#twilight memes but i'm serious
weepingflowerbonkcop · 8 months
I'm trying to finish these headcannons before moving on. I'd be more than happy to answer any questions about the headcannons. Enjoy reading!
Warnings: Wild being Wild, nothing else.
What the Chain thinks about a Modern! Reader using slang/meme references:
Part 2
• Sky has some basic education for Skyloft. I'd say he finished high school standards for them, but elementary in our standards. He's still pretty smart but just doesn't show it as much as Four does.
• Sky didn't know what to think of when he first heard modern slang.
• He's one of those people that pretend like they know what you're talking about. Reader would be talking casually and Sky would nod his head, listening intently even if he really doesn't understand.
• He likes it when reader goes to talk to him, but sometimes he'd like subtitles to exist.
• He goes to Four and Wind whenever he doesn't understand a word, hoping that they'd be able to give him some indication/translation of it.
• Memes on the other hand - he's actually pretty good at understanding them. He might not find all of them funny but he does manage to catch what they're about.
• He's that person that hears a joke and goes into a full detailed interrogation of the joke. Something like, "Yeah nah, the bro took his cuzy out to the pub. After he met this nice sheela and got a nice rootin' only to find out the day after it was no sheela." Him not knowing what's going on just goes, "So, you've told me before that a 'she - lah' is a girl, yes? And you've also said a 'bro' is a shorter term for brother. So, what does 'cuzy' mean and what does the root have to do with the story?"
• After you do a break down of the slang he just lights up with a 'ooh' and does a little giggle to himself.
• It's cute but ruins a good story when you have to go into another full explanation of said story.
• He's also an 8/10 at least he'll laugh at memes even if he doesn't find them funny.
• Thinking about him losing his memories some of his schooling had also been lost since his resurrection.
• I believe Wild is the most adaptable of the Heroes. He had to be adaptable out in the wild in order to survive.
• So, he'd be the quickest - next to Wind - to catch Modern! Reader's slang.
• He would also interpret it into his own day to day talking. His Hyrule is more flexible in my opinion to different ways and languages than other Hyrules.
• Him along with Wind and Four are your main translators to the others. So, when someone is in doubt they run to Wild to ask about a certain word or abbreviation then run back to reader and continue the conversation.
• However, Wild does radiate chaotic energy and sometimes whenever the others try to learn, he'd casually tell them the complete opposite of what it means for shits and giggles. An example, "Wild, what does 'Yo - lo' mean?" "You only lick once." The person would thank him and run back to you, "Indeed only one lick." "What the -"
• This annoys the living daylights out of Twilight, Time, Warriors, First, Calamity - basically all the serious Links.
• Wild appreciates memes from Modern! Reader's world. In fact he sometimes tries to recreate them with readers guidance.
• Other times he would try and create an entirely new genre of meme little does he know he already is with some of his really cursed selfies on his Sheikah Slate.
• Overall 10/10 best boy cause he gets it and screws with people that don't.
• In my honest opinion I don't think this boy had any type of schooling. Most of the things he knows comes from pure experience. He might've been taught more about magic, curses and things more related to the fae since he was raised by them, but no school system like ours.
• Hyrule much like Twilight thought it was just an accent rather than the modern day and age talk when he first heard it.
• Someone had to sit him down though to tell him it's not.
• Hyrule learns from Wild about the terms and their meanings as Wild starts using them more frequently in his own speech. So, Hyrule starts picking up that habit as well and sooner or later you got two four in actuality people talking like anyone from your world!
• I believe he would purposefully go to Legend and start telling him some of the slang that he's learned through either you or some of the others. It's similar to a kid running up to their parent to show them a picture that they drew. Legend actually appreciates this and finds it cute but wouldn't admit it.
• He does surprisingly catch on to memes quick.
• His brain works in mysterious ways as well so he'd instantly understand Modern! Reader's references.
• He does go and have little back and forths with Wind when referencing memes that reader uses the most. It's turns into a challenge between Hyrule, Wild, Wind and Four of who is right with Modern! Reader as the referee.
• He genuinely believes its interesting to hear how different the people in Modern! Reader's world talk in comparison to any of their Hyrules.
• Overall he's an 8/10.
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ruby-white-rabbit · 1 year
What we're not gonna do with the twilight reboot news is forget that:
Bella is a victim of emotional abuse/neglect at Renee's hands (it explains why she's Like That. It is never addressed.)
Rosalie was raped (they mention it in passing and Bella has no real reaction to this reveal outside of the comparison of kill histories after being turned. It's never discussed or really shown as impacting her character outside of that few pages in the FINAL book. Otherwise it's glossed over. As is Bella's attempted rape and her SA by Jacob where she BREAKS HER HAND)
Jasper was a confederate soldier (aka: Yes Slaves) This is also never really addressed as is the fate of "major side characters". No negative reactions are given to that reveal.
The La Push (Quileute) are a real tribe turned into a disrespectful racist trope and "fictional" people who saw no money from their usage in the series
Or that there is condoned pedophilic grooming by the wolves imprinting on small children and NEWBORNS
There was also the hypersexualization of still minor Taylor Lautner and grown women getting off to characters 17 years old or younger. And the fact Meyer apparently wrote a very nsfw sex scene with forever 17 year old Edward (she wrote the first book when she was 35 in 2003 And BD was 2008 so she was 40*)
Yeah there's all the haha funny memes about the series but it has serious issues that are never addressed both in and out of the books. I'm probably even forgetting some things
(*adults can write YA fiction but graphic sex scenes with minors is a huge red flag)
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transjarlaxle · 11 months
i really think it's time we start treating twilight like we did harry potter and i'm so serious. like yeah maybe steph meyer isn't as vocally repulsive as jkr but those books (and movies) are still full of horrendously mormon racism and rightwing trad bullshit. specifically the anti-indigenous racism gets mentioned every once in a while but then everyone just conveniently gets over it for the memes or the soundtrack or whatever and it's really gross tbh
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umbramatic · 10 months
With the confirmation of the Zelda movie happening eventually I felt the need to scream (CLICK THROUGH): 
-To start, a disclaimer: This would have been closer to the announcement but I was on a trip and then still busy after, so bear with me
-The obvious: This will either be really great or really terrible and either way i am here to devour the memes
-I'm not one of those people who thinks a live action zelda is impossible to make work - if HARDER to make work - and video game movies have recently and slowly been dragging themselves out of the Pit Of Despair and I liked the Detective Pikachu movie and the Sonic movies and the Mario movie but this movie could still easily be really bad and slide them further back into it, especially with some of the people producing it. We'll just have to wait for trailers to cast more judgment. Nintendo having a stranglehold on production again does give me hope weirdly - hopefully things will at least be On Brand
-since condensing most zelda game plots could be Hell I feel like they should honestly do an original version of the zelda story that just follows all the Best Of Tropes like with the mario movie (hey maybe it fits into the timeline somehow and we're all forced to acknowledge it as Lore) but if not I honestly want to see them do Skyward Sword, since it was the origin point. Only problem is no Ganon, so I doubt it. 
-I doubt any of the Toon Link games would be chosen since it's not animated, nor any games focusing primarily on particularly young links since Hollywood hates working with kids. So I feel like the most likely ones are Ocarina Of Time (the most defining Zelda at this point even post-BOTW and TOTK), Breath Of The Wild, or Twilight Princess (both of which would be cool). But who knows this could be like Detective Pikachu and we get an oddball pick. 
-Someone suggested Jason Momoa as Ganondorf and honestly I want it -For Link, not Tom Holland because that's the Meme Bad Pick, obviously. I'd honestly say Thomas Brodie-Sangster or Timothée Chalamet
-As for Zelda... Zelda Wiliams. It would be funny and Robin would have been proud. 
-If The Rock does not play a Goron character I will be upset
-I feel like Link not speaking is a lost cause probably (even if i think it would be really funny if they cast a big name and he communicated only in grunts) and I'm not opposed to making him doofy because Link is often doofy but by god do NOT make him snark. I'm not even as hard on the MCU and its quips as everyone else is at this point and I actually normally like snarky characters often but if Link talks in ironic quips all the time I would probably die because it doesn't fit him and  the Zelda franchise at all. (Also need I remind you we have gotten smarmy Link twice before and both times were awful)
-Given everything we know about it it feels like this film is going in a straightlaced, at least semi-serious, probably dark fantasy film. Which is fine by me but. 
-Someone said this film wouldn't be helped by a lot of easter eggs as the Mario movie was. I'm inclined to agree. But I still want to see the easter eggs because I'm drooling at what that could mean for Zelda. 
-On a related note I hope there are a lot of like. Genuine fans on the team of this movie. It seemed to help the Mario movie and maybe the second Sonic movie and in at least one instance the Detective Pikachu movie. If they get proper Zelda fans on board it could go a long way
-Please don't make it an isekai. It was fine for Mario because it's been in Mario lore before but again it doesn't fit Zelda. 
-Overall, again, I don't care if this movie is good or bad, just if it's INTERESTING. I want to either laugh with this movie or at it. I want the fandom to have fun with this. And I want to soak up the memes like a sponge.
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cloudninetonine · 1 year
*hands you a mug of coffee, blinks at the wink and nudge and squints while downing my own mug* ... Well I now have One (1) Sleep Deprived Fear and way too many theories. Though I wouldn't want to bother you with them and sleep deprivation won't let me articulate them xD
On another note, hope you're doing good today. And on a scale of one to ten, how concernedly would Player react if I just, took one of my two guitars, and smashed it hard against both Chrono's and Paradox's heads and knees to vibe check them? Out of curiosity (I have a hot pink one as a gag gift and spare, may as well put it to good use), or a heated frying pan? Also an absolute mood on regards to Leon.S.Kennedy.
Something something, Craein and Player piece in the works (I feel bad for Wild's and Twilight's villain doubles, but at the same time not really, go get some fucking therapy before trying to get near the Guide you crazy hyenas doomed by the narrative, also Craein and Player literally just being the spiderman meme for a couple of seconds) along with the Lora two shot because I have no self control (confirming Oh Hellos and Celtic Woman songs will be used). Snippets incoming once I'm less sleep deprived.
