#ty t amo
decarabiandivorce · 7 months
According to the genshin wiki, amos’s name translates to “burden” (or at least the hebrew version of the name). Any thoughts on the implications of this?
oh i have thought about that a normal amount. Usually, I love tying it into my backstory of her c: An archer needs to be strong and I imagine her taking care of her community a lot. It was her burden to carry, now that she was an archer without prey. It didn't feel right to not do anything. It could never feel right. In her heart, she was an archer waiting to strike- but stagnation for too long was something she could never fully accept. She has carried many things in her lifetime, from secrets to fears.
A burden is a responsibility that one can not abandon; a pressure from external and/ or internal matters. Physical and metaphorical I do think that Amos acts from the heart. She is so full of love that it's the only thing that could really damage her. She will take on the world for the people she cares about. (And the realization of who she really should be taking care of happens much too late)
It's one of the reasons she fell for Deca. A person that could carry her burdens for her. But life without improvement was a different sort of stagnation. To eternally dream causes muscles to weaken and minds to soften. Surrounded by a sea of grey, were her eyes as sharp as they were before?
Ough this is giving me inspiration to write more of Amos's thought process when it comes to her relationships with people :p I wonder what I should nickname this one, either Violetgrass (Bluebells by another name) or Endymionis somnum dormire
Amos was a strong person. She hunted in the woods beyond the city, brining back meat to share with her friends and family. She did not ask for much. She did not have much. Amos the hunter was her name. Her last name? She never cared for it. Being a hunter was nice. Staying still for the perfect shot. Just for her patience to be rewarded in one quick swish.
Her parents taught her the way of the bow. They urged her to put it down as well. To settle with someone that could take care of her. One day her bones will tire and her wrists wouldn't be able to withstand the arduous tasks.
Amos was strong. She cared for her parents til their final breaths. She cleaned the now empty house by herself. She had many friends she loved to help. Any burder they had, she could take on.
She taught the children of her friends how to be an archer. She did her deliveries and as the rumors of war broke out she didn't worry. It was a matter between gods.
Then the winds began to storm and her dreams of green were no more. Her tasks were no more. Still those she helped so long ago took care of her.
She felt like a burden. A hunter without her prey. All she could do was sit by the armourys of old and keep up the upkeep. The other hunters and soilders have already gone home. No one to inspect at the city gates nor a chance to take their own somewhere else. The greenhouses at least gained new members.
Despite her many years of waiting, she felt restless. There must be something she could do! Much like a maid knight in the future, at a simple call she would be there in a second. "Amos, could you please help with this?" "Amos could you please help with that?" She loved to help. The belt on her side was no longer filled with arrows, only lists and letters.
Like the mint plants that weave through the concrete cracks, she survives. She always had.
Day and night held no meaning to her. Task after task. She could do it all. She could do anything.
Her face grimaces as she notes the bottom of her shoes needing to be glued back in. Her boots were getting old and she would need the support of a clan to purchase a new pair. Tailor Skyle still owed her that favor, she could ask her later.
Walking past the kids playing in the streets, she smiled. They waved at her before going back to play their game. They had made a show out of the information coming from the few outsiders. Words about the Wolf King's newest strategy or rumors of how bad this war across the world has been. The stone gate's leylines protected them from the wrath of geo, but the anemo in the air had to have a victor.
The tower in the center of the town was the only place safe from the storm. Its sturdy walls stayed quiet. Season by season the number of guards lessened as the few who found themselves of use to their king wished to conserve their coin.
The tailor greets her, holding the hand of her wife Riza. The baker had made her beloved a container of soup for lunch and had dropped by to see her. Amos smiled as the trio talked and Skyle did calculations.
"Red looks good on you," She could hear her friend mutter to her wife.
"Everything looks good on me." Riza smiled back. Her hand playing with the edges of a napkin. She was wearing a crimson bracelet on her hand. "Hey Amos, you like it? It's our anniversary present to each other."
The tailor sighed, "I can't believe Mr. Whisker would betray me like that. How dare a fluffy face like his tear my bracelet to shreds the moment I place mine down. Our perfect anniversary ruined by that adorable bastard. It's going to take so long to remake the pattern."
As she looked closely, she could see the slightest pattern of flowers. Roses if she remembered correctly.
Riza bent her arm to give Amos a closer look, "It's based on a tale from my side of the family. My father was eager to share the tale of the red string with his future daughter-in-law." She kissed her wife and Amos looked away.
Her eyes wandered as the two began to talk. She knew the guy they were telling her about, how he would gift her parchments and books from the lands south for the holidays. He was a nice guy, but she blanked on his name at the moment. Her eyes rested on the harp in the corner of the shop. She had one of those big ones back at home, but it was way dustier than this one. The feeling of string in her hands that needed to be plucked at the right moment... Yet before she could say anything, her friend was finished.
She thanked them and embraced the storm outside. The kids were gone, perhaps off to their homes for lessons or mealtime. Besides the regular rumble that surrounded the city, it was quiet. Trees and flags rustled like instruments and she made her way back to where she was staying.
Tomorrow was the same. So was the day after that. And the day after that.
Of course, there were new developments. The person that used to take care of horses fell in love with the butcher's son. One of the head clan's harpists was arrested for murdering her rival. She was invited to the wedding of one of the kids she used to carry on her shoulders. Still, she was.
She was.
Her eyes and body tired as she put on her best clothes. It was a humble affair, a family friend of the groom was one of the Lawrence and allowed them to use their home as the venue. Everyone was in pairs. Some people even more.
She wore a violetgrass in her hair, one of the rarer plants in the greenhouses' glebes. It costed her a pretty coin, but she couldn't help but splurge.
The event was nice. The couple spoke their vows and their kin held a toast to their happiness. Til death will they part.
She smiled. She laughed. She was so proud of her friend.
Someone tossed something into the air, and on instinct she caught it.
Roses so red and Celcilias so white. They smelled fresh, but the bouquet felt heavy in their hands. Crimson splashed against the bone-white and faded grass. Yet there are cheers around her. Smiles and jokes. "Oh, when is the wedding for Ms. Amos?" "It's a sign for you to settle down Amos dear!" "Want me to make a dress for you like I did them?"
She smiles. She laughs. She steps aside. "Come on you guys! It's their wedding! We should tease them more instead!". The violetgrass feels heavy on her head.
The beginning of the end starts with such good intentions.
"Ms. Amos!" one of the children squeaks. She had just finished fixing a post one of the animals knocked over before she felt the small hands of her neighbor's daughter on her dress. "Don't tell Lance but I wanna marry him when I grow up!"
"Is that so?" Amos pats her on the head. "What about that Charles boy that likes you? Or Amelia?"
Her face scrunches, "They are so borrring. And Amelia hasn't returned my ribbon yet! Lance is so cool! He can use a catalyst!" she pulls on the hem as the kid jumps up and down. "When are you getting married?"
"I don't plan on it." is her usual answer.
"That sounds lonely." was the usual reply.
Amos smiled, "I won't be lonely. I have you guys!"
Her neighbor's child frowned at her. At least this one was honest about their thoughts. "You sure? Cause I think that would be sucky."
The pale-haired lady lowered her eyes, "It's time for dinner. I think I saw your father get fowl today at the market. You should get going."
"Okay, Ms. Amos! Can I be flower-girl at your wedding?"
"Bye!" Amos says back.
She closes her eyes. The party a couple weeks ago was nice. Everyone was enjoying themselves and reminiscing on old times was lovely. There was another invite in her mail. An engagement announcement right next to it. The Bakers down the street were having their 2nd child. The Smiths were having triplets.
She grits her teeth as she makes her way back into her empty house. The dust was getting worse. She would need all day tomorrow to tidy the place up.
Yet instead, she chooses to fall face-first onto her bed. The blankets were in the same position they were when she woke up. The wood underneath her creaked as she squirmed. It would be nice to have someone in her arms. Have someone hold her. Have someone greet her when she comes home. It would be nice to have someone to share her burdens with. To greet with a hug. To whisper the vows to.
Yet the only one in her bed was herself. She was never an imaginative person, only able to build upon memories. What would it even be like? How would it even work? How do you even meet someone like that? How do you know this is the person you would devote yourself to? How would you know you were attracted to them? Was it like that Red String her friend told her about, a moth drawn to a flame?
She knew what a pretty person was! She had eyes! Yet. It was always surface-level. She could never imagine sharing a life with that pretty boy at the southern gate. Nor the scribe who doodles hearts on her receipts. She didn't know them. She felt no connection to them. That's what attraction was... right? A connection?
She gripped her pillow tightly.
She needed rest for tomorrow. She could think about this another time.
The storm was quiet today. It ebbed with her lord's mood, but today seemed different. Perhaps she had been imagining things. Sap from dying flowers needed to be crafted into glue. The arrows she'll never use again deserve their tail feathers.
Washing her hands, she tidied the armory's workspace. Clearing away the stuff on the desks was her first task- she wouldn't want the violetgrass's poison to stain.
The soft chime from the door was barely audible. Turning around, Amos noted the person a couple steps away from her had green eyes. No pigment could describe the hue, only barely comparable to the crystalflies or perhaps seelies. A cape on his right shoulder and an even longer cape on his back. Stormy grey hair and skin sickly pale.
Who the heck was this guy? He didn't have the features of any of the townspeople. Was he one of the wealthier people that lived in the tower? Even then she would have heard rumors of such a person. There were only a handful of people with silver hair and she was acquainted with all of them.
A foreigner would make sense, but only if he had arrived before the storm. The gold accents on his pauldrons and clothing seemed flawless- and he did not look like the man who knew about metal upkeep. Wait. Then why was he here in an armory?
"Good day." She greeted as calm as she could be. She was not worried. Surrounded by her old companions, she had spent hours wielding and testing each one of them. Sure she may not be the best at a claymore or a simple short sword, but any one of them would do in a battle.
"Hello," His voice was calm.
"Looking for something?" She asked. He placed his gloved hand on his side, his movements almost like that of a marionette.
"...Well okay then?" Amos tilted her head. His voice had an accent? That odd way of speaking the Mason family had, with some breathiness to the vowels. Time flowed once more as she tried to concentrate on her work, but this guy was still there. She kept looking back, like they were playing a game of Ochs am Berg.
"So stranger what's your name?" she asked, but got no reply. "... I see. A quiet one, are ya?" The arrows were done, time to clean up and then move to the shields.
"Yes. I am a quiet person." came the short response.
Socially it would be a good move to laugh it off, perhaps add some lip service, but this guy was giving her nothing to go off on. Maybe he did want to just sit and watch, a cat laying on a windowsill. Perhaps she was standing in his way. Or worse: it meant nothing at all.
"Cool." She muttered.
Somehow this became a habit. The two of them, never really introducing themselves to the other, would spend a portion of the afternoon in the armory together. Occasionally, the green-eyed man would comment on the abandoned armors and weapons. The unsaid question of why she continued to do this task on his lips. There was no need for anyone to fight. There were no fights. Everything was at peace. So why was she standing in a room ment for battle.
She never answered him. How could she put into words that this was her choice. Her old friends. Relics from the times she would have hunting partners side by side. Artifacts of campsites and friendships. It was illogical.
Yet, the silence was nice. The silence could make one pretend the other understood the other.
One day, he handed her a cloak that matched the one he wore. "It's cold." He spoke, his voice soft and gentle. As she placed it around her shoulders, she could not help but smile at its warmth. So light yet so strong. Not a single stitch was loose and her only complaint would be how the accents shimmered in the light. Still, she had hung up her bow- so stealth need not be an option.
Her mistake.
"Oh, is this a courting gift?" Came the questions. "Are you finally settling down?" they asked. "Who's the lucky person?"
She takes the cloak off.
But he looks at her with such concern. She does enjoy his company, whatever his name is. She likes talking to him. Sometimes she finds things throughout her day that makes her want to show him it.
She wonders what it would be like to meet outside the armory. She feels like she wants to impress him, to take him out of the city and show off her sick moves in action. She dreams of them patrolling the area together, maybe even becoming neighbors.
