#tw alm
redtail-lol · 1 year
Sorry to post over myself so quickly but I need to talk about All Lives Matter and how absolutely disgusting I find them for their manipulative nature that lures people in who don't know better
Let's go back to 2016. I'm not even 11 years old yet and I have internet access for the first time. I'm a little white kid who's none the wiser about the true racial injustices still present in the world, and the only racism I know exists is some assholes out there that truly have no power. In short, I'm the easiest target that isn't racist yet. I can be sucked in and I can have my mind slowly poisoned with prejudice.
The first way ALM sucks you in is by its name. Black lives matter vs All lives matter. On its own, the statement that black lives matter doesn't negate other lives mattering. But when ALM introduces itself, it looks like BLM is claiming that black lives are the only ones that matter. That's how it looked to oblivious baby redtail. They use a nice phrase, that all lives matter, not just black ones, to catch you. Especially if you're white- you feel more included by them. It's a trick but it works.
The next thing they do is they start making up lies. They'll create strawmen of BLM, they'll use the extremists that may not even be real as the faces of the movement, claim BLM hates white people and they all want to kill white people, they paint the whole movement as a hate group. And none of it is true. When you're a smarter person, who understands fallacies and can really understand things, you see these tricks and you don't fall for it.
When you're a ten year old white kid, who has never been online before now and is unaware of systemic racism, you fall for it hook line and sinker.
ALM's next job is to slowly ease you into prejudice by spreading lies that start off not too blatantly bad about the black community. But it just gets worse and worse and the goal, eventually, is to turn people who entered as oblivious into racists.
What got me out, I don't remember, but it may have been some of the more blatant racists that I saw pretty early on before I could be eased into it. Or it might have been BLM supporters talking about how BLM doesn't believe other lives don't matter, they just want to shed light on the lives that are being threatened the most. Perhaps it was a mix of both.
The All Lives Matter movement is deceptive. It's not just for racists because they don't make it blatantly racist. They trap the people who are blind to real racism by seeming like the better group at first glance, by having a kinder name, and spreading misinformation. Then they shape you into someone who's racist, at without even noticing your prejudice at first. They'll use more lies, false evidence, and scare tactics. And it sucks that the people who can't spot their fallacies, and don't realize what they're doing, are kids. Kids who just got online and they don't know any better. Kids who are easy to influence into being racist if done right. Kids who lack the ability to see through fallacies and are likely to fall for them
Little red fell for it.
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ohara-n-brown · 7 months
Sometime made a post going 'Love the trans women in your life while they're still here'
Someone added 'Trans men and Nonbinary too!'
And this was the response.
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My response: Cut this shit out, you're acting literally ridiculous.
First of all - no it's NOT an All Lives Matter moment.
ALL LIVES MATTER was created by white people who DON'T experience racism to silence the experiences of those who DO experience racism and die at the hands of it.
A transmasc or nonbinary person saying 'Us also!' is a not the same.
It's a group of people who DO experience transphobia adding to the experiences of those who ALSO experience transphobia.
It's A LOT MORE like a black person going 'BlackLivesMatter' and sometime commenting '#StopAsianHate too :)' and OP going 'wow fuck you read the room you're being racist.'
That's like a Gay person speaking out against homophobia and how it's wrong. And then a trans person says 'Transphobia too!' and suddenly it's 'Read the room. This isn't about y'all. Why do y'all have to bring yourself up always. This isn't about gender. Read the room-'
Sounds familiar to y'all? It should. I'm reading the room and the room is saying you just fucking hate another group of oppressed people lol
Another oppressed person who experiences the same violence as you adding their voice to your choir is NOT the same as white people using their privilege to silence others who experience racism when they themselves don't.
SECOND OF ALL - (tw death mention under cut)
YEAH THEY HAVE A RIGHT TO ADD 'Celebrate your trans brothers while there here' on a post you know..
considering a transmasc non-binary person got fucking beat to death on school grounds exactly a month ago.
Remember that??? The one whose death is being actively covered up by school, law, and state officials on a systemic scale??
Also - a fucking trans man from NJ is still missing as we speak (Elliot Ganiel)
But calling attention to that is like being a MRA??? Talking about a children deaths in a school bathroom and missing people are like being MRAs whose main concerns are women playing video games or some shit?
No. No it isn't.
Y'all misusing terms like MRA and yelling 'That's like all lives matter!!!' clearly show youdon't understand how oppression works in the slightest.
If you try to compare any white racist movement to an oppressed group of people - YTA.
One of us gets fucking killed with no justice, LGBTQ crisis line calls skyrocket, and when asked about it state officials say and I quote 'We don't want that filth in our state!!'
- and when we talk about it amongst people in our community it's 'read the room!!' or 'wow really MRA like'
Fucking bite me.
And before - 'Oh but they didn't have to put it on THAT post, they could've made their own'.
Did you not hear what I just said. A transmasc teen was beat to death and misgendered publically statewide.
Maybe transmascs would like to feel included by the community at this time? So they can feel safe? Safety in numbers? And maybe want to feel like the wider community cares when shit like this happens - which clearly.. y'all don't.
Cause when a transmasc kid is literally killed - and we see a post saying 'Love your transfemme friends whine they're here!' and add the same - only to be told to read the room - it tells us 'You only have a month or so to morn. They died last month? Why are you bringing it up now on a post about appreciating trans people before their death??? Read the room. That was for us only. Stop trying to hog all the attention'.
Like damn sorry for wanting to feel like my community would care if I got wiped off this fucking earth silly me. Silly us.
When we start the conversation on our own we're ignored. When we try to contribute our experiences to other conversations we're told to shut the fuck up and read the room and then compared to actual racists and sexists.
You constantly compare us to people who DO NOT face oppression - cis men and white people - in order to silence us, despite the fact you know we face oppression in ways both groups could never even imagine. You think you're slick. You're not.
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sotogalmo · 1 month
10 — 11:12
Weird facts (mainly body headcanons and such):
Yume knows some light Japanese! It's kinda alien- like in how it is, but not rlly. Imagine glitchy japanese audios, that's kinda how it is. He talks in that language when it's about his feelings on the subject of love.
Yume laughs quite a bit, much only does so to appease others.
Sebastian's body,, his legs have been somewhat compared to a lamb, as in. Like- meaty legs and such. Powerful legs to kick with and run on
Sebastian as the anxiety creature 👍
Yume's body is on the fairer slim skinny side of it all. Again, he was made to appease the aliens. He has protruding hip bones (perfect for holding him in place, having your hands have a rest, etc!)
Sebastian's hair is technically, lightly similar to his guardian Von. Mainly similar to his actual guardian Ald- to always go with the "pets look like their owners" thing, that the Von household has going on
Sebastian doesn't really like dolls. Or toys. And playing some games, he thinks there's always a second game that ends with something bad
Yume has a BIG love/hate relationship with Sebastian actually. He might threaten him so much but one time he had a revolution and he hated it (how similar Sebastian looks to Ald. And how sometimes, Seb doesn't know, but he sometimes acts like Ald in strange ways. The smelling; what Ald von and their cats do for comfort! and such. He hates it so much)
Basically Yume's type is just red-heads (Sebastian) or vampires (Ciaran). Double whammy if both (which is Ald)
Sebastian doesn't actually have much a type. Tho it's similar to his mom's,, he doesn't love that easy and fast because he's mainly Anxiety Creature™.
Yume sometimes dresses like KAngel/ame-chan. Only sometimes, he's mainly very formal and normal and professional.
Sebastian is a great runner-!
Sebastian actually has some muscle in his arms.
Sebastian is actually quite tall. He's taller than Yume who is taller than Ald
(tw; self harm) —
I dunno if I already said this before but Yume mainly harms his hand, not really his wrist and such. Sometimes he would harm his legs, but only in rare times.
He also has things carved into his skin-! Or like, some vivisection scars (surgical incidents because he always gets dragged back to the aliens that made him). The scars heal and aren't lethal. His skin heals very very fast (one of the things that makes me uncanny)
Ciaran: @starry-skiez
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waffleshark · 1 month
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final batch of artfight attacks! (missing one of them though bc its a big piece i'm posting separately as im v proud of it but it also just has a lot of warnings 🥺) i bit off more than i could chew with 60+ bookmarks but there's always next year for those and to revenge everyone who go me this year, tysm it was lovely!!
(pieces 19, 20, 21, 23 and 24! links for attacks 1-3 are here, 4-8 are here,  9-13 are here and 14-18 are here!)
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“do you think that they’re friend or not :(( it’s very important. also yes, appel god :((.”
- AIELN Sasha
… no 😌
I do not think so. Prime is so cool, She would never partake in Christianity and Garden of Eden activity <3 She is simply above that <3
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9158forever · 11 months
One of the clubs im in (its supposed to be an arts and literature magazine but it sucks) was getting ready for this disney day so they had a bunch of disney characters on name cards sorted into groups like prince, princess, hero, villain, etc.
So i come in near the end to help decorate and notice that they've spelled pocahontas's name wrong. I fix it.
They also have cards for prince naveen & the shadow man, but no tiana. Someone makes a silly excuse like "welll she wasn't a princess until the end of the movie." But they had "pocahotas" as a disney princess? They had rapunzel as a disney princess?
So yeah for the rest of the meeting I make tiana a card while I try to guilt trip the hell out of them. I pretty much told them everything I said here.
They also excluded mulan from the princess category and had her in the "hero" category. I don't like disney lumping all their female leads together as princesses but I also dont like white people arbitrarily (racist-ly) deciding to exclude disney's very few characters of color.
As im writing this i just realized they forgot meredith from brave too???&#^#$ but they had every bland ass prince from the 50s
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of-invisible-ties · 1 year
“ It’s… you’re scaring me. I have this weird feeling you’re going to leave. ” { celica to alm! }
Meme II Accepting!
This was one of Celica's dreams, but she would not know if it told her the future, or if it was simply a warning.
At first, the dream is normal. She and Alm were children, making flower wreaths as they played in a massive garden. The flowers' colors were especially vibrant, and little Alm laughed and giggled as he placed a wreath on Celica's head.
Then Celica poses her question, and the scene changes. They're adults now, and the flowers have died. The vibrant fields are gone, replaced with barren earth and the clanging of swords. War descends, and men scream as they're cut down in its wake.
The adult Alm faces her, his eyes full of remorse.
"You're the one who left me," he says sadly. "You left us. You left Zofia to rot, Anthiese."
The earth fills with graves. Women cry as their children starve and their men die fighting. All of them wear Zofian garb.
Alm grows angry as he watches it all.
"How could you?" he asks. "How could you abandon your people? Abandon me?"
Her dream ends as Alm gives a harsh cry, for war has arrived to take him, too.