Something something, Fairy Instinct moment for the boys can be when Player is wearing green because funnily enough it's actually a color the Fae are very protective off and they can get offended if people they don't approve of wear it, so Hyrule, his shadow and Time just gravitate towards Player even more than normal when they wear green because not only is it a color associated with the heroes but also with the Fae, and some cultures have the medieval custom of braiding flowers in the intended's hair during courtships or of placing flower crowns, so Player just nonchantly braiding flowers into a Link's hair while they frantically and internally PANIC because they can't tell if Player is saying they want something serious or not, honestly the one's most affected would likely be Hyrule and Wild due to the nature of their eras (Downfall and Post Calamity specially, y'all telling me rings wouldn't be rare/expensive make unless someone brought the materials beforehand? Specially promise rings and the sorts if you don't go to the right place? Actually maybe Twilight and Time too, I don't know why I can see that as an Ordonian or Kokiri custom, throw in Dawn on that ring too, Flora not so much because she literally missed years of culture evolution holding the calamity back, she probably still slips into pre Calamity customs), Add in the fact it's basically an unspoken promise and the boys just internally die. Also Player taking a cue from Princess Bride and just saying "As you wish." Whenever they chicken out of actually saying I love you to the Links or Zelda's and the sheer and utter bafflement or confusion, though I feel like some of them might be able to put two and two together.
Anyway, I'll be napping now, see y'all after TOTK probably.
-Just an Awkward and Tired Summertime Musician.
Sum, if Player saw you beat both Paradox and Chrono with your guitar they'd probably just join you via their boots and kick some teeth in- these men will experience no mercy with them IOUFDHFI
Leon Kennedy, once again, could tear my heart out and I would only ask he be gentle with it as it now belonged to him. (God I am so down bad for this man)
Also I'm excited for the fics! That your time tho (By now tho you've probably written a novel 💀💀💀 I'm sorry ya'll)
Also from your idea with the green comes another idea- (Not this isn't canon before anyone asks) Green being a very prestigious and expensive colour to wear due to it's association with the fae (and is often a gift from fairies to Hylians and is why most of the boys wear green) so when other fairies find out about the "Guide's return!" there's just baskets of bejeweled, blessed and such clothes left for Player all in the colour of green.
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outoftheirdifferences · 8 months
(For the mun questions meme! Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book? Who is your favorite OC? Have you ever developed a ship based on writing with a certain other character / mun?)
Questions for the mun.
Have you ever written a canon muse that you first thought of ‘meh’ when they appeared in their canon show/movie/book?
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Hm. I want to say definitely, I'm sure I remember doing that... but it took me a while to actually place any characters who match that definition. I think a couple of main examples would have to be, firstly, Janja (Lion Guard), who I played on one site for a little bit; I hadn't found him a compelling character at all when I'd watched the show, but decided to try him there for whatever reason and found him surprisingly fun to write as.
The other would probably be Flutt.ershy (ML.P). I mean, granted, I kinda first thought "meh" about the entire show when I first learned about it and only started watching it because someone told me that I was most like Twilight out of the cast so I got curious; but I know Flutt.ershy took me longer to warm up to than any of the others. Then at some point she abruptly grew on me (was it because of a certain episode that made me like her more? I honestly don't remember) and - after previously only having written her Discord-corrupted mean version as a joke character once - I played as her on several sites in rapid succession because of that!
Who is your favorite OC?
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Of my own OCs... I think I know who everyone's probably expecting me to say, since Lauren's the only OC I have on this blog. But honestly I think the answer has to be Cinnamon, from my doggie characters story idea. Cutie little mail delivery puppy who's super serious about her job but also a big sweetheart, I just love her so much :D
Have you ever developed a ship based on writing with a certain other character / mun?
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Oh, for sure. I know for just one example, Margo / Antonio (Desp.icable Me) was one. I started Margo's blog absolutely convinced that I was never going to play any such relationship between the two after the way he ditched her in canon... and yet, interacting with this one Antonio roleplayer, bouncing them off each other, I just really came to love the dynamic we were building; and by the time she reached the point of forgiving him when he was genuinely regretful, I was fully on board shipping it! (Albeit only with that one mun; writing with anyone else who portrayed the character would definitely have had to start from step one all over again.)
I mean, come to think of it, that was where my absolute OTP Patch/Angel ship came from too! I'd never even considered the characters together before they began bouncing off each other with Patch's first player on that one site; but even though I was still VERY much a RPing newbie at the time, and I would cringe to look back at those posts now, every interaction the two of them had made me fall in love with them as a pair. Thirteen-and-a-half years later I'm still shipping them, so you could say it definitely left an impression on me! xD
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
let's talk about Diplopia!
what prompted you to write it initially? How did you come up with the idea to have them cross into another dimension? Why Twilight and not another of JCB's roles, like Shadowhunters or Sweeney Todd?
would you write another universe-crossing fic like that, either still with JCB or with other actors?
what was your favorite chapter or scene to write in Diplopia? Was there a scene you especially struggled with? Did writing it come in bursts of inspiration or a continuous stream of motivation? Or with the idea, was it a bolt of inspiration or a gradual build?
If, instead of Emily, you'd chosen to create a new OC to complement Caius, what characteristics would you give them? (Emily is fantastic and I love how she works into the story, but I'm curious to see what a "from scratch" Twilight OC would look like)
Do you like Emily's relationship with Henry or Caius better? Which relationship does SHE like better? Does she ever regret leaving Henry behind? If she were to encounter another of their "doppelgangers" (Jace Wayland, Anthony Hope), would she consider a relationship there too?
Ah yes, the strangest thing I've ever written that turned into one of my most complex fics to date... yes, let's absolutely talk about it! Thanks for the ask!
There will be more shitposts because I want to share my stupidity.
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How it Began
I think most people know that I hadn't ever planned on touching Twilight with a thirty nine and a half foot pole. I'd grown up hearing about how god awful it was and that it had no redeeming qualities. For god's sake, the final battle never even actually happened! What are the stakes?? What's the point??
Then, of course, Summer of 2022 comes along and we all know what came with it. The further I fell down that rabbit hole, I came to realize that the pretty (fucked up) blonde I was starting to get eyes for... also happened to be in Twilight, among other things. I told myself, quote, "I'm not breaking my No Twilight streak over this."
Then, my roommate and I made the executive decision to celebrate our first week of college by watching Twilight since neither of us ever had. That was a very strange week and I remember having mixed emotions watching all five movies... the main one I remember was watching New Moon and then realizing that this is where that one meme came from:
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Fast forward to that Sunday, I had finished Breaking Dawn (roommate dropped out after New Moon, I don't blame them) and was ready to move on with my life. But of course I can't leave well-enough alone. I was talking with a friend over snapchat about just how awful the movies were, providing examples such as the horrid cgi used when Caius' fake death happens and the Denali's rip his jaw off (I'll spare you the imagery). This friend knew about Emily and was very enthusiastic about her, and that's when this happened:
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So that's how it was born. A friend from high school theatre gave me the idea, and it all went back to the arson. In fact, she gave me the idea for the fact that Emily had red eyes at this point in time could be a consideration.
The very original idea I had was a lot less serious and more goofy than it actually ended up being. In fact, one of my very first incarnations of the idea was essentially akin to (and this is such a niche reference) the Goof Off from that one episode of My Little Pony where Pinkie Pie and Weird Al try to one up each other to win over Rainbow Dash to prove who's the better Party Pony:
Except, of course, it's Caius and Henry trying to one-up each other to impress Emily. A flower, new clothes, human souls, arson, you get the picture. And Eddie was always going to be there to bear witness to this insanity, keeping essentially a tally of who was "winning" this asenine contest.
Of course, however, a fic like this needed research. I know, it wasn't supposed to be taken super seriously and I could have probably gotten away with using the bare minimum characterization and knowledge the movies gave me, but I don't know how to half ass fics. So, I just opened the wikis and started reading. The information I discovered was... actually a lot more fascinating than I had expected. In fact it taught me more than I had thought to ask.
I remember laughing stupidly hard at Marcus' "death" because I genuinely thought he was just so over everyone's shit that he was like "thank fuck get me away from these weirdos" but NO, this dude's story is so fucking tragic I sort of feel bad for finding that scene as funny as I do. That, and I realized that my central focus, Caius, was just a, quote, "Trigger Happy Wife Guy" who just wasn't fully realized... which of course brought up said wife, but that's a later issue.
Armed with more knowledge, I needed to figure out how this was supposed to go. I couldn't just plop Henry, Emily, and Eddie in Volterra and have this pseudo Goof Off without rhyme or reason. How did we get there, how did this happen, why did this happen, and so on.
I can't put into words how far this fell from my original dumb idea. I repeatedly say even now that the original joke got lost in translation along the way. The primary source of comedy was supposed to be these two guys with almost identical faces fighting over Emily... and then that posed the question. Why would Emily even consider Caius at all? It's a contest of who's in theory the better lover, but why would Emily give Caius any thought other than the uncanny resemblance and maybe the shallow, superficial gifts he could give her?
Answering this question in the place where all my big writing ideas come from (the shower) could arguably be considered my biggest mistake/triumph.
She and Henry had to get into some kind of fight.
It took me a while to figure out what that was about, but eventually the 'joke' helped me figure it out. Diplopia (I was always proud of the cleverness of the title. It's the medical term for having double vision/seeing double) takes place after the events of Stranger Things 4, so by all rights Henry should look like Vecna, right? No, because then the joke wouldn't land the same way. So, you know, for the sake of the story I came up with an explanation. Consuming enough human souls allowed Henry to shed this gross, viney, fleshy skin, which probably meant Emily not only had to work double time to help the effort, but give up sustenance she could have used. Then it all just fell into place, her insecurities about her own Upside-Down modifications, some simmering issues in their relationship they hadn't dealt with, all that shit.
And suddenly pure comedy turned into an angsty valliant effort on Henry's part to win Emily back because he accidentally fucked up. There are still elements of the original idea in the fic, the gifts Caius gives Emily when she's giving Henry the silent treatment, and the tally board Eddie uses is seen when they're trying to figure out how Henry can fix his oopsie...
Which leads me to the fact that the very original one shot I had uploaded to my Stranger Things one-shots book on Wattpad had a different ending.
