#ty for this question magpie!!!
des-fangirl · 5 months
UGHHH i dont know what happened but i just saved my reply to @magpiesketchins 's ask and it DISAPPEARED (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) LIKE OKK
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^ screenshot for myself to make sure im NOT going crazy and the ask was actually real, it's just Tumblr joking with me
Ok so the ask was about my ocs and! Here we go
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I made a lot of ocs throughout the years but these are the ones that stayed with me and i didn't forget about them lol- they're from 2019 i think! From left to right it's Ray, Charlie & Boomer. They also had a little guy named Dynamite too but i forgot how to draw him and im too lazyy (AND BUSY) to redesign him rn
They had a WILD story and a WILD world but im just gonna say that Charlie ended up making a whole ATOMIC BOMB to destroy like a whole PLANET and the deadline was ~80 days or he'll die (HE WAS STILL GOING TO DIE IN THE END BROO WHY WAS I SO CRUEL i killed everyone in the end exept Dynamite😭). Also the story started with a Hamilton-like song sang in a bar bcs i was soo fixated on Hamilton back then
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^ and about my most recent ocs!!! This is Salaì, my discworld oc that iii kinda stopped working on FOR NOW but he's still so silly and worth mentioning. His name is an easter egg to Leonardo da Vinci's favourite pupil. That's because in my head this little guy was like Leonard de Quirm's fan and, as i wrote on the second pic, his biggest apologist😭 hshahsh
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Ok since you posted wing whump prompts
How does each of the Chain react to be being grounded? Which ones would stretch the definition of "ok to fly"?
Ohohohoh buckle up, because this question hit all the creative buttons!
Time – Swallow Tailed Kite
The worry gets turned up to 150%. If Time is grounded it means he can’t keep an eye out for the whole flock. Half the fight of getting Time to heal is to keep him from working himself into a panic. He’s the glue that holds them all together so the group dotes on him if he’s hurt. They also put up with a lot of cuddle piles because he’s happiest in the middle of one. The social birds don’t mind, but it goes against the instincts of the loners.
Twilight – Harris’s Hawk
He’s pretty average, if only because Time will back up any orders from Hyrule on healing. As Twilight views Time as above him in dominance, he’ll put up with it. If someone else is hurt he’ll share food to make them feel better. Wild automatically puts some aside for Twilight if someone else is hurt. When Twilight is hurt, Wild give him extra food. Four will gift one of his precious bugs to Twilight. The poor rancher accepts, but he really doesn’t want to eat it.
Four – European Bee-eater
He’s going to go stir crazy, and then he’s going to keep going. Four is energetic, talkative, and a long-distance flier. Combine all that into a package that needs to rest on the ground and…yeah, it’s not going to be pretty. The group all take turns trying to keep him distracted in some way. He’s constantly getting up and wandering away from where he’s supposed to stay. He will lie to Hyrule with a straight face that his wing is perfectly fine, no matter what state it’s actually in. Time has seriously considered tying him to a tree at one point.
Legend – Flame Bowerbird
He doesn’t mind. He loves flying; they all do, but he’s not a migratory bird at all. He’s gone on a lot of journeys, but at his heart he’d be happy tending apple trees and settling in one spot. That said, Legend has an image to keep up so he’d complain just for the sake of it.
Hyrule – Brown Thrasher
As the healer of the group, he doesn’t get the luxury of acting out like the others. He knows how important it is to heal and nags at the others about it. He’s probably closer to Wind, but without the sunny disposition. Legend, and later Wild, preen his wings a lot when he’s grounded to make him feel better. He’ll stick to his trio a lot more than usual and is quieter than normal. If he says he’s good to fly, the group believes him.
Sky – Magnificent Frigatebird
He’ll wait out a major injury, but he’s going to be in the air before anyone wants him to. Sky’s wings are big and awkward on the ground. He’s got to hold them up if he wants to walk long distances and he’s going to be royally pissed at the end of it. While he tries not to take his temper out on the flock, some of those solitary tendencies come through and he can snappy or start flying before he should. Good luck getting him to land again.
Wind – Tropicbird
He’s pretty good-natured about it. He’ll try to weasel and bribe his way into the air sooner, but he isn’t going to outright disobey an order to stay grounded. Wind will stretch the definition of “grounded” to do short glides and hop up and down from things. Probably the most happy-go-lucky when injured. If the others are hurt, he’s good at lightening the mood.
Warriors – Ferruginous Hawk
Grouchy, but he understands the importance of waiting to heal up before fighting further. Surprisingly, he gets a little clingy with Time when he’s stuck on the ground for a long time. Everyone else better stay the heck out of his way, though. While some of them might screech and snap at each other for show, Warriors will back it up with action. Anytime he's hurt, the group immediately dump him on Time. Secretly, Time doesn’t mind because Warriors tends to stick to the outskirts unless he’s battle planning for the Chain.
Wild – Taiwan Blue Magpie
Given his background (which will be in a future story) Wild and wing injuries do NOT go well together. While Four drives the flock up the wall, at least he’s bearable to a degree. Wild turns into a screeching mess and good luck touching his wings to help. He’s driven Hyrule to tears, then felt guilty, and the whole situation amps up higher. He’s got a bad habit of injuring himself further trying to escape the flock. It usually culminates in a spectacular meltdown and more than one of the boys needing to restrain him so Hyrule can check the injury. This doesn’t go over well with anyone. Wild feels awful about it when he’s more put together, but they all know it’s going to happen again. It’s going to take a long time to build enough trust to get past some of those instinct responses.
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foxglove-teaa · 3 months
Not sure if anyone has asked this before, but how did Magpie become a newsie? I think she is a really creative character and reminds me of my own Brooklyn newsie, Dally :)
Hi and tysm for the question! <3 (just checked my notifs and someone else asked this too so ty both!!) @erstersauce Magpie became a newsie when she was 12. She had previously made friends with a few of the newsies she had met near her home, and their lifestyle intrigued her.
Her and her mother’s factory job was too stuffy and claustrophobic for Magpie. Her father opposed the idea of her being a newsie at first, since he thought they were trouble. He didn’t want her ending up a ragamuffin running through the streets of New York. Magpies mother argued for her, saying that the newsies she and Magpie met on their way to work didn’t seem like troublemakers, and a change of scene would be good for their daughter.
They eventually convinced her father that Magpie could do it. She mayyy have convinced her dad that the newsies made more than what she and her mother did at their factory job, which they did, depending on the day. So on her first day, Magpie entered the square where the newsies met and then made fast friends with many other newsies.
One of the reasons she loves being a newsie is because Magpie loves learning things about people. As she gets more regular customers in the areas she normally sells eat, she meets new people and learns about their interests and lives. This also helps her sell more papers by learning what the majority of each demographic (kids, upper class women, etc.) is interested in. Profit 😎
so that was my latest little yap fest about my silly girl. I love being able to expand on her character more so these questions really help! I would also love to learn about other peoples ocs so please DO bother me and show me other silly news people!!
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Masquerade of Units || Chapter 1/5
Fandom: Xmen
Warnings: Description of a panic attack
Wordcount: 2240
Summary: What's supposed to be a ballroom event for every mutant to attent turns to a problem only a side quest can solve AN: welp I never had to worry before about posting something in multiple chunks of chapters, but having that happen now before I tinker further with my 25k word counting behemoths of fics means I can get some practice in -------------------------
"Please just promise me you'll tie these so they won't come undone and expose me in the middle of a ballroom." There was a genuine tone of anxiety to Miranda's voice that made Shadow raise an eyebrow, untying the beginning she had made in the ribbons on the back of Miranda's corset before restarting and pulling the strings a little tighter this time.
"Hey, genuine question; if you're that worried about this dress giving up on you like that, why'd you go for strapless?"
"You say that as if I ever had even a sliver of impulse control in my life when it comes to sparkly stuff."
That tracked; Miranda was drawn to glitters, sparkles and shimmers like a magpie, and the dress she had decided to wear to the ballroom event Xavier had organized was a very sparkly one. Shadow shrugged a little, tying the ribbons tightly and in an intricate manner so that she could solemnly swear it wouldn't come undone unless someone actively tried to untie them.
"There you go. These won't come undone without someone to help, so, let me know when you want out of this, okay?"
"Scout's honor. You about done in here?"
"Just need to finish my makeup, hair and put on the mask; which I cheated and got one with an elastic band for. But you can go on ahead, if you want. I bet you're dying to see what a certain someone looks like tonight."
"Like you aren't?"
"You're the one this fucking impatient about it, so just go already."
