magflora · 1 year
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@tsahiks Liked for starter call. ♡ -> for (Tsireya)
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The bright sky and sparkling water as well Tsireya's eyes over that bright place… was moving her feet in the water as played and seemed to be holding a small string given to her. It was a gift from someone important… would say to herself, letting out a gentle smile, why complain about something so "cute" handmade until she noticed brief approach, whichwould then place in her lap and look at her attentively.
"Mother." Briefly lowering her own head and then getting up, touching own hands thinking a little, Tsireya's mother, Ronal, seemed to be looking at her in a fixed or curious way, she didn't know how to destigrate. "Mother, did something happen? " touched her mother's hands and thought. It was something serious happened?
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Chosen by Eywa | Masterlist
neteyam x omatikaya!reader - complete
summary: eywa makes no mistakes... in the midst of his preparation to become the future olo'eyktan, neteyam is told to be with a chosen mate. guided by the signs of eywa, tsahik picks y/n, a woman orphaned by the war, whose heart already belongs to another. y/n's whole world begins to crumble, as she is forced into the loveless bond. will neteyam and y/n be able to overcome the odds and find their true happiness?
contains: arranged marriage, mentions of war and grief, angst, one-sided enemies to lovers
wc: 30.4k
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a/n: i usually don't write for this trope but the idea had been inciting since rewatching the first avatar movie. this is going to be very angsty but very rewarding too and thank you to the anon who sent in the request ♡ so excited to start this journey with you!
general avatar masterlist
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Chapter 1: The Dream Hunt
Chapter 2: The Betrayal
Chapter 3: Lessons to Learn
Chapter 4: Crossing the Bridge
Chapter 5: New Beginnings
Chapter 6: A Team of Two - finale
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ponyinpinklover-blog · 3 months
Afop has given us more dynamics between oloektan and tsahik
Nesim and minang being sisters
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Ka'nat and etuwa being a father daughter duo
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Is it possible for tsireya and aonung to rule together as brother and sister?
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waiting4avatar · 8 months
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"Burn the hooches" 💔
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syrupgirl · 1 year
descriptions of blood(like fr), mentions of death, i call neteyam’s injury ‘a hole in the chest’, my very limited knowledge of medical procedures(both human and na’vi), me changing the severity of his injury probably, that’s it methinks?
a/n: this one just fell out of me. a fix it fic if you will.
Lie si oe Neteyamur -Neteyam
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“You cannot rush this, daughter.” Your mother says as she strokes your head.
It has been days since the battle. Many lives were lost, even more injured. And as selfish as it is, you mind would not drift away from one person.
You had been in charge on taking care of the injured that were brought back to the village. Being a Tsahik in training, you mother deemed it essential to have experience in real conditions to feel the pressure you would be carrying until you passed on the status to the best Tsahik.
After countless gruelling hours of tending to the wounded, you heard your name being called from the shore. After passing of your patient off to your partner, you down ran to the beach, only to be greeted by a sight you never thought you would have to see.
Sand kicked out from under your hurried feet as you approached Tsireya who had a bleeding Neteyam attached to her side.
“H-he..He was shot! It went straight through h-him.” The poor girl was hysterical. The blood of her friend covered her hands and even some of her stomach.
Neteyam himself looked terrible. His complexion was blanched and his eyes could barely stay open. Across his chest, he looked to be wrapped in seaweed, probably to stop the bleeding. You guessed that once you undid the bindings you would also find sea moss plugged in the wound as well. Curtesy of your sister, you guessed.
As much as you wanted to curl up and cry until you couldn’t anymore, Neteyam didn’t have that time. Right now, you weren’t Neteyam’s…friend..You were the one in charge of saving his life, in charge of his healing, and, if all went well, his recovery.
“Here, give him to me, I will take him to our marui.” You shouldered his body and he groaned. “Yes, yes, I know and I’m sorry.”
Neteyam didn’t seem to be capable of conversation but keeping him conscious was your top priority until you could get your remedies.
It was a struggle up the shore but you made it, with Tsireya stumbling behind. You lay him down as gently as you could.
“Neteyam? Neteyam, can you hear me? It’s yn.”
You spoke to him as you checked his body for any other injuries. Anything that would make it more difficult to deal with the hole in his chest. Nothing turned up so you continued to speak to him.
“Neteyam? I’m going to unwrap your chest now, it will hurt but I need to to stay with me, okay?”
He was awake but you had no idea if he was actually hearing anything you were saying. With a deep breath, you slowly started to unwrap his chest.
You weren’t ready for what greeted you.
The tight wrappings had slowed down the bleeding but there was still so much. It covered your palms and wove itself between your fingers. You heart was beating out of your chest and you got closer and closer to his naked chest.
Neteyam was moaning and muttering above you but you didn’t want to take your eyes off his injury.
“Tsireya? Is he still awake?” You asked your sisters, fingers still working on the makeshift bandages.
“Uh..uhm.” She knelt down closer to his face. “Yes, I think h-he is.”
“We need to keep him with us, as much as it will hurt him, we cannot risk him slipping away.”
Tsireya nodded and started to try make conversation with him. “Your brother still needs you, he is lost but he needs you to bring him back.”
You felt yourself tear up at her words. It was not just his brother who still needed him.
After discarding the seaweed in a pile, you came face to face with the bloody mess. Fortunately, it didn’t seem to be bleeding as much as it was before and just like you thought, there was a large clump of sea moss packed around the wound. You picked it up as gently as possible and the boy above you jerked.
“It- it hurts!” He whined and you put a hand gently on his shoulder.
“I know and i’m sorry but it is what needs to be done.”
He didn’t respond after that but kept whining in pain and wriggling slightly.
“Tsireya-” your sister looked up and you handed her a tightly woven basket, “-fill this with water.”
She nodded and takes it from your hands hurriedly. You use the sea moss to clean up the sight as much as you can before putting is next to the seaweed.
In record time, Tsireya ran back to your side, handing you the basket now filled to the rim.
“Thank you, sister.” You said. You brings your hands up to her face and she closed her eyes. “Be calm, he will live, i’m sure of it.” She meets your gaze again and sniffs. You try to give her a reassuring smile before turning back to Neteyam.
With the basket in hand, you shuffle up next to his shoulder. As slowly as you can, you tip the container forward and watch the water wash into the hole in his chest. The blood melts off of him as the water takes its place.
Neteyam sounded like he was downright sobbing and you hear Tsireya whisper to him, “Be still, Neteyam. You are in good hands.”
You hoped she was right.
It had taken many hours of tears and screams but you had managed to bring Neteyam back to where he was stable. He now rests in his family’s marui like he has been for days, surrounded by the love of his family.
