#tsukasa and kanade friendship
lucky-berrys-art-blog · 8 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: プロジェクトセカイ カラフルステージ!| Project SEKAI COLORFUL STAGE! (Video Game) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Tenma Tsukasa & Yoisaki Kanade Characters: Yoisaki Kanade, Yoisaki Kanade's Father, Tenma Tsukasa Additional Tags: Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Pre-25-ji Nightcord de. | Nightcord at 25:00 Main Story (Project SEKAI), Middle School, In this one Kanade and Tsukasa went to the same Middle school, This is before her dad got hospitalised, there will be hints to what happens in the future tho, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Implied Bullying Series: Part 1 of Kanade and Tsukasa are Middle School friends AU Summary:
Kanade makes a sudden choice of reaching out to her middle school's piano prodigy and sends him a letter of friendship. That prodigy being Tsukasa Tenma, the one who wants to become a future star but is currently going through some stuff, unbeknowst to his beloved little sister. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part of the story details their life up to Kanade's first meeting with Mafuyu and formation of Nightcord, I would say the timeline for this one will be up to Their first year in High school. Will try to match up with canon. The main relationship is platonic in nature, and any hint of romance won't really last.
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chibigaia-art · 1 year
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tsukasa & kanade friendship when
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anakirui · 6 months
mini rant, but i am quite annoyed that on the twitter prsk deathmatch polls, i've seen two qrts now saying that mafuyu would win (in various scenarios) because "she has no morals".
we are talking about the girl whose dream is to be a nurse because she wants to take care of people like how her horribly abusive mother did once. we are talking about the girl whose terrified to let people down and make them unhappy because she always derived happiness from their happiness. we are talking about the girl who in mizuki's 4th, was worried about mizuki the whole time they were at spojoy park because mizuki said they had "something important" to tell mafuyu and kept prolonging telling her about it. we are talking about the girl who genuinely smiled when helping a child with her injured knee in her 2nd mixed. we are talking about the girl, that even in main story, thought it was horrible for kanade to sacrifice so much to try and "save" her. we are talking about the girl who has grown to see nightcord as like the family she never had. we are talking about the girl who is finding happiness in friendships even when she's not fully comfortable being herself around— like shizuku, emu, airi, tsukasa, rui, ichika, and even her other underclassmen like saki, haruka and kohane, and she's now able to be herself around honami, too. we are talking about the girl who loves everyone so much— even when she shouldn't— to the point of where it isolates herself from the support she needs.
just because her good girl persona is nice and overly kind and isn't representative of mafuyu's true feelings does NOT fucking mean that mafuyu isn't an inherently kind person. mafuyu didn't have this much growth for you to say this, NOR was she EVER at a point where she truly didn't care about other people's feelings or morality. just because she had a mental breakdown and lashed out at her friends once doesn't define her as a person— she was at her lowest and couldn't handle any more pressure. mafuyu has always had an identity and personality, even if she felt incredibly unsure of it and couldn't identify it herself.
if you put mafuyu in a deathmatch with someone else, she most likely would let herself die or try to find a solution where they can both live. that is the kind of person mafuyu asahina is, and she has always been this way since the game launched in september 2020.
STOP demonizing mafuyu for being mentally ill. STOP acting like she hates people. STOP mischaracterizing her as an unfeeling person.
mafuyu is a girl that loves and loves and loves until there is nothing left.
thank you for reading my rant.
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ristois · 3 months
Canon divergence AU where instead of Kanade finding Mafuyu in the rain, Mafuyu gets sucked into a broken fragment Sekai because of her broken phone and the Sekai does some memory fuckery.
Seriously, we need to talk about the implications of Akito's memories being wiped and whatever happens with the leaders after joint lives.
The fragment is based on Mafuyu's desire to run away, but it's twisted so that the memory of Mafuyu as a person is erased from most of the world. The only people who remember are people who have Sekais, which leads to a lot of panic from pretty much everyone who remembers her.
No one except for Niigo notices at first, because everyone who remembers her brushes off her disappearance as being sick or something, and the Sekai memory fuckery is making them overlook any strangeness from Mafuyu's disappearance. But Mafuyu is a crucial part of Niigo that can't be ignored, and they were previously looking for her, so they quickly realize something's up.
The rest of Niigo are frantically contacting their friends to see if anyone has seen Mafuyu, which ropes everyone else in the cast into helping them look, and subsequently realize that Mafuyu has been erased from everyone else's memories.
A whole thing happens where they try to figure out how her memory was erased and why only they can remember her (and also if they might be mass hallucinating this girl), which ends with them finding out about the other Sekais. And then they can finally get somewhere with the plot, because Akito brings up how his fragment Sekai gave him amnesia.
Cue the panicked concern from everyone else about memory bullshit, and also a Shinonome bonding moment with a worried Ena.
Anyways, they summon all their virtual singers to explain/help/give moral support, but having all five Mikus summons the OG Miku, who finally explains what happened. She tells them that they need to get stuff that was precious to Mafuyu so that she can get her out of the broken fragment.
