#tua 2 imagine
aesthetic-bbyg · 1 month
I NEED Diego Hagreeves
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carmen-is-away · 8 months
last updated on february 20, 2024
requests are currently open
angst (a), fluff (f), mature (m), crack (c)
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・❥ apex legends ・
reader comforting bloodhound headcanons (f, a)
bangalore finding out wraith is a vampire (a) bangalore forgets wraith is her girlfriend (f)
bangalore finding out wraith is a vampire (a) bangalore and seer interaction headcanons (f, c) bangalore forgets wraith is her girlfriend (f)
random octane headcanons (f)
random crypto headcanons (f)
wattson taking care of hurt reader (f) wattson helping rampart with a panic attack (f, a)
general and romantic revenant headcanons (f)
wattson helping rampart with a panic attack (f, a) rampart's tics & habits
older sibling headcanons (f) bangalore and seer interaction headcanons (f, c)
Multiple Characters
what the legends smell like (c) cuddling headcanons: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 (f) mtl: to be a yandere (a)
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・❥ borderlands ・
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angsty elliott headcanons (a)
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・❥ umbrella academy ・
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falsewings · 1 month
Something positive about season 4:
Five has actually got to spend 6 years not worrying about an apocalypse! I'm happy for him about that at least
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serialadoptersbracket · 7 months
Round 2, Match 19: Grace vs. Vector the Crocodile
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Submitted kids:
Grace: Allison, Viktor, Diego, Five, Ben, Klaus, Luther
Vector the Crocodile: Espio the Chameleon, Charmy Bee
Propaganda under the cut!
“Each of those seven women's children became numbers 1-7, but were later all given names by Reginald's android nanny/adoptive mother for the children (except for Number Five, who refused to be given a name)”
Vector the Crocodile:
“I know some people perceive the dynamic of team chaotix to be espio and vector collectively taking care of charmy (the kid of the group) and I respect that and that is also correct, but am I the only one that thinks vector pretty much adopted like both espio and charmy? Like he's the only adult in the group, yeah he might not be as professionally responsible as some people's specific definitions may be but still. He's in a detective group with a teenager and a six year old child, so that pretty much puts him (21) into a position of being the eldest one, and therefore imo the dad of the group. Also I just like the idea of dad vector. In Sonic Archie I'm pretty sure charmy is even LEGALLY adopted judging by that one panel where vector says he writes charmy off as a charitable case (that sounds bad uhmmmm ignore that). He's also the one in the group that cares the most about the rent (why do they have rent anyway?? Like since when?? Was rent a thing in Sonic lore?? When literally no other character talks about rent?? I'ma just go with it).
Do you see my vision. Dad vector being the only one trying to mantain responsibility and getting tired of espio and chamrys chaotixness (espio is chaotic and silly. TO ME.) Obviously espio is also "the responsible one" but vector is older so
While originally charmy espio and vector were all listed as sixteen, that day is long gone now and now they must be a found family cuz they just are
Anyway yeah that's all I had to say”
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arcsin27 · 1 year
Allison Hargreeves and Tatsuya Suou are the same character
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bbqhooligan · 10 months
TWO very important threads were abandoned that ill never move on from which were 1-Five chose his name, effectively refusing Reginalds favoritism game and sibling rivalry, and rose above it (in his head) and 2-Five got close to Vanya specifically because she was Outside of the ranking game and was unable to either be competition to him or a threat. theyre both so RICH with potential because 1 can be framed in any emotion it can be as victorious or as bitter as you want it to be and 2 sets grounds for THE most interesting relationship dynamic within the siblings because Allison-Luther is winners coalition and Klaus-Ben is losers comradery. but look where we are now. Five's character is still just a cog in the machine. Viktor and Five existing in the same frame is a rare miracle.
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mistyechoes · 2 months
the horrible limbo of wanting to look up fandom content but only being two episodes into a show
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only0kcal · 2 months
50 dicas básicas da Ana e Mia. JAMAIS ESQUEÇER.