And as much as you want to see him, you know better than anyone how important family is in times like these. They need space.
“You did a great thing, without you, my love, the loses would have been so much greater.” Your mother is known for her stone cold resolve and tough exterior but you wouldn’t have it any other way. She loves you and your siblings in her own way. “I feel so proud knowing I chose you to take my place as Tsahik of this village once I return to our great mother.”
“Thank you, mother. It is a great honour.” She smiles down and you and holds you closer.
That night you cannot sleep, opting you go for a swim, a now common occurrence since the battle. You lie of your back, floating on the surface and looking up to the sky. You remember your father telling you that Jake Sully was from one of the distance stars. How fascinating.
Small waves lap underneath you. A small light shoots across the sky. Everything is still.
Well it is until someone dives in next to you.
You’re so surprised, you slowly a mouthful of water.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” It’s Lo’ak’s voice you hear while dying cough out all of the water from your mouth.
“It is okay,” You splutter, turning to face him. “Why do you come to me, Lo’ak?”
He looks down into the water and it is silent for a beat. “To thank you. I should have done it sooner and I apologise, but I just couldn’t..couldn’t-”
“Leave him?” You interrupt him and he nods. “I understand. After something so major, your family needs to heal. That includes you.” The sound of lapping water fills the silence between you.
“That’s not the only reason i’m here.” He continues. You look up to him again, slightly confused. “Neteyam, he has been asking for you.” Your eyes widen a little. “While our parents aren’t around, he asks us where you are and how he still has to thank you.”
It’s a bit sill, but you can feel small tears well up in your eyes; he’s been asking for you?
“Since his..injury, he has been moved into a separate marui to heal and he asked if I would bring you there.”
Now you feel like laughing; this whole time while you have been aching to see him, he has been feeling the same.
“I would like that, Lo’ak.” You sniffed and Lo’ak grins.
“I had a feeling you would.”
Before you reach Neteyam’s marui, Lo’ak decides to go back to his family’s marui. You try to insist that he joins you but he flat out denies and just grins while he walks away.
When you arrive to the doorway and look inside, you see Neteyam sitting up against the side of the dwelling.
“Neteyam?” His head immediately spins your way and there is a big smile on his face. It is contagious.
“yn, it’s so good to see you!” He whispers as you kneel next to him.
“How are you feeling? Should you be sitting u-”
“I knew that would be the first thing you ask me.” His smile gets even bigger and again, you match it.
“I’m sorry, force of habit.” You both chuckle. “Was there any reason you wanted to see me?”
“I want to thank you, for saving me.” You are about to tell him that you were just doing your job but he keeps going, “I was..I was so scared. I felt like a little kid again. But when Tsireya brought me here, to you…I knew that I would be okay.”
“Oh Neteyam…” Your eyes well up with tears and Neteyam out his hands on your cheeks.
“I’m sorry, i didn’t mean to make you cry.” His thumbs caught the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
You suddenly wrap your arms around his neck. “I have been so worried for you Neteyam…” Your words are muffled against his skin and he can feel the vibrations echoing up his neck. Neteyam hesitates, before wrapping you up into his embrace. Silence blanketed the two of you, interrupted only by the sound of your occasional sniffles and the waves breaking against the beach.
Neteyam is the one to finally shatter it.
“While I was out there, I fought as hard as I could…To defeat our enemies, yes, but also…I knew that, whatever happened, I had to get back here,” He brings a hand up to your face that is still planted in his shoulder and lifts it gently. “I was so scared…”
Your eyes flutter close and another tear slips down your cheek, down past your quivering lips.
“But when Tsireya brought me here, to you.” A smile weaved itself into his voice and you looked up to him. “I knew that I was going to be okay.”
Neteyam looks like he is crying now and you can’t bear it.
“Oh Neteyam..I’m so happy that you’re okay.” You lean forward and rest your forehead again his.
“The great mother is not ready to meet me yet.” He chuckles and you let out a watery laughter with him.
In this moment, all is well, all is calm. He is here. With you.
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
Your dear Neteyam.
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malotte00 · 11 months
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cyren-myadd · 7 months
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It would be so funny if Quaritch just pulled an Omni-man on Spider in A3
Anybody out there a fan of both Avatar and Invincible?
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verymuch777 · 1 year
These two have my heart tbh:
Ronal and Tonowari 
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I’m obsessed with Ronal’s piece. It’s so full of color and it just screams tropical ocean vibes. For the centerpiece I was inspired by Ronal’s headpiece she wears as Tsahik in Avatar the Way of Water. It’s not the same, but the general idea (tapered v shape leading to a large shell centerpiece) is applied! 
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As someone who grew up right next to the ocean, this necklace makes my heart happy <3
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Ugh I love Tonowari so much (moans). I incorporated blues and greens like Ronal’s necklace, but I wanted Tonowari’s to be darker and more structured. While Ronal’s is woven and the beads are placed in no particular order, I thought Tonowari’s piece needed something more planned out. His chest piece in the movie has a lot of dark browns and is very intentionally made, so I wanted to bring that same style to his necklace.  
The rest of the pieces will be bonus jewelry inspired by the movie! 
**also if y’all are interested in me adding Au’nong to this collection, please let me know so I can add him before I finish posting the series!**
Avatar Jewelry Masterlist
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*as always let me know if you want to be added to the tag list as I post the collection*
tag list
@stargirlrchive @anchoeritic @ancientbeing10 @whereireid @cyberfreaky @p9scal @dreamwriter143 @mybabygirlghost @angrythingspsychicdeputy @deimosphilic @dilfverz @im-kaii @loaksky @hot15936 @iloveyouso0pleaseletmego0 @woodlandgirl22-blog-blog @jakescumdump @neqeyam @sadibuns @tojigasm @sailor-marzz @leaveitbythewave @lightblueexxorcist @rosie-186 @sullybby @henhouse-horrors @missroro
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avatarloverfrfr · 3 months
Mo’at so fine. 🫡 I can’t hide it anymore.
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thevanityofthefox · 3 months
Tsahìk of the Stäts'awng clan
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When I mention "the union of the clan's couples" I am referring to fucking haha
Yes, the Tsahik has to observe it and YES, he also had to witness the union of Niika and Nawk'i.
I have many things to show you about the clan but I would also like to know what you want to know about them ✨
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onskepa · 10 months
Hey I got a Tonowari idea for you
reader was picked by his mother as the future Tsahik and his future mate but he never gave it the chance of getting to know her just automatically thinking she was interested in his tittle like many other women of the clan rather then in him and but turns out that she really cares for him to the point of cooking his favourites or knowing his preferences when she makes him new clothing pieces without him having to tell her
Hope you like it z💙🩵💙🩵🩵💙
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"Son, meet your future tsahik, Hoan" Tonowari's mother says. A young girl, pretty on the eyes, a bit small on stature, bit shy looking but smiling at young Tonowari. "It is a gracious honor to be your tsahik..." hoan says softly.
