#tyler graphics archive collection
garadinervi · 1 year
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Makoto Nakamura, 2nd Exhibition of DNP Archives of Graphic Design – The Era of Graphic Design, Photograph by Seiichi Nakamura, CCGA – Center for Contemporary Graphic Art and Tyler Graphics Archive Collection, October 20 – December 20, 2001 [Museum für Gestaltung Zürich]
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Wyler Kink Bingo - Rules and FAQs
Here is everything you need to know about our upcoming summer of smut kink bingo!
Rules: (adapted from the SPNkinkevents tumblr)
You are expected to respect the work of all participants. Anyone caught behaving otherwise will be automatically disqualified from participation and blocked by the blog.
No plagiarism will be tolerated - suspicions of plagiarism should be brought to the attention of this blog so that they can be investigated.
Fills featuring an OT3 are permissible so long as Wednesday and Tyler are both apart of the relationship (Example: Wyclay).
Please tag ships/kinks/ratings appropriately.
Tag each submission with the corresponding kink listed on your card. For example, if you're writing for pain play, tag #pain play.
If you are creating Fanart, Graphics, Gifsets, etc. that are nsfw, it may be helpful to you to host them on another site in place of or in addition to Tumblr due to Tumblr’s anti-p*rn guidelines and then link them - it’s up to you!
If you post your entire fic to Tumblr, please be sure to insert a readmore to keep posts from being overly long
You must tag for Noncon, Underage (under 18), extreme underage (under 13), cannibalism, bestiality, necrophilia, and character death if your work contains them. If you do not tag for those, your work will not be reblogged or considered a fill until you do so.
You may complete more than one bingo card, but only after having finished one in its entirety. We encourage you to explore writing for kinks that you may not normally!
One kink per fic - meaning, you can't write a single piece containing multiple kinks from your card (of course, many kinks overlap, but the fic will be consider a single fill only). You can, however, write a multichapter fic with a different kink for each chapter - and each chapter will be considered a separate fill!
Free space: Fill this space with a kink of your choice.
We highly recommend that you cross-post to another server as well, such as Archive of Our Own.  We have a collection on AO3 for your creations.
Examples of acceptable submissions:
Fanfiction and Poetry
Point system:
1 fill = 10 pts
Full bingo card (all 9 squares) = 140 pts (90 + extra 50)
Q: What if I missed the signups deadline (June 30th)? A: if you miss the deadline, please feel free to message this blog to see if you can still join.
Q: Can I write a fill for another writing event combined with this one? A: Our bingo allows writing one piece for two (or more) events, as long as both prompts are filled. Make sure the other writing event allows that too!
Q: Is there a minimal amount of words per fill? A: There isn't! right as much or as little as you like.
Q: What does competing for points mean? A: When we finish the kink bingo (August 31st), all participants should post a masterlist of their creations, so we could reblog all of your smutty, kinky pieces. However, if you want your creations not only shared but also calculated using the point system above, you need to mention that using the sign up form. You don't have to compete for points if you don't want to!
Q: Can I get more than one card? A: You're more than welcome to claim another card once you finish your first one.
Q: I have Hyde Sex in my bingo card, or plan to write hyde sex with a different kink. Should I tag for bestiality? A: The proper tag/warning for that case would be monsterfucking, monster sex or simply hyde sex.
Q: Where is the ao3 collection for all the creations made for this bingo? A: The ao3 collection can be found here. Make sure you post your works to this collection. Please tag your tumblr post of the story with #wyler kink bingo as well.
Q: Who is running this event? A: The mods are @suchaladyy, @therulerofallpotatos, and @wincestation.
Any other questions or requests? Feel free to drop an ask!
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: Gen
Fandom: Doctor Who (2005)
Relationship: Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Characters: Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who), Henry van Statten
Additional Tags: Whumptober, Whumptober 2023, Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) Whump, Medical Torture, Vivisection, Torture, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Episode: s01e06 Dalek, Hurt No Comfort, Minor Ninth Doctor & Rose Tyler, Title is from a line in the dalek novelisation, which you should all read right now, Mentioned Rose Tyler, Spoilers for Episode: s04e17-18 The End of Time, Captivity, Non-consensual surgery, No beta we die like ten
Words: 807
Chapters: 1/1
The Doctor sends the TARDIS and Rose back to her time, and Henry van Statten has a unique alien specimen all to himself. --- “You’re going to die, van Statten,” he says. “You’re going to die because you won’t listen.” “And what do you think will happen to you, Doctor?” The Doctor doesn’t answer --- Written for Whumptober 2023, day 11. Prompts used are captivity and “No one will find you.”
Non-consensual surgery
Skip header
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Work Header
Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning:
Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Doctor Who (2005)
Minor or Background Relationship(s)
Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Henry van Statten
Additional Tags:
Whumptober 2023
Ninth Doctor (Doctor Who) Whump
Medical Torture
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Canon Divergence - Episode: s01e06 Dalek
Hurt No Comfort
Minor Ninth Doctor & Rose Tyler
Title is from a line in the dalek novelisation
which you should all read right now
Mentioned Rose Tyler
Spoilers for Episode: s04e17-18 The End of Time
Non-consensual surgery
No beta we die like ten
Language: English Series: ← Previous Work Part 11 of Whumptober 2023, ← Previous Work Part 2 of Season 1 Episode 6 Dalek Collections: Whumptober 2023 Stats: Published:2023-10-11Words:807Chapters:1/1Comments:2Kudos:4Hits:26
Alien Dissection
The Doctor sends the TARDIS and Rose back to her time, and Henry van Statten has a unique alien specimen all to himself. Written for Whumptober 2023, day 11. Prompts used are captivity and “No one will find you.”
For bloopdydooooo.
Written 10 Oct. 2023. Content warnings in the end notes. Anyway yeahhh babyyy i’m writing the same fic but Again because I like making 9 suffer. I’ve written half the fics in the vivisection tag in this fandom. Brian you need to get on that.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Work Text:
“With your… girl gone, no one will find you, Doctor.”
The Doctor looks up at van Statten, it’s hard to look anywhere but up, in the position that he’s in. “That’s why I did it.”
“Not the best of decisions,” van Statten responds, amicably.
“That thing you’ve got there.” Van Statten sighs, the Doctor continues regardless. “It’s a monster. It’ll kill everything.”
“So you send your only mode of escape away. Wise.”
The Doctor wishes he could move, could do anything but lie there, because he’s well aware of how his current situation undercuts his point. “That Dalek, if it escapes—“
“Which it won’t,” interrupts van Statten.
“Which is could. If it escapes — when it escapes — it’ll kill its way out of your museum ,” he spits the last word, he’s shaking, he can feel it. “And it’ll kill everyone on Earth.”
“I think you’ll find that humans are better at handling threats than your species was.”
The Doctor laughs, because how wrong can you get. His species stood a chance against the Daleks, that’s more than any other ones could say.
(His species would’ve killed the universe just as much as the Daleks would’ve, and he can’t think about that, he’s told himself he’d never think about that again.)
“You’re going to die, van Statten,” he says. “You’re going to die because you won’t listen.”
“And what do you think will happen to you, Doctor?”
The Doctor doesn’t answer him, and van Statten leaves.
The Doctor likes to think that humans tend towards goodness. It’s not that that’s a lie , per se, but it’s not entirely the truth.
See, humans are good when they can see something as the same as them. It’s that sense of kinship, it’s what a lot of species that reach space have in common. It’s also what makes them so dangerous, both to their own species and to others.
It’s not all humans who fear the unknown, but it’s enough to make it so when faced with something different, humans will fear it or assume superiority, often both. And when faced with something they need to distance themselves from, when faced with something they want to hurt, they’ll try their best to see their victim as not a person at all.
This is a long winded way to say that he’s afraid. Afraid of what the scientists — or he assumes they’re scientists — in the room mean, what they’re going to do to him, why haven’t they told him, is that a scalpel?
He’s almost glad Rose is gone. She can’t see this.
“Sedate him,” van Statten says.
“It doesn’t work,” he responds, and he hates it, hates how broken his voice sounds.
“What?” van Statten asks, coming properly into view.
“Anaesthetic,” the Doctor replies. “It doesn’t work.”
The Doctor knows it’s not going to stop him, but at least the Doctor won’t have to deal with what’s about to happen to him with a tube stuck down his throat.
Van Statten makes a gesture to someone and the table where he’s lying is made completely horizontal. Then someone straps his arms — stretched out to either side — legs, even head down. They’re strong, the restraints. What are they planning on doing to him?
“Open him up,” van Statten says, and he can’t help it, his hearts start to race.
The person with the scalpel doesn’t meet his eyes. There’s a pause before it happens, and then they finally make a cut and the Doctor would be writhing in pain if he weren’t strapped down so thoroughly. Instead he screams, wordless.
Through the haze of pain he hears van Statten murmur, “That’s amazing,” and then he’s screaming again, because they’re doing something , and he can’t hear above his own screams.
The Doctor can’t see, can’t see anything but the ceiling and occasional glimpses of van Statten and the scientists who are doing this to him. He’s straining so much against the restraints that he’ll have bruises, provided he lives, because this hurts so much he’s going to die, he’s just going to die.
There’s a pause. The Doctor’s screams peter off into cries, and he hates himself for it, because he can’t even breathe, can’t even get himself to wheeze out that the Dalek is dangerous.
“That’s fascinating ,” van Statten says, and then there’s the pain again, and the Doctor needs to get away, get away from him, but he’s held fast and helpless and all he can do is scream again.
They’ve closed the Doctor up, but they haven’t unrestrained him, not even slightly. Haven’t even moved him. He doesn’t want to think about what that means for him.
He doesn’t want to think about a lot of things, least of all that he’s just another oddity in van Statten’s museum, and that his only hope of rescue is in London in 2005.
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ozgeersoy · 1 year
Learning from Friends: “The Collective School”
The below conversation was published in e-flux Education on March 30, 2023. Thank you, Tyler Considine, for the invitation.
Asia Art Archive (AAA) in Hong Kong recently hosted “The Collective School,” an exhibition and a program series exploring artist-driven and collective models of learning. Developed in collaboration with Gudskul, a Jakarta-based collective that runs a grassroots school for other collectives, the project provokes debates about the necessity and adaptability of collectives today. Amid the growing expectation for art institutions to address social change and learn from collaborative and self-organized initiatives, art collectives have become more relevant than ever. Here, Susanna Chung and Özge Ersoy, two members of the AAA team, discuss the exhibition’s unfolding and what they have learned in the process.
Özge Ersoy: Imagine: You walk out of the elevator onto the eleventh floor of an office building in one of Hong Kong’s old neighborhoods. Through the windows, you first encounter the city’s landscape. Focusing closer, you see a library, with tens of thousands of books nestled among artworks and archival documents about contemporary art collectives. You walk into a spacious reading room and see a large column with hand-drawn graphics highlighting some key values about the current exhibition. You read: knowledge sharing, learning from friends, and collective sustainability.
These concepts have been central to Asia Art Archive’s group discussions with the Jakarta-based Gudskul, our main collaborator for “The Collective School,” and eight other collectives: ba-bau AIR, Hanoi; BiSCA, Bishkek; Load na Dito and Salikhain Kolektib, Quezon City; Omnispace, Bandung; Pangrok Sulap, Sabah; Scutoid Coop, Kaohsiung; and Yayasan Tonjo Foundation, Yogyakarta. 1 Together, we asked: How can we shift the focus of art history from individual artists to communities? How do artists learn from each other outside of formal education and through collectives?
I’ve been excited about our collaboration with Gudskul, especially because they run a grassroots school for other collectives. For us, Gudskul’s model articulates a bold proposition about existing art-educational models: Art schools are often geared toward individual mastery, skill refinement, and career-oriented networking. In contrast, students at Gudskul are already members of existing collectives. They join other collectives to study historical precedents, discuss collective working models, and develop exhibitions and projects together. Eventually participants work as a collective of collectives.
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Gudskul, Temu Wall, 2022. Wall graphic with Gudskul, Veranda Talk, video. Installation view, “The Collective School,” CCG Library, Asia Art Archive, October 3, 2022–April 1, 2023. Photo: South Ho.
Susanna Chung: After we invited Gudskul to collaborate on “The Collective School,” they asked us to contribute to their study program. We joined Batch 4, the program’s fourth year, to develop it together with Gudskul and the cohort. While Batch 1 to Batch 3 were held at Gudskul’s campus, where collectives lived and studied together, Batch 4 was held completely online due to the pandemic. Collectives emerge in response to their unique contexts, and while many of them share ideas on the sustainability of collectives and the creation of education platforms, they respond to their contexts with different artistic practices. Becoming more adaptive and responsive to current events, Gudskul engendered new possibilities by connecting beyond Indonesia. As part of this unprecedented Batch, we were able to share and learn about different contexts in which collectivity persists.
Through four seminars, we introduced AAA’s extensive research on art pedagogies in relation to the development of contemporary art across Asia. After sharing case studies from China, India, the Philippines, and Thailand, we invited each collective to focus on one historical collective that most resonated. 2 Those who shared similar interests formed a group, which our researchers joined to exchange ideas, answer questions, and provide materials to inspire the collectives’ artworks. Our team crafted the exhibition narrative and display ideas only after all the works were finalized. All decisions were made in group discussions.
ÖE: The circular model of working diverges from our usual ways of organizing projects, which are often linear and entail a clear division of work. It’s refreshing. I would like to highlight an artwork here: In the middle of the library, we have a one-meter-high fire sculpture made by Quezon City–based collective Load na Dito. It is placed on top of a table covered with the reproduction of a black-and-white photograph depicting a burning action by Xiamen Dada, an art collective known for their radical performances critiquing art institutions in China in the late 1980s. This sculpture is further juxtaposed with a video documentary showing the creation of a four-meter-high effigy for a street demonstration by a group of collectives from Quezon City. Here, Load na Dito proposes the act of burning as a symbol of change and regeneration, a metaphor of collective actions that challenge institutions. By showing their connections with other collectives—both past and present—Load na Dito pays tribute to the legacy of activism of collectives and carries the torch forward.
