#types of revision surgery
drudaymeghnathi1 · 2 years
In vadodara, are you finding the best revision joint replacement orthopedist? The base of joint dysfunction is rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Types of revision surgery are three components—femoral, tibial, and patellar. For more information about replaced joint, contact us!
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weedpicnic · 8 months
Considering making a top surgery consultation. but I want to be able to add “with my tits out” at the end when I talk about doing something do you think this can be accommodated
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dubaiblogs · 1 year
Different types of Rhinoplasty approaches to refine your nose
There are different types of rhinoplasty with different aims. Depending on the individual’s anatomy of the nose, the best suitable type of rhinoplasty is suggested to you. Here are a few types of rhinoplasties. Read this blog to gain insights of different types of rhinoplasty surgery. 
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captainbabeville · 5 months
Dental Surgery and Transition Aid Needed
Hi friends, I need your help with funding my much needed dental reconstruction and getting back on testosterone.
Not too long ago, I was assaulted by a transphobic family member leaving my teeth and jaw crushed and broken. I've had two surgeries so far and have luckily had the help of a dear friend and many of you.
However, the damage to my mouth is still an ongoing matter and, unfortunately, is a lot more costly than expected. All together with the next 2, maybe 3 more revision surgeries I'll asap, plus hopefully getting back on testosterone, I'll need the help to raise $650 for immediate aid.
If anyone is able to help with my recovery and transition, it will be greatly appreciated. Much love.
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exeggcute · 9 months
well it's been almost six months which I think is long enough to break my posting embargo, so, uh: guess what! I got liposuction lol. specifically hip/thigh lipo to quell some pretty wicked dysphoria that stemmed from having such a feminine silhouette… and I have to say I'm really, really pleased with the results.
tbh my initial plan was to keep things under wraps for good which is why I haven't said anything about it yet (and even as I'm typing this up I keep debating whether to post it or trash it)—partly because I was/am worried people might Act Weird about it and partly because I get a little embarrassed talking about bodygendershit in general. but here we are. one reason I do feel compelled to finally share, other than being super happy about how everything went, is that I haven't encountered a lot of discussions about body sculpting as a possible avenue of gender-affirming care (although, to be fair, maybe I just haven't been looking in the right places) and I figured at least one person out there would be interested to learn about what I did and where I've ended up so far.
anyway. pics/details under the cut—nothing even remotely risqué (or yucky), I just know that body image stuff is fraught + not everyone is eager to hear surgery talk.
to be precise: I got tumescent liposuction of the inner and outer thigh, plus this ultrasound thing to help the skin shrink. a different surgeon who I consulted (but ultimately did not go with for a number of reasons) said that even if I got the results I wanted from lipo, which he claimed was unlikely, the affected skin would look loose/baggy/weird forever... and that surgeon was wrong on both counts lol. my elasticity was great bitch!!!!
they didn't take out that much fat overall, only eight pounds or so, but it's way more about the Where than the How Much. my actual surgeon (who kicks ass btw) said lipo isn't that great for weight loss per se, and what it's really good for is sculpting targeted areas—so basically exactly what I did. six months post-op I actually weigh about the same as what I did pre-op, but the distribution has held steady; more weight goes to my stomach now and less, proportionally, goes to my hips since there are fewer fat cells in that area now. so my silhouette retains its new shape!
the overall change is admittedly on the subtle side, since I'm pretty short and have wide hip bones (and you can't change your literal skeleton) but it's still gone a looooooong way. the main thing I requested from my surgeon was "I want to fit in men's pants" and boy did he deliver.
also a good place to note that if you're in the las vegas area looking for a plastic and/or cosmetic surgeon—this guy is board-certified in both btw—then I absolutely have the guy for you. feel free to DM me for details. lipo is clearly his specialty (and it shows!) but he also does a lot of breast revisions/mastopexy (i.e., fixing implants that other surgeons did a bad job putting in), regular implants, and face work (particularly facial feminization surgery). one thing that sold me on this guy was an enthusiastic yelp review from a local stripper who said he hid the incisions for her breast lift in her armpits so none of her clients would notice that she'd had work done... a true master of his craft
okay you've scrolled enough so I'll give you what you're here for lol. I don't have many pre-op pics because I was obviously unhappy with how I looked and was not taking full-body selfies on a regular basis, but here's a few I took ~2 weeks beforehand:
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these super thin men's joggers were my go-to dysphoria pants, to the point where I bought five pairs in different colors, but now they're so baggy on me that they have the opposite effect and make it look like I have wider hips than I do. so I retired them from my wardrobe...
