#came to me in dms yelling at me for this joke and i had to tell them the ship was triggering to me for them to stop.
man someone really ended a friendship with me bc i made. a dumb joke. about a ship i don't like. huh.
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fanartlover1234 · 2 months
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Hook and Y/n like eachother but Y/n is Morgies sister.
Made by a request in my dm
Hook x morgie's twin sister where hook tries to flirt and ask u to the dance and u say yes, but when your morgie finds out he is not happy and goes overprotective brother mode on both of u
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"Can you believe i was paired with miss pinky pop for the finals" Y/n complained to Malificent as they made way into the courtyard as she crumbled her last test into a ball and trew it away.
She steped on the bench and sat on the table a loud groan excaping her lips as she layed on her arms and leaned her head on Morgies shoulder.
"Our Y/n here is working with Bridget for finals"
"Dont remind me" Y/n kicked Malificent in leg annoyed.
"Hey, Y/n" Bridgets voice rang in the girls ears as she got up stalking over to the girl " could you get the lagoon flowers for our potion"
"Sure, you should tag along, ill show the lagoon fishes" Y/n said faking her exitment.
"Really? What do they do" Bridget asked happy but her smile soon droped at her next words.
"They eat annoying girls" Y/n stated before walking away.
Y/n and Hook were walking along the lagoon looking for stupid flowers as Hook was the only free on she draged him along.
They were laughing and joking untill they both triped over something, Hook landed on top of the girl and for a moment they just layed there untill Y/n noticed the flower and plucked it while getting up.
They both sat there looking at the black rose like flowers with bright pink thorns.
Hook looked as the brown haired girl as she couldnt help but admire the flower in her hand.
Her grern eyes slowly moved to the boy infront of her as he kept her gaze.
"What" she asked.
"Be my date to the castlecoming" he said though it more sounded like a question.
"Hook you know"
"You dont date Morgies friends but lets at least go as friends" he said as he flicked his brown eyes along her face in hope and a smile creeped on the lips when she chuckled and nodded a little.
The next day in class as Y/n was working with Bridget she carefuly took out the flower and placed it in the small vase that Bridget had prepered for the flower.
As Y/n was working Bridget noticed the small glances across the room between Her lab partner and Hook who worked with Morgie.
"Eyes talk" Bridget said as she cut up some weeds.
"What do you mean?" The brown haired girl asked annoyed as she looked at the girl next to her.
"You're staring at him"
"Only when no one is looking"
"Funny, he does the same thing"
"Are you going with Hook to the castlecoming"
"Hi to you too" Y/n sais getting up from her bed as she looked at her twin who just stormed into her room annoyance in his voice " and dont worry, we're going as friends"
"Yeah right you guys been gushing over eachother for years now"
"Morgie. Friends." The girl said grabing her brothers shoulders.
"Just friends?"
"Yes, you can ask him "
"So you and Y/n are going as friends?" Morgie asked his long terms friend.
"Yes" Hook said.
Morgie was about to leave when he heard Hook mumble something under his breath "sadly"
"Dude" Morgie yelled as he delivered a punch to Hooks face "thats my sister"
Castlecoming came and Morgie recieved a proper scolding for punching Hook across the face from his sister as they made way to the ball room of merlin academy.
The nighy was smooth and fun as Hook and Y/n danced till midnights hit.
During the midnight speach of merlin the girl snuck out of the balckony and few momemts later Hook joined her.
No words were spoken as he pulled her closer but she stoped him a momemt from their lips touched.
"I though you said you wanted to be just friends with me" the girl asked.
"I think we both know we can never be just friends" he said.
And then he kissed her, without warning, without premission, without even deciding to do it but simply because he couldnt have done anything else.
He looked at her like she was the moon, like she was made of wonder and beauty, like she was something not everyone knew how to love.
And for the past years every time she laughed, she hoped he's watching. Not so that he saw that she was happy but because maybe, just maybe he woukd fall for her smile, just as hard as she fell for his.
Because no matter how hard she denies it the truth is she has fallen for him.
Every secret galnce and bit too long of embraced they shared, the laughs untill their stomach hurted and there were tears in their eyes every comforting look.
He looked at her and smiled, she looked at him and fell in love.
Because truth is they looked at eachothee a bit too long to be 'just friends'
"Dude thats my sister" morgie yelled as he saw them kiss.
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bryngmemoney · 8 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: death jokes
Writing in between messages!!
🪡Chapter Sixteen: Deserve each other
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You sat in the fashion room, waiting for Megumi to show up. It was around 5:45 and he had texted you saying he was almost there, just stopped for gas. It was fine since you guys hadn’t agreed to meet till six, you just happened to be early. It was late and a Friday, so no one was really around, except for some people in the film room right next to you apparently. Every now and then you would hear a muffled yell, almost reprehending. You just figured it was some people arguing over something.
You saw another text from Megumi saying he was about to leave the gas station and head over saying he’d be there soon. Distracted by your messages, you failed to realize the person standing at the open door in the front of the room. You looked up after seeing something move in the corner of your eye, jumping a little when you saw Sukuna standing there glaring at you. “What’d I scare you?”
“Ew freak, what are you doing here?”
“Could ask the same thing.”
You looked back down at your phone, turning it off and placing it down on the table. “Waiting on Megumi, trying on his stuff.” He just hummed in reply heading over to the table you sat at “You and him a thing?”
“Well, kind of?”
He just squinted his eyes at you for a second, before replying “He could do so much better.” “Ok fuck you.” He just laughed in response.
“Was that you yelling in the room over?” you asked. “You could hear that?” He actually looked surprise. “You’re always so damn loud, just you talking gives people headaches, can you imagine your screaming.”
Even after knowing him for a while the way he stares people down still freaks you out, like how he was doing right now. “I wouldn’t have to if people were competent, my fucking partner sucks, he doesn’t know anything and his ideas are stupid, I should’ve hunted down Yuji or that one emo friend of his.”
“Jellyfish yea.”
“It’s Junpei, and who’s your partner anyway?”
“This annoying ass kid with blue hair, he’s so weird, I wish Uraume or Megumi were film majors. You know, actual competent people?”
“I almost did choose film, if that helps.”
You and Sukuna looked up to where the voice was coming from, seeing Megumi walk towards you guys, a small smile on his face. “Megumi!” you two collectively said. He responded with a hey, taking a seat next to you.
“How you’ve been? You and Y/n?” Sukuna asked.
“And Uraume?” Megumi replied.
“Goodbye, I take back my previous statement you two deserve each other.”
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Author’s Note: this chapter came out WAYYY later than i wanted it to but i just got so busy even if it was in my drafts i could not find time to finish it
but anyways like two (maybe three) chapter will be out tomorrow (hopefully) 🤗🤗🤗🤗
hope you guys enjoyed!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
@iridescentrays @gumimegz @maya-maya-56 @mamafly @lunavixia @swissy23 @coltsgf @m00nglad3-mp3 @etsukis @xosren @qtnfer @oengleli @harek89 @y-sabell-a @morgyyyyyyy @getolvr @liliumaraneae @k3lbade @aiieera @dancedancey @get0sfav @chuyasthighs0 @hyssoplampflickers @kpopanimen @sad-darksoul @vivi-loves-penguins @kasumitenbaz @talkingsperm @nymphsdomain @inlovewithlondonn @rzcnlb @enchantingkitty @fuyuzemi @lysaray @ni-ki-ismyluv @reneny @frumira @mixzimi @miralunaela @dreamxiing @p3achiee @anianurst
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pandaroboto · 1 year
Taskmaster Recording Report
This will be a long post and it has spoilers, so proceed with caution. More after the cut.