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Load na Dito, Mad in Malacañang, 2022. Video, sculpture, and acrylic on cardboard. Installation view, “The Collective School,” CCG Library, Asia Art Archive, October 3, 2022–April 1, 2023. Photo: South Ho.
SC: Another compelling contribution is one between Pangrok Sulap and Salikhain Kolektib. They both responded to Womanifesto, a feminist art collective and biennial program in Thailand that was most active from the mid-1990s to the mid-2000s.
Pangrok Sulap uses woodcut print as their medium to empower rural communities. Depicting key moments in Womanifesto’s history, their work illustrates the solidarity among women artists and local craftspeople, prompting reflections about the role of artists as custodians of traditional cultural knowledge.
Salikhain Kolektib arranges archival materials about Womanifesto and their own collective chronologically. In the spirit of collaboration, Salikhain Kolektib joined Pangrok Sulap in creating a mirror display box. The mirroring effect melds the two collectives’ works in a fascinating way: the reverse of Pangrok Sulap’s print, featuring a protest for gender equality, can only be seen through Salikhain Kolektib’s artwork. Conversely, the partial reflections of materials through angled mirror slabs disrupt the chronological timeline of the latter’s installation. Rejecting the linearity and singularity of time and place, both collectives’ works invite us to think about sustainability, adaptability, and survival—common foundational concerns of contemporary art collectives.
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Salikhain Kolektib, Manifesting (In)constancy, 2022. Mixed-media installation; Pangrok Sulap, The Flower of the Nation, 2022. Woodblock print book. Installation view, “The Collective School,” CCG Library, Asia Art Archive, October 3, 2022–April 1, 2023. Photo: South Ho.
ÖE: It’s crucial that Gudskul, Batch 4, and our team discussed not only the potentials of working together but also the challenges and even limitations.
ba-bau AIR created an interactive jenga installation that materializes these conditions. Each hardwood block features terms from three texts related to Black Artists of Asia, a collective that initiated VIVA ExCon in the early 1990s. VIVA ExCon is the longest-running artist-led biennial in the Philippines, and this is another example of a contemporary collective revisiting art-historical documents and art actions in the region from the 1980s and 1990s.
As you begin building with the blocks, free associative readings about resilience and survival emerge. However, a jenga tower will eventually collapse, pointing to the tensions between construction and deconstruction. Yet when we think about the work not as a competition but as a cooperative game, the results become less finite. Your collective work might sometimes feel unstable, but the intention is to keep building together. Even if or when it collapses, other chances of regeneration will emerge.
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ba-bau AIR, Building a VIVA ExCon, 2022. Wood blocks. Installation view, “The Collective School,” CCG Library, Asia Art Archive, October 3, 2022–April 1, 2023. Photo: South Ho.
SC: The fluidity of art collectives, as showcased by “The Collective School,” inspires the work we do. An archive is a mobile being, constantly rethinking its positioning and priorities through connecting with artists and collectives.
Their ideas shape our research, programs, and the sites we inhabit. “The Collective School,” for instance, has made us reflect on our long-term interest in pedagogy as a site where modern and contemporary art histories of the region have been written. Beyond the role of art school, this project has also encouraged us to generate new questions about artist-led models of education and alternative pedagogies. Apart from learning in schools, artists also learn from their peers. Collectives can serve as a continuous learning platform for those who have completed art school, as well as those who have not attended art school.
ÖE: One important takeaway from this exploration of how art collectives learn and educate is their insistence on play. It has inspired new programs, such as “Assemblage at AAA,” a durational performance by Hong Kong–based collective Floating Projects. For two days in a row, members brought in found materials as well as items from our library and office and from their own space, and began creating.
I immediately think back to a conversation with Floating Projects, where member Wong Chun-hoi said, “We should be in the same space and play together, instead of talking about what we do and how we do it.”
In the performance, the space of the archive was activated by sharing and collective action. One artist assembled a chess-like game, another few built a sculpture with shredded paper of the collective’s confidential documents, while some others made music and did automatic writing. Anyone in the library was invited to join.
SC: This collective model of learning also helped me rethink our educator programs. Since 2013, we have been organizing the annual Teaching Labs, a professional development series for teachers, each year focusing on a theme that is relevant to contemporary art and education, with this year’s being art collectives.
Working with Gudskul taught me that “art collectives” is not simply a “theme” for study but a model of learning. It inspired me to experiment with a new program, “Knowledge Kitchen,” where ten artists and ten educators gather for six hours each month to engage with creative exercises, games, chats, dinners, and sharing sessions by guest artists. We would like to use this process to practice and experiment with new models of learning. Our goal is to explore how teachers and artists can co-learn, co-create, and co-work together.
Arts programming, like formal education, often transmits knowledge one way; artists or teachers unilaterally impart their knowledge and experience to an audience. This program seeks to cultivate a more open and equal environment for knowledge exchange. We want to link artists’ unique abilities to interpret the world with educators’ intimate understanding of classroom settings. It’s exciting to see what comes out of this. Who knows? Maybe self-organized collaborative projects, lifelong friendships, and more. Our hope is that through this exploration, teachers and artists will reconsider their relationships with students and audiences in various educational and artistic settings, and engage with new imaginations for the future.
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“Teaching Lab: Art between the Individual and the Collective,” Asia Art Archive, February 18, 2023. Courtesy of Asia Art Archive.
ÖE: Yes, we hope to move away from hierarchical ways of knowledge sharing. Apart from “Assemblage at AAA” and “Knowledge Kitchen,” we also hosted a live-streamed cooperative board game called “Speculative Collective.” Rather than inviting Gudskul and the eight collectives to present a talk, we asked them to show us what they cared about through playing. By responding to a series of challenge cards and drafting solutions, they revealed how they approach resource-sharing and collective decision-making. We wanted our audience to engage with—not to be told about—the exhibition.
SC: It’s important to us that this exhibition is the inaugural one of our newly renovated library. We have built a reading room in the center of the library, creating a space for co-working and co-learning, which also serves as a social space for discussion and learning from one another. Working with art collectives across Asia has not only helped us reorient the direction of our programming but has also allowed us to see the necessity and urgency of collectivity here in Hong Kong. We’ve deepened ties with our local partners Floating Projects and Rooftop Institute, whose practices revolve around alternative learning models. This is our first time studying the topic of collectives so closely, and the new library reflects who we are in the spatial sense. Since the beginning, we did not want the library to be a static collection, but rather a place to open up discussion. The study of collectives has made us realize that we share many values with Gudskul, such as learning from friends, engaging in artistic conversations, sharing knowledge, exploring the ecosystem, caring about sustainability, being speculative, and making friends, which are all essential for archive building.
A series of programs at the library resulted from organic discussions with these collectives. In particular, Hong Kong Conversations brought together different generations of artists and cultural workers to discuss historical and contemporary conditions that make collective work necessary in the city. The first talk gathered members from eight Hong Kong collectives founded in the 1990s—Southern Artists Salon, Green Wave Art, The Originals, Epical Chamber, NUX, Community Museum Project, Your Ears Covered, and Kultkuli—followed by three younger collectives—Black Window, Floating Projects, and Popo-Post Art Group. For me, it was a historical moment to see different generations of collectives in the same room, listening to and learning from each other.
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“Hong Kong Conversations 2022: The Collective School,” Asia Art Archive, November 26, 2022. Photo: South Ho.
ÖE: “The Collective School” is an example of how we see archives as social spaces to bring people together, to exchange knowledge, and to connect regional and local contexts. Some consider archives depositories that do not have to interpret or display their holdings. For us, artistic collaborations, including the ones developed from “The Collective School,” are crucial to challenge this view.
Our collaboration with Gudskul and eight other collectives taught me to insist on using exhibitions and programs as research as well as pedagogical tools. The project rearticulates our understanding of art history, one that prioritizes relationships and communities over individuals and singular artworks.
As part of “Assemblage at AAA,” here is an excerpt from the automatic writing of Linda Lai from Floating Projects: “A fresh new library surrounded by chaos and calm before a tempest. Free conversations absolutely free and automatic and without a frame from a handful of frames and many breakable frames.” 3 This is how I would like to imagine our library—a site for artistic intervention and knowledge via the engendering of fragments, play, and free associations, whether they are verbal, sculptural, or textual.
1. We are also grateful to our local Hong Kong partners Floating Projects and Rooftop Institute.
2. The case studies include the Stars Art Group, Xiamen Dada, and the New Measurement Group in China; Autonomous Women’s Movement ​in India; Black Artists of Asia in the Philippines; and Womanifesto in Thailand.
3 See →.
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twwpress · 7 months
Weekly Press Briefing #89
Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from March 3 - March 9, 2024. Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing!
Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote or know of one we’re missing? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
@thefinestmuffin and @JessBakesCakes are hosting the 3rd Annual Josh/Donna Rom-Com Fest. The fest revealed on February 14, but prompts and claims are still open and fics can still be added to the collection. Details here.
This Week in Canon:
Welcome back to This Week in Canon, where we revisit moments in The West Wing that occurred on these dates during the show’s run.
Season 3, Episode 15: Dead Irish Writers aired on March 6, 2002.
Season 5, Episode 16: Eppur Si Muove aired on March 3, 2004.
Season 6, Episode 18: La Palabra aired on March 9, 2005.
Here’s what was posted from March 3 – March 9:
Allison Janney posted video promo for her new show Palm Royale, which premieres March 20 on Apple TV+. 
Dule Hill posted a video promoting Reuniting the Cast of Psych: A Fan Experience, happening June 8-9 in the Chicago area. 
Dule Hill posted the graphic for a Broadway Light Dimming Ceremony for HInton Battle happening in New York City on March 12. 
Josh Malina posted a photo of himself with his pickle ball friends. 
Josh Malina posted photos of himself donating blood/platelets. 
Marlee Matlin posted photos of herself with her sons for National Sons Day. 
Marlee Matlin posted photos of herself with her brother Marc for his birthday. 
Marlee Matlin posted a video and a photo of herself in her Oscars look. 
Marlee Matlin posted a slideshow of herself (and her son Tyler) getting ready for the Oscars. 
Peter James Smith posted photos of himself picketing in support of IATSE. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of his dogs with a toy football. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of himself with Seth MacFarlane. 
Donna Moss Daily: March 3 | March 4 | March 5 | March 6 | March 7 | March 8 | March 9
Daily Josh Lyman: March 3 | March 4 | March 5 | March 6 | March 7 | March 8 | March 9
No Context BWhit: March 3 | March 4 | March 6 | March 7 | March 8 | March 9
@twwarchive: March 3 | March 4 | March 5 | March 6 | March 7 | March 8 | March 9
@twwgifs: March 5 | March 5 (2) | March 7 
@janneyupdates: March 8 (1) | March 8 (2)
No Editors' Choice this week, but here's your weekly roundup of fics posted in the tag for The West Wing on Archive of Our Own. 
Lover by MatthewsMary | Rated E | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | In Progress
Rules of Engagement by Shonio | Not Rated | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete
Other Pairings/Gen Fic
it’s always you by tipstaff | Not Rated | Sam Seaborn/Toby Ziegler | Complete
it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this by imawkwardlysoc | Rated G | Sam Seaborn/Original Female Character | In Progress
LoveGame by AdelaideTrinity | Rated E | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete
tellin’ myself, one day, i’ll forget about it by Luppiters | Rated G | Danny Concannon/C. J. Cregg | Complete
We had a deal by Labda | Not Rated | Abbey Bartlet/Jed Bartlet | Complete
Distraction by olivverie | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Matt Santos | Complete
Multiple Pairings
Saving All My Love For You by AdelaideTrinity | Rated E | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler, Andrea Wyatt/Toby Ziegler | Complete
Twitter: @TWWPress
Feel free to let us know if we missed something, if you have an event you’d like us to promote, or if you have an item that you’d like included in the next briefing!
xx, What’s next?
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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CC New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 8/18/21
Collectors Corner Parkville - HQ : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Encouraged for All) - 1-410-668-3353.
CC Parkville - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8
Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Encouraged for All) - 1-410-838-1777.
