#tw: witch burning
Burn The Witch(David’s and Wraith’s background)
“Burn the witch!” 
Screams and shouts filled the crisp night air, the only thing giving light was the moon and the torches that the towns folk carried.
They were on a hunt, like lions after a sheep. 
Nathan knew that he had been running long enough. His lungs had been screaming at him, his bones aching with the movements... muscles on fire. And then, they found him. 
He got grabbed, their grips sure to leave bruises against his skin, “Let me go” he snaps, trying to tug his arms away, “Release me, idiots! I am not a witch!” He felt a sting in his skin on his cheek, his head snapping one way. His dark hair falling down over his face. It had long ago fallen out of the style he normally kept it in.
A villager smacked him.
They started to drag him away, ignoring his shouts and the way he was kicking his legs. “I am not a witch! I swear, let me go” 
It all started years ago, when two children born to a human mother looked so different. One was a light skinned baby, freckles covering his cheeks and a head full of nice blonde hair. His eyes were the most beautiful golden color. And then... his brother.
Pale skin, purple eyes, and the deepest of black hair. It looked like ink had been used to color it. 
From a young age, they were treated differently. People enjoyed David; they saw him as a golden child while Nathan was treated worse. Ever since they were born, things had started to change, more animals dying and sicknesses getting worse. People blamed Nathan. 
It was all coming to a close now. 
Nathan was tied to the pole, sticks and wood under him. He struggles against the ropes, digging and cutting into his skin like little knives. 
“No!” David, his brother, tried to run forward but he was held back, his golden hair shining in the flames around him. To the villagers, he most likely looked beautiful, “Let him go, he’s telling the truth I... I’m the witch! It’s me, let my brother go. Burn me instead” he begged. They didn’t believe him. 
David was the golden child.
He was the perfect one. 
Nathan was the wicked one. The one that brought death. 
The people were shouting, yelling for the witch to be burned. The air felt so cold yet too hot. Nathan looks out at the people that he knew his whole life... the ones that he thought would protect him. They were supposed to be his friends, his townmates. 
They were going to be the ones to kill him... 
His eyes met with his brothers, tears filling the twins eyes as they looked at each other, then David turns, running off. Good... Nathan didn’t want David to have to see this. 
He looks down at the ground, his feet not touching it. This really was the end. 
The people threw their torches, landing in the objects under him. They quickly caught fire and Nathan’s mind rushed with different thoughts. He felt so angry. His body was filled with rage, more than he had felt in such a long time. 
“You are all making a mistake” he hisses through clenched teeth, then lifts his head, “All of you! You’re the monsters here, you all deserve to be here instead of me” He spat out the words like they were venom, “you all deserve to die!”
His shouts and yells were drowned out by the voices around him, and then his screams got louder than their own. The flames licking at his body, climbing up his body and the pain was worse than anything he’s felt before.
Could they have really thought he was a witch because of the sicknesses spreading? He had been born at the wrong time, it seemed.
Then everything went dark.
David sat in his house, holding his bloodied hand down on the paper. His blood soaked through it easily, pain shooting up his arm but he didn't care. He knew what he needed to do, even if he also knew that it was SO against the rules of everything that he decided to do.
The screams, however faint, slowly went quiet and then he started to hear other sounds. Shouts, and then... the screams of the villagers. His breath hitches in his chest, looking at the door with big eyes and he slowly walks over, cracking the door open a little. Darkness. The fire had gone out it seemed, the only light given by the moon, and from what he could see... nothing good was happening.
Blood splattered on the ground in front of him, and he felt his stomach roll. Oh no.
Slowly he steps out, feeling the dirt shift under his foot, blood most likely staining the bottom of his boots. He could feel the wetness... ugh.
Did the spell work? It should have worked! The screams have gone quiet, the only sounds were the wind and a soft dripping. He was scared to see what that could have been.
"What did you do?"
He flinches away, hearing the voice, and he turns his head quickly. In the shadows by him there were a pair of eyes, staring at him.
"What... I had to do" he says, and steps closer, "What did you do? What happened to the town people?"
