#tw: suicide implications
immoonprincess · 6 months
Kiss of the Undead
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2hu Bizarre Adventure Part 6 Episode 6
Bed by greyfox5000 https://www.deviantart.com/grayfox5000/art/Walfas-Custom-Single-Bed-335624547
Arms by ShinKong https://www.deviantart.com/shinkong/art/Walfas-Props-Adjustable-Rate-Mortgages-Remade-658286558
Stairs by Midian-P https://www.deviantart.com/midian-p/art/Walfas-Commission-Prison-Tower-Interior-pack-736967260
Cuts by Eeveeheart151 https://www.deviantart.com/walfasarchives/art/Walfas-Custom-Eeveeheart151-s-Fandiservice-Pack-845996592
Scene: to Ermes (Yoshika) side
ps, What's on Yoshika's Head isn't amulet, it's actually Seals. It's a mistake on my part
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bamsara · 4 months
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theatre-apocalypse · 8 months
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Sharing my “Paul has MDD” propaganda.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
To those of you who feel lost because you never imagined being around on earth for this long: I see you. You are doing amazing - spectacular, honestly, and I mean that in the most beauiful way. I know how hard it is to feel like this, just know that it can be okay. Please be gentle with yourself. It's okay to feel lost - it's okay to be lost. There doesn't have to be a set "plan" for your life, just be here with us.
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tangledinink · 1 year
So. Leo and Donnie grew up under Big Mama's care to eventually become the infamous Gemini in the Battle Nexus... And Mikey has been raised by Baron Draxum to fulfill the prophecy... Well, where's Raph?
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(treasure of the shrine) (tireless devotee) (pledged martyr)
enter -> raphael, child of the foot clan
raph grew up under the protective eye of the foot, raised on endless tales of the clan's grand mission and the essential role he would play in it. his value was very clear from the moment he came into the clan's possession as an infant, given the inherent, powerful mystical energy already laying dormant inside him. though he cannot wield any magick himself, he often spends long hours meditating in the clan's shrine, bathing in mystic energy, awaiting the day he can don the dark armor and awaken their master shredder with his life force. as per clan tradition, he was never given a name and is instead officially referred to by his title-- oblation.
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though he is just as devoted to his ninja training as any other clan recruit, his future role makes him far too valuable to be sent on missions or risk combat. in fact, he very rarely leaves the safety of shredder's shrine. this doesn't bother oblation, however. he is perfectly content in his role, and proud of what his anticipated sacrifice will achieve. his faith and trust in the clan are absolute and unwavering. however...
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though small children are rarely recruited by the clan, there was one other. recruit calls oblation "obby." and obby calls her "cru." they met when obby was nine and cru was ten and have been inseparable ever since, training side by side. though obby is technically considered a higher rank than her, neither of them have achieved full clan membership yet. obby will not earn his place until he completes his one and only mission, and one that he will do entirely on his own-- bring forth the shredder.
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(and recruit is loyal. recruit believes fully in the clan's divine mission. recruit will give whatever the foot asks of her. but as obby's promised sacrifice looms ever closer, she finds herself harboring more and more doubt.)
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zeb-z · 6 months
There’s something so important about Gillion - who never heals himself, who rushes into danger, who hides his wounds- facing death and realizing he isn’t unafraid as he was raised to be. He uses his magic on himself to help with the exhaustion, to keep his life intact. And still he tries to comfort Jay and Chip while he’s coherent, being realistic about his chances but refusing to make it painful. Wanting their possible last moments to be light, to be about seemingly inconsequential things, small favorites that still mean the world to him purely because they’re Chip and Jay’s favorites. And then when all is said and done, he makes a raccoon for Jay. He talks about raspberries for Chip. He uses his last saved up arcane energy to try desperately to stay awake, and it works, and it saves him in the final hour.
It’s just. There’s something about how he hasn’t had a chance to rest since the Feywild, really, truly rest. How this whole time he’s been down on himself and taking extreme risks. And now, at what might be the end of it all, he realizes he doesn’t want to die. He wants to live. And not to be able to save others, not to fulfill his destiny, not out of obligation to anyone else - but purely for himself. For all the little things. And though it’s not quite healing in the literal term, his nearly final act was spent trying to save himself - and it worked.
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carriondell · 1 month
if ghost got stuck in a timeloop with you he'd sacrifice himself for you every time even as it becomes increasingly likelier that letting you die and moving on is the way out. when you die before him he massacres your killers then immediately resets the timeloop. it'll work eventually.