CC Bel Air - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8
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ABLAZE Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover A V Kenneth Marion), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover B Roberto Meli), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover C Robin Recht Wraparound Variant), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover D Fritz Casas), $3.99 Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover E Fritz Casas Virgin Variant), AR Cimmerian The Man-Eaters of Zamboula #2 (Cover F Robin Recht Wraparound Virgin Variant), AR
ABSTRACT STUDIOS Serial #6, $3.99
AFTERSHOCK COMICS Beyond The Breach #2, $3.99 God Of Tremors #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Michael Gaydos), $6.99 God Of Tremors #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Piotr Kowalski), $6.99
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #296, $7.99
AWA STUDIOS Marjorie Finnegan Temporal Criminal #4 (Of 8), $3.99 Moths #3 (Of 6), $3.99
BOOM! STUDIOS Dark Blood #1 (Of 6)(2nd Printing Paris Alleyne Cover), $3.99 Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Kevin Tong), $3.99 Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Becca Carey), $3.99 Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Jenny Frison), $3.99 Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Leila del Duca Virgin Variant), AR Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Jenny Frison Minimal Trade Dress Variant), AR Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Jenny Frison Minimal Trade Dress Blood Red Foil Stamp Variant), AR Eat The Rich #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Kevin Tong Virgin Variant), AR Firefly Brand New ‘Verse #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Qistina Khalidah), $4.99 Firefly Brand New ‘Verse #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Veronica Fish), $4.99 Firefly Brand New ‘Verse #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Frany), AR Firefly Brand New ‘Verse #6 (Of 6)(Cover D Frany Virgin Variant), AR Firefly Brand New ‘Verse #6 (Of 6)(Cover E Qistina Khalidah Virgin Variant), AR Firefly Brand New ‘Verse #6 (Of 6)(Cover F Veronica Fish Virgin Variant), AR Lumberjanes Volume 19 A Summer To Remember TP, $14.99 Power Rangers #10 (Cover A Matteo Scalera), $3.99 Power Rangers #10 (Cover B Daniele di Nicuolo Legacy Variant), $3.99 Power Rangers #10 (Cover C Matteo Scalera Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers #10 (Cover D Daniele Di Nicuolo Legacy Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers #10 (Cover E Goni Montes), AR Power Rangers #10 (Cover F Yejin Park Reveal Variant), AR Power Rangers #10 (Cover G Yejin Park Reveal Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers #10 (Cover H Goni Montes Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers Volume 2 TP, $16.99 Save Yourself #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews), $4.99 Save Yourself #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Stephanie Gonzaga Magical Girl Variant), $4.99 Save Yourself #3 (Of 4)(Cover C Kelly Matthews & Nichole Matthews Virgin Variant), AR Save Yourself #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Stephanie Gonzaga Virgin Variant), AR
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1774, AR
DAIKAIJU G-Fan #132, $7.95
DARK HORSE COMICS Avatar The Next Shadow TP, $19.99 Black Hammer Visions #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Melissa Duffy), $3.99 Black Hammer Visions #7 (Of 8)(Cover B Veronica Fish), $3.99 Black Hammer Visions #7 (Of 8)(Cover C Yuko Shimizu), $3.99 Castlevania The Art Of The Animated Series HC, $39.99 Crimson Flower TP, $19.99 Critical Role Vox Machina Origins III #3 (Of 6)(Cover A Marina Romero Arias), $3.99 EC Archives MD HC, $49.99 Kabuki Omnibus Volume 4 TP, $29.99 Killer Queens #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Claudia Balboni), $3.99 Killer Queens #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Ables), $3.99 Killer Queens #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Jen Bartel), $3.99 Rangers Of The Divide #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Megan Huang), $3.99 Savage Hearts #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Jed Dougherty), $3.99 Tales From Harrow County Fair Folk #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Emily Schnall), $3.99 Tales From Harrow County Fair Folk #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Tyler Crook), $3.99 Untold Horror HC, $39.99 What’s Michael Fatcat Collection Volume 2 TP, $19.99
DC COMICS Batman Catwoman #6 (Of 12)(Cover A Clay Mann), $4.99 Batman Catwoman #6 (Of 12)(Cover B Jim Lee & Scott Williams), AR Batman Catwoman #6 (Of 12)(Cover C Travis Charest), AR Batman Secret Files Clownhunter #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Mico Suayan), $4.99 Batman Secret Files Clownhunter #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Kofi Ofosu Card Stock Variant), $5.99 Batman Secret Files Clownhunter #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Mico Suayan Card Stock Variant), AR Catwoman #34 (Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99 Catwoman #34 (Cover B Jenny Frison Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Catwoman #34 (Cover C Steve Lieber The Suicide Squad Movie Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Dark Nights Death Metal #1 (Of 7)(Soundtrack Special Edition Rise Against With Flexi Single Broken Dreams Inc.), AR DC Poster Portfolio Jae Lee TP, $24.99 Flash #773 (Cover A Brandon Peterson), $3.99 Flash #773 (Cover B Jorge Corona Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Flash #773 (Cover C Alan Quah The Suicide Squad Movie Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Gotham City Monsters TP, $17.99 Legends Of The Dark Knight #4 (Cover A Max Dunbar), $3.99 Legends Of The Dark Knight #4 (Cover B Rafael Albuquerque Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Legends Of The Dark Knight #4 (Cover C Jorge Fornes Card Stock Variant), AR Nice House On The Lake #2 (Of 12)(2nd Printing Alvaro Martinez Bueno Cover), $3.99 Nightwing #83 (Cover A Bruno Redondo), $3.99 Nightwing #83 (Cover B Max Dunbar Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Scooby-Doo Where Are You #111 (Cover A Derek Fridolfs & Valerio Chiola), $2.99 Shazam #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Clayton Henry), $3.99 Shazam #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Rafa Sandoval Card Stock Variant), $4.99 Starman Compendium Volume 1 TP, $59.99 Supergirl Woman Of Tomorrow #3 (Of 8)(Cover A Bilquis Evely), $4.99 Supergirl Woman Of Tomorrow #3 (Of 8)(Cover B David Mack), $4.99 Superman And The Authority #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Mikel Janin), $4.99 Superman And The Authority #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Trevor Hairsine), $4.99 Superman Red And Blue #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Evan Doc Shaner, $5.99 Superman Red And Blue #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Gabriele Dell Otto Variant, $5.99 Superman Red And Blue #6 (Of 6)(Cover C Kevin Eastman Variant, $5.99 Sweet Tooth The Return TP, $17.99 Truth And Justice #7 (Of 7)(Cover A Efrem Anacleto), $4.99 Truth And Justice #7 (Of 7)(Cover B Junggeun Yoon Card Stock Variant), $5.99
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HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Heavy Metal #309 (Cover A Tom Jilesen), $13.99 Heavy Metal #309 (Cover B Santa Fung), $13.99
IDW PUBLISHING Bermuda #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Nick Bradshaw), $4.99 Bermuda #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Nick Bradshaw Virgin Variant), AR Bermuda #2 (Of 4)(Cover C J. Scott Campbell), AR Bermuda #2 (Of 4)(Cover D J. Scott Campbell Virgin Variant), AR Godzilla Monsters And Protectors #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Dan Schoening), $3.99 Godzilla Monsters And Protectors #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Photo), $3.99 Godzilla Monsters And Protectors #5 (Of 5)(Cover C Philip Murphy), AR Star Wars Adventures Volume 2 #8 (Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Volume 2 #8 (Cover B Arianna Florean, $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Volume 2 #8 (Cover C Francesco Francavilla Black & White Variant), AR Star Wars The High Republic Adventures #7 (Cover A Harvey Tolibao), $3.99 Star Wars The High Republic Adventures #7 (Cover B Ilias Kyriazis), AR
ILLUSTRATION MAGAZINE Illustration Magazine #73, $15.00
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KODANSHA COMICS Battle Angel Alita Mars Chronicle Volume 7 GN, $10.99
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B. Silva Stormbreakers Variant), AR Marauders #23 (Cover A Russell Dauterman), $3.99 Marauders #23 (Cover B Marc Aspinall), AR Marauders By Gerry Duggan Volume 3 TP, $15.99 Marvels #4 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Marvels #4 (Cover B Greg Smallwood), AR Marvel-Verse Doctor Strange TP, $9.99 Mighty Marvel Masterworks The X-Men Volume 1 The Strangest Super Heroes Of All TP (Jack Kirby Direct Market Cover), $15.99 Mighty Marvel Masterworks The X-Men Volume 1 The Strangest Super Heroes Of All TP (Michael Cho Book Market Cover), $15.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover A Kim Jacinto), $4.99 Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover B Ron Lim Connecting Variant), AR Miles Morales Spider-Man Annual #1 (Cover C Tony Fleecs), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover A Steve McNiven), $3.99 Moon Knight #2 (Cover B David Finch), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover C John Romita Sr. Hidden Gem Variant), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover D Peach Momoko), AR Moon Knight #2 (Cover E NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Reign Of X Volume 3 TP, $17.99 Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Bryan Hitch), $4.99 Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Mark Bagley Connecting Variant), AR Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover C David Baldeon Handbook Variant), AR Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover D Jeffrey Veregge), AR Sinister War #3 (Of 4)(Cover E Carlos Gomez), AR Spider-Woman #14 (Cover A Jung-Geun Yoon), $3.99 Spider-Woman #14 (Cover B NetEase Marvel Games Variant), AR Star Wars #16 (Cover A Carlo Pagulayan), $3.99 Star Wars #16 (Cover B David Nakayama Wanted Poster Variant), AR Star Wars #16 (Cover C Chris Sprouse Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary Variant), AR Star Wars #16 (Cover D Jan Duursema), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Steve McNiven), $3.99 Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Declan Shalvey), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover C David Nakayama Wanted Poster Variant), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover D John Cassaday Trading Card Variant), AR Star Wars War Of The Bounty Hunters #3 (Of 5)(Cover E John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Dave Wilkins), $4.99 Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Games Workshop), AR Warhammer 40000 Sisters Of Battle #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Edgar Salazar Design Variant), AR Way Of X #5 (Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli), $3.99 Way Of X #5 (Cover B David Baldeon), AR Way Of X #5 (Cover C InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Variant), AR Way Of X #5 (Cover D InHyuk Lee Asian American And Pacific Islander Heritage Virgin Variant), AR X-Corp #4 (Cover A David Aja), $3.99 X-Corp #4 (Cover B David Lopez), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Valerio Schiti), $4.99 X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover B John Romita Jr.), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Elizabeth Torque Spoiler Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Mark Brooks), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover E David Finch Spoiler Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Greg Capullo Hidden Gem Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Peach Momoko), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover I Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR X-Men The Trial Of Magneto #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Stanley Artgerm Lau Virgin Variant), AR
ONI PRESS Jonna And The Unpossible Monsters #5 (Cover A Chris Samnee), $3.99 Jonna And The Unpossible Monsters #5 (Cover B Zander Cannon), $3.99 Star Beasts TP, $12.99
SCOUT COMICS Broken Souls Balland #1 (2nd Printing Ludovica Ceregatti Cover), $3.99 Sam And His Talking Gun #4, $3.99 Sh*tshow TP, $14.99
SCOUT COMICS – SCOOT Stanley The Snowman #1, $1.99
SECOND SIGHT PUBLISHING Edge #2 (Cover A Mark V), $3.99 Edge #2 (Cover B Mark V Virgin Variant), $3.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS Black Of Heart TP, $19.99 Damned Cursed Children TP, $19.99 Eighth Immortal TP, $14.99 We Are The Rejected Omnibus TP, $19.99
TITAN COMICS Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover A Dani Strips), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover B Jesus Hervas), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover C Robert Hack), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover D Veronica Fish), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover E Dani Strips Mirrored Foil Variant), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins #5 (Cover F Natasha Alterici Pride Variant), $3.99 Blade Runner Origins TP, $17.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover A Mike Mignola), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover B Valentin Secher), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover C Eric Bourgier), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover D Julien Telo), $3.99 Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover E Mike Mignola Virgin Variant), AR Elric The Dreaming City #1 (Cover F Julien Telo), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover A Priscilla Petraites), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover B Fabio Mancini), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover C Ana Godis), $3.99 ExtraOrdinary #3 (Cover D Yoshi Yoshitani Pride Variant), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover A Sanya Anwar), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover B V. V. Glass), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover C Patricio Clarey), $3.99 Monday Monday Rivers Of London #2 (Cover D Jennifer Hickman Pride Variant), $3.99
TOHAN CORPORATION Hobby Japan June 2021, $20.00 Megami May 2021, $20.00 Newtype May 2021, $20.00
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT X-O Manowar #5 (Cover A Rahzzah), $3.99 X-O Manowar #5 (Cover B Michael Cho), $3.99 X-O Manowar #5 (Cover C Michael Cho Virgin Variant), AR X-O Manowar #5 (Cover D Christian Ward Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR
VAULT COMICS Hollow Heart #6 (Cover A Paul Tucker), $3.99 Hollow Heart #6 (Cover B Jen Hickman), $3.99
VIZ MEDIA Asadora Volume 3 GN, $14.99 Assassin’s Creed Blade Of Shao Jun Volume 2 GN, $14.99 Chainsaw Man Volume 6 GN, $9.99 Disney Cruella The Manga Black White And Red GN, $14.99 Golden Kamuy Volume 23 GN, $12.99 Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt Volume 16 GN, $14.99 Sensor HC, $19.99 Urusei Yatsura Volume 11 GN, $19.99 Zom 100 Bucket List Of The Dead Volume 3 GN, $12.99
WARRANT PUBLISHING COMPANY Vampiress Carmilla Magazine #5, $5.95
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Belle Dragon Clan #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Belle Dragon Clan #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Canaan White), $5.99 Belle Dragon Clan #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Ron Leary Jr.), $5.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover A Mike Krome), $8.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover B Igor Vitorino), $8.99 Grimm Universe Presents Quarterly #3 (Zodiac Vs Deathforce)(Cover C Derlis Santacruz), $8.99 Watcher TP, $12.99
NECA/WIZKIDS Pathfinder Battles Human Cleric Female Premium Painted Figure, AR TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 52toys Fat Tiger Emoticons Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Food On Head Noodle Cat Series Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Lucky Cat Desserts Series Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Lucky Cat Fortune Series Vinyl 8 Piece Blind Mystery Box Display, AR 52toys Wuhuang Daily Life Vinyl Figure 8 Piece Series 3 Blind Mystery Box Display, AR Avatar Series 4 Deluxe Action Figure Assortment, AR DC Justice League Darkseid 7 Inch Scale Mega Action Figure, AR DC Justice League Steppenwolf 7 Inch Scale Mega Action Figure, AR Marvel Gallery Comic Days Of Future Past Wolverine Statue, AR Marvel Universe Spider-Man Miles Morales ARTFX+ Statue, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Big Missile Launcher Model Kit Accessory, AR Mobile Suit Gundam Dress Up Parts Crash Cloak Model Kit Accessory, A My Hero Academia 6.5 Inch Plush Series 2 Assortment, AR My Hero Academia The Amazing Heroes V12 Hawks Figure, AR Vinyl Soda Frankenstein Jr With Metallic Chase, AR Vinyl Soda The Goonies Sloth With Chase, AR
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finnismyoriginalsin · 3 years
Chapters: 18/? Fandom: The Vampire Diaries (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Elena Gilbert/Klaus Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Elijah Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Finn Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Rebekah Mikaelson, Elena Gilbert/Tyler Lockwood, Elena Gilbert/Dean Winchester, Elena Gilbert/Kol Mikaelson Additional Tags: Multiple One-Shot AU, AU-gust 2021, AU-gust | August Writing Challenge Summary:
A collection of one-shot AUs centered around Elena Gilbert inspired by the prompts from the AU-gust Writing Challenge
Chapter 18: Eve of Epiphany Summary: Pirate AU with Finn x Elena
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vgprintads · 4 years
Tumblr media
‘FIFA 07′
“Electronic Arts developed a new sports engine for the Xbox 360-version of FIFA 07. This meant not only improved graphics and better controls, but the physics and control were also improved. The game collects more data from the matches than previous version, and thus is able to give a "man of the match" award. The commentary in English is provided by Martin Tyler Xbox 360 only and Andy Gray appears in all versions and Clive Tyldesley commentates the other versions of the game and the commentary in Mexican Spanish is provided by Enrique Bermúdez and Ricardo Peláez.