“I did what I had to do” and a misty looking hand slowly came out of the shadows, looking like it was shaking. David slowly reaches out, taking the hand into his own. It was so cold. He pulls his brother close, nuzzling into the hand soft sobs slipping out, “I’m so sorry...” he chokes out. 
This was all his fault.
By the end of that night, David and his brother left the town in which they were raised. David tried to not look around at anything, just collected food from their house and others, and some clothing then they left together. 
Nathan gave up his old name... he was Wraith now, and David was the only one able to see him at the time. 
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Saving A Holy Maiden (open rp)
May 30, 1431
Jeanne was to be put to death that day. She was betrayed, being brought to be burned at the stake, being called "a witch" by many. All she did was fight for France, her home, against her enemies. She had traded her ordinary farm life away to fight. What did she get in return?
She was now chained up to the stake as she held onto the cross given to her. She closed her eyes as the flames started at the bottom of her feet. She was praying, trying to block out any noises such as the crackling flames or the priest's speech. Even though she would die here because of her belief, she had no regrets. She was glad she made her decision to protect the ones she loved, even if she got betrayed later.
There may be a chance to actually save her life, you know? Will you save her on time, or will the flames consume her? There's not a lot of time to waste.
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Scenes from the Spanish Inquisition – Gabriel Ferrier // Which Witch – Florence + the Machine
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dashintrash · 1 year
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I've been debating on posting this, cause I don’t really like how it turned out... anyway I was really inspired to draw Charlie comforting Lime cause of this Metric song (it reminds me of how Charlie views Lime a lot)
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one-cherry · 2 years
Hi dudes! So I've been rewatching/thinkin about some old short faves that I feel like don't get enough attention so I thought I'd rec some anime if anyone's looking for somethin good to watch and why.
Dororo (2019) - 1 season
Criminally underrated. Literally only one season so you should watch it. It's got Demon Slayer vibes so if you like that, I'd give it a try.
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Hellsing Ultimate (2006) - 1 season
Tbh I didn't really like it until I forced myself to watch the whole thing. It's got a funky animation style but the characters are really unique and it's a fun watch. Plus Universal Studios made it for some reason??? Also VERY gory tho just a warning.
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Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (2016) - 1 season + movie
I will fight for this one til my grave. I don't pick favorites. Nevermind I do. It's this one. It's like Attack on Titan except on a train. Never had a show where I've liked every single character. Except Mumei she sucks.
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Death Parade (2015) - 1 season
It's cute and sad. Plus it's got a mystery.
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Burn the Witch (2020)
Literally like 3 eps. How can you not watch it? I've seen this spike a little bit on Tumblr. But not near as much as it should. Made by the same guy who created Bleach.
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Ghost Stories Dub (2001) - 1 season
Ok this show is terrible in every possible way. Very offensive but also very hilarious. I think what happened is basically it tanked in Japan so they just gave it to an American dub studio and said do whatever you want. So it doesn't follow the original dialog. Even better that way tho.
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Fate/Zero (2011) - 2 Seasons
Ok I know the Fate saga is really popular but also like, noone talks about it??? I haven't watched all of them because the watch order is confusing af but this one is a prequel so it can stand on its own. Good characters overall.
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Vinland Saga (2019) - 1 Season Cont.
Again popular but also not popular? It's a good one to watch if you wanna dip your toes into anime without just jumping full on into the weird shows 😂 Plus season 2 is coming soon! 🥳
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Ok that's all I got so far. I'll add more if I think any or please comment some recs too! Peace out ✌️
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newtafterdark · 1 year
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Hmmm... what if it's 2023 and I make another VTM OC but it's a Nos' this time? 👀
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mycotoxin · 9 months
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This post is hilarious when you remember how common it is for TERFs to compare themselves to women executed for witchcraft just because someone got upset at their twitter discourse.
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arctichotch · 2 years
deppstains claim that people advocating for amber heard are a “disgrace to feminism” as if feminism means you should support a violently misogynistic man while simultaneously treating a woman with such sick misogyny for speaking up against that man for 6 whole years
these people make me physically ill
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I do not quite like the whole 'Philip would not actually be prejudiced or xenophobic aside from the witch stuff' and such.