...except not immediately because I had to wear compression garments 24/7 for the first three months post-op and these joggers were just loose enough to comfortably wear a medical girdle underneath them at all times, 110° degree temperatures be damned. (not that I was going out much for the first month since I was soooooooooooo fucking bruised and sore lol.) here's a few post-op pics in the same style pants:
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(first pic is less than 24 hours post-op, about to go to my follow-up appointment, looking greasy as fuck because I wasn't allowed to shower yet; second pic two days post-op and also post-shower, thankfully; third pic is about a month post-op.)
so, like, CLEAR improvement already. I will not be posting pictures of my black-and-blue-and-swollen-all-over legs but considering how puffy I was from getting internally pummeled with a cannula it's wild that I still saw improvement literally as soon as I came home.
recovery was obviously not a blast in the moment but I got off easy, all things considered. I was supposed to get drains put in and was Not looking forward to that at all lol. the first thing I asked when I woke up after surgery was "how many drains?" because they weren't sure if I'd end up needing two or four, but it turned out the answer was zero. no drains!!!
I did have to lie with my feet elevated for the first two weeks straight, and had major bruising that receded over the first month (you could barely see my regular skin underneath all the mottled spots), but little to no nerve pain, no weird complications, and I was more or less back to normal after six weeks. also noelle took very very good care of me and was brave about injecting me with blood thinners so I wouldn't get clots and die :)
when I went into it I was fully expecting to get huge vertical scars up and down the sides of my legs (and had made peace with it!) but instead I wound up with four tiny incisions like this, each less than two inches long:
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what's totally crazy is that the scars are basically Gone now. like even when I'm trying to find them I struggle to locate the ones in the front. I joked to noelle that if someone did an autopsy on me they might not figure out that I'd had cosmetic surgery, especially since the skin on my thighs is back to its normal color and texture. (in this scenario I like to imagine that it's dana scully giving me the autopsy and I'm in an x-files plot where instead of regular lipo I got alien lipo and mulder figures it out purely by accident.)
with lipo it can take up to a year to see the full results but I already feel so much fucking better in my body that seeing old pre-op pics throws me for a loop. and I can absolutely wear men's pants now—pants for short and stocky men, to be fair, but actual regular men's pants and not exclusively Pants For Men With Huge Butts And Legs. which is the only style I could even hope to fit in before. and even then it was a stretch.
big pic dump of shitty mirror selfies taken over the last few months:
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(also I really debated sharing this one but I already included it in the yelp review I left my surgeon so fuck it: here's a tasteful before-and-after in my undies where you can see my bare legs for easier comparison. left pic is one week pre-op, right pic is about five months post-op. including it as a link instead of embedding it in the post in case your boss happens to be reading over your shoulder at this very moment. also this is the one and only time you will ever see me stripped down on tumblr dot com so don't get used to it lol.)
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detransition · 4 months
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from missmastectomy
A mastectomy has physical AND social repercussions. A therapist or a surgeon might tell you the obvious, like that you can’t breastfeed and that your breasts won’t grow back post-mastectomy, but they won’t tell you about what the mastectomy *feels* like. They can’t. They have never experienced it.
I can tell you, though.
I am 3 years post double mastectomy (top surgery, not cancer related). It is nothing like having a naturally flat chest. Even without my incision scars, my chest doesn’t have the same fat distribution on either side, though it’s small enough to be noticeable to me and not anyone else. I have sensation, but it’s very much dulled, especially on my nipples. I’ve seen it described as the chest feeling like a black hole and I have to agree.
I don’t look like I have a “male chest,” and a big part of that is because I have curves. Males and females FUNDAMENTALLY have very different chests and removing your breasts WILL NOT give you a flat, girly look or a male look. That is highly unlikely. You are much more likely to look like a woman with scars and just a generally “off” chest.
There’s so much trans art out there that just doesn’t represent what a double mastectomy looks like in real life. It is highly romanticized and often portrayed as ✨ cutesy scars ✨ on an otherwise masculine body. No. No no no, that is not what this procedure does! I promise you that when you look up trans mastectomy results, you are going to end up seeing the “best ones,” the most successful ones, often on transmen who pass quite well and already have pretty masculine body types.
You are far less likely to hear about the botched surgeries, which thankfully mine is not. The surgeries where people need multiple revisions, the surgeries where people lose ALL sensation, the surgeries where people develop chronic pain.
