#tw body horror ment
nerosdayinanime · 1 year
couldnt draw vampire!sabito but i sure as hell can make him the crustiest motherfucker you ever seen
(click for better quality)
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halloween au started last year in an attempt to make a sanegiyu fic for halloween and i frakenstein’d sanemi & genya with an ookami- then that labyrinth doodle a while ago & now i got this whole shit with sabito being as close as a human can get to being a wild animal-
yadda yadda all the surviving victims get sedated & taken out the labyrinth to be transported to get medical care or started on rehabilitation- sabito wakes up with a massive pain flare-up from his kitsune arm and they rush in to help-
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rule of thumb, Dont Fucking Startle the guy whos first instinct is Kill It.
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torchtour · 5 months
is gord's gun arm bleeding blood or oil or something else??
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saw a few tags asking about the goopy arm! so.
the gun fires bullets made of congealed blood (NOT finger/toenails but. its remnant of the hand so pretty close?). the gun uses an alternating clotting/thinning system to tease blood out of the partially-closed wound for firing. blood is also the gun's coolant/lubricant and will spill from the gun when the stump faces the ground. just. just lots of blood involved.
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crooked776 · 1 year
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Day two: Mantle
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Day three: Honey
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Day four: Sacred heart (not canon at all just. Thought it'd look cool lmao)
Hough. Ok finally got these done
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cyber-therian · 6 months
“ i am the willing victim of a cannibal, she rips out my bones just like i am an animal ” — Cannibal - Tally Hall
gives me so much euphoria mm mm m
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ruinationz · 1 year
misc tadc doodles from discord (vanilla tadc, swap au, digital garden, human design, etc meme doodles)
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it’s almost october which means it’s halloween. happy Halloween. let’s get fucking spooky baby.
2335 words of ooky kooky spooky goodness, the payoff is pretty gross so all the triggers i can think of will be tagged accordingly
comms are open if ya like what ya see
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There was something underneath the school, at least that’s what Gary was trying to tell everyone. But no one would listen to him, he was the boy who cried bullshit, no one really cared what he had to say, he was a pathological liar. Currently he was in the social area of the boys dorm, trying to get Jimmy and Pete on his side. It was going…. less than swimmingly. “Jaaaaaaaames, I wouldn’t lie about something like that now would I?” he quirked his slit brow, lounging sideways over Jimmy’s lap, where the other boy’s hand landed on his forehead with a satisfying plap“Yeah yeah Gary, isn’t lying your whole MO?” Gary stiffened, damn. He had him there. “I’m serious this time… people haven’t been going to classes” “Oh whoop-dee-do sound the alarms, Bullworth kids aren’t going to classes! What sort of world are we living in?” Jimmy sneered, seeming over the whole thing already. Pete was stood behind the couch picking at a hangnail, he knew he shouldn’t believe Gary, but with all the weird, unexplained creepy stuff happening around Bullworth, he couldn’t help it. It was so insane, that it circled back around and… it was kinda plausible. “Jimmy maybe he’s right, something insidious is going on around here”
Gary shot up from his lounging position to get right in Pete’s face “You sure you’re big enough to toss words like that around little Petey? Insidious?” Pete ran a hand over his face fretfully “Shut UP dude, I’m agreeing with you” “Hehehe…. insidious, what a nerd. Right Jimbo?” “Lay off man,” Jimmy swatted at the back of Gary’s head, the same kind of motion you do to a misbehaving dog “Pete, don’t worry about it… we’ll go check it out tonight, okay?” that was exactly the last thing Pete wanted, but he knew that Jimmy was just trying to calm his nerves about the whole thing “Okay Jimmy”
They reconvened outside the basement just after curfew, having snuck out through a window using tied up bed sheets like they were old-timey prisoners instigating a breakout and had scattered in different directions just in case the prefects tried to play cowboy and round them all up. Gary had all the stuff: flashlights so they wouldn’t wake the janitor by using the main lights; many, many large knives big enough to kill a bear if that was the root cause of the disappearing students; pepper spray he’d lovingly handmade in chemistry class; and a half-empty box of matches. They huddled around the door to the basement as Gary fiddled with the key “Cmon man hurry up” “Patience is a virtue, James” “Shut up, asswipe. One more run-in with the prefects and I’m outta here on my ass, move it” Gary rolled his eyes and continued unlocking the door at his pace, just to piss off Jimmy.
