#two wip series
Kinda wanna get back into posting fics weekly. Kinda wondering if it's worth it. Like... I'm gonna keep writing regardless. Just iffy on posting.
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huntingrays · 3 months
pjo prompt: percy and jason have to go on a quest together, so they both decide to bring their respective partners (annabeth and leo). during the quest, they get kidnapped by monsters and percy and jason wake up in an arena. the monsters explain that they have their partners and in order to save them, they have to fight to the death, with the winner getting to leave alive with their partner, while the other is killed. however, the monsters are very shocked when percy and jason sit down and start calmly playing cards with each other. they’re not worried about their partners. instead, they’re worried for the monsters. they trapped annabeth and leo together, two of the smartest demigods. the girl who redesigned olympus and the boy who built a warship in six months. they were toast.
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nhyhu · 4 months
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pigdemonart · 24 days
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i love u jimmy falin 💋
Patreon | Ko-Fi
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demaparbat-hp · 10 days
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Oh, Lala...
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yingxtkm · 9 months
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WIP but I thought it was fitting to post it anyways considering it’s Sephesis week (Which I just found out about lol)
I actually don’t ship these two but I just thought they would slay the homoerotic cigarette lighting look, and they did 😌✨
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rancidsugar · 7 months
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psykoe100 · 3 months
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argylemnwrites · 21 days
Anyone Still Here?
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So... it's been a while. I had a baby. I traveled with her internationally for a wedding. She turned one. I built a house and moved into it. I had a dental emergency a few days before my closing. Everything in the new house is now toddler proofed... until she thinks of a new way to get into a dangerous situation. I think that many life events safely defines my hiatus as "extended."
The Choices fandom is, I'm guessing, dying. I've not been on Tumblr or even the Choices subreddit with any regularity in over a year at this point, so I don't know this as a fact, but I have my suspicions. The mass culling of PB staff, the acquisition of PB by an AI company, former talent from PB starting a competing app would tend to indicate trouble on its own.
But a dying fandom is one that is more worth coming back to, though. I firmly believe that. When the original content is floundering, when fan engagement is dropping, that is the time that fan works matter the most. So, knowing that my readership is likely going to be non-existent and that my series have probably been written off as dead for quite some time, I'm looking to come back.
I've been "writing" in my mind on my commute again lately. Found myself missing engaging with these characters. Most of all, I want to finish my current WIPs. I don't know if literally anyone who was reading them before is still around. But if anyone is, I want to know if you have preferences about how I go about tackling finishing up my two unfinished TRR canon divergent series - Why Are We Still Waiting? and Fight or Flight. (And yes, I still remember how they both end, hahaha)
Not sure there are enough people to warrant true polls, so just going to post this here:
Do you prefer that I alternate between my two ongoing series, or is tackling one first, then moving on to the other preferable? If the latter, any preference on which series I start with?
Do you prefer I post as I have a chapter done without any regular schedule, or would waiting longer for me to finish the series so I am able to guarantee posting dates be better?
Would links to AO3 be acceptable if I find myself getting annoyed with Tumblr formatting, or will you only read on Tumblr itself?
If you have opinions, I want to hear them. If you've left the fandom, I hope life is treating you kindly and don't worry, I'll be posting a tag list clean up post before I start posting any writing again so you won't get spammed. If you've straight up forgotten who I am, no worries. It's been ages. Trying to find my most recent tag list is a joke at this point. I think this is my "up to date" version for my TTR stuff at least, but sorry in advance if you either should or shouldn't be included and weren't/were respectively.
Perma: @forallthatitsworth @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14
TRR/TRH: @motorcitymademadame @iplaydrake @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @marshmallowsandfire
@axwalker @sirbeepsalot @iaminlovewithtrr @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @hedgehogs-dilemmas
Drake x MC: @rubiwalker @walkerdrakewalker @petiteboheme @mskaneko
ICWAM: @sunnyxdazed
FoF: @burnsoslow @monstercyclops
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argonapricot · 1 year
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Friday WIP! Been thinking a lot about Shin with different hairstyles...
I think it would be fun for bandit Shin to have a lil updo idk
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arson4kids · 7 months
Look for me.
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Ellie X Ghost!Reader (kinda.)
WC: 974
Approx. read time: ~7.5 minutes
A/N: I don't typically write things like this, go easy on me lol. I know this was more focused on you than it was her, but i'm just trying to build some plot here y'all.
WARNINGS: Depictions of death, swearing, themes that people may find disturbing(?), depictions of blood, eventual smut, reader and ellie weren't exactly friends, reader lowkey being a stalker ??, ideas used and borrowed from a24's "talk to me", reader isn't exactly masc or fem. (lmk if i missed any)
Synopsis: After your sudden and honestly rather untimely death at the hands of a freak accident, you find yourself going after the one person you knew would believe you were there. The question is, when will she catch you?
note: please keep in mind i wrote this for fun, therefore this isn't the best. this part is for plot building only.
