#tw mentioned amputation
for the fic thingy: bedrock bros era, techno giving tommy a prothestic leg?
hope you have a great day <33
ask game! send me a summary of a fic you wish I'd write and I'll write a snippet :]
"I still think it was unnecessary."
"Heh? You were limping around my basement with a dead foot!"
Tommy rolled his eyes, sitting up on the bed. "Oh, oh, I'm Technoblade, I like cutting off limbs and—and not using potions and—"
"Sit down." Techno groaned, pushing Tommy's chest back towards the bed. "I'm trying to get this on your leg."
"Wouldn't need it if you hadn't mutilated me."
Techno sighed and pressed his hands into his face, a thing Tommy only saw as he sat up once more.
"Why am I even doing this?" Techno whined.
"Because you mutilated me."
"Bruh—you walked around in calf-deep snow barefoot!" Techno gestured to the window, the barren and white landscape stretching on into the mountains. "For, like, two hours! You're lucky you only lost the one foot!"
"Yeah, that's 'cause I still had a shoe on, Tech-no-blade. Oh, you think you're so smart—"
"—you agreed to the surgery!—"
"—and chat thinks you're so cool and you're actually just a fucking loser who sucks like ass and—stinks like a fucking pig house."
"It's called a pigsty, you should know that."
"Shut up, man."
The cabin fell silent for a mintue, the two residents glaring at each other.
Eventually, Techno huffed. "Can I please, please just put the leg on so we can go eat?"
Tommy sighed but didn't fight back, laying back down on the bed and letting Techno do whatever he had to with his leg. Tommy supposed he was grateful—he was—and it was good that he didn't lose the entire lower half of his leg, still able to bend and move like before, just with a new part halfway down his calf.
Still, Tommy didn't exactly like it—having a new foot. Bullshit, that was what it was. He'd have to learn to walk again, run again, jump again.
Stupid fucking Dream. This was all his damn fault.
Sort of.
Tommy supposed he wasn't clear of blame either. He'd chosen to run away from his 'legal requirement', his exile. He'd been stupid enough to not think about even trying to make another shoe. Stupid enough to not gather materials. Stupid enough to not make tools.
Stupid enough to keep tools.
Tommy shook his head, looking down at Techno. "Are you done?"
Techno waved a hand. "Yeah, yeah. There."
Tommy perked up and rushed to his feet, much to the audible dismay of Technoblade.
He managed to stand, not at all used to the feeling that one of his legs seemed to reach the floor much earlier than the other, but it wasn't too unbelievable.
"Kinda like wearing high heels, innit?"
Techno stood, looking at him warily. "Uh, sure."
With that, he stepped away, and Tommy took a few steps, watching his prosthesis move with his body and press into the wood floor before he felt it do so against his stump leg.
"I feel like I'm gonna fall a lot." Tommy mumbled.
"That's what this 's for."
Tommy turned, spotting Techno handing an item out to him, a wood cane with a black handle.
"It's one of Phil's, figure it might do you some good." Techno explained.
Tommy took it with a smile, taking a step with it. "Thanks, man."
Techno's expression contorted and Tommy was pretty sure it was a smile. He still couldn't exactly read him.
"Lunch?" Techno said after a moment.
"Yeah, let's go eat, big T."
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bigmansbigbigblog · 1 year
Hi dream, I'm bored. Tell me something interesting if you'd like :D
Did you know that the most agonising place to injure is the eye? You have a ton of nerves in the socket, and of course the eyeball itself is fragile and sensitive. If you need to incapacitate someone, go for the eye! :)
I’ve never experienced it, myself. The most painful experience I’ve had, that I’m willing to talk about here, is losing my tail.
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Are you hopelessly alive or optimistically dead?
After 2 weeks I'm finally done with this pic.
This picture is a companion piece for my AU were Danny sustained more realistic injuries during the portal accident.
More Infos for this AU are under the cut
While activating the portal Danny suffered through a severe electric shock. The shock was so bad that logically it should have killed Danny, but the high amounts of ectoplasm that went through his body revived him as fast as the electricity killed him.
So while he was still alive, he still sustained severe burns all over his arm up to his head and heart.
The voltage of the shock was so high that it melted most of his Hazmat suit into the skin of his arm. His lower arm was so heavily burned from the molten rubber and plastic, that it had to be amputated up to the elbow.
Even months after the accident, he still has little to no feeling in his left limb. The scar-tissue and damaged nerves make it hard to feel anything.
A little while after Danny started fighting ghosts and protecting Amity Park, he developed his ice powers. Forming an ice limb was almost second nature to him. (Later when he meets Frostbite for the first time a lot of things suddenly make sense to him)
The ice limb of his reacts a lot to his emotions, because to Danny it's more of an extension of his soul then an actual bodypart. His icecore creates the limb without Danny having to consciously contribute, so at times it shifts with his mood. Becoming smooth and mirror like when he is calm, forming spikes in his anger and losing it's shape in his confusion.
This AU is really fun to think about. I have another realistic injury AU that has to do with Danny's eyes. That one could be combined with this or separated, either way would be fun.
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bear-boi-5 · 3 days
Break the Cycle.
TW/CW for malnourishment, amputation and mentions of cannibalisation
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Meggy's insanity, paranoia and over protection of the one person she trusted has led to her becoming what is essentially a walking husk. Tari is the result of this.
Out of fear for being suspected and/or killed for "being on Wren's side" like many others, Tari listens to Meggy all the time. If she wants to go scope out the area, she'll go, if she tells Tari to cut off her arm because it could lead Wren to them, she'll do so, if Meggy is hungry because they're low on rations, Tari will let her eat her finger.
Even if it bring her immense amounts of pain, Tari has to listen if she wants to keep her life. She often lies to save herself.
AU created by @tophatwearingidiot and me
Design by me
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
So Psycho!Noah would definitely do something like play the Knife Game, right? It was popular enough around the time, and does fulfill his thrill seeking needs.
And hey, he can even use it to prove to others that he's willing to make things fair. He'll threaten his own safety AS WELL as everyone else's!
(He'd most likely just do it for unnerving others as per usual, but I think it's still interesting to think if he'd genuinely think this would work.)
Psycho!Noah would absolutely play the Knife Game!
