#twilight rewriting
skekilla · 2 months
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idea i got while driving and thinking of them sddfsfds i promise ill post more serious stuff about this au if people want that
pov youre alt and youre gay and its the year 2005 and also your girlfriend can see the future and is more used to that than to modern technology
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majachee · 1 month
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irrevocableloves · 10 months
violent delights masterlist
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twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
summary: y/n swan has lived in forks all of her life, but when she takes her summer-long vacation to california to visit her mother, she returns to a strange new family accompanying her small town.
chapter one: the city of forks welcomes you
chapter two: golden topaz
chapter three: was it really luck?
chapter four: regret
chapter five: blood type
chapter six: an old scary story
chapter seven: port angeles
chapter eight: questions & theories
chapter nine (COMING SOON)
last updated on: 5/4/24 <3
taglist ₊˚⊹♡
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everafterwhat · 18 days
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Okay I’m working on a lot of stuff right now and it’s very chaotic so I’m just gonna post some older mlp art while I’m working on stuff!
Not to brag but I started this before the whole mlp infection au thing🤭 but that’s beside the point, there’s a lot of background lore but I’ll keep it brief.
Basically the apocalypse happened (bombs that created a radioactive fallout and disease) and some people were able to stay sheltered in bunkers! The mane six were all together when shit went down hill but after a series of events the group fell apart into two groups; twilight, rarity, Apple jack, and fluttershy, and the other being just Rainbow and Pinkie. Twilight took it upon herself to try and develop a cure but when that didn’t work she began messing with time and space to try and find an escape through dimensional jumping. Unfortunately she, along with her smarts, died during a raid on bunker 479. Cadance (ik I spelled her name wrong don’t come after me) was left to pick up Twilight’s pieces, determined to figure out how to find another dimension that is safe. In a downward spiral of madness she has lost her way, unable to find any futures or presents without the apocalypse or disease, and is now only focused on trying to to find another Twilight but it seems she was lost across space time completely.
Okay that’s all for now!
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gliphyartfan · 3 months
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Hiiii, I’m back.
FINALLY! You guys have no idea how frustrating this guy was!
But I did it! May the next post happen much soon! Sohelpmegod
@yanderelinkeduniverse @ice-cream-writes-stuff @linked-heroes @screaming-until-god-hears-me @imprisioned-in-the-hole @crestfallenmermaidan @eternadreeblissa @lovanmari
Well no more talk! Only story! Enjoy!
"Was dad upset with you today?"
Colin…didn't really expect an answer, he already knew.
Had seen the frustrated look on his father's face.
And Link, he had simply stood there silently.
When he wasn't found in the village, Colin always found him by the Ordon spring.
Sometimes with Epona, mostly alone. Link just stared into the crystal clear waters, never once looking away.
Colin observes Link's quiet and solemn routine by the entrance of the spring. As he watches, Colin notices something unusual - Link has a jug that belongs to his father, one that Colin had been warned against sipping from. Colin continues to watch Link from a distance, observing the way he silently drinks from the jug and stares into the clear waters.
Just another oddity in the growing list connected to the rancher.
For many days, Link had been behaving utterly odd.
Looking at everyone strangely, almost panicked, as if he no longer understood how to interact with any of them.
Everyone had been whispering about it, yet no one could figure out what caused him to suddenly change so much out of the blue.
Yet despite his strangeness, he still helped Colin's mother Uli, still patrolled alongside Colin's father Rusl. Still dealt with the goats and cared for Epona.
But it was almost…like he was simply going through the actions.
His body was moving but his eyes were empty. Even when he gave everyone a smile, it was crooked, like he didn't even have the energy to smile properly.  
 Colin watches as Link takes another swig from the jug, his eyes never leaving the reflective surface of the water. The typically cheerful rancher seems distant, lost in thought. Colin has never seen Link like this before, and it honestly makes him uneasy.
Despite his anxiety, Colin decides to approach Link, wondering what could be going on in the older boy's mind.
 The sound of the water splashing against the shore and the distant bleating of the goats fills the air. Link doesn't seem to notice Colin's presence, instead continuing to gaze absently into the water. Colin approaches him from the side and looks at the jug of mead in Link's hands.
"He and mom were talking about you." He said quietly, sitting next to him, "I think he knows you've been taking his jug. They are worried." 
 Link turns to look at Colin, his eyes still clouded and distant. "I see," he says, his voice quiet and soft. He takes a long drink from the jug. He sets it down beside him, his gaze returning to the water.
Colin watches as Link takes a deep breath, as if trying to gather his thoughts.
 Colin, curious and worried about Link's distant behavior, gently asks, "Is there…something wrong, Link? You’ve been… different."
 Link stays silent for what feels like an eternity to Colin, his gaze fixed on the water. Just as Colin is about to give up on getting an answer, "I'm just...tired, Colin." Link finally speaks up, his voice barely above a whisper, "Tired of...so much, tired of…losing…so much."
 Link's words hang heavily in the air, the weight of his emotions palpable. Colin, still young and inexperienced, didn’t and couldn’t fully understand the depth of what Link is feeling. He looks up at Link, trying to process the words. "But you always win in the end, don't you?"
"This...isn't something I can win.." 
 Link's reply cuts through the air like a knife, his voice laced with a sadness that only those who have experienced great loss can truly understand. Colin looks up at Link, searching for some hint of the Link he has always known, the one who is brave, strong, and seeming to never falter when trouble was about.
 Colin watched the person he saw as an older brother stare into the waters of the spring. 
He looked so…lost…but it wasn't like he was searching for anything…
It was almost as if he had long given up when just some time ago he had been fine. 
"Link…did you…lose something important?” Colin didn't really know why he said that. But it made sense, in a way. 
He lost something, Colin didn't know what but it must have been so important that it made him like this. 
Made him behave so strangely. 
 Link continues to stare into the water, his mind lost in thought. He seems far away, consumed by his own emotions. Colin's question hangs in the air, unanswered. Link's shoulders sag, as if the weight of the world is resting on them.
Finally, he speaks, his voice quiet and defeated.
"I don't know..." 
 Link's response only deepens the mystery surrounding his current state of mind. The warmth of the setting sun does little to dispel the chill that Colin now feels in the air.
 "I don't…know if I lost anything…anyone…" Link continues unprompted, "I…think I did…I think I lost some…one..so..so precious…" 
  Colin's heart tightens as he hears the pain in Link's voice. He gazes at his older brother, trying to find the right words to say. He opens his mouth, then closes it again, at a loss.
 "But I don't know if I lost anyone…and that scares me…" Link took another drink from the jug, "I think..I'd be happier if I had lost someone.." 
"Why?" Colin couldn't help but ask. 
"…Because it means they had to have existed for me to lose…" 
 Link's words hang heavy in the air, as Colin looks at him with a mixture of confusion and concern. The kind Hyrulean boy that Colin had always known seemed to have been replaced by a hollow, lost shell of his former self.
 Colin takes a deep breath, searching for the right words to say. He wants to offer Link some encouragement, some glimmer of hope to hold onto. But as he opens his mouth, the gnawing silence seems to swallow his words before they can even leave his lips.
Because no matter how much he wanted to help, Colin was just a kid. A kid that didn't really understand what Link was talking about. 
It all confused Colin just as much as it worried him. 
 Colin sits next to Link in silence, his heart heavy with concern. He tries to offer an apology, hoping it might bring some comfort to his brother. "I'm sorry I can't help you, Link," Colin says softly, his voice laced with sadness.
 Link doesn’t look away from the waters. "It's alright, Colin," he says, his voice quiet and devoid of emotion. "I don't think anyone can help me with this." He takes another drink from the jug.
That just made Colin feel worse. 
Eventually Colin glances up at the sky and notices that it has started to darken. Reluctantly, he accepts that it's time for him to return home.
He takes one last look at Link, who still sits at the edge of the spring, lost in his thoughts, like the weight of the world was seemingly on his shoulders.
Colin sighed heavily, feeling a knot tighten in his stomach as he turned and began to make his way back to the village.
And Link...
...simply took another swing from the jug, the ache in his chest gnawing within him that he knew wouldn't be filled. 
He had lost everything that had become so dear to him... 
He didn’t know if he ever had it to begin with…
And all he wanted to do was simply forget, if it meant an end to the horrible pain.
It was familiar enough.
The Bublins charging into the spring. 
The force that sent him collapsing into the spring waters beneath him.
Uli’s tears and Rusl’s grave face.
The forceful tug into the Twilight.
The agony of his wolf form wrapping around him…
The cell and cuff that bound him in place…
That laughter…that mischievous grin…
At one time, he had longed to hear and see this all again. Longed for the mischievous smile and arrogant words spoken at him. so much so that it was as if he needed it like air. 
…Funny how what he once wanted so badly was now the very last thing he ever wanted to see. 
He didn’t know how to feel about it…
Link gasps, collapsing to his knees, his sword stabbing into the ground in order to keep him upright. 
“Why do you continue to fail?”
Link shakes his head, grimacing. 
“I…I don’t…mean to…I-“ 
“You must confront that which you seek to deny, else it damns you to further loss…now..” The point of a blade was aimed at the hero. 
“…Yes sir…” 
“You have a renewed burden." 
He chose not to reply to the fortune teller. 
At the urging of Midna, who's curiosity over talk of someone who could see into the future had garnered her interest, he had gone to visit Madame Fanadi. 
Personally he'd have simply gone to the next location needing his attention. 