Eventually, he did manage to open the lock, and get all three of them inside. The basement had a weird smell; damp, mouldy but almost… clinical. That was disturbing because it certainly didn’t look very clean, you couldn’t really even blame it on chemical storage because all the chemicals were either old and empty or new and still in their boxes. Pete was lagging behind Gary and Jimmy, a position he wasn’t very happy with, in case something snatched him off when the other two were bickering. Then again, ever the overthinker, he wondered if they’d bother to protect him if he was in the lead.
Eventually, they reached a crossroads within the lower floor of the basement, with three intersecting paths; this was odd. Gary had checked the floor plan, there was nothing like this anywhere on it. How he’d gotten the floor plan was anyone’s guess but somehow, some way, he had. He strode forward, pivoted and put his flashlight under his chin like he was a grandpa telling ghost stories to his traumatised grandchildren “I’m goin in. there… I need to see if I can find something” Pete’s hand shot forward as if to pull Gary back but it was promptly slapped down by Jimmy who gave him his best ‘please god don’t encourage him’ face.
Gary strode off into the abyss, leaving Petey and Jimmy sitting ducks. “You think it’s true, Jimmy, all those rumours?” Jimmy raised a brow, too busy playing with a selection of small stones on the floor of the basement to pay any real attention to what Pete was saying. “What? No. Let’s think about it this way, Gary’s a lunatic and everyone here wants an excuse to cut class or skip town. There’s nothing down here… Gary’s just being Gary” Pete didn’t exactly know what to make of that, he bit his lip a little bit and fiddled around with the beam switch on his flashlight “But Jimmy I mean…. even the preps were talking about it… they don’t have any real reason to lie, right?” Jimmy turned to Pete, deadpan “Derby Harrington tells everyone he’s a natural blonde, Bif Taylor tells everyone he’s got a girlfriend, Justin Vandervelde claims he has friends! The preps lie all the time and so does everyone else. It’s mass hysteria Petey, don’t get sucked in.”
Pete sighed, and tried to relax a bit. He sort of half slumped but even then that positioning still looked stiff and forced. They sat quietly for a while, waiting for any sign of life from Gary and eventually… they got their answer. A long, high pitched, blood curdling scream that could have only come out of someone in deep trouble, interspersed were little gurgles and cries. “GARY!” Pete bleated, up on his feet and running towards the noise in an instant, god what a moron. Jimmy, while wanting to wait it out and leave Gary to what may or may not have been down there, got to his feet and followed Pete as he chased down the noise. At the source, they found nothing, no Gary. No blood. Just his flashlight. Jimmy already thought it seemed fishy but seeing Pete totally freaking out put a little bit of doubt into his mind “Hey, man, It’s okay. Maybe he got scared and bolted.”
