#Present Mic fluff
dira333 · 11 months
To sing and to listen - Present Mic x reader
TW: grief, although lightly mentioned - Song is The Old Therebefore by Suzanne Collins
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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The first time you called in was out of desperation.
Little Tobio was inconsolable in your arms, his loud cries turned into whimpers as you held him close in the night. He refused to fall asleep and you feared he would wake up the rest of the kids if he started screaming again.
“I want my grandpa.” He whimpered into your neck as you held him close. 
“I know, Tobio. I know.” You rubbed circles into his back and turned the knob on your radio, hoping the music would calm him down a little even though singing to him hadn't helped.
Instead, you were greeted by a cheerful voice.
“Welcome back, Listeners! Tonight we’re answering all kinds of questions around the topic ‘heroes of the day’. I’m excited to hear from you. This is Present Mic with Hands Up Radio!”
Tobio pulled back his head to squint at the radio.
“Who’s that?” The little boy asked and you propped him up a little.
“That’s Present Mic. He’s a Hero who does Radio Shows as well.”
“What kind of hero?”
“I think he has a voice quirk… Wait…” You pulled your phone from your worn-out cardigan and pulled up the hero stats. “See? That’s him.”
Tobio giggled, the first happy sound of his today. “He’s got funny hair.”
“He does, doesn’t he?”
While an old ACDC song played on the Radio you managed to capture the boy in silly small talk but soon his eyes darkened again and you could feel him slip into his grief yet again.
“Shall we call him? Present Mic? We can ask him about his own grandpa or whatever you want.”
“We can?”
“Sure we can. But it’s pretty late so he will surely ask you to go to bed after that.”
Tobio pondered that for a moment until he nodded, blue eyes sparkling with excitement.
“Yes! I wanna ask him.”
“Alright, alright. Let’s see if we can get through.”
You turned the volume down on the radio and tapped around on your phone until you found the number. After two rings, the call connected and a friendly female voice called out to you. “Hell there and welcome to Hands Up Radio. If you’ll hang on for a second, you’ll be the next caller on air. Can you give me your name please?”
“Uh, yes. Sure. It’s ___, I’m here with my little friend Tobio.”
“Oh, how nice. And, you’re up.”
You get little time to steel your nerves before you hear Present Mic’s voice. You don’t know how old he is but his introduction to the world of Heroes has been rather recent. His voice sounds young though, and reminds you of someone your age.”
“Hello, Listener! You called in with a question and we’re excited to hear it! Let’s rock and rrrrrumble!”
Tobio giggles next to you and you press on, if only to keep him happy for longer.
“Hello, I’m calling with my little friend Tobio who wants to ask you something.”
“Well, hello there, Tobio! How are you tonight?”
“I’m fine.” Tobio squeaks and giggles. “How are you?”
“Absolutely fantastico, now that I’ve heard you! How old are you, my friend?!”
“I’m five and a half!” He exclaims proudly.
“This old already?! My my, I’ll have to watch out for your hero debut! Are you planning to become a hero?!”
“NO!” Tobio cries out happily, laughing along with Present Mic. “I’m gonna be a teacher like my grandpa!”
“A teacher?! What a grand idea! And what do you want to teach?”
“Volleyball!” Tobio’s scrambling in your arms now, almost as if he wants to crawl into the phone. “And other sports too, like grandpa, but mostly volleyball.”
“Sports education, what a great plan! Now, what do you or your mother want to ask?”
You laugh, embarrassed by the assumption. Tobio’s quick to handle it.
“___ is not my mom! She’s my best friend!” He corrects. “And I wanna ask… Do you have a grandpa too, Mr. Present Mic, Sir?”
“A grandpa? Well, of course, I have, and two of them as well! Both fabulous men, you know, but sadly they were not teachers like yours.”
“No?” Tobio’s eyes are big. “What did they do?”
Present Mic's voice now carries an almost lost touch to it, as he delves into his past.
“My mother’s dad was a singer and he was fantastic. He died very young, so I never met him. And my father’s dad is a rice farmer, with hands so big he could scoop you up and throw you around like you’re nothing but a bag of rice.”
“Can you give them a hug from me?” Tobio asks, his small voice loud in the quiet room. It’s quiet on the other side of the phone and when Present Mic answers, his voice is thick with emotion.
“Will do, little Tobio. Sadly, I have to answer more questions, but I guess it’s time for bed now for you, right?”
“Yes.” Tobio agrees. “I promise I’ll go to sleep. Sleep tight Mr. Present Mic, Sir!”
The call cuts off and you turn the volume on the radio up again, catching the emotion still clinging to Present Mic’s voice.
“My, my, what a boy.” He says. “He reminded us all to appreciate our loved ones tonight, wouldn’t you say? Let’s think of them with our next song, shall we?”
“Oba-san!” Little Toruu pulls on your pant leg. “Can we listen to the radio tonight?”
You agree willingly, heart still a little raw from Tobio leaving this week. 
Sure, you were more than happy that they found his father’s cousin, a single woman in her thirties, who was more than willing to raise him now that his parents were dead and his grandpa in a nursing home. But you missed him, with his shy smile and blueberry eyes. 
Toruu, two years older than Tobio, was dreaming of becoming a Hero himself. Sadly, his Quirk only seemed to allow him to increase the power of the Quirks around him.
He was a problem child, too smart for his own good and too stubborn to accept any advice.
“Bedtime was hours ago,” Toruu has the decency to look ashamed as he sits on a pillow in the middle of the room, three other boys crowded around him. Three more boys are sleeping, undeterred by the radio playing.
“We wanna talk to Present Mic too!” Takahiro explains, his hair a mess of pink locks and ripe strawberries growing out of them. 
You sigh. Something like that happening should have been clear from the start. Tobio had never been one to keep a secret to himself.
“You too, Hajime, Issei?” Hajime has the decency to blush and curl into himself, almost resembling a turtle. Issei just stares at you with deep dark eyes. He’s learned not to talk too much, the birds taking flight from his mouth with every word hurting his throat.
“Alright, alright.” You take a seat in their circle. “Does everyone have their own question or do you just have one?”
Issei hands you a paper covered in his messy handwriting.
“You want me to read your question?” Issei nods.
“Mine too.” Hajime puts another note on top of the first, followed by Takahiro who’s suddenly not so convinced he can pull off talking to a radio host.
Toruu however, has his arms crossed over his chest. “I will talk myself.”
“Alright. But quietly. We don’t want to wake the others.”
“Welcome, Listener! What question do thee have for us?” Present Mic’s voice rumbles from the phone and Toruu presses against your side, suddenly shy.
“Hi, it’s me again.” You start, cringing at your own awkwardness. “Tobio had so much fun the others want to talk to you too.”
“The others? My, how many siblings are we talking?!”
“We’re not siblings!” Toruu complains angrily, not liking it one bit to be compared to little Tobio. “We live in a children’s home.”
“Toruu.” You chide him softly, before explaining. “I’m a caretaker at a children’s home. I’d rather not have the name aired on radio but the kids love your show. I’m here with the older boys tonight, Toruu is 8, Hajime is 8 and a half, and Issei and Takahiro are both nine. They all have a question each but want me to ask you for them.”
You’re a little breathless from your ramble but Present Mic just cooes excitedly over the phone.
“No way! I didn’t know I had such dedicated listeners! What do you guys want to be when you grow up?”
“I wanna be a hero!” Toruu calls out. “The best there is.”
The other three look up at you with big round eyes, only Takahiro brave enough to whisper “I want to work at a zoo.”
“Takahiro loves Zebra’s,” you explain. “Hajime wants to travel. And Issei wants to be a photographer.”
“My, my, what dedicated fellows we have here! Now, lets hear your questions, young Listeners! I’m so excited.”
Toruu, suddenly shy, nudges you to read the others first.
“Hajime wants to know if you’ve ever been outside of Japan.”
“I have! What a great question, Hajime! I went to England once and it was a-may-zing! Promise me to go there for me one day and think of me when you sit in the London Eye and look down at the city.”
“I promise,” Hajime whispers into the phone before pulling his head back into himself again.
Another look at Toruu who’s still shaking his head. 
“Issei wants to know what your favorite bird is.”
“My favorite bird? That’s a tough question, little Listener! There are so many wonderful ones to choose from! But there’s one, with white feathers and a great haircut, if you ask me, who can talk back. That one should be named Present Mic’s favorite bird but I’ve forgotten its name, I’m afraid.”
“A cockatoo!” Issei calls out and a little sparrow springs from his lips, fluttering around the room. You whistle softly and it lands on your hand, settling in as if for the night.
“A cockatoo? How smart you are, my friend! Now, I believe we have two more questions to go?”
You know you’re taking up a lot of time. Grateful that he’s not rushing through this, you read out the next question. “Takahiro wants to know if you like strawberries. He grows them on his head.”
“I loooove strawberries!” Present Mic calls out excitedly and Takahiro blushes a perfect shade of strawberry red. “What an excellent quirk to have, my friend!”
“Do you need a sidekick?” Toruu interrupts him, voice a little breathy, eyes wide. “Because I have a quirk that enhances other quirks and I-”
“Wow, my friend, that is your quirk?!” Present Mic sounds thrilled as always, his tone just right to have Toruu beaming at you as he listens. “What an amazing quirk to have! Sadly we cannot take in any sidekicks under the age of fifteen, but I’ll be more than happy to have you by my side if you still want to be my sidekick then. Does that sound like a deal?”
The next week, you’re home in bed with a fever and a raw throat.
Next to your bed is the note that the girls scribbled onto, not wanting to miss out on questioning Present Mic. You’re sure they won’t mind waiting another week for their chance but half an hour before his show starts you wake up and are unable to fall asleep again.
You turn on the radio, telling yourself that you’ll only listen to his show until you feel tired enough to fall asleep again, but to your surprise, Present Mic sounds a little off today. His voice, usually cheerful, sounds almost timid today. You wonder if he got hurt in a fight or if he’s sick as well and before you know it, your phone is already in your hands.
The call connects almost instantly. You state your name and the female voice greets you cheerfully.
You miss half of Present Mic’s greeting because you have to sneeze violently. 
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” You begin before realizing that you’ve just sneezed AND cursed on live radio. He laughs and it sounds a little lighter than before. 
“No worries, the weather this week must get to everyone, am I right?”
“About that!” You say, aware that your voice sounds a little rough right now. “I’m without the kids tonight because little Hitoka got a cold and therefore I got it too. I just wanted to ask… How are you?”
Silence follows your question and for a second you fear they have kicked you off the call until you hear a heavy sigh.
“I- I have to preface this by saying that I’m healthy, not hungry, not in want of clothes or a home or anything, but… it’s nice to hear a question like this on a day like today. You couldn’t know this nor anyone else out there but today is the anniversary of a good friend’s death and-” You can hear him swallow thickly and wonder how he might look right now. 
You picture him like on of your kids. Maybe he turns grumpy when he’s sad, like Kei. Or he blubbers in tears like Asahi. Maybe it’s that picture that loosens your tongue, because Asahi only ever cheers up when you sing with him, but the words are out of your mouth before you can stop yourself, scratched up on the edges and a little breathless from the cold, but unmistaken.
“You’re headed for heaven, the sweet old hereafter, and I’ve got one foot in the door…” You sing, the melody too well-known to you after years of helping mourning children, “But before I can fly up, I’ve loose ends to tie up, right here in the old therebefore…”
He doesn’t interrupt you, and you keep singing, the words flowing a bit smoother now as if they’re coated in honey, soothing your throat.
“I’ll be along, when I’ve finished my song, when I’ve shut down the band, when I’ve played out my hand, when I’ve paid all my debts, when I have no regrets, right here in the old therebefore. When nothing is left anymore.”
You sing the whole song, wondering if your quirk might work through the radio, or if the words might soothe someone in all those listening.
When you end, it’s quiet again, until you can hear Present Mic mutter a quiet “Thank you.” The call ends and you know you’ve probably embarrassed yourself on live radio right now, but if you’ve soothed his pain, if only a little, you’ll be more than happy about that.
There’s a man waiting in the entryway of the Crimson Riot Children’s home when you come in for the night shift.
He’s tall, blond, and good-looking, his long hair tied up in a bun.
“I’m sorry, visitation ends at five p.m.” You explain softly and he nods. 
“I was… I wanted to… talk to you.”
You blink, searching your memory for his face. He’s not a relative nor on the list of possible parents. But he looks familiar and you need an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots.
“Mr. Present Mic.” You blurt out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you.”
He laughs softly. “That was the plan, actually. I… I know you’re just about to start working but I wanted to… get to know you, maybe? Have a coffee together?”
“With me?” You point at yourself, spellbound. 
