#tv serial gossip
ik-g · 10 months
Mary And George
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graveyardcuddles · 8 months
The thing I love most about Astarion honestly is the fact that he IS so deeply weird. Like I joke about not understanding why people wouldn't be attracted to him, but in all seriousness, I do totally get it. He IS deeply bizarre and even just off-putting at times. And that's before he tries to drink your blood in your sleep. And I can relate to that to an extent (the being weird part).
I remember so many times growing up struggling with social cues and just being the "weird kid" because I would randomly start talking about something like the process of mummification in extreme detail because I was going through my ancient egypt obsession era. Or I would randomly bring up topics like jack the ripper or the borgias because I saw some sensationalized cable tv documentary about them that I definitely wasn't old enough to have watched.
I know it's silly but it's genuinely one of the things I find most endearing and "real" about him. How utterly gleeful he gets talking about finding things like clown body parts or canopic jars with mummy organs in them. Would honestly just love to just sit with him and let him talk my ear off all day long about serial killers and necromancy and gossip about faerun's equivalent of the habsburgs and weird vampire stuff all day long.
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jac-jay · 3 months
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You're all such pieces of shit, I swear. THERE IS AN OPEN POLICE INVESTIGATION, SINCE 2022. If you engaged with the words of the victims or did ANY basic research, you'd know this. Instead, you're a 41 year old on tumblr, defending a serial rapist and groomer and calling his victims gossipers. All so you can keep watching a goddamn TV series guilt-free. Fuck you, you absolute fucking loser.
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placeinthisworld · 5 months
just curious what you mean about your idol becoming what she used to sing about? what do you think has changed? no hate just genuinely curious
i feel like over the years her music has become more jaded, less personable more targeted. she used to sing about her experiences and feelings more generally and therefore held more interest bc of the relatability aspect of her songs. like for all the ogs which i may still listen to she had so much intent in the songwriting. like, as a teenager i never went through a breakup (still haven’t?) so i could never relate to her breakup songs in a traditional way- but the way she would write about her feelings would still feel relatable to me enough to help me through different situations.
i feel like now she writes to complete and album. she knows she can bullshit something quick is she’s motivated enough. it feels like midnights was a first draft- like it was never edited and perfected it was just written, recorded and produced. done.
i also feel like her fanbase has a lot to do with it. i think when folklore was released, she had disappeared from the spotlight long enough for the general public to forget why they were so against her to begin with. i think taylor made her dating life a main highlight in her career (whether that was on purpose is another debate), so when she got with joe and went private for a bit the general public weren’t being plastered w ts/ bf gossip and sightings to annoy them and remind them of her “serial dater” reputation. and when folklore came out it was purely about the album and not the relationship that influenced the album bc it was “fictional,” and people needed something fun to transfix on when the world was unpredictable and scary bc of covid- which is why everyone and their mom became a swiftie overnight. nobody speculated about what song was about who (i mean swifties did ofc but it wasn’t a world wide thing- it was just rocking out to august). the internet definitely shifted during this time and it feels like everyone became chronically online.
long story short: i feel like taylor is using her songwriter and platform as a weapon. she knows her fans are weirdly cult like and notoriously known for being bullies on the internet, and that they’ll buy and believe anything she says. i think everyone will be expecting a folklore- likeness to ttpd but i think it’ll be a cheap way of blowing over her relationship with joe and changing the narrative for rep tv. overall it just feels like all of her songwriter is so personal to her life and her relationships it’s not relatable anymore, her words don’t have the impact they once did. everything feels tailored to her life specifically and it’s more of a show for swifties to make pick up easter eggs for clout on the internet. like she knows what she’s doing with ttpd, we all know.
it’s evident in the way she markets herself, it’s evident in the lack of marketing of her albums. she knows her fans will promote it for her. no lead single, no real description of the album or anything. hundreds of dollars of encouraged preorders for something you don’t even know if you’ll like until you buy it. fucked with umg to try to return it if you don’t. fomo if you missed out on an “exclusive” or “limited” item.
also just the whole miss americana thing she’s ignoring. we all heard her. she said she wanted to be on the right side of history. yet here she is politically silent as always- besides that one time in 2020 when she coincidentally had something to release….
(also unrelated….but like the taylor overexposure is real. i love that she’s interested in doing different things but i wish she would prioritize quality over quantity. it feels like she’s rushing through everything to get to the next one. i just wish she would care more about her art than breaking records and being #1/ talked about constantly. it just feels very….narcissistic? like girlie you’re a billionaire and youre still in your early thirties what are you trying to do??? be the first person to sing on the moon like??? when is it Enough for her?)
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turtlesocksv2 · 9 months
Liveblogging DFF Ep 2
It's time for Dead Friend Forever episode 2!
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Ok I have to say this but it cracks me up every time i watch a Thai show and we get that little disclaimer at the start saying "we do not condone any characters/jobs/actions in this show it is for entertainment only" like what kind of 2003 FF.Net "Please don't sue me i am poor and only playing with these characters like dolls" ass thing to see in front of Mafia Dramas (Kinnporsche), Serial Killer hijinks (Dead Friend Forever) and fucking bittersweet adult midlife crisis vibes (Moonlight Chicken).
Top is absolutely losing it, and they need to leave poor Fluke alone. He is trying his best! What more do you expect from him?!