The cloak is in her hands now. It's so soft. Would his hand be this soft? Would his chest? She never thought of it before, but she wants to run her fingers through his hair. She wants to hold him and laugh with him. To see that sunny smile peak through his clouds.
Yet, she tells herself. They are barely friends. She barely knows his name. His story is his to tell, and while she had confessed the circumstances of her life... he has always been her green-eyed mystery.
It's so heavy, all of it. The mutterings. The attention. This dance was tiring. She wants to rest. To ignore the questions and stop acting happy. Amos just wants to be Amos. It's not like she can be Amos the archer. She.
She hates this. Can't they all just get off her back! Go away! What she is up to is none of their business!
They are just concerned about you, her mind whispers. Her heart aches. She knows they just want what they think is best for her. That they belive that she will be lonely for the rest of her life. That's absurd! She has them! Do... do they not consider themselves as valuable to her as they are?
The rustle of the storm hums around her. Like a lullaby, she can feel it drowning out her thoughts. Her friend had been giving her more violetgrass once he learned they were of her favorite color. Purple. Such a lovely hue. Imports of those dyes cost a pretty coin, but these flowers lived near the stone gate. Useful towards pests and can even be made into some medicines. "Should you ever turn one inside out, you would win your true love!" A common saying among the hunters.
Win your true love. What a joke. If love was a game, she did not want to play. Was she supposed to bring an inverted flower wherever she went? Or was the game set by the time the contested meets their prize.
It was bad luck to bring this bouquet into her house. The neighbors will talk. And so will the neighbor's neighbors. But that's all they ever do. Talk talk nag nag. It's just some flowers! It's just a gift!
"Decarabian give me strength," She muttered. Not one to be a nun, she only knew the basics for events. "I do like the guy. But. I don't even know him. It would be so much simpler to learn about him. I could tell the Masons or the Peggs that his family doesn't like me! I would be free from their questions."
But what if she does like him. That this yearning to watch stars with him was what they would call love. That the urge to sit around and do nothing- to be by his side and vice versa... what if that was love.
Why did she feel so lonely after making this connection? Why does she want this? Why does she want to give into the pressure and sink into his arms? Have that heavy weight upon her heart to go away once and for all.
Despite her many years of being alone, she felt restless. Was this fear, love? Was the desperation to have someone to talk to when she came home, love? Was the yearning for him to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks, love?
She felt like a burden. An archer without her bow.
Amos closed her eyes and pulled the cloak close. It still smelled of him. If there was anyone she would be safe sharing space with... she guessed he was okay.
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braveclementine · 2 months
Things went a little sideways. But it was all part of the plan
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Warnings: 18+readersonly
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Emil knew that everything had to be displayed just right for the Prince. After all, when it came to these sorts of deals, it was all about showing off. He had decided to station most of his girls in the front lawn so that the Prince would get to see all of what he couldn't have.
He'd also objectified the girls more than he usually did.
Tying one girl to a tree, with the ropes attached to her breasts, which were tied to the tree opposite her. The ropes were tightened to the max and wet towels had been laid gently down on the ropes to provide as a laundry line.
Several girls had been tied down to the chairs out on the front, while several others were tied to the pillars. And of course, his best girl Jasmine was tied up to the ceiling like a precious chandelier.
He'd also put girls out by the pool- and one of them even in the pool. Here in the backyard was where he'd stationed Penelope.
He still wasn't one thousand percent secure in the idea that the Avengers weren't somehow part of this. He had explained the situation carefully to Valerie. She'd begged him not to take the deal, that they could just leave Penelope, take the rest of the girls, and escape for a little while.
He knew he was putting her in possible danger by not listening to her. But he just couldn't. The vibranium could change their lives if it wasn't a trick. He could make more money off the vibranium than anything else he'd ever had in his life. Small nuggets sold for millions, sometimes billions, and he was going to have three crates of it.
Six crates, actually. He'd decided he was going to offer up three extra girls- all three of them from one of the 'conventions' as the Prince had put it. They'd been girls who had been kidnapped and sold into the sex slavery. And if the Prince was legitimate, it was best to have those girls lost even further in the sex slavery trail and it was best if it didn't touch him anymore.
Course, he couldn't get rid of all of them. Where would the fun in that be?
As a last resort, he could call on the abomination. He'd mastered triggering the beast inside of him and knew he would be a hard opponent to beat, no matter how many Avengers came at him- so long as Banner stayed away.
Penelope was outside and he'd still tied her up and left her by herself. She was in a grove of woods very close to the pool. He strung her up so that her hands were tied behind her back, her head was closest to the ground, and she was hanging by her ankles in special cuffs. He'd also gagged her, as well as a blindfold. He'd oiled her down so that she glistened and then had left her there with a vibrator attached to the inside of her thigh on low.
He'd also made secondary preparations. Valerie was waiting in a car with his best agents. Clothes, money, weapons were packed in there as well. It would be the get away in case anything went wrong. He'd leave the rest of the agents and the girls here to fend for themselves. He'd come back for the girls if he could.
"They're here sir." Patton said, stepping into the large foyer where he waited.
Blonsky nodded, "How many guards did he bring?"
"Eight. Including himself, nine." Patton replied. "But they seem unarmed. The Prince is very richly dressed. Actually, they are all very nicely dressed."
Blonsky nodded. He had not dressed to impress, choosing to stick with his bootcamp like outfit. A thin T-shirt that showed off every muscle, camo pants, and hard hiking boots. But he had known the Prince would dress to impress on every manner. Emil preferred to look exactly like himself.
"Let them in. I'll wait for them here."
🐧🤎 𝓅όש 匚нⒶ𝔫𝔾𝑒 🍓📺
Elizabeth waited patiently in the tree line, watching as the Avengers entered the Villa. They were all disguised as big, hulking African men, except for T'Challa who looked more or less like himself, except slightly sharper features. Loki had also upped their accents to make them sound exotic.
Meanwhile, Lan was flying around the Villa as one of the native birds. Violetta and Pietro were on the other side of the Villa. Bruce was back at the jet, which they had pulled up much closer to the villa. This was for both a quick escape and yet also quick backup if they needed Bruce.
Elizabeth surveyed the girls that were splayed out on the lawn. She was not sexually attracted to females, but she couldn't help but admit the positions and rope work was turning her on immensely. She hoped Elijah and Bucky were taking good note of some of this to use when they got back to Avengers tower.
She stopped herself short at that thought.
No. There would be no more Bucky would there?
Not if Fury was correct and Bucky was one of Penny's soulmates.
Elizabeth nearly sighed aloud. Well, that would make things more complicated. But Elijah would love to put her under bondage anyways. That would be something to look forward to after this.
She also wondered what would happen once Penny entered their lives as a soulmate. The orgies would stop, she supposed. That was a depressing thought.
Once they had all entered the Villa, Elizabeth slid through the grass, wondering how much ground they would have to cover before she- or someone else- found Penny.
She would also have to be careful not to detect attention. The moment she used her water powers the coms would go out.
"There's nothing on the west side of the island. I'm heading east E." Pietro said. The message was for her only, though everyone would be able to hear.
"Nice." Elizabeth commented softly. "Take outer perimeter first. I'm already on the inner. I'm rounding out by the pool."
She went silent as a guard walked past where she was hiding in the shrubbery. It was a beautiful island and there were plenty of hiding spots.
Elizabeth peered out, observing her surroundings. She caught a hint of white hair and moved hastily. She yelped as she found herself suddenly hanging upside down. Her trident fell out of her back slot, landing in the grass, shining.
She used a wave of water to grab the trident and lifted it to free herself from the rope when she felt a stab in her neck. She didn't even get to see who'd stabbed her before everything went black.
🕶🏐 p𝕆𝐕 ⓒ𝐡αภgε🚐🤌
When Elizabeth's coms went silent, there wasn't really a reason to panic. Elizabeth's coms were wacky. The minute her water powers came into use, her coms went dead. She couldn't even carry extras on her because then they'd all go dead. It was one of the reasons Elijah hated taking her out into the field. She always gave him small heart attacks.
He glanced over at the others and saw they looked as nervous as he felt. Though the expressions weren't really theirs, he knew they were wondering why she had to use her powers in order for the coms to go out.
"Welcome." The man in front of them who Tony had said name was 'Emil Blonsky' said. Elijah scanned him.
He was on the older side, probably leaning closer to fifty than thirty, but still in his forties. He had these bright blue eyes that almost looked fake and stubble on his cheeks that looked like it was only partly shaved. His hair was a blond-brownish and slicked back around his ears. He wore camo clothing.
Elijah had never seen him before, nor had he ever heard of the man. Tony and Natasha on the other hand seemed to have heard of him before. And Bruce had looked rather sour whenever his name was mentioned.
"We have ze crates." T'Challa- who was disguised as the Prince of Chad- said, gesturing to the wooden boxes that Steve, Bucky, and Loki had carried in. "Ze other three are here on ze grounds, though we do not have zem right here at ze moment. My men can only carry in so many at a time."
"No worries." Blonsky said, nodding to Elijah, "Open it."
Elijah moved forward, opening the crate, allowing Blonsky to get a good look at the real Vibranium in the crate. It was a risky, calculated move. Loki could only glamor so much and on the off chance that Emil would want to touch it, it had be real. There was always the risk that the Vibranium could fall into the wrong hands, but T'Challa had said Okoye, Nakia, and some of the others would be clearing out places like this soon anyways.
"Very good." Blonsky said. "The girl that you want is Penelope. She is-"
At that moment, a guard rushed into the room.
Blonsky scowled at him, "I'm in the middle of important bus-"
"I know sir, sorry sir, but we've caught an intruder." The man rushed over his words.
Blonsky looked sharply at the man and Elijah felt an unpleasant jolt in his stomach. He just knew it was Elizabeth, though how she could possibly have been captured was beyond his imagination. It was impossible to catch her.
"We don't know sir. She's a female. I don't recognize her sir. Brown hair, brown eyes, Caucasian."
He did not like the way Blonskys eyes twinkled. "How long is the hair. The longer the better."
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bucky's hand clench up. Or the man that Bucky was disguised as at any rate.
"Long. Knee length. We've knocked her unconscious if you want to take a look at her. After business of course. And taken her weapon."
"A trident, sir."
Elijah watched Blonsky straighten up immensely, shooting them a suspicious look. Then Blonsky looked back at the guard. "You're telling me we have Elizabeth Nelson on our hands right now?"
"I. . . I have no idea sir." The man seemed to shrink a little.
"Pardon me. Whose Elizabeth Nelson?" T'Challa asked in an appropriately confused voice.
"I pride myself on knowing every Avenger." Emil said. "She's one of the new ones. Gorgeous, by the way. But I don't think I'll want to keep her more than a couple weeks. She'll be to hard to handle with her powers." The guard walked in with his soulmate in the mans' arms. She was indeed unconscious, with her hands tied in front of her, as well as her ankles. Elijah tensed as the guard put her down next to Blonsky.
He watched the man gaze at Elizabeth and bristled when he took her face into his hand. "Not to mention a huge target on my back. But I reckon I can break her in and sell her for a good price."
Elijah knew he should've kept it in. But he could only contain so much before he literally exploded. He heated up immediately, glowing fire. His breaking through the glamor broke Loki's concentration. Loki collapsed into Clint's arms and the glamours dropped.
Blonsky reacted quickly, pulling a pistol and pointing it straight at Elizabeth's head. "Throw the fireball Elijah Chan, I dare you."
"Chan cool down." Steve barked.
Elijah closed his eyes, doing his best to calm down. Alarms were ringing through the Villa and Elijah knew problems were going to be happening. He could hear Lan and Violetta shouting through the mics.
Elijah finally managed to heat down, glaring at the man in front of him.
"Alright, here's what we're here for. We want Penelope Fury and the rest of the girls that were kidnapped and sold to you. You can keep the ones that are loyal to you and actually want to be here, which is probably none. And we'll get out of your hair. It's a win win." T'Challa compromised.
Blonsky sneered. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to hold a gun to her head while my guards take the Vibranium. You can have the girls that were kidnapped and you can have Penelope and you can have this bitch back. But first I'm going to get the Vibranium out of here and then I'm going to get myself and my wife out of here. Now all of you take ten steps back."
