#typical fandom member moment i guess lmao
man someone really ended a friendship with me bc i made. a dumb joke. about a ship i don't like. huh.
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New Recruit | Simon Riley x Masked!GN!Reader
To keep this as neutral as possible since anon did not specify the gender, this is written in 2nd POV. 
There are some spanish sentences here and although I’m actually learning the language with Duolingo (lmao) I used a translator for this, I apologize if it sounds clunky. I googled how to use gender neutral forms but I’m not sure if I did it correctly sooo.
Also, this is very short because I can’t for the love of god, produce words and a correct sentence in my head at the moment.
Fandom: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022)
Warnings: Ghost is OOC, Ghost might have a kink or more than one, Typical COD Pew Pew is Mostly Omitted, Injuries
Summary: A new member joins taskforce 141 for the hunt of Hassan but you are not what the others expect. Something sparks in Ghost when he shares eye contact with you and you two are on the same eye level.
Word Count: 2,3k
If you want to be tagged in my stories send me a pm with the fandom/character name! Or comment on the fic :)
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It was already unusual for the taskforce to get a new member. Therefore it was even more unusual to get one in the middle of an important operation in another country. 
It wasn't exactly convenient but when would it ever be?
Fact was that Hassan Zyani, a major of the terror organization Al Qatala escaped their grasps.
They needed to work with Mexican Special Forces to follow his tracks, so if it was one more member or two, it didn’t really matter now. 
Yet it was quite a surprise when Ghost and Soap heard the news.
"Someone will join you in México, a new member of the taskforce. I wanted to introduce the lieutenant a bit later, but Chryso was in the country anyways, so I guess now is as good as ever."
Ghost listened silently to his captain on speaker phone while Soap asked the questions lingering in his head; what kind of muppet name was Chryso? And why would the soldier join them right now when they had something so important to do?
Trusting a stranger in a hostile environment wasn’t exactly an easy thing to do.
Price ignored Soap’s words deliberately and continued: 
“Chryso is already known to the Los Vaqueros and Alejandro and as you're aware they know their way around in Las Almas. Be nice and protect your backs. We will talk later and I’m sure Chryso will answer any questions you have.”
Great, Ghost thought and looked at the flabbergasted Soap who stared at the phone display showing the end of the call.
“He just hung up?? What the hell... I feel like someone just told me my sister got married in secret and I have to meet her husband.”
He raised an eyebrow but the other obviously couldn’t see it behind his skull mask.
“You have a sister?”
Soap blinked.
“No, but if I had one...”
Ghost sighed. He hoped that the new addition to the team wouldn’t mess up their operation and would focus on the task at hand. Catching Hassan.
You startled out of your sleep when you heard your call sign.
“They’re arriving in 5, Chryso” said Felipe, the Los Vaqueros soldier who was on the look out with you in one of the abandoned shacks close to the village where intel suggested Hassan Zyani’s location.
Your last undercover mission had taken a toll on your body and you tried to make up for it by napping whenever you could. Felipe’s humming had made you drowsy and apparently your consciousness had slipped away for a bit.
A quick glance at your combat watch proved that you had slept more than an hour and you sat up straight quickly.
“Perdón, you know my last OP still got me fucked up... Did anything move?”
“No pasa nada.”
The man waved his hand dismissively and watched as you stood up and stretched your arms. He had to tilt his head slightly to look up to you. Felipe's eyes wandered over your mask and then he said:
“They’re staying put and keeping quiet.”
You breathed out and rolled your shoulder. Maybe you shouldn’t have slept in such an uncomfortable position...
You were about to meet two members of Taskforce 141 - your new team - and group up with them and the Los Vaqueros to participate in one of their missions. No chit-chat and icebreakers, just business, straight-up. 
This was how work had always been with Captain John Price for the few times you had fought together, so it didn’t exactly bother you. But it was making you a bit antsy that he wouldn’t be part of the operation.
You weren’t exactly keen on entrusting your back to total strangers. Not with your... special circumstances.
Your habit of wearing a mask 24/7 often confused other people and many soldiers had treated you slightly differently due to it. Whether it was done deliberately or subconsciously, it often hampered with the beginning of your new relationships until people finally got used to it. Which usually took a while. Seen by the lack of other soldiers accompanying you and Felipe.
Strangely Price didn’t seem to react much to your mask. Maybe that was why you felt comfortable around him. He didn’t treat you any different, he had just looked at it once and then moved on. 
