#tw dislocation
w3ird0s-0rgans · 5 months
Fun fact of the day uhh- this is what bubbys sprite legs looks like without the arms in the way-
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It only looks like that when he stands so it's why he stays on all fours all the time
Idk this pops in my head when I think about it since growth spurts fucked him up:
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bambiraptorx · 1 year
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Hypermobile Mikey testing the limits of his body and his father's sanity at the same time.
(I posted this before, but I figured I'd post this doodle separately without the wall of text lol)
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theramblingvoid · 5 months
hello. i have no clue if u still do this from like. 2022 but i need tips on how to react in a rp after some dude dislocats ur wrist >_>
please.. if u dont have any advice on that just point me in the right direction because tumblr isnt helping when i search stuff. AGH.
I am...going to assume this is about the pain writing post because if it isn't you unfortunately have the wrong URL, I am not known for my RP advice. However, either way, I'll give you what little I've got for good luck.
From my (admittedly very little) experience with dislocation, it might not hurt immediately, especially if it's happening in the heat of adrenaline. Your character will probably first notice a slipping sensation and the feeling that something is Very Wrong, and they will hear or feel a pop. However, if they're getting their wrist intentionally dislocated in a fight, there might be enough force to tear some ligaments or something which I'm guessing would hurt like a bitch. If the joint isn't relocated relatively soon, it's going to tense up and swell which will make it hurt much more and also be harder to put back in place/more chance of nerve damage.
Recovery wise, dislocated joints are pretty prone to re-injury if you're not careful. Your guy will want to be in a wrist brace for a good long while, and might find that even after it's off they can't take as much weight on it without it feeling loose or hurting at certain angles. This might last from months to years. Joints are super easy to fuck up.
Immediate reactions wise, you'll have to rely on the specifics of the situation and your character to know whether they'll be more focused on finishing the fight, disengaging, or processing the injury first. You also might want to look into wrist dislocation specifically to get an idea of how easy it is to put back in and whether your guy would be able to do it themself or if they might need medical assistance. Either way, I can pretty safely say that they're not using that hand for the rest of the fight, and will probably be holding it pretty close to their body and trying to keep it in whatever position it got bent into so it doesn't flop around and hurt more (if they don't get it back in right away).
Hope that helps!
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Maybe! just maybe!!! the reason I like body horror!!! is because I have to keep shoving what is presumably my fucking trachea!!! back into its assigned seat!!! Having a body is a fucking horror show!!!
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phantoghost-gamerdemon · 10 months
After Four Hours, AU-August Prompt 2 is Finally Done!
Though I am not overly proud of this one, I am more than happy to leave it as-is. I don't think I'll be able to recover from the amount of angst I've crammed into this sucker, but uhm... Here you go, I guess!
Prompt 2: "Immortals"
"His descent from the Pantheon was to be expected, as the god of envy was not one to be trifled with–and trifle with him he did, though rather accidentally. Now must live out a mortal life until Envy's shapeshifting powers can be restored. However, with the very god of compassion willingly cast out from the pantheon as well, perhaps this may not be so difficult."
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vocesincaput · 6 months
❛  i could’ve protected you if only you’d let me !  ❜ (izzy to frenchie)
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Frenchie glanced at Izzy but didn't meet his eye. Keeping his own low. He knew that the other man could have protected him but he also didn't want to need to be protected all the time. He was supposed to be a pirate. A pirate should be able to handle himself and he'd not been doing too badly.
The bard had gotten quite good with his claws during Blackbeard's reign on the ship. He thought he'd been doing alright and he'd shrugged off Izzy's help. Moved away from him during the raid and tried taking on someone who turned out to be a fair bit more capable than him.
"It's fine." Frenchie mumbled as he looked down at the bandages wrapped tightly around his shoulder and chest. He'd taken several slices across it before his arm had been twisted around and his shoulder dislocated.