Elijah didn't dare disobey, retreating. The stakes might've been different if Elizabeth was awake- but she wasn't.
Elijah also wasn't liking the odds. Loki was still out cold and Clint was preoccupied with taking care of him. Pietro, Vi, and Lan still weren't here and there were also lots of civilians around. He also couldn't do much himself inside the small house with his fire powers. Not to mention there was a hostage. And that hostage was his wife.
"Stephen do something." Tony muttered quietly under his breath.
Blonsky unfortunately heard. "Like I've said. I know everything about every single one of you. Including how your powers work. The wizard puts his hands somewhere I can't see them or orange sparks start flying from his fingertips, she's eating a bullet."
"This doesn't have to be a situation where she gets killed." Bucky snapped. "We only wanted to bring the girls home."
"And then jail me for it." Blonsky snapped. "It's not happening Barnes."
Elizabeth started to stir and a spark of hope- pun not intended- lit in Elijah's heart. Blonsky on the other hand, glared.
Already, he could feel the temperature inside getting colder and colder as Elizabeth snapped her eyes open.
Blonsky suddenly punched her in the stomach, making Elijah light up again to blast him, before freezing. When he'd punched her, she'd opened her mouth to cry out, and he'd shoved the barrel of the gun into her mouth.
"Shut. It. Down." Blonsky snarled.
The freezing temperatures dropped immediately.
Elijah had never seen Elizabeth look scared before. Not like this. Her eyes were wide, unblinking and unmoving. Her entire body had frozen, she looked to scared to even breath.
Bucky had raised his gun now, the muzzle pointed directly at Blonsky's head.
"Don't." Steve put his hand out to grab Bucky's gun.
"I'm not playing around." Blonsky snarled. The guards were already moving around them, the vibranium being carted away. Elijah could almost feel T'Challa's panic- or maybe that was his own.
Elijah was suddenly caught by movement behind Blonsky's back. Blonsky was content with the fact that they were all in front of him, and believing that nothing would happen to him because he had a gun literally inside of Elizabeth.
So Blonsky didn't see the water strands coming up behind him.
Elijah snapped his attention away from them so he didn't draw attention to them. And then Emil started to choke.
It was the same maneuver that Elizabeth had pulled with Rumlow a week ago, except slower.
Suddenly, there was a bang. Natasha screamed. Blonsky collapsed on the floor and Elizabeth rolled off the couch.
Elijah saw red. The blast of the fireball caught Blonsky in the chest and sent him flying out the Villa window. The guards started to swarm, but he only had eyes for his soulmate.
He threw himself down next to Elizabeth, expecting to see lifeless eyes.
Instead, she'd propped herself up on her elbows, coughing and spitting black water out of her mouth.
"Blergh." She complained. "I hate gunpowder and ash."
"How the hell are you alive?" Elijah asked shakily, pulling her into his arms. She was still coughing, tears streaming down her face. Her nose was bleeding from where it had smashed into the floor. He burned the ropes around her wrists and ankles, pulling her tighter to him.
"I clogged the gun with water." Elizabeth coughed, spitting up more black gunk. "So when he fired, it didn't work. But I got a mouth full of soot and it burned the back of my throat."
"Open up." Elijah commanded. Elizabeth complied and he stuck two fingers in, making her gag as he touched the back of her throat. He channeled his fire powers, letting it heal her. He could heal fire with fire. The way that Elizabeth could heal and re-energize herself with water. But this wasn't a water injury. Water was only meant to clean her wounds, not heal fire burns.
"I need water." Elijah commanded.
Bucky was by his side in an instance, cradling Elizabeth's face. "You all right doll?"
She spat black gunk one last time. "Right as rain Buck."
Bucky provided a water bottle and Elijah felt himself relax.
And then he heard the roar.
"Holy shit." Elizabeth muttered. "It's a red-brown-orange hulk."
"I think the word you're looking for is Vermillion." Bucky replied.
Elizabeth and Elijah both stared at him.
"Shit." Bucky replied. "I've been spending way to much time with Steve."
"Help me up." Elizabeth muttered. "I'll sweep the current under his feet and freeze him."
"No, you don't have the energy." Elijah said. "I'll fire him. Bucky, I need her to get back to the ship."
Elizabeth staggered, nearly falling again and Bucky caught her. "You've got it."
"No, 'Lijah, let me help." Elizabeth gasped. She didn't look good and Elijah was worried about her.
"Have Bruce take a look at her immediately." Elijah ordered. "She looks like she's been poisoned."
Bucky nodded, scooping Elizabeth up into his arms.
Elijah watched him run out for a moment and then turned to face the Vermillion Hulk.
🥲❤️‍🔥 Ƥ๏𝕍 cʰⒶℕGẸ 🐦📻
"You're going to be fine doll." Bucky muttered as he raced back towards the jet. The ramp was already down and Bruce was striding out.
"I have to go and fight. I'm the only one that can defeat him." Bruce said to Bucky.
"Get Stephen here. He'll set her straight." Bruce said and before anything more could be said, a huge green monster was barreling towards the Villa.
"Code green coming your way." Bucky said into the coms and headed into the jet.
Elizabeth had taken a turn for the worse. She was pale as a sheet and sweating heavily. She blinked her eyes open as Bucky tipped more water down her throat. "We have a problem."
Bucky chuckled sadly. "Yeah, but don't worry. Stephen will get you feeling better in no time."
Elizabeth shook her head, "Yeah, Yeah I know. But we have an even bigger problem."
"What's worse than you dying?"
"They took my trident."
Bucky laughed. "You sure got your priorities doll."
Elizabeth grinned and then blacked out.
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casgore · 3 months
El capítulo estuvo tan intenso que se me daño el cerebro y solo me puedo expresar bien en español.
El inicio del capítulo me tenía literal casi llorando, en especial el momento en que le dijo a Yuuji que esa era la única razón para que tipos como el fueran a verlo, o la parte donde literalmente dice que acepto dinero a cambio de relaciones(((? Lo entendí bien??? Quiero pensar que mi inglés me fallo en ese momento)) De verdad muy fuerte todo 😭 megumi ha sido muy fuerte.
En dos partes me di cuenta que Yuuji esta empezando a conocer bien a Megumi cuando le dice que esta tratando de malinterpretar todo lo que dice, y esa parte, donde Yuuji le dice a Megumi que no tiene que entregarle su cuerpo por temor a que se vaya, fue intensa, es como si Yuuji conociera muy bien a Megumi.
Solo quiero que megumi se deje de autoconvencer que no tiene que significar nada 😭😭 que quiere estar con Yuuji porque es el padre de su bebe, es como vamos gumi admite que te gusta, también niega sus celos.
Se nota lo alterado que lo tienen las hormonas a Megumi, leyendo el capítulo solo pensaba si ya es difícil para un adolescente aguantarse todas sus hormonas, no me imagino al pobre megumi, debe de ser una bomba de estrogenos, progesterona, y hcg.
Amo el fanfic pero Megumi me destruye emocionalmente, porque es un poco muy como yo
Comento esto acá porque no te to cuenta de ao3, y bueno lamento que esto esté en español pero lo escribí rápidamente después de acabar el capítulo, y es tarde acá en mi país así es mi cerebro no coopera para escribir algo racional en otro idioma.
hi!! pls don't mind me using google translate for this (it seemed mostly accurate tho??)
but yes, you did read everything right in there! megs has had such a hard life :( but things are maybe(?) slowly(?) looking up in some ways!!
i've always thought that yuuji would have an excellent read on people with being an extrovert/so people-oriented, so i wanted to reflect that in the fic. plus, megs is extremely obvious. he thinks he's being secretive with what he really wants, but yuuji can see right through him lol
also yessss! the hormones!! it's hard enough being a teenager, but pregumi not only has to deal with all of that, but also coming off of T after being on it for a few years. it's rough
this megumi is also a lot like me <3 he's extremely personal and i would love for everyone to be able to give him a hug and a forehead kiss (it's what he deserves!)
ty for coming into my inbox with such a detailed, fun comment !! (also, ty to google translate so i could read ur wonderful ask) :)
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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jimin weverse live
13th 🐤
jm-Ha pasado un tiempo desde que vine y me siento un poco incómodo.
jm-No es un día tan importante, pero lo hiciste especial y me enviaste deseos de cumpleaños y te lo agradezco.
jm-Me prepararon esto.Hoy en día vienen así. *ensambla el cuchillo para pastel*
jm-*canta* Feliz cumpleaños a ti... ¡Gracias!
jm-Dijeron que puedes abrir esto. Aquí hay un martillo. Dijeron que tengo que golpear la cabeza, así que golpearé la parte de atrás. Oh, es difícil. Hay un espacio dentro.
jm-¿Es esta la forma correcta de hacerlo? se cae Oh, maldita sea.¿Puedo sacar lo que hay dentro? ¿O tengo que abrirlo más? *golpe, golpe, golpe*
jm-Voy a grabar un vídeo...Puedes ver la habitación por dentro.*abre arriba*¡Ohhhh!! ¡Hay una foto mía adentro! ¿Creo que es todo chocolate?¡Estos también son chocolate! ¿Cómo hicieron esto?Sí, estaba dentro de eso.Estos eran los chocolates que llevaba dentro. ¡El avance de la tecnología! Esta es la primera vez que veo un pastel que tuve que abrir.
jm-¡Gracias por los deseos de cumpleaños a todos! Esta vez también hubo muchos mensajes, también frente a nuestro edificio. También he visto las noticias de todos los eventos que suceden afuera.
jm-Ya he dicho esto antes también pero no soy alguien que haga mucho por mi cumpleaños, pero aunque no lo haga, los miembros me desean HBD y el personal de la compañía me desea HBD y no digo " ¡Es mi cumpleaños!" y no lo considero un día especial. Pero gracias por hacer que sea especial.
jm-Tienes curiosidad por esto, ¿no? Vi a Jin-hyung hace un momento. Me dio esto como regalo de cumpleaños. Dijo "Jimin-ah" y me lo dio. Y dentro está la asignación de cumpleaños. Me dio 2 meses de salario. ¡Realmente me dio dinero! Comeré algo rico con eso. ¡TY! (saca una bolsita de honguito de maplestory la muestra con el dinero y nos muestra para meternos ahí T T)
jm-Esto fue especial así que creo que lo recordaré durante mucho tiempo.
jm-Ayer vi a Suga-hyung y me deseó feliz cumpleaños. ¿Te lo muestro?Ayer, cuando estaba con Suga-hyung, me felicitó con hotteok.
jm-Todos los miembros me desearon feliz cumpleaños.
jm-"Por favor, debes saber que hay alguien que te comprende y te ama al otro lado de la Tierra.Realmente necesito ir al otro lado de la Tierra rápidamente.
jm-No sé dónde lo encontró, pero Taehyung me mostró una foto. *risas* ¿Has visto esto?
namjoon-Happy Birthday, Bro!
jm-Thank you, Bro!
jm-¿Cuándo te teñiste el pelo?
namjoon-Happy Birthday, Bro! ¡Te has convertido en un alto elfo! Iré a buscarte pronto. Deberíamos tomar una copa.
jm-Creo que te verías bien con algo de vello facial.
namjoon- Me afeité ¡Feliz cumpleaños! ¡Te amo!
jm-¡Qué bien!
namjoon-¡He disfrutado viendo tu baile!
jm-¡Oh, yo también debería hablar de eso!
jin escribe a jm
jm-Namjoon, dile rápidamente que esta fue idea mía!
jm-Voy a comer sopa de algas con mi familia, así que lo haré y publicaré una foto.
jm-Estos días no tengo días especiales porque no te veo.
jm-¿Hay un mensaje de Seokjin-hyung?"Namjoon, dile rápidamente que esta fue idea mía".¿Qué dijo Namjoon-hyung? El se acaba de ir. ¿De qué idea está hablando?
jm-Estaba trabajando en una variedad de proyectos musicales diferentes. Había tantas cosas que quería mostrarte.
