#tw:mentions of child neglect
queermentaldisaster · 4 months
"There's A Revolution Coming" Chapter two
Tags: @forestshadow-wolf @axelaxolotl09 @im-here-and-im-confused @bringinsexybackk69 @rainerestored @8-rae-rae-8 (if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist please inform me!)
Tw: Children in captivity, mentioned child neglect, mentions of previous captivity. (Proceed with caution)
Chapter Two under the cut
The boy clung to the girl. His eyes were a reverse of hers, and his hair was darker than hers. His horns, the same shape as the girl’s, looked almost brown, they were such a dark gold color, and his skin was light and tannish as well. He had a scar across the bridge of his nose, and he watched Soap with the most distrusting and terrified look he'd ever seen, even on kids caught in the middle of the wars. Evelyn, the little blonde haired girl, fumbled with the ropes for a few minutes before finally untying them. She beamed and looked up at Soap, her tone completely serious. “You better not hurt my family, mister.”
Soap chuckled softly, and held out his hand, palm facing up. “Aye, ye have ma word. Nae harm will befall yer family, wee one.” Evelyn tilted her head. “What?” another little girl, only a hair taller than Evelyn poked out from under one of the beds. “Oh! Evie, that was in one of the books we stole from the adults!” She had ginger hair, done up in braids. Her right eye was blue, and her left eye was green. Her skin was a light brown color, lighter than it should've been. Lack of sun, evidently. The ginger haired girl ran up to Soap, taking his hand. “Scottish, right?”
Soap beamed, and nodded. “Aye, it is. Yer a clever lass.” the girl's face lit up. “Thank you! I'm Winnie.” Soap chuckled, gently holding Winnie's hand in his. “Winnie. A fittin’ name for ye,” he complimented, his eyes trailing back to Evelyn, and then back to the older girl and the boy. He stood up, letting go of Winnie's hand, and stepped closer to the ram-horned kids. The girl let out a hiss, and Soap held up his hands. “Easy there lass, ah ‘ave nae intentions to harm ye. Yer safe.” He knelt down, picking up a piece of paper. There was a drawing of all five of the kids in front of a house, holding each other. The name at the top read ‘Kelly’.
Soap smiled, and looked at the girl. “Did ye make this?” He questioned, and when she nodded, he spoke again. “This is a bonnie picture, wee one. Are ye Kelly?” She nodded again. “Awricht. Ah'm Soap. Ah’m assuming Graves is the one who's got ye all locked up in here like animals?”
“Ja.” came a voice with a German accent. Soap looked up and saw the fifth kid, sitting on a windowsill that didn't actually let any sunlight in. She had short blondish-brown hair in a bob, her eyes were brown, her skin was the same paler tannish color as most of the others, and she had medium sized red horns, and small black bat wings. “Graves is the blond one, the vampire, right?”
Soap nodded. “Aye, thas him.” He said. The girl nodded, hopping down and walking towards Soap. She extended her hand when she got close enough. “I’m Ellie. I'm the oldest.” Soap shook her hand, with a soft smile. “Nice te meet ya.” Ellie nodded, her cold demeanor seeming to melt a little more. Kelly spoke up. “And this is my twin, Kiram. He's very distrusting, so don't expect him to come up to you.” Soap nodded, smiling. “It’s nice tae meet ye all. Are any of you currently hurt?” They all shook their heads.
Soap looked around the room, clearly pissed at the state that the kids’ living conditions were in. “Dae they feed ye?” he asked, and Kiram spoke up. “That’s the one thing they've gotten right.” he murmured, his voice soft but raspy, as if it had barely been used. Soap sighed, rubbing his temples. “Ye all are wee bairns. Ah ken Graves and Shepard were monsters but ah didn't think they'd go this far…” he muttered, clearly pissed.
Evelyn ran up to Soap, wrapping her arms around his leg. Soap looked down and picked her up, holding her the same way he'd hold his little siblings. “Och, ah ken, ‘s scary, huh?” he asked, and Evelyn nodded. Soap's heart felt like it was breaking for these poor kids. “Well then, how about ah sing ye five a song?” He asked as he scooted the shitty cots close together. They all gathered on the now massive cot, Winnie and Evelyn in his lap, Kelly shielding Kiram, and Ellie slightly off to the side.