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transmasccofee · 10 months
saiki k is absolutely a comedy it’s just that it has an air of underlying tragedy to it and also sometimes Asou gets randomly overtaken with the desire to make his characters miserable
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laniemae · 24 days
An analysis on Yuno and Mikoto parallels with their mindsets and story
TW for: prostitution, pregnancy, implied SA, suicide
This was originally intended to be a reblog but this got way too long so I just decided I’d make it into a full post so yeah.
To get straight into it, they definitely both have themes of normalcy and essentially “growing up too fast” and wanting to become independent earlier on in life. And essentially faking a lot about their identities for other people. As with Yuno’s personas she puts up for other people, especially with the line
“What type of girl do you like? I want to become like that, but that's probably too hard for me”
And how in her first VD es mentions that she essentially conforms her personality to fit with es and to specifically push their buttons and stuff, almost like a game with her overwhelming sense of boredom and emptiness. So she tends to try and fill this by taking traits of other people and adapting to them.
This is also very similar with Mikoto. As he is a person who prioritises being acceptable and pleasing to people over all else. Essentially having crafted this “normal happy sociable guy” persona. Unlike Yuno though, who more so adjusts herself to fit with a specific person she’s talking to, Mikoto tries to adjust himself to fit with everyone. And both because of this and their unstable identities, have troubles forming proper relationships and friendships with other people because of that and tend to isolate themselves because of that, knowingly or not. To talk with people casually and be an acceptable person, but not get too close to someone who could be a friend, and keep people at an arms length.
To me this one timeline conversation perfectly sums up these parallels between them
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Interestingly enough a part where they conflict in these ideologies is their “self respect” (I don’t know how to word it). Like in trial 2 Yuno detested how she was treated as some naive child after everything. Like she was “abnormal” and because of this was babied and pitied for her behaviour despite everything saying otherwise. And in response to this Yuno feel back into her more default apathetic state, being grossed out by how she has been viewed and even though she may change parts of her identity to fit with people, she still has a respect to self where she knows what she’s not and the way she’s viewed with others. (Idk if this makes sense as it was kinda hard to word as she doesn’t have a stable sense of identity that much but knows how to uphold it which is contradictory but is basically what is happening?)
With Mikoto though, he lacks a stable sense of identity both as a person and how to respect and h uphold it, unlike Yuno. Mikoto essentially allows people to treat him however they want no matter how they view him or if they hurt him, as for him fighting back will only get him hurt more. Even with more negative perception by others he doesn’t uphold himself and fight back, as with being unforgiven in trial 1 Mikoto expressed his suffering after everything he’s been through, but never actually fought back in any way from being voted guilty or truly attempted not be judged that way again. He accepted how that happened to him and like as I said, he believes if he fights back that would only get him more hurt.
It’s not only their mindsets and stuff I’ve also noticed a ton of story parallels and stuff. A major connection between both of their stories are the presence of a foreign entity inside, with Yuno being a fetus and Mikoto being an alter(s). And also the themes of body vs mind that come with this.
Yuno, a theory I’ve been thinking about is that originally she engaged in prostitution as something to “fill her with warmth” as an unhealthy coping mechanism to her constant feeling of emptiness and never being full or satisfied with anything in her life. Essentially with this happening and stuff she ended up getting pregnant, and I don’t believe she actually hated it at first. And perhaps there was some sort of fulfilling comfort to carrying and her body nurturing some foreign entity. I especially think this with the lyrics 
“Just the two of us, I feel a little tingle inside
Our love links us together
Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away
Let's reload the warmth”
Which perhaps is not her talking about her clients, but rather the fetus and the sort of comforting presence it may have bought her. But as things went by Yuno probably lost this feeling as both her physical and mental health deteriorated and that’s probably why the lyrics changed to
“Just the two of us I finally found it
The lies are endless
Just me alone, it really is lonely
Let's reload the warmth”
It definitely seems like with this change things got incredibly desperate for Yuno. As with the theory she threw herself down the stairs to abort herself, such an action would’ve been incredibly dangerous and could’ve killed her, and perhaps there was suicidal intent in this action as well. And Yuno being in a mixed state of apathy and confliction after this event, as in the first voice trailer the distorted line just had her saying “ugh…”.
Now what does this have to do with Mikoto? It actually makes a lot of sense if you compare the stories and such. Essentially like Yuno carrying a fetus, Mikoto has alter(s) and such, again a foreign entity separate from one’s self, but with Yuno it’s a body without a mind and with Mikoto it’s a mind sharing a body. With Yuno, perhaps the idea of something like that comforted her of never being alone, but we know with Mikoto he’s absolutely horrified of not being the only person in his mind. I think I’ll have to look more at John here. As he more so feels comfortable with the “not being alone” thing, sort of. With John the idea of being alongside Mikoto has devolved into an obsession, dedicating his entire existence to him and Mikoto being the only source of comfort to him despite how painful his life has been. With it essentially being the only thing keeping him together, and if something happened to Mikoto, John would lose the only sense of comfort he’s ever had. And with the whole themes of “discarding the foreign entity”, there’s a theory I have discussed in the past about John perhaps having repressed the other alters/fragments in a way which could be considered murder, but a murder of the mind and not of the body. What makes me believe this happened is from the line in the 2nd trial teaser trailer.