Extra features include up-to-the-minute real-world game results via real-time, weekly podcasts and news ticker, detailed football stats, information and real-world news available in five languages. Finally, the Xbox 360 version will offer a mini-game while the game loads, dropping the player in a one on one face off against the goalkeeper on a practice pitch. There is also very limited leagues on the Xbox 360 compared to the other consoles.
EA cut all but seven leagues from the Xbox 360 version of the game - one of which contained only one team (Juventus). According to producer Jean-Charles Gaudechon, this is because the new game engine took so long to develop that EA was not able to implement everything.” ~Wikipedia
Source: Micromania, November 2006 (#139) || Internet Archive; tactica
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martyniiii · 4 years
MAG 179 - Accomplice
New Magnus episode! MAG 179 - Accomplice
Case ########-19
Considerations of Justice.
Audio recorded by the Archivist, in situ.
Content warnings:
- Prison & Police brutality
- Fire & burning (inc SFX)
- Trauma
- Human remains (inc blood)
- Body horror
- Graphic animal attack (inc SFX)
- Direct & gun violence (inc SFX)
- Arguments
- Character death
- Grief
- Explicit language
- Mentions of: child abuse, substance abuse, murder, kidnapping
Thanks to this week's Patrons: Nick Vega, Tyler Dzuba, Pendragon, Becky Gregory, Rachel Meresman, Melissa, Connor Ferry, Wednesday, Briar and Brine, Oya, Omnia, Wonderwomeme, Sasha Radula S., Cinthya J, Isy, William Hess, Megan Lim, Maggie Hoffman, MizFrenchname, Floatingspacetrash, Andy Grimaldi, Erinna, Michael Prideaux, Naomi Taylor, Syn (pronounced sin), Piper, Gabe!, Nicole H., jadefyre, Joyful Joyous Joy, Amalie Kirstine, Sindri Mjölnir, Nathan Benson, The Critshow, noah ayers, Melanie Dalby, RubyDian, Haley, Hannah Meller, Skelechicken, Margaret, Emily Savage, Jessnewok, Gisela Navarro, Leah D, Steeve Kaye
If you'd like to join them visit www.patreon.com/rustyquill
Edited this week by Nico Vettese, Elizabeth Moffatt, Katie Seaton, Maddy Searle, Brock Winstead & Alexander J Newall
Written by Jonathan Sims and directed by Alexander J Newall
Produced by Lowri Ann Davies
- "Martin Blackwood" - Alexander J. Newall
- "The Archivist" - Jonathan Sims  
- "Basira Hussain" - Frank Voss
- "Alice "Daisy" Tonner" - Fay Roberts
Sound effects this week by VithorMoraes, Eelke, Timmeh515, j1987, vckhaze, daboy291, JasonElrod, YleArkisto, sunboy, worthahep88, savataivanov, kMoon, Anthousai, Diegolar, Amusquiz99, wlabarron, KenRT, paulocorona, nothayama, FlatHill, Gammelsmurfen778, jorickhoofd, LampEight, ceberation, Yoyodaman234, leonelmail, Hotlavaman, nioczkus, killpineapple, yeopot, iankath, Aegersum, jorickhoofd, leonelmail, 13GPanska_Langerova_Lucie, ralph.whitehead, lolamadeus, LampEight, zimbot, semccab, Tomlija & previously credited artists via freesound.org
Check out our merchandise at https://www.redbubble.com/people/rustyquill/collections/708982-the-magnus-archives-s1
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beatrice-otter · 5 years
Longfic Recs, part II
Yet more recs, mostly longfic
Something Like This (285755 words) by emmagrant01 Chapters: 47/47 Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Eric Bittle/OMC, Kent Parson/Jack Zimmermann, Kent Parson/OMC, Alicia Zimmermann/Bob Zimmermann, Larissa "Lardo" Duan/Shitty Knight, OMC/OMC, Jack Zimmermann/OMC, Camilla Collins/Jack Zimmermann Characters: Jack Zimmermann, Eric Bittle, Shitty Knight, Larissa "Lardo" Duan, Original Characters, Adam "Holster" Birkholtz, Justin "Ransom" Oluransi, Taylor Whitton, Kent "Parse" Parson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon-typical alcohol use, Angst, Demisexual Character, Slow Burn, Jack is oblivious, Bitty dates other guys, Anxiety, Jealousy, Coming Out, not hockey rpf but real teams and real people make appearances, Canon-Typical Drug Use, Happy Ending, Pining, so much horrible pining, and SMUT, so much smut omg, Fluffy Smut, Infidelity, Hockey, Not-totally-an-asshole Parse, flangst, really long fic, goes AU after sophomore year, Consensual Infidelity, You Can Play, a year in the life of Jack Zimmermann, Inspired by Real Events, The 2016 Orlando Shooting Series: Part 1 of Something Like This Summary:
Jack thought his first year in the NHL would be 100% about hockey, but the reality is so much more complicated. (AU where the Goodbye for the Summer comics didn’t happen, because I had already written 80K words of this. But just because it’s canon doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy long, angsty, get-together stories, amirite?)
Alternate summary, courtesy of Dracavia: What if Bad Bob didn't say anything at graduation?
of the nature of the wound (33936 words) by decinq Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann, Larissa "Lardo" Duan/Shitty Knight, Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin, Jack Zimmermann & Kent Parson, Hockey Ensemble - Relationship Additional Tags: Jack Knew First, athletics and mental health, media relations, Closeted Character Series: Part 1 of the messes of men
His first year in the NHL isn't easy, but Jack has spent his entire life playing through the hurt.
Pass It On (9241 words) by thefourthvine, knight_tracer Fandom:Hockey RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin, Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin Additional Tags: Podfic, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming, Podfic Length: 45-60 Minutes Summary:
Ninety percent of everyone's problems could be solved by a robot that just texted NO to hockey players on a regular basis. Unfortunately, Sidney didn't have a robot.
taken by the sea (100495 words) by notamagnet Chapters: 2/2 Fandom:Hockey RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Patrick Kane/Jonathan Toews, Danny Briere/Claude Giroux, Duncan Keith/Brent Seabrook, Sidney Crosby/Original Male Character
Characters: Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Kris Letang, Marc-Andre Fleury, Patrick Kane, Jonathan Toews, Jarome Iginla, Danny Briere, Claude Giroux, Colby Armstrong Additional Tags: Pittsburgh Penguins, Chicago Blackhawks
Summary: Sidney wasn't looking for love, he was just looking to play hockey again, but he found Ryan anyway. (Sidney Crosby/OMC)
All For One (121996 words) by ironychan Fandom:The Avengers (Marvel Movies),Captain America (Movies),Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov, Laura Kinney
Summary: While tracking down a weapons-smuggling operation in Florida, Steve Rogers stumbles across a dead body - HIS dead body. When he, Sam, and Natasha investigate, they discover a conspiracy bigger and more bizarre than anything HYDRA has thrown at them yet.
The Not-Christmas Not-Truce of 1944 (1416 words) by dropdeaddream Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Captain America (Movies),Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Howling Commandos, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: A Cow Additional Tags: untimely off-screen animal death, Actual New Yorker Steve Rogers, Actual New Yorker James Barnes
Summary: Bucky stabs a man in the neck.
The cow moos.
Badgering the Lawyers (6053 words) by Shrewreadings Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:The Avengers (2012) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner Additional Tags: Team, Original Character(s), Badgers Series: Part 1 of Badger-Verse Summary: All that’s unusual about the Tuesday is the badgers. Everything else is pretty normal for SHIELD.
Sure Movin' Down the Line (20173 words) by circ_bamboo Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe,The Avengers (Marvel Movies),Captain America (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maria Hill/Sam Wilson Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), Maria Hill, T'Challa, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanov Additional Tags: Canon Character of Color, Male Friendship, Latina Maria Hill, Race-related themes
Summary: Sam Wilson needs his wings fixed. Steve Rogers thinks he knows a guy who can do that, but as it turns out, Tony Stark didn't make the wings. He knows who did, though: T'Challa, the king of Wakanda and the genius behind the Wakandan Design Group. Sam, along with Rhodey and Maria Hill, goes to London to meet T'Challa . . . where unexpected dangers await them.
The Night Has Seen Your Mind (105030 words) by bomberqueen17 Chapters: 11/11 Fandom:Marvel Cinematic Universe,Captain America (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, OCs Additional Tags: Memory Loss, Memory Alteration, Panic Attacks, Epistolary, Public Relations, Pining, Social Media, modern life adjustment, OT3, OT4, Selfies, self-redemption, Bucky Barnes Returns, Bucky Barnes Remembers, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Natasha Feels, Protective Natasha, Steve Needs a Hug, Awesome Sam Wilson, Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Ensemble Cast, close 3rd person POV, POV Alternating, winter widow - Freeform, Freebird - Freeform, Pop music, strong OCs, Bucky Barnes Feels, Bucky Holds Himself At Gunpoint, bucky has opinions on rap
Series: Part 1 of Choice Is Not A Word A Bullet Knows
Summary: Steve and Sam return from a futile tour of the globe on the heels of the ghost of the Winter Soldier to find a pile of postcards with the names of confirmed-killed HYDRA agents waiting at Stark Tower: mission reports from the ghost to the only commanding officer he still feels he has. All of it is set to culminate in New York City... if Bucky can remember what he set up.
With some Clint/Natasha, Bucky/Natasha, Steve/Sam pining, a whole bunch of friendship dynamics, gratuitous pop culture references (Bucky is obsessed with pop music, as a coping strategy), slash, het, and a lot of cussing.
I Came to Win (13718 words) by Philyra Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Pepper Potts, Melinda May, Christine Everhart, Maya Hansen, Maria Hill, Natasha Romanov, Victoria Hand, Carol Danvers, Bobbi Morse, Jessica Drew, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Darcy Lewis, Betty Ross Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Hockey, Women Being Awesome, Female Friendship, Podfic Available Series: Part 1 of Get ready for it
Summary: Pepper Potts inherits a failing hockey team at 25. She builds her staff and team her way, screw what anyone else thinks. She wants a Stanley Cup.
Known Associates (294881 words) by thingswithwings Chapters: 9/9 Fandom:Marvel Cinematic Universe,The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, James "Rhodey" Rhodes/Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers/various OCs, Bruce Banner & Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanov, Maria Hill/Natasha Romanov (background), Tony Stark/Pepper Potts/James "Rhodey" Rhodes (background)
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Peggy Carter, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Arnie Roth, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark
Additional Tags: gender performance, queer 1940s Brooklyn, Fairy!Steve, femme!Steve, stevefeels, Union Organizing, Protests, Socialism, superhero ethics, queer ethics, queer friendships, queer communities, Found Family, collective action, Polyamory, Genderqueer Character, Pacifism, Makeup, Pretty Clothes, dressing up, Drawing, Portraiture, Military Kink, Food Kink, coming out stories, staying in stories, joyful sex work, degrading sex work, Homophobia, Heterosexism, Racism, gender essentialism, Femmephobia, Ableism, Racial slurs, LGBT slurs, Body Dysphoria, canon forced masculinization, non-consensual experimentation on people, Experimentation on Children, children in peril, child death (offscreen and brief), Eugenics, Police Brutality, criminalized homosexuality, military segregation, Canon character deaths, OC character deaths, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, everyone is queer because Steve, Steve Rogers: Cartoonist of the Revolution, Steve Rogers: power bottom, Steve Rogers' Fighting Queers, bad becomes worse-good becomes great-queer becomes superqueer
Summary: Steve Rogers isn't a self-made man.
Or, how a tough little Brooklyn fairy got turned into Captain America, and then turned back.
Brooklyn Boys (8332 words) by SleepsWithCoyotes Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe,Captain America (Movies),The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Jotunheim Beast, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Friday (Marvel) Additional Tags: Gen or Pre-Slash, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant
Summary: The stray picks up a stray.
Orbit (35580 words) by Primarybufferpanel Chapters: 22/22 Fandom:Mad Max Series (Movies),Mad Max: Fury Road Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Furiosa/Max Rockatansky, Furiosa & Max Rockatansky Characters: Max Rockatansky, Furiosa (Mad Max), Cheedo the Fragile, Toast the Knowing, The Dag (Mad Max), Capable (Mad Max), The Vuvalini, The Ace (Mad Max), Keeper of the Seeds (Mad Max), Bolt the three-legged dog, Miss Giddy (Mad Max)
Additional Tags: Post-Movie(s), Max is not good at having Feels, Slow Burn, Boltcutters are the new symbol of the Citadel, Recovery, Healing, Past Rape/Non-con, Sexual Content, Miss Giddy is the tattoo artist of the Citadel, Keeper of the Seeds is Max's newest ghost, Worldbuilding, Forehead Touching
Summary: Max thought he'd never want to see the Citadel again. And yet here he is and he isn't sure why. Furiosa greets him like this was always the plan, like he is one of her scouts. She looks strong and healthy again, recovered from her wound. Perhaps that is what he came to see?
He tells himself: 'One day. Supplies and water and food'. And then 'Maybe a night rest'.
Three days later he drives away, determined not to return.
(Three months later the Citadel comes into sight again)
Wizardry By Consent (61991 words) by Sixthlight Chapters: 5/5 Fandom:Rivers of London - Ben Aaronovitch Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Peter Grant/Thomas Nightingale Characters: Peter Grant, Thomas Nightingale, Cecelia Tyburn Thames, Abigail Kamara, Original Characters Additional Tags: Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, the Senior Officer Peter AU, also featuring, Lesley May - Freeform, Beverley Brook - Freeform, Molly - Freeform, and the rest of the Usual Suspects Series: Part 1 of The Senior Officer Peter AU
Summary: Fifteen years after a headless body was discovered in Covent Garden, Thomas Nightingale is still the last wizard in Britain, and Peter Grant, newly appointed Commander for Community Engagement in the Metropolitan Police Service, has just learned the truth about the existence of the Folly.