But young tonowari looked at her with hate and displeasure. His blue eyes piecing into her soul. Making Hoan shrink in fear. "Mother, I believed I made it clear that Ronal would be my tsahik" he glares over at his mother.
The current tsahik scoffs and rolls her eyes. "I don't doubt ronal's skills and her knowledge in healing. But she is as stubborn and cold as you. A tsahik is to balance her Olo'eyktan, not be of the same copy. Hoan is perfect for you, believe me son. Soon you will see how I do".
Tonowari scoffs at her saying, "I wont have any of this" he grits his teeth as walks away in anger. Hoan hangs her head low, her tail close to her ankles, ears drooping and sighs in defeat. The tsahik takes notice of it and places a gentle hand on hoan's shoulder.
"don't let tonowari's words get to you. He inherited my stubbornness unfortunately". Hoan simply nods. Feeling insecure of her position and what to do.
"Child, don't doubt my choice. Eywa has given me a sign, telling me you are the right person for tonowari. You may not see it now. Much less my son. Let things fall naturally. Dont let his rejection get to you" Tsahik says as means to comfort hoan.
The girl nods and was excused for the day. Returning home, hoan lets the events repeat in her mind. Tonowari is a olo'eyktan in the making. A good hunter, warrior, weaver, communicator and a leader. He is the definition of a perfect olo'eyktan. The clan knows they will be in safe hands with tonowari.
But what about the tsahik? Everyone suspected it would be Ronal, her vast knowledge of medicines and fierce skills as a warrior, a perfect match for tonowari that even hoan agrees. So why was hoan selected?
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While at the same time, tonowari was carving in a rather aggressive manner. Letting his mother words repeat in his head. Grunting now and then, some of his fellow friends slowly moved away, not wanting to be tonowari's target of his anger.
Why must things never go his way? Why was he put in a position that he cant easily leave and live like how others do? Why must his parents choose who is to spend the rest of their lives with? It isn't fair at all!
Hoan is just like the other girls in his clan. Seeking to be tsahik and gain his favor for their own selfish benefits They don't see the role as a sacred and honorable position, but a title to brag and flounder around like it is some toy. Which is why he chose ronal in the first place!
True he may not hold emotional feelings towards ronal but she fits the criteria to be a tsahik. But unlike tonowari, ronal shows no distain nor hate for not being selected. Playing neutral in all of this.
Perhaps his father can be on his side in this matter.
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"What your mother says, it goes" the olo'eyktan says in a stern yet kind tone. Tonowari was slightly appalled. "Father you can not be serious! Don't you have a say in the matter since you are the olo'eyktan?" tonowari asks.
His father sets his net aside and stares straight into his sons reflecting eyes. "as olo'eyktan yes, what I say goes, but we cannot abuse our position to get what we want. Besides, finding a new tsahik is your mothers job, as olo'eyktan I can say so much. But know this tonowari, I approve of hoan being your tsahik. Trust your mother, son".
The answer didn't satisfy tonowari. Huffing again in distaste, he leaves. The olo'eyktan simply nods at his sons behavior. Like mother like son.
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So many young women were hovering over tonowari. He simply wanted to hunt in peace yet the leeches cant seem to stay away from him. Even worse, he forgot his special hunting knife! Each one was trying to get his attention but they all sound and act the same.
As if any of them were worthy to be his tsahik. Running away to get to his skimwing as fast and away from the hogging crowd. Yet he knows he has to go back for his blade.
"y-you forgot this.." a familiar yet unpleasing voice was heard. Turning to the direction of the voice, tonowari frowns at seeing hoan who was standing timidly.
Stretching out her hands, she holds his hunting blade. Speculations takes over his mind as he angrily snatches the blade away from her.
"did you take it!? trying to act nice to gain my favor!?" he growls, making his height more intimidating. Hoan quietly whimpers in fear, she just wanted to be genuine with him. And it was an honest mistake, Tonowari did forget his hunting blade, hoan happened to see him leave without it.
"I j-just...w-well you fo-forgot about it-"
"LIES! you took it! dont bother trying! you are nothing but selfish and a leech! you are just the like others! wanting the tsahik title simply for your benefit!". Before hoan could say anything more, tonowari left in a huffing anger.
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A little time later, during the communal dinner, he arrived a bit late. Tonowari was slightly annoyed, his favorite food was gone and there isn't much left. He was about to turn in feeling hungry, when his mother called him to come to her.
"you look famished, have a bite my son" the tsahik says while holding a leaf full of tonowari's favorites. His ears tipped up, feeling better. Sitting down next to his mother, he took the offering meal and took a bite of the meat. It was very hot, like it was just cooked. The flavors danced on his tongue, savoring each bite. The day's misery and mishaps being washed away. Happiness and relief replacing his mood.
The tsahik smirked as she watched her son relax, "tasty isn't it?" she asks, a bit teasingly. Tonowari happily nods, his mouth too full to speak. "Good, you could thank hoan for that" the tsahik smirks.
Tonowari chokes a bit as he swallowed the food while in shock. The tsahik cackles in amusement as she pats her son on the back. "Surprised?" she asks, tonowari coughs a bit roughly so he takes a large chug of water from his cup.
"eat well son, we are going to retire for the night" tonowari's father says as he and his mother gets up and making their way to their home. Left to his own, tonowari was still processing the information. While trying not to make it obvious, he quickly scans around the crowd that still remains, and there, almost at the edge of the crowd he sees hoan.
Hoan was smiling kindly to a young child as what looks like hoan serving food to the child from a small pot over a fire. He cant hear what hoan is saying but she nods and seems to pay attention to what the child is saying. Yet perhaps by instinct, hoan looks at his direction. Their eyes meeting, sky blue meeting ocean blue. She smiles warmly at him, a light blush forms on her cheeks.
Tonowari breaks the eye contact and looks down at his food. All that he has eatin so far were his favorites, how could have hoan know? He certainly didn't tell her, but he wouldn't doubt his parents, most likely his mother.
At the moment he isn't so upset with hoan. Doesn't have the energy for it. But just this once. Doesn't prove hoan anything.
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The days pass by and tonowari notices things, his best spear broke somehow, the net he usually uses was tangled and a mess. His skimwing would be out into the reef and not be where it should. So many odd things, yet by the end of the day problems tend to be solved by hoan. A new spear is carved to perfection, better than his old one. The net was untangled and tightened. His skimwing would rather obey hoan than tonowari.
