#second? third picture. the one under the cut whatever
cillyscribbles · 18 hours
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my modern!cats au giving me, an avid non-smoker, thoughts about smoking and self image, of all things. i will put them under the cut, but meanwhile! enjoy this 1. shameless illustration of my own fic 2. tugger not quite loving the makeup (or costuming) of his poet-murderer role. (yes a local staging of roberto zucco changed my life, very nice of you to ask!)
so smoking bad etc etc don't smoke. anyway, all three brothers deuteronomy smoke, or at least have smoked for large chunks of their lives, albeit for wildly different reasons and standpoints.
munkustrap's been smoking since middle school, his start more or less aligning with the time period when old deuteronomy falls sick, grizabella ramps up her work, and munkustrap, at the ripe old age of maybe 14, starts managing the household and finances and whatnot.
he wishes he'd never started smoking, don't get me wrong. he wishes the relief of the thing wasn't worth it. he quits and starts again throughout the years, over and over and over, climbing into the third decade of the habit without being able to break it, never moving past the numbed feeling of failure for it. it's the one crack you'll occasionally catch in that aged picture of constant steadfastness and responsibility he's got going on.
to be unable to handle it all feels to him as good as giving up entirely. he smokes behind the school. he puts away the ashtrays when he has guests over. he doesn't like smoking with company, and he hates his shame being made known. if you'll allow me a pretentious second, it's sort of like an upward climb that he wants to take on alone so nobody else sees him stumble, and no one helps him if he twists an ankle. it's fine by him because he needs to be able to handle it himself. he needs to.
so. all this, versus tugger, who started well into adulthood and barrelled into it full and consciously. tugger, who smokes to replace sleep and sanity when his life runs on cigarettes and caffeine. but nothing more. he doesn't care to quit, he doesn't care to change. cigarettes look good between his fingers. he knows how to hold them pretty, like he knows everything else about himself that builds the picture he wants.
and, on a more interpersonal level, it upsets him that munkustrap is so acutely ashamed of it, the same way munkustrap is upset tugger is so casual about it. to some degree, though, i think that's because tugger's entirely hyperaware of how fragile life is and on how small a technicality shit can go sideways and end up killing him or anyone else. it's hard for him not to think about it. but it gives him some sort of strength to look for morbid humour in the things munkustrap wouldn't let himself laugh at, i think. it's gallows humour, to be fair, but it's good humour to tugger nonetheless. he finds stakes if not thrilling then certainly intriguing.
besides, making any sort of change to himself for other people, to tugger, is like betraying himself. he's built up that resistance to outside influence, and he's built it up hard and total. he doesn't mold, he doesn't bend, he'll do and look and say whatever he wants, he associates seeking validation strictly with misery. he doesn't understand munkustrap's frustration, or desire to please people, nor does he want to.
the thing with how tugger is, i think, is that he's just prodded at enough for both the street culture he grew up in and the inclination towards self-preservation of someone visibly queer to mesh together into something that can be spectacular and unmovable, and sometimes still turn ugly. i think curiosity is easy to push into cruelty with tugger.
shame is easy to mock for someone who's overcome it and tries hard to forget how insidious it can be. i think both munkustrap and tugger can be cruel to each other without wanting to and without really transgressing toward each other in a way that would dent their relationship, primarily because it's such a strong relationship but also because they're used to some sort of cruelty from the world at least, they just know better where to hit each other verbally to mess each other up. so. self-control, boys. comes to one of them easier than the other, LOL. and again, don't get me wrong. tugger doesn't want to be cruel to munkustrap, but it's not always a thing he can push away the instinct for. munkustrap doesn't want to be cruel to tugger, but he's been making hard decisions for ages and all but expects someone to be hurt by the end of it, and tugger is manageable. so. damn
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
couldnt draw vampire!sabito but i sure as hell can make him the crustiest motherfucker you ever seen
(click for better quality)
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halloween au started last year in an attempt to make a sanegiyu fic for halloween and i frakenstein’d sanemi & genya with an ookami- then that labyrinth doodle a while ago & now i got this whole shit with sabito being as close as a human can get to being a wild animal-
yadda yadda all the surviving victims get sedated & taken out the labyrinth to be transported to get medical care or started on rehabilitation- sabito wakes up with a massive pain flare-up from his kitsune arm and they rush in to help-
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rule of thumb, Dont Fucking Startle the guy whos first instinct is Kill It.
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corkinavoid · 3 months
DPxDC Demon Children Are Multiplying
This idea is still stuck in my head, and I might even end up writing something out of it, but for now, I just thought of something equally really, really stupid and really, really funny.
What if I combine that idea with Al Ghul Twins. I don't know how. Maybe Talia was cautious about Ra's not wanting to keep two kids for a position of Heir, or maybe she staged Danny's death, or maybe something else entirely happened. But anyway, Danny is Damian's twin.
Then, Dani is the same age as Danny in this AU. And Dan is de-aged to be the same age as both of them.
Now behold an absolute train wreck of a situation where Bruce attends a Gala hosted by Vladimir Masters. Together with Damian, of course, and maybe other batkids are there too. They all part their ways to make their rounds or whatnot. And they all keep seeing Damian wherever they go. Just everywhere.
Dick is talking to someone, and Damian walks past him, not paying him any attention. Which is not surprising, but a little rude, and, wait, wasn't he wearing a red tie? When did he change it to green one?
Tim is just going on the top floor to greet a lady he recognizes from some other event, and Damian all but storms in the opposite direction, only letting Tim catch a glimpse of his face. But when Tim turns around, he is really confused: the person running down the stairs is clearly a girl, albeit she is wearing a suit. Her long hair is up in a complicated braid. Why did he even mistake her for Damian?
But the ultimate confusion happens when Bruce is talking to Vladimir Masters, and a very familiar voice calls, "Father". Because both he and Vladimir turn to face the boy and ask, "Yes?" at the same time.
Damian is standing there, looking between Bruce and Vlad. He looks a little off somehow, but before Bruce can figure out why, the boy blinks and focuses on Vlad.
"We've been looking for you," he tells the man, and, wait, when was Damian looking for Masters? Furthermore, who is we?
But then another child comes closer. And-
That's Damian.
That's two Damians.
Wait, no, none of them are Damians.
"What is it?" Vladimir raises an eyebrow, not paying too much attention to Bruce's blanched expression.
A third child comes towards them, and this one also looks like Damian, only this one is a girl.
"Template's duplicate is here," she says, and Vlad frowns, turning to the Damian lookalike in the middle.
"Have you had another incident that I don't know of?"
Whatever answer the boy wanted to give is cut off by a n o t h e r child who looks like- no, this is real Damian, thank God, Bruce had started to wonder if the champagne was spiked with hallucinogens.
"Father-" he stops in his tracks as the three other children turn to him, and the four of them just stare at each other for a long moment. Then the one in the middle takes a sharp breath in and stage-whispers:
"Quick, do the meme!"
And all three not-Damians start pointing at each other.
Bruce is going to have an aneurysm. Judging by Vladimir's face, he is also not far from one.
Just my ramblings under the cut
I think you all know what meme I'm talking about, but I'm still gonna add it
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This is so fucking hilarious to me, I'm sorry, I just can't
Danny is not missing this opportunity of a lifetime, even though Vlad specifically asked all three of them not to cause a scene. And yes, they all call Vlad "father" just for the spite of it or for shits and giggles. I'm going with Bad Fentons idea here, although I'm not sure to which degree they are bad, but anyway, Vlad is their legal guardian, and he is redeemed.
Yes, Dick took a picture. Yes, it's already in the group chat. Yes, other batkids are going wild.
Damian is greatly confused because, first, he thought there was a clone of him at the gala, but apparently, there were three of them, and second, why are they pointing at each other? Should he join them? He is under the assumption his brother is dead (he's not exactly wrong on that account), or he doesn't even know he existed.
This is as far as I got now, feel free to add anything!
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Thinking about Angel Dust Age Regression headcanons so I’m gonna spew them all on this post. To those who like or want them: Enjoy!
Angel often sucks his second right thumb when he doesn’t have a pacifier so that he can easily hide it by moving his gloved hands.
Fat Nuggets can tell when Angel needs a break and will often nudge objects he associates with Angel’s regressions toward him, like a baby blanket or stuffed animal. Even a pacifier if it’s within reach.
In an older headspace Angel tends to be a brat, but anywhere under the age of three and he becomes sweeter and more sensitive.