Something dangerous and 'luck' based, that puts his own (and other's, potentially) wellbeing at risk, AND it involves sharp objects? It's practically designed to pique his interests! His constant quest for excitement/thrill-seeking would make him a very big fan of things like the Knife Game.
As for proving his fairness; Noah, in his infinite wisdom, would think it'd be a display of fairness and goodwill, but everyone around him just sees it as him being unhinged enough to gamble his own safety in his hunger for violence... which isn't exactly untrue, though it's a heavily exacerbated interpretation of just how stab-happy he is (which he intentionally cultivated, so...).
He could probably rope Duncan into playing with him, by poking at his pride as a "fellow knife haver" by claiming that, for someone who's constantly threatening to stab people, Noah's never seen him actually use a knife for anything but woodcarving. Saying that, he could potentially rope about half of the remaining cast into playing with him just by insulting their egos; Heather, Courtney and Alejandro would never take a challenge to their capabilities sitting down, so they'd join in just to prove how 'skilled' they are.
Now, I want you to imagine the following scenario with me: Noah's hoped the above competitors into playing the Knife Game with him. They all started out trepidly, but as the game continued their respective competitiveness won out over their rational thinking, an they're all pretty invested in the game.
Then Noah kicks it up a notch by speeding up his stabbing tempo.
A finger comes straight off, followed immediately by a gushing fountain of blood. Everyone starts screaming, panicking like headless (and in one case fingerless) chickens, whilst Noah's laughing manically to himself as his hand continues to pour litres of blood onto the floor and table, dying everything around him a sticky crimson.
Thanks to her CIT training, Courtney's the most clear-headed in the situation and barks out for someone to retrieve Noah's discarded finger, intending to preserve it for an emergency reattachment. She rushes over to Noah's side, momentarily forgetting her misgivings about getting so close to him, and tries to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on his finger stub.
But. His hand. It's... rubber?
Noah pulls his real arm out of the fake, rubber prosthetic he'd worn over it, waggling his perfectly fine fingers (coated in that same viscous scarlet) to his competitors with a grin.
A beat of silence. Then, outrage.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 2,835 Words
Summary: Eclipse's found family finds him.
Warnings: Robot Gore, Injury, Amputation, Cursing, Near Death, PTSD, Panic Attack, Trauma, Surgery, Sibling Bonding, Angst with a serving of Fluff, Bathing Together (platonic, neither have bits down there), SFW Tickling, let me know if I should add anything else.
Found Family
Eclipse groaned pulling himself from the ball pit. What was left of him, at least. His left arm had had the hand ripped off and his right leg was missing from below the knee, his internals were attempting to pour out the deep gashes of claws in his stomach.
His right side upper faceplate had been ripped off along with right eye having been torn from its socket and wires. There was a deep gash down his left leg, leaving the limb half numb. And his chest and back had most of its casing mauled off, leaving his scratched endo and frame exposed and vulnerable.
He’d barely finished crawling his way from the ball pit before he saw a figure standing over him like a sadistic god and the blue he saw told him that this wasn’t the best person to find him this injured.
“So ya fucked up?” Moon asked, crouching before him and Eclipse glared with his remaining eye, this was all Moon’s fucking fault and Eclipse seethed at him.
“I went to kill him and he tried to destroy me!” Eclipse crackled out his half-broken voice box.
“Sad little worm, huh? Welp.” Moon stood up, slapping his thighs as he did so. “That’s a problem taken care of. I’m gonna go out and celebrate. You try to die quietly if you can.” Moon patted his aching head and Eclipse growled to keep him off, attempting to grab Moon’s hand and bite it since it was all he really could do at the moment. But Moon was quicker and got his hand away.
“Hey everyone, I’m buying shots! It’s celebration time!” Moon called through the daycare as he left to the upper level of the daycare as everyone followed him out of the daycare, shutting the lights off as he did so, leaving Eclipse in the darkness with just the ceiling of glowy stars illuminating barely to the top of the play structures.
Eclipse’s engines whirred on high as Eclipse used his remaining hand and the forearm of his left arm to crawl his way away from the ball pit and to the security desk, dragging and pulling down the emergency med kit and haphazardly dumping it on the ground with his right hand so he could get the contents.
His first grab was an ACE bandage, which he tried to put on his stomach with his one hand to some success. It looked sloppy as hell but his insides would stay inside. Eclipse’s processors whirred on max, fans turning slowly because they were half broken so they couldn’t fully cool him down and coolant was leaking out of him, having made a trail from the ball pit to the security desk already.
Eclipse secured the ACE bandage and then began packing gauze into his right knee where it had been ripped off and used another ACE wrap to keep pressure on it so the oil lines wouldn’t be leaking out. He repeated the same process to his left wrist and sighed as he rested one of the instant cold packs onto his processors, relaxing into the feeling of the cold pack helping his half-broken fans to cool him down.
Eclipse saw errors flashing that coolant and oil was low and critical machinery was damaged. Of course it was, he had lost body parts! He growled in annoyance at his creator. They had basically torn him to shreds and Moon didn’t give a single damn about it.
Eclipse hadn’t been able to get a single hit in on them. It had all simply been a blur after they had admitted that they made him and to them attacking him like he was a glorified punching bag. Eclipse hadn’t had a chance to even defend himself and the thought of it, even now, was terrifying.
He shuddered just thinking of the sound and feeling of his wires and endo creaking and cracking when his creator had snapped his right calf off the knee joint and torn it off of him. And the agony of having his left hand ripped off at the joint had been horrifying. The sick crunch the joint had made had made Eclipse throw up. He wasn’t even aware he could throw up, but he had at that sound of his endo crunching and snapping.
Eclipse felt lightheaded, his breaths were coming slower and he knew this was some kind of a panic reaction. Of course he would have a panic reaction. He had succeeded at getting his creator to take out the directives but at what cost? His body nothing more than scrap metal? His mind in shambles and panic? It didn’t feel worth it. Maybe he wasn’t worth a chance.
This train of thought absolutely didn’t help the panic. He was shaking. Why was he shaking? Was the daycare shaking? No, it was him. What was this? Eclipse hadn’t ever felt panic before, not this badly. It felt worse that when he was waiting for Moon and Sun to come kill him. It felt like it was all-consuming and crushing him.