(Side note, my character arc has been all but abandoning Wattpad except as a means to store drafts. Friendship ended with Wattpad, now AO3 is my new best friend. It only took so long because of interface familiarity; I stopped reading any fics on there aside from my friends' years ago)
Originally, Emily realized all the effort Henry was going through to make her happy again was proof he was the one who knew her the best, her perfect match despite the fact that Caius provided her things she could also find the appeal in... and then I decided to be cheeky and say the entire one shot was a vision Emily had like how Breaking Dawn 2 ended. Armed with foresight, she could decline Caius' offer for them to stay for dinner and she and her two companions could just go home.
So I posted it and left it alone for about... three months.
Then I watched Breaking Dawn 2 again with, actually, @ohitshoneybee and before I knew it, I felt the familiar horrible tendrils forming.
A new hyperfixation.
Of course, before this I had once in a while thought about what would have happened if Emily had just... decided to stay with Caius, but I never went much further with it than small ideas. But NOPE, my stupid ass decided to write a whole continuation that went through all the movies just to see how they would change if Emily became a factor. That became a small winter break project, writing what I called "The Director's Cut" and posting it to an untagged story on Wattpad because originally I just wanted close friends to read it.
This allowed me to get more extensive and creative with the lore. I had The Wife Problem to deal with, sure, but I fixed that quickly and then could proceed with fully weaving Emily into this... frankly mediocre story and making my own improvements (namely trying to make Bella seem less... you know, flat faced and stupid by making her knowledgable about Hawkins, for example). Now Emily could wreck shop and I could get revenge on the franchise that had begun to ruin my life by taking a fat piss on it and putting my OC into it to make it better.
That original version of the longer story had multiple endings, like video games. A Bad Ending, A Neutral Ending, and a Good Ending. The Bad Ending was basically if Alice's vision was a reality and Emily really had lost Caius, the asshole she gave up everything for... it doesn't end well for anyone, lemme tell you. The Neutral Ending was the closest to the movie, the entire battle being a vision and the Volturi just walk away (not without complaints from Emily and Caius of course)... and then because I really wanted to be an asshole, suddenly Emily woke up back in the Upside Down, none of it having ever happened in the first place.
Once I finished the full story, I waited a bit and then decided I'd be brave and not only upload it to Archive of Our Own, but clean it up and try my hand at smut since I figured I was about to turn 19 and I'd wanted to put on big girl shoes for a while at that point... of course it had to be this fic, but you know. I chose to just use my original Good Ending since I had always viewed that as the "canonical" ending, with the Volturi kicking Cullen ass.
So, now here we are, several months later, and I have a sequel in the works. What started as an idea for a comedy one shot has now become arguably my most notable fanfic series with emotional gut punches and general weirdness.
And that's that.
So, that was a lot, but let's keep going with your other questions.
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Why Caius?
I can't really provide an honest reason that sounds clever or complex. It's not like I spent hours deciding to go this route out of several others. I suppose the least complicated way to put it is just that Twilight was my first step into branching out to Jamie's other works and the idea grew because of that specifically. Diplopia was always written to make fun of Twilight and because I noticed that both Caius and Emily had this shared trait of liking fire. That's literally it.
Also I think one of the other reasons was the slowly budding desire to expand upon these characters that Stephenie Meyer, frankly, half assed. I've had the discussion with many people about the wasted potential these characters had and how I, in particular, take offense to it beyond the superficial reason that I think Jamie's more talented than such a one note character like Caius was written like displays.
The Volturi is literally a coven of dramatic, theatre kid, art and science nerds that also happen to enforce vampire laws. Since they stand in opposition to the Cullens, naturally that makes them The Bad Guys since what kind of Monster would stand in the way of Bella's happiness? So why should they get any depth?
Thing is, the few traits Meyer gave to the Volturi are traits that describe me exactly. She created the bones for characters that seem specifically curaited to me and my tastes. So their lack of depth and information bothers me excessively because I want to know more and she won't give me that information.
I'm serious, this is part of Caius' page in the Official Guide Book she wrote herself
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"Sometime before 1300 BC" "Unknown" "Unknown" Ma'am this is your official guide book that has everything one needs to know about your series, you can fill in these unknown dates! Not to mention the utter lack of respect she gives the wives. They get ONE sentence, and it just says who they're married to.
Stephenie Meyer, you named Caius' wife after Athena (side note, always been my favorite of the Greek Pantheon, another reason I feel a very strong connection with these characters), she's obviously a badass, not a trophy wife who gets high.
A pet project I wanna start is to write my own guide book about the Volturi using the bones she gave, but adding my own ideas, giving these characters depth, including ideas from fics and blogs that also feel the same way as I do.
All this to say, aside from the main reason I gave, I chose Caius because, in a sense, he and his wacky, weird coven chose me. I feel very protective over these characters and I want to give them their dues. I don't claim to be the ultimate say in this since I'm a baby in the fandom and others have wonderful ideas I subscribe to, not the other way around. But still.
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Other Universes?
I don't want to rule out the possibility, but Diplopia/Necrosis really feels like a one-of-a-kind phenomenon. I don't think the same effect could be felt if, say, they ran into Alicent Hightower for some reason.
(Ironic, considering I did actually find a fic shipping Alicent with the Three Stooges Kings... unfortunately it's written in Spanish soooo...)
This has been a trope I've liked to at least play with a little bit in the past, though. I remember a long time ago I thought it'd be a funny idea if my Avengers OC ran into Thomas Sharpe from Crimson Peak, a character played by Tom Hiddleston aka Loki (who she's shipped with). I never did anything with it beyond a few texts with a friend discussing the idea of Olivia and Edith duking it out.
However as of right now, I don't really forsee another forray into the Doppleganger Crossover realm anytime soon.
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The Actual Writing
Favorite Scene/Chapter - Honestly I love many scenes in this fic for many different reasons. There was a certain satisfaction that came with writing Henry and Emily's big arguement and inserting Emily into the events of the actual series was wildly fun.
Although I think my favorite scenes to write in this story are as of yet unpublished scenes in its sequel, Necrosis, that I can't talk about for spoiler reasons but have been written because I'm impatient. There are two chapters in particular there that I'm immensely proud of, one where Emily is a complete girlboss and the immediate aftermath where she has a long talk with another character about her past, why she did what she did in the previous chapter, and her feelings about everything she's done as a whole, it's a very touching scene...
That's probably cheating, though, so for the sanctity of the question, I think my favorite scene in Diplopia is either the scene where the secretary has to find plane tickets to get the coven to the Cullens and the computer is infuriating everyone or the scene where Caius and Emily are talking, ah, "post coitus" about their pasts and, specifically, what happened to Athenodora.
Struggles - The smut, for one, since I'd never written smut to actually post before, and I hadn't even written anything smutty at all in a very long time. I'm getting more comfortable with it since it's something I want to include in my writing, this one in particular. It just takes me a whiiiiiile to hype myself up enough to do it. Plus, I know there's the question of whether smut is "necessary for the plot," but trust me, for Necrosis in particular any spicy scenes are important. The reason why will become more obvious as the story progresses.
Also, writing Henry and Emily's goodbye was extremely hard. I'm very protective of them and their relationship and it's something that's very important to me. I think the goodbye made the situation more real to me. I wanted to do it because then I could move on to the fun stuff later in the story, but that scene was very hard on me emotionally. I suppose that brings up the question as to why I did this in the first place, but the only real answer I can give is "shits and giggles." I'm not ashamed to admit I was crying while writing it, and the fact that "Slipping Through My Fingers" from Mamma Mia happened to come up on my shuffle while it was happening...
Motivation - The motivation was strange for sure. Nine times out of ten when I write my fics the motivation to write comes in bursts after days or even weeks being absent. Diplopia was no different. I remember it took me a while to get the original one shot done, but that wasn't necessarily a motivation issue, more like a... "once I go through with this, I can't go back, I'll have officially written Twilight fanfiction" and it was... kind of a battle to come to terms with that, and then overcoming my motivation wave.
This also brings up how I plan my fics... usually I don't plan aside from mentally, but for this one, once I decided to go full send on the Director's Cut, I knew I had to somewhat shape what I wanted to do and have it written down. So I started my trend of writing long messages to myself on a Discord server with only me in it devoted to sending myself stuff or writing down ideas. There are pages worth of notes on Diplopia and Necrosis in there. And when I get more ideas, I just add to it. The idea train never stops with me.
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Emily vs. Another OC
Being honest, there were a few times where I had an errant thought or two about coming up with a whole new OC to ship with Caius aside from Emily. I never went anywhere with it other than an idea or two about a backstory or a personality, though, and I don't plan on going further than that. Here's why.
By far, Emily is my most developed, well-rounded OC. As a Twilight OC, she has an entire, fully fleshed out backstory that comes from her "past" as a Stranger Things OC. She works incredibly well as a match for Henry, but she's also very compatable with Caius. My ability to ship her with both of them very seamlessly just feels natural and my best route to go with. For all intents and purposes, Emily is my OC for Twilight just as much as she is my OC for Stranger Things.
The only thing I can think of that makes her Stranger Things ties... we'll say stronger is that she can exist as a Stranger Things character without her additional Twilight lore, but she cannot exist as a Twilight OC without at the very least her base level Stranger Things lore...
I say "base level" and I mean basically everything up until she meets Henry (so her mother giving her up, her shitty orphanage she eventually runs away from etc). I have another one shot planned where Emily manages to avoid the trauma of HNL entirely and skips right to Italy with Caius... and an additional detail but that's another conversation.
So, wouldn't it be easier to come up with a whole new OC without those Hawkins ties?
Well, maybe, but the thing is that she wouldn't be nearly as developed as I would like. And I feel like at a certain point she'd just feel like Emily, just without the baggage. It's just not in my interest to do such a thing.
There are some ideas that I have that just don't quite work with Emily. She's so developed that there are things that just aren't in character for her. Her personality and presence is so unique that at a certain point there's no room for additional base level nuance. She can only change slightly with a "hypothetical" character development, and emphasis on the "slightly."
But you know who could benefit from this base level nuance that Emily can't use? Who is in desperate need of some filling to her character?