When you get a mastectomy, you are removing a body part full stop. There are going to be side effects because this procedure is no joke, and mine are comparatively mild. I get itching on my scars sometimes and a mild burning sensation, which can be triggered by stress. Even if it’s elective and you think you want this, your body will remember it has lost a piece of itself. It doesn’t matter how dysphoric you are. There used to be something on your chest and now it is gone forever and nothing will bring it back, barre more surgery that is nothing but an imitation of the real thing.
I cannot express to people considering this surgery how difficult recovery is and living with it afterwards, even if you’re happy at first. I was happy at first. But then I detransitioned and realized I had been taken advantage of by a sociopathic, money hungry surgeon as a teenager. Even if I had persisted as trans, I would still deal with the fact that my flatness was not natural, but surgically constructed. My body could never forget the physical trauma of being sliced into like that, no matter how much I thought I wanted it.
You are not a Mr. Potato head. These are serious surgeries and they have serious, life long repercussions. Your breasts are not baby feeders or male attractors - they are a part of your body, your temple. And your body will feel the loss, even if (at first) you do not.
Do not get this as an elective procedure. These surgeons are lying to you. They don’t care about you. All they care about is money. The next time your dysphoria acts up and you’re considering a mastectomy, don’t think about the fantasy you’ve constructed in your mind where you’re just a male with chest scars. Instead, think about the fact that I’m order to achieve this “look,” you literally need to maim yourself. Think about the total loss of sensation, the dangers of the surgery itself, the feeling of complete and utter violation you will live with permanently if you ever regret your decision.
And then make your choice.
thinking of detransition? you are not alone
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ariel26c · 4 months
how do i ignore and stop trying to fix my desire in the 3d? i want to have my desired body but it’s COMPLETELY different from my current body and i find my self trying to find ways to have my desired body and ofc i know i can do exercises but this won’t give me my exact desired body because of my structure and the amount of loose skin id have if i did and i don’t want any cosmetic surgery done i just want it to be as if i always had my desired body like revision also how do i go about revision?
If you want to manifest your desired body by revision you have to act like you’ve always had your desired body type. It’s always looked the way you wanted it to be.
You don’t have to take action when manifesting in my opinion no matter how big of change your desire is. Even if it’s a super drastic change in your body figure, it doesn’t make it impossible to manifest and it doesn’t mean it’s going to take a long time.
I don’t think you have to ignore your 3D because you can simply decide that your 3D is gonna change because you already have your in your imagination (4D).
Literally all it’s takes is persisting and if you persist then you’re 3D is gonna change no matter what.
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hjartasalt · 7 months
if you don't mind me asking, what kind of top surgery did you get? (DI, Peri/Keyhole, etc.)
I don't mind at all! It's actually pretty interesting since I've never met anyone who got the same type of surgery as I did
So when I was being evaluated for surgery my surgeon recommended DI but told me that I did also qualify for Peri since my chest was rather small but he also warned me that depending on the elasticity of my skin I might need a revision surgery to remove excess skin. While I wasn't super keen on DI at first due to the large scars the pros did outweigh the cons so I decided to go with that option instead. One fear I had regarding the operation though was potential necrosis if the nipple graft didn't take and I raised this concern with my surgeon. Keeping this in mind he offered an alternative way of doing the surgery so I actually got a combination of DI and Keyhole! My recovery went smoothly and without any complications or need for revision :)
(my nipples did hurt like a bitch when I woke up though haha)
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kayvsworld · 24 days
my roman empire is that i’m convinced there had to have been a second surgery during tony’s captivity. listen. listen. we don’t see it suddenly he just Has the arc reactor but ok. the electromagnet looks. fairly shallow. like we can see the bit that is the electromagnet and it’s in there a Little bit it’s not Fit Your Entire Hand In There like the casing for the reactor is later. there also isn’t an obvious like… casing around it. it’s just kind of Thing On There.
they had to fit the reactor in there somehow. likely had to make the existing,,,, space, deeper. i just… i’m obsessed with all the spaces during the captivity that we don’t see. did tony tell yinsen what he was doing? at what point did they have the discussion of how to get it in there? they had cameras! it must have been obvious at some point that whatever he was making was Not a bomb. especially when they got to having install it. and also “install” is. not a word that really conveys exactly what would have had to happen holy shit.