Oh, Tee is the first to break off from the group. RIP Tee, we'll see how that works out for you.
The mask the killer wears really is very freaky. well done, props department.
Phi the only one awake. I see you. I support you in your killings.
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Oh I really thought Top was donefor there. Phi taking control of the group is so interesting. The way he leads everyone down what investigation paths...
Alright just what did you guys do to Non last time??? thank god the 3 newbies to the group are having a little sidebar asking that question. Clearly whatever it was was awful for the group to jump immediately to Non is Dead and his Ghost is Cursing Us and He Wants Us Dead Too for What We Did. But also, i think this rules out All Three Newbies working together to I Know What You Did Last Summer the group, otherwise this scene would make no sense. We'd have another Gossip Girl Dan situation where actions taken when they're alone don't add up to the reveal. So at least 1 of the newbies is not involved.
LOL at Tan trying to get Fluke to spill what the core group knows. If i was Fluke I'd be feeling very very threatened right now. "You think you're going to be next. I'm worried about you." and now Jin is being mean to Fluke too! for the love of god, Fluke is trying! just because he wants to be a doctor doesn't mean he can perform surgery in a cabin in the woods! Leave him alone!
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"a good-mouthed and good-hearted man like you doesn't need to remind me" yessss. kill him.
lmao Por has old fucking floppy disks. are these people old enough to have used a floppy disk in their lives. but i know i've got old floppies around somewhere so it makes sense there'd be some at a like summer vacation house that gets used rarely. but also, did i miss that Por hid the footage last episode? because otherwise wouldn't the harddrive that had the footage still be in the room they were all in when Phi hooked it up to the TV?
Was that a mystery medicine bottle in the closet? 👀👀 yeah i'm gonna need someone who can read Thai to to screenshot and tell us what that says.
Oh i really don't need the squelching noises from Fluke tending to Por's wound, please.
Ok, that Por jumpscare with the balcony door got me. and How the fuck does Por have the strength to strangle someone when he's been bleeding out all night?! Obviously a hallucination or something but what caused the hallucination?!
Thank you, White, for bringing back up that they are in the Cult Sacrifice Woods and this might be a Cult Killer or have to do with the cult. a very important thing to remember.
I would absolutely be looking at that footage the second Tee and Top turned their backs, the fuck. No you don't get to act that sus about what happened three years ago and play it off! Phi fighting the fight to keep that footage intact and eventually seen. Tan trying to gently break the idea that the group was bullying Non to White.
oh SHIT the way Uncle Deng got fucking GOT by that wire i screamed! i knew something was going to go down because obviously they couldn't escape the valley mansion in episode 2 but jesus. fucking. christ.
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Tee finally remembering he has a boyfriend that he abandoned to the serial killer lmao. Tee and Top keep almost getting away and then going back. they are being herded like cattle. but also, it's kind of sus.
No PhiJin and barely any TeeWhite stuff this episode, which makes sense in that they are busy they don't have time to fuck, but i do find it interesting that PhiJin seem to be on the same page the episode with like no relationship tension between them just situational worry considering Jin was literally biting Phi's dick last episode. Putting aside grudges to stay alive: i'm proud.
anyway that was a really good episode! Tee and Top are the worst. Fluke needs to get the fuck out of this toxic friend group. White needs to dump Tee and get the fuck out of this toxic friend group. Phi and Tan can kill whoever they want i support it. ❤️
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Book Review 31 – An Unauthorized Fan Treatise by Lauren James
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This was a book (or, web fiction piece. Web serial? I’m not actually sure how it was initially released) that I read basically on a lark after getting curious seeing a few people talk about it on tumblr. So, score one for viral marketing and the convenience of reading free webfiction, I suppose – I was up until half past three in the morning barrelling through it all in one sitting. Which is all just incredibly appropriate for this story in particular.
So, the story’s a thriller/murder mystery, but specifically one about the actors on a trashy CW-style hot-young-adults-playing-supernatural-creatures-having-teen-drama style tv show, as told in the form of a sprawling series of essay-length posts by a fan devoted to proving that the two male leads are fucking in real life but forced to hide their live by the homophobic network. Things get more tangled from there.
So, as I said, very appropriate that I learned about this on tumblr. Basically everything about it is about online fan culture – there’s tens of thousands of words devoted to recounting livejournal sockpuppet drama, every chapter ends with a ‘comment section’ that’s mostly a Greek chorus but occasionally relevant to the plot, and almost literally every single aspect of the story and framing are a reference or pastiche to some famous online clusterfuck or other of the kind you’ve probably watched far-too-long video essay retrospectives of on youtube. Or I have, anyway (but then again, ninety percent of the references were a bit before my time anyway, so the cultural education was pretty crucial to me understanding what this was going for at all).
And, given all that, I ultimately found this pretty disappointing? It was absolutely readable, and enjoyable in the moment, but the metatextual commentary element meant the thriller plot at the heart of it just ended up seeming like, well, cheap soap opera. Beyond that, the framing device just seems like one giant missed opportunity, the commentary on fandom culture was in the end pretty shallow, and the shocking twist in the epilogue was, I think, just a mistake.
So okay, lets justify all of that in order.