Shadow couldn't help but laugh, Miranda's instinctive swearing combined with the ballgown she was in making for the biggest juxtaposition she had seen so far. There was something to be said for the fact that Miranda never really pretended to be better than she actually was, and that Shadow kind of appreciated the weird honesty in all of that... but it was funny no matter how you looked at it.
"You're sure you don't need me to wait for you?"
"Just go, Shadow. I'll be out when I'm ready."
With a shrug Shadow left, leaving Miranda to finish whatever she felt the need to finish. She rolled her eyes a little as she walked down the massive stairs, bringing her to the corridor that would lead to the ballroom. This mansion was massive, easily several times larger than the already big place the Xmen called their home. But with how many mutants Xavier had invited to this ball, of course they needed space to house that many people even for a night. Especially when a lot of them would be staying overnight; even some of the teleporters and some with flight had decided to just not bother with the travel home until morning, and many would crash in one of the seemingly endless bedrooms that the upstairs floors had.
He had seen her before in the outfit she wore, but that didn't mean Remy didn't have just as much of a reaction to Shadow in her near magpie wing iridescent, tailored suit as he did before. She was still beyond beautiful to him, and he swore it made the room warmer by several degrees. That thought process was interrupted by a huff next to him, one of someone who was genuinely struggling in the weird humid climate of the ballroom and not paying attention to Shadow at all.
"You alright, mon ami?"
"Is it just me," Kurt started, fidgeting with the sleeve of his suit jacket, "or is it hot in here- Wait. I just remembered who I'm asking that of."
Gambit huffed in an amused tone, definitely being the last to ask about any humid climate, "for what it's worth; I agree. It's probably a problem when even a Cajun like me agrees it ain't nice in here. You gonna be alright?"
"I don't expect some kind of wild tango evening, so I should be fine."
"Well, keep me posted. Last thing we need is for people to faint from the heat. And you, mon ami, are quite the concern indeed."
Gambit looked at the entrance of the room, trying in some feeble attempt to hide how Shadow in formal attire set him ablaze by pretending to care about who else was entering. And, okay, he had to admit even he was a little curious what Miranda would look like after how much coaxing and assuring it took that the evening would be fine and fun for even for her introverted self, for her to even attend. If anything, she deserved to see just how talented Kurt was at ballroom dancing, so persuading her to come had been at least in his top ten priorities. As like, priority seven, but still.
And when she did enter, even he couldn't help but give a slight whistle as the sparkling stones and shimmers on her deep red, velvet dress glistened in the light of the room, while she opened a big handheld fan to calmly wave some cooler air in her own direction. Her entire get up looked expensive- Even with his inclination of flirting with anything with a pulse; at this point he only did that to her in order to get a rise out of her, not because he wanted anything out of it otherwise. And she didn’t hear him anyway.
"The ladies sure know how to dress for the occasion, hm?" there was no response, to which Gambit lightly turned his head with a quirked eyebrow no one saw under the mask, "Kurt?"
Still no response; the yellow eyes behind the gold and dark blue mask seemed to be staring so many miles away that his mind was surely somewhere among the planets in space. Waving in front of them did nothing, nor did audibly snapping his fingers twice, to which Gambit resorted to shoving his shoulder into the one of his friend just hard enough to snap him out of his trance.
"Can't be getting caught staring, mon ami, it's impolite," Gambit desperately tried to not laugh when the noise that came out of Nightcrawler was more akin to one of Jubilee's older gaming consoles trying to start up than anything else, “you can protest all you want. You were staring."
"......... You think she noticed?"
"Non. I saved you that embarrassment; you're welcome. Go talk to her."
"Only if you go talk to Shadow."
Okay, that was uncalled for, heat quickly spreading all over the Cajun's face even as much was hidden behind his own black masquerade mask. Kurt just looked at him as far as peripheral vision still allowed, tail lightly swishing before halting as he exhaled.
"You're sure you're alright, mon ami?"
"Mh," and the other mutant didn't elaborate any further as he made his way to one of the tables that were filled to every possible corner with cups of water. That at least helped a little, but it didn't do enough to bring some comfort to a genuinely warm room. Looking back around the room, Gambit still tried to deliberately avoid looking at Shadow in the hopes he could delay the inevitable there much longer. It wasn't like him to lose his calm and charm around anyone, so surely there was something else to blame than the heat she unleashed throughout every fiber of his being.
No, that was definitely the fault of the room. Obviously. With how poorly the ice sculpture was looking in the middle of the room, it wasn't even a bad excuse. The only reason he could think of why the place felt like Arizona in the middle of summer was that something was probably up with the air conditioning. There were definitely units subtly placed around the room, but none of them seemed to be doing anything.
Kurt definitely wasn't doing as well as he claimed to be, for some reason insisting to himself that this heat wouldn't get to him if he pretended to not notice it. But noticing it, he did; the costume feeling incredibly heavy and trapping the warmth between it and his fur as he tried to find solace in the water provided. Not that it helped- a light tap on his arm momentarily pulled him out of the spiral of his thoughts as he turned to look at who touched him.
"Hey, are you alright? You don't look so good."
Miranda. It was no surprise that she had found him, her worry very clearly written in her eyes.
"You do. Look, I mean. Good?"
On some level he realised that made absolutely no sense, but he couldn't concentrate on anything but the feeling of every breath he tried to take struggled against his clothes, restrained and difficult as shallow breathing seemed to be all he could manage. It was too much- too many people, too warm, way too much noise; everything swirled and swam together in a cacophony of sound as his breathing kept getting more and more shallow, panic now adding itself to the mix as well as he looked around the room for a way- garden.
"I have to go!"
As soon as the words left his mouth, he vanished, with Miranda jumping back just a little before looking through the gigantic glass windows that lead to the garden outside, seeing him disappear in the dark of the evening. It didn't feel right to leave him out there all by himself, so she grabbed another cup of water and made her way to the garden doors. She found out that they wouldn’t budge, and with both her hands full she had to look for someone who could help her get them open; settling on a kind looking man nearby. She approached him, quickly introducing herself and getting a name in return; Fred Dukes.
"Hey, I need to check on my friend; I don't think he's doing too well. The doors to the garden won't open, could you help me?"
"Sure," Fred replied, following her to the doors and easily opening them with zero effort on his end- He was tall, broad, big in every sense of the word and insanely strong, so Miranda truly had picked a good choice for help. She slipped out after thanking him, paying no mind to Fred's friend who had followed along
"Where are you going?" Fred asked as the brunette slipped away under his arm.
"Out for a smoke," was the rather bored sounding reply.
"You still haven't quit?"
Miranda quickly made her way through the garden, the cold air of the night would have made her shiver were she not so focused on finding Kurt. She only found him by looking out for a set of yellow glowing eyes, as he was sitting on one of the stone benches half hidden in the enormous bushes and flower shrubbery that were strewn about the massive garden; this estate really was huge. Going over to him as fast as holding a cup of water and a fan allowed, Miranda halted at the stone bench and momentarily debated with herself what the easiest way would be for her and her velvet petticoated dress to sit down. She quickly abandoned that train of thought, gently reaching the cup out to him.
".... thank you." Her heart whined just a little at the tone of his voice, as she slowly lowered herself down, holding onto his knee to steady herself.
"Are you alright?" He breathed out, deep and long, before slowly breathing back in- he was trying to regulate and regain control over himself. She knew all too well what that was like, the sensation that nothing in your body listened to your input as your mind desperately tried to push every button to get something to respond. She felt how he placed his hand over hers, and she kept quiet as he tried to steady his breathing.
"Please stay here."
"Of course.” Miranda eventually got up from her kneeling position, trying to sit down with at least some semblance of grace and in her opinion only half managing it. That wasn’t the thing to be concerned about right now anyway, as she gently took hold of Kurt’s hand to hopefully give him some support that way. He finally seemed to calm down, leaning back into the shrubbery just a little to let out a last deep exhale.
“… Sorry. It felt like I was going to die in there.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. It is stupid hot in there, what were they thinking?”
She gasped slightly as a cold breeze passed by them, shivers running all the way down her spine as the bare skin on her arms immediately started to show goosebumps in response. Before she knew it Kurt had taken off the elaborately decorated jacket of his costume and put it over her shoulders, the thick fabric weighing on her as the heat it held almost immediately radiated off from it and warmed her skin.
“You.. I take it you don’t want this back anytime soon?”
“Nein,” he wheezed out in half a laugh and half in disbelief, before slightly pointing at the fan she was holding, “actually, can I borrow that?”
“Sure,” she said, easily folding it shut to hand it over, only for him to immediately reopen it and direct the airstream at himself, rapidly waving the thing back and forth, “just take your time to cool down, okay?”