You hadn’t told him why you were wearing it but if anyone had to know, you would probably feel most comfortable telling him.
And when you had signed the contract to work as a new member of taskforce 141 you had mulled about doing it. Possibly when you would first see him again. You had believed that it would be today.
But he wouldn’t be part of this mission, which he told you 2 days ago. Instead Lieutenant Simon Riley and Sergeant John Mactavish would cover your back. 
You had heard their names before when Price talked to you about joining the taskforce but you didn’t know anything specific about them besides their names and ranks.
And Rodolfo and Alejandro didn’t let anything slip when you asked them if they knew anything about the two soldiers.
They did know more than you but based on the little smirk around Alejandro’s lips they purposely kept information from you, which annoyed you slightly.
But well, Alejandro was a colonel, furthermore the leader of Los Vaqueros and he obviously had to be informed about his allies in such a special operation. 
You knew not to question him and he wouldn’t keep anything dangerous from you, he wasn’t like that that’s what you could tell based on the few days you had spent at the Las Almas base. He kept his soldiers safe, had to in the corruption-filled town. 
And you would meet the other taskforce members soon anyways.
So you decided to focus on the task at hand and ignore everything else. Whether that would involve strange looks and stupid comments about your mask or not.
The Al Qatala terrorist had to be caught by all means. The files you had received told you enough about the threat he posed to basically everyone in this world. He wouldn’t escape your grasp. Not under your watch.
You strapped your black vest tighter and checked your gear.
A low hum announced the distant approach of some vehicles and Felipe looked out the window to see 3 black jeeps drive down the dirt road.
“They’re inbound.”
You nodded and followed him out of the room down the stairs.
"I have a feeling you'll fit right in, just like Y/N."
Ghost was still mulling over the strange comment of Rodolfo Parra, when they spotted the army checkpoint and Alejandro explained why they had to evade it and he forgot the words quickly.
However, when their convoy arrived at the other side of the river in their AO, he and Soap exited the truck and a few seconds later when he first exchanged eye contact with you, he remembered the words instantly. 
You had just moved out of the shack, following a Los Vaqueros soldier. Your back was turned towards the convoy when the man told you something and he gesticulated while you checked your back pockets.
Ghost noted that the soldier talking to you was at least a head smaller than you. You were clad in back and his interest peaked when he realized that your head was covered by a hood. Oh...?
He followed Soap behind Alejandro and Rodolfo and walked up to you while the other Los Vaqueros soldiers readied their guns and spread out. 
“No me gusta el hecho de que no tengamos refuerzos” he heard you say through your clenched teeth and your counterpart hummed in agreement. 
Alejandro coughed and you turned to face them while he introduced you to him and Soap. Your eyes roamed over them and they lingered a bit longer on him, which made Ghost’s heart beat quicker for some reason.
“This is lieutenant Y/N L/N”, the colonel announced and the smirk on his lips suddenly made sense. He just stared and Soap did the same. 
“Just call me Chryso” you said and gave Alejandro an annoyed look that the other ignored and you turned your head back to look at Ghost and you stretched out your hand. 
Ghost’s voice was rougher than usual when he told you his name: 
“...Simon Riley, but call me Ghost.”
He shook your hand with a firm grip. Hazel and e/c eyes met, both hidden in the shadows of a mask. He caught a glimpse of your spirit in the e/c shade and noted that the skin around your eyes was also hidden behind black makeup.
“Nice to meet you, Lieutenant.”
Fuck, he thought when he realized that he could gaze directly into your eyes without lifting or lowering his head. 
And bloody fucking hell, he thought when he realized that in a very strange way he found that mask of yours attractive. Like you were mirroring him, like you two belonged together, like you were meant to be his and he was meant to be yours. 
There were not many things that Ghost found immediately attractive upon meeting someone. 
He considered himself to be more of a “character”-person than someone who cared about appearances first but there were some things that just drew him in...
Pretty smiles for example. Or the hint of a strong character in one’s eyes. But what really invited his immediate attraction was what Soap had called the most surprising and strangest thing ever when he accidentally spilt this piece of information during one of their long scouting sessions; when someone was just as tall as him.
There was just something about someone being his height that created a spark in his chest. 
“That’s a fucking kink” Soap had said back then. Looking at you now and considering the growing feeling in his chest, the scot might have been right.
He let go of your hand before he was holding onto it for too long but he kept his eyes on you even when you had already turned towards Soap to shake his hand.
“Sergeant John Mactavish, but call me Soap.” 