When I say the plot didn’t really hold together for me, that might be more the fault of the word-of-mouth marketing that pointed me towards the story more than any promises the text itself makes, honestly. But I went in expecting a story about fan obsession and hallucination, projection and parasocial relationships, and all that. And downstream of that, I was expecting something a bit grounded? And the story just wasn’t either of those things; to begin with, the two celebrities the ‘fan treatise’ is about really are secretly dating and being forced to hide it, which seemed like kind of inexplicable decision to me as I read it. It’s not just that, either. Like to be clear this story absolutely has an unreliable narrator, but for a story ostensibly about fan obsession, it seems a bit odd for, lik, there to be an extended digression about how a famous actor was totally of an asshole in a livejournal fanfic community a decade previously, and then have that be revealed to be totally and unambiguously correct.
It’s less of an issue, but as I said the actual murders and intrigues at the core of the story are kind of just..ridiculous? Which I honestly normally wouldn’t mind, but- wen your story spends so much time talking about trashy supernatural tv shows and fanfic, it becomes kind of important that the ground-level narrative seem real by comparison, you know? And this had altogether too much talk of ‘the dark web’ for that.
I’m very possibly going to be putting my foot in my mouth hear (most of the specific fan cultures and pieces of drama being referenced, I only really know second hand through various salacious youtube gossip rags), but for all that the entire story’s utterly preoccupied with, in the end I found the commentary on fan culture really..shallow? Sure, the entire premise is having a laugh at larry stylinson-style RPF shipping conspiracies, the entire livejournal plot is a pastiche of the MsScribe drama, there are plenty of jokes about how m/m shippers literally forgetting about te female lead in te show she headlines, etc, etc. And they’re, largely, well-done references and jokes! Not really complaining about that.
But I’m kind of left feeling like there’s nothing really underneath it all. Which- if James had sat down a story with the explicit purpose of Saying Something About Fandom, it would almost certainly have been terrible. But between the murder plot and the revelations of Gottie’s byzantine revenge scheme (which honestly I’m consciously choosing not to think about too hard lest this just turn into cinemasins-for-books), in the end all the fandom stuff almost felt like window dressing? Elaborate, detailed, and impressive window-dressing, to be sure, but as the story went on and the plot became more clearly thriller-ish, increasingly revealed to be surface level and ornamental.
Speaking of ‘surface level’: the web serial medium and use of links here was such an incredible missed opportunity. You have an utterly unreliable narrator with a secret agenda and a grudge writing tens of thousands of words of livejournal essays about celebrities, and then you go to the effort of making actual accounts on twitter/insta/whatever to leave real links to when you cite them, and then you have her actually faithfully relate what the cited paged say? What a waste! This would have been so much better if it was 50% more postmodern and up its own ass about playing with the format. And doing so would even let you have that (incredibly obvious on one level, entirely out of nowhere and dramatically dead when it’s dropped as the literal last word of the story) reveal in the epilogue actually work!
Anyway, this all sounds incredible negative. Which isn’t entirely inaccurate, honestly, but I should reiterate that I googled this out of idle curiosity on a Friday evening and only realized it was 3am when I finished it. The negativity is more because this seemed so close to being amazing than because it was anything heinous.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 1 year
ok so I have watched Riverdale and I have Thoughts about the bones of a gossip girl Riverdale AU but not necessarily about the plot. (GG was one of the first things to premiere after the rebrand from the WB (beat only by a show that lasted 8 episodes) and Riverdale is the last thing to go before it becomes a more "adult oriented" channel so it's fascinating to compare the 2)
Riverdale has a reputation for being "oh crazy weird show!!" (earned) but like... despite the escalating drama, the characters aren't really allowed to grow or change (or be fleshed out at all) they stay more or less the same one dimensional stereotypes for seasons 1-6 (season 7 is an alternate timeline it's a whole thing.) like I genuinely cannot place the plot of each season in order bc the characters aren't allowed to be affected by their experiences
(which is also exemplified by having them stay in high school forever, as opposed to the GG route of having them ignore their educations and pretend to be adults)
(I could go on a tangent here about how TV has gotten more serialized as technology develops. like early TV you watched when you could and things went into syndication so you had to be able to watch any episode out of context. but with streaming everything is binged. so stories can take multiple episodes and characters can change)
but GG and Riverdale arent streaming shows so the characters stay perpetually stuck in these cycles of Big Stories that Take Time but characters don't grow
we could also talk about narration and the story within the story. bc Riverdale is presented as a book that jughead is writing about his friends and gossip girl is being told to us by Dan (who also ends up writing a book about his friends.) the dark underbelly if Riverdale is the focus of the show vs the UES being more and more idealized as the show goes on
BUT!! I do also have plot thoughts!!!!