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1smolbean · 1 year
i just have to make it through state testing i just have to make it through stte testing i just have to make it through stte testing i just have t
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gentleoverdrive · 2 years
(Mind the tags; if you don't wish to read it on AO3, you can read it after the cut)
“Pick up your lance.” Those horrible words rumbled through the ears of the disgraced Zofian General in ways he had not quite expected them to. With his body aching as a result of his unsuccessful attempt at breaking his fall adding to the particularly stinging pain of the arrow that managed to lodge itself on his right shoulder, Slayde felt a sense of familiarity at his current dilemma. While in his youth he had prided himself in the dexterity of his lance thrust, his time in the Order of Zofian Knights had made him realize it was just as important to develop his wile. “You have grown much in this past year, Alm.” The retort at his current adversary drove him to try and conceal his current mien as he tried to get back to his feet. “Quite the impressive road you’ve walked.”
‘Play this smart, and you shall survive to see another day’ He was good at surviving, after all, and while he was often thought of in many unkind ways by his peers, Slayde himself couldn't care less if he tried. Whatever it takes to survive. Finally being able to firmly hold his lance within his hand, he tried to keep his mind single-mindedly focused on getting back up. “I see that both the teachings and ideals of Old Master Mycen and the connections you’ve forged with those at the top of the Deliverance have served you well. And that, perhaps, I was most misguided in following Desaix’s lead and abscond from my land of birth” The months following him turning coat to survive after being left to die by his now defunct co-conspirator, he had kept up to date with the talk of the spymasters across Valentia, especially concerning the bloody path the Deliverance had carved across Western Zofia and much of the Rigelian mainland. “And as such, I would like to follow the same path as you and see how far said assets can take you.” He had heard tales of the impulsive nature that governs the boy standing above him. This… boy that was paraded as a leader of any sort, least of all an invading army; once he gets through this, Slayde will be certain to mock Clive and Mathilda for the sheer gall of selling this fairy tale over this boy’s corpse. Or was this perhaps an idea by that backwater idiot with delusions of eloquence that had threatened him in the past? Now that he was finally able to grip his lance properly and fully stand back up, battered body and all, Slayde found his words had successfully made purchase within the boy’s mind. So Slayde had to hold himself back from any expression that could betray the trust of his newest victim and pantomimed as sincere a welcoming grin as he could manage. “What say you, Alm? My sources can prove most helpful now that you are soon to come face to face with Emperor Rudolf and his personal guard.” He could almost feel the bile come up to his throat as he belted that empty platitude, not helped by the warm smile that this so-called Leader of the Deliverance shot back at him, but he knew it was best to be wise and hold back whatever disgust in order to survive. “I would say you drive a good bargain!” And there it was: His survival secured, once again. With the country bumpkin masquerading as a Zofian knight slinging his bow back to the quiver on his back and offering his right hand so that they could shake to their new alliance, Slayde could only wonder where he would find the appropriate time to sell this idiotic child and the rest of the cadre of idiots leading the Deliverance to the Rigelian high command. It was almost risible how easy it was. "G...g'hrrrrrk!!"! Perhaps all too easy.
It did not take long for Slayde to feel the agony that quickly came to seize his right side while the emerald-haired young man standing in front of him drove the small sword further into his body. Now with both the bile and the blood slowly oozing out of his mouth, Slayde grew all too aware that Alm’s visage had changed from warm and reassuring to his green eyes piercing daggers right through him. Finally undoing the handshake, the younger man slapped Slayde’s lance away from his hand before grabbing his shoulder to pull him down. “You were not the only one doing their research, you vermin.” Slayde could feel both his face contort in disgust and his eyes becoming bloodshot after hearing Alm insult him to his very face. “Do you remember the royal villa?” The query took some time for Slayde to fully interpret, on account of the searing pain being further amplified when the leader of the Deliverance pulled the sword out of his side. “Do you remember this sword?” On seeing the hilt of the sword that Alm shoved in front of his eyes, the score finally sank: All these years, all his scheming, manipulation, subterfuge and betrayals had meant nothing to him, for as long as he survived, that was all that mattered. At the reminder regarding two of his past endeavors and with the young general shoving him away, the rhetorical sluice gate finally burst, and Slayde puked out some of the blood he had inadvertently kept lidded.
Not that long after he cursed the boy he had come to despise so thoroughly, the last sight that the former Zofian general came to lay his eyes on was the azure and emerald-colored flash of an armored frame bearing down on him, same sword in hand. ...
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fillinforlater · 9 months
Eleven to One: Pet Play
Male Reader x Choi Yena
Length: 3966 words
Tags: pet play, you knew that, pet/master dynamic, blowjob, bad table manners, indulging in the pet kink, collar and leash, spankingas punishment, undressing, doggy, creampie, sex toys, overstimulation, kitten!Yena
TW: I guess if you don't like kitten Yena...
Inspiration: The great works of @writerpeach and @worldsover. Go check out their work on this specific... let's call it topic.
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for being my awesome co-writer and instigator of many BFH-sessions
(A/N: Looks like someone else is added to the family-harem, this time with a bit of an set up. Check out the previous story with the teaser for this one! Oh, and here are all the other chapters. Enjoy!)
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"Sho tashty~"
Minju has no table manners, talking with food in her mouth. Well, the 'food' in question is your cock she is feverishly sucking from underneath the table while you and Yujin enjoy a nice, quick breakfast before Yujin has to leave for a group schedule. That's also why Minju is the only one naked, something she is perfectly accustomed to ever since you found the right room temperature for her.
"Before you go, I'll let you know that we have to move into a hotel for a week," you say as Yujin takes her final sip of coffee. 
"Why is that?"
"I bought the penthouse below and above us and want to connect them via some automated staircase. I promised the construction company a huge bonus if they finish in a week, so it shouldn't be longer than this. Damn Mr. Kim, I’d love to buy the entire building, but he is too greedy."
"Daddy," Minju asks from below, her soft fingers massaging your balls while she twirls your cockhead. "Why do we need so much space, so many rooms? Isn't this big enough?"
You take a quick glance at Yujin who shakes her head. This is not the right time, don't introduce Minju to the full family plan yet. Especially not when she is busy playing with cock, the only thing on her mind, on her tongue.
"I'll tell you later, Minmin."
"And I'll see you two later," Yujin says and gives you a quick tongue kiss while cupping your cheek. Too bad you can't cup hers because you are busy playing with Minju's hair. That’s not even a first world problem, so you’ll live with it. "Love you, Daddy."
"Love you too.
"Hey, Minmin, did you drop the bowl on purpose earlier?" you ask with Yujin out the door. Minju looks utterly confused, which is heart-meltingly cute.
"Why would Minmin do that, Daddy?"
"So I'd punish you and make you suck my dick?"
"B-but Minmin can suck your dick just by crawling in your office and opening my mouth. Why would she break Daddy's bowl?"
You laugh a little. This girl is too pure and impure at the same time.
Going on a date without Yujin feels quite odd, you must admit. What's even weirder is that you won't need to do it in secrecy, hidden from literally everyone. Today you just walk into the cafe, a gift underneath your arm and look for your date, a girl with colorful hair. At least she was last seen with light pink strands during a meet and greet. 
In the corner of the cafe is a table, in full light of the sunshine, falling in through crystal windows, and at said table is a small person, covered in a bucket hat, sunglasses and a large, black overcoat. Someone who likes to hide their identity to the world, but not you, because a flock of pink hair she flaunts from underneath the hat confirms your suspicion. It is your date.
"Do you mind if I just—"
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"Oh, no, please, sit down~"
As you pull back the chair to have a seat, you intently watch the young woman remove her glasses and reveal her face to you. This is your first time seeing the Choi Yena up close in person, and with her gleeful smile, she really looks like a duck or cat or something adorable that you want to cuddle.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," you tell her and raise your hand to get the waitress's attention. "Can I invite you for a treat or a beverage?"
"Oh, I'd love to," Yena says, mocking your formal, almost posh way of speaking, before she has a light bulb moment. "Wait, you're very—let’s say well off, right? Can I order whatever I want?"
Now the ducky cat has puppy eyes, for no reason, really. You're here on this friendly date and she seems to have some sort of issue that only a wise person can resolve—of course you'll treat her.
"Get yourself whatever you want, but please." You lean forward and whisper. "Don't order too much. I find it embarrassing if they have to throw good food away."
Yena grins widely and nods, before going on a spree to order all kinds of cupcakes, pastries and milkshakes. You raise an eyebrow and calmly sip your coffee as she digs down sweet treat after sweet treat after sweet treat. To your surprise, she is not only fully capable of eating all of it, but also willing to talk about the most random shit while stuffing her face with sugary goods. 
Yena lacks table manners, just like Minju did this morning.
You sit there and listen. Yena mostly talks about her daily life, mixed in with complaints about her company and sudden outbursts of adoration for IVE and their super star Yujin and how happy she is for you two. 
Then she goes on tangents about IZ*ONE and what the girls have been up to. She is sad about Wonyoung, who apparently decided to pursue some rich people stuff, just like Hyewon, but when you tell her that you and Hyewon are rather close (yeah, that's all you will tell her for now), she lights up once more.
"Really? I only heard rumors about her new, joined company buying huge shares in Starship. Do you like working for Hyewon-unnie?"
You put your cup of tea down and smile. "Something like that, yeah. But now, Yena, I'm pretty sure you're avoiding something."
"Wha-what do you mean?" Yena sweats profusely, not because the overcoat is too thick, though it is, but because you finally want to get to the point. Why were you here again?
"You know what I mean. The reason you wrote the letter, Yena. You have to tell me why, all I can do is make assumptions."
Yena wraps her lips around the straw of her milkshake and quickly drinks the remaining droplets until she makes this annoying slurping sound that has your temple in scrunches. Before you can complain however, Yena finally speaks up.
"I'll tell you, bu-but can you at least guess what it's about first."
"I can, but I have to warn you, I'm very honest and upfront, no nonsense, I might trample over your feelings or say something absurd, rude even."
Yena blushes and gulps. She is all ears to what you're about to say, which has you confident that your guess is spot on.
"I believe that you are very unsatisfied with your sex life and unsure how to act out the stuff you like, so you try to look for someone with experience who you can trust but is also not in your closessed circle."
"Is it that obvious!?” Yena quickly responds as not to let awkward silence fill a possible void in this conversation.
You nod and Yena throws her hands dramatically into the air. She looks embarrassed and a bit distraught that you were able to look right through her, without shame or hesitation. 
However, to your pleasant surprise, she is able to gather herself and speak like a proper grown up about her sexual frustration:
"Yeah, you were spot on. I have a lot of free time in between comebacks and schedules, which is nice and all, but I-I'm unsure about hook ups and scared that someone will... leak stuff. So I wanted to try normal dating, but even among other stars that is so ha-ard. I just want to fu-uck."
"That is very understandable," you say and lean back into the chair, feeling a bit like a therapist with an immorally large bulge in your pants. "But don't you think you could find a very loyal fan, who'd do anything for you, have an NDA ready and go for it? Or maybe you could go out of country, where they don't know you? I bet you still have a lot of options, and with a pretty face like yours, you're bound to find more than enough people to fu-uck."
Yena pouts at you mocking her pronunciation.