He has one or two questions.
Like Ephraim and Menasheh (2921 words) by Starlightify Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:DCU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Kent/Martha Kent Characters: Jonathan Kent, Martha Kent, Clark Kent Additional Tags: Alien Biology, Trans Character, Autism, Disabled Character, neurodivergent character, Parent-Child Relationship, Jewish Character, martha and jonathan kent's adventures in raising a space baby Series: Part 1 of repairing the world
Summary: There's not exactly a manual on how to raise a space baby. Martha and Jonathan do the best they can.
All the Roofs of Uncertainty (70065 words) by Kieron_ODuibhir Chapters: 12/12 Fandom:Batman (Comics),Batman - All Media Types,DCU Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Leslie Thompkins, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Characters: Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Wally West, Leslie Thompkins, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Sasha | Scarlet
Additional Tags: Brothers, Blood, Reconciliation, Red Hood - Freeform, Nightwing - Freeform, Hurt/Comfort, You were always the Golden Boy, appearances by Superman and Impulse II, cameos by Static and Bulleteer, Everybody loves Dick Grayson, Angst, Rage, you made a choice, parenting, Wally West is the worst combat therapist, also featuring cameo by Shazam!, Families of Choice, Alfred and Leslie taught Bruce how to be a parent, which might explain a lot, gratuitous canon, Now with added Batman, now with possibly too much Batman, what even is an antihero anyway?, insufferable big brother jason todd, the girls are sadly only in the epilogue
Summary: For all the blood on his hands, Red Hood was never just a villain. And Nightwing never gives up on family, not for good.
(Or: The one where Dick bleeds a lot and Jason argues with everybody.)
In all your wanderings (16073 words) by MirandaTam Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types,Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Shmi Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Darth Maul, Dooku (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slavery, Jedi Shmi, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, that's the plan at least, Shmi is the best jedi tbh Series: Part 1 of Jedi Shmi AU
Summary: Passion, yet serenity.
Shmi leaves Tatooine with Anakin and goes to the Jedi Temple.
Hindsight is Not Perfect (61864 words) by DAsObiQuiet Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types,Star Wars Prequel Trilogy,Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, onesided - Relationship Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Shmi Skywalker, Watto (Star Wars), Qui-Gon Jinn, Padmé Amidala, Yoda, Siri Tachi, Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Finis Valorum, Panaka (Star Wars), Mace Windu
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Time Travel Fix-It, Redemption, Well he tries Series: Part 1 of Force of Many Sights
Summary: Paved with good intentions or not, the road back from Hell is a difficult, slippery slope for those who choose to walk it as Anakin has. Now he has to face the consequences of his choices, avoid suspicion of everyone from the Jedi Council to Palpatine and try to prevent the future from turning out as badly Before all while somehow finding a way to balance the Force... again!
have you heard (42166 words) by peradi Chapters: 8/8 Fandom:Star Wars - All Media Types,Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens (2015) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Poe Dameron/Finn/Rey Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, Phasma, Hux, Kylo Ren, Stormtroopers, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Rey, Han Solo, Snoke Additional Tags: stories, Revolution, The First Order Sucks, stormtroopers - Freeform, Propaganda, finn is the patron saint of revolution, fn-2187 was a storm trooper Series: Part 1 of once there was Summary: "I heard FN-2187 was a Stormtrooper."
Finn sparks a revolution.
Fundamental Force Carriers (87796 words) by tanarill Chapters: 13/13 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types,Star Wars Prequel Trilogy,Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types,Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Yoda
Characters: Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, The Son (Clone Wars), The Father (Clone Wars), Yoda, Mace Windu, Sheev Palpatine | Darth Sidious, Padmé Amidala, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-5597 | Jesse, CT-6116 | Kix, Aang (Star Wars), OMC, OFC, Jocasta Nu, Quinlan Vos, Asajj Ventress, Pong Krell, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon, R2-D2, Dooku | Darth Tyranus, Grievous | Qymaen jai Sheelal, CC-2224 | Cody, Saesee Tiin, Oppo Rancisis, Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Han Solo, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, Shaak Ti
Additional Tags: Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Fix-It, Time Travel Fix-It, Lightsabers, Meditation, Feels, Training, Jedi Training, Lightsaber Battles, The Force, The Dark Side of the Force, BAMF!Anakin, Clones, News Media, Mental Health Issues, Therapy, Mathematics, Quantum Mechanics
Series: Part 1 of Probability Matrices
Summary: The Sith Lord Darth Vader lived his life. He probably didn't live it well, but he lived it as well as he knew how. At the end there, he'd even managed to woman up and kill Sidious. But he was dying, and at peace with the past.
The past wasn't at peace with him.
Brooklyn Boys (8332 words) by SleepsWithCoyotes Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Marvel Cinematic Universe,Captain America (Movies),The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Jotunheim Beast, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Friday (Marvel) Additional Tags: Gen or Pre-Slash, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant
Summary: The stray picks up a stray.
4 Minute Window (24127 words) by Speranza Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Captain America (Movies),Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter Additional Tags: Surveillance, It's Like Grand Central Station In Here, Brooklyn Boys, Power Couple, People Are Sick of Conceptual Art Series: Part 1 of 4 Minute Window
Summary: "Look, if they catch me," Bucky muttered, "they're either going to kill me or they're going to put me in a box with a little window and—Steve, I can't."
This, You Protect (64326 words) by owlet Chapters: 33/33 Fandom:Captain America (Movies),Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton Additional Tags: Humor, I hope humor anyway, cursing, Protection, Strong feelings about coffee, slightly off-canon, Steve is sassy, sam is sassy, Bucky is sassy, Everyone has their sassy pants on, just accept that grilled cheese is the perfect food, old people are Team Bucky Series: Part 1 of Infinite Coffee and Protection Detail
Summary: The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect
Ain't No Grave (Can Keep My Body Down) (107076 words) by spitandvinegar Chapters: 10/10 Fandom:Captain America - All Media Types,Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Original Characters, Pepper Potts, Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Claire Temple
Additional Tags: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drug Abuse, Homelessness, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Catholic Steve Rogers, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Artist Steve Rogers, Identity Issues, POV Alternating, Not Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie) Compliant, because I am a desert pony that runs as wild and free as the wind, Period Typical Attitudes, Masturbation, Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, original kid characters, a coupla goddamn kids, Pinkberry, Past Rape/Non-con
Series: Part 2 of Ain't No Grave
Summary: It's six in the morning, and Steve is heading out on a run when he nearly trips over a bouquet of sunflowers on the front steps of his brownstone.
For a second paranoia takes over, and he kicks the flowers a little, waiting for them to explode. They don't. They also came with a card, which he picks up. The front of the card has a tasteful picture of the Brooklyn bridge at sunset. It's very nice and sedate, like the kind of card you would buy to give to your boss. On the inside someone has written a short message in big, shaky block letters.
Steve sits down hard on the steps.
Don't Stop Believing (205901 words) by kianspo Chapters: 11/11 Fandom:Star Trek (2009),Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, Christopher Pike/Spock, Spock/Nyota Uhura Additional Tags: Action/Adventure, First Time, Angst, Drama, Ensemble Cast, Slow Burn, Enemies to Friends to Lovers Series: Part 2 of Don't Stop Believing
Summary: The story follows Spock from his own days as a cadet at Starfleet Academy to the ‘present day’ when he’s Kirk’s first officer and the Enterprise is on its five-year mission. Essentially, the story of Spock’s first real love followed by the story of him finding the love of his life. Ad astra per aspera.
Kal'i'farr heh T'naehm (11198 words) by sixbeforelunch Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Star Trek, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Male Character Characters: Original Vulcan Character(s) Additional Tags: Vulcan, Vulcan Culture, Alien Culture, Pon Farr, Marriage, The Dominion War - Freeform, world building, action takes place over a single day, tight focus, tight 3rd person POV, Ordinary People, Little Brothers, Big Sisters, architecture nerds, linguistics nerds, Sherlock Holmes fans, Clans, alien ceremonies, Arranged Marriage, Alien Food, Food, Cooking, Telepathy, Mental bonds, Telepathic Bonds, Parents and Children, Communication, no canon characters Series: Part 1 of Pi'maat Summary: A meditation on marriage and war, from a Vulcan perspective, on the eve of the Dominion War.
Stubborn Mouths: Humans In Translation (62940 words) by Hannah Chapters: 23/23 Fandom: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Julian Bashir/Elim Garak Characters: Julian Bashir, Elim Garak, Jadzia Dax, Odo (Star Trek), Kira Nerys, Quark (Star Trek), Miles O'Brien, Keiko O'Brien, Benjamin Sisko, Minor Characters
Additional Tags: Disability, Disabled Character of Color, Autism, Canon Character of Color, Neurodiversity, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alien Cultural Differences, Judaism, Jews In Space, exploring replicator limitations, Literary References & Allusions, Neko Case - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Autistic Character
Summary: If you’re sending yourself out to the edge of civilization, people expect it to be done for fame and glory – but then, Julian Bashir has never been what’s expected of him. He’s quite happy to agree with the reasons other people provide, because he isn’t sharing the private whys and wherefores when people are more than happy to fill in the gaps themselves. There are other, better things to worry about, work to be done and friends to be made – possibly even a lover, if he’s lucky…
...all while fighting to maintain his worth, and remain exactly who he’s always been.
A Bit Too Much Good Work (96074 words) by a_t_rain Chapters: 25/25 Fandom: Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rish/Byerly Vorrutyer Characters: Byerly Vorrutyer, Rish, Ivan Vorpatril, Alys Vorpatril, Tej Arqua Vorpatril, Donna Vorrutyer | Dono Vorrutyer Additional Tags: Politics, Case Fic, Class Issues, Book: Captain Vorpatril's Alliance, Imperial Security, Spies & Secret Agents, Cultural Differences
Summary: Behind the scenes of Captain Vorpatril's Alliance, Byerly grapples with bomb threats, Council of Counts politics, fallout from a previous case, and the difficulty of maintaining a romance when one's profession blurs the lines between lovers, colleagues, witnesses, and suspects.
Rise Up (2711 words) by hollimichele Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Sleepy Hollow (TV), Hamilton - Miranda Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Ichabod Crane, Abbie Mills (Sleepy Hollow), Alexander Hamilton Additional Tags: RPF, sort of? technically? Series: Part 1 of Don't Be Shocked When Your Hist'ry Book Mentions Me Summary: “I call bullshit,” Abbie said, ten steps into the secret crypt beneath Trinity Church.
Honor Among Thieves (225021 words) by Bracketyjack Chapters: 8/8 Fandom:Honor Harrington Series - David Weber Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Alternative Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: An Alternative Honorverse Novel.
I know the extended story-arc is one of the great glories of the Honorverse, but haven't you ever, ploughing through the latest best-selling doorstop, wanted radically to short-circuit the whole thing, and see those morally defective, small-souled Manticoran aristocrats taken down hard? And all Detweilers and Kolokoltsovs whatsoever fed to a vengeful passel of treecats, with BBQ sauce? I know I have ...
Going Native (151814 words) by Rap541 Chapters: 67/67 Fandom:Battlestar Galactica (2003),Star Trek: The Next Generation Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Felix Gaeta, Kara "Starbuck" Thrace, Lee "Apollo" Adama, Anastasia "Dee" Dualla, William Adama, Laura Roslin, Jean-Luc Picard, Saul Tigh, William Riker, Beverly Crusher, Worf (Star Trek:TNG/DS9), Reginald Barclay Additional Tags: Crossover, Fix-It Summary: What do you do when you're a lost Starfleet officer in the Beta Quadrant? You blend in and hope for the best.
Digging for the Bones by Paganaidd (203178 words) by Paganaidd Chapters: 62/62 Fandom:Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter Additional Tags: Severitus, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Panic Attack, Depression
Summary: Rather than allowing Harry to stay at Diagon Alley after he blew up Aunt Marge, the Ministry sends Harry back to the Dursleys. Harry returns to school after a terrible summer, to find that he's not the only one with this kind of secret. A student has been killed by his family. New screening measures are put into place by the Ministry: Every student must be given a medical exam and interview to look for child abuse. With Dumbledore facing an inquiry, Snape is entrusted with the task of making sure EVERYONE receives one.
The first chapter contains a character death and the whole story is quite dark. It begins at the beginning of Prisoner of Azkaban and is AU thereafter. Also note: this story is a "Snape is Harry's biological dad" story. This is not supposed to be the central theme of the story, but people have gotten annoyed that I didn't tell them at the beginning. D.S.S. Requirement by esama (30k) Harry Potter AU/Stargate The Dumbledore's Army use the Room of the Requirement to get themselves a spaceship.  
The Best Revenge (and it's sequel) by Arsinoe de Blassenville, 213k and 108k Harry Potter AU. Yes, the old Snape retrieves Harry from the Dursleys formula. I just had to write one. Everything changes, because the best revenge is living well. T for Mentor Snape's occasional naughty language. Supportive Minerva.
There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe (77571 words) by Shoshanah-ben-hohim Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Hockey RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin Characters: Evgeni Malkin, Sidney Crosby, Mario Lemieux, Sergei Gonchar Additional Tags: Ensemble Cast, Kid Fic, Original Character(s), Pittsburgh Penguins, Washington Capitals, St. Louis Blues, New York Rangers, Columbus Blue Jackets, 2018 Winter Olympics, Homophobia, Xenophobia, Child Neglect, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Mutual Pining Series: Part 1 of There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
Summary: Amidst rising political tensions between Russia and NATO countries, the KHL and NHL failed to renew their labor agreement this summer. Due to the failed agreement and intense political pressure at home, the Russian NHL players do not return to the NHL.