Let's get something clear, Thena is Stephenie Meyer's character, I'm not saying I'm just straight up stealing her character and calling it an OC. But remember how I said I wanted to make it a project to expand upon these near empty husks of characters with my own ideas and headcanons?
All the traits I can't use with Emily I could in theory give to my revamp (no pun intended) of Athenodora. I mentioned a few asks ago how I had a one shot idea cooking that doesn't involve Emily. That one shot is basically going to be me writing out Athenodora's story. Who she was before, where she came from, how she was turned, how she met Caius, and so on. All the stuffing that could have gone into a half assed OC can be added to Thena, a character with bones who needs meat.
So, tl;dr, Emily is the defacto Twilight OC for me, but any and all energy that I could hypothetically put into a from-scratch character would be much better utilized in giving substance to a character that needs it much more.
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Team Henry vs. Team Caius
Oh boy! Well, this is the real question for sure. I knew at some point I'd be asked for my opinion on the matter. And after a long, hard debate with myself, my answer is...
I can't pick.
I know, it's such a cop-out answer, but I genuinely cannot decide who's the better match for Emily at the end of the day. It's a cliché but it's like asking me to pick a favorite child. They both have pros and cons, and it's a completely subjective opinion based on the individual which of those pros and cons hold more weight. For example, I know you seem to prefer Emily with Henry for any number of reasons, meanwhile my best friend has a certain preference for her being with Caius for other reasons.
In an ironic twist, this is my Team Edward or Team Jacob in more than just the love triangle object. When it came to Bella, Jacob was the childhood friend who came with what was familiar and Edward was the vampire who came with the family that Bella had lacked to a certain degree.
Sound familiar?
For me, my preference changes with my mood on the situation, and that mood can change in seconds, back and forth.
Sometimes I re-read His Tenebris Moenibus or the other associated one shots and I feel like the absolute worst for taking away, quote, "the only thing [Henry's] ever loved" and how he wants to reshape the world for both of them just so he can make Emily truly happy because of that love he has for her. And I made her break it off with this man because I got the urge to create chaos?? The trauma bonding, the shared goals and ideas, the willingness to literally destroy the world for each other, it's endearing.
And then I take a look at the other side of things. I sometimes forget the base level circumstances as to how this happened in the first place because, to me, Emily falling in love with Caius also has a certain natural way about it. It feels like a legitament, viable option. Similar to Emily and Henry, they're damaged individuals who help each other essentially patch each other up. I think the only reason this fact can fall through is the fact that I just haven't been able to show just how badly Thena's death had affected Caius before Emily showed up since one, the aforementioned under-developing of their characters and relationship by proxy, and two, it's very hard to not only create that from scratch, but blend that in when I have to balance so many other more important plot threads.
Not only that, but as I said, Caius came with a family, something Emily's been without but secretly longed for. She has so many siblings and friends, "more than [she] know[s] what to do with," who help support her and provide a different sort of love to her. Aro's her strange older brother who she fights with, sure, but also sees somewhat of herself in (namely the fact that they're both batshit insane at times and have... spotty pasts). Sulpicia's her matronly sister who in many ways is a rock for Emily to keep her from going too wild, but also can act as another woman who can understand her. Marcus is... just there, unfortunately. He has his own issues and typically Emily's too haywire to pay much attention to him.
And the Guard of course! Her relationship with Jane is I think what Emily wanted her relationship with Eleven to be like. Even if Jane is much older technically, their older/younger sister type bond is incredibly special to Emily, Alec is just a bonus. And we have characters like Heidi, who help Emily branch out and be her own unique self or even yet unseen dynamics with Felix or Demetri. It's a whole support system and Caius is just the cherry on top, someone who genuinely cares for her and wants her to be her best self... even if they light things on fire along the way.
Now as for what Emily thinks...
I think like me, she's not entirely sure who she truly prefers at the end of the day. She knows and understands everything that I said a second ago, just much more personally which makes it an even harder choice.
What I do know is that she never regrets the relationships she had with either of them. She knows they both provided things she needed and she helped them in her own ways as well. Though, and I've said this before, when Emily's with Caius, a small part of her always will long for Henry because of the fact that she's essentially frozen in time still feeling that love for him. Nothing is going to change that. So by proxy sometimes she feels regret for leaving him, but that's not mutually exclusive to also regreting her relationship with Caius. She can regret leaving Henry while also being very happy as she is with Caius at the same time.
Caius also knows that Emily has this deep seeded love and longing for Henry and he will never ever try to erase that. He knows how much Henry meant to her and will never ever say Emily should never have been with Henry. He knows she loves him, and she also loves Henry. He can live with that.
I can't exactly speak on Henry's feelings since I don't exactly know what they are. That's not me just avoiding the question. Since I don't have season 5 to guide me, I don't know how his story wraps up. It seems odd considering this is fanfiction so why should I care about canon, but I feel like I need to know how Henry's story wraps up in season 5 so I know how it wraps up when Emily is with him, and then I have to remove her from that new equation. I'm making it harder than it needs to be, but that's how my brain is choosing to operate.
At least in part though, he feels like if she's happy, then he's happy. In a way, he did give her happiness like he promised, now that I think of it that way.
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Some other possible Jamie Variants?
As I said, this story was very curaited to pitting Caius against Henry because that's just how it developed from the start. But I have thought about this question a little bit since clearly Emily Has A Type, so why shouldn't we think about Jamie's other characters?
I think the next most likely candidate would be Jace. Personality wise, he and Emily have similarities. Their snark, their I'll say off-putting demeanors, among other things. That, and their aesthetics are similar. Emily's got tattoos and dresses alternatively, same as Jace. Plus, I think Emily would also be Jace's type since Emily and Clary have some similar traits like their red hair colors and brown eyes.
The primary problem I see with this is kind of a big one, though. Jace is a part-angel demon hunter. Emily is quite literally, for all intents and purposes, a demon. It would make for an interesting variant of the "two lovers on opposing sides of a war" trope, but that seems like a reaaaaaalllllly hard thing to bypass... oh but goddammit Emily as a Shadowhunter sounds like such a badass concept.
I'm gonna move on.
Sweet little Anthony Hope I feel like is a much lower candidate. Emily doesn't quite fit in his world, nor does Anthony fit in hers. Emily's far too much of a psychotic bitch for him. Plus, this would have to be like, a younger version of Emily since in Diplopia (our baseline), she's 38, a whole 20 years Anthony's senior. That, and there would also have to be time travel used since Sweeney Todd takes place 159 years before that. I shouldn't really factor in these logical aspects since nothing about Diplopia was logical in the first place, but I can't help consider it.
They don't seem that compatable to me. Anthony should just stick with Johanna.
This one is more for fun, but let's analyze Kit Marlowe. I'll get the obvious out of the way, but there's a slim chance Kit would even be looking in Emily's direction in the first place. If we bypass that, I feel like if we put these characters on a spectrum of hypothetical compatability, Kit would be somewhere in the middle. He and Emily have some similarities, but I feel like if they spent too long with each other, they'd butt heads often. Emily's clingy and Kit pushes people away. That's not very conducive to a good relationship. But they do have a shared interest in more macabre things and both see themselves as damned and irredeemable creatures.
If I'm being honest, the most likely outcome for this, provided Kit is willing to have relations with women in the first place, is a friends with benefits situation more than anything.
In fact, let's have fun. If we put Henry and Caius on a shelf and let Emily play the bachelorette, we have a very clear cut game of Fuck, Marry, Kill for her. None of the options are perfect like with most games of FMK, but if we really break it down, Emily would...
Fuck Kit, Marry Jace, Kill Anthony
But I feel like now is a good time to mention that at certain spots in Diplopia and Necrosis, you can see small influences and references to these other characters.
Emily mentioned a girl from Saint Valentina's that she lit the mattress of on fire. Her name was Clarissa and she "thought she was basically an angel" which is me referencing Clary, and Jace by proxy.
This one is more loose, but to a certain degree, on Caius' part, I feel like in his mind there's a certain "I'll steal you, Johanna" element to how he feels when first meeting Emily. You can take that as you wish, but Johanna was the first "Every Breath You Take" regardless of who's singing it, iconic and adorable as that scene is.
Lastly, this is moreso in Necrosis, but I very specifically call out how in one scene Caius is wearing a black dress pants and a black Elizabethan blouse that was open in the front with his hair slightly wavy and touching his shoulders. This is me describing Kit Marlowe in essence, specifically that scene when he's talking to Will about ambitions and then they kiss (jcbbby would know what scene I mean for sure). Frankly, the Twilight budget was strained when it came to wigs, especially in Breaking Dawn for the Volturi, but to me, if you made Kit's hair Targaryen silver-blonde and he had the red eyes of course, that's my ideal Caius, full stop.
In a few ways I tried to make Diplopia/Necrosis a sort of melting pot for Jamie characters, some elements more subtle than the others, so if you really think about it Emily gets to have all these characters.
And all of this is without mentioning the fact that Emily is also attracted to women, but that's a conversation for another day.
Phew, that was a lot! Thanks for the ask and I hope this isn't too exhaustive of a read!
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I am fascinated by the idea that Come In With The Rain is a Twilight song because Haunted has always so clearly fit the story of New Moon to me.
And I find it particularly hilarious that if we assume Haunted is actually/also about Taylor's experiences, then "he will try and take away my pain and he just might make me smile but the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead" is about Taylor Lautner in both interpretations
Quick where's the exploding brain meme we need right now to describe you because you are so right anon and that's so funny! Also I originally made my PowerPoint as a joke but now I'm serious I think ciwtr is a twilight fanfic
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Wow, that's a lot of asks! I thought I'd just answer them separately, but as you can see a lot of them overlap, so I decided to put everything together under a cut haha
1. Favorite fictional characters this year.
I’m locking the door, we’re not leaving until 2024.
No but seriously oh my, there were so many! For the sake of shortening the list a little bit, I’ll choose 5 characters I’ve met this year, but I could spend hours naming all of them haha To illustrate, Jolyne Cujoh won’t make the cut despite batches 2 & 3 coming out this year, because batch 1 came out last year and she’s not a new character for me.
