#ty for asking moth!!!! sorry it took so long
qwnelisa · 1 year
I wanted to ask for a pound cake with Mafuyu having an older sister that her mom told her about BUT Mafuyu's mom Oly talked shit about her to Mafuyu like "I don't want you to end up like your older sister" but one day Mafuyu's sister comes home just hang out when she sees that Mafuyu you know Mafuyu when alone like u know emotionless Mafuyu and she (the sister) realizes that she ended up just like her , so when they went to Mafuyu's room and you can decide what happens from here (could also please add reader smacking the living shit out of Mafuyu's Mom Ty 😋😘)
You are free to ignore this obviously But make sure to drink alot of water eat something and get some sleep HAVE A NICE DAY/NIGHT
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YOU AND I ARE NOT SO DIFFRENT - mafuyu x reader (platonic)
im so pleased that my pound cake requests have been booming! sorry for all those who have been waiting! i was just getting ready to post them all together!
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Mafuyu was the perfect girl.
She was lovely, she was kind. She helped students around the school, her grades were on top, she was the honour student.
Being jealous of her was not un-common, but today, she was feeling a bit upset and jealous of her peers instead.
Mafuyu had gotten a 85% on her maths test while her classmates had gotten 90%.
"What would I tell mother?" She whispered.
"You'll be fine, Asahina!" Her classmates laughed at her, "it's only 85%!"
"Its only 85%..." Mafuyu looked at her pencil, gripping it tightly.
The bell rung, it was time to go home.
"Bye, Asahina!" Mafuyus' classmates said to her, waving while she stood in the class alone.
The silence in the room was loud, it was just Mafuyu and her mind.
"What would I tell mother...I didn't study hard enough..." Mafuyu tightened her stare at the pencil.
[name] stood at the door, watching her little sister intently, "you ready to go home? Or do you want to sleep here?"
Mafuyu plastered a smile on her face, "Sorry, I'm ready to go home. Could you wait outside of the campus? I've left my stuff in my homeroom."
"Of course, Mafuyu." [name] said, walking down the stairs.
You were tired, it had been a long day and you just wanted to go somewhere nice and quiet, you hoped that mom wasn't home.
You hoped for both Mafuyu and you.
A ping came from your phone, picking it up gingerly, it was from mother.
'Hello, how was school? Pick up the tofu from the convenience store would you? I brought some. Thank you.'
It was an awkward text, so awkward you would mistake it for two employees working together.
'School was good, thank you. I'll pick it up and buy some snacks.' You texted back, putting your bitterness towards her into the text.
"I'm here," Mafuyu came down the stairs.
"Mafuyu, I'll walk you to the bus stop but I have to go to the convenience store, for mom."
Mafuyu smiled, "Alright. Stay safe."
The pair went to the bus stop, going their separate ways.
Mafuyu made it home, regretting telling her mother she was getting her maths test results back.
"I'm home!" Mafuyu took off her shoes.
"Oh, hello Mafuyu."
Mafuyus mother looked at Mafuyu carefully, looking for a small crack in her persona.
"How was school?"
"Good, mother."
"I'm making [name]s' childhood food, it's congee."
"That sounds great."
Mafuyu's mother looked at her, "say...how was your test?'
Mafuyu gripped her bag tightly, "mother..."
Mafuyus mother grabbed her bag gently, practically ripping the bag open. She rummaged through her daughters bag, looking for a sheet of paper with 100% circled.
Instead, she had a 85% in her hand.
"I'm really sorry-"
Mafuyus mother walked towards her, making Mafuyu stress.
'What is she going to do?'
'Is she going to hit me? Is she going to-'
Instead, Mafuyu's mother hugged her.
"Its okay Mafuyu, just not your fault."
"Its okay, mommy's here, don't be sad."
Mafuyu looked at her mother, her eyes wide.
"Its not your fault Mafuyu. It's not yours."
"What do you mean?"
"Its not your fault..." Mafuyus mother looking icily at her.
"Oh its your sisters."
Mafuyu looked wildly at her mother, breaking her persona.
"[name]? What do you mean mom? It's not [name]s fault!"
"That little bug, she's been influencing you."
"I refuse to let you end up like your older sister! Not focusing on your studies, huh? Are you too busy playing games?"
Mafuyu took a step back, "No...what?"
"I took her to the expensive tutoring night, I worked hard for you and your sister. [name] was never greatful." Mafuyu's mother looking at her, taking a step forward. "Oh how she begged me to go play with her friends, I wouldn't let her. Studying for a better future is all that she needs.”
Mafuyus mother grabbed onto her shoulders, “You need that too….it’s for you, Mafuyu. Oh dear, you don’t understand…”
Silent was echoed into the room, making Mafuyu's heart break.
"Now...lets eat."
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Mafuyu’s heart was stopped at the awkward silence in the room, with her hair falling in front of her face, see seemed more concerned about it than her congee.
Mafuyu’s mother smiled gently at her.
“Darling, stop picking at your food.”
“Yes…I’m sorry.”
She set down her spoon just in time to hear the door open.
“I’m home!” [name] yelled.
Mafuyu’s eyes widened, look at the doorway for your face to come in.
[name] entered the room to be met with Mafuyu’s frantic head shakes and her mother smiling thinly at her, her eyes were cold.
“Hello, darling. Did you pick up what I asked you to?”
[name] ignored Mafuyu’s head shakes to not answer and threw on the table a bag that smelled of soybeans.
“There. Now, I’ll make my own-”
“There’s congee on the stove-“
[name] did everything to try not and bite at her with words and bit her lip, Mafuyu avoided your gaze, still not speaking.
Soon, it was over. Mafuyu sighs in relief, going back into her room.
“I’ll wash the dishes.” You slapped your hand on the table, grabbing the dishes while not looking at her mother.
“Good girl…” She whispered, not looking at you but at your hand.
[name] washed the dishes while her mother was sitting on the couch.
“I’m going to leave for something. Goodbye.” [name]’s mother grabbed her keys and left, making Mafuyu come out.
Mafuyu sat on the couch, holding a book but not reading it.
You soon came out, taking your gloves off and throwing them into the bin.
“Why the long face?” [name] sneered.
Mafuyu jumped and looked at you, her eyes were dull and she looked…emotionless.
“…how did you deal with it?”
[name]’s eyes looked at her emotionless ones. They looked familiar. Too familiar.
‘It’s gotten to her too…’
“What’s gotten to me? Your speaking out loud.” Mafuyu’s voice interrupted you.
“I was speaking…?”
You looked at her softly, your smile sad.
“You and I…we are not so different.”
[name] sits next to her, her eyes sad.
“The pressure…huh?”
“It’s not the pressure! I’ve told myself that and I believe it! I just…I just don’t know! Do i have to keep up to the standards she sets for me?! Why…?! It’s always the papers…it’s always about something I did! It’s never about me…she doesn’t care…”
You listen, looking straight ahead while she begins to sob.
“I-I’m so tired! I hate this! Why…?!?! Why was I born?!?”
“It’s what she wants…she did that to me too…there really is no escape is there…?”
Mafuyu looks at you, her eyes still watery.
Smiling at her with dull eyes, you speak quietly.
“She did that to me too…I was locked in my room at one point…it was before you were born…she was a monster at heart. I didn’t want you. Not because I was jealous, because I didn’t want you to go through what I went through.”
“I was only used for her personal gain, she saw me as a trophy, not as a daughter. As long as she got what i want, I would be…happy.”
“I lost it. I almost ended it. But I needed to make sure you were okay…I couldn’t let her win.” [name] looks at her little sister, putting an arm around her.
“Ahh…sweet sweet mother, hm?”
Mafuyu let’s her tears fall and buries her head into your shoulder, crying.
Wrapping your arms around her, you pat her head. Mother did the same too, when you got a bad test result, she would scold you and make you beg for forgiveness. But only…it was coming from sympathy.
“Don’t let her win, Mafuyu.”
She nods her head into your shoulder, gripping your jacket.
“Promise me…please. Promise me you’ll never, ever, let her win. Live your own life. You can’t let someone who doesn’t even love you control you.”
Mafuyu lifts her head up and tries for a smile.
“…I will. I won’t let her win….!”
“Good.” You smile at her, feeling your chest become more heavy.
[name] gets up and begins walking to her bedroom door, but turns around.
“We could run away.”
Shaking her head, [name] turns around and walks, making Mafuyu confused.
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Im so sorry if this is not what you wanted, modyuki, but thank you for your order!!!
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- any type of sibling love
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
hey jaya :) i have an idea for a request that’s been on my mind for a while
dabi x reader with a passion for music and he hears u sing for the first time
u can do this whenever there’s no rush ty and have a nice day bro :)
Okay first off im rly sorry this is comin out a whole_ass century after you sent it in,but i hope i did ur idea justice!
Please let me know what u thought in the comments!
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!Dabi x A Reader Who Has A Passion For Music!
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Scenario:- Dabi with an s/o who has a passion for music!
Pairing:- dabi x gn!reader
A/N:- I apologize in advance for how bad i am at writing songs lyrics :’)
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music was a big part of your life
it'd helped you find yourself,given you an outlet to take out all your frustrations(while simultaneously creating something beautiful) and it had,in many ways, saved you.
but not many people knew that
you were passionate,but your passion had never set foot outside of your own private safe space.
but when you met dabi,he too became your safe space.
you felt like you could be free,safe and completely yourself with him.
but for some reason you just never brought up your love for music.and even when the opportunity to do so presented itself,you just shook your head and claimed that you were just a casual enjoyer of perfectly placed notes and chords.
but one day when you thought you were alone in your apartment,
(touya had supposedly gone on another mission for the league and would be back later that night)
you finished your chores and retreated back to your room,your little cave of safety.
once there,you picked up your favourite instrument from the box under your bed(some gifts,some found for ablsolute steals at sales and some bought by yourself) and began playing a simple note,it turned into a full on performance complete with your own singing and a little dancing.
and before long you were full on belting out the lyrics to the song you'd been obsessed with over the past few days.
you hadnt done this in a LONG time and it just felt so...so liberating!
after youd finished the song you looked down at the instrument in your hands and thought of doing something you hadnt in a while.
you started with a random note and as the words flowed you sang them out.
just as you were getting to the chorus,your mans(its the boiiii) just arrived home.
he took his shoes off at the door (you'd specifically asked him to, because if you has to sweep up mystery gunk again,youd kill him yourself~)and made his way to your room where he knew youd be.
when he got closer he heard the singing and was SHOOKETH!.
he never knew you could sing so...so beautifully?angellicly? buddy didnt even have a word to describe how to describe it!
and then he heard the lyrics,
im in love and youre to blame,
im drawn to you like a moth to a flame,
you stole my heart and set me free,
to be the one i was meant to be.
your fire,its blue its hot and it burns,
but darlin when im with you i wouldnt mind getting burned.
and when we're alone,you run your pretty mouth but if you say your ugly again i swear ill you right on out~
youre beautiful,youre mine and i wouldnt have it any other way,touya,i love pretty things,but paper rings would do any day
he was stunned.
were you...SINGING ABOUT HIM???
and as you finished the last line and turened around,you yelped (WHERE TF HAD HE COME FROM)
and within seconds you were panicing.... what would he think????
how much had he heard??????????
your head was racing with worst-case scenarios!!!
he noticed this and took a few steps towards you,and when you didnt back away he knew you were really in deep.
he held your face in his hands(which seemed to bring you back to reality)and before you could say anything in your 'defence'
he captured your lips in a passionate kiss.
and within seconds you felt something hot and sticky running down your cheek alongside your sudden tears
when you opened your eyes you saw that youd both been crying,him tears of blood and you salty water.
this woke you up fully as you ran to your bedside table to get tissues to wipe his 'tears'
as you were doing so you heard him let out a whispered "thank you" and you knew i wasnt just for the tissues,but for what hed heard.
heat rose to your face and you just smiled."dont mention it"was your response which was accompanied by another quick peck on his lips.
after that you werent afraid or embarassed to share your love for music with the man of your dreams,you even started doin little duets on your date nights and lemme tell ya,buddy was DEDICATED to learning the guitar!
he wanted to be your acompanist(is that a word???)
and soon,all the instruments that had been hidden away in the darkness under your bed,were decorating your walls along with songs youd written to eachother(yh its not thatt romantic,yall just tacked em onto the wall :"))
music had saved you,and now it had made you and your lover closer than ever.
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Taglist open for anyone interested!
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on-a-sunbeam · 7 months
babe you can always talk to me about your ocs or anything else i'd love to know more about it
SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG and also thank you???? so much?? i feel flattered and i LOVE talking about my silly guys!!
anyhow my ocs are a bunch of furry dragons with goofy names because i was 12 when i came up with them and then i got way too attached and like i can’t change it NOW. and they all live in a world with way too much backstory, but the highlights reel version is that a bunch of strangers get on a ship at a space station because the anthropomorphic dragons have space travel obviously to travel to another planet, but the ship ends up malfunctioning and they crash land on a different, currently uninhabited planet (it’s not actually uninhabited as you might imagine). so now they all have to work together with this bunch of strangers to find some way off this planet, but there’s also mysterrrrious disappearances going on, and some of them are convinced that there’s like a monster or perhaps some type of demon on the planet.
uhhh a VERY BRIEF INTRO to the main characters (there are kind of a lot of characters but you know. they’re not all like super important):
Moth used to be in the military and kind of becomes the leader of the group once they crash. she’s like actually pretty good at working with people and being responsible. Honey and Finn are dating and then finn dies and honey is NOT HAVING THAT and kind of splits off from the group to go help this other guy with his weird plan but we’ll get to that in a second. Leon is an ex-burglar who looks really scary but in all actuality is not. he likes to let people spread rumors about him so that they think he’s scary, though.