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serickswrites · 2 years
Kingdom Collapse III
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, dislocation, blood, cruel whumper 
As Whumper screamed at them once more, Whumpee closed their eyes, tears leaking from the corners. They knew they needed to endure. Needed to wait for Caretaker. Caretaker would get there. Caretaker would save them. But they weren't sure how much longer they could wait. Please. Please find me. I’m not fine. I’m not ok. Please. Caretaker. Please.
Whumpee had no idea how long they had been with their captors. They had no idea how long it had been since they had walked into the warehouse with Caretaker and Teammate Two. They had no idea where they were. And they had no idea who had them captive. 
All they knew was pain. Endless pain. Endless pain they had to endure until Caretaker arrived. Until Caretaker found them. Caretaker. Please. Caretaker. I need you. Please. 
From the moment they had woken, drenched with a bucket of icy water, the leader of the group had been questioning them. Each question was paired with something painful. Initially, Whumpee had resisted. Quite a bit. 
The first few hours. Days? The first few instances of questioning, the leader–Whumpeehad taken to calling them Whumper–would slap Whumpee. Open-handed. Nothing too painful. Nothing too uncomfortable. Just stinging sharp slaps across the cheeks. On the forehead. On the top of their head. On their forearms. Nothing that Whumpee couldn’t tolerate. 
“What kind of name is Whumpee?”
Whumpee smirked. “My name.”
Slap. “A comedian, I see.”
“Yep, that’s me, all jokes, sunshine, and rainbows here.” 
“Why not.” Slap. As Whumpee’s head began to spin, they tried to gather what information they did know. It was a crew of bank robbers. No names. No faces. Not even after they took Whumpee. Always masked. Faces hidden in shadow. Why take them?
It was only after a few more slaps, that Whumpee realized they had underestimated their captors. Whumper had called in an underling–Whumpee called them Accomplice–and asked for Whumpee to be strung up. 
Whumpee had fought valiantly. Fought with as much as they had. They managed to kick Accomplice a few times in the chest before Whumper ran up and kicked them in the face. 
Whumpee coughed as blood filled their nose and mouth. Whumper took Whumpee’s temporary distraction to pull the chains up and pull Whumpee to standing. Whumper punched Whumpee several times in the ribs. Whumpee doubled over in pain, trying to protect their sides as they did. 
“Ah-ah, none of that,” Whumper said as they pulled the chains tighter. 
Whumpee screamed as their shoulders threatened to separate from their body. They stretched themself upright as they spat a gob of blood at Whumper’s feet. 
Whumper gave a snarling growl as they punched Whumpee in the face again. “Fuck you!” 
As Whumpee’s shoulders pulled even tighter, pain blazed white and hot and they knew no more. 
Whumpee came to, they assumed, hours later. Their face hurt. Their ribs hurt. And their shoulders hurt. They hurt a lot. But they were still attached at the socket. Whumpee was leaning against the wall of the room their captors kept them in, arms looser at their side, but still bound above their thead. 
“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty, I want to talk to you,” Whumper said as they opened the door to the room. 
“What do you want to know?” Whumpee rasped out.Their throat was dry and painful. Probably from all they yelling I did. And maybe I was out longer than I thought. 
“Why what?”
Whumper shook their head. “I’m trying to be good, Whumpee. I’m really trying. But you are making it very,” Whumper’s voice dropped lower, “very difficult.”
Whumpe glared up at Whumper. “My apologies for the inconvenience.”
Whumper yanked Whumpee to standing again. Whumpee yelped as their shoulders twinged with pain, but they kept up with Whumper’s movement. “I want to know why.” And Whumper pressed down on Whumpee’s shoulder. 
Whumpee kept their face flat as they fought to stay upright. Fought to keep their shoulder from dropping as Whumper put more and more weight on them. Fought to keep their shoulder from popping out of the socket. “Do we ever really like the answer when we ask why?”
Whumper growled and pressed harder. “I asked you a question. I expect an answer.”