Angel’s attachment to his pacifiers runs deep and traces back to his human life both when he was a baby and when he had issues with addiction. He gets very upset when they are taken away.
Interests (across various ages) include: tea parties, stuffed animals, coloring, building with blocks, watching kid’s shows, his pacifier, blanket, rattle, and (of course) playing with and cuddling Fat Nuggets.
Angel Dust trusts Alastor the most as a caregiver because he knows Alastor is Asexual and he doesn’t have to worry about being touched in ways that aren’t platonic which was the most important thing to him. Charlie’s enthusiasm often overwhelms him when he’s littler, and Husk and Vaggie aren’t exactly the warmest people. Niffty often plays with him well, but is often too focused on keeping things clean to do play with him, and Sir Pentious had to spend a lot of time explaining things to the Egg Boiz though he is nice but awkward with Angel himself. Alastor’s better emotional control and smile combined with knowing he isn’t interested in any sort of sexual relationship helps Angel regulate himself better. Alastor’s disdain for technology also helps Angel feel safer knowing that he’ll never have to worry about being watched by The Vees.
Because of this, Angel often refers to Alastor as “Papa” when he’s little and “Pops” when he’s older while calling everyone else by either their name or a variation on it. To name a few: Husk becomes “Husky”, Sir Pentious becomes “PenPen”, Vaggie drops the V in her name, and Fat Nuggets is lovingly dubbed “Nuggies”.
Triggers in headspace include the use of the word “Daddy”, cameras, unexpectedly being touched, and the sight or smell of cigarette smoke.
Angel has a difficult relationship with touch in his headspace. From ages 0-3 he is very affectionate and loves being held or cuddled as long as it remains platonic. Anywhere above age 4, and touch is something that he has to initiate or else it is unwelcome. Alastor and Husk are the only exceptions to this rule. Alastor for the role he has in his life, and Husk because he knows Husk hates having his boundaries pushed and would never do the same to him.
Alastor has given Angel a few special gifts that he cherishes both in and out of his headspace and would be distraught to lose. The first being a pink baby blanket that he gave him upon accepting his headspace and his own caregiving role. The second is a wooden music box that plays a tinkling rendition of a lullaby that he plays to go to sleep every night. The third is an old fashioned camera that Alastor uses to take pictures of special moments in his life or what they do together, all of which go into a scrapbook that he keeps in his room that he looks at whenever he’s having a hard time or feels nostalgic.
Angel isn’t a particularly picky eater but will not eat longer foods like celery, carrots, zucchini, asparagus, or eggplant unless they’re sliced or cut up.
Angel will wear and use diapers from 0-3 in headspace due to a mix of necessity and getting so involved in whatever he’s doing that he often forgets to ask to be taken to the bathroom. However, Alastor is the only one allowed to change him.
The only person Angel has told about his regressions outside of the hotel is Cherri Bomb (“RiRi”), who will often sneak him candy or ice cream when no one is around.
Apart from the TV, Alastor maintains a strict no screens policy when Angel regresses, leading the pair of them to spend most of their time together reading stories together. Angel’s taste in books skews toward fairy tales, and Alastor frequently reads him Grimm fairytales while Niffty often tends to listen in.
After Angel initially regresses, he is very prone to tears soon afterword, and processes any pent up emotions that way. The residents of the hotel are used to this and often keep a tissue (or handkerchief) handy to give him if he needs it, while someone else alerts Alastor if he isn’t there already.
Angel suffers from intense anxiety around strangers in his headspace and (particularly in a baby or toddler headspace) experiences separation anxiety from Alastor.
Temper tantrums happen more frequently in his older headspaces, but when they do occur in his younger ones they are far more intense and difficult to soothe.
Angel skews toward using bottles in his headspace as opposed to sippy cups or regular cups because he finds being fed by someone else to be both an expression of love by them and a moment of intimacy for himself that doesn’t have any sexual connotation.
Alastor tends to limit his use of his powers around Angel per his request (as he wants the experience to feel more realistic). However, there are two things Alastor uses his power for to enhance the experience. The first is conjuring Angel a nursery that he can make disappear in the blink of an eye. The second is to enhance his own strength to be able to pick Angel up or carry him in a way that everyone else cannot.
Niffty and Charlie are his favorite playmates, and Cherri Bomb is usually his favorite babysitter.
If it seems as though Angel is spiraling in his addictions, Alastor will sometimes purposefully help him regress in order to keep him clean. It has proven a helpful tactic in keeping him sober.
Angel will not sleep without his pacifier, baby blanket, Fat Nuggets, and his music box.
Alastor can change the music of the music box at will and will sometimes sing him to sleep without his radio filter.
Angel specifically picked innocuous pieces of clothing for his wardrobe that, when put together, look childish. 
Nicknames given to Angel include: “Sunshine” (Vaggie (often used sarcastically)), “Dusty” (Charlie, Niffty), “Kid” (Husk, Vaggie), “Hatchling” (Sir Pentious), “Sonny Boy”, “My Dear Boy”, “sweetheart”, and “"mon petit chou" (Alastor, translates to "my little cabbage").
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cryptidko · 2 months
Hey guys, update on trying to crack the code to the 8 days (and today's) promo.
First of all, the tweet.
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Fuck you Alex (silly intent)
Old text:
Third, whatever these symbols mean.
1st one is from the countdown post for nine days, 2nd one is from today's post.
I have no idea what they mean yet.
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And last, (Leak involving discussion and theories under the cut.)
, a fan posted this as a reply.
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@/trickenGF on Twitter (or X if you wanna be pretentious.) posted this picture of what was implied to be part of the cover on the book of bill.
This, gives us a little snippet of what the new code from yesterday could mean, but also it fucking ANOTHER, NEW CODE.
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Here's just a little analysis, no words just yet, but we can assume what symbols could probably be vocals now.
As for the second set of symbols I'm not sure yet, I'll give them a Google.
THE CODED TEXT IN THE LEAK IS IN PORTUGUESE, NOT ENGLISH, PLEASE, don't try to decode it unless you know Portuguese, lol.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
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Welcome to the blog of international bestselling author Joy Demorra, aka the Crucifix Nail Nipples Editor.
This is my personal blog where I commit word crimes.
If you're looking for my chronic illness and disability advocacy posts, or you want to block them (fair), the tag I use is #chronic health tag.
You can also peruse my FAQ.
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My international bestselling debut romance novel, Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites (Phangs), is out now and available in eBook, Paperback, and Audio.
Set in a pseudo-regency meets fake-Victorian Gaslamp Fantasy world, complete with gothic castles, enchanted forests, and just a smidge of industrial coal dust. Phangs has been described as "like reading the queer, goth love child of Terry Pratchett meets Jane Austen," and no amount of marketing buzzwords I say can ever top that.
If any of that sparks your interest, you can:
Buy the (high heat) Flirting With Fangs Edition Here.
Buy the (medium heat) Fluff and Fangs Edition Here.
Why are there two versions and what's the difference between them? Glad you asked! You can also check out individual content tags and heat ratings on my website at www.joydemorra.com
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If you've seen my dog, Holly Mop, trending around the place and would like to see more of her, her tag is #holly mop. You can also now follow her blog at @holly-mop; we just use it to upload pictures.
Other places you can find me online include: Ao3, Twitter , BlueSky Pillowfort, and Instagram. If you like what I do and would like to see more of it, you can support me on Patreon, Ko-Fi, Payhip, or through my Throne Wishlist.
You can also find me hanging around Twitch on Sundays, where I co-host @theayesphere podcast with @ayeforscotland and sometimes play games. Feel free to come hang out; we're always happy for new people to natter with.
If you've made it this far, thanks for reading and happy scrolling!
Additional image IDs under cut due to length.
First image ID: A picture of TV presenter John Oliver holding his arms wide with a sardonic expression saying, “Welcome to whatever this is…”
The image is surrounded by a gradient rainbow frame.
Second Image ID: A promo image showing the two different book covers for Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites side by side. One is blue, one is red. Both show three characters juxtaposed in a bisexual parody of the "distracted boyfriend" meme.
At the top, white text stands out against a purple/blue gradient. It reads: Hunger Pangs: True Love Bites, Book one of the Hunger Pangs Series.
Beneath that it lists qualities of the book: queer paranormal romance, vampire x werewolf, gaslamp fantasy, mutual pining (the love is requited, they're just idiots), slow burn and happily ever after, for now….