The pair of them began to traverse up the hallway, Pete scooped up Gary’s flashlight with trembling, clammy fingers as they passed it and they kept moving down the long hall. The floor was a different texture, it wasn’t concrete anymore but linoleum like the kind they had upstairs in the science labs. A strange design choice for a hallway no one ever goes down. Pete stopped suddenly just as they were reaching the end, holding an arm out to block Jimmy from moving. A little ways away, there was some rustling, then a heavy footstep. Before they could turn and bolt back the way they came there were more and more heavy thuds until suddenly something pounced on Pete and he went sprawling to the floor, crying out for mercy. Jimmy whipped his flashlight onto the figure and of course… it was just Gary, he leered over Pete, grinning like he’d just won the lottery “Ha ha ha! I got you nerds. Oh Petey you should’ve seen your face!” Pete kicked up at Gary, eventually gathering the nerve to stand and give him a good shove “Not cool Gary! Jesus Christ!”Gary’s smirk widened into a full on beam, all teeth. “Relaaaaax, no harm done, just a little practical joke amongst friends, right James?” Jimmy squinted, admittedly he had been just as scared as Pete if not more, but he was excellent at hiding it “Don’t drag me into this, it’s too late for your bullshit Gary” Gary plucked his flashlight out of Pete’s hand and continued to walk towards the end of the corridor, completely ignoring any and all criticism from his two friends. The trio trailed along the hallway in relative silence, save for the squeaking of their shoes against the linoleum. Jimmy eventually broke through the tension, turning to Gary “What are we even looking for down here anyway? It’s late, I have a history test tomorrow” “Patience James, patience” “Oh my GOD will you quit it with the patience bullshit and just tell me why we’re down here playing Scooby Doo at midnight for God’s sakes” Gary paused, regarded his watch despite knowing full well it was busted and looked down at Jimmy “Anything unusual… clues and such” “Oh how very informative, I’ll get right on that, inspector gadget” Gary snorted “Oh Jimmy, first we were playing Scooby Doo and now all of a sudden this is inspector gadget? You need to pick a fantasy and stay in it”
Petey began trailing behind, his heart was still leaping against his ribs like it was trying to barge its way out of his chest. The rhythm was akin to that of a racing horse on the track, beatbeatbeatbeatbeat. It was incessant; and not unlike what he imagined it felt like to have a heart attack. The thought of hightailing it back to the boys dorm and lying flat on his back, sleepless and utterly petrified of what turned out to just be his friend, did cross his mind but he knew if he ran off he’d never hear the end of wimping out of their expedition for the rest of the semester at the least and possibly, his life at the most.
“Besiiiiiides, Jimmy we have everything we need to play Scooby Doo. A damsel, a pointless mystery, a fearless, and handsome leader and… well James, you can play the dog” Gary drawled, gesturing limply to the quivering Pete and to Jimmy before proudly pointing to himself with his free hand. Jimmy squared his shoulders and sighed. Being a little ways back and in no way involved in their stupid argument, Pete managed to find a passageway that the two bickering idiots had managed to miss “Guys…” “See there’s your problem. You think Fred is cool” the passage was dark and lined with some sort of heavy metal, kind of like the door to a safe. It was ajar. “GUYS!” the pair snapped their heads around to Pete, surprised by his sudden outburst. “Don’t worry Pete, think of it this way, two christmasses!” “Look I don’t care about you guys’ stupid fight… I found something” Pete narrowed his eyes, turning back to the door with a grimace. The entrance was cold, much colder than the rest of the basement. It felt like one of those walk in freezers you go in to scream where you work in a restaurant. “Weird, this isn’t on the plan” Gary grumbled, looking down at the crudely drawn recreation of the basement’s floor plan with disdain. Of course Pete had found it, and stolen his thunder. “We should go in, scope it out” Pete faltered. That seemed like the exact opposite of what they should be doing, they should really have been getting going and trying to forget all about tonight. “Sure, I wanna get this over with” Jimmy grumbled, taking the lead and storming down the corridor. It was damp, and significantly warmer on the inside than they’d first thought. It felt more like a meat locker than a freezer.
Soon enough, a few weak bulbs flickered to life, activated by the motion of their exploration. Reluctantly, the three clicked off their flashlights and continued down the hall, making note of the narrow walkway and the lack of damp smell. It was clean, it was medical. The walk was short, and they once again found a heavy door propped open. Like it was inviting them in “Ladies first” Jimmy huffed, grabbing Pete by the collar and tossing him over the threshold, knowing that if he didn’t, Pete would have frozen dead on the spot. Gary followed and then Jimmy.