Jax and Dusk were childhood friends, but dusk kind of screwed jax over a little bit and possibly ruined her life, and now jax is very very not happy with her. Blair and Luna and some other people are also there but they’re not super major to like the plot, i guess? i still love them very much though <3
BUT you also might be wondering about the people who already lived here! in the present day there are only three left, because they were part of a science expedition that did not go very well :’) Berry has been trying to get the stupid radio to work for the last like twenty five years he’s been stuck on this planet because they would like to leave, thank you very much. Wasp has not taken to living in near isolation very well and is attempting to build a time machine to go and kill his younger self because he thinks he's the one who messed up the expedition (it very much was not him). he’s also the person that honey goes to help and i did not intend for them to both have bee related names but i’m just realizing they do?
Grey and Ripley get their own paragraph because i love them very very much!! they aren’t even the main characters, i just really think they’re neat hee. Grey was one of the guys stuck after the science expedition, and he took it about as normally as anybody. which is to say he convinced himself that he was some sort of chosen one sent to defeat whatever great evil lies on this planet, and it’s going pretty well for him UNTIL. until a certain old man by the name of ripley crashes onto his nice little planet one day, and grey is ABSOLUTELY FURIOUS because he thinks that Ripley is actually the special chosen one. (which again is untrue because neither of them are the chosen one, that’s not even a real thing) So grey decides to gain ripley’s trust and then most likely kill him so he can go back to being the Universe’s Special Guy, and ripley is just very confused about what is going on, because he just thinks grey is an eccentric but mostly alright guy, and it is very evident to everyone else that this is in fact not true and that grey has murderous intent. also they’re the guys in my profile picture!! here they are!!!! :D
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uhhh sorry this got a little rambley! but ty so much again for asking!!! :D
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YOU... top ten bug?
First off, ty! Second, SORRY I took so long to answer your ask! Life made my brain into mush.
1. Bee
2. Mantis
3. Wasp
4. Hornet
5. Spider
6. Moth
7. Ant
8. Butterfly
9. Centipede
10. Beetle
11. Scorpion
12. Ladybug
Cricket & Caterpillar
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jaekaicx · 2 years
*slams my hands down on the table excitedly* what are your thoughts. On any topic. Literally anything I wanna hear them
!!!!!!! KFNSKNSJS OKAY!!!! im glad you wanna hear my thoughts fjdhjsjsjsn
(im so sorry for putting this off for so long kfnsksn my mind just kept on blanking every time i tried to answer this. but !!! i have something now so here are the thoughts you asked for !!!!)
so my last reblog got me thinking about the way amphibia is presented as an “isekai with a twist.” but it also got me thinking about the owl house and how its also presented as an isekai with a twist. and i just think its really interesting how the two of them go about it in different ways
one of the main similarities is how there’s a sort of awareness of the fact that an isekai story is taking place, and the isekai-ed characters sort of enabling the story and making it happen out of a sense of wish fulfillment. with marcy, they didnt have much of a choice since they had no clue the music box would actually work, but we all know that if given the choice, marcy would say yes to getting isekai-ed in a heart beat. and in a sense, he actually did.
(disclaimer: i wholeheartedly believe that marcy was NOT at fault for getting the trio sent to amphibia. he helped find and open the box but that is NOT the same as knowingly sending you and your friends to a deadly frog world and nearly getting them killed. im gonna bring this topic up a bit more, so in case anyone sees this and tries to use this to paint marcy in a bad light leave right now)
and then you have luz, a kid whos lived basically her whole life with one foot in both worlds. shes longed for the chance to live in a world of magic, to live out the fantastical tales she grew up reading about. and when she finds herself in the boiling isles, she chooses to stay for her escapist wish fulfillment.
but heres where the two shows branch off. for one, marcy isnt the focus character while luz is the main character of her show. but with amphibia, marcy gets pretty much exactly what he wanted. they end up in the heart of newtopia, the capital of amphibia. they get taken in by the kind king, they’re given a title and rank and responsibilities and quests, and he goes on all sorts of wacky adventures, making a name for himself in newtopia. marcy essentially gets the whole isekai package (except for the chance to experience it all with their best friends)
meanwhile, luz actively chooses to stay in the new magical world, only it doesnt exactly live up to the azura series like luz had hoped. she ends up with a sort of “fixer upper isekai.” the boiling isles isnt all glitz and glamour and sunshine and rainbows. its dangerous and gritty, and while people can fly on brooms and use magic, its flawed and dark and actively rejects a lot of luzs attempts to create it into her isekai fantasies. season 1 is dedicated to hammering the message that, no, the boiling isles is not a place of wonder and excitement, but can be more “realistic” than earth itself
and yet, luz still manages to forge her own story despite it all. she gets her wake up call in season 1, but it doesnt stop her from making connections and finding her place in the boiling isles. she does end up getting her “isekai story,” except it only happens when she isnt actively forcing it to happen. the first time she does try she nearly gets herself killed. instead, its through her big personality and allowing herself to just be her that gets people to open up to her, and luz is able to get her found family and support network. and by the time the actual plot kicks in, when the portal is destroyed and the stakes get real, luz is able to face it because of her strong connections in the boiling isles and what she learned in her time there
..and then theres marcy. now, when i mentioned that the boiling isles was dark and dangerous and gritty, that wasnt to say that amphibia isnt either, because it absolutely is. its just that its easier for marcy to dismiss the dangers of amphibia, while the boiling isles makes you face it all first thing, but its not so bad once you face the brunt of it.
with marcy, he isnt exactly forced to confront a lot of it until it all blows up in their face in true colors. sure, marcy probably has faced danger a countless amount times in their work under king andrias, but thats likely only because he chose to. he could have easily hidden behind the walls of newtopia and no one would have stopped them, but they chose to go into fieldwork and serve with yunan on the warship. and even then, its not dangerous to the same extent as anne being dropped in the middle of the woods after opening the box, or sasha ending up in literal jail right off the bat. no, marcy got lucky, and was able to see amphibia as the wish fulfillment he’d been hoping for
only. it really wasnt in the end. sure, it was all fun and theres a prophecy and possibly even cool anime powers, but it all had a cost. marcy couldnt get away with their escapist tendencies forever. and while marcy arguably had the best introduction to amphibia, they also got the worst of it in the end
all that to say, amphibia and toh are both sort of “modern isekais,” but they both go about it in different, interesting ways. toh is a sort of “twisted” isekai, given how luz isnt just given an isekai story, but instead has to learn to step back from seeing the world as her fantasy before being able to deal with the actual main plot. meanwhile, amphibia deconstructs the whole idea of an isekai in the first place. its explained really well in the post i was talking about earlier, but tldr its an isekai that almost refuses to be one, focusing instead on this regular girl that just wants to get her friends back and go home. its funny, because toh is kind of an isekai with extra steps, while amphibia has the isekai in the background except its not exactly an isekai but its not not an isekai? just with less wish fulfillment and more consequences
but yeah i just thought it was pretty interesting! both toh and amphibia subvert isekai tropes, but toh still has a large focus on plot while amphibias story focuses solely on anne and the shenanigans she gets into. except those shenanigans eventually turned into saving the world
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varley-of-torment · 2 years
hmm this one was really hard since he's so laid back,
'Lygerside Daydream' by Will Wood fits his dream of relaxing in the sun for all his life, though my overthinker brain tells me the tone is to desperate/tragic for Lin, who hasn't had that much strife in his life (that we know of). It works if he's feeling particularly emo the war one night.
On that note, 'Va' from The Beginners Guide is something he'd definitely listen to.
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1ndulgences · 2 years
hi brew!! i would love to request for boyfriend yan ritsu with kidnapping and drug usage.... go crazy with it...(p.s love your latest shu's work it's perfect and comforting...)
— 🍫
oh choconon, you know me so well....!!! i took another fic-like approach to this, and i hope it is enjoyable to read...... i like more cinematic experiences when i read, so i tried to do that here......
warnings: obsession, drug usage, kidnapping (read safely)
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you thought everyone was being a little dramatic. ritsu was just a really touchy person by nature, so of course he would want to do that more with you, seeing that you two were a couple. you only entertained the thought that he was a little more clingy than usual when he began to skip class to see you. you scolded him playfully for it, and he looked nearly heartbroken when you told him to stop.
after meeting you, it was like a flame was ignited in the sleepy vampire's heart. there was something so entrancing about you, and like a moth to a flame, ritsu found it nearly impossible to resist you. the boy was obsessed with you. that much was obvious to anyone who say you two together. he clung to you like his life depended on it, and if you asked him, he would have said that it really did. even mao had commented in private to you that ritsu seemed closer to you than he ever seemed to mao.
it was only a week later when ritsu began to miss entire days of school, staying in his dorm only and texting you constantly throughout the day. if he wasn't sleeping, you got near hourly texts from him. he said that his family condition was flaring up, and he wanted your attention to feel better. feeling sorry for him, you did your best to reply to him as soon as possible, and you would even visit him everyday after classes. mika had even joked about you moving in after the first week of your visits.
and you know? that is a wonderful idea...
ritsu calls you suddenly in the middle of class. his health seemed to have been getting better in the past few days, but over the phone, he sounds positively drained. he says he needs you to come visit to get him his vitamins or he may just faint suddenly. and it would be an understatement to say you came running. he was curled into a ball in his bed when you arrived, using the spare key the vampire gave you. you smoothed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead before going to the bathroom. you opened the medicine cabinet and frowned when you couldn't find the tablets you had been helping ritsu take for the past couple weeks.
you couldn't focus on that for long, however, as two arms suddenly wrap around your middle. you tense and turn to look, but one arm reaches up and covers the lower half of your face with a chemical-soaked cloth. you immediately feel your head spinning and lean against the counter for support. behind you, you hear ritsu's signature chuckle. he got this trick from secchan, you know. that one has some good ideas when he wants to!
ritsu presses his cheek against your back as you fight to stay awake, nuzzling you so lovingly, so gently. he was not really that sick, darling. not physically, at least. he just felt so awful when you made him stop missing his boring lessons to see you instead, he thought he was about to die! this was his only option! and when mikarin had said to move in... well, it made him realize that you really should just stay here. he will make sure you are happy and well taken care of, just like he was when you came to see him.
are you excited, darling? because he is! ritsu kisses your neck as you finally slump unconscious against the counter. he carries you to his bed and curls up against your sleeping form, but not before tying your wrists and ankles together. he cannot have you thrashing around once you wake up...
this is the start of a wonderful new chapter of your lives together... maybe next week he will just take you back to his family home. who needs the idol course when his dreams are right here in his hands already?
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simluvbot · 3 years
Sunghoon as your boyfriend
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a/n: as usual with these bf headcanons, im sorry it was so messy TT also thank you so so much for over 100 followers !! <33
open to read <3
tbh it got to a point where literally everyone but you two knew that you were crushing on each other..
Sunghoon can very oblivious sometimes, and so can you
Sunghoon can very oblivious sometimes, and so can you
tbh it was literally until jake had to spell out to sunghoon how he obviously had a crush on you which is what prompted him to actively make moves on you (lmao)
And, sooner or later, you both ended up dating :D
Sunghoon is be pretty awkward early on in the relationship so it’s just so so precious ):
so every small moment of skinship between you both has butterflies instantly swarming in your stomachs and your cheeks heating up like crazy ):
And sunghoon will think about it for ages in his bed later at nighttime, replaying the moment you took his hand in yours and interlocked your fingers with his
He’d think about how soft your hands felt in his hold and how fuzzy the feeling made him feel, and sunghoon isn’t one to freak out easily but gee the butterflies you made him feel (he will never tell you about that though)
Many late night dates!
I say this for literally every enhypen member but to me this concept just fits so well with all of them
Sunghoon likes going on late night walks with you in private (and safe!) parks where he knows that you two will be completely alone
He loves walking around with you for hours, chatting away about random weird topics and sharing shy eye contact with each other
Or he will also like to lay down on the grass with you, backs on the plush ground and stargazing together 💔
He’ll admire your side profile and smile at your awed expression as you stare up at the stars, thinking about how pretty you look under the moonlight
But then when you turn to face him he’ll look away and pretend he was never looking in the first place🙄
To me sunghoon seems the type to silently appreciate you and the small moments he shares with you.
You could be sitting across from him eating messily while ranting about your day and he’ll simply nod, barely listening and instead watching the way your moth moves and how prettily your lips create shapes as you talk
Or you could be simply doing nothing at all, instead laying on the sofa on your phone and he’ll look up from his own now and then, quietly reflecting and feeling thankful for how you’re in his life
In public he is very much the silent observer! but not in a creepy way, it’s all loving of course, especially since hoon has said before that he’s not the best with expressing his words and feelings
So he instead shows his love and appreciation to you through small acts of service and gifts!
It’s small things that he does for you, such as tying your shoelaces for you, pulling you onto his other side when you’re asking along a busy road so he is the one one the road side instead or buying what he knows is your favourite snack to surprise you with!
I think that he will also ask jay for tips on what to cook for you hehe. He likes to surprise you and pls I just see him standing wearing an apron as he tries to follow the recipe jay gave him so he can make you your favourite food for you to eat the next day )):
Many cafe dates!!
Have you seen that picture of him sipping from a drink as he sits at a cafe table?? yeAH WELL
takes you out to his favourite cafes all the time 😁😁
going on the lookout for best cafés on your dates is YOUR THING i see it
Sunghoon honestly treasures you so much and although he doesn’t express it in words often, he really thinks about you a lot ): so many little things remind him of you its ridiculous. 
he’ll see something and go like “oh!” which confuses the other members but its just because he saw something that made him think of you lol
He is comfortable enough with you to be vulnerable in front of you!
At first when you both started dating he was reallyyyy shy since he is an introvert.. but ofc soon the ice boy melted and he eventually became so much more comfy around you :D
so yes park sunghoon does share a lot of his weird thoughts and personality with you lmao
but its just bc he trusts you and knows that you wont judge him ):<
Takes you on ice skating dates where he teaches you how to skate
Will come up with a simple routine with you
I’m gonna cry I’m gonna pass out I can’t take this I’m tearing up TAKE MY PHONE AWAY FROM NE AT THIS
he will come up with ): simple ice skating routines with you ): where he spins you around and holds both your hands steadily as he skates backward and guides you forward, making breathless eye contact while he rests his forehead against yours, smiling softly
although when you do end up falling he laughs 🙄 he is so rude i stg
but he then helps you back up of course, holding your gloved hands in his softly since they took the most impact of ur fall 
he’ll massage them gently in his, concerned and telling you to be more careful next time and showing you how to regain your balance when you feel yourself slipping.