He cant blame hoan for the odd things since he holds no proof. Yet observing her, its clear now she holds no selfish motive nor even asking to be near tonowari. Doing favors at a distance.
There is one last test to put on hoan.
Wasn't long ago that he fought and defeated an akula. Truly an achievement to tell for years. And he holds the teeth as proof. So on purpose, he would toss it near an area that hoan tends to spend a lot of time in. See what she would do with it. Keep it or do something with the teeth.
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30 days have passed. And all that time tonowari isn't sure if hoan found the tooth or not. He would check the area where he left it, but it was gone. Doesn't know if someone else took it or an animal that lives in the small jungle.
Tonight was the celebration of a seasonal hunt. Tonowari of course had captured the best kills, tied with his proud father. Music blared, people dancing, foods being made from the hunt. It was well. Yet tonowari didn't feel the mood to celeberate like his fellow na'vi.
Getting up from where he was sitting, he took a stroll in the small jungle. The music and cheers dying from the distance. Letting the natural sound of nature clear his mind. Tonowari had no location in mind, just lets his feet wonder on their own.
That is, until reaching a small water fall, he sees hoan. Sitting near the waterfall, she sits with something in her hands.
"no no....I cant.......or maybe I can....oh who am I kidding! he hates me!" she talks to herself.
Hiding behind some large rocks, tonowari quietly gets closer, trying to understand what she is saying.
"Maybe with this...it can help me get closer to him-nonono! he made it clear...he doesn't want me. Maybe he is right....ronal is better than me...why try. Anything I have done he doesn't seem to take notice. Fixing his things, cooking his favorites, putting items he has forgotten. I bet he didn't appreciate the teeth he took.....such a skillful warrior...AGH!! oh mother Eywa! why make my suffer!? why picking me as tsahik is a good idea?! I am not even worthy of such title! Nothing that I do will ever be good for him. I should pass it to ronal. Maybe she will have better luck than me...."
tonowari heard her tangent and felt weight in his chest. Is that how she felt this whole time? This whole time tonowari believed hoan was like the other young ladies. But hearing her like this proved him wrong.
Knowing what to do, he slowly gets up and walks to hoan. "Dont put yourself down like that" he says as gently as he can. Hoan jumped a bit, startled at hearing someone other than her own voice.
"t-tonowari? what are you doing here? Sh-shouldnt you be with the others celebrating?" hoan asks nervously. Looking at his toned body, perfect muscles and his tattoos adorning his body. Truly a warrior in her eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing" he responds. He sits beside her, but holding some space between them. "ummm...guess we are both here then..." hoan laughs nervously as she hides an item in her satchel.
"I hear you talking....I first need to say I am very sorry hoan. I truly believed you were like the others, only wanting to be tsahik for the title and not truly for what it is. I should have known better" tonowari confesses. Hoan listens and was surprised. Tonowari? apologizing to her?
"its o-ok! Truthfully I didnt want to be tsahik, but your mother....sh-she insisted and practically didnt give me a choice" hoan says. Tonowari humms in agreement. Guess neither had the freedom to choose.
"what were you hiding in your bag..." he asks, curiosity rising in him. Hoan squeaked a bit, feeling scared and nervous. "it nothing! ummm...just a craft I was working on..." she whispers. Tonowari heard her clearly and offers his hand. "May I see it?" he asks.
Its not like hoan can say no to the future olo'eyktan. With shaky hands she takes out the item in question and places it on his large hand. It was a beautifully crafted necklace with the akula teeth right in the middle. The design SCREAMED of leadership and honor. The beauty it held was overwhelming.
Tonowari was awed at the craft. Admiring the details and choice of color, it was done with extreme care and attention. Already he fell in love with the necklace. And perhaps....its creator as well.
"hoan...this is beautiful. Truly a remarkable craft" he says with happiness in his voice. Hoan blushed at his praise, purple tinting her cheeks.
"I am g-glad you like it...was doubt if it was even worthy to be worn..." hoan says, still doubting her skills. To prove her wrong, tonowari places the necklace around his neck. It fitted him. Wasn't so tight, wasn't so lose. The size was perfect. It was as if hoan knew his measurements and size without needing to be around him.
"it fits perfectly hoan. Truly. You have a talent for this" he praises more making hoan look away feeling embarrassed. He chuckles at the sight. She was cute looking like this.
Soon they began to chat more, hoan getting more comfortable and reveal more of her emotions and share some things with tonowari. Perhaps tonowari's mother was right to an extent.
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Back at the center of the village, the olo'eyktan, the tsahik and ronal were enjoying their feast, all grinning in happiness. "Thank you ronal for assisting us. Truly nothing would have been done or progressed between those two" the tsahik says. Ronal nods, "of course my tsahik, tonowari is a skillfull warrior but at times he can be empty headed. Someone had to drop the hints for dear hoan to pick up".
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is all for this one! I quite like it! tell me what ya'll think! until next time! see ya!
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Hoan = comfort
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randxmthxughts · 1 year
Chosen by Eywa - The Dream Hunt - Chapter 1
chapter 2 →
summary: eywa makes no mistakes... in the midst of his preparation to become the future olo'eyktan, neteyam is told to be with a chosen mate. guided by the signs of eywa, tsahik picks y/n, a woman orphaned by the war, whose heart already belongs to another
contains: arranged marriage, mentions of war and grief, angst, one-sided enemies to lovers
wc: 4.6k
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a/n: i just wanted to say a major THANK YOU for 4k and for the support you have shown for this series before i even posted anything 😭 i hope this meets your expectations, and i am very excited for the next chapters
chosen by eywa masterlist | general avatar masterlist
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Eywa makes no mistakes. Y/N had clung to these words her whole life, since the day her parents were taken by the merciless war against the sky people. She found comfort in knowing that her journey was already prewritten, destined for a greater purpose. But she had never expected for Eywa to turn her world upside down, forcing her to question everything she believed in, and lead her to a love that she never imagined possible…
The scent of smoldering herbs filled the air, mingling with the soft groans and hushed whispers of the healers attending to the small party of warriors. Y/N's deft hands worked quickly, spreading the last thick layer of healing poultice over the gash on his arm. He winced at the searing pain, then let out a weak chuckle at his own reaction.
"Mawey," she murmured to the injured warrior, her voice sweet with warmth that she failed to conceal, “We are done.” Their eyes met briefly, and a blush crept up Y/N's cheeks.