In no particular order:
1. Pochita from Chainsaw Man
2. Suzuya Juuzou from Tokyo Ghoul
3. Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100
4. Anya Forger from Spy x Family
5. Okkotsu Yuta from Jujutsu Kaisen 0
2. Favorite ships this year
For this one I wanted to pick new ships as well, but if we’re being honest my year was dominated by one particular ship and it was fyolai. What’s funny is that I was more neutral towards at in 2021, I liked it, but I wouldn’t call it my favourite ship, and then I was doing my twilight meme saga and something in my brain just switched, I got an idea, thought haha just kidding…. unless?, and haven’t been the same ever since. The frenzy I was in throught the spring is indescribable and I literally did this to myself. Fyolai is the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep. Someone send help...
…and more fan content
*histerical laughter*
3. Favorite TV shows to watch this year
My 2022 definitely belonged to Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure. Part 3 was fantastic and part 6 was everything I imagined it to be. I originally started watching Jojo for the sake of having context for part 6 and I didn't even expect myself to get so into this world, I'd pick up the manga. What a bizzare advnture indeed!
There was also the 2nd season of Vanitas no Carte which I'm a manga reader of, so I knew what was going to happen. But still, seeing it animated was amazing. The only issue I had was that some aspects could've been done a bit better and the vibe seemed a bit of compared to how the story was presented in the manga. Maybe that's because of the differences between the used medium or Bones having to make so changes for the anime to work better, but reading the chapters felt more serious. But animated Naenia is still one of my favourite fantasy horror creatures and I want more of her.
Then there’s Stranger Things season 4 with which I have a complicated relantionship. I loved the first volume and I wish it hadn’t been cancelled in the middle of the season, that’s so unfair! (for context: the 2nd volume was of course released as planned but I despise the last two episodes of that season with passion and would rather pretend that the show was cancelled than accept them)
Of course I have to mention Chainsaw Man (which will appear again on this list haha), because I'm a huge fan of the way Mappa animated it. First of all, seeing chcracters animated gave them so much life and let each character stand out on their own. The decision to do a new ending each episode was also brilliant and each weak I was waiting to see how the new ending would look. Finally, the soundtrack was absolutely perfect, both the songs and the OST.
Lastly, the end of the year brought a lot of joy with Mob Psycho 100 making a comeback. I finally watched it and yes, it deserves ALL the hype it gets. I wanted to watch it for a long time and was waiting for the 3rd season to end to binge it, and it was a wild experience. This show is just so wholesome, it even made me care about episodic characters (not Dimple though, I don't like him, I'm sorry Dimple Stans) and I'd happily watch season 4 if it existed haha
4. Favorite books read this year
Definitely Dracula! Dracula Daily is the best initiative I’ve seen in a really long time (maybe ever) and I’m incredibly grateful I got to read it this way. And the fact that it was so synchronized with 2022 was fate. I wished for my 2022 to be vampiric and homoerotic and that came true in the most unexpected ways.
5. Favorite song, album, or artist to listen to this year
*cracks knuckles*
Okay no no no, I will be concise, I promise.
For the song, I don’t really have one favourite, because it’s way too hard to just choose one haha And yeah I picked first death, but it's not a definitive number one just one of my favourites and a song I felt desrves more hype, because it's excellent.
The reason why I picked it is because it’s beautifully different from anything I’ve ever heard and I’m so fascinated by the layers in this song. There’s just so much going on in the instrumental and because it’s really fast-paced I had to listen to it a few times before I even caught all the elements. Of course I have to mentions the vocals as well, because they’re perfectly utalized. In a way I feel like they’re more of an intrumental than the instrumental? Idk if it makes sense, but I feel like we’re meant to listen to this loud and very present intrumental and so the singing is a bit drowned out by it? It’s like the vocals and the instrumental are one in this song. And there’s also a lot going of with the vocals as well, switching from whispers to screams, lower voice to higher voice, it simply sounds wonderful in this song. I also find the usage of chainsaw noises an amazing easter egg, because this song was made as the 8th ending of Chainsaw Man.
Similarly Chainsaw Blood by Vaundy also utalizes this sound and is one of my favourite songs of 2022 as well. I didn’t expect the soundtrack of csm to give me 2 of my favourite songs of the year, but it was a very pleasant surprise. And as much as film credits fit the first episode, it’s such a shame that this song didn’t get to be an actual cinematic ending like the rest, because for me it perfectly encapsulates the vibe of this story.
Now, when it comes to other new releases I’d definitely put:
Love Dive by Ive - this is like THE song of the year and it deserves every bit of hype it gets, it's stunning in every aspect. I've heard it so many times and I'm still exicted each time I hear it play
Cheshire by Itzy - it's so underrated! It's one of my favourite Itzy title-tracks and it didn't even get much promotion compared to Sneakers (which was an objectively weaker song. I have a lot to say about the way JYP has been messing up when it comes to Itzy promotion, but the fact that this song was a part of a 4-track mini-album instead of a hugely promoted full album hurts my soul
Talk that Talk by Twice - to me it felt like The Feels pt. 2 and as a well-known The Feels enjoyer I couldn't be happier. I really like that Twice is now doing more mature concepts and keeping their youthfullness at the same time. It's not an easy task, but they're doing amazing
Limbo! by Nature - if you want to check this particular song out make sure you watch this dance practice video, because it’s so hilariously silly, I’m in love with this choreography. I love it when k-pop groups do "silly" concepts
Lightning by Charli XCX - I will go back to Charli in a second, but I just wanted to highlight this song
Shinigami Eyes by Grimes - at first I wasn't sure about this track, but it grew on me over the year and I find this new era of Grimes really fascinating. Just give us more music!!
Pop! by Nayeon - a perfect way to end this list and one of the song I didn't expect to even come out, because I had no idea Nayeon was having a solo debut. One day this song just materialized for me and I fell in love right away
The case with albums is a bit different, because there weren’t many new releases I’d be really into, so I spent the majority of time listening to older releases and making my discoveries there.
One of the exceptions was The Gods We Can Touch by Aurora which is a phenomenal album, literally one of the best I’ve ever heard, and funnily enough, it was released in January 2022. It raised the bar so high haha
Another album from last year I especially enjoyed was The God’s Machine by Blind Guardian, which was their first album under this name in like 7 years and it was everything I wished for (but please, guys, don’t make me wait another 7 years next time haha).
And lastly there was Crash by Charli XCX and I was so surprised by this album, because for the past few years she’s kinda been the face of hyperpop and so I didn’t expect her to go back to her pop roots. The effect was fabulous and now it’s probably my favourite of all her projects.
Now onto the artists! Once again there were so so many. Taylor Swift had an album (which was great btw just not my favourite of hers), I discovered Queens of the Stone Age thanks to my dear jojosis, Grimes made me hope for the Fairies EP for the entire year (I’m literally begging for Book 1, c’mon now I need this album), it was so fun.
It was also an interesting year, because it turned out that Siouxsie and the Banshees is actually that awesome band I didn’t know the name of, which led to me saying well I might as well give The Cure a second chance, right? and becoming obsessed with them. I connected the dots. I connected them!
*has to log out to cool down her emotions*
7. Favorite TV show episodes of the year
I’m glad you picked this question, because it’s so unusual to just pick specific episodes. To maybe list a few chronologically as I watched them:
s4e1 (Chapter One: The Hellfire Club) and s4e4 (Chapter Four: Dear Billy) of Stranger Things were both amazing episodes. E1 started the show with a bang and showed us that ST has amazing potential and can balance wholesome moments with horror elements really well while also being incredibly aesthetically pleasing. E4 has a phenomenal storyline, the stakes were crazy, and the Running up that Hill scene was possibly the most cinematic moment of the show.
s5e13 (Kiss of Love and Revenge (1)) and s5e14 (Kiss of Love and Revenge (2)) of Stone Ocean were hugely an Ermes arc and this was exactly what I needed for her character. They were also done absoltely beautifully and the scene with Gloria’s soul was one of the best moments of the whole show. s5e27 (Sky High) was also an amazing episode and the worldbuilding was hilarious, because what do you mean Rikiel can see some weird rods?? I had so much fun watching it and trying to figure out what was supposed to be scientifically realistic and what was simply bonkers. To be honest this whole season was wonderful, it’s just that there 3 episodes stood out the most to me.
s2e1 (Ripped Apart ~Someone Is Watching~) of Mob Psycho 100 was the best opening for the season this show could have and the scene in which Mob helps Emi put back together her book is one of my favourite scenes of the whole show, because Mob used his ability to help someone instead of using it for fighting purposes. Personally I really like slice-of-life stories that incorporate supernatural elements in the daily lives of characters. For the same reason s3e7 (Transmission 1 ~Winter Break~) and s3e8 (Transmission 2 ~Encountering the Unknown~) were also my favourite episodes, because it was like a break from all the action. I wanted to have a full episode dedicated to the Telepathy Club and these 2 gave me exactly that.
s2e16 (Hollow Mind) of The Owl House is another episode I want to highlight. The whole show is excellent, but I chose this particular episode, because it’s so dark and nice. Belos is one of my favourite villains of all time and this episode really shows why.
8. First fandom of the year
I had to think about this for a moment, but I’m pretty sure Spy x Family was my first new fandom of the year. So far it’s been a great experience though if I’m being honest I didn’t expect it to become this big. I knew it’d be popular, but THIS popular?? I even have friends who don’t watch anime on a daily basis tune in and watch new episodes and that’s adorable. The power this family has!
11. Biggest squee moments of the year (For ye youths who no longer use such awesome terminology, that means the fandom moments that made your heart cry out in overwhelming joy. Can y’all believe that “squee” didn’t quite stand the test of time??)
Tumblr Sexyman Contest! Seeing people come together to celebrate a Twitter contest through fan art and memes was a really beautiful moment. And Toby Fox wrote a fic! Like, are you kidding me?? Literal creator of Undertale writing a fic about a sexyman contest?? That was so cool. I was lucky enough to get interested in this subject before it ended, so I could watch the chaos unfold in real time and it was one of the wildest fandom experiences in my life. Oh, I have to mention for those who don’t know – hours after Sans was crowned the winner, Queen Elizabeth died and people RAN with the idea to incorporate her death into the contest. Yeah, things really got WILD.