And then the second round of concern for Mafuyu begins, because Niigo have to awkwardly explain that 1. She doesn't have many things that she likes, 2. The list of stuff they do know she likes is very short and includes intangible things (Niigo's music and hanging out with them), 3. They have beef with her mom which means they can't get her aquarium, and oh yeah! The Sekai that she formed on her own (Niigo have a worried conversation about Tsukasa also forming his own Sekai) and that is reflective of her feelings, is barren. The implications of Niigo's mental health definitely comes up at this point.
But in the end, they get bunny apples (courtesy of Ichika), the aquarium from Sekai, pictures from some of Niigo's outings, and Kanade's phone playing Niigo songs. OG Miku appears and sucks all of the cast into Empty Sekai along with the stuff, and with the power of friendship and Miku, and also a song because of course, Mafuyu gets saved! And Mafuyu can finally be domestic with Kanade.
Okay what the heck. I started with a funny little 'haha what if Mafuyu was betrayed by the Sekai's memory fuckery?' and this devolved so fast. I only sat down to write down my idea and instead I spat this entire thing out of my head in one go???
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pjsk-headcanons · 23 days
*VERY DEEP INHALE* nIIIIIIIIIGGGGHHHTTCORDDDDDD i am so excited im gonna be yapping so hard. prepare yourself aaaAaaAAAAAA
n25-> kanade (unit leader), tsukasa, shiho, akito (great lineup am i right)
n25 -> midnight dream|space
-cue kanade backstory as usual. sorry i think mds is not gonna have any of a better time than canon niigo. oops hehe (drops a ton of angst on them sorry they are my favourites)
-while uploading a melody to some anonymous website, she notices people talking about a different artist in her old uploads. she checks the artist out, listens to a few songs. follows the artist, named SUTA. (all of the nicknames have meaning ;) however, something seems. off.
-this happens again with an artist called nasake. kanade doesnt think much of it.
-a week or two pass when she gets a message in nightcord from SUTA. they want to pair up. kanade agrees reluctantly to call with them to discuss the partnership. during the call, kanade says she wants more people in the group (namely nasake because of the "weird feeling" and because oh my god this guy is kinda loud. its midnight and he so loud my ears)
-yknow what happens. nasake joins the partnership out of curiousity and recommends another artist that they should invite because the music sounds similar.
-kanade listens to their songs. gets the same weird feeling. agrees.
-said artist (called aimai) happily agrees to the partnership and they join a few calls, never talking. they make some demo songs.
-after everyone else logs off, kanade works for a little longer. miku heyyy oh miku wh
-enters sekai. its called house SEKAI. keyword house not home ;)
-insert "i need to save them" stuff i cant think of dialogue
-next day, kanade asks them to meet up because she "needs to get more cup noodles" (actually trying to observe their irl behaviour)
-meetup happens
-kanade resolves to save them. the rest are oblivious to what theyve gotten themselves into
kanade = K
tsukasa = SUTA
shiho = nasake
akito = aimai
all of these have meaning. also i think its funny that akitos nickname is similar to his VAs
okay i did some quick changes to make this work (and because i love bullying my favs)
-okay. remember akitos "good boy" persona? *cranks it up to max* oops so basically its his entire personality because i feel like it doesnt have enough exploration in canon. basically like more than canon mafuyus "good girl" persona.
-also. never went to rad weekend and continued soccer. still does soccer.
-shinonomes and hinomoris live in a very cough tense situation. shiho is like 10x more distrustful than in canon because of the childhood friends thing. also shizuku and ena...uh we dont talk about them
-tsUKASA TENMA. probably a little less loud than in canon and is a lot more serious. still aiming to be a star. is overbearing and worries over saki a lot (much to her dismay)
-tsukasa does the editing and occasionally the composing, shiho does the art(cause akito dont wanna you loser)and sometimes recreates the instrumental, akito does the lyrics (they all need equal amounts of saving this is not gonna be a mafuyu-akito focus)
kanade - tsukasa -> "so loud...so serious?", "hospital encounter" (yk 💀), "prioritizing your health over mine" (please take care of yourself tsucaca and kanade)
shiho - akito -> "distant feelings", "i dont have any siblings" (lying), "dreams long extinguished" (auououuuauu)
tsukasa - shiho -> "my sisters old friend?", "not knowing you felt this way", "aiming for rekindled friendships"
akito - kanade -> "inside, outside", "heat haze rescue!" (reference to my imagined event of when kanade gets heatstroke and the rest of mds has to take care of her), "to relive past memories"
kanade - shiho -> "instrument pros", "family predicament", "burning resolve" (anon try not to bully kanade challenge impossible)
tsukasa - akito -> "orange hair 'buddies'", "troublemaking senior", "the real me?" (koughsghshhgggh)
dONE WITH THE LORE WOOHOO. SEKAIPOSTING NEXT AND PLAYLISTS AFTER...MAYBE SOME MORE CROSS-UNIT TRUST RANKS...also to anyone who reblogs in the tags i see them and you guys are literally the best
have a great day mod 👍 see you next time!!