She turned away, to hide a small smile that tugged at the corners of her lips, and stepped closer to Kiri to search for another remedy in their shared basket. Neteyam, sitting beneath his sister's tender ministrations, winced slightly. His eyes then spotted Y/N, who was rifling through the herbs and ointments, though her thoughts seemed to drift somewhere else.
“What are you looking for?” Kiri asked, poking her head out from behind her brother.
“Oh,” Y/N turned, flashing the siblings a sheepish smile, “Was just making sure that we had enough eanean.”
Kiri nodded, though she was hardly convinced. Having worked with Y/N side by side for years now, she had grown to read her subtle moods. Over the past few months especially, with the increased work, the two women had become closer, and Kiri had suspected that there was something going on between Y/N and Kaye, the warrior she was just tending to. But she ultimately decided not to intervene. 
“I still don’t understand how you even crossed paths with those skxawngs at the Eastern border,” Kiri returned to the conversation she was having with her brother.
"They were lying in wait," Neteyam answered, his gaze still fixated on Y/N, "I don't know how they figured out we'd be there today, but they attacked us from above."
"That's very bad," Kiri sighed, applying fresh bandages to his back, “What if there were more of them?”
She circled to stand in front of her brother, while her eyes darted around the spacious tent. The healing tent had been expanded due to Mo’at’s request, who had decided that the old one was too cramped. Mo’at also took on more students because of the attacks from the sky people, and the clan now boasted a larger number of healers than ever before.
"We probably wouldn't have made it out alive," Neteyam sighed, disappointed. 
The future Olo’yektan saw no point in hiding the intensity of the day’s event; he had barely escaped his own death earlier. He was assigned to lead the party, and the weight of bringing his warriors to safety was heavy on his shoulders. How could he ensure they would never end up in the same situation again? Getting trapped by the sky people, almost facing death. He couldn’t help but feel insecure in his own ability as the future chief, maybe he wasn’t ready to pass his Dream Hunt yet.
Kiri's shoulders slumped in response, though the answer wasn't difficult to guess. She stole a quick glance at Y/N, who seemed to be frozen in place, listening to the conversation. If anything happened to Kaye, if she lost another person she loved to the war, would she be able to bear it?
The familiar touch of Kaye's hand on her back broke Y/N out of her thoughts. As he passed by, uttering a grateful "thank you," she blushed deeply, but the worry in her eyes was not lost on Neteyam.
Y/N dipped her feet into the cold water, feeling the soreness starting to slip away from her body. The river was serene, calming her, as she had been on her feet all day, working under the watchful eyes of Mo’at and tending to the injured warriors. Kaye, who sat next to her, nudged her thigh with his. She could feel the warmth of his body against hers, his canines peeking out with a small smirk.
“You know I don’t like it when you are upset with me,” he said, nudging her again playfully, “Y/N.”
Her ears twitched, as she turned to look at him with a hint of annoyance at how unserious he was being. He had accidentally blabbered about his stupid idea to take on two geared up sky people at once and almost lost his arm during the encounter.
“The Great Mother may have looked after you today, but it won’t always be so,” she said firmly, “I lost my parents to a slip-up like this. Eywa does not intervene in these matters.”
“I know,” Kaye cupped her cheek tenderly, recognizing the reminiscing in her eyes, “I will be more careful.”
She leaned into his touch, eyes closing for a moment with a small sigh. Her mind wandered back to the memories of her parents. It was a pain that never fully went away, a constant ache that still kept her up at nights.
“I worry about you, Kaye,” she murmured.
“And I worry about you,” he replied softly, his thumb rubbing circles on her cheekbone, “Which is why I think it is time to tell my family about us.”
Y/N blinked at him, feeling the familiar spark of hope ignite within her, but she quickly pushed it aside. She had heard these words from Kaye before, a promise that he had broken time and time again. His family held importance in the clan, his parents were strict, determined to arrange a mate for Kaye, just like they did for the rest of their children. And she was never worthy of their attention. She had nothing to offer to them. Kaye knew that too well, but he continued to give both of them false hopes of a bright future together.
“You don’t have to, it is no rush,” she mumbled, wondering if her devotion to him would ever be matched, “I don’t want you to fight with your parents.”
Like in the womb of Pandora, surrounded by the elders and the Tsahik, Neteyam proudly wore the white paint on his body as he silently took a seat in the middle of the circle. His mother lingered behind with a mixture of worry and pride on her face; she had looked forward to the day her firstborn passed the Dream Hunt, but the earlier encounter with the sky people had shaken her slightly. What if Neteyam was too tired and wouldn’t survive his uniltaron? Jake threw an assurring arm around her shoulder, pulling her into his chest, and she gratefully complied, peeking at her son with a smile. Jake was grinning, confident that Neteyam, who had already accomplished so much at his age, would pass his trial with ease. He had prepared for it for months, what’s one more rite?
The chanting began to pick up with the beginning of the ritual, and knowing his role too well, Neteyam opened his mouth willingly when Mo'at approached him with a glowing worm hanging from her fingers. The worm wiggled around as Neteyam closed his lips around it and chewed it down. The smoke from burning herbs filled his nose and eyes, burning all the way to his lungs. 
The chant grew louder and more hypnotic, and the taste of the worm on his tongue numbed his buds like a torch. Neteyam felt his body vibrate involuntarily, and as his father placed an arachnoid on his neck, he felt it stung him twice mercilessly. Neteyam squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out the noise and the pain, as his mind began to slip into a trance. He could feel his lungs give out with a sharp pain and as he desperately gasped for air, it seemed like he was falling, spiraling down with nothing to grab onto. His heartbeat suddenly was louder, faster in his ears, thumping in a rhythm as he plummeted it down. The world went dark, and when he opened his eyes, Neteyam saw himself in the forest, surrounded by mist.
His body went limp for a moment, bright sunlight blinding his vision. He gathered his energy and barely moved to his feet, when with a sudden gust of wind, a banshee flew right above him, so close to the ground that it almost threw him off. Instinctively, Neteyam reached to cover his eyes with his hand, and then he was no longer himself.
His body ached, as it began to stretch out. His hands were growing, transforming into wings, as venom flowed through his blood, he was suddenly floating above the forest. It was like he was on the back of his ikran but the feeling was more intense. Unmistakably, his mind was no longer his own, Neteyam saw and felt through the banshee.
A rush of adrenaline burst through him, and Neteyam, for the first time in his life, was free, as he soared through the sky. He couldn’t express it, but he could feel it somewhere in his heart that this is what he was meant to be. One with Eywa.