He didn't want to be here, he already knew what he needed to do. 
"You are lost, blindingly wandering through a world of memories long since past." She continued, "Eyes open, but unseeing as you stumble along your unpaved path." 
 Madame Fanadi's words hang heavy in the air, her piercing gaze never leaving the Hero of Twilight. 
"Bound by chains forged from your own guilt and regret." She says, her voice taking on a somber tone.
Link's eyes are focusing on a point beyond Madame Fanadi. He can feel Midna's gaze on him from within his shadow, but he doesn't acknowledge it. 
"Your burden wishes to trap you," she continues, "It would consume you whole, if you let it."
"…And why shouldn't I let it?" The words left his lips before he registered that he even said it. 
 Madame Fanadi's gaze does not falter, as if she had expected this reaction. "There is hope, even in your darkest memories," she says gently. "You have a chance to break free from your burden and find redemption."
He scoffs. "Redemption?"
He doesn't deserve it. None of them did. 
Damned to relive these days. Damned to question whether he was truly reliving them or simply following a pattern that was laid before him. Worse still to realize that it was possibly all a figment of his mind. 
(If they all truly exist... he hopes they are suffering like he was…)
If his Goddess truly existed or not... 
He hoped she never forgave them. 
None of them were worthy of it.
Twilight's hands curl into fists in his lap, knuckles turning white.
He wasn’t worthy of it.
 "You wish to be consumed by the pain, seeing no point in continuing on," she says. "It's eating away at you, consuming you from the inside. Most curious for a young man like yourself to hold such regret."
Twilight's eyes, still fixed on a point beyond the fortune teller, narrow.
Madame Fanadi continues to watch him, calm, patient. As if for her, the passing of time meant nothing. "You are burdened by memories, young hero," she says softly. "Memories that haunt you, memories that bring you pain. Or rather, it is someone within those memories." 
Twilight tensed, his fists squeezing tighter. 
"You want to look away, to run from these thoughts, but you know that you can't escape them." 
"That's enough..." He tells her, his voice low. 
"Tell me young man, do you believe if you ignore these regrets, that somehow you'll be free of the consequences you suffer?" 
"I won’t hear anymore..." 
"Those who fought beside you, the trust you hold for them in your heart, it is strong and bright despite the darkness swirling within." Madame Fanadi continued, "If they stood before you, would they not be suffering such agony as well?" 
She tapped her chin, an almost sorrowful smile on her face. 
"After all, are you not all guilty of the same regret?"
"Stop it!" Twilight was looking directly into the woman's eyes, his own shining with anger and warning. 
 Madame Fanadi does not flinch under the provoked man's gaze, but rather, she holds it, her smile never wavering. "You are trying to hide away from the truth you created, young hero," she says. "But you can only hide so long before that truth finds you."
"I'm leaving." He stands, uncaring that his seat is knocked over. 
 Madame Fanadi's smile doesn't falter as he stood up, her eyes following him. "Remember, young hero, the truth has a way of finding us all." She says this softly, almost like a whisper. The room feels suddenly colder, it would excuse the trembling of his shoulders, and the candles flicker as if in response to her words.
He storms towards the exit, his footsteps echoing in the stillness of the room.
He coughs, a dribble of spit escaping the corner of his mouth as he clutches his stomach. 
“Had this been a true battle, you would have been cut down several strikes ago.” 
“I-I’m so-“ a kick to his side sends him sprawling onto the ground once more.
“Don’t apologize. Improve.” Once more, the blade is pointed at him. 
Link clenches his teeth, trembling with exertion as he reaches for his sword. 
"What the hell was that Link?" 
As he storms out of Fanadi's Palace, he hears Midna's voice calling out to him. She sounds concerned and a little frustrated, and Twilight knows that she wants him to explain what just happened.
He stays silent and continues to walk away from the building. 
 Midna, not used to being ignored, pesters him as he makes his way through and out the city. 
Link stops in his tracks when they are a good distance away, looking down at Midna, who had appeared in front of him, with a mixture of annoyance and detachment.
"I didn't like what she was saying," he says, his gaze flickering away from Midna's. 
Midna crosses her arms, her expression skeptical.
 "Are you still worried over those kids?" She asks, sighing as if she figured out his problem already. 
"They are safe in that village, that shaman seems to have a good head on his shoulders." She said. 
 Link's eyes narrow at Midna, shaking his head. 
He wasn't going to bother correcting her assumptions.
What he suffers through happened long after she was gone. 
...in his memories anyway.
"..I won't let things get in the way of what we're doing." He says quietly, looking away from her. 
Midna frowned, eyeing him for a moment before returning to his shadow without another word. 
Though he was not stupid to think that was the end of this conversation. 
 The wind rustles through the trees, carrying the scent of blooming flowers and the sound of chirping birds. The sky is a clear blue, with only a few wispy clouds visible. It's a peaceful scene, but Link's mind is anything but. 
 He closed his eyes, hoping the ambiance of the area would pull him into its peaceful embrace. 
It was a fruitless effort of course, but it was better than suffering the ache in his chest. 
“I’m TRYING!” He growls, grunting as he tiredly raises his blade to block the strike aimed toward him.
“Success must come after attempting, yet you seem to linger at the ‘attempting’ stage of learning.” A twist of a wrist and the rancher’s sword is knocked from his hand and clatters to the ground several feet away from him. 
Link can only bite back the snarl that tried to escape him, his hands in tight fists as he steps towards his fallen blade.
Link kept a smile on his face when he arrived in Kakariko Village, keeping the troubles that plagued him from seeping through as Talo greeted him excitedly.
Beth was still with Colin and Malo had his store. 
Humoring Talo's rambling as he walked though the village, he soon waved him off when he approached the inn.
Entering the room,  Link can see that Colin is resting peacefully. Beth is sitting in a chair next to him, her head resting on the armrest as she dozes off. 
The warmth and quietness of the room wrap around the Hero. Beth doesn't stir from her sleep, and Colin looks peaceful, his chest rising and falling rhythmically. The silence almost tricks him into relaxing into it's embrace, but his thoughts keep invading, making it difficult to truly relax. He takes a seat next to Beth, watching Colin closely.
Truthfully he had no interest in being here. 
But he had no interest in speaking to Midna either. 
It was either here or back in town, and the rancher wanted to be as far away from that fortune teller as possible. 
Link carefully lays a spare blanket over Beth, tucking it around her shoulders to keep her warm. He then turns his attention back to Colin, not really looking at him, merely giving his eyes a point to focus on. 
The silence in the inn is only broken by the soft snoring of Beth and the rhythmic breathing of Colin. Link's constant attempts to find solace in the peaceful atmosphere are in vain, as his thoughts keep drifting back to Midna and the unspoken tension between them. 
He can feel her eyes on him, even from within his shadow, and he knows she's waiting for him to address the elephant in the room.
This version of her may not have known him as well as previously, but she had a keen eye when she so chose.  
But he refused to speak to her about it. 
He didn't even want to think about any of it. 
 As Link sits in the quiet inn, it's as if he's viewing the world through a foggy glass, unable to truly connect with it.
He...didn't want to be here. 
He takes a slow deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth. 
He doesn't want to do any of this again. (Didn’t want to contemplate if he was doing it all over again.)
All he wants is to wake up back at camp, to hear Wild (his mentee, his cub) humming as he finishes breakfast. To hear the others (pack, trusted) slowly awaken at the smell of fresh food. 
To hear Her voice, rough with sleep, greet them good morning, 
To be able to reach out and cup her cheek, to feel the joy as She sleepily nuzzles against it, trusting that he would never harm her. Seeing Her almost fall back to sleep before he softly calls Her name to keep her awake. 
 Link's thoughts are consumed by longing for a past that seemed to never truly have happened, for the companionship he once considered so important. He closes his eyes, trying to imagine himself back at camp with his friends.  He can almost hear everyone's chatter as they prepare for the day, the smell of Wild's cooking.
He can almost feel the warmth of the morning sun on his face, hear the sound of the birds chirping in the trees. He remembers the way Her sleepy laughter would fill the air as she conversed with the others. He remembers the feeling of camaraderie, of belonging to something bigger than himself.
He remembers his pack and he misses them all so very much. 
 His sword brothers...he longed to stand before them once again. 
To be able to walk up to them...reach out his arms...
( And strangle the utter life out of each one of them for daring to damn him to this horrible curs- ) 
He tenses when he hears Beth mumble something in her sleep, relaxing when she didn't saying anything else. 
He focused on some deep slow breath. He could hear his blood rushing in his ears. 
He wants to lash out in some way, but he knows he can't let himself get carried away by his anger. He takes a few more deep breaths, trying to clear his mind. 
As he opens his eyes, he notices Beth stirring in her sleep again. He watches her for a moment, listening to her soft breathing. He can't help but feel a twinge of envy towards her.
Link's gaze remains fixed on Beth, studying her peaceful expression as she sleeps. He can't help but think about how carefree and untroubled she looks, free from the burdens and responsibilities that weigh on his own shoulders. The envy he feels turns into a pang of sadness, and his heart feels heavy in his chest.
'Was it so wrong to want to stand by her side?' He mouthed silently to himself. 
He doesn't want what he remembers to be a dream. He didn't want to think that the love he gained for such an incredible person to have been all for nothing. 
He just wants to go back to his pack, back to Her. 
(Even if his pack would damn him to suffer this cruelt-) 
He ran both his hands through hair, letting one drop while the other kept a grip on his head. 