Whumpee took a deep breath as they prepared to do something really stupid. Without changing their expression they rammed their head down against Whumper’s nose. Whumper lurched back with a hiss of pain. Whumpee couldn’t help but smirk as they saw blood dripping from behind Whumper’s fingers. “Gotcha.”
“You’re going to regret that, Whumpee.” And Whumper charged Whumpee. Their fists were flying, as were their feet, and their fury was unrelenting. It was everything Whumpee could do to stay upright and protect their face and core. 
But still, Whumpee remained upright. Remained able to keep their shoulders from burning with pain. Whumpee rocked their head back to headbutt Whumper again, but Whumper saw them. “Not so fast, Whumpee.” Whumper wrapped their arms around Whumpee’s middle and pulled them off their feet. 
No! I can’t. NO! 
Whumpee struggled against Whumper as they continued to pull. Their shoulders pulled tight in their struggle, their body a taut line. And still Whumper pulled. They pulled until a fire ripped through Whumpee’s left shoulder and their vision whited out. Whumpee went limp in Whumper’s arms as their shoulder popped from the socket. 
The next time Whumpee woke, their shoulder hurt worse than before. But it had once again been replaced into the socket. The process repeated itself countless times. Sometimes it was their shoulder that popped. Other times a knee. Once, it was one of their fingers as Whumper yanked Whumpee to standing. 
Each time Whumpee woke, Whumper was there. Asking them. Yelling at them. Why. Why. Why. Sometimes Whumper brought Accomplice in. Other times Accomplice was accompanied by a someone Whumpee decided to call Second Accomplice. Sometimes Accomplice and Second Accomplice would hurt them while Whumper watched. Always watching. Never stopping. 
They were never alone when they woke. Never alone to cry. Never alone to process. Never alone to think. They were always with someone. And always in pain. 
Tags: @appleejuice @whump-a-whump-whumpshop 
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Hehe, noha dělá křup
Aneb zatím asi nejzábavnější (?) část mého krátkého komixu. Ačkoli není vidět žádná krev a vlastně jde jen o vykloubený kotník (zápěstí?!), radší jsem obrázek skryl pod lajnu. Chápu, že to někdo nechce vidět, a respektuju to 💓
Komix není hotový ani z daleka, ale bude na pár stránek, v češtině a barevně. Zatím je jen černobíle a bubliny nejsou hotové :( Vidím to na týden/dva. Jde o zkomixovanou scénku z knížky, kterou píšu. Přišla mi zábavná na kreslení a taky je dost důležitá pro hlavní postavu (na obrázku). Jde o můj první komix a nu, proč se nepodělit :D Až ho budu mít, postnu ho celý, když bude mít někdo zájem (co si nalhávám, udělám to tak jak tak, lol)
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wastelandwhisperer · 2 years
I injured myself pretty badly yesterday and am pretty much bed ridden until who knows when so the BC is on hold
TW INJURY cause I can put stuff under the cut
I dislocated my knee at the beach had to be rushed to the ER and then when I got home I did it again so I’m not moving anywhere :(((
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octernity-bitches · 1 year
Slightly venty rant
Incase you were wondering why the hell I've not posted in weeks (you weren't but let me have this) I finally FINALLY finished my Ciel phantomhive cosplay!!! Aaa I love it so much!!!
(Ignore my face + hair, I'm exited leave me alone)
The swish!
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The poof!
The moment!
I made it all by hand, EVERYTHING. I made the corset, the crinoline, the petticoat, the dress and I also made a hat and styled my own Wig which I have no good pictures of because they involve my face :/
The bad news
I got to go to my first proper anime con, which I loved! (I even got to give DaGames some fanart so clearly I'm happy)
I've been preparing for the Masquerade (my first one, might I add) since fucking January and I was gonna do a little number to World Is Mine by Juby Phonic cuz it was just perfect for her.