The heat was getting to you today. It was hot unlike any other day before now. It made you feel lazy, making you perfectly unaware of your surroundings as you sat underneath a tree in a ditch effort to cool off. Considering you worked on a ranch this probably wasn't the best idea. As you closed your eyes and leaned your head against the tree, you didn't see the horse hop the fence. You didn't hear your friend desperately calling for you to get out of the way. Hell, you barely noticed the sound of the horse barreling towards you until it was too late. It was just a flash of fur and flying hooves before everything went black. The last things you heard before you ultimate death were the cries of fear from the people around you, the sounds of people running back and forth, the dialing of someone's phone. You didn't exactly know what happened but you knew where it was leading you.
You didn't exactly know what to expect from death. Heaven? Hell? A dark abyss? A never-ending cycle of life ahead of you? Nothing could have prepared you for what actually happened. As soon as your head cleared from the strange fog surrounding it, you sat back up in the same field. The same goddamn ranch you could have sworn you just died at. Everything seemed fine until you noticed it. It, of course, being your own body. Bloody and lifeless, being loaded onto a stretcher as your mother cried helplessly on the sidelines. The only person that wasn't in complete hysterics was the stable hand. You thought her name was Ellie, but you couldn't really remember. You two always got along but never really considered each other as friends. But, you were coworkers. You weren't there to hold hands and sing kumbaya. She was the last thing on your mind right now. What the hell had you just watched? If that was your body...did that seriously mean you were a ghost? This was utterly ridiculous. You didn't even believe in ghosts. But here you were. Living proof that ghosts in fact were a thing. Who would even be able to know you were still here? Were there even things people could actually use to talk to you? Your head was swimming with these thoughts as you watched the chaos unfold in front of you. If only you had paid any sort of attention.
It had now been months since your little accident and you were bored out of your mind. You hung around the ranch to no avail. You were desperate to get someone's, anyone's attention. You knocked over hay, tangled bridles, even let some of the cows loose in the middle of the night yet nobody ever thought to suspect a ghost. Well, everyone except for Ellie. Whenever you stood by her you knew she sensed you. Her hairs would stand on end, her body becoming tense as soon as you drew closer. Bingo. She was your way back in. Your original plan was to just follow her home and get her attention...but of course you went off track just a little bit. You were so damn bored that you thought it was only fair to mess with her a bit. You started small, simply hiding her phone on occasion or turning the lights off before she reached them. But you felt such a sick thrill whenever she went pale or looked around for whoever was messing with her. You just had to keep going. You went from playing around to straight up tormenting her within a week. You watched her from the moment she got up to the moment she went to sleep. She felt your eyes on her wherever she went and it made her feel crazy. She knew something was there, but what? She didn't know what to do with herself anymore. Each trick you played, each scare you gave her drove her farther off the edge. Sure, you felt a little bad when you saw her up late at night curled up in her blankets like a child but it didn't out weight the satisfaction you got from watching her shake and scream. This was much to Ellie's dismay. She was determined to end this once and for all.
You never expected her to get smart with you. To wake up and realize she could easily contact you if she tried. That's why you felt this creeping suspicion growing in your heart one evening as Ellie sat down at her coffee table with a...ceramic hand? You felt oddly drawn to it. It was so out of character for her to be bringing in such a weird object out of the blue like this. What the hell was she going to do with it? Shake its hand? You narrowed your eyes as she laced her fingers with the pale white ones of object.
"Talk to me."
She murmured, her grip tightening on the hand as she did. Much to your amusement, as she spoke, it was almost as if the hand was beckoning you closer to it. You inched closer to the table. For all Ellie knew, this thing was just a hoax. She let out an annoyed sigh, unlocking her fingers from the hand.
"Fucking kids, selling me random shit they probably made in their backyard."
You couldn't help but chuckle at her attitude. She bought this from some child because she thought she was going crazy? This was too good. You couldn't just let her leave now. You had to prove to her that she was in fact going crazy. You set your hand down on the ceramic one. As soon as you did, Ellie's eyes widened. She could finally see you. What's worse, she even recognized you.
"...It's you."
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jaderavenarts · 2 years
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Staten Island and Wellington vampire families 🦇❤️
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caelanglang · 1 year
“I believe in you, but I’m worried.”
Trust. Loyalty. Communication.
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They really went from “you’re gonna die soon… I hate your type.” (Kanda to Allen, Chapter 8) to “I don’t want such fragile people anywhere near me!” (Allen to Kanda, Chapter 227). The tables have turned…..
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iamred-iamyellow · 2 months
my current royalty!reader wips that should all come out soon :)
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ubepan · 2 months
my prettiest shen yuan yet But also: who is this guy
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raethetea · 16 days
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Jinx sketch!!
I wish to mess up a bit with this lineart while colouring 🩵💣
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