He didn't want to do any of this! He didn't want to do this! Again or not! He simply wanted this journey far away from his present. To become a long done memory already.
Was he cursed to relive this path over and over? 
Would a chance at life beyond the hero title be a failed dream? 
He just wanted someone to tell him... 
'..Is there an ending to all this?' He whispered to himself, it felt like it echoed in the silence of the room. 
"...just kill me..." 
Link's voice is barely above a whisper, his shoulders slumped in defeat. The Shade's sword remains at his neck, the weight of it a reminder of his mortality. The ghostly swordsman studies Link.
"Please…I rather die believing in the illusion my mind showed me, than live long enough to find it was all a lie."
The Shade's gaze lingers on Link for a moment longer, then he slowly withdraws his sword, sheathing it with a soft hiss. "I will not grant you such a release," he says into the silence. 
"The strength of your heart…has disappointed me."
Link stays silent, not meeting the Shade's gaze yet feeling the weight of it.
He feels empty…
He feels defeated.
When Midna finally manages to confront him, it's as sudden and as ferocious as he always expected her to be.
Link could feel the air escape his lungs as the Twili's versatile orange hair slammed him against the dungeon floor. 
"You're not avoiding this any longer you goat-wrangling mutt!" She hissed, Twili magic crackling around her. "You better tell me what's been going on with you or I'll make you." 
Midna's eyes glow with a fierce determination as she pins Link against the floor. Her hair holding him in place. Link struggles to breathe, caught off guard by Midna's sudden attack. He can feel the heat of her anger and the intensity of her gaze.
"I've tried to give you space," Midna said, hands clenched.
"But you've been avoiding even talking to me, and I won't stand for it any longer. You will tell me what's been going on with you, or I will force it out of you."
The air is thick with tension as Link struggles to break free from Midna's grasp. 
"One hell of a time to corner me like this." He grunts, not bothering to struggle. He knew no amount of struggling to free him from her grasp. 
"I thought you wanted me to keep moving?" He asks, trying to buy some time to gather his thoughts. Midna's sudden aggression, had taken him by surprise, and he's still reeling from his own inner turmoil.
Midna's grip on Link tightens, and her eyes narrow. "I did," she says, her voice low and dangerous. "But you've been doing a rather good job keeping me from asking you anything, and I can't stand it any longer."
"Well maybe just keep out of my personal business and you'll spare yourself the frustration." He glares at her, but Midna's gaze doesn't waver. Instead, her eyes seem to bore into him, searching for the truth. Link feels a shiver run down his spine as he realizes that she won't let go. 
"What is wrong with you?" He growls at her, "I have done everything you wanted since you freed me from that cell. Is asking for some privacy in regards to my own life that difficult for you to accept?" 
"Not when it ends with you lashing out!" She snaps back, her grip on him tightening even more. Link winces as she presses down on him for a moment. 
"You nearly attacked that one drunk guy in castle town!" 
"He wouldn't leave me alone." Was all he said. 
"All he said was That he'd feel sorry for whatever girl decides to fall for a, oh what was it he said? 'Grumpy country bumpkin.'? Something about how that girl would just have her heart broken." 
"Wouldn't be the first time I've been called that." He answered, though the people who called him that were trusted friends. 
"Oh? So you decided to nearly yank his arm from his shoulder socket because he just wouldn't stop talking?" 
He didn't care if that stupid drunk rambled on like he had. 
But to say whoever gave their heart to him would suffer heartbreak... 
(Was he that terrible of choice for a life partner? A husband? A mate? Is that why he hurt-) 
"Nothing he said was worth focusing on." 
"And those knights! You snarled at them when they made a stupid joke! SNARLED!" She exclaimed, throwing her hands up when she saw his stubborn expression. "You looked like the very wolf you can change into. They ran without a second go waste!”
"The knights of Castle town are worthless and cowardly." He growled, a hand coming up to grab part of her hair. "They don’t dare approach me if I was in my beast form, it genuinely makes me wonder how they’d handle an actual war?"
Midna's eyes narrowed even further. "You can't go around attacking people. You're supposed to be a hero aren't you? Not some brute."
"Oh?" He asks, a faux look of curiosity on his face. "Would me being a brute go against your goals?" 
"Now you're going after me?" She scoffs, crossing her arms and legs as she stares down at him. 
"You were always strange since we met, but ever since you spoke to that fortune teller, you've been completely out of line."
"Simply because you're making assumptions about my situation-"
"Because you never talk to me!" 
"Well maybe it's because I don't WANT to talk to you! Have you ever thought of THAT?" He spat at her, struggling for the first time since being pinned to the floor. 
"I've done EVERYTHING you wanted me to do! EVERYTHING. I have not made a SINGLE complaint since you saved me from the cell! Not one! I think I have been a rather good 'servant' don't you think?"
He clenched his hands into tight fists.
"But it seems no matter what I do. I'm NEVER good enough for you. For ANYONE." He shakes his head, his face twisting in pain. 
"Was what I've done so bad that I have to be cursed like this? To be forced to live through it all over again? To question what’s true or fabricated in my mind?!?”
"I didn't mean to!" He shouts, his voice cracking. 
"I-I...I just.." Wanted to be by Her side…
That's all he wanted. He wanted to be with Her. Hold Her. Kiss Her. 
To be granted the honor of being called Her partner, perhaps even Her everything.
Wanted to never let her out of his sight again. To take her somewhere far away and start a life with just the two of them. 
"What do I have to do to fix this?" He whispers, his head bowed. 
'Link, focus-"
"WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL IN ORDER TO WAKE UO FROM THIS DAMNED NIGHTMARE!!" He roars at her. Midna actually rears back at the unhinged look overtaking his face.
“Hey! Watch it!”
Link's words hang heavy in the air, and Midna watches as he struggles against her grip, his eyes blazing with...something..
"Let go of me," He growls, his voice barely above a whisper. "I mean it Midna. Let. Go."
Midna stays silent, hesitation flickering in her eye. 
Something was wrong. This was not how she expected this to go.
She watches as he struggles against her grip, his eyes blazing with an intensity that makes her want to keep him pinned down until whatever was happening was over.
"Link, focus," Midna tries to interject, but he talks over her.
"Let go of me..." 
"Link, I-" she starts, but he cuts her off. 
"I said let go," he repeats. 
"Damnit, you’re not ok!" She says, refusing to let him go. 
She didn't know WHAT he would do if she did. 
"Let go of me Midna..." 
"What'll happen if I do?" 
"Let me GO.." He brings his head up and lets the back of it hit the floor beneath him. 
Midna watches as Link's head hits the floor, wincing at the sound of impact. 
“Heheh…” He begins to laugh, it was not pleasant to hear, “Do I have to wake myself up? Is that how I'll return? Am I too stubborn to wake up?” 
That look in his eyes. He's not in his right mind. She tightens her hold on him.
"Link. You're not thinking straight. You need to calm down." She says firmly, trying to reason with him. 
He brings his head up, only to hit it against the floor again, harder.
“I need to wake up…they’re waiting for me…” 
The sound of Link's head hitting the floor echoes through the wide space, and Midna can't help but feel a sense of alarm. She tightens her grip on him, trying to keep him still and prevent him from hurting himself any further.
"Link, stop it!" She commands, her voice firm and authoritative.
"I need to wake up..." His voice sounds fragile, trembling as he brings his head up as best as he could and to slam it back down against the floor. “She’s unprotected…we have to protect Her…” 
(He couldn’t lose her again. He simply couldn’t.)
Midna watches in horror as Link continues to bang his head against the floor, each impact causing the sound of his head hitting the hard surface to almost echo in the open space. The scent of blood making it's appearance. 
"I need to wake up.." he repeats, desperate, as if he were on the verge of tears.
His mind overwhelmed by everything he'd be desperately pushing away since he awoke back in Ordon. 
He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to return to his pack. He wanted to return to (y/n). 
He wanted this all to be a horrible dream. 
Midna, completely out of her depth, lifts Link away from the floor, the back of his head leaving a splatter of blood on the rough surface.
She slams him back down, causing the air to escape his lungs.
"I'm sorry Link," she says, not giving him a chance to register what's happening as she releases him and turns her hair into a fist. "But you need to calm down!" 
Link has just a moment to register what she said as her fist collides with the side of his face. 
Midna breathes a sigh of relief as Link's body goes slack, her makeshift fist leaving a rather large red mark on his cheek.
..What the hell…
 She knows that she had to do something to stop him from hurting himself, but that didn't help the twinge of guilt after hitting him. She floats down close to him, brushing his bangs out of his eyes after a few moments, checking to make sure that he's still breathing.
The dungeon is dimly lit, with faint light from outside barely illuminating the cold, stone walls. The air is thick with dust and the smell of dampness, and the noticeable sound was the distant drip of water. Link's unconscious form lies sprawled on the cold, wet, hard ground, his breathing slow and steady. Midna hovers over him, her expression a mix of concern and guilt.
"..What made you go crazy like this?" She mutters, unsure what to do. 
What a situation she landed herself in. 
Stuck in a damp dungeon with an unconscious frenzied hero. 
(Maybe she should have chosen a better spot to talk to him.) 
“This sucks..” 
"What do you WANT?" Link shouts at him, his chest heaving from the exertion.
A single red glowing eye looks at him. "Your resolve has weakened to an absurd degree," he says. "You limit yourself to the boundaries that others have placed on you."
He stares up at him, panting and covered in sweat. " I have done no such thing." He protested. "I am doing everything I can."