starting with the obvious. Riverdale stole the Derena/Rufly/Scott Rosson thing! but they took it a step further by having both couples dating, living in the same house, and having the love child move in! (then they revealed the guy who moved in wasn't their son at all but an imposter (and a serial killer! don't worry he marries the real illegitimate son!) Gossip Girl should've done this
Blair would start a cult predicated on her being the reincarnation of Audrey Hepburn. Serena (the most cult susceptible) would be a full fledged believer and a recruiter until she and Blair had that same fight about attention they always do then Serena would team up with recent-cult-escapee Jenny to take her down
Chuck would get involved with Carter Baizen's dog fighting ring for 2 episodes, but stop when he gets yelled at by his mom's ghost while high on psychedelics he got from Nate's drug dealer. a season later Chuck would do a seance and have the ghosts of his parents possess Jenny and Eric and force them to get married in some convoluted scheme to tax insurance fraud. they would stay possessed until Jonathan (upset Eric dumped him over text) showed up at the penthouse and was like "this is clearly not jenny and Eric" but nobody believes him so he has to exorcise them himself with a song (Riverdale would stop episodes for 3 minutes at a time so characters could sing, so be glad this song moves the plot forward)
Vanessa, while making a documentary, stumbles upon a society of mole men who hold her hostage bc she knows their secret. they let her send Dan a letter and she uses a secret code they made as kids to tell him where she is. he goes to rescue her but in the time it took she became queen of the mole people and now needs to be convinced to come home (again through song)
Nate is descended from serial killer HH Holmes. he Googles if that can be genetic and that's how we learn about the serial killer gene. he's relieved he doesn't have it but he makes all his friends do the DNA test and falls into a guilt spiral when it turns out that Serena does (she doesn't really care)
Dan, doing research for his book, finds out Lily had a girlfriend in highschool that she lost touch with, and reaches out to her. said girlfriend initially refuses to appear but changes her mind and arrives the night before the rufly wedding and tells drunkenly Nate the story of the body she and Lily hid one night. Nate (in the middle of his guilt spiral) tells Serena this story in an effort to get her to see the the effects of the serial killer gene
Rufus spends the entire show making waffles and getting divorced
This is my favourite thing in the world. This deserves to be written and filmed. Mwah!! chef's kiss. THANK YOUUU
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my forever fixations (changes will be added.)
sitcoms (b99, modern family, bbt, himym, the office, friends, HOUSE MD)
benedict cucumberpatch and martin freeman (sherlock bbc, lord of the rings, the hobbit etc.)
ghosts&vampires&blood&sadists&gore&darkacademia&haunted places (frankenstein, jekyll and hyde)
english schoolgirls in the not creepy way (wild child, enid blyton boarding school books)
harry potter
neil gaiman (coraline)
true crime
granada holmes
star trek and star wars in no particular order
taylor swift and old washed up rock bands
pheobe effing bridgers
GRACIE ABRAMS est. 2020 (and the 2021 london show which i attended- my first concert 🥹)
kill her, freak out - samia
therese dreaming and maya hawke
raft of medusa
nerf guns
spy kids
peppa pig and ben and holly and gaston and nanny plum
emma chamberlain's fashion choices
the grisly origins of fairy tales
101 dalmations' original cruella deville.
horrid henry, captain underpants and phineas and ferb
evermore and folklore
lore by aaron manke
crime podcasts
the history of mad hatters
interesting things to research about
indian royalty history
Elizabeth Báthory (the blood countess)
agatha christie and miss marple
puzzle solving but i'm terrible at it (i’m awesome, i’m trying to be humble)
a deepening disgust at mortal fascination with each other.
Lockwood and Co.
The sisters grimm
Land of stories
middle grade horror and fantasy books
my instagram threads account
tumblr shitposts
tumblr in general
pjo (ex induced)
scarlet and ivy
young adult dark fantasy without romance (check point 46)
my goodreads account
ada lovelace
franz kafka, virginia woolf.
my spotify playlists (ethel cain i love u)
joan of arc
rosalind franklin
ted ed videos
witch hunts in scotland and salem.
zoroastrian burials
sherlock and watson
my pinterest
amrita shergill
old disney shows
cricket and india's victory in WC in '83
jhansi ki rani
my childhood tv shows
my yt history
video essays
shane and ryan (watcher or buzzfeed unsolved)
chronically online
jude bellingham
Carlos sainz
a dreaded feeling of separation.
Elsa Schiaparelli
the kelly
aux en provence
my artemis fowl phase
harry potter
ryan reynolds and john krasinski
adam sandler movies and similar genres of shitty comedy
cobra kai and the karate kid
spiderman variants
bucky and the falcon
charlize theron
vintage watches
conde nast traveller
benedict cucumberpatch
kristy thompson from the bsc
anne with an e
mr brightside
the sixties, thirties and twentys
maggie smith (downtown abbey and loewe campaigns)
jane birkin
youtube fan edits
stranger things
the irregulars and haunting of hill house
gossip girl (fallacies and legacies)
meryl streep (mammia mia and the devil wears prada)
julie andrews (the sound of music, the princess diaries)
vintage movies
youtube short films and billy joel
the prisoner of azkaban
fred and george weasley and kili and fili
gandalf > dumbledore
margaret - ldr and jack antanoff
alicia and janet (the enid blyton cinematic universe)
sharon tate
my halloween blog 'gore'
arch digest house tours
new york because i'm just a girl
Star Trek
the matrix
kill bill, fight club, dr. evil, ocean’s 11
The KJO cinematic universe
Nepo babies
Tim Burton
The Addams Family
Mathematics x 2
Conspiracy theories
Ethical research
female serial killers
elizabeth bathory
my spotify playlists
billy joel - piano man
youtube edits
peppa pig & ben and holly
horrid henry
lost childhood animated tv shows
enid blyton boarding school books
british sitcoms (outnumbered)
house md
characters most like me list on charactour/ openpyschometrics.
the 2 IT zoya akhtar movies
special certain bollywood
teams in red - man united, Ferrari and RCB.