The bottom line of text reads: both medium and high heat versions available in eBook, Paperback and Audio.
The image is surrounded by a rainbow gradient frame.
Third Image ID: A small tan and white Shih Tzu with dark eyes looking directly into the camera with her tongue hanging out. She looks like a teddy bear.
The image is surrounded by a rainbow gradient frame.
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lucapizzelles · 5 months
I just spent like 3 ish hours trying to figure out a floor plan for the Marcovaldo household (the things that writing does to you) and I think I've got something at least. Somewhat comprehensible. Gonna be under a cut because there's a LOT because I just love yapping.
So we can start with the kitchen area, as that's what we see most of.
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The first shot doesn't show much that's super useful, honestly, but it puts some perspective into play that I think is just helpful to look at. The next two, though, are VERY useful.
We can establish that the balcony is next to the stove area, which is adjacent to the wall with the window. I put a picture of the balcony from the outside, which faces the plaza, just to be anal tbh. So, now we can also establish that, in the beginning of the scene where they meet Massimo, the entrance Luca, Alberto, and Giulia enter into the kitchen is opposite of the plaza. And, as I noted a little, that window in the 4th image faces the sea. I've drawn out a mini kitchen floor plan (please excuse my handwriting):
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Made an assumption that that is Massimo's bed, and I also marked the tomato just to really drill in that the balcony was the same balcony. I don't know why I needed to put so much convincing.
So that's nice right? This is the room that I'm the most confident in out of everything. But there's a lot more to the house. I looked at Giulia's room next, since that's the only other interior room that we see in the film.
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So we can establish that that window of hers faces the sea, as it leads directly to the hide-out. Opposite to the window is her door, which you can see when she turns around in the scene where she shows Luca the woderful life of Education(tm) and also in that third screenshot a little bit. Also, based on placement of the windows from outside shots, that places her room behind the kitchen (if you are facing the house from the plaza).
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Also note that mystery window. I have no idea what that window is, but it doesn't appear in Giulia's room and it doesn't appear in the kitchen, so it's safe to assume that there's a room between Giulia's and the kitchen. In the second image you can see it a bit more clearly, but it is also one panel wide, whereas the windows both in Giulia's room and in the kitchen are two panels. Also, in the third image (and in the very first image of this whole post) you can see there's a space cutting into the kitchen as well, which I didn't really properly point out earlier.
Floor plan #2 (note: there's no entrance to the mystery room, that's on purpose for now, just one sec):
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In those notes I kinda skipped ahead a bit, so let's talk about that doorway for a sec.
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There is absolutely some doorway there. Leading somewhere. You can argue that maybe that is a window (which, note (love saying 'note'), it would be facing a VERY close brick wall of the house neighboring the Marcovaldo's), but this makes that less plausible:
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When Luca and Alberto enter the house, they come in from the right side, where that doorway would be. You can argue cartoon logic of appearing impossibly out of nowhere, but this movie hasn't really played into that too much (aside from the scene when Luca sees the alarm clock, but I'd argue that the movement he did there is definitely possible and not like rabbit out of the hat type of physics). It's pretty clear that the way you get into the kitchen in the house is by entering through whatever doorway that leads off to.
Also, in the image you can see I added some text. That's to point out that, not only is there a doorway to the right of the kitchen door (from the image pov), but there's also one to the left. It's clear that there is some light being let off from the left direction that is lighting up that little hallway they're in. Also, if you were to watch the scene in real time, the door casts a shadow to the right when Giulia opens it, confirming that there's definitely some light specifically coming from the left. So, that light has a high chance of coming from that mystery window room. I'm gonna say that that's where that room lies.
Going back to the doorway thing, something that that brings a bit of dilemma about:
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There's like no space at all for that doorway to fit. The house pretty clearly has an external wall against where Massimo's bed is placed. My solution was that, given that we never see a perfect shot of that side of the house (**IN LUCA (2021). I HAVE TO COME BACK TO THIS IN A BIT.), there's just like,, a part that juts out.
Floor plan #3 (also now there's an entrance to ? room):
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I also figured that there has to be some way to get up, so I was like "okay cool steps go somewhere in here."
Boom, Floor plan #4 and also where I was like "okay this is it.":
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(Quickly, because I forgot I even noted it, the alley steps is in reference to where you can see some steps in an alleyway leading up towards where I figured the building would jut out. So, just for fun, not necessarily accepting that it was actually a part of the house, maybe those steps led up to a door that also reached that landing there.)
Also quickly, there is a side room on the house that I haven't brought up yet:
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So, I originally saw that part of the house and then figured that maybe it simply wasn't apart of the Marcovaldo house because of the way those steps went up. I figured that if there was a structure directly above them, then there would be more shadow.
However, it wasn't until I saw THIS shot from Ciao, Alberto that made me go "oh shit."
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Because it's legit just pushed back, but it's definitely still apart of the house. So, it makes sense that the shadow cast isn't super strong. That, and the architecture matches the house.
So, floor plan #6. I added in that little part of the house, but I still don't really know what it's for:
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I started going "yeah, okay, yeah, awesome, let me just watch through Ciao, Alberto to make sure there's not any other ground breaking-"
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It is pretty clear that there is nothing red jutting out from the side to allow room for the doorway I was talking about earlier. Remember this?
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That ** was future me crying and ripping apart my other floor plans. HOWEVER!! There is still a random staircase in that little alleyway which also randomly cuts off at a certain point.
My next, and final, idea is this:
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It's possible that that doorway they come in from is actually an external door leading into the house, and those steps lead to it. Also, in the scene right after Machiavelli attacks Luca and Alberto, the underdogs walk out of a side door leading into the backyard. It's possible that they went out that alley-door and then went back in through the pescheria's main entrance and THEN went out the side door, but they look pretty-freshly attacked aka little to no first aid and also they were leaving, so why would they go back into her house? I think there's still an internal staircase leading to that floor ALONGSIDE that external alley-door. This is also not even a rare thing, especially in houses where there's a business on the bottom and a living area on top. Even the house I grew up in actually had an external staircase alongside an internal one (granted, that's due to it being a somewhat-duplex, but still).
Also, I don't know what this area is.
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But I've seen a few fics where Alberto's room was in the attic and I don't know why, but that appeals to me for some reason (though he's seen in Giulia's bed in Ciao, Alberto. shhhh..). Also that may or may not have been what sparked literally all of this. The way to access that has to be through an attic ladder in the kitchen. We never see a shot of the ceiling of the kitchen, though, so unfortunately that's just up to my imagination.
Also that mystery room could totally be a staircase. In the final floor plan you can see I wrote and then erased where I thought there might be steps. I erased it because I confused the laundry outside of the kitchen window with that little window. That could totally also be a staircase instead of in the top right corner. Go nuts. Actually, I think that makes more sense than the top right, anyway. It's like 12:30AM though now and I'm pretty sure I'm keeping my roommate awake so I can't draw any more floor plans.
PLEASE feel free to discuss or dispute or point out anything you think I missed or got wrong. I made this mostly for myself because I couldn't find a render of the house and I'm extremely anal when I write fics and needed just some guidelines to follow.
(Except, please don't go "haha you're overthinking this" or "sometimes you gotta accept that they probably didn't plan out the house fully and there's some plotholes." I know. I'm just having fun)
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finleyforevermore · 2 years
My contact information.
About me!
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First picture/profile picture/avatar made with this!
Second picture/drawing made by my wonderful friend Korey (@sharkbaitju1ce)! Great artist and even greater friend, please check their stuff out! :D
Third picture/picrew by @/potato-lord-but-not!
More under the cut, friends! Please be sure to peruse through all of the IMPORTANT LINKS! You may also take a look at all of my wonderful Tumblr family members, but the important links ESPECIALLY. Thank you! :)
Name: Finley, but you can call me Finn or Fin, too! Or really ANY nickname derivative of Finley! I ADORE nicknames, please feel free to give me some! :D
Birthday: January 8th!
♑ (Capricorn): The Ambitious Nature
Age: Minor
Interests: Animation, voice acting, musicals
Gender/Orientation: Cis male, sex-repulsed asexual
Musical genres I like: Musicals, Classical, Orchestral, Jazz, Lo-fi, Ambient, I dabble in rock sometimes 😅
Pronouns: He/him/his
Quote(s) that describe(s) my life:
"And all I really want is some justice! Ahhh!" - "All I Really Want" by Alanis Morrisette, from the album "Jagged Little Pill"
"I've earned the right to selfishly be all for one and one for me." - "Loser Geek Whatever" from "Be More Chill"
Favorite colors: Green and blue.