🌐 anon
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king-lyrebird · 3 months
As a multishipper and enjoyer of ruikasa, I am begging this fandom to stop forcing this mlm take down everyone's throats. I love the canon dynamic that tsukasa and rui have, which, I'm not sure if you've noticed, is explicitly platonic. It sucks that people are so fucking yaoi brained that these male characters who are close friends just *have* to be kissing for them to be interesting. No fuck you actually, there's plenty of potential for them without making it romantic. Please drop the notion that these characters exist to be shipped together.
It really bothers me seeing people genuinely say 'pandemonium was the ruikasa event'. Pandemonium is about rui enjoying an event with his FRIENDS that he wasn't expecting to enjoy so much. Rui then having a heart to heart with tsukasa and thanking tsukasa for helping him change is a sweet moment they share that shows how their bond has benefited them... how is 'thank you for helping me change' romantic? My closest friend has helped me change, and I've said that to her, and I didn't say it with the subtext of 'I'm in love with you', I just wanted to remind her that she's had a positive impact on my life. Why does this entire event have to be boiled down to the one scene that's apparently the epitome of yaoi? Rui doesn't exist to be in love with tsukasa. Rui exists to be a character who grows and changes, who struggles with his friendships and has a hardened view of the world because of his past, but also a view that the world can be a happier place if he tries to show that to people. Turning him into a machine that kisses tsukasa is a fucking disgusting way of treating the genuine development we've seen of him over the course of the game.
To make it about shipping again, I've also seen the take that it's gross to ship rui with female characters because 'he's so gay coded'. Buddy, my best friends would be 'gay coded' if they were fictional, and they're the straightest people on this earth. Coding is an implication that does not mean canon. Rui can make a gay joke and wear the gay earring and... What?! He can still like women?! My favourite rui ship is honarui, a shocking take by the standards of the fandom. Rui is exclusively a gay man, and honami can only be shipped with Leo need and kanade because she's so sapphic coded I guess. It irks me in a way I can't explain that things have to be so black and white that it's only acceptable to ship specific characters with the same gender and the same characters over and over. I'm tired of honakana, I'm tired of ruikasa, I want to explore this dynamic that I haven't gotten to see enough of in canon. And it's fun to explore that dynamic. Is it wrong to have fun when writing about characters I like? Because reading and writing the same shlock for ruikasa is fucking boring.
I don't know if this is structured well but my main point is: be fucking creative. Write a platonic ruikasa fic and don't make it romantic by the end. Don't interpret every single interaction between same sex characters as inherently romantic. Don't see coding as the be all and end all of canon. Explore something new. Have some fucking fun and stop shoving the same bullshit into the mainstream because people who enjoy these ships do get tired of it eventually
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
[heads up this leads into a kanade tsukasa parallel rant so uh. :thumbsup:]
dawg i love mafuyu and tsukasa i think they're both so fun. it's so silly to see how even though they grew up in situations that are like complete opposites they still cope similarly
like listen tsukasa was hurt from the absence of his parents and mafuyu was hurt because of the presence of her parents. tsukasa's parents had to focus on someone else and mafuyu's parents had to focus on her. mafuyu looks inside herself and tsukasa looks outside himself. mafuyu is calm and tsukasa is not. hell even how others perceive them !!! people see tsukasa as self-centered and see mafuyu as considerate of others !!! but they still both hurt so much and have pushed down what they feel to make others feel better which sucks. i would like to present another, possibly even better parallel tho: tsukasa and kanade. they're similar in the way that they want to save others, they became extremely self-reliant, they both are WAY too hard on themselves and they're both basically a doormat i'll be honest. they both look towards other people to ignore how they're feeling (kanade wanting to save her fellow niigo members and tsukasa's future star dream), they both lead other people, they both have music notifs, ectectect. i think kanade and tsukasa should hang out. it would be very funny.
like kanade starts going to kakiyama and tsukasa sees her and it's on sight bro !!! he sees this girl who looks like she's about to melt and the thought process goes straight to "HEY GARRUU MY NAMU IS TSUKASA TENMA I AM STAR I AM WARUDO FUTURE STAR" and kanade is fucking HORRIFIED
tsukasa is slowly integrated into nightcord to the point where he's just. in the discord server. i think it would be so goofy tbh. there's a wxs/n25 group chat and they end up doing a collab song that is just carnival by otetsu also i think mafuyu and rui would get along. ourple to ourple communication. all of wxs has spidey senses and as soon as any of them see mafuyu they Know. like have you read the rui and mafuyu interaction where rui is just ominous as shit like "maybe. you should be careful. perhaps you should communicate with others." and he just leaves. all of wxs know that's a given. mizuki emu pink to pink communication and ena and nene just. they just. yknow how sometimes you just.