Formula 1, Tennis, Football & Cricket
Batman&Alfred (Christopher Nolan version duh!)
Dark Knight’s aesthetic
old marvel and DC movies
Superhero Comics
Richard Feynman
Haunted castles
Halloween and Halloween costumes (the only right answer is switching between batman and darth Vader or my Pinterest board)
LEGO (lotr, Harry Potter, marvel and DC lego)
Batman, iron man, and dr strange
ford v ferrari
shang chi
fight club and kill bill
Zack and Cody and phineas and ferb captain underpants
Karate kid and kung fu panda
karen from outnumbered
philomena cunk
Mercedes, Sebastian Vettel being a nerd and super awesome with pit overtakes, Brocedes + 2019 rookies and Maxiel
2012 grid
2023 george russel t pose
twitch quartet
Good food and masterchef australia
black swan
Cool nepo babies (case in point romy mars (director of the tiktok vodka pasta video & Gracie frikking abrams ily)
F2 and f3
Horror movies
SHITTY COMEDYYY movie genre I.e. the hangover, grown ups, etc.
How to train your dragon (i had a dragon dinosaur phase so this is justified)
Lego ninjago
michelle mouton
derry girls
being an absolute effing genius
saltburn aesthetic
Horror movies
Old marvel but deadpool revival
Breakfast at tiffany’s
Old movies (arsenic and old lace, wizard of oz)
Preminger and old Barbie movies
Old Disney movies (101 dalmations)
Merida and brave and Elsa and frozen
the one dance scene from the sleeping beauty
Movies with julie andrews and audrey hepburn and meryl streep
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ao3feed-kathony · 8 months
The Arrangement
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53182015 by mylifeiskara Anthony is tired of being dragged in the media (Lady Whistledown in particular has been extremely cutting) for his reputation as a serial dater. In an attempt to change the narrative and perhaps calm his mother that his “hoe phase” has ended, he enlists the help of Benedict’s friend Kate Sharma to pose as his girlfriend until the gossip rags get bored and leave him alone. The only flaw in the plan is that he has to spend time with Kate, who seems to hate his guts. Words: 4022, Chapters: 1/12, Language: English Fandoms: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, Violet Bridgerton, Bridgerton Family (Bridgerton) Relationships: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Past Anthony Bridgerton/Siena Rosso - Freeform, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, bi benedict, Art Friends Benedict Bridgerton & Kate Sheffield | Kate Sheffield, Lady Whistledown is like Deuxmoi read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/53182015
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little-miss-buffy · 3 months
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tell us your favorite quotes from your character. give us an idea of who they are by the things they’ve said. then tag your friends.
Tagged by: stolen from @goddamnmuses
Tagging: @libraryrippcr , @prettiesturgentproblem , @thatslayer , @gloriousxdarkness , @safestkittykatintown , @misfitpuzzlepieces (anyone), @vyrulent (anyone), @multi-royalty (anyone), @demcnsinmymind , @littlebennettbitch , @redemptivexheroics (anyone), @slghtr , @fangsforhire , @fortitudina (anyone (including characters with separate blogs), @soughtserenity (Damon (sorry)), @salvatoraes , @gloriousxdarkness , @reformed-serial-killer (Damon)
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"I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about."
"I have all this power. I didn't ask for it. I don't deserve it."
"I wanna date and shop and hang out and go to school and save the world from unspeakable demons. You know, I wanna do girlie stuff!"
"It is always different! It's always complicated. And at some point, someone has to draw the line, and that is always going to be me. You get down on me for cutting myself off, but in the end the slayer is always cut off. There's no mystical guidebook. No all-knowing council. Human rules don't apply. There's only me. I am the law."
"If I was in full slayer mode, I'd be punning right now."
"Strong is fighting! It's hard, and it's painful, and it's every day. It's what we have to do."
"Do you think I chose to be like this? Do you have any idea how lonely it is, how dangerous? I would *love* to be upstairs watching TV or gossiping about boys or... God, even studying! But I have to save the world! Again!"
"Love makes you do the wacky."
"It's about power."
"The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me."
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xxjadeablexx · 8 months
Alastor, also known as ‘The Radio Demon,’ is part of the main cast of Hazbin Hotel, as you may have guessed. He is one of the main overlords in hell and feared by a lot of people. We learn in Episode 5 that he is feared for killing a lot of “heavy hitting overlords.” We also learn that he is called ‘The Radio Demon’ because he actually broadcasted their screams across hell. He isn’t really known for being the most friendly, always having an alternative motive. Appearance wise he is like 7 feet tall, only a foot shorter than Angel. He is also always smiling. There's a scene where he is having a complete breakdown and doesn’t stop smiling. Commenters on tiktok, when discussing the scene, have mentioned that they don’t think he even wanted to smile at the moment. Vivziepop has said that Alastor is actually based on the song “You are never fully dressed without a smile.” 