1. Coma sempre o pequeno-almoço! Isto mantém o teu metabolismo trabalhando.
2. Coma o mais devagar que puder. O organismo leva cerca de 30 minutos a perceber que está cheio. Mastigue até sentir a comida completamente desfeita na boca.
3. Coma em frente ao espelho.
4. Quando tiveres ânsias (compulsão) por comida conta até 100. Geralmente só o fato de te concentrar, faz-te perder a fome.
5. Pouse o grafo entre cada garfada.
6. Nunca comer a partir das 19h/20h (o metabolismo fica mais lento).
7. Disfarça a descoloração da pele debaixo das unhas por falta de nutrientes com verniz de cor.
8. Tome comprimidos para a azia se tiveres com muita fome. Neutraliza o ácido do estômago que te faz sentir fome.
9. Mantenha um caixote perto de onde come. Se sentires que vais comer demais, jogue o resto fora.
10. Beba refrigerantes light. Enche e têm apenas 1 caloria. (mas é preferível beber água)
11. Limpe alguma coisa nojenta, certeza que vais perder o apetite.
12. Escove os dentes. O sabor da pasta é horrível se comer em seguida.
13. Todas as calorias são importantes. Quando sentado(a) mexe a perna, contrai os abdominais, nunca pare de se exercitar.
14. Beba um copo de água por hora, não só vai fazer com o estômago se sinta cheio, mas também te vai dar uma pele hidratada. Água fria queima mais calorias, água quente enche mais.
15. Jogue fora a comida que achar que pode comer compulsivamente.
16. Quando sair, leve só o dinheiro que precisar, nada extra. Assim, não terá a tentação de gastar em comida.
17. Senta-te com a coluna direita, ter uma boa postura queima mais 10 calorias do que curvado(a).
18. Bebe um gole de água entre cada garfada. Isso vai te dar uma sensação de satisfação mais rápido.
19. Não fique muito agasalhada. O organismo gasta mais energia a manter o corpo quente.
20. Se tiver um ataque de comer compulsivo, mastiga a comida e cospe a seguir.
21. Coma as refeições em pratos pequenos.
22. Ande sempre com as nádegas contraídas, gasta imensas calorias e o resultado é bom.
23. Tente ficar confortável na cama, uma posição a qual terá certeza que não vai levantar-te para ir comer a noite.
24. Use a imaginação. Imagine como será a comida no estômago e como a gordura será formada (eca).
25. Estrague a tua comida. Coloque demasiado sal, por exemplo, resulta muito bem e você não irá comer. 26. Vai a lojas e experimenta roupas que gostaria que te servissem.
27. Olha para a gordura que tens no corpo e imagina que se comer, não vai fazer mais nada senão adicionar mais gordura ainda.
28. Coma quando estiver rodeada de pessoas. Com a conversa elas irão esquecer de te vigiar.
29. Obesidade é horrível e gordos são inúteis lembre-se disso.
30. Veja sempre foto daquele thinspiration linda.
31. Pesa-te sempre.As balanças não enganam.
32. Coloque na cabeça que se o teu amigo(a) magérrimo(a) come 3000 calorias e não engorda, não quer dizer que possa fazer o mesmo.
33. Aprende a gostar da sensação de vazio no estômago. Confia em mim, vai sentir-te enjoado quando comeres exageradamente mais uma vez.
34. Observa as outras pessoas, especialmente gordos (as), quando estiverem a comer, e sinta-se superior por não estar comendo nada e ter seu corpo limpo.
35. Come pastilhas elásticas (sem açúcar), mantém a boca distraída e não pensas em comer (só no último caso.).
36. Se comer, tenta comer sempre no mesmo lugar, mas sozinho(a), sem ver Tv ou no PC. Comer em frente a Tv distrai dos sinais de estômago cheio, e provavelmente não vai reparar na quantidade que comer.