“Dandelion, into the wind ye go, won't ye let my darlin’ know that ah'm in a field of dandelions…” He sang softly, letting Winnie and Evelyn cling to him as he sang. He watched Kiram's head perk up, as he stared at Soap over his sister. Soap smiled, continuing to sing. “Wishing on every one that ya’d be mine, mine…and ah see forever in yer eyes, ah feel okay when ah see ye smile, smile…” he watched as Winnie and Evelyn drifted off to sleep, and when he looked up, he saw Kiram passed out. Kelly was on the verge of sleep, and Soap simply smiled, leaning his head back against the wall. Ellie spoke up. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
Soap hummed softly. “Aye, wha’s up, lass?” he asked, looking at her. Ellie readjusted slightly, before she looked back at Soap. “Is there anyone that song's about?” she asked, and Soap's smile grew. “Aye, there is. His name is Ghost.” Once he said that, Ellie's eyes widened and she shot up. “Ghost? As in Riley? Demon with a balaclava and skull mask?”
Soap's eyes widened in turn. “Aye, tha’s him. Ya ken him?” he asked, and Ellie nodded. “Yeah…we all do. He was the first one to manage to escape. Him and Hazel.” she murmured, before looking down at the cots. “Of course…Meister found them…and punished them.”
Soap winced. “Do ah even wanna ken?” he asked, and Ellie sighed. “Not really.” She murmured. Soap sighed and put his hand on her cheek, in a gentle gesture. “Ah really am sorry that ye wee ones were dragged intae this.” Ellie shook her head, patting Soap’s hand. “It’s okay, really. But…you’re a good man.” She whispered, laying her head down and closing her eyes.
Soap leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes. ‘Ah hope Ghost is alright.’ He thought, before sleep overtook him.
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Rezef hill,general dating headcanons
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Fandom:Manhwa,the villainess is a marionette
Character:Rezef hill
Pairing:Rezef hill x reader/you
Tw:Mentions of child neglect and death threats
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->Okay,first of all,you luck son of a bi–EHEM.sorry for that,so anyway,being rezef's lover is very lovey-dovey yet dangerous as well.
->Let's start how you two meet as always.
->You must be his assistant that was given to him by the emperor himself,and when he first met you he didn' t look at you more than a pawn for him to get the throne.since rumours had told him that you were wise and smart,so he was quite lucky to have you by his side.
->But the thing is,he didn't exactly expect you to be a very patient person.most people who worked for him looked at him in fear and do anything he commands them to do in order to live another day tommorow.But you?you were different.
->You were always calm around him.even at the most times he were in a bad mood,thrashing and lashing out at anyone and anything,you were able to calm him down.
->He and everyone thought that the only person who can calm him down was the princess,cayena.
->Until then,rezef was suspicious of you.
->He might thought that you are only doing this so you can gain his trust and backstab him later on.he was raised like this.he had seen so many people that tried to gain his trust in order to gain power just for themselves.So,he was always on guard when with you.
->Rezef is extremely stubborn on making you let out your true colors.
->He was bound to see the terrible "facade" you are building in order to trick him,but as time passes by,you never once had lash out on him.he threw something dangerous at you,you scolded him for doing such a thing.he spilled tea on the pages of your favorite book,you sighed and just buy yourself a new one.he even pinned you once and yelled at you that he WILL cut off your head if you even ONCE bother him if working,you now always knock and ask if you can talk to him on something.
->This leads him to actually think over his actions.maybe you were really a genuinely good person and he was just unreasonablely cruel to you?
->Welp,looks like he's going very guilty.
->He asks his sister for help,and safe to say cayena is fine helping him apologize to you since at least she might avoid her death flag by doing this.Anyways,prepare for a lot of apology letters and so many gifts that were send to you're house.
->Rezef really does want to apologize for his actions and even when you say he is already forgiven,he still feel guilty.
->The day he catched feelings for you where the time you comforted him one night,it was a terrible cold night where he woke up from a nightmare where his sister left him alone in the dark.Where he lived his days alone,unloved and miserable.
->You,as his trusted assistant,comforted him from the best of you're abilities.But this is also the time where you realized that,the emperor,his father(not),was neglecting him.The emperor does not give both his children love like they deserve and even gone too far to saying to a child to "live up to his expectations as a member from the royal family".
->That is why he can't help but feel so calm around you.your voice telling him that the emperor's voice does not matter,and that he is loved just the way he is.It does not matter where he is rash or brash,his sister and you likes him just the way he is.
->And so,rezef didn't hesitate to court you afterwards.
->Luxurious gifts,the most beautiful flower bonquets that were left by your doorstep,wholesome letters that gave you butterflies,dozens and dozens of compliments that were given to you from rezef.I guess everyone can see that it was obvious that the prince was courting you.
->The prince will never give up on chasing you,his heart only belonged to you and only YOU get to hold it.
->And when you accepted his affections towards you,he could never be so happy in his whole entire life.
->Cayena supported you,not because she can avoid her death flag but mostly because that she thinks it was wonderful that her little brother has finally got someone that loved him dearly and that will stay by his side.
->Although of course this causes a bunch of noble ladies to be envious of you,rezef told you that it is something not to worry since he will love you and only you.He does not regret loving you and never will.