In his past life, Alastor was a radio host and a serial killer. His wiki says “Vivziepop declined to give out details of Alastor's killings, but described him as ‘not going after just anyone’, highlighting his ‘weird moral code.’ “ He died in the 1930’s which leads to some pretty fun, yet dark jokes. An example is in episode 1 when he makes the comment “So many orphans!” when talking about The Great Depression. Him being alive in the 1910’s-1930’s explains why he talks the way he does. He calls the tv a ‘picture box,’ says that he loves the ‘picture show,’ and when annoyed about making an advertisement says “Noisy picture box advertisement!” instead of just calling is a noisy ad. He also, despite caring about appearance to a certain degree, repeatedly claims his face was made for radio. Despite not using/understanding modern lingo for what i consider most the show, he does seem to know some terms. During ‘Stayed Gone,’ (one of my favorite songs,) he says “Now he’s (vox) pissy, that's the tea.” Almost immediately after he says “Uh-oh, the TV is buffering.” He knows gossip is ‘tea’ and that it is a TV, but he goes with the words he's used to. It’s interesting since it seems like everyone else uses pretty modern speech even if it's not from the time they were alive. I feel like the only other time we see something like this is when Angel calls himself a ‘schmoozer.’ 
Alastor also has an ongoing feud with Vox. Vox is basically Alastor but like, TV. He has a tv as a head, can teleport using electricity, and pretty much has eyes all over hell, much like Alastor used too. He took over after Alastor disappeared for 7 years. Episode 2 is called ‘Radio Killed the Video Star,’ a reference to MTV’s ‘Video Killed the Radio Star.’ In the episode, Vox is very much stressed about Alastor being back, because Alastor is way more powerful. The show shows Vox panicking and speaking about how his fans should ignore Alastor. Vox even says “Pulling my viewers, impossible!” but, only seconds later a radio is set out and everyone starts listening to Alastor. At the end of the show, when people think Alastor is dead, Vox says (or rather sings) “Nature abhors a power vacuum. It leaves room for you and me.” Which I personally think shows how Vox and Alastor see each other, which is purely as competition. It’s kinda funny to watch. 
The real interesting thing about Alastor, at least in my opinion, is that he also has a Contract. Sure, he owns people's souls. He’s an overlord, of course he owns souls. But in one scene, Husk stands up for himself, telling Alastor “Big talk for someone who’s also on a leash.” This is a huge development to only be mentioned in the last episode. Alastor is considered a heavy hitter, so how could he be under someone's control? Fan’s speculate that it’s actually Lillith, Charlie's mother, who holds his soul. Some of these theories simply come from the fact that Alastor likes to fight Lucifer for who the better father figure is. One twitter user was like “OMG WHAT IF ALASTOR IS DATING LILITH AND THATS WHY HE WANTS TO BE HER DAD!!!” But Vivziepop has said that Alastor is asexual/aromantic, not showing any interest in people romantically or sexually. So I don’t really pay attention to the theories that involve some sort of romance. From what I can tell, most people only really think this because Alastor disappeared for 7 years, and it had been 7 years since Charlie had spoken to Lillith. Honestly, I’m excited to see his deal explored more in the next season. My original theory was that he sold it to Zestial, seeing as his chains are green and so is Zestial. Reddit user Xeonan thinks that since it is mentioned that Lillith wanted the best for the sinners in hell, maybe she is making Alastor help Charlie with the plan. All in all, not much is yet known about that situation. 
Feel free to add your theories! I’m excited to hear other peoples thoughts!
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lastnightonthecyclone · 10 months
I have ocs based off of last night in soho, the hunger games, saw, mean girls, heathers, girl interrupted, thirteen, Scott pilgrim vs the world, everything everywhere all at once, tv girl songs, more songs, the x series (soon to be trilogy) , tlb, fnaf, ahs, infinity pool, the doom generation, us, ready or not, midsommar, arcane, twf, neon demon, orphan, I Tonya, perfect blue, jawbreaker, Jennifer’s body, kill bill, girl from nowhere, helter skelter 2012, suprisa, closer (2004), wild child, assasination nation, the craft, fear street trilogy, stranger things, totally fucked up, twin peaks, moral Orel, Bojack horseman, inside job, the chucky movies, scream (1 and 4), but I’m a cheerleader, Carrie 1976, Priscilla, scream queens, vague totally killer, back to the future,
UPDATE: euphoria (season 1 has a bit more influence than season 2),death note, pretty little liars (mainly season 1 and the season with the dollhouse, but also all the flashbacks with emily and Alison, also Maya), gossip girl , shameless ( esp season 4), Evangelion, the end of Evangelion, fight club, all quiet on the western front, nope, panty and stocking, wild child (2008), Charlie’s angels (not the newest one), class of 2009, serial experiments : Lain , silent hill, lady bird, they cloned Tyrone, birds of prey, moonlight, possession (1981), will update when I’m not fucking lazy
it is also intertwined with like a MILLION different songs
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mariacallous · 2 years
Twitter may be slowly decaying, but it still finds a way to generate a minor sex panic. The latest micro-iteration blazing through one corner of the pop culture sphere: Penn Badgley, best known for playing Dan Humphrey on Gossip Girl and as the star of Netflix’s You, said that he no longer wished to act in sex scenes, citing fidelity to his wife. According to his podcast, Badgley asked You showrunner Sera Gamble for a reduction in intimate scenes in the show’s fourth season, which premiered last week; his character, the disarmingly bookish serial killer/love addict Joe Goldberg, still has sex in the new season but less so than in prior ones, and fully clothed.