(also again, gotta be how stane knows about the reactor in the first place, right? the rings would have known about it and he was in contact with them. it wasn’t rhodey or pepper who told him.)
also. something i cannot stop thinking about. the “it could power your heart for a lifetime/or something big for 15 minutes” conversation and how that is one of Thee thrulines in both im1 and 2. tony consistently choosing to use the reactor in ways that make it more dangerous for him.
also. do you think that tony knew it would poison him. do you think even as he was making it and preparing to get it put in his chest he knew the palladium was going to be a problem. do you think he was always, from the second he woke up attached to a car battery, operating on the assumption that he was living on borrowed time?
i just. augh. AHHHH. im1 + 2 movies that make me INSANE
the electromagnet was surface level. the reactor has Housing it has a big metal tunnel into his chest that pepper can stick her whole hand down to fish out an electromagnet and she has to play operation not to have the wire touch the casing on the way back out there is a Foundation Of Metal going on. also based on how it works there's definitely a pacemaker type of deal installed at some point here
guy has a titanium pringles can in his chest and it's got to be bolted into his ribcage so it doesn't move around like the first thing he and yinsen are drafting in that cave is 100% a solution for"how do we fit this thing into my chest without killing me" there just has to be a second surgery. and tony is NOT a doctor he is NOT a surgeon so yinsen's input is definitely needed here to make sure it also doesn't. like. kill him horribly god the cave sequence is grim
(obadiah knowing about the reactor from the 10 rings is both better and worse than finding out from rhodey thanks i'm pacing around the room)
raza doesn't look that surprised when he sees the reactor in tony's chest?? so i think we have to assume that at least Some conversation was had re: "listen the thing you want him to build is going to take longer than the week he has to live, the math does not check out, we have do to this one thing first" but like how tense was it buying that kind of time. i'm fine
also YEAH i DO think he knew as he was making it that the palladium was going to be a problem i think he started keeping tabs on it from the second he got home, iron man 1 and iron man 2 are just part 1 and part 2 of the same movie they're continuous they're back to back they're so good they make me insane
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bincliff · 1 month
jaguar morgana chapter 4!!!!!!
i wrote approximately half of this post-surgery (top surgery revision, which went reasonably okay but still triggering for me as a person with surgery phobia)
maybe she's legible. maybe it's a fugue state
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unrelated awkward hecate gif as a treat
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jack-off-valentine · 1 year
Guilty Gear Design Revisions
Guilty Gear is a great series, with some great characters. However, the designs can be rather hit or miss; with some of the women taking the most hits. So I have decided to toss my hat into the ring and suggest some changes for the designs.
But first, rules.
There will be two types of revisions made here; Some I think would better fit their stories and characters, and some are just personal taste. I will label them as such.
Some characters will have both types of suggestions, some will only have one, and some won't be featured at all. This does not mean there are no changes that could be made, or even should be made, it just means I haven't given enough thought to them to come up with any.
I will be focusing entirely on characters who are currently in Strive as of today, October 2nd 2023.
With all that wrote, let's begin.
For Improvements; My girl needs some beef on her bones. And I don't just mean a little bit of tone on the belly, I mean tree trunk limbs and shoulder so wide she has to turn around just to get through most doors. Scars too. Seeing her model having essentially a completely clear face will never not feel off to me. Rough skin, chapped lips, maybe some scarred titties if we're feeling particularly uncowardly. Also, some signs of aging would provide a nice flavour to the design, like gray hairs and wrinkles.
For Personal Taste; Some baggy army pants alongside the dyke boots Daisuke used in this image would look pretty nice.
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For Improvement; Make him look like an acrobat, not a body builder. I know it's funny seeing this canonical five-year-old be swole beyond belief, but it just doesn't fit the character. He isn't swinging around a giant sword and overpowering his opponent with sheer brute force, he isn't Sol. Instead, he's flying around the battlefield with polejumps and cartwheels and backflips and frontflips, confusing then striking with a quick physical blow or some potent magic. He's an excited doing acrobatics, and he should look like it.
For Improvement; First off, give her a new outfit. The Xrd tube top and short shorts, while nice for horniness, is terrible for her character. Strive kind of fixed this, but they didn't commit as much as they should have. I'm thinking an outfit like this by @matcchio.
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Secondly, she must become more creature-esque. She was given a maw full of shark teeth and they didn't do anything with it. It doesn't even show up in Strive. Some thicker, curlier hair would also be appreciated.
For personal taste; Take all the muscle you took off Sin and give it to her. This would probably have to coincide with making her a bit more of a bruiser, gaining some health and losing some speed. I think it would be cool, though.