->Your family was shock to see you being cuddled by love from the violent and short-tempered prince,you get to calm them down when you tell them you are lovers with the said prince.Even if they still are hesitant on you being with rezef,they still supported your relationship since you looked happy with him.
->And remember when i say your relationship will be a little dangerous?yeah,it's because of his enemies and your jealous haters.
->You were once kidnapped by the daughter of a count,she shamelessly told you that you never dserved the heart of rezef since you are nothing but a useful tool to him,which is not exactly a lie considering your first relationship,but nevertheless,a white lie.
->You get to be thrown inside a dirty cellar filled with moss and dirt,mice running around and men that looked at you with lust in there eyes?you truly needed rezef to save you,NOW.
->And man,when he finally did,you were sure to see the devil instead.
->Rezef makes sure the men that touched or looked at you was thrown in the dungeons to be tortured,they get to stay there for MONTHS until they finally begged for death.And when he gets to know who was the culprit for your kidnapping,oh boy...you pitied the girl.well almost.
->He bankrupted the girl's family,left them to be nothing but filthy beggars,and made sure to live there lives as pathetic slaves for the rest of eternity.
->Yeah...you were scared shitless by him,but he did a 180⁰ degrees when he visited you.his face was scrunched up in worry,tears brimming in the corner of his blue eyes and cried as he apologize for not being there for you.
->You had to take a while to coax him back to his original state,since he still thinks it was his fault that you were in danger.
->From now on,everyone knows to not cause harm on you since they surely don't want to experience the wrath of a certain blonde prince.So,at least you're never going to go through that situation again.
->Oh,and you are spoiled rotten by him.
->Anything you wished to have,is yours.
->Hmm you would liked to have a necklace?well here you go!Oh you want to garden plants?here is your very own greenhouse!You liked to have an eagle as your pet?Sure no problem!
->Just say the word,and it.is.YOURS.
->Also,make sure to always give him words of affirmation and he LOVES it when you pet his head.He just loves the feeling of your hand placed atop of his head,and make sure to do it daily too.
->Rezef is overall a fantastic lover that will support anything you do.in other words,he a simp.
->But in all seriousness,he will never find happiness like the way he does with you.
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dipolardruid · 1 year
Okay so how would the yandere step-mom react to reader moving out to live with her bio-mom? Something tells me that it wouldn’t go well
Anon you just grabbed a big pot of boiling oil and used water to really set it a blaze.
TW:Mentions of death and robbery, Mention of reader being tied up
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Betrayal is all she felt how could you, she did her best to care and love you.
Made sure you wanted for nothing when your father couldn't afford a new bed set and the clothes on your back, she was the one to buy them for you, when you were being bothered at school she handled it, when you were late for the bus she would risk being late for work to take you, when you wanted something she made sure to get it.
And this is the thanks she gets being abadoned for a woman who left you for 7 years not even bothering to think of the consequences it would have on you, wouldn't go well is an understatement.
In her mind her child was taken away from her by an abusive and manipulative woman who couldn't care less, you were manipulated into turning your back on her after all you're still a kid who doesn't know better so at first she'll stay calm and quiet comforting your father and let you have your fun with your mother but when you least expect it she'll strike.
Arson, robbery,harrassement,stalking,assualt nothing is out of the picture when it comes to getting back at your mother, she'll ensure you mother is so traumatized that she wouldn't even be able to leave the house and neglect her duties and that's just no way to have a child live, they need stability and routine.
If all this fails to break down your mother Betra will start getting bolder more aggressive she'll ensure your completely safe physically anyways until she personally takes a hand in getting you back a failed robbery is what everything will look like.
She'll let the ones who are helping her with the plan take whatever they want as long as you're untouched and unharmed while also leaving your mother to her all it took was a hammer and some rope at the end of it your mother was unrecognizable you crying in your bedroom tied up the house almost cleaned out.
It wouldn't be until the morning when one of your neighbors saw the broken front door and nearly empty house with a foul stentch that it'd all start to come crashing with how brutal the attack against your mother it would be deemed a trageted attack but with no witnesses other than you or proof of the attack being made by Betra or your father there wouldn't be much to go off of other then a robbery gone wrong.
Due to this you'd end up traumatized with growing problems with crimes happening this one would top the list, leaving you afraid to even leave the house and highly depend on being by either Betra or your fathers side better if both were there.
Don't get her wrong she regrets the terrible effect it had on you but in the end you're back and more dependent then ever, you don't reject her, you always want to be by her, even go as far as to sleep in the same bed as her and your father, how happy she is especially when you trust her enough when you have panic attacks and go to her for comfort, she simply can't help it now you won't want to leave again who would you go to?