The Shade shakes his head. "You are holding yourself back."
"No I'm not!" 
"Still such a child. Denying a truth that is always dogging your footsteps." 
"You aren't even HERE!" He screams, having finally reached his limit with the shade.
The shade said nothing. 
"This is all some fucked up dream! The real you doesn’t even recognize me!! You think I wouldn’t figure this out? That I wouldn’t be able to see through this whole thing?!? What's the point, what’s the fucking purpose of my mind placing the illusion of you before me?!? To mock me?? To constantly remind me of something that possibly didn’t happen?" 
"I may be an illusion...but your guilt isn't." 
"This is ridiculous," He sits up, his teeth bared at the spirit. "I’ve denied nothing!" 
"You are troubled. It clouds your heart." 
"Sorry to disappoint you, but you aren't the first to point that out." 
The Hero's Shade stood a few feet from him, sword held away as he watched Link. 
The Shade's gaze is intense, scrutinizing Link as he rises to a sitting position. The air around him feels heavy, almost suffocating, as if the weight of his troubles is a physical entity. Link can't help but feel a little vulnerable under the Shade's gaze, the numbness that has become all too familiar to him serving as a constant reminder of his burden.
"I won't let it get in the way of learning what you teach me." The rancher replies in a monotone manner. 
“Each time you appear before me, your resolve weakens further." The Shade says, his voice deeper, rougher than the rancher remembered. 
Then again, he spent a considerable amount of time with his more...'livelier’ self...so the young hero supposed things would have changed during the decades after. 
(Though...the Shade should have recognized him...shouldn't he? Yet he didn’t… Did that mean that everything truly was-) 
Link shook away those thoughts.
"Though that does not distract me from your current failure to focus." He steps closer to Link, slowly walking around him. 
"You’re weaker than you should be, yet still so disappointing. I’m surprised you have not been struck down by a Bublin yet due to your carelessness." Link grit his teeth, that was not a question. 
"I am...as strong as you need me to be.." 
"As I need you to be? So…you would allow another to determine your overall strength? You would cease to grow simply because another held your leash and brought you to heel?" 
Link glared up at him, but of course, the Shade was entirely unfazed.
The Hero's Shade continues to circle around Link, his intense gaze never leaving the young hero. The weight of his gaze is almost unbearable, and Link can feel himself reflexively shrinking under the pressure.
When he stands in front of Link once again, he points his sword at him. 
"Raise your sword." Was all he said to him.
The Shade's sword gleams in the light of this realm. Link tightens his grip on his own weapon, meeting his gaze. He lifts his sword as he stands, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on him. 
The Shade begins to circle him once more, this time Link matching his movements. 
"Now, attack." He commands. The young hero takes a deep breath and lunges forward, sword swinging through the air.
The Hero's Shade watches intently as Link attacks, it takes not even a few moves before Link is tossed to the ground.
 "Again," he says, his voice stern. Link obliges, rising up and lunging and swinging his sword once more. 
This time, the Shade raises his own weapon to block, the clash of metal on metal echoing in the air. "Again," he repeats as Link is once more knocked down.
Once more he rises, only to be defeated again. The Shade remains unmoved.
Link's movements become more sloppy with each loss.  Frustration taking over more and more, but the Shade remains relentless, silently commanding him to raise his sword each time. 
Link loathes the sound of his sword constantly clattering to the ground. An indication of his constant failure. 
An indication that he was weak. 
He couldn't afford to be weak. 
No. Never. 
Not when being weak means losing what matters. 
Not when it means he could lose- he couldn't lose everything else! 
He already lost his pack! Every one of them! He can't- 
He reacted before he really registered the noise, rearing his head back in surprise, dodging the sword swipe. 
"What are you doing?!?”
"You are rejecting the truth and it’s hindering you." The Shade says, his voice echoing ominously. "I wonder, how many will you abandon…as you run away?"
 "I have never abandoned anyone!" He exclaims as he dodges swipe after swipe. 
"Foolish enough to release your sword in front of an opponent. Foolish enough to deny the truths that dig themselves into your very being. Foolish enough to be led on by others like some obedient beast." 
 "What point is there to gain strength when I've lost everything already?!?"
The Hero's Shade does not pause his attacks, but does look at Link with a contemplative expression. "Strength is not just for protecting others," he says. "It is also for protecting yourself. So that you do not continue to lose what matters to you."
 "But I've already lost everything that I wanted to protect!" Link dives under a swing and rolls behind the Spirit, reaching out to grab his sword. 
But before he could get close, he stills, the cold touch of the Shade's sword pressed against his neck. 
"And it is your fault.” 
The declaration was firm, weighted, Link could feel the sharp chill of the blade against his skin. 
The Shade's voice is low and accusatory.
He should argued his point, said something to get his predecessor to stop. 
But the young hero just couldn't take it anymore. 
"It wasn't my fault!!" Link screams, his voice echoing through the training grounds. Tears well up in his eyes as he pushes the blade away with his hand, uncaring of the sharp pain it brought, his body trembling with emotion.
"I didn't mean for any of it to happen!" he repeats, his voice desperate, almost pleading. "I just wanted to keep her safe! I just wanted her to stay with us!" With me.
"You would lay the fault of your sins on your desire to protect? When you would endanger the one you sought to protect?" 
"None of us would ever hurt her." He hisses at spirit, "Not even death would be enough of a punishment suffered for such a crime." 
How many had he willingly killed for daring to threaten her safety? 
Those disgusting creatures that took the forms of man. Daring to gaze upon her beauty and attempt to stake a claim.
A claim. As if she were an item to be bought. 
Not even as he made them choke on their blood, as he wrapped his hands around their bruised necks, did the rage boiling through his veins calm. 
 "You believe that you have done what was necessary to protect her," he says, his voice softer now. "But have you considered the cost? " 
Link's eyes flash with anger and defiance. "Yes," he growls. "A thousand times, yes."
The lives he's taken, the pain he caused upon those unworthy fools- it was all worth it to keep her safe.
The Shade's gaze pierces through Link, as if trying to read his very soul. "You believe that the ends justify the means," he says, his voice filled with a strange tone of somber wisdom. "But have you considered that the means themselves may taint the end?"
Link's heart races, but he stands his ground. "I have done what I had to do," he insists. "I would do it again if it meant keeping her safe."
Keep her away from those who would harm. 
Keep her nice and safe. With them. With him. 
"Even if it meant being the cause of Her tears?" 
Link's mind reels as the Hero's Shade challenges him with his question. The thought of (y/n)'s tears, caused by his own hand, is almost too much to bear.
"I-I never…would never want to hurt her," he stammers, his voice filled with trembling in growing panic and despair.
The Hero's Shade studies Link intently, seeing the pain and fear in the young hero's eyes. "You say you would never wish to harm her," he says . "But sometimes, actions have consequences that cannot be foreseen.”
Link's heart races. 
"You, and those who stood beside you. You all are the reason she was lost." 
Link's shaking his head, The Shade's words cut deep, and Link struggles to maintain his composure. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. "I don't believe that," he says, his voice barely above a whisper. "I won't believe that."
"Still you deny the truth.." The Hero's Shade continues, shaking his head, "You grew arrogant, drunk on the delusion that you knew what was best for her. Convinced your strength was enough to fight back the world. But in doing so, you overlooked the consequences of your actions. You caused her pain, and ultimately, you lost her."
Link's heart feels heavy, each word the Shade speaks weighing down on him.
The Hero's Shade's words hang heavy in the air, and Link can't help but feel the weight of their truth. He thinks back to the moments leading up to (y/n)'s disappearance, trying to pinpoint the exact moment where he may have gone wrong. 
His mind races as he replayed the memories, his heart aching with every image of (y/n)'s strained smiles. The exhaustion that settled around her. 
Had he truly been so blind..?
"No..." he whispers, "No..I didn't...I didn't mean to.."
"It is not my place to judge you, that duty goes to the one you harmed," he says, "I only aim to teach. To help you understand the weight of your actions. Perhaps that is the reason that your mind created my image before you.”
Link looks up, meeting the Shade's gaze. He wants to argue, to defend himself, but he can't bring himself to speak.
Link feels a lump form in his throat. He looks away, unable to meet the Shade's penetrating gaze any longer. The Shade's tone had been calm and measured, devoid of any emotion, yet his words are like a dagger to Link's heart.
 "The arrogance and narrow-mindedness of you and yours had blinded you all to the true needs and desires of (y/n). It was not your place to dictate her choices, but to support her regardless of what path she follows."
Link says nothing, tears falling down his cheeks.
“No matter how far you run, you could never escape the truth. Because you refuse to forget.” 
His tears fall to the ground, his eyes clenched shut. 
"...Cub.." He tensed, hearing the nickname only his mentor called him. 
Link slowly looked up, tears still falling. His breath caught in his throat as he looked into a familiar face. 
Once decayed and ghostly, his mentor now stood before him in all his familiar glory. His face immediately brings a wave of memories crashing down on him. Of brotherhood. 
Of trust. 
"...T..ime..?" The Hero of Time stared down at him, looking as alive as in his memories. 
"Rise and grow strong Cub." He said, an aura of calm surrounding him, holding out Twilight's sword. “Rebuild your shattered resolve.”
"Become a Sword worthy of serving our Goddess..." 
Twilight reaches out, taking his sword from his outstretched hand.
As he wraps his trembling hand around the hilt, as he did, he felt a surge of energy pulsing through him.
