#tw organ removal
team-enigma-official · 11 months
// This is an offscreen event that takes place 8/3/23 at 12AM
[When Orion waltzes into Grant's lab, its with a swagger in his step. He has the limp body of Simon, the Hoenn branch glitch researcher, hoisted over his shoulder like a trophy with a wide, triumphant grin on his face.
"Hey Graaaaannnttt~~ I'm HERE!" he calls into the lab cheerfully.
Grant stands very slowly as he walks to greet Orion. His glassy, vacant eyes seem to pass over Orion's bizarre, hybridized body with a slight air of distate.
But at least he seems to have gotten the job done.
"You were impressively quick about it." Grant says. His voice sounds dull and distant as he speaks, "Come in. Lay him down for me. I would like to complete a thorough inspection of the body."
Orion tilts his head, his wide grin never once leaving his face as he lays the body on the table.
"Of course, but just inspection first please. I'd like to…discuss a plan of action for his body with you, if that would be alright."
He grinned, looking over Simon.
"I'd like to…use him as a moral breaker on the night of their stupid little raid."
Grant raises an eyebrow. He slowly moves between Simon and Orion, placing a hand upon his eerily still chest.
"Actually." he says "I was hoping I could keep this particular specimin."
He has already pulled a pair of black, thick gloves over his hands.
"You see, I have been doing some research of my own. On a particular effect known as the ZZaZZ effect. It is rare that a victim of this effect should remain intact for this long without starting to break down and lose its form."
He glances at Orion. The tension is rising.
"I can certainly return the body to you once I am done."
At this Orion slides easily between the two, bumping Grant out of the way. He scoops Simon up and does a light twirl out of Grant's reach.
"Noooo deal~ Either we can find some sort of compromise with what to do with Simon's body, or I'll just keep him for myself."
Grant's eyes flash with rage for just a moment, but he maintains his composure. It takes him only a second more to bite back his frustration.
"Alright, a compromise." He says, stepping forward, "I've seen your work on other bodies before. Perhaps you would like to prepare it here. That way I can observe."
Orion flashes a cheeky smile. He turns and hums lightly to himself as he lays Simon on the table and straps him down, inserting another needle into one of his veins.
"Now this one will be…much slower than my typical work. After all, Simon is not a typical patient."
The plunger is pushed down, and the liquid enters Simon's veins.
"Now, I'd like to…prolong his body for research. This is a simple preservative. I know how it appears, how it should present, and how it should act in…normal corpses."
Orion stood back up.
"But he's not normal, is he?"
He glanced over at the missing arm, then frowned.
"It's…hard to admit this, after everything I've put you through, and I am sorely tempted to tease you still, but…I'm sorry I've…been so blind to the truth that I treated you like an enemy. I should have known better. I should have treated you better. For that, I am sorry."
Grant tilts his head, and seems to laugh just a little. He approaches, his hands clasped behind his back. He seems to be holding something close. Something small, easy to conceal in the palm of his black gloved hand.
"You know Orion," he says "I've always admired your work. I'm glad you could at last see this my way."
"Of course. I think it was. Ah. What was it you said? Something about wasted potential? That snapped me out of it. You aren't APPREHENSIVE about me like they were. And that made me realize…"
Orion rummages to find a scalpel and turns, holding it up to the light. It glints against the cold emptiness of Grant's eyes.
"They were just trying to keep me in line."
"Yes they are very good at that, aren't they?" He asks with a chuckle, "Good at making themselves a nuisance, and remaining in the way."
Orion hums as he plucks a few vials from the counter and approaches Simon. He drags it slowly along his arm, and the blood that spills out flickers lightly with ambient static. He fills at least three vials with it before doing the same with his own arm. A comparison to make for later. Grant is already raising an eyebrow.
"Postmortem Bleeding." Orion states without further explanation as he stitches the wound back up.
Grant approaches slowly, the expression on his face never changing as he observes him, regarding his handiwork.
"I should like to observe the heart, I believe." He says, "Victims of this kind of effect do not produce a detectable heartbeat. I should like to examine it to determine if the organ itself is impacted"
"You would like to observe, yes?" Orion looks a little terse at this. A touch annoyed by his utterly nosy observer.
"Then allow me to do the handling of the organ."