“aha like you will even need to use that technique anyways y/n because your ice prince will save you from falling.”
sighs. anyways
Whenever he catches you staring at him (which is 99% of the time when you’re with him because well, duh), he will the hELL out of you lmao
He teases you pretty often anyways
“If you’re just going to continue staring at me this whole time then just take a photo instead y/n, it lasts longer you know 😐.”
“I know I’m handsome y/n. Instead of making it so obvious with your googly eyes then don’t be afraid to say it too. I don’t bite 🙂👎.”
Is so proud of himself whenever he gets you flustered at his comments because as much as it embarrasses you, what he says is true </3 and you don’t deny it
But then when YOU tell him how attractive he is in a teasing way it’s HIM that starts blushing LMFAO
“The view is so pretty.” You said, sighing out as you stood next to sunghoon on the top floor balcony.
“Yeah, Seoul is so beautiful.” Your boyfriend commented, nodding as he looked down at the blinking lights from down below.
Frowning, you tilted your head as you stared at him. “Oh, I wasn’t  talking about that.”
Looking up, sunghoon looked at you in confusion. “What do you mean then?”
“I meant the view is so pretty. You’re the view.”
Gets so flustered PLSJDKSJS he looked away from you and ignored you for the next 5 minutes while he tried to compose himself and pretend like he was not affected by what you said
You simply laughed at how red his ears had become and how he ignored your teasing remarks indifferently when he was actually dying inside at what you said
Or other times when you compliment him he will be really smug about it too lmao
He values your opinion, even if it’s something about the new jacket he wore and how it looks nice on him
You bet he will wear that jacket 372837 more files after that and uploaded it on Twitter for engenes too (;
All because you complimented him once
It gets to the point where jay and jungwon tease him about why he is constantly wearing the same thing every day and whether it’s something to do with you LMAO
boy gets so shy 😭😭😭
Sunghoon likes it when you run your hands though his hair ): especially at the back of his head where you tug at his strange gently, especially since his hair is pretty long rn
It’s so soothing to him to feel your nails gently rake through his mullet and massage his scalp, it instantly makes his eyes shut and sleepiness take over.
I feel like sunghoon isn’t that big on cuddles? But when you both sleep together he always pulls you in closer to him subconsciously ):
Head pats from sunghoon ✔️
Kisses with sunghoon!
When you both first started dating you had to initiate everything and he would get so flustered after
But after you had been dating sunghoon for a while and you kiss, he’ll do this thing where he looks at you with lidded eyes and stares at your lips and he kNOWS how good he looks when he does that
Such a tease..
Will cup the back of your neck and bring you in
his hands gently roam around your waist or place themselves onto your back to hold you close to him
Kisses with sunghoon are usually pretty slow and can last a while, so you’re always left feeling breathless when you finally pull apart
Nibbles your lips to tease you hehe
He doesn’t really give you short kisses apart from when he’s feeling bursts of happiness and really excited about something! Or when he wants to thank you
Also Hoon likes to also keep your scrunchie on his wrist if you wear any
Idk, he just likes it [:
Hoon also likes to take many pretty photos with you too, it’s so aesthetic TT
Kisses your forehead whenever he says bye to you on his way to complete his schedule for the day 🥺
Shows Jake and jay pictures of you all the time lol
The 02z definitely don’t miss the blush on his cheeks whenever he tells them about how cute you are 🙄
Sunghoon cutest bf ): he doesn’t reall like to show affection for you in front of other people but when y’all are alone?
Phew, the boy might be an ice prince but whenever he is around you.. let’s say that perhaps you seem to melt him a lil bit (:
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itsmeevie01 · 3 years
A Moment in Time- Ch 14
yes, I know. I disappeared off the face of the earth. forgive me?
important housekeeping- Orthrus is the name of Cerbrus' brother from Greek Mythology. Asclepius is a snake. and doctor dude. so I pulled on that a lil. ok, on with the chapter!
Chloé had been surprised to see the text from Marinette after her friend had gone off to meet an obscure friend earlier that day. Yet, there, blinking on her phone, was a text from her best friend there was only one word, but it was enough. There, blinking up at her was the word TONIGHT. Marinette really wanted to take Gabriel Agreste down on a school night, right before finals week.
Of course she did.
With one last, woeful glance at her open notes, Chloé called her transformation and flew to the Eiffel tower.
When she got there, the blonde was met with both Apate and Lady Tyche.
There, sitting at their feet, was Asclepius. The snake was leaning back, taking in the night air. His dark eyes glittered behind his mask, and the lyre at his side was almost unnoticeable in the darkness. As Princess Meli landed, Apate and Tyche sent her smiles, while Asclepius nodded. Meli gave a weak smile in response.
“Hey A, did you have to choose right before finals? I have to study!” Apate snorted at her best friend’s indignation.
“Sorry, Meli. I just…we can’t let this flaming bastard ruin our lives anymore. He tried to Akumatize me tonight, and I won’t have it.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Apate winced before turning to face her friend.
“I almost got akumatized. It didn’t go well. I am going to take down Hawkmoth one way or another. It is up to you if you want to join me. It has to be now before he can do any more damage. I for one don’t want to spend one more minute in a city where Hawkmoth rules our lives.” As the two newer heroes listened, the sound of someone landing behind them could be heard.
The group turned to find another miraculous wielder there, his long brown hair held back in a low ponytail, and the dark brown suit barely noticeable against the night sky. “ah, good Orthrus, you made it!” the teen nodded to the vigilante, before giving his fellow miraculous wielders a dramatic bow.
“omg. Really? That’s why you wanted me to dye your hair!” Princess Meli’s squeal was met with a dead-eyed stare by her best friend.
“well, why else, but to be completely unrecognizable.” The familiar voice that drawled from the dog vigilante’s mouth had the others quickly connecting the dots and laughing in recognition of Adrien Agreste, now named Orthrus, the vigilante of Loyalty. He strode over, his steps near silent on the tower beam. “now, what are we going to do about my father, Apate? Lady Tyche?” the two smiled at him, before turning back to the group.
“This is a stealth operation. As you all know, the Moth Miracle stone is one of the more flexible jewels. This means that the only identifying part about it is that it will glow when a strong emotion emerges. This means that we will be splitting up into two groups.” Here, Apate paused. Tyche was obviously well informed about what the operation was going to entail. Meli, while not in the loop, was more familiar with their plans and was obviously connecting the dots. The newest two were looking back and forth in confusion. “Meli, you and Tyche will be pulling the public's attention to yourselves. While you two pretend to fight an Akuma, courtesy of Bunnix, the rest of us will be slipping into the Agreste Mansion. Asclepius, you will be on Mayora duty. Keep her contained and be prepared to use your power, remember, it can only go back 15 minutes. Orthrus and I will try to corner Hawkmoth while he is distracted. It is imperative that Meli and Tyche keep the battle going against Bunnix until we are sure that Hawkmoth and Mayora are out of commission.” Tyche nodded.
“Meli and I will keep people distracted, but we need you to be fast, Apate. That means,” she turned to Orthrus and Asclepius, “you two need to get your plan straightened out before you enter the Agreste mansion. If there is anything that goes wrong you inform Apate immediately. Keep your com lines open. I know that you haven’t had as much practice, but Apate has been doing this for years. Rely on her and watch her back. Most importantly though, everyone goes in, everyone goes out. No one is left behind. And kick Hawkmoth’s ass.” The newer miraculous holders were listening with wider and wider eyes as Lady Tyche laid out her instructions. Apate may be the one with the (little known) reputation of being blunt and violent, but Lady Tyche was obviously used to giving instructions and being obeyed, immediately. As the weight of the situation made itself truly known to the newer section of the team, Bunnix alighted on the tower beam with a wild grin.
“ready when you are, Lady. We should be able to mess around for a few hours before things have to get serious.” Here, Bunnix turned her gaze on Apate. “if you need anything, give a shout.” Apate nodded solemnly at her friend, before turning to her team.
“We move now. once we get in position, Tyche and Bunnix will start the battle.” With one last backward glance, Apate led her team off to the lair of Hawkmoth.
“how long do you think this will take, A?”
“Ty, I wish I could give you an answer. Right now I really just want to get this done so I can sleep.”
“A, as much as I agree with that statement, please don’t rush.”
“I’ll be careful, Ty. I always am.”
“but true.”
“I mean…maybe.” A pause, “ok Tyche, we’re in position in Adrien’s room. Whenever you’re ready.”
“see you on the other side, Apate.”
“Stay safe.”
“you too.”
Tim was expecting a quiet night, curled up on his bed with a book Dick had asked him to read ages ago when the screaming started. He bolted up and flung open his door. With shaking fingers, the teen CEO darted across the great room of the hotel room. As he shoved the balcony doors open, Tim’s eyes widened. There, on the street, were two heroes. They were…flying. They were actually flying? He thought Marinette had given him a basic rundown of the situation here in Paris, but as he watched the two flying girls, Tim Drake knew in his gut that tonight was going to get a lot worse before it got better for them. Edging back along the wall of the balcony, the out of costume vigilante watched with wide eyes as the heroes darted in and out of the fog that was at the center of the screaming.
Apate really hated Gabriel Agreste. As she followed Orthrus through the halls of the manor, Asclepius stayed at her back. When they arrived at the library, Orthrus guided Asclepius to the hidden window that would give him a vantage point t look down on the upcoming battle. “wait.” As Apate halted the group's movement, the two others turned to look at her. “Asclepius, once you see Mayora enter the grotto, only then do you start your entry.” He looked at her in confusion. With a small smile, Apate gestured to the window. “this is your entry point. When you find Mayora, you enter here. Keep her contained, and keep her distracted. Orthrus and I will handle the rest.” When the Snake holder had nodded, Apate smiled. “this is it, I know that you both have worked hard recently to take on these roles. That said, we proceed with the utmost caution. Keep your coms in and keep them on. I want constant communication. I know that this is the long game. We are all in. now we need to make sure that we all leave. Understood?”
“good. Now, we enter silence now. Orthrus and I are going to get in position, Asclepius be careful. Now is not the time to show our hand.”
Lady Tyche hadn’t had this much fun in years. As Bunnix sat in the middle of the column of fog rolling down Parisian streets, Lady Luck giggled slightly at Princess Meli’s look of shock. The rabbit holder had placed fog machines in the vicinity of the Grande Paris Hotel. With their careful plotting, Bunnix and Tyche had made sure that the square would be filled with synthetic fog. As it spread, the few pedestrians on Paris’ streets started to scream. The midnight air took on the feeling that only ever came when there was an Akuma attack. With a shout of glee, Bunnix continued to spin herself around on her motorbike. “are we going to attack?” Meli’s question broke Tyche out her musings. It wasn’t uncommon for the hero to stay back and observe the Akumas, and she had been taking advantage of that up till that point. With a sigh, Tyche tore her gaze away from the fog.
“I guess we have to, don’t we?” Meli giggled at her friend’s reluctance."
“only if you want this to work.” Tyche snorted at the Bee’s sarcasm.
“go ahead and ‘sneak’ over to the other end of the square. Once you get there, I’ll dive in and do a few spins with Bunnix. When I come flying out, wait a few seconds and then go into the exact center. Knowing Bun, that’s exactly where she’ll be.” Meli nodded in understanding and started to make her way across the square.
As Lady Tyche watched the other blonde slip away, she took a deep breath. They needed to stretch this out for as long as they could. Apate needed as much time as she could buy.
Apate and Orthrus were settled against a shadowed part of the wall in the grotto when Gabriel Agreste strode in. the blonde man was clutching at this shirt where he had a purple jewel pined there. “is that?” Orthrus’ question mirrored her own thoughts.
“I…I think so.” Tensing slightly, Apate settled further into her perch. Asclepius’ voice came quietly in her ear.
“Apate, you need to take the stone now. once he is Hawkmoth, Gabriel will have a sword. We don’t want to do more damage than necessary.”
“Apate you have to trust me. Please.”
“Are you sure?”
“There is no other way, this has to happen before i can take out Mayora.” Apate sucked in a sharp breath.
“how many times?”
“so far? six. It’s about to be seven if you don’t get a move on. Your window is closing.” Before Asclepius had finished his sentence, Apate has risen.
As she lept to one of the beams above the grotto, Orthrus slunk across the ground until he was behind Gabriel. As Apate started her descent towards the villain, Orthrus sprung up, and incapacitated him. in one single move, Apate, Guardian of the Miracle Box, had reclaimed the Butterfly stone of Transmission.
In her ear a moment later, Apate could hear the sounds of Mayora being taken down by Asclepius.
Lady Tyche and Princess Meli were in their fifth rotation through Bunnix’s merry fog funhouse when Apate’s voice cut through their line. “we have reclaimed both miraculous, and the police have been called. It’s finished. Hawkmoth is gone.”
The three heroes let up a cheer and set about putting the square to rights. Once Bunnix had shut off the fog machines, Lady Tyche looked around and smiled. Lifting into the air, Lady Luck threw her yoyo up and called “Miraculous!” as the Ladybugs flew through the night, things started to turn themselves back to what they had been a mere hour ago. When the square had returned to normal, the two heroes took off into the air. It was time to celebrate. Hawkmoth had been defeated at last.
Poor Tim! i wonder what the poor boy thought of THAT show? (also, i keep imagining Alix dressed in her bunnix suit speeding off into the night with that fog machine going... i bet she had a blast!)
@moonlitceleste @redscarlet95 @ultimatetornshipper @mochegato @liquid-luck-00 @maskedpainter @trippingovermyfeet @nathleigh @m0chick0furan @susiej1118 @t1dwarrior-of-earth @sassakitty @remy-289 @solangelo252 @corporeal-terrestrial @woe-is-me0 @toodaloo-kangaroo @sizzling-fairy-oil
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wornoutmouse · 4 years
Not sure if this even counts as pain play
Day 7: Pain Play
I got weirdly poetic with this but I guess it works.