The sergeant shook your hand enthusiastically and grinned from ear to ear. He glanced at him and Ghost’s alarm went off in his head.
“You have pretty long legs eh? How tall exactly are you?”
You blinked and Ghost couldn’t stop himself from groaning inwardly when he saw slight confusion and annoyance in your eyes. 
“Roughly 6′3 if I remember correctly.”
Soap looked at him but Ghost ignored the stare deliberately and when Alejandro told them to follow him, you immediately turned away from them and hurried to fall into the colonel’s and Rodolfo’s step.
“Oh dios, lo dijo.” Rodolfo said and laughed and Ghost cursed himself for not learning more Spanish on the way here when you groaned. He was about 99% sure this was about your interaction just now.
"¿Dijo que?" Alejandro asked, his voice now lower as they moved closer to the houses, weapons raised.
"Una de las tres cosas que Y/N odia a que le pregunte.¿’Por qué Chryso como apodo’? ¿’Por qué llevas una máscara’? y ¿’Qué tan alte eres’?”
Rodolfo muttered and while the colonel laughed quietly you only sighed.
Ghost didn’t understand what exactly was going on but based on the mocking tone Rodolfo used for his last few words, it was probably something bad. He also mentioned your call sign and he was smart enough to know that the conversation was most likely about them. 
As much as it bothered him, they had already reached the stone wall so he turned his attention to the mission at hand.
“Where’s Hassan?” he asked.
“White two-story building at the back”, Alejandro replied and two seconds later they entered the gate and he didn’t have time anymore to think about your height, nor your skull mask that seemed to compliment his own and the fact that your utility straps nicely showed off your thighs. 
But all these thoughts and much more rushed through his mind after he had helped you out of the river. 
It had already been hard for him to breathe with his mask but your experience with yours had been much worse, the cloth wasn’t exactly made for missions involved with water and you - in your words “almost got waterboarded back there”. 
Added to the harsh landing in the river and the bullet graze on your left arm, you weren’t exactly feeling your best and you felt exhausted for a moment, so much so that you had to drag your limbs out of the water when it was your turn. 
The soldier in front of you turned around and you looked up at him from your cowering position where you had temporarily bandaged your wound.
Ghost offered you his hand and you took it. 
“Thanks” you huffed and he pulled you up with more force than necessary which messed with your balance and made you take a step forward. 
He could see a waterdroplet on the tip of your eyelashes and his heart stuttered when he noticed how close you two suddenly were. Your loud breathing made his ears tingle and he took a step back, though not letting go of your hand. 
“You good, Chryso?”, he asked, ignoring his imagination where you were panting for a different reason. Jesus Christ, you were injured. And he hadn’t even seen your face yet.
You nodded and he let go of your, pointing at your left arm. 
“I’ll bandage your arm in the car, that wrap is a sad excuse of first aid.” 
You huffed in annoyance but he saw how your eyes turned into slight halfmoons again, showing him that you were actually smiling.
“Whatever, lieutenant.”
You walked past him, waving your hand in dismissal and he followed you, a small grin on his lips, definitely not sneaking a glance at that ass in those wet black cargo pants. 
“I’m really curious... What kind of muppet name is Chryso?”
Alejandro snorted. “Y dale.”
You sighed beside Ghost while he secured the re-wrapped bandage. Soap looked at you through the front mirror.
“We had this guy in my unit, Turner, he was a huge biology nerd. When he first met me, he just said ‘Chrysocyon brachyurus’  which is the scientific name for the maned wolf in South America.”
Soap tilted his head in confusion when Alejandro laughed. “Okay...?”
The colonel tapped the steering wheel. “They have really long legs, hermano. Really long.”
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
OMG stay safe and I hope ur power comes back soon!!!