As he flew over the trees, he spotted and neared closer to himself. His own Na’vi body stood small and fragile from the new point of view. But there was also somebody else standing next to him. A woman holding his hand. She was laughing, her voice vibrantly filled his ears with a pleasant sound. A long necklace wrapped around her neck and hung all the way down to her stomach, adorned with big beads, glistening under the sun, and blue feathers. Her hair was let down in soft waves, and her face… When Neteyam tried tracing her features, he realized he couldn’t. The image began to slip away from him, and he felt his body betray him once again…
Suddenly, his eyes flew open, the darkness of the cave enveloping him. His trembling body was arched, palms digging into the soil beneath him, sweat rolling down his face in big drops. Neteyam took a moment to regain his breath, heart pounding.
“It is finished,” Mo’at’s voice broke the silence, words echoing through the cave.
Neteyam winced slightly at the loudness and rubbed his eyes to regain his vision. He could feel the eyes of elderly on him, then the relief in his mother’s voice, as she rushed to his side. Her hands reached for his face, massaging his temples.
“Did you see your spirit animal?” Neytiri asked with a smile, her eyes brimming with curiosity.
Neteyam nodded weakly, a small smile of his own stretching across his lips. 
“I saw an ikran… I was the ikran!” he exclaimed, his laughter filling the cave.
Jake and Neytiri joined in his giddy laughter, the rest of the circle smiling in approval. Neytiri pulled her son into a tight embrace.
“We are very proud of you, son,” Jake said, crouching down next to them and patting Neteyam’s head, knowing exactly what he went through.
“Thank you,” Neteyam smiled, then as if he remembered another vision from his Dream Hunt, continued, “But I saw something else too!”
Mo’at approached him hastily, making a room for herself, as she splayed her fingers against Neteyam’s face. She peered into his amber eyes with curiosity, urging him to continue.
“I saw a woman,” he smiled, the memory returning to him, “She was holding my hand… well, the hand of my Na’vi body.”
Neytiri gasped softly, her eyes widening with shock. Mo’at’s expression remained stoic, though she gripped Neteyam’s shoulder. 
“Did you recognize her, child?” she questioned, concealing her surprise.
“No, I couldn’t see her face,” Neteyam shook his head with a slight disappointment, “She was a Na’vi woman. But I couldn’t see her clearly.” He looked to his father, seeking answers, but found only confusion there. 
Neytiri and Mo’at shared a knowing glance before rising to their feet. Neytiri brought her hands to her chest, anxiety etched onto her features. Jake registered it immediately, now alerted too by their reactions. 
“Is something wrong?” he whispered to her.
She looked back at him, confusion marring her expression. She wasn’t really sure what it meant, only knew that Eywa very rarely sent a vision during the uniltaron. Mo’at circled around Neteyam, the air thick with tension. He waited patiently, his eyes trained on his grandmother, though he was already a little worried by how long she waited to speak. She took a step back and motioned for him to stand up. He complied, his body still weak.    
“The Great Mother had blessed you with another vision, a peek into your destiny,” Mo’at’s tone was serious. 
Jake’s ears perked up, unsure if it should excite him or scare him. He looked around the cave, seeking for a similar reaction, but everyone except him and Neteyam seemed to have an idea of what it meant. 
“What does it mean, grandmother?” Neteyam asked carefully.
“It is time, Neteyam,” Mo’at spoke with a glimmer of pride in her eyes, “The Great Mother thinks you are ready to take a mate. Your journey begins now.”
Neytiri wrapped her arms around her son once more with a bittersweet smile. She seemed relieved by the explanation. Neteyam, like the perfect son, had passed every rite on his own. Now it was time for him to face the rest of his challenges with a woman by his side, someone he would love and cherish. He wouldn’t have to be alone anymore. Jake watched with the same confused expression on his face, ever so often glancing at Neytiri to try and understand how he should react.
“If you have already chosen a mate in secret from the clan, you must reveal it now, child,” Mo’at spoke again. 
“No, grandmother, I have not chosen,” Neteyam shook his head firmly, “I am not mated with anyone.”
“Very well,” Mo’at heaved a sigh, then tilted her head slightly, “Do you have anyone in mind for the role?” 
“No,” he shook his head again, this time slightly embarrassed by his own answer. It was the only thing he lacked so far, “I didn’t have time for that.”
The words brought a pang of guilt to his parents. They both lowered their ears immediately, feeling fully responsible for raising their son with such a weighty burden on his shoulders.
“Good. Then the search begins,” Mo’at announced, “You will hear the answer soon.”
Neteyam felt his heart sink. His mouth hung open, as he looked around the cave for support but the elderly only seemed content with the decision and began to disperse. He would hear the answer? Were they going to decide for him? Of course, arranging bonds was quite common and successful in his clan, especially within the line of Olo’eyktans. Their mates were chosen carefully, keeping in mind that the couples had to be strong enough to lead their people through thick and thin. But he was content with his life as of now, exploring the forests and working on his skills. Neteyam didn’t feel ready, despite his vision. He glanced at his father, who was now frowning and clearly holding himself back from speaking, biding his time until they were left alone to discuss the matter further.
“Neteyam, you should go to the celebration, your brother and sisters have been waiting for you this whole time," Neytiri spoke softly.
"But mother -" Neteyam tried to protest.
"No buts, boy," his father interjected, “You did well. Go celebrate."
“Fine,” Neteyam nodded, his voice falling to a whisper.
It has been a few days since Neteyam passed his Dream Hunt, but he was already impatient for his grandmother’s decision. It could take her months to make it, yet he couldn’t help the anxiousness. Was he too late to choose a mate for himself? What made it worse was the conversations he overheard between his parents. He tiptoed around the corner of his family tent, his mind already racing with conflicting thoughts. He had gathered every argument and piled it into a high tower, ready to unravel it onto his parents, but as their voices grew louder, he couldn't help but eavesdrop.
"I can’t believe you’re going along with this, Neytiri," Jake's voice echoed, his tone growing more exasperated by the second. "He should have a choice in who he wants to spend his life with."
"He didn’t make a choice in time," Neytiri replied, her voice firm, "But the Great Mother has. A mate has already been chosen by Eywa.”
“And what if he doesn’t like this arrangement? You were in his place once,” Jake was upset. He had never expected Neytiri to agree with Mo’at’s decision.
“Ma’Jake,” Neytiri sighed, “Eywa makes no mistakes. Neteyam received a clear sign, it would be foolish to ignore it.”
Neteyam's heart skipped a beat at her words. His mother seemed determined that it was the right step to take, and deep down, he thought he agreed with her. He had to trust in the wisdom of Eywa. Yet, Neteyam was scared because of his own helplessness. 
“I don’t know…” Jake trailed off. 