jm-Jungkook está muy ocupado estos días. Estoy preocupado por su salud.Me temo que podría ser muy agotador/difícil para él… Me preocupa su fuerza física/resistencia.
jm-Debería hacer conciertos con más frecuencia, ¿verdad?
jm-Anoche estuve con Suga-hyung.
jm-No, todos. No me volví más guapo en absoluto.
jm-lee "Estoy trabajando duro para estudiar coreano" jm-.¡Gracias! Yo también estoy estudiando inglés.
jm-lee "Gracias por hacer un directo." jm-No, gracias por venir cuando encendí el directo.
jm-lee "Me gustaría ver el tatuaje". jk- este! muestra el 7 dedo indice
jm-Creo que debería enderezar este diente. Pero sería molesto y difícil cepillarme los dientes. Pero me gustaría arreglarlo. Lo pienso mucho.
jm-En realidad no me gustan los dulces, así que no me gusta el chocolate.
jm-lee live con jk jm-La próxima vez vendré con Jungkook y haremos un live juntos.
jm-Cuando me afeito la cabeza, por favor ríete mucho. No llores.
jm-lee "¿Estás trabajando en algo?" jm-Siempre estoy trabajando en algo para mostrarles. ¡Nunca me quedaré quieto, todos!
jm-¿Debería hacer Lego contigo como solía hacerlo? Eso fue divertido.Hacer algo fue divertido, ¿no? Mostrándote algo que estaba haciendo y tú mirando.
jm-¿Qué decía bromeando contigo? No recuerdo por qué te dije que lo metieras en mi bolsillo. Que era una broma.
jm-lee "¿Has probado el pole dance?" jm.Vi videos pero no sé como se quedan así. Tengo curiosidad. Sería muy divertido si lo hiciéramos con los miembros. Quiero probarlo y filmarlo y mostrárselo.
jm-No pude dormir mucho y creo que por eso estoy un poco fuera de sí.
jm-No estoy haciendo nada especial además de comer con mis padres.
jm-Estoy feliz por todos tus deseos de cumpleaños. Estoy tan feliz.
jm-lee "¿Cómo surgió el peuriri?" jm-Ah, cuando escuché 3D de Jungkook, escuché (3D) como "peuriri"Entonces seguí cantándola como peuriri frente a él Y él dijo"¡No! ¡Es 3D!" jejeje así surgió
jm-¡Me iré ahora! Lo haré hasta aquí por hoy, la próxima vez vendré después de dormir más. Voy a comer hoy. sopa de algas ~ hace corazón con las manos. me voy, muchas gracias por desearme un feliz cumpleaños. Fue un día feliz. Espero que tengas un feliz día también. que tengas una buena cena hoy, termine bien el día, vístete abrigado y ten buenos sueños. La próxima vez iré a verte a Weverse. ¡Me iré ahora!
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jingu-u · 2 years
JOHANNA (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) !!! S/HER (any pronouns • ok !!) | 04 LINE | BI | INFP | COLOMBIANA | TAURO ☀️ | SAGITARIO🌙 | GEMINIS ↗ | ENG/ESPAÑOL ~ ok! 😋
main, side, spoti, 🥑🐹📂, insta, soundcloud, fhstwt
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LOVE LOVE LOVE !! : otoño, frunas, obleas, vainilla, lq pics & loops accs, música, cantar, hacer playlists, 00's/10's c.n + disney cartoons, series & movies, monster high, vocaloid, bee & puppycat, fhs, bt21, bangtan, gatos, chigüiros (capybaras), rilakkuma y kaoru, detective conan, your lie in april, glee, snk, she-ra (2018) | ok: body neutrality
HATE HATE HATE !! : calor, capacitismo, misoginia, clasismo no irónico, body shaming & "positivity", racismo, PERSONAS SIN CRITERIO PROPIO, hipocresía, fatfobia, xenofobia, lgbtqia+fobia (+bifobia, panfobia, transfobia, acefobia, arofobia), akgaes, saessangs, company stans, ONLYS CASTROSAS, locals
T W // : bizarre sounds/pictures, flashing lights, SCREAMERS!!!!
LOVE ZONE (๑ノ •͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)ノ NOW PLAYING : U ♡⁠ (⁠˃͈⁠ ᴗ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
☆ they would never do wrong aka my best k-girly girls + boys: seokjin, yoongi, jungkook, hobi, soohyun, taemin, kibum, jonghyun, dahyun, momo, mina, jihyo, jeongyeon, jieun, sunoo, heesung, soraru, mafumafu, taehyun, soobin, hueningkai, chaewon, eunchae, kazuha, soyeon, yuqi
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☆ comfort characters + pixelitos 2d que me caen re pana o están MUY bien escritos:
eric 😭😭😭, cory, topanga, shawn, mr. phoene (bmw) • blaine, kurt, brittany, santana, mercedes (glee) • rj, chimmy (bt21) • mouri ran, kuroba kaito (detective conan) • miyazono kaori, kōsei arima (your lie in april) • toast, puppycat, bee, cardamon (bee & puppycat) • BONNIE 😭😭😭😭😭, lily, mai, joy, springtrap, maggie, puppet, bon, toddy, meg, frededdy, cami (fhs) • julekka, rose (mlb) • escorpia, entrapta, bow, adora, catra (she-ra 2018) • bonnibel, marceline, jake, finn, phoebe, simon (hda) • rigby, eileen, pops (regular show) • pearl, peridot, rose quartz, amethyst, lars, jasper (s.u) • wendy, stanley pines, soos, bill cipher (g.f)
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☆ pixiamistades por las que me dejaría poner una bala en el craneo irl (así como lo haría por bangtan/alguno de mis otros favs y/o demás aficiones preciadas para mí) :
♡ angelitas gc (putas se que uds no leen una poronga de estas weas xq COMO YO son unas pajeras pero,,, in case alguna lea, nada ya le saben las adoro son mis pajeras favoritas nunca me falten las amo)
♡ cony (maybe tampoco leas bec esta pseudo-carrd es un puterio MUY pesado de cargar o leer por tanta wea que le puse pero you know damn well qué pienso de ti, nada tqm demasiado flaca jamás me faltes)
♡ eze (pana 😭😭😭😭 literalmente nos conocemos hace nada pero siento y conectamos re bien porque ambos somos igual de delulos por los cabezones y afsjsk nada tqm mucho, te cargas UN TALENTAZO pa los trazos, DIOS ENSERIO TE BESO EL CRÁNEO PORQUE ERES UN PUTO GENIO CON LAS IDEAS QUE TE MANDAS y eres una persona muy vacana 🫶 , eso <'33, fr te agarré mucho cariño y confianza rápidamente y espero nos podamos seguir conociendo más 🥹💗)
♡ mamberitos gc (no words, just decirles que 1. ESTÁN BASADISIMOS LOS TQM MUCHO y 2. NO están feos, SÍ combinan 🫰)
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- pausa para autoconciencia momento (será que alguna si leerá esto TT? adsgbghkgj meh idc igual lo hago porque soy maricona y TENGO la necesidad patológica de expresarlo públicamente) so,,, sigo -
♡ mile (oh girl YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A IDEA de lo que yo era como armada antes de conocerte,,, gracias por ayudarme a encontrar el camino de la inner peace para no ser purpurina básica status quo con you know what and whose fr ty veri mucho btw enserio me caes re pana y te re quiero muak)
♡ layla (PANA COMO ES POSIBLE QUE VIVAMOS EN EL MISMO PLATANAL Y NO NOS HAYAMOS ENCONTRADO NI UNA SOLA VEZ tatkdulekts SOY MOCOS I HATE HERE 😭😭😭😭 ... ya serios ay pana nada en la re buena contigo también te re quiero mucho eres una chimba de persona y sabes que pa las que seas cuentas conmigo)
y bno,,, pa cerrar la agenda maricona de una manera NO tan emo, les dejo esta canción que es EL tema más real de amistad que si nunca se los dedicaron (xq como yo no tuvieron amistades muy chimbas backthen) se los dedico yo ahora kkk denle *tap* al corazoncito de abajo para que les abra la canción, m retiro mucha omosesualidad por un día bye
pd: si no reconocen la canción we no longer frens anymore *angry 👉👈*
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💗 ~
BYF !! • pa la gente del nicho (army/kpoptwt) que vea esto:
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NO SOY ONLY PERO ✨ PRIORIZO A BTS ✨ , les chillo de manera INSANA al jinkook (tanto individualmente y/o en conjunto (ya que los 2 son mi comfort dúo y los amo a ambos por igual como no tienen idea se los juro)), hablo MUCHO de mis hiperfijaciones varias y vida en general, a veces hago music rants, escucho ggs y k-solistas femeninas + algun@s artistas western y derivad@s, tuiteo en spanglish involuntariamente, stream, votaciones, etc, silencioso (a veces subo capturas tho), uso modismos de mi país (al igual que otros de latam más generales) y (la gran mayoría del tiempo) tone indicators, suelo usar caritas y emojis irónica y no irónicamente, me la paso más en la side/complain acc, me pongo candado en casi todas mis cuentas cuando NO ando activa como para interactuar o responder dms !! (so ya le saben, NO me falta responsabilidad afectiva o me hago la rogada, SIMPLEMENTE soy una pelotuda con tdah que no sabe manejar sus horarios y de paso la caga mucho irl inconscientemente kkk so PLZ be gentle w me or either 😭🔪)
DFi / DNi !! • NO me sigas ni/o interactues sí :
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-15/+20's, CHRONICALLY ONLINE, basic dfi criteria, edgy a*f (no eres diferente DAS VERGÜENZA date cuenta), anti de mis stan list o temas de interés, llevas demasiado lejos la "kpop over morals" agenda, only castrosa con complejo de comunista , te quejas del racismo pero de igual forma cuando tienes chance por estupideces sin sentido eres racista, te cagas en gente fácil de tirar hate, rebajas mujeres para quedar bien o hacer quedar bien a alguien más, te relacionas con solos intensas (tirando a akgaes) ó que de plano SON akgaes/antis de los demás miembros de bts)), validas fansites saessangs apesar de la mierda que hacen solo por el contenido que proveen, no puedes pasar jodas a largo plazo i N O F E N S I V A S (pls get a life) !!!, te tomas twt MUY enserio, crees amar al jinkook y a yoongi más que yo?¿!!! /j
BYF !! • pa quienes son tan delusionales por los cabezones como yo:
- soy fan de fnafhs NO de eddoo !! aunque igual como artista y por su espíritu de creatividad le sigo guardando una fibra de respeto so no sé,,, tomenlo cómo quieran
- doy fb (fb = follow back) selectivo (incluso si en mi perfíl aparece que sigo a más gente de la que me sigue LMAO (aunque bno igual esto es principalmente porque sigo muchan fanaccs y bots de todos mis intereses conjuntamente kkk))
- sigo la serie desde 2017 pero recién este año (2023) me integré al subtwt de la serie /kkcrying
- VEO AL FREDEDDY COMO HERMANOS !! (raja de acá si también los ves como hermanos y los shippeas de manera incestuosa 🔪🔪🔪🔪 si shippeas frededdy sin verlos como hermanos sino como 2 individuos que comparten un cuerpo no me molesta (tanto) tho)
- mis otps son bxb <'33 (SÍ SOY BÁSICA Y QUÉ STFU TENGO TRAUMAS SIN RESOLVER Y JAMÁS QUEDARÉ CONTENTA HASTA QUE EL CANON NO MUESTRE BIEN EL POV DEL MECHIMORADO Y LES DEN UN BUEN FINAL A MIS PAPÁS afsksgldfejiffn *stares madly at queerbaitchan*), megloy & maiggie !! pero igual me gustan el resto de dinámicas y ships (non problemáticos) de fhs 🤍 ~
- me desaparezco indefinidamente de redes cuando ando a mil con estudios/trabajo e irl stuff, PERO !!! si necesitas hablar al priv (y tenemos el grado de confianza para hacerlo y lo hemos hecho antes) no dudes en hacerlo <3 mi dm siempre estará abierto para tí 🫶
- AMO DE SOBREMANERA ESTUPIDA Y RIDICULAMENTE GRANDE A BONNIE (YALL DON'T EVEN KNOW GUYS 😭🔫🔫🔫), por ende mi brainriot fnafhsero el 75% de las veces gira en torno a él.