Idk if that counts as crying out in overwhelming joy, but when chapter 101 of bsd was released I just happened to be at home and the noise I made upon seeing the drowning come true as a prophesized was hilarious. Like yeah I know that 2 lives are in danger, but I was so happy to be right. I can't wait for another jail break arc chapter and let me remind you I also said that Chuuya will survive and that in this universe vampires can't drown because they don't breathe. Oh, and also the newest omake also made me squeek in joy. Higuchi my beloved.
I also have to mention Stranger Things once again, because I was so happy when I was watching the first episode. It had been a long time since the previous season, so seeing these characters again was really nostalgic. And with this season taking a more horror-oriented route than the previous one, I was also squeeking with joy upon those clocks and everything. Like poor Chrissy, but I was having so much fun sjdhchcjsk
14. Favorite m/f ship of the year
It has to be jonmina (Mina and Jonathan Harker), it simply has to. Jonathan mentioning her in his shorthand all the time, Mina travelling through Europe to see him and marry him in a hospital, Jonathan willing to become a vampire to stay with her, they really deserve the title of my favourite m/f ship of the year. The bar is now astronomically high.
18. Fandom that you never expected to get into
To be honest I’m such a choatic person, anything can happen, and I fully know it. It’s like expect the unexpected, you know? But with that being said, I would never imagine myself getting this into Chainsaw Man. The reason I started reading it in the first place was because I saw that it was finished, and if I was waiting for the anime, I could as well read it to kill time, right? Well, no one told me part 2 would be coming out in summer! I had to learn through youtube showing me a headless chicken animation recommendation for me to be like wait what I don’t remember this chapter?? and the rest was history. No but really, part 2 is so good so far. It fixed most of the issues I had with part 1 (which was great, don’t get me wrong, it’s just that there were issues which aren't present anymore so part 2 is even better) and I can’t wait to read more. Also the anime was finally released and I feel like watching it with sound and movement definitely helps the story.
23. The most missed of your old fandoms
I really miss interacting with the Taemin branch of the Shinee fandom. It’s not gone or anything it’s just that now Taemin has to complete his compulsory enlistment, so there’s nothing going on. Other members have solo activities, but because Taemin is doing his enlistment, group activities are on a hiatus and I have to wait for him to be back to get new content and new music. I’ll wait patiently as long as it takes, but I still miss his comebacks and seeing Shawols come together to celebrate them. But let's not end on a negative note, because we still get cat updates and Kkoong is an adorable little kitty!
And that concludes today's ask time! Thank you everyone who left an ask in my inbox and happy new year to all of you as well ^^
@tachiehara, @platykool, @lady-tortilla-chip, @sensitiveheartless
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Longest Tag: 109 characters
#every twilight/thorn princess fanart i see is so hot and/or serious – something straight out of a mafia movie
My Top Posts in 2022:
Book Rec Ask Meme (Part 3 of 7)
18. your least favorite book ever
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One of the effects of being a shameless DNF-er is how I don't really have least favorite books. Because they can't be my least fave if I drop them halfway through and go and happily read something else instead. Least favorite book (singular) ever is even worse- why on earth would I read a book I loathe that much? The only answer is "Buddy Reads" and even for that I have drawn lines I will Not Cross. And even if those lines were crossed, I feel uncomfortable rating that book as "the worst" because making me read something I don't like makes me very, very mad and that naturally spills over to my feelings about the actual book.
So I skimmed through Goodreads and randomly picked a book that made me mad enough that I remembered being mad to this day. This actually means the book had potential, because I tend to forget books which had no redeeming features whatsoever. But this is also the third draft of this answer so it's what you're getting. (There is actually book I dislike more than this one, but that's getting saved for the un-recommend question.)
Tangled by Emma Chase is an office romcom. And it would probably be pretty entertaining (my tastes they are so low) if (a) the author did not decide that swearing was an inherently funny action and used it to indicate idk- something positive about the male lead, (b) it weren't for the unquestioned gender essentialism - you know the thing, men are like this women are like that and god forbid anyone deviates even slightly from the norm, and (c) I didn't keep getting smacked in the face with constant workplace sexual harassment.
The harassment was bad enough to have my oblivious self feel mildly uncomfortable when I first read it. When I skimmed through it again to remember why I hated it so much it almost made me want to puke. If any guy thought about me the way the ML thought about the FL I would knee him in the balls. Also, I HATE it when romances end with a "grand gesture" that magically solves everything. Especially in this case. FL, you were so fucking bland that I don't remember a goddamned thing about you but you should have kneed him in the balls. For fuck's sake.
QUOTE: (slime. slime all over my face and my arms.)
Doe Eyes may be telling me no…but her body? Her body’s screaming, Yes, yes, fuck me on the bar. In the span of three minutes, she’s told me why she’s here, what she does for a living, and allowed me to fondle her hand. Those are not the actions of a woman who is not interested—those are the actions of a woman who does not want to be interested. And I can definitely work with that.
23. a book that is currently on your TBR
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3 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
1, 9 10 13 15 16 18 23 52 53 55 60 63 71 80 86 107 121 127 134 135 for ur ask meme
okay so there's are enough of these questions that I'm gonna answer this in parts because otherwise (a) I'll never finish and (b) tumblr WILL end up earing my drafts and I wince just thinking about that. So here we go-
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Beginning by K.A. Applegate. Anyone who's spent some time on my tumblr knows about my obsession with this series. It drilled into my ear and took over all higher life form function way back when I was an impressionable pre-teen. And then after sometime, when I thought I'd found other things to obsess about, I found copies of the final arc and it decided to permanently take up residence in my brain.
The Beginning is the final installment of the Animorphs series, which famously feature kids turning into animals to fight brain stealing alien puppeteers. It's not a climax- it's a extended denouement, because the books have always been about how children people are affected by war as much as as it was about the actual war. Animorphs also ended on a very bittersweet note, something unthinkable to baby me who had never seen a story end this way before. It was a learning experience.
"Jake, you can't . . ." She took a deep breath. "You can't equate the victim and the perpetrator."
"So as long as you're playing defense it's not possible to commit a war crime?" I asked. "That's pretty close to just saying that the winner makes the rules because it's the winner who writes the history."
She grabbed my arm and searched for my eyes, forcing me to look at her. "No, Jake, it isn't. There are a lot of close calls in history, lots of wars where the blame is evenly split between the sides. This isn't one of them. Before they came to Earth no human ever attacked a Yeerk. No human ever harmed a Yeerk. This one is clear: We are the victims. They made war on us."
"That's good," I said softly. "All of that is good. We have justification. We're the good guys."
Marco said, "That's right, Big Jake, we are."
I nodded. "That's good for the big picture. See, my problem is a little more personal."
Ax asked.
"Well, Ax-man, you're right, you did call my attention to the possibilities on the Pool ship. And when you did that I guess I should have thought, Well, Jake, it's a harsh, terrible thing to do, but you're justified because, after all, you're the victim here. But that's not what I thought. You know what I thought?"
Cassie released her grip on me. But Marco just took a step up close, right in my face.
"I know what you thought, Jake. You thought Die, you filthy worms. Feel the fear, Yeerks. Feel the pain. Feel the helplessness. You wanted them to suffer and the idea of them suffering and dying made you happy. You were thrilled. You were high."
Cassie winced. She looked away.
I said, "Yeah, Marco. That was about it: word for word."
9. your favourite book of 2020 2022
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3 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Book Rec Ask Meme (Part 2 of 7)
13. your favorite romance novel
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You should know by now that I don't actually have favorites. I have a list of things I like and how much I like them varies with time, emotions, circumstances, and also maybe the phases of the moon. But The Duke in Disguise by Cat Sabastian was the first book I thought of when I saw this question, so it's the answer by default.
A Duke in Disguise is a standalone (technically it's part of a series, but books in romance novels series are often functionally standalones with cameos) romance story about two childhood friends- a prickly left-leaning publisher trying to keep her business afloat and an illustrator (engraver, to be precise) who turns out to be the long-lost heir to a dukedom. It's filled with class rage and ideas about what independence means and wonderful friend and family characters. The heroine is bi and filled with rage goes to her ex-girlfriend when she wants to yell about stuff. It's great.
How one was meant to feed all these people on a couple of mutton chops Verity did not know. Supper was supposed to serve four: herself, Nate, Ash, and Charlie. But Nate had come home with three friends he met at the pub, which would have been bad enough even if he hadn’t evidently also invited Amelia Allenby, the half-grown daughter of Verity’s friend. At half past seven, a carriage pulled up in front of the house and disgorged a girl in pearl earbobs and a white muslin frock, dressed as if she were going to dine with the great and good of the land, rather than pick at too few mutton chops and be an eyewitness to sedition. Amelia was seventeen and looked upon Nate with a degree of hero worship that nobody who brought three hungry radicals home to dinner deserved.
15. a book rec you really enjoyed
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4 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
1, 19, 27
1. a book that is close to your heart
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The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold. I mean, I love almost everything this author writes but I'd only read her space opera series before this, and space opera was (at least back then) not as much my genre as Fantasy is.
It was also a very different type of fantasy from what I'd experienced. I'd mostly read grand sweeping fantasy epics before CoC, with a dash of Tamora Pierce to even things out. But I think this was the first time I'd seen adult fantasy which was less about world domination and more about people just trying to get by in the face of curses and life in general etc. Caz is a wonderful protagonist because he's so tired and so traumatized and he juxtaposes beautifully with Iselle (who is the /thematic/ protagonist) who's vibrant and a beacon of hope. The divinity-based magic system is wonderful. The way of breaking the curse is wonderfully clever. This book made me actually weep more than once. I just- //flails
It also made me be more active about searching for adult fantasy I was actually interested in, because till that point I really thought all we could have were chosen one quest narratives.
“Any man can be kind when he is comfortable. I'd always thought kindness a trivial virtue, therefore. But when we were hungry, thirsty, sick, frightened, with our deaths shouting at us, in the heart of horror, you were still as unfailingly courteous as a gentleman at ease before his own hearth.”