The family of your mother who seem to be struggling to the point of homelesses and can't afford to take you in? So it would be for the best if you just stayed there at home with her and your father they'll keep you safe, that's a promise.
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Request are open!
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lilborealis · 8 months
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(Literally no one asked, but I wanted to show off one of my babies! She’s the main character for my fic Cœur D’acier)
Name:Georgette Anna Chevrolet  
Date of Birth:November 20th, 1767
Birthplace:France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Rhône (formerly known as Rhône-Et-Loire), City of Lyon
Appearance:standing at 5’8, she has a pale complexion with brown eyes and slightly noticeable dark circles, straight black hair that goes past her shoulders. Her build is lean, like a ballet dancer. Has a burn scar on her left shoulder and another long horizontal scar on the right side of her torso.
Immediate Family-
Step-Father:Gerard St.John
Real Father:unknown
Mother:Estelle St.John (née Durand, formerly Chevrolet before her divorce)
Siblings:Philip Chevrolet(older), Adam St.John(younger, half-brother)
-her brother Philip
-drawing, painting, anything to keep her hands busy
-reading, loves to collect antique books
-dabbles in science, mainly readings
-being by herself
-the night, very much a nightowl
-a big cat person
-her half-brother, mom and step-father
-being in loud places for too long
-a certain blonde sharpshooter and his equally stupid brunette friend
-her childhood home
-waking up early
-Pierre Bellec
-Philip being overprotective
-often cold, quiet and somewhat mean at first appearances, Georgette is very intelligent and often wants to get the job done with no distractions. She prefers to work by herself as she doesn’t want anyone to “slow her down” if they can’t keep up. This is due to Georgette’s insane perfectionism as she believes anyone else can’t meet what she considers a “job completed” is someone who gets in her way
-People who know her well enough though, say she’s very caring towards them. She is concerned for those she cares for, and loves spending time with those people. How you know she likes you if she lets you exist in the same space as her
-somewhat closed off, she doesn’t like to talk about her childhood, especially her mother. She doesn’t really like to talk about herself either
-She considers herself to be very independent, preferring to take solo missions. This often puts her in arguments with Philip as he is protective over her, due to how she was mainly targeted by their mother as a child. She loves her older brother but sometimes finds him suffocating
-she does have trust issues, which is why she seems so cold and distant at first
(TW:mentions of child abuse, neglect and harassment)
-born on November 20th, 1767 in the St.John manor, Georgette was born with the last name St.John until she ran from home and took her real father’s last name of Chevrolet
-Georgette only really had Philip and some of the servants that were nice to her growing up. Estelle and Gerard often neglected the Georgette and her brother, opting to pay more attention to Adam. Georgette was unaware at the time, that it was because she and Philip were deemed as “illegitimate”
-The only time Estelle interacted with her daughter was to “train” her into a “perfect wife” ever since she was a child. Young Georgette often blamed herself for when she couldn’t meet her mother’s impossible standards. Estelle would often abuse her mentally and physically if she didn’t, only claiming to love her if she followed her orders
-this gave Georgette her perfectionism :(
-her relationship with her step-father wasn’t that much better either. He never hit her but often neglected her as a child as she didn’t know that he wasn’t her father until much later in her life
-she was a very shy child and had few friends her age due to her mother isolating her. The only friend she briefly had was a maid’s son named Paul Lacroix. She and Paul would often have to keep their friendship secret and often played in a secret room in the attic. Paul promised to keep his mouth shut as Estelle didn’t want her children associating with “the lower class” and Georgette would be punished. Unfortunately, Estelle stumbled upon them and tricked Georgette into thinking Paul blabbed, turning her against her only friend. She wouldn’t see Paul again until they were adults
-at sixteen years old, Georgette and Philip were at a party hosted by their mother. She announced that her eldest two children were getting married to their fiancés after “long and wonderful courtships!”. This was the first time Georgette met her fiancé, Henri DuPont, the heir to a wine fortune. He was much older and very controlling. Once Philip and Georgette learned they were to be secretly married to their fiancé’s immediately right after the party, a move by Estelle so they couldn’t plan an escape, they managed to escape during the party. Estelle didn’t realize they had escaped until the end of the party
-Philip and Georgette ran away to Paris. Georgette found work as a washerwoman and a seamstress. Philip was hired in construction due to his strength. They lived in the attic of a boarding house with several other people. Georgette came back from work one day to find Bellec rummaging through one of her roommate’s things. She mistook Bellec for a mercenary sent by her mother to hunt down she and Philip. She put up a fight, but Bellec quickly got the upper hand. Philip soon arrived and almost beat Bellec to a pulp, but the assassin escaped