He smiles. 
There’s a rumble on the stairs and the newest addition to the family, purple-haired Hitoshi, turns up, looking anxiously between the two of you.
“Hi there, buddy.” You offer him your hand for the elaborate handshake he came up with this week. “Are you already done with dinner?”
He nods, sliding up to you and taking your hand, staring up at Present mic with curious purple eyes. 
“You have a voice quirk too, right?” He asks, direct as you’ve learned him to be.
“Yeah, I do. You too?”
Hitoshi nods but refrains from using it before he points at you.
“Oba-san has one too.”
“I figured as much.” Present Mic offers with a grin. “Had the whole studio smitten last week.”
“Oh, it’s not like that.” Your face burns under his praise. “It’s only a weak quirk and works mostly on animals.”
“Still.” He falls quiet after that, the three of you standing around in awkward silence.
Present Mic is the first to break it.
“You might be curious how I found you and why, but, as I said, I was very touched and I’d like… if you don’t want though, that’s completely fine.”
“When does your show start?” You ask. “It’s Friday, right? You have your show later.”
“Oh, I have to be in the studio at nine.”
“And when do you get out?”
“I usually leave at six in the morning.” 
You nod, before looking down at Hitoshi who looks curiously back up at you.
“If you want,” you tell him softly, trying to keep your voice from shaking, “You can come up and get to know the kids before the show. The girls wanted to ask questions anyway and Takahiro would love to meet you as well. And if you still want, we can… we can get a coffee in the morning. My shift ends at six as well.”
Present Mic smiles. 
“Takahiro, the boy that grows strawberries on his head, right?”
You nod and his smile morphs into an excited grin.
“I’d love to. Oh, and call me Hizashi Yamada.”
Almost a year later…
Hitoshi has curled into a ball on Shouta’s lap. He’s tired from today’s events and past nights that lack sleep, but he’s refusing to go to bed.
One of Shouta’s cats has curled up in your lap and you caress its soft fur periodically as you listen to the radio, waiting for the time to drip past you, as if today is a bathtub that can only be emptied drop by drop.
“You should go to bed,” Shouta tells Hitoshi for the umpteenth time but his son - newly adopted - curls into an even tighter ball.
“Do you want a hot chocolate?” You ask, watching and waiting as Hitoshi unfurls, capturing you with his big purple eyes. 
“Can we have mini marshmallows in it?” He asks and you snort.
“We’re at your place, baby.” You remind him. “All the mini marshmallows are at my place.”
“I have some.” Shouta croaks out. “But they’re hidden. Don’t go around telling Hizashi that I own something like that.”
“Never.” You and Hitoshi say in unison, sharing a wink.
When the hot chocolate is assembled and father and son are sipping from their respective cups - Hitoshi already back in position as Shouta’s personal weighted blanket, you keep standing, too anxious to sit, your hand soothing through Shouta’s hair as you nip on your hot chocolate.
It’s the anniversary of Oboro’s death today and your boyfriend, no, fiancé, isn’t home. 
He’s doing a show, even though it’s not Friday, because he promised not to go on patrol today, and standing still is not in the Cards for today.
You know they both are hurting and there’s only one thing you can do to help.
You call the well-known number and wait for the call to connect.
“Hi Darling,” Hizashi greets you, “Will you sing for us again today?”
You had talked about this before. You don’t like to be on his show any more than you have to, even though the kids still love sending in questions. But if you singing is something that could help Hizashi and Shouta and so many more grieving souls today, you will do it.
You think of Tobio and Toruu, of Hajime and Issei, Takahiro and Hitoka. You think of the boys and girls that left Crimson Riots children’s home and of those that stay behind, without a family to take them in. 
You think of Hitoshi’s purple eyes that still go dark sometimes and Shouta who’d taken one look at him before deciding his decision to not have children ever did not include adopting Hitoshi.
You think of Hizashi and sing, your quirk lacing every word and every note, soothing the hurt only absence can bring.
“I'll catch you up
When I've emptied my cup,
When I've worn out my friends,
When I've burned out both ends,
When I've cried all my tears,
When I've conquered my fears,
Right here in
The old therebefore,
When nothing
Is left anymore.”
tagged: @alienaiver @misfit-megumi
196 notes · View notes
alienaiver · 9 months
Favorite ready meal and a soft kiss.
Yamada Hizashi x afab!reader (genderneutral language, but subject is periods.) wordcount: 697!
for @dira333 - made it purposefully as vague as possible. asking for details would chance a reveal of my little gift. still hope it brings a little comfort even if im off, though!
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When the front door unlocks and swings open, you’re not prepared for the boom of sound traveling through the apartment. To be honest, when you’d sent him the list of groceries, you assumed he’d realize why you needed those things.
“Hello my favorite listener!!!!”
It’s so loud that you instantly wince, hiding underneath the mountains of blankets as fast as possible. Yamada strolls in with a grocery bag in one hand and a bag from the convenience store in the other, his smile bright and wide.
Until he sees the human-shaped lump on the couch. His expression drops as he scolds himself mentally, too excited to come home to you to really think his actions through. He knew and yet, he forgot during the short travel home. He feels silly.
“Baby,” he coos gently, sneaking to the couch and crouching in front of your face. You groan from within and he reaches inside your wall of fluff to pet your hair, “I brought all the stuff you need.” he says, his voice as gentle as he’s able, albeit scratchy. It’s been a long day.
You whine before you slowly lift off the blankets to show your puffy face. Yamada smiles at you, warm and welcoming. “How’s the pain?” he asks, his hand traveling from your hair to your cheek. You lean into the touch.
As you seem to ponder how inflicted you are, he starts unpacking the bags next to him, putting the medicine and the snacks on the coffee table right next to you, together with the ion-supply water and ready meal from the convenience store. He’s hoping your favorite konbini meal will entice you to get something down because something is better than nothing.
The scent of the already heated meal seems to interest you, your nose sniffing around to see what he’s got behind him. You hum out a small thank you when you realize he went off the list in the best way. It’s just what you need.
“Can you sit, my love?” he asks, breaking the single use chopsticks apart and handing you the water first so you can re-hydrate. With a wince you start to push yourself up, sitting up slumped. He smiles at you, “good job.”
The praise feels like what he says to his students all day when they get an answer ready, so you shake your head with a smile before you take a sip of the water, the neutral taste making you gulp down another sip. He exchanges the bottle with the plastic container smoothly, “it’s a little hot. It cooled down a little on the way home, but be careful.”
Blearily, you accept and take in a deep breath through your nose, bracing for the nausea. You straighten up happily when nothing arrives but a pang of hunger. It must be your lucky day.
While you eat, Yamada puts the rest of the things he bought away that needs to go in the fridge or the cabinets. He doesn’t want to overwhelm you with his usual debriefing of the day conversation, unless you initiate it yourself. He comes back to the container empty and you lying back down, the seal of the medication already opened and the correct dosage taken.
He smiles and circle the couch, crawling at an awkward angle over the backrest to come up behind you. You huff out a laugh through your nose as you wiggle yourself forward to make room for him. He sighs contentedly when his long limps are settled around you, a hand drawing circles into the upper part of your stomach. He nuzzles into your neck, “let me know what you need whenever you need it, yeah? I’ll get it to you lickity split.”
You can’t stop the laughter from leaving you at the use of expression, pushing back towards him, “you really are my hero. Thank you.” you strain your neck to give him a soft peck on the lips and he hums into it, his lips still split into a smile. When you pull back you look into his eyes again, “really, thank you. For being here through it.”
“Anything for my favorite listener, always.”
139 notes · View notes
synthetictorii · 1 year
The Price Of Beauty ✧ Hizashi Yamada
Pairing: Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x reader Genre: fluff Summary: Hizashi's been having headache that have a very obvious cause. It takes a lot of effort and sacrifice to keep his hair in such unnatural shape, y'know? Word count: 5.1k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning...
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     The bell rang, declaring the lesson finished. It was late in the afternoon already so all the students hurried out of classroom without asking you any question. You were teaching assistant for English lessons at U.A., the hero academy, which was pretty ironic as you were born quirkless. But it was a job you really enjoyed and it still left you with enough time to study for your own lesson on police academy. What you didn’t inherit in terms of quirk was compensated for by your high intelligence and natural talent to simply soak up information. You never had a hard time studying, not even now during your last college year although yes, there were subjects you spent more time on than you wanted but hey, that was life. You felt truly blessed to be clever enough to get the opportunity with the U.A., the students were mostly fine kids and the lessons were fun. However today left you exhausted even if nothing much happened as you didn’t get nearly enough sleep, binge watching the new series of your favourite show until 4 a.m. The good thing was that it was Friday so you could catch up with your sleeping tonight.
  You yawned and let your head fall down on your hands lying on the desk you were sitting at. You closed your tired eyes for a while, enjoying last warm rays of sun falling on your back through the window. You must have dozed off for a second since you did not notice the steps approaching you or that a person stood above you until they softly petted your head with a chuckle. Your head snapped up, eyes widened in surprise. “Hey, [y/n], was I that boring?” Asked the person (who still didn’t remove his hand from your head), grin on his lips. Your features relaxed and your shoulder dropped slightly. Now that you knew who it was, you had to restrain yourself from leaning into his touch. “Sorry, I’m just really tired, Yamada-san,” you gave him a weak smile, your eyes casted down so you wouldn’t have to look on his pretty face. As if it mattered, your cheeks were probably pink anyway.
  The only reason why you hadn’t fallen asleep during the lecture was him – your long time crush Yamada Hizashi, or as the public knew him, the pro-hero Present Mic. You were interested in him since he debuted as a hero. You admired how skilled he was in using his power, always paying attention not to hurt civilians or break windows with his loud voice. And he also had his own radio show and taught at the high school. It was truly admirable that he managed to do so many things. Then there were, of course, his astounding looks. His mane of golden hair that he obviously took good care of, well-trimmed mustache and piercing lime eyes with facial features worthy of God himself with his beautiful cheek bones and jawline to die for. You absolutely loved just watching the man as he elegantly moved and explained the grammar or really simply existed. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. He always radiated so much energy, watching him was hypnotizing.  
  “I already told you like hundred times to call me Hizashi,” he sighed, pulling you out of your thoughts. The pout was evident in his voice. You were not going to deny yourself looking at his cute expression. Whatever face he was making he always looked so perfect and charming, was this man actually a human? “No one calls you that in school, I’d feel weird if I did,” you explained, scratching your nape awkwardly. You kept your mouth shut about the fact that you were afraid that the word would come out as a purr. “Ah, so that’s how it is,” he nodded but you saw the devilish smirk already forming on his face and crossed your hands across your chest. “Then I suggest, that you, [y/n] [l/n], join me on Sunday to help me grade the essays at my place,” he finger-gunned you but quickly laughed it off. It almost looked like he was nervous. Why make him even feel even worse by telling him to pet you again because you missed his touch. “That’s if you don’t have anything else to do for school or whatever,” he added quickly and more quietly than before. All the deadlines that were slowly drawing closer were forgotten the instant you saw your chance to meet him outside the school. How could you refuse his offer when he was obviously so flustered about it – not to mention that you wouldn’t miss out on it for the world? Your heart jumped around in your chest. “I’d love to help you!” You smiled brightly at him, your [e/c] sparkling with happiness that didn’t go unnoticed, sending his pulse into overdrive. He snickered and spinned around with a yelp of excitement. Yes, he was loud, very loud, but you didn’t mind one bit.
  After agreeing on details, you left the classroom together and chatted for a little while before going your separate ways – him into teacher’s lounge and you home, finally. You smiled the dorkiest smile the whole way to your little apartment, whistling a happy melody. Sure, it wasn’t exactly a date, yet your heart was beating so fast you wondered if you’re not going to collapse. Maybe you’ll finally get a chance to talk to him properly, not just simple small talk you managed to have in between classes or strictly work-related discussions. You were hoping that it would also give you a chance to show him your interest in him, although you doubted you’d actually make a move or something.
  It was something that was always on your mind and bothered you – that he was affectionate towards you (and others too but you noticed that not quite as much) whereas you kept to yourself and never returned it. If it was his way of showing interest, he must be thinking that you’re not into him. Oh boy, how wrong he would be. For now though there was no reason to worry about that. Instead you tried to imagine what his home will look like – will it be an apartment or house? You guessed a flat since it was more practical and easier to maintain. And there’s bound to have plenty of speakers and posters and CDs all around the place! You daydreamed for the rest of the day, not getting slightest bit of work done. Even as you were falling asleep, cuddling to your blanket, Hizashi’s image stayed on your mind.