37. Se estiveres com muita fome sai de casa , visita amigos onde não pode comer a vontade.
38. Quando sentires dores de estômago da fome, curve-se e encolha a barriga. Pelo menos para mim funciona.
39. Tente comer algo calórico, mas saudável, (ex.: uma banana) logo de manhã. O resto do dia sempre que te sentir tentado(a) a comer pense nas calorias que já comeu e que mais comida não será necessário.
40. Lembre-se sempre de uma coisa, perder peso não é só um objetivo, mas também uma disciplina.
41. Como uma data de evento (casamento, formatura) na vida é preciso esforço e força de vontade. É necessário planear e organizar a dieta, e não desistir nunca.
42. Um dia desleixado na dieta não é desculpa para parar e engordar horrores. Desistência é desculpa de pessoas fracas. E você não é fraca, não é mesmo?
43. Durante os dias de NF ou de LF muito baixo, pingue entre 3 à 10 gostas de limão (com uma gota de zero cal, a gosto) em 500ml de água gelada. Vai te refrescar além de te fazer sentir melhor e queimar calorias! (agua gelada acelera metabolismo)
44. Se bater uma vontade de compulsão troque refeiçoes para não entrar em desespero! Por exemplo, ao invés de almoçar algo que você não está com vontade, chupe uma bala ou coma azeitonas por exemplo. Aprenda a balancear.
45. Evite passar perto da cozinha principalmente nos horários de comer em que seus parentes estarão lá.
46. Cuide-se. Faça uma escova no cabelo ou mude o corte por exemplo. Tudo isso te fará se empenhar no emagrecimento.
47. Estaveleça punições. Eu sempre ando com um elástico azul no braço daqueles de colocar dinheiro. Deu vontade de comer ou abandonar a anna? Aperte bem forte no braço, fique na posição fetal e puxe! Você vai se sentir melhor,acredite.
48. Arranje um namorado ou alguém especial. Uma pessoa que é importante na nossa vida, sem ser da família obvio, nos faz esquecer de tudo fútil, por exemplo, comida.
49. Ouça músicas que te encorajam a ser bonita!
50. Uma ótima forma de se inspirar é vendo fotos de quem realmente tem o corpo dos seus sonhos!
51. Escreva textos sobre como você gostaria de ser, e o que você faria se fosse assim! Te dará ânimo para emagrecer!
52.Compre aquela roupa perfeita a qual você se comprometeu a usar. Eu sei como é difícil domar a anna as vezes até porque eu sou uma! Mas entenda que não adianta você ler mil dicas e não fazer nada. Não só pense, aja! Não sonhe, seja! Ana, make me beautiful.
Creditos: pro-annnamia-blogspot.com
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TUA Tumblr Simulator pt. 1
Find more here: pt. 2
🪩traumallama Follow
The Umbrella Academy never should have existed. Those were CHILDREN!! They were THIRTEEN when they first appeared! They KILLED people! Two of them DIED! It really goes to show how much you can do if you have money
FUCK Reginald Hargreeves
🌺thinkingthings Follow
Wait 5 DIED?!
🪩 traumallama Follow
It was never confirmed, but honestly, seems the most likely that they would have just covered it up. If he's still alive, I hope he got to live a nice life without that cult
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💗L0veOnLo4n Follow
Every journalist, interviewer, fan, whatever, who is asking Allison Hargreeves about her brothers or her father should just be sent to space. How would you like it if I bring up your childhood trauma constantly?
🌫️love-h4te-whatevs Follow
Didn't she like kill people?
💗L0veOnLo4n Follow
She was a CHILD! It was all planned by their father, he was the one who "trained" them. He should go to prison but that won't ever happen. Not to mention he didn't just adopt those children, he bought them
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🌌jupiters-moons Follow
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
I am so excited to go read this
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
Starting off: WOW Reginald Hargreeves was an even bigger asshole behind closed doors. Who would have thought?
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
ALLISON Hargreeves and Spaceboy were IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER?!