“Aughh! You're all so fucking loud! I'II beat you to death, you pieces of shit!”
Since it’s very obvious that John did not kill a bunch of random people who annoyed him as he claimed on neoplasm. The only thing that could make sense from this is that is that this is him being frightened and overwhelmed by the voices of the other alters perhaps. And this is what essentially drove him to repress them, hence the symbolism of the mannequins inside the train. Also another motivation for this is that John was likely afraid that they would all hurt Mikoto, especially with the line
“Just the two of us, relieved aren’t you?”
Implying he believes Mikoto should be comfortable with it only being him and John, again with the theming of comfort and foreign entities.
So essentially if my theories are true then these stories heavily parallel each other as well as their mindsets as discussed earlier. And even with these themes there is a ton of symbolism that connects them. As interestingly enough both Mikoto and Yuno use the phrase “futari bochi/just the two of us” in this context, and when 009 says it it shows a close up of his stomach. Which ties into multiple pregnancy/childbirth motifs in his story. Especially the line “me, the newborn other you” with “産声をあげ” which can mean being born/giving birth, and also the cry of a newborn baby. And when translated literally can also mean “the other me who gave birth” iirc. And as well as the children’s cries in the scene with his mother gives huge parallels to Yuno’s story with also having themes of pregnancy to the point there is no way this could be just a coincidence.
And as well as this also brings up the themes of sexualisation in their stories especially paired with them both having childbirth symbolism and stuff. Yuno, we already know, she was a prostitute and that’s how it all happened. But with Mikoto there’s a ton of sexual/fanservice scenes in MeMe, constantly showing him shirtless or in very revealing situations with what we currently know about his story makes absolutely no sense. This makes me think about how the characters are portrayed in their MVs are a reflection of how they view themselves. And with Yuno, despite her being a prostitute and wearing a lingerie esq outfit for the majority of Tear Drop, she never actually sexualises herself or has the camera have any hots for her. This makes sense with what we’ve known, as Yuno only really did this as an attempted to fell warm inside and not constantly empty, so it makes sense she wouldn’t give that much attention to her body. But this is the opposite with Mikoto, who because of how he’s portrayed in MeMe definitely seems to heavily sexualise himself, for whatever reason. But with John he doesn’t have the same mindset as Mikoto so with Double being from his perspective he views himself more normally. And if we go back the themes of pregnancy and stuff. A really horrifying implication about Mikoto emerges where something could’ve happened to him in a way that made him sexualise himself out of trauma. And John, with all the newborn symbolism around him, could essentially be a representative of a baby from that. Which I’ll have to stop talking about here which I really don’t want to get any further into that territory as it’s really sad. But again I mentioned due to parallels with Yuno of if that means essentially a foreign entity emerged from misconduct resulted trauma, even if in Yuno’s case it may be different. I’m sorry for talking about this it’s just what seems to be implied.
So that’s essentially what I can think of from the top of my head of parallels between their mindset and stories. With the themes of a foreign entity and the comfort/discomfort born from that and the eventual discarding of it. And the themes of body vs mind as well as their unstable identities and how they adjust to other people.
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priestess-draws · 8 months
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Chugging poison, promised land
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syscultureis · 4 months
Plural culture is the host getting extremely suicidal, so a bunch of us band together to keep them from actually doing it. HERE'S TO LIVING, FUCKER! YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE, BECAUSE WE CARE!
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sexocomandroidsem2025 · 3 months
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people help the people
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mynamesnotdahlia · 10 months
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something i word vomited to my fiancé i think simonheads might like to see
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hecateisalesbian · 11 months
“Did you see the way that little girl looked at me…? Kids. Little kids. They grew up believing that they can be a hero if they drive a sword into the heart of anything different. And I’m the monster? …I don’t know what’s scarier. The fact that everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart. Or that sometimes…
I just wanna let them.”
-Nimona (2023)
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Like obviously the whole "they're just doing [x] for attention!" is completely asinine because humans are social creatures who need attention to some capacity, but also... in your narrative, does everybody do things specifically for your attention? When somebody does something drastic or shocking, is it not because they're desperate for help but just because they crave your attention specifically? Does the sun rise and set at your command as well?
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vortexclu8 · 3 months
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submitted by chiaroscuro0422
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