Nearly half of the next day you spent in bed. Of course you re-watched all your favourite episodes of any series you could thought of during the night and had to catch up on sleep now. After that you pretty much just worked on some essays you were supposed to finish until the end of next week while doodling little hearts and lovey-dovey stick figures into the notebook next to your keyboard. You had hard time concentrating on the task at hand, already impatient to see Hizashi. It was so sweet to wake up to his text, it only stated the address of his apartment and that he was looking forward to your meeting but still… that he sent it today meant he also thought about you, right? You bit your lip, smiling as you drew yet another little heart, feeling like a love-sick schoolgirl.
  Tomorrow came soon but not soon enough. You barely slept the whole night due to excitement. Miraculously though you were overflowing with energy, feeling like you could run the whole marathon without breaking a sweat. This was the power Hizashi had over you. You agreed on meeting him at noon after you had lunch which was still about three hours away but you were already running around your flat too nervous to eat so you figured why not start getting ready.
  You styled your [h/l] hair the way you liked the most and that made you feel confident. Then you had a little mental breakdown over what clothes you were supposed to wear. It took you way longer than it should and it was almost time to go. In the end you settled for comfy skinny jeans that made your ass look nice (but that was definitely not the reason you chose them) and casual shirt with rolled-up sleeves. Yup, looked good enough. You packed all the things you needed along with your keys and phone, reading the address one more time. You picked up a banana, at least a little snack, and headed out, almost running as you couldn’t hold in your excitement.   
   You for sure were no runner yet today your body pushed beyond its limits and carried you to the address in record time. You let yourself into the building as someone was just leaving at your arrival so you simply gently knocked on the door labelled Yamada Hizashi and waited.
   Soon you heard soft steps and the door was opened, revealing a surprised Hizashi. You giggled at his shocked expression before taking in his appearance. He looked completely different, so much so that you’d doubt it’s the right guy if it wasn’t for the lime eyes and his mustache. He had more conservative pair of glasses on his eyes with simple black frames and was dressed more casually too, sporting black jeans with holes on the knees and t-shirt with a name of some band on it and grey cardigan. His directional speakers were nowhere to be found, leaving his neck bare, safe for the beaded necklace. The neckline of his shirt allowed you a glance at his exposed collar bones and you swallowed thickly. But the most prominent change was his hair. He had them tied back into a messy bun but it was still flowing in golden streams down his shoulders. He looked even more mesmerizing than in his hero outfit. You checked the name plate again. He laughed softly and scratched the back of his head, nervous under your look. “Expected better?” he joked but you heard the uncertainty in his voiced. You shook your head gently and gave him a supportive smile. “You just look quite unrecognizable,” you explained. “That’s the idea,” he snickered and stepped aside to let you in. You walked in and took off your shoes, following him to the living room.  
   The place was cleaned spotless and all the plants were green and healthy. You expected that much, just like all the little decorations. Most of them were music themed, unsurprisingly. Yet even with every surface covered with all kinds of little decorations, photos or CDs, the living room was rather spacious with little furniture, the modern looking black sofa dominating the room. The contrast made you confused which was obvious on your face so Hizashi quirked a brow at you, still nervously shuffling next to you, it almost looked like he was the guest. “I was just wondering why’s the room so empty, I imagined it full of technology and stuff,” you smiled at him curiously. He reciprocated it in somewhat mischievous manner. “Where would I dance if there was no place?” He winked at you and picked a remote from one of the shelves, pushing a button. Upbeat music started playing from a huge stereo in the corner. Hizashi spinned in a semi-circle, moving in front of you and extended a hand towards you. “Shall we?” His lime eyes shone brightly, sending your heart racing at hundred miles an hour. He looked so playful and pretty and your lovesick brain could hardly resist his offer. Luckily you remembered in time that last time you danced with someone you almost broke their foot as you accidently stomped on it too hard. You’re not going to risk the same happening to this precious man in front of you. “Aren’t we supposed to grade some essays, Hizashi?” You sighed dramatically, already moving your gaze away from him but then you caught a glance at how his pupils dilated, grin wide. “[y/n]! You finally said it!” He exclaimed, overly-excited, jumping on the spot like some child. At first, you weren’t sure what was he talking about, but then it hit you and your face turned pink again. It was incomprehensible to you that simply hearing his name from your lips could make him so happy. “Yeah, so stop overreacting if you want me to say it again sometime,” you snorted fondly. He calmed down in an instant, still all giggly.
  “’right, so sit down here,” he patted a spot on the sofa while backing into the kitchen, the music still played much quietly in the background, “and tell me what would you like to drink, I just bought some new kind of tea I wanted to try for the longest time if you want to join me?” He shot you a look you could only describe as hopeful. “Sounds good,” you beamed at him, eager to try something he found promising. “I wouldn’t guess you to be the tea type,” you teased as he prepared the tea according to the steps on the little bag it came in. “Shōta showed me its wonders,” he explained as he set the colourful cups down on the coffee table with a soft thud. “I hope it’s good, would be awkward if it’s not,” he grinned sheepishly and plopped down on the opposite side of sofa. You tried your best not to look disappointed because of the distance between you. “I fully trust your instincts,” you reassured him with a smile. He gave one himself and then reached under the table, pulling a stack of papers. “You ready to dig into this?” he lifted the pile. It was obviously heavy, suggesting that a long grading session was upon you. You were not going to complain though; it only meant you’ll get to spend more time with the man! You simply nodded and took a half, or attempted to as it was really rather hard to hold all the sheets. Hizashi noticed and without any difficulty moved your share into your lap. “Even struggling with papers, you should hit the gym with me sometimes,” he said jokingly, blissfully unaware of the storm of images of him all sweaty and pumped from the training running through your head. You hid your red face behind the essays. “How long have these been piling up anyway?” you asked instead. He cleared his throat, embarrassed. “Let’s just say that some students need those grades fast, okay?” You rolled your eyes playfully, taking your pen and looking at the first essay.
  About two hours in, your eyes started to sting, migraine threatening to attack. You laid the papers down and pinched the bridge of your nose. You still had half of the papers left to grade. Hizashi knew you both were in trouble after the first half hour when he almost dozed off. After that he gave up his place on couch, instead sitting on the pillow on the ground so the slight discomfort wouldn’t let him fall asleep. Now you began to understand why it took him so long to get the grading done. You laid on the couch with head supported by arm rest and pillows, yet sleeping didn’t once cross your mind as you were too nervous in Hizashi’s proximity. Your tired eyes moved on their own to look at the man. You couldn’t see his face but he was obviously just as done with this shit as you were. Every other second his hand reached into his golden hair, pulling at his hair tie to loosen its grip. You bit your lip. He seemed to be in pain – no wonder, his scalp must be so sore after his hair were styled high up for days in school and then tied back. Maybe a little massage would help him? You were afraid he would hear your heartbeat, the thought speeding up its rhythm. It’s worth a try, right? He also sometimes played with your hair! And helping each other is what friends and colleagues do after all! Sure, your motive was purely the selfish pleasure of touching him but you needed some excuse if he asks why are you doing that. You wouldn’t be able to tell him the truth – that you were wondering since you first saw him how would his hair feel against your fingers and that it was so hard to keep yourself from playing with them when he sat next to you on meetings.
   You took one last deep breath and snaked your hand into the messy bun he pulled his hair into, toying with the hair tie until it came undone, doing so stealthily enough he only noticed when his locks fell fully around his shoulders. “[Y/n]…? What are you-,” before he could finish his sentence, you mustered all your courage and threaded your fingers through his hair to gently rub little circles on his scalp. A little satisfied moan escaped his lips, draining all blood from your body and sending it to your cheeks. How shameless! You thought and sat up so you could use both your hands, resuming your little demonstration, gradually moving your fingers all across his skull. It was relaxing for you too, his hair was silky and each lock slid and curled perfectly around your fingers. You took your sweet time on each new spot, making sure it felt good. You knew the pain that comes after wearing ponytail the whole day but couldn’t imagine what pain does he have to go through with his trademark hairstyle.
  Hizashi’s feedback was… pleasantly embarrassing. He made little murmurs and soft gasps, each one of them sending your heart near cardiac arrest. “Damn, is this what they teach you at uni?” he sighed happily, head leaning into your touch. You giggled and scratched the top of his head. “Feeling better?” you asked, never stopping the movements of your hands, now running your fingertips gently all over his skull. “Right now, I would gladly grade your half of the essays too if you continued,” he purred. “Deal,” you chuckled as you dumped the ungraded papers into his lap unexpectedly. He didn’t believe you would actually do that, turning a bit to look at you questioningly. “Are you sure? It will take forever!” he frowned concernedly. You rolled your eyes. As if you’d let him strip you off your one chance to show him you can be affectionate too. “Absolutely sure, your head must hurt like hell after having your hair up like that all the time,” you continued your massage as he sighed and relaxed again. “You have no idea, but it’s a price I’m willing to pay for my perfect look,” he winked at you over his shoulder.
It was so playful you were glad you were sitting or else your knees would probably give up under you. But well, two can play this game. “In my opinion, it’s worth it, though you look great like this too,” you informed him. You tried to sound as nonchalant as possible, though on the inside your heart was racing. He tensed, caught off guard but quickly regained his composure. He chuckled softly and moved a strand of his hair behind his ear. “Thank you,” he said honestly, his voice changed but you weren’t able to pinpoint which emotion had caused it, “I admit I was hesitant not to do my hair up today.” That piqued your interest. “Why?” You asked curiously, tone soft as it seemed to be a touchy subject. “Well… that’s,” he chuckled humourlessly and gave a shrug, “I’ve been made fun of because of my hair, so yeah. Only when I started styling it the way I do now did people accept it as a part of my superhero persona.” You stopped your movements for a while and opted instead for simply laying your hand on his shoulder. “I like it more this way,” you smiled gently when he turned to look at you again. “Makes you look younger,” you snickered, making him chuckle, “besides I’ve always had a thing for guys with long hair.” That earned you a cheerful laugh, the sound of it easing your anxiety over his reaction to your confession. Something in his eyes changed though, what it was though stayed a secret to you once again. The two of you fell into comfortable silence with you massaging his scalp while he graded the essays.
   He was right in the end. It did take him a short forever to get through all the papers but his pace was significantly quicker than before. During the necessary short breaks you chatted about everything and anything, about his radio show and your classmates, his own student years and how the tea he made was really delicious. It was wonderful, you really enjoyed yourself and it surprised you how easy and fun it was to talk with Hizashi.
  So much so that you nearly whined when he set the last essay aside and pumped his fists into the air. “Finally,” he sighed happily and turned to you. You folded your hands in your lap and grinned at him proudly. “I can’t believe you really sacrificed yourself like that just to be spoiled,” you laughed. “Aren’t your hands hurting?” he asked as he glanced at your hands with concern. You flexed your fingers a few times, if only he knew how much time you spend typing away on keyboard, it was basically a work out. “Not really, but a rest would be nice,” you smiled reassuringly. “I’m just glad I didn’t have to grade all those,” you teased contently. What fool would choose some boring – and for the most part badly written – essays over caressing Hizashi’s golden mane? “So does that mean that I can always trade grading your part for a massage?” he raised a brow at you playfully. You pretended to ponder about his proposal but who were you kidding, of course it meant exactly that. “You can try, I won’t stop you,” you shrugged but your lips betrayed you, forming into a wide smile. “It’s a deal then,” he smirked victoriously.  
  You chatted for a bit longer but as the sun began to set, you decided it was time for you to leave. You didn’t really want to do so but you also didn’t want to walk home in the dark. Hizashi generously offered to accompany you on your way but you declined despite all his arguments. He was obviously tired and his first lesson tomorrow starts at 7 a.m., you knew because it was yours too. However, you definitely needed to wake up later than him as your appearance didn’t need such meticulous preparation. You decided that even though you’d gladly trade your soul for an opportunity like that any other day, it will have to wait. “It’s really fine, Hizashi,” you chuckled at the pure childish joy that lightened up his face at his name. “And I’ll text you once I’m safely home, okay?” you offered and he sighed, leaning against the door frame. “Fine, but I don’t like it,” he pouted and with a push he stood straight right in front of you. “Thanks for coming,” he smiled and spread his arms. You breath hitched in your throat and your heartbeat quickened but you quickly shook off your nervousness and stepped right into the hug, wrapping your arms around him too. “No problem,” you said sweetly as you reluctantly let go of him. “Let’s do this again sometime, shall we?” you asked hopefully and he gifted you one of his precious grins. “Of course,” he winked at you as you waved each other goodbye. You rushed home, all giddy and lovesick.
  During the next couple weeks it became a nearly daily occurrence for every teacher at UA to see you and Hizashi together, most of the times on the couch where Hizashi laid with his head in your lap, chatting, grading, or tapping away on your phones. Every time you massaged his scalp, careful not to mess up his hair. In return for your gentle care, he always prepared a tea or coffee for you before your first lesson and gave you less papers to grade.