I will put in two different sections, what happened on warm-up and between takes and what they cut from the episode and I remember. WARM UP
Greg told people to stop sending sexy DMs because he would disappoint all the ladies/some guys.
He introduced Alex who came to the stage and hugged Greg's...knees?
Greg told the audience Alex was a master and could mimic any animal doing a dance style. He did a guinea pig first and it was the cutest thing, then a wolf (there is a picture of this that was used on a press release) and then a lion. When Greg asked about a dance style I yelled SAMBA with all my strength and then I saw Alex trying to samba as a lion. It was amazing.
Mark Olver asked who came from furthest to watch it and I raised my hand and said Brazil and he said BULLSHIT, you didn't come here just for that. I then explained I also was going to see Tim Key in Cardiff the next day and he was like "Oh..she did came here just for that then"
Again British people can't understand my name so I was referred as "Brazil" for the rest of the afternoon
I was also questioned about how do I watch the show and I quickly replied Youtube .
He made me list my favorite contestants to see if I could stay in the country. I tried to think which contestants were on the YouTube series uploaded. I then said Bob Mortimer, Mike Wozniak and Mark Watson (Alex smiled a bit when I said his name). Olver went " I can't believe someone in Brazil was watching the Woz fart a pile"
When I was telling I am from Brazil Alex waved at me and I was sure he knew who I was because long story short a bunch of friends really made me feel special and got me a signed book by Alex and he knew I was going to be there after travelling for 14+ hours.
At that point Greg said "Did you come for me???" and I pathetically went YES Y ES YES. He waved at me and IDK till today how I survived this.
They joked about a guy being first row and not being a fan,Mark asked who he had to fuck to get those seat and greg was pointing to himself.
They said we were clapping at the wrong places and that would confuse Alex and Greg
After the recording when I got back to London randomly meet Asim Chaudhry on Leceister Square. He was so sweet. We chatted a bit , I talked about how Sandman was big here, and that he had Brazilian fans and he got very excited and telling his mates about it
Sue got a massive round of applause. I think she and Julian got the big whoops from the crowd
The prize task was so much longer. Lucy went for ages talking about the ghost of the dog, and Greg kept asking questions. I knew most of it would be cut, but Greg kept mentioning during the episode and made me question how they would edit the references. They are bloody genius those editors.
Sam's Pinocchio made quite the impression, and Greg had a lot of fun with it. They talk about Pinocchio's penis, there was questions if it grew too with the lies. And Greg kept saying Pinocchio during the recording.
Sue's monkey orgy story was longer too.
When they showed Sam getting super closer to Alex, Greg mentioned Alex was very uncomfortable with touch and to prove that he got really touchy. BTW guys the amount of hand touches, and whispers behind the cards...they are insane
After the team task they were basically talking about how kinky it was, and Greg joked about Alex tied up , hogtie style and that he enjoyed. This was the thing I was most excited and I hope they put on the outtakes because I know how the fandom will be mental about it.
Greg is...MAGNETIC! Like the man demands attention and is very hard to not be looking at him. I kept looking at them at the studio and mostly ignored the tasks because I knew that I could see them later.
The live task took ages to set up and to reset after every round, Greg even joked we would spend the night there. It was more or less 3 hours of taping.
Greg interacted with us a lot because they had to reset the seesaw all the time, At one point he asked us to go "oooooh" that was show in the episode but he asked Alex using those words "Do you want the audience to oooh you while you pull it out slowly for me?" and he said with such a voice that...if I were a dude I would have a boner.
There was a point when Alex had to explain the outcome and he got it wrong and the audience corrected him to Greg's delight, he was very giggly. Sue got quite mad at Alex and the chains.
I guess it was this. At least that is what I took from my notes.
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AITA for yelling at my friend over discord?
@aita-throwary-blogggg1456789 for finding later
so. um. i realise i come across as massively assholey here but idk man. this might just be teenage angst/drama
basically i (16FTM) have this friend. lets call him O (16M) we met last year since i showed him around the school on his first day. we sort of clicked and became friends.
at the time i was questioning my gender identity and was talking to a couple professionals about possible mental health issues and disabilites i was suspected to have, and when i talked to O about it he was super supportive. when i came out as enby he accepted me, and when i eventually came out as trans he accepted me then too. i told him about the adhd and the anxiety and the depression, and he was cool with all of that.
the main problem starts at the beginning of the new academic year. i'd introduced him to a really close knit friend group of mine, and he also clicked there. i was pretty happy about it, before he started saying some um... iffy things. i had recently found out my parents were severly abusive and i had been conditioned to believe that it was normal. so i'd talked to my friend group about it and they had all been really supportive. except for O. he'd conveniently kept quiet whenever i'd start talking about it. recently i asked him (quite nicely i'd like to add) why, and he said he doesn't have the full story, and that i was probably exagurating. obviously i was hurt, since it took a long time for me to finally talk about this shit, but i brushed it off since he had a relativley smooth life and didn't really know.
later i was diagonsed with osdd, and i told my friends. O admitted to me he thought i was faking it for attention, since he had become close with another person in the friend group T (16FTM). again i was deeply hurt, and didnt talk to him for a couple months. afterwards i started talking to him again, but he kept making jokes at my expense
one night i was highly emotional after a whole thing which led to me to cry for a couple hours. he made yet another joke at my expense in the discord gc and i just snapped. i went into dms and yelled at him for a paragraph and then some. he hasn't replied or even talked to me and i'm scared i did the wrong thing and overreacted
i feel really bad about it but my firend told me i wasnt the asshole... but am i?
so tumblr, aita??
(if this posted again bc of tumblr being wierd im sorry)
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hopepetal · 2 years
Well... here it is. The epilogue of my boatem knights au fic! I have a few things to say/thanks to give before we move on to the actual fic.
This is my most popular series ever. Over the course of writing this I have learned so much, gained so many new friends, and had some of the best experiences of my life. I have been treated with such kindness and enthusiasm from the community that I have never gotten in any other community I have been in before, and it's blown me away. You all are the reason I continued writing, even as my life became hectic and my schedule became packed.
I'd like to give thanks to @applestruda for creating this au and letting me write this fic. Bee, you are amazing. I always get so excited whenever I see you around, and your ideas are so, so cool. You are so amazing and kind and you deserve all the kindness in the world. Love you Bee <3
Next, @stiffyck. Where would I be without you? I have been yelling at you in dms for the longest time, and you always match my enthusiasm, yelling right back at twice the volume. You are so fun to bounce ideas off of, and it's always great to meet people you mesh well with. Thank you for being such an avid supporter <3
And @beeboppo, because seeing your little phone drawings in my inbox always make my day. You are so funny and kind and I'm so happy I get to know you. Creating things with you is always so fun, and you always have so many ideas and thoughts. Much love <3 I appreciate you
Alright!! Now onto the fic!!
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Scar woke slowly from a deep darkness that weighed him down, slowing his movements and his thoughts. Yawning, he brought his hands up to rub his face with his eyes still closed, stretching his arms above his head before finally opening his eyes. The first thing he noticed was Grian, sitting in a chair next to his bed. It seemed like the avian had fallen asleep on the side of Scar’s bed, resting his head on his arms as he snored softly. 