Favorite Book(s): "Good Dog" by Dan Gemeinhart, "Thanks a Lot, Universe" by Chad Lucas, "Ghost Boys" by Jewell Parker Rhodes, "Long Way Down" by Jason Reynolds, "Show Us Who You Are" by Elle McNicoll
Favorite Season: Fall/Autumn
Favorite musical(s): Wicked, Hadestown, and Come From Away
Favorite film: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Favorite band: Tally Hall
Favorite shows: Infinity Train, Bluey, Hilda
Blogs with DNI Minors
Wilbur Soot defenders/supporters/fans
You ship incest, pedophilia, real people, etc.
Anti-BLM/All Lives Matter
Porn bot
Do not stand with Palestine
Other stuff!:
Pall Weople and Hurricane Family enthusiast!
I have chromesthesia!
If my profile pic wasn't any indicator, I wear glasses!
I play the violin and sometimes the piano!
I give off platypus vibes according to my friends!
11 of my friends have called me a "ray of sunshine" so I guess it must be true XD
I like boots more than shoes.
I saw Wicked on 10/5/22!!! 💚💚💚
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
I see the request is open. Hoseok's portfolio "me myself and jhope all new hope", the one he wore all black with fire behind him really gives an evil villain. So can you write yandere villain Hoseok? Thank you.
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Synopsis - You meet a man whose stuck in prison and start a relationship with him.
Pairing - Villain! Yandere! Dark! Jung Hoseok x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Alexa Demie
Tags and Warnings - Violence, Violence against MC, Manipulation, Smut, Fire
Authors Note - I HAD TO USE Y/N….. MY LIFE …… IS OVER
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
“Meet a inmate?” You looked back at your friend Alexa as you say at her computer. She invited you over under the pretense of needing help cleaning up. But instead she was playing matchmaker. “Girl why?”
“Because, your lonely so why not go for a guy who is actually looking for love? Plus I already got a guy lined up.” She took the mouse from your hand and switched tabs. There showed a remotely attractive guy, slicked back black hair, and dark black eyes. You continued to read his profile, almost as if you weren't already won over by his good looks.
Hi I'm Jung Hoseok! I'm pretty much stuck in here for a bit :( but it would be way better if I had someone to talk too while in here! Trust me I make a amazing boyfriend both in and outside of jail. Please send me a letter!!!
“I mean… he's not ugly…” You say looking at the other pictures he had up. “Wait a minute aren't you a lawyer?? Do you know this guy?”
“First of all, I can't divulge information about my clients. Second of all this conversation is off the books. Third of all yes??” Alexa shrugged smiling at you. “Give him a chance, trust me he's a sweet guy. He just got delt the wrong hand in life. And trust me a small bonus is that he's nearby!” She said rubbing at your shoulder fondly. You thought about it for a moment. Alexa had just gotten into your life and she already saw how lonely you were. Maybe that says something. It's not like you had something to lose if things don't work out…
“Fine… but first mere second I'm creeped out I'm cutting off contact!” You begrudgingly said. Alexa squealed before hugging you close.
“Trust me. You will not regret this.”
“You have a letter!” Hoseoks head whipped at the sound of a voice. He looked at the man snidely, before getting up and grabbing the letter. It wasn't his lawyers pristine yellowish tinted letters. So who in god's name would've sent him a letter?
He went back to his on the bed spot and opened it up. It was filled with stickers and polaroids. As he looked closer he saw it was pictures of his lawyer Alexa and another woman.
And she was gorgeous.
The stickers were of things he mentioned he liked, like music notes and album covers. Then a letter flew out, and of course it intrigued him. So he opened the letter and began to read.
Hi Hoseok,
I got your contact information from my friend Alexa. Apparently she's your Lawyer?? She maybe lied to me but it's whatever!!
I'm (Y/N), and she told me you we're looking for a friend or maybe even a lover ;)…
This caught his interest greatly and as he continued reading, Hoseok couldn't have been more excited. He was always somewhat lonely so for this to happen when he was at his worst.
It had to be fate.
It has been a couple of months and Hoseok finally convinced you to come and visit him. So you did, and the jail he was in was huge. It was considerably a supermax prison, so maybe that correlated to it's size. You had to wear jeans and a t-shirt, nothing too revealing and you could only go in with a traditional watch.
Another thing was that they had to make the visit private. Unlike the other women you talked too in the office, they had they're visits with others around in a large room.
This should've been the first sign of what you got into.
A guard led you past a door towards the back of the facility. Alexa stood by the door in the back, and once she saw you she gave you a smile. She walked up too you giving you a close hug. “Okay so, he may seem a bit intimating in person but I swear he's not actually like that.”
“I've literally been talking to him, how could he change that much?”
“Hey I'm just warning you. But I'll be on the other side of that door just in case you want to opp out.” But you nodded and jokingly rolled your eyes. Alexa let out a laugh and then she left signalling some guys down the hall. The door closed and you looked at your watch nervously.
And that anxiousness only increased once the man of the hour walked in.
He had on a set of cuffs on both hands and ankles. The guards with him undid his cuffs. Once he saw you his entire mood changed. He waited for the guards to leave and the door to close before he hurried close to you and gave you a suffocating hug. He then connected your lips, suffocating you some more. Once he pulled away he gave a sheepish smile. “Go ahead and sit down, Alexa gonna get us some privacy.”
“But she told me men were gonna stand there wh-”
“Well things change baby. Listen, I just want to spend all the time we have together, alone.” Hoseok said his mood becoming serious all of a sudden.
You just finally nodded while the two of you sat there for about a minute or two. You could feel Hoseoks eyes trail over you. And you just kept looking away. But then he spoke. “You've really made my life better you know that?”
There he was.
The sweet man who'd been talking to you for the last 4 months.
“Aww you don't mean that….”
“I do. I really do. I enjoy talking to you, and just thinking about you, god you plague my mind.” Hoseok said rambling.“Also you look even gorgeous in person.”
“Aww I'd say the same for you. You look really good.” You said trying to at least give him some compliments.
“Well you know I've been working out!” Hoseok said flexing his arms jokingly. You of course laughed, loving his sense of humor.
“I'm actually kind of nervous...”
“Why is that?”
“It's just that, I've never done this! The whole dating a inmate thing, I mean so far it's amazing. But it's just weird, you know?”
“Well, I say it's no different then us meeting on a dating site.” Hoseok says smiling even more at you. He grabs the back of your chair and pulls you closer to his own. “They should be gone at this point, so come on I want to feel you.”
Hoseoks hand rests on your thigh,his hands slowly rubbing at them, bringing you comfort.
“So you never told me what you did to get in here.” You ask looking at Hoseok, as his expression drops. He looks down at the table.
“Well, It was something… I really don't want to talk about it.” You instantly feel bad for even considering asking about it.
“Well we don't have to talk about it… We could do something else. I'm willing to do or talk about anything you want.” You say reaching a hand to touch his arm.
“If you only knew what I wanted to do to you…”
“God you're so fucking tight!”
Hoseok had you bent over the table in the room as he pounded into you. What turned into a playful conversation with some flirting in-between, turned into Hoseok fucking you like a starved man.
“God you're so beautiful…” Hoseok groans into your ear bringing you back too reality. Your nails dig into the table as Hoseok pushes the small of your back into the table.
His other hand spread your ass cheeks, as he let spit dribble onto your pussy. This only increased the sound of his quick and rough thrusts.
But you begin to feel the hand on your back get hot, and not just a bodily overworking hot, but unreasonably hot. It burned. It burned like all hell.
“Shit cum on my dick baby, I need to feel it…” Hoseok groaned out. You began to try and reach for Hoseoks hand to get it off of you. But that did nothing for you as you cum from Hoseok intense fucking, so does he.
And that's what it takes for Hoseoks to finally let go. He pulls out, taking two fingers and stuffing any cum that dared to come from your hole back in.
“What was that??” You ask trying to catch your breath, as you fix your clothes. “Like it felt like your hand was going to burn through me.”
“Oh I don't know. Maybe you lost your mind from how good I was.” Hoseok joked, fixing his own clothes. His brown jumpsuit is just about drenched with sweat. You laughed with him awkwardly.