Well my dumb ass decided to step wrong, not turn weird or do a trick, I fucking stepped wrong in flats, and dislocated my everything. Yeah.
If you were at Manchester for the anime con and you saw that, I am so sorry. I feel awful and if it makes you feel better I am suffering because apparently its not healing right and I might need surgery. I'm getting what I deserve so don't worry about that.
The day was lovely and I was so happy to see DaGames in his first UK concert but it sucks that I probably traumatised someone and put them off the masquerade.
Again, I'm really sorry about that. No one is reading this so it's fine :)
But yey poofy dress!
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sk3l3t0n444 · 2 years
i have a stim where i dislocate my knee and it fucking hurts
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
How could you let this happen Dave
Summary: Daves been turned, Bro finds that out the hard when he's nearly struck down on Daves first hunt.
Warnings: Dislocation of joints, mild violence, blood, check tags for further warning.
Authors note: This can be read as a stand alone, but one day the rest of the pieces may be written
Bro woke up to the sound of footsteps, and he was hungry, so, win win.
He slowly dragged himself from the floor where he conked out, god, he has to get better at not just falling asleep anywhere. This time he fell asleep at the front door, his back aching due to how he was positioned. He stretched a bit before making his way to the kitchenette, Daves blurred silhouette standing their idly, it creeped him out a bit.
He stepped closer, an old habit he tried to kill acting up, his footing silent as he walked. He went to place a hand on Daves shoulder, flinching a bit when the promise twitched at the sudden proximity, he didn't speak, instead he stepped back.
His foot landed with a barely audible creak of floor boards, it still forced Dave into shooting up and swiveling to face Bro. Daves posture went from straight to gangly and feral in a second and it had Bro fucking scared for the first time in who knows how long.
With nothing more than a snarl Dave was lunging at Bro, the older skillfully dodging and gripping Daves neck.
He gripped with one hand while the other did nothing more than turn to a fist, he turned to press Dave to the wall. He slammed his promise to the wall, hearing a groan as shades jostled free, finding that the vows eyes were a furious crimson that starved. He felt fierce kicks be thrown at his abdomen and a few hisses slip past Daves lips as well, new fangs pressing to the promises lips.
Bro brought his free hand to Daves shoulder, yanking and twisting till it popped free, hearing naught but a groan of pain of from the vow he made. He did the same to Daves other shoulder, this time he felt claws dig into his skin and threaten to pull ribbons from flesh before it popped. He dragged Dave to the couch before throwing down the shattered promise that went to stand despite pain coursing through its arms, falling limp.
Bro vaulted over the back of the couch, landing at Daves feet, the boy struggled to move without pain, hissing and kicking as Bro leaned over him. He brought his hand to Daves face, prying open the promises mouth with one and pressing his elbow to the vows chest to keep it pinned. His other hand he used to run along Daves new fangs, gently pressing the pad of his thumb to one of the ones on the bottom, feeling a pierce before his blood seemed to drain from his thumb.
Dave seemed to calm down as the crimson flowed into his system directly, Bro took note of that and kept his thumb pressed to the promises fang. Bro didn't move, holding eye contact with glowing red that refused to soften, keeping Daves chest pinned down so the boy wouldn't thrash. Bro slowly released his prying grip, Dave keeping his mouth open, starting to think again as Bro ran his hand over the vows tender throat in search of anything to explain the shattered promises actions.
He found a scar.
Two once gaping holes, pumped with venom, now nothing but scars with indentations in muscle as a memory of what happened.
Bro was glad it made sense now, but now he was afraid of Dave.
A vampire living in his house.
Leeching his life force.
If they weren't brothers, he would find it sexy.
Bro was brought back from thought as Dave slowly closed his mouth, those glowing red orbs returned to the normal sharpened crimson eyes Bro was all to familiar with. He slowly sat up before gripping Daves shoulders and relocating them once again, the promise wincing as the pops reverberated in his skull. Bro sat still as Dave cane to with a few groans as he clutched his skull and tried to calm the storm in his head, lavishing the lingering taste of iron on his fang.