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antis-hell · 1 year
Hey yall! I saw yalls pinned post and I've seen some of yalls posts around, yall seem cool and chill, i wanted to ask about some stuff but i dont really have any good questions atm, so ig, some generic one- im sorry--
Whats your favourite animals and why (if there is a reason)
Whats your favourite season (if you have one)
How are you today? I hope yall are having a good day >.>
- Lyxie (Tulpamancer/host for a partially tulpagenic system- we aren't sure currently but theres a headspace and we co-con sometimes)
Also here: Mare, Dark, Anti, Ranboo, Nate, Sharper and Echo
Hihi:] nice to meet ya
All good for the questions lol, any chance to ramble is a good one for us>:]
Fave animals
For me, snakes are my silly little guys, but I also got a soft spot for cats (since my sibling is a cat therian probably)
A lot of us have connections to birds tho! We have quite a few bird beings, and I have a vid where darky was fronting and feeding the magpies outside our house (he's so happy by it ahsgsjdh)
Fave season
SUMMER all the fuckin way lol, I hate the cold with a fucking passion so the warmth is amazing for me
I'm 99% sure we talked about this on an old qna ping pong with our bestie, so if ya want a good detailed one, check that tag, and it's got a few of our answers:D
Our day today
It's been okay! October is a typically non traumaversary ish month, so we've just been cruising and sorting out our stuff for when the FNaF movie drops:]
Ty for asking!! Hope yall have a good day as well:]
(P.s I hope this doesn't come off as rude but the term tulpa is from a closed Taiwanese(if I remember right) practice, I can't force ya to change it and I'm not too good with alternative terms ya could use, since we're not really on the non traumagen side of sysblr, but I do recommend checking out alternatives!/gen/nf/nm)
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reinekes-fox · 5 months
Still, feel free to share!
This can help me come up with responses that could better fit certain types of MCs
ty!! i’ll focus on my main mc’s for now:
wing mc numero uno:
she has pale grey eyes, long brown hair, pale skin and is tall.
she is bisexual and transfem 
i decided her name upon transitioning will be linnet!!
she is very devout in the divine feather faith + has an unmarked tattoo. she struggles with her feelings about her gender & sexuality as well as realising the cult’s corruption.
she is somewhat cold and emotionless to chase and fuschia to begin with but opens up to them as the story progresses but draws back into her shell if she feels threatened.
romance option is fuschia my beloved
linnet belongs to the doves and finds it relaxing to focus on medicine 
vice is smoking
wing mc 2: 
she has deep green eyes, brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, pale skin and is tall
she is a cis girl and straight
she is mainly neutral about the divine feather though is oddly protective/aggressive of it if it is questioned + has destroyed tattoo
she has a crush on chase and finds fuschia oddly beautiful (bi awakening anyone?) 
romancing droznik (though thinks Jonah’s cute)
aiglette is fiercely devoted to those she’s close too (cough, droznik) and struggles with detaching herself from them
she belongs to the hawks and is a magpie (it fits her sm😭)
vice is candy 
i hope you like them and you have a good day!! :))))
Linnet as a Dove will have a harsh awakening...
And Aiglette will have such a fun time too :) did you already discover what she did for Droznik?
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quitethepirategal · 1 year
                          Plotted Starter   ~   { @elxgantcaptain }
   This had to be it.        Her compass never steered her wrong.
   Hazel eyes flick up from the magic compass in question, and calloused fingers snap it shut with a twirl.  She was here, Sugar Tooth Isle, a sand bar with hardly enough space or vegetation to be an island and aptly named for the massive sea rocks full of holes and arches at it’s center.  It was a tiny sneeze of land and honestly a beautiful formation geologically speaking... It kind of did look like a giant cavity ridden tooth if you squinted... and the swaying palm trees and nearly artistic composition of the brush and vines absolutely made the place a perfect subject for a painting.  As if it wasn’t picturesque enough, the rain had finally stopped, and the dark clouds broke just along the horizon in a strip of brilliant blue to the west while the sky retained it’s dark and moody lighting. The perfect recipe for a brilliant sunset in a few hours time.  Good thing she brought her watercolors!
   Weathered boots hopped eagerly from the wet hull of the little pink boat and onto the slushy grey-peach sand.  It was a tiny, barley sea worthy single sail but hey, the trip was a short one and the prize was too good to pass up.  Jess had enough money from the Mortared Petals and enough left over treasure from her previous captaincy; treasure was nice but these days it was information she was after.  Tomes, scrolls, maps, charts, essays, journals, BOOKS; those were the real treasure in a world so vast, and there was only so much one could rescue from Magpie Point.  See, rumor had it that a years dead Captain named Larry Leather-Knot had himself an affinity for literature.  Most captains bury treasures of gold and silver all the time but it was said that he buried his books as well.  Who knows what they could be; poetry, research, novels, guides, and who knows if there was any buried books at all.  Either way, there was still the possibility of treasure, and a new island to paint and survey in the worst case.  But was a rumor from an elderly customer of hers worth a two day solo sail?  Well...
     There was only one way to find out.
   The librarian finished tying her little boat to a tree and wiped her hands together with a satisfied smile.  It’ll be hell trying to shove the thing back into the ocean come low tide but she didn’t mind spending the night.  Shedding her coat and rolling up her sleeves she pulled out her notebook and gave it a once over.  What did that old pirate say?  She flipped to the page where she wrote down what he knew. In grey ink she’d scratched;
     “- Enter tooth from creek side ( waterfal? )       - Go to middle o the toothe,       - find arch were see the sunset / moonset thru it ( westish )       - Turn complealy round ( 180 d )       - Look up / climb ledge ( why up not buried? no water damage? )       - Best take treasr out in trips ”
   .....Right.... Easy enough.  But there was no telling where this creek was and Jess couldn't make out any water from the beach other than the stripes left by the rain.  Must be on the other side of the Isle, she thought, trading the notebook for a machete and stepping at last into the water-slicked brush.  Looks like she had to take the long way.  But she had all day anyway so, why hurry?  The brush was beautiful and the rain clouds brought cool breezes.  Why worry about time or tide, right?
                                      After all...                                                        she had the whole island to herself.....      
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aayo-whatt · 2 years
heeello!!!! <3 ヽ(・∀・)
for the assumption ask game~
you’re an english and science nerd *one of the best kinds of nerds to be in my opinion*
you sometimes take pictures of random things and almost never go through/clean out your camera roll so it’s just a bunch of random pictures that dont make sense anymore-
you’re the best at truth or dare
you really like spicy chips, but think that normal lays potato chips are good too
your clothing style is COOL
you really like birds, idk I feel like you either have or should have a bird as a pet
youre really chill and cool around people you dont know but youre internally panicking the whole time
I hope I got some of these right lmfaoooo <3333333
oooo guess we'll have to wait and see how many you got right 😏
i *am* a science and english nerd (bro my two job options are in science/english-)
not really "take pictures" but i take screenshots and i forget about them after a while so nice-
if you mean asking questions for truth or dare im terrible at that so no- but if you mean completing the truth or dare asks i am the *best* at that (as in one time i was dared to lick a pole, and i did)
i like spicy chips but cant handle them 😭😭
im not sure if its "cool", but- i mainly wear baggy/oversized clothes, but sometimes i wear more "girly" stuff (like skirts but not really-) i like retro stuff, and that gets 'translated' into my clothes sorta-
im actually kinda scared of birds or magpies at least makes sense since i live in australia but like they're pretty so-
omgdkdwjjiIOFBEDJfiufJIN- i am tho, like im pretty quiet and dont talk that much but when i do i seem normal (im really not) but then on the inside.... well yeah you explained it yourself-
bro- just from my blog... how'd you get so many right omg- ty for the ask though <3333
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
get to know me tag — !
name :: magpie!
sign :: scorpio sun and i dont remember any of the other shit
height :: 5'5 or 5'6
time :: 11:24 am
fav band/artist :: how dare you ask this question. i have SO MANY. ill just answer with five which are: the paper kites | luamel | st. vincent | verivery | and kate bush! (i have so many more though seriously fuck this question /lh)
last movie + show :: i don't remember my last full movie, but my last show was how to train your dragon: race to the edge (in my httyd era yippee)
when did i create this blog :: mid-may 2019? but i only really started to be active on it later in october
what do i post :: random shitposts, life stuff, the occasional art, moodboards (on a sideblog), some fandom stuff
other blogs :: @bambihee for moodboards, @apebbleforyourthoughts for mlp (my own art as well as copious reblogs)
do i get asks :: not a ton but yeah! i have a few regular askers (hi artzyy and vrvr anon <3) and then other random ones
average hours of sleep :: right now around eight cuz its summer and i can wake up whenever i want, but i bet pretty soon itll drop down to six or less LMAO
dream job :: some job at a library or maybe an ornithologist/other bird-related profession? bird photographer? i like birds.
dream vacation :: new zealand, canada, or maybe vietnam cuz of that giant-ass cave ecosystem they have there.
current favorite song(s) :: be free by kb | addicted to tv by dickpunks (yes that is actually their name) | wishlist by txt
tagged by :: @addictedtothesummernights kyuzu !! ty beloved <33
tagging :: @strwbrry-cake @just-a-demi-bean @blonghoonie @taeyeonsb and anyone else interested!