Did you really just imagine the sudden rise in temperature coming from Hoseok?
But you're interrupted by a loud bang on the door. “Jung! You got two minutes!” A voice booms outside. You quickly fix your appearance and hair, just as Hoseok does.
“Wait!” He say before quickly digging into his pocket and giving you a paper frog. It's folded using your favorite color of construction paper.“I made it for you! I hope you like it…” Hoseok said looking away for a quick second. He teetered from left and right, his nervousness showing more than ever right now.
You then quickly go to give him a hug and kissing his cheek affectionately. Hoseok smiles, turning to kiss you on the lips quickly. “Hoseok… I love it! Now let's get out of here before they come in and see what we did.”
“Okay Okay! You promise to come see me again?” His tone dropped to a serious level.
“Of course I will.” You said following him out. This was easily the best day of your life.
Around a week passes and without a single letter or call from Hoseok. It hurts, you really thought the two of you bonded when you finally did visit him. Maybe you creeped him out? Or maybe you were just dumb and he played you for just a quick fuck.
You couldn't figure it out and honestly you'd just stare at the frog he gave you. It seemingly mocked you in the worst way possible.
You get up and head to your small living room, trying to distract yourself you turned on your television.
“Breaking News, Super Villain Jay has broken out of prison and the police are on high alert. If y-” You turn off the television quickly. That's far too harrowing for the moment. That would only make you worry more.
So you go the bathroom and wash your face with some water.
When you walk out of your bathroom you could feel your apartment becoming hotter. Then you see your doorknob, physically turning red and emitting a large amount of heat.
You wouldn't dare touch it. And you watched as it popped out. This was the sign to get away from the door as it opened slowly. You hid behind your small kitchenette, the island hiding your body perfectly. The person wore leather and smelled like smoke and a active fire.
“I know you're here…” A voice taunts as they walked into your living room.
“Where are you…?”
You took this as a time to slowly make your way too the front door and slide your way to the hallway. You could easily point this to being Jay. But what would Jay have anything to do with you?
You called Alexa as you hid under the stairs. But she didn't pick up.
So you tried again.
She didn't pick up.
But you couldn't figure that out as a figure stood over you.
“Hello.~” He said smiling at you. But you didn't stay as you crawled past him and got up going upstairs.
“Fuck! No! No!” You said considering the fact that you couldn't go down and have probably trapped yourself. But hearing someone else's feet quickly behind you, brought you back to at least getting away from Jay.
You made your way upwards towards the roof. You closed the door behind you and locked it with the metal barre connected to the door.
But that didn't hold your assailant.
The door began to melt, a large hole forming in the center. Jay laughed at seemingly your attempt to stop him as he ducked into the hole and came out.
“Why did you run away from me baby?”
You knew that voice… you finally to think deeper than the surface when it came to Jay.
Then it hit you.
Your boyfriend.
This was your boyfriend.
“Hoseok?? You…. you're Jay?!” You said genuinely dumbfounded.
“Yup. Surprise!!” He said coming close to you.
“B-But why?!” You yell moving back towards the edge of the building.
“I've been watching you… always just waiting. Then when Alexa got into contact with you I just knew this would be so easy.” He said approaching you, His hand made is way to your waist, holding you close to him. So Alexa was never your friend… she just used you and led you to getting with him.
“Aww are you upset at her. Don't be, she stuck with me even after I got into jail. That part wasn't planned at all. Then after you visited me, and then allowed me to fuck you. I just knew you were the one. You'd always been the one…” Hoseok touched your forehead with his own, the heat radiating off of him making you sweat profusely
“So… when I felt your hands…”
“Just a little experiment gone wrong. Made me who I am now…” He said raising a hand a flame forming in it. With that flame he showed you a silhouette of the two of you together. You were kissing him… something for sure you'd never do again after finding all of this out. “Look at how happy we could be…. All you have to do is agree to this.”
“Agree to what?”
“To me. To this. To us.” Hoseok said his eyes going wide. They were filled with insanity and all you could do was shake your head no.
“No. No no… Hoseok, Jay I don't fucking know but let me make this clear. I don't want this! I don't want you anymore.” You said jerking away from him. You had no where to go.
“Who said you have a choice? You either come with me… or I burn this entire fucking unit to the ground. Id kill everyone inside. Starting with you.” Hoseok let your waist go as you lost your footing. He grabbed your wrist as you dangled off the side of the 8 floored apartment unit.
“Fine! I'll go with you just please don't hurt me… I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.” You said beginning to cry, tears cascading down your cheeks. Hoseok smiles at you wickedly as he pulled you up quickly connecting the both of your lips.
“I knew you'd make the right decision…”
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sttoru · 5 months
i love your works so much how do you do your colorings for covers in fics? they look so good
thankyouuu !! here’s how i color the manga panels — using one app — picsart 😙
first: get your desired pic, go to picsart and start editing it.
second: at the bottom, you see a lot of buttons, such as ‘cut out’ ‘crop’ etc. what you’ll do is you’ll click on the button ‘FX’
third step: when you’ve clicked on ‘FX’, you’ll see a row of more options that you can choose of. choose ‘colors’
note. (look down below at the upper two pictures for visual representation of this)
fourth step: you can experiment with any of the options that appear on your screen! but, what i did, is i clicked on ‘Color Gradient’
fifth step: you can then experiment with the colors you want your cover to be and how you want the gradient to look. after choosing your colors, you can also play with the hue, saturation and fading if you would like!
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sixth step: once your colors are chosen, you’ll see another row under the ‘fade’ button, that i’ve circled in the picture on the left (bottom two pictures). those are blending modes. you want to scroll past until you’ve got the mode ‘Lighten’.
note. that is what i personally like to use. you can use screen, overlay or whatever you think is best for your cover!
seventh step: after that, you can save the picture or you can go ahead and edit your picture some more. i like to add ‘blur’ — which is also in the ‘FX’ category.
eighth step: on the right picture, you see that i choose the first option ‘Blur’. play with the two buttons ‘Blur’ and ‘Fade’ that pop up to get the desired amount of blur.
ninth step: blend modes again. i choose ‘lighten’ as per usual, but you can also choose ‘overlay’ or whatever suits your tastes!
that’s it !! you can save your picture and voilaaaaaa - you have your own edited manga panel
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fateinthestars · 11 months
COMPLETED: The Star Crossed Myth Mansion in Sims 3
Okay I think I'm finally done with this (it's far from perfect (I hate doing roofs manually) but I hope you can all still have some fun with it, and thanks one final time to @star-crossed-mid 's blueprint post for putting this idea in my head). I tried to avoid using the store-bought content I have as much as possible, but there may be a few chairs you'll have to replace. I have all the expansion packs except showtime iirc.
If something looks different from the screenshots under the cut and you want to know what specific item should be there, please ask - I can go check which ep it is in on whether it is one of the few store bought items.
Hopefully this all makes sense. ^^;;
Tour and comparisons between the Sims 3 House and the Mansion in game under the cut. (So loads of images in this post)
And if you're asking will I also make the Gods to go with the house? The answer is I hope so! ^^;;
The Outside of The Mansion
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Apogies for the hash I've made of the roof - doesn't help that the roof has to be all one colour so Hue's area has this weird grey dome. Hopefully it's mostly okay? (I tried to fix the left part of the roof so that it was one triangle at the front like the others but it looks like the only way I could have done that was to shift Hue's room back some more and... yeah sorry ^^;; )
Ground (First) Floor
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Living Room/Parlour
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Leon's Room
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The Reflecting Pool Room
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(I've just noticed the wallpaper isn't on all of this, just use the copy tool ^^;; )
The Baths
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First (Second) Floor
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Scorpio's Room
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Ichthys' Room
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Ikky's room probably has the most creative liberties because... how do you do that in the Sims? Hopefully the fish and wall lights still give off the same vibe! (Also remembered to do the floor this time)
Krioff's Room
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Partheno's Room
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Tauxolouve's Room
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Second (Third) Floor
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Dui's Room
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Zyglavis' Room
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I've only seen the kitchen mentioned in some of the special stories and no picture so far. If it comes up I'll change it but I seem to recall Teo saying 'is that that weird room with all the gadgets?' so I'm taking it it is at least an advanced Kitchen.
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No idea whether there is actually one of not - presumably so if there is a kitchen none of them use. But yeah just basics here so you can play a game of the sims properly if you wish.