"But that's a lot of effort and little guarantee. I want something reliable, in this country and I can’t wait any longer.”
"You want a relationship where you can trust the other person," you summarize. "So... what was your goal with all this? We don't know each other and I'm in a relationship with Yujin. I don't get this from you point of view."
"I-I, it's just that I—I need someone with experience to guide me through this. And I have seen Yujin, her happiness, her smile, the glow around her. That's a woman that has good sex all the time, so please, tell me your secret." 
"I'm the secret, Yena. Do you want to take me from Yujin?" You stand up straight, face stern as Yena looks up at you, helpless and needy. "Finish up your milkshake, we'll take this somewhere else. Don't forget your present."
You picked out a nearby hotel, actually the first one that crossed your eyesight. As is often the case, you underestimated how high end these places can actually be. You already consider making this your home for the week your flat becomes unlivable. Minju won’t say anything against it, Yujin though might want something even more posh and polished. 
Good thing that you decided to wear that brown thousand dollar suit that makes you look like a mixture between gangster and manager, otherwise bringing a fully costumed stranger with you would have been an eye raiser. Now you're just some less important person bringing a celebrity to their room.
But it's your room, your money, your decision what’s about to happen. Yena walks in after you and stands in the middle of the vast, cozy room, adorned with all kinds of paintings, a carpet on a wooden floor, an impeccable color scheme from the darkest of brown to a soft beige. You sit down on the bed and look at the still dressed idol expectantly.
"Hm, which present do you want to open first: mine or yours?" you ask her, voice in deep thought as Yena removes her glasses once more.
"I-I don't know what you mean by your present but I think I'll open this."
Yena taps the wrapped box nervously, hoping for some kind of reaction from your part, but you leave her hanging and after agonizing seconds she begins to rip into the colorful wrapping paper. Yena opens the lid beneath and her eyes open wide.
"I know what you want, Yena. Don't underestimate me. Be blunt, be honest, most importantly,
"Be my good little pet, hm?"
Yena takes deep breaths when she pulls out a long, silver chain with a leather handle on one end and her favorite collar on the other. There is more inside it though: a pink feeding bowl with a cute kitten on it as well as a bullet vibrator, its cord and remote and a thigh strap. 
Yena drops the box and most items on the creme carpet when you put her chin between two of your fingers and tilt it up. She looks dreamy, you must have hit the spot to activate endless sexual possibilities and the urge to succumb to them right now. Honestly, you too have always wondered what it would be like to have a pet cat and now she is right here, ready to purr for you.
"What are you?" you ask, quietly, firmly, unmistakable power in your eyes. Yena melts in your fingers.
"Masters... good pet."
"Very good. After I have opened up my present, I expect my kitten to get into character. Because that is what good kittens do."
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Without ever breaking eye contact, you begin to pop open the buttons of Yena's overcoat until it's time for the zipper to open up the curtains. In the meantime Yena loses her hat—maybe her mind along with it. You are in no rush to have her bare before you, after all, you left the world of haste and constant work behind. It's time to indulge in this thrilling moment, feel every second of this new life.
"Wow, what a beautiful kitten I have," you coo when you look at the skimpy stage outfit on Yena's body, a radical contrast to the all covering black of her overcoat which is thrown behind the bed.  The shortest of white shorts and a crop top that barely fits her are all that's left to hide Yena's private parts. 
"Now, how about I give my kitten the proper accessories, hm? C'mon, get the collar."
She is in a bit of a daze, your kitten, clumsily bowing down and reaching for the chain. Before she can straighten her back, you kick it out of her hand, and sigh deeply in disappointment.
"No, no, no, not like that. Get it like the little kitten you are."
The kick had her stunned, hurt a bit even, but now she knows what to do. Teaching your pet how to behave properly comes first, before any fun tricks can be trained. Yena begins to kneel and crawls to the collar. She picks the leather handle up with her teeth and carries it to you. 
"Good girl, you've done very well." Your praise comes with another reward. The tips of your fingers begin to scratch and tickle Yena's chin and she calmly purrs, lays her cheek into your hand, fuck, she isn't even cat coded anymore—
—she is living this.
"Kitten, I have many obligations, you know? Caring for Yujin is a handful too. But you, you'll be a good kitten for your Master, won't you? You'll never cause me any trouble, right?”
Yena responds with rapid nods. From her point of view, you are doing her a huge favor, with or without the approval of Yujin. She thinks you are taking risks and loves you for it. Her devotion is only natural, so you happily offer her a couple of fingers to suck on. 
While Yena indulges in getting her drool all over your fingers, you get the tight collar around her throat. It's a good thing that she already sent you this one, a different kind might not have been such a perfect fit. This one looks so natural on her and the thin chain is a great addition. 
"My kitten has fine taste. I think she deserves some belly rubs."
If she had a tail, Yena would probably swing it around in excitement. She won't go long without one, you already have plans of buying hundreds of toys for her—well, okay, these "plans" are just now forming, you’ll have to adjust the shopping list later—and a tail is at the top of that list. 
Purrs when Yena rolls over playfully, her arms and feet stretched away from her like paws and thanks to that crop top, you have perfect access to her midriff. The moment you touch her navel, she unexpectedly kicks upwards, right into your chest. A stinging pain, one you have to swallow down with a heavy gulp. That's how they are, wild, young, untrained pets. 
Nevertheless, they have to be taught properly. A good punishment is an essential part of their training.
"Some lying pet you are!” you snap at her. “How fucking dare you kick your Master!" 
Yena wanted to make a deal with the devil, a deal to be your pet. Unlike Minju or even Hyewon, she wants to be your literal property, not your girl, property and not a human. The treatment has to match the deal.
You easily lift the petrified idol-turned-kitten off the ground and place her bend over on your lap. Yena's cute, firm little butt is in your striking zone, while she desperately turns to face you. You hook a finger into her waistband and pull her shorts down to the folds of her asscheeks.
"Are you sorry, Kitten, for kicking your Master?" you ask Yena with a deeply judging tone. She nods with a deeply sorry expression. "Say that you're sorry!"
"I-I'm sorry, Master. I was a dumb kitten." Not enough meows in that sentence, but you will work on that later.
"What do you think you deserve now, kitten?"
"I de-deserve to be punished by Master.”
"That is right, kitten." You barely touch Yena's butt with the tips of your fingers, and she is already stiffening, readying for impact. To her surprise, your digits rather gently dig into her small cheeks and massage them in preparation. "But are you really sorry?"
"Yes, Master, yes I am—ah!"
The first hit always stings the most, to the point where involuntary tears stream down one's face and lips quiver uncontrollably. You don't let your hand rest on the red spot, instead lifting it up and striking again to make Yena's butt sore all over.
"You don't mean these words. I will have to hit you more."
"N-no, please!" Yena tries to push her upper body up but you make sure to keep her down, pinned to your thighs. "Master, I really, really am sorry!"
Another slap, straight on the same spot, enough to make Yena squirm out a pained meow. In the ensuing set of a dozen hits, six on each beautiful ass cheek, your kitten winces more and more, like a cat hurt in the wild. It tugs at your heart strings, surprisingly, but you continue regardless. When the set is finished, your fingers travel down Yena’s creek to her pussy.
"Do you like to be hit, kitten?" you ask calmly, two fingers gliding across Yena's labia, finding her clit. Yena purrs and shakes her head. "Do you think you need more punishment?"
"No, Master. Please, stop. I'll be a good kitten for you. I’m sorry."
Those dreamy, teary, glassy eyes—could they ever lie?
"I believe you.” A small pat on her head. “God, you are very cute, your hair is so silky and your little entrance is already getting wet." You remove your digits and show the tiny strings of arousal that remain in between when you spread them before her eyes. 
You take your time, again, no reason to rush. Climb on the bed, watch Yena rest on her knees before it. A light tug at the chain and Yena gets it. Today, she'll be allowed on the bed, just for this special occasion.
"Thank you, Master," she purrs and you comb through the pink, smooth hair. You give her a final smile before getting behind her. Belts and pants have never stopped you from getting what you need, to the point you'll probably disregard them entirely in the future.
This future in your home, with all these girls; Yujin and Minju already live there, Eunbi and Hyewon will surely follow. Chaewon is a wild card, probably a couple of sessions away from any commitment. And then there is Yena. 
Will she commit to being your pet full time? Or is this a one off thing for her, to get rid of all the sexual tension you feel on her soaked and hot pussy lips that graze your tip? The extent of her kink is still a mystery to you.
"Relax, my little kitten, here comes your favorite cock.”
How can she know if this is her favorite? It's been ages since something this big and girthy has spread her open, pushed past any tension and made her feel full. Comparing this to those she had in the past is impossible—but not because of the difference in time or position or foreplay. 
The comparison fails because your massiveness makes Yena's brain short circuit. All stages of humanity and human behavior are shut off; when your tip presses against her cervix, she goes straight to purring, meowing more than moaning.
Yena is incredibly tight, mostly because this is the first time she has something so big inside her, you assume, so you give her time for adjustments, slow movements, even slower rubs on her back, then her belly. 
"Let's get rid of this." And you do get rid of her top, see her small breasts jiggle, the tiny, hard nipples too, when Yena is ready to move on her own.
Her kitten butt moves in a mesmerizing dance, not only a linear back and forth, but a subtle shimmy from side to side. You get to see your cock glazed in her sweet juice, then it disappears in that cavern again. Up to this point, you're just kneeling behind your kitten, undressing further and further, sometime pulling the chain to get her back into that doggy position—it seems that she likes the slow fuck.
"You are such a good kitten," you groan and lean towards Yena's ear until she can't push backwards anymore. "What do you say, next time we're alone, you get some ears and a tail?"
"Bu-but Master," Yena murmurs, face now in the mattress because you start pushing yourself into her. "What about Yujinnie, your girlfriend?"
"Don't you want to stay with us? Get head pats from my good baby girl too?" 
Don't give her time to think about it. This revelation of your open and rather complex relationship might have been too early. So thrust harder into her and make the entire bed shake, her brain a useless mush. Yena's toes curl as she bites the sheets below her and lifts her ass a bit higher for easier access. She gets wetter and tighter, a clear sign of enjoyment, of thrill that is soon to be bliss.
Without warning you yank at the chain. Yena chokes hard, quickly getting back into the doggy position which you immediately use to fuck her roughly against the backboard of the bed. 
The chain in your hand, the thought of a personal pet and its snug cunt make you greedy for your own orgasm which always comes before hers, however only in terms of relevance. Yena has finally adjusted to your width, length and the harsh grip you exert on her collar. She drools and purrs, until an ultimate, mindless scream leaves her mouth. Her knees begin to buckle as she cums on your length, that pistoning length, in and out of her cunt, completely disregarding her sensitivity.
"Oh, looks like my kitten is wetting herself. Look, you're ruining the sheets! Such a dumb little pet."
Yena doesn't even hear the taunting. She holds onto some pillows, then the backboards, as you applaude her for the resilience by fucking faster and making the pelvis on ass sounds louder and louder.