-Georgette’s first brush with the unfairness of the law came when a soldier tried to hit on her. She rejected his advances and when he got too handsy, Georgette slapped him and managed to fight him off, humiliating him. The next day she was almost arrested for trumped up charges of prostitution and theft, brought upon by the emasculated soldier. Philip was there with her and tried to fight the soldier, but was shot in the process. The two were then saved by three assassins. Siblings Rosalind and Alexander Fournier, and Pierre Bellec
-the creed moved Georgette and her brother, as both felt they were never given a choice due to their controlling mother. So they felt inspired to join the brotherhood. They took the last name of Chevrolet, having learned that their real father had that surname and was a butcher from their step-father. So as one last act of defiance against their mother, Georgette and Philip took the last name of Chevrolet
-Georgette was mainly trained by Rosalind Fournier and partially Sophie Trenet. She grew particularly close to Sophie Trenet, finding her an admirable character. Georgette raised through the ranks quickly and was eventually forced to train an assassin that came from Giverny, Lionel Poussin. Georgette found Lionel irritating, as he had a reputation as a flirt, who can use his “silver tongue” to get whatever he wants. She considered him a slacker-type and annoying, as he kept on flirting with her during their first mission
-Georgette and Lionel’s first mission was to destroy a fraudulent apothecary in The Court Of Miracles, and kill the man who ran it, Laurent Moreau. Lionel recklessly killed Laurent in broad daylight before Georgette could get into the apothecary, drawing unnecessary attention. She was ambushed in the middle of trying to burn down the place of business and injured during the fight. Lionel managed to save her but she passed out soon after, due to a concussion and exposure to unknown chemicals. It was this fiasco that soured Georgette’s opinion of Lionel even more, despite how charming he was to everyone else
-Then when the Revolution broke out, she was forced to keep watch over a new novice, Arno Dorian. She found Arno arrogant but a lot more capable than Lionel, yet she wouldn’t admit that Lionel had charmed his way into her heart as well
Blue Hair-TV Girl
Swan Lake, Op. 20 Suite: 1.-Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Bellyache-Billie Eilish
Last Words Of A Shooting Star-Mitski
Washing Machine Heart-Mitski
A library filled with old books; dancing when no one is watching; broken mirrors; frost on a windowsill; moonlight peaking through the curtains; old, worn ballet shoes; dirty paint brushes sitting in a jar; pieces of charcoal sitting on a half-finished sketch; a stash of love letters; bruised knuckles; long black hair tied with a dark blue silk ribbon; a silver tabby sitting on a windowsill; hands with callouses on them; a long, white nightgown; heeled boots covered with dirt and grime; a vase of fresh roses sitting on a desk; the moon tarot card; silver coins and jewelry
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slasherstuff · 4 years
How actually datable are some of the Slashers?
A/n:I havent written anything in a pretty long time so I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and do something a bit longer^^ I dont usually write for a few of these characters so it might be a bit off,but I hope It isnt that bad.I tried to make this as non-biased as possible,this is just my opinion and how I see the topic.
The scale:
10-7: Pretty datable^^
7-5: Not that bad
5-3: Oof
3-0: Haha...why?
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Jason Voorhees:
TW:Mentions of bullying,killing,possible neglection(?),mentions of depression and suicidal topics etc.
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The only reason hes not higher is because he has a lot of issues to overcome,most of them being about him being bullied and his mother.Even tho Jason is a fully grown man,he still has a child-like mindset because that was when he "died" which means he missed a huge part of growing up(and getting proper education but that doesnt play the biggest role right now).He is going to depend on you because he sees you as a parent-like figure or at least similar to that.I would have putted him lower,but he does have a lot of potential do at least learn how to deal with his trauma properly,especially now that he has a partner and someone by his side.Despite all that,Jason is defenetly caring about you in his own way and cares about your emotions and how you feel.He would treat you right and respect you a lot as well
Michael Myers:
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Even tho I myself,like the most of the fandom,am a Myers simp it doesnt change the fact that he is pretty heartless.He went throu a lot of weird stuff,from killing his own sister to having some weird-ass doctor be in charge of him and his actions for a long time.Michael would most likely always put anything that has to he done on you and not really care if you like it or not unless you threaten to leave him,but even that wont work after a while.In the end he would probably leave you once he gets sick of it or something in his head tells him that hes better on his own.Even tho the relationship with him is possible,it would be pretty toxic and rather...well rough.Despite the all of the bad talk,if youre dating Michael Myers your granted to feel protected all of the time.He is a serial killer after all,and if he is dating you it means he cares about you at least a little bit.