For personal taste; make him not white, dear lord. He would be so much cooler if he weren't a Blue Eyes White Dragon.
Happy Chaos
For improvement; Use the X's he has on his body to give him top surgery scars connected to the heart symbol on his chest.
For Personal Taste; Put some goddamn shoes on. This is gonna be a big showing of my taste in character design, but I just am incapable of fully enjoying a character's looks if they've got the dogs out. I put this here because it at least supports his character, unlike Ram, so I can tolarate it, but I have a Happy Chaos Shoes mod for a reason. It may show weakness, but I'm fine with that.
For improvement; Make her eyes not blue. Why are they blue. At least on Nago you can argue it's a contrast to his red and black eyes when he's in hangry mode, but if you wanted an eye colour related to her powers you could just make them green.
In Conclusion
I may have acted like a bit of a hater near the end, but I do genuinely love this series; and, like with many things, my love makes me privy to all manner of less than great things in it. Anyway, if you've got any additions to this list, feel free to tell me all about it.
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angelic-transsexual · 3 months
I’ve been upset for a while that the hospital I got my top surgery at doesn’t perform the type of bottom surgery I want. From what I was told by my therapist, another hospital that does simple meta has a 2 year waiting list for a consultation🥲
I still have to get my top surgery revision in August and I’m currently in school. I just want to be able to have the body I need to thrive. Not really sure when I’ll even attempt to get on a waiting list for bottom surgery.
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lvjyronline · 1 month
How many people think, believe, or agree that the timing or some stuff surrounding the allegations is a little bit fishy or suspicious? Possible delusional takes incoming.
I believe that this was pre-planned (somwhat) - whether it was planned with malicious intent or with intent to hurt Wilbur is up for debate - because she had a script. 
I'll admit I don't know much about the script-making process, but I know that they take time to make. Time which includes typing or writing about the topics you will or want to bring up, possible research about the topics, how long you'll speak about said topics, the points you want to make, and the many possible drafts, revisions, and rewrites to make sure you get your words across. All of which take time to do, whether that time takes days, weeks, or months. 
At the start of the year, she replied to the post “This is the year to hold people accountable” with “Yeah!!!” so it is likely she was planning this from the beginning of the year. But it is also possible she was planning this earlier. With her anonymous Reddit story.
For any unaware, Shelby posted anonymously on Reddit about her relationship with Wilbur and his biting habit. But the thing is, she posted it around 8 months after the breakup and 3 months before her original stream. Yet in the story, she talks about the relationship as if it is still happening, in the present tense instead of the past tense. Why would someone write out a post asking for relationship advice when said relationship was long over? Furthermore, she has said in a different stream that she wouldn't have brought it up if thought people could find it. So why bring it up in the first place if you didn't want people to go look for or find it? Because if it was something that could help your story/case, wouldn't you want people to find it?
If her first/original stream was scripted, then she wrote and kept those hints and clues in. She gives them out in the stream as well as online. Her friends even gave hints. “It’s who you think it is.” She liked posts that were theorizing that it was Wilbur. Maybe during the stream, she didn't mean to give out as much information as did. But after the stream, all the things she liked, all that was deliberate! 
I don't necessarily believe that the day she released her original stream was a day she just randomly picked (it still could be), it is possible she specifically chose that day. 
It was when Wilbur was taking a mental health break in New York, it was when Philza was traveling for his birthday, it was when Tommy got out of his surgery and was practicing for his upcoming tour. It was also before Lovejoy was going to go to Coachella, a giant annual music and arts festival. It surely would have boosted Lovejoy's popularity or been their ‘big break’ in the music industry if they went. I don't know if the rest of the band was with Wilbur in NY or if they were busy doing their own things when Shelby made her stream but it was definitely when some of his other friends were busy.
Delusional Take (as if this whole ask isn't a bit delulu): Recently with her possibly lurking around WilburTwt spaces (with that “stream my stream instead”), then I wonder if it's a new thing or if she's been keeping tabs or tracks on Wilbur for a while. I mean she was still following Lovejoy’s Twt account until about a month or two ago, right?
Like its not just me, you can't tell me that all of this doesn't look the littlest bit suspicious. But I will admit that it could all be a giant coincidence.  
Also, something a bit off-topic: At one point didn't she say that she couldn't make money when she visited Wilbur because she couldn't stream? But isn't it proven that she did stream there because she was in the same office as Wilbur or at least they were in the same place? She and Wilbur had the same background. So, doesn't that mean she just straight-up lied at one point? Or was this disproven?