He removes the glitch researcher's lab coat and shirt, tracing lines in the air before making the first cut. The line started just below the throat, to just above the belly button, then across the chest.
He holds out a hand.
"Pins. I need to pin this open."
Grant approaches with a handful and his grin tightens.
"You're so careful, Orion." He notes, "but surely you wanted to get to seeing the rest of the lab? Surely there isn't much need to be so gentle."
Orion's smile never wavers. He reaches into the glitch scientist's exposed chest and scoops the heart into his hand, running a thumb over it gently.
"Ah, but you see, people are a dime a dozen but this…this is. Special."
He grinned.
"Besides…I'd like to extend this. Really…savor my victory over the man that had the wool over my eyes for so long. That did…"
He held up his free arm, the static blood running down it.
"This to me."
He pauses, and after a moment goes to place the heart back into its proper position.
"Though, I suppose we could put a…pin in this. A little after tour treat, hm."
He laughs, rubbing together his bloodied fingers, feeling the crackle of the static upon them. Grant meets his eyes. There is a cold look in them, still aloof, still vacant....
But somehow the spark in them is still slightly deranged.
"I agree. I would like to show you my facilities. Though, before we go," He motions to the body on the table once more,
"I want you to prove to me your authenticity." He says, "Cut out the heart. And I will give you all the time in the lab you wish."
Orion laughs again. No hint of horror on his face. But there IS a pause. A halt, as if in contemplation.
"Ah, a man of culture, I see. However. If you're looking for proof of his demise, then look no further."
He pulls up the a video, but as he does, the lights begin to flicker. At once all the lights go out in the Silph Co basement.
Grant growls, his face contorting with rage.
"What the hell is going on?" He growls.
He stalks out of the lab room, looking flustered as he searches for a cause for the sudden power surge. It is pitch black in the basement now. No emergency lighting can be seen. Nothing.
The moment Grant leaves Orion heaves a sigh of relief. He signals Jello, his Solosis, to teleport Simon out of the room, back to his lab, and starts off down the hall to gather all the information he can. His eyes scan the halls, furiously memorizing every detail he could catch while he had the time. He makes note of security cameras, entryways, alcoves, hiding spots, exits, and of course, the quickest route from the elevators to the lab.
But as he rounds a corner he can hear a rage filled shout echoing down the hall from Grant's lab.
That was his cue. Orion turns and darts back towards the entryway, tearing through the halls swiftly, frantically. He weaved in and out of rooms to make mental notes of their positioning, taking note of everything he sees and as he approaches the elevator.
The emergency lights blink on. And Grant is standing there bathed in the eerie orange light, with the coin case raised above his head, his eyes wild. There is a flash as he opens it, for a moment the entire floor experiences a shift.
And from out of the pocket of space and time created a massive lurching creature bursts out and shakes the foundations of Silph.
Not a creature.
A paw. Just a paw.
It is large enough to fill the entire hall way from bottom to top, and leaves cracks along the walls where it's mass presses against them. The entire floor is shaking, vibrating. Grant's face looks blanched, even in the red, raw light. He turns and struggles to close the coin case as Orion sends out a distress call.
His solosis, Jello, appears in a flash, and just as quickly, the two are gone.
And Grant is left alone.
Bathed in red.
Trembling with rage.]
Part 1 here
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ravenkings · 1 year
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if you hate this Thing, then the Thing you hate is actually just the female form
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devious-crow · 1 year
// 🚩🚩tw gore & organ removal, graphic, nightmare description
so i had a dream today... it doesn't matter the overall theme, it was incoherent mostly as usual these days... but I think i was either streaming or watching a stream. and it was really important. and at some point I spent so long doing the thing my eyes and brain gave out. so I went blind and could barely hear or feel anything. complete darkness. and i stood up, searched with my hands around the house, for some reason we had professional tools for surgery and some magic glue and literally we had some organs in the fridge in the containers. so I took my eyes out with both of my hands and then took my brain out. with my bare hands. god
and i replaced them. and it worked. then I talked abt this to everybody and i felt like a freak of nature but yet quite cool to have done it myself. everyone was terrifyed and disgusted. I felt really uncomfortable even in my dream and i felt like there's something wrong with me
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cyberramble · 2 years
Octopus's Organs
Day 1; Dissection (Remus)
(TWs - Dissection, organ removal, unsympathetic!Patton, blood)
The intrusive side stumbled towards the kitchen, he wanted to bother someone and realised he hasn't bothered the moral side in a while. Steam hit Remus's face as soon as he swung the kitchen door open, he wafted a hand infront of his eyes so he could see a little clearer and so he could lock eyes on his target. He skipped over to Patton, grabbing xyr shoulders to which xe responded with a surprised squeak. The moral side almost lashed around, "Remus! What a pleasant surprise." Patton hesitated out.