As Scar blinked away the last tendrils of sleep, trying to reorient himself, he began to feel all the aches and pains that he associated with the day after an extreme workout. He felt like he had run five miles in a full on sprint, exhaustion weighing his limbs down along with the painful soreness that pulsed in his entire body. Gazing around the room, he noticed the large window next to his bed that allowed sunlight to stream in. Judging by the light level, it was almost sundown.
Glancing down, Scar noticed that he had bandages wrapped around his arms and judging by the feel, around his neck as well. He recalled how one of their captors- gosh, he had already forgotten their names- had held a sword to his throat in order to threaten him. That had led to Scar going feral and-
He inhaled sharply, hands clenching into fists as memories came crashing into him like a tidal wave. He recalled the taste of blood, the endless rage that had pushed him to brutally slaughter those who had dared to hurt him and his friend. He remembered the screams, the sounds of death all around him, and then the faint sound of Grian’s voice calling out to him through the rage that had consumed him.
A soft mumble pulled Scar out of his thoughts, and he glanced down to see Grian shift before slowly blinking his eyes open. Light brown curls fell in front of his dark eyes as the avian slowly sat up, yawning. Scar noticed how he had changed into a comfortable red shirt and grey pants, an improvement from those scratchy green robes they had been forced to wear by that stupid mercenary. “You pull that off a lot better than you do the half naked and dying look, I think,” he joked, his voice quiet and rasping from disuse. 
A sleepy smile broke out on Grian’s face, though his eyes were filled with a sad kind of gentleness. “Hi, Scar.” He reached out to take Scar’s hand in his own, a hurt expression briefly flashing across his face when the other jerked away before he carefully put up a front of unbothered neutrality. “How are you feeling?”
Scar immediately began mentally cursing himself upon seeing Grian’s hurt expression. He hadn’t meant to reject the other knight so harshly, but he had been worried that he’d hurt Grian by accident, again. Nevertheless, he gave Grian a bright smile, trying to cover up those pesky emotions. “You know, my good man, I could be better! But hey, I'm here, I'm awake, it's a beautiful day, so there's that!” Oh, he was so trying to dodge the question. And Grian absolutely knew this, Scar could tell by the slight furrow in his brow. 
Grian stood, and for a moment Scar was afraid that he had really goofed it now, that Grian was going to leave and never return, but all the avian said was, “I’m going to go tell the others you’re awake.” He began to walk to the door before turning back briefly, hand on the doorframe. “Are you okay with that?”
Scar nodded, and watched as Grian slipped out of the room. He barely had any time to get lost in thought before Grian walked back in, followed by Mumbo, Impulse, and Pearl. Immediately, Mumbo and Impulse began to scold him with all the air of two worried fathers, while Grian and Pearl watched from a little behind the two. It was pretty obvious that Mumbo was crying, despite the man arguing that he was not, there was just something in his eyes, he was absolutely not full on sobbing. Scar kept insisting that he was alright, sending glances toward Pearl and Grian every so often in a cry for help, only getting smirks in return. Traitors…
Once Impulse and Mumbo were finished going full-on dad mode, Pearl stepped forward and took the seat Grian had previously been sitting in. “You alright to give us a moment alone, boys?” she asked, and with a soft murmur of agreement the other three knights left the room, Grian hesitating for a moment before following and closing the door behind him. Once they had all left the room, Pearl sighed. The smile on her face dropped as she leaned forward, hands clasped in her lap. “Scar,” she began, “you are one of the strongest people I know.”
Scar chuckled slightly, trying to ward off the tension that had grown in the room from the sudden mood shift. “Thanks. Still haven’t beaten you at arm wrestling, though.” The attempt at humor was mostly to relieve that pressure in his chest brought on by anxiety.
Pearl cracked a smile. “That’s not what I meant, you goof.” Back to the more serious tone. “You are strong, Scar. You let yourself get captured.” She sat back, sighing quietly. “Why?”
Scar felt his heart sink, feeling as though there was a pit in his stomach. He turned his head away, trying to avoid eye contact. “I…” his voice cracked, and with it, his constitution crumbled. He couldn’t lie to Pearl. No one could. With a trembling voice and hands, he continued. “I hurt Grian. I hurt him really badly because of my- because of my stupid vex form and those stupid vex instincts and then if that wasn’t bad enough I went and got us both kidnapped-”
“Hey.” Pearl cut him off, placing a hand on his arm. “Do you wanna know something about me that I haven’t told anyone else here?” She gave Scar a tight smile, something akin to regret in her eyes. “I’ve hurt Grian before.”
Scar couldn’t help it. His eyes widened in shock. Pearl clearly noticed, because she let out a soft laugh. “Yeah. Stabbed him with a sword. We were young and sparring, and, well, I underestimated my own strength. He has a scar on his leg from the incident.” She sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “I felt terrible when it happened. Swore to never pick up a sword again, can you imagine?” She gave Scar a wry smile, and Scar found that he couldn't imagine that. Pearl as anything but a knight was just... not possible. “Right? You see what I’m talking about. Eventually, Grian beat some sense into me. Not literally,” she clarified, seeing the look on Scar’s face, “I mean that he talked to me. We spoke about everything and worked it out. And now here we are.”
“Here we are,” Scar echoed faintly, his voice sounding far away. He wondered if things could really be the same for him and Grian. After all, not only had he almost killed the avian, but he had also gotten them both kidnapped, sick, and humiliated. Surely there was a difference. He really doubted his mistakes could be fixed with a little chit-chat.
“Hey.” Pearl interrupted, shaking Scar out of his spiraling thoughts, “I know what's going on in there.” She tapped her head with a finger, smiling gently. “I’ve been there before. Tell you what- how about I go get Grian back in here and we talk. Does that sound good?”
Scar nodded wordlessly, worried that if he answered the tears he was holding back would spill over. He didn’t deserve to cry or feel bad for himself. He was the one at fault here, he was the one holding everyone back. Noticing Pearl had left the room, Scar began to really panic. Oh gosh, what if Grian hated him? What if, what if-
Pearl reentered the room, pulling Grian along with her. Scar snapped out of his thoughts once more as Grian pulled up a second chair and sat down in it, Pearl sitting next to him. Grian was smiling at him, Scar noted, and bitterly wondered what he had done to deserve it. 
Pearl clapped her hands together, startling Scar. He laughed and put his hands over his heart as though he had been actually terrified. “Right- sorry Scar- time to talk!”
And before he knew it, Scar was rambling, avoiding eye contact with Grian at all costs. “I know it's all my fault and I'm so incredibly sorry, I know you must be furious at me because I didn't only hurt you but I got us kidnapped too and they almost took your wings and it was so humiliating and then-”
“And I understand if you want to kick me out from the knights I don't deserve it anyway and I'm so sorry that I was a burden and-”
“-I'm sorry you've had to put up with me for so long and-”
Scar shut up.
Grian reached out and carefully took one of Scar’s hands in his own, as though he were afraid Scar was going to pull away again. Tenderly, he stroked the back of Scar’s hand with his thumb, smiling softly. “You made a mistake, Scar,” he admitted gently, eyes sorrowful. 
Scar’s heart dropped into his stomach, and he looked away. This was it then. The moment where he got kicked out of the knights, out of the only family he had known for the longest time. It had been amazing while it had lasted, at least…
Grian continued. “That mistake was pushing us away when you needed us the most.”