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(no encontré ni UN solo gif de bonnie (el cabezón mechimorao) by his own (estoy llorando) so nada tocó con la chocopandilla ✌️ (igual y los toys siguen siendo mis ults pero bno it's ok at least con ellos mi scrunkly tiene amigibis así que still 👍))
DFi / DNi !! • NO me sigas ni/o interactues sí :
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× crees amar a bonnie más que yo ?¿!/(#+_®°{¥π×√×€ /hj
× eres menor de 13 años o mayor de 23 (no subo nada nsfw solo no quiero ser guardería ni personal de un geriátrico /j | si somos moots está bien tho)
× eres provida
× no sabes respetar pronombres que vayan más allá de los cis-normativos !!
× NO SABES COMO INTERACTUAR CON MENORES DE MANERA NORMAL!!! (si eres así ojalá y te pongan orden de restricción para que no te acerques a ningunx nuevamente)
× usas: "feminista" o te refieres al feminismo de manera peyorativa junto a otros términos que escuchaste hablar de moda sin saber bien que eran y nunca te informaste sobre ello pero igual los sigues usando para hacerte interesante
× eres radfem e invalidas mujeres u hombres trans (si eres terf sigue a Jk Rowling no a mí, incluso si simpatizo con el feminismo y varias de sus ramas no tolero/soporto/apoyo/etc esto)
× apoyas creadores de contenido (youtubers, artistas, voice actors, etc) abiertamente problemáticos :]
× eres proshipper (shippeas cosas problemáticas: incesto, abusador y víctima, pedofilia, etc)
× peleas por ships (NO problemáticos)
× irrespetas gustos ajenos esperando que no te digan nada por ello
× se te suben los humos por tener algo de microfama siendo un pixel más del subtwt :D
• NOTE » para dejar de seguir da sb (sb = soft block) que no eres un biti o alguna de mis k-girly girls pa yo ser fan :]
- ults: #방탄소년단 : BTS (OT7)
- stan : #샤이니: 5HINee (OT5)
- support :
iu, twice, txt, newjeans, le sserafim, shuya . soffee . izykite . jiae . som hevin . byeoleun . belle . (SK)
the driver era, sabrina carpenter (USA)
after the rain (JPN)
- regulars :
seori . suran . heize . stella jang . saay . (g)i-dle . youha . jo yuri . kwon eunbi . taeyeon . bibi . fromis_9 . loona . stayc . billie . mamamoo (+soloists) . red velvet . enhypen . kenshi yonezu . eve . back number . aurora .
thanks for reading 💬
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bye ~
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Sat[urday] 29
8 1/4
12 3/4
No kiss H[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d at 9 for 1/2 h[ou]r then Mosey ab[ou]t a new cart and tak[in]g 2 of my old carts - told
Mr. H- [Husband] to settle ab[ou]t it - (Mr. Husb[an]d ca[me] ab[ou]t Ja[me]s Nelsons’ hav[in]g h[a]d a 2[n]d summons
for leav[in]g st[one] for water Lane mill chim[ne]y in the r[oa]d – p[ai]d 20/. fine last Sat[urday] - Mr. H- [Husband] want[e]d A- [Ann] to
pay for h[i]m this ti[me]) – F[ahrenheit] 40° at 9 1/2 and the sun shin[in]g - the gr[ou]nd cov[ere]d w[i]th snow
last night on our gett[in]g int[o] bed and cov[ere]d thick[l]y this morn[in]g - 1st snow s[in]ce last wint[e]r –
out a few min[ute]s - no workmen here b[u]t Ingh[a]m who took the slate off the old brewh[ou]se – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 5/.. to 10 40/.. A- [Ann] r[ea]d Fr[en]ch whi[le] I br[eak]f[a]st[e]d – af[te]r br[eak]f[a]st a long whi[le] in the hall
mus[in]g and consid[erin]g ab[ou]t the roof, and how to do it etc and mak[in]g out in my own mind the orig[ina]l plan
of the h[ou]se - then a few min[ute]s in the barn - Booth (David) h[a]d call[e]d en passant - no mason
here exc[ept] Amos at the Lodge prepar[in]g the rabbit[in]g for hang[in]g the out-door - In the barn when
Mr. Wilkins[o]n ca[me] ab[ou]t 11 50/.. as surrogate to prove my a[un]t’s will – expl[aine]d - swore her
personalty und[e]r £20 – p[ai]d Mr. W- [Wilkinson] (who st[ai]d ab[ou]t 20 min[ute]s) £1.15.0 his charge + 4/2
ov[e]r = 2 sov[erei]gns – ver[y] bil[iou]s for the last day or 2, and partic[ularl]y so this morn[in]g – ga[ve] Mr. W- [Wilkinson] a
wrong date of my a[un]t’s death the 3[r]d inst[ea]d of the 3[r]d inst[ant] - and wr[ote] therefo[re] as foll[ow]s to go by Geo[rge] the
gr[oo]m this aft[ernoo]n -‘Shibd[e]n hall. Sat[urday] 29 Oct[obe]r 1836 ‘Sir - I casually ment[ione]d to you this morn[in]g
‘my hav[in]g a bil[iou]s headache, and I trust this will be my excuse for hav[in]g told you that my a[un]t di[e]d
‘on Mon[day] the 3[r]d ins[tea]d of on Mon[day] the 10th inst[ant] - Miss Walker begs her comp[limen]ts w[i]th my own to the Miss
Wilkinsons - I am sir, very truly yours, A. Lister’ ‘The rev[eren]d Rob[er]t Wilkins[o]n Heath’ - then h[a]d
Mr. Jubb 1/2 h[ou]r till 2 - A- [Ann] pret[ty] well, d[i]d n[o]t, as I expect[e]d, get a bad cold cold by her
thorough starv[in]g yest[erday] at Shugden head – w[e]nt to see ab[ou]t the st[one] there – fr[om] 2 to 6 h[a]d one
or oth[e]r - my pay day – p[ai]d Ingh[a]m for Hilltop fence wall[in]g and for work here at the
dry wall arch[in]g up to last night inclus[ive] – Settl[e]d w[i]th John Booth - then h[a]d Jos[e]ph Mann
and bef[ore] I h[a]d done w[i]th h[i]m (ab[ou]t 3 1/2) Mr. Lister the appraiser ca[me] – shew[e]d him my a[un]ts’
clothes – expl[aine]d – s[ai]d I h[a]d sworn her personalty und[e]r £20 s[ai]d that I h[a]d f[ou]nd in h[e]r purse
on[l]y 3 1/2 sov[erei]gns and 6/6. - then ord[ere]d Mr. Lister warm spic[e]d beer, and to be shewn int[o] the h[ou]sekeeper’s
r[oo]m, and w[e]nt b[a]ck to Jos[e]ph Mann - Long talk ab[ou]t the coll[ier]y – ab[ou]t 300 l[oa]ds of coal up at Walker
pit – ord[ere]d 100 l[oa]ds to be sold and the rest kept for the h[ou]se - Mr. Rawson h[a]s rais[e]d his coal to 1/. p[e]r
l[oa]d and gi[ve]s 5/6 p[e]r l[oa]ds score for gett[in]g and h[a]s giv[e]n his men 25/. a piece and hir[e]d for 6 or 12 m[on]ths at
5/6 p[e]r score - the Long goit thro’ the Ing terrib[l]y rotten stuff to dri[ve] thro’ - may be up at
Mytholm bridge in 6 w[ee]ks fr[om] this ti[me] - 180 y[ar]ds fr[om] Listerwick Engine pit to List[er]w[i]ck coal
pit - to bot[tom] the Engine pit, and dri[ve] the 180 y[ar]ds and bot[tom] List[er]w[i]ck pit will ta[ke] till next June –
the engine p[i]t will n[o]t be bottom[e]d till the end of Ap[ril] or int[o] May –
Jos[e]ph Mann h[a]s bor[e]d 6ft. 6in. in Lit[tle] marsh quarry hole that he h[a]s just sunk (an oblong
hole) - and bef[ore] boring h[a]d sunk 12ft. 6in. deep - 12.6. + 6.6 =19ft. deep of throw[in]g out and
boring and in this depth are the foll[owin]g strata –
 pr[ove]d my a[un]ts’ will
 val[ue] of my a[un]ts’ person[alt]y
 Lit[tle] marsh st[one]
Lit[tle] marsh quarry hole.
                                                                  ft. in.
no. 1 soil                                                     0.6
. 2 worse d[itt]o                                            0.6
. 3 skegs                                                       3.0 + 1 ft. of this ver[y] decent slate.
. 4 good riving st[one] flags etc.                  5.0 +
. 5 mare and ackerspire                                3.0 varies; thick[r]r and thinner; will av[era]ge 4ft.
+ 6 good riv[in]g st[one] strong[e]r than no.
4 b[u]t in water.                                            3.0  strong[e]r i.e. thick[e]r lifts; mo[re] ashler-like, b[u]t like[l]y to rive pret[ty] well
                                                                      call[e]d the wat[e]r lift. a thin shelly part[in]g bet[ween] the 1st f[oo]t and the 2 oth[e]r f[oo]t of this lift.
7 stone qual[it]y unknown                           0.11
8 some kind of soft stuff                              2.6
9 some k[i]nd of stone                                  0.6? bored int[o] it 6in.? JM- [Joseph Mann] s[ai]d a few in[ch]
+ Beg[a]n boring aft[e]r the 1st f[oo]t of no. 6 .:.
bored 2.0
5. 11
but J. Mann tells me he h[a]s bored 6ft. 6in.
told him to level, and see wh[a]t fall we h[a]d and if the wat[e]r c[oul]d be tak[e]n
off no. 6 in a drift to pay for the exp[ense] – to see to wh[a]t gr[ea]t[e]st depth the wat[e]r c[oul]d be g[o]t off.
                       ft. in.
Stone no. 3        1.0
. 4.                     5.0
. 6                      3.0
good stone =      9.0
Told Jos[e]ph to get a hole or one hole at each extrem[it]y of the st[one] put d[o]wn for A- [Ann] at
Shugden head as soon as he c[oul]d - told h[i]m to th[in]k ab[ou]t an arrangem[en]t ab[ou]t Whiskum r[oa]d
he s[ai]d he w[ou]ld ta[ke] it and keep it in repair (aft[e]r being put in repair) - and keep a regul[a]r acc[oun]t
of the toll tak[e]n for 6 m[on]ths or 12 m[on]ths w[hi]chev[e]r I lik[e]d - I s[ai]d eith[e]r w[oul]d do - we shall see at
the end of one of these terms wh[a]t the r[oa]d costs and wh[a]t it pays and then settle so[me]th[in]g –
aft[e]r Jos[e]ph Mann, h[a]d Rob[er]t Mann and Mark Hepw[or]th and settl[e]d w[i]th b[o]th and then h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d
till aft[e]r 6 - the magist[ra]tes fined Ja[me]s Nelson 31/. + costs =40/. this morn[in]g (vid[e] line 2 of this
morn[in]g) – ga[ve] Mr. H- [Husband] 2 sov[erei]gns for JN- [James Nelson] b[u]t to tell him that he m[u]st pay for hims[elf] in fut[ure] –
Mosey agreed w[i]th Mr. Husb[an]d this morn[in]g to ma[ke] a capit[a]l new br[oa]d wheel[e]d cart for £25
and to ta[ke] my 2 old carts for £5 .:. I shall as it were get my new cart for £20 – din[ner] at 7 –
coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – h[a]d Geo[rge] up to find fault ab[ou]t his n[o]t com[in]g b[a]ck this ev[enin]g till aft[e]r 7 the note being
giv[e]n to h[i]m at 3 1/2 p.m. – s[ai]d he d[i]d n[o]t get off till 5 - A- [Ann] g[o]t Robertson’s Life of Ch[arle]s V
[cuarto] fr[om] the lib[rar]y tonight - we sat look[in]g int[o] it - or rath[e]r she r[ea]d me 10 or 12 p[ages] of the
Introd[uctio]n – fr[om] 10 1/2 to 11 5/.. wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today - Ingham +...... d[i]d n[o]t work
in the aft[ernoo]n - too wintery - fine (overhead) in the morn[in]g till bet[ween] 12 and 1 – aft[er]w[ar]ds snowy
and wintery - deep snow on the gr[ou]nd - no do[in]g anyth[in]g out of doors – F[ahrenheit] 33° now at 11 5/.. p.m.
and fair and starlight – Lett[er] tonight 1 p[age] fr[om] Mr. Lister 11 Stockwell common - in ans[we]r to
my let[ter] on the d[ea]th of my a[un]t – condol[en]ce and thanks for my hav[in]g remitt[e]d the rent to his moth[e]r
at midsumm[e]r
 Whiskum r[oa]d
agreem[en]t w[i]th JM. [Joseph Mann]
 new cart Nelson’s fine
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toh-tyamando · 2 years
Tyago amor di minha vida todinha
Sou apaixonada nos nossos momentos, nas nossas loucuras.