In front of them was a deep pit, not unlike the hole, as well as the smell of more chemicals and an unpleasant warmth. Pete wandered a few more steps and paused, all the colour from his face draining. He looked sick… he felt sick. “What Petey, what?” Gary grumbled, striding to join Pete as he leaned over the edge of the hole. Jimmy stashed his flashlight and forced himself between the other too boys “Holy fucking shit… oh god”
In the centre of this deep pit was a large mound of flesh, so wide that it was beginning to fold to the shape of the basin of the circular pit. The skin was pulled so taut that it was thin enough for you to see every pulse of blood coursing through its engorged veins. It moved up and down steadily, rising and falling in a lethargic rhythm. It was breathing. “Oh god, oh god” Pete parroted Jimmy, getting paler and paler until he eventually couldn’t take the sight anymore and turned to paint the concrete with his half-digested meatloaf. Gary was circling the rim of the pit with a practised precision, looking for a face, or some equivalent. Jimmy stood where he had, utterly entranced by the pulsing of its blood in a sick sort of way. Too intrigued to look away, too grossed out to keep looking.
Eventually, Gary managed to find a face, and not just one. Many. Very very many. The faces of practically every person who’d vanished in the past days. They weren’t stitched together either, they seemed to have amalgamated together, and weren’t all that aware of each other’s presence or their own. They’d become a sort of hivemind, to a degree anyway. Some of them were weeping, others appeared to be making noiseless pleas for help. All of them had blank eyes and no hair. Not even eyebrows.
Jimmy stumbled backwards, herded up the thoroughly ill Pete and the pair of them ran off wordlessly. Gary reluctantly followed them, but there was no doubt in his mind he’d be back for this thing, to antagonise it if nothing else.
There was something under Bullworth academy. Pulsing. Breathing. Evolving.
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instituteled · 7 months
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@sealone inquired: I knew you would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. (victorian)
"Dɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ?"
Pale eyes regard the other, but they lack the usual sharpness. Drugs and alcohol have dulled it for a while. It gets easier, each time, and he's more willing to do the step with every single one behind him, but it will take some more before he's numb to the feeling entirely. And harder still when it's one he once regarded something akin to a friend. There's been his poor Barnabas, even though that one has not been entirely on his own hands. (One could argue not at all; there is some fault to be found, maybe, but it was not his actions that lead to his demise, at least.) There has been a couple of acquaintances. A few meals, some experiments. Strangers and pretty distractions.
The last of the books he brought from Germany lay almost discarded, stacked among the others. How was he to know? One would think if anything he should have loaded a curse on himself like that (as if that would stop him), not removed protection. And perhaps he should feel more regret. Grief. Guilt. Anything.
He feels something, alright, but it's hard to tell what it is. It's not that he would undo it all if he could. It's... a lack of control, perhaps. The second time that he has brought misfortune and worse upon former friends, with not even any particular intent to do so. But also not too much care.
"Spare me." Another man might have taken his ill mood for grief. Another man might have thought remorse. Jonah just laments the loss of his autonomy in some twisted way. Not becoming a monster: he's always been vaguely aware he's been one of the mundane way. Just differently. Tearing hearts apart in the metaphorical way. No, this is all about being unsure what of his actions are still his, and what are random chances, and what are strings pulling on him. (A thing he will forget in centuries to come, and never should have.)
"There were eyes on his lungs, Peter." Not just there, but that's besides the point. He has not seen the corpse, but he needs not. If he wanted to, he could right now: every pore filled with eyes, every bit covered, following every movement, washing in blood. "If you were to cut me open, how many would stare at you?"
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soulsnoartyes · 1 year
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October 4th!! I'm probably not going to have time to refine these like I want, but they're cute and I want to share the teenage space trio!