  You would be lying if you said you didn’t want more but you were quite content with how things were now. No longer were your conversations focused on work-related topics and general small talk, instead you both learned many things about each other. It was almost uncanny how alike you two were and how many of your hobbies matched. You also became much more affectionate towards Hizashi although still more professional than him. He seemed not only to notice that change but also enjoy it greatly. He paid more attention to you, his lime gaze finding you even in the middle of lectures. Students luckily haven’t noticed yet.
  Today was Friday, your favourite day, and not because of the upcoming weekend. It was the day when you had a two hour break in between lesson you taught with Hizashi so you could spend it together and often did. It was the highlight of your week.
  Your ways parted after stepping out of the classroom. He has offered to bring you lunch – something he did quite often in the last week, you weren’t complaining though – whereas you headed to teacher’s lounge to reserve the couch before Aizawa usurps it for himself. You actually considered asking the man about Hizashi; he must have told him something, right? They were best buds after all! Stepping into the room you sighed happily, it was empty and the couch was free. You sat down and pulled out a book from you bag. It won’t hurt to read for a bit before Hizashi comes.
  You managed to get through the whole chapter before the door opened and in walked the loud man with both your lunches. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” he smiled as he sat down and handed you your box with Chinese noodles with vegetables and chicken, one of your favourites from the canteen. You said cross-legged, your knee gently brushing against his tight. You wondered since when exactly did you start to sit so close to each other. “Thanks, this was totally worth the wait,” you hungrily dug in, closing your eyes at the delicious taste. He laughed softly and also started eating. You watched him from the corner of your eye. His movements were always so graceful, even if he was doing something mundane. He was still as fascinating as he was before you got to know him properly and your crush only got more unbearable because of it.
  Opening of the door caught your attention, shifting your focus on the person coming in. “Hello, Aizawa-san,” you greeted the black haired man, the slight tensing of Hizashi’s features going unnoticed. “Hello, [y/n],” he replied, catching you off guard – never before did he wasted energy on talking. You never took it personally as the only person who got him to talk was currently sitting next to you. You still had to notice how said blonde eyed the newcomer warily. Of course he also noticed the change of his friend’s treatment of you. And he had a feeling that it meant nothing good. He knew he shouldn’t have told him anything! “Is something the matter?” you asked curiously, polite smile still plastered on your face. Maybe he wanted your help with something? What could that possibly be you had no idea but it was the only explanation you had for the shift in his behaviour. Aizawa looked at Hizashi briefly, only the most inconspicuous twitch of his lips was a sign of any emotion. “You know, my neck’s been hurting like hell today and since you always help Yamada I thought-,” he didn’t get to finish his thought as Hizashi suddenly jerked to your side and pulled you to his chest, almost knocking both your lunches down. You looked up at him confusedly. His cheeks were pink as he glared at Aizawa dangerously. “Shouta! She’s mine!” he pouted as he pulled you even closer to him. Now you were even more confused, what was going on?
  “Oh really?” he cocked a brow at the blonde and turned to you. If you didn’t know any better, you’d thought that there was amusement sparkling behind his tired eyes. “Are you, [y/n]?” he asked the crucial question. You gulped. To be honest, you didn’t mind one bit to be monopolized by Hizashi – in any sense really. But how would he feel about that? Sure, he did started all this but there’s also the possibility of this being just another quirk of his playfulness. If it was so and you expressed your feelings, you were risking the fragile relationship between the two of you. Then again, you were tired of waiting and second guessing. “Yeah, kind of, sorry Aizawa-san,” you smiled, equally apologetic and nervous. You felt Hizashi tense against your back, his hands stilled too. On the other hand, the man in front of you smirked victoriously but his eyes weren’t on you but on the blonde. “Is that so? My mistake,” he said, nodded, finally looking at you again, and walked to his table on the furthest side of the room, safely out of hearing distance.  You bit your lip gently as Hizashi let his hands fall from your waist back to his lap. He cleared his throat, awkwardly shifting next to you. “Well…,” he started, anxiously fidgeting with his fingers. “Well?” you looked at him just as anxious. “Are you serio- I mean, would you like it?” he blurted out, finally meeting your gaze. His eyes were wide and hopeful behind his glasses. You noticed he was holding his breath – just like you. You averted your eyes for a fraction of second. But who were you kidding; you truly didn’t have to think about it. “Yes, yes I would,” you whispered with a shy smile. His own widened into a full-blown grin as he pulled you to him again, squeezing you tightly, making you laugh in delight. This time his lunch did fall down but neither of you cared. “That settles it then! You’re officially mine!” he cheered loudly enough for everyone – Aizawa – to hear. You wondered if he planned for this to happen, if so, you owe him big time. Maybe you could also gave him a little massage? “But be warned, my dear,” Hizashi purred quietly into your ear, wanting only you to hear him this time, “I don’t share.” A pleasant shiver ran down your spine. “I don’t think I mind at all,” you whispered back as you kissed him. No way, Aizawa can take care of himself.
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layingatyourfeet · 2 years
hizashi yamada x reader
cw: fluff, established relationship, radio show host Mic, both Mic and reader are UA teachers, absolutely self-indulgent because i’m soft for this man
wc: 947 words
every friday night in your household is the same. Yamada is peppering your face with kisses and you are trying to push him away, shoving a mug with freshly brewed coffee and bento with his favourite sugary snacks in his hands. pressing the last quick kiss to his lips you kick him out of your apartment, screaming “you’re gonna be late, idiot! your listeners are waiting!” and slamming the door shut trying to contain your laughter.
30 minutes later you put the headphones on and tune in to listen to his radio show.
every friday night he tells you to not stay up all night to listen to him, you have the unlimited subscription to his voice after all, and you just put on the most serious face and nod in agreement. and yet you both know that you’re gonna be up, listening to him, doing errands around the house, grading homework during commercial breaks, taking a bath when the show is about to end and crawling under the covers by the time he comes back home.
this night is no different and you feel giddy when your hear Yamada’s voice, just as hyper as when he’s at school talking to his students.
“weeell heeello hello hello my dear listeners! this is Put Your Hands Up! radio and your loyal host Present Mic! how are we feeling this friday night? my little helpers told me that you wanted the theme of tonight to be LOVE? oh listeners, is that what the sakura season does to you? well, i would gladly oblige but only if you promise me to PUT! YOUR! HANDS! UP! to hug someone you love! and don’t forget to call to talk about love and send your requests! aaand OFF WE GO!”
god he’s goofy. goofy in the best, warmest way you could imagine and you smile at the thought that both his loud, goofy, eccentric and tender, soft, loving sides are all yours.
almost every song is a request from his listeners: a guy telling that he’s gonna propose to his girlfriend in 2 weeks, an elderly woman asking to put on the song she had her first dance to with her husband 50 years ago, a bunch of teenagers asking for a loud love song they can dance to, a song to daydream about their crush to, a song to show that they feel like they love the whole world tonight, a song that feels like being in love… it’s a non-stop stream of love stories of any sorts, and if someone isn’t asking for anything specific he picks the best ones for the listeners mood.
you listen to every question, answering them as if you were his co-host, and you’re almost too caught up in your talk to the bathroom mirror when you hear the next question.
the voice on the other side of the line is so unsure it makes you feel for the person calling.
“hello, m-mister Present Mic. i n-need your advice. i gave my classmate chocolates for the valentine’s day, and and and white day is coming soon and i’m worried he won’t understand or he won’t return my feeling or, or, or i don’t know and i just need your advice” this voice is oddly familiar. distorted by the phone and radio waves, you still hear someone you already know. well, at least if you were hosting the show together Yamada would’ve reacted way faster than you, just like he did right now. “come on, listener, i know that having a crush could be terrifying, but i also know that you’re extremely brave because you’ve already done your part and confessed your feelings! you know, even if he won’t return them, i want you to keep being brave and keep showing this world your love. but i will cross my fingers for the next four days and hope he’ll say yes! is there a song you want to request for tonight? and OI! if he’s your classmate, aren’t you up too late?” he finishes with a quick laugh. his voice was surprisingly soft for this whole speech and you can’t help but wonder, did he see himself in that listener? was he reminiscing about his school days? “i will go to bed right after the song! i promise!” the unsure stutter is gone, and she sounds absolutely relieved. “i… can i request heroes by david bowie?” “coming right up, listener! enjoy and don’t forget what i told ya! keep being a hero with a big loving heart!”
and it all clicks. you know this girl. she’s your student and you can’t help but wonder if Yamada recognised her voice. and you know that you’re gonna root for her, even tho you know love could be quite cruel to both heroes and quirkless people alike. but you also know that without love none of you would’ve become the people you are now.
“and i would love to end this beautiful night with a song of my choice”, Yamada’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts. “it’s unforgettable by nat king cole, i hope you enjoy and don’t forget that love is what keeps us moving forward. see ya next week, listeners! Mic signing off!”
by the time Yamada comes back home, you’re about to go to bed. he’s puts two paper cups of coffee and some fresh pastry on the table, smiling apologetically. “i know the coffee is pretty shitty, but that’s the only thing i found this early” “it’s my favourite one” you smile, wrapping your arms around his waist, placing a soft kiss on his jawline.
and yes, you do think that he’s unforgettable too.
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luxthestrange · 1 month
BNHA Incorrect quotes#36 Mini-Y/n
At The Aizawa Household
Secretary Y/n*Standing in awe at what you created*...Breathtaking...I shall call her~
Aizawa*Next to Hizashi drinking from his kitty mug coffee*...
Hizashi*Hands on his cheeks unable to contain his cuteness overload*aaaaaAAAH!~
Secretary Y/n:...Mini-Me!~
Eri*Dressed in a mini-version of your regular outfit and doing a pose*!!!~
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Part 10:
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mamoru-chiba-ua · 2 months
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missmetus · 3 months
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Soft erasermic , commissioned by @atereal
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neriuml · 1 month
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A domestic collection of erasermic family :
-Eri drawing while telling how was her day ti shinsou
- Movie night
-The kids waking their old parents from their nap
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serxinns · 2 months
I was wondering if you could do one with a Child Y/n where they get kidnapped by the league of Villains and class 1-A and some heroes like hawks, Midnight, Eraser-head, go and save them? And since Y/n will be a child, I would kindly ask all relationships between everyone to be completely platonic.
Sorry if this takes up too much of your time! And remember to take care of yourself
Ofc! Honestly love these types of tropes!
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"Ahhh someone save me!" Eri dramatically said as she fell to her knees as the toy Dino roared in terror, "Don't worry I'm here!" As you jumped in front of the Dino with a red cape and a toy sword you swished your sword at the dino and it roared in terror once more you swished it a few times until it was down on the ground, "Yay y/n your my hero!" She cheered as she tackled you with a hug as you both giggled "That was fun big sis! You wanna play another game!?"
Eri thought about it for a second and excitedly nodded she loved playing with you, she felt like she wasn't the only kid here! Ever since Aizawa took you in at 1st she was a bit jealous thinking you were gonna take all the attention from her but realized that wasn't your intention the way you would always offer your toys, the way you broke a piece of a snack and shared it to her, the both of you quickly bonded over time
But ever since aizawa gave her the task of: "being a big sister and always protect each other no matter what," those words were craved deep into her mind and became a new Goal in her life and it was to be your protector!
"Let's hide and seek!" You said jumping up and down in excitement "Eri nodded "ok you go hide somewhere! I count!" You quickly nodded as she turned around and started counting "1...2...3....4" You looked around trying to find anywhere to hide but there wasn't any hiding spot fitting your expectations,
you then started to panic realizing Eri was halfway finished with her counting, you then looked over to the door you knew Mr grumpy (aizawa) told you that you were allowed to go out until He protested any of his classmates were there to pick you up two up, but you really wanted to win so you quietly opened the door looking back to see if eri heard but she kept counting you quick shut the door and dashed off to find a new hiding spot,
"17...18..19...20!" Eri excitedly looked around trying to find you she looked in the toybox, behind the giant stuffed bear in the corner, behind the books on shelves, and even behind the couch, the longer she tried finding you in the room the more worried she got..she tore up the once tidy room with toys and books all over the floor she frantically tried thinking where on earth could you be hiding then she realized...
You went out out the door...
You giggled as you tiptoed across the school hall looking everywhere for a hiding spot you spotted a bathroom nearby you giggled mischievously and went inside you plopped slowly into the stall shut the door and stood on the toilet Seat making sure nobody would know you were there, you then waited confidently thinking about your victory in your favorite game! that was until you heard an explosion followed by students screaming in terror and fear
"Attention students we are having a lockdown this not a drill get to a safe place and lock your classroom doors"
You froze in fear you desperately tried to open the door but you were too scared and small you then curled up on the toilet seat and started crying out for Mr grumpy or any one of his classmates to save you...