I know the book says that they weren't really a family... But they were?? They are clearly described as brothers and sisters?
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
Had to put the book down for a while
Gosh, that so surprised me
I used to have the BIGGEST crush on Spaceboy but now I doubt I can think of them the same way ever again
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
Calmed down, I'll continue now
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
That does NOT belong in a book!
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
Drug addiction by age 13, damn
🌕eyestothesun Follow
Wait who was addicted to drugs
🌨️twirlingandwhirling Follow
The Séance. Kinda surprised so many people are shocked about this. There are quite a few interviews with them in which it is just blatantly obvious. Look at his eyes in this one for example. Or in this one he is so chill, not really there, but his siblings do all the talking
🌳drrrrreams Follow
Wow first time I've heard about this but this is so... Incredibly sad.
👥lurkeringlurrlurr Follow
Honestly? I'm more surprised that not more of them are addicts after all they've been through
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
Thanks for the additions!
Five's tragical disappearance. This is the worst part of it by far. They were so close and you can just feel the grief. And to never know what happened, damn
And one of their brothers can see dead people...
I don't know if I'd want to ask him or not. Asking for closure's sake, but if you don't, there is still hope that he'll come back some day.
This is just so sad
🌌jupiters-moons Follow
Spoke too soon, it can get sadder
Ben was their glue, his death was so brutal. He died so young and so painful, I can't imagine what that must be like. For him or for the siblings.
No wonder they disbanded after that. It makes you question your own mortality
8,799 notes
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🚵rolly-molly Follow
Wait what happened to Spaceboy? Did he give up on missions and move out?
🤺theyseemen0t Follow
He died
🚵rolly-molly Follow
🤺theyseemen0t Follow
I mean, it was never confirmed, but he got really badly injured on his last mission, lethally, and hasn't been seen since
🚵rolly-molly Follow
I had no idea. Rest in Peace
🍇thelandbeforewine Follow
False news, he got injured, but he survived. Otherwise we would have known about it from "Extra Ordinary" which came out last week, given that all the other family secrets were shared in it.
🚵rolly-molly Follow
Ohh, thank you so much! That makes me really happy, I was really worried
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c0ffeeb1ack · 1 year
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locke-esque-monster · 13 days
I finished Umbrella Academy last night. The further I got into the season the messier the writing seemed to get. I've seen a few things pointed out already: like Lila totally wore bracelets before, why did Luther go chimp again, Five said Lila wasn't his type etc.. Here's a list I was compiling while I watched of things that didn't sit right or made no goddamn sense. It is by no means exhaustive (meaning that it's definitely not every issue, but definitely exhausting to write).
The whole reason Ben was killed was because he touched Jennifer. But Luther and Victor both touch "The Cleanse" during the department store scene. Luther gets stuck, but all it takes is Victor & Lila to get them out. Victor is pushed away by Ben just before he's shot. Were they both also infected and it didn't have time to stick? Or did the writers truly forget this was a plot point partway into the finale?
Quinn came in on the second meeting with Klaus's client Loretta saying "that was fast". They didn't call for him. They didn't give any indication they were done or that he should interrupt. So for all he knows, he should be walking in on them having sex. So is this poor writing in that they put in a statement that makes zero sense? Or poor writing in that they were watching Klaus "work" with surveillance camera and they just never explained that? (Which for the record that's even more screwed up.)
Speaking of which, did we just forget that Klaus has real issues with consent of his body (see season 2) and locked in small spaces with the dead (see season 1)? Or do the writers just not care and played it for laughs?
So we're down 4 episodes, but we're going to introduce 2 love triangles no one asked for (Sy, Jean, and Gene and Diego, Lila, Five)? Cool, that seems like a smart use of time.
After all the trouble Five has gone through, he's suddenly cool with changing the original timeline? Like no notes, no calculations - just down to mess things up by letting Ben live? Who are you Five? (The only calculations we saw from Five this season were a notebook he found another Five wrote - blasphemy.)