anyways yeah give me tsukasa kanade friendship or give me death
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assigning PJSK characters media i've enjoyed at some point that i think they'd like:
Ichika- Omori (themes of a friend group drifting away... yeah. is it ever actually said if Ichika likes gaming? cause i get the feeling that she would)
Saki- Lego Friends (the Lego itself i imagine could've been a fun activity to pass time during her hospital years, but i imagine her also being entertained by the various animated series)
Shiho- Sumikko Gurashi (she seems to like cute things secretly, plus two of the mascots are penguins)
Honami- Strawberry Shortcake (i loved it when i was younger and it has such Honami vibes, she canonically likes baking and desserts, as does Strawberry Shortcake's titular character)
Minori- Little Witch Academia (i feel like she would soooo relate to Akko's insane persistence and ambition despite not succeeding immediately. plus, cute witch show and Minori is cute, and a witch in that one card set)
Haruka- Octonauts (can imagine it being a favourite childhood show. like me, her favourite would definitely be Peso, the penguin character)
Airi- Disney Princess movies (especially the ones with a lot of action like Brave, Mulan and Frozen)
Shizuku- Lego Elves (the prettiest Lego theme in my opinion!! Shizuku gives me the vibe that she'd like fantasy :D)
Kohane- Adventure Time (idk i can just imagine Kohane liking cartoons in her free time)
An- She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (action and friendship and lesbians!!)
Akito- SK8 The Infinity (just... vibes. also cause i saw a post once that pointed out the parallels between him + Toya and Reki + Langa from SK8)
Toya- Your Lie in April (can imagine the character of Kousei hitting him pretty hard, even if his circumstance wasn't quite as extreme as Kousei's)
Tsukasa- A3! (it's fitting for W x S in general though since much of the story at the beginning is about restoring and saving a theatre. Tsukasa would probably relate to the Tenma in THAT game due to both of them having, err... self assured personalities)
Emu- Hello Kitty (ESPECIALLY that old series, Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theatre!! loved those when i was younger and i think it's perfect for Emu- cute iconic cat mascot AND theatre)
Nene- Six the Musical (she likes musicals and that's one of the only ones i've seen soooo)
Rui- Voltron Legendary Defender (you know he tried to recreate the robot himself)
Kanade- Witch's Heart (i believe canon says that she likes video game tracks but doesn't play them herself cause she gets lost in the music, and Witch's Heart has some great music)
Mafuyu- Coraline (perhaps the Other Mother would somewhat remind her of her own...)
Ena- TBHK (i think, like me, the unique art style of that anime would have caught her eye)
Mizuki- Barbie movies (especially the ones that had fashion elements like Fashion Fairytale and Thumbelina)
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yukennico · 1 month
ok so my first au is based on the white day sets, but i made it like, mafuyu & tsukasa friendship bonding through a curse they have and how they slowly forget how to be human. im gonna tag this as the cursed white day au because im not original enough
i have a whole document about their information but im still working on it, since its a lot to get it flowing to be coherent
the thing is, tsukasa becomes an honorable knight at the age of 21. hes a strong soldier, promising knight and loyal to his kingdom, sadly these qualities are what made him to be a target of the king, who with an enchantress made him like a bloodlust monster who cant deny the kings order
later mafuyu will get the same curse by her mother suggestion to become the kings second knight, she and her mother didnt know about the whole massacre the king was doing since the kingdom is painted with ignorance and pride
tsukasa when first met mafuyu was already going insane, he killed his parents, nearly stabbed ruis eyes and well, he murdered bunch of people because the king was greedy, but tsukasa cant deny his orders and his desire to kill
i wont go into more detail rn because its very long uuuh kanade is also important here since shes from a nearby kingdom who tries to save the cursed kingdom (not the actual name of the place), she receives saki, toya, rui and akito (akito doesnt play a big role here). rui offers himself to learn prohibited magic to break tsukasa and mafuyus curses, and here enters ena, whos a powerful mage to help rui
i wanted to add more characters but i dont that will be possible to make a coherent story, but ill think of minor roles for them if i can
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Random question anon here again
If you could make one what would be your dream mixed event?
hello again random question anon, always nice to hear from you
I'm really torn between two for this one. my first idea (and the one i think is more likely to happen) is a Mafuyu/Honami centric event. They're really similar if you think about it, they're like two sides of the same coin. Mirror characters I guess you could call them. Honami who let people walk all over her and fell into a depression but was able to be helped vs Mafuyu who did the same thing but fell too deep. I think Mafuyu could learn a bit from Honami, and obviously Mafuyu is living with the person Honami is a housekeeper for, so I get the feeling that they'll get to meet properly eventually. i think kanade could work here as well obviously, as the linking factor between the two, and then maybe another leo/need member. i'd say ichika but then that'd make this a repeat of Intersecting Melodies so maybe Saki. She's a great contrast to Mafuyu and I think letting them see each other's worldviews could be interesting.
idea 2 is Mizuki/Rui/Ena/Tsukasa simply because narrative parallels world domination. a bit of a self-indulgent pick but i just really like narrative paralles if the fact my last one was also narrative parallels didn't give it away. i think maybe a bit more could be given to mizuki and rui's middle school friendship because really the most we ever got was a few brief flashbacks in kamikou festival. also it'd just be really nice to see them just talk about how far they've come and the fact that they have friends who love them now and they're happy for each other, because I feel like it would be more impactful now than when it happened 101 events ago. idk what ena and tsukasa would do here they're just here for narrative parallels.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 months
Spin Around My Carousel - Ruikasa Week 2024
Day 1: White & Black Lily
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Dirty. Cursed. Unlucky. Bringer of Misfortune.
Those are the words Rui would often hear.