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Eu sou louca por seu beijo mordendo minha boca. Pelo jeito como seu corpo reage quando está perto do meu. Pela força que você me abraça e me toma inteira pra você. Cada segundo do seu corpo junto com o meu é de prazer, intenso. Muito prazer. E de novo. E de novo. E de novo. Porque não falta vontade, nunca. Eu amo Tyago que nosso amor é assim tão louco. Amo esse fogo que queima até nos nossos olhos, na pele, de dentro pra fora. É bom demais ser tua. É delicioso demais ty ter meu.
Eu T Amooo meu amor. Amo nós, tudo ki viemos.
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cliffburton · 1 year
☯✌️& also yr top 6 favorite bands whos songs r in spanish ?
☯ : what do you love about your language?
bno en realidad tmbn es una lengua colonial y ps:/ no sé no se siente tan "propia" pero lo q + me gusta son 1) las groserías LOL se siente bien mentarle la madre a la gente todo corrido y de un sentón y diciéndole sus verdades a la cara, y 2) los nahuatlismos, que son palabras del náhuatl que como que se lograron (?) traspapelar al español mexicano, tampoco es como q el náhuatl ya no se hable pero no sé, me gusta mucho la palabra/verbo apapacho/apapachar (abrazo con el alma)
✌ : favourite proverb/saying from your language?
culo dormido culo perdido NOSIERTO bueno no tiene q ser dicho a la de a huevo... no sabes qué me gusta la versatilidad que la palabra HUEVO, "a huevo" es como "hell yeah", "a la de a huevo" es "obligatoriamente", "¿así de huevos?" es como q cuando alguien hace algo no necesariamente malo pero sin consultar ej. tu banda no tiene a al mejor baterista q digamos y el cantante le dice q quieren tocar rat salad o el solo de batería de rust in peace pues vas y le dices "¿así de huevos wey?". huevo tmbn puede ser. testículo, lingüísticamente, tipo la frase "qué huevos"
de bandas/artistas... bueno realmente no escucho mucha música en español no sé pq no es q no haya música buena es sólo q la dejo media pendiente ay. me gusta mucho sol fraktal y debería escuchar + de fondo a las bandas del avandaro 71 pq el ritual/peace and love/grupo ciruela cantaban en inglés + el metal mexicano me parece una falacia quizás te guste brujería por el sonido pero nunca busques las letras JAJSJASJA, molotov se me hace una madre bien rara, y pues transmetal quizás tmbn te guste creo que son crossover thrash/death pero hasta donde sé es más thrash. pero sí creo q debería escuchar + cosas en español es q ya me agarraron cuando me metí con el occult rock pero AJÁ
well actually it's also a colonial language and well:/ idk, it doesn't feel so "mine" but what i like the most is 1) the swearing LOL it feels good to insult some1 all in 1 go and in one sitting and telling them their truths to the face, and 2) nahuatlisms, which are náhuatl words that managed (?) to "bleed into" mexican spanish, it's not like náhuatl is no longer spoken but idk, i rly like the word/ verb apapacho/apapachar ( (to) hug with the soul )
ass asleep ass lost NO well it doesn't have to be like a proverb… you don't know what I like about the versatility that the word HUEVO, "a huevo" is like "hell yeah", "a la de huevo" is "mandatory", "¿así de huevos?" it's like when someone does something not necessarily bad but without consulting ex. your band doesn't have the best drummer ever and the singer tells them that they want to play rat salad or the drum solo from rust in peace well you go and say "¿así de huevos wey?" also egg can be. testicle, see the phrase "qué huevos (what balls)
of bands/artists… well, i don't really listen to much music in spanish, idk why it's not that there isn't good music, it's just that i leave it like pending. i really like sol fraktal and i should a deeper dive to the bands from avandaro 71 because el ritual/peace and love/grupo ciruela sang in english + mexican metal seems is a fallacy to me maybe you´d like brujería cos of the sound but never look for their lyrics HAHAHAHA, molotov a like a very strange thins to me, and well, maybe you'd like transmetal too. i think they are crossover thrash/death but as far as i know it's more thrash. but i do think that i should listen to + things in spanish, its kinda that they already caught me when i got wayyyy into occult rock but YEAH
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theroclnante · 3 years
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Ty & That Guy - Fan Questions with Steven Strait for @sigurism
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Maybe pitchforks and torches is a bit much, mostly because we care about you too much to employ violence, but I'm definitely checking your page once a day to see if any FAFLA update has happened 😏 (not just for your fun posts and answers) xx
<3 <3 <3 <3
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Oh boy... It would be right and valid for a small mob to have formed on my doorstep at this point. I'll be honest. I've gotten pretty slack on the update schedule ;)
There's just a lot that goes into updates now. Back when I started working on this fic, I had like 5 followers, no one was really reading the damn thing. I was writing for just me and didn't have any expectations to live up to? Now, I feel like I have to do it justice because there are people legitimately invested. It's like a sense of duty to perform. I'm glad it has love. It's really freakin' cool that people give a shit at all about what I'm doing over here (writing and otherwise). I am confused every day why you guys are here and why more of you keep showing up.
I feel really lucky to have found a dope corner of the internet to hang out in, and I really appreciate all of you guys so, so much.
Update is coming, and because I'm such an asshole, I've included a little teaser of the new chapter below the cut
Anon referencing my tags on THIS post and is being sweet and thoughtful while quietly letting me know that if I hold out much longer on the FAFLA content, they're reaching for the tools of the rioter trade ;)
He didn't even turn the lights on before he flopped down on the bed in his room. He just laid there with his shoes on staring up at the ceiling. All he could think about was how much he hated the internet and social media, and about wishing he could go back and do anything and everything to keep that special moment private.
He dug his phone out of his pocket and stared at a screen full of notifications. His publicist, his manager, his friends, all of them had seen it, and all of them had questions. He tapped out an annoyed reply to his publicist that he copied and pasted to Liz:
'I had dinner with someone and a sever took our fucking picture and decided it was a good idea to post it to fucking Twitter. I'm not fucking happy about it and I don't really give a shit about perception or optics, so don't start with that shit. I don't want to talk about it. Just do what you can to suppress it. Right now I just want to protect what's left of her privacy.'
He opened a message from Sarah that was just a bunch of heart emojis. He loved her. She always knew exactly what to say, even when it was nothing at all. He texted back a single heart.
Tyler had texted him as well:
T-Pose: I'm sorry man. I know how important your privacy is to you. Call me later if you want.
The messages from his friends were a lot less accusatory than the ones he'd just read and it softened him a bit.
Dylan: Thanks Ty.
He sighed and reluctantly opened his Twitter app. Time to assess the full extent of the damage. His mentions were always a minefield, but he clicked them anyway. The usual fan edits and general 'ti amo' posts were littered with screen captures and crops of the same photo. The photo of them. He scrolled for too long reading what everyone had to say about something that they shouldn't have even seen until he wanted to scream. Then, he went to the page of the original poster and clicked on her tweet.
Served Dylan O'Brien at work the other night! 🤗🤩
And there it was. The picture. God. He wished she'd taken any other photo. That night he'd been trying to hide, played coy and made a mystery of himself. He'd invited this. It was his fault. He tapped on the picture and despite his frustration, he couldn't help but smile. Ameila was smiling in the beautifully inviting way that she always did, and she was smiling at him. He pinched to zoom in on her and felt his anger cool, disappointment and sadness beginning to meld with it into a turbulent feeling of regret and loss.
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thatsamericano · 3 years
Knotted Up and Undone
Pairings: America/Romano. Human AU.
Rating: Teen, but only for cursing. 
Warnings: Allusions to gender dysphoria. This is mostly fluff.
Word Count: 1280
Summary: Alfred didn’t learn how to tie a tie from his father. Savino didn’t either, but luckily he learned later, and he’s there to help Alfred figure it out.
A/N: Inspired by @luca-talia‘s sketches of trans America with Romano. Will be posted on AO3 soon.
“Vinny, can you help me with something? I kinda don’t know what I’m doing right now.”
Savino frowned to himself as he went over to his roommate’s bedroom door and curled his fingers around the doorknob. The last thing he needed to deal with was Alfred in any state of undress. The first time Alfred tried to take off a binder, he’d panicked because it was so tight he had a difficult time removing it on his own, and Savino had to help him. Alfred hadn’t wanted anyone to see his naked chest, so he’d been horribly embarrassed by the whole thing, even if Savino was trans too. He’d immediately gone online to order a binder in a bigger size so he’d never have to deal with that problem again.
Out of respect, Savino had avoided looking at Alfred’s chest as much as possible that day. But the tiny glimpse he’d gotten of Fredo’s bare back before he pulled on a t-shirt was far more arousing than it should have been. He’d had a stupid, horribly inconvenient crush on Alfred for several months now. It had started before Alfred had even come to terms with himself and was still presenting as a woman, but it had gotten worse after Alfred opened up to him about how he was questioning his gender identity. Since he started presenting in a more masculine way, Alfred was much happier and more confident. He was free to be himself in a way he hadn’t been before. And every time Savino helped him with something related to his gender or presentation (other than the aforementioned binder incident), Alfred would give him a huge, blinding smile with obnoxiously blue eyes twinkling at him with gratitude. Anyone who saw Alfred looking at them that way would have fallen in love with him at least a little.
Savino slowly pushed the door open and was simultaneously relieved and disappointed that Alfred was fully dressed. He was holding a tie and staring down at his hands like the strip of cloth was an extraterrestrial object he had never seen before.
Savino walked closer to Alfred and took the tie out of his hands. “You don’t know how to wear a tie?”
Alfred shook his head. “Nobody ever taught me. My dad taught Mattie, but not me.”
Savino draped the tie around his neck, underneath his shirt collar. “The first few times I wanted to wear a tie, I had to get Feliciano to help me. I practiced with videos on Youtube until I could do it myself. I can send you the links later.”
Alfred was giving him that warm smile again. “I appreciate that a lot, Vinny.”
Savino swallowed heavily and prayed he wasn’t blushing too much. It was difficult to focus when he was standing so close to Alfred and when he was looking at him like he had performed a miracle just by agreeing to send him some Youtube links.
“Okay, I’m going to do a four-in-hand knot on you today. It’s the most basic one, so it’s the easiest to learn.” Savino went slowly, just like the men had in those Youtube videos, and he explained the process of looping and knotting a tie step-by-step. He kept his gaze firmly set on the tie, because he knew he would lose concentration entirely if he glanced up at Alfred’s handsome face. Hell, if he looked at Alfred too much, he’d probably end up doing something ridiculous like tying his fingers into the knot.
By the time he was drawing the knot up to the base of Alfred’s throat, Alfred’s breathing had grown noticeably more labored. When he looked up at him, Alfred was still smiling, but his face was redder than he’d ever seen it.
“How long have you been wearing your binder today?”
“It’s not the binder. I think it’s you standing so close to me.”