Like, I can buy him being progressive in some ways for the time, he seems pretty open minded about science and such for example.
But...well, Philip is largely supposed to be a representation of the evils of bigotry. He is literally a Puritan witch hunter from colonial times.
So for him to be super woke outside of one weird hangup would be super weird. Both from a doylist POV(It would feel confused with the shows themes) and a Watsonian one(How extreme Philip is in his beliefs from his times)
Plus some of the 'evidence' I have seen is not stuff I really buy.
There is the obvious lack of any queerphobia in the Isles, but we know that Philip has an intense genocidal hatred of all of them anyways. So that does not translate much to what he would personally believe. And some people, like a friend of mine, has written good posts explaining stuff like that.
The thing that is slightly stronger is his lack of discrimination against Luz, despite her being demonstrably non-white. Even trying to make attempts at 'kindness' to her, like offering her the chance to go to the human realm.
But even then, she is the first human he has seen in centuries, but also he does have a...bit of a condesending view of her? He essentially turns her into an agency-less 'victim' for him to save, and reacts violently to whenever she does not play along. Like nearly decapitating her in his mindscape for calling him evil, after he tried to give his boast. To trying to kill her in the most sadistic way he could after she rejects his offer, and throwing her against a table when she insults his fashion sense.
Basically, even if he does not openly discriminate against her, he shows lots of condesending-ness to her? Like, he turns her into an agency-less victim for him to 'save', and reacts violently whenever she will not play along. He does not really show respect to Luz or anything like that
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blackmoregarden · 1 year
This is what we mean when we say that the fear of magic and witchhunts is founded in islamophobia, antisemitism and racism and it is wrong to not center us in neopagan/witch culture conversations about your supposed “oppression.” What’s happening in this video is the same thing that caused the inquisitions, which y’all decided to appropriate and call the “burning times” and center yourselves in even though your ancestors were the ones perpetrating them.
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fernthewhimsical · 2 years
I managed to burn myself because of long covid brainfog for the THIRD TIME now. Fuck this. I hate it.
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The Magic Circle – John William Waterhouse // Burn Your Village (Same Old Energy Part II) – Kiki Rockwell
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giantkillerjack · 1 year
Happy to report I'm no longer responding to the religious people on my posts! Apologies to anyone who may have taken the psychic damage of seeing that unexpectedly!
It had been a while since I had purposely kicked a metaphorical wasp nest so I guess I was overdue. I am simply a sexy fool. 🙄 I do it a lot less nowadays tho, which is good!
I did genuinely set out at first to get information about how Catholics reconcile certain paradoxes within their faith, and then I was like oh right oh no I just remembered why I stopped doing this
On the upside I DID actually learn a lot; even if part of what I learned was don't tag Catholic tumblr in your posts about Catholicism, Jack. (Listen. I'm a work in progress! 😅)
And now I am very dedicated to putting a priest in my graphic novel who fucks a demon. Which I was going to draw anyway, so I might as well make it work with the story. For art. And penises.
Anyway, I hear the song "Godsend" by Trebuchet and I go a little bit insane in a good way. It's like if Supernatural was good and also a song. I'd really like to capture that energy in my work. There's also this song called "the queer gospel" that I love very much, which is about the inherent holiness of queerness and queer community regardless of if there's a god. (I actually made a burlesque routine for that song once, and more than one person said it made them cry happy tears! Which is a hell of a point of pride for me! AND a hell of a point of Pride!)