Aizawa was running past the panicked students calling out your name, Eri came into the class crying and blabbing stuff the class tried calming her down her making her slow down so she could speak Cleary and also noticing you weren't with her like you normally would "Eri what's wrong wheres y/n?"That made her cried loudly frantically pulling the green hairs shirt out the door pointing
"they *hic* w-went o-out...while we *sniff* were playing and I-I tried looking for them but they weren't there!" She then broke down in sobs repeatedly saying sorry to everyone they looked down at her sorrow and pity Mina picked up the crying girl trying to soothe her while others like Hakagure, ojiro, Koda, and Tokoyami all surrounded her reassuring her it wasn't her fault Aizawa then quickly told half of his students to go looking for you while the others stay and comfort eri
It felt like hours in the bathroom you wanted to come out but were scared a villain would come to you there you were curled up, shivering and crying helplessly in the bathroom.. until you heard some footsteps and giggles you froze quickly covering your mouth you shut your eyes tightly afraid of what happening next...
"Y/N!?" Aizawa ran down the hallways frantically looking in all directions destroying each classroom thinking of the worst possible scenarios, izuku, ochako, tsuyu, momo ,todoroki and kids were calling, cooing, and offering you our favorite things desperately trying to come out while Bakugo was making empty threats telling you to come out to hide his worried voice demanding kiri, sero,mina,Denki, and Jiro to look faster
Present mic and midnight were also searching for you midnight gently cooing at you to come out while Hizashi was making corny jokes that would make you laugh atleast to let him know where you are but no progress was made so far
Where on earth could you be?
Toga was skipping across the hallway humming her favorite tune as she passed a bunch of unconscious and injured students passed out she was bummed that she couldn't kill them due to Shigaraki's Orders but she was lucky to have all their blood for later! After she collected blood from a girl with a fire-breathing quirk she skipped along the halls for her next victim until she heard a sniffle in the bathroom
She stopped humming for a moment to make sure he heard again and there was another sniffle and a whimper she smiled wickedly "Is it another student with yummy blood?" She thought as she carefully sneaked into the restroom. She carefully opened each stall reaching the middle one she heard the sniffling in there she gently tried opening the stall but it was locked "G-Go away evil villian! I-ill use my quirk on you.."
Toga peaked through the stall seeing you holding out ur hand as if you were about to activate it she giggled softly "Hey now im not gonna hurt ya pinky promise!" you thought about it for a moment a pinkie promised is a very strong trust and the girl seems nice... you hesitated for a moment and decided to unlock the stall door it slowly creaked open revealing a blonde-haired girl with space buns with a beige school uniform, smiling at you revealing her sharp fangs
"S-she doesn't look that scary," you thought as the two of you stared at each other for a while Toga was restraining herself from wanting to scoop you up and hug you so tight! You were just so small and cute that you barely passed half her leg, "come on you wanna come with me?" She turned her body around and crouched on one knee as she offered you a piggyback ride, you nodded excitedly as you climbed onto her she lifted herself up "Hold on!" As she dashed across the hallway turning left and right trying to look for her crew
After a few minutes of running, she spotted Kurogiri and Shigaraki "Ugh finally your ba- toga why is that a child on your back" shigarkai said starting irritatedly at you while you stick your tongue out "I found this little one in the bathroom stall all scared then I decided to keep it!" Shigaraki and kurogiri stared in silent as they watched Toga pinched and played with your cheeks while you were pushing her away puffing your cheeks up in anger
"That was when a raging Aizawa came crashing down the hallway and in his horror seeing you on the villain's back surrounded by the villains "y/n..." he stared in disbelief Shigaraki took notice of this and smiled maniacally "Hi Mr grumpy!" You said lazily yawning in the process "awwww they're all tuckered out" Toga giggled as she pinched your cheeks
"Matter a fact.. this child will be useful for us.." Shigaraki then held your sleeping forming on the shoulder "Kurogiri teleport us outta here.." "NO!!" Aizawa eyes glow red as he tries to use his capture weapon but flames block his path the other classmates hear the commotion and run to their teacher's side "Y/N SAN!!" izuku runs towards the flames green veins covering his whole body Just when he launched towards the group of villains they disappeared in the portal with you...
Everyone else watched the scene in disbelief Mina formed tears in her eyes as everyone else just stood there stunned about what just happened
Your eyes slowly started to open as you were covered with a rabbit print blanket and laying on a slightly worn-out mattress you looked around to see that you were I'm a dimly lit room with a crappy but surprisedly worked nightlight and a stuffed plushie right beside you
You then opened the door to see the blonde girl skipping towards you with a man in a full-body suit "Hey you're awake!" She said excitingly with the man still observing you "Did you enjoy your nap? Little one" the masked man said "W-Where am I? Where's grumpy man" Toga giggled at your fear
"Why ur in the league of villain base kid you didn't realize that sooner?" Dabi nonchalantly said already irritated with your presence "Dabi! Don't be so mean! They only a kid" she said glaring at the male as dabi rolled his eyes "why we are the league or villians not the league of a fucking daycare what does Shigarak want us to do with a smelly brat anyway"
"hey, I'm not smelly you are you purple man!" You protested "You better watch that tongue kid before you turn to ash" he then glared at the kid twice and Toga snickered "Aren't you already about to turn?" Thats when both Toga and Twice start busting out laughing and which Cleary pissed Dabi right off luckily if it wasn't for Twice holding him back
Shigaraki watched the chaos unfold while Kurogiri got him another drink he requested There was an awkward silence between the two until Kurogiri spoke up "So what are we gonna do with the child?" Shigaraki thought for a moment about Kurogiri's answer and spoke up "I don't know yet but it seems like the heroes seem to take a liking to this brat do we just use them as bait for now" Kurogiri hummed as he was making his master another drink
Suddenly out of nowhere, your quirk activated making Dabi fly across the room landing on a wall with a harsh thud all the league members stood silent at the scene "Take that, you stupid burnt man!" You shouted in victory, "Hmmm Kurogiri changed of plans I think I gotta better idea.." Kurogiri hummed in amusement "I think we're gonna keep them.." Shigaraki said with a wicked grin as Toga and twice cheered in the background and Dabi groaned in pain in response
During the days your stay with the LOV, it's been fun but chaotic, to be honest, Toga would show you all sorts of knives in her collection and the type of blood there is she entertains you by drinking their blood and switching into some of your classmates impersonating them making you laugh
While twice would give you piggyback rides throw you up in the air and clone himself throwing you around to his clones like a ball or playing hot potato Toga would occasionally join in with the two of you
At 1st dabi saw you as a little nuisance but the more he spent time with you the more "bonding" the two of you did he would annoy you by putting stuff out of your reach until you threw a tantrum, if you annoyed him too his breaking point he would just throw you to one of the members which earns a lecture from Toga or twice
but he would show a BIT of his soft side like when you were feeling homesick and cried he offered you a cigarette to ease down ur nerves ofc Kurogiri saw this and immediately took it away and gave you a lollipop but you were still sad so he just rubbed your head
Shigaraki and Spinner would play games and you would carefully watch them 1st they would push you away saying it's too inappropriate for you but they eventually give in since you always sneak behind them and watch Spinner would occasionally put you on his lap so you can see better and even give you gaming tips here and there even tho you won't remember
But for the heroes not so much Aizawa and the teachers have been searching day and night restlessly trying to look for any clues to your location Aizawa's eyes were forming dark circles around them, present mic wasn't as chipper as before and midnight was as bit more bitter all might was the only sane one for everyone's sake but he still misses your presence...
Class 1a wasn't really any better since they also became more gloomy they all blamed themselves for your kidnapping especially the dekusquad and the bakusquad izuku felt the worse since he thinks she should've worked faster to get to you but that doesnt mean they were determined they all thoughtof a plan and sneak out to go and rescue you themselves even if itngets them in trouble or worse expelled they just want you to be safe,
Eri on the other hand slowly started to get gloomy and lonely and regress mentally back to her old ways when she was with Kai, she would bite her nails until the point they were low enough that she would occasionally have nightmares and would cry to Aizawa or Mic which they'll soothe her reassuring it wasn't her fault but the guilt and shame keeps haunting her over and over again...
heck even Hawks and Miriko started to change for the worse Hawk has been avoiding his fans and fangirls to focus more on her work and has become more sassy to anyone he just wanted to find his little birdie while Miriko was more determined restless and furious to find those group of villains
As tried and exhausted they may all be but remained determined to find you they needed to find you they can't imagine what those disgueting villianw are putting in your small pure little head!
"I win!" Toga said as she put her candy avatar on the board and made it to the Candy Kingdom as well to celebrate with her, "No fair I was so close!!" You cross your arms and puff your cheeks out Shigaraki'a candy avatar right behind you "I would've won if I didn't have to spin again to get out of that shitty licorice jail" Shigaraki grumbled "I think I burnt my candy person" Dabi shrugged watching the plastic candy person melt with a shit-eating grin on his face
"What should we play next?" you said jumping excitedly while you were on twice lap "Uno maybe or snakes and ladders?" Shigaraki suggested, "What about guess who?" Spinner added another suggestion Toga was about to make a suggestion when they all heard a knock on the door the league all stared confused and a bit cautious to not move a muscle
"Who's at the doo-mhpm!" Twice hand covered your mouth and used his other to do a hush signal you tilted your head in confusion as all members were staring at the door intensely ready to tear and kill anything and Anyone thar to came passed that door everyone stood in silent as there was another knock again
The members looked at each other while Shigaraki look unamused
"Do they really think they can do that shitty trick agai-"
The wall was smashed open revealing pro heroes such as Endeavor, fatgum, hawks, Mount Lady, and Aizawa and a hoard of police officers on the ground surrounded the area it was a one-and-stare battle between the pros and the villains
Not even a few seconds everyone started going at it using their quirks to defeat them while Hawks quickly grabbed you in your arms and tried to fly you to safety but was stopped by an old friend "Where do you think you going with the brat birdbrain" Dabi threw a fireball at Keigo as he barely dodges it "taking this kid home where else?" Keigo said in a teasing yet serious tone while you were busy playing a single red feather
"The kid belongs to us now Keigo if you kindly just give them ba-" "Fat chance charcoal" the winged hero cut off his sentence now holding a large feather-like sword in his hand dabi shrugged and Dabi threw blue fireballs hawks quickly saw Aizawa and as he hate to do this but he cared more about your safety "ready to go to Mr cranky kid?" You nodded excitedly hawks smiled then yelled out to Aizawa as he threw you towards him
Aizawa quickly saw and used his capture weapon to grab you quickly and you were now back in his arms quickly checking for injuries "You ok kid?" "Yep! I had fun! With my new friends" His gaze softened at your bright smile "No kid, not new friends they're the bad guys in your class and Eri are your friends " "Nuh-uh! They're my new friends we played lots of games and I even learned a bunch of new things!"