"Well daddio-" Remus tried, only to be cut off by Patton. "Could you try this? It's what I'm going to be making for dinner tomorrow but this is a test run since I've never cooked it before." Patton asked, pushing out a dish towards the intrusive man's chest. Remus greedily accepted it, always one to love food, disgusting or not. He was ushered out by Patton and to the dining table where he put down the dish and ate, it was xyr normal cooking really, plain to him but that's because his favourite food is deodorant. Drowsiness suddenly kicked in, he got his usual amount of sleep and he's never felt this tired this quickly before?
Remus fought off tiredness unsuccessfully, the dish from under him slipped away before his head hit the table. Conscience quickly dropping out of his hands.
Sometime later
Remus's eyes jolted open, trying to heave himself up only to be held down in multiple places and choked by a restraint. His back hit the metal table, sending a freezing feeling into his bones. "Oh! You're awake, you're probably wondering why you're here, well-" Patton was speaking but Remus already blocked xem out, struggling at what he found to be leather restraints then he was uncomfortably aware of how nude he was.
Something blunt hit him in the side of his head, focusing his attention back on Patton who started rambling again. A sharp glint caught Remus's eye. Speaking of sharp, the shine was coming from a scalpel clenched in Patton's left hand, the sight spread dread through his nerves.
He couldn't hear Patton talking anymore, why isn't xe talking, why is xe approaching?! Dread turned into pure fear. Remus tries to shout for xem to get away, get away! but muffled by rope, not leather this time. Patton's right hand landed on the side of his stomach, stretching his skin a bit. It was odd, even xyr hand wasn't warm. Remus was distracted from his thoughts as the cold chill of the scalpel hit his stomach.
The sting of a simple cut didn't hit him until the scalpel dug in again, digging deeper into his body. It dragged upwards, the sound of ripping being the only non-human sound in the room, though it was masked by Remus's muffled shouts of pain. Burning pain spread across his torso, xe dug into Remus again two times, once at the top of the incision and once at the bottom of it.
Patton's fingers tapped at the middle of the main cut and shoved them through it, xe scissored xyr finger until a small, accessible hole was made. Putting the scalpel down, xe put xyr other fingers in the hole and pulled at the skin flaps, causing Remus to scream in agony. He didn't like crying in front of people but this had to be an exception.
Remus didn't know when he closed his eyes but when he opened them, he saw pure amazement and excitement in Patton's eyes. He doesn't know of that or the fact he was being kept alive by being hooked up to an adrenaline machine. As Patton got giddy at the fact xe'll be keeping actual organs, xyr work got sloppy so the torturous feeling of his organs being cut out got so much worse. He was forced to watch as Patton put said organs in jars (with preservatives in them) and labelled them.
His heart was last to go. It was an agonising last few second that felt like they were an hour long each.
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pmpwbrrs · 2 months
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Artificial heart
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3 thousand versions be upon ye
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this is the only thing Cosmo isn't ok with btw. Like??? there is so much other stuff going on in USC my guy and the skin jacket is the hill you're gonna die on?
anyways hydra made this a while ago before they were hired, and they love it so much it's the worst. it's so bloody despite numerous cleanings and they keep trying to convince people they like to wear it.
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scattered-winter · 10 months
(cheerfully but 100% serious) ah. fuck my entire life
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bravevolunteer · 6 months
what if we kissed on the wiki page for disembowelment
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scrb1a · 5 months
Midnight in the experimental surgery room. You're surrounded by failed experiments, and you think you've never learned how to love.
In front of you stands a woman who wanted all the fat in her body to be removed. Your team had taken a scalpel all the way down her stomach and peeled the skin off slowly to show the bone. They took little syringes and sucked the fat out of her as the life support drained faster than they could do anything about. Now, she lies cold-fleshed on the counter, and you think you've never learned how to love.
