#tw // millennial
strawbynrobyn · 3 months
I can't believe I made it 30
15 years ago I thought 18 was the furthest I would go
How did this happen?
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monipandas · 4 months
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Wind Archer Cookie once protected the Millennial Tree. Now he has to protect everyone from the Millennial Tree.
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a tl;dr of chapters 3-5 of my book
Young Jewish People: Hey man the girls have been bringing us all these reports of massacres in the east and we think this is the beginning of a large-scale German plot to exterminate all the Jews in Europe. Older Jewish People: Fucking millennials like ok maybe the Germans can pull that shit in shitholes like Riga, but this is Warsaw. We are the center of civilized Europe and the West wouldn't allow it to happen here.
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Ok I was gonna keep up my usual gallows humor [sorry; it's literally the only way I can do this work and remain semi-normal] bullshit, but that was going to involve linking directly to Jankiel Wiernik's testimony regarding his time as a slave laborer at the Treblinka Death Camp, where the majority of the Jews of Warsaw were murdered.
I can't do that in good conscience without putting a MASSIVE warning. Because I want to be very fucking clear--and I am not doing black humor on any level right now--this testimony is genuinely horrific and fucked me up real bad. Like "I don't think I'll ever get these horrible images out of my head" bad. Like my body started having an anxiety response the moment I found a web version of the testimony, bad. And I've been a Holocaust historian for 12 years. Basically every horrifying thing you suspect went down during the Holocaust but you don't really want to look under that rock is in here. Except medical experimentation. Even I can't fuck with that.
Um, but here's his testimony, if you think you're ready. Seriously if you have any doubts don't click. It won't make you any more or less of a [Gender]. I'm kind of questioning whether I should even provide the link, but my training as an archivist has me thinking that, now that I've brought it up, it's not ethical for me to make that choice for you.
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existennialmemes · 9 months
Of course Millennials love drugs. When we were kids there was an entire program set up through the schools, to DARE us to do them, and obviously we are not chickens
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dejwrld · 5 months
hate to say this, but i be a lil ageist to boomers who call millennials & gen z lazy. like bro we’re tired. we literally work so hard for the goal post to constantly be moved.
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mv-crob · 7 months
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Hi it’s been a year since I’ve posted. Did some drawings since I picked up CROB for it’s 7th anniversary. I finally got the Primal Mercy costume so I’m hyped about that. So I finished a couple of doodles that’s been sitting around for a while.
Ft. Durian & Boreas (and technically Pitaya, but it’s just Durian mimicking them .<.)
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legendary-cookies · 1 year
!!! Spoilers for "A Snow-Covered Path" !!!
If you want to unlock the story yourself, you should do that first
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In shadow
And you don't get to see Moonlight
But at least they're finally acknowledged tjdyryjddidyrtstdt
I'll put my thoughts and other stuff under the cut because the post would be too long lmfao
Note before reading: I don't go too into detail with specifics of the story so if you want to understand everything you should complete the whole story or at least up to part 7
I think the story was really interesting and it gave us more insight on the Legends' personalities and powers to some extent
Like we already had the basics to go off of you know, but I think it's interesting to see how they interact with others
It also sets up more story with the Legends in the future because something is happening to Earthbread and Dark Enchantress is the cause
This is a random detail I noticed but Sherbet knew about Sea Fairy, Moonlight, Fire Spirit, and Millennial Tree but he didn't know about Wind Archer because Wind had to introduce himself and Sherbet even asked "Who are you?" when he first appears
This makes me wonder if Sherbet just didn't know about Wind or that Frost Queen didn't know about Wind
If Frost Queen is the one who told Sherbet about the other Legends then neither of them know about Wind
But there's also the possibility that the Legends are well known throughout Earthbread and Wind is just the least known
This isn't an important detail though
I just thought it was interesting lmao
Another thing with the story is that there's voice acting which was a surprise to me
While I don't usually play with the sound on I feel like they don't usually have voice acting with special stories
But maybe they have and I just haven't noticed lmao
For the longest time we only knew the names of the voice actors who played the Legends and could only hear one quote each on the official website (except Sea Fairy for obvious reasons), so it was cool to actually hear them more
This post is already very long but I just wanted to mention that they could've possibly hinted at the next Legend to be released
Now this could easily just me getting my hopes up or overanalyzing a simple piece of dialogue but hear me out
The whole plot is leading up to the characters going to this "Beast-Yeast" place where Dark Enchantress is growing her army
Wind is the only Legend we know of who is actively going there now
You know
I'm just saying it's a possibility
There's of course the possibility that the others will be going too and we just haven't seen them mention it but
I'm just saying
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"But just"/"Why don't you just?" is not always the magic solve you think it is, boomers
Feeling a little disheartened today by the way that my mum point-blank refuses to acknowledge structural barriers. And I do think it is at least partially a generational thing.
The thing about the deck being stacked against you that has the most impact, and that certain folk of a certain age seem unable to put together is that...
You reach a point in your life, or in your career, or in your day to day financial situation where not only is there no magical solution, there are also no good options.