The dark didn’t help either, he hated the dark just like both of his predecessors. He knew there weren’t monsters, there weren’t, but the dark was…scary. It felt like emptiness, like being abandoned again. And it felt cold. He light lights, the stars on the ceiling just weren’t enough light. Especially since solar models didn’t have very much eyesight in the dark. It felt like being stuck into a black box with holes poked in for air but even the air felt like it wasn’t enough.
Blood Moon had finally gone prowling around with Stitchwraith. A joy! Prowling with their acquaintance! It was a ball to finally be out of that bunker place! Blood Moon had begun their prowling in the main entrance and were now going through the daycare, which had its lights off for some reason.
Blood Moon liked the dark, it was a warm place to them, it was comforting, but the sound of staticky sobs coming from the lower daycare wasn’t all that comforting. It was quite annoying actually. They hated crying! Hated it! It was weak!
Blood Moon wanted to snuff out that incessant sobbing and the annoying attendant the crying undoubtedly came from. So they went down to the lower daycare and sniffed around for it. Thankfully, they didn’t have to look for long, finding the sobbing’s source was a curled up and mangled Solar? Was this Solar? No, the dents on the rays and the scratches on the faceplate weren’t present. Could this be…?
Stitchwraith followed Blood Moon to the sound of crying and gave a small gasp seeing the torn down frame of the animatronic they had been slightly amicable with, at least for gaming they had been. But what the hell did Eclipse deserve this for? To be torn to shreds and left to die? He hadn’t even done anything too bad yet, he hadn’t killed anyone at least.
“Eclipse?” Stitchwraith asked, crouching by him but it seemed to go unnoticed. Was Eclipse having a panic attack? “Eclipse, hey.” Stitchwraith knew they’d get hit but they had to shake Eclipse by the shoulder to even get a slight bit of a response.
Once they did shake Eclipse’s shoulder, Eclipse whipped his left arm at them, which was missing it’s hand and was instead bandaged with gauze and an ACE bandage. The hit from Eclipse’s forearm connected with Stitchwraith’s faceplate but didn’t so much as put a scratch on them from how weak Eclipse seemed to be.
Eclipse looked up at them after, eyes wild with panic and pain, breathing going a mile a minute and extremely defensive and scared. Stitchwraith felt Blood Moon tugging on their cloak and waved their hand off to keep Blood Moon behind them. Eclipse was a more pressing matter than answering Blood Moon’s question at the moment.
“Eclipse, it’s Stitchwraith. I need you to breathe slowly for us.” Stitchwraith instructed him. Eclipse’s motors shuddered as he tried to take slow breaths for Stitchwraith. “You’re safe. Can you point to what’s scaring you the most right now?” They asked. Eclipse wordlessly pointed his shaky right pointer finger up at the lights.
“Blood Moon, go turn on the lights.” Stitchwraith instructed the twin hellions, who scampered off to go do just that at his request, the lights turning on row by row until the daycare was illuminated completely, which looked to ease some of Eclipse’s panic.
“Are you able to tell me what happened to you or is it too hard right now?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Creator…mauled me…” Eclipse’s voice was staticky and a weird echoed pitch but he could decipher it still.
“The person who made you mauled you?” Stitchwraith asked to confirm and Eclipse nodded softly. “Why did they do that?” Stitchwraith asked.
“Went to get…directives out…” Eclipse admitted.
“Your creator is a bunch of bull. That’s really all you went to do and he left you like you’re in a scrap heap?” Eclipse nodded and Stitchwraith bristled with annoyance at the audacity of Eclipse’s creator. That was downright cruelty for absolutely no reason. Eclipse didn’t deserve to be mauled over a simple ask like that. The way Eclipse’s simple ask was treated was absolutely bullshit.
“How about this, if you let Blood Moon carry you, I’ll fix you.” Stitchwraith reasoned. Stitchwraith would carry Eclipse back, give Eclipse probably couldn’t walk with a missing leg and fragile machinery desperately trying to escape Eclipse’s frame, but their arms still hurt from Blood Moon using them as a scratching post this morning as if the small bot was a damn cat.
“Okay…” Eclipse agreed and looked to Blood Moon as the red and white faced bot came scampering back down to the lower daycare and sat on the floor, looking over the situation with their head tilted to the side in confusion.
“Blood Moon, you’re going to carry him home. I need to repair him.” Stitchwraith told them.
“Aaaawwwwww, why do we have to carry the Sunman!?” Blood Moon began their usual spiel of complaining about the simplest of tasks. This bot could pick up a full cement truck but complained at picking up an animatronic that probably barely weighed more than them.
“Because our arms still hurt from being used as scratching posts. Now pick him up and be careful. Make sure you keep his stomach level, his internals are trying to be externals.” Stitchwraith sighed. Blood Moon whined a bit more but inevitably picked Eclipse up and thankfully held Eclipse as though he were some princess. It was embarrassing for Eclipse, sure, but it kept Eclipse’s insides inside him.
“Okay, come on, back home.” Stitchwraith told them and began leading Blood Moon back to their bunker and into his lab, instructing Blood Moon to gently place Eclipse on a table so he could work on him. He had most of the parts from misships and scrounging but he knew full well Eclipse would look different than he used to.
“I’m going to turn off your pain sensors but just stay awake and talk to Blood Moon for me while I work on you.” Stitchwraith told Eclipse as he got the necessary parts and tools together to fix him.
“Blood Moon?” Eclipse asked as Stitchwraith turned off the bot’s pain receptors and began to patch up and put on a replacement left hand for Eclipse.
“Yes, unholy creator?” Blood Moon sat like a cat in the chair near Eclipse’s legs.
“I’m not your creator, I never made you. That was…the original me. Before the backup in your head, before I was even a spot on the wall.” Eclipse grumbled.
“So you didn’t make us but you are an Eclipse.” Blood Moon cackled.
“I don’t know what I am.” Eclipse admitted. “I may as well have been made in a fucking petri dish in a lab. I have no clue who I am or what I am, just that I’m here and apparently my name is Eclipse and I’m the asshole everyone hates.” Eclipse huffed as Stitchwraith finished up the hand replacement and moved onto Eclipse’s right calf and foot replacement.