It wasn't fair play, arguing with Tsahik’s decision, with Eywa’s signs. Jake may have lived on Pandora for over 20 years, having been reborn as a Na’vi, but he still felt like an outsider when it came to the traditions of the clan. He wasn’t going to enforce his opinions with his position as Toruk Makto and go against everyone. But he also didn’t want to see his son suffer.
Neteyam sighed before stepping into the tent and revealing himself. Both of his parents stiffened, having suspected that he overheard their conversation. He felt caught between two and he had no other choice but to put a stop to it.
“‘Itan,” Neytiri’s expression softened, sensing the uncertainty in his eyes. She walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “I know that you might feel confused but I believe that accepting Eywa’s sign will lead you to being a strong leader someday. Sometimes we have to make sacrifices, but ultimately the Great Mother looks after us. Our fate is already written.”
“Whatever your grandmother decides, you don’t have to go along with it, if you don’t want to, Neteyam,” Jake added with a strained voice, “Trust your heart.”
Neytiri nodded with a small sigh. She too was conflicted, torn between her trust and her love for her son. The vision during the Dream Hunt was a rare blessing, and Neytiri didn't want Neteyam to miss out on it.
“You have been destined for greatness, ‘itan,” her expression softened, “We will be with you every step of your journey.”
“Thank you,” Neteyam looked between his parents, “But I decided to accept the sign. And I want to make you proud,” he added, his voice barely above a whisper.
Jake and Neytiri exchanged a glance. Neteyam could feel the weight of his clan's expectations heavy on his shoulders, like he couldn’t refuse, no matter how much his parents expressed they would support him. Now, as he looked at their worried faces, he knew he had to put his own desires aside for the sake of his people. 
“Grandmother sent me over to get you. She has her answer,” Kiri’s voice trembled slightly as she delivered the news, interrupting their moment.
Her ears were flat against her skull, face etched with worry for the burden placed upon her brother. She could only hope that he would be happy and at peace with whatever will be decided.
One man's joy is another man's sorrow. 
Becoming the future Olo’eyktan’s mate, getting accepted into his family, being his family, filling the hole left by the death of her parents. To be granted the ultimate praise and be chosen by Tsahik, be approved, be enough. After losing everything, it all seemed too good to be true to Y/N.
Her heart sunk deep in her chest, voice hitching in her throat before words of protest could even escape. How could she agree to being with Neteyam? Sure, he was handsome, skillful, he was respected and would be sweet to her. But he wasn’t Kaye, wasn’t the one she wanted. Not the one who promised to be hers. No. It was going to be Neteyam, the future Olo’eyktan. The guy who had grown up with the eyes of the whole clan on him. Who was performing all the time, concealed his true feelings. Someone whom she didn’t know well, whom she never saw that way. 
“Y/N, do you accept?” Mo’at asked, her voice louder this time.
Y/N’s thoughts raced faster at the gravity of the question. Mating with Neteyam would fulfill her duty to her people, a duty to carry on the traditions, an opportunity to belong, to be part of something bigger, greater. To finally feel useful, be able to give back to her clan. She glanced at Tsahik and could see the disapproval etched on the older woman’s features. 
Any girl would kill to be in her position. It felt like a slap to even consider rejecting Neteyam, Mo’at was convinced that her grandson was going to be everything and more. She had seen him in her visions since even before he was born. He had a strong heart, was destined to be a leader, guide his clan to a better future, make a happy one for himself too. 
The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, each breath Y/N took felt like a burden on her chest. Jake and Neytiri, who stood nearby, waited patiently, hoping for the answer they wanted to hear but also expecting the one they feared. It was hard to tell apart which was which. Y/N stole another glance at Neteyam, whom she had greeted only a few minutes ago, just before his grandmother revealed her vision of Y/N being mated with him. He looked guilty, chewing on his bottom lip, muscles tense, as he desperately seeked for a reaction from her, anything. He felt the guilt eating away at him, he wasn’t blind, Neteyam had seen they way she was around Kaye. He just couldn’t understand why they had never announced it to the clan. Maybe things wouldn’t be so difficult now… 
“I-I,” she stuttered, “I don’t know what to say, it is a great honor but…”
“But you deny?” Mo’at raised her eyebrows in disbelief, completely baffled with her answer.
“No - yes,” Y/N stammered, shaking her head, “I am only saying that there are many women in the clan who are worthy of becoming the mate of the future Olo’eyktan. Women better than me, who would know how to lead a clan.”
Mo’at pursed her lips together, clearly dissatisfied. Y/N wanted to scream, to run away, to hide from the responsibility that was thrust upon her so unexpectedly. Neteyam's eyes bore into hers, pleading silently for a chance. But she didn't know him, not really. How could she possibly agree to mate with someone her heart didn’t long for? Neytiri shifted uncomfortably, nudging Jake to do something, anything to ease the situation. He sighed, stepping forward to Y/N.
“I know it can be hard to let people take care of you, kid, but sometimes it is okay to let yourself just be,” he placed a hand over her shoulder, his features etched with sincerity, “Your parents were great people. I thought very highly of them, I truly mean it.”
“I know, Olo’eyktan, they respected you too,” Y/N nodded weakly. 
Ever since their passing, Y/N could feel Jake’s protective gaze on her. He had been looking out for her for years now, making sure that people in the clan treated her well. It was him who had asked Mo’at to take Y/N as a student because he saw the potential in her to help others. But now, it was time for him to be taking all that back, and the realization made her heart clench painfully.
“I’ve never told you this but before your mother passed away, I was there with her,” he paused for a moment, “She asked me to take care of you, to make sure you had a place in the clan. And I know of no better way to fulfill that wish than this.”
As he spoke, Y/N's felt like shrinking under the weight of his arm still resting on her shoulder. She couldn’t tell him that her heart belonged to someone else, someone she could never have because she had nothing to offer. Nothing to give, nothing to make his family think she was worthy of him.
“The sign of Eywa was clear,” Neytiri chimed in, drawing attention back to her, “Neteyam had a vision during his Dream Hunt. He saw his mate.”
“But that’s… that never happens during Dream Hunts!” Y/N seemed baffled too.
She looked at Neteyam, hoping for a further explanation, but he seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. Shame and pressure showed on his face, as if the argument made by his mother put him into an even deeper pit of despair. 
“It happens rarely,” Neytiri continued, then smiled softly, as if catching up on with her own thoughts, “Very rarely, Eywa sends these signs to exceptional Na’vi. It must be her way of saying that it is time to let somebody else help him on the rest of his journey.”