So Five is just going to conveniently find a notebook with a way out and we're never going to explain that?
Lila and Five spend 6 1/2 years searching for a way home, but Five's sad Lila picked Diego and he immediately stumbles into a Deli straight off an exit with all the Fives? And somehow that's not something he or Lila ever found?
Do the writers know how being buried alive works? Because first Klaus opened the coffin easily and then managed to accidentally fall in it and get it so stuck he couldn't get it open again. Incredibly implausible. But then wouldn't he run out of air eventually? Seems like he should have in the half a day he was in there. And I can't imagine the lighter would have been good for that situation (I'm not an expert, but any gas release, does it use air, etc.)
So Lila's family is cool with them missing for days? Claire too? I saw little to no attempt to check in, until it was convenient for the plot for Claire to say Klaus upset her when Allison calls. And multiple days seem to pass, but other than Klaus in his coffin and Ben in the hotel, there's no explanation where they slept, or that they really should be in contact with their families. And at least 2 nights pass for Ben (fight at the barn, hotel).
Ben kind of just turns into OG timeline! Ben around Jennifer. There's no explanation for his change in personality, even just that he was lonely without his family. But other than some vague "I can't stop thinking of her" there's no explanation of why they're so connected and Ben had a personality re-write. It gives us "magic made us fall in love" vibes.
I'm fully convinced that the elevator fight with Luther is a call back to CA:WS but TUA did not have either the money or the motivation to choreograph and film the fight scene, so they just waved their hands and said "close enough".
So we're just not going to explain how Five, who ostensibly is physically about 19 per canon, joined the CIA? And on top of that Five, arguably the sharpest, most paranoid character who took down the Commission in a single day in season 1, never checked into his boss or got suspicious about the CIA?
It's a 13 hour drive, but Klaus just magically got back to town on his own after ditching his family and it's never addressed? We've neither seen him drive and he doesn't seem to have a job to pay for a ride home, so I'm at a loss here. Admittedly, I'm not entirely clear how Allison got back to confront Klaus, unless she rode with Diego and Luther before their CIA trip? Though they also seems to have walked back from the CIA so I'm not sure how they got there either?
Okay, so I'll admit that Ben wouldn't necessarily know Reginald shot him. And I'm guessing Reginald wiped their memories quickly. And Ben's bullet would is less obvious in the back of the head. But you're telling me in the 15-ish years of hanging out together as each others' primary companion (12 in original timeline, 3 in the 60s), Klaus never made a dig about Ben's death? Ben never said something and Klaus repeated that weird statement from Reginald? Neither of them said anything weird about it the other one questioned? I swear that's why Klaus was written a whole separate plot with being kidnapped, so he specifically wasn't around for that scene to question or react to it. Also I'm pissed that it's very likely Klaus never knew how Ben died before he also died.
So after multiple episodes of (completely awful) jokes about Diego getting fat, you're going to actually make the character shirtless for no reason and him look exactly as he did before. I just...really?
Claire makes a comment when Allison first returns like "Why are you saving someone whose immortal?" Like what? First, okay let's assume Claire heard this about Klaus at some point (weird, but not impossible). Allison has been back for 5 minutes from the mission where Klaus got his powers back. Klaus didn't tell her. Allison didn't tell her on the phone call we saw or when she walked in. There is exactly zero reason Claire should have this information again.
Claire and Allison interrogate Quinn and all he tells them is pet cemetery. I'm concerned they don't know it's a dog or the dog's name, but I let it slide. Maybe they'll look for freshly dug holes. They're looking and they hear a dog bark to get them closer and they're like "OMG Thunderbolt". Like they're relieved they found the correct dog's grave when they have not actually been told that name before.
I'm not even going to unpack the mess that is Lila and Five here. Going to have to be a separate post.
(I will add that I'm not contesting the ending being on 8/8/24 when it should be 2025/2026 because if they've reset the timeline, the ending can really be whenever they feel like it. So I guess 1 point in the writers favor to the dozen and a half points I listed against them.)