“You are…like us? A copy?” Blood Moon asked.
“An incomplete copy, yes. With directives and pasted memories from other points of view and a creator that rips out my directives and leaves me to the mercy of people who will just let me rot in a hole.” Eclipse was angry but he wasn’t panicking at least.
“We are incomplete as well. Memories from other people and bloodlust enhanced with less free will. Bullshit it is.” Blood Moon grumbled. Huh, odd that the two who hated each other agreed. Eclipse sighed and put his head back down on the table.
Stitchwraith finished replacing his lost calf and foot and moved onto Eclipse’s mauled open midsection and began patching the endo cage that contained Eclipse’s insides that had been ripped open. It was easier here because it was taking out the broken bits of old endo and welding in new pieces of the endo. He was also replacing broken innards as he came across them.
“We’re in the same boat then. I…I could remove it. I think. I have the original’s pasted memories too, I’m sure I could sift through and take out the bloodlust.” Eclipse told him, watching Stitchwraith more than Blood Moon now as Stitchwraith was working of Eclipse’s faceplate, fixing the wires and socket and putting in a new eyeball and replacing the half of the faceplate that had been torn off.
“Take out? You can take that out?” Blood Moon asked.
“I think so. I could try at least.” Eclipse told them, sighing now as the only thing left was his body casing, which was something easy and much less surgical. It was akin to putting on a new outfit to animatronics, especially daycare animatronics, who sometimes had to take off their casing to clean it after days in the daycare.
A calm quiet settled in the lab as Stitchwraith got Eclipse into a purple and white casing, replacing the ribbons on Eclipse’s wrists with new purple ones that weren’t stained with coolant and oil and laid out new pants and a new shirt for Eclipse to get dressed into.
“Alright, go get clean. I have a sanitizing station here, it’ll get you clean. Blood Moon, you need to get cleaned too.” Stitchwraith told him, helping Eclipse stand up and turning back on his pain sensor since there wouldn’t be as much pain to feel. He could fix minor things like Eclipse’s half-broken voice box later. What was important was getting Eclipse to feel better and not take an entire day just to fix him. Plus he didn’t have a new voice box for him just yet.
Eclipse struggled sitting up, his endo aching from what a human would consider bruises. He could feel the stiffness in his new parts and his eye was still adjusting, making him blink that eye more, which was uncomfortable but bearable because he had full sight back again now. He just let Stitchwraith help him to his feet, grateful for the help from his brother? Cousin? Acquaintance, Eclipse was going with acquaintance with the weird family tree he didn’t want to deal with.
Eclipse was passed to Blood Moon so the smaller bot could help him along and Eclipse happily used them as a sentient cane for his new stiff foot and calf that was making him limp a bit  with how little the new ankle could move yet. Blood Moon supported him, which was surprisingly actually helpful.
“But brother goes in the cleaning tube.” Blood Moon and maneuvered the both of them into the tube, helping Eclipse get off his dirty old clothes and Blood Moon threw off his mud covered clothes and stayed with his brother so they’d both get cleaned like Stitchwraith asked.
Blood Moon giggled at the sanitizing mist and roared with laughter at the brushes that came to scrub off the worst grime. Eclipse only needed the sanitizing mist to heat the coolant and oil on him enough to drip off into the drain in the floor. But Eclipse liked seeing his little brother laugh. It was nice to have this moment.
Eclipse never got to have this with…the others. But it felt nice to watch his brother laugh at the brushes going after the ticklish spots on his back. He kind of liked this, it made him feel warmth bloom in his chest that one of his siblings wasn’t scared of him or wishing him death or even leaving him to die.
Once Eclipse was clean, he left the tube while Blood Moon was still giggling up a storm getting scrubbed because he rolled in dirt from what it seemed like. Eclipse pulled on the new clothes and smoothed his hands over them, they were actually comfortable and not itchy like his old clothes. He liked being here. It felt like home.
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painsandconfusion · 9 months
"Here's the plan. You have two options. Option one: you keep struggling and crying and fighting me; then I'll just harvest all of you. Option two: you sit nice and pretty, let me take one (1) limb of your choice, we have a nice meal together, and then you go home."
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antiradqueerguy · 1 month
as someone with a lifelong special interest in body modification and medicine, reddwater is not only giving dangerous tips but stupid and nonsensical ones. they clearly know nothing about the subject and should NOT be giving advice on it.
they told a caninekin for example that they could replace their skin with faux fur. wtf are you gonna do, skin yourself and wrap a sheet of it around your raw dermis??? stitch it in?? there is no possible way to do this without massive infection and rejection at the site. interestingly enough tilapia fish skin and pig skin are used for burn grafts but it isn't permanent and dries up when the wound is healed. good luck getting sterile dog skin and in the event you manage to actually graft it it's falling off when healed.
there are safe and REASONABLE tips you could give that user. for example, ear pointing, crowning your teeth with fangs, whisker piercings, and tattooing.
they also advised using colloidal silver without advising on the potential risks (long-term organ damage), and BLINDING YOURSELF without any discussion of the fact that doing so is going to be immensely painful and you will need hospitalisation. then they talk about learning how to tourniquet for self-amputation without knowing about arterial retraction which can make using a tourniquet completely ineffective, especially when there is a lot of trauma to the amputation site (afaik almost all people with BIID who self-amputate cannot do it with a clean surgical cut, there will be huge trauma to the area.)
tldr please don't listen to this idiot. nonhuman affirming body mods are great and i have one myself, but these are most likely kids being given really dangerous tips that are also useless
"sign up to be turned into a super human guys!!!" NO SIREE,
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cats-and-confusion · 9 months
Whumper kicks the door shut, their hands full with a bowl of something that smells delicious. Whumpee gathers the courage to look away from their corner. They clutch what remains of their arm - Whumper had cut it off the day before, just below the elbow.
"Hey there, Whumpee. I figured you might be hungry after losing all that blood. I can’t have you dying on me, now can I?"
Whumpee turns their head fully now. Food? That food? For them? Surely not. Surely something is at play here...
...but they are so, so hungry.
"Whassit made from?" Whumpee manages to croak out. They smell it - its scent permeates the room, really. It smells familiar.