She loved. You wonder how it felt.
When the woman came into the clinic she said, kill me. Make me thin or kill me. Her husband had gone off with a younger, slimmer version of her, and she had laid for the past eighteen nights and days face down on her bed waiting for the fat to be sawed off the bone. She said, I don't care if you have to remove my whole skeleton to get it out. I don't care if you have to transplant my brain and my whole consciousness into someone thinner. I need to be beautiful.
Curiosity comes faster than you can stop it, and suddenly you're plunging your gloved fingertips into the cadaver, and winding round the sawed out ribs to find something warm, and bloody.
You hold the heart in your hands. You watch as you lift it out of the thoracic cavity, the spiderweb veins snap, snap, snapping, left tattered on the floor like an abandoned embroidery project. The thing beats slower and slower out of the flesh, and you can feel it squirm and die.
You turn it, soft, in your hands. The superior vena cava remains tethered to her peeled back body like an umbilical cord; the blood covers your white gloves like amniotic fluid.
As you examine the muscle, you expect there to be a little chip or a scar or something where her husband used to be. The thing is smooth, untouched, solid as a stone. You think of carving the name in yourself. A reminder. You think of mailing it to her home address and her husband opening the package and knowing it was his wife's, feeling the misplaced love finally swoon out of him. 
You think of things like this most days. All the women coming into the clinic sobbing, I don’t know if they love me, offering their bodies out to you on a silver platter. All the times you say, there’s a very small chance of survival. All the times they reply, I don’t care. Every single cut too far into their flesh, all their own Icarus. 
Nobody seems to learn. You never learned how to love.
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ombrathefurry · 6 months
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Frog dissection in class made me feel things
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yay-depression · 6 months
it is so silly when ppl are like “transitioning as an adult should be restricted/illegal because it’s not medically necessary and the results are permanent!” bc like… we do so many things in modern medicine that aren’t strictly necessary & have permanent outcomes and yet… we do them.
my mom went in for a voluntary corrective knee surgery to remove part of her knee. my dad didn’t need to have his stomach removed, he chose to do that. there’s a content creator called footlessjo who chose to have a below the knee amputation. people everywhere ask their doctors for gastric sleeve surgeries, or corrective eye surgery. not to mention almost of these surgeries have a higher regret rate than transitioning.
if we only did medical procedures or treatments when people were dying the quality of life for everyone would go down. if we trust other adults to make permanent decisions regarding things like whether they should keep an organ or a limb, then there’s no reason not to trust trans people who want to medically transition.
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ryanthedemiboy · 7 months
Petiton for surgeons to always prescribe at least a few days of good painkillers after a surgery.
Nobody should ever be told to take Tylenol or ibuprofen only following surgery, with no other option.
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ihearnocomplaints · 10 months
I have been listening to This Song on repeat today.
I honestly can’t tell if the DCA would play this for someone or if someone would play it for the DCA but it just really makes me think of them.
In my feels today, boys (gender neutral)
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deathzy · 1 year
(tw gore and stuff)
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[u1146 without his hat tearing up cause his heart that fell out isnt working anymore]
idk funny stuff
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mickstart · 2 years
-loki "I have been falling for 30 minutes" voice- I have been bleeding. For 39 DAYS!!!
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wounddread · 2 years
with all disrespect, what the fuck's wrong with your brother
He's. Ugh. My mom has never disciplined him for his behavior and he's just literally always been mean, even as a toddler. Always. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and he constantly abuses us and my mom just lets it happen. Then she comes to me crying about the way he treats her all "I don't know why he's like this :((( do you think he loves me :((((("
It's totally maddening because ughhhh when he hurts me (I'm disabled, I have cancer, I am very ill and getting progressively worse) and I tell my mom she's just like "I don't know what you expect me to do about it." Like cool. Awesome. Or she blames me for it. My brother broke my rib about 2 months ago because he stole my game and I asked him to give it back so he beat me up and my mom was like "omg it's okay (brother's name) you don't have to do that I'll buy you your own game" and that is literally THE MOST she's ever done in my defense.
My living situation just literally sucks 💕💕💕
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