Savino’s fingertips were tingling as he pulled them away from Alfred’s shirt. “What?!”
“You’ve helped me out so much, dude. From giving me a haircut when I was too nervous to go to a barber, to helping me shop for stuff in the men’s section, and right now when you did this tie for me. And just like emotionally, with navigating all the transitioning stuff. I don’t know how I could’ve made it this far without you.”
“I was just trying to be a decent fucking person. I wanted you to have support from someone who’s been where you are right now.” Savino had supportive brothers and a supportive grandfather. And while he was grateful that his family had been good to him, they didn’t always understand him and the difficulties he went through in his day to day life. They were cis, and being seen as male had always been so much easier for them.
“I know. You’ve been a really great friend to me.” Alfred smiled at him, with the same gratitude as before, but now there was a hint of nervousness in those gorgeous blue eyes. “It’s just, I, umm… wanna be more than just a friend to you.”
Savino felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. Now, he was the one who found it difficult to breathe, and he hadn’t worn a binder since he had top surgery. “Fredo, I—”
“You don’t have to feel the same way!” Alfred was anxious, and he started babbling. “I mean, I totally get it, ‘cause we’re roomies, and you might not even be into me like that. And I’ve never been in a relationship before, so it’s not like I’d know what I’m do—”
Savino figured the only way to shut up Alfred up was to kiss him into silence. So he gently tugged on his tie to pull his face down towards him and leaned up to kiss him.
At first Alfred froze, releasing startled puffs of air against Savino’s lips. After a couple seconds, he wrapped his arm around Savino’s waist and hesitantly kissed him back.
Savino broke the kiss and dropped back down onto his heels. “You don’t have to tell me it’s okay to reject you. That isn’t what I want.”
Alfred was beaming at him full force and bouncing a little on his feet. He’d thought Alfred’s smile was blinding before, but now Savino was wondering if he actually needed to wear sunglasses indoors.
“Dude, I am so happy right now! I’ve never been kissed before!”
Savino was surprised. “You haven’t?” Alfred had always been so good-looking. Surely, someone would have wanted to kiss him long before now. But maybe he hadn’t wanted to kiss them.
Alfred shook his head. “Nope! I’m glad it was you. I really like you.”
Savino smirked and rose up to brush a kiss over both cheeks. “I really like you too. Good luck on your job interview.”
Alfred checked his watch. “Oh shoot, I completely forgot about that! I better leave if I want to get there on time!”
He hastily grabbed a suitcase and started heading towards the living room. Savino trailed after Alfred and watched as he rushed out the front door.
“See you later, Vinny!” he called over his shoulder. “Love you!”
The door slammed shut, and Alfred was gone before a flustered Savino had a chance to reply. Savino’s next words were spoken in the empty silence of their living room.
“Ti amo.”
Alfred would be back at the apartment in an hour or two after he was done with his job interview, and Savino would have a chance to tell him that in person. But for now, Savino picked up his sketchbook and started drawing until his roommate returned home.
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sprytesukii · 3 years
h-hi can i just say that ur writing is BOMB DAMN I’M IN LOVE WITH EVERYTHING YOU WRITE 😩 honestly you inspire me to write!!! but it’s so scary so i’m amazed at you for everything you do T-T may i ask what inspired u to write? did any writing blogs inspire you too?
i am Crying???? i literally haven’t written in months so this is insanely kind of u to send omfg :(((
& i’ve been writing for a long time before coming on tumblr so a good mix of things have inspired me before being here HOWEVER since being here, a ton of different blogs have inspired me!! (m a bit too awkward to tag them so i will Not be)
@/prettyboykatsuki - i can never sing fang’s praises enough n i probably never will, literally in love w them n their talents for realistic characterizations n rlly hot sub boys <33
@/chicoree - holy shit????? they have written some of my fave fics on this godforsaken app?? their immersion is insane n always makes me feel like i’m there which is incredibly enjoyable to read
@/cyancherub - another amazing immersive writer!! consistently obsessed w their fics n all they manage to portray [WARNING ; they are a dc blog!! scroll at ur own risk!!]
this ask made me so warm,, my heart is on fire,, te amo my dear ty <33
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nekoannie-chan · 3 years
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Pareja: Steve Rogers X Lectora mutante.
Palabras: 742 palabras.
Sinopsis: HYDRA modificó tus poderes, ahora debes robar las esperanzas y sueños de otras personas para no tener pesadillas y sobrevivir, ¿qué pasaría si Steve te descubre?
Advertencias: Cuando la lectora era niña fue secuestrada por HYDRA. También los poderes de la lectora son similares a los de Tandy Bowen (Daga).
Muerte de personajes.
N/A: Esta es mi entrada para Firefly’s 2K Follower Celebration con la frase #11:
“Mis sueños me fueron arrebatados. Pero ahora ... ahora se los he robado a otra persona.”
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien. DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
Otros lugares donde publico: Wattpad, Ao3, ffnet.
Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
Tags: @sinceimetyou​ @black23​
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Tu corazón latía con rapidez, tenías que salir pronto de ese lugar, nadie debía saber que estuviste ahí.
Ni siquiera Steve sabia de ese poder que tenías, él únicamente sabia algunas cosas que viviste durante el tiempo que estuviste secuestrada por HYDRA.
Cuando creíste que estabas los suficientemente lejos te detuviste, trataste de recobrar el aliento, quizás no necesitabas hacer eso para sobrevivir, quizás sí, no estabas segura, pero era horrible cuando no lo hacías, sin contar todas las veces en las que HYDRA te obligó a robarle los sueños y las esperanzas a los enemigos.
—Otro caso más —dijo Clint entrando a la sala donde todos estaban reunidos.
Todos los presentes dirigieron la mirada al periódico que Clint había arrojado sobre la mesa, habían pasado algunas semanas desde el último “ataque” de ese tipo, el hecho ocurrió la noche del sábado anterior, Tyrone volteó a ver a Tandy, estaba sospechando de ella mientras tú contuviste la respiración, no podían darse cuenta que tú eras la responsable, nunca era tu intensión que terminaran muertos, pero parecía que los humanos no podían vivir sin sueños ni esperanza.
Unas horas después pudiste escuchar a Ty y Tandy discutiendo, sin embargo, ella tenía una coartada, había estado con Nico ese día.
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—¿En dónde estuviste el sábado? —te preguntó Tandy.
Quitaste la mirada del reporte que estabas leyendo en ese momento no habías escuchado cuando ella entró, sin embargo, desde hacía tiempo sabías que ella sospechaba de ti.
—T/N estaba conmigo —respondió Steve entrando a tu oficina—. Creo que no necesitas más detalles…
Tandy hizo una seña que la información era suficiente, tú sonreíste de forma amigable y ella se fue.
—¿Dónde estabas realmente? —cuestionó Steve en voz baja después de asegurarse que Tandy no estaba cerca.
—Fui a visitar la tumba de mis papás —mentiste, estabas segura de que si Steve se enteraba de la verdad se le rompería el corazón, probablemente no comprendería tus motivos.
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Dos meses desde aquel incidente habían pasado, tenias que salir a conseguir…aunque fuera un poco. Las últimas dos semanas durante cada noche habías tenido pesadillas, eso significaba que el recurso que obtuviste aquella vez ya se había terminado.
Saliste en silencio, estuviste vigilando a aquel hombre por algunos días sin que nadie se enterara, nunca atacabas a nadie que no se lo mereciera, lentamente te acercaste al hombre y le sonreíste, él seguramente pensaba que le estabas coqueteando, con una increíble rapidez sacaste esa preciada luz blanca, él hombre quedó inconsciente.
—Así que tú fuiste la responsable de los casos.
Volteaste de inmediato, ahí estaba Steve. No había manera de esconderte, no tenias muchas opciones tampoco, la única solución viable era confesar, quizás Steve no entendería, tal vez te mandaría al Raft, pero al menos se enteraría de la verdad.
— Mis sueños me fueron arrebatados. Pero ahora ... ahora se los he robado a otra persona.
—¿Qué? No tiene sentido, no hay ninguna justificación para matar a alguien.
—No es mi intención matarlos, pero parece que los humanos no pueden vivir sin sueños ni esperanza…
—T/N, ¿qué significa esto?,¿qué es eso que tienes en la mano?
—Ya te lo dije, esta pequeña bola tan hermosa es lo que necesito, si no lo tengo…es horrible, no puedo dejar de tener pesadillas. Yo no tuve la culpa, ellos me secuestraron y modificaron mi poder, yo antes…podías hacer que las personas tuvieran sueños muy bonitos y ellos…te prometo que son personas malas, yo no quiero hacerle daño a nadie que no se lo merezca.
Fue entonces cuando Steve comprendió todo, de nuevo la culpa era de HYDRA, ellos te habían hecho creer que eras un monstruo, ellos hicieron experimentos contigo y cambiaron tus poderes para beneficio de ellos.
—Tenemos que irnos, no puedo permitir que te descubran, guarda eso o haz lo que tengas que hacer, pero tenemos que irnos pronto —dijo Steve tomándote del brazo para que te levantaras.
Lo miraste sin comprender, sin embargo, moviste tu mano para deshacer la luz y absorberla. Lo seguiste sin decir nada, estabas segura que te iba a entregar ante alguna autoridad, no obstante, te llevó a una de las casas de seguridad que tenían.
—Steve, ¿qué vas a hacer?, ¿me entregarás? —cuestionaste nerviosa.
—No, no es tu culpa, pero tampoco quiero que te arriesgues, puedes tomar los míos —Steve se ofreció.
—Pero no quiero hacerte daño.
—No lo harás, confió en ti, soy capaz de hacer cualquier cosa por ti, te amo.