"God damn, what happened?" Dave asked before sitting up, rubbing his neck, the scar pulsed, he looked to Bro, finding his guardian to be nursing a small wound on his thumb, it came tumbling back to Dave in an instant, but it was muddled and he couldn't make much sense of it.
"You have approximately zero point five seconds to start explaining how in the fuck you became a vampire." Bro stated, his tone bolstered by an all to real threat he didn't even have to voice.
"I did that delectable nasty with one of the trolls and we did… Stuff that involved blood, and unknowingly I doomed myself to the eternal curse, you know? That sorta shit that never really leaves your body even after your rotting on the curb." Dave said, accidentally bursting into a mini ramble as a nervous habit he's been trying to break, he heard Bro groan.
"How on earth am I gonna explain to your teachers, no, more importantly how am I gonna prevent you from going buck wild in class and start the hunt if I'm not there to pin you down and let you have some?" Bro questioned as he pinched the bridge of his nose leaving a smudge of blood.
"You, you let me have some of your blood?" Dave asked in disbelief, in recent times Bro had gotten better at being a bit more sociable and a bit less of a fuck up on the topic of being Daves guardian, but hearing that was unexpected.
"It was either I hand it over willingly or you oh so sexily tear open my throat and dine, I'd say I made the right choice," Bro said, he heard the vow give a chuckle, seeing the boy smile a bit. "But really, you have school two days from now, we gotta figure something out, who knows often that hunger will hit."
"I… I was talking with Kanaya about it-" Dave started, only to be cut off by Bro.
"You fucked Kanaya? God damn, baby bro knows how to get it." Bro said, smirking as he playfully punched Daves upper arm.
"Naw, I wish though, but, I was talking to Kanaya, supposedly one of the originals, and she sent me to Terezi, who told me the first few hunts would be the most vicious and that I should have a senior Rainbow Drinker or vampire with me." Dave explained, he was stumbling over his words just a bit.
"So, was that your first hunt?" Bro asked, Dave nodded, rubbing his arm sheepishly.
"Yeah, sorry if I hurt you." Dave said, glancing to the side, refraining from rambling just barely, he wanted to go off about how bad he felt if he did, but a part of him knew it wasn't the right time, and if Bro wasn't chill, he would've already flipped his shit.
"Its fine, I managed to feed you till you calmed down without getting hurt," Bro said as he placed an arm around Daves shoulders, the promise wincing. "How often do you think you'll need to hunt?"
"Terezi said that if I don't drink a few ounces every week the curse will force a hunt that could cause major bloodshed," Dave explained, shuddering a bit at the thought of accidentally killing his friends or his only family. "I'm sure I can convince a few of my classmates its totally sexy to be bit by a vampire to 'feed' for the day."
"No, you're not allowed to feed on your classmates, they could have blood born diseases and I don't want you to get sick, who knows what'll happen now that you have the curse." Bro said, shocking Dave just a bit, the promise still wasn't used to Bro being so, open about caring, it was like prying open a clam shell only to have the squishy innards be revealed.
"So you would rather have me end up tearing open some strangers throat in broad daylight and causing mass panic and getting our heads on the kill on sight list-" Dave said, he could've continued, but he was cut off abruptly.
"You can drink mine instead," Bro said, he had to take a few steadying breaths as he spoke, he was shaking at the idea, but, he couldn't see himself making any other risks, not wanting to be put on the list. "I'll get the equipment so I can draw blood and store it for later in those baggies, you can smuggle it to school once I'm to old and decrepit to offer my blood fresh, or if I'm particularly weak."
Dave was silent.
He simply couldn't believe a single word of it.
Would, would Bro really go that far for him?
Probably not without an ulterior motive.
That's fine.
Dave can work with that, he's still used to keeping his defense up and paranoia on the offense.
