#ty so much!!
necromeowncy · 17 days
Hi! I saw you don't take messages on your Twitter and I saw your beautiful screenshot of urianger and I was wondering if you could please make more or maybe some of thancred. Your work is amazing! Thank you
Ahh I usually do have open DMs on Twitter (and Tumblr) so thank you for letting me know so I could fix my settings! Twitter keeps resetting my preferences every few weeks. 😭 Functional website..
But thank you so much!!! ☺️💜 I'd like to make some ThanUri poses next time I have free time. They're two of my favorite characters in XIV!
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theshadowrealmitself · 3 months
You can romance everyone as either gender in SDV, gender doesn't really matter outside some dialogue and what changing room you can change your clothes in.
Whoo!! Thank you!!!
Now I just gotta figure out what gender to commit to 😭
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Diana and I have something for you, Happy Halloween!
Aaaaaa! ✨️ thank youuu 😭🎃💖
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kri-babe · 7 months
⭐ it's loving other people oc's time ⭐ show me a pic you love of your oc(s) pretty please! 💜
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Probably these. The first two have a triplet that includes Sam cuz I wanted to do like... bio intro posts but with a theme to them to represent how the three characters kind've... are? I just never got around to it.
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simarcana · 1 year
For Ebe! 🎶,🍛 &🤩
🎶 MUSICAL NOTES — what type of music does your oc like? do they listen to music very often?
Ok, are you guys used to the "very old being who lived in 1800 and still listens to classical music like Edward Cullen"? Okay, forget about that. Ebe LOVES 70s/80s music like nothing else. He doesn't listen to music as much as he used to, but he dances every time they get the chance*! Trying to lure some victims with them ofc.
*This is another trait they share with Alika and I'm starting to understand why I end up making them interact in all my stories wow ok
🍛 CURRY AND RICE — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
Ebe eats A LOT because he uses food to get instant energy and recover from injuries. He needs highly nutrient-dense food to do the trick. Speaking of his typical dinner, when he's home by himself Ebe enjoys cooking very complicated dishes because he's a dumb male wife. BUT! As a person on the autistic spectrum, they have to keep an eye on the sensory side of their dishes.
🤩 FACE WITH STARRY EYES — is your oc a planner, or are they more in their actions?
Both! He likes to plan things out and improvise while doing them!
When Ebe was an NPC in my campaign, he was quite difficult to handle as a Master but Lord! I had a blast. With the playing characters, he used to set up super difficult challenges and did things I didn't predict.
One time he challenged them to retrieve an artifact from a haunted mansion in exchange for one he owned and they needed. He then followed them disguised as a cat, freed an ancient demon to see how they'd handle it, and then HELPED THEM. Just because he felt like it, okay dude.
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fish-in-the-aquarium · 7 months
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Sorry if I'm a bit late for the Uncommon Questions. How about 6, 28 and 30 for Alessia, B and D for you :3. Also, I hope your doing alright with all the smoke from the wildfires
you are very much not late!! <3 ty for the ask and it seems like the smoke is finally starting to clear out of my area, but i'm staying inside until i'm sure.
Ask Game
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Alessia 100% thinks they're flexible. For her a law should be broken if it's morally wrong or cruel to abide by it. She will also definitely break laws to follow something she believes in.
28.  Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
Alessia would prefer the unpleasant truth. If it's coming from Ash or Delphia the lie is something she'd appreciate even if she wouldn't like that either lied to spare her feelings. She doesn't want anyone to think they can't be honest with her.
30.  Who do they most regret meeting? 
In the god universe she regrets meeting the first guardian she made. That guardian slaughtered people in a weird attempt to protect Delphia and scarred her. Alessia would give anything to undo that.
Outside of the god universe she doesn't have many regrets about people she's met. Sometimes she regrets meeting people of her partners' sizes. It makes her wonder if their size difference isn't something they can really ignore.
For the lettered asks :D
B) What inspired you to create them?
So I had read an idea of a giant reaching through a window. I wanted to use that and started making Delphia, but I wanted it to be a giant offering the human a safe place. I figured protection would be best, so Alessia became the goddess of protection. As I played around with the plot and trying to figure out what I wanted Delphia to be I realized I wanted Alessia to be someone who truly did embody protection. I also wanted her to draw people into trusting her. So a kinder voice, soft looks, and such things.