"Me-me-meow~" Yena's irises disappear in her head. The idol has fully become your kitten; in due time to you surrendering to the tight grip of her cunt by cumming. A day's worth of semen, directly into her womb, and you tell yourself that she is safe today. She has to be, otherwise she wouldn't have agreed to your dick inside her.
"Ma-Master, so much," Yena breathes and her paws try to remove all the sticky hair from her sweaty face.
"You better not spill it on the sheets, kitty. Keep it inside your pussy, all of it." You pull out and immediately get up close with the pink snatch. Yena clenches her muscle, trying to force her pussy to stay shut.
"So, so much—I can't ho-old it!"
With that said, Yena loses some of your precious cream. She just lets it fall out of her in an incredibly lewd display that has you smiling at her embarrassed expression. In a scramble of genius and horniness, you find the bullet vibrator and shove it inside Yena’s cunt before she can ruin more of the bed. Her ensuing moan is music to your ears.
"I guess my kitten is not yet potty trained. We need to change that as soon as we can.
"Wouldn’t you agree?"
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dira333 · 11 months
To sing and to listen - Present Mic x reader
TW: grief, although lightly mentioned - Song is The Old Therebefore by Suzanne Collins
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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The first time you called in was out of desperation.
Little Tobio was inconsolable in your arms, his loud cries turned into whimpers as you held him close in the night. He refused to fall asleep and you feared he would wake up the rest of the kids if he started screaming again.
“I want my grandpa.” He whimpered into your neck as you held him close. 
“I know, Tobio. I know.” You rubbed circles into his back and turned the knob on your radio, hoping the music would calm him down a little even though singing to him hadn't helped.
Instead, you were greeted by a cheerful voice.
“Welcome back, Listeners! Tonight we’re answering all kinds of questions around the topic ‘heroes of the day’. I’m excited to hear from you. This is Present Mic with Hands Up Radio!”
Tobio pulled back his head to squint at the radio.
“Who’s that?” The little boy asked and you propped him up a little.
“That’s Present Mic. He’s a Hero who does Radio Shows as well.”
“What kind of hero?”
“I think he has a voice quirk… Wait…” You pulled your phone from your worn-out cardigan and pulled up the hero stats. “See? That’s him.”
Tobio giggled, the first happy sound of his today. “He’s got funny hair.”
“He does, doesn’t he?”
While an old ACDC song played on the Radio you managed to capture the boy in silly small talk but soon his eyes darkened again and you could feel him slip into his grief yet again.
“Shall we call him? Present Mic? We can ask him about his own grandpa or whatever you want.”
“We can?”
“Sure we can. But it’s pretty late so he will surely ask you to go to bed after that.”
Tobio pondered that for a moment until he nodded, blue eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Yes! I wanna ask him.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s see if we can get through.”
You turned the volume down on the radio and tapped around on your phone until you found the number. After two rings, the call connected and a friendly female voice called out to you. “Hell there and welcome to Hands Up Radio. If you’ll hang on for a second, you’ll be the next caller on air. Can you give me your name please?”
“Uh, yes. Sure. It’s ___, I’m here with my little friend Tobio.”
“Oh, how nice. And, you’re up.”
You get little time to steel your nerves before you hear Present Mic’s voice. You don’t know how old he is but his introduction to the world of Heroes has been rather recent. His voice sounds young though, and reminds you of someone your age.”
“Hello, Listener! You called in with a question and we’re excited to hear it! Let’s rock and rrrrrumble!”
Tobio giggles next to you and you press on, if only to keep him happy for longer.
“Hello, I’m calling with my little friend Tobio who wants to ask you something.”
“Well, hello there, Tobio! How are you tonight?”
“I’m fine.” Tobio squeaks and giggles. “How are you?”
“Absolutely fantastico, now that I’ve heard you! How old are you, my friend?!”
“I’m five and a half!” He exclaims proudly.
“This old already?! My my, I’ll have to watch out for your hero debut! Are you planning to become a hero?!”
“NO!” Tobio cries out happily, laughing along with Present Mic. “I’m gonna be a teacher like my grandpa!”
“A teacher?! What a grand idea! And what do you want to teach?”
“Volleyball!” Tobio’s scrambling in your arms now, almost as if he wants to crawl into the phone. “And other sports too, like grandpa, but mostly volleyball.”
“Sports education, what a great plan! Now, what do you or your mother want to ask?”
You laugh, embarrassed by the assumption. Tobio’s quick to handle it.
“___ is not my mom! She’s my best friend!” He corrects. “And I wanna ask… Do you have a grandpa too, Mr. Present Mic, Sir?”
“A grandpa? Well, of course, I have, and two of them as well! Both fabulous men, you know, but sadly they were not teachers like yours.”
“No?” Tobio’s eyes are big. “What did they do?”
Present Mic's voice now carries an almost lost touch to it, as he delves into his past.
“My mother’s dad was a singer and he was fantastic. He died very young, so I never met him. And my father’s dad is a rice farmer, with hands so big he could scoop you up and throw you around like you’re nothing but a bag of rice.”
“Can you give them a hug from me?” Tobio asks, his small voice loud in the quiet room. It’s quiet on the other side of the phone and when Present Mic answers, his voice is thick with emotion.
“Will do, little Tobio. Sadly, I have to answer more questions, but I guess it’s time for bed now for you, right?”
“Yes.” Tobio agrees. “I promise I’ll go to sleep. Sleep tight Mr. Present Mic, Sir!”
The call cuts off and you turn the volume on the radio up again, catching the emotion still clinging to Present Mic’s voice.
“My, my, what a boy.” He says. “He reminded us all to appreciate our loved ones tonight, wouldn’t you say? Let’s think of them with our next song, shall we?”
“Oba-san!” Little Toruu pulls on your pant leg. “Can we listen to the radio tonight?”
You agree willingly, heart still a little raw from Tobio leaving this week. 
Sure, you were more than happy that they found his father’s cousin, a single woman in her thirties, who was more than willing to raise him now that his parents were dead and his grandpa in a nursing home. But you missed him, with his shy smile and blueberry eyes. 
Toruu, two years older than Tobio, was dreaming of becoming a Hero himself. Sadly, his Quirk only seemed to allow him to increase the power of the Quirks around him.
He was a problem child, too smart for his own good and too stubborn to accept any advice.
“Bedtime was hours ago,” Toruu has the decency to look ashamed as he sits on a pillow in the middle of the room, three other boys crowded around him. Three more boys are sleeping, undeterred by the radio playing.
“We wanna talk to Present Mic too!” Takahiro explains, his hair a mess of pink locks and ripe strawberries growing out of them. 
You sigh. Something like that happening should have been clear from the start. Tobio had never been one to keep a secret to himself.
“You too, Hajime, Issei?” Hajime has the decency to blush and curl into himself, almost resembling a turtle. Issei just stares at you with deep dark eyes. He’s learned not to talk too much, the birds taking flight from his mouth with every word hurting his throat.
“Alright, alright.” You take a seat in their circle. “Does everyone have their own question or do you just have one?”
Issei hands you a paper covered in his messy handwriting.
“You want me to read your question?” Issei nods.
“Mine too.” Hajime puts another note on top of the first, followed by Takahiro who’s suddenly not so convinced he can pull off talking to a radio host.
Toruu however, has his arms crossed over his chest. “I will talk myself.”
“Alright. But quietly. We don’t want to wake the others.”
“Welcome, Listener! What question do thee have for us?” Present Mic’s voice rumbles from the phone and Toruu presses against your side, suddenly shy.
“Hi, it’s me again.” You start, cringing at your own awkwardness. “Tobio had so much fun the others want to talk to you too.”
“The others? My, how many siblings are we talking?!”
“We’re not siblings!” Toruu complains angrily, not liking it one bit to be compared to little Tobio. “We live in a children’s home.”
“Toruu.” You chide him softly, before explaining. “I’m a caretaker at a children’s home. I’d rather not have the name aired on radio but the kids love your show. I’m here with the older boys tonight, Toruu is 8, Hajime is 8 and a half, and Issei and Takahiro are both nine. They all have a question each but want me to ask you for them.”
You’re a little breathless from your ramble but Present Mic just cooes excitedly over the phone.
“No way! I didn’t know I had such dedicated listeners! What do you guys want to be when you grow up?”
“I wanna be a hero!” Toruu calls out. “The best there is.”
The other three look up at you with big round eyes, only Takahiro brave enough to whisper “I want to work at a zoo.”
“Takahiro loves Zebra’s,” you explain. “Hajime wants to travel. And Issei wants to be a photographer.”
“My, my, what dedicated fellows we have here! Now, lets hear your questions, young Listeners! I’m so excited.”
Toruu, suddenly shy, nudges you to read the others first.
“Hajime wants to know if you’ve ever been outside of Japan.”
“I have! What a great question, Hajime! I went to England once and it was a-may-zing! Promise me to go there for me one day and think of me when you sit in the London Eye and look down at the city.”
“I promise,” Hajime whispers into the phone before pulling his head back into himself again.
Another look at Toruu who’s still shaking his head. 
“Issei wants to know what your favorite bird is.”
“My favorite bird? That’s a tough question, little Listener! There are so many wonderful ones to choose from! But there’s one, with white feathers and a great haircut, if you ask me, who can talk back. That one should be named Present Mic’s favorite bird but I’ve forgotten its name, I’m afraid.”
“A cockatoo!” Issei calls out and a little sparrow springs from his lips, fluttering around the room. You whistle softly and it lands on your hand, settling in as if for the night.
“A cockatoo? How smart you are, my friend! Now, I believe we have two more questions to go?”
You know you’re taking up a lot of time. Grateful that he’s not rushing through this, you read out the next question. “Takahiro wants to know if you like strawberries. He grows them on his head.”
“I loooove strawberries!” Present Mic calls out excitedly and Takahiro blushes a perfect shade of strawberry red. “What an excellent quirk to have, my friend!”
“Do you need a sidekick?” Toruu interrupts him, voice a little breathy, eyes wide. “Because I have a quirk that enhances other quirks and I-”
“Wow, my friend, that is your quirk?!” Present Mic sounds thrilled as always, his tone just right to have Toruu beaming at you as he listens. “What an amazing quirk to have! Sadly we cannot take in any sidekicks under the age of fifteen, but I’ll be more than happy to have you by my side if you still want to be my sidekick then. Does that sound like a deal?”
The next week, you’re home in bed with a fever and a raw throat.
Next to your bed is the note that the girls scribbled onto, not wanting to miss out on questioning Present Mic. You’re sure they won’t mind waiting another week for their chance but half an hour before his show starts you wake up and are unable to fall asleep again.
You turn on the radio, telling yourself that you’ll only listen to his show until you feel tired enough to fall asleep again, but to your surprise, Present Mic sounds a little off today. His voice, usually cheerful, sounds almost timid today. You wonder if he got hurt in a fight or if he’s sick as well and before you know it, your phone is already in your hands.