19. a book that put you in a reading slump
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5 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It just struck me how the MCU is milking the hell out of a nearly manufactured out of whole cloth mentor-mentee/dad-son relationship between a billionaire superhero and a socially disadvantaged kid superhero while the dc cinematic universe, which has multiple canon relationships like that, ignored them COMPLETELY in favor of more serial killer showcases.
7 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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decent0distraction · 4 years
I need to talk about this cause I have no friends and my roommates are mean.
Here's context: https://decent0distraction.tumblr.com/post/615899981117800448/okay-so-im-not-saying-that-i-scrapped-my
Here's some details I just wanna talk about:
- Edward is written as depressed and suicidal, but in the way that he just doesn't want to live, but isn't necessarily trying to die. We cover this in the first two chapters.
- Speaking of the first two chapters, romance doesn't come in for a while. I didn't like how fast everything was in canon; we go from girl sees vampire, vampire obsesses over girl, girl meets vampire, girl and vampire are immediately together.
- The beginning of the story focuses on Edward dealing with thoughts of how he's nothing but a monster and that he sees himself as dead, or should have died. Sad boi hours ™
- And he proceeds to ignore his thirst and pretty much stops hunting altogether. Carlisle doesn't push, but he does try to subtly put Edward in situations where he has to hunt (telling him he needs to go with Jasper after school to avoid any issue/calling him out of school for an hour so he has an excuse/no option but to go)
- Edward's deterioration in health is purely my stupid imagined way a vampire might slowly start to "die" from starvation
- His vision will blur and he'll get dizzy if he moves too fast or pushes himself too far
- He's easily tired
- At one point, he can't read minds without getting headaches
- In the first chapter, instead of hunting like Carlisle intended for him to do, Edward just plans to sit in the woods for an hour and just vibe
- But he hears, never actually sees, a wolf; reads it's mind and it thinks about killing him
- And of course, the iron deficiency equivalent of vampire starvation gets the worse of him and he almost passes out, the 'wolf' disappearing
- The wolf is supposed to hint towards Edward meeting Jacob and the pack, and a later issue, but for now it's just for Edward to suffer and question his sanity
- Edward almost passes out in front of Jasper and our angsty boi goes all big brother on our sad boi
- He literally carries Edward downstairs, catches him a rabbit, and gets him to take it
- Wholesome content = Jasper looking out for Edward and keeping him alive
- In the first chapter, Jasper convinces Edward to go with him when he goes to buy a new motorcycle, which was hand built by our wolf boi
- And in the second chapter, Jasper and Edward walk through the woods to the reservation
- Edward is still weak and as a result clumsy from not eating, so it's a lot of Jasper helping him over roots and stuff and so wholesome ✨
- Edward is cold, cause his vampire defenses are weak af rn, and idk just go with it. Jasper gives him his jacket and it's big on him cause Edward's a bottom in this story (you can NOT change my mind)
- Jasper is low-key pissed about what Edward is doing to himself and they talk about and Jasper kind of yells at our sad boi and Edward realizes he's starving himself because he knows it's slowly killing him
- Jasper and Edward forgive each other and they make it to the reservation
- They meet Jacob, who stares at Edward
- Edward thinks it's because he looks strange; skin hanging off bone and Jasper's jacket pulled around his pale af body
- Yeah, no, sweetie. It's because he thinks you're beautiful and all that poetic shit
- "Here's where (s)he meets prince charming. But (s)he won't discover that it's him till chapter 3." (Maybe)
- I low-key hint that Sam was the wolf in the woods, but I might plot twist that shit. Idk
- (Insert explanation about Edward's body rejecting the rabbit blood here)
- Jasper calls Carlisle, takes our sad boi home
- And I wrote this stupid scene where Carlisle is really cold towards Edward and asks Jasper instead of Edward if he ate that day. He then proceeds to give Edward an IV of nutrients mixed with venom, to start to get Edward healthy again, idk
- I just really wanted a scene where Carlisle goes all doctor on his son and they become his hospital, because so far, Edward has been sort of closed off and cold towards the Cullen family and I felt like I was making them too estranged
- Edward isn't magically not depressed or suicidal anymore, but he does start to try again and this time, he has his family to help him
- Jacob has already shifted in this. So have Leah and Seth
- This means he's all muscle and short hair, and also I have this scene I really like where Edward sees a photo of Jacob with his long hair and he calls him cute and Jacob gets flustered, I'm FINE
- Jacob is told to keep an eye on the Cullens, so he befriends Edward
- But he high key likes the "weird Cullen boy"
- It's cute, ok?
- Edward slowly lets Jacob in, not understanding why Carlisle keeps warning him to stay away from Black and that reservation
- The wolves get restless and dangers arise, Jacob trying to keep Edward away from the war that's been going on between their kinds for centuries
- Edward is kinda naive to that kind of thing, until Jacob transform in front of him and I can't decide if they fight about lies and stuff
That's what I got so far that I can reveal without spoiling too much 😊
Tell me what you guys think???
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that-g3-artist · 2 years
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2 types of big brothers, plus dad
bonus featuring uncle wars:
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mister-softy · 3 years
so tired of all the vampire politics and the overbearing bugerousie rulers who will put their fellow vampires to death for any infraction, motherfuckers should unionize
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edwardsvirginity · 5 years
so my application for grad school included an option where i could upload my thesis from undergrad if i thought it would strengthen my application. and let me tell you!! i really thought about it. and then i remembered i wrote my undergrad thesis on memes, and i checked myself before i wrecked myself
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
Emily with Henry and Emily with Caius please, I want to see where all the differences lie...
5, 7, 10, 11, 20, 26, 32 (idk if Twilight vampires can get drunk but just pretend), 38, 40, 46
Thanks for the numbers, bestie! I would have answered this sooner but I got rly busy all of a sudden lol. Also I knew answering this ask in full would take a while.* Anyways, two ships so we're gonna do two sections... so you bet your ass I'm adding a cut.
I'll do the tiny text as well to save room... and one meme/shitpost each for the lulz (featuring shoddy edits of FC Olivia Cooke as Emily) because I don't know where else to post these lol... I have many more beyond this if you're interested.
*It did, I was working on this for like, two and a half hours, probably longer...
Emily and Henry
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5 - Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
Honestly, I can only think of one time off the top of my head where they had a really serious argument, and that was their famous "you're just being paranoid" "you're getting sucked in by these weird vampire people" fight. Other than that, maybe the occasional friendly squabble as kids over who cheated at chess and the like.
7 - How often do they say 'I love you?'
That depends on where in the timeline we are. When they're still trapped in the lab, very infrequently since they don't want Brenner suspecting they could be involved together in any way. When they sneak into each other's rooms, sure, maybe a couple times, but that doesn't happen that often. Post Upside-Down Banishment, I think the habit of not directly saying I Love You kinda carries over, but since they're more free to do and say what they want, it does happen a bit more frequently. They show love in other ways.
10 - Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
Their mutual desire to reshape the world and dislike of the human race lol. But in fairness to the question, they both like to draw, especially when they were the experiments and not the orderlies. They both like drawing what they see and what they hope to eventually see in their so-called perfect world. I have a headcanon that Emily keeps a sketchbook on her, even when she's poking around the high school in the Overworld. It's full of landscapes, portraits of Henry (partially so she remembers his human face), the occasional erratic Mind Flayer doodle, and the drawing of the Creel House she did as a child is taped to the inside back cover.
They also both have an appreciation for nature, both in the Overworld and in the Upside-Down. You cannot convince me otherwise that they don't play games with Demodogs and Emily hasn't given every single one of her bats names.
11 - How do they feel about nicknames/pet names?
This is an interesting question because I've thought extensively about this. When I was originally conceptualizing their dynamic, I just could not for the life of me figure out what pet names they would hypothetically use. Henry just didn't seem like a guy who would use terms of endearment like that (or in general, Henry using pet names just doesn't seem right to me)... and that's when I realized their names are the terms of endearment. They've both had their names stripped away and replaced by numbers, taking away their humanity. That first step of trust between them was sharing their real names and covertly using them when Brenner wasn't around. Their names are very important to them, so calling each other something other than their names feels wrong... so yes and no?
20 - How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
The surefire way to get Emily to calm down/relax/chill the fuck out is to play with her hair. This is one of the few traits of hers I passed on from myself. Maybe it's a reflex from having it shaved at one point, but many a time, Henry has just finger combed her hair or scratched her scalp to get her to calm down after god knows what kind of shit happened. Henry probably learned to braid hair so he can just braid and unbraid her hair when needed... maybe he learned it from Alice?
Henry's not one who usually needs the comforting since he... I don't want to say let's things slide off his back, but it's more like he simmers until the pressure cooker just explodes (ex. The incident of September 8th). But if I had to take a guess, I could see Emily just performing some kind of physical contact, usually a hug, hand squeeze, or small kiss to just ground Henry back to reality. They're both very touch starved and Brenner's rules don't help at all, so they have to get that shit in where they can.
26 - What sacrifices do they make for the other?
Alexa, play 'If You Love Me, Let Me Go' (or whatever the song's title is).
No, but in all seriousness, I feel like they both have had to sacrifice many things for both each other and for the advancement of their goals. Emily in theory has a shot at living a somewhat okay life with the 'friends' she's made (Eddie doesn't need sarcastic quotes, they're real friends despite what Emily herself may think or not) on the Overworld since she can get up there, yet she chooses not to, prefering to spend more time in the Upside Down with Henry since for multiple reasons, he can't leave.
I don't want to say Henry's the more dependent one of the two (he is), but it's hard to pick out any one thing Henry's truly sacrificed for Emily other than the previously alluded to "letting her go" thing compared to what she's given up for him. In reality they both mutually gave up a lot of things for their goals like their humanities (nameless numbers aside).
32 - Do either of them drink? Who's the lightweight/who's the caretaker?
Canonically it's been stated multiple times that Emily doesn't drink or do drugs (she berates Eddie for it constantly) because a scrambled mind means she's disconnected from her abilities, something she especially hates after Brenner's Soteria implants. Henry's probably the same way.