Basically I wanted someone who felt trustworthy and safe. Who kind of embodied protection. That created her start and then as I wrote about her relationship with Delphia and Ash it created more of her personality.
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
For the most part Alessia's image stayed the same in my head. Soft, round face, chubby, night sky/blue hair, brown eyes, and usually dressed in a golden armor. The thing that has changed is how much her muscle is defined where I tend to go with it isn't really. Very misleading idea, but at first the image was a bit more warrior like in my head. I prefer the idea of protection equating to soft and kind looking. So her strength has been hidden over time by her design :D
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toburnup · 2 years
Ooh! For the ask game, can I ask 24, 43, and 78?
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
used to be steve only because i felt like i had the best grasp on it. now that i've written eddie's a few times, i probably decide based on whoever is going to have the most internal conflict within a fic. is your light on? is probably the exception because i think eddie is going through it WAY WORSE than steve is, but yeah.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
trapped in an elevator/closet/etc. it'll happen at some point.
78. What motivates you during the writing process?
engagement from people. sending snippets to friends is helpful because it lets me know i'm on the right track. and tbh, the messages i get on tumblr asking about fics is also really motivating. idk, the fact that someone sought me out afterward to ask me about a fic?? oof. i love it.
[fanfiction writing asks 📩]
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iyote · 2 years
Iyote, you are my fav artist. B) you are the Yote to my I
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thank you!! <3
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theelderhazelnut · 1 year
Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! 😊
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uncouth-the-fifth · 2 years
I JUST READ YOUR “playing house” ON AO3 AND DIEDDDD IT WAS SO CUTE 😭 i love your writing sm … had me gigglin n shit whateva ✋ anyways Sam winchester supremacy
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AH I'm so glad you liked it!! thank you 🥺 writing sam running around and trying to be a vacation boyfriend is my greatest pleasure in life. AND THAT'S ONLY PART ONE!!! the next part should be out within this coming week ayeeee :) pls enjoy this lovely illustration of playing house!sam in his vacation fit, courtesy of my bestie @daiziesssart!
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submastrain · 1 year
The newest art of Emmet with the sky made me really happy idk I’m like really sick rn and it made my whole mood just go up so thank you (your art is also just very cute)
OHHHH--- You have no idea how happy that makes me!! SO happy to hear that!! 🥰🥰 And this is my first DM toooo and it's this nice--!! 💜💜 Thank you so much being there! I'm humbled you like it so much! I hope you feel better soon! 😊💜✨
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nebula-drcams · 2 years
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permanentreverie · 2 years
12, 28, 37, 55, 90, and 133 for book asks!
12. a book that mentions food in the title: my first thought was Love & Gelato, but I haven't read that yet aksjsjd. A Pho Love story is SO cute though, an adorable teen romance it was so fluffy I loved it, would def recommend <3
28. a book you wish you could read as a beginner again: there are SO many, one that I can mention is the shades of magic trilogy!! Gosh A Conjuring of Light is SO good, I sat outside in our hammock for 4 days straight just totally immersed in the characters, crying and so invested in the character. I miss Kell and Holland every day 🥲
37. your favourite heist book? Six of Crows. C'mon it's not even a competition
55. a book with a satisfying ending? ALL of Austen's works, I love her philosophy "after a little troubles, my characters shall have all that their hearts desire"
90. the longest book you've read? I'm tempted to say Les Miserables, but that wouldn't necessarily be true, as the edition I read was a compacted and abridged version, not the 1000+ page brick (though even that edition took me months lol). The Final Empire, Inkdeath, A Conjuring of Light, The Goldfinch, Inheritance, were all 750-900 pages long
133. a book that you came across randomly and fell in love with: I picked up The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle randomly at a second hand store cause the title caught my attention, and I LOVED it, the premise is so thrilling and the writing captivating, the setting fantastic and the twists surprising. SUCH a good read!!
book recs asks
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daughterofluthien · 2 years
Hello, your fics is awesome! Do you take prompts?
Ahhh Anon that’s so sweet of you 🥺🥰🥺 thank you!!
And as far as prompts are concerned, please feel free to submit them! I can’t guarantee that I’ll end up using it (or the timeliness ajdjdksjd) but I will if I can!
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toburnup · 1 year
Me asking for your Ko-Fi 🤝 Everyone else who was waiting to send you money
Long live the Vio fan club 🫶
made my whole fucking week 😭😭😭
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