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holly-poly · 4 years
New Pinch Hits
Four new pinch hits just went out. Please see below for general details. More specific information can be found by clicking the links. Pinch Hit #11 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/mDY37xUWKZw Request 1 by DianaMoon Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)   James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (AOS), Pavel Chekov/Ben Sulu/Hikaru Sulu (AOS) Fanart, Fanfiction Request 2 by DianaMoon Fandom: The Umbrella Academy (TV)   Ben Hargreeves/Diego Hargreeves/Klaus Hargreeves Fanart, Fanfiction Request 3 by DianaMoon Fandom: DC's Arrowverse   Barry Allen/Cisco Ramon/Iris West (Arrowverse), John Constantine/Oliver Queen/Sara Lance (Arrowverse), Leonard Snart/Mick Rory/Ray Palmer (Arrowverse), Felicity Smoak/John Diggle/Oliver Queen/Roy Harper (Arrowverse) Fanfiction Request 4 by DianaMoon Fandom: Altered Carbon (TV) Any Relationship (nominated relationships are  Elias Ryker/Kristin Ortega/Takeshi Kovacs, Poe/Takeshi Kovacs (Anthony Mackie)/Takeshi Kovacs Prime (Will Yun Lee), Poe/Takeshi Kovacs (in Ryker's sleeve)/Takeshi Kovacs (clone)) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by DianaMoon Fandom: The Expanse (TV)   Amos Burton/Jim Holden/Naomi Nagata, Alex Kamal/Amos Burton/Jim Holden/Naomi Nagata Fanart, Fanfiction Request 6 by DianaMoon Fandom: Bones (TV)   Lance Sweets/Seeley Booth/Temperance Brennan (Bones) Fanfiction   Request 7 by DianaMoon Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe   Jane Foster/Sif/Thor (MCU), Bruce Banner/Pepper Potts/Peter Parker/Tony Stark (MCU), Frank Castle/Karen Page/Matt Murdock (MCU), James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (MCU), James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson/Steve Rogers (MCU), Bruce Banner/Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (MCU), Howard Stark/Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers (MCU) Fanart, Fanfiction Request 8 by DianaMoon Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types   Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey, Finn/Poe Dameron/Rey/Rose Tico, Han Solo/Lando Calrissian/Leia Organa, Bodhi Rook/Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso Fanart, Fanfiction Request 9 by DianaMoon Fandom: Sense8 (TV)   Daniela Velasquez/Hernando Fuentes/Lito Rodriguez, Kala Dandekar/Rajan Rasal/Wolfgang Bogdanow Fanfiction Request 10 by DianaMoon Fandom: Dirty Computer - Janelle Monáe (Music Video)   Ché/Jane/Zen (Dirty Computer) Fanart, Fanfiction Pinch Hit #12 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/W1nfZpXcoYE Request 1 by shopfront Fandom: Doctor Who   Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra/Miss Montague | Clara Oswin Oswald, Christina de Souza/Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 2 by shopfront Fandom: Gotham (TV)   Leslie Thompkins/Tabitha Galavan/Valerie Vale Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 3 by shopfront Fandom: Grimm (TV)   Adalind Schade/Nick Burkhard/Sean Renard, Adalind Schade/Juliette Silverton/Nick Burkhard/Sean Renard (Grimm), Elizabeth Lascelles/Juliette Silverton | Eve/Theresa Rubel, Elizabeth Lascelles/Juliette Silverton | Eve/Rosalee Calvert Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 4 by shopfront Fandom: Haven (TV)   Audrey Parker/Duke Crocker/Jennifer Mason Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by shopfront Fandom: Lip Service   Lexy Price/Sam Murray/Tess Roberts Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 6 by shopfront Fandom: Sanctuary (TV)   Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/Will Zimmerman Fanfiction, Fanvid   Request 7 by shopfront Fandom: The Hour (TV)   Bel Rowley/Camille Mettier/Lix Storm, Bel Rowley/Freddie Lyon/Lix Storm, Bel Rowley/Camille Mettier/Freddie Lyon Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 8 by shopfront Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Adaline (Age of Adaline)/Diana Prince (DCEU)/Helen Magnus (Sanctuary), Dutch (Killjoys)/Kyra (Chronicles of Riddick)/Mirror Ezri (Star Trek DS9), Dinah Madani (Marvel Netflix)/Karen Page (Marvel Netflix)/Kate Kane (Arrowverse), Angie Martinelli (Agent Carter)/Catrin Cole (Their Finest)/Phyl Moore (Their Finest), Anne (Glorious 39)/Catrin Cole (Their Finest)/Phyl Moore (Their Finest) Fanfiction, Fanvid Letter: http://shopfront.dreamwidth.org/447973.html Pinch Hit #13 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/sD2HvMn-4h0 Request 1 by silveradept Fandom: Arthurian Mythology   Bertilak de Hautdesert/Gawain/Lady Bertilak (Arthurian Mythology) Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic Request 2 by silveradept Fandom: Final Fantasy I   Black Mage/Black Mage/Black Mage/Black Mage (Final Fantasy I) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 3 by silveradept Fandom: Pushing Daisies   Charlotte "Chuck" Charles/Olive Snook/Ned Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 4 by silveradept Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types   Fujioka Haruhi/Hitachiin Hikaru/Hitachiin Kaoru Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 5 by silveradept Fandom: RWBY   Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos/Weiss Schnee Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 6 by silveradept Fandom: Avatar: The Legend of Korra   Asami Sato/Korra/Raava (A:TLOK) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 7 by silveradept Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender   Aang/Katara/Mai/Sokka/Suki/Toph Beifong/Ty Lee/Zuko (A:TLA) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 8 by silveradept Fandom: Doctor Who   Amy Pond/Clara Oswald/Donna Noble/Martha Jones/Rose Tyler Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 9 by silveradept Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)/Peggy Carter (MCU)/Susan Pevensie (Narnia) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid, Podfic Request 10 by silveradept Fandom: Original Work   Supervillainess/Superheroine/Female Mutual Friend with No Powers Fanart, Fanfiction, Podfic Pinch Hit #14 - https://groups.google.com/u/0/g/holly-poly-pinchhits/c/Wb0L5YKyLxc Request 1 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Hades (Video Game 2018)   Aphrodite/Dionysus/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Aphrodite/Ares/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Ares/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Asterius/Theseus/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Chaos/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Dionysus/Hypnos/Zagreus (Hades Video Games), Hermes/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades Video Game), Skelly/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades VG), Zagreus/The Furies (Hades Video Game), Achilles/Patroclus/Zagreus (Hades Video Game) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 2 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Horizon: Zero Dawn (Video Game)   Any Relationship (nominimated relationships are  Aloy/Erend/Val and Aloy/Nasadi/Vanasha) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 3 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Muse (Band)   Any Relationship (nominated relationship is Christopher Wolstenholme/Dominic Howard/Matthew Bellamy) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 4 by Stefanyeah Fandom: crossover - Fandom   Anubis (Ancient Egypt Religion)/Archaeologist (Original)/Loki (Norse Religion) Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Request 5 by Stefanyeah Fandom: Original Work   Airship Pirate/Opera Starlet They Kidnapped/Musketeer Set on Saving the Starlet Demon/Angel/Human Whose Soul They are Competing Over Faery Knight/Captured Human Gifted To Them/Captured Human's Significant Other Questing To Save Them Faery Knights/Captured Human Gifted To Them Female Mad Scientist/Nonbinary Assistant/Nonbinary Creature Female Vampire/Male Vampire/Female Vampire Hunter Female Vampires/Female Vampire Hunter God-Empress/Harem of Badass Women Destined To Serve Her In All Ways Greek-esque God/Greek-esque God/Their Male Human Lover Group of Bored Elf Hunters/Mischievous Satyr Lost Wanderer/Group of Satyrs Male Dom/Male Switch/Male Sub Male Fallen Angel/Male Demon Wanting to Redeem Himself/Male Garden Hermit Male Fallen Angel/Male Mad Scientist/Male Government Agent New Bisexual Queen/Volunteers For Her Harem (Any Genders) A Nobleman/A Noble Woman Whose Love Potion Didn't Work Out Quite As Planned/The Witch Nymph/Pack of Werewolves Pirate Crew/Prince Who Paid Them To Kidnap Him Tentacle Monster/Couple It's Been Stalking Witch Who Stole the Peni of Most of the Town's Men/Her Victims Trying to Reclaim Their Stolen Peni Fanart, Fanfiction, Fanvid Letter: http://stefanyeah.dreamwidth.org/217571.html If you're interested in claiming any of these pinch hits, send an e-mail to [email protected] with your AO3 name.
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laufire · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @boomheda (ty!)
Name/nickname: Lau
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Cancer
Height: 1.60-something lol.
Time: 22:25
Birthday: June 29th
Favourite Bands: Queen, Florence + The Machine, Hole, The Runaways, Garbage, The Kills, Black Sabbath, ABBA, The Neighborhood, MS MR, Daughter, The Pretty REckless, RAIGN, Transvision Vamp, Wye Oak, Stateless... I know I’m forgetting a lot, but for some reason it’s always easier to think of individual artist idk.
Favourite Solo Artists: Hozier, Janelle Monáe, Sara Bareilles, Amy Winehouse, Nina Simone, Aitana, Keiynan Lonsdale, Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, Anouk, Bonnie Tyler, Carrie Underwood, Dolly Parton, Cat Power, Imogen Heap, Jen Titus, Lykke Li, Prince, Rihanna, Tina Turner, Tori Amos, Vienna Teng... LIKE I SAID XD.
Song Stuck in my head: Florence + The Machine’s “Moderation” and Flight of the Conchord’s “Too Many Dicks (On The Dance Floor)”. I hate it here xD
Last Movie: the other day my family was watching the life action Alice in Wonderland and I was in the room with my phone xD
Last Show: Supernatural. Episode rewatch for fic purposes :P
When I created this blog: late 2016 IIRC.
How it started: I’d been a lurker in various fandoms for a while and I felt like it.
How its going: pretty great? I’ve found a lot of people with shared interest and a lot of enablers xD. And I’m good at avoiding nonsense.
What I post: whatever I’m into at the moment and old obsessions lol. Rn you can expect tons of Supernatural, Black Sails, some dragging/snark of Bridgerton, and Sorting Hat Chats nonsense xD
Aesthetic: idek. I like my blog to be easy to read. And I can’t never resist adding some purple/lilac colour.
Last thing I googled: “achilles come down french parts transcribed” xD
Other blogs: my writeblr is @laufire-writes and I have a side blog for Rosita Bustillos @fyeahrositabustillos. I also participate in other fanblogs (careforbesdaily, fythesevenkingdoms, fyeahjordanandmaia, rizzydaily, shadowhuntersrarepairnetwork), although lately I’ve been lazy on that front.
Following: 208.
Followers: 834.
Average Sleep: what’s that.
Lucky number: 6, 8, 13.
Instruments: flute and guitar, but I haven’t played in years :)))
What I'm wearing: trackpants, a black t-shirt with an ~aesthetically placed bleach stain xD, and hoodie.
Dream job(s): screenwriter. Or something like locksmith ngl.
Favourite animal noise: I love hearing birds singing and chirping, it relaxes me.
Random: I need to cut my hair.
Dream Trip: just returning to the city sounds nice now xD
Favourite food: Spanish omelets.
Nationality: Spanish.
Favoruite song: as of THIS moment I’m all over Hozier’s “Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene”.
Last Book I Read: Permanent Revolution by Leon Trotsky lol. I’m currently reading (veeeery slowly) Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile.
Top 3 fictional universes i would like to live in: oof. Complicated, because I tend to go for high-stakes, dangerous af canons xDD. Err... Star Trek, Discworld, and His Dark Materials. They could be dangerous, but I’d take them for the perks.
Tagging @grapecase @hearthouses @zaritomaz @lady-eleanor-vane @ladywithalamp @peggydreadful and whoever else feels like doing it. No pressure ^-^
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tausendsorgen · 4 years
tagged by @18minutemajor ty kindly k!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better. bold of you to assume I can count to 20 but ok
tagging: @natashastarkk @thesewildreams @proteinscollide @popliar @quinn-tessentially @wintercanes @aqua-luxe @probable-goblin @jardinjaponais @foolishrabbit @mostlygoesastray @blasfemme @katiegeeks @puck-monger-99
1) name/nickname: Lesa
2) gender: listen I
3) star sign: cancer
4) height: 5′5″
5) time: 10:16 PM
6) birthday: June 26
7) favorite bands/groups: for some reason the favorite music questions always stress me out!! what if I do not correctly rank every single band that exists or has existed in the world to prepare an accurate listing. what shambles will truth and democracy be in then. a-ha, They Might Be Giants, R.E.M., L7, Rebecca Riots, Nsync, My Chemical Romance, The Gaslight Anthem, Gold Motel, The Magnetic Fields 
8) favorite solo artists: well!! The last show I actually went to last year was a The Mountain Goats solo show, does that count? Tracy Chapman, Leonard Cohen, Lizzo
9) song stuck in your head: Don’t Make Me Come to Vegas by Tori Amos
10) last movie: STILL HAMILTON
11) last show: really getting caught up on Rachel Maksy’s back catalogue now
12) when did i create this blog: May 25, 2014
13) what do i post: hockey, baseball, a smattering of other sports, and a little little bit of random stuff that makes me happy
14) last thing i googled: socca
15) other blogs: soeinschietwetter for political-ish screaming. I’m also on Dreamwidth if anyone wants to kick it oldschool with me there.
16) do i get asks: raaaarrrely
17) why i chose my url: it is an accurate and faithful reflection of my constant state of mind. give me a thousand worries, and then a hundred.
18) following: 182
19) followers: 72
20) average hours of sleep: five or six
21) lucky number: it’s not about luck, it’s about the aesthetic
22) instrument: I took piano lessons as a kid, and I have an electric keyboard now, but I only use it to pick out my choir parts
23) what am i wearing: black jeans, navy blue T-shirt, black quilted jacket because the heat’s off in my building for the night
24) dream job: translator but, like, on someone’s payroll so I wouldn’t have to run a freelance business
25) dream trip: this is kind of a cruel question rn. I’m going to skip listing all the people I want to see again and just say I’d like to go to Canada because I never have yet.
26) favorite food: I fucking miss bread
27) nationality: I have both American and German citizenship but lbr I’m American
28) favorite song: in the last few days, def that Wellerman shanty
29) last book read: You Don’t Know Everything, Jilly P! by Alex Gino
30) top three fictional worlds: Orsinia, Nangilima, Damar
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