Scar froze, looking up at Grian. Green eyes met dark ones, both shining with held back tears. “What?” he whispered, afraid of being too loud.
“Scar…” Grian gazed at him, and his eyes were every part compassion and love. “I forgive you.”
The dam broke. 
Scar let out a heartbreaking wail, the tears beginning to flow as he sobbed. He felt himself pull Grian close, hugging him tightly and gasping out ‘thank you’s in between sobs. Grian’s arms wrapped around him, offering a comfort he had so desperately longed for during the past few days. 
Later, Scar would follow Pearl and Grian out of the small room, eyes red and puffy but with a small smile on his face. They would all talk and laugh, before heading outside to spend the night under the stars, swapping tales and singing songs. Scar would be surrounded by his friends and their love for him, and would fall asleep long after the sound of crickets became the loudest thing around.
But for now, Scar would cry, and that was okay.
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callsignspark · 1 year
Mar[r]y Me | part one
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pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Mariella “M&M” Vertucci (fem!OC)
summary: A love story told through friendship, laughter, and food.
series warnings: 18+ minors DNI, discussion of insecurities, difficult family relationships, discussions of food and alcohol use, eventual smut, warnings to be added as needed
word count: 2.0k
main masterlist
note: happy Friday! I'm so excited to share the first part of Bradley and Mary's story! a very special thanks to @gretagerwigsmuse for yelling in the DMs with me over this. Jordan without you the Bradley brain rot would not have taken over, and we wouldn't be here. after you read this, everyone go read about her version of Bradley and Smart Aleck; they are everything.
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part one - indecision cookies
“C’mon, M&M! You’re not deciding on purpose! Just to be annoying!”
She knows he’s teasing; they’ve been friends for over a decade. That doesn’t stop the hurt from bubbling in her stomach or keep her from snapping at him. “Yeah, Reuben! That’s exactly what I’m doing! I’m purposefully going down to the wire on a decision that will change everything in my life just so I can piss you off!”
Guilt settles in her chest the second she finishes. It’s not his fault she can’t make a choice. “I’m sor-”
“No. Don’t apologize. I shouldn’t have made the joke. I know this is stressing you out.” She can hear him pacing through his house. As long as she’d known him, he had walked at the same volume as an elephant. “I know it’s a big change, and there’s a lot of things to consider, but what’s going on?”
“Nothing. I made indecision cookies. So you know… I’m basically there.”
“Wow, okay, never once have you been close to making a choice and made those. So, that literally does nothing except give you delicious cookies to eat. Which is great, but it’s already been a month, and I can’t even tell which way you’re leaning.”
It’s only been twenty-one days. Her brain interjects, but she doesn’t voice the thought, knowing her best friend won’t appreciate the correction.
It’s been twenty-five days since she flew from Pensacola to San Diego. Twenty-four days since she spent the evening with Danielle, Reuben, and his teammates. Twenty-three days since she interviewed for a new position. Twenty-two since she was offered the job, one that came with a big salary increase, better benefits, a higher security clearance requirement, and a thirty-day decision deadline. Twenty-one days since she returned home, a serious case of imposter syndrome setting in, mixing with her anxiety.
“I haven’t decided because I can’t figure out the right answer. It’s a great opportunity, and I know I’d enjoy the work, but it’s such a huge change, and frankly, I don’t know if it’s worth moving across the country. I like what I do now, I’m settled here, and I’m finally starting to make real friends instead of just having acquaintances from work. It’s taken-” A crash interrupts her. “Reuben! What was that?! Are you okay?”
“I tripped over Boo-Boo and almost took out the side table. Stupid ass cat.” She can hear him fighting with the fat, orange tabby under his breath. “I’m fine. Keep going; we’re listening.”
“You were probably in his way!”
“Stop defending the cat! He can’t hear you, and he was in the wrong! And stop deflecting. You were saying it’s taken…”
“It’s taken me four years to get comfortable, to this point where I’m not spending all my free time alone in my apartment. I move, and I have to start all over again. With everything. The search for where to live. Getting comfortable with the job. Making friends.”
“You have plenty of friends out here already!”
“You and Danielle don’t count; we’ve known each other since freshman year.” Her voice is flat, already knowing where his argument is going.
“Okay, fine! You’re friends with Mickey. And you liked Natasha and Bob! Plus, there’s Rooster and the rest of the Dagger Squad!”
“Reuben, knowing your team’s callsigns and spending a few hours drinking with them when I was out there doesn’t mean I actually know them or that we’re friends.”
“Yeah, true, but they’re good people, and you’ll get along with all of them. And you’ll make friends of your own! What I’m saying is that you’re not starting over with friends; you’ve got a foundation to build on, so that’s one less thing to worry about.”
“Okay, well, I’m also thirty-three and not getting any younger. I’d like to have a family one day; I want a husband, a few kids, and maybe a dog. That dream gets harder to achieve if I have to start over again.”
“Is this because of your parents?” Danielle’s voice is a surprise.
“Damn it, Fitch! Have you had me on speakerphone this whole time?!”
“I told you we were listening!”
“I thought you meant the damn cat!”
“Why would I mean the cat?”
“Because you’re an idiot-”
“As fun as it is to listen to the two of you argue.” Danielle’s scolding cuts them off before it can devolve into a repeat of The Incident of 2013. “Let’s get back to my question. Is this indecision because of your parents?”
“No! Why would you even think that?”
“For starters, you’ve never mentioned kids before!”
Danielle smooths over her husband’s indignant statement. “We know it’s something your parents harp on you about.”
The understatement of the decade. 
Mary’s family is a large group of stereotypical Italian immigrant Catholics from New York. Thirty-one people on her father’s side came from Sicily through Ellis Island in the late nineteenth century and settled in East Harlem. The men worked municipal projects, performing back-breaking labor to build bridges and dig subway tunnels, while the women suffered through the dangerous working conditions of the Manhattan garment factories. The family worked hard, the entire brood saving money to open a bakery just like they had back home. Vertucci’s Bakery – named for the family – opened in 1925 and was an instant success; people waited in lines that went out the door to get a taste of the old country. As the family grew, so did the bakery; everyone working to churn out bread, cakes, and pastries as fast as possible. Eventually, they outgrew the first shop, moving to a bigger location in Brooklyn the same year Mary’s father was born.
The other side of her family, the Romanos, immigrated just before World War II. Settling in Carroll Gardens, Mary’s great-grandfather was a dock worker at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, while her great-grandmother took care of the children and worked as a seamstress out of their apartment. Through the generations and the gentrification, the family stayed in Brooklyn, enjoying the strong Italian community.
Carlo and Lisa met on a busy Saturday morning when he was working Vertucci’s front counter. They fell in love quickly and were married just over a year later. Four boys in the four years after they were married, with Mariella “Mary” Vertucci following several years after the twins. She was a happy mistake. Wording that never failed to make her feel like she was two inches tall.
Despite being the youngest by ten years, as the only daughter Mary was subject to the most guilt trips and punishments growing up, her brothers seemingly unable to do no wrong in the eyes of the rest of the family.