Bubba Sawyer:
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If we turn a blind eye to his brothers and the time they leave in,Bubba is rather datable.He has a kind of similar problem like Jason,that being having trauma that effected the way he grew up. Meaning that he has a hard time expressing himself,but at the same time being pretty emotional.We can see in the TCM 2 how he expresses his feelings to Stretch,giving off a lot of confusing signals at the same time.As Jason,he can also overcome most of this problem by working throu it with his partner.It would take a lot of time and effort however,but if you really want to help him its worth it.Even tho having trouble expressing himself,Bubba is very in sync with your emotions.Somehow,he manages to feel if youre upset and help you the best way he can.He puts a lot of effort in relationship with you,which adds to the points.
Thomas Hewitt:
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I would have given a 6-6.5,but Thomas has a lot of potential. He has a lot of inner struggle,from letting you in his life to accepting that you realy do want him.Its a popular headcanons that Thomas is suicidal and/or has depression and I deeply agree from what we had seen in the movie.That takes off of his self confidence a lot,making him avoid you or even try and make you not like him at first because he isnt sure wheter he deserves it or not.However,if your stubborn enough and get throu his though skin,expect to be treated the best you can be treated.It would take Thomas a bit to grasp on what to do,but none the less you will be seen as his equal and have someone care about you as much as it is possible. I feel like Thomas would always respect your opinion and give yoi comfort or helo you with something without you even asking.
Vincent Sinclair:
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Oh,gentle boy gentle..As much as I hate to admit,he would be really skeptical of you at first and it would take a couple of months for him to even let you in his work place(aka the basement).He would be in denial of his emotions for quite a time,and even when he comes to terms that he likes you even a bit he brushes it off because "you dont like him back".If you do manage to get into an relationship with him however,you still wouldnt manage to spend a lot of time with him.He insists on working alone and he also didnt experience any sort of affection after his mother died.One of the reasons I didnt put him lower is because ue would generally carw about you.Even if it some things as simple as bringing you an apple if you have skipped a meal or putting an extra blanket over you while you sleep.If youre upset or feel down,he would try the best he can to cheer you up,even if its just putting his hand over yours.
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Cayena hill,general dating headcanons
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Fandom:Manhwa,the villainess is marionette
Character:Cayena hill
Pairing:Cayena hill x reader/you
Tw:Mentions of child neglect and murder
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->Ugh,you lucky son of a bitch–*COUGH* i mean..WELL,well,aren't you a lucky one?
->Cayena is one of the sweetest and softest girlfriends you could ever had in your entire life.
->Your first meeting with her was probably a little akward at first,since before cayena was u know...betrayed by her brother and got sold off to the crazy maniac(i don't remember or know his name🤷‍♀️),and before being reborned.
->Cayena(before being reborn)when reading the novel,you were her favorite character,despite not having enough screen time.You were the princess's first lady-in-waiting and you quite never had a peaceful time with the princess due to her being a selfish and shameless brat,yet you continued to serve her since you were ordered by the emperor himself.
->You were actually one of the people who has never disliked cayena,despite being abused by her most of the time,it was only because you sympathize her.
->Why is that?it is because you see how the emperor treats his own children.Whenever you give him reports,you always see him either being uninterested or disappointed.And it hit your mind with clarity,no wonder why the princess and prince were cruel and short-tempered.
->It was the way they were raised as children.Being surrounded by terrible people,and your own father not even a single curious about your well-being,and your mother having to just flat out ignore you all your life.
->It truly wasn't a wonder why the princess and prince was absolutely cruel to others.
->So,even when her highness was yelling at you or almost hitting your face with a teacup or having her threw something at you,it does not matter.You will be by her side,as her loyal lady-in-waiting.
->So when cayena was betrayed by rezef,you were the first one to stand up to rezef despite him already being the emperor.As a result,you were beheaded.After cayena learned this,she regretted the things she had done to you.You stayed loyal to her,even after all the terrible doings that she has done,you were still willing to stood up and protect her.It was a tragic that she learned her feelings for you right after your death.
->But whe she was reborn in her third life,she was determined to avoid that death and ran away,alongside with you.This event happend right after rezef's poisoning cayena,and the first thing she saw was you.(who else?)
->Of course you asked if she was alright,and it struck you by complete suprise when the princess threw a tantum at you and instead tells you in the most calmest voice,that she was alright.
->Cayena couldn't help but scream in the inside of her head that knowing she is talking to her favorite character.She knows she must remain composure but still,she can't help the gleaming way of her eyes as she glances at you.
->And there was when the princess you know has completely changed.The old princess was cruel,short-tempered and extremely bratty.but now she was graceful,elegant and has a source of power by the way she talks,her hand gestures was just like a true princess and her eyes can hold utmost authority when someone talks down to her.It was as if,she was a completely different person,but still,you didn't mind.As long as she is still cayena it didn't exactly matter as much.