Whumper grins and crouches down to properly offer it to Whumpee. "Oh, you know, stuff I had around. I had some extra ingredients on hand."
Whumpee's heart plummets. They know they don't have a choice but to eat.
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styxnstars · 19 days
Here's one of Belgium's greatest WW1 Navy heroes and Tintin's dad, Jules Isebaert ❤
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(Click for better quality)
𖥑 he/him pronouns
𖥑 Bi 💖💜💙 (but prefers women) and recipromantic 💖🩷💚🤍🖤
𖥑 52 years old
𖥑 5'10
𖥑 His birthday is on August 9 🎂🎉🎊
𖥑 Has severe PTSD and PPD, this poor man... <:(
𖥑 Is from/lives in Belgium, but was born in the Netherlands 🇧🇪🇳🇱
𖥑 He speaks little/broken English, but he also speaks French primarily (all the European dialects), German, and Dutch 🇫🇷🇩🇪🇳🇱
𖥑 Has a mix of a Belgian and Dutch accent, everyone finds it very fascinating <3
TW// mention of amputation
𖥑 Lost his left ear, left eye, left arm, and right leg when he tried to detonate an explosive safely, but he didn't know it was set to go off when he was detonating it and... it was too late. His limbs and eye couldn't be reattached as they melted from the explosion 😔❤️‍🩹
𖥑 He likes watching TV, staying cozy inside, quilting, cats, jazz music, spending time with Tintin, soup, hot tea, pastries, rainy weather, hanging out with Captain Haddock and Skut (on good days) or talking to them on the phone, talking to Styx (my self insert), watching Tintin engage in his hobbies, sitting outside to get fresh air, lavender, and cooking (to the best of his ability)
𖥑 He dislikes dogs (but tolerates Snowy), sharp objects, the ocean, iced drinks, cold foods, chips, spicy things, blood, scary/horror movies, loud music, large gatherings, overly cold and hot weather, pretty much all of Tintin's enemies (especially Allan Thompson and the Captain of the Peary), people who badmouth his friends and Tintin, Bianca Castafiore's singing, being inside all the time, wearing his prosthetics and eyepatch, and any topic involving explosives and barges (these trigger his PTSD severely)
𖥑 Has 2 older brothers that live in Austria (and are Tintin's uncles)
𖥑 He's been a lifelong friend of Skut's and did everything together, but lost touch when Jules got deployed. They're still best friends to this day! ^^ and he met Captain Haddock 4 years after he was relieved of his military duties and he helped him have a more positive outlook on life <3
TW// mention of s**cide
𖥑 Jules is not a man of many words, but when he does talk he's VERY kind and caring just like his son <:) he's extremely family devoted and are the very few people he talks to, and is also super shy. Jules however used to be very cynical and had a bleak outlook on life after what he witnessed when he was in the Navy. Mentally, he's never been the same since. He's been very miserable and developed severe depression, and was even considering taking his own life a year after he left his base permanently. Thankfully his family, friends, and psychiatrist supported him through and through, and he hasn't thought about taking his own life ever since and sees life in a more positive light! 💖 he's not the best at talking to people and is not an angry person, but he's very sweet and has a lot of kindness to offer. ❤️
𖥑 He takes antidepressants and anxiety medication to help make his mood more manageable as well as going to physical therapy so he can walk normally again.
𖥑 He got deployed when Tintin was 14, and wasn't able to see his family for 4 years 😔
𖥑 All of his attached limbs suffered severe nerve damage, so he's unable to feel anything except for his abdomen and face. He even had a stroke when he was 32 :( Even with his right ear, his hearing got severely damaged as well and needs a hearing aid. But at least Tintin can feel his pain since they both have physical disabilities.
𖥑 He never had a job before being in the Navy, but he wants to work at a rehab facility where he can help veterans get their lives back on their feet!
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thatsprettylane · 8 months
Jax finding out about the timelines and learning that yes, he does lose his arms in every one: This is some bullshit!
Kuai Liang: >;(
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dino-boyo-agere · 1 year
First of: TW!!
╰→ mention & vivid description of severe injury
╰→ use of uncensored swearwords! (f*ck & s*it)
╰→ but no graphic pictures in this post!
So on July 14 of 2020 I lost my left middle finger by trying to fetch a ball from my pal's dog he threw over a fence the day before.
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Here is the full story:
It was raining and half way over the fence I decided to ditch the idea, since the fence was fairly slippery and I 'didn't want to get hurt' lmao.
So, on my way back down I obviously slipped, my ring got caught on the fence and degloved my left middle finger.
I felt a hard tug, no pain at first, tho I had a feeling what just happened... My first thought was: "Do I look at my hand or do I just go home?" Obviously, I looked down and "fuck." was the first thing I said.
I grabbed the bone and remaining flesh with my unharmed hand, to stop the bleeding and looked at my friend (the one with the dog).
I calmly told him: "[Name], don't panic but my finger is gone, call an ambulance. I will lay down on the ground now, okay?" At first he thought I was fucking with him and didn't believe me. Because I stayed strangely calm since he has severe panic attacks and I didn't want him to get one in this situation, since that would be anything but beneficial for the both of us. He only realized I was for real, when he saw red liquid dripping out my hand.
My friend hastily rung all the doorbells of the Apartment building across the street, to ask someone to call an ambulance. (I didn't have my phone on me he had his phone, but forgot that you can call emergency numbers even without mobile credit.)
At one point a guy rode past us on his bike, my friend tried to flag him down, yelling something along the lines of: "Hey, could you please call an ambulance? He (gesturing at me, lying on the ground, bleeding) lost- had an accident." And I'll never forget this mans answer, after throwing one glance at me, in a cheery sing-sang voice he just said: "Noo, I don't have time, sorryy.~" while riding of with the brightest smile. That is still the funniest thing to me lmao. That guy had a great day and was not willing to care for anything or anyone else. Honestly.. Good for him!
Anyways, back to the ambulance-calling problem..
My friend managed to get an old lady to step out on the balcony, where she could see me and she called an ambulance right away.. Well she actually got a little confused and called the police, but they informed the hospital to send an ambulance.