The last thing he saw before his vision became white, was his mentor watching him calmly.
The side of his face hurt as his senses returned to him. 
Opening his eyes, he immediately shuts them with a hiss from the brightness hitting them. 
"Hmph, finally awake are we?" 
 As he slowly opens his eyes again, shielding them from the light, he sees Midna, her impish face looking at him with a mix of masked concern, annoyance, and weariness.
"Took you long enough," she huffs, "Here I thought I was gonna have to finish my business all on my lonesome before you chose to wake up."
He finds himself lying on his back, the ground beneath him feeling hard and unfamiliar. His head throbs with a dull pain, and he instinctively reaches up to touch the side of his face, wincing at the tenderness. 
 As he touches his face, his fingers probe a tender area around his temple. It feels swollen and bruised. He sits up slowly, trying to ignore the spinning sensation that threatens to overwhelm him. Midna's face comes into focus as he blinks against the, to him, harsh light.
"What happened?" He ask once his head settled a bit. His voice hoarse.
Midna's impish features twist into a bitter smirk.
 "What happened?” Midna repeats his question, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, let's see. You lost conscious, curtesy of me thank you, after your little breakdown earlier." She pauses, letting her words sink in. "I had to drag your sorry butt all the way to this pretty spot." 
He look around, trying to get his bearings. 
 The torchlight flickers off the stone walls, creating an eerie atmosphere. As Link take in his surroundings, Midna's voice breaks the silence.
"Seriously, what was that back there?" Midna asks. "You scared the crap out of me, you know?"
Link turns to face Midna, his expression conflicted. "I'm sorry," he finally says, his voice still hoarse. "I…don't know what came over me." 
"I'll say, you went crazy!" 
 Midna crosses her arms, her smirk faltering slightly as she studies Link. "You really don't remember?" she asks, her tone softer but no less annoyed now. "You were ranting and raving about some girl and waking up... it was so sudden."
Link furrows his brow, trying to recall what happened before he lost consciousness, all he remembred was this sense of everything becoming...too much. 
 Link sighs, rubbing his forehead.
To think he'd breakdown like that. 
He really had been running from it all. 
 "You were mumbling something about 'her' not being real, and 'waking up'." She crossed her arms, "Do those words mean anything to you?"
He tenses, Midna could tell he was trying to come up with something to say. 
“Safe to say, they mean something to you.” She huffs.
 Link stays silent for a few moments, deep in thought. The dim light of the torches illuminates his face, highlighting the conflict and anxiety etched into his features. He then shakes his head, letting out a sigh. 
"...I made a mistake," he admits slowly, his voice still hoarse. "It...hurt someone very precious to me." 
"Oh?" Midna floated closer to him, "What'd you do so bad that it made you like THAT?" 
Link opened his mouth but closed it a moment after, looking away. 
 The room grows quiet once more, save for the crackling of the torches. Link's eyes lower to the ground, reflecting the guilt and regret he feels. Midna, sensing his discomfort, waits patiently for him to continue. After a few moments, Link finally speaks up, still looking away.
"I hurt her," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper. "We all did..." 
He shakes his head, his mouth in a firm line. 
 Midna's eyes narrow, trying to make sense of Link's words. She cocks her head to the side, studying him carefully. "Alright, so you hurt someone you care about. But who's 'we'?"
Link's grip tightens around his phantom sword, his jaw setting. He doesn't look at Midna, instead focusing on a distant point on the floor. "It's not important right now."
 Link's response only serves to pique Midna's curiosity further. She can tell that he's holding something back, but she doesn't want to push him too hard and risk shutting him down entirely. 
Or worse, go crazy again. 
Instead, she decides to change tactics.
"Fine, keep your secrets," she says with a shrug. 
There was a moment of silence. 
“. . .So did you mean to do it?” 
“…H-Huh?” Midna tsk’d. 
“Did you. mean to. hurt your friend?” Link took a moment to register what she asked. 
“No…no I would never…” he whispered, the Twili could see his already pale skin turn a few shades whiter. 
“Well that response at least means you got part 1 down of mending things right.” She rolled her eyes at his look. 
“Let me tell you something, Link. You're not the only one who's made mistakes."
 Midna's words hang heavy in the air, breaking the tense silence that had settled over the room. Link continues to gaze at the floor, lost in thought. The torchlight flickers across his face, casting deep shadows that seem to reflect the turmoil in his heart.
"I know," he says softly, his voice filled with pain. "But this was different. For me. For us all. The results-She-we…we didn't..."
 Midna sighs,  she can tell that he's not ready to open up about it. After another few moments of silence, Midna breaks the tension again.
"Alright, I get it. You don't want to talk about it right now." She straightened up and put her hand on her hip as she floats closer to him. "But you clearly don't have the means or time to even try to fix whatever it is that's happening with you." 
He looked at her with tired eyes, and she frowned. 
"If it were me, who hurt someone I cared about..." she tapped her chin, "and I had no choice BUT to hold off on making amends...I'd at least take the time and accept that I did something wrong." 
Link sent her a questioning looking and she huffed at him.
"Well how many times have you heard someone apologize but never bothered to understand what they did wrong? Apologizing is great but it means squat if you didn't bother to figure out WHY you're in the dog house...pun intended." 
Midna's words seem to strike a chord with Link, who looks up at her with a slightly more alert expression. She can see the gears turning in his head as he considers her words. After a few moments, he nods slowly, remaining silent as he absorbs what she said. 
"Great, you finally realize a fact about yourself, “ she raises her hands up and shakes them in a Ta-da motion, “Congratulations, you’re a flawed creature.”
He blinks slowly at her, making her sigh again.
“So, if you're not gonna have a meltdown any time soon, let's get this place over with." She says, clapping her hands once and floating over to his sword and shield. 
He remained seated, eyes following her before shortly getting up. 
The rest of the dungeon was rather quiet compared to what he remembered, words only spoken when absolutely necessary. 
. . . He didn't know how to feel about it. 
The shade did not appear in his dreams anymore. 
A part of him felt relieved…to no longer be stared down by a visage of his mentor… 
Another part of him mourned the only other person who knew everything he hid. 
Even if that person was simply a construct that his mind created…
…(perhaps it was for the best…) 
He knew he should have at least announce his departure, instead of leaving a vague note on the entrance to his home. 
Link knew he would worry Colin and his family. Knew Rusl would ask around for him, only for frustration to build when no one would know where Link was. 
But he simply couldn’t take it anymore 
Everything was too much and too little. 
There was no journey to distract him anymore, no danger for him to defeat. 
No princess of Twilight to yank his attention away from his thoughts from the moment she spoke. 
What did it say about who he had become? That staring down at the corpse of Ganon, the very person who caused so much damage to the land, made Link feel nothing but disappointment. 
Midna was gone now. He hadn’t realized how much he had depended on her presence to keep him grounded. 
The land was safe once more. The people of Ordon were reunited once again. 
Returning to Ordon, returning to that small world that once had been so big to him. 
All he wanted to do was escape it. 
It had all become too much. All so very much. 
Everyone knew it. No one said anything but the rancher could tell. Could see their gazes, hated it no matter how well-meaning they were. 
Their voices, once so soothing, irked him to the point that he wanted to tear off his own ears just for total silence. 
If not his ears, then their very tongues. 
He probably would have been horrified by his thoughts, had he been who he once was. 
Even now it caused him pain. He didn’t want to look at them and feel anger. 
It pained him. (It scared him.)
It was only when he numbly contemplated harm towards the villagers that he knew he had to leave. 
He had to get out as quickly as he possibly could.  Least he gives in to those overwhelming thoughts. 
(And a part of him feared their reaction, should he breakdown in front of them just as he had done in front of Midna.) 
So he left. Quietly during the early hours, long before the sun had even begin to rise. 
A quick glance through his supplies and a gentle pat to sooth Epona and he was off. 
He knows he’ll make everyone worry. A dull sense of guilt pulsing in his chest. But it was pushed down by the sense of ‘far too much’ within him. 
All he could do was pray that wherever the path led him next, it would bring some sort of relief. 
Perhaps he would return home with a stronger resolve. Perhaps he could find peace. 
Perhaps…he could return with a smile that wasn’t on the verge of tearing itself apart…
. . .
. .
(…He could only really hope.)
97 notes · View notes
garussy · 3 months
Fluttercord and Dislestia exist in my little rewrite but I think it’s hilarious that Dislestia are petty exes and Discord went from dating a goddess to a mortal
And there is a moment where Discord casually mentions his ex and Fluttershy is curious because who in their right mind would date the lord of chaos?? (Aside from her)
And he just name drops Celestia
Fluttershy is silent trying to figure out if he is lying or not because what?? Excuse me???
63 notes · View notes
painedpen · 24 days
I may be writing Isabella Swan as a more believable, well-rounded character, but DO NOT misunderstand me. The monsterfucker trait stays. It is enhanced, in fact. If Bella Swan is not a monsterfucker, Bella Swan is dead
Rosalie: We don’t need weapons to hunt *discreetly shows her fangs*
Emmett: Babe, stop, you’re scaring her
Bella, blushing so hard she might actually pass out: Incorrect
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askrarity-dime · 4 months
aj! go get ur gf!!