You then rant about how much fun you had with the LOV as Aizawa nods pretending to hear but actually, he was a bit scared of villains as your friends? He was gonna have to do a meeting on keeping you extra safe with the teachers but for now, he's glad to have you back in his arms
You were then met with a bunch of shocked crying teenagers as you excitedly waved eri was the 1st to come up to you and tackled you down with a hug crying and saying she was sorry as you were confused as hell and wondering what she was talking about as your classmates alll lifted you crying and apologizing as well as you were still derided out by their sudden behavior tried to squirm out of their grip
They were glad to have you back they promised they were gonna work extra hard to keep protecting you no matter what they want the best for you even eri promised that she'll be even more careful and have eyes on you on the time as but you were an unpredictable child who touched the hearts of many hero's and villains
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frickingnerd · 1 year
shinsou dating present mic's daughter
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x fem!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, a bit suggestive, mentions of marriage/proposing, caught making out (by mic), friends to lovers, protective dad!mic, training alongside shinsou
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you were introduced to shinsou by present mic and aizawa, who had been training with the boy, after he voiced his desire to join the hero course
aizawa had been training with shinsou until now, but he wanted the kid to have someone from the hero course to train with, so you were introduced to him
shinsou was happy to have a partner his own age and someone who was closer to his own skill level to train with and he really wanted to learn all he could from you, especially about the hero course!
the two of you began to bond over your dreams to become heroes and you often talked about the hero course, fantasizing about how fun it would be like, if shinsou was in your class!
the two of you became friends fast and the romantic feelings followed soon after
aizawa and present mic were both happy that the two of you were such good friends, both unaware of your feelings for each other
eventually, shinsou and you began to go out on secret dates with each other, all under the disguise of being just friends
only when present mic walked in on you and shinsou kissing in your room did your little lie get revealed
shinsou was kicked out of the house immediately after your dad walked in on the two of you and you had to listen to an hour long lecture about staying safe around boys – in more than just one way…
while present mic was a bit upset about finding you make out with a boy in your room, he didn't hold a grudge against shinsou
he still trusted the kid and he believed that he'd make a good boyfriend for you! 
though the next time he meets shinsou, he can't help but give him the "treat her right or they'll never find your body, kid!" speech
he's mostly joking though, but shinsou really does take him seriously–
present mic is very supportive of your relationship with shinsou and accepts him into the family right away
he'll even tell shinsou to call him "dad" or "his old man" and while shinsou does turn that offer down, he occasionally finds himself pressured into calling him that…
present mic treats shinsou like he's part of the family and he's the first one to suggest that shinsou asks for your hand in marriage after graduation, telling him to hurry up and put a ring on you, before another boy steals you away from him…
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lizzy06 · 1 month
Yamada Hizashi(Present Mic) x Reader Fic Recs!! (Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
The Songbird ✨✨by mighty-mighty-man (Pair_Up),  TheTortoiseQueen (fluff, humor) A mysterious woman has appeared-- And has stolen Present Mic's (other) dream job-- The (temporary) music teacher of UA! Just who does she think she is, coming in here with her beautiful dresses and beautiful singing voice, stealing Mic's heart-- Job! Stealing his job! [COMPLETED]
Oscillations/tumblr ✨by @ilcaeryx/Ilcaeryx ( oneshot, fluff, humor) Present Mic terrorizes everyone with the fact that he’s married, even you, his object of affection.[COMPLETED]
A Universe of Coincidences✨ by Aiden21(oneshot, fluff, neighbours) You just moved into your new place and one of your neighbors turns out to be really cute. Or, You're too dumb to recognize one of your favorite heroes out of uniform.[COMPLETED]
Last Night a DJ Saved My Life ✨✨by Lady_Dirtbag (tooth rooting fluff, slowburn)After Present Mic saves you from an attacker, the two of you strike up a friendship. Or: A year of being friends with Present Mic before you idiots realize that you're in love.[COMPLETED]
Fireworks ✨by Lady_Dirtbag (fluff) "Uh, hi there," he said, awkwardly patting her on the head. "Do I know you?" The little girl nodded, her pigtails swinging. "You're my daddy!"[COMPLETED]
Speechless by dupusdiingus (oneshot, friends to lovers, crushes, hurt/comfort) You're roomates with Aizawa and Hizashi, just cute shenanigans as you try to process your crush on Yamada while he's kinda oblivious....Or is he flirting with you?[COMPLETED]
To sing and to listen by @dira333/Fogfire(oneshot, comfort)You're a caretaker at the Crimson Riot Children Hospital. Sometimes calling the nice guy on the radio is the only thing calming down your kids.[COMPLETED]
No Filter by pancakeparker(oneshot, angst with happy ending, fluff) Hizashi has a nasty run-in with some villains. One of them has a Quirk that just makes him act… a little bit different.[COMPLETED]
Reasons Why I Love You by nek0zawakun( oneshot, fluff, humor) "I'm sorry, looks like something came up at school. I won’t make it to dinner, but I promise to make it up to you. How about…me? " [Y/N] chuckled at the silly selfie Hizashi attached and typed a quick reply. "I accept your humble offer."[COMPLETED]
The Call by AizawaIsCrazy(oneshot, suicide mention, hurt/comfort) Hizashi is doing his usual gig, radio show, calm music, q&as, everything was going great. But one call made his heart stop for a minute.[COMPLETED]
Quieter For You (Present Mic x Shy!Reader) by @lordsister (oneshot, fluff)“If I was quieter my chances with (y/n) would be better, right?” “Right.”[COMPLETED]
Number by @specialagentlokitty (pneshot, fluff)When you first met him, you were simply just walking through the store, heading to the cereal aisle.[COMPLETED]
Hello My Favorite Listener ! by SugarThief(fluff, mutual pinning)You are Present Mic’s personal assistant , but things between you both are becoming a little more personal.[COMPLETED]
Soup's On by tustinjomimori(oneshot, fluff) Your attempt to make a hot meal for your boyfriend backfires and leaves you bawling in the middle of his kitchen.[COMPLETED]
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Dadzawa and the tiny overhaul
⭐ warnings ⭐
Male reader, Yamada x Aizawa, baby reader, fluff
Aizawa couldn't believe his eyes.
In a prestine room inside the compound sat a crib, a small baby crying his little heart out as the hero gently lifted him "shhh" he said to the tiny babe who cracked open his teary little eyes and let the hero soothe him "it's ok now" he said as he brought the little babe out to where the police and ambulances were on standby "another child...?" Sansa mumbled in shock as Naomosa called for some paramedics to check on the babe.
The poor thing wailed as he was seperated from Aizawa "Erasurehead sir, could you please hold him while we check his vitals" a paramedic asked and the pro hero nodded and took the babe who immediately calmed down and snuggled into his capture weapon.
They worked carefully around the babe, checking for anything of concern "he seems to be in perfect health, no malnourishment or anything"
"Erasure... I'm sorry to ask you this again but..."
"You want me to take him in"
"Please?" Naomosa asked almost pleadingly to the other who sighed "lemme call him"
Aizawa stepped away still holding the baby and called his husband "what's up sho?" Yamadas groggy voice came through as it was rather late "We...we have another one"
"What do you mean?"
"Overhaul had another kid and I'm the only option right now"
"...I'll turn on the kettle"
"I love you"
"Love you to baby" Yamada said shuffling over the phone before hanging up.
"Let's get you home" aizawa said, walking back to the ambulance and after taking a statement and finishing up the pro took the babe back to the apartment.
Yamada didn't know what to prepare for but he took any precautions he could for whatever may be coming through that door.
"Shhh" Aizawa hushed the babe as he stepped into the apartment, the tiny baby babbling away to the hero "who is this...?" Yamada said to his husband as the babe looked at him curiously "from what we gathered, he's the son of Overhaul"
Yamada froze as he took in the happy baby who did resemble the Yakuza boss "I have a feeling we will be caring for him long-term, if he develops his dad's Quirk, he's going to be wanted by everyone" the two looked at him with concern but (name) was stretching his little arms.
"Naomosa is bringing baby supplies to do us till we can get some more, he says he will be here in an hour"
The two walked into the livingroom and Aizawa grabbed one of Eri's stuffed toys and held it infront of the boy, the babe reaching out and gripping it and waving it around before handing it to Yamada with a cute expression.
"He's so cute!" Yamada said taking the boy and lifting him "he's like a little marshmallow!" The blond said as (name) stared at him wide eyed "i can't believe such a monster created such an angel"
The two hung out with the baby who was basically passing out in yamadas arms and neither could blame the poor baby as it was a crazy night for everyone.
By time Naomosa and Sansa came by, they had some baby stuff "I called my sister and she gave some stuff for the little guy" Sansa said holding a few bags of stuff "she had a spare baby bottle warmer and sanitizer from her shower"
"Thank you Sansa" despite his tone Aizawa was genuinely thankful as Naomosa held a file "we found this in his office, it seems to be this little guys files"
"Does he have a name?"
"Not from what we could tell, from the notes it just says "my offspring""
"How could he be so callous with his own son" Yamada said as he gently traced the babes cheek.
"...would it be possible to get custody of him like we did eri?"
"You two already have an impeccable reputation and I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem at all... I will vouch for you two if need be"
After they left, the two men watched the babe before Yamada eventually went to bed, leaving Aizawa alone with the small baby who was out cold in his arms, the hero went to set him down on the couch but the little one began whining and crying at the lack of contact, Aizawa wondering how often the boy was held "shhh"
Aizawa ended up spending the night with the little guy until morning when the rest wandered out "why does dad have a baby...?" Shinso asked confused as a sleepy Eri wandered over to the babe "(name)!" She perked up at the baby who bounced slightly at his name being said "you know him?" Aizawa asked his daughter who nodded "I wasn't allowed near him though, he didn't want me to infect him"
"Well, (name) is going to be a new member of the family" aizawa said softly, the two looking at him wide eyed "he's gonna really need us" Yamada said as (name) stetched out with a seriously focused expression.
"I think he pooped"
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alienaiver · 2 months
Ooooooooohhh. Can I have your headcanons about Present Mic? *blushing face*
yes YES YES you sure can !!!! i hope i do the beloved man justice <333
Songs on his iPod: yamada is EVERYWHERE. he goes from jazz to rock to pop in a span of few songs. i added the ones he jams to the most that gears him up for long days! supermassive black hole - muse innocent arrogance - BiSH bling-bang-bang-born - creepy nuts can't hug every cat remix - the gregory brothers and cara hartmann
The one place they fall asleep – where they’re not supposed to: he often falls asleep in the teacher's lounge. having three jobs is demanding, okay! its a problem though, bcos it's always during lunch, where students come by to borrow keys to classrooms/clubrooms and advice for english midterms, so the door's open. more students than he can count has pictures of him leaned back in his desk chair, with his mouth open, quirk accidentally activated as he snores. aizawa sometimes uses his quirk instead of waking him up, because he knows how much he overworks himself.
he thinks it's UNBELIEVABLE that his precious students are more interested in him sleeping where he shouldn't than his colleauge and friend, aizawa. aizawa argues his gimmick of sleeping at every given opportunity is old news to everyone. however, the lively teacher? more exciting.
The game they’d destroy everyone else at: with his lips scrunched up towards his nose and a heavy air of concentration around him, he will turn ANYONE to dust that challenges him in J-star victory VS. it doesnt even matter which character he plays as or against, he will end you.
The emoticon they’d use most often: 🏎 he uses it to relay that he's on his way wherever (to work, plans, etc) to colleagues and friends. he thinks his beat-down car really is a race car.
What they act like when they haven’t had enough sleep: even more energetic, which no one thinks possible. he never really gets enough sleep, so that's just his baseline, actually.
Their preferred hot beverage on really cold nights or mornings: caramel latte. he needs the sugar on top of the caffeine.
How they like to comfort/care for themselves in a slump: hes a bad boy, because he doesn't. he just pushes on, ignoring all the warning signs until he absolutely crashes and burns. then, hes in the dumps for a week or so, his friends and you bringing him food and support. then he bounces back, pretending it never happened. one day, you'll get properly through to him.
What they wanted to be when they grew up: formula 1 driver. hence, the type of car
Their favorite kind of weather: storms! typhoons, especially. if his ma' asks, hes OF COURSE never went outside during one!!!!
Thoughts on their singing voice: he sings like an absolute angel. he's able to do falsetto gorgeously too, and getting him to sing lullabies before bed is like a heavenly blessing bestowed upon you, and always guarantees the perfect sleep.
How/what they like to draw or doodle: EVERYTHING. he draws cats, stars, random shapes, whatever theres in the room with him (windows/curtains, chairs, chalkboards). hes quite an artist
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send me a character and ill fill out these headcanons
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synthetictorii · 1 year
His Favorite Dancer ✧ Hizashi Yamada
Pairing: Present Mic/Hizashi Yamada x reader Genre: fluff Summary: You frequent this club for a reason, but the reason in question is a busy man and you have no luck. Until tonight, that is. Word count: 4.5k A/N: ...obligatory old and cringey fic ahead warning...
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     The club was swarming with bodies moving to the rhythm of music blasting from huge speakers standing on the stage. The air was filled with smell of sweat and cigarette smoke. It was hot and dark safe for colourful lights drawing patterns across walls and the dancefloor illuminated by cerulean led lights. The walls were black, decorated by posters and edgy quotes written on them in fluorescing blue color.
  From his place behind the DJ set he saw all those anonymous faces having fun, drinking, dancing and laughing in ecstasy. Couples and complete strangers grinding on their partners, shameless in their affection. He lived for this. The heavy atmosphere mixed with bass and loud, almost deafening music. It helped him let go, to forget about the chaos of the world. He jumped in sync with the beats he was playing. Pearls of sweat were already rolling down his neck and spine. He paid little mind to it. He closed his eyes for a while and took a deep breath, his mind empty.
  How long has it been since he was last out partying like this? True, these past few months had been busy, even he had to go on patrols during the night while still teaching his classes and doing his weekly radio show. He simply didn’t have time to do fun things so he wanted to enjoy this night to its fullest. He was feeling extraordinarily playful today too.
  The song was ending. Time to have fun.