Another lady also approached me to just be there for me, I think. She just rubbed my back and tried to comfort me, which was really sweet. Especially seeing she was the one crying, overwhelmed by the situation. She also shielded me from the rain by covering me with her umbrella. I hope shes okay, she was an absolut Sweetheart.
I was lucky (I guess?) since a woman, who lived across the street I was laying on, saw me through the window and came to check out what happened. And wouldn't you know, she was a nurse! She introduced herself to me as such, stating: "Hey, I saw you through my window, are you okay? I might be able to help. I'm a nurse and brought my first aid kit, what happened?" So I detailed the incident to her and showed her my injury. Upon seeing my mangled hand she let out an audible gasp and a whispered: "oh, fuck." At which I couldn't help but laugh, saying: " 'oh, fuck'? As a nurse? It's that bad, huh?". She apologized and tried to back paddle a bit, I think she was trying to not freak me out to much, saying something along the lines of: "No, it's just- I just didn't expect that." To which I replied: "Well, to be fair, I  basically had the same reaction, so it's alright." The kind nurse bandaged me up and waited for the ambulance with us.
At that point the pain was pretty bad but not to much to handle. I mainly focused on my friend, constantly telling him to: "Stay calm and breathe!" since "I can't bleed out, so it's alright."
The ambulance (and police) arrived about 15 minutes after the call (they normally would've been there faster but we had a lot of road work in the area at the time). The officers tried to figure out what happened and kept asking weird questions like: "Did your friend pull you down?", "Did the dog eat the finger?" and "Did the dog pull you down?" Etc.. They also 'searched?' for my finger (they basically just looked in and around the bush where it happened from a distance for like thirty seconds lmao) and said they couldn't find it, so no finger saving for me. The EMT's knocked me out with some seriously good shit and drove me to the hospital. At that point the shock settled, I went in and out of consciousness. At the ER they gave me local anesthesia by shoving a needle in my mangled finger and shooting some thick liquid in there... THAT was the most pain I ever felt in my life so far. But right away, just milliseconds after, no pain at all.
In this moment I actually got to look at it in depth for the first time. It looked gnarly. Most of my skin and flesh was gone but the two bigger bones (wich where astonishingly bright white) of the finger, as well as the main tendon, where still intact. I could actually move my fucking bone-finger!! So I did just that, opening and closing my hand in awe, observing how exactly 'the strings work'. It was fascinating! 
They also took some pictures and I managed to message the clinic for the photos of the degloved finger because... YES. You can find the link to those photos at the end of this post. ! Be warned tho, it's literally med. gore !
They gave me another local anesthetic, for the operation, this time numbing the whole arm. They couldn't put me under since I've already eaten that day.
Even though my finger couldn't be 'saved' since they 'couldn't find it'. I found the ring three days after the incident tho so that's cool, I guess.
I asked if I was allowed to 'keep' the bones they removed but the doctor said: "That's not allowed, since it's a bio hazard." (stupid German laws).
They send me home the next day and I got a cute little tattoo after everything healed up nice. (A little pair of scissors on a dashed line, because I'm funny like that.)
When I got home I picked up my dog from my friends apartment (yes, the same friend) and the first thing I said to him was "pew pew" while doing the Spider-Man 'web shooting gesture' with my hand.
I don't really have many long lasting difficulties in regards to the missing finger except for occasional phantom pain or the even worse phantom itch. Both of which mainly occur when the weather switches.
I'm a pretty positive person, so I'm just thankful that it was only one finger and a unessential one, on my non-dominant hand at that.
All in all I'd give the situation a solid 7 /10.
Pos. (+)
The hospital food was good.
The staff was nice.
Neg. (-)
I'm still a little salty about not being able to take my own bones home.
I physically cringe every time I think about the incident. (Wich is annoying because I basically live next to the place it happened and have to see that darn fence daily.)
Indiff. (¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
The pain was bad, but manageable.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
And as promised → here ← are the (uncensored) pictures of my injury, if you're interested!
✧✧.✧✧ Sorry for any spelling / grammar errors ✧✧.✧✧
✧✧✧.✧✧✧ English is not my first language ✧✧✧.✧✧✧
・。»・⁠°✧❗I don't consent to NSFW interaction❗✧°・«。・
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banner by @froggy-clubhouse
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jae-birde · 8 months
"Leo, puh-lease, you can't balance that for more than a minute."
"Ha! Bet."
Casey looked up from his computer only to immediately regret doing so. He blinked uncomprehendingly. What the—?
"Leo, you and I both know you can't balance like that for shit," Mikey said from his spot on the couch, lying upside down as he tossed a piece of popcorn into his mouth. He was by far the least weird part of this situation.
"Tell that to my pizza box stack record. Not even Raph could break that." Leon was walking across the backs of several chairs lined up, his katana, for some reason, balanced on his head, the pummel of the hilt on his head as the blade wobbled precariously in the air.
"Isn't that a safety hazard…?" Casey trailed off. He watched as Leon took another wobbly step and sighed. He wouldn't be able to stop this, would he?
"Only if I let it be," Leon grinned as he took another step, ignoring Mikey's call of "That doesn't even make sense," as he continued, arms held aloft for balance as he tilted to the right before centring himself again. "And Mikey, where's your optimism? You were full of it when I did the pizza box challenge!"
Mikey shrugged the best he could while upside down. "Well, that was when you were trying to beat Don's record." He tossed another piece of popcorn into his mouth. "Now you're just being a dumbass."
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peccaberry · 2 months
what's the one line from ACD that lives in your head rent free forever. like the one that pops into your head randomly.
This is actually a very good question and the answer is this one from Chapter 9!(Context is Rei discussing Volo with Pesselle after he was taken into the custody of the Med Corps)
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The idea that Rei would threaten to neuter Volo and Pesselle has to be like "absolutely the fuck not" is one of the many reasons he is consitered too immature to handle scalpels.
Idk it's just petty and childish of Rei which makes sense because he is still only 18 when this is said but it's also funny. Imagine how Pesselle feels trying to be his boss when he says shit like this 😂
She needs a pay raise fr.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 6 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,997 Words
Summary: The daycare crew are having a normal night. Or so they think.