My first dark fic! I'll admit I love reading the fucked up stuff with a passion. Also, I'm trying to wrack my brain for the different animes I've watched so it's all not just mha or other common ones since I've been a victim of not having fanfiction of an anime I liked.
Warnings: dubious consent, yandere, blood
Your legs trembled with every drag on the blade fearing yet craving that one of these times it would break skin. "Why are...you trembling?" You close your eyes tightly not wanting to look at your boyfriend. He made no attempt at forcing you to either. "I know it...will hurt a little...but...it will...feel good too." You hear the clinking of more small surgery blades and you can't help but wonder if you were the only person down here. You could hear dripping water in the distance and the echo it created lasted for minutes before stopping. If you were to be left down here, you weren't sure if you'd make it out. "Azusa, please!" you begged. For what you did not know as you were conflicted trying to gauge any form of sympathy from the deranged vampire. "What...are you begging for? I'm trying.. to help." The boy looked at you, gaze blank and eyes as dull as the steel he was holding as he walked towards you with a small scalpel in hand.
"I won't...make it deep...since this is...your first time." you try to lean away from the weapon but Azusa takes a gentle hand to hold you still. As you look into his eyes and see only love and adoration staring back at you and you couldn't help but feel conflicted about whether he was the one to be angry at. You yourself brought up how empty you had been feeling as of late and you should have realized your mistake from talking to the least mentally stable person in this household. "Azusa I know you want to make me feel better now but, I'm fine, truly." He looks at you pondering if your words are really true. Once he assumes so he undoes your binds and lets you down. "I'm...sorry for..tying you...up. I knew.. you'd be nervous...and I didn't...want to hurt you." he says scratching behind his ear nervously. You take a steady step back careful to not seem to on edge. 
"I...hope I..didn't...scare..you." you shook your head grimacing at how your curls stuck to your forehead from the amount of sweat you had worked up for such a short time. "n-No, it was fine." you stutter out before turning around, "Now let's just get out of here and forget all of this." A cold hand grabs your arm and you stiffen, "I'm sorry...but...can we stay here...for a while?" you look over your shoulder and cringe as you see the tinge of red in your boyfriends face. "Azusa..are you turned of right now?" you couldn't help but gag slightly at the thought. 
The sick individual in question squeaks and covers his lower area with his hands in embarrassment. "I'm...sorry..but seeing you ...all help..less, riled...me up." Azusa steps forward making you take a step back. "The fact that...you...trusted me....to be gentle...makes..me feel good." Your hands tremble as you resist the urge to shove the boy and make a run for it. As easy as it would be to push down the frail boy, he was still stronger than you by a margin. That and the fact you didn't want to face his brothers, was the only thing keeping you standing there. "Well we can't do anything about it in here, can we?" you ask in fake playfulness trying to deflect the conversation to something lighter. Azusa shook his head in thought before teleporting you both into the familiar gloom of his bedroom. 
Your head spins as you get accustomed to the abrupt change in scenery and you are helpless to the hesitant kisses being left on your skin. Only when you feel fangs puncture your shoulder is when you come back to reality. "Azusa!" you whine as he pulls you closer by your waist, "I...couldn't help..it. You..look so beautiful." the sweetness of his voice made you sick to your stomach as you thought of what a decent person he could have been if not for his childhood. You try to push him off of you in a weak attempt at gaining the upper hand but in the end, you stopped knowing that there was no point for your body had made up its mind.
The feeling of his cold undead hands trailing down your stomach and making contact with the skin just above your belt made you question what little sanity you held dear. You could feel the aphrodisiac seeping into your veins and you curse yourself for allowing things to get this far. Azusa pulls away licking his lips and smearing blood along his chin, "I tried not...to drink....long...because I know...it makes...you woozy." Azusa uses his nail to pop your pant buttons open.  With precision and care, he slips his long fingers inside to play with your folds. The utter contrast between both of your bodies should have been a turn off from the start. But as you two grew closer, your body began to crave it leading you into an endless cycle of wanting to leave and wanting to be devoured.
You could blame it on vampire suave and seduction but you knew better. The front door has always been open for your departure, you just chose to ignore it. 
"Azusa!" you gasp latching onto his wrists before jerking your hands away remembering his wrapped wounds. "It's...fine...see." Azusa raised his hands and unwraps the bandages surrounding them. The skin was scared and discolored going from warm peach to pale as moon water. "I'm....trying to get..better, just..like..you wanted." he says with a proud smile on his face as he stares at his hands, playing with his fingers as he awaits your approval. 
Your stomach churned from the sick joy you got from the fact that you had made a positive dent on this person's life no matter how small. Any other person wouldn't be able to handle the madness that was this boy and as much as you wanted to leave this was the reason to stay. To help this boy do better with his life which was also an excuse. You would always deny it but deep down you knew that all your devotion was really just a false sense of security ensuring that you truly hadn't fallen into self-inflicted Stockholm Syndrome. "I'm so proud of you Azusa." you whimpered trying to hold back the tears of regret as you watch the boy smile, fangs on display pearly white as ever and shinning in the bright moonlight that scratched it's way inside. Azusa went back to playing with your bud of pleasure as he lamented kisses and lies into your skin, making you slip deeper into your own self hatred as you allowed the menstruations to continue. 
You don't know how long you were in your own thoughts as you are awoken to a hot yet cold tongue lathering itself against your breasts, nipples pebbling from the sharp air that hit it after every ministration. Numb to the feeling yet still aware, you shake as your mind is thrown into ecstasy as you become aware of the blade trailing down the cavern of your breast leaving a thin river of blood following suit. "You...look..so pretty like..this." Like a moth to a flame, your breath hitches as Azusa trails his tongue along the river gathering all that your body had to offer. 
You receive many cuts after that, along your outer and inner thighs, painting your ebony skin red in pathetic irony as you wish for a moment that Azusa would slip and cut you just right so that you could slip away without blame from the gods or yourself. You feel Azusa lick away more of your essence in a way that is more intimate but more demeaning. You arch your back holding his head close to yourself as you take what he was giving you greedily. If one were to ask if you were pleasured you would respond without words but cries of agony disguised as joy. 
You flip the position to try to gain back what you felt you lost as you angle your lover's throbbing member below yourself and don't allow yourself to settle until he's pleading. "Please...I don't know...how long I will....last." he softly croons gazing up at you with a lovesick gaze that you knew you didn't deserve. You relent, telling yourself that this was on your own terms as you bounce rhythmically on his cock watching him cover his face as he babbles incoherent sentences. You sneer in disgust and hold his hands above him.
How dare he hide what was rightfully yours after taking so much from you. You feel him release inside of you and for once, you do not worry about if you fell pregnant for you knew the child would be taken care of with or without you. You do not stop your ministrations and bask at the wails your partner let out. He held your hips in a bruising grip and you knew he took joy in the pain he was receiving and for that, you could not forgive him. 
You quickly finish yourself off to relive the ache you felt from the aphrodisiac. You allow yourself to be held close to the chest of your lover and you fall asleep to the emptiness of his chest comforted by the  lacking a beating heart, lulling you into a sense of fabricated security as your heart too stilled and beat its final time declaring you, one of the damned
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nikkzwrites · 3 years
(They Long to Be) Close to You | Dark Fix-It Fic Series Part 2 | Chapter 5
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah. This is part two of the series! You can start the full series here!
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence.
Word Count:  4.5k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
The forest was quiet as Tronte walked through to get home. This was one of the few days Claudia wasn’t with him, yet he still felt as if a presence was following him. He stopped and looked into the cave with wonder. As he stared he heard a man’s voice behind him, the voice said, “We are attracted to the dark like moths to the light.”
The Unknown stood looking at his son and spoke again, “The dark is what we’re born of, and so we return to it.” He walked closer to him and spoke, “You’ve grown Tronte.”
“Do I know you,” The teenager asked, closed off to the idea.
The Unknown shook his head, “I knew your mother, but that was long ago. You take after her. Your eyes.”
“Who are you,” Tronte demanded.
“I do not have a name,” the man explained, “I was never given one by my original mother. Some call me David though. But back then, it was me who chose what to call you.” His other ages appeared as the man held out a serpent bracelet to the boy, “It belonged to your mother.” He put it into the boy’s hand and said, “I think you should have it now.”
Tronte shook his head and said, “I’ve got to go.” Then walked away from the man.
Hannah and Egon both released a sigh after their activity. They got out of bed and started to get ready for the day. The man smiled at her and said, “I love you.”
Hannah smiled and giggled as a response to him before going back to the mirror to continue putting on her make up.
Egon smiled and bolstered up his courage to walked over to her. He pulled out a small box from his pocket while he spoke, “II don’t know if you’ll like it, but... Can I put it on you?” He slowly put the necklace on the woman and asked, “You don’t like it?”
Hannah looked down nervously and tried to explain, “No, I… I do. It’s gorgeous. I don’t know. I haven’t felt like myself all week.”
“You look pale,” Egon noted. His brain flashed back to another time he remembered seeing someone this pale, but it was years ago now. A small boy was running through the wood for what seemed like his life. Egon had tried to catch him, but the boy seemed to disappear from him before he could help the small boy. He shook his head of it and focused on the woman in front of him once again. “Maybe you should see a doctor,” he asked.
Hannah looked at him and asked, “Will you come back here?”
“I…” Egon stuttered, “I don’t know yet. It’s… It might be best for me to stay home tonight.” When he saw her dejected, he plead, “Katharina. I’m glad you decided to stay here. In Winden.” He caressed her cheek, “You’re beautiful.” He thought for a moment before walking out.
It was September 24th in 1954. Claudia sat with Ines looking at the porn magazine. Jana stood awkwardly towards the side as they laughed about the images. Claudia turned to Ines and asked, “Where did you get this?”
Ines admitted, “It was in my father’s things.” She didn’t want to admit why she was snooping there nor to the end that it had to deal with a boy who was so far away from them now. Across the ocean.
Jana spoke up and told the two, “Ines, Claudia… We’re already late.”
Ines looked up and said, “David and my father said that you don’t learn anything at school. You learn from life.”
“Why don’t they have these with men in them,” Claudia asked. She looked up at Ines and said, “A bit unfair don’t you think?”
Jana shook her head, “You’re crazy.” She was speaking to both of them, but she really didn’t want to call out her best friend about how she regarded that boy who left for America leaving all of them behind.
Ines looked between the two girls and asked, “Have you ever seen one? One that’s not your father’s.”
“Ines,” Jana exclaimed.
Claudia giggled, “Jana. Come on.” She looked towards Ines and nodded after rolling her eyes.
Ines’ eyes widened and she asked, “What did it look like?”
“A bit odd,” Claudia admitted, “Like it wasn’t a part of him.”
Ines smiled and questioned, “Tronte?” When Claudia confirmed with a small nod, the girl spied her best friend looking disappointed. Ines’ smile faded and she said, “I think he’s kind of weird. Has his mother returned?” When Claudia shook her head, Ines continued, “Strange, don’t you think? To just vanish like that.”
At the police station, Doris sat at her husband’s desk. Egon blinked in surprise, “Doris, what are you doing here?” He felt as if he had this conversation before… like he could almost predict what she was going to say next.
“I wanted to talk. And Kahnwald let me in here,” she explained, “Where have you been? I thought you left early to write reports.”
Egon stuttered, “It’s...uh… Well… There’s something that came up.”
“Today, I was washing clothes and I found something.” She walked over to her purse and grabbed a handkerchief, “It was in her blouses. I thought it could be important.” As Egon stared at the cloth in his hand with the initials HT on them, he looked at her picture. Doris continued, “She said her husband was with the church and it may be a coincidence, but the minister who disappeared at the same time… His name is Hanno Tauber.” She slapped down a newspaper article clipping and pointed at it. 
There was a picture with Hanno and David staring at him. Seeing the boy, it made his heart ache. He squinted, he felt as though he knew him from somewhere, but from a long time ago, maybe in another life. He heard a very distant voice saying, “Hey dad, Clauds and I are going out to a movie. I’ll walk everyone home. I promise,” and several different, “I love you”s, to suddenly, “I hate you! You’re not my real dad!” Egon shook his head. He finally read the title reading, ‘Winden welcomes its new minister Hanno Tauber (42) from Vechta to take over for Amt von Sigurd Molch (74).’
Egon looked up at her and commented, “I thought her husband was dead.”
Doris shrugged and shook her head, “It’s been three months now. You don’t just leave your child alone without saying a word.”
Egon turned the paper over and looked at Doris, “You should go home. We’ll take care of it.”
Doris stood up and snapped, “Egon, I know something’s going on here! Why would she have left all this behind?!” She shook her head. She felt as if they had this argument before. This all felt like a weird case of deja vu.
Egon sat back and asked, “Who knows what goes on inside a woman’s head?” Seeing his wife huff at him and leave, Egon stood up and called after her, “Doris!” He shook his head and sighed before going back to look at Agnes’ missing poster.
Agnes stared at the swirling blob. The God particle in front of her and Adam. The man turned and spoke to her, “Agnes, you have chosen the correct side. Don’t forget that.” He handed her a newspaper clipping of a sketch of Claudia in the woods and said, “You must give this to Claudia. When it’s time.” When Agnes nodded, Adam spoke to her, “To live is a gift for those who know how to use it.”
Agnes looked at him and asked, “You’ll tell Martha then? What the origin really is?”
Adam turned and stared at the God particle.
Martha shot awake. She gasped for air. Beside her was an older man. She didn’t recognize him until he spoke.
“After all these years I’ve wondered,” Magnus spoke, “why you abandoned us in 1888. Why you gave us the material to create it… and then just disappeared.” He watched as tears streamed down the girl who shared his sister’s face cheeks. “Who would’ve thought 33 years later that it would be us who gave you the order…”
Martha shook her head, “Magnus…I’m so sorry.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” the man told her. He stood and walked a bit away from her, “Adam is waiting for us.”