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Here and Now
Author: SisterSpooky1013
Rating: Mature
Words: 2198
Read it here on AO3
Tagging @today-in-fic
May 25, 2021
Farrs Corner, VA
She stood at the sink, elbow deep in dishwater as she cleaned up the remnants of dinner. Music poured softly from the smart home device on the counter, a mix of Kasey Musgraves, Blake Shelton and Jason Aldean in what Mulder called “evening music.” She’d never been a fan of country, but this sultry, soulful version was a far cry from the twangy pickup truck tunes that she had previously been exposed to and she was surprised to find that she liked it. A new song started, “Tennessee Whiskey” by Chris Stapleton, and she smiled; it was one of her favorites. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, allowing her hips to sway slightly as the words began.
Used to spend my nights out in a barroom
Liquor was the only love I’d known
But you rescued me from reachin’ for the bottom
And brought me back from being too far gone
Maybe she liked this song because it reminded her a bit of her relationship with Mulder. Not that either of them ever had an inclination for drinking in their sorrow (thankfully) but because they’d saved each other time after time. As if on cue, she felt his hands at her waist as he wrapped his arms around her, pressing her back flush against his front. He swayed softly with her, not speaking, his chin resting on her head.
You’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
You’re as sweet as strawberry wine
You’re as warm as a glass of brandy
And honey I stay stoned on your love all the time
“She asleep?” Scully asked, her hands scrubbing the perimeter of a pot.
“Mmhmm” Mulder hummed, his thumb brushing against the underside of her breast.
At 2.5 years old, Missy, or Samantha Margaret Mulder as she was legally named, was a bedtime resistance champion if there ever was one. Her requests for a drink of water, a trip to the bathroom, socks for her cold feet, or help with a blanket that had fallen off were endless. One or the other of them would sit outside her bedroom for upwards of an hour each night until she succumbed to exhaustion and passed out just inside the door, or on the floor of her closet, or once wedged up on the windowsill. A precocious child with strawberry blonde hair and hooded hazel eyes, she never wanted to miss out on anything and thus could not be bothered with unproductive things such as sleeping. Mulder had more patience for her antics than Scully did, tenderly marching her back to her tiny toddler bed over and over, kissing her plump cheeks and singing one more song. Her most popular request was “Fools Rush In” by Elvis and she would beam as her Daddy sang “I can’t help falling in love with you,” punctuating the ‘you’ with a gentle touch of his fingertip on her nose. The exhaustion of parenting a toddler in their 50’s was overshadowed only by the sheer joy she brought to their days with her inextinguishable curiosity and clear intelligence. Of course, every parent thinks their child is the smartest one in preschool, but in Missy’s case it was true.
Scully rinsed the pot and set it on the drying rack before she pulled the plug and let the water run out of the sink, wiping her hands on a dish towel and turning within the confines of Mulder’s arms to face him. She reached for his shoulders as they moved their dance to the middle of the kitchen, his hands traveling down until they found her hips, pulling her close as his lips brushed her ear and sung the next verse in his gravely baritone.
I’ve looked for love in all the same old places
Found the bottom of a bottle’s always dry
But when you poured out your heart I didn’t waste it
‘Cause there’s nothin’ like your love to get me high.
He pulled back and looked at her, his eyes soft and dreamy, a small smile at the corners of his mouth. She pushed up onto her toes and met his lips in a kiss. At first it was chaste, but when she slid her tongue against his bottom lip he sighed and slipped his hands lower to cup her backside, deepening the kiss and rocking his pelvis against her gently.
“Daddy?” A small voice called from the bottom of the stairs. Still embracing, they turned to see Missy’s rumpled form in her Frozen pajamas, a stuffed Bigfoot in one hand, her hair wild.
“Hey Magpie, what’s wrong?” He asked her. Having named her for both their sisters and Scully’s mom, his options for nicknames was endless and he did not let the opportunity go untapped. On any given day he might call her Missy, Miss thang, Sam, Sammy, Samwich, Maggie, Peggy or his personal favorite, Magpie.
“I heard somefing in my room” she whined, rubbing a fist over one sleepy eye.
“Come here, sweetie” Scully called to her, and she shuffled over to them where Mulder scooped her up on his hip and returned his other arm to Scully’s waist. Scully put her hand on Missy’s back and the three of them resumed the dance, swaying softly with Scully’s head resting on Mulder’s chest, where she could gaze at the sleep-dazed face of their daughter as she leaned against his shoulder.
And you’re as smooth as Tennessee whiskey
You’re as sweet as strawberry wine
You’re as warm as a glass of brandy
And honey I stay stoned, on your love all the time
As the last chords of the song faded out, Mulder placed a kiss on the top of Scully’s head and pulled away from her.
“I’ll go get this one back to sleep” he murmured, and she could see that it wouldn’t be a difficult task as Missy was already dozing in his arms. She listened to the creak of his feet on the stairs and sighed contentedly before turning off all the lights, locking the doors and heading up to get ready for bed herself.
When Mulder returned, she was lying on top of the covers reading a book, her glasses perched on the tip of her nose. He stripped off his jeans and tossed them into the laundry basket before nestling in beside her, his head on her shoulder.
“What cha got there?” He asked, but she knew that it wasn’t an actual question, just a signal that he wanted her attention. Closing the book, she set it on the nightstand and folded her glasses neatly on top.
“Do you think she’s down for the night?” Scully asked as Mulder rotated so that he was perpendicular to her, his head on her belly so he could see her face. She reached a hand up to stroke through his hair.
“I think so, yeah. She was pretty much asleep when I put her back in bed.”
“That child” she remarked, shaking her head.
Mulder smiled. “I know, she’s impossible, just like her mother.”
Scully’s eyebrows lifted in mock offense. “Excuse me? I love sleeping, she gets that from YOU, sir.”
Mulder scrunched up his mouth “hm, you may have a point there.”
They held eye contact, smiling fondly at each other for a beat.
“I don’t know how you do it, Scully.”
“What, parent? You do the same thing, Mulder.”
He shook his head slightly against the fabric of her T shirt. “No, that’s not what I meant.”
She looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to elaborate.
“You just get more and more beautiful. You’re even more beautiful now than you were when I met you.”
She chuckled and gave him a doubtful look. “Mulder, I was 28 when you met me. I don’t know about you, but I remember what my ass looked like at 28, and it was definitely better than it looks now. Let’s not even mention my breasts.”
“I would actually very much like to mention your breasts, which are, as they always have been, exquisite.” As he spoke, he pushed her T shirt up to reveal her chest, drawing a pink nipple between his lips and eliciting a moan from her throat.
“So you’re saying” she continued, her breath growing ragged around her arousal “that if 28 year old Scully walked in this room right now, you wouldn’t go for her instead of 57 year old Scully?”
He let her nipple slip out of his mouth with a little smack. “Well, I doubt that 28 year old Scully would be down to get freaky with 59 year old Mulder, but no, I wouldn’t.” He moved to hover over her, his knees on either side of her thighs. “I might try to talk you two into a threesome, though.”
She laughed and he dipped his head to kiss the juncture of her shoulder and neck.
“No shade to 28 year old Scully, I was a huge fan of hers, but she hardly ever laughed. 57 year old Scully laughs a lot, and I like that.”
“Well, 57 year old Scully is pretty damn happy” she replied, her hands running up and down the broad expanse of his back.
He lifted his head to look at her, a dopey smile on his face. The adoration in his eyes moved her and she felt a lump form in her throat.
“I love you so much” she whispered hoarsely, moisture welling and blurring her vision.
He didn’t respond, just kissed her with all the feeling of the thousands of kisses they’d already shared, and the thousands that never made their way to their lips due to distance, or fear, or stubborn refusal to admit that they wanted to. He pulled her to sit up so he could free her of her shirt, removing his own swiftly, their bare chests pressing together as he kissed her again, their tongues dancing between their mouths in a practiced synchrony. There was no longer urgency in their movements, the desperation of their coupling now ebbed into the languid cadence of a love that you know will never fade, not again, not ever again. Not with Missy asleep down the hall tying them to each other inextricably, not with William out there somewhere as a testament to all they’d been through. Not with the knowledge that there was nothing in this planet or universe that could come between them, not really.