Warnings: Injury, Blood, Gore, Amputation, Stabbing, Broken Bones, Eye Trauma, Bruises, Waterboarding, Aftermath of Torture, Aftermath of Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Controlled Shock, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Prosthetics, Blindness, Partial Blindness, Trauma, PTSD, let me know if I should add anything else.
Tonight was unusually…normal. Sun was cleaning up the daycare for the day. Moon helping with things that needed fixing like the one bent bar in the play structure he was currently bending back to normal. Lunar was preparing for tomorrow like he usually did.
The only thing really missing was Solar. He wasn’t sitting at the security desk taking inventory of the children pre-checked in for tomorrow. Usually Solar would take great pride in making the list and taking note of any children with accommodations and making sure everything needed for the accommodations were taken care of.
But he was notably absent. None of the three had noticed this until almost halfway through closing procedure since Solar was usually to himself about it. But his occasional muttering that was not there was weird not to hear at this point. It was unnerving not to hear it, hear him giving little chuckles when the known rowdy or rambunctious kids were on the list.
“Sun, have you seen Solar today?” Moon asked.
“No, why, have you?” Sun responded almost immediately, almost as if he’d been waiting for the question to be asked.
“Guys, if Solar’s missing or something, we’ve gotta find him. He’s our brother too!” Lunar told them from where he was just finished with the coloring pages and crayons.
“I agree. I have to patrol soon anyway, I’ll go look-“ Moon was cut off by the heavy daycare door being opened and a form collapsing on the ground. It was a barely recognizable figure but he still knew exactly who it was.
The collapsed heap on the floor was dripping water, blood, and oil. Their right arm entirely missing with wires exposed and fizzling still. Their hair was clumped and tangled with water and oil and blood and what looked suspiciously like acid of some kind.
Their back had two knives stuck into it still, their face sitting against the floor with their clumped hair shrouding it. Their clothes were waterlogged and bloody and oily. Moon could also visibly see that their leg had been broken in two places at minimum.
“What the-!” Lunar screeched, looking at the person in horror at their state. In truth, Moon was shaken by it too. He knew he’d have to fix it, but the sheer amount of injuries was horrific. He couldn’t imagine how they felt.
“S-Solar?” Moon asked, shakily kneeling by him and moving his hair off his face. Moon almost vomited at the sight. Solar’s right eye was hanging from it socket and he had a large stab wound in the other, which was fizzling with severed wires.
“Please, no more.” Solar had a fraction of his voice, his voice box sounded broken and crushed, actually. And it was letting out white and jarring sounds as he begged for an end to the torture that had already ended.
Moon could see the damage to it visibly. His throat had handprints on it, deep and bruised in already. It sent fire through him. He wasn’t scared anymore, he was absolutely livid. He gently held Solar’s remaining hand and he didn’t care that his hand got covered in liquids as he put his hand on Solar’s head and pet his hair as best he could.
“You’re okay. You’re safe, Solar.” Moon tried to assure him.
“Please, Crescent, stop!” Solar’s voice broke and whirred like gears and a few musical notes played in Solar’s distress. But the words had hit Moon harder than Solar’s panic.
Crescent? The same Crescent he’d ran away from? Moon felt a whirl of emotions as he got Solar into his arms as carefully as possible, avoiding the knives that would have to stay in for now. They hadn’t just basically allowed Solar to be tortured all day with their neglect to check on him, but they’d left him at the mercy of his abusive brother who had somehow managed to get through dimensions.
“That’s…Solar…” Sun’s horrified voice came from nearby and Moon nodded to tell him he was correct. Moon could hear Lunar throwing up into one of the trash cans.
Moon felt something before he saw it, having been touching Solar. It felt like jolts. Moon’s horror grew seeing Solar had a few sparks and glitches before Solar let out a scream, filled with glitches and whirs as a controlled shock wracked his body.
With his proximity and contact, Moon felt the volts of it and it made his endo ache with sparks but he refused to put him down. He refused to let his brother hurt alone. He tightened his grip to give Solar what comfort he could and held him until the shock ended.
Solar fizzled and jolted with aftershocks, his body twitching and his mouth leaking oil and blood at the toll the shock took on his already battered body. He didn’t deserve this but Crescent had decided he did for whatever reason.
“Sun, take care of Lunar. I need to fix him.” Moon told him and called his fly wire. The hallway to his room would be too long of a walk. So fly wire to get up to the balcony it was.
Moon was at this for hours, Sun and occasionally Lunar coming in to check on them. But finally Moon had fixed Solar as best he could.
Solar’s leg had been set, the endo fused on the breaks and plating put in to support it. His new ‘prosthetic’ arm was tuned successfully and connected properly to Solar’s wires and his systems. Moon had managed to replace Solar’s right eye but the wires in the left weren’t salvageable so he’d put in a spacer replacement eye until he found a way to fix the wires and replace the eye properly.
Moon was working on washing Solar’s hair and face off the blood and oil when Solar finally woke up from his temporary power off. Solar jolted up, fighting something Moon couldn’t see and screaming once he felt the water and washcloth on his face and protecting his head.
In a blind panic, Solar swiped at Moon’s arms and it caused him to drop the bowl of water he was holding onto the floor but Moon gently held Solar’s hands, shushing him and slowly calming him down.
“Don’t do that again! Please, Crescent, please!” Solar hiccuped.
“He’s not here, it’s okay. It’s me, it’s Moon. You’re safe, Solar.” Moon assured him, bringing him up to sit so Moon could hold him.
“I…I was so scared…” Solar’s voice broke and it made Moon’s heart ache.
“I’m so sorry, Solar. I’m sorry we weren’t there when you needed us. But Crescent will never hurt you again, I promise.” Moon assured him, rubbing his back.
“N-No water. No more water.” Solar sniffled.
“Why no water?” Moon asked. Then the realization dawned on him. The water in Solar’s artificial lungs that he’d had to siphon out. The way water had only doused Solar’s face and hair.
“He waterboarded me. Please no water.” Solar hiccuped.
“Okay, we’ll use the sanitizer station instead. That way there’s no water.” Moon assured him.
“Don’t leave.” Solar whispered.
“I’m not leaving. None of us are leaving you alone. Not until we get that asshole and make him pay.” Moon rubbed his back as he helped him up. Solar was shaky on his net fixed leg but Moon held his arms around him to support him relearning to use the limb properly.