Third (Fourth) Floor
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The spiral staircase leading up to the observatory or whatever you want to call where Hue's room is was more a space thing, but I also kinda like that idea for some reason.
Aigonorus' Room
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I said it before but please ignore water you can see on this overhead view, it's from Hue's room upstairs. It's not visible on the flat. Also yes I found some cushions in the decor section since last posting this, that's better!
Teorus' Room
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I thought I'd paid attention to the visible lighting in rooms but apparently I didn't see the candleabra's on the wall here ^^;;
Karno's Room
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Dining Room
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The dining room is meant to have a fireplace but without extending the house back further I couldn't get it to fit without it getting in the way of the chairs. Hopefully it still looks close enough.
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I couldn't see any way to do the canopy and getting room for the balcony was awkward. I hope this is a good enough ^^;;
Fourth (Fifth) Floor/Observatory/Huedhaut's Room
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
OF/MD - Kraken!Ed with a Cold
Based on this post thread. Have a snippet of what myself and @snzsnchillz-afterdark think menacing Kraken!Ed would be like when he’s got the worst cold and is trying to still be threatening. This one goes out to my OFMD buddies - @friv0lite @peach-plumb-pear2 @sniffles-and-tickles @softersteve
Based on the new promo pictures because Taika could choke me and I’d thank him Ed looks so good 🫡😍
Set between seasons 1 and 2 (before canon S2 has come out if anyone finds this post 10/05/23)
CW: intentional contagion
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The crew of the Revenge were well used to Ed’s overnight personality changes at this point. At first he’d been all weepy and switched to being one with the Earth and musical and personifying his soul…whatever that meant.
The second switch happened a few days later. Over night. When he had reached the point in his breakup that condoned anger and violence. He’d cut off Izzy’s toe and fed it to him in the night, also tossing plenty of Stede’s things overboard - partial crew included.
He’d been in full swing as Blackbeard for a couple of weeks now - ravaging ships, looting them, and leaving men for dead in ways more unimaginable than skinning them with the snail fork.
This third personality shift happened when he came down with the cold from Hell… or rather - tried to convince everyone that he hadn’t.
Ed had been up Izzy’s ass the the last day, quite literally screaming orders in his ear, pausing occasionally to cough wetly. Izzy would just close his eyes and force a smile before responding with, “Yes, Captain.”
This morning, Izzy had awoken the crew early - somehow managing to be both yelling at them and quiet as not to wake Ed.
“Alright listen up, dogs! Blackbeard is… under the weather… and is more irritable than usual.” Izzy started. “I want you lot to just do what he says and try not to fucking upset him.”
“Why is that our job? He’s the one being a dick.” Jim muttered, twirling their knife.
Izzy sighed, having known Ed the longest. “Because the sooner he is well again, the sooner he stops being a cunt.”
“Yeah, that’s a good enough answer for me I feel.” Frenchie looked around for agreement. Everyone stayed silent, but Fang gave a single nod in solidarity.
“I want you all to keep your heads down and stay out of his fucking way. If he asks anything, you say ‘yes captain’ and fucking do it. And you-” Izzy points to Frenchie, “I want you find what’s left of any medicine that Bonnet left on board. Is that understood?”
There were some silent nods.
“I SAID IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!?” Izzy screamed.
“Yes, fucking Christ.” Jim grumbled, bringing some hands up towards their ears.
“H’iszzzSCHEW! K’tCHuh!”
Just as they were finishing up, Ed kicked the door in, sniffling thickly against his gloved hand.
“What the fuck are you all doing down here???”
Izzy quickly came up with a lie, “I was just telling these fucking idiots that it shouldn’t take this long to clean the floor!”
Izzy shot Frenchie a glance and he immediately dropped to his knees, using a piece of his shirt to scrub at the floor.
“I’m sorry captain Blackbeard sir, it’s just hard to clean the floor without any.. water?” He tried to play along with the charade.
“Hmm. You’re right.” Ed hummed thoughtfully before spitting on the floor right in front of the younger man. “There. Now you’ve got something.”
Frenchie held back a gag as Ed stormed out the other door to the deck of the ship, Izzy and crew following behind. Jim have Frenchie a hand up and he scurried off to go find Stede’s medicine stash.
One thing about the gentleman pirate is that he was bound to have loads of the unnecessary - books, fine fabrics, and medicine. It only took a few minutes for Frenchie to find the bottles in the Captains’ chambers bathroom, but seeing as he couldn’t read, he just grabbed everything and shoved it into a crate to bring to Izzy on the upper deck.
Hands full of different bottles and vials, he turned on his heels to leave the Captain’s chambers. Slamming into the chest of the captain…
“The fuck are you doing in my room?!” Ed hissed, looking the man up and down.
“I uh… you see Mr.Blackbeard sir… I just.. I was…”
Ed’s scowl gave way momentarily to something more relaxed. He turned to the side out of habit, sneezing openly at the air.
“Eh’tSZzZiew! Snlrff”
“Shut up! You’re fucking taking too long.” Ed held up a hand, making Frenchie stop.
The crew member was frozen, staring wide eyed, his eyes locked on the small trail of mess leaking down Ed’s upper lip.
Ed had him pinned against the wall. “The fuck are you staring at?”
“You’ve just…. You’ve got a little…on your face…” Frenchie stammered, gesturing towards Ed’s nose.
He watched in horror as Ed’s nostrils flared once again right in front of him. He squeezed his eyes and hoped for the best.
Frenchie scrunched his face as he felt droplets hit his cheek.
“Well now you’ve got a little something on your face too.” Ed released his grip on the man, throwing him against the wall and rubbing his own nose again.
“This is so unsanitary.” Frenchie whined quietly.
“What was that???”
“I said uh… sanctuary! Thank you for providing us with such a great… sanctuary….” The fake enthusiasm trailed off at the end before he scurried away to the upper deck.
When he arrived topside, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. Jim was standing at Izzy’s side.
“Jeez what the fuck happened to you?” They asked.
“Here’s your fucking medicine.” Frenchie aggressively dropped the crate of medicine on the barrel in front of Izzy, pausing to wipe at his face and swiping one of the bottles, “this one’s for me now.”
Izzy huffed a knowing sigh and rubbed at his temple. “He sneeze on you?”
Jim made a face of disgust as Frenchie nodded. “Yup…”
“He’s worse than I thought.” Izzy groaned. “Never thought I’d say this but we need Stede back.”
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trilobi-te · 9 months
Chipspeech Twitter Archive Update
Hi I should have done this months ago.. I do not know when (or if) I am going to finish that website lmao. So I am just going to share my notes from Google Docs. Should be easier to read than the original posts and helpful as a starting point if anyone else decides to make a website :3
The documents are all on commenting mode so feel free to make comments to bookmark things for yourself or write your thoughts or whatever. Under the cut I have put some formatting notes.
It's a folder, each year of Twitter posts is its own document (I tried to compile them into one but it lagged too much). There is also a document with all of the original Tumblr posts (from the accounts I could find, no tags yet but I will go back and get them eventually, also no dates but they're all from 2015), and one with the bios from the official website for ease of access.
The formatting is a little (a lot) weird and there are probably pictures that need resizing/transcription but I figured it's better to give people access now. The text is small (to keep the page count as low as possible) so you will have to zoom in.
It goes by day, organized with a bulleted list. The top level bullets are each character that tweeted that day. The second level bullets are original tweets/retweets by that character. The third+ level bullets are comment threads under that tweet, the organization here is inconsistent but imo still readable (if you think something needs an edit for clarity let me know and I'll fix it).
For each character's section of the list, normal text is that character's tweets/comments. Italicized text is anyone who is not that character. If it is labeled with unitalicized text, it is that character/important account (e.g. the official Chipspeech account), otherwise it is a fan. I also included some labels and/or clarifying comments for Vocaloid producers I like, they're not central to the story though
I got rid of the line breaks within the tweets when copying them down because it was easier to format. Sorry about that. Idk how to fix it other than going through everything again but it doesn't take away from the story so I'm leaving it for now.
If something came from a website other than Twitter, I tried to provide the link (unless its content was deleted). I did my best to transcribe the Clyp posts that were not deleted.
If something is a text-only retweet, it is marked with [retweet]. If it includes an image, it's probably a screenshot of the whole thing. I only included retweets that felt story-relevant (so no miscellaneous cat pictures, Apple-related aesthetic images, etc.), but if people really want it I can go back and add the rest.