Back in the other world, it was November 6, 2052. The older Martha spoke, “This is your future.” She watched as her younger self stared at all the scribbling on the walls, “Thirty-Three years from your yesterday.”
Martha shook her head, “That door in the cave...What was that?”
“It is a path that connects the past and future,” she explained.
The young Martha saw several of her family’s names crossed out. She turned and asked, “Why are these names crossed out?”
“That means they will die,” Older Martha explained, “All of them.”
Martha turned to look to see if she could find any more names. She turned back and asked, “what does ‘all’ mean?”
“In two days,” the older woman explained, “The apocalypse in his world. It also happens in ours.”
“This is not real,” Martha concluded. She panted trying to suppress the anxiety attack growing within her, “You’re not real.”
The older Martha shook her head, “This is your future. If you… If both of you fail to stop the apocalypse.”
“You are new to Winden,” the doctor called Hannah.
The woman nodded, “Three months, yes. I like it here. It’s less complicated than where I come from.” She approached as she finished tying her belt on her dress.
The man spoke, “Well that may be about to change.” He looked up from his microscope and spoke, “You’re pregnant. At your age, a pregnancy is not without its risks. You should take care of yourself. No strenuous activity.”
“That can’t be right.”
The doctor lit his cigarette and took a long drag before speaking again, “Listen, some gifts come into our lives unexpectedly. And yet they are still gifts.”
Egon looked at his family picture and lifted it up. As he caressed the image, the emptiness of someone missing filled him more. He heard himself in his head speaking to someone in a soft voice he often reserved for Claudia saying, “Isn’t she beautiful? That’s your little sister now. You have to protect her and be a good older brother, okay?” He tried to focus on it. His eyes squeezed shut as his mind reached for that elusive memory that just escaped him. He looked back at the picture of only him, Doris, and Claudia. Soon, the door opened.
Greta walked into the officer’s office and sat. She stared at him intently as if waiting for something.
Egon put the picture away and stared back at her for a moment. “How can I help you,” he asked her.
“I would like to know if any news has come in.”
“Sadly,” Egon shook his head, “Sadly no. Unless Helge decides to tell us where he was… That is… who he was with, we’re not going to get anywhere with this.”
Greta shook her head, “This isn’t about Helge.” When Egon looked at the woman confused, she continued, “This is about the missing minister. If no one looks after the church, it leaves the door open for the devil.”
“You knew the man,” Egon questioned, “The minister?” He paused and asked, “Have you ever seen him in company with a woman?”
Greta bared her teeth at him and shook her head in disdain, “How dare you ask that? I want you to find the man. Hanno Tauber.”
The church bell tolled as Doris walked into the church.
A woman sat next to a young boy. Across from them sat a younger girl and an old man. They all turned to her as the middle aged man in the middle of the church turned towards the interrupting woman. 
“Are you the new minister,” Doris asked the man trying to ignore the eerie people all sitting together.
“I used to be,” The Unknown spoke, “But that was long ago.”
Doris stuttered and walked towards him, “The thing is, I’m looking for someone. Um… My husband and I are… Our daughter is very talented. Last winter, we sublet the guest room. So we could save up money for Claudia for when she goes to college. The lady who lived with us… Well… she vanished, three months ago. Her husband was a man of God. She said her husband was dead, but, I don’t know why…. I just felt like that wasn’t true. And… the man who worked here vanished at the same time...along with a boy he kept a few months earlier… so… What if he was her husband, and she went back to him?I don’t think she liked him very much.”
The Unknown spoke to her, “Not all human bonds are the result of fondness.”
Doris shook her head, “Well, it’s about the child… I mean… it’s about her boy and… I think a boy needs his mother.”
“Each lie we tell,” the man spoke, “comes at the cost of the human soul.”
“I don’t understand,” she took a step back from him.
“You are not interested in the boy,” the man spoke, “You’re interested in the woman.”
Doris shook her head, “I don’t think you understood what I--”
“The ways of the heart cannot be explained,” The Unknown interrupted her. The rest of his presence surrounded her, “It wants what it wants. Just ask your husband. He’ll tell you the same thing.”
Doris swallowed. She didn’t think she heard the man right. She blinked and asked the man, “My husband?”
“Haven’t you asked yourself why he’s been leaving the house so early,” the man asked, “and working so late? What if there’s another woman there?” The men enclosed on her more, “It’s difficult for us to let go of our deepest desires inside. 
Doris swallowed and backed away. She hurried out of the church.
Young Jana walked through the woods alone. She thought to herself how much Ines was changing to become more like Claudia. It annoyed her. She kicked the leaves as she walked. Crows cawed overhead. She turned her head hearing the sound to see Tronte sitting by himself on a log near the lake. She looked around before walking towards him. “Hello Tronte,” she greeted him.
Tronte looked up from the bracelet of the snake in his hands. He sighed deeply as he thought about his options for a second before settling on just greeting the girl as well.
Jana slowly approached and sat next to the boy. She watched as he intently looked at a bracelet in his hands. Curious, she asked, “What’s that? It’s beautiful.”
Tronte looked at her for a moment then put the bracelet in his pocket. He didn’t respond to her.
“Why weren’t you in school today,” Jana asked, changing the subject hoping to get him talking, “What are you doing here?”
“I like it here,” Tronte shrugged, “It’s so… desolate.” When Jana turned her face away from him after that comment, he tried to lighten the mood. “I like to write, you know,” he smiled at the girl, “Stories.”
Jana giggled. 
“You have a nice smile,” he commented. He looked out to the lake again.
Back at the police station, Hannah walked into Egon’s office. Egon jumped seeing her. He rushed towards her whispering, “What are you doing here?” He locked the door behind her and in a hushed tone spoke once more, “You can’t just show up here. What if someone sees you?” When she was quiet, Egon paused then asked, “Are you alright?”
“I’m pregnant,” Hannah broke the news to him.
Martha stared at the supposed older version of herself.
“You can change it,” the older Martha spoke, “You both can change it. The barrels at the nuclear plant. They start the apocalypse.” Jonas leaned against the far wall listening to everything that was happening as she continued, “You must prevent them from being opened.”
Jonas pushed himself away from the wall and asked, “What do we do then?” He wanted nothing more than to stop this… to save his world and his Annalise… even if it meant he wouldn’t be able to exist, “Eve said there’s a way to undo this knot. There’s a way to let everyone live. To let my love live!”
Older Martha stood and spoke, “She lied to you. There is no way to save both worlds. You must choose one of them. The apocalypse is in two days. It can be stopped here. You both have to stop it. They can live. All of them. Mikkel can live. Isn’t that what you wanted? But you have to let her go. Your Annalise… Your world. You’ve seen what becomes of you there. What you’ll do there. What Adam will do. What you continually do through each cycle.”
The younger Martha stood up hyperventilating. She took a breath and spoke, “Both of you lost it.” She wiped her tears trying to get over her heartbreak about hearing Annalise’s name over and over again while thinking she knew exactly what, who, the other girl was doing. She spat, “I’ll go to the house and wake up in my bed and realize this was all just a shitty dream.” She stopped herself from saying that Annalise would be tangled up with her. She stormed out the bunker.
Jonas blinked and chased her down, “Wait.”
The older Martha spoke to him stopping him for a moment, “Jonas, this is exactly what you wanted originally. You and Martha. In this world, the two of you can work.”
Jonas glared and shook his head before chasing after the girl, “Martha!”
Martha tried to run up the sand dune desperate to get away from all of this. She looked up at him and yelled, “Do you believe all of this? That they’re all doomed?” Martha started to cry, “That’s crazy. I’m crazy… That’s...”
Jonas looked down at her in pity. He felt a kin to her in that moment. His heart ached for the poor girl. He sat down next to her, “Trust me… I know exactly what it feels like.”
“It’s all true,” she pleaded. She wished, hoped, it wasn’t. She asked again, “All the things she said are real?” She didn’t want it to be true. She wanted Annalise. She needed her with her always. Annalise couldn’t, wouldn’t, betray her like this.
Jonas nodded, “But I know there’s a way. A way to make all of this right again.” He was comforting her, but really, he was trying to comfort the past him. The him that had felt that feeling before. The him that was his own past. He earnestly promised, “And I want to continue looking for that way. I think she does too. The Martha that brought me here.”
The young Martha looked at him desperately believing every word he said.
In the other world, Martha stared as every person started to wish the other one goodbye to start the next part of the cycle. She stared at the particle as Agnes went through to do her duty.
Jonas and Martha walked towards the cave. Jonas led the way with Martha following him. 
The older Martha stoob back after putting up the chalk that she correctly did her job. The Unknown… her son was going to be conceived today.
Hannah walked towards a door and spoke to the young girl who answered it. She said, “I...I’m here to see Mrs. Obendorf.”
The girl stood back and allowed her into the waiting room. She looked at the woman and spoke, “You must wait.” She went and sat down herself.
Hannah sat on the other wall of the hallway outside the woman’s office.
“My mother says,” the girl spoke, “they’ll be in hell. The ones… the ones that are gotten rid of.”
“I don’t believe in hell,” Hannah spoke quickly, “Hell’s what we make for ourselves here.”
The girl debated with herself for a second before speaking again, “I’m Helene. Helene Albers.” She held her hand out to the older woman.
Hannah looked upon her. She took her hand knowing exactly who this was now and what, who, was inside this poor girl, “Katharina.” Hannah knew for once, she was going to do a good thing. 
“That’s such a nice name,” Helene smiled. 
Hannah laughed. 
Ms. Obendorf called for the girl inside.
Hannah stood and gave the girl a small gift of money on her coat before leaving, deciding against the horrid idea of getting rid of the baby.
Claudia walked inside the Tiedemann house, “Hello Papa.”
Egon sat at the table drinking his sorrows away.
Claudia blinked, “Where’s Momma?”
Egon sighed, “The ways of the heart cannot be explained. It wants what it wants.”
Claudia looked towards Tronte looking for comfort. The boy looked back at her with a shrug as Egon took another shot.
Tronte took the initiative, “Come on.” He coaxed Claudia to follow him, “Let him be.”
Claudia looked at the boy and saw in her mind's eye, another boy. One older than Tronte… One she hadn’t seen for a year. She could almost hear his voice comforting her. She turned to look at Egon trying to figure everything out before following Tronte up the stairs.
Egon sat with only his thoughts and a drink.
Adam stared at the picture of his son. He sighed as he looked back at the particle.
Martha walked in and said, “You made me a promise. I’ve kept up my end of the deal. Now you have to keep up yours.”
Adam turned and smiled at her, “You want to know where the origin is and how you might destroy it. You will do it.” He turned back to the swirling muck with a sigh. He spoke again and said, “It took me 66 years before I finally understood… how everything is bound together.” He looked at her once again and chuckled, “you’re right. It’s time you understood, too.”
Martha walked into her room with Jonas following behind her. She looked around. Everything reminded her of Annalise. Everything reminded her of just how broken and unloved she was. “At school,” she whispered walking over to him, “At the door you came in… I got this feeling...It was as if we knew each other.” She panted trying not to cry, “From a dream.”
“I’m sorry,” Jonas spoke, “For everything.” He felt his own self tearing up. This room reminded him so much of his own. He knew exactly how she felt. The teenager finally understood how Annalise felt for him. He walked closer to her and studied her. He wanted nothing more than to make her feel loved and like she wasn’t alone… even if it were just because he wished in his world Annalise would continue doing the same for him.
“In your world…” Martha asked, “What was I like?” She wanted to know if she felt just as broken there. If there was any hope for her to not be so desperately in love with someone who would never love her back. “Was I different,” she pleaded.
Jonas carefully wiped her tears away not answering the question. Not really knowing how to answer. As he wiped away her tears, she kissed him. Jonas allowed himself to give in. He allowed himself to think about the love back in his world and how much he missed her. How much he loved her.
The Unknown sat staring at the book he stole. He opened it up and started to finish writing it. He closed it up.
Hannah stood and took the time machine with her as she left.
Martha continued the passion with the boy. She just wanted to feel loved. She wanted to forget about the girl she loved who was screwing her ex who’s mother died causing them to break up. She groaned against Jonas’ affections knowing his mind was elsewhere too, but craving the feeling of feeling cherished. Someone’s one and only thing.
Egon sat at the table drinking away his sorrows. He looked at the table around him and saw the boy from the newspaper laughing and showing Doris something. Doris sitting across from him and Claudia sitting next to him smiling watching as the boy went on and on about some story he was telling.
Doris took out Agnes’ jacket and cried into it. Allowing herself to feel all the emotions.
Jonas refused to look at the girl he was allowing himself to be intimate with. He just wanted to pretend that it was who he wanted under him. He tried to push out of his head that his own was dead and all the while Eve's world her was probably being fucked by a mirror of his best friend. He growled as he tried to just focus on his fantasy.
Tronte sat alone in his room. He raised up his pajama shirt to look at his scars as Claudia snuck into his room.
Claudia undressed in front of the boy.
Jana layed in bed caressing the bracelet Tronte had given her. Thinking about what he must be doing tonight and if he was thinking of her as well.
Bartosz turned over to smile at Annalise. He moved some of the hair from her face gently. He looked at her fully clothed and sleeping peacefully. His heart was so full of love. He wanted to wait until the perfect moment for them to come together as one. Bartosz could feel it in his chest. He would never love anyone quite like he loved the girl asleep safe and sound next to him.
Adam walked into his old home. He looked around while Martha followed him. 
“Why are we here,” She asked the man.
“Because here is where everything began,” He spoke as he looked at a picture of Bartosz, Martha, and the younger him on his desk. “In your world.”
Martha walked up to him and sneered, “What are you saying?”
Adam walked to her and pulled out the book. He handed it to her and said, “your older self, she sent you and Jonas back for a single purpose.” 
Martha started to cry as she made the realization of what was going on. Her entire inner thoughts. Her inward sins. They created this.
“You were never supposed to stop the apocalypse,” Adam spoke, drilling the point home, “You were to create the seed.”
Martha panted. She glared at him angry.
Adam walked over to her and put her hand over her womb, “This is the origin. What’s going on inside you is the bridge between both worlds.”