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brandstifter-sys · 2 years
Word Count: 884                                                         (Ao3)
Pairing: Dukexiety (alluded royalceit)
Rating: T+
Warnings: Blood, mild body horror, sex mention
Remus is aromantic and ready to bitch about it to an equally aro emo. Luckily for him, Virgil knows just what to do to take romance out of getting a boyfriend
it’s late and I don’t care, have a fic
It was the one day of the year that Roman was insufferable. Pink and red hearts seemed to float around him wherever he went, and then they slammed onto the walls, decorating them for the holiday. 
Remus fucking hated it. Valentine's Day was supposed to be just another saint day, about a guy who got offed for marrying people evading recruitment. There was no reason to get all mushy and lovey dovey, and suffocate everyone else. If it weren't for the copious amounts of sex happening, Remus would be on a murder spree! 
Virgil wasn't a fan of the romantic stuff either, but he didn't mind if the people around him got sappy. It was good for blackmail material—he had proof that Janus was trying to woo both Patton and Roman. The only problem he had was a stupid mesh on a feral himbo who was one wink away from recreating the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
 "Oh fuck, he got here before I could!" 
Virgil looked up from his phone and saw Remus standing at the foot of his bed, glaring at the wall. Of course he found the one poster with hearts on it. Black, broken, bleeding hearts. They were definitely Roman’s work and not a step away from Halloween decor. 
"Roman hasn't been here since January," Virgil said flatly and locked his phone. He knew he wouldn't get back to scrolling through conspiracy videos for a while. Remus was on the edge of a rant.
"Thank God! I'm so sick of the lovey dovey bullshit!" Remus groaned and clutched his hand to his chest,
"Ooh! I love you so much! You can have my heart, even though it’s not a heart and I'm giving you something shaped like a contraceptive and I don't want to fuck!" he said, mimicking his brother's usual grandiose tone. 
"No sane person actually wants to rip out their heart of their chest to give it away," Virgil sighed, "But the metaphor is annoying. It’s better if you just rip your heart out and hand it over." 
Remus' eyes lit up wickedly. 
"Are you suggesting that I would do something like that?" he jeered and plopped on the bed, facing Virgil. 
"In a romantic way? No. Never. And not in a queerplatonic way. Maybe alterous, but you would do something different," Virgil shrugged, not looking at his face. It was unfair how cute Remus could be when he was trying to be challenging. 
"Do tell!" Remus giggled, relaxing his shoulders. Virgil eyed him thoughtfully and rolled up his sleeve. 
Remus yelped when Virgil slammed his hand through his ribcage, forcing him to spit up blood.  His eyes were wide, staring at Virgil's arm sticking out of his chest along with a few broken ribs. 
Virgil licked his lips before grabbing the slimy, pulsing mass of muscle. With a flick of his wrist and a forceful tug, he tore Remus' heart from his chest and held it up. 
"You'd call dibs and eat theirs," Virgil hummed and admired the thundering heart in his hand. Remus was watching him with starry eyes. 
"Are you gonna eat that?" Remus gawked. 
"I don't have to, considering this is what I think you would do to someone you like, have a squish or a mesh on." 
Remus paused and studied Virgil as he shied away, still holding the beating heart, squelching blood all over his hand. He was so cute, hiding behind his bangs. 
Remus slammed his hand into Virgil's chest and grabbed his heart. Virgil groaned when Remus shattered his ribs and tore it out. 
"Now will you eat it?" Remus jeered and brought Virgil's heart to his mouth. Virgil was gawking at him, blushing furiously.
Virgil shook his head and carefully placed Remus' heart in his own vacant chest cavity, setting his ribs back in place around it. 
"I'm not you," he said softly and closed his wound, "But I'm not giving it back." 
“I don’t want it back! But in exchange, I want an alterous boytoy!” Remus hummed and licked up some of the blood spurting from Virgil’s heart. He waited and watched Virgil squirm, weighing his options like he always did. Remus decided to stuff Virgil’s heart in his chest cavity and close it up while he waited. 