No fr opposite extremes of the spectrum LOL and LMAOAOAOA MADDIE??? I SEE HER CONTENT ALL THE TIME HAHAHAHA she’s so hilarious she’s in the bllk TRENCHES (her idea of going to make bllk themed yogurt was kinda funny and interesting tho ngl) I saw her “hear me out” video and I unfortunately lost my ears so um! I almost lost it laughing though when she got baited by a fake panel and was telling op to sleep with one eye open LMAOOO
NOO IMAGINE SHIDOU’S STRAIGHT IN THE WOMB??? Would be filing for harassment because HUH like fr between bros it’s just a weird little bro lingo communication thing but um
The canon content of some of them (Otoya and imamura) getting so desperate they go to Chigiri has me wilding like???? Bro get a grip SHSGSHS also the fact that they actually put jokes like that in canon
It’s so funny to me though none of my absolute favs are on the Ubers team but I like their team dynamic the most??? Like they’re fr the only team with like..communication skills and functioning member interrelations I love the Ubers family
Also WHAT IS IT REALLY?? I mean I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because Barou is ripped (I always find it funny that him and Kunigami who are both from Akita are like the two buffest dudes minus Tokimitsu maybe but he’s missing the aura LMAO) and Isagi is typically described as mediocre normal so
Oh yeah…the “I can fix them mentality”…lol…no I get what you mean that they make a womanizer version of them and revert them back to original and that somehow works better to them because their non-womanizing self actually exists but TOJI OF BLLK STOP THATS SO REAL it’s over when we get the cops and robbers and rock hard lines (speaking of I wonder how much of Shidou’s lines they’ll censor…? Because I’m of my friends there’s a couple that aren’t as in tune to the anime/shounen dude language and sometimes questionable phrases so im lowk stressing but er)
LMAO yeah it’s so confusing I lowk just go by the normal like…year convention? Like if you’re born in April you’re older than someone born in November if it’s said you’re in the same school year but I have no idea if that’s right…
Babysitter Karasu so true the only one he can talk to normally is Loki but even Loki wouldn’t intervene much I feel LMAO Karasu carrying PXG in more than one setting (Shidou is def the irresponsible older brother who probs puts you in a headlock to ruffle your hair and hypes you up to do things regardless of how safe it is LMAO)
No literally how epinagi and the LN released like days after we discussed it like?? Maybe now’s the time to sneak in all of our tabieitaken ideas and manifest them into reality LMFAO it’s time for us to wait for the next LN announcement if Otoya and Karasu show up you KNOW it’s real
I lost my mind like rich boy Karasu with two dogs and a cheating dad??? Then he said sike and I fr felt like Hiori in that moment like wdym you made that up??? I feel like that gives us a bit of crumbs (like one tiny morsel) of more of the Karasu respect agenda like he was on his (hypothetical) mom’s side on that one!! But anyways I could see Karasu being a rich boy…
He def thinks birds of prey are the coolest fs…just a teenage boy with a bird nerd side
-Karasu anon
THANK YOUUU we are at my cousin’s house atm so luckily chilling 🤞🏻 still no power at my place unfortunately 😭💔 but hopefully tomorrow!!
YES MADDIE omg i see her all of the time she’s so funny like truly the face of the bllk fandom 😭 omg no because lowkey i think lorenzo is cute in like the way a rlly hideous dog is?? he’s not attractive to me at all but i feel such strong pity for him and his ugliness that i find him oddly adorable 😦 idk he seems relaxed too his dynamic w barou is hilarious…but i agree i fear i cannot hear her out this time
no because the unholy trinity of shidou + aiku + karasu and the bullshit they say would lowkey be my final straw DKSKSJ “here comes the dopamine” + “i’m going to put you on a leash” + “it’s so lewd how you got into that tight opening” all in one match…i’m joining chigiri in the witness protection program atp HAHAHA
the ubers are the only team that feels like a team HAHA like mc is a soap opera atm, bm is straight up war constantly, pxg is a bunch of dumbasses + karasu, and barcha is bachira otoya and some randoms 😭 and YES it’s almost the same length it’s crazy!! part of it too is barou is super tall and isagi is short for bllk (still way taller than me though 💔) and probably also the angle it was drawn at might’ve exacerbated it a bit but either way 👹 barou is the epitome of scary dog privileges bro you could go anywhere if you had that man w you 😩 also kunigami HELP that one panel of him squatting in the gym during bm why are his legs ENORMOUS?? he takes jacked to another level and it doesn’t help that he’s generally shown next to chigiri who’s on the slender side for bllk
exactly!! like it doesn’t feel as odd to show isagi or nagi being sweet and eventually treating a girl well even if you originally make them mean whereas otoya or aiku have 0 evidence proving that they are even fixable in the first place so people just steer clear HAHAH (not me though…me and otoya are locked in 🥱 going to write him in ways the world has never seen before). BUT NO AIKU IS SO TOJI CODED IDEK WHYYYY their voices are lowkey similar too…honestly i hope they don’t censor shidou because him being a freak is so integral to his character LMAOAOA although i’m only saying that because i know p much no one who watches bllk irl 😔💔
karasu and shidou being older than loki is so funny to me 😭 they’re better than me fr…if some french guy a year younger than me came and started bossing me around i’d throw a fit!! PLS karasu is the kind of person who’d yell at you if you do smth remotely dangerous whereas shidou would tell you to do a flip while you’re at it 😟 but at least you will always have a fan in shidou LMAOO no matter what he will be your biggest supporter (for better or worse)
THE NEXT LIGHT NOVELS BETTER BE SHIDOU KARASU AND OTOYA i need to know what kind of weird ass past shidou had that made him turn out like this…although i feel like they might not just because atm we know next to nothing abt him and maybe they want to keep him mysterious and have his backstory be like a big reveal?? if not shidou i’d be happy w like nanase or smth (perhaps aiku??).