She lifted her hips and he slid her leggings and panties down before pushing off his boxers, settling between her legs as his erection grazed her belly. He moved his hand down to touch her, moaning at her slickness.
“You still get so wet” he growled against her shoulder.
“28 year old Scully got this wet thinking about you too, she just didn’t have the luxury of you in her bed” she replied, grasping his ass and pulling him into her.
“All she would have had to do was ask” he teased, removing his hand and thrusting against her, his length sliding through her wetness.
She put her hands on his face and pulled him away to look at her.
“I wouldn’t change it, Mulder. Not if it meant missing this.”
“That makes two of us” he said as he found her entrance and slid into her, no need for hands to guide him to the place he knew better than his own body.
She hummed and they began a slow rhythm, kissing for a while until he lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder to deepen his angle and she gasped.
“I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be this flexible, Mulder, you’d better enjoy it” she panted.
“Oh I plan to” he replied, increasing his pace until they were lost in a sea of sighs and hushed moans, staying quiet a newfound skill after years of no one being close enough to hear them. She came first, stifling her cries against his shoulder as she pulsed around him, and he followed her shortly thereafter, gently releasing her leg and then rolling to curl up behind her as they enjoyed the afterglow.
She was starting to drift off to sleep when she heard the distinct snick of Missy’s door opening.
“Your turn” Mulder mumbled into her ear and she groaned, throwing his arm from its resting place on her hip before she grabbed her robe and rushed out to the room to get to her daughter before she made it into their bedroom.
After a trip to the bathroom and a drink of water, she was tucking a sleep-laden Missy back into bed, finding her Bigfoot stuffie and slipping it under her arm.
“Mama, sing a song” she requested, rolling on to her belly.
Scully rubbed her back softly and began, woefully off-tune though that never seemed to bother Missy.
“Jeremiah was a bullfrog, he was an old friend of mine. Never understood a single word he said but I helped him drink his wine. Joy to the world, all the boys and girls. Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me.”
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deuchess · 4 years
Cursed headcanons: Carl
Tumblr media
fails every “are you a robot?” question
has a fixation on shiny things. might actually be a magpie
debated on buying gamer girl bath water
is 30 and still struggles with tying shoes
smelled like ketchup as a kid
you know what moves are worse than dad dancing? whatever it is Carl is trying to do
is in one of those cosplay groups. for star trek naturally
thought he had mind powers when he was young. still thinks he’s slightly above the average man tho
likes it when women tells him to shut the fuck up
never really gets heated unless he finds out you’ve been touching his lego collection. *shocked gasp* “those are not for playing with!”
was called clammy carl by his classmates
once nodded when someone tried to shake his hand. for someone who’s been human for 30 years he sure sucks at it
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honeytuesday · 3 years
Cobalt blue spectral and English red! 💕
ask game: color questions
ty for the ask plum my beloved (((((:
cobalt blue spectral; answered here
english red; what animal do you relate to most?
any kinda corvids (they're all so smart and cheeky)!!! but also there's a special place in my heart for blue jays and magpies. i know it's a myth but i really do feel like a collector of shiny things--whether it be words, art, or cool friends. but also i love how shy blue jays are before they get to know you and then suddenly one day they're all up in your space and endlessly curious.
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soysaucecas · 3 years
oooh for the ask game 24, 30, and 44!
24. What are your favorite episodes?
The only episodes I've really watched are TMWWBK (which is my favorite episode and I'm certain would still be my favorite if I watched every single one because it has the only SPN character and the only SPN line), The French Mistake (which was funny enough but honestly in the Just Okay category for me, which makes me pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy actually watching SPN if this is one of the funniest/highest-rated eps), and Reading Is Fundamental (my best friend was watching it and asked me if I wanted to hop on Discord, I thought it might be fun to see Kevin's first introduction but instead this ep found the two of us taking like 90 minutes to get through it bc we kept pausing and screaming (derogatory) as the model minority stereotype jokes piled up and up and up... Unfortunately not a favorite even if we got Meg AND the "pull my finger" joke AND the "Sorry" shot). Other than TMWWBK, from clipping and transcript-reading, I like Wayward Sisters (who doesn't?), The Things We Left Behind (Claire!!!! Cas trying to be a dad! The diner scene aka my favorite destiel scene of all time bc being in love just looks so good on Cas! Also the parallels between Claire and Randy and teen Dean and the adults at that club in his story... woof.), Golden Time (Eileen gets to be HERE and be sad and loved and fight people with ghost powers and Cas gets to do a cool speech and a stabbing and do the Asian community a favor), and Lucifer Rising (just immensely sexy on all counts for Ruby, Sam, Cas, and myself). Also I am SO fond of Steve!Cas so I'll add Heaven Can't Wait even if I barely know anything about it.
30. What is an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have about the show?
Ooh okay hm I think. So I adore confession scene, but I don't think the "I cared about the whole world because of you" is like. The Objective Truth the way that most bloggers seem to take it. Cas was lobotomized tons of times before he met Dean, he was described as coming off the line with a crack in his chassis, he's always been the weird little angel who likes humanity too much! I don't think Dean came first, and although gay love was part of what helped Cas invent free will, he *Ruby voice* didn't need the feather to fly, Dumbo! I do think Cas believes what he says in the moment, but I also think he sorta... made himself believe it? This is probably just me deciding that cas-coding should go both ways, but like. I very much crush as a coping mechanism and I very much overascribe my actions to love because it simply seems more noble/poetic to do so. Being miserable because school is hard is cringefail but being miserable because of unrequited love is Good Shit. And I have been in unrequited love with my best friend for at least 7 years (probably 9 but I didn't realize it earlier) and if you asked I would 100% say that she taught me love and defined love for me and that she will be my first and last, but I also know that that is not entirely true; it's just the narrative that I like for myself. And I think that being in an Empty deal contingent on whether or not he LETS himself feel happy would lead Cas to do plenty of mental maneuvering, which I think involved intentional self-poor-little-meow-meow-ification via overascribing his choices and happiness to Dean (and I also think he'd already been doing that for a while just because of personal self-worth issues and because it's a nice narrative). I know as Cas's last Moment on the show it was probably written to be The Objective Truth, but I am perceiving him and I say no.
44. If you could write an episode of Supernatural, what would happen?
Oh scream okay! This is a fun one! I am going to start out with two ideas from other people:
1. Months ago Nate from the pocnatural discord had the idea of an episode from the "monster"'s perspective where the Winchesters are just clearly the antagonists while not doing anything different than they usually do. I think the idea was that all these supernatural beings live in a self-regulating community together and we have one Very Likable pov character who's a member of this community, but one of the newer members messes up one day and kills someone and the Winchesters come on a case and wreak havoc on this Very Much Functioning (there was going to be a whole rehab and reparations thing for the new member who messed up!) system and kill pov character and in the end you just HATE Sam and Dean for it.
2. It's hard to adapt anything from bad moon rising (aka my favorite spn fic) very well because the point of an Arab Winchesters season 1 rewrite is that it doesn't really work with the white characters we have now, but I think I could see a version of chapter 2 adapted as long as Haley (an Ojibwe hunter who lives in the area affected by what Sam and Dean are hunting) takes the lead. I'd especially like to see this section:
Dean laughs, a little disbelievingly. The question has never crossed his mind. “Do you like it?”
This gives Haley no pause at all. “Yeah,” she says. “I mean, it’s not really about killing monsters, though, for me. Or, it’s not always about killing monsters. It’s about community. Not violence. It’s a spiritual thing to build a home, you know?”
“Oh,” Dean says. He can’t think of anything else to say. It has never crossed his mind before that hunting could be compatible with a community.
I don't have any original episode ideas to add to the hunting discourse, so we're on to my ideas about character-driven eps. I think I would like to see a version of my sastiel possession fic (ty again for beta-ing that! you're a real one) as an ep around the time of 9.11 because Sam deserves to work through their trauma, but idk what the Dean plot should be for that. Another thing I would like very much is TFW drunk history storytime (so like. Tall Tales bass boosted), where for some reason they all need to go over what they were doing during Stanford era but each of them is telling someone else's story. It's gonna be either Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam or Dean->Sam->Cas->Dean. It starts out very funny (they all have terrible wigs and makeup in the flashbacks. Cas is Jimmy wearing a giant mask with googly eyes on it.) but as it goes on it gets increasingly sad how much these three don't really know each other.