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xtraordinaryfangrl · 1 month
Now that I’ve approached the S3 finale, I’m deciding to go ahead and put myself out of misery by watching the dreaded final season of TUA.
However, before I subject myself to that kind of senseless pain/suffering, I need to give Diego and Lila’s son an official name because he STILL doesn’t have one and that’s annoying me more than I thought it would. Ready?
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You’re welcome, Diegolila Nation!
(also there’s a very high chance I’ll be traumatized enough to to imagine those 6 years I won’t get to see, with Grace and the twins as babies and all of the ensuing fluffy family mayhem. all of which will be in headcanon format, so look out for those if you’re interested!)
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carmen-is-away · 8 months
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Hi, my name is Carmen and I can’t like things a normal amount so now you, yes you, get to hear all of my headcanons!
I write for Stardew Valley, Apex Legends, Borderlands, The Umbrella Academy, and A3!
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masterlist. request rules. inbox.
requests are currently open (no apex legends requests)
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I will not tolerate racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, etc. If you act like that on my blog, you will be blocked and reported immediately.
If your blog consists of overly gratuitous nsft content, gore, sexual age regression, MAP content, or hateful content, DO NOT INTERACT!
If you are a minor DNI with nsfw content on my blog. If your age is not in your bio when interacting with my nsfw content, I will block you.
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spacephobos · 1 year
tpp 10 funniest tua imagines: reggie giving The Talk
"when a man and a woman...... or anyone else..... like each other they may begin to copulate.... they will wrap the tentacles..... no you dont have them.. most of you dont.... they will insert... NUMBER 2 NUMBER 3 STOP LAUGHING... NUMBER 4 I SAW THAT CRUDE MOTION DONT DO IT AGAIN.... NUMBER 1 YOU LOOK POSITIVELY ILL IF YOU PASS OUT YOULL DO EXTRA TRAINING"
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Ways the plot of tua s4 could have been improved while including a lot of the same storyline:
It goes without saying that a 6 episode season was too rushed for even the shitty plot we got given, but I'll mention that these ideas would have worked better for an 8-10 episode season. Or maybe you could use them for fics or comics- I'd love to see them!
1. The careers and new lives of non-powered umbrellas: While Lila, Klaus, and Viktor had decent set-ups, the others seemed out of place. Diego's personality and desire to be a hero would have been better suited to a mall cop or traffic cop, where he feels undervalued and underutilised, rather than just beaten down as a delivery driver for jokes about peeing in a bottle. Luther only mentioned Sloane a couple of times in the entire series- with more than 6 episodes, it could have been possible to give flashbacks of him trying to get back to her, but her not recognising him and not being romantically interested. Not sure what changes could be made to his job or housing though. Allison's setup was mostly fine, but we really should have been given an explanation for why Raymond left- maybe lean into the horror of being taken from your time and timeline raising a daughter you suddenly have? Five would not work for the CIA except as a double-agent, either that or he would be retired as a fishing supplies store owner. Ben is his own whole point later in this post.
2. The marigold sake shots: I feel like this plot point added to Ben just being an asshole and scapegoat for the entire season, which could benefit from major changes. If left relatively unchanged, the fact that Klaus threw it over his shoulder could have led to greater implications if it landed on an unknown person behind them and gave them powers. This person could have been the subject of an episode or two as they were tracked down when it was necessary.
3. Ben's character: While s3 Sparrow Ben was a dick, he was not as edgy, conceited, or self-absorbed as he was in s4. I think it's fine to start his arc with him leaving prison, but making the crime as major as crypto fraud (just because you think it's funny) makes it much more difficult for him to seem likeable and relateable to Jessica or anyone else. If the crime was something more minor, or he was framed/unfairly jailed it could set up a revenge/redemption arc from the get-go. With his relationship with Jessica, it would have benefited from being more of a slow burn, or if the gradual unnatural obsession had more than 6 episodes to build up.