No one would even look at a black flower without an assumption of death. It was cruel of them to judge a flower from its petal.
But Rui was used to that.
He was unlike his siblings who had strived for greatness despite their petals. Mafuyu had joined a traveling musician, Shizuku became the kingdom's greatest archer, Honami opened a chocolate shop, and Akito finally settled in another kingdom as a prince's personal bodyguard.
Rui was the only one who hadn't left their garden. Shizuku, Mafuyu, and Akito had left months ago. Honami is the one who has a true reason to stay: her business. Rui? Well, he never has a reason to leave, but he doesn't have a strong desire to stay either.
Oh, dearest black lily. How does your garden grow?
Sometimes he would stare at his carousel, watching the gear spin in its loneliness. Just like him. A carousel is nothing without its horses, and it wasn't like Rui didn't know what horses looked like, but it just…
Ah. What a beautiful voice.
Rui looked behind him and saw an angel dressed in white standing by his doorframe. Ah, is he here to take him up to heaven? Oh, Rui wouldn't mind if he could see someone as beautiful as him every day.
"Hello? Rui? You're staring again."
"Can't I stare at my favorite flower? " he fake pouted. "You hurt me feeling, Tsukasa-kun."
The angel named Tsukasa just rolled his eyes and walked toward his work desk carefully. Rui’s room was always messy with bits and bobs scattered around. He never has the will to clean it.
"What are you doing this time?" Tsukasa leaned close to his shoulder so that Rui could smell his natural floral scent.
Rui looked back at his carousel. "Nothing really. Just thinking."
Tsukasa's brow furrowed. "Must've been a hard thought if you're not even tinkering around."
Rui chuckled. "You know me so well."
It was true. Their first meeting was an accident; Honami invited her coworker Minori, who happens to be Tsukasa's sister, to their house to work on a new recipe. Tsukasa just happened to accompany her. When he was looking for the bathroom, he accidentally stumbled into Rui's room when Rui was making his latest invention. Ever since then, Tsukasa would often visit just for a chat and tea, sometimes watching Rui work or play something on Mafuyu's old piano. There were also times when Tsukasa would stay for the night and Rui would be lying if he didn't enjoy sleeping together in the same bed when Tsukasa accidentally fell asleep while watching Rui work. It was certainly an endearing sight that Rui wished could frame on his wall. He adores Tsukasa and cherishes their blooming friendship.
Perhaps it could grow into something more…
But that was wishful thinking on Rui's side.
He cleared his throat, trying to clear this thought. "It still needs something… But I don't know what…"
Tsukasa hummed. Rui knows he doesn't know much about machinery so he would never blame her for being unable to help. "We can try painting over it."
Rui hummed back. Bending down to open his tool box he took out his set of paint to show to Tsukasa. He only has limited colors and most of them have already dried out but nothing some drops of water can fix it. "I only have these." But then he looked back at the carousel. "But I don't think a paint would work."
Tsukasa hummed again. "How about changing it into something else?"
"Like what?" Rui asked back.
Tsukasa shrugged. "I don't know…a music box? My sister, Kanade, makes songs for music boxes. Maybe you turn it into something similar…"
A music box. Perhaps… If the carousel spins around while playing music… Not only that. He could at some lights on the roof and bottom… That would make it into a…
"A night light…" Rui finished his thought. "That's it. That might work."
He heard Tsukasa chuckle. "There you are." Both of his hands suddenly reached for Rui's cheek and he froze. Oh, he was smiling. His smile is so beautiful. "There's the Rui I know."
Oh, gardener above, what did he do to deserve this?
Dearest lily; white instead of black. White lily. Bright lily. Such a gorgeous flower; pure, innocent, and easy to love. He could already imagine the praise Tsukasa receives every day. Beautiful, both inside and outside. Such contrast compared to him. Can a cursed being such as himself stand next to something pure as the white lily?
"You're thinking again." Tsukasa rested his forehead on his. "What's in your mind?"
Rui closed his eyes, basking in Tsukasa's presence. He shook his head. "Just how lucky I am." He put his hand on top of Tsukasa's. "Thank you for being here."
Tsukasa grinned. "Of course." Then he smiled again with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
"Anything for you, my lily."
Oh, heaven above, have mercy.
"You're gonna be the death of me."
And Tsukasa just laughed at him, as merry as the spring.
With a final stroke, Rui let out a sigh of relief as he leaned back in his seat. It was done. "Okay…"
"Wow…" Tsukasa was standing behind him, hands on Rui's chair as he stared at the new carousel. It was painted with brand new color with gold lining. String lights on the side of the roof and base. The stage, once empty, now has two dolls resembling the lilies, holding hands. He was jumping on his heel. "Come on! Come on! Spin it!"
Rui smiled and spun the key a couple of times. The light shone in a gentle orange hue as the sound of a piano gently resounded like a lullaby. The two dolls started to spin as they danced around the stage.
"It's beautiful…" Tsukasa said in awe. Rui could see his gaze softened and he once again prayed to heaven that he could stay strong from the sight.
"Not as beautiful as you," Rui stated the fact. Tsukasa didn't answer. He didn't have to, for Rui could see his cheek reddened.