Moon got him to the sanitizer station and went in with him since he wasn’t stable yet and let Solar hide against him as the machine beeped and filled the pod with sanitizer mist.
Solar trembled a little bit Moon made sure he was comfortable against him and pressed his head against Solar’s, tucking Solar’s face into his neck. The machine whirred and dropped down the machine that Moon carefully put Solar’s hair into for it to use steam and sanitizer to wash it out.
For how scared he’d been, Solar was being incredibly brave at the moment, letting the machine clean him without water while he clung to Moon. Once Solar was sanitized, Moon grabbed a towel once the machine stopped and wiped off Solar’s face softly, avoiding his mouth and nose so it wouldn’t send him into a panic again.
He wrapped the towel around Solar after and led him out, drying him off of the mist and more so hiding his body so Solar felt like he had the security of not being nude. Moon didn’t mind to see his siblings naked, but Solar was newly traumatized, Moon didn’t want to add another layer of stress to the situation.
“I have clothes for you in your room. Do you want me there or to help you?” Moon asked.
“I can do it.” Solar told him. “Stay outside?”
“Of course.” Moon agreed, leading him to his room and Moon stood outside waiting as Solar shakily closed over but didn’t shut the door.
“How is he?” Sun whispered.
“He’s alright now. I’m gonna kill Crescent and present Solar his head as a trophy. The damage was so extensive I had to replace most of his internals.” Moon whispered back.
“It was that bad? It didn’t look that bad…” Sun looked at the closed over door in confusion. Sun was right, it hadn’t looked as bad as it had been.
“A lot of blunt force trauma to his internals. His abdomen was beginning to swell by the time I found the bleeding because it was so full of oil and blood.” Moon sighed. Solar had been in such horrible condition, he was glad he’d had enough parts on hand to replace everything and his computer had been able to synthesize new parts and the prosthetics.
“Moon? Sun?” Solar asked, slowly opening the door. Thankfully he’d managed to get dressed successfully, and he hadn’t needed help. Moon was a bit proud, he thought it would take longer for Solar to accustom himself to his new eye and new arm.
“Hey, Sol.” Moon gently brought him in for a hug.
“I’m really hungry. Can I eat?” Solar asked.
“Yeah, I knew you would be. I replaced your stomach. I told Lunar to make something light so you don’t stress all the new internals.” Moon smiled. He would be happy for Solar. Protective more so than normal, but happy Solar was home and he was safe and recovering.
“What did he make, do you know?” Solar asked.
“Well, he knows your food sensitivities so he made smoothies and chicken and pasta soup for dinner, I think.” Sun piped up.
“I’ll have to thank him.” Solar gave a little smile as he let the twins lead him to the kitchen in the break room that was usually for the daycare kids but they used it as their own kitchen as well.
“You don’t need to thank anyone for anything, we’re your brothers. We love you and we want to see you healthy and happy. Doing these things for you like making you food or fixing you even are small in comparison to how much you mean to us.” Moon ruffled his hair and Solar couldn’t hold back the teary smile and Moon loved seeing him smile. Solar was such a hard-working sweetheart, it was nice to see him relax and be taken care of , especially after something so horrible happened to him.
“I hear my big brothers!” lunar called out.
“Yeah, you caught us.” Sun chuckled.
“Get those tall butts in here and get your food. I already fed the kitties too.” Solar gave a laugh as he pet one of the cats sitting on the far end of the counter.
“Hi Ratchet.” Sun greeted his cat.
“My god, his name is Ratchet?” Solar asked with a laugh.
“Well, there’s Ratchet, Hatchet, and Bubble.” Sun told him.
“Moon?” Solar asked for Moon’s attention.
“Yes?” Moon asked back with a little chuckle.
“We’re never letting Sun name a cat ever again.” Solar snorted.
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melsimps · 11 months
For @wolfjessedragon 's "Web of What If OC Search".
(And yes, this one is a lil bit wild at times...).
Alright now, from the top.
This is Tobias Tulper.
He's 15. And for the past year and a bit, he's been Denver, Colorado's one and only Spider-By-Proxy. From Earth 311619.
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He can shoot very thick webs (akin to rope, sturdier than the usual spider's webbing) and can create web-like portals if he focusses enough. It doesn't let him travel through time or dimension - but, it let's him fight crime easier.
He is also quite fast and agile - though, not as strong as the typical Spiderperson.
His powers come from a necklace he wears, containing an Eldritch being that gives him his powers.
A spider-themed god Called Araven (pronounced "ah rah venn") that can only do good through the use of a human vessel.
A proxy.
Like Tobias.
(Picture of Araven, for reference).
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He grew up with a single mother, and a twin brother (important for later...).
Toby is quite eccentric and can get out of hand. Which is why Araven and he butt heads at times.
(...he was also diagnosed with type 2 rapid cycling bipolar disorder after nearly throwing himself out a window, but details, details. It's okay, he's on meds now!).
Toby loves listening to music and hopes to be a radio host one day - he sometimes even listens to late night Bugle FM while he's trying to fight crime.
And one criminal in particular is his Scorpion...
His brother, Cody.
During one of their fights, he got so emotional that he accidentally tore off his brother's arm (not that he knew at the time).
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His brother has the amulet of the other insectoid deity - Silbara (pronounced "sil bar ah"), the scorpion god. He made his tail out of metal, and created his own prosthetic arm (which is a lot cooler now, tbh). His tail shoots a highly corrosive acid, given to him by Silbara.
Both boys are quite lanky, and have grown a little bit of facial hair (but Toby's hasn't come in as easily... which is why he wears the mask).
They're also both mamas boys (think: "Suite Life Zack and Cody" for their relationship with their mother).
And a final piece of info:
Their mother had the amulets before both of them. She was adored by both the gods - and had their sons.
But... it came with a price: she had to seal them away, and hide the necklaces she once wore with pride until their heirs rediscovered them on their own.
...at a dig site she was working on.
And Tobias and Codiak have no idea that their fathers are now so close to them. Nor why they feel so connected to these deities.
Anyway, yeah. This is Tobias Tulper, the Spider-By-Proxy of Earth 311619. A mamas boy with a love for chili and a... strained relationship with his brother.
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