4. The subway romance: While I can almost understand why it was Five and Lila due to their history working together and especially using time travel together, I think if Five needed a romance (which I don't but show writers can't stand having one member of the main cast never being in a relationship), it should have been someone he met while on that 7 year subway adventure (probably an older woman) and settled with in Strawberry Tradwife timeline while Lila keeps looking for a way out for the sake of her children. Lila would find the journal a few months later and using both it and the subway map, get back to Five because she still needs his powers to get entirely out of the subway system. Could you imagine a scene with Lila trying to convince Five to leave the peaceful Strawberry Tradwife life he's always wanted after dealing with the trauma of being stuck in time twice?
5. Klaus's return to addiction: I think Klaus's arc could have definitely benefited from the season being longer. If there was a slower burn towards his addiction returning and his confrontation with Claire and if she stressed more that he didn't need to go down this path again, it could have really been impactful. The ghost sex trafficking thing was gross but if that was the only way to get him buried alive then so be it, because having him in a situation where he would have to directly face his trauma from the mausoleum and become stronger would be so good for the sendoff of his character. Maybe that could have been the point where he learned how to levitate?
6. Reginald and false memories: Why was the fact that he's literally not human and crafted this timeline so he could have as much power as possible (including a militia town) not explored at all? The plot should have revolved a lot more around at least verifying what he was saying about marigold and durango, if not about handing him a final defeat for this final season. Everything around him killing Ben led to huge plot holes (why wouldn't Klaus know the truth from Ben's ghost? Ben easily could have been spared and only Jessica shot. Why was Jessica being in a squid never explained?). While it's interesting to see the Umbrellas all give a brainwashed explanation for Ben's death, it couldn't be something as blatant as that, because Klaus would have to know even if everyone else was brainwashed. The brainwashing is an idea with promise, but it should have been something like Ben and Jessica being consumed by the giant squid together because Ben went against orders.
What other things could have been changed? I personally liked the CIA subplot, especially as it taught Diego to appreciate his family more. I also found Jean and Gene and the Cleanse conspiracy theorists to be fun new mini-villains.
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golden-redhead · 1 month
I'll definitely check your video out!
At this point I am not enterily sure that it was only something against David, but that Steve is just a sick perv.
Many people say it was predictable since season 2 and the chemistry they shared, which is already concering enough because the actor of Five was underaged and also the character he portrayed.
They had the great enemies to friends development, but season 3? The scene in the bathing room where Lila fights him naked, Diego saying if they bathed there together?
It seems like Steve waited until Five and his actor are aged up enough to make it legal. Which is not only disturbing, but also so sad for the development Diego and Lila had.
I'm not sure how many people know about it, but there's been allegations against Blackman made by the staff of TUA made shortly before season 4 came out. At the time, I wasn't sure what to think about it because allegations like these are always a bit of a he-said-she-said and, frankly, I had too much going on in my personal life to pay attention. But all of that combined with some of the choices made in the final season... Yeah, it's not a great look.
I agree that it feels like Blackman was playing the waiting game to give Five a romantic arc. And the age issue has so many layers to it, too, because it's a combination of multiple issues with both the characters' ages and the actors' ages and maturity levels. As someone only a few years younger than Lila's actress, I can't imagine kissing someone I knew since he was 15.
And it's not just Five and Lila but other characters and writing decisins as well. I am considering making a more in-depth post or even a video about Klaus specifically, but if I'm being honest... I don't even know where to start. There's just something inherently problematic about a queer man being repeatedly denied his bodily autonomy and presented in an unserious manner again and again despite the deep trauma he went through. It's irresponsible at best and downright harmful at worst.
And I'll be first to admit that yeah, Five and Lila had an amazing chemistry in their shared scenes in previous seasons, but I don't think chemistry always has to translate to romantic/sexual chemistry. They were a great duo and you can tell the actors enjoyed working together. Their enemies-turned-besties relationship was great and I wish they kept it that way.
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