He didn’t have to wait long. Virgil grabbed his face with his bloody hands and kissed him like he would never get another chance. He squeaked when Remus dragged him closer by the butt and kissed back with just as much enthusiasm and twice as much spit. 
Virgil pulled away panting with blood on his lips and rested his forehead against Remus’. He was smiling softly and his eyeshadow was bright purple. 
“How about we stay here for the rest of the day and watch some trashy horror movies? I can grab some snacks,” Virgil suggested. 
“You mean snacks other than you and me, and the Evil Dead!” Remus giggled, not letting go of his butt. 
“Yeah, you dork,” Virgil snorted.
“Yeah! We can make it Halloween again!” Remus beamed, “Let’s do it!”
Virgil smirked and licked his cheek, cleaning off some of the blood, and got up, “I’ll be right back. Don’t strip while I’m gone. That’s my job.” 
Remus grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. Maybe Valentine’s Day wasn’t so bad.
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crypticalwitch · 1 year
Goretober day 6!
TW for body horror/ blood (?)
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"Sorry about the shirt, Trace..."
Don't worry, that's not really "blood." It's spend soul matter stuff....
Look, plastic is brittle and prone to breaking... and melting, and Lucas will be fine in a few hours, he just doesn't want to get it on his jacket.
Frankly he'd kill for that coat.
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jeweledstone · 1 year
The Most Painful Sound in the World: Another Stupid Dream Recounting
I had this dream a few days ago which is probably not gonna be long or interesting enough to be worthy of that eye-grabbing title, but whatever.
In said dream I found about this audio file that’s been referred to as “the most painful sound in the world”. When played, it would be this high pitched droning noise that would sound extremely irritating and even painful to those who heard it. If said sound was played on an electrical device like a computer or radio, the device would start breaking down and would eventually combust in a flurry of sparks, seriously injuring anyone nearby. Didn’t help that any electrical things within range of whatever was playing the noise would start playing it as well through some unknown means.
The way I first found out about it was when I accidentally found a video file on my old dsi that was basically a seemingly normal Flipnote animation from back in the day that ended with this jumpscare involving an image of a dead body and the painful sound being played. Said incident caused every electrical device capable of making noise being “infected” and me having to go from room to room turning everything off to prevent the house from basically exploding.
Apparently it was common tactic for internet “trolls” in this verse to upload seemingly harmless videos with the sound played at the end (usually featuring flashing pictures of gore and other disturbing stuff) to places like YouTube and TikTok (and apparently Flipnote Hatena, which might still be around in this timeline?), kinda like the old screamer videos from the early 2010’s but way more malicious/harmful.
The dream ended with this apocalyptic scenario where some domestic terrorist causing some kinda chain reaction resulting in every electronic on earth to emit the painful sound at once, resulting in a cacophony so awful, people started literally melting When Day Breaks-style from the stress of being exposed to it.
So that was the entire thing, not very pleasant to go through tbh but I don’t think I’d call it a nightmare.
Bonus art bullshit based off an implication that the Noise/Mickey Mouse thing I accidentally thought into existence literally the night before I had this dream created the painful sound audio file:
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l0vestrk · 2 years
I’m such a good little puppy I’d maul that guy for you I’d do anything I want his blood on my hands for ever hurting you I’ll tear his flesh with my teeth like a good puppy please let me
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nymfaia-archive · 1 year
While I'm realizing shit. If zenos piloted Alta's body for a while in e/w. In my guilty pleasure ship verse with gaius. Technically does that mean he was pregnant for an hour or two
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networksupported · 2 years
my muses truly do have the two moods of:
i will tell you absolutely nothing ever at all no shut up you're not getting my backstory
im going to wait until you're actively in a bathroom for some reason and then dump the greatest load of fucked up shit on you ever teehee :)
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venisonpng · 1 year
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pattonsfam-ily · 1 year
I got Logan to check on the fuckin dumbass I unfortunately call a brother he’ll be fine probably -Remus
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