By March, Geno has played almost a season in Russia, and accepts this is his new reality, no matter how much he misses Sid – until he finds the first child. This sets him and everyone he involves down a dangerous path of international intrigue. Flightless Birds by RedandGreen, 94k words Hockey RPF genderbender Sid's hair is a thing. It's her thing, and she's always a girl even when she's a hockey player. (tw: sexual assault)  
Fastening One Heart to Every Falling Thing (51519 words) by thefourthvine Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hockey RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin, Evgeni Malkin/Alexander Ovechkin Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Soulbond, Trope Subversion/Inversion, Spacetoaster, Podfic Available, No Miracle Cure
Summary: Geno can't. Sidney won't.
To Bear is to Conquer Our Fate (106365 words) by Shem Chapters: 34/34 Fandom:Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen ating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kitty Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Characters: Kitty Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy Summary: The day after the Netherfield Ball, a simple walk through the countryside has wide reaching consequences for Mr Darcy and a certain young lady from Longbourn.
The Brighton Effect (74644 words) by Shem Chapters: 29/29 Fandom: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen ating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Catherine Bennet/Other(s), Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy, Jane Bennet/Charles Bingley Series: Part 1 of The Effect Summary: Kitty's chance to go to Brighton with Lydia may just change everyone's fate
Fair Winds and Homeward Sail (49011 words) by Ione Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persuasion - Jane Austen Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Admiral Croft/Sophia Croft, Anne Elliot/Frederick Wentworth Characters: Sophia Croft, Anne Elliot, Admiral Croft, Frederick Wentworth, Louisa Musgrove, Lady Russell, Mary Musgrove, Charles Musgrove, Captain Harville Additional Tags: The Royal Navy, References to Jane Austen, Regency Summary: Sophia Wentworth was devoted to her brothers before she found happiness. Then she wanted the same for Frederick . . .
Lydia, still (2719 words) by tree Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Star Trek: The Next Generation Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Lydia Bennet, Data (Star Trek), Jean-Luc Picard Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Epistolary, Holodecks/Holosuites, I Don't Even Know Summary: Rocks fall. Everyone dies.
Except Lydia.
Square Peg in a Round Hole, or Junior Year of High School, Revised, A Clones Tale (42497 words) by MarbleGlove Chapters: 13/13 Fandom:Highlander: The Series,Stargate SG-1 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Methos, Clone Jack O'Neill, Daniel Jackson, Teal'c, General Hammond, Jack O'Neill Additional Tags: post Fragile Balance, Crossover Series: Part 1 of A Square Peg in a Round Hole Summary: Methos was just spending a year as a high school teacher; Jake O'Neil was just trying to be someone other than Jack O'Neill; neither are simple individuals.
Change Is Only The Beginning (78449 words) by ivorygates Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stargate SG-1 Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jack O'Neill/Danielle Jackson Characters: Jack O'Neill, Danielle Jackson, Charlie Kawalsky, Ra (SG-1), Skaara (SG-1), Sha're (SG-1), Catherine Langford Additional Tags: Stargate the Movie AU, Girl!Daniel Summary: The One Where: Catherine Langford hired the wrong archaeologist for Project Giza, Dani Jackson joins a lesbian rock band, Jack isn't quite sure what he wants, and Gary Meyers gets a makeover.
AKA: Ivory Writes A Harlequin Romance...
Warning: incipient babies.
Said the Joker to the Thief (41898 words) by ivorygates, greenbirds Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:Stargate SG-1,NCIS ating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Series: Part 1 of Joker'verse Summary: If this isn't the absolute worst Monday Gibbs has ever experienced, it's certainly in the top ten.
And do my spiriting gently (1478 words) by thinlizzy2 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom:The Tempest - Shakespeare ating: General Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Ariel, Prospero, Miranda Summary: All is not as it seems on Prospero's island, but that is no coincidence. The island is Ariel's domain, and zie is the one who shapes the reality there.
World Ain't Ready (185796 words) by idiopathicsmile Chapters: 16/16 Fandom: Les Misérables - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Enjolras/Grantaire, background Courfeyrac/Jean Prouvaire - Relationship Characters: Grantaire (Les Misérables), Enjolras (Les Misérables), Éponine Thénardier, Jean "Jehan" Prouvaire, Courfeyrac (Les Misérables), Bahorel (Les Misérables), Marius Pontmercy, Cosette Fauchelevent, Joly (Les Misérables), Bossuet Laigle, Musichetta (Les Misérables) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - High School Summary: Enjolras presses his lips together. He already looks pained, and Grantaire hasn't even opened his mouth yet. That's got to be a record, even for them.
"I need a favor," he says at last.
"With what?" says Grantaire. "Ooh, are you forming a cult? Can I join? I'd be awesome at cults, I just know it." He ticks off his qualifications on his fingers. "I love chanting, I look great in robes—"
(High school AU. Grantaire the disaffected stoner is pulled into a cause bigger than himself. Or: in which there are pretend boyfriends for great justice.)
Admit Me, Chorus to This History (35091 words) by Morgyn Leri Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: 15th Century CE RPF,Henry V - Shakespeare Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Henry V of England/Blanche Stretton (OFC) Characters: Henry V of England, Henry IV of England, Thomas Beaufort, Henry Scroop, Katherine of Valois, John of Lancaster: Duke of Bedford, Humphrey of Lancaster: Duke of Gloucester, Blanche Stretton (OFC), James Stretton (OMC), Robert of Stretton (OMC) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, GFY, Don’t copy to another site Series: Part 1 of Mistress to Queen
Summary: An alternate history or alternate reality, if you will, wherein what some might call a romance is played out between a prince whose passions are power and war and a girl who wants nothing so much as family.
Hail Mary (191627 words) by galaxysoup Chapters: 23/23 Fandom:Supernatural Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Mary Winchester, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Missouri Moseley, Jody Mills, Ephraim (Supernatural), Joshua (Supernatural), Malachi (Supernatural), Theo (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Ezekiel | Gadreel, Cain (Supernatural), Tara (Supernatural: First Born), Garth Fitzgerald IV, Charlie Bradbury, Dorothy Baum, Muriel (Supernatural), Jim Murphy, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Tamara (Supernatural), Isaac (Supernatural), Kevin Tran, Linda Tran, Rufus Turner, Deanna Campbell, Victor Henriksen, Caleb (Supernatural), Annie Hawkins, Bartholomew (Supernatural), Original Characters, Bela Talbot, Hannah (Supernatural)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, BAMF Mary Winchester, BAMF Castiel, POV Mary Winchester, Human Castiel, Male-Female Friendship, Post-Episode: s09e03 I'm No Angel, Angst, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Castiel, Canon-Typical Violence, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Sick Castiel, Minor Character Death, Apocalypse Series: Part 1 of Hail Mary-verse
Summary:Take one newly human ex-angel on the run from Heaven. Combine with one mysteriously resurrected and increasingly pissed off Mary Winchester. Add overtones of Apocalypse. Shake well.
she's gotta be strong to fight them (25476 words) by stars_inthe_sky Chapters: 7/7 Fandom:Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles,Terminator - All Media Types,Terminator (Movies),The Terminator (1984),Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Characters: Savannah Weaver, Sarah Connor, Lauren Fields, Sydney Fields, James Ellison, Martin Bedell, Jesse Flores, Original Characters, Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Families of Choice, Unconventional Families, Mother-Daughter Relationship, Episode: s02e22 Born to Run, Training, Survival Training, Bechdel Test Pass, Apocalypse, Pre-Apocalypse, Alternate Timelines, Alternate Canon
Series: Part 1 of tell me where your strength lies
Summary: Sarah rises and hugs her so tightly that Savannah’s wet towel soaks through her sweater. “What did you mean, before, I saved your life?” Savannah asks, voice muffled by Sarah’s shoulder. “I didn’t do anything.”
After “Born to Run,” they’re just a kid without a mom and a mom without a kid. But a storm is still coming. (First in a series)
Through An Open Window (75068 words) by LMA Chapters: 34/34 Fandom: Babylon 5 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Valen (Jeffrey Sinclair)/Catherine Sakai, Sinclair & Delenn Characters: Valen (Jeffrey Sinclair), Catherine Sakai, Delenn, Draal, Zathras, Kosh Summary: Recounts the story of Jeffrey Sinclair's early years as Valen and his reunion with his fiancee Catherine Sakai; Delenn learns what happened to her friend by using the Great Machine. Originally published in 1996.
(The sequel is Summoned) Legend by ShayneT (100k words) Buffy/Star Trek TNG Summary: Trapped by an alien collector, Lieutenant Commander Data discovers an early 21st century android excavated from the ruins of Sunnydale and a capsule containing the frozen body of one of the Eugenic wars most notorious figures...Buffy Summers.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Paper as Color – David Hockney, Ellsworth Kelly, Kenneth Noland, Hugh O'Donnell, James Rosenquist, Robert Rahway Zakanitch, Center for Contemporary Graphic Art CCGA and Tyler Graphics Archive Collection, Fukushima, April 19 – June 22, 2003 [Museum für Gestaltung Zürich]
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The Gorgas Files
by not100bees
Formed in 1913 the Gorgas Files was created as a collection of statements of encounters with the supernatural. Stored in the Amelia Gayle Gorgas Library at the University of Alabama, the Gorgas Files offers a work study opportunity for University students studying a wide range of subjects from library science to journalism. It's a great opportunity, if only you can get past the omnipresent feeling that something is very wrong whenever you're down there.
Words: 1613, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Atlanta Turner, Tyler Cork, Brandon Allen, Alice Jones
Additional Tags: Horror, it's in the universe of the magnus archives but it's its own thing, No Eyepocalypse
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/23062021
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kattra · 6 years
What I’m Reading
BOOKS OF DECEMBER The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth The Fault in Our Stars by John Green* ** The Lonely City: Adventures in the Art of Being Alone by Olivia Laing (NF) Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto* ** Counting Descent by Clint Smith (P) The Metamorphosis by Franz Kaftka (AB)  Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances by John Green, Maureen Johnson & Lauren Myracle Asleep by Banana Yoshimoto Chimes at Midnight by Seanan McGuire ** The Winter Long by Seanan McGuire The Silver Witch by Paula Brackston The Gloaming by Kirsty Logan Night Thoughts: 70 Dream Poems & Notes From An Analysis by Sarah Arvio (P) Sightlines: A Conversation With the Natural World by Kathleen Jamie (NF) Goodbye Tsugumi by Banana Yoshimoto Girl in Snow by Danya Kukafka Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata Love Minus Eighty by Will McIntosh ** The Return of the Witch by Paula Brackston There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé by Morgan Parker (P) Witches of Lychford by Paul Cornell Mother Superior by Saleema Nawaz (SS) Stardust by Neil Gaiman* ** Different Seasons: Four Novellas by Stephen King Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems by Mark Doty (P) An Absolutely Remarkable Thing by Hank Green **
Graphic Novels read: Blue Is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh Peter Panzerfaust Vol.3-5 (Cry of the Wolf, The Hunt, On ’Til Morning) by Kurtis J. Wiebe & Tyler Jenkins ** Wet Moon Vol.1-6*, 7 (Morning Cold) by Sophie Campbell ** DC: The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke **
(205 books read / 200 books goal)
currently reading:  Uprooted by Naomi Novik* ** Dear Friend, From My Life I Write to You in Your Life by Yiyun Li (NF) Sour Heart by Jenny Zhang (SS) 
* - re-read // ** - 4+ star-rating on my goodreads (recommended) GN - graphic novel // NF - non-fiction SS - short story collection // P - poetry AB - audiobook 
TBR: The Archived by Victoria Schwab Winter by Ali Smith  Spoonbenders by Daryl Gregory  Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit by Michael Finkel (NF) The Overhaul by Kathleen Jamie (P) Sabrina by Nick Drnaso (GN)
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collectorscorner · 3 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday 3/31/21
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CC Parkville - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 12-6, Mon-Tues 12-7, Wed 9-8, Thurs 11-7, Friday & Saturday 11-8
Collectors Corner - Bel Air Outpost Location : OPEN for IN STORE SHOPPING with Strong Safety Measures in Place (Hand Sanitizing Stations, Masks Required for All, Social Distancing Required, Limited Capacity, CURBSIDE Pick Up Optional) - According to Harford County Guidelines. 1-410-838-1777.