“No, you’re wrong,” Martha sneered.
Adam shrugged, “It is the beginning of the knot. And eventually also its end.” He let go of her hand and spoke, “Your son. He is the origin.”
The Unknown walked to the family tree and looked up at the faces of Adam and Eve when he heard a voice behind him call, “David!”
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jade4813 · 4 years
Like Moths to a Flame, Chapter 4
Fandom: North and South
Title: Like Moths to a Flame
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: John/Margaret
Synopsis: “I hope you realize that any foolish passion for you on my part is entirely over.“ Margaret decides to confront John about his unjust judgment of her character, but the two have always been drawn to each other, and things quickly get out of hand. In the aftermath, she agrees to marry him to satisfy propriety, but she cannot forget how ready he was to believe the worst of her. Can love survive without trust, or will the two find a way to work through the misunderstandings that have plagued their relationship from the start?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
John’s temper had cooled by the time he returned to the mill, assisted by the cold winter chill that whipped down the narrow streets and reminded him all too painfully that he had left his outer garments behind. How foolish of him, he recognized with a sardonic smile as he strode through the mill’s front gate. His race across town without a coat had attracted its share of askance glances from passersby, but the fulsome expression on his face deterred both question and comment. Any other man might have had cause to worry that his inappropriate attire might attract salacious gossip, which might eventually find Margaret as its target. However, the Master of Marlborough Mills had long carried a reputation for a fierce temper, and so he had little cause for concern that she be suspected as the cause for his black mood on this particular day.
As he neared the door to the mill, he cast a glance at his darkened office window. his preoccupation with Margaret had distracted him from his duties for too long. The heavy weight of his responsibilities pressed upon him, weighing down his shoulders with the reminder of tasks left undone. Work would provide a welcome distraction from memories of Margaret’s touch and her rejection, but he reminded himself that there was one more task he needed to fulfil before he could turn his attention to more commercial matters.
At this hour, he knew his mother would be at home. He had to tell her of the offer he had made, though he would naturally never disclose the reason for it. He had considered keeping his own council until the morning, when he received Margaret’s answer to his suit. However, he knew his mother’s low opinion of the woman he loved, and if the reply he received was in the affirmative, she would need time to grow accustomed to the idea.
It would not do to join her as he was, his clothes in disarray from his exertions, both in his flight across town and in the pleasure he had found in Margaret’s arms. Before entering the drawing room to break the news, he took a moment to return to his room, to change clothes and pull himself to rights.
As he finished tying the folds of a fresh cravat, he paused by his looking glass, gazing at his reflection with a critical eye. Though his lips still burned from her kiss and he imagined he could scent the smell of her skin when he closed his eyes, his appearance no longer betrayed his previous actions. He would pause downstairs long enough to tell his mother of his impending engagement, and then he would head back to the mill, immersing himself in his work to forget the words that had met his proposal.
“ Was this always your plan, then? You couldn’t purchase my hand, so you thought you could force me into a marriage of responsibility when you know that is the last thing I want?”
She did not have the right of it, and if she accepted his suit, he would find a way to prove as much to her. Although the situation seemed dire at present, he had some small cause to hope she might one day come to care for him. She had given herself to him with a sweetness and a passion that suggested that she was not indifferent to him, at least.
“ I do not love you. I never have. I never will.”
He turned away from his reflection with a ferocious scowl. Margaret’s words had hurt, but he could not fault her for her honesty. He knew she did not care for him and had never been so foolish as to convince himself otherwise. Besides, he had more pressing matters to attend to at the moment, and he couldn’t afford to let his unrequited love distract him from his purpose. He had to tell his mother of his engagement, which would likely be forthcoming in the morning.
Schooling his features into a mask of indifference, he joined his mother in the drawing room. Her head was bent in concentration as she focused on her needlework, and he engaged in perfunctory small talk as he pondered how to broach the subject of his probable engagement. It didn’t take long for impatience to get the better of him, however, and he got straight to the point. “I have been to see Miss Hale.” His words distracted her from her work, which fell to her lap as she looked up at him. “I have made her an offer.”
His mother was not inclined to give in to rash emotion, and she fell silent as she gave him a considering look. “Miss Hale has opened herself up to the gossip of servants and public ridicule. If you think to save her from the consequence of her own actions by offering her the protection of your name, then you should know better than to think you could ever convince her to—”
“I don’t wish to marry her because I want to save her reputation. I wish to marry her because I love her. More now than I did the last – after the riot,” he corrected himself, not wishing to dwell on that particular memory.
It was, unfortunately, the truth. While his actions earlier in the evening necessitated that they marry, they were not the cause for his desire to do so. He wished to marry her for the same reason he always had: because he loved her. His love for her was untouched by time. By rejection. By the knowledge of her other lover.
The anger he had felt towards her since that night at the train station was unjust, he knew. Whatever right he might have claimed as her father’s friend to censure her for her improper behavior, for the gossip that she had invited, he had no right to more. He was not her brother or her father, who would have borne the responsibility to curb her behavior. Nor was he her lover, who should have claim to her fidelity. For her part, he doubted he could even lay claim to being her friend, to offer her advice and counsel.
His ire stemmed from jealousy, injured pride, and a wounded heart. He was angry at her for having chosen another man over him, for deeming dishonor preferable to accepting his heart. He showed her his temper so that she would not see his pain. But his anger was fleeting, ebbing and flowing like the tide. His love for her was steadfast and true, even if he professed otherwise.
His mother scowled. “You know she thinks too highly of herself to ever choose you,” she pointed out in her usual straightforward manner. John knew it was love of him that compelled her to honesty. Not the type to ever mince words, she was only trying to help; she didn’t intend to wound him. Her words stung nevertheless, since he knew she only spoke the truth. There was no question of Margaret having him, if she had any other choice.
“I believe she will accept me this time,” he murmured, moving behind the woman on the couch to rest a hand on her shoulder. “But whatever her answer, I’m asking you not to judge her too harshly. I don’t care about idle gossip, and neither should you. I’ll not have her treated with disrespect in this house.”
His mother huffed in irritation, but she lifted one hand to place over his. “Oh, I’ll treat her well enough,” she agreed in a sour voice. “As well as is in my nature, at any rate. For your sake. Not for hers.” Rising to her feet, she turned to fix him with a critical eye, making him relieved that he had taken the time to set himself to rights. “Though she’s never understood you, and she certainly doesn’t deserve you.”
Such was his mother’s love for him that he knew it unlikely she would ever look on Margaret with any more charity of mind than she did at present, so he bit back the denial that came readily to his lips and bowed his head.
Stepping forward, his mother reached up to straighten his cravat and smooth the shoulders of his jacket. “I know you love her, John, but it may not be too late. Your engagement hasn’t been settled on. There has been no announcement. Take tonight to think about what it is that you’re doing.”
“You would have me shame her by withdrawing my offer? To behave so dishonorably?”
Her expression was grave but sincere as her hands halted on his shoulders and she met his eyes. “I would have you marry someone who knows the man you are and loves you for it. I care about your happiness. Nothing more.”
Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss against her cheek. “Then pray that she accepts me, Mother, for I cannot be happy without her.”
Across town, Margaret had taken to her room to gather her thoughts in Mr Thornton’s absence. She also found it necessary to change her dress; it would likely take an entire morning for her to iron out the wrinkles in the one she had worn during her tryst. She had barely managed to change before she heard the front door open, and she paused to touch up her hair before stepping into the hallway, throwing her father her brightest smile in greeting.
“Is John still here?” he asked with pleasure as he joined her on the upper landing. At her negative response, a slight frown crossed his brow. “Oh. I thought I saw his things down below.”
Her face flushing with embarrassment, she murmured, “He was called away quite suddenly. Something to do with the mill, I believe. I’m afraid he may have forgotten them in his haste.”
His face maintained its abstracted frown. “That’s unlike him,” he commented. “I am sorry to have missed him. I hope he wasn’t too offended.”
To the contrary, he’d been gravely offended indeed, though not by her father’s actions. Ducking her head so he would not see her blush, she replied, “Not at all. He mentioned he might call upon you tomorrow, if you are free to receive him.”
To her relief, there was no trace of suspicion in her father’s face or voice as he agreed heartily with this idea, turning his attention immediately to more intellectual pursuits. For her part, their exchange, short as it was, had been a trial to her already fraying composure, so Margaret begged leave to take refuge in her room for the evening, pleading a headache. It took a few more moments to reassure her father that her complaint was a mild one and she would recover shortly, and then she watched with relief as he returned to his sitting room to continue his work.
Once the door had closed behind him, she crept downstairs to collect Mr Thornton’s things, telling herself that she only wanted to ensure they were on-hand to return to him the next day. However, once returned to the privacy of her bedchamber, she clutched his coat to her chest as she lowered herself onto the bed.
She had made such a mess of things, and in the wake of her desperation and indignation, she could only be ashamed of the things she had said. She supposed she should probably be more ashamed of the things she had done. She had behaved shamelessly and undoubtedly only succeeded in demolishing any chance she might have had of resurrecting his good opinion of her character. But deep her in heart, she found she could not regret the passion they had shared.
Margaret might not be wise to the ways of the North, but she was not a stupid woman. Since moving to Milton, she had resigned herself to the likelihood that she would never marry for love – if she married at all. She had few romantic prospects among the population, and no money to attract a suitor even if eligible bachelors had been thick on the ground. Though she had naturally always longed for her own home and family, she had refused to give in to despondency in accepting her lot in life. She might never have a husband and children of her own, but with so many in need in Milton, her life would never be empty.
Better spinsterhood than to rush into an ill-advised match with no possibility that genuine affection might eventually blossom between both parties. And regardless of what Mr Thornton had said, she had little hope that they might form a genuine attachment within the confines of marriage.
Margaret knew she had lamentably opened herself up to gossip and ridicule by her behavior during the riot. Though her wits had temporarily been scattered, she had heard the malicious pleasure in Fanny’s voice when she speculated that Margaret had always had designs on her brother. Innocent though she may be in the ways of the world in many respects, she knew the rapidity with which gossip could flow from household to household, until its subject could find no respite from the censure of society.
On her very first day in Milton, she had become aware that her family was and would be the subject of gossip. Even of derision. She had found it hard enough to acclimate to life in this industrial town and had little care for the chatter people spread about her strange ways, having more or less resigned herself to her position as eternal outsider.
But while she could withstand the derision heaped upon her for her strange ways, she could not abide the speculation that she had designs on Mr Thornton, or that she had ever had intent to trap him into marriage. That others might think it of her was appalling; that he might come to believe it of her was unable to be borne.
Regardless of his protestations, it had been honor – not love – that had driven him to ask for her hand after the riot. After her brazen behavior, he could hardly do anything less. Though she had been unjust in her sketch of his character upon their first meeting, she had come to realize that John – that Mr Thornton, she reminded herself once again – was an honorable man. More than that, he was a good one, with both a kindness and a thoughtfulness that she once would have sworn was lacking in his character.
No, although she knew she should regret their time together, she found she could not, save in one respect. She should have anticipated the outcome. For the sake of honor and his own damnable pride, she should have known he would offer for her hand. He would see it as his duty to rescue her reputation.
She had been unkind – unjust – to him in the aftermath of his second proposal, but her words had been spoken as much in self-preservation as in ire. Margaret might not have had the good sense to consider the inevitable outcome of their coupling, but she had no doubt of the end result of their ill-conceived union.
Thornton claimed he loved her, but he did not trust her. He did not believe in her. He had made that clear enough. Once honor and pride had been satisfied, all that would be left for him would be regret. Regret that he married a woman he considered faithless. In time, he would come to resent that he had not been free to marry a woman who remained blameless in his eyes and in his heart. Though he might not ascribe much faith to the gossip of servants now, how long could he withstand their relentless speculation before he began to wonder if their words might not be true?
Margaret had been the first to come to him, after all. She had stolen a kiss from his lips in the front hall of her own house, where the two could be discovered at any time by her father or their servant. She had begged him to stay. She had seduced him in her own home, knowing her father or Dixon could return to catch them at any time.
He might not credit such thoughts now, but he likely would in time. Did the gossips have the right of it? Had her behavior been a ploy from the start, her intent all along to trap the most eligible Master of Marlborogh Mills in the parson’s noose?
 She could not bear the thought. She might not love him – she swore she did not, for how could she love a man who did not trust her? – but she could not bear to watch whatever small measure of respect he still had for her diminish, first into regret, then into disgust, and eventually into hate.
She had been wounded and angry that he would once again propose out of a sense of duty toward her, but she had also been deeply, deeply afraid. Oh she had no thought that she might one day have cause to fear his person. Even in his reproof, his doubt, his disgust for her, she had never been given cause to fear he might hurt her, and she thought well enough of him not to fear that his character would undergo such a marked change after their marriage. Even when his doubts and contempt for her grew, she felt certain that his disfavor would be displayed in cold courtesy rather than physical violence.
But cold courtesy from John would be terrible enough.
“ There is little enough I can offer you, but I can promise you that I will always treat you with honor. … You will have no cause to regret marrying me.”
He saw her as an obligation, and if there was one thing Margaret did not wish to be, it was Mr Thornton’s obligation. She was not a cruel woman, but she had allowed herself to act in a cruel manner in an attempt to push him away.
She had not lied, she swore to herself once again. She did not love him. She did not. She did not! She could not love him. Could not allow herself to love him, when his opinion of her was so dismal. And she had little doubt that he would never allow himself to love in return, where he deemed the subject of his affections so unworthy.
Of course, it would be a simple enough matter to tell him the truth about Frederick, to reassure him that, which she had not been without fault, she was blameless of the charges he had laid at her door. But she could not. The truth might wipe away the object of his accusations, but it would not remove the cause. He did not believe in her. He did not know her. He did not trust her. He did not love her. There had once been a time when she had sworn she would never seek his love, but the loss of his good opinion had left her heart tender and bruised. She could not marry him. She could not.