"You're such a tease. Come here."
Dirty. Cursed. Unlucky. Bringer of Misfortune.
Those were the words Rui would often hear.
But when Tsukasa pulled him out of his chair into a dance, Rui didn't care anymore.
Tsukasa was so kind and merciful toward him; giving him a chance when others would look away. He who would cradle him gently like a newborn sapling, who would whisper to him encouragement to finally leave the garden, who would never laugh or leave him after a crude mistake.
Oh, gardener above, what did he do to deserve this?
To stand, to dance, together with the purest lily he had ever seen…
To fall in love…
To finally have the courage to cup his cheeks and lean down, kissing him with all the love he had until he could cry.
He prays to the heaven above that they could be together eternally. Just like the never-ending spin of his carousel.
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foolishsweet · 9 months
Mizushizukasa (platonic) where:
Shizuku and Mizuki find Tsukasa at the mall looking for materials to make costumes for a new play (WxS doing more guerrilla shows like Rui used to bc they don't have a home base anymore) and then the 3 of them end up giving each other advice, choosing patterns, sharing designs and methods for sewing and all kinds of advice.
Shizukasa at some point get distracted on the make-up and skincare stores discussing the best kinds of products and when Mizuki tries to bring them back the start planning a whole skincare routine for them and recommending make-up and all sorts of brands that will "give them a healthier glowing look" and "enhance their natural cuteness", and Mizuki doesn't have the heart to stop them.
kanakasa friendship where:
Tsukasa, per Saki's suggestion after she asked Ichika for help, asks Kanade for advice in composing music for their original shows. Tsukasa isn't used to making his own music and only plays by the music sheets. Kanade hears him play normally and the way he plays is full of whimsy and fun in a way she isn't used to. That no matter the song there is an energy that accompanies it.
Tsukasa listens to some of Nigo songs and tears up dramatically in front of her, making Kanade comically panic. He then says how he can't exactly understand it, but the songs are somehow comforting despite being so sad. He goes to praise Kanade in typical Tsukasa fashion (too loud too fast too much) and Kanade gets overwhelmed but is also happy.
Kanade thinks Tsukasa and Minori should be friends, as she melts into the ground.
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livegastrodonreaction · 3 months
;; pjsk pokémon assignments.. :looksatyou:
HIIIIIIWIIIII so I have only thought about them in detail for MMJ so far but I do have possible choices for the other units,,,
First of all. The mythical I would assign as "patrons" for the unit leaders !!!
Ichika -> Jirachi
Minori -> Shaymin (I'm especially normal about this one)
Kohane -> Victini
Tsukasa -> Keldeo (Keldeo is Tsukasa as a horsey and you cannot convince me otherwise)
Kanade -> Meloetta
now, MMJ's Pokemon partner assignments (I did three per character, just because I like it that way and I also think they'd each train more than one Pokemon each);
Minori -> Oshawott (I'm not sure if she chooses to evolve Oshawott yet, maybe Minori and Oshawott make that decision together in parallel with the events of step by step? That'd be cool), Pawmot, Jumpluff
Haruka -> Lanturn, Empoleon, Kirlia (I'm not sure if she chooses to evolve Kirlia yet, but I think Kirlia would at least show Haruka the desire to evolve after the events of Painful Hope)
Airi -> Delcatty, Nidoking, Mienfoo (starts showing the desire to evolve during Happy Lovely Everyday, actually evolves into Mienshao after Retie Friendship)
Shizuku -> Altaria, Milotic, Goomy (evolves to Sliggoo after My Color and into Goodra right after Unraveled Threads)
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dissonant-chord · 1 year
Kanade making friends with WxS
A random blurb of headcanons based on this post by @rockmoth
There’s a lot I could not get them out of my head
Kanade And Rui
Kanade and Rui hit it off right away.
Theyre both extremely active on those technical forums
They coincidentally answer each other’s questions on the forums
It also turns out they’re in the same Nightcord server so they started to just direct questions at one another in DMs.
They ended up finding out that they’ve got a mutual friend who happens to be Mizuki
Mizuki ofc plans for the three of them to hang out
They leave after 30 minutes like “have fun :D”
Rui shows Kanade all his robots
She may not understand it 100% but she understands it better than most
Rui commissions music for shows from Kanade
In return he builds her a custom roomba to vacuum for her
Kanade And Tsukasa
Kanade is Tsukasa’s wet cat of a friend
They also met from mutual friend Mizuki
BONUS HEADCANON: Mizuki and Tsukasa are sewing buddies
They’ve spoken a few times so they recognize one another when out and about
Most of their interaction comes from random encounters outside
Honami encourages Kanade to “get out more! go on a walk!”
She is not equipped for the outdoors
And he will get them for her
He basically mothers her
She does not mind
She’s a Tenma now
Kanade And Nene
Nene and Kanade are video game buddies
Mizuki suggested N25 go to an arcade for some group bonding :)) 
Kanade encountered Nene playing a rhythm game
They’re both so shy around each other
But Nene encouraged Kanade to have a go
Kanade is pretty good
“And you’ve never played it in your life????”