CC Bel Air - 2020/2021 STORE HOURS, Sunday 11-5, Monday/Tuesday - Closed, Wednesday 11-8, Thursday 11-7, Friday/Saturday 11-8
Complete list of items shipping to the stores, some items may be limited in availability. If you see anything you want to purchase on the list and are not a subscription member at Collectors Corner, just contact us and let us know if you want an item held at the stores. email - [email protected]
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ABLAZE A Sister GN, $24.99 Cagaster Volume 5 GN, $12.99 Minecraft-Inspired Misadventures Of Frigiel And Fluffy Volume 2 HC, $12.99 Mirka Andolfo’s Un/Sacred Volume 2 #5 (Cover A Mirka Andolfo Eden & Severino Variant), $3.99
AFTERSHOCK COMICS I Breathed A Body #3, $3.99 Nuclear Family #2, $3.99
AHOY COMICS Edgar Allan Poe’s Snifter Of Blood #6, $4.99
AVATAR PRESS Cinema Purgatorio Collection TP, $19.99
AWA STUDIOS Byte-Sized #4, $3.99 Mann’s World #3, $3.99
BLACK MASK STUDIOS Destiny NY #1 (Cover A Elisa Romboli Interlocking Variant A), $3.99 Destiny NY #1 (Cover B Elisa Romboli Interlocking Variant B), $3.99 Destiny NY #1 (Cover C Terry Moore), AR Destiny NY #1 (Cover D Rosi Kampe), AR Destiny NY #1 (Cover E Terry Moore Black & White Variant), AR
BOOM! STUDIOS Firefly #27 (Cover A Bengal), $3.99 Firefly #27 (Cover B Rahzzah), $3.99 Firefly #27 (Cover C Bengal Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Firefly #27 (Cover D Ethan Young), AR Firefly #27 (Cover E Ethan Young Black & White Virgin Variant), AR Firefly #27 (Cover F Rahzzah Virgin Variant), AR Firefly Blue Sun Rising Volume 1 HC, $19.99 Gunnerkrigg Court Volume 7 TP, $16.99 Power Rangers Unlimited Heir To The Darkness #1 (Cover A Dan Mora), $7.99 Power Rangers Unlimited Heir To The Darkness #1 (Cover B Jung-Geun Yoon Connecting Variant), $7.99 Power Rangers Unlimited Heir To The Darkness #1 (Cover C Vincenzo Riccardi Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers Unlimited Heir To The Darkness #1 (Cover D Jenny Frison Virgin Variant), AR Power Rangers Unlimited Heir To The Darkness #1 (Cover E Dan Mora Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
COFFIN COMICS Lady Death Malevolent Decimation #1 (Of 2)(Cover A Richard Ortiz), $4.99 Lady Death Malevolent Decimation #1 (Of 2)(Cover B Anthony Spay Selfie Variant), $4.99
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1754, AR
DARK HORSE COMICS Autobiographix HC, $24.99 Bandette Volume 2 Stealers Keepers TP, $14.99 Black Ghost TP, $19.99 Disney Princess Beyond The Extraordinary TP, $10.99 Dragon Age Dark Fortress #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Sachin Teng), $3.99 EC Archives Shock Illustrated HC, $49.99 Sacred Decay The Art Of Lauren Marx HC, $29.99 Stranger Things Volume 4 Science Camp TP, $19.99 Trial Of The Wizard King The Wizard King Trilogy Volume 2 TP, $12.99 Unfinished Business HC, $19.99 Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 9 HC (Limited Edition), $79.99 Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 9 TP, $24.99 Witcher Fading Memories #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Evan Cagle), $3.99 Witcher Fading Memories #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Jeremy Wilson), $3.99 Young Hellboy The Hidden Land #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Matt Smith), $3.99 Young Hellboy The Hidden Land #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Rachele Aragno), $3.99
DC COMICS Batman Catwoman #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Clay Mann), $4.99 Batman Catwoman #4 (Of 12)(Cover B Jim Lee & Scott Williams), $4.99 Batman Catwoman #4 (Of 12)(Cover C Travis Charest), $4.99 Batman’s Grave The Complete Collection HC, $39.99 Flash #768 (Cover A Brandon Peterson), $4.99 Flash #768 (Cover B Ian MacDonald), AR Future State Superman Vs Imperious Lex #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Yanick Paquette), $3.99 Future State Superman Vs Imperious Lex #3 (Of 3)(Cover B David Nakayama Card Stock Variant), AR Green Arrow 80 Years Of The Emerald Archer The Deluxe Edition HC, $29.99 John Constantine Hellblazer Volume 2 The Best Version Of You TP, $16.99 Justice League Odyssey Volume 4 Last Stand TP, $16.99 Other History Of The DC Universe #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Giuseppe Camuncoli & Marco Mastrazzo), $6.99 Other History Of The DC Universe #3 (Of 5)(Cover B Jamal Campbell), $6.99 Strange Adventures #9 (Of 12)(Cover A Mitch Gerads), $4.99 Strange Adventures #9 (Of 12)(Cover B Evan Doc Shaner), $4.99 Teen Titans Raven HC, $19.99
DEL REY Star Wars Doctor Aphra Novel HC, $25.00 Star Wars Dooku Jedi Lost Novel SC, $17.00
DK PUBLISHING Star Wars Skywalker A Family At War HC, $24.99
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Vengeance Of Vampirella #16 (Cover A Lucio Parrillo), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #16 (Cover B Ben Oliver), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #16 (Cover C Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #16 (Cover D Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant), $3.99 Vengeance Of Vampirella #16 (Cover E Michael Sta. Maria Bonus Variant), AR
GRAPHIX Dog Man Volume 10 Mothering Heights GN, $12.99 Dog Man Volume 10 Mothering Heights HC (With Dust Jacket), $24.99
IDW PUBLISHING Korgi Volume 5 End Of Seasons GN, $14.99 Marvel Action Spider-Man Volume 3 #1 (Cover A Philip Murphy), $3.99 Marvel Action Spider-Man Volume 3 #1 (Cover B TBD), AR My Little Pony Transformers Friendship In Disguise TP, $15.99 Sea Of Sorrows #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Alex Cormack), $3.99 Sea Of Sorrows #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Brian Level), AR Sonic The Hedgehog Volume 8 Out Of The Blue TP, $15.99 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Last Ronin #2 (Of 5)(Esau Escorza & Isaac Escorza 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $8.99 Transformers #28 (Cover A Casey W. Coller), $3.99 Transformers #28 (Cover B Adam Bryce Thomas), $3.99 Transformers #28 (Cover C Thomas Deer), AR Usagi Yojimbo Wanderer’s Road #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Peach Momoko), $3.99
IMAGE COMICS Crossover #4 (Geoff Shaw 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Crossover #5 (Cover A Geoff Shaw), $3.99 Crossover #5 (Cover B Blank Variant), $3.99 Crossover #5 (Cover C Geoff Shaw Virgin Variant), AR Crossover #5 (Cover D Geoff Shaw Raw Variant), AR Crossover #5 (Cover E Ellipsis Design Variant), AR Decorum #7 (Cover A Mike Huddleston), $3.99 Decorum #7 (Cover B Mike Huddleston), $3.99 Department Of Truth #2 (Martin Simmonds 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Department Of Truth #3 (Martin Simmonds 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Department Of Truth #6 (Martin Simmonds 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Department Of Truth #7 (Cover A Martin Simmonds), $3.99 Department Of Truth #7 (Cover B Tyler Boss), $3.99 Killadelphia Volume 2 Burn Baby Burn TP, $16.99 Nocterra #1 (Tony S. Daniel 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Redneck #30, $3.99 Shadecraft #1 (Cover A Lee Garbett), $3.99 Shadecraft #1 (Cover B Jock), $3.99 Shadecraft #1 (Cover C Blank Variant), $3.99 Spawn #316 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $2.99 Spawn #316 (Cover B Greg Capullo & Todd McFarlane), $2.99 Spawn #316 (Cover C Bjorn Barends), $2.99 Two Moons #1 (Valerio Giangiordano 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Two Moons #2 (Cover A Valerio Giangiordano), $3.99 Two Moons #2 (Cover B Francesco Mobili & Francesco Segala), $3.99
MAD CAVE STUDIOS Terminal Punks #5 (Of 5), $3.99
MAGNETIC PRESS Wahcommo HC, $29.99
MARVEL COMICS Avengers Academy The Complete Collection Volume 3 TP, $44.99 Avengers By Jonathan Hickman The Complete Collection Volume 4 TP, $44.99 Avengers Curse Of The Man-Thing #1 (Cover A Daniel Acuna), $4.99 Avengers Curse Of The Man-Thing #1 (Cover B Patrick Gleason Webhead Variant), AR Avengers Curse Of The Man-Thing #1 (Cover C Chris Sprouse), AR Avengers Curse Of The Man-Thing #1 (Cover D Carmen Nunez Carnero Design Variant), AR Avengers Curse Of The Man-Thing #1 (Cover E Joshua Cassara Stormbreakers Variant), AR Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson), $4.99 Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Iban Coello Stormbreakers Variant), AR Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Ryan Stegman), AR Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Ryan Stegman Sketch Variant), AR Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Chase Conley), AR Beta Ray Bill #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Walter Simonson), AR Black Cat #4 (Cover A Pepe Larraz), $3.99 Black Cat #4 (Cover B Natacha Bustos), AR Black Cat #4 (Cover C Jen Bartel Black Cat Women’s History Month Variant), AR Black Cat #4 (Cover D Adam Hughes), AR Captain America #28 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Captain America #28 (Cover B Patrick Brown Avengers Mech Strike Variant), AR Captain America #28 (Cover C Michael Cho Captain America Two-Tone Variant), AR Fantastic Four Antithesis Treasury Edition TP, $34.99 King In Black Ghost Rider #1 (Cover A Will Sliney), $4.99 King In Black Ghost Rider #1 (Cover B Gerald Parel), AR King In Black Ghost Rider #1 (Cover C Jen Bartel Women’s History Month Variant), AR King In Black Return Of The Valkyries #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Mattia De Iulis), $3.99 King In Black Return Of The Valkyries #4 (Of 4)(Cover B Phil Noto Valkyrie Profile Variant), AR King In Black Return Of The Valkyries #4 (Of 4)(Cover C Todd Nauck Headshot Variant), AR Shang-Chi By Gene Luen Yang Volume 1 Brothers And Sisters TP, $15.99 Shang-Chi Earth’s Mightiest Martial Artist TP, $24.99 Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Stonehouse), $3.99 Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Jee-Hyung Lee), AR Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Nayoung Wooh), AR Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Skottie Young), AR Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Bengal), AR Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Jee-Hyung Lee Virgin Variant), AR Silk #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Jen Bartel Silk Women’s History Month Variant), AR Star Wars The High Republic #2 (TBD 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Star Wars The High Republic #3 (TBD 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Symbiote Spider-Man King In Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Greg Land), $3.99 Symbiote Spider-Man King In Black #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Dave Rapoza), AR U.S.Agent #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99 U.S.Agent #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Joe Bennett), AR Union #4 (Of 5)(Cover A R. B. Silva), $3.99 Union #4 (Of 5)(Cover B R. B. Silva Design Variant), AR Union #4 (Of 5)(Cover C Ryan Brown), AR X-Men #19 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99 X-Men #19 (Cover B Jen Bartel Emma Frost Women’s History Month Variant), AR X-Men Legends #2 (Cover A Brett Booth), $3.99 X-Men Legends #2 (Cover B Iban Coello Connecting Variant), AR X-Men Legends #2 (Cover C John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR
ONI PRESS Hazards Of Love SC, $19.99 Secrets Of Camp Whatever SC, $17.99
SCOUT COMICS Grit Volume 1 TP, $9.99
SOURCE POINT PRESS Black Of Heart #5 (Of 5), $3.99 Claim A Song Of Ire And Vice #4 (Of 4), $3.99 Cult Of Dracula #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Gyula Nemeth), $3.99 Cult Of Dracula #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Shannon Maer), $3.99 Damned Cursed Children #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Dead End Kids Suburban Job #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Criss Madd), $3.99 Dead End Kids Suburban Job #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Ryan Kincaid), AR Eighth Immortal #3 (Of 4), $3.99 Era Of Great Wonders #4 (Of 6), $3.99 Hollow TP, $14.99 Spaced Out #1 (One Shot), $3.99 Touching Evil #14, $4.99 Warcorns Combat Unicorns for Hire #3 (Of 4), $3.99
TITAN COMICS Adler Volume 1 TP, $16.99 Star Wars Insider #201 (Newsstand Edition), $9.99 Star Wars Insider #201 (Previews Exclusive Edition), $9.99
UDON ENTERTAINMENT Devil May Cry 3142 Graphic Arts HC, $49.99 Robotech Visual Archive The Southern Cross HC, $49.99
VAULT COMICS Giga #3 (Cover A John Le), $3.99 Giga #3 (Cover B Adam Gorham), $3.99 Shadow Service #6 (Cover A Corin Howell), $3.99 Shadow Service #6 (Cover B Rebekah Isaacs), $3.99 Witchblood #1 (Cover A Lisa Sterle), $3.99 Witchblood #1 (Cover B Lisa Sterle), $3.99 Witchblood #1 (Cover C Tim Daniel & Nathan Gooden), $3.99 Witchblood #1 (Cover D Yoshi Yoshitani), AR Witchblood #1 (Cover E Yoshi Yoshitani Virgin Variant), AR Witchblood #1 (Cover F Yoshi Yoshitani Foil Variant), AR
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Courier Liberty And Death #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Leonardo Colapietro), $5.99 Courier Liberty And Death #3 (Of 3)(Cover B Nelly Jimenez), $5.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #47 (Cover A Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #47 (Cover B Edgar Salazar), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #47 (Cover C Sun Khamunaki), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #47 (Cover D Martin Coccolo), $3.99 Grimm Universe Retailer Program March 2021 Bronze Variant (John Royle Spider Queen Variant Cover), AR Grimm Universe Retailer Program March 2021 Gold Variant (Elias Chatzoudis Van Helsing Variant Cover), AR Grimm Universe Retailer Program March 2021 Platinum Variant (Elias Chatzoudis Van Helsing Variant Cover), AR Grimm Universe Retailer Program March 2021 Silver Variant (Elias Chatzoudis Van Helsing Variant Cover), AR Van Helsing Black Annis #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Edgar Salazar), $5.99 Van Helsing Black Annis #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Igor Vitorino), $5.99 Van Helsing Black Annis #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Maria Laura Sanapo), $5.99
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES Aquarius Deadpool 3000 Piece Puzzle, AR DC Gallery Superman Ascendant PVC Statue, AR Dragon Ball Z Series1 3D Foam Bag Clip 24 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Karate Kid Cobra Kai Jigsaw Puzzle, AR Lord Of The Rings Series 1 Action Figure Assortment, AR Loyal Subjects Horror Wave 2 Gremlins Stripe Action Vinyl Action Figure, AR Loyal Subjects Horror Wave 3 Ed Scissorhands Suburb Action Vinyl Action Figure, AR Marvel Graphic Comic Box Alien #1, AR POP Animation Naruto Minato Namikaze Vinyl Figure, AR POP Games Sekiro Vinyl Figure, AR POP Heroes DC Death Metal Wonder Woman Previews Exclusive Vinyl Figure With Chase, AR POP Movies Bramstokers Armored Dracula Without Helmet Vinyl Figure, AR
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smashpages · 6 years
Nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards announced
Comic-Con International has announced the nominees for the 2018 Eisner Awards, presented annually in San Diego at the convention.
Monstress by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda and My Favorite Thing Is Monsters by Emil Ferris each received five nominations across various categories; other comics with multiple nominations included Mister Miracle, Black Hammer, The Flintstones, Grass Kings, Eartha and Hawkeye.
Check out the complete list of nominees below.