In the Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam episode, Sam's telling of Dean's past veers wildly between "crushing pussy and killing things" and "feels like absolute shit all the time" and it's funny but Not Right and afterwards Dean goes "I didn't know you thought of me that way" and Sam says "... I am basically reading off the voicemails you left me back then" and Dean has to sit there and contend with the mythology he himself wrote for Sam to believe in. Dean->Cas provides the comedic beats for the episode as Dean awkwardly narrates Cas's Life As A Weird Little Guy who watches trees grow and heals babies and in the end Dean goes "so how did I do" and Cas is like "well actually I was either getting lobotomized or murdering people so like 3/10?" The moral of this plot line is that Dean is bi. Cas gives a fairly faithful retelling of Sam living her trans little life at Stanford and veering between trying to be Normal and being a total weirdgirl and feeling guilty and angry and happy and free. It becomes clear that Cas admires Sam a lot (but also feels like. guilt and some self-recrimination for not being that) for rebelling from their dad and exploring their queerness during a time Cas was still to his knowledge in total soldier mode, and Sam is having an a_good_soldier's Thesis 5 moment about how she failed the kid she used to be and how very sorry they are about all the things that happened to them, and Dean hates that this is the first he's hearing about so much of this but is also quite emo about the parts where Sam is struggling. The ep ends with them all in the same room not looking at each other and not knowing if they want to group hug or never talk again.
Dean->Sam->Cas episode is similar but the storytelling dissolves a lot faster as it becomes clearer way faster how much their own emotions are getting in the way. Dean is upset that Sam could leave their family so easily and probably swing a normal life, Sam keeps wondering what it would be like to live millennia just KNOWING that you were right and good and clean, and Cas is gay and veering between fitting Dean's life into a larger Righteous Man narrative and just being very tender (and sad and angry) about Dean's pain. Episode ends in a rather cathartic shouting match where they all end up apologizing to each other for many things.
Oh also I would like to see Cassie again but I don't have an episode in mind there. Also would love to see Kaia adjusting to life in Sioux Falls and befriending the others and dealing with Bad Place trauma.
tysm for the questions sorry for taking so long!
(ask game)
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Final Exams Week” || YEAR 3 – Ch.33 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
<-- Last Chapter                          Next Chapter -->
Day posted: 12/4/2020
Word count: 3, 416
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
Heather ran her tongue against her front teeth and squinted at the words on the page. The sun was shining down on her stolen potions book and no matter how she moved her head to block it, the glossy ink kept blinding her. She sighed and let her head fall back against the rough bark of the tree she was leaning on.
“Angelina said she’d work all summer to afford a firebolt – ”
“The team would be unstoppable then!”
Heather quickly stuffed the potions book in her bag and stood to face Harry and Ron as they approached. “Won’t you act the least bit disappointed you lost the Quidditch Cup? For me? Just for show.”
Ron nearly tripped and slid down the small hill in his attempt to suppress a laugh. “Just face it Heather. You saw how fast Harry was. Next year Gryffindor will win every match, the Quidditch Cup, and the House Cup. And the year after that, and the one after that. There’s no stopping the firebolt!”
“As if.”
“Catch!” Harry tossed a can of iced pumpkin juice at her. “We’ll get you a firebolt over the summer and then maybe Slytherin might be able to keep up.”
Heather caught it and dropped back onto her spot facing the lake. “You know we can’t afford it. And since we can’t, I think a week of gloating is quite enough from you two. You’ve only won a measly match.”
“Says the losing team,” Ron laughed.
Harry and Ron sat beside her and took out their textbooks.
“I can’t believe it’s almost June.” Harry flipped through the pages of his textbook lazily.
“How’re we supposed to study for our exams with all this homework?” Ron turned the pages one by one while staring at the giant squid as it propelled itself out of the water, twirled, and splashed back down.
Tiny waves crashed on the lake shore as laughter could be heard from the other students basking in the sun on the grassy castle grounds.
Heather picked at the can of ice cold pumpkin juice with her nail, wedged it underneath the tab, and plucked it up hearing the tantalizing fizz. She smiled and pressed the opening to her lips.
“WHAT are you three doing!”
Ron, Harry, and Heather screamed as Hermione came out from behind their tree.
“You should be studying for exams!” Hermione handed them each a paper with their study schedules along with their exam times.
Harry waved his textbook in her face. “We’re already doing that.”
Hermione pushed the book away and placed a single hand on her hip. “Not out here. There’s too much distraction.” She dragged the three of them into the castle and forced them to sit down in the much quieter Great Hall during study hour. “Now you can ask the Professors any questions you have.”
Heather, Harry, and Ron grumbled as the summer air blew through the doors.
Heather glanced at Hermione’s exam times and frowned.
9 o’clock, Arithmancy
9 o’clock Transfigurations
1 o’clock, Charms
5 o’clock, Care of MC
11 o’clock, Astronomy
10 o’clock, Herbology
1 o’clock, Defense Against DA
1 o’clock, Ancient Runes
3 o’clock, History of Magic
5 o’clock, Potions
5 o’clock, Muggle Studies’
“Hermione. I don’t think Snape will let you leave early to take your Muggle Studies exam or arrive late from it.” Heather watched Hermione stuff the paper in her bag and push her hair behind her ears.
“Of course not. That’s silly.”
Ron pulled a face. “Then you’ve copied the times wrong.”
“No.” Hermione snapped. “And might I remind you, you’ve got two essays due tomorrow. Now… I NEED to study so no more interruptions – Where’s my copy of ‘Numerology and Grammatica’? Have you seen it?”
“Yeah, I used it for a bit of bedtime reading last night,” Ron mumbled.
Heather pulled the book out from under a stack of five and slid it roughly across the table to her. How could Hermione not trust them? After everything they’d been through? What. Was she afraid of spilling her punctuality secrets?
Hedwig flew down and landed on the large stack of books besides Heather. She pulled the letter out of her beak and handed it to Harry to read while she smoothed down Hedwig’s fluffy white feathers.
“From Hagrid.” He turned the note over and flipped it open. “Buckbeak’s appeal… Its set for the sixth of June. That’s next month…”
“That’s the last day of exams,” Hermione said from behind her book.
“Well they’re coming up to the school for it with a Ministry official… and an executioner.”
Hermione gasped.
Ron took the note out of Harry’s hand and turned it around to read for himself. “That’s not bloody fair!”
“Mr. Weasley!” Professor McGonagall gave them menacing eyes from the High Table.
“It doesn’t sound like they’ll be very willing to hear Hagrid out.” Heather gripped her quill tight and poked holes into her parchment. “Not fair at all. Poor Buckbeak.”
“It’s Malfoy’s fault.” Harry looked around for him, ready to stare daggers.
“Yeah, and I’ve got a stack of handwritten Hippogriff research scrolls to shove down his throat. Where is he?” Ron stood, searching with Harry for their target.
“Do not make things worse with him,” Heather warned.
Although she managed to settle them down to study that day, she could not help the growing hostility between them for the next several days. However subdued Draco had been after the Slytherin Gryffindor match loss was all in the past now. Draco had regained his confidence after hearing from his father about Buckbeak’s scheduled beheading, thinking it was all thanks to him, and was now parading around the castle with Lockhart’s same pompous attitude.
After his daily dose of bragging, gloating, and boasting he took extra time from his busy schedule to sneer at them from afar, whisper rude comments about it in the corridors, and even pass taunting notes to Harry and Ron during classes.
‘Ignore him’ was all Heather and Hermione were saying until exam week began, and an unusual silence fell upon the castle. Even Percy was going around shushing anyone who disturbed the quiet of the corridors.
“People are studying!” he hissed at a group of second years before going back to soundlessly reciting charms and spells on his way up to the Gryffindor common room.
“He’s almost as bad as Hermione,” Ron noted, turning around to watch Hermione bump into student after student from behind a leather-bound book so large it hid even her bushy hair.
Harry eyed Heather as she doodled in her art journal as they walked. “How are you managing to not have a mental collapse like them?”
Heather scoffed. “For the same reason the Slytherins and Ravenclaws never worry over exams. Slytherins are always studying and Ravenclaws are always OVER studying – It’s not impressive they could pass next year’s exams, it’s annoying. They should stop bragging.”
They sat all of Monday’s exams and by late dinner the whole school was spent and puffy eyed. Heather sat with Pansy and her friends who were all talking about the tasks for Transfigurations, particularly the one that involved turning a brick into a crow.
“Yours looked like a raven.”
“Did you see Cindy’s magpie?”
“I heard Neville’s was still red – ”
“I heard Neville’s was still a brick.”