Safe to say, Nene is impressed
Most of their friendship is over text
With the occasional arcade meetup and online video games
She also had Nene do the vocals for a song once :)) 
Kanade and Emu
Emu and Kanade is the natural side effect of being friends with the rest of WxS
“You all have a friend without me :(((?”
Kanade started coming to WxS shows so Emu ran up to her after a show like “New friend :D” 
It was not a choice
They don’t have too much in common but Emu texts her cat memes all the time
She probably also stops by her house with snacks
They’re snack buddies in the way of
Kanade doesn’t try new things much and Emu has so many snacks she needs Kanade to try
Also the mutual friendship with Mafuyu
They just want her to be happy yknow
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sunenjoyswriting · 6 months
My White day AU
Writers note: Technically writing so it goes on here. Please note that this may change in the future, and the post will be updated as so! And it took me too long to finish this lol…
Warnings: Idk any that would go on this! It’s really just an explanation of my white day AU…
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Light Kingdom residents:
Kanade (Royalty, heir to the throne), Tsukasa (Prince), Emu (Royalty), Airi (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Kanade knight/bodyguard), Len (Knight), Mizuki (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Tsukasa knight/bodyguard), Akito (Knight), Shiho (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Emu knight/bodyguard), Minori (Assassin, out for the royal siblings), Ena (Normal Citizen, painter), Haruka (Normal citizen, popular singer), Rin (Knight), Kohane (Normal Citizen), An (Knight), Nene (Normal Citizen)
Dark Kingdom residents:
Mafuyu (Prince, heir to the throne), Ichika (Princess), Saki (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Ichika Knight/Bodyguard), Miku (Runaway from the light kingdom, just does whatever people pay her for), Rui (Knight/Bodyguard, designated Mafuyu knight/bodyguard), Toya (Knight), KAITO (Assassin), Honami (Normal citizen), Luka (Runaway from the light kingdom, assassin), Shizuku (Normal Citizen, popular singer), MEIKO (Assassin)
Cards for all of the characters:
Light Kingdom:
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Dark Kingdom:
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Romantic ships:
Kanade x Airi (Royalty x Bodyguard, forbidden love), Ichika x Saki (Forbidden love, royalty x bodyguard), Ena x Haruka (No particular dyanamic, due to being unimportant.)
Platonic Ships/Important Friendships:
Kanade & Mafuyu (Forbidden Friendship), Emu & Shiho (Overly expressive & Cold, Royalty & Bodyguard), Tsukasa & Mizuki (Royalty & Bodyguard), Emu & Saki (Forbidden friendship), Ichika & Saki (Royalty & Bodyguard, unexpected friendship), Mafuyu & Rui (Royalty & Bodyguard, unexpected friendship, Cold & Tries to get them to show emotion), Miku & Luka (Runaways together), Rui & Mizuki (Forbidden friendship, knight & knight)
Familial Relationships:
Kanade, Emu, & Tsukasa (Light Royalty), Mafuyu & Ichika (Dark Royalty), Len & Rin (Siblings), Ena & An (Cousins), Tsukasa & Saki (Siblings seperated from birth), Toya & Rui (Siblings)
Character Intros (Only important characters):
Light Kingdom:
Agender (They/Them), Aroace.
Shy, quiet, affectionate, secretive.
The oldest of the light royal trio and the heir to the light kingdoms throne, and also the “golden child”.
Can use minimal magic — though, theyre very bad at controlling it.
Demigirl (She/they), Aroace.
Confident, a little teasing towards Kanade, untrusting, secretive.
The first out of the three (important) light knights, she seems prim and proper at first but once you get to know them, they’re a little childish.
Can’t use magic.
Boy (He/Him), Gay.
Confident, loud, trusting, open (perhaps too much).
The middle child of the light royal trio who would become the heir to the throne if Kanade were to die, often the forgotten child. And some of the people in the light kingdom believe he may be originally from the dark kingdom… it’s unknown to anyone except himself if this is true.
Can use minimal magic, and is okay at controlling it.
Transfem (They/She), Lesbian.
Teasing, can be childish, protective, secretive.
The second out of the three (important) light knights, they makes clothes for the royals when she’s not on duty.
Can use minimal magic, but prefers not to.
Agender (She/they), Pansexual.
Overly expressive, hyperactive, easy to excite, open.
The youngest of the light royal trio, and would become the heir to the throne if both Kanade and Tsukasa were to die, loved by all the citizens of the light kingdom.
Can’t use magic, and probably shouldn’t…
Agender (They/Them), Bisexual.
Calm, the most skilled knight in the light kingdom, quick, secretive.
The third out of the three (important) light knights, was assigned to Emu since they’re basically the only one who can properl protect her with how hyper she is…
Can use magic, and is the best magic user in the light kingdom.
Transfem (She/Her), Aroace.
Seems sweet, good at manipulation, sometimes remorseful for killing people but ignores those feelings, secretive.
An assassin who’s after the light kingdoms royals — Nobody knows if she came from the dark kingdom or if she was always from the light kingdom, except herself.
Can’t use magic, but she’s good with swords to make up for it.
Dark Kingdom:
Demiboy (He/they), Aroace.
Cold, doesn’t tend to express his emotions, prefers to be alone then around people, secretive.