Deleted tweets are noted with [deleted tweet], with the characters they came from if applicable. Idk how Twitter works but it the person in the thread is replying to the username of a certain character, I assumed it was that character's tweet that had been deleted. If something says [deleted Dandy thread], assume there is a deleted Dandy tweet in between each of the listed tweets (or another character, but it's usually Dandy). That was meant to be a temporary time-saver and I've gone back and fixed the ones I've found, but there's probably more I accidentally skipped.
Anything not in English is translated in a comment. Except the X-Sampa (I will fix that sometime but there's not much of it). Also it was done with the built-in Google Translate feature so it may be a little incorrect. Unclear pictures and whatnot also have clarifying comments. I can add more clarifying comments (or image IDs) if anyone needs them.
I tried not to include any unattributed fanart but there are some that I forgot to copy the handle for (I am also fixing these when I find them).
As for any future updates to this folder as a whole, I kind of want to go back through each account's liked tweets to see if there's anything funny in there but idk when that will be. That would probably be its own document.
Honestly I should have given everyone access back in June.. oops. If you have any questions you can put them in a comment on this post (or reach out to me another way, idk). As I mentioned before, feel free to use all of this as a starting point if you're making your own website.
I'll pin this post so it's findable in the future. Also sorry for disappearing for several months (it will happen again).
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livebeginning · 8 months
Ok I wanna talk more about my OC Mio from my fic Pretty Little Pet where I ship him with Raphael. So under the cut I'll put:
Art!! (mostly picrews and one drawing by me)
Mio's life before Raphael bought him
Raphael buying Mio
How Raphael treats Mio and his motivations
About Mio being Raphael's pet
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First of, I intentionally never described Mio's appearance in the fic, because I kinda wanted the reader to imagine their own version of Mio. So if you read my fic and are now going "Wow I thought Mio looked really different!" That's totally valid! He can look however you want! (Also please tell me how you imagined him, I'd love to hear about it!)
The first picture I drew myself, but it's heavily referenced off of the picrew in the second picture.
The second and third pic are basically a timeline of how Mio changes throughout the story (and the different outfits he wears). The other picrews are random outfits and based on vibes haha
Picrew for the second pic
Picrew for the third pic
Picrew for the fourth pic
Picrew for the fifth pic
Picrew for the sixth pic (lost the link, will add later)
Picrew for the seventh pic (lost the link, will add later)
And the 8th pic is my attempt at making him in BG3, he's a half-elf here because I didn't like any of the male elf faces ^^'
Before Raphael
Mio is a male high elf in his 30s, living with his parents. Mio is his child name, as his parents have not yet given him an adult name.
His parents are criminals, although Mio isn’t aware of that, thinking they also work regular jobs. They mostly commit petty crimes but still dream of one day running a criminal empire. Every time something goes wrong they just skip town. The few times one of them gets caught and released for [money] they blame it on their lack of finances, making Mio feel guilty for not working enough.
Mio was definitely not planned and he often feels unwanted. His parents treat him like a child and while they aren’t physically abusive, they will berate him for the slightest mistakes, send him to bed or work without letting him eat and are just generally pretty shitty.
His parents make him work regular jobs like waiting tables, cleaning and other work that requires little education. He’s their only reliant source of income. Despite this, he has no control over their finances, all money going directly to his parents.
He has little contact with other people, working most of the time and leaving town before he could make meaningful relationships with his coworkers.
Mio is generally shy but polite, pretty much in customer service mode at all times. He has learned to just do whatever his parents tell him to, to avoid getting yelled at or going hungry yet again. Since his parents often tell him that he’s still a child by elf standards, his only real aspiration is to reach elven adulthood (generally around 100 years) and receive his adult name, so that he may leave his parent’s household and become independent. (Most elves in his position, living in mixed society and working,  would have already left their parent’s household. Mio’s parents intentionally keep this false worldview around him so that he’ll stay and keep working for them.)
Raphael buys Mio
Mio’s parents have the brilliant idea to get the money they need to start their criminal empire by selling their son. They seek out various options until Raphael answers. They sell their son for just a few hundred gold coins (Mio is unaware of this). We know from the game that Raphael has bought people before, so it’s not OOC for him. Mio is still considered a child by elf standards so that’s why his parents are able to legally sell him. (Also Gortash could sell Karlach to Zariel no problem and she just worked for him, so the rules on who can sell people are a bit weird anyways.)
 Raphael doesn’t really need Mio, he mostly accepts the offer to see how his parents will fail spectacularly at trying to make a criminal empire and have a bit of fun with that, maybe even profit from the chaos they cause doing this or make another deal for their souls down the line.
Raphael still wants to put his new purchase to work and tries to determine how Mio could be useful for him. While they talk in his office Raphael shows Mio his cambion form. Mio is enamored by his form, and Raphael is not immune to flattery. Raphael also notices that Mio is easily flustered, blushes a lot and is very touch starved.
Raphael enjoys all of these reactions Mio has for him and decides to have some fun with that. He makes Mio the offer to become his pet, with the caveat that only Raphael is allowed to touch him.
Mio is aware he’s dealing with a devil here, who literally owns him and could just decide to torture him instead, so of course he accepts. Generally Mio knows that he has to do what Raphael tells him to and keep him happy, or risk making Raphael angry and getting killed or tortured. While their relationship gets more relaxed later on, Mio is always aware that Raphael is the one in control and he often has anxiety over accidentally doing something that might upset Raphael.
At this point, Raphael doesn’t have any concrete plans for what he’s going to do with Mio, he just thinks he’s cute and wants to see if he can turn him into a loyal and obedient pet by just showing him a bit of kindness. And if that doesn’t work out, it’d probably be still fun to just torture him.
Raphael’s treatment of Mio
Raphael treats Mio generally pretty well, because I believe Raphael can be a reasonable person. Korilla says she likes working for Raphael and the archivist and Nubaldin seem to be at least content working for him. Devils are also lawful evil, so I think they appreciate it when their rules are being followed. Of course, rules can also be intentionally set up to be impossible to follow, so they have an excuse to punish those who break them. 
When Mio breaks the “Only Raphael can touch him” rule, it’s mostly because someone else touched him without his consent. He still gets punished for it and Raphael enjoys making Mio suffer, although he only hurts Mio to an extent he knows he can handle, not wanting to actually break him. Raphael praises Mio for accepting his punishment willingly, which gives Mio conflicting feelings about these punishments. He doesn’t enjoy being tortured, but he likes the praise and attention he receives afterwards and he knows that Raphael enjoys hurting him and wants Raphael to be happy.
By Mio’s standards, Raphael treats him pretty well. He gets his own room and new clothes, much better quality and style than his old clothes. He gets access to the servant’s baths and kitchen (I’m making the HoH way bigger than it is in the game btw) and he can eat as much as he wants. Raphael even tells him to eat at least three meals per day (Mio is used to less so he only eats two when he first arrives).
Raphael makes him work at first, telling him to clean the archive. He does this in part because he wants Mio to keep busy but also because he wants to know if Mio is the kind of person who would try to take a look at his things without permission. The archivist has secret instructions to keep an eye on Mio and report to Raphael on his behavior. Mio isn’t really aware of this test and just cleans the archive as instructed. Later, Raphael has him clean the halls and eventually Mio doesn’t have to do any work anymore, as he has other stuff to keep him busy.
Mio being a pet
Raphael is a devil (technically a half devil but whatever) and I think devils generally see mortals as beneath them. So it’s not uncommon for devils to treat mortals similar to how we would treat cats or dogs (though devils tend to be a lot less nice to their pets).
As his pet, Raphael has Mio sit by his side while he reads or works and strokes his hair or touches his skin. Mio enjoys being pet because he received very little affection before. He also can just relax during these petting sessions, he’s technically not doing anything but he’s still being useful, so he doesn’t have to feel guilty about doing nothing.
Raphael enjoys these petting sessions because he likes how receptive Mio is to him, Mio makes a lot of little noises and leans into Raphael’s touch. Also he has something to occupy himself that isn’t too distracting from his reading/work. Mio essentially functions as a fidget toy for Raphael. Also, petting your pet is just nice!!
Occasionally, Raphael will take Mio to parties or meetings. He likes to dress him up for these events, which Mio also enjoys. It’s a way for Raphael to show off his wealth and style, Mio is essentially an accessory in these moments. Raphael will also sometimes ask Mio to do things just to amuse himself or others, to show how obedient his pet is.