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teawinx · 6 months
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Fine, I caved
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skekilla · 3 months
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ive had a twilight au for a while but i just finished this today dfdshkj its basically like,,,, me trying to rewrite it to make it less problematic and bad and straight DCFVGBH
very basic points are bella is a half-vampire (a la mina harker) because her body naturally resists vampires since, as a baby, she was blessed by billy black (a monster hunter. jacob is the next monster hunter, he and bella have a siblings thing going on) and so when edward tries to turn her it goes wrong but to make it right, alice has to feed her some of her own blood (through a kith because yea). the focus is on bella and edward as they go from toxic attraction and obsession to a peaceful friendship; theyre forever destined to be in each other's lives, but they figure out how to do that in a healthy way :)
theres so many specifics and a literal college essay i wrote related to this so we'll see if i post more this lives rent free in my head
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majachee · 2 months
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Taking a break from tmaynt lol. Ponies.
styggy's mark is the greek omega symbol cuz... symbolism. Shifty eyes emojay
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irrevocableloves · 10 months
violent delights
twilight rewrite! edward cullen x fem!witch!reader
chapter one: the city of forks welcomes you
masterlist ౨ৎ chapter two
summary: y/n swan has lived in forks all of her life, but when she takes her summer-long vacation to california to visit her mother, she returns to a strange new family accompanying her small town.
warnings: swearing, angst
words: 1.8k
a/n: this has been in my drafts for so so long and tbh i haven't written a fanfic since i was 12... and i'm fr 22, but i've ran out of twilight fanfics to read (i've been waiting weeks for one specific one to update and i'm going crazy)... so anyways !! hope you enjoy !!
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Opening my eyes, I was greeted with the trees of Forks, Washington. After an almost four hour drive, I could sense that I was nearing my home as the city was nowhere to be found. Instead it was replaced with deep green trees, dim skies, and the small shops that swept by as my dad drove.
I liked Forks, more than I probably should. Everyone here, mostly the kids, sulked about big bright cities where the sun would actually make an appearance. They longed for the liveliness that Forks had never given them.
But me? I secretly adored the quietness of it all. But of course, I had a disadvantage. Every summer I bathed in the sun rays of California, visited the busy cities, the warm beaches, and the overall liveliness that was craved from everyone else. But I was drained. Normally, it would be the opposite from any other person, but I always loved the cold. Ever since I was a kid, my little brain was wired to believe that Forks was almost like Christmas every single day of the year. So, rain, snow, or even ice (even with the ungodly amount of times I've slipped) never had me in too big of a rut.
With my mom back in California, though I loved her to death, was an absolute headache most of the time. And unlike my dad, she hovered. But, it wasn't her fault. The summer is the only time she had me, the rest were reserved with Charlie, which had resulted in this summer's mishaps: she begged me to stay longer. One would think that school would be an easy get out, but she knew the first month was nothing but dry introductions, syllabi, and effortless assignments. It was partly my fault. I was never one to turn her down, perhaps it was guilt because maybe she and I felt deep down that I favored my father more because who could ever turn down a chance to live in the perfect bustling city of San Francisco over Forks.
So I stayed. But now, it's the beginning of October. Thankfully, I was able to get in contact with the school in order to get all of my classes in order, as well as the help of my best friend, Angela, who emailed me all of the assignments. Jessica on the other hand, filled me in on all of the gossip. Her phone calls consisted of talks about her massive crush on Mike as well as the new and "totally weird" (as Jessica put it) family. "Suuupperrr pale, but weirdly GORGEOUS. I mean this Edward guy, he's wow. I swear if Mike doesn't make a move soon... I wonder if I could make him jealous?" The conversations were mostly one-sided, always either complaining about Mike's obliviousness or never catching that new guy's attention.
Now that I knew I was caught up on everything to do with school, all I wanted was to bury myself in bed and prepare for an alarm that hasn't been set in months.
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I awoke to the sound of a car honking outside my window, assuming it was nothing, I settled back into my pillows, throwing my purple duvet back over your head for hopefully another thirty minutes of sleep.
"Y/N/N!" I heard my dad's voice accompanied by one of his famously loud whistles from outside of my window. That's when I finally got up and peered over with squinting eyes to see my father coming out of a car that most definitely wasn't his squad car.
Once my vision settled, I saw a green Volkswagen beetle parked in the driveway. No fucking way. I sprinted down the stairs and flung the front door open to see my father with a wide grin, gesturing the keys in front of my face.
"For me? You're joking?" I said in complete shock.
"You want me to be joking? Cause if so I can just bring this right back to Billy and let him sell it to some other geezer."
"No! No! No! I mean... Thank you, dad. Oh my god, how did you guys even find this?"
"Well, consider it a late birthday present. Billy and Jacob found it back in May for your birthday and decided to fix it up for ya, free of charge, but I paid 'em of course."
"Thanks dad and how about we invite Billy and Jacob over sometime and I'll cook? As a thank you?"
"You bet."
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Once I parked in front of the school, my group of friends welcomed me with open arms, with Angela and Jessica squealing about how much they missed you and the boys, mostly just Mike, trying to awkwardly hug me.
I knew Mike had a crush on me, since third grade to be exact, which only made it worse for my friendship with Jessica, which made it worse for Lauren, Jessica's bestest friend to have an even better reason to despise me.
The first four classes: English, Government, Trigonometry, and French were surprisingly a breeze thanks to the assignments either Angela or the teachers sent over while I was away.
While at lunch, a new, unfamiliar bunch emerged from the cafeteria doors. They were beautiful... and also extremely pale even for Forks. So, this was the family Jessica was practically drooling over?
"Who are they?" I questioned anyways.
Jessica leans in, being careful to whisper, "It's the family I was telling you about. Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska like last month."
I studied the first girl who walked in, bleached blonde hair, almost black eyes that were almost unsettling, she wore a thin grey coat and a knitted white scarf that matched her icy skin, and a necklace with a large charm that looked to be a family crest of some sort.
"The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett..." Jessica continued.
More of the family gathered in slowly, the blonde was linking hands with a man with jet black hair, with the same family crest residing on his wrist.
"... they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Jessica grimaced.
Angela piped in, "Jess, they're not actually related."
"But they live together and all wear that weird creepy crest like some sort of cult. And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird..."
Despite Jessica's remarks, Alice was the one who caught my eye the most so far and not in a negative way. She reminded me of a fairy almost with her pixie-like hair cut, her style, and the way she carried herself, which was pretty whimsical in a way. Her arms were locked with a man beside her, bleached blonde just as Rosalie was.
"... she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain" Jessica continued on, "I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker."
"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela giggled.
The last Cullen to enter, I assumed it was Edward, the man Jessica claimed to be weirdly gorgeous and 'wow'. 'Wow' was the perfect word to explain how I felt as he strode down the cafeteria. I couldn't keep your eyes off of him, even as he went past your table, I was oddly captivated by his presence. He had a lanky body, matched with the same pale skin as his siblings, bronze hair and striking smirk. You could've sworn he heard Jessica's whispered remarks from across the cafeteria.
"He's totally gorgeous, obviously. But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care." She does. "Anyway, don't waste your time."
"I wasn't planning on it." I looked away before his eyes could find mine and once I did, I felt as if holes were practically burned at the back of my head. Was he staring?
Out of curiosity, I peered over my shoulder, quickly glancing, seeing his eyes on mine and quickly turning my eyes back, slowly hiding behind my hair.
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Before I walked into Biology, I shuffled through my backpack to look for the assignments I'd done in your time away, settling them in my hands as I walked through the door.
Greeting Mr. Banner, I handed him my completed assignments that were neatly put together with a paper clip.
"Finally nice to see you Miss Y/L/N, how was your summer?" Being great at biology put you at an advantage, not only for assignments, but because Mr. Banner didn't question much about my month long disappearance, but I couldn't say the same about PE...
"It was good, thank you."
"Well that's great, I'm glad! And I appreciate your completed assignments, not even people attending have it all quite done like you have!" He rambled. "So! Your seat... There's a seating chart, but there should be an empty seat I left for you...,yes! Right there, next to Mr. Cullen." Mr. Banner pointed to the right side of the classroom to the seat next to the Cullen boy.
Edward's eyes once again felt as if they burned through my own, staring at me as if you had wronged him in some way. The hatred in his eyes was well aware, but for what reason?
With each step I took, the more disgust in his features appeared, almost as if he was holding his breath. Did I stink or something? I attempted not to smell myself to see if perhaps I had raging body odor or even a bad breath that radiated from across the classroom. No one else seemed to have an issue besides him.
Once I was sat, I heard him mutter into a cough, but I only made eye contact with his beading black eyes and said nothing at all. He only pushed the microscope towards me slowly, being careful to not come any closer to me as if he would catch something.
I sighed loudly, making my annoyance well known. He only just tensed.
Throughout the entirety of the class, the tension continued. I even considered going up to Mr. Banner and asking to switch seats with someone, but that only sparked the possibility of Mike forcing Eric to switch seats and I honestly couldn't figure out which would be worse. So, I decided to suffer through the entire hour and perhaps learn to suffer the entire year partnered with a man who could hardly even look me in the eye without being utterly disgusted.
At first I was hurt, but the hurt swiftly turned into annoyance once the partner sessions began. He didn't even consult with me, rather he just scribbled as fast as he could, only of what he was able to see through the microscope, only handing it to me after to check his answers. All correct, surprisingly.
Staring at the clock, I was counting down the time until the bell. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Edward had gotten up, practically running out of the classroom before the bell had officially rung.
next chapter
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nanaosaki3940 · 7 months
Romance Manhwa You All Should Read...