When she was little, she didn’t eat enough food, and the women of her family criticized her for being too skinny. Then with puberty, she gained weight, and suddenly she was eating too much food. The yelling she had to endure when she went away to school - the first one in her family to do so - practically shattered the windows in her parent’s living room. Her mother was exceptionally upset because she had found a nice Italian boy for Mary to date, one who didn’t care that she was chubby. Constant complaints about distance when she moved to Missouri after graduation to work for Boeing, where she learned the ins and outs of all the mechanical systems of the Navy’s top fighter jets and worked on maintenance procedures to keep them running. The knock-down-drag-out screaming matches when she announced that she was being transferred to Florida to act as a senior engineering liaison between the company and the Navy, not once receiving any congratulations for her impressively quick advancement.
Not to mention all the subtle implications that she was a bad daughter for not producing grandchildren yet. Despite all of her brothers being married and having provided numerous grandchildren.
“I love kids, I’ve always wanted them, but given my luck with relationships, they’ve always kinda been a pipe dream. And I barely talk to my family anymore, my parents, least of all, no one knows I’m up for a new job. Only a few people here even know I went to California, and they all think I just went for a long weekend to visit some old friends.”
“If you take the job, when are you gonna tell them you’re moving to California?”
She snorts, “I’ll just call Danny’s wife as I’m about to get on the plane, and she’ll do all the work. By the time I touch down in San Diego, the entire Vertucci network will be informed of the address change.”
“You’d do that to your favorite brother?”
Danny is her favorite by default. Being the oldest meant he usually could be counted on to stop the other three from being too brutal in their taunts, but he also joined the teasing as much as he stopped it.
“He left my name off the Mother’s Day bouquet last year; this’ll make us even.”
“You didn’t chip in for flowers?” Reuben sounds shocked, knowing the importance of Mother’s Day flowers in the Vertucci family.
“No, I did. I covered Michael’s portion, too; that’s when Mia was going through treatment. He forgot to put my name on the card.”
“Yeah, surprised me too. Especially when I got a call at the ass crack of dawn the next day, asking why I was ignoring the woman who gave me life on the most important day of the year.”
“Not to interrupt this venting session, but we still haven’t gotten to why you’re holding back on making a decision.” Danielle interrupts.
Mary hesitates, embarrassed to tell her closest friends about the problem. “I just keep thinking about the worst things that could happen. Which I know is stupid, and it’s just making my anxiety act up even more, but I can’t stop thinking about what could go wrong.”
“Well, that’s obviously not working, so what about the best things that could happen? I can kick Reuben out if you want. He doesn’t need to know everything.”
“Hey! She’s my best friend, too! And I’ve known her longer than you!”
“Only by six months! And you wouldn’t have become friends if she hadn’t taken pity on you and forced you to be her lab partner.”
“Let's see, good things… good things.” She interrupts the argument over who is her bestest friend. “Well, I could live near both my best friends for the first time since college. I could live in the same town as my goddaughter for the first time in her life. I could end up loving the job - not just tolerating it - and work there until I retire. The time difference could be good. I might be able to have a better relationship with my family if there’s extra distance between us. I could…”
She trails off, simultaneously feeling silly about what her next sentence would be and also afraid saying it out loud would jinx it.
“You could?” Danielle gently prods.
I could fall in love. I could be happy.
Her answer is just above a whisper, “I could be happy.”
Reuben gently breaks the silence that follows her vulnerable wish. “Are you not happy now?”
“I’m content. Which is good, but it’s not the same as being happy.”
“What do you think it would take for you to be happy?”
“I really don’t know… Force myself to make some changes? Shake things up?”
“Shit, I hear Annabeth waking up from her nap, but - and I’m sure you’ve already had this thought - but if you think shaking things up could help, I think you have the answer about the job.” Crying crackles over the baby monitor. “Okay, I’m gone. Love you - text me later!”
“Love you too, Dani!”
“So… what are you thinking?”
“How would you feel about turning the office into an official guest room while I find a place to live?”
“As long as you join the diaper-changing rotation, I think we could swing that.”
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tagging: @gretagerwigsmuse | @bobfloyds | @bussyslayer333 | @hangmanbrainrot | @mothdruid | @notroosterbradshaw | @princessphilly | @rhettabbotts | @roleycoleyreccenter | @roosterbruiser | @seresinsweetie | @thesewordsareallihavetogive | @waklman | @withahappyrefrain | @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby | @genius2050 | @ohtobeleah
fic tag | credit for dividers here
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nuttysaladpaper · 1 month
My Redemption
DISCLAIMER: I do not think Sammy Sundog is a bad person in any way Shape or Form. I just want to compare things they said in chat to what I said in chat and see if we can all find an understanding. This is not me canceling them. I just want them to see that this isn't fair, I want to redeem myself and prove my worth!
I was banned from Sammy Sundog's community in April of 2023, but I feel like I was wrongly banned, people in Sam's chat have said FAR worse things than I have said, including the borderline bigoted things they have said.
In May of 2023, I had a Meltdown due to the heartbreak from the ban, the pain of my dog passing away, and stress from work caused an involuntary response to these overwhelming sensory and emotional stimuli from everything that was going on (That meltdown caused me to blackout, threaten suicide and go on a huge rampage which is a very intense meltdown, and meltdowns are common in autistic people, even adults.)
The reason Sam banned me was that I was Inappropriate in Chat, and made everyone uncomfortable, (But months after I was banned they revealed it was only because I talked about my job too much) I also cannot read social cues (which is another autistic trait) Someone in Sams chat told me (in DM's) to "learn to read social cues" which is an extremely ableist thing to say. You can't just make symptoms disappear, and you can't just "learn to read social cues" that is not how it works.
Child Abuse:
They make jokes about toddler sims sleeping outside, playing with feces, sleeping on dog beds, eating dog food (and have made/let the toddlers do this.) This is abusive behavior, but then claim "Oh it's just a game, it's a JOKE, it's a queer game from 2004" and no one finds this problematic, yet find Realistic Birth Mod for The Sims 4 to be weird, or think the incest mod for the sims 2 is "gross" and harmful to people... what happened to it being "just a game?" If having incest in the game is gross then having child abuse in the game should be gross too right? Where do we draw the line?
Recently someone in chat said something Racist, but it didn't cause an uproar in chat, and Sam didn't ban them on the spot (which would be an appropriate response to blatant racism) Here is the message:
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Not to mention the borderline misogyny from Sam and the community, I explained that another cause for my behavior is hormonal imbalance, and someone said "They get periods too but they don't freak out on people" Thinking all periods are the same is something men do, and is extremely Misogynistic and gaslighting behavior, not to mention the fact that they won't let me explain myself or have my own opinions (also misogynistic behavior)
There are people in Sams community who think I'm not Bi because I am Anti-LGBT (I am not Anti-LGBT) I sent hateful messages because I was mad at Sam, and I'm insecure about myself, I was in emotional pain, and I lashed out, I know It wasn't right, but to say I'm not Bi-sexual is gaslighting and very Biphobic. Not to mention the things Sam said on their Deviantart:
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Sam says that They/Them pronouns are "Tumblrina pronouns" that Bisexual and Pansexual are the same thing, and that there are 2 genders and 3 sexualities.
Not to mention a slur that someone said in chat that Sam allowed:
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Sam has made fun my of mental disorders and disabilities for almost as long as I have been banned. Here is a list of Ableist things said and done by Sam and the community:
Compared my autism to theirs. After my meltdown, Sam came to yell at me and say "I'm on the spectrum as well but I'm not threatening violence, get some help and move on" (I did not threaten violence or anyone's life, I was depressed, and wanted to kill myself because I couldn't handle the heartbreak.