->The princess can always rely on her most trusted lady-in-waiting.If she needs some food or water,you always bring it to her,and when she needs some help from paperwork you can always lessen it from taking some of it,and when she needs good adive,she knows she can always go to you.
->Almost everyone knows who was the favorite lady-in-waiting but no one can says a thing since it was actually endearing for them to see the princess communicating with you,with such warmth and you smiling ever so gently at her.
->"It was so nice and cute to see!" Olivia's and vera's words exactly.While the other two didn't really care,expect for julia being slightly jealous of your relationship.
->Rezef....was not happy with this.at all.He saw you as a threat to his sister's relationship.
->So of course he will he harrassing you in all times where cayena isn't watching,always commenting about how you don't deserve his sister and all that shit until cayena finds out and grounds him.
->The time when she finally learns that she loves you was maybe the time where you didn't hesitate to barge in and hugged her after she was kidnapped by her crazy ex/admirer.She can feel your warmth in that embrace,you whispering over and over how glad you were that she's back home safely.That was the time her heart beats faster than ever.
->And when vera tells her that you were the reason that rapheal and rezef were on the run to save her was because you knew she was kidnapped by those bastards and was worried 24/7 before she was brought back in the palace.She was in cloud 9.
->So after her recovery,she was dedicated to show you her love.Either words of affiarmation or giving you gifts or giving back advice just like you have to her,she is determined to make you like her too.
->Unbeknown to her,you had already liked her anyway so you took her words,gifts and advice carefully with a soft smile.You even took her in suprise when you two were alone and that's where you confessed that you liked her too,giving a kiss on the cheek and walking away,leaving a very flustered cayena who demans for you to come back.
->You two are a power couple.no cap.you two can bring down anyone with your words alone,and no one can stop you.
->Pda is a must for her.Maybe not too much,but holding hands and giving small pecks is enough for her.
->She is also a great hugger,and loves cuddles.You two can spend the whole day just laying down on the hed,with you reading and giving her head rubs while also giving her kisses as well.Cayena feels so giddy by just thinking about it but you quickly reminded that she is princess with responsibilities and that quickly shatters her mood.
->You were to realize it and offers her that you two can go on an evening date tonight and her mood was brought up once again.
->Overall,cayena is a sweet and affectionate lover that is glad to have someone like you<3
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lilborealis · 6 months
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(My take on the axman, another character in my fic, Georgette’s brother)
Name:Philip Laurent Chevrolet
Date of birth:April 4th, 1764
Birthplace: France, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Rhône (formerly known as Rhône-Et-Loire), City of Lyon
Appearance:a large man, Philip is an intimidating 6’4, with a broad and bulky build. He has a fair complexion with grey eyes, long black hair that goes down to his mid back and is normally worn in a tight bun. He has a somewhat full beard. He has small scars on his torso from training and a scar across the left side of his jawline from a childhood “accident”.
Immediate Family-
Step-Father:Gerard St.John
Real Father:Unknown
Mother:Estelle St.John (née Durand, formerly Chevrolet before her divorce)
Siblings:Georgette Chevrolet(younger), Adam St.John(younger,half-brother)
-his sister Georgette
-keeping his loved ones safe
-a nightowl, like his sister
-loves dogs
-working with wood, amateur carpenter
-writing in his journal, Georgette is the only one who knows he has one
-his half-brother, mom, and step-father
-his childhood home
-Pierre Bellec
-Georgette getting hurt
-a certain blonde sharpshooter
-his birthday
-not understanding things
-Often like his sister, Philip can be a bit off-putting at first with his grumpy attitude. Also similar to his younger sister, he doesn’t like distractions to get in the way of his job. He is normally pretty levelheaded but if pushed enough, he’s more of “cut down people first, ask questions later”
-to those who know him well, see him as a protective and caring person. How you know if Philip cares for you is that he asks questions such as “are you okay?”, “how was your day?” or “have you eaten?”