So there are a few Korean manhwa that I have been reading recently. Some are new manhwa which I just picked up to read while the others are old ones that I read before and now I'm re-reading them again. All of them are of modern-setting with the premise of high school or college romance. 🥰🥰🥰
The new ones that I'm reading for the first time -
My First Love Hate
Seasons Of Blossom
Our Secret Alliance
Just Twilight
I Don't Hate Us
Cheese In The Trap
Revelation Of Youth
Operation Name: Pure Love
The Law Of Being Friends With A Male
My Introverted Boy
See You in My 19th Life
The old ones that I've read before and now re-reading them again -
Something About Us
Positively Yours
Marked By King BS
The ones that I haven't read yet but want to get into it -
Romance 101
My Younger Brother's Friends
Rewriting Our Love Story
1 Plus 1
Villain With A Crush
This Must Be Love
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Now I wanna talk about some of the Manhwa series that I recently read in the last couple of days...
Our Secret Alliance
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Manhwa Status: Completed Troupe: Childhood best friends turned lovers. THE NO. 1 BEST FUCKING "CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TURNED LOVERS" TROUPE MANHWA OUT THERE💘!! PERIOD😤!!!
No, seriously. I really enjoyed reading this series, and OMG !!! Female lead Se-i Yun and male lead Jaeha Kim are so fucking adorable!!! Se-i is a cutie, for sure, and seeing Jaeha as a boyfriend in this story raised my "boyfriend" expectations to an unrealistic height...
Also warning: you'll encounter a soft, bashful male lead here... so beware!!!
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Seasons Of Blossom
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Manhwa Status: Completed This story has four different parts: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. And damn, the stories are so good, y'all!!
(This is gonna be a LONG rant here btw...)
I really loved the 1st part of the series "Bomi's Flower" which is the season of Spring. The sweet female lead (Bomi Yun), one of the most popular and studious girls in school, has a little crush on the 2nd male lead (Jaemin Lee), another popular kid in school, but later finds out that her best friend/2nd female lead (Seonhui Kang) also has a crush on Jaemin. But the thing is everyone in their school ships Bomi and Jaemin together as a romantic couple. Seonhui also shows her genuine support to Bomi as a good friend if she ever tries to get together with Jaemin, but Bomi knows that deep down inside her heart Seonhui is hurting by the fact that Jaemin likes Bomi and everyone ships them, meaning her love towards Jaemin is unrequited. So to save her friendship with Seonhui and also to save Seonhui from a potential heartbreak, Bomi gets into a fake relationship with the male lead (Jinyeong Choi), so that Seonhui and Jaemin get the chance to be together... But the thing is Jinyeong is the complete opposite of Bomi. Unlike Bomi, Jinyeong is blunt, ruthless with his words, always has a straight bored look on his face, and has an "I don't give a fuck" kinda attitude. He doesn't fuck around and hates those typical high school dramas and bullshit. Even though he's a gaming otaku and only has two male friends, he's quite famous among the students; guys want to be friends with him because of his game recommendations and girls think he's really cute. Also despite the fact that he's shorter than Bomi in height, my man has balls for sure when it comes to speaking up about his mind or taking action for anything.
This story talks about how opposites attract one another, how to discover and learn new yet unexpected things, how to fall in love for the first time in life and that sweet feeling like falling in love in your youth, and how to break out of your own shell and discover a new side of yourself. This 1st part of the series will give you nothing but fluff, sweetness, and butterflies.
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And then later comes the 2nd part of the series, the season of Summer aka Hamin's Flower...
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Okay, this one was really tough to get through. Not because the story sucked or anything. It's because of how painful, angsty, and heartbreaking it is. In the 1st part (Bomi's Flower aka Spring), we get to know that the 2nd male lead Jaemin Lee had an older brother named Hamin Lee (the golden child of the family) who died 6 years ago by committing suicide. We don't get much info about Hamin Lee in the 1st part (other than the fact that he's Jaemin's brother) until it comes to an end and the 2nd part begins. The 2nd part opens up with Jaemin Lee and the gang bumps into a 24-year-old art college student named Somang Han who happens to be Hamin's girlfriend from high school. Through Somang's narration and flashbacks, we get to know what kind of person Hamin Lee was, how she and Hamin met and fell in love, and how he spiraled into depression which resulted in him ending his own life. And also through Jaemin, we get to know more about Hamin as a son and a brother and how their parents' rough parenting pushed him to darkness and depression. At first, when Hamin was first mentioned in the 1st part, I didn't think much about him and only felt empathy for Jaemin for losing his older brother. But after getting introduced to Hamin in the 2nd part and learning more about him through Somang and Jaemin's POV and narrations, I couldn't help but bawl my eyes out for him in every single chapter. It got even worse for me since I already knew where the story was going and what was going to happen to Hamin in the end (it was more like the Shinichiro Sano effect from Tokyo Revengers like you know who Shinichiro is and what happened to him but that doesn't stop you from falling in love with him despite him being dead throughout the whole series). RIP Hamin Lee; my heart will always go out to you, forever, always.
The 2nd part Hamin's Flower aka Summer talks about some heavy topics/subjects like - dysfunctional families, rough parenting going wrong, dealing with societal burdens and depression, losing your loved ones and dealing with the aftermath, your first tragic love story, handling regrets and dealing with your traumas, how to overcome those traumas, and finally how to let go of your past and move on with life.
Hamin's Flower left me in such a numb and gloomy state that I couldn't read the other two parts (Autumn and Winter), but I'll try to get back and read them sooner or later. Even though I haven't read the complete series yet, I'll still give out a biased statement - I really, really loved Bomi's Flower and Hamin's Flower, and these two parts will always gonna be my favs from this series (doesn't matter to me if Autumn and Winter are better than these two).
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Cheese In The Trap
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Manhwa Status: Completed The oldest series in this list...
This story... this story... Oh God, where should I begin?!?! I can't believe that I didn't read this until now!! This is a truly mature love story. If you read this wanting a simple light college romance, this is not for you. While there are very cute interactions between the main character and her love interests, it is a very well-thought-out and complex manga - definitely the most realistic I have read thus far. The character development is out of this world and adds a sense of tangibility to the characters that you really don't see in fiction normally. To explain, the important main and side characters in any story are always bound by rules of development to identify them as cogs in a narrative; we have underlying expectations about what the characters might do, or how they might subvert those expectations. But, this webtoon is the study of social relationships and the nature of people. You get to see that there will always be some sort of social hierarchy, that there are meanings and repercussions beyond what you expect to happen in life, and that we all have some degree of victim and perpetrator in us. We all cope and process in different ways, while also continuing and evolving in life the way we know how. Unlike anything I have ever read before.
Also, this story is under the tag of "Psychological Drama" and it's all because of the male lead named Jung Yu. God, I've such a love-hate relationship with him, y'all!! Like I love him but also hate him at the same time. He's mysterious, charming, alluring yet so damn confusing. Also, the fact that he's a sociopath with a bit of a Yandere-ish tendency in him and that he's also obsessed with the female lead (Seol Hong) in a very twisted way??? He's a walking red flag for sure, but then again not... In short, Jung Yu is a complex character and my simple brain just can't comprehend him. I also love the female lead (Seol Hong), the 2nd male lead (Inho Baek), and Seol's two best friends (Bora Jang and Euntaek Kwon). The only important side character I despise is Inho's twin sister Inha Baek (don't ask why; just go and read it for yourself and you'll know why... also I hate those bully characters too btw, just so you know...).
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I Don't Hate Us
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Manhwa Status: Completed Troupe: Childhood best friends turned lovers.
Another series with "childhood best friends turned lovers" troupe done right!!
The female lead (Wonsu Ha) and the male lead (Jaesu Sang) have been childhood best friends since their middle school days. They had been best friends through high school and college until one day Wonsu got herself a boyfriend. Jaesu has romantic feelings for Wonsu, but she only sees him as a friend and has platonic love for him. Wonsu then breaks up with her boyfriend, not because the guy is a cheater but because they aren't that compatible with each other, so they mutually break up and separate. Wonsu also gets separated from Jaesu because his romantic feelings for her were getting in the way of their friendship at the time, and also her relationship with her ex-boyfriend took a toll on her mentally and emotionally, so she cut off all her connection and simply focused on her studies and graduating from university. Years later, now working in a small yet growing company, Wonsu reconnects with an adult and more mature Jaesu, who now works in a multinational corporation, and that's when sparks and butterflies start to fly left, right, and center. Almost all the characters are likable, the story and the plot are realistic, and overall it was an enjoyable read for me truly.
Also warning: you'll encounter a soft, bashful male lead here... so beware!!! I mean, the fact that despite the bad boy looks and everything, he's so cute like a puppy is fucking adorable, yo!!!
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My First Love Hate
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Manhwa Status: On-going Troupe: Childhood best friends turned lovers
This one came out this year and so far I'm really enjoying it. Just like the previously mentioned series above, the female lead (Eunha Kang) is relatable, funny, smart, studious, strong-willed, and whatnot. The male lead (Seungmin Ha) is Eunha's childhood best friend since elementary school but they stopped hanging out with one another ever since he became a delinquent back in high school despite the fact that they went to the same school and were in the same classroom. Years later, Eunha got into a prestigious university in Seoul and later learned that Seungmin was also at that university!! Not only that, he also stopped being a delinquent for good and suddenly started dressing up like a nerdy college boy. When Eunha asked what he was trying to do, Seungmin simply replied that he was returning back to his old self again and wanted to reconnect with Eunha... But things got a bit spicy all of a sudden when a tattoo-bodied 2nd male lead named Ryu Seonhoo walked into the scene and Eunha had to tutor him for the GED test on a regular basis...