Specific contractual clauses regarding intimacy on camera are not new – Julia Roberts is one of many actors who’ve said they’ll never do on-screen nudity, for example. And Badgley is certainly entitled to his own boundaries. (A new Variety story connects his reluctance to film intimate scenes to his feelings of discomfort as a child actor.) But a segment of the Twittersphere’s extension of his personal logic into an argument against sex on-screen in general, and the conflation the professional performance of intimacy with individual fidelity, feels disturbingly puritanical. Some have expressed distaste at any on-screen nudity, or asserted that most sex scenes are gratuitous, unnecessary and rife with issues of consent.
(Badgley, to be clear, only suggests an anti-sex scene argument beyond his own work: “That aspect of Hollywood has always been very disturbing to me – and that aspect of the job, that mercurial boundary – has always been something that I actually don’t want to play with at all,” he told Variety. But his claim to fidelity doesn’t feel too far removed spiritually from Christian actor Kirk Cameron insisting that he’ll only ever kiss his wife.)
This line of thinking is, to be clear, absurd, and admittedly much of the dreaded “sex scene discourse” is classic Twitter behavior, ie morality circle-jerking or over-dunking on easily dunkable takes. But it is concerning insomuch as it reaffirms Hollywood’s pivot away from sex on-screen and the sexlessness of culture in general – the gamified, optimization-driven, personal brand-laden, uncanny valley landscape of life online. The final CGI-constructed kiss at the end of the new Netflix romcom You People, Lindsay Lohan’s body double for the kiss in her comeback vehicle Falling for Christmas, the scolding attitude to eroticism on Twitter – it all feels apiece with the depressing decline of the Hollywood sex scene (and, as some have argued, the decline of young Americans having actual sex).
It feels a bit odd to defend the utility of the sex scene, because its importance to cinema (and my personal interest in movies and TV) seems so obvious – think the box office dominance of Fatal Attraction, the groundbreaking tent scene in Brokeback Mountain, even the car tryst in Titanic. But Hollywood has managed to get by with fewer and fewer of them: according to a 2019 report in Playboy by the Black List’s Kate Hagen using IMDb data, sex in cinema in the 2010s was at its lowest point (1.21%) since the 1960s, half a point (1.79% ) lower than in the 1990s, the heyday of the erotic thriller (and adult mid-budget films). (This is significant in relative terms, as four times as many movies were released in the 2010s as the 1990s.) That’s despite demonstrated interest for sex and pleasure on the big screen – see: the surprise success of the Magic Mike franchise, one of the very few to cater specifically to female desire, from 2012 through to this month’s Magic Mike’s Last Dance, or the blockbuster Fifty Shades of Grey series.
There are economic as well as cultural reasons for this. With the rise of streaming services, studios have gravitated toward films with maximum audience potential, including children and international markets – the Middle East, China – with strict morality codes, especially around depictions of gay sex. (Hence completely desexed Marvel movies.) The death of the sex scene owes in large part to the decline of the adult mid-budget drama; it’s not just the absence of sex on the big screen, but “the absence of the general environment in which the sex scene would be warranted”, as New Yorker writer Doreen St Felix put it in a 2022 critical roundtable on the state of the sex scene. The widespread access to porn online, according the magazine’s Vinson Cunningham, raised the bar for a sex scene from titillation to plot. It wasn’t enough to make people horny; a sex scene had to move the story forward or serve a stylistic purpose.
Narrative momentum can in itself be a turn-on. As a teenager growing up online, I was significantly less interested in porn, which felt obviously fake, than in Youtube compilations and cuts of various sex scenes, which had the trappings of real characters, and thus real life. The scenes felt fascinating, shocking, spellbinding, adult. Maybe not actually realistic, but vibrant and vital, validation of my own capacity for eroticism. Sex is an essential part of humanity, sex scenes an essential reflection of the human experience.
The anti-sex scene scolds seem to have forgotten that, and instead conflated many legitimate concerns about filming intimacy with the act itself – the idea that the possibility of violated consent invalidates the entire enterprise. Of course sex scenes can be exploitative and violating, such as director Bernardo Bertolucci’s refusal to prepare Maria Schneider for the “butter rape” scene while filming Last Tango in Paris in 1972. Just last month, the stars of 1968’s Romeo and Juliet sued Paramount for sexual exploitation, alleging they were manipulated into nude shots as teenagers. Several Euphoria cast members have discussed working with writer and creator Sam Levinson to lessen their nudity on-screen, which can be screengrabbed and memed across the internet without context and out of one’s control.
It’s interesting to see a backlash to sex scenes just as Hollywood has reckoned with how to do them better and more ethically with the rise of intimacy coordinators along the #MeToo movement. An intimacy specialist worked on the Hulu show Normal People, for instance, to specifically make the sex, including a nine-minute scene which seamlessly simulates the entire act from start to finish, feel naturalistic, entrancing, good. Television generally has been better territory for the sex scene, more accurately and vibrantly reflecting desire and eroticism than most big-budget films. Sex in shows such as Euphoria, Bridgerton, Pose, Industry, Normal People, Conversations with Friends, Hulu’s erotic thriller-adjacent Tell Me Lies and, in a watershed way, Girls, is used for fun, for character development, for shock, for representation, for expressions of gender dynamics and power.