Sam claims I'm using my autism as an excuse to be a jerk. I'm not being a jerk, I have meltdowns, and I struggle to read social cues, which is common in autistic people.
Sam called me inappropriate, Clare (Daydreamer) Called me Cringe, and Crystul-Beth laughed at me for having depression and suicidal thoughts and made fun of me for crying as a result of severe depression, and would tell me to "get a hobby" even though I'm severely depressed (which was worsened by the ban) and I can't even enjoy the stuff I used to do.
They think Happy Hands, Hyperfixations on the Sims, and Brainrot behavior are the only symptoms of Autism, which is very stigmatizing.
Jules told me that banning me for having severe symptoms and refusing to seek help is not ableist. I am not refusing to seek help, I literally do not have the resources to GET help! Therapy costs a lot of money here in the U.S.
Someone in Sam's Chat told me that "I should learn to read social cues" That is not how it works, we can't just make our symptoms go away, and "Not being able to read social cues" is a VERY common symptom of Autism. Telling an autistic person to read social cues is extremely ableist behavior.
They made fun of Blind people (my dad is blind and I found the jokes very disturbing) Here are the screenshots:
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8. Sam laughed at Machinima when someone mentioned they almost committed suicide and claimed that Suicidal people are manipulative, the kid was heartbroken, The body responds to heartbreak the way it responds to physical pain, it's not something to joke about, and to say people who commit suicide after a heartbreak are manipulative is disgusting!
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9. They also make fun of Cindy (Pleasant Sims) for having BPD (which is one of the most painful and most difficult mental disorders to deal with.) Cindy lost her baby in the late summer of 2022 and has also been struggling with her mental health and PCOS. Sam claims she is using her breakdowns for content even though she is going through a lot and tries to cope in her own ways. (It's good that Cindy's husband got away from all that but still, it's hard to deal with Mental disorders, they don't just "Go Away")
10. Someone in the community also said I'm "Dangerous and Vile" even though I'm suicidal and I have meltdowns and psychotic episodes, I don't mean for them to happen, they just happen.
11. Sam also says that I'm causing trouble for attention, that is not true! I am going through a hard time, and I also have a hard time letting things go, I only wanted to fix what I have done, but Sam has been hateful towards ME, I never hated Sam for a second! I didn't mean for things to get this far, I just want to return to the community!
Samantha if you're reading this, I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused, but this is ridiculous! You guys have said terrible things in chat as well, you also stalked and harassed me by taking screenshots of my social media posts and taking them out of context, I only took screenshots of your messages to call you out on your hypocrisy and your own bigotry! I know I did wrong, and I tried to listen to what you guys said about me, I tried to educate myself and change my hateful ways, but you still think I'm a bad person! I tried doing better but you won't let me redeem myself, so I come onto social media to call you out! I only wanted to work things out, YOU ARE 30 YEARS OLD! Let's work this out like adults! PLEASE!
All I did in chat was talk about my job, that's it.
@sammysundog @herobrilne @bethisims @motherpsyduck @julescant @nonsensical-pixels @diwasims @gaypleasantview @annachibisims @annachibi @gnomethievery @cursyve @tobigrimsbabyfaces
DISCLAIMER: I am not trying to cause trouble, I just want to tell you guys that I'm not the bad person you think I am, and I want this to end! I'm sorry I made you all uncomfortable, but please don't hate me. I love and miss you guys. I wish I did better. I think you guys are good people, despite all of this that I mentioned in the post. Let's not fight or hold grudges anymore.
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myraclezzz · 4 months
Agent in the Making (snippet)
Heyy so I'm writing a DM fanfic rn (title above) and it's far from finished since im quite busy irl and only write when im free (or when ideas are actually flowing in my head XD) I was just curious to see some feedback on what little I've written so far! This is my first time sharing something I've written so i quite nervous haha I do hope I get to finish this and for it to won't stay in my WIPS like the rest of my writing hehe :P ========== "Are you out of your mind?" Gru yelled loudly at the woman across the room.
"Director da Vinci, with all due respect but my husband has a point! This is far too risky."
Lucy and Gru are currently in a mission briefing with the recently appointed AVL director. It hasn't been that long since they returned to work ever since they were hastily fired by her. This would be their first field mission in a long while as they were always given analytical and support work since they came back, per the director's order. The mission involves going undercover to an exclusive party hosted by a woman who the AVL has investigated to have smuggled hazardous chemicals hidden in her manor. The event was supposedly a charity event, with all attendees bringing along children. Which brings us back to the present situation.
"Seriously? You just got back on the job and the first thing you do is complain?" Valerie said in a mocking tone with a raised brow. "You took some little girls to help your old villainous antics, what's the difference?" she even sarcastically added.
"This and that are very much different, okay?" Gru argued back, genuinely offended by her unnecessary remark. "Look, why are we even making this longer? My wife and I will not accept this mission, end of story!"
Gru grabs Lucy's hands and heads towards the exit with her quickly following her husband's rapid steps.
Once out of earshot, Gru let go and grunted loudly in frustration. After letting off some steam, he grabbed his wife's hands and looked back at her with an apologetic look.
"Honey, I'm sorry for forcefully pulling on your hand back there but the director today is being unbearable more than usual."
"It's alright Gru, I would've dragged you out of there too," Lucy reassured her husband, tenderly squeezing his hands in comfort."I mean really, using kids for a cover up mission? It's crazy!"
The couple calmed themselves in the small silent space they found together until someone came along to ruin it.
"Excuse me agents," a deep voice suddenly joined in. "The director asked me to pass on these files to you."
"She's really stubborn, ain't she?" Lucy joked at him as Gru begrudgingly took the folder. The man standing before them is Mr. Viktor van Gogh. He is one of their superiors and directly works under the director. However, rumors suggest that even they don't view the new director positively.
Ignoring the comment made by the female agent, he continued to explain. "Not only do we not have a child agent, for obvious reasons, it would be much easier to select someone with existing ties to the AVL."
Gru opened the folder to see a picture of her little girls along with a few information about them inside. A quick skim on the contents made it obvious that the woman had her eyes set on their middle child, Edith. 
"I believe the director has one of your kids in mind for the mission which may explain her unusual persistence..."
Gru suddenly took a step closer to the man in black, passing on the folder to his wife for her to read the blasphemy too. "Hold up, hold your horses! I already refused the mission when a kid got involved and now you're telling me it has to be OUR kid?"
"Your daughter, Edith, has shown to be quite courageous and talented. Should this not lessen your worries?"
That comment pissed off Gru more than he already was.
"Praising our daughter won't make the situation shift, pal!" he says louder than before as he takes another step closer to van Gogh, just enough of a distance to grab his collar. 
Lucy stepped in between the two, attempting to calm her husband down. As much as she despised what she just read, it'd be dangerous to let the situation spiral down further. Still, that doesn't mean she has nothing to say to their ridiculous superior.
"Are you even thinking right? I mean, what kind of parent would just voluntarily put their child in danger?" 
"The risks involved in this mission are low and most importantly, both of you will be there," van Gogh tried to be empathic and reassured them, a different approach from the cold one earlier. He was trying to put a quick end to the matter as he would not hear the end of it if he returned to the director defeated. "If it's a matter of her safety, I believe it all depends on your capability."