Also warning: you'll encounter a soft, bashful, puppy-like male lead AND 2nd male lead here... so beware!!!
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Just Twilight
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Mahwa Status: Ongoing Troupe: Strangers to friends to lovers
I won't say anything about it... JUST FUCKING READ THIS SHIT ALREADY!!!
If you're a fan of another famous manhwa series called "Positively Yours", then you'll also love this series since it's written by the same author. The female lead (Junyoung Yun) is literally my spirit animal and the male lead (Beomjin Kwon) is such a husbando material, y'all... like, just look at him!!!
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That's all for now... I'll make more Korean manhwa recommendation posts again very soon!!!
My manhwa recommendation list posts - Link 1, Link 2, and Link 3.
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bisexualdeans · 2 days
the thing about the greens' family dynamics is we could have so much more. and that's a recurring issue. most prominently shown in 2.01, for sure - but a recurring issue nonetheless. helaena loses a son in a horrible, unspeakable way. first of all, give us more time with her prior to this tragedy. make us connect to her. then show us her relationship to the kids and simultaneously to her own mother. show us the lines that connect motherhood, girlhood and grief. show us a line of generational trauma. make it a parallel to rhaenyra and jace's scenes over lucerys. show us alicent, whose own relationship with motherhood has been complex and pivotal to her character, alicent whose marriage and pregnancies were political, alicent who was thrust into motherhood as little more than a child, having to witness her daughter watching the murder of a son. scratch whatever that was with cole. give us alicent facing the brutal madness of war, the consequences of it all on her daughter's face. show us aegon, who's known helaena all his life, fundamentally speaking a different language than her. do not dismiss it with 'the queen is an enduring mystery'. he knows she's a prophet, even if he doesn't get her. they're headed to tragedy. it's coming for them. show us two people who are familiar with each other but don't understand each other and are ultimately unable to help each other when the blow hits. give us a failmarriage. and aemond, for fuck's sake. ewan and tom have been saying aemond is aegon's attack dog. gorgeous. show it to us. he gets a pass to the council, sure, why? we don't get to see their bond, we should get to see what ties them together. we see him dismiss alicent's feelings and she dismisses his, but where's the confrontation? where's the complexity? they're mother and son. there's some bloody history here. don't treat them like people who just so happen to live in the same fucking palace. there is so much to say. there is a potential intricacy here that would be so compelling if they just tried a little bit harder and it starts with otto and it goes all the way to the murder of jaeherys but we just don't get to see it. 2.01 did a good job both with aegon's deep necessity to be liked which was already explored in s1 as well as with the issues he carries from viserys and we see it with the smallfolk as well as we see it with his treatment of his kid. that's good, that's compelling. give us more. team this vs team that, gonna be real, who cares. this is a very brutal story, and for the viewer to get this brutality we need to be able to connect with these characters. otherwise it falls flat. b&c was no red wedding because they took helaena's choice away. the potential in these characters and dynamics is there but it needs to be explored or it all falls flat.
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genericpuff · 11 months
Genuinely curious as to if you asked permission to use Rachel’s characters and she said yes or if you just decided Lore Olympus is popular enough to make a fan comic of and are hoping you don’t receive a cease and desist? Can anyone create a remake comic of original content and just change what you don’t like about it and it’s considered legal if you say the characters belong to the original creator? There is plenty of disappointing media out there that could be remade. I understand you cannot use their characters for profit so is just posting it ok?
Yes, anyone can, because it's called fanfiction lmao Obviously in my case the term "fan" is being used loosely here as at this point it's more like "foe"fiction LMAO but the same principles apply. Unless I try to claim LO is my own creation or make a profit off Rekindled, I should be in the clear. If legal action was taken against me then it would set a precedent against all forms of fanfiction, rewrite, redraw, etc. content around LO which are all essentially doing the same thing Rekindled is doing. I think people tend to view Rekindled as somewhat of an "exception" that's vulnerable to legal action because it's an actual weekly comic put into practice in the same playing field as LO (though they're on massively different bases obviously LOL), but there's not much more separating it from the LO redraw accounts or even the genuine fan accounts that have learned how to draw in Rachel's style (and use it to make their own LO self-inserts and whatnot). I had the time and resources and experience to do what I do through Rekindled, but every redraw, rewrite, fanfiction, etc. account are making the exact same statement I am, whether intentionally or not - "I do/don't like the canon, but/so here's what I think it would be like if it went like this".
There is definitely plenty of media out there that could be remade, and a lot of them are by the fanfiction writers out there who are filling that niche within their respective fandoms. LO is the one I want to do because it's the one that interests me and compels me the most to rewrite.
Not to mention, it's already a bold statement in and of itself to say that I'm "using Rachel's characters", a statement that likely wouldn't hold up in court LMAO Her "characters" are literally just stylized self-insert versions of public domain figures. She did not write The Hymn to Demeter. She did not create Hades, or Persephone, or Hecate, or any of the other characters she writes about. She does not own an entire religion or its deities. The only thing that she really "owns" is the licensing rights to the name "Lore Olympus", and while the style of LO is very unique and identifiable, you can't trademark/copyright a style because that uproots the entire foundation of what art is (ironically no one has had an original idea SINCE the Greeks, we all just learn and adapt our styles based on other artists that we get inspired by and learn from).
Shit, there are series completely unrelated to LO that get harassed or otherwise warned that they could cross into "legal territory" with LO just because they're Greek myth comics. Punderworld, Theia Mania, H x P Ficlets, all of these are comics that also tackle the H x P myth, and while they aren't attempting to do the same thing as Rekindled (as they exist on their own terms) it's really disappointing when I see people talk about these comics purely through the scope of Lore Olympus as if LO invented Greek myth. If WT/Rachel tried to pull rank over the story's "characters", they'd be picking a fight with every other Greek myth comic, book, movie, etc. and they oughta know that's not a fight they're gonna win lol
So everything beyond LO's branding is, in and of itself, fanfiction. Rekindled is just another level deeper by being fanfiction of a fanfiction. As long as I'm not profiting off Lore Olympus' namesake or distributing my work with the misconception that I created LO, it's legally fine. Morally, I'm sure it doesn't exactly make me a saint to do it, it definitely took a lot of hubris for me to say "yeah I don't like how you wrote your story enough that I felt the need to rewrite it completely" and I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking doing so is icky. There are certain lines I won't cross - I don't use the general LO hashtags because my content is very critical and my work isn't really for the fans, I don't encourage anyone to "show Rachel" what I do here because none of what I do here is obligated to be seen by her (and I know it wouldn't be in her best interest to see it anyways, she's literally said that she doesn't like criticism so why tf would I wanna show her a comic that exists to criticize her work lol), and I'm not planning on posting it to Webtoons because that's Rachel's territory. I don't want to overstep both in the legal sense and in the moral one. I think it's more than enough for me to just post my stuff here for the people who are seeking it, and not profit off it or directly affiliate it with LO/Rachel beyond crediting.
All that said, in a moral and legal sense, what I'm doing is literally the basis of fanfiction, and I wouldn't be going to such lengths and spending this much time every week putting out episodes every week if I never cared about LO and how it made us all feel, even if some of us don't love it as much as we used to.
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painedpen · 1 month
Okay so I’ve mentioned before that I’m rewriting the Twilight Saga. One of the things I’m completely changing is the traits of the Vampire species. I’m gonna list everything I’m gonna change below, and I want y’all to give me your thoughts.
Vampires and Blood:
Like in the original series, human blood holds far more nutritional value than animal blood. The main difference is: the more blood they drink, the more alive they seem. Their bodies will start to grow warm, their cheeks will regain color. If they manage to drink enough, their hearts will start to beat very slowly.
Vampires and the Sun:
There’s no sparkling. What the hell was that even about? However, the sun doesn’t immediately turn them to dust, either. Basically, being in the sun will quickly dry out all the blood a vampire may have in their veins. The longer they stay in the sun, the more dead they seem. It’s practically the exact opposite effect from consuming blood. In addition, a vampire will start to have symptoms relating to heat stroke, until they eventually die.
Vampires and Garlic:
Vampires do, in fact, have an aversion to garlic! However, instead of garlic cloves, its garlic flowers. Again, not an instant death sentence, but very uncomfortable. The scent that garlic flowers give off will give vampires a burning sensation in their nose, mouth, eyes, and lungs. The pain is severe enough to make a newborn vampire abandon a hunt.
Vampires and Mirrors/Pictures:
The myth that vampires couldn’t be seen in mirrors or pictures was once true. This is because mirrors and lenses used to be backed with silver, which was considered a “pure” metal. However, as this is no longer the case, vampires can clearly be seen in mirrors and pictures.
Vampires and Sleep:
Vampires are able to sleep, but it gives them no sense of rest or rejuvenation. It’s much like breathing in that sense. Many vampires choose to sleep to pass the time, or for comfort. However, just as many vampires choose not to sleep at all.
Vampires and Invitations:
Like in many old myths, vampires cannot enter a home without being invited inside. Instead of any physical barriers, though, it’s more of a psychological aversion. For some reason, it’s in a vampire’s instinct not to enter without an invitation. If a person were to say, “you are always welcome here”, they would be able to enter any time. I’ve done this for the sole reason of avoiding the stalker plot line.
Okay tell me what you guys think. I might update this later if I remember something, or find something else I’d like to change.
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