Alright, so first off - With the fact the stream was scripted, wheater the alligations were real or not doesn't matter in that case because it probably would have been scripted anyway - Let me explain;
When someone makes a big accusation about someone else like that in video form there's usually going to be a script. It doesn't matter what the accusations are or who the person is. This is because it will make things go a lot smoother and let the person get to all the points they want to get to without getting lost or going off topic.
It also might not've necisarily been a "script," but just a message Shelby wrote down to read. It probably didn't take months to write. A lot of scripts take months to write because they involve planning of multiple characters, planning of story and plot. I don't think that the message she had would count as a script necisarily.
However, I do think the timing was purposeful - As you pointed out, she made these accusations right when Lovejoy was about to get one of the biggest gigs they could have had, and while other people close to Wilbur were doing things that would lead them to focus more on personal life than whatever the fuck was going on on Twitter or with other streamers at the time.
I also do think that the reddit thing is weird. I think its so bizzare that she said she wouldn't have posted it if she knew people could find it - Isn't that the whole point of making an AYA post? So people can see it and tell you what they think, unbiased? And besides that, of course people are going to be able to find it. This is the internet, with extensive histories about people, where what you post doesn't really ever fully go away.
Also, I don't know if just her comment about "stream my stream" implies she's lurking around wilburtwt - To be fair, I don't go on twitter because it's shit for my mental health, so I couldn't tell you what's going on there - BUT I do think it's a weird ass thing to say after she said she wouldn't associate with Wilbur when it's so obvious it was in relation to ILGWIS coming out.
I don't think it means she's lurking, though, Lovejoy advertised ILGWIS came out basically everywhere they could, she could've seen or heard about it anywhere. Hell, it could have even popped up on her spotify reccomended as one of the "this artist just realeased!" things, especially if she didn't, which she seems to have a habit of not to, unfollow Lovejoy on Spotify. (If she was following them in the first place.)
For the money thing - I don't remember her saying she couldn't stream, though she might have, but what I DO remember is her saying that she was upset Wilbur didn't pay for things for her. In one of her streams she said it was mostly about the plane tickets, but I feel like it was originally implied that it was about a lot of other things and not just the tickets.
Regardless of that, if she did say she couldn't make money that just wasn't true?? Wilbur has a stream setup, and Wilbur used her stream setup so she could've just used his? It wouldn't have caused many issues, I'm sure, and considering Wil had her background while streaming I'm sure people wouldn't care that much.
But, yeah, the whole thing is sus and reeks of foul play. The more she tries to prove she's right the more she controdicts herself and the deeper she gets into this hole she's created.
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sirenium · 2 months
I'm so fucking frustrated that every time I look up stuff like 'plus sized top surgery' on google I still get skinny twinks shoved down my throat and making me feel worse about my results that don't fucking look like that (shocker: fat person has different results!). I'm trying to see if a revision will actually help or if I'm just stuck with what I have because of my body type, and I can't fucking do that because suddenly fat transmascs don't exist! fucking christ give me a break
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cindylouwho-2 · 2 months
Etsy's Adult Content Ban: Some Things You Might Have Missed, & Some Reasons Almost Everyone Has Missed
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As almost everyone knows, Etsy announced a wide-ranging ban of many types of sex-related items on June 27, to take effect on July 29, 2024.
While the corporation was predictably vague about the reasons for this change, it's not overly-difficult to figure out why this happened, although at least one reason seems to have slipped by many. It's slightly more trying to make the logic work when we consider what they still allow. It may be more interesting (and vital, for some sellers) to consider what Etsy might ban next, or ban by accident when this policy takes effect.
While this post isn't intended to be a deep dive into all of the revisions to Etsy's official policies, I will briefly go through certain highlights of the new rules, followed a few alternative ideas for both sellers and shoppers. I'll then discuss why Etsy did this, and we should expect in the coming weeks, months and years.
First. here are the relevant materials:
the much-quoted announcement
Etsy's new Adult Nudity and Sexual Content Policy
the revised Mature Content Policy
as well as some of the media coverage:
Mashable was the first large outlet to publish
The New York Times (soft paywall)
The Guardian
Modern Retail (soft paywall)
What's Out, And What's Still OK to Sell or Display
As has widely been reported, Etsy will no longer allow sex toys that touch genitals or enter the body, a female product model's nipples in photos, photos or "photo-realistic" images of sexual acts, types of nudity with "sexual context", fetish items such as used underwear and foot pics, and "sexual language referencing familial relationships". (Pornography was already banned before now.)