-Philip doesn’t really like to talk about his childhood and only ever really does with his sister
-Philip has quite the temper and it doesn’t take a lot to get him pissed off. Especially when it comes to the safety of Georgette. Seeing as how she’s his only family he has left, he’s very protective over her. This often puts him at odds with his sister as she insists she can take care of herself. He’s secretly terrified that he’ll lose her and he’ll be left alone
-he doesn’t like to admit it, but Philip’s ego grows ten times whenever he wrestles (As he’s a big dude so no one really messes with him)
(TW:mentions of child abuse, neglect)
-born April 4th, 1764, Philip doesn’t really remember his life before growing up in the St.John manor. He didn’t realize until as an adult that Chevrolet was his actual last name and was effectively “stolen” from his actual dad
-Philip was a lonely kid until his sister was born. He would often be found beside her as he loved having a younger sibling. The servants in the house also found the boy and his love for his baby sister quite sweet. He’d often cry if he was ever separated from her, especially if his parents tried to. Almost like he knew what was in store for his younger sibling
-Estelle often criticized her young son for emotions such as crying, always telling him, “boys don’t cry”. His step-father wasn’t much help either as Philip barely ever saw him. The only time he did was when he was being punished and to tell him “that to be the man of the house, you have to act like a man”
-things seemed to get almost easier for him when his half-brother, Adam was born in May of 1775. Gerard and Estelle shifted their attention to their youngest son and Philip was effectively left in the dust. Despite most of the pressures of being “the man of the house” taken away from him, he was pretty much neglected
-Yet he became worried when his parents pressure turned to his younger sister, mostly his mother, trying to turn her into “the perfect wife”. This angered Philip, despite his young age, yet he was often too afraid to ever truly stand up to his parents. As if he ever did, his parents threatened to send him away to military school
-Philip often regrets not standing up more when he was child, which is why he’s so angry in the first place
-as Philip grew up, he was effectively a ticking time bomb. When he was 15, there was incident in the family stables, when he almost beat an older stablehand into a bloody pulp. He refused to give an explanation to his parents as unbeknownst to them, the stablehand was being creepy towards his younger sister. Philip was the only person Georgette told about it as she was sure their parents wouldn’t believe her
-still, past his angry exterior, he was a nice kid. A lot of the servants found him polite and caring when he wasn’t in the presence of his parents. He would often help the maids carry things and do errands if needed
-when he was nineteen, Philip and Georgette were at a ball put on by their mother. It was at said party that Estelle announced her eldest two children would be getting married to “their long-time” fiancés. This was the first time Philip met his potential wife, Chloe Picard-Lahiffe, the daughter of a wealthy tanner. Even when he attempted to make conversation, she ignored him and was more eager to get to his *ahem* “goods” under his clothes. After he learned he was to be married to her after the ball, Philip and his sister escaped during it. He and Georgette were miles away when Estelle realized they were gone
-He and his sister ended up in Paris. While Georgette got a job as a washerwoman and a seamstress, he got a job in construction. He also picked up carpentry and woodcarving, realizing he liked it a lot and was pretty good at it. Despite having two jobs, he lived in an attic of a boarding house with multiple others along with his sister. He was coming back from a job when he found his sister fighting with a hooded man (Bellec). He beat up the man, thinking he was sent by his mother to bring back him and Georgette, but the man escaped
-Philip’s experience with unfairness came when he saw his sister nearly get arrested on fake charges of prostitution and theft. Philip tried to save his sister but was shot in the shoulder. He was saved by three assassins, Pierre Bellec and siblings Rosalind and Alexander Fournier
-Philip was initially reluctant to join the creed as he didn’t like how secretive it was. Yet, when his sister went to the saint-chápele to join, he went a long with her as if she was going, then he was too. He was pulled to the side of the assassins after learning more and remembering that sense of helplessness as a child. He took the last name of his real father when he joined the brotherhood, only knowing that his parent was a butcher from his step-father
-Philip was primarily trained by Alexander Fournier in the basics of combat, such as hand to hand, shooting a firearm, sword-fighting and stealth. Yet, when it became obvious that Philip was built to be a tank, he was sent to an assassin named Adélard Travers. Adélard was also a practitioner of Lutte Provençales, (Folk wrestling, predecessor of greco-Roman style wrestling) and taught Philip the sport, which he grew to love. He also taught Philip how to maneuver with an axe. Philip became friends with Adélard and was considered like one of his sons, who he was also all friends with
-Philip then met Lionel Poussin, a recent newcomer from Giverny. He didn’t like how Lionel paid so close of attention to his younger sister. And ESPECIALLY didn’t like when he risked his sister’s life on their first mission together
-the revolution broke out, he was forced to keep watched over a new novice, Arno Dorian. He didn’t like Arno at first, especially that he was friends with Lionel. So now he has to deal with two stooges that share one braincell 😂
3005-Childhood Gambino
Little Lion Man-Mumford & Sons
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road-Elton John
The Family Jewels-Marina and The Diamonds
Providence-Poor Man’s Poison
Idon’twannabeyouanymore-Billie Eilish
Natural-Imagine Dragons
Daddy Issues-The Neighbourhood
An ax embedded in a stump; rough-looking hands; pile of wooden boards; black hair in a man bun; a fancy 18th century suit; rain-slicked cobblestone roads; dark stormy clouds over a city; a roaring river; a Belgian Malinois running; a fire burning through a field; a faceless man yelling; a hand gripping an ax; wood shavings scattered across the floor; hands carving a piece of wood; the jaws of an animal snarling; red eyes from crying; pieces of copper; crumbled papers; a hard and angry gaze
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