Useful. It was the precise word Y/N used, whenever she asked for Tsahik’s help during the lessons. When her eyes would go red from the amount of tears she shed when she felt unwanted. When she hid herself from the man she loved because his parents would never accept her. Y/N had always been a hard worker, eager to prove herself in the clan, but no matter how much she did, it never felt enough.
Neteyam watched her with fear and desperation. Now the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to make things work. The pressure of being the perfect son, the future leader, was a weight that he needed to share with someone strong.
Then they saw it. A single atokirina’, a sacred seed that had last appeared to Y/N on the day her parents were killed, floated around her, casting a soft glow over her features. For a moment, nobody spoke, watching the seed with adoring smiles. Y/N's expression softened too, feeling as if the Great Mother herself had blessed her. Eywa had spoken.
“It seems like Eywa tries hard to convince you, my child,” Mo’at's words were soothing, her voice softening as she spoke with adoration for her world.
"To be chosen by Eywa is a wondrous thing,” Neytiri added with a grin.
Y/N’s gaze met Neteyam's, his eyes searching for any sign of what she was thinking. Did he feel the same pressure as her? Did he want this, or was he as trapped as she was?
“Is this really how it works?” Y/N asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.
“Eywa speaks to us in many ways, my child,” Mo’at nodded.
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chapter 2 →
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ponyinpinklover-blog · 2 months
Spoilers for Solek's journey
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I'm glad that Solek is with us in the resistance but I wonder how different his life could've been if he stayed with the anurai. Its sad seeing him cry over the thought of having a home and a family again but having to turn it down to follow his path. I'm really excited to see what is next for solek.
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eclipse-rain · 1 year
Olo'eyktan Ao'nung and his cold Tsahik!reader;
Warnings ; angst, reader is Neteyams ex-mate, aged up characters, no pronouns
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- it started when you came to the Metkayina clan with the Sullys
- from a young age you were brought up to be the Tsahik of your clan, like Neteyam was to be Olo'eyktan
- it was an arranged marraige but soon over time you and Neteyam fell for each other
- you loved each other so much that you mated, although not for life, and became pregnant while staying at the Metkayina clan because although you would no longer be together as leaders you still wanted to be together regardless
- that didnt last long of course as Neteyam ended up dying because of the humans
- thus another arranged marraige was put into place for your well being and for the well being of the clan
- no Tsahik had been brought up to wed Ao'nung as none were seemingly qualified to fit that role, but you were another story, you were perfect in every way
- After Neteyams death everyone left you be to grieve but soon the idea of finding a new mate was brought up by your closest loved ones, even Neteyams own parents, for the sake of your health as it was a key oart in life for all Na'vi people
- you couldnt dwell on the past forever, you would have to move on eventually Neteyam would want you and the rest of his family to do so, for your sake and theirs
- Ao'nung saw how you were more open with Neteyam than anyone else, shedding your cold exterior when your mate was around
- once he died you never revealed that part of you again to anyone else, not even him
- not even after mating for life and becoming Tsahik, not even after all the years you had been together and having children with each other
- you were a bit different towards your children though, being more of the strict parent in public while softer and kinder when in private for their sake
- everything you did now was for them and although there were whispers and rumors about you loving and cherishing your eldest son, the only child you had with Neteyam, over the rest of your children who you had with Ao'nung they were all simply just that ; rumors
- you loved them all equally and although you were strict, you were graceful and stratigic in everything you did, living for your children, for your clan, for Eywa
- and while Ao'nung loved you like he never loved before, like you were his first and his last and his only, you stayed removed from him
- you couldnt love again, not romantically anyway, maybe for the fear of it, you werent sure but you didnt care to try and fix that anyway, there was no point you two worked together in perfect harmony as it was, it didnt need to be ruined with unnecessary feelings
- Ao'nung grew up to be the fierce tough leader he was brought up to be, he had his father and mothers strongest qualities like how they had wished for
- even so he never hesitated to take care of you in everyway possible, give you anything you wished for and while he was determined in everything he did he would only bend to your will
- only to you would he back down on a matter or take your side over anothers
- you also had the highest say in matters dealing with you and his children especially when it came to the one that wasnt his by blood
- he would accompany you to Eywa when you wished to see Neteyam or even just if you wished to find comfort with her or pray
- They said you would eventually get over it, that time fixes everything and you were happy now, maybe even happier then back then but you never did get over it fully, never did let him go
- you couldnt, not when you saw the ghost of him everyday in your first born
- he was even sometimes ostracised by other clan memebers for it, for not being their Olo'eyktans blood, although not out right and they never dared to aimed such thoughts at you
- because it was ture that you really were perfect as Tsahik, it was like it was the most natural for you, you had this will about you where anyone would shrivel back i to themselves just in your presence
- no one ever wanted to see what you were like if you got mad, but you never did, you always stayed almost unnervingly calm
- you and Ao'nung made a ferocious pair and soon would be known as the strongest leaders in the history of the clan
Really wanted to make a fanfic out of this but i got lazy and thought it would be too sad and no one would read it 🤷‍♀️
It ended up being pretty short compared to what i usually write too :/ oh well
If you guys havent voted on my recent pole (its important to me) pls do here
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space-blue · 1 year
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This Ta'unui Tsahik and Olo'eyktan couple was absolutely fantastic in their design and acting and I want more people to draw them... The scene also provides very useful pose references for Metkayina anatomy (who we rarely see kneeling otherwise).
So you'll find as many references as I can provide under the cut. Don't waste your (and my) time telling me that scene was awful, I'm not sharing screenshots to relish the pain that village was put through. I'm trying to provide good references for anatomy, tattoo design, etc. I want more Metkayina rep.
All under the cut!
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ilov3spiderman · 8 months
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(this is my first time writing so please bare with me)
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
fluff only!! Implying reader is a girl
needs to be touching you at all times, even if its as simple like holding your hand or touching shoulders because he wants your comfort ♡
he tries not to raise his voice around you to keep the image of him being a calm and collected person in your head (spoiler alert: it never works because he’s always having to yell at Lo’ak)
he tried to cook for you at one point, you thought it was cute until he almost burned your hut down trying to do a “cool trick”
loves to lay side by side with you and look at the dark sky thats filled with various stars
he gets so embarrassed when he sees you watching him get scolded by his father
his family loves you, especially tuk as she now has someone new to play with ♡
kiri is kind of glad that she has another girl to talk to, other than Neytiri and tuk ♡
he always tries to impress you with different kinds of tricks, and when he fails the trick, he’ll literally practice until he gets it right
his favorite thing to do with you is fly freely with your ikrans ♡
he tries to convince you to skip your tsahìk training to hang out with him (it never really works)
sorry it was short, i was actually loosing interest pretty fast with this so im sorry😭
- Carmen・❥・
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