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix) “Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!) ”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), https://ift.tt/2I41VPy “Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant) “Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox) Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse) Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books) The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics) What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse) Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box) Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel) Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC) X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel) Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios) Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image) Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image) Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books) Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow) Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books) Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books) Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia) Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf) Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel) Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House) Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia) Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly) Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC) The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC) Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image) Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press) A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow) Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press) Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts) Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW) Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW) Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press) Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics) Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow) The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics) Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence) Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly) Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image) H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse) Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse) Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow) Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW) FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero) Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic) The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics) Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon) Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media) My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon) Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics) Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Ito translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel) Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press) Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books) Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press) Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha) Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW) The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum) Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC) Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant) Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image) Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image) Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow) Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics) Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse) Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia) David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic) EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM) Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW) Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image) Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal) Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel) Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image) Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC) Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel) David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image) Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image) Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi) Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel) Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics) Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse) John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorok (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows) The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics) Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows) PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids) How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group) How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics) Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk) Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi) Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press) Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press) Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press) Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha) Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel) Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli) My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics) Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology) Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate) The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant) Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm) Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideon Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates) Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital) Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon) Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib) The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com (Oni Press) Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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starwarsnewsit · 6 years
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
New Post has been published on http://www.starwarsnews.it/2018/04/27/eisner-awards-2018-star-wars/
Eisner Awards 2018: poco "Star Wars" tra le nomination
Eisner Awards 2018. Verrà assegnato a breve uno dei premi più importanti del panorama fumettistico. Quest’anno tra le varie nomination c’è anche qualcosa legata a Star Wars, ma veramente poco…
Eisner Awards 2018 – Tutte le nomination
Best Short Story
“Ethel Byrne,” by Cecil Castelluci and Scott Chantler, in Mine: A Celebration of Liberty and Freedom for All Benefiting Planned Parenthood (ComicMix)
“Forgotten Princess,” by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Antonio Sandoval, in Adventure Time Comics #13 (kaboom!)
”A Life in Comics: The Graphic Adventures of Karen Green,” by Nick Sousanis, in Columbia Magazine (Summer 2017), http://magazine.columbia.edu/features/summer-2017/life-comics?page=0,0
“Small Mistakes Make Big Problems,” by Sophia Foster-Dimino, in Comics for Choice (Hazel Newlevant)
“Trans Plant,” by Megan Rose Gedris, in Enough Space for Everyone Else (Bedside Press)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Barbara, by Nicole Miles (ShortBox)
Hellboy: Krampusnacht, by Mike Mignola and Adam Hughes (Dark Horse)
Pope Hats #5, by Ethan Rilly (AdHouse Books)
The Spotted Stone, by Rick Veitch (Sun Comics)
What Is Left, by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell (ShortBox)
Best Continuing Series
Black Hammer, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and David Rubín (Dark Horse)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Liz Fleming (BOOM! Box)
Hawkeye, by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Mike Walsh (Marvel)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
The Wicked + The Divine, by Kieron Gillen & Jamie McKelvie (Image)
Best Limited Series
Black Panther: World of Wakanda, by Roxane Gay, Ta-Nehisi Coates, and Alitha E. Martinez (Marvel)
Extremity, by Daniel Warren Johnson (Image/Skybound)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Black Bolt, by Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward (Marvel)
Grass Kings, by Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins (BOOM! Studios)
Maestros, by Steve Skroce (Image)
Redlands, by Jordie Belaire and Vanesa Del Rey (Image)
Royal City, by Jeff Lemire (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Adele in Sand Land, by Claude Ponti, translated by Skeeter Grant and Françoise Mouly (Toon Books)
Arthur and the Golden Rope, by Joe Todd-Stanton (Flying Eye/Nobrow)
Egg, by Kevin Henkes (Greenwillow Books)
Good Night, Planet, by Liniers (Toon Books)
Little Tails in the Savannah, by Frederic Brrémaud and Federico Bertolucci, translated by Mike Kennedy (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Bolivar, by Sean Rubin (Archaia)
Home Time (Book One): Under the River, by Campbell Whyte (Top Shelf)
Nightlights, by Lorena Alvarez (Nobrow)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13-17)
The Dam Keeper, by Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi (First Second/Tonko House)
Jane, by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez (Archaia)
Louis Undercover, by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault, translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Monstress, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda (Image)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Humor Publication
Baking with Kafka, by Tom Gauld (Drawn & Quarterly)
Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, by Tom King, Lee Weeks, and Byron Vaughn (DC)
The Flintstones, by Mark Russell, Steve Pugh, Rick Leonardi, and Scott Hanna (DC)
Rock Candy Mountain, by Kyle Starks (Image)
Wallace the Brave, by Will Henry (Andrews McMeel)
Best Anthology
A Bunch of Jews (and Other Stuff): A Minyen Yidn, by Max B. Perlson, Trina Robbins et al. (Bedside Press)
A Castle in England, by Jamie Rhodes et al. (Nobrow)
Elements: Fire, A Comic Anthology by Creators of Color, edited by Taneka Stotts (Beyond Press)
Now #1, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
The Spirit Anthology, edited by Sean Phillips (Lakes International Comic Art Festival)
Best Reality-Based Work
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
The Best We Could Do, by Thi Bui (Abrams ComicArts)
Calamity Jane: The Calamitous Life of Martha Jane Cannary, 1852–1903, by Christian Perrissin and Matthieu Blanchin, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (IDW)
Lennon: The New York Years, by David Foenkinos, Corbeyran, and Horne, translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger (IDW)
Spinning, by Tillie Walden (First Second)
Best Graphic Album—New
Crawl Space, by Jesse Jacobs (Koyama Press)
Eartha, by Cathy Malkasian (Fantagraphics)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, by Emil Ferris (Fantagraphics)
Stages of Rot, by Linnea Sterte (Peow)
The Story of Jezebel, by Elijah Brubaker (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Boundless, by Jillian Tamaki (Drawn & Quarterly)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Black Hole by Charles Burns, edited by Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Small Favors: The Definitive Girly Porno Collection, by Colleen Coover (Oni/Limerence)
Sticks Angelica, Folk Hero, by Michael DeForge (Drawn & Quarterly)
Unreal City, by D. J. Bryant (Fantagraphics)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Beowulf, adapted by Santiago García and David Rubín (Image)
H. P. Lovecraft’s The Hound and Other Stories, adapted by Gou Tanabe, translated by Zack Davisson (Dark Horse)
Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, adapted by Christophe Chabouté, translated by Laure Dupont (Dark Horse)
Kindred, by Octavia Butler, adapted by Damian Duffy and John Jennings (Abrams ComicArts)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
Audubon: On the Wings of the World, by Fabien Grolleau and Jerémie Royer, translated by Etienne Gilfillan (Nobrow)
Flight of the Raven, by Jean-Pierre Gibrat, translated by Diana Schutz and Brandon Kander (EuroComics/IDW)
FUN, by Paolo Bacilieri, translated by Jamie Richards (SelfMadeHero)
Ghost of Gaudi, by El Torres and Jesús Alonso Iglesias, translated by Esther Villardón Grande (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
The Ladies-in-Waiting, by Santiago García and Javier Olivares, translated by Erica Mena (Fantagraphics)
Run for It: Stories of Slaves Who Fought for the Freedom, by Marcelo D’Salete, translated by Andrea Rosenberg (Fantagraphics)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Furari, by Jiro Taniguchi, translated by Kumar Sivasubramanian (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Golden Kamuy, by Satoru Noda, translated by Eiji Yasuda (VIZ Media)
My Brother’s Husband, vol. 1, by Gengoroh Tagame, translated by Anne Ishii (Pantheon)
Otherworld Barbara, vol. 2, by Moto Hagio, translated by Matt Thorn (Fantagraphics)
Shiver: Junji Ito Selected Stories, by Junji Itotranslated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Celebrating Snoopy, by Charles M. Shulz, edited by Alexis E. Fajardo and Dorothy O’Brien (Andrews McMeel)
Crazy Quilt: Scraps and Panels on the Way to Gasoline Alley, by Frank King, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Foolish Questions and Other Odd Observations, by Rube Goldberg, edited by Peter Maresca and Paul C. Tumey (Sunday Press Books)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Dailies, by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Daniel Herman (Hermes Press)
Star Wars: The Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 1, by Russ Manning et al., edited by Dean Mullaney (LOAC/IDW)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, by Katsuhiro Otomo, edited by Haruko Hashimoto, Ajani Oloye, and Lauren Scanlan (Kodansha)
Behaving MADly, edited by Craig Yoe (Yoe Books/IDW)
The Collected Neil the Horse, by Arn Saba/Katherine Collins, edited by Andy Brown (Conundrum)
Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez, edited by Gary Groth (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, by Paul Gravett, Denis Kitchen, and John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Tom King, Batman, Batman Annual #2, Batman/Elmer Fudd Special #1, Mister Miracle (DC)
Matt Kindt, Grass Kings (BOOM! Studios); Ether (Dark Horse); Eternity, X-O Manowar (Valiant)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer (Dark Horse); Descender (Image)
Marjorie Liu, Monstress (Image)
Mark Russell, The Flintstones (DC)
Best Writer/Artist
Lorena Alvarez, Night Lights (Nobrow)
Chabouté, Moby Dick (Dark Horse); Alone, The Park Bench (Gallery 13/Simon & Schuster)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Cathy Malkasian, Eartha (Fantagraphics)
Jiro Taniguchi, Furari, Louis Vuitton Travel Guide: Venice (Fanfare/Ponent Mon)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Gary Gianni, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea (Dark Horse)
Ramón K. Perez, Jane (Archaia)
David Rubín, Black Hammer #9 & #12, Ether, Sherlock Frankenstein #1–3 (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Federico Bertolucci, Love: The Dinosaur, Little Tails (Lion Forge/Magnetic)
EFA, Monet: Itinerant of Light (NBM)
Jean-Pierre Gibrat, Flight of the Raven (EuroComics/IDW)
Cyril Pedrosa, Portugal (NBM)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Best Cover Artist
Jorge Corona, No. 1 with a Bullet (Image)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC); Doom Patrol (DC Young Animal)
Brian Stelfreeze, Black Panther (Marvel)
Sana Takeda, Monstress (Image)
Julian Totino Tedesco, Hawkeye (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Ed Piskor, X-Men: Grand Design (Marvel)
David Rubín, Ether, Black Hammer, Sherlock Frankenstein (Dark Horse); Beowulf (Image)
Dave Stewart, Black Hammer, BPRD: Devil You Know, Hellboy: Into the Silent Sea, Sherlock Frankenstein, Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse); Maestros (Image)
Rosemary Valero-O’Connell, What Is Left (ShortBox)
Best Lettering
Isabelle Arsenault, Louis Undercover (Groundwood Books/House of Anansi)
Clayton Cowles, Bitch Planet: Triple Feature, Redlands, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); Black Bolt, Spider-Gwen, Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars (Marvel)
Emil Ferris, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters (Fantagraphics)
Stan Sakai, Usagi Yojimbo, Groo: Slay of the Gods (Dark Horse)
John Workman, Mother Panic (DC Young Animal); Ragnorak (IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Alter Ego, edited by Roy Thomas (TwoMorrows)
The Comics Journal, edited by Dan Nadel, Timothy Hodler, and Tucker Stone, tcj.com (Fantagraphics)
Hogan’s Alley, edited by Tom Heintjes
Jack Kirby Collector, edited by John Morrow (TwoMorrows)
PanelXPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Deconstructing the Incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky and Moebius, by Jean Annestay and Christophe Quillien (Humanoids)
How Comics Work, by Dave Gibbons and Tim Pilcher (Wellfleet Press/Quarto Group)
How to Read Nancy: The Elements of Comics in Three Easy Panels, by Paul Karasik and Mark Newgarden (Fantagraphics)
Line of Beauty: The Art of Wendy Pini, by Richard Pini (Flesk)
Monograph, by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Times of Art Young, by Glenn Bray and Frank M. Young (Fantagraphics)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
The Comics of Charles Schulz: The Good Grief of Modern Life, edited by Jared Gardner and Ian Gordon (University Press of Mississippi)
Ethics in the Gutter: Empathy and Historical Fiction in Comics, by Kate Polak (Ohio State University Press)
Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics, by Frederick Luis Aldama (University of Arizona Press)
Neon Visions: The Comics of Howard Chaykin, by Brannon Costello (LSU Press)
Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, edited by Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (University of Texas Press)
Best Publication Design
Akira 35th Anniversary Edition, designed by Phil Balsman, Akira Saito (Veia), NORMA Editorial, and MASH•ROOM (Kodansha)
Celebrating Snoopy, designed by Spencer Williams and Julie Phillips (Andrews McMeel)
Monograph, designed by Chris Ware (Rizzoli)
My Favorite Thing Is Monsters, designed by Jacob Covey (Fantagraphics)
Will Eisner: The Centennial Celebration, 1917-2017, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Bandette, by Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover (Monkeybrain/comiXology)
Barrier, by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin (Panel Syndicate)
The Carpet Merchant of Konstaniniyya, by Reimena Yee (reimenayee.com/the-carpet-merchant)
Contact High, by James F. Wright and Josh Eckert (gumroad.com/l/YnxSm)
Harvey Kurtzman’s Marley’s Ghost, by Harvey Kurtzman, Josh O’Neill, Shannon Wheeler, and Gideo Kendall (comiXology Originals/Kitchen, Lind & Associates)
Quince, by Sebastian Kadlecik, Kit Steinkellner, and Emma Steinkellner, translated by Valeria Tranier (Fanbase Press/comiXology)
Best Webcomic
Awaiting a Wave, by Dale Carpenter and Nate Powell, features.weather.com/us-climate-change/arkansas (The Weather Channel Digital)
Brothers Bond, by Kevin Grevioux and Ryan Benjamin, www.webtoons.com/en/action/brothers-bond/list?title_no=1191 (LINE Webtoon)
Dispatch from a Sanctuary City, by Mike Dawson, https://thenib.com/dispatch-from-a-sanctuary-city (The Nib)
The Tea Dragon Society, by Katie O’Neill, teadragonsociety.com
Welcome to the New World, by Jake Halpern and Michael Sloan, www.michaelsloan.net/welcome-to-the-new-world/ (New York Times Sunday Review)
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