NO LITERALLY i was like wait he’s rich…and has dogs…and supports his mother…MARRIAGE 🤩🤩🤩🤩 and then i was so betrayed when he revealed he was fucking around for no reason 😒 okay lowkey though i know that man has to be somewhat well off because why else would he be so into index funds and stock management and whatnot like that is the most upper class bullshit i can think of HAHAHAH him canonically being a finance bro is so heartbreaking 😰 karasu pls you’re better than this 🤧 jkjk he’s just trying to ensure he keeps the bag secured no matter what i have to respect it
okay wait this isn’t related to anything you said but i was reminded of this panel while scrolling tik tok and felt like i had to share
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nothing to elaborate on here LMAOO just like…he’s so majestic fr (although why is he standing like that LMAOAOA)
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maschotch · 3 years
right!! that’s the main thing that rubs me the wrong way with JJ — friends make fun of each other occasionally, but it feels constant with Reid, and it’s almost always to do with his intellect or (lack of) social skills. sure, the other members of the team tease him, but it never ever feels malicious (except maybe Rossi when he first joined?)
and on top of that, there are times when they DO show interest in what he’s saying: Elle with the “I don’t know how you know the things you do, but I’m glad you do” and Emily when he was talking about the chemicals that make you feel love being found in chocolate and peas (those are just the first two that come to mind, obviously I know there were other times)
it’s just so frustrating. JJ’s supposedly his best friend and yet literally everyone else treats him better than she does
yeah they definitely rib on each other—more than strictly necessary lmao. occasionally someone will take a joke too far or make a comment that hits too close to home, but its pretty infrequent and usually followed up by a clarification or apology. other than jj and rossi, its typical banter you’d expect from a group of close friends.
jj and rossi… they tend to push a little harder. it feels like its at someone else’s expense. not quite humiliation, but close enough to be concerning. not something a friend would say.
early days rossi is just downright antagonistic, but its not like he stops completely. it’s never a “we’re laughing” kind of joke its an “i’m laughing” joke that targets someone and puts them down. that being said, this is just kinda rossi’s personality. he’s blunt and abrasive. he’s not exactly shy about that. like if you were to confront him on any of this he’d just be like “yeah :/ probably”
but jj? jj would be defensive. what’s frustrating ab her is that she doesnt seem to get that what she says is hurtful. or at least she wouldnt ever admit it. she’s really got that white terfy attitude where she feels completely justified to say whatever she wants bc she’s a woman and its apparently feminist to say bigoted bullshit skdhkshf and thats something thats kinda frustrating w the fandom too is that all of her red flag dialogue is praised as a #girlboss moment. not that the other female characters on the show dont get those kind of lines either, bc the writers think that unapologetically being a bitch makes a strong woman i guess, but with jj it is cooonstant. bc she wasnt a profiler, she wasnt on the same level as them, so this was the only way they thought to make her “just as tough.” which really just ends up being ableism towards reid
ANYWAY yeah her energy is just so hateful to anyone or anything different than what she considers normal. her jokes are targeted and, unlike the playful banter, they’re completely one-sided. someone’s the butt of the joke. whats really surprising is that it never lets up. if anything, over the course of 15 seasons it gets WORSE. shes so dismissive towards reid and his interests—dissuading others from engaging as well. she was definitely the popular bitch in high school and just never grew out of it bc she didnt want to let that feeling of superiority go
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joelockescoffee · 2 years
I think Paris was a triumph for Joe and Bash and kind of a sh*tshow for Kit? Not only in the shows they attended (I mean you can't really compare to Dior??) or the awful clothes Kit was put in, but just in fandom response in general, I guess? I've seen a lot of anti-Kit posts, even on tumblr, this wknd. I think some people think he's making bad choices (or like I saw in one post on here that he's being greedy with all the HS fan attenion and not letting anyone else in the cast share in it.) Which...I don't know. I realize he's getting a lot of attention and he's been doing more publicity than others, but is it really something to fault him with, trying to promote his career? If people don't like how he's promoting himself (like the hunger mag stuff) that's fine, but it's not really up to him to determine who gets the press attention out of the cast members. Is he supposed to turn things down in hopes that they will ask another member of the cast? That's not how things work.