Yet she had no other choice. She knew it as well as he had when he’d offered for her hand. Clutching the thick fabric of his coat closer to her stomach, she bowed over the precious bundle as much as her corset would allow. It was one more thing she had not had the wisdom to foresee before she’d behaved so wantonly. Even now, she might be with child. His child. She might be willing to withstand gossip for her own sake, but she could not do that to an innocent babe.
She would marry him. And she would pray he would not come to hate her for it.
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asrapal · 4 years
For the Soft OC asks,🌹, 🍁 and 🌾 for Consus? :)
hi im sorry this took a million years grad school kicked my ass this week okay ty for the ask i appreciate it a lot <3
🌹 where in the world does your OC feel most at home? is there any reason why? if its not the place they were born, where were they born? is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home wherever they may be? what does home mean to them?
while consus usually feels right at home in just about any farm, he is most drawn to greenhouses filled with herbs; he was able to convince asra (and their landlord) to have a greenhouse on the roof of the shop and he could spend hours there. it reminds him of home; in the village he grew up in, he and his dads were herbalists and had a massive greenhouse that they used to play hide and seek in when consus was little. consus traveled a lot after leaving his village, so there’s really nobody that makes him feel at home aside from his familiar, bramble. consus found him almost immediately after leaving and the two have taken care of each other since. home is peace and clarity; its where worry stops and breathing is easier; its a cold shower after a long day of work and a cup of hot tea while curled up with bramble (and later, asra)
🍁 where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? do they have a favorite sport outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
usually, their greenhouse, but if they need to be out of the city theyll go to the woods and relax under the tree where they first met asra. one of asras charms is in the tree, so it lets them feel close to him when they cant be around people. theyre not very into material goods, so they dont have a comfort corner. there is, however, a spot on the couch that they are drawn to like a moth to a flame when theyre upset.
🌾 describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
when consus had gone south with muriel to look for some special herbs, asra had expected to have a quite couple of days. until julian banged on the door of the shop, nazali in tow, and demanded asra join them for drinks within an hour of consus leaving. now, asra found himself a few drinks in, sitting in the corner booth across from nazali and julian.
nazali leaned forward, eyebrows cocked. “julian tells me you have a partner now?” they took a sip of their drink. “i know you tend to be tight-lipped and mysterious and whatnot, but maybe you’d be willing to tell me about him? what was his name, again...?”
“consus.” he glanced down at his cup and swirled the last of it around idly, feeling a smile creep over his face and heat climb to his ears. he took the final swig of his drink and slammed the cup down. “where do i begin, nazali? hes an herbalist, first of all. plants nearly jump into his hands and hes so unbelievably gentle with them and he talks to them while he takes care of them and its so cute its unbearable.
“when hes not working, hes quiet. calm. steady, like an anchor. just being around him is so grounding and relaxing, i dont know how he does it. you might think hes shy at first but he just needs a bit to warm up to you; im sure hes gonna love you when you meet him, especially with your sense of humor.” asra leaned back and giggled, picturing it.
“he has the best laugh, too. loud and bright and so so happy, almost like a childs. when he laughs really hard his nose scrunches up and his eyes squeeze shut and his smile is like the sun itself. once in a while, if youre really lucky, he snorts when he laughs and then gets really embarrassed about it; his ears and cheeks get all red and he tries to hide his face and oh man, nazali, does it just kill me.
“most of all, though? hes just warm. warm to be around and to cuddle with. his presence is like a hug under a blanket, just so gentle and kind and loving. physically hes really warm too, like he throws off a ton of heat and hes really solidly built so hes great to cuddle with. not so muscular as to be uncomfortable, but really strong. theres no safer place in the world than in his arms.”
asra fell quiet, glancing down at his lap. “i miss him already, you know. hes only been gone a few hours and my heart aches without him.” he smiled. “but i know hes gonna be so excited when he gets back and im gonna get to hear so much about his trip and all these fun new plants he found. he could talk for hours and id never get bored.”
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blushpanda · 4 years
Nice ask time! Please tell me some of your favorite things about Xigbar and the overall dynamic between him and your S/I!! You probably already have but I don’t check my dash often as I should and I’d love to know 💕
OKAY sorry it took me so long to get to this!! i wrote up a post here the other day but i absolutely do not mind rambling again. i think some of my favorite things include, but are not limited to:
Xigbar didn’t plan to fall for Rix, even tho he’s planned SO many other things - never planned to fall for a 5 foot navigator on the good guy side you know
Recently, I decided they met during Birth By Sleep - aka, they’ve known each other for like 12 years by KH3 and that’s soft, even if the road to this point was NOT quite as soft
also unrelated to their dynamic exactly but @sphearts and I were talking and we decided Xigbar is the type to complain about eating his veggies, but is an old man and WILL be seen snacking on brussel sprouts
anddd I generally just like how Xigbar is made a little Softer by Rix...not to butter my own bread but im v proud of their dynamic
ty for sending Moth!! ;w;
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btswishes · 5 years
That one.
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Monsta X (Wonho Maifia Au)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 /…
A/N: Enjoy and sorry for any mistakes made. :*
Word count:  2,374
Warnings: Blood, talk of death, cussing
   As the sun was slowly rising up, you could smell the faint sent of the water droplets onto the grass, the fresh aroma of the young day starting to wake up. You were sitting cross-legged onto the bed with books upon books scattered around you.Some were open, others closed, some turned over others exposed to the ceiling. During the dark hours of the night you were gathering information.
  No matter the situation you were in, the fact that you were adopted in this kind of group meant that you had to do your work and do it well, or else. Being used to the submissive ways in that facility, you were studying and reading about any and every animal you could find in those books. No matter if a pet of a king from a novel or a zoology book, anything and everything at your disposal was of use.
  You were met with animals you already knew and some that you never even imagined existed. As focused as you were in the new opportunities in your palms, your ear twitched hearing the steppes coming up the stairway towards your room.
  The door opened and the woman almost jumped as soon as she saw you looking at her. She was expecting you to be asleep at this hour. Wonho had asked you to join him in the dinning room for breakfast and left some clothes for you. It looked like a pair of military boots with a strong grip on the bottom, a long lose shirt and leggings. The combo was very comfortable and breathable at the same time probably chosen for combat mobility plus.
  You slowly walked into the gigantic hall and noticed him sitting, but not eating.
“Good morning.” he flashed a smile and you nodded, pushing yourself off the door frame you were previously leaning onto. Quickly you sat next to him as he asked of you and stared at the food in front. Wonho began to dine,but you were standing there.
“Do you want the chef to make you something else?” you shook your head “Then why aren’t you eating?”
“Permission is granted ?” 
“You need permission to eat?” his brows scrunched up a bit “Look, you don’t need permission for things like this. Come now, dig in.” the first few minutes were silent as he enjoyed your exited movements upon tasting the food.”You were up the whole night.” 
“Yes.” your eyes focused onto him “I was reading about zoology till early in the morning.”
 “I see.” he was done with his food and leaning his arms onto the table, looking at you “Did you learn anything important?” you nodded, chewing the meal “I am glad. Today is Saturday and I want you to come with me to a certain place.”
“Mafia work?” 
“Well, more or less yes.We will leave as soon as the boys get here. I asked them to bring me something.” 
“Oil?” Wonho’s head moved to the side slightly, intrigued by your answer 
“Yes, how did you know? Can some animal read minds?”
“No, I heard them. Shownu is yelling at Jooheon because they think they forgot it.” placing the fork on the table you tapped your ear “Moths have amazing hearing, if not the best in the animal kingdom.”
 Not too long after the doors of the room opened, the first thing the boys did was bow and beg for forgiveness, since the oil their boss asked for was forgotten in the branch house.
“It’s ok.”Wonho waved his palm up and down “I have some here too. I will go get it, everyone in the car.” he shook his head and you followed everyone outside 
  The vehicle was made for everyone to fit in comfortably, but now there were 7 plus 1. The boys took their respectable places. Upon returning Wonho placed the oil tank in the trunk and sat into the car. Without hesitation he pulled you off the car floor and onto his lap.
“You will get dirty.” he spoke softly, his eyes averted with a serious tone 
“But your pants.” since you were already on the ground, it was logical his suit to get dirty, but he didn’t seem to care.
“I can pat it off.” the car engine started and soon enough you found yourself on the road. “Hyungwon , full rundown.”
“ Shin corporation’s CEO has been trying to make deals with other mafia’s outside Seoul. We have some evidence that a few of his transactions have went through successfully. We don’t know with who or how much product, what we have confirmed thought is that he is mixing chemicals or other unknown substances into our formula and trying to trick us and the clients.”
“Trying to make a quick buck on the side.”Jooheon laughed out 
“More like a quick million.”Hyungwon continued flipping the folder towards Wonho “This is his son, also involved into his dad’s shady work. Both are trying to leach off us and behind our backs none the less.” you were scanning over the pictures, remembering each and every detail “Right now we are heading to the warehouse they supposedly keep all the stock and make the deals. No one knows we are doing the surprise visit since it’s yours to begin with.”
“Good.”Wonho nodded 
  There was a bit of silence as Hyungwon was putting everything back into the folder, when you noticed Shownu leaning towards you with a smile.
“You look good today Y/N. Did you rest well?” 
“I didn’t sleep much.”
“That is to be expected, I guess the change in living situations does that to people.” he nodded “But you seem kind of more talkative, don’t yall think so too?” he turned towards the rest and they seemed to agree pretty fast “Maybe this is your true nature coming out.” these words stuck with you, then again you had forgotten your old self.
“We are here boss.” I.M spoke out from the driver’s seat. He parked fast and the doors of the car opened loudly. Men in suits stepped out, standing tall. Wonho stood in front, I.M and Shownu to the side checking their weapons. Jooheon was tying up bandages around his fists, everyone looked like they were getting readying for the worst. Instinctively you stood right next to Wonho, in front of Shownu, who patted your shoulder. “Don’t worry”
  The first step you took as a group felt like in the old mafia movies, the end fight scene. The big warehouse doors creaked, pushing away stones and dirt in their way. The place was somewhat well lit from the small windows. The men inside froze upon recognizing their boss.  Making a line they bowed their heads low.
“Where is he?” Wonho asked out loud
“Sir.” the man in question popped out from somewhere, his back bent a bit and his arms rubbing against each other, the fake smile from one ear to the other. He took everyone to a closed off room and sat on a table “W-what brings you hear at this time?”
  Wonho was leaning onto the chair and looking around “I can’t come see my own facility?”
“No, of course you can sir.” 
“I heard somethings recently. The Oyang gang from Japan have been seen using something very similar to my products.” Wonho’s eyes pierced the man in front of him “I came to see if you might know something about this.”
“No not at all. It is my first time hearing about this.” he was a bit uneasy, but one couldn’t tell if it was fear or Wonho’s presence. With a snap of his elegant fingers Minhyuk pulled onto the table the oil. 
“Let’s match them then.”  two cups were prepared and both samples were poured inside. Color wise, feel wise everything seemed normal and Hyungwon was shocked. The report he had prepared didn’t watch the situation.
“We assure you sir, all is in tip top order.” clapping his hands the man looked proud of himself 
“I see.” Wonho was swirling the drink offered by the CEO
  You were standing there looking at the whole thing, when your nose tingled. There was this particular smell in the room, it wasn’t a perfume or the oil....wait. Your hand picked up the sample Wonho had and then the one the man placed on the table. With a few sniffs, you were moving your eyes from one cup to the other.
“Hey!” the man yelled out angrily, when Wonho rose his hand making him shut up. “But sir!”
“Sunflowers.” your voice cracked the atmosphere “This one has sunflower oil, the color is a bit pale and the scent is mild, possibly not detectable by humans. Pretty cheap to get and easy to mix.”
“So you have been mixing sunflower oil in my product?” Wonho hissed
“Sir, it is not true! We have been loyal to you for ages, are you going to take that girl’s word over ours?!” he was stumbling over his words one by one, when Wonho sighed 
“I trust you. We will be taking our leave.” with out a second thought you grabbed the alcohol from your boss’s hand and gulped it down, shocking everyone in the room.
“Sir, you have a meeting in a few hours, it won’t be appropriate to drink right now or to waist such expensive beverage.” 
“Yeah...” Wonho gathered his composure fast and walked out of the room. The men outside bowed once more and you could see every single one of them. The suspicious man send you off. You found yourself on Wonho’s lap again, but your ears were sharply following the conversation happening behind in the building, until you were too far for your senses to pick it up.
“Y/N!” you jumped up and looked around the car “What happened?”
“Nothing.” you looked at the ground when Hyungwon started thinking over the whole meeting 
“If they really used sunflower oil it would make a lot of sense. It’s cheap,already an oil so it will mix in without a trace or any kind of extra work. It will thin out the product enough to get 4 batches out of 1. Easy work.But why go though all the trouble to act nice, he didn’t react in any defensive way. He was almost too sure, but in what?”
“The alcohol.” you looked at the tall boy
“It was the only actually expensive thing on him.” Kihyun laughed out
“He poisoned the drink with a clogging venom. In a matter of seconds the blood turns into a lump of jelly. His plan was probably to make you Sir-”
“Wonho.” he corrected you “So he wanted to poison me?” a laugh escaped his lips
“I wasn’t 100% sure, but his eyes were pretty wide open when I gulped it down. I think that is enough evidence.” there was a moment of silence when suddenly Wonho;s head rose up and looked at you with a horrified look in his eyes 
“I.M!How long has it been since we left the warehouse?!” he yelled out 
“5 minutes sir!” the boy answered fast 
“Shownu search up anti-venom medicine and how long it takes for it to start working!”  you were looking at his panicked expression, his hands were holding tight onto you, trembling from what smelled like fear. You couldn’t move at all from his strength. The car was almost flying threw the streets until I.M almost crashed into the nearest hospital. The boys slammed the doors of the place open as Wonho rushed in with you covered into his coat and bridal style. The people inside were shocked, but the staff recognized him in seconds. They mobilized the best in the building and hurried to check your condition. 
“How is she?” Jooheon asked the doctor
“Sir, we need to know the type of poison or we can’t give an antidote.”