The call connects almost instantly. You state your name and the female voice greets you cheerfully.
You miss half of Present Mic’s greeting because you have to sneeze violently. 
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” You begin before realizing that you’ve just sneezed AND cursed on live radio. He laughs and it sounds a little lighter than before. 
“No worries, the weather this week must get to everyone, am I right?”
“About that!” You say, aware that your voice sounds a little rough right now. “I’m without the kids tonight because little Hitoka got a cold and therefore I got it too. I just wanted to ask… How are you?”
Silence follows your question and for a second you fear they have kicked you off the call until you hear a heavy sigh.
“I- I have to preface this by saying that I’m healthy, not hungry, not in want of clothes or a home or anything, but… it’s nice to hear a question like this on a day like today. You couldn’t know this nor anyone else out there but today is the anniversary of a good friend’s death and-” You can hear him swallow thickly and wonder how he might look right now. 
You picture him like on of your kids. Maybe he turns grumpy when he’s sad, like Kei. Or he blubbers in tears like Asahi. Maybe it’s that picture that loosens your tongue, because Asahi only ever cheers up when you sing with him, but the words are out of your mouth before you can stop yourself, scratched up on the edges and a little breathless from the cold, but unmistaken.
“You’re headed for heaven, the sweet old hereafter, and I’ve got one foot in the door…” You sing, the melody too well-known to you after years of helping mourning children, “But before I can fly up, I’ve loose ends to tie up, right here in the old therebefore…”
He doesn’t interrupt you, and you keep singing, the words flowing a bit smoother now as if they’re coated in honey, soothing your throat.
“I’ll be along, when I’ve finished my song, when I’ve shut down the band, when I’ve played out my hand, when I’ve paid all my debts, when I have no regrets, right here in the old therebefore. When nothing is left anymore.”
You sing the whole song, wondering if your quirk might work through the radio, or if the words might soothe someone in all those listening.
When you end, it’s quiet again, until you can hear Present Mic mutter a quiet “Thank you.” The call ends and you know you’ve probably embarrassed yourself on live radio right now, but if you’ve soothed his pain, if only a little, you’ll be more than happy about that.
There’s a man waiting in the entryway of the Crimson Riot Children’s home when you come in for the night shift.
He’s tall, blond, and good-looking, his long hair tied up in a bun.
“I’m sorry, visitation ends at five p.m.” You explain softly and he nods. 
“I was… I wanted to… talk to you.”
You blink, searching your memory for his face. He’s not a relative nor on the list of possible parents. But he looks familiar and you need an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots.
“Mr. Present Mic.” You blurt out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you.”
He laughs softly. “That was the plan, actually. I… I know you’re just about to start working but I wanted to… get to know you, maybe? Have a coffee together?”
“With me?” You point at yourself, spellbound. 
He smiles. 
There’s a rumble on the stairs and the newest addition to the family, purple-haired Hitoshi, turns up, looking anxiously between the two of you.
“Hi there, buddy.” You offer him your hand for the elaborate handshake he came up with this week. “Are you already done with dinner?”
He nods, sliding up to you and taking your hand, staring up at Present mic with curious purple eyes. 
“You have a voice quirk too, right?” He asks, direct as you’ve learned him to be.
“Yeah, I do. You too?”
Hitoshi nods but refrains from using it before he points at you.
“Oba-san has one too.”
“I figured as much.” Present Mic offers with a grin. “Had the whole studio smitten last week.”
“Oh, it’s not like that.” Your face burns under his praise. “It’s only a weak quirk and works mostly on animals.”
“Still.” He falls quiet after that, the three of you standing around in awkward silence.
Present Mic is the first to break it.
“You might be curious how I found you and why, but, as I said, I was very touched and I’d like… if you don’t want though, that’s completely fine.”
“When does your show start?” You ask. “It’s Friday, right? You have your show later.”
“Oh, I have to be in the studio at nine.”
“And when do you get out?”
“I usually leave at six in the morning.” 
You nod, before looking down at Hitoshi who looks curiously back up at you.
“If you want,” you tell him softly, trying to keep your voice from shaking, “You can come up and get to know the kids before the show. The girls wanted to ask questions anyway and Takahiro would love to meet you as well. And if you still want, we can… we can get a coffee in the morning. My shift ends at six as well.”
Present Mic smiles. 
“Takahiro, the boy that grows strawberries on his head, right?”
You nod and his smile morphs into an excited grin.
“I’d love to. Oh, and call me Hizashi Yamada.”
Almost a year later…
Hitoshi has curled into a ball on Shouta’s lap. He’s tired from today’s events and past nights that lack sleep, but he’s refusing to go to bed.
One of Shouta’s cats has curled up in your lap and you caress its soft fur periodically as you listen to the radio, waiting for the time to drip past you, as if today is a bathtub that can only be emptied drop by drop.
“You should go to bed,” Shouta tells Hitoshi for the umpteenth time but his son - newly adopted - curls into an even tighter ball.
“Do you want a hot chocolate?” You ask, watching and waiting as Hitoshi unfurls, capturing you with his big purple eyes. 
“Can we have mini marshmallows in it?” He asks and you snort.
“We’re at your place, baby.” You remind him. “All the mini marshmallows are at my place.”
“I have some.” Shouta croaks out. “But they’re hidden. Don’t go around telling Hizashi that I own something like that.”
“Never.” You and Hitoshi say in unison, sharing a wink.
When the hot chocolate is assembled and father and son are sipping from their respective cups - Hitoshi already back in position as Shouta’s personal weighted blanket, you keep standing, too anxious to sit, your hand soothing through Shouta’s hair as you nip on your hot chocolate.
It’s the anniversary of Oboro’s death today and your boyfriend, no, fiancé, isn’t home. 
He’s doing a show, even though it’s not Friday, because he promised not to go on patrol today, and standing still is not in the Cards for today.
You know they both are hurting and there’s only one thing you can do to help.
You call the well-known number and wait for the call to connect.
“Hi Darling,” Hizashi greets you, “Will you sing for us again today?”
You had talked about this before. You don’t like to be on his show any more than you have to, even though the kids still love sending in questions. But if you singing is something that could help Hizashi and Shouta and so many more grieving souls today, you will do it.
You think of Tobio and Toruu, of Hajime and Issei, Takahiro and Hitoka. You think of the boys and girls that left Crimson Riots children’s home and of those that stay behind, without a family to take them in. 
You think of Hitoshi’s purple eyes that still go dark sometimes and Shouta who’d taken one look at him before deciding his decision to not have children ever did not include adopting Hitoshi.
You think of Hizashi and sing, your quirk lacing every word and every note, soothing the hurt only absence can bring.
“I'll catch you up
When I've emptied my cup,
When I've worn out my friends,
When I've burned out both ends,
When I've cried all my tears,
When I've conquered my fears,
Right here in
The old therebefore,
When nothing
Is left anymore.”
tagged: @alienaiver @misfit-megumi
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polinamory · 6 months
Just a piece of my daydreaming
tw blood torture and mention of death
At some point, Dream began to pray. There was simply nothing else to do. God's alms are his last hope. He did not even ask for release or an end to the torture. He didn't ask for food or sunlight. Dream didn't need it anymore.
He asked for death.
Any. Dream himself believed that he did not deserve a painless death. Sometimes in his prayers he wished for a knife or a sword. At least one piece of glass. Not that Dream thought he would be able to kill himself, but he wouldn't give up the right to try.
More often than not, he whispered prayers at the end of Quackity's visits.
"I wish I could bleed to death."
Then Dream tried to look as non-painful as possible, so that Quackity would think that he could stand it more. To deliver a blow that he couldn't survive. So that he doesn't have time to run to the bars for regeneration potions and a bucket of cold water.
Coming back from the dead is the worst feeling of all. When Dream was already mentally saying goodbye to everyone and allowed himself a slight smile, thinking that it was over, but then he woke up screaming on the floor again, in a puddle of water, blood and potions. And then Quackity punished him for it. Quackity did not give permission to die.
Another unpleasant experience is getting lost in days. When he lost consciousness in the process of another torture, and woke up when the bars were lowered again and Quackity started a new one.
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its-my-whump · 4 months
Medwhump May- Day 13
"You've been very sick."
Tw: absolutely no medical accuracy, sorry, recovery, panic attack, sedative
Part 13 (all others here)
Her foot twitched, or more her whole leg was slightly jolted by an electric impuls discharging. It send a spike of pain through her belly and dislodge a tiny desperate sob, she never knew, she made.
Her body started to stir, before her mind did and yet both were still so heavy.
Different muscles were moving, not really moving, little tension was building and vanishing. She had no real active part. It was more like her body needed to rearrange itself after not moving for... a while.
Her mind was still in a syrupy thick stupor, but after some time, she managed to ball her hands into weak half opened fists and stretch them again.
It felt like the only thing possible.
As she tried to do the same with her toes, the marginal movement of her legs let another jolt of pain run through her tummy. She moaned in pain. This time, she was sure it was herself producing that desperate sound.
The urge to crawl in on herself, like stomach pain usually made her do, was interruped by more pain, when she unconsciously tried to pull her heavy unmoving legs in.
This time an actual cry made her windpipe vibrate, which let the pain in her throat enflame again.
Not even able to open her eyes against the strain and heaviness, she could still feel tears being pressed out due to the pain she was in.
She realised, despite the agony, she was in, she felt hot and cold alike. Her body just a pile of pain and discomfort.
This beeping was there again, she didn't know, where she had heard it before, but it was annoying her already and it was getting louder, it seemed.
Breathing was hard. Had it been the whole time? She didn't knew. Honestly, she was just learning, that she actual was. And that she was apparently more, then the pain, that ripped through her body again. This time it was a silent whimper coming over her lips.
Really, she only wanted to go back to sleep, or where ever the hell, she just came from to end up right here, in this cruel, painful reality. All of this, was just exhausting and it felt like the last of her thin resources were sapped from her, just by existing in this very moment.
Something was hammering in her ears, almost the same rhythm like this annoying beep right there by her head. The air, that was coming and going, put up a real fight. It seemed, getting it in, was just as hard as getting it out of her body again.
Something warm on her shoulder. Not uncomfortable, but still overwhelming the first moment it appeared. "...alm down, Miss! ...lright"
What? Someone was talking! Someone was talking to her. As if she hadn't enough on her plate right now. "...n y...open...eyes for me, ..lease?"
The voice was soothing though and it sounded like she maybe should try, even if it was just to tell them, that she needed some more rest. But, talking didn't seem to be a realistic thing right now.
She prayed her eyes open slowly, feeling the remains of her tears. Her vision was blurry. Everything was much too bright.
"That's my girl." Someone smiled. Not that, she could actually see a smile, but she surely could hear it in his voice. "Everything's alright. Just calm down a bit, okay. Can you do that for me, Miss?"
Words were more clear now, even though, she didn't really get their meaning. Why should she calm down? Her eyes sluggishly trailed around the room. So much white. Oh! Hospital! She couldn't remember going to a hospital, but she really didn't like being in a hospital. Really really not!