  You were shaking your hips to the rhythm, giving in to the music. Your body screamed for more. You denied yourself this pleasure for too long, it was time to make up for it. It hit you again how much you desired to be killing it on the dancefloor. And this place was just perfect. It had the best sound system, lighting , decoration, and the drinks were pretty cheap too. But you frequented this club for another reason, for him.
  The blond haired male currently jumping wildly to the music on the stage. You had to admit he looked even better this high up above everyone else. His blonde hair styled rather freaky swayed with every move of that lean body of his hidden under casual loose white tank top and black leather jacket with spikes on shoulders. His legs on the other hand were hugged by tight black jeans. You fell in love with him on your first ever night here.
  It happened years ago. It was Friday, your first college exams were over and you wanted to let out some steam. A friend of yours recommended this place so you thought ‘why not give it a try?’. You stepped into the building immediately noticing how dark it was in sharp contrast with the radiant blue everywhere. You loved it. Not to get started on the music. It was a wonder that your ears didn’t ascend into the heaven right there and then.
  You danced the whole night as if there was no tomorrow. And in the early morning hours when the party was ending you were finally down from your high enough to be interested in the person behind the music. You were completely speechless when it came to that aspect of the night; he had to be a fucking genius, playing all the right songs at the right time. It felt like he understood you, like you two had some kind of bond, it just couldn’t be coincidence that he’d hit your tastes like that. You swore to yourself you’d strut to that guy and kiss him on the spot once the club is closing. And then you turned around to look at him and your heart skipped a beat.
  It was a fucking pro hero, and one you admired since you first saw him on TV at that – Present Mic! He didn’t wear his trade mark hero outfit but more casual clothes, yet he still stood out. You stopped dead in your dance when you realized this. That single moment of stillness was enough for your eyes to meet – your [e/c] eyed gaze filled with energy and passion clashed with his lime eyed one. You saw the pure animalistic need to let go of everything and just live in his eyes. You never forgot that look. How could you possibly when with that one fleeting moment his gaze stole your heart.
  You didn’t get to kiss him that night, unfortunately. You became a regular though, even if it was rather rare for him to be there. Still you kept coming for the slim chance of sharing the space with him again.
    And his eyes were sporting the same animalistic look from before tonight as well. You were fully focused on your dancing and simply having fun but when one song ended and the next haven’t yet started, you couldn’t help but stare at the man. He was so handsome, strangely alluring. His very presence was like a drug to you. It always made you dance faster, experiment more boldly with your moves in hopes of him noticing. So far it didn’t work, not on him anyway, you were getting more than enough attention from other men and ladies though. Sadly for them, you weren’t interested. You were tempted to use your quirk more than once tonight but you managed to control yourself every time.
  But you started to seriously doubt you’d be successful any longer after his words suddenly replaced the music, now serving as quiet background to his heavenly voice. “Alright everybody! Are you having fun?!” He screamed and everyone cheered just as loudly. “Yeah, that’s what I wanna hear!” He smirked proudly and scanned the room; his eyes darkened you noticed.
  “Listen close everyone! I have a special proposal,” he shouted playfully. You swallowed the lump that formed in your throat after your eyes met again as he scanned the room with his gaze. You’d swear he stopped for a second when he saw you but it was surely just the work of your imagination.
  “Show me your moves and if you sweep me off my feet, I just might take you out for drinks,” he purred in his typical loud manner.
  The club got wild, cheering and shouting even louder than the music before. All those who wanted to give it a try walked to the middle of the dancefloor and made some space around them. You wasted no time hesitating and walked right to the center of it. You stood out quite a bit, dressed in black skin-tight jeans and white t-shirt with glowing blue stripes, matching the aesthetics of the club. Your hair was sticking to your sweaty scalp and neck yet looked wild enough to make others take a second look as you passed them. Once again you’d swear that Present Mic stared at you but refused to believe it. You gave everyone around you a fierce look, there was no way you’d let them win. Today was the day you’d let your quirk go wild.
  “Are you ready?” He screamed and the whole club collectively shouted “Yeah!” back at him. “Let’s get going then!” He pushed the button and the music blasted from the speakers, heavy bass shaking the place. You closed your eyes and let your quirk kick in, your body melting into the music and wild energy running through your veins.
  Beats Of Soul – quirk with little possible use, especially if one wanted to become a hero. But for you? It was perfect. Your quirk was able to take control of your body, if you allowed it, and move it according to the music you were listening to and your feelings – all based on your skills though. You were able to dance beautiful, expressive dances when you were sad or make the crowd wild and ecstatic when you felt passionate – just like you did now.
  It felt like you were in daze, you knew exactly what you were doing but it felt like a dream. You saw mouths of those who watched hanging open and heard the cheers. Your moves were fast, seductive but most of all, filled with desire for freedom. Just as him, you wished to let everything go and live in the moment and it manifested in your dance. With all your heart you wished one thing – that this night and feeling never stops.
  One last spin and swing of your hips and the song ended. Your quirk faded away, leaving you breathless. Your lungs couldn’t get enough oxygen and your body felt like it was on fire, not even the cold sweat helped. Suddenly you felt hands on your waist and before you could so much as yelp, they spun you around roughly to face them. There was impatience in the gesture, also need. You looked up to see who the mysterious person was.
  He looked at the hyped ocean of people on the dancefloor after the words left his mouth. Everyone was so excited, huh? Good, he smirked. He scanned the space and his eyes met a pair he remembered from somewhere. He hesitated for a split second before moving on and then it hit him. Those eyes… he’d never forget them. He saw them in the past and thought about them every time he stood on this stage. Those fierce orbs screaming passion, wild fire burning deep inside them. They nicely matched his he decided. He often dreamed that those mesmerizing jewels would once scream for him. And now he saw them again. It was hard to notice anything else about their owner in such crowded place. He tsked discontent. Well, hopefully you’d join what he’s planning.
  He announced his grand idea and the audience cheered, many brave boys and girls marched to the middle of dancefloor. He raised an eyebrow at that, he wouldn’t guess he was this popular. Then again, he is a pro hero. And finally he saw the one person he as looking for. He took in your appearance, glowing stripes of color on your shirt and hair. You sure were something. Hopefully you wouldn’t disappoint him.
  He let the music start and watched everyone trying their best to show him they have what it takes to impress him. There were many great dancers among the bunch but his eyes soon stayed fixated on you. He felt his heart race and his breath got stuck in his throat. Your moves were hypnotizing. Every single one of them blending into the next perfectly, you were very expressive and he loved it. You looked so stunning. He should feel guilty for not looking at others but the whole crowd was clearly cheering for you too.
  The song was coming to an end and he could no longer stay still. He waved for a regular host of these parties to take his place and marched through the dancefloor right behind the person who stole his attention all for themselves. He looked down at you; you were out of breath yet still so beautiful. He needed to finally see your face so he pushed all his nervousness aside for the time being. His hands found their way to your waist and turned you around. He noticed how your pupils dilated in shock and how your words died on your tongue when you realized who was so rude to scare you like this. Your face was so pretty, you had such a cute nose and cheeks, nice cheekbones and soft-looking lips. But most of all he loved your [e/c] eyes, shining like the brightest stars. “Looks like you’ve won,” he grinned at you and immediately loved the way you beamed at him after hearing the news. The crowd was dancing all around you again already, nobody paying particular attention to you two. “May I have the pleasure?” He extended his hand and watched amusedly how fast you grabbed it. He led you upstairs to the VIP section of the club where you’d have more privacy. You both sat down on the stools at the bar and ordered your drinks. He turned to you with lips formed into curious smirk. “So tell me about yourself, where did you learn to dance like that?” He asked, honestly interested to know.
  You let yourself be led and felt like in a dream second time that night. His hand was so smooth you noticed and blushed. You were holding hands with a pro hero! And your favourite one too! You sat on the stool next to him and ordered [fav drink]. You were afraid that awkward silence would follow as you were too nervous to think of a topic to talk about, luckily he saved you. “I attended dance schools and all kind of courses but I think that my attempts to copy every dance I saw on the TV ever since I was able to stand helped me more,” you laughed but then quickly blushed after realizing how you won, “but what you saw there was actually work of my quirk too.” You admitted, you were a bit worried if he will take it as cheating but seeing him chuckle suggested that won’t be the case. “I’d like to know more about it, if you don’t mind me asking,” he smiled and you shook your head. He was very polite and you felt at ease, something you didn’t expect. You explained how your quirk worked and enjoyed that you could freely look into those gorgeous lime eyes of his. “That’s pretty neat quirk you have there,” he exclaimed loudly, “it goes nicely with mine,” he winked at you, making you blush again. “W-w-what makes you think so?” You stuttered and looked away. “If I sang to you, you could dance to my songs, right?” He finger gunned you. You were so glad for the stool under your ass, you felt your knees get weak even in this position. Just the thought of him singing for you made you almost faint. Then again… “Wouldn’t you have to be far away? Like I don’t mean it badly but I like my ears not bleeding,” you decided not to be blushing mess if possible and mustered up all your courage to tease him a little. “Right, then I wouldn’t be able to see you and I just can’t let that happen,” he sighed and made some ridiculous over the top hand gestures, which at least made you laugh and averted your attention from the flustering part. “I know!” He shouted right after his first sentence. “You’ll be the main attraction of my parties!” He was really loud, making the bartender hurriedly finish your drinks and give them to you before disappearing in the back. You meanwhile had a hard time not breaking the promise of not letting your face turn red again under his intense green gaze. “I’d have you stand on the podium right in front of me, whaddya say!” He grinned widely. Well, if he really thinks so highly of your skills, maybe you could boast a little. “It would be a waste of my talent don’t you think,” you teased, he seemed to be taken aback by your statement so you quickly finished the sentence, “since you come here so little.” You explained with a chuckle and he visibly let out a sigh of relief. “Ah, it’s hard with all the other things,” he whined and dramatically gestured. “But maybe I’ll come more often if I you promise to meet me here,” he chuckled yet his eyes bore no sign of this being a joke. It almost seemed like he was seriously interested in you. “That would be nice, I come to this club so often only because I hope you’ll be the one playing,” you admitted sheepishly. Not that other DJs wouldn’t be great, you certainly had fun even if he wasn’t here it was just that others couldn’t compete with the blast you had on the nights of his parties. “Really?” He seemed genuinely surprised. You nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I know it will sound foolish,” you chuckled before taking a deep breath, “but I always feel so strange when you play the music, like you made the playlist especially for me.” You admitted and rubbed the nape of your neck awkwardly, afraid to look at him.          
  He meant his offer very seriously even if he didn’t look like it. The boss of this establishment often tried to persuade him to get some dancers on the stage, that it would make his show more likeable. He refused every time but if it were you, he’d gladly obliged. Someone with your energy and skill would be a nice addition for him too, not to mention your looks. Your answer surprised him however which he didn’t managed to hide, luckily you explained the situation. True, he didn’t come here nearly as much as he’d like. Mainly because of the lack of time but he’d surely think of something if he knew you’d be waiting for him on the stage.  
  He watched you with bated breath as you explained why you loved coming here. His cheeks were now pink, no doubt about that. It made him all warm inside that his choice of music made someone feel like this, that all the effort he put into his playlists didn’t come in vain. It was much harder than one could think; to compile music for the night! He also usually put some of his favourite songs in there, making your confession all the more meaningful. He put a finger under your chin to make you look up. “Do you really mean it?” He asked, his voice quieter than normally, almost shy. “Yeah,” you nodded reassuringly, “you always somehow manage to play the song I’m hooked on at the moment.” Your laughter sounded heavenly to his ears, he was glad that the music wasn’t as loud here so he could enjoy it fully. You were so cute when you talked about music, it was obvious you loved to party just like him – and even had similar music taste, bingo! He felt good in your company, you were friendly and energetic; a nice change from tired and very much done Shouta. It was so long since you first caught his attention too. Maybe he could give it a try. But it was so long since he last asked someone for their number and he didn’t even know you, right? His nervousness was back at full force. He took a napkin from the table and borrowed a pencil from barman’s side. “Mind giving me your number?” He moved the objects towards you with a small smile. “Like I know it’s sudden but I still remember when I first saw you in the crowd and I think we could have so much to talk about and I’ll soon have to leave to get some sleep before my lessons and…,” his muttering and wild gesturing was stopped by your chuckle. “I remember too,” you smiled at him and returned him the napkin, signed and with your number. “By the way, I’m [y/n]. Nice to meet you,” you finally introduced yourself properly and extended your hand, making him chuckle and shake it.