The older of the dark royal duo and the heir to the dark kingdoms throne, and the golden child.
Can’t use magic, but makes up for that with his swordsmanship (?).
Demiboy (He/they), gay.
Teasing, tries to get a laugh out of Mafuyu (always fails), very serious when it comes to his duties, secretive.
The first of the two (important) dark knights, he is quite… unique, for someone in dark kingdom.
Can use magic, and is the best magic user in the dark kingdom.
Transfem (She/her), Aroace.
Can be quite remorseful when she has to decide to approve an execution, can be irritated by small things, is better at forgiving then forgetting, secretive.
The younger or the dark royal duo who would become the heir to the dark kingdoms throne if Mafuyu were to die.
Can use minimal magic, and is quite good at it.
Transmasc (Any pronouns, no preference), bisexual (no preference).
Affectionate, not the strongest but very good at strategizing, would be the most likely to be able to blend into the light kingdom if needed, secretive.
The second of the two (important) dark knights, some of the people in the dark kingdom believe he may be originally from the light kingdom… it’s unknown to anyone except herself if this is true.
Can use minimal magic, but they’re really only good with bursts of magic.
Transneutral (She/he), pansexual.
Only herself and Luka know much about her, mysterious… it seems there was nothing else in his files about his personality.
One of the two runaways. Wanted dead or alive.
Her magic ability is unknown.
Transfem (She/they), pansexual.
Only herself and Miku know much about her, seems to be more open than Miku… it seems there was nothing else in her files about her personality.
One of the two runaways. Wanted dead or alive.
Her magic ability is unknown, but has been seen using it.
[Nothings here. How unfortunate.]
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cometcrumbss · 11 months
Have an au except I can't write
Okay think about it pjsekai x Infinity Train. Majority of the characters are average passengers or companions maybe except Mafuyu? Idk she COULD be the Amelia but hey, any OTHER character can be her. Also all of them follow VERY similar plotlines to season 2 cause of the whole companion stuff. And Miku is the conductor, I say no other words
- Ichika and Honami can be passengers. I'm not sure about Ichika but Honami is a passenger because she was bullied a lot and didn't know how to deal with it properly. So it's basically her learning how to be brave ig (I NEED to catch up l/n lore)
- Saki and Shiho are their companions. Shiho could be a kinda human but Saki can a cute little dog (or a corgi? hehe) and Shiho is from the school cart
- Maybe some Honasaki or Ichishiho?? Ichisaki, Shihonami and Polyneed works too
-I think Saki and Shiho might go to the real world with Ichika and Honami.
More More Jump!
- Everyone is companion except Haruka.
- Haruka joined the train after ASRUN disbanded
-the rest of the idols, Minori, Airi and Shizuku, are all part of the IDOL cart. They're all humans with some animal like features (Shizuku with cat ears and tail and minori having bunny ears)
- the moment minori saw haruka, she instantly fell in love with her (like in canon) and goes this whole journey of learning everything about her and learning lessons from Haruka about Idol(ing?)
- I think they do say goodbye but idk about Minori.
Vivid Bad Squad
- An and Kohane are passengers while Akito and Toya are companions
- Vbs kinda follows the premise of season 4, except An and Kohane didn't have the same numbers on their hand.
- Akito and Toya are from the street cart. MEIKO and Len are also there. Like in Canon, they both want to surpass RAD WEEKEND except Ken is different ig?
-Akitoya has their plot where they're actually rivals as they both want to surpass alone but they realize that they work really well together and in the end, they become partners
- An and Kohane actually meet from akitoya and similarly realize that work together well too and then pull a Ryan and Min gi thing where, in the real world, they're singing partners who travel across the world!
Wonderland x Showtime
- rui and nene are passengers while emu and tsukasa are companions
- ruinene were never close and actually had a pretty broken relationship
- rui was too insecure of himself and had low self esteem while nene couldn't hold long term friendships and just pushed people away a lot (rui being a victim unfortunately) and now the train brought them together to fix it
- tsukasa and emu are from the theme park cart along with Saki. They join them to bring some positivity and the four may or may not got way to attached to one another
- the four actually do get out of the train and become a theater troupe!
-I've realized that this sounds polysho, I don't ship it personally (I see queerplatonically tho 👀) you can interpret it as that :)
Nightcord at 25:00
- all of them are passengersbut separate and only meet after the train, their companion is kaito (kanamafu) cause that's funny and rin (mizuena)
- I don't really need to explain how they got into the train but Mafuyu has been in the train longer than anybody else and also has the longest number than anybody in project sekai does
- Kanade, despite being a passenger, does everything she can to save her, and unironically, it helps her.
- Mizuena has their own plot. Their relationship is similar to Canon except that Mizuki actually told Ena everything which got her out the train but Ena was still stuck
- Mizuki still stayed, and the two had to struggle with ups and downs of their numbers the most
- thankfully, they both left the train together and altogether, kanamafu and mizuena met through nightcord, creating the music group we know today
Lmao, sorry for rambling all of this, it's just fun merging your two favorite things together, I know the show is cancelled and all but prayers for the movie or season 5 🙏
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