Oh, 'that's what he ment', suddenly dawned on her. Those strange sounds were her heartbeat and breathing. And the moment she realised, that she was in a damn hospital, those merely agitated reactions of her body jumped into focus and made her head for a full blown panic attack. "No, no, no, no. Lady. You're alright. I got you. Please calm down."
She couldn't and even more people appearing at her bed, staring down at her, didn't help with that.
This man had both of his hands on her shoulders now. So how would that make her calm down. She felt her own struggle, her body vilently shaking from fear, panic and pain. Spike after spike ripped through her guts. Breathing was so hard. It felt like a knife was sticking between her rips.
Foreign hands were on her, pulling the sheet away. The voice from before was calmly talking to her. "Calm down, Miss. You've been very sick, you need to calm down, please." She could see his face, but it was still or again blurry, new tears were trailing down her hot cheeks. As he kept talking to her, other voices found their way to her ears too.
"...she going to rip her stitches or the tube is going to be missplaced."
Her frightened look instinctively turned from that blurry face down her own half naked body. There was actually something sticking out of her left side and there was blood and bandages and so much pain.
Gasping for air was getting unbearable. "Look at me, Miss. Everything's going to be okay."
"...push some...she's not..." others said somewhere in the background.
The big warm hands from her shoulders disappeared. One was cupping her face gently, pulling her view away from whatever gross thing they did to her, that made her look like a human experiment.
The other hand was just taking her view, pulling something over her face. A mask. Fresh air was blown into her face. Breathing was still so exhausting, shallow puffs were all there were. "...we got you!"
The hands stayed on her face and she felt herself calming down noticably. Her body was still shaking, but her mind was slipping away.
Little did she know, that it was actually the dosage of sedative, they just pushed into her iv, that made her calm down and drift off into the soothing warm and silent blanket of unconsciousness.
My masterlist
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 4 months
request where Benny Weir comforts the reader after a nightmare or panic attack
I'm here ~ benny weir x reader
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summary- your boyfriend finds you having a panic attack and helps you through it.
tw- panic attacks, anxiety, teachers, im fine, bullying (sorta?)
Ok so I'm using inspo from the panic attacks i have. I'm usually a bitch for a while and then i just like start crying and hyperventilating.
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"She's been acting weird since yesterday? We were calling on Skype and then she just like had an energy change? It was like a curse overtook her?" Benny explains to Ethan, worried.
Ethan rolls his eyes, "well at least you can get a girlfriend Benny! Did you even ask if she was okay?"
"She said she was fine" Benny says, emphasizing with his hands.
"Yikes you gotta go fix that now" Ethan says; stretching his mouth to show his teeth, and sucking in air.
Benny rolls his eyes and walks away, he already knew that. he was just seeing if it was weird to anyone else. To see if any of it is concerning, besides the part he might be in trouble...
Thats when he sees a circle of people, some recording some staring, some look worried, yet no one helping. What the hell is happening over there? He walks over there, heres a girl crying. Hyperventilating. A teacher is in there I guess, it sounds like a teacher's voice.
"You kids need to get to class! You're making her more uncomfortable, if i see any of you still out here I'll write you up!" The voice yells. Yep, definitely a teacher.
As all of the kids left he was just trying to see who the girl was, that was in the middle. So there were like 3 people left. It was you. You were in the middle, you were the one the assholes were laughing and poking fun of, you were the one people were recording. He just stared for a second, furrowed brows and a worried expression. He would've eventually helped if the teacher hadn't yelled at him again.
He went to his class and all he heard was 'did you hear about the girl having a panic attack in the hallway today?' that is all he heard. that is all he heard about you. No text, no seeing you in class that day, nothing.
He heard the bell ring and ran straight for home. Any other day he would've waited for you or Ethan, sometimes Rory. Except he couldn't wait for you, you were waiting for him this time. So he left school by himself. Went to the store to buy you stuff he knew you would like. He bought your comfort snack(s) and a fuzzy blanket (comfort items you like when you're upset!). He knew he should've helped as soon as he noticed a difference. he didn't eat lunch today so he had some lunch money and just extra money he used to buy your things. If it was a dollar more he would've had to put something back.
Then he was on his way to your house, which lucky for him was close to his house. Meaning it wouldn't be too far of a walk till he was there, he also wouldn't get lost on the way there. Your parents let him in, seeing the grocery bags in his hand they thought he more than likely knew what happened at school and was trying to make it up to you. They could see what was in the bags through the material of it. They let him upstairs in your room.
"Hey, I saw what happened at school today. Wanted to make it up to you." He says with stupid, awkward, dorky, adorable smile. Holding the bags higher as he explains himself.
You smile sweetly at him, he knows he didn't do anything. He thinks he's safe, for now.
You clear a spot off next to you so he has a place to sit down at. He sit's next to you, grabbing the stuff out of the bags. Laying the blanket overtop the both of you, grabbing the rest of the out of the bags and putting them in your lap. You lay your head on his shoulder as you sit there together. After sitting there, 30 seconds later, you interlock hands with him.
"Are you okay? What happened at school today?" He asks you, making sure his tone wasn't too harsh.
"I had a panic attack. No big deal, I think I was just overwhelmed with... life?" You explain, sounding almost confused yourself.
Instead of saying anything he looks at you. Except the way he looks at you makes you feel like he actually understands what you're saying. He says nothing at all, but you feel more understood than if he said anything.
More understood than anyone else has ever made you feel.
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msookyspooky · 1 year
☆♡ Severen Obsessed With You ♡☆
Yandere Severen x GN!Reader Imagine • You already know it's toxic af • TW: Dubcon, Stalker, Captor-Hostage/Master-Servant Dynamic, Hints of Stockholm Syndrome, Blood, Gore, Sadism
NGL irl that man is gonna be hiding from ME. I already have a wedding dress on calling his name and hunting him down as he's hiding behind a building. Crazy bitch hours for that man, always.
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- He saw you once late at night while hunting and followed you from afar. Smirking to himself if you dropped your keys, tilting his head when he saw your side profile as you gazed up at the night, studying you when you stretched as his eyes traveled over your frame. He was enamored with you the second he laid eyes on you. He thought you looked like a very interesting little play thing he'd love to have. He NEEDED to have you.
- He had been stalking you like prey for a few nights. Watching you from the dark treeline when you walked on the sidewalks and roads. Near your house in the middle of the night. Outside your work or someones house if you left at night....Something about you made him want you for more than a meal and he wasn't passing it up. It was like a deep aching longing as he realized he might have found someone worth sticking around with.
- Finally, he saw an opportunity and took it. You were being harassed by a group of rowdy people. He took it upon himself to 'save you' by scaring them off. All before introducing himself in that silky voice laced with that Texas draw so distinctive and thick ss he spoke. The way he spoke to you so cordially; you couldn't help hanging onto every word. He sounded like he was apart of an old wild west movie or something. He'd wear his white shirt and bolo tie to not scare you off. A complete southern gentleman when you first met. How could you not be a little bit flattered at the flirty remarks and complete admiration he sent your way? He was skilled at this. He didn't just say you were hot or good looking like most guys would your age. He laid out the most awestruck, respectfully tasteful, honeyed words you ever heard...Honestly, he felt like he was from a different time period courting you if you were silly enough to think like that. (Hmm.)
- He was charming, offering to buy you a drink. When you politely declined the offer from this man you didn't know, he seemed calm. He then offered dinner. If you declined that as well (I'd fold. I'd be obsessed with HIM but this wouldn't be made if that was the case lol). He'd beg to be a 'proper gentleman' an at least walk you home. Anything to be near you.
-"Sorry but...I just wanna make sure yer safe. What type of Gentleman would I be lettin' ya go alone? Jus' a few moments of yer time to get you back safe and sound...Please?" He asked, big blue eyes staring at you in a way that was hard to resist.
- He walks you home and you relax near him. His charm working wonders on you even if something in your gut was SCREAMING at you to get away from him. Screaming that something was wrong with him. He took you back home and when you said goodnight and went to go inside...He stopped you. Insisting you were cutting the night too short and he'd like to take a midnight stroll down the dark road nearby. You declined and went to open the door again and with scary strength he forced it to shut once more. All that gentry was gone; just like that.
- You felt fear grip you with your instincts telling you to distance yourself from him as you firmly told him "GOODNIGHT." as forcefully as you could muster. He saw this and backed off, apologizing for being too forceful. You quickly got inside and locked that door. Your instincts screaming at you that something was severely wrong with him.
- The next night, there he was wherever you were at. This time offering his apology that he didn't mean to scare you. He laid it on thick that he was lonely and just wanted to get to know someone as nice as you. Laying that emotional manipulation on you heavy as can be. You almost gave in but instead you just told him 'thank you but goodbye. Maybe some other night?'...You visibly saw his fake pitiful niceness fall from his features. An almost challenging look in his eye as you left him.
- Feeling followed the rest of the night. Like someone was right behind you wherever you went just to turn around and no one was there.... You locked your door just for it to be kicked in and practically ripped to shreds not even a minute later; proving you were being stalked.
- A hand reached in an jokingly unlocked it."Yoo hoo. Anyone home?" He joked with a chuckle as you were terrified... To have a door be ripped to shreds like that wasn't normal. Not at all!
- This time; he walked in with a smirk and his head tilted. "I'm sorry about the heavy handed knock on yer door there darlin' but gee I didn't think you'd answer!" He sarcastically gave before a predatory grin stretched over his face. "Don't be scared. Just come with me and save us both the trouble, would ya?"
- A very unfair fight ensues with him grinning the entire time no matter what damage you gave him. He grabs you, jerking you towards him with his fingers around the back of your neck and grin on his face as he joyfully tells you. "Shh. This ain't gonna hurt much...The fun we're gonna have is gonna outweight it. You'll see." and it all becomes a blur as he sank his teeth into your neck...Everything goes black after that. What felt like a human bite soon turned to burning venom coursing through your veins.
- You wake up some time later among a group of people arguing. Severen's voice ringing out demanding you stay. You force your eyes shut hearing footsteps and the jangling of a spur on a pair of boots...Soon, you open your eyes fully to him smiling down at you. His hair fluffy and wild instead of slicked back, a white stained tank on with a flannel and then a leather jacket with badges and pins all over it...You felt so sick, like you were dying. Like your insides were shutting down. Like you weren't human anymore...
- He treated you well, and yet, all of this was forced. You didn't want turned, you wanted to go home! You didn't love him, he was your kidnapper for fucksakes!
- He reasoned you were his missing piece he didn't think would happen in his 120+ years of life. That he was NOT letting you go and neither would Jesse and the clan. You had no privacy, under his arm or watchful eye 24/7. His touch started to nauseat you as he was constantly holding hands or brushing your hair or holding onto you no matter how you felt. Never allowed to be by yourself. He even seemed jealous anytime anyone else in the group had your attention more than him.