"Don't you dare think of drawing more blood than one sack a week, I don't want you accidentally sacrificing yourself." Dave said, making sure to play his words right, Bro could probably tell he was on edge, but it was rightfully so.
"Dave," Bro began softly, a tone Dave rarely heard unless Bro was being sincere and serious. "I don't have any ulterior motives against you, I just don't want us or anyone linked to us to be put on a watch list."
"Ok." Dave said with a sigh as he closed his eyes, unable to help but feel guilty, Bro had been like that for so long who could blame him for assuming Bro couldn't change?
"You can take a drink from the source every other morning before school," Bro said, Dave nodded, the deal sounded secure, and the semi constant feeding would hopefully be good enough. "Now go get some sleep, we'll discuss this more tomorrow."
"Ok," Dave began as he stood up, stretching his arms, hearing a pop. "Night Bro."
"Night Dave." Bro said as he silently sighed, regular food would be a problem now.
"Get some real sleep tonight, please?" Dave asked after crouching down to grab his shades, he turned to Bro as he waited for an answer.
"Alright, I promise." Bro said as he pulled off his shades, bright orange met vibrant red in a quick flash of understanding before Dave turned to his room.
Bro stretched his arms and legs, sighing a bit when he heard a small crack in his wrists. He slowly let himself relax as he lounged across the couch, barely fitting. He reached for a blanket before yanking it down and trying to spread it over himself evenly as he was forcefully tugged to sleep by overexertion of years finally catching up to him.
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OCD diary:
11pm went to bed after evening shift.
5am had a nightmare that I had a seizure. Woke up convinced I couldn't breathe (I have a cold) and that I was about to start seizing. Convinced I couldn't feel my limbs and that my shoulder was dislocated.
5:45 am finally got over anxiety paralysis enough to go take a bath (compulsion to calm nightmares and health anxieties)
6:18 finally back in bed :(
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tick-tick-moo · 2 years
I thought someone was about to dislocate their jaw earlier today before I remembered that yawning was a thing
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yakitori-queen · 7 months
Preface (please read!):
This one's pretty fucked up gang. TW for UNNATURALLY BENT/BROKEN/DISLOCATED LIMBS.
This is based on a one-off phrase by Jon Matteson in his TGWDLM watch party during Let It Out where he said "Was that bones breaking?" I'm assuming he meant bones cracking, as in the sound, but this got me thinking of an interpretation of Let It Out in which Pokotho breaks Paul's bones to make him pose and dance.
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emilybeemartin · 10 months
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[TW: joint dislocation/surgery talk]
Well, I wanted to have one more big finished piece for you, but I think my high expectations have gotten in my way, and now I'm out of time.
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This whole Boromir kick started after I dislocated my shoulder for the fourth time back in June, and it was a bad one. My summer of swimming, hiking, and camping with my kids was taken over by wearing a sling, orthopedic referrals, MRIs, and ultimately, the reality that my cartilage is torn and is not going to heal. This Friday I'll be undergoing surgery for it, and I'll be in a bolster sling for weeks afterward. I should be able to type during that time, but I won't be able to draw.
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I'm not sure why Boromir snuck up on me this summer, as I sat wearily sketching under an ice pack, trying to keep my arm loose, but it's been a blast. I had no idea that drawing a half-baked comic culminating with a feral raccoon becoming High Warden of Gondor would kick off such an all-encompassing dive back into LotR. I'm really grateful for all the follows, shares, interactions, and lovely comments from the Tolkien community---it really kept my spirits up and fueled a ton of inspiration. I can't remember the last time my art folder was so hyperfocused on a specific character.
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Anyway, TLDR, I'll be quiet here for a while. Don't trust anything I might post for about forty-eight hours starting 8/18; general anesthesia makes me extremely stupid. I can only hope this surgery will fix things and I can go back to drawing niche comics and emotional thirst traps.
And send me your fics; not being able to draw is going to drive me OUT OF MY MIND.
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