But for shits and giggles, let's do a hypothetical. Henry's a much lighter weight than Emily would be. I could understand how someone could see him as an angry drunk, but I think Henry just blubbers and essentially behaves like a sad, wet cat. Emily can and would drag him home and let him cling to her while he lets it all out. I think Emily would be the more aggressive drunk. I can see Emily getting into a bar fight and Henry (or Eddie since he was probably the one to drag her there) having to pull her away and then be forced to deal with arguably something worse than a drunk Emily: a hungover one.
40 - Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
As far as getting and staying together, no. They'd have lost their minds without having each other to rely on. But I think on occasion Henry regrets not warning Emily about what really went on in the lab when Brenner was persuading her to stay. They wouldn't have bonded or even formally met if so and who knows where else little orphan Emily would have ended up otherwise.
And I think once or twice they moreso regret not being able to have the relationship they really wanted, away from the lab and allowed to grow naturally. They're both steadfast in their hatred of the human system, but I'm positive they've both at least entertained the fantasy of having met as kids at school, falling in love in the real world in the 'proper' way, and then living in the Creel House as a real family unit after they had Eleven/Jane/Elaine the way they should have. It's the "In another life, I would have liked doing taxes and laundry with you" trope, just an incredibly angsty variant of it because even if they had that chance in circumstance (aka no lab to imprison them in), their views on the human system would prevent that almost entirely.
46 - Do they consider the relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
There's no question that they see this very seriously; it's all they have really. There isn't anything casual or normal about the kind of bond they have with each other. As I said, I think Henry's more dependent on Emily than the other way around, but they're both extremely attached to each other. Their relationship is the most important thing to them at the end of the day, even more than their goals because their plans may fail, but they will still have each other...
And on that admittedly ironic note let's move on to...
Emily and Caius
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(I just made this one a couple hours ago lmao)
5 - Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
Honestly? I don't see them arguing much since more often than not they're virtually on the same page. Maybe it's not so much arguments as it is "one of them is being stubborn and the other has to get them to do what they're supposed to." Emily's usually this hypothetical 'stubborn' one, though, because she's still the same Emily who likes to rebel against the system (even if now she's part of the people creating it) and tries to get out of her, quote, "stupid duties." She's a... we'll call it a free spirit. Nine times out of ten this means Caius has to bribe her in some way to handle her responsibilities, not that he minds that, I don't think.
7 - How often do they say 'I love you?'
The cool thing is they can say it in many different languages to keep it interesting. I would say often, but not to the point that it could be considered annoying to others. They don't do that cheesy "I love you" "I love you more" "I love you most" bullshit (unless they're actively trying to be annoying because someone's being an asshole about boundaries... Aro). But they say it enough and can show it via other means without verbalizing it.
Caius says it out loud more often though because Emily's lacked affection aside from Henry for her entire life. That touch-starved insecurity about being able to receive proper love is just part of who she is. She's frozen in time with that insecurity and Caius makes it a point to pick up that slack to remind her that she can and is loved.
10 - Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
In all seriousness, though, once again art is a connective tissue. I don't know how this headcanon started or got so widespread, but people say Caius is a painter (and I'm obsessed with this idea) and Emily still draws. They teach each other their prefered mediums, so Caius has helped Emily learn to paint while she introduces him to the benefits of having a simple sketchbook and pencils for capturing moments.
I think there's also that shared love of learning and sharing stories since Emily's been locked out of the world at large for most of her life save for the books she read when hiding in the library when she was homeless. I headcanon Caius as a history buff (especially when it comes to wars and general combat because we all agree the dude's a warrior, full send) and Emily just likes hearing all these accounts and events since there's just so much she doesn't know about the world. "I wanna know about the strangers like me." That, and she likes hearing the myths, legends, and stories that come with that.
I like to think that a popular story that Caius grew up on, then passed on to Emily to become her favorite tale is the story the original God of War games told (since I fuckin love that franchise so let me have my easter eggs). She never gets tired of hearing about Kratos' journey.
11 - How do they feel about nicknames/pet names?
Emily's general philosophy on pet names stays largely consistent. She doesn't really call Caius any cute names very often, maybe in front of other people to put up a more sickly sweet front once in a while. She moreso uses terms of endearment in a mocking/sarcastic way (there's a perfect example that comes much later on in Necrosis, but for spoilers' sake I'll keep that to myself. Emily uses nicknames sometimes, occasionally calling Sulpicia simply "Picia" and she refers to Athenodora as "Thena" since Caius called her that or Dora since her name is a bit of a mouthful.
Speaking of, on the other side of it, Caius' favorite pet name for Emily is Agapé, or one of the Greek words for love. Sometimes he calls her 'love' or 'my love' in English and some other languages. Once in a while he'll call her a queen in various languages (since technically she is). I think it's just another way Caius hammers home his affection for her, a la what I said for bullet point 7. Though, sometimes Caius calls her by her name when he needs her attention for something important or serious (like to snap her out of a frenzy for example). It's like a softer version of the dreaded "Middle Name" when you're in trouble.
20 - How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Again, the go-to for calming Emily down is her hair. But since her traits are exemplified because of her transformation, full physical contact is also a viable option. Sort of like what I said for Henry, a hug or kiss will work magic. I hesitate to say cuddles because that's too soft a term for these two, but that will also work. I think it's because Emily was a bit touch starved as a human, and that only got magnified.
Caius has a very... notorious temper. The smallest things can set him off on a bad day. Usually Emily just lets it happen because a) it's never directed at her and b) she has a superiority complex over those that temper is being directed at. But sometimes she knows Caius' hissy fits help nobody and all she has to do is just grab and hold his hand. Maybe it's not so much of a "calming" move as it is a "keep it in check" move, but in essence it's the same thing.
Again, for spoilers' sake I'll keep the details to myself but there is a point in Necrosis where Caius get a slightly different kind of upset. In that case, Emily knows giving him space is the best way to start before she gets him the "cuddles but we're not calling them cuddles because we're not cute, we're angsty chaos vampires."
26 - What sacrifices do they make for the other?
I mean... Emily sacrifices her life in more ways than one. She's literally an undead creature now, but further than that, she gave up the life she'd known for like, 25 years, the first person to show her love and the first friend she'd ever had. She willingly goes against her dislike of the institution of marriage for Caius and the life and family he provides.
Emily's my character, I'm allowed to make fun of the decisions she makes at my behest.
In some ways, Caius only made gains when he got with Emily since he got a woman that really understands and enjoys being around him rather than just eternally moping (like some people...) and raging after Thena died. But bringing Emily on board means that there's eventually a lost of stability, something Caius and the rest of the Volturi value. Again, I'm being vague for secrecy's sake, but Emily makes waves and it's gonna hurt when they crash ashore. I don't know if you would count that as a sacrifice rather than the probably more accurate term, a consequence, but it's not in Emily's nature to let things stay smooth all the time and things can and will get ugly.
Not for them and their relationship, mind you.
32 - Do either of them drink? Who's the lightweight/who's the caretaker?
Unfortunately, as you inquired, alcohol doesn't affect vampires. In fact they can't really drink it cause they'd have to cough it up since they can't digest anything that's not blood. Emily still hates the idea of drinking regardless.
But again, for shits and giggles, let's have fun.
Emily's still probably an aggressive drunk, but I feel like since she's more open now, she can also be a bit of a flirty drunk if her mood was right. She's (somewhat) less of an angry person compared to when she's a human in Hawkins. I don't know how super clear I've been on this, but Emily's a horribly repressed bisexual disaster, so despite the fact that she's married to Caius, when drunk I feel like she'd lose her inhibitions and will probably make a pass at Heidi especially or Chelsea (maybe Sulpicia if she's out of it enough). Either way, it's kind of amusing for Caius to watch, but eventually he gets her attention and cuts her off to get her back to their room, even if she's complaining the whole way or getting really handsy with him.
I don't see Emily as a light weight exactly, but compared to Caius she seems like it. The man would be able to hold his alcohol and extremely well at that. He drank Greek wines as a human most definetly, probably on the regular, so he'd have a high tolerance from that alone. To me, Caius reads more like a guy who would do small glasses of whiskey by the fire with Emily curled at his side (as opposed to others in the coven I could name who get absolutely sloshed constantly having downed many bottles of god knows what). But if Caius were to get drunk, similar to Emily I could see him getting more aggressive since he's just Like That in General, mostly just hurling swears and insults unrestricted or throwing something across the room until Emily just gently gets him back to their room till he sobers up.
...honestly I don't think it's wise for any of the Volturi to get drunk because I don't see it ending well in any way.
40 - Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
Caius, no, not in a million years. He's very happy with Emily and considers himself incredibly lucky she came into his life. I feel like he understands how important Henry was to Emily, but only to a point since it seems like she's thriving with him and his wacky family/coven, faring so much better than when she was with Henry. Is it selfish and egotistical of him, absolutely. But he'd never ever go as far to suggest Emily's better with him across the board or that she shouldn't have been with Henry at all because that's just not true.
Emily was frozen in time when she was still in love with Henry. She already left him before she was turned, sure, but that love didn't go away the second she did that, and it wouldn't have for a long time. So for as long as she will live (probably several thousand years), a part of her heart will always be his and his alone. As a result, sometimes she misses him, sometimes a lot. Sometimes she even questions why she left him, wonders if he found his own happiness after the fact, worries if her leaving him led to him dying, oh god, don't let that be the case...
Emily tries to not go down that train of thought because then she's asking questions she doesn't want, have, or need the answers to. So, I would say once in a great while she gets in her head about if she made the right decision/regretting her choice, but she can't help it.
46 - Do they consider the relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
Serious. Very serious. Again, I have to reiterate Emily doesn't like the institution of marriage and yet she agreed to fully commit and marry Caius. That, and I sure hope it's serious since casual relationships don't come with the kind of influence and power Emily gets... although I will say it went from Casual to Serious extremely quickly.
Revenge Sex to Marriage Speedrunning Challenge.
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cesca-untoldstories · 3 years
Jotaro kujo, but he’s Robert Pattinson’s batman.
(I just remember all the Robins that look alike Batman and...)
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I really love the film tho- I'm not ashame to say I really love Rob Pattinson since twilight, not that I like that film but I really enjoy watching him and feeling I know that in that moment he is sure thinking on a meme he saw on the internet and can't laugh because he need to stay serious. hahaha
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