Not a single word escaped their mouths as they were too baffled by what they had heard. At that point, the couple was tired of the back and forth argument with their unfazed higher-up. Gru and Lucy exchanged looks at each other for a while. Eventually, Lucy closed the folder in her hand while Gru cleared his throat. They reluctantly nodded in unison at him then everyone went in separate ways.
They've accepted the mission. (much to their demise)
The day went on with the two filled with discomfort. Neither of them are sure on how to break the news to the girls. They dreaded how awful this will reflect on them as parents. 
With work hours finished, they head out to their car to drive home. As Lucy settles in her seat in the GruMobile, she turns to her husband on her left.
"Hey honeybear, do you want to pass by that donut shop the girls love? I saw their page earlier promoting new flavors!" Lucy says in excitement, trying to lighten up the mood. 
. . .
Seeing how it's obviously not working, she reaches out and rests her hands on his shoulder. "Gru, I hate this mission as much as you do but I honestly think this is the best outcome we can expect..."
"I know, this was a decision we both agreed on but..." Gru sighed in defeat, resting his head on the steering wheel. "I am quite confident we can protect our girl but there are just some things that are out of our hands, y'know? And that is what I fear the most..."
With nothing left to say, Lucy grabbed the hand that was on his lap and rested her head on his shoulder. Gru held on to her hand as they both shared the heavy feeling in their hearts. 
After a long while of solemn silence, Gru whispered.
"Donuts would be nice."
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unhingedkinfessions · 9 months
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ok thats cool and all but all i asked is if you wanted fries with that not so happy meal. a bit weird that you're admitting to harassing some random maybe-system who got overwhelmed and prolly didnt deserve to get hated on like its such a funny story. from what youve said here in this drivethrough with the broken sign and cracked pavement it sounds like you guys were weird and in the wrong. "dumb children" 2022 was last year own up motherfucker
have a bit of shame and compassion in your heart girl we aint your friends. but what do i know im just a humble worker here at uhkfdonalds or some shit
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That Time Mat Went Batshit (Pt. 6/???)
So, idk if I've ever mentioned this, but I have kids. Like, little kids who look up to me and I make sure to check in with every day. They're my babies. And I need to do a character profiling exercise, so I'm going to introduce you to them in the most batshit way possible! (I will not be using their real names, obvi, but enjoy!)
shitposts in the group chat all the time
does not know the difference between a controversial joke and an unacceptable joke.
has???? a minimal???? amount of rizz????
knows everyone's secrets
can be wise when he doesn't wanna be an ass
the best techie EVER
The Jalapeño:
bby bisexual
addicted to Warhammer and Zelda
watches too much anime
forgets drink water
so. many. allergies. It's so fucking hard to feed him.
misled from time to time (reddit is his news source so we've had to have talks about what's fake news and real news)
is a gentleman (will give u his sweater if u accidentally bled thru ur pants no questions asked)
Stylish Arguer:
forgets she's desi all the time
too much tik tok
hot cheeto girl /pos
Gets into stupid arguments that I have to defuse 24/7
wears flared yoga pants >>>>>:\
the BEST hair of all time
so so good at basketball
Am I Your One And Only:
Will scream at you from backstage bc you're being a dinkwad
sexually frustrated lesbian
so many younger sisters
probably has committed a homicide
volleyball girl
wears slides everywhere (?????????)
Sam I Am:
needs therapy desperately
misinformed (reddit and twitter are his sources)
bitter at the world and needs reminders that sexism is still real
actually such a nice person tho
dyes hair, shaves hair
carries a suit in his backpack all the time
Abraham Lincoln:
has a dog :D
my og kiddo #1
NOT my fav tho (or maybe he is... we'll never know)
always gives me his ramen
is a gentleman (will give u sweater if u bled thru ur pants... but he'd ask so many questions and when he finds out... so embarrassed)
despite being uncomfortable about puberty, learns everything he can for his baby sister
baseball boy
mini golfs so much
can be a bit of an icarus (aka: jackass) from time to time. But if u yell at him about it, he will cry. So. Find a new way to tell him he needs to cool it.
smort boi
so much character growth from him!!!!
my og kiddo #2
NOt mY FaVoURITE i SWEAR-!!!!1!!
always lets me take his hat (it's his hat in my pfp!!!!!!!!)
learned how to be an intersectional feminist over night for reasons that will be disclosed later on
also baseball boy
bffs w abe link ^^^^^^
has minimal rizz, still pulls
finds pics of me and my worst enemy and photoshops hearts onto them
steals my food. Easy to feed.
asks a lot of questions abt sex. I'm happy to answer, but really HOW MUCH does he need to KNOW??????
Mini Me But Not Quite:
got louder over the course of eight months
big hamilton, heathers, beetlejuice, in the heights, [insert every musical here] fan
BANGER music taste
LOVES percy jackson, heartstopper, the owl house, amphibia [insert all quality media types here]
another bby bisexual
is the reason MENDOZA, GET IN MY OFFICE became an intersectional feminist overnight (that night was the night they started dating)
material GoWrl
is totally not my favorite
an amazing singing voice
came out of her shell bc of me??????????? T.T
does fortnite and tik tok dances all the time
gets into some dumb arguments
shit talks everyone
so kind
works so damn hard and she KNOWS it
not innocent.
fav Lover song is Paper Rings :D
Ham Boi:
doesn't understand hamilton refs despite being a hamilton
so dumb
Is The Jalapeño's bff
easy to feed
thinks you need to be 'one of the guys' to play DnD
knows what a chancla is (now.....)
is the baby of the group
needs positive reinforcement 24/7
got drama
so fucking loud after she met me
judges everyone.
has a good sense of Girl Code
SO stylish. My girl will coordinate her skirt, her hijab, and her JACKET in the same color family and show up to school lookin FLAWLESSS
thinks that I am a replacement for health class (I am)
makes such amazing art it makes me cry
writes so well and works so hard
I won't even deny she's up there with the favorites.
(i beg u to look at the tags. they're so fucking random)
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munsonbrackets · 2 years
ephemeral , part 2
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long awaited part 2 to "ephemeral"
TW(s) : angst, hurt/"comfort", self-blaming (from both sides)
The way that you made Eddie kick his tires and slam his fisted hands against the steering wheel had him so frustrated. 
How could you just spring something like that on him? You can’t get a deal on weed so you double down? Either that, or…Eddie was the biggest asshole in the world, leaving you to your own thoughts in the forest… alone.
Eddie slammed now open and frustrated hands onto his steering wheel again. It would be an utter embarrassment if you saw him now. All he could really think about was you. Your hair, your name, your lips, your nose, your-
Eddie jumped in his seat. That must be you and your friends coming to beat him up. Yeah…that must be it. There could not possibly be any other explanation. And he might as well take the beating now.
Eddie opened his driver side car door and looked directly at a very upset Steve Harrington. Steve stood with his hip tilted and his arm crossed like a disappointed mother. What was his deal?
“What did you do?”
Steve asked, his stance unfaltering and his eyes only squinting more as if to be more intimidating and Eddie hated that it actually worked. 
Eddie couldn’t help but be scared, especially when he felt like he was being scolded. But…what had he done? He couldn’t possibly think of something that would make Steve upset now. He didn’t deal with Steve, didn’t own him money or pot. He would have remembered that. 
Steve took a step forward, still in his mom stance.
“I will ask one more time. What did you do?”
“I-I don't know.”