- Forced into his lap to sleep everyday with his hands constantly gripping onto you or snaking around you. Him caressing your thighs or lowerback...Or snaking his ringed fingers lower. You shoved him away everytime as he just smirked at you in amusement. Not necessarily forcing you, kind of hard to do in a camper full of people anyways, but he also didn't hesitate telling you you were just playing 'Hard to get.' and that you were a 'tease'. He acted like you were just being playfully coy with him all while it was obvious you hated it here and hated him.
- He killed a young crying teen girl infront of you as you clutched your mouth and helplessly watched. You viewed him as a monster. He was caked in blood after taunting her and her friends. Playing cat and mouse with them before the sadistic cat finally put the terrified squealing mouse out of its misery....Nothing but bloody corpses around a bonfire these teens were having. Of course, after seeing that, you refused to drink a drop of their blood. He glared at you shrinking away and furiously shaking your head. Viewing it as an insult. Refusing his generosity to get a kill just for you like someone refusing a paid for meal. Especially since he didn't force YOU to make the kill, he did it for you and you still refused...That shit wasn't going to fly.
- You gasped when his strong grip dug into the back of your neck to force you to look up at him. "Yer drinking the goddamn blood. I turned you, I can only teach you, I'm yer maker." He smirked and tilted his head. "I'm yer God or yer Daddy; whichever works for you, and you'll do what I fuckin' tell you...And I'm tellin' you as nicely as I can to drink the fuckin' blood for your own good." His smirk dropped as you stared up at him, terrified and shaking. He softly smiled at you, his thumb rubbing your cheek. "Don't look at me like that, yer bringing this on yourself! Have I hit you or assaulted you? Have I? Have I been that bad of a guy to you?" He asked in an extremely soft tone. "I'm sorry, baby. How bout we kiss and make up? Hmm? I don't want you t' look at me like a monster."
- You were like a deer in headlights, only nodding because this man you just saw crush someone's skull with his bare hands had a grip on the back of your head. He practically purred at that, easing down to kiss you on the lips. It was nice at first. Gentle and sweet...Then you felt his jaw click and blood spill into your mouth. You tried jerking away but he just grabbed you more firmly to hold you still as you realized he bit his own tongue almost clean off just to put blood in your mouth. His blood and his victims blood coursing through you as your instincts took over and gripped onto him for more. Kissing him like a wild animal desperate to get more blood as if it were a drug. You were becoming addicted to the blood and desperate for him whether you liked it or not...Like a chain tethering you to him.
- After that, you knew you had to get away before it was too late. Before you truly were addicted to the blood and lost your humanity; you had to get out. You waited till he was asleep during the day. Slipping out from under him and wrapping yourself in a blanket to leave. The sun felt like fire but the pain was worth getting away from him. You found an empty building and waited till dusk to come back out. Your charred skin not healing at how little of human blood you had in you. Only relying on him to feed you this last week of being captive.
- You stole a car and drove a ways away, wanting to go home but scared of him finding you and hurting your loved ones or pets as punishment. So you just drove the opposite way of where you lived, hoping to wait it out a few weeks and then go home. Eager to never see him again.
- You were getting blood sparringly and laying low. Feeling relieved to be free despite how hard it was. Sleeping in train cars or empty buildings. Scared of the sun. Scared of law enforcement catching you. Constantly on alert for him. Weak from not getting as many victims as you should....But you were free...Until a few nights later; that is.
- There he was. Standing in the middle of the road at 3 am. Broad shoulders covered in the trophies from his victims on his jacket, his imposing figure looming in the distance with a glare sent your way.
- "I'm hurt, YN! Fuckin' leaving without sayin' goodbye!" He exclaimed in a mocking tone and expression before his face settled back into serious glare. " Ya actually thought you'd get away? I can smell ya better than any hound, I can feel ya in me and I know you can feel me inside you too...You'll never get rid of me that easy, YN...Now, you're ungrateful ass is coming back even if I gotta drag you back there."
- Anger and fear coursed through you as you stepped on the gas of a truck you had stolen. Flooring it as he grinned and spreaded his arms wide. You hit him and went from having a triumphant grin to your face falling into terror as his body laid on your hood...And then he lifted his head and smiled at you. Blowing you a kiss as blood and tissue fell from his face and your mouth hung open in the drivers seat.
- You slammed on the brakes, he flew off and landed a few yards away...But your heart dropped when he just hollared and laughed in excitement. Spitting out a bloody tooth and giving you a crazed grin. You put the pedal to the metal once more, truck barreling towards him as he jumped up on it at the right time. His boots on the hood as he punched the window and hung on. You screamed as glass shattered and he tried grabbing the wheel. You slammed on the brake again but this time he hung on. You got out to run and he jumped off the hood and grabbed you. You punched him, and unlike when you were human, it sent him back. Blood dripped off your hand from him as you ran....And then you felt searing pain in your leg. A gunshot rang out in the night as the bullet shattered your shin. You screamed and collapsed...Not enough blood in you to fully heal. You tried running again, stumbling and falling in pain everytime before a strong hand grabbed ahold of the back of your shirt and hauled you up to be face to face with him.
- Half of his face was drenched in his own blood and his head was split with the side of his face looking rather mangled. He still grinned at you, acting like the pain didn't bother the nutjob...That making sure getting you by any means necessary outweighed any pain he felt.
- "Woo!" He shouted with a nod to himself and that signature laugh of his. He settled down just a tad and gave you a closed smile. "Now look at us." He chuckled out like you didn't just run him over and he didn't just shoot you in the leg. "God damn, that's why you're the one for me. Fuckin' roughened me up good, didn't ya? Love you for that even if you technically walked out on me."
- You whimpered as he purposely kicked his boot at your leg. Tears escaped your eyes as he tilted his head at you, still holding you up. "Ooh, hurts don't it? Ain't got no blood in ya to heal, huh?" He mocked, his skin already looking like it was knitting back together slowly. He leaned close, a sadistic grin on his face as he whispered. "Daddy ain't putting no food on yer plate anymore, is he? Shouldn't bite the fuckin' hand that feeds ya. Bet yer real sorry ya don't have my blood coursing through you no more."
- You looked at him and felt your face twist into a quiet sob...You needed him. You needed him to still teach you how to live this new life. You needed him to help you get stronger....And most of all, you knew he'd follow you till you killed him and some part of you couldn't do it both physically not strong enough and emotionally attached to this mismatched group...And some sick part of you attached to him. You felt it now.
- You apologized and asked him if you could go home. He gave you a hard time, acting like YOU were the guilty one as if he didn't turn you without permission and all the other things that had happened to you weren't his fault. As if he didn't drive you away. He still accepted you back and this time you reasoned you were staying and you were going to make this awful situation work out...That you wanted to be with him.
- He was beyond skeptical about that and clearly didn't trust you. Watching you like a hawk and not nearly as warm with you as he was before. In his fucked up mind; you hurt him. You realized even if he was deranged, he truly did give a shit about you and you leaving devastated him. It made you even more determined to stay and prove you weren't going to do it again because if you were being forced into this you'd rather have the playful side of him rather than the gruff and cold one.
- He protected you, he loved you, he was soft with you despite his brutish nature with anyone else, even after everything you did he fully accepted you back after a week or so of proving you were eager to learn from him and stay...And all you had to do was let him be in your presence. You both were mates, he reasoned. It was why he couldn't escape you just as well as you couldn't escape him.
- Soon, he allowed you the choice to leave after he was clearly sure you wouldn't. "If your so damned determined to be human again, go on. Go be around them and see for yer self. I'll be waiting right here." He told you with a cigarette in his mouth sitting on a parked train car one day near the town where you lived before Jesse was going to take them to another State.
- You couldn't imagine eternity without him because after he allowed you to test the waters and be near human friends or family again...You sadly realized now their company felt like being a starving person with delicious food in front of you. You couldn't connect with humans anymore. All you had was him. All you needed was him and all you wanted was him...He won.
- You had him forever. You wore one of his rings and always had his arm around you anytime you were in public. If he could have had his bitemark unhealed to mark his territory; he would. He was constantly whispering loving words to you, touching you, wanting you and you liked it. Despite it all at first, you craved him now as much as he craved you.
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Entry number 21 for @ailesswhumptober
Day 21: mouth stitched shut/shock
Tw: rape
Hughie didn't know how long he had been here already, how long ago Homelander had waited for him at his dad's place. Hughie had been shocked then, terrified even, but he didn't think the supe came for anything other than intimidating him.
And that's how it started out, Homelander was asking Hughie questions about Butcher, about their plans, and about the things they already knew. Hughie stayed silent of course, his heart hammering in his chest like it was trying to jump out. He thought about lying at first, about talking to the supe like Butcher would have but he knew he didn't have it in him so he kept quiet instead.
Every unanswered question seemed to make Homelander angrier and angrier but the supe didn't touch him, didn't even come close he just stared at Hughie; somehow that was worse, the uncertainty of what might happen, of what the supe was thinking.
After only ten minutes of getting yelled at Homelander took off, leaving Hughie behind. And honestly? Hughie didn't know what to think of that encounter, didn't know what the fuck just happened. He, of course, called Butcher as soon as Homelander left, telling him about everything Homelander had asked and about how he hadn't told him anything.
In hindsight, he should have known that that wouldn't be it, that Homelander wouldn't give up that quickly. Barely a minute after Homelander left, Hughie was still talking to Butcher, the supe came back, looking angrier than Hughie had ever seen him before.
The supe said nothing as he stalked toward Hughie and grabbed him by the throat, the only noises in the apartment coming from Hughie's phone falling to the ground and Hughie's choked noises of surprise.
Hughie passed out not long after that, only to wake back up in a room that had nothing except a bed with a massive headache and a sore throat. So yeah he didn't know how long he's been here for, how long ago Homelander had waited for him but he knew one thing for sure; Hughie was fucked.
He glanced around the room, eyes wide and body trembling, trying to see anything he might be able to use for a quick escape but there really was nothing except the bed he was still sitting on.
He tried to get up then, maybe walk around the room to find something useful, but a chain around his ankle hidden underneath the blanket haphazardly thrown over his legs made that impossible.
Hughie truly started to panic then, his breathing becoming shallow and the trembling turning into full-on tremors coursing through his body.
He tried to even his breathing, tried to calm himself down at least until he could think clearly again but the door to the room clicking open made that increasingly harder.
His eyes snapped to the door upon hearing it open and his heart pounded even harder in his chest when he saw Homelander step into the room. The supe looked almost bored when he entered the room, his cold eyes looking at Hughie like he was just an obstacle between him and his goal. Hughie probably was.
"I thought a change in scenery might make you talk." Homelander said not long after he locked the door behind him, a mean smirk on his face.
Hughie didn't answer verbally, he just shook his head; he knew his voice wouldn't work the way he wanted it to and the silence seemed to agitate Homelander almost more than his words could have.
Homelander's jaw ticked and he walked toward Hughie taking his face in his hand and squeezing until Hughie was sure his jaw would break between Homelander's fingers.