Ok I ended up writing a lot more than I intended and I didn't even get to talk about Haarlep and Mio's relationship with sex yet!! Guess that'll have to wait for another post. If anyone has questions or wants to talk about Mio or Raphael, my ask is always open :)
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akwolfgrl · 6 months
Chapter one Phoenix redemption
“Hope rises like a Phoenix from the ashes of shattered dreams”-S. A. Sachs
Sunset Shimmer unlocked her door with shaky hands. Her face was still damp, her breath ragged. She had to keep calm. She couldn't break down. Not here. Not again, too many people who would inevitably ask questions. Questions to which she wasn't sure if she had all the answers to. As nice as her neighbors were they wouldn't be able to help her in this situation.
Sunset stumbled inside, her legs felt weak and boneless. Shutting her door and dropping her bag at the foot of the steps to her loft bed, Sunset just wanted to change and get into bed, end this miserable day. She quickly shed her clothes as she walked to her small dresser that was under her loft bed. Sunset focused on each movement she made. Taking deep, steady breaths, she pulled the drawer open and took her purple pajamas out. She pulled the shirt on over her head and stepped into her pants, and pulled them up.
All the exhausted girl was trying to was to become numb. Numb to the pain and heartbreak she was currently in the midst of. Hoping that being numb would be better than the alternative. Sunet had some anger issues she didn’t care for. She climbed the steps to her bed, pausing at the at the framed photo of her friends. Overcome with rage Sunset let out a screech she shoved the picture off her nightstand. The glass shattering on impact with the floor below. For the third time that day, her knees hit the floor. Picking up the pieces of broken glass, she began sobbing anew. She cut her finger on a piece of the glass. She watched as the blood fell onto her floor. Were they ever her friends? Did they ever even care about her? She had just been their little pet to parade around. She clutched the glass in one hand, the bite of the glass a welcome change. The pain was different from the inertial churn in her gut. It would be easy to slice her wrist open and watch the rest of her blood drip, adding to the small puddle below.
“No!” Sunset growled, getting angry at her weakness.
Anger was power. Being numb would get her nowhere. Besides, since when did Sunset Shimmer ever take the easy way out? Dropping the piece of glass back on the pile, resisting the urge to fling it across the room, she wiped her face and picked up the rest of shattered picture and dumped it in the trash next to her nightstand were it belonged. Tomorrow was a brand new day. Tomorrow, she'd start to fight for a new life.
Sunset walked back down her steps and into her small bathroom to wash the blood from her hand, grabbing the disinfectant and the ace bandages. She better get this cleaned up. She hissed slightly at the sting from the disinfectant, then quickly wrapped her right hand in the bandage, pulling it tight. She was glad she practiced writing with both hands. She hadn’t been aware that humans had dominant hands, and being a unicorn, she had no need for a dominant hoof. By Celestia, she did miss levitation. She headed back to her bed. Today had been very long, and there was a giant roller coaster ride of emotions, and being numb was not the answer. Anger would carry her much further. Sunset quickly rolled over into a more comfortable spot and slept a, thankfully, dreamless sleep.
The next morning, Sunset awoke bright and early. Today was the start of her new life. First things first was to get ready for the day. She quickly headed down her steps and to her dresser below, grabbing her clothes before heading for the shower. Sunset turned the hot water on, looking at the mirror while the water warmed up.
“First, go see Principal Celestia and see about transferring out of Canterlot High. Second, do whatever necessary steps to leave the former school. Third, get through the school day with your chin held high. And fourth, make sure Princess Twilight doesn’t come through the portal. “ Sunset gave herself a nod in the mirror, glad to have a plan in motion.
Sunset stood under the searing hot water. She always preferred it hot enough to almost burn your skin off. It made her feel clean and alive. She was always partial to fire spells back in Equestria. She refused to think of it as home. Homesickness was unproductive and unhelpful. She would not go crawling back there, begging on her belly, pleading for a pardon. She was Sunset Shimmer, and she would fight tooth and nail for it. She needed to earn it. She finished washing up and relentlessly turned the shower off. Sunset toweled off and got dressed before starting on her makeup. Everything had to be just so. Sunset took her time to make sure her face was perfect . She stared on her fiery hair, brushing and curling it ever so slightly.
Sunset looked in the mirror, giving herself a quick pep talk. “You are Sunset Shimmer. You ruled that school and the students in it for years. You changed and worked hard to redeem yourself. You are strong. You will not let them bring you down. Redeemed does not mean push over. If any of them try to hurt you, you break them. “
She couldn’t show weakness. Teenagers were like sharks. If they smelled any weakness, it would be a bloodbath. Humans, especially teens, were quite vicious and violent. In all her years among them, Sunset still wasn’t quite at ease with all the overt violence. She had used to her advantage, of course, but it still hadn’t sat right with her. Sunset did one last check in the mirror before grabbing her stuff and heading out early. She wanted plenty of time to talk with principal Celestia. She locked her apartment door, grateful no one knew where she lived.
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Written By: Pearl Thompson, Boris Williams, Simon Gallup, Roger O'Donnell & Robert Smith
Artist: The Cure
Released: 1989
Cover included: Adele, 2011
Frontman Robert Smith wrote “Lovesong” as a wedding present for his bride-to-be Mary Poole in 1988. “Lovesong” was the second UK and third US single from Disintegration, The Cure’s eighth studio album, and is the band’s highest charting single in the United States, reaching #2 in late 1989. Despite the song’s enormous success, Smith has mixed feelings about the track. He expresses satisfaction in finally feeling comfortable enough to write a straightforward love song and feels the song keeps Disintegration from having only one mood – presumably “gloom”. However, he called it the weakest song on the album and expressed disappointment that it was the band’s breakthrough single in the US.
[Verse 1] Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am home again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am whole again [Verse 2] Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am young again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am fun again [Chorus] However far away I will always love you However long I stay I will always love you Whatever words I say I will always love you I will always love you [Interlude] (Fly me to the moon) [Guitar Solo] [Verse 3] Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am free again Whenever I'm alone with you You make me feel like I am clean again [Chorus] However far away I will always love you However long I stay I will always love you Whatever words I say I will always love you I will always love you
Everybody Talks
Written By: Tim Pagnotta & Tyler Glenn
Artist: Neon Trees
Released: 2011
“Everybody Talks” is the lead single from Neon Trees' second studio album Picture Show. The song became their highest-charting single and their first top 10 hit, peaking at #6 on the Billboard Hot 100. To date, it remains their most popular song. According to an interview with Rolling Stone, frontman Tyler Glenn says he was inspired by “Roy Orbison and the Motown music that my dad listens to.” In an October 2020 tweet, Tyler Glenn stated “The first 3 Neon Trees albums I wrote in the closet but I hid queer messages in songs. ‘Everybody Talks’ was about my ex girlfriend spreading rumors that I was gay (Surprise girl) I came out 6 years ago & it was the BEST move for my health & happiness”.
[Intro] Ah-ah-ah-ah Ahem, ahem [Verse 1] Hey, baby, won't you look my way? I can be your new addiction Hey, baby, what you got to say? All you're giving me is fiction I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time [Pre-Chorus] I find out that everybody talks Everybody talks, everybody talks [Chorus] It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I can hear the chit-chat Take me to your love shack Mama's always gotta backtrack When everybody talks back [Verse 2] Hey, honey, you could be my drug You could be my new prescription Too much could be an overdose All this trash-talk make me itchin' [Pre-Chorus] Oh my, my, shit, everybody talks Everybody talks, everybody talks Everybody talks too much [Chorus] It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I can hear the chit-chat Take me to your love shack Mama's always got a backtrack When everybody talks back [Bridge] Never thought I'd live to see the day (Ah-ah) When everybody's words got in the way, oh [Instrumental Break] [Verse 3] Hey, sugar, show me all your love All you're giving me is friction Hey, sugar, what you gotta say? [Chorus] It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I can hear the chit-chat Take me to your love shack Mama's always got a backtrack When everybody talks back [Post-Chorus] Everybody talks, everybody talks Everybody talks, everybody talks Everybody talks, everybody talks back [Outro] It started with a whisper (Everybody talks, everybody talks) And that was when I kissed her (Everybody talks, everybody talks) Everybody talks, everybody talks back, uh
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