There are of course still films that play with sex and narrative in provocative ways – for self-actualization and revelation (Good Luck to You, Leo Grande), to skewer the power dynamics in a relationship (recent Sundance breakout Fair Play), or to impart the horror of an actually exploitative relationship (the upcoming Palm Trees and Power Lines). But most of these films exist within the arthouse or are dumped on streaming services, not at the multiplex. Even Magic Mike’s Last Dance, while still a desire-forward romp, is relatively tame compared to prior installments.
Perhaps the most frustrating element of this particular anti-sex scene argument is its fixation on a justification for sex on-screen, as if people wanting to have sex or wanting to be turned on is not character-driven or important enough. To deny the power of sex on-screen is to deny one of the core reasons to watch anything in the first place: desire, a basic human impulse and a gift. Long live the sex scene.
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ramayantika · 2 years
Sometimes my mind goes like what if everybody finds you weird and they all are annoyed with you half of the time but they want to be nice to you so they are around you
I miss talking to my friends. There was a time I would text them randomly if I had anything inside my head. I would come up with the silliest of ideas or just rant about some book or a serial I saw on tv.
I used to joke around with him. We used to stamp on each other's shoes and run around in the class. We had our inside jokes and God was he damn correct about my tiny crush on another boy from class.
The others were friends too. We enjoyed a lot during school picnics, engaged in a lot of gossip. Every free period, we would arrange the chairs in a circle and play games until some teacher arrives in class.
Everybody has moved on. My mother tells me to text them sometimes but each time i think about sending a hi i press delete. Maybe they have moved on. They have found their own people now. Some of them are studying in other countries, and some have found their own circle now to go and enjoy tapri ki chai during college breaks.
I know that in the next three months I will be going to college chahe results kuch bhi aaye. It's been three years I have been away from them. Maybe I will meet them again but will it be the same?
I cannot stamp his shoes again or rant about a Harry Potter fan fiction to her and see her smiling at my overexcited self. She will never play with my hair or be excited when I announce that there is a new function or event ins school so we will miss classes.
I don't even text anyone now because I have to begin conversations and I don't know what to talk. There are many things I want to ask or say but I fear that nobody not even me is the same anymore
I am grateful that I came here because I found myself. I found out what I want to be but exactly this. There is this incomplete feeling which will never go away.
They say that to achieve your goals these are tiny sacrifices you must give away it's true. Talking to my friends will not give me a seat in college. Me ranting about this new xyz show won't help me in my dance practice but sometimes I wish that for some moments let this take a backseat.
I think it is probably me because compared to others I am behind. And now that I am alone I have got all this inside my head
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forjustice · 2 months
Damn I just. Hikari is so fucked up that she sees a lighthearted gossip show on TV and her first instinct is to go “oh this show is about secrets? Here’s a secret, I killed my former best friend who betrayed me after I saved her life.” To her Pokémon egg no less. Like what the fuck that’s some Light Yagami serial killer type shit
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newsservicesnews · 6 months
Exploring the Latest Bollywood Trends and Web Series New Releases: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, staying updated with the latest Bollywood trends and web series new releases has become paramount for enthusiasts seeking fresh content. With an abundance of options available across various platforms, navigating through the plethora of choices can be overwhelming. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the web series new release scene, including insights into Bollywoodtrends and the latest updates of TV serials.
Bollywood Trends:
Bollywood, known for its vibrant storytelling and captivating performances, sets trends not only within India but also across the globe. Keeping a pulse on the latest trends in Hindi cinema allows enthusiasts to stay ahead and indulge in the most talked-about movies, music, and fashion.
From innovative storytelling formats to groundbreaking themes, Bollywood continues to push boundaries and experiment with diverse narratives. Whether it's the resurgence of socially relevant cinema or the exploration of unconventional genres, there's something for every cinephile in the ever-evolving world of Bollywood.
Web Series New Releases:
In recent years, web series have revolutionized the way audiences consume content, offering an immersive viewing experience with compelling storylines and high production values. The digital space has become a breeding ground for creativity, allowing filmmakers to explore unconventional themes and narratives without the constraints of traditional filmmaking.
The phrase webseries latest encompasses a wide array of genres and themes, catering to diverse tastes and preferences. From gripping thrillers to heartwarming dramas and rib-tickling comedies, the digital platform offers something for every viewer. With platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+ Hotstar investing in original content, the future of web series looks promising, with a steady stream of new latest web series releases captivating audiences worldwide.
Latest Update of TV Serials:
While web series have gained immense popularity, traditional TV serials continue to hold a special place in the hearts of audiences, especially in India. The daily soaps and long-running serials offer a unique form of entertainment, often becoming a part of viewers' daily routines.
Keeping track of the latest update of tv serial allows enthusiasts to stay tuned to their favorite shows, keeping abreast of plot twists, character developments, and behind-the-scenes gossip. With the advent of streaming platforms offering catch-up services and exclusive content, viewers can now enjoy their favorite TV serials anytime, anywhere.
In conclusion, the world of entertainment is constantly evolving, with web series new releases and Bollywood trends shaping the cultural zeitgeist. Whether you're a fan of gripping web series or classic TV serials, staying updated with the latest releases and trends ensures that you never miss out on the excitement and thrill of captivating storytelling. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the captivating world of entertainment.
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