to her clit, which does the trick.
“Fuck, Taylor! Oh, fuck me!” Karlie moans as she buries her head back into her pillows. Taylor wants to cry at how beautiful she looks in ecstasy. She rubs circles around her clit and a splash of wetness coats her hand. She looks down and smiles wide. Bringing her hand back up she inspects the clear, stringy stickiness between her fingers.
“Look,” Taylor grins, showing Karlie her hand.
“Woah,” Karlie giggles. She blushes hard, “Sorry about that.”
Taylor chuckles and wipes it against the sheets, but not before sucking on her pointer finger and staring straight ahead at Karlie as she does so. Before long Karlie has blown out her candles and opened a window to let cool air in. Taylor is nestled under her sheets. Karlie soon joins her.
“Karlie?” Taylor murmurs sleepily.
“Yes, princess?”
“Are we… What are we?”
Karlie brings her arms out to pull Taylor close to her bare chest. She rests her chin atop her head. Taylor’s arms wrap around Karlie’s waist.
“I’m not so sure,” Karlie whispers. “Is that okay for now?”
Taylor can’t help but feel a tad disappointed. But Karlie’s question strikes a glint of hope in her chest and she smiles warmly. “Yes, that’s okay…for now.”
“Good,” Karlie nods.
Soon they fall asleep in each other’s arms.
“You guys aren’t even a part of the photography team and you outdid the entire photography team,” chuckles the freckled, red headed art student in disbelief. She congratulates and thanks Taylor and Karlie for their contributions to the yearbook and Mr Tweed let’s them off the hook, warning them to behave from now on.
“I’m kinda sad the project is finished. I had fun taking pictures with you,” Taylor says as she walks alongside Karlie to lunch.
“We can still take pictures together, stupid,” Karlie says with a grin. “That’s sweet though.”
“You’re sweet,” Taylor smiles. Karlie stops to kiss her gently.
“Can you guys get a fucking room,” Selena comments as she passes by.
Taylor rolls her eyes and then stares lovingly up at Karlie. “We should move in together. Unless that’s, like, totally too far too soon. I don’t want you to think I’m some crazy obsessed girlfriend that wants to tie you down and–”
“Hey, zip it,” Karlie chuckles. “I dunno. Maybe one day,” she grins.
Taylor blushes and smiles back. “Yeah, maybe one day.”
“Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”
“Are your friends joining us?” Taylor asks.
“Theeey may or may not be taking their punishments for what I made them do to you in the park.”
Taylor raises an eyebrow. “What kind of punishment?”
Karlie smirks and then gazes ahead. The group of rowdy skateboarders are painting a mural under the guidance of Mr Tweed. “I told him they were bored of skating.”
Taylor laughs out loud. “You made them do that for me? And what’s your punishment?” she grins.
“Getting stuck with you!” Karlie teases. Taylor playfully throws a punch to her arm and she laughs gleefully. “They’ll be busy for a week at least. We’ve got the half pipe clear for me to teach you a few things. That is if you’re willing to wear pads for those accident prone knees and elbows of yours.”
“Just put me in a full body cast right now,” Taylor sighs. Karlie chuckles and kisses her cheek.
“So you’re not game?”
“Oh, I’m game… Skateboard Sally.”
“I said don’t call me that!” Karlie exclaims and proceeds to chase Taylor along the green of the campus. She catches her and Taylor giggles as Karlie presses kisses over her face.
“I’m glad you skinned my knees, Karlie,” Taylor smiles, a fresh blush heating up her cheeks. Karlie laughs softly at the confession. She takes Taylor’s hand and intertwines their fingers.
“Me too.”
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