And it's the kind of situation where it's not the case where there are no good options because you, the individual, made mistakes or burned bridges or wasted your starting out nest egg or your initial savings so you have only yourself to blame - or even where if you just reduced your basic outgoings down several levels you'd be able to build a nest egg (back) up in order to give yourself more options again... There just aren't any good options from the jump.
Recent solves my mum has put to me as if I'm not an adult, in my 30s, living independently in another country from her with over 10 years' working experience, include:
Why don't you just get a higher paying job?
Why don't you get a pension?
Why don't you buy a house?
Why don't you move further away from your work (and your established community and the amenities you rely on) so you can buy a house?
The undertone implication is a) that we haven't already considered all the options before us, done the calculations and concluded that (unfortunately, as if it worked out it would be helpful) it isn't viable right now, and b) that by not doing these things you are somehow deliberately crafting your own misery and setting yourself up for more hardship, instead of the reality that we are making the best of what's available to us within the system that is how our generation are asked to live and exist.
I don't 'just get a higher paying job' because the structural barriers are my lack of education and my lack of social connections among the higher strata of the demographic that, by their wealth-funded access to as many qualifications as they would like to pay for, and by being able to buy the time to complete them, holds a monopoly on hiring. That's something that's come from making education something available to the highest bidder, rather than grant-funded and obtainable by anyone with the capacity to qualify for the course.
I don't have a pension (right now) because I can't afford one. The minimum contribution that I can make by law to a pension is 10% of my income a month, and I can't afford to lose an extra 10% of my income when I'm already paying around that out of my salary to a student loan with compound interest that was sold to me as a loan that wouldn't have compound interest added. I'm also paying 50%+ of my income per month on housing alone, and more on bills. Where am I supposed to find more? And of course, if my salary goes up, so too does the amount I'm meant to pay back the student loan.
I don't buy a house because I can't afford one, despite saving for a deposit for several years. Unfortunately, Liz Truss crashed the economy last year and as a result, the banks don't offer mortgages as high as they used to, and require larger deposits for properties. As such the amount that I have saved up might have been enough to put down a healthy deposit two years ago, but now, isn't. And I can't save any more because of the aforementioned draws on my income above.
And if I was to move further afield to buy a house, what's the benefit to me? I'd have to spend more money on my commute, I'd probably have to live in a much less safe area, and it's going to be cold comfort to me that I own a property if I end up getting assaulted or stabbed on my way home at night.
Trust me, I would love to live in an era where I didn't have to overthink these basics. Where the fact that I have a college degree and multiple years of specialised work experience across multiple sectors including private business and government would actually count for something and afford me a solid and stable standard of living.
But it doesn't any more. And this is my life, and the lives of many of us nowadays. And we can't just sit and mope about it, we have to accept it, and adapt, and do the best we can to keep going until something gets a little easier for us, until the luck of the draw rolls our way or until someone with the power and ability through government or big business to effect a real change takes that shot and acts to make things just that bit less bleak for us.
Until then, a little empathy wouldn't hurt instead of a lecture.
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bellatheinkdemon · 1 year
Basically Millennial Tree and Longan's relationship in my Headcanon Au
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No, Millie isn't dead, Longan just knocked him out cold
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Honestly sick of grown adults online calling kids names and telling them to go kys over social and political opinions.
Imagine being 10/11 years old with a platform like tiktok feeding you the most ignorant shit for hours at a time. At least with vine it was just memes but for them it’s everyone’s opinion being flashed in their face over and over again and internet safety and awareness seems to have just been thrown out the window.
I’ve spoken to misogynistic, transphobic, racist, homophobic, sexist, conspiracy believer kids and every time I do it’s always comes back to well I saw this video on tiktok and it drives me insane but I take the time to talk them through it. That’s my job. But I get so irrationally angry when I see adults online attacking a kid, kids are learning, they’re trying to understand what’s going on in the world and they’re going to fuck up, but I will explode if one more adult tells a kid to kill themselves.
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gen-z-culture-is · 2 years
gen z culture is being annoyed at one of those millennial posts about things that “you don’t understand if you weren’t a 90s kid” because you did the exact same thing as a 2000s kid
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ladyfarona · 7 months
Is it sad that one of the highlights of my day is eating my gummy vitamins because they taste good?
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existennialmemes · 9 months
There's been lots of talk over the years about the industries Millennials have destroyed. But what about the industries we've helped flourish?
Trying to get abducted by the Fae
Replacing having human children with pets
Smoking weed in the parking lot of Target
Trading your vital fluids for rent money
Crocs (I'm not proud of this one, but we can't deny that it's true)
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first-son-of-finwe · 8 months
When you’re doing responsible things and you still get the little “oooh I’m adulting 😃” vibe
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deviantplum · 2 days
I'm a Queer Millennial
Full of Regret
Here is my Trauma
Here is my Debt
When I get on Tumblr
Hear me Shout
"Eat the rich, then eat me out"
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legendary-cookies · 8 months
!!! Goddess of Eternal Gold Spoilers !!!
This post has one quote from the Goddess of Eternal Gold story that spoils the ending, so if you want to complete the story, you should do that first
What if Wind is the next Kingdom Legend
Goddess of Eternal Gold - 22. Golden Awakening
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Towards the Light - 7. Divine Tree
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I'm just saying
They're both heading to Beast-Yeast
It's a possibility
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