  You talked for a while after that, you found courage to ask him about his hero life and some fights he fought in but you mainly talked about music and his radio show. He said the truth though when he said he’d have to leave soon. You walked with him down the stairs to the back exit for staff. Cold and fresh late night air hit you when you stepped outside. You smiled happily, normally you’d stay here for another few hours but leaving like this wasn’t bad at all. “So I’ll wait for you text?” You asked shyly with rosy cheeks. He shook his head and waved his hand disapprovingly. “No way I would let my favourite dancer go home alone in this darkness!” You gave him surprised look before turning away, it was so surreal! “T-this way then,” you motioned and suddenly felt something warm around your shoulders. “You must be cold,” he smiled, now only wearing his tank top. It was quite chilly but your shirt surely provided more protection against cold than his top. It was also distracting as you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. “I’m good, really, you must be freezing in that,” you protested and took of his warm jacket. You tried to put it on him but he quickly dodged you. “Na-ah,” he motioned with his finger, “I already decided you need it more than I.” You looked at him doubtfully, noticing the goosebumps on his arms. “You were nice to me enough for one day,” you whined and jumped at him again, only for him to swiftly move behind your back. “It’s after midnight so technically it’s a new day so hush now,” he argued with a grin. “Mic, pleaaaase,” you complained again and turned to attack him again, only your feet got tangled and you were falling to the ground.
  You squeaked before a pair of arms caught you by the waist for the second time tonight. “For such amazing dancer you’re quite clumsy, [y/n].” He chuckled and pulled you up, your back against his solid and warm chest. He didn’t make a move to remove his hands from your waist either. Even the tips of your ears were red. This was a game that two can play though and you noticed during your little chat in the club that he could also get flustered rather easily if you tried. You turned around in his hold and while at it you let the jacket fall on his shoulder, your hands now around his neck. You didn’t exactly think this through, didn’t think about where your hands would end up, so your face turned even redder. If someone told you before you went to the club that in few hours you’ll be trapped in Present Mic’s embrace, you’d think they were crazy. And yet here you were. Luckily you weren’t the only one with blushing problem, you looked up and saw that Mic’s face was a nice shade of pink as well. “I guess you’ve won again,” he looked away, obviously trying to compose himself. “The joke’s on you though,” he smirked – that couldn’t mean anything good, “I will gladly escort you home even like this.” He gave you a thumb up. You choked on a spit and started coughing. You were grateful he held you, without them you’d fall for sure. “Now now, I don’t want you to suffocate ‘cause of me,” he teased you, which gained him a punch to his shoulder. You didn’t care about the difference between in your social ranks right now.
When the coughing stopped, you wiped the tears away from your eyes and looked up. He still held you close, his amused gaze fixated on you. “It’s not funny, if I died you’d definitely lost your hero title,” you scoffed, trying to hide how nervous and excited at the same time you were. It was nice to be so close, his body was warm and frankly quite nice to touch and lean against. “I’d save you, I usually deal with bigger problems than choking, you know,” he assured you with a small laugh. “Thanks,” you murmured and slowly moved your hands from their awkward position between your chests to his sides, returning the hug. You laid your head on his chest, progressing slowly, testing if it’s okay with him. You felt his body tense under your touch but he quickly relaxed and chuckled. “Should I take it that you wanna walk like this to your home?” He teased, you pinched his side in return. “No fair, I just wanted to be a gentleman,” he whined.      
  He enjoyed having your body against his, suppling him with warm and comfort. It was so long since he last hugged and was hugged by someone. He moved one of his hands up to stroked your hair. So soft, he thought with a smile. The alley was quiet safe for your breathing but for once he didn’t mind the silence. He wondered if you heard his heartbeat and how fast it was, if it wasn’t scaring you.  He forgot how nice it was to have someone close and no amount of skinship with his college worked as a good substitute. He’d gladly stay still like this for hours but he really needed to get some sleep if he was to survive his classes tomorrow. He originally planned to be asleep by this time too. “We should go,” he said quietly, letting go of you. You made a discontented sound but also removed your hands. You were still blushing he noted, you also stayed in his personal space, soon he learned why was that. “Can I try something?” You asked and he nodded and was surprised when you took his hand and put it around your shoulders. “Now we can both have a bit of the jacket,” you smiled up to him. He shook his head with a soft chuckle and pulled you closer. “You’re absolutely right, now lead the way.”
  Your house was only few blocks walk and your way was quickly over. Neither of you talked much, he sometimes showed you a constellation if he happened to spot any he knew the name of but otherwise it was silent and peaceful. He walked you to the door of your apartment house and his arm fell down to your waist. “You’re safely home, that’s Present Mic for ya,” he grinned and tossed his hair. Your laugh took his breath away and he pulled you to him for one final hug. “Thank you, my hero,” he heard you say with a chuckle. “You can call me Hizashi,” he decided and nodded affirmatively when you questioned him. He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes. “Would it be alright if I texted you sometime soon?” He asked and moved a stray strand of hair from your face. “I’ll be waiting,” you smiled at him, making his knees weak. He nodded and let his chin rest on the top of your head. He let himself stay like this with you for couple minutes, both of you quiet again. “Good night, [y/n].” He moved his hand to your cheek and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. “Good night,” you turned your head to kiss his palm, soft giggle escaping his lips. He retracted his limbs from you and waited until you unlocked the front door. “Thanks for tonight,” you smiled before closing them and disappearing from his view. He sighed and smile to himself, taking his phone from his pocket along with carefully folded napkin.
  He typed the number the number and saved it before writing a short message:
To: [y/n]
Hey, see ya tmo at our place? ;)  The phone was put back into the pocket and he finally started walking in the direction of his own apartment, his favourite dancer on his mind.
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luxthestrange · 2 months
BNHA Memes #3
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Secretary !Y/nXAizawa with Hizashi be like...two introverts wanna pound local twin princess hair extrovert-
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kirikiss · 1 month
Midoriya's Miscalculated Misfortune
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🝮 In an attempt to connect with his class, Mr. Midoriya participates in a class training! Will he be able to handle it? 🝮 no warnings. continue reading under the cut. not proofread... I don't even know what this is.
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As the class filed into the room, a palpable sense of anticipation filled the air. Izuku stood at the front, eager to share the news. “As some of you may know, today marks your first official training session! You will be paired into groups of three, based on the compatibility of your quirks. Each group will face off against a teacher in a simulated battle scenario. The objective is simple: each of you must secure one flag from your opponent within a ten-minute time limit,” he explained, his tone brimming with enthusiasm.
The room buzzed with murmurs of excitement, the students clearly thrilled at the prospect of training with pro heroes. One student raised her hand, her curiosity piqued. “Which teachers will we be up against?”
“Excellent question,” Izuku replied, smiling. “We have five teachers participating. To ensure fairness, the students who scored the highest on the entrance exam will go first, ensuring the teachers are at their peak performance when sparring with them. This allows everyone to get a fair shot. The teachers you'll be facing are Present Mic, Ectoplasm, Eraserhead, Cementoss, and finally, myself!”
A heavy silence fell over the room, replacing the earlier excitement. Izuku noticed the shift, his brow furrowing slightly in confusion. ‘Strange, I thought they’d be more excited…’
“Mr. Midoriya, are you sure this is the best idea? Ever since… you know,” a student asked hesitantly, concern lacing their voice.
“Yeah, it's like kicking a dog while it's down, isn’t it?” another added, their tone uncertain.
“Should we start drafting apology letters now or wait until after your lesson backfires?” someone muttered under their breath, eliciting a few nervous chuckles.
Izuku, however, remained unfazed. His smile widened as he addressed the class. “Even though I lost my quirk, I’ve never stopped training as if I still had it. I’ll give it my all! I’m ready for whatever challenges you bring!” he declared in his signature happy-go-lucky tone. Maybe his all wasn't enough.
The students made their way to the training grounds, eager to prove themselves to these heroes. First up were three students against Present Mic. Izuku stood in the corner, taking notes on each student's abilities and areas for improvement.
“WOAH HO HO, ARE YOU STUDENTS READY TO ROCK?” Present Mic's voice boomed across the arena. His signature blonde hair spiked as if he'd just held up an umbrella to lightning. He wore a confident grin, his hands on his hips as he surveyed the three students who would be his challengers.
“WoAh ho hO,” one student mocked. “Did Mr. Midoriya put us up against Santa?” another added to the banter. Present Mic saw through their game. “Psyching me out, huh? That’s not gonna work, little ones!”
The three students stood in a loose formation, trying to draw up a plan. One of them tried to offer encouragement. “Hey guys, we got this! Just… try not to let him yell too much.” Easier said than done.
As the battle reached its peak, the students were feeling pretty good about themselves. They had managed to snag two flags, and Present Mic was finally starting to look like he might be sweating—just a little. Sensing victory within reach, they regrouped for one last coordinated assault.
“Okay, this is it! We’re gonna take him down!” a student declared, a confident grin on his face.
Present Mic noticed their determined expressions and couldn’t help but chuckle. “YOU KIDS ARE GREAT, BUT LET’S TURN UP THE VOLUME A NOTCH!” The students braced themselves for another ear-shattering scream or some kind of pitch-based attack. What they did not expect was for him to spin around and amplify a colossal fart.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?” one student screamed.
“WHAT DID YOU EVEN EAT? OH MY GOSH!” a third gagged, clutching their nose.
As Present Mic walked away, he let out a celebratory toot, and the students couldn’t help but notice his pants sagging suspiciously in the back. “THAT’S THE SWEET STENCH OF DEFEAT, KIDS! SMELL YA LATER!” he declared with a grin.
Izuku, watching from the sidelines, was definitely not expecting that. Trying to recover, he addressed the class. “Well, everyone! In hero work, you’ve got to learn to expect the unexpected. Good effort, Group A! I hope this scrimmage helped you understand how to better use your quirks in combat,” he said, giving his evaluations as he prepped for his turn.
A few more groups went before his. Ectoplasm managed to win the scrimmage with no flags being captured. Eraserheads weapon was used against him, allowing the students to capture all his flags. Next in the lineup was Izuku. The three students he faced were pretty strong.
The first female student had the quirk Memory Imprint. She was able to gain knowledge of the item or person she touched, but it only lasted for five minutes. Her plan involved touching Mr. Midoriya. She didn’t have to go for the flag, just attempt to graze him. From then on, she could use her quirk to gain the knowledge Mr. Midoriya was thinking—strategies that were impossible to evade. Using one of his thought-out strategies, she captured a flag without a hitch.
“Good job! You two still have to capture a flag, so don’t hold back!” Izuku encouraged. ‘Easy A,’ the next student thought to himself. His quirk was strength-based. He had an immense amount of power in his punch, and when he wound his arms up, the power amplified. As the other students were busy fighting, he wound up his arm fifty times.
By this time, Izuku was feeling a bit cocky. He had managed to dodge a few hits from the third student, who hadn’t resorted to using her quirk yet. “What’s wrong, Group D? Are you going to let the teacher without a quirk bea—” he was abruptly cut off by an uppercut to the stomach. The hit was so hard that the vibrations made one of his front teeth fall out. He also coughed up a bit of blood.
Ectoplasm, who was still observing the fight, called out in concern, “Hey Midoriya, do you want to call it?”
The fool called back, “No! This is a learning experience. I want to see how strong each of my students are, so let��s continue!” He offered a toothy—or now toothless—grin. ‘A punch like that should've knocked him out. Hell, if that was me, I’d fake faint,’ Ectoplasm thought, replaying the punch in his head.
The student took this as a challenge and decided to up the ante. With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a bed of snow that spread rapidly across the arena. Before Izuku could react, she made it rain. Drenched and now standing on an icy patch, Izuku slipped immediately onto his back, knocking all the air out of him. To be honest, the students were enjoying this a bit more than they wanted to admit. The weathering student went to retrieve her flag. Izuku tried to get up, but his attempts only resulted in failure. The strength-based student wound up his arm ten times and punched the ground with tremendous force. Izuku, in mid-fall, extended his arms to cushion himself but instead ended up breaking them on the icy surface. Battered, bruised, and toothless, Izuku was a sorry sight. It reminded him exactly of middle school. Izuku started tearing up in pain, waiting for the last student to take his flag so it could be over. He oddly craved the feeling of Recovery Girl’s dry lips over his cuts, making them feel all better. This daydream led to him passing out.
“Oh my gosh, Mr. Midoriya, I am SO SORRY, are you okay?” His hearing was so muffled he could barely hear his student walk in. At that point, he had already woken up, but his eyes were so puffy and bruised it made him look like they were closed.
“Man, I guess I really did a number on him. He told us not to hold back, but I only used 5% of my power.” The other two students who had sparred with him joined in.
“Yeah, same here! I only used a harmless ice sheet, but it took him out too.”
Embarrassed, Izuku took advantage of his puffy eyes and pretended to remain unconscious. He made a mental note for next time: do NOT participate in class training.
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