"Answer when I ask you a fucking question." Homelander spat, his eyes wide with anger and his fingers tightening just a tad more. Hughie could feel his heart in his throat and the trembling didn't let up either but still he said,
"I'm not telling you anything." He tried to put as much confidence into his words as possible, tried to shake off the anxiety building up inside of him and for just a second it actually worked. His words sounded almost angry and Hughie couldn't help but feel proud of himself for it.
"You're going to regret that." Homelander mumbled then, the words spoken with so much venom Hughie felt like he'd been poisoned, before the supe turned and rushed out of the room.
Hughie felt relief when the door slammed shut before the anxiety came back, crashing into him the same way Homelander's hand had crashed against his throat earlier.
But, Butcher knew Homelander took him, he must have heard Homelander slam Hughie against the wall, so Hughie wouldn't be here long, Butcher and the others would come and save him. Hughie just had to stay strong for a bit, he had to keep going until they found him and he could totally do that.
He kept repeating that in his head, kept repeating that his friends would come for him until the door swung open again interrupting his thoughts in the process. Homelander moved inside quicker this time, like he had a mission, and Hughie couldn't help but move away from the supe.
Homelander stopped for a second before he laughed to himself looking at Hughie like he was stupid for even trying and honestly? Hughie did feel stupid.
"Where do you think you're going?" Homelander asked then, mocking laughter in his voice. Hughie stayed silent, looking at the supe with wide eyes, and watched as Homelander stepped closer once again.
"I'm going to give you one more chance to talk, after that? Forget it." Hughie looked at Homelander, seeing the way his eyes were almost blazing with triumph; the supe obviously thought he could scare Hughie into talking, into giving up his friends.
The worst thing was that Hughie thought about doing it, about telling him what he wanted to know. He thought about it only for a second, a second too long in Hughie's opinion, before he discarded the thought again. He could never do that to his friends even if it meant Homelander would hurt him.
With a deep breath, Hughie looked into Homelander's eyes and shook his head. He could see the exact moment the action registered in Homelander's brain, could see the fury building behind his eyes before a smile broke out on the supe's face.
"I hoped you would do that, Hughie. Makes you so much more interesting." Homelander said then before he left once again and Hughie knew he fucked up, knew he should have told him something even if it wasn't the truth.
Hughie continued berating himself until the door opened and Homelander stepped inside once again, a small black case in his hand.
Hughie opened his mouth to say something, to tell him he had changed his mind but Homelander shushed him before a single noise escaped his throat. Homelander opened the case then and Hughie watched in confusion as he pulled out a needle and some black thread.
He didn't know what Homelander was planning, not until Homelander walked up to him at least, needle still in hand and his eyes focused on Hughie's mouth.
"Wait! Wait I'll-" Hughie started, panic rising in his chest while his blood left his face. He tried to move away again, backed away until his back hit the wall, the chains were rustling with his movement and the sound seemed almost deafening in the otherwise quiet room.
"Don't talk now, I thought you weren't telling me anything." Homelander interrupted him, sounding amused and excited at the same time. The supe grabbed Hughie's face again, pressing his lips together before he placed the needle under Hughie's bottom lip.
Hughie grabbed Homelander's arm, trying to move it away but the supe didn't budge, he just chuckled before he pushed the needle through Hughie's lips.
Hughie moaned in pain behind Homelander's hand, his vision whitening for a second while Homelander pulled the thread through the sensitive skin.
He didn't even get a minute to acclimate himself to the pain before the needle went through his lips for a second time, then a third, and then a fourth until Hughie's mouth was held shut not by Homelander's hand but by the black thread the supe had brought.
Hughie could feel the blood mixing with his tears and running down toward his neck, ruining his Billy Joel shirt; he caught himself thinking that he should have worn something else, that his shirt was ruined now but he couldn't keep that train of thought for long. The pain in his face was agonizing and the shaking wouldn't stop and he couldn't breathe properly and-
"Don't you paint a pretty picture?" Homelander said suddenly; was it sudden? Hughie just stared at him, unmoving and unable to say anything. He didn't even react when Homelander stepped closer once again after having discarded the needle somewhere.
"You look good coated in blood, anyone ever tell you that?" The words were mumbled and Hughie could see Homelander's eyes roam over his body while he said them. Hughie felt the dread already nestled in his stomach spread through his body as Homelander grabbed his shirt, ripping it off without a single word.
Hughie shuddered when he was exposed to the cold air, goosebumps rising along his arms and chest. The blood dripping on his now bare chest made him tense with each drop and the way Homelander's eyes moved along with the blood made Hughie almost shudder once again.
"Let's see how much it takes for you to rip your stitches." That was the only warning Hughie got before his pants and boxers were ripped off him in one clean movement and the dread in his body engulfed him completely.
Hughie struggled then, trying to get Homelander's hands off him, he even tried to scream at him before he shut his mouth with a click; the pain was too much already and he really didn't want to pass out now.
Homelander barely reacted to Hughie's movements though, he just grabbed one of his thighs in an iron grip until Hughie stopped moving, afraid the supe would break a bone if he didn't.
"Maybe I'll just keep you here, train you until you're perfect. You're pretty enough." Homelander was mumbling to himself, words so quiet Hughie might have missed them if the room wasn't eerily quiet otherwise.
Hughie could see Homelander's eyes roam over his body before they stopped on his face, on his mouth to be precise and Hughie was almost scared Homelander might kiss him. As if that was the worst thing that could happen here.
Homelander reached for his mouth then and Hughie barely suppressed a pained whine as the supe coated his fingers with Hughie's blood until the already read gloves took on a darker shade.
The hand holding Hughie's thigh moved away while Homelander's other hand was still on Hughie's mouth, on his neck, on his chest. Hughie could see Homelander pulling out his dick not long after, and to Hughie's horror, the supe was already hard.
Hughie wasn't sure how long the supe had been hard for, he wasn't sure if Hughie's pained noises or the act of sewing his mouth shut did it for him but Hughie knew neither of these options were good. Not for him at least.
Homelander closed his eyes for a second then and Hughie just tried to level his breathing, tried to calm himself down but the panic was still coursing through his veins like oxygen.
Homelander's hand moved out of Hughie's face not long after before he gripped his own dick coating it with Hughie's blood. Hughie almost threw up when he saw it, bile rising in his throat at the pleasured moan coming from the supe but Hughie swallowed it down the same way he swallowed a sob when he thought about what would happen next.
Hughie thought about struggling again when he felt the tip of Homelander's dick at his entrance but before he could even try Homelander slammed inside of him in one fluid movement. The pain was excruciating, definitely worse than the stitching had been and Hughie had to gather every ounce of willpower not to scream, to not rip the stitches.
"You're tougher than you look, Hughie." Homelander said then, sounding the faintest bit winded before he pulled out almost completely just to slam into Hughie with more force than before.
Hughie felt the pain everywhere, in his back, in his hands, and in his teeth. His whole body shook with each thrust of Homelander's hips and the fresh tears running down his face burned as they met the punctures in his lips.
Hughie tried to think of something else, he tried to think about Annie, about Butcher and his friends but every time his mind let him drift off Homelander would slam him right back into the present.
Homelander's hands moved to Hughie's hips then, grabbing him so tight Hughie could feel his bones grinding against the supe's hands and for a second Hughie really thought Homelander aimed to break them.
"Fucking hell Hughie you're so tight, maybe I'll really keep you with me. Doing this every day sounds like a dream come true don't you think?" Homelander said then and Hughie really wished he would just shut the fuck up and get this over with.
Hughie could feel Homelander's hips stutter and saw the supes eyes fall closed not long after that, surprised his wish was coming true so quickly. He was almost relieved before Homelander changed his angle slightly, making it more painful for Hughie but obviously more pleasurable for the supe.
Homelander's last few thrusts were even more brutal than the rest had been and Hughie almost screamed when he felt one of his hipbones snap beneath Homelander's hand. He forced his jaw shut though, his teeth grinding together as his vision whitened once again.
Hughie noticed his hearing fading away as the sharp pain ripped through him and the breath in his lungs stopped for a second as he tried to get used to the pain.
He barely felt Homelander slipping out of him, barely noticed Homelander putting his dick away. He barely even heard it when Homelander said,
"You barely ripped your stitches, I'm impressed." The supe didn't sound impressed at all, he sounded condescending and disappointed but Hughie didn't react, didn't even look at the supe as he left, black case in hand and a smile on his face.
Hughie stayed like that for quite some time, just staring at the ceiling with tears running down his face while his body shivered and shook. He could feel something leaking out of his ass but Hughie didn't want to know what it was, he really didn't.
He could feel sobs making their way up his throat again but he had to swallow them back down, he couldn't risk the stitches in his mouth and he didn't want to move in any way, his body hurt too much for that.
The only reason he moved at all was to move the blanket over himself, he didn't want his friends to see him like that when they came for him. And they would come, they just needed more time than Hughie thought is all.
Hughie didn't really register the next few times Homelander visited him, and he didn't react to anything he did either; his only mission was for his stitches to stay put while his eyes stayed glued to the ceiling.
He didn't register or even think about how much time went by even if Homelander always told him how long it's been when he entered the room. He just chose to forget that it's been three, four, five, six-
Hughie didn't really register when it wasn't Homelander that entered one day, he only knew that the hands on him were too gentle to be Homelander's, the hair too dark and too long, that the voice was too gruff and the skin too dark but he couldn't focus long enough to realize any of that.
He didn't realize it when he got moved out of the room either, didn't realize it when he was suddenly wearing a loose shirt with pineapples on it and sweatpants that were too wide but too short.
He did realize however when he woke up in another room than he was used to, the walls too dirty and not bloody enough, the bed not a bed but a mattress lying on the floor, and the lamp above him a warm yellow instead of the clinical white he was used to.
He sat up slowly, careful not to agitate his injuries any further. His body protested with the movement but Hughie didn't want to stay lying down this time, the change in scenery making it hard for Hughie to stay as passive as he did before.
Hughie jumped when the door of the room opened suddenly and he moved back against the wall on instinct, not registering that the chain on his ankle didn't make any noise this time.
Hughie stared at the person in front of him with wide unseeing eyes for a second before something in his brain clicked. He was wearing clothes and the chain around his ankle was quiet. Hughie moved his ankle around again then, his eyes snapping toward it when he didn't hear the usual sound of metal clinking or feel the telltale chill against his skin.
There was nothing there, nothing holding him in place and he could feel his eyes water when he moved a hand toward his face, trying to probe at the stitches that weren't there anymore.
"Don't touch your injuries Petite Hughie, it might get infected." The second Hughie recognized Frenchie's concerned voice he started crying, letting out the sobs he had to force down previously and he could feel his stomach convulse with the force of them.
He could feel Frenchie's arms around him not soon after and to his credit he barely flinched before he hugged Frenchie back, sobbing into his friend's neck while his hands clenched around his shirt.
They stayed like that for a while before Hughie heard the others enter the room, before he felt a few more hands on him, comforting him.
He barely even flinched when he did.
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