I'm not saying he's not the media darling of HS. I don't think anyone could argue that point. But he's also been in the business for a long time and has a team of people behind him seizing the moment. I don't even know what my point is lol. I've just seen a lot of negativity about it over the last couple of days, as well as stuff about him and his BFF, and the typical stuff about him not getting along with the rest of the cast b/c he was there with his friend and not with Joe and Bash 24/7, and I just feel bad about it. I hope they all managed to have fun, regardless.
I didn't know this was happening, although the accounts that I follow on Twitter are just cast updates, I don't see the kit part of discussion alot. But I understand you tho, some fans don't realise that they're being toxic af.
I think that Kit had equally great opportunity as Joe and Bash, tbh I wasn't expecting to see a tiktok star in the dior show, I was like ok dior wtv lmao. I just think that Kit's stylists did him dirty, and fans and people outside the fandom should just calm down and not blame him for his outfit flop, they should know better. I really hope he's doing okay tho, poor baby :(
And am I the only who thinks he isn't even trying to promote himself? He's just doing photoshoots, what's the big deal I don't understand, and what if he decides to do something different than usual in his latest cover, it's just his choice, people are giving him sh*t for no reason.
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jonginsboyfriend · 5 years
Ultimate favorite KaiSoo moments?
These are in no particular order because if I did that it would take longer.
First it’s the exo festa thing. They were both so cute and embarrassed when they wished good luck to each other in 2019. Ji’s smile was so large though and I know Kyungsoo had his embarrassed gummy smile on too. The fact that we don’t have an angle to see ksoo’s face is a crime. The entire night too was amazing for them. Ji encouraging soo to when he didn’t know his charm…warm stuff. Plus they looked and were styled amazing too, perfect for their physique. 
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Then there is this moment when Ji looks at Ksoo like he’s his whole world. His eyes literally have hearts in them. I’m always amazed every time I look at this.
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Ji making an acrostic poem for Ksoo and the looking at him this soflty :((. “Leaving the city. Travelling with Ksoo hyung, is like a watercolor painting.” Where did he get this stuff?? and so fast too??? He’s usually not good with acrostic poems but it natural for him when it comes to Ksoo. Ksoo himself was like “woahh” before getting embarrassed lol.
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This entire night when they all over each other oh my gooood!! they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. Checking each other out, playing footsie under the table, rubbing fingers. There was a lot of sexual tension that night.
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This moment was also very cute. Ji draped himself all over Ksoo and he accepted with that smile. Pure happiness. Ji also tried to bite his ear when he hugged Ksoo lmao.
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The way Ksoo cocooned himself into Ji. And he fits perfectly too. Prime koala behaviour. They were so cute on this show.
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Ji was so proud of his man for winning this award. Other members were laughing too but his eyes and smile literally had sparks in them. And he was so jittery too, he couldn’t stay in place.This moment reminds me of the meme that a girl will laugh at her bf no matter what he says. This is how gone Ji was here. 
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The way Ksoo’s eyes had hearts in them after Ji called him jagi and told him smth. :(( Ksoo was looking at him like he hung the moon or smth. And he was like taking his whole face in…like his whole view was full of Ji’s face. He followed Ji’s every expression too. Undivided attention. Wow
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And ofc this one. “No matter what, I will always love you hyung. You know I love you the most  right?” Ik it’s not a kaisoo moments per se but it’s such a honest declaration of love that it makes me weak everytime I see it. It’s typical of kd and ji too who wears his heart on his sleeve. It’s become so iconic in the fandom too.
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I also like this debut moment when Ksoo was eyefucking Ji to the moon and back. He was begging for his attention until Ji gave it to him, putting his arm around Ksoo kinda cockily hehe
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AND these moments when Ji made hearts behind Ksoo and the first thing that came to his mind when asked to do smth for people to guess it was Ksoo. Powerful. The fact that Ji does this things unconsciously because it’s the first thing that comes to his mind is so sick...
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OKAY, I’ll stop here lmao. But these are the ones that I love the most. I love others too ofc but these are kinda my ultimate so to say.
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