Heather rolled her eyes and turned away. Almost everyone at the table was bragging about their results, which would be fine if she wasn’t a little insecure about her transfiguration and charm skills. As much as she tried, Hermione was always better and got the spells faster than Heather did. The only reason she wasn’t more worried about her skills on those subjects were mostly due to Ron and Harry and their consistently horrible attempts.
Draco turned to Heather and smiled. “Know what I Saw in the crystal ball?”
“Was it Hermione smacking you again?”
He frowned and stabbed his fork into his potato salad. “No. That pigeons head rolling around those pumpkins. Got perfect marks for that too.”
“That’s funny. I saw YOUR head rolling around the boy’s urinals. Perfect marks on that prediction as well.”
Draco set down his fork and slid his wand out of his sleeve and pointed it at her, hidden from view of the High Table. “Is that a threat, Potter?”
Heather scoffed and leaned forward. “It is if you don’t stop talking about murdering that poor creature.”
He laughed and nudged Goyle beside him. “Hear that? She thinks she can take me.”
Heather had better things to do than sit around the table entertaining Draco and the two goons beside him. She still had Astronomy to study for and got up to join the several other students who were gathering at the astronomy tower to go over star charts and planet paths.
The test was on the last century only and as much as she hated when Harry cheated, even she knew he’d need her answers to pass. What star constellation was visible during the mountain troll attack of Hogsmeade in 1901? What planetary alignment led to the invention of self-tying brogues? The easiest part was the final question which asked what the current visible stars, constellations, and planets were.
After the test Professor Sinistra collected their telescopes and let them hang around for a few minutes while she put them away.
Ron’s hair danced in the wind as he leaned over the stone half-wall and squinted through the darkness at the grounds. “Er… Harry? Did YOU remember to put our Salamander away after the exam?”
Harry pulled him back and leaned over the wall, holding his glasses securely to his face as he looked down. “I’m sure Hagrid will notice the small fire…”
Heather looked down and saw tiny flames growing in the bushes on the outskirt of the forbidden forest. “Is there ever a year where you two WON’T damage the school in some way?”
“What did we do first year?” Harry pulled them back and together headed down the tower stairs.
If they still had their invisibility cloak Heather would have suggested going down to tell Hagrid about it and also taken the opportunity to check in on him – which they hadn’t been able to do for several weeks due to the strict rules on Harry and her because of Sirius Black. The strict rules wouldn’t be much of a problem, except the cloak was still down in the one-eyed witch’s tunnel which was under constant guard of Snape, Filch, and Mrs. Norris after their last talk and Heather’s outburst in Snape’s office.
She didn’t think there was anyone as naturally suspicious and distrustful as Snape was. The way he could smell out trouble and deceit and stay on his intuition was impressive in some ways and just downright annoying now that she disliked him.
The next day was spent studying for Wednesday’s exams in the common room during the morning – since Harry and Ron had stayed up late and were fast asleep during valuable studying hours – and the library and study hall in the afternoon with Hermione as frantic as ever.
“Oh! Why is there so much to know!” Hermione gathered all her notes and pulled at her hair. “I-I’m going to go splash water on my face.” She stood with a thick pile of notes in her hand and walked away from their table towards the large Great Hall doors.
Heather bit her lip and ran to catch up to her. “I’ll go with you. I could quiz you with those notes while you dunked your whole face in water if you wanted.”
Hermione stopped her and shook her head. “Oh, no, that’s alright Heather.” She stood waiting for Heather to turn around and march back to Harry and Ron.
“I don’t mind.” Heather crossed her arms.
Hermione nodded slowly and handed her the stack of notes. “Wonderful.” She walked out of the Great Hall and down the corridor towards the girl’s bathroom.
Heather looked through the notes and found the ones for Ancient Runes. “What’s – er – the symbol with the bug and two lines mean?”
“Too easy. It’s the letter ‘B’. Give me actual sentences.” Hermione turned the cold water on and ran her hands under.
“Hermione. How are you going to take this exam at the same time as Defense Against Dark Arts? In fact, how have you been attending this class at all?” Heather stared at Hermione reflection and watched her look around the sink.
She frowned and turned off the running water. “I – well – You’re supposed to be quizzing me. I have six exams tomorrow – ”
“You’re keeping a secret. I know it Hermione. I can understand why you wouldn’t tell Harry and Ron… but me? Last year you got upset that – ”
“Yes I know! But… I’m sorry, I’m just not allowed to tell. I swore I wouldn’t.” Hermione took back her notes and looked down at her shoes. “You can go back. I’m staying here for a minute.”
Heather clenched her jaw and ignored the tightness in her chest that made her want to tear up. Before she had friends she’d always found it easy to hold back tears. Now it was hard to not show her emotions around them, even when she was hurt and sad. “Just tell me. Please? You’ve hardly been around while somehow being around and if it’s because of this secret so why not just let me know? We’re best friends.”
Hermione looked up with watery eyes. “Then why don’t you share your secret first?”
Heather looked around at the dirty tiled floor and up at the streaky mirror. Should she come clean about the raskovnik growing in her charmed pot? She’d have to explain then about the stolen library books as well…
“I know you and Draco hung out over the summer. You went to his house. I overheard it.” Hermione wiped at her eyes and huffed. “He’s always using the word mudblood, always fighting with Ron and Harry, and now he’ll be responsible for Buckbeak’s death… and you’re friends with him. Harry doesn’t even know you’ve been INSIDE his house.”
“It was only a few days! I swear! I hated it there but I NEEDED to. You don’t understand how it is in Slytherin. Flint doesn’t even want me on the team for being a girl. I have to keep up the drills and beat all those stupid boys who are all so much stronger than me! I don’t even know what I’ll do next year if Flint doesn’t get held back again and some other idiot becomes team captain.” Heather pressed her palms to her eyes and sniffed. “I have to prove I’m not weak because I’m a girl. I have to prove I’m not weak because I’m a half-blood. I have to prove I’m not a house traitor because of Harry.” Heather wiped her nose on her sweater sleeve and sighed. “I don’t get to relax comfortably in a house that just accepts me… Everyone’s always watching me, waiting to see me trip up and prove them all right… And then I’m stuck all summer in a house that forbids magic? I’m sorry Hermione… please understand? I know how horrible he is to us. But I needed his help.”
“I… do. I’m sorry I know it must be hard not being in Gryffindor with us. But who cares what they think? They’re all just a bunch of blood-purists. You have us aleways. And we don’t judge you or anyone else like that.” Hermione hugged her and pulled away.
Heather nodded and wiped the few tears that had escaped. She was relieved Hermione forgave her. Maybe if Harry found out, would he too? Although it might be harder after Buckbeak’s appeal depending on the outcome. “What’s your secret then?”
Hermione sighed and hugged her arms. “I really can’t say… yet… Look, I swear I’ll tell you on the train. But you can’t tell Harry or Ron… ESPECIALLY not Ron. He could mess up the whole world and even worse, get me expelled.”
Heather nodded and they sealed the deal with a hand shake. She walked back into the Great Hall and a minute later Hermione followed and was back to her usual frantic self.
The next morning was the Herbology exam which had them out in the sun baking to crisps in the greenhouses. Defense Against the Dark Arts exam was after lunch and Professor Lupin had made them some sort of obstacle course outside.
“Oh no…” Heather’s eyes swept across the transformed grounds closest to the lake at the small pool labeled ‘Grindylows’, the field of potholes labeled ‘Red Caps’, and the patch of marsh labeled ‘Hinkypunks’.
“The end of the exam is hidden. Full marks to those who come out the right tree.” Professor Lupin smiled and signaled the start of the exam.
They waded through the pool – holding their socks and shoes in one hand and their wands in the other – then jumped over the Red caps, squished through the marsh while Hinkypunks shouted misleading directions, and headed into the trees. Heather stayed on the marked path and tried to figure out the correct tree. There was a large tree the width of Hagrid’s shack with a large hole carved out the side. It looked hungry, with its gaping mouth showing the darkness that would engulf anyone who entered.
Harry was the first to crawl in with Hermione, Heather, and Ron following in right after. With wands up they fought the new boggart that was shoved into a hollowed branch. For her turn, Heather swallowed as it slithered out from its hole in the darkness and dropped to the ground just beyond the light of her wand.
“Riddikulus!” Heather shouted, before it could manifest into anything. A bouncing red and gold ball rolled into the light. She shot a simple spell at it and it shot back into its hole, wedging in tight.
Almost everyone had received full marks, except poor Neville who had to face his grandmother telling him Snape would be his new grandfather. He was so shaken up several students had to help walk him up to their next exam, History of Magic.