*okay if someone sends me an anonymous message that makes me laugh out loud and not feel rancid, then I will answer it if it brings me joy and I have a funny response. I will tag it accordingly and then block that person as soon as they stop being funny. But I'm good on debate and philosophy now. I got my answer. I had forgotten what those answers looked like. But I am grateful for (and moderately horrified by) the reminder. Please see the tags for an explanation of my new favorite phrase involving a man, heliocentrism, and one very hot piece of wood~
#Catholicism tw#Christianity cw#religious trauma#original#diary#I included that little addendum because at some point someone sent me a message that included the sentence#'I am Galileo being burned at the stake!' and I have not been able to get that phrase out of my mind. I'm not sure why they said it#and I'm not sure how ironic they were being and I'm not sure they know that Galileo was not burned at the stake#he was put on house arrest and threatened with torture. and considering that this persecution was done by a -fairly prominent organization-#it was kind of wild to bring up out of context. Galileo burned at the steak! after leading France against the witch trials!!#I need to allow myself the ability to respond to a message like that because every time I've had a quiet moment today my brain is like#I AM GALILEO BEING BURNED AT THE STAKE#and then I giggle imagining someone just bringing that phrase into any number of situations and with no lead up#stubbing my toe like#I AM GALILEO. BURNED AT THE STAKE FOR MY WHORISH SINS. WOE! WOE UNTO ME!#it must be one of those phrases that fits into an accidental poetic meter#like a Shakespeare Sonnet. 'and if you no longer my true love should take. then i am Galileo. burned at the stake!'#again I cannot emphasize enough that I have no idea if they were saying I'm acting like Galileo or they're saying they are Galileo?#or even how science came up at all since that wasn't really what we were talking about?#and I think that's the beauty of it. at the end of the day I think we're ALL Galileo burned at the stake#i don't care if you don't know the minutiae of history but i AM gonna roast you for using Galileo as an example in support of the Church#and for sending me fully incoherent messages. galileo didn't die at the stake for this! he died for our sins! which i am if anything#FURTHER away from understanding than i was yesterday#but i got more than i needed.
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notxjustxstories · 2 years
Seeing @fiercefray’s First Kill ocs got my brain going so now I’ve got Melanippe.
Melanippe, funny enough, had a Greek name even before she joined the Burns family. Her father always told her that there were many versions of Melanippe in Greek mythology, as he never expected her to be any single thing. That was before he was killed by a monster.
Ever since then, Melanippe has been focused solely on becoming a warrior and killing all the monsters that threatened her world. But after a chance encounter at a party, she start exhibiting certain… abilities. Abilities only a witch should have.
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Tumblr continues to confuse me on how to officially look through my own blogs tag's in from most recent to least recent on mobile. I'm pretty sure I haven't been posting my art much recently, but its a quarter to 6am and getting on my laptop to search and properly organize my account sounds more like a 10am project since the house will be all mine. I was about to say I dont have much to share but I cant really say that since my search hasn't truly begun and most of what I found was from 2023. Not all of course. Ow, its 6am. Ill give a preview.
Cw: burning at stake but there's no burning taking place. Just fire and a tied up woman
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leftist-housewife · 7 months
Recently I reconnected with an estranged but beloved friend of mine who I would move into my apartment and financially support in literally a second if I could. I had not been able to speak to her for several months after my now-ex decided he didn't care about how sleeping with her even though he didn't like her would affect our friendship when he and I broke up. Before all of that happened, I had been in love with her and was fully prepared to become a bonus-adult to her son. After the fact, she faced cancer treatment alone, ended up in a relationship with a guy who beat her up, and then lost custody of her son.
A few days ago, I reached out with the hope of reconnecting, and she was thrilled to hear from me and really needed a friend.
Only about two weeks before we reconnected, her boyfriend had beaten her up in the street, ground her face into the pavement leaving her with road rash, stomped her glasses to pieces, and then doused her with liquor before trying to light her on fire. They were in the process of breaking up a few days later and he came over to get some stuff from her apartment that he had left there. She laid down for a nap because she's exhausted from constantly being in fight-or-flight mode. He laid down next to her, presumably also for a nap, and she got up a few hours later, noticed him in the bed, went pee, came back to bed and fell back asleep for like an additional ten hours. Upon waking up again she realized he had not moved since she was last awake.
This is because he was dead, face-down in a pool of his ENTIRE blood volume which was seeping into her mattress.
She is, needless to say, completely traumatized. I am quietly satisfied in knowing that the wards I put on her last year while I was falling in love with her did something to protect her finally. I had intended to protect her from the father of her child. I had no idea this other man existed. They hadn't met when I did the work of protecting her. It was the full moon, a few days before Samhain, when he died. He died with no explanation. Negative tox screen. No injuries. No undiagnosed ailments to be found. Just face down in a pool of his own blood.
Good riddance to bad rubbish
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