Plenty of other items are still permitted, though, including:
BDSM accessories
body harnesses
kegel weights
sex furniture
non-photorealistic nudity and "sex acts without visible genitalia or anuses"
female nipples in photos if the photo is the product and the first listing image obscures them
These exceptions lead to all kinds of questions. For example:
Etsy likes to position itself as LGBTQ2S+ positive. That means a topless photo of a trans male with visible nipples is ok even if they never had top surgery, right? Especially if they have legally transitioned and have government-issued ID that lists them as male, correct?
Where is the "non-photorealistic" line drawn? If a painter attempts to be photorealistic, but is not very skilled at the process, is that painting ok to sell on Etsy?
I am sure you can think of plenty more. But holes in the policies are not my main concern in this article, so I will move on (after noting that Etsy is going to have some enforcement messes with the policies as written).
Where Should Sellers and Shoppers Go After July 29?
(Mention in this section is not an endorsement of the platform. Please carefully research any option before signing up. Some links are not "safe for work".)
Etsy gave business owners just one month's warning that they were no longer wanted on the site. Many are still scrambling to replace their steady income that their Etsy shop provided. The alternatives are not always simple, and it does depend on what a shop sold.
There are a few small marketplaces for adult items, including https://spicerack.market/ and https://charmskoolshop.com/ (links not safe for work). These are not going to have the level of traffic Etsy had, but that also might improve now that many businesses and shoppers are looking for new venues.
There are also larger marketplaces that do allow many of the products Etsy banned, but each has its own restrictions and exceptions, making it risky to copy existing Etsy listings over directly. Always carefully research the rules everywhere. Amazon does have a sexual wellness category, but it is not part of Amazon's Handmade section. eBay also has sex toys. The Artisans Cooperative currently has some adult items listed, but the site is still in beta, so only coop members can sell there at the moment.
Freestanding websites and self-promotion are another approach, but this can be daunting for makers who chose Etsy for its built-in traffic, plus some platforms and payment processors do have rules against certain types of adult content. Shopify's Shop app bans pornography and "sexually gratifying" fetishes, and the bot filters can sometimes block allowed content by mistake.
If you have a favourite seller, they have likely already posted where they plan on going next; if not, ask them.
Why Did Etsy Ban Many Adult Listings, and Why Now?
The various media articles lay out numerous possible reasons for the new sex policies. They include:
Some jurisdictions have laws that limit what children or under-18s can see online, which is likely why Etsy's short announcement uses the word "safe" in 3 different places.
Some social media sites restrict adult content - "evolving industry standards", perhaps?
Some payment processors restrict what adult items can be sold.
We're forced to speculate, because Etsy has refused to answer questions or release additional statements since June 27. That's problematic when talking about destroying livelihoods, because none of these reasons seem to dictate an absolute ban.
As mentioned above, many sites still allow most of the prohibited products, either openly, with age minimums, or with siloed categories that don't appear in generic searches. A big tech company should easily be able to program for this. There's been no indication that any of Etsy's payment processors have withdrawn due to this content, either. So that list simply doesn't add up.
Instead, it's clear that the core explanation is that Etsy wants a bigger slice of the ecommerce pie, and is willing to reject long-standing sellers and product lines to better appeal to shoppers who find sex and related topics distasteful. But again, why not just separate the categories better, as Amazon and eBay do? Amazon is certainly not lacking for customers despite having a sexual wellness category where many things Etsy disallowed still happily reside.
This all boils down to a key reason few are discussing: Etsy's faulty algorithms don't seem capable of keeping such merchandise out of sight of really picky shoppers. They've in fact been trying to do that for a few years now, as the 2022 Transparency report detailed. Etsy stated that the “mature content classifier” led to "a 17% decrease in flags of mature content from our member community". Let's be honest - 17% isn't a great reduction. Even worse, that classifier led to shadow banning such innocuous items as dog diapers and "nude" coloured leggings, while endlessly missing actual porn, including deep-fake AI celebrity images [Forbes; soft paywall].
CEO Josh Silverman has made it clear that Etsy isn't going to focus on improving search relevancy any more, and will instead be focussing on product quality and shops' customer service records to determine search ranking. Problem is, niche searches still display tons of irrelevant items - go check; I'll wait - and this is frequently where one might see things they weren't looking for. If the search and other algorithms aren't able to give shoppers accurate results even when Etsy is attempting to filter out mature items, then Etsy's alternative is to ban the items outright.