Heather was fairly certain she’d passed all her exams so far, and was now worried about potions.
“After this we’re free!” Ron skipped down the corridor. “The last exam of the year!”
Heather could still hear herself shouting at Snape to shut up and the look of pure rage on his face. She was going to fail. She knew it. He hadn’t even given her detention for that – nothing. He was waiting for this exam to get back at her and Harry.
“We’re going to fail this one.” Heather shook Harry’s arm as they walked down the dungeon stairs. “He’s going to give us low marks out of vengeance!”
Harry pushed her away. “What’s new?”
“He’s never done that to me! You, I understand, but I always get high grades! Second to Malfoy – ”
Hermione huffed. “I thought you were second to me.”
They took their seats near the back of the classroom.
“No… Second to Malfoy but I’d be first if he’d just let me ‘study’ with him – ”
“Silence.” Professor Snape stood from his desk and began explaining the exam.
They were afforded two whole hours to brew a Confusing Concoction which turned into the biggest, messiest disaster Heather had yet seen. Cauldrons were erupting with goo, over spilling with sticky liquid, or hardening into chunks that melted out the cauldron bottoms.
It took Heather almost the full two hours to complete the potion and in the end she wasn’t sure if it was supposed to look like yellow cake batter in there. Snape peered in and grinned before marking his notes and tisking vindictively. He then stepped over to Harry’s cauldron and waited as Harry desperately tried to thicken his up enough. Snape stood tapping his notes with his fingers and the second the bells tolled, scribbled something suspiciously like a zero and walked away.
They left the dungeons feeling empty and relieved that everything was over. Heather and Hermione were starting to poke fun at Ron and Harry’s attempts when their attention was caught by the two men waiting at the bottom of the Entrance Hall stairs.
Cornelius Fudge and a black-hooded man with a large blade stood looking at all the students as they ran to the Great Hall for late dinner.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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pallas-cat · 3 years
for the d&d character ask: 3, 9, and all numbers ending in a 6
ty ty <3 this will be long and um, alien + *spins wheel* esha lavellan 
3. what is their goal right now?
lori: a beach party and some answers
esha: also some answers from s*las, but also getting more news of the Lavellan clan
6. which party member do they relate to the most?
lori: out of all of them, probably many (in terms of being the one least likely to sacrifice themselves)
esha: weirdly enough, iron bull. both have a similar personality (smarter and snarkier than they let on, love having a “gruff captain” appearance, and a deep love of having a fun time at a tavern or in front of a campfire with their company. she’s less loud than he is though.) she’s also done some questionable things in her youth that warranted shunning from the clan for a bit -well-deserved tho- and she’s worked hard to get that trust back so i think she relates to blackwall a lot too.
9. do they care about their appearance? how much effort do they put into presentation?
lori: it’s a weird mix. they don’t care about what people think of their ....eclectic...taste but love having fun with outfits a lot. they’re of the mind that their clothes make them unthreatening since flashy and stupid and they’re super at peace with that. they opt for comfier clothing (still as tackY) when on the go or in the need to hide though,. so like, from harajuku district’s worst dressed tourist to juicy couture tracksuit, y’know what i mean? for the rest they’re less mindful though, but they love getting their hair braided by other people since they’re not good at it themself. no makeup ever though, texture issues
esha: god no. there’s a problem if she spends more than 2 seconds getting ready in the morning. there was a wonderful saga of josephine trying to get her to not dress as a “fuck you” to nobility during the winter palace thing. she’s VERY practical-oriented and will wear the same goddamn coat until it falls apart. her choppy short haircut was due to a fight but she also has to be talked out of chopping it back herself because it looks um....interesting
16. what are their feelings on the people who raised them?
lori: a big old. “why.”
esha: love and grief. i think they raised her well until their passing, but she carries fond memories. 
26. who do they miss?
lori: it’s a SECRET (those who died or disappeared during their time in slavery re-appear in their memories and dreams now and then, much to their chagrin, but i think they miss them). 
esha: her clan, s*las, past friends she’s lost during hunting trips or fights. she compartimentalizes a lot though.
36. what’s a secret they’ve kept?
lori: SECRETS REMAIN SECRETS and feelings for a certain metal man are also a secret but they’ve also omitted their family ties a lot in-campaign
esha: she’s more open to talk about her past mistakes but has kept her mouth shut during time in the inquisition. she’s let out her own story more in front of Thom Rainier/Blackwall in a “dude i relate, i’ll make sure you’ll be okay” way. 
46. what do they deprive themself of?
esha: she doesn’t depreive herself of a lot of things but i do feel like she has a “been there done that” kinda attitude about grief at times so i think she kinda deprives herself of tenderness even if she could absolutely find it. she’s affectionate and will have a warm disposition to people though
lori: similar but without the maturity about it
56. what animal do they most relate to?
esha: bear, chill but takes no shit
lori: magpie
66. who makes them feel warm?
esha: solas(derogatory) and blackwall(affectionate), in the platonic sense Sera and Bull especially
lori: razzle dazzle the robot,platonically nico, many, the Big Cats, metrom
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magpiemorality · 5 years
Magpie’s AU Master List
Current Sanders Sides AUs stewing in my brain. 
These are just the big ones my mind keeps running away with and I have multi page synopses for in my docs...
I am and always have been an au hoarder. It's a problem.
Star Wars AU (it’s a doozy). The Resistance has lost contact with the Jedi and the Empire is gearing up to strike on their base. Resistance leader Remy has to send out one operative, Remus, to find an undercover spy, Virgil, leaving his twin brother Roman home alone, while De-Ceit is flying for the planet they’re all converging on in pursuit of the Resistance signal coordinates... #?
Skating/College AU (mostly figure, some hockey). Virgil gets into a well-known skating college on an academic scholarship, but keeps up his figure skating practice for fun by befriend the jack-of-all-trades staff member Remy in return for free ice. It’s not long before he’s secretly discovered by hockey team members Remus and soon his brother Roman, and when Logan the skate shop owner lets slip Virgil’s secret sessions ex-coach Emile wants in. #?
Kink lifestyle AU (a lil darker, definitely 18+). Patton, Logan and Roman move in together to save money, and a few months in Patton and Logan discover Roman secretly frequents a kink club and are slowly (like glacial speed) forced to confront their feelings for each other. Roman meanwhile is pursuing a secret relationship with shy, closeted ‘Ty’... And that’s just the beginning. #?
Fantasy/Tangled inspired AU (wip up on AO3) HERE In a distant prosperous kingdom, King Thomas works hard day by day to maintain peace and good fortune among his people, helped by his closest friend and confidant Patton, and his most trusted advisor Logan; From a far corner of the kingdom a knight-to-be rides to prove himself to the King, picking up an unexpected companion along the way that might muddy the clarity of the path ahead of him; And not quite far away enough, an old darkness is getting ready to start a journey of it's own... back to the city it once called home. #dreamers au
1950s/60s Fem!Sides AU (because dammit I want to write more or that even if it's just for me) HERE and HERE Rosanna Castillo is determined to get through this final year of high school in this backwards town and run off to New York to become a famous broadway star. First she has to navigate the perilous road of senior year, surrounded by people who want her to fail. Winter formal marks a change in her fortunes when she meets Virgina, Patty and Loren-Ann. #skirts au
High School AU (ft. Lots of bad shenanigans and angst! Aka how to put Remus through the emotional wringer, a high school story) Diego is new at school and quickly absorbed into the drama that surrounds the major players of the senior class. Roman, Logan, Patton and Virgil are a strong squad committed to winning Logan valedictorian, having started the year by campaigning to have Toby, a student suspended for selling drugs the previous year, expelled entirely instead of readmitted. At Homecoming afterparty Toby himself shows up with a revenge plot; Diego is dragged further into the mess; and it turns out Roman’s infamous brother Remus is unknowingly the key to success. #?
Twin Trauma AU (I posted basically the entire plot already because I got overexcited but it’s pruned now… and there are some HEFTY TWS ON THIS ONE) HERE Roman Sanders has always had an imaginary friend called Remus, who protects and supports him. After years of extended therapy Roman is finally sent to a specialist school, where he is exposed to just the right conditions to start questioning who Remus really is... #traumatwins au
Fantasy AU #384 (I nearly forgot this one!!!) HERE and HERE Patton is King, and in true black/white morality style he is fairly controversial. Many people love his stern style of rule because it’s kept them safe, but there are a significant number of growing dissenters. He casts them out and they come back with a vengeance, led by Roman and Remus, pioneers of free thought. His council of Virgil, Deceit and Logan will have a lot of work to do to counter these dangerous insurgents... It’s time for war. #384 au
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