  Wonho’s teeth almost made a cracking noise when he grabbed the doctor by the shirt  “I don’t fucking care what you have to do, if she dies I will write a letter to your family in your own blood.DO YOU HEAR ME!?”
“Sir please...I-I can’t do anything with ou-”
“ Australian taipan venom .” you peeked out of the hospital room “It’s nothing serious.”
“Y/N! Why are you out of the bed!?”Wonho threw the doctor to the ground and rushed over to you 
“Impossible.” the man was still terrified but the amazement was overpowering thanks to the adrenaline “If it is actually Australian taipan venom you would have been dead by now. Only people that can survive that are meta humans and they also need some kind of medical help.” 
  Wonho’s back was facing the man when he picked you and placed you over his shoulder. “We are leaving.” Shownu threw a few rolls of money to the man and thanked him for the good work. The same way you arrived you left, it was fast and flashy.
  Wonho seemed angry and the silence in the car was too much, so you decided to try and say something. 
“An-” before even the syllable came out, his strong and dominate voice shut you up like a puppy in front of it’s master.
“Explain.You drank it, all.”
“I did.”
“The doctor said even meta humans aren’t that resilient” he continued 
“But possums are.” some of the boys threw you a confused look “ They have something called LTNF in long form it means Lethal Toxin Neutralizing Factor.Basically-“
“Poison immunity.”Wonho spoke with a loud and noticeable sigh of relaxation in his voice.His hand moved a strand of hair away from your face and you saw the most gentle look possible “Never do something like this again.”
“You could have been poisoned. My work is to act as your bodyga-”
“NEVER! Do that again, understood?” you nodded “Good.” his hand found it’s way to your head again. The rest of the car ride was silent when the sleepless night finally caught up to you and you fell asleep in his arms. “Kihyun, Minhyuk, Take the CEO out and his son too. Accident on there way back from Japan.” 
“As you please.” the boys couldn’t keep away from noticing how strange Wonho acted from his usual self. A mystery to them all, or maybe not. 
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nobodyfamousposts · 5 years
Duplicity - Bad Ending
Bad end of Duplicity.
Nino was not having a good night. His brother took forever to go to bed. Several of his CDs were missing. The living room was a mess. His parents expected him to have everything cleaned and done by the time they got back from their date. And he still had homework to do.
It just turned out that Chat Noir was having a worse one.
“Chat Noir?” He asked, bewildered at the sight of the hero slumped against his bed in his room.
“Plagg, claws in.”
And in a wave of green light, it was a pale and shaken Adrien in the other’s place.
“Chat—Adrien—you’re Chat—the fuck?!”
“That’s what I’d like to ask.” Hissed out the floating black cat kwami as it rounded on Adrien the instant it formed. “What were you thinking?”
“Please, not now, Plagg.” Came the bone weary reply.
“Of all the stupid, selfish—were you even thinking at all?!”
“What’s going on?” Nino demanded. To his credit, he knew when a situation was serious and if Chat Noir sneaking into his room at night in something of a panic and outright revealing himself didn’t scream ‘serious’, nothing would. “What happened?”
“Nino.” Adrien took a breath, looking up at the bespectacled boy in what had to be the most lost expression Nino had ever seen on him. “I messed up.”
He had messed up. More than he thought he could have.
When he discovered his father was Hawk Moth, he knew he had to make the choice between his family and his duty. His selfishness and the one he loved.
And heaven help him, but he fell into the temptation that his father’s honeyed words offered. That he could save his mother. That they could fix things. That in the end, it wouldn’t matter if he sided against his partner. Once they had both Miraculous and made the wish, they could make it so none of this happened.
His mother would be alive and well. Ladybug—whoever Ladybug really was—wouldn’t even remember what he’d done.
And it was just so tempting…
Against his better judgement and his kwami’s own pleas, Adrien turned into Chat Noir and did the one thing he never thought he would do willingly.
He betrayed his Lady.
He attempted to take the thing that she sought so hard to protect.
He attempted to turn his back on everything they had previously fought for together.
But things happened that he hadn’t accounted for, and everything became one huge mess.
He thought he could sneak up to her and grab her earrings before she realized it. She still thought he was on her side. Of course she would trust him and allow him to get close enough to almost—
Before he even realized it, he was on the ground with a very hurt Ladybug glaring at him.
She had known. He realized too late. Somehow she had known what he was planning.
“Why, Chat?! DAMMIT—WHY?!”
He barely rolled out of the way before she could use her yo-yo. His plan had failed, but he wasn’t out yet. He couldn’t risk her tying him up and taking his Miraculous. Not when he still had a chance to end this.
And yet he could do nothing but block every blow she threw at him and accept every angry word she threw at him. He couldn’t say anything in his own defense. How could he? What could he possibly say that could explain his decision? Especially when even he knew he shouldn’t.
But it was his father.
It was his mother.
It was his life.
It’d be worth it…wouldn’t it?
She didn’t agree.
Even as the tears fell, she fought them just as much as she fought him. Both of them just as half-hearted in their attempts as the other.
Chat should have stopped there. He should have…
He had expected her to be upset.
He had even expected her to be hurt and betrayed.
But he hadn’t expected his father to plan for that.
And he hadn’t expected the flutter of wings.
His eyes widened in horror at the sight of the butterfly coming to rest inside her Miraculous.
No no no! This wasn’t—this wasn’t supposed to—
He had betrayed her. He had hit her in the worst possible way even before their fight started. Her partner—her comrade turned against her to join the enemy. The one person she trusted to stay by her side…to fight alongside her. And he instead turned away. Of course she would be hurt.
Hurt enough to be a target for an akuma.
Before he could do anything, the butterfly had done its work and the tale-tell mark of the akuma appeared over her face. Her yo-yo fell to the ground as she grabbed her head, trying desperately to fight the voice invading her mind.
“No! I won’t!”
She was being attacked. Emotionally and mentally as her will was being torn down.
And curse him, he couldn’t move. He couldn’t form the words. He couldn’t do a damn thing but watch.
Everything within himself was in turmoil—protect her! Take the earrings! Stop him! Say something! DO SOMETHING!
But he was frozen. Unable to even make a coherent thought much less make an actual choice.
She looked up at him—at HIM. Past the butterfly emblem framing her face, she looked him right in the eye and pierced him to his very soul.
That was his Lady. His Lady. Begging him for help. Begging like that was something she’d ever had to do. Like this was something she should ever have to ask for.
He wanted nothing more in that moment to reach out to her.
He never got the chance.
Before he could do anything, her eyes fell shut, letting a few last tears escape before blackness engulfed her. It was like some of those old horror movies he’d seen. When the monster ate its victim, absorbing them into itself and becoming stronger. No—worse, when the monster was a person forced to change into something they didn’t want to become.
Only this monster was his Lady.
It was his first experiencing actually seeing the process. And it was horrifying.
She stood before him. Calm now. No longer resisting. Black mask hiding a pale face and dead violet eyes that were nothing like the brilliant blue he’d fallen in love with.
He finally let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
He froze, everything in him wanting to scream because that wasn’t her—that wasn’t his Lady speaking to him now.
It may have been her face and her voice, but the tone, the word, and the sheer command behind it made everything in him stand at attention the way only one person could ever accomplish.
“Good job.” She told him and he knew it was his father talking through her, using her like a mouthpiece and god if that didn’t just make him sick?
She smiled and it wasn’t hers. It wasn’t even his, either, but some twisted facsimile as he spoke through her like a puppet.
“You’ve done well.”
And he wanted to scream because he hadn’t done well, he hadn’t done anything other than mess up and hurt her and let him turn her into this and he hadn’t wanted this—hadn’t wanted any of this—he’d just wanted it all to be over!
“Let’s go home, Adrien.” She said, holding her hand out to him and seeing her do that only made him think of all the ‘good job’ fist bumps between them and how much he had wanted to hold her hand only it wasn’t her, not anymore and it was all his fault.
Flat. Emotionless. Not her. NOT HER.
And he just…couldn’t…take it…
He was a coward. He understood that now. Always too afraid to do anything. Say anything. Try anything. Too much of a coward to stand up to his father then. And too much of a coward to stand with him now.
So he did what a coward would do.
He ran.
“ADRIEN!” His/Her shout echoed after him as he desperately sought to get away from all of it. But no distance could rid him of his Lady’s new form, the blankness in her eyes, or the incredible guilt he felt for being the one to do that to her.
The thing that had been Ladybug simply watched him leave, apathetically.
“Should I go after him?”
A pause. She tilted her head, hearing his orders.
“Yes, Hawk Moth.”
She turned and started down the path towards the Agreste mansion.
Nino gave out a breath, dragging a hand down his own face as he attempted to process what he had just been told. “I have to say, man,” he started with a shaky smile, “when you mess up, you mess up pretty damn big.”
Adrien choked out something that was a sad mix between a humorless laugh and a dry sob.
“Look, it’s not over yet.” The kwami—Plagg stated, bringing both boys’ attention to him. “As long as he doesn’t have both Miraculous, he hasn’t won. That is unless you’re going to hand it to him as well.” He finished, shooting Adrien a glare.
The blond flinched.
Nino frowned at that. “Hey, cut him some slack.”
“Sorry,” Plagg stated sarcastically. “All out of slack to give. Kind of ran out when he decided to start this.”
“I messed up.” Adrien whispered. “I know that. I just…it’s my mom, Plagg.”
“And she was your partner.”
“I never wanted her to get hurt! I just wanted to take the earrings and go!”
“Which would still have hurt her, or did you not think of that?” The cat questioned, eyes flashing furiously. “What your dad told you was a fantasy. Did you really think you could mess with reality, revive the dead, and erase the unpleasant things you don’t want people to know?”
Adrien winced.
Yes. Yes, he had.
“I’m an idiot.”
“At least you realize it.” Plagg said with a huff, still not quite forgiving him.
Nino looked back and forth between the two. “So what now?” He asked, drawing the attention of both to himself.
What now indeed?
Nino was well known to Gabriel, and they realized that his home would no doubt be the first place the man would look for Adrien. In short order, Nino reached out to the other boys in class. He couldn’t explain the entire situation, but fortunately, little was needed to be said for them to get enough of a picture.
Adrien spent the night at Kim’s place. An interesting experience, but a welcome one. And the next day, he tried to hold back the growing feeling of foreboding. There was a sense that something would be waiting for him.
He was hesitant to leave the shelter of Kim’s place at all, but Nino insisted that they needed to talk with Alya and Chloe. See if either of them knew anything about where they had gotten their Miraculous before or where Ladybug took them. Adrien had been confused initially regarding how Alya would know, which led to the additional reveal of Nino and Alya being the other two Miraculous heroes and god, he was overwhelmed enough for one day as it was.
He didn’t know how much more he could take.
School had been an escape before. Going back now was probably a mistake, but he needed to keep up appearances. He wished he knew where Fu’s home was located so he could find him himself, but he couldn’t trust that he wouldn’t be followed or that Fu wouldn’t be compromised.
Find Alya and Chloe. Come up with a plan.
“Don’t worry, man! We’ve got this!” Kim tried to encourage him. He was grateful for the support.
But he knew his father. The man wouldn’t let this go—not when he was this close.
He was half expecting an akuma to already be waiting for him when they arrived at the school. To find everything still standing and everyone still going about their day as normal was both a relief and concerning. He had thought at the very least his father would have the Gorilla there to try to take him back. Or Nathalie—who no doubt would have to have been in on his crazy schemes from the start. Just someone to be there to try to cajole or force him to return.
But nothing.
Just students chatting. Everyone getting ready for classes to start. The normal schoolday routine.
He should have felt at ease. And for a moment, he may very well have been. He even started to smile as he saw Nino with Ivan and Max. Nathaniel was heading over as well. He had allies, he reminded himself, almost feeling warm at the knowledge. And while Plagg was still very unhappy with him, he knew the kwami was still willing to help as well.
He wasn’t alone.
He could get through this.
He had his friends. He had the other members of his class. He had his kwami. And soon, he would have a plan.
Things could work out. There was still a chance to resolve this before anyone else got hurt.
“Wow, Marinette! That’s so amazing!”
“I can’t believe it! An internship with Gabriel Agreste?”
And everything inside him went cold.
Oblivious to his reaction, Marinette continued to chat with her friends. “I know! I was so surprised when I received the offer! He was really impressed with my designs and wanted to offer me an entry position.”
His throat felt dry. His pulse started to race.
He wouldn’t…
Would he?
The boys had clearly heard this as well. They glanced at each other, worried and uncertain.
“Dude, do you think?” Nino whispered to the others.
Adrien couldn’t move. Couldn’t even nod. Because of course—of COURSE he would…
“It sounds like Gabriel may be trying to target your friends to get to you.” Max noted.
“But Marinette? She’s innocent!” Ivan hissed, angrily.
“But she’s his friend.” Nathaniel pointed out. “And she is into fashion. He could best use her as a pawn.”
The other boys continued to argue quietly. Adrien couldn’t even hear them anymore past the pounding of his own heart.
There was something…
Something wasn’t right…
He watched as Marinette smiled at her friends. Outright stared at her back as the other girls continued to gush and congratulate her for her achievement.
And finally, almost as if she sensed his gaze, she slowly turned to look over her shoulder at him.
His eyes met hers.
And in an instant, Adrien felt the ground fall out from under him.
Seeing the way the other boy was paling, Nino clasped a hand on his shoulder.
“Look, I’ll try to get Alya alone and tell her about what’s going on.” Nino tried to reassure him. “If anyone can convince Marinette, she can. And there’s no way Alya would stand by and—”
“Nino.” For all that it was barely whispered, he was cut off by the urgency in the word. That was when he realized just how pale Adrien had gone. His eyes were wide. He was practically shaking.
He blanched. Never had he seen Adrien look like this. “Dude? You okay?”
“Nino.” Adrien murmured, never once looking away from Marinette. “Nino, her eyes.”
He felt a growing sense of dread as he turned to look at the girl in question. He didn’t want to look—didn’t want to see, but couldn’t bring himself not to.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng looked right back at him, violet eyes gleaming.
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