Let's face it: if the real problem was female nipples being seen by kids, they'd all have to be blurred out, instead of just the first image. The first image is what shows up in search, ads, and recommendations across the site, so that is what Etsy is censoring. Kids are welcome to look at butt cracks to their hearts' content, as long as they click on the listing first. The real problem is instead that Etsy can't deliver accurate searches and tailored recommendations that people want to see, and regularly serves up things shoppers were not expecting.
But why now? Other than the recent promises to change the search focus from relevancy to quality, what made Etsy drop this notice on unsuspecting sellers on June 27?
The answer appears to be Etsy's new creativity standards, released on July 9. Those standards codify previously unofficial exceptions to Etsy policy, such as allowing 100% commercial goods to be sold in gift boxes. They are also the first official mention of Etsy permitting AI art to be sold on the site, although Silverman had already announced that unofficially.
The policy changes are likely to increase the number of listings on the site that are not handmade, vintage or craft supplies, and Etsy obviously felt the need to stem the eventual tide of sexual gift boxes of dildos from AliExpress - yes, there are already some listed on Etsy - and even more AI-generated nudity etc.
Note as well that July 29 falls just 2 days before the second quarter report is given to investors, providing Etsy with a topic to discuss during that call. They can claim they are taking action against mature listings without being expected to have removed 100% just 2 days after the ban, and the topic will likely be forgotten 3 months later when the third-quarter call happens. It's possible that, 3 months from now, no analysts will check to see if the ban was actually successful. Perfect timing, I'd say.
What Next?
First, any experienced Etsy seller knows that Etsy attempts to remove now-banned items will result in plenty of legitimate listings being deactivated as well; see the dog diaper example above. Items won't even have to be related to the prohibited categories, as the image recognition bots can be particularly bad. Every time Etsy bans something, even if only within one country or area, there is always collateral damage in the form of non-offending listings being removed. (I've had items deactivated for being amber, drug paraphernalia and illegal plant material, when they were nothing of the sort.)
At one time, you could expect Etsy to reinstate such items after an investigation, but that is less common these days, and frequently takes weeks to months when it does happen. This means all sellers should be alert and watch their deactivated listings folder in the coming weeks, and be resigned to losing best-selling products for no good reason, due to bad bots.
Long term, I doubt this is the last time Etsy narrows what can be sold in the interests of appeasing sensitive shoppers. Even if you 100% support Etsy banning everything that they did last month, you should be uneasy about what could be coming next. If age-limit laws were really behind some of this recent decision, what happens when some US jurisdictions start restricting no-fault divorce? Everything from party supplies to t-shirt slogans to happy divorce gifts could be on the chopping block.
It's also possible the company will try to continue to refine its bots and algorithms instead of outright banning other products. Since Etsy is already shadow banning items for certain searches, are shops with a few LGBTQ2S+ articles invisible right now in places where laws are discriminatory? In places where birth control is illegal or severely restricted, are birth control pill cases still ok? I am not sure we can assume Etsy won't continue down this path.
Whatever your thoughts on the listings Etsy is currently banning, remember that these are businesses who were allowed to sell their wares on the marketplace until this month, and have therefore done nothing wrong. Things you believe in could be the next target.
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fatmasc · 1 year
Hi! I’m a fat trans man who had top surgery, I developed what they call “dog ears” (the roll of fat at the side where top surgery was performed)
I was kind of forced by my surgeon to remove them a few years after my top surgery. I do wonder how you feel about that area of yourself, if you would get them removed?. As someone who was shamed in to hating them and being told it looks “bad” it’s nice to see a body type similar to mine.
Your blog really helps me to feel better about my size. Thank you
So tbh pre surgery i also was in the "dog ears are ugly" camp and at my 3 months post appt my surgeon told me i should keep trying to lose weight to lessen the appearance of mine. But now that im here, i really dont mind them. I would even go as far as to say i like them!
The trans community at large has a huge issue w body image, and i get why, but ppl are specifically so rude ab dog ears and "undesirable" top results. My surgeon offers revisions a year post for dog ears and tbh i dont think im going to bother with it. I like how my results look. I like my side fat. I like my dog ears! Theyre part of me and my transition journey!
Im sorry you were shamed for your results. I hope u are happy w them now!
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