Eddie heard his voice come out of his mouth, tinier than a mouse hiding from a cat and he could not have felt more uncomfortable, especially not with the way he felt his jaw stutter. Even his amazing skills as a DM would fail to get him out of whatever he did.
Ok, but if it wasn’t you and your goons, then who was making that noise? And as if on cue, he heard that noise again and saw you walking out of the school and fast away from…some girl.
“I said I was fine, what is so incomprehensible about that?” 
He heard you yell in the distance and saw you throw your arms up in the air, as if you were frustrated. Eddie had only just realized that Steve was still standing in front of him, in the same pose, his torso was just turned towards you and that girl.
“Well, obviously, you are just sooooo fine! You are totally okay with being left alone in the woods, and that must mean that you are so awfully okay with whatever happened to make you feel like you do!”
The girl yelled and Eddie felt a twinge of guilt as he realized just the reason why Steve had confronted him to begin with. Eddie now also felt Steve’s full gaze and attention turn back to him.
“Robin means well, she just has a hard time understanding that there might be other people around. Still doesn’t mean that you have good intentions.”
Steve said and Eddie flinched at his words. Realizing that Steve was looking at him like he was a monster. Eddie could understand why you didn’t like the way he looked at you now. 
Eddie wasn’t sure if he should just turn around, go in his van, and drive home. Or if he should get mad. Second-best isn’t bad.
“That I don’t mean well? Listen here, Harrington.” Eddie sneered, “His whole spiel about how he wanted me to like him and how he wanted to ‘be friends’. That’s not even to start about his sudden-” 
Fuck. However much it might have been a joke or not, Eddie was not about to out you. 
Steve gave another long and intimidating look directed at Eddie and waited for him to buckle. It worked on Mike, on Dustin, so why shouldn’t it work on Eddie?
“His sudden what Eddie.”
Eddie felt the mood shift from angry mom to pissed off friend as Steve sneered loudly at him 
“If you care so much, why don’t you ask him?”
Eddie sneered back, inadvertently shocked by how quick the words came out of his mouth.
The only thing that stopped their pissing contest was you grabbing Steve’s arm and turning the attention onto you. Robin stood in the background pretending to be tough, it didn’t really work.
“It’s not his fault, Steve. I made a mistake, ok? I messed up, not him.”
You said, staring Steve right in the eyes to hopefully make him understand. Eddie felt his heart shift once more with the guilt. Your voice was so quiet, but adamant. You had gone from an uncontrollable forest fire with your words to him earlier, and you had turned into the smoke from a blown out candle, you had simply been swept away in the wind.
Steve visibly softened as he looked at you. You, however, dropped your stare into the ground. But how did you mess up? By shooting your shot? You didn't mess up.
And it finally dawned on Eddie that he had, in fact, done something. Eddie had messed up, not you. All he wanted was to reach out and grab you, hold you so close and just apologize. And as a gruntled noise came from Steve and the sound of Robin’s feet flinching (probably to grab you and run at the first sign of you getting hurt), he realized he had done just that. 
“I'm so sorry, ok? I'm sorry.”
And Eddie’s voice was nothing but a whimper as he held you close. He would take any hit or punch or kick that either of the two others would surely hurl his way in a second. But for now, all Eddie wanted was a moment to feel like you could forgive him. A moment where nothing mattered except for him, you, and his apology. Even if the moment only exists briefly. Even if it is just ephemeral.
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daybreakrising · 2 months
I want you to know that I didn't forget that I said I would yell at you in DMs today over your ask last night; I simply wanted to do it here instead. :) Surprise!
Lauri, please hear me when I say that you write the most beautiful Blade that I ever could have wished for. I'd told you on numerous occasions that I'd lost some semblance of hope in being able to write this dynamic, this ship that became one of the few ships that I have infinite love for in my heart, one day. I truly thought that I'd sit in my little corner and love them entirely on my own, but then you came along. And you had all hesitance in heart when it came to your portrayal of him, while all I could think was 'this is it, this is him' more times than I could and can still count. And then, I thought it'd be one hell of a cosmic joke if you didn't see the dynamic as I did, because that had been the dip that I'd gotten into over them. And not only did you prove that concern so very wrong, but you've given me everything that I hoped it would be. You've not only met me on the exact same wavelength for them, but you've outdone and surpassed all expectations and hopes. You've given me Blade's perspective in ways that I couldn't imagine; you answer every moment of curiosity of mine with an ease that is admirable, for not many click with their muse as easily as you do, and not only that, but everything adds up with what has graced our screens. From details like his physical behavior towards her, in actions and reactions, to the role he fills in contrast to her own, to the effects of touch, and craving, and how those are so irrefutably paramount to this dynamic, to the hypotheticals, to everything we've spoken about so far. Everything just clicks.
God, I just— I always look for three things in a portrayal, and those are respect, and passion for a character, and then there's consistency, for the latter shows me just how much someone understands who they write. Whenever you speak to me about Blade, you shine all three of those things in my face as brightly as possible, and every time it happens, I realize just how lucky I got to find what is now our Kafblade. That, that, Lauri, is why you get me yelling in DMs every single time, because you give such a stupidly emotionally invested human being like myself, everything that she hoped she might one day find for these two. So have this, and the usual 'aaaaAAAAAAAA' and know that I am in love with your Blade as much as my Kafka is.
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i don't know what to do with this. genuinely. you KNOW i cannot take compliments well why would you DO THIS TO ME-
okay. okay. i can do this. i can do this.
i am still hesitant (though much less so, a lot of which can be attributed to our lengthy discussions & plotting) bc i am just an anxious lil guy, but to know that you (amongst others) not only think i do him justice but actively praise my portrayal whenever you can is just.... ;__; listen. listen i love this angsty immortal man so much-
but please know that so much of this is down to you and your questions that get me thinking about him, get me musing on those behaviours and reactions, and i am just as equally invested in this soul consuming ship we have, trust me. and i love your kafka as much as my blade does.
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oonajaeadira · 1 year
You thought I was joking, didn't you?!
So you're a sweet 🐰, gentle, gracious and kind.
But I'll tell you what, if I came on to tumblr now and oyu had been here for 2 years busy doing your thing, I'd be super intimidated like 🐯intimidated.
Because you're so very talented, wickedly funny and clever, creating a cool creative type kid vibe! Like, sometimes I can't believe I just went into your DM and pterodactyl screamed at you about LMR!
So I'm going to put you in the 🦊 category (foxy lady!)
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I love that you came to yell at me and I love that we're friends and I'm really just a big ding dong and
vibe check
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bloodybabytee · 1 month
Are YOU a horrible person? The answer may shock you! 
In the past few months, I've been dealing with the slow fallout of a spiral, this all came to a slow end one night where I had all but a small freakout over an insignificant joke a friend said in my direction, I found that I couldn’t see the comment for what it was, a friend jokingly calling another friend ‘annoying’. I immediately took it as confirmation of my suspicion and found it just to pace around the empty house, at 2 AM, ranting to myself like any smack-head you’d see on the corner of the street, a habit I'd like to break someday, only to end up sending a, frankly, embarrassing paragraph to this person via DMs, one they would quickly debunk. I'm glad this friend did this, it was probably the best thing to do in this situation, to go ‘you are not the only person I joke about this way’ and they were right, the tone was one of annoyance, but it's understandable given all my bullshit. 
I have written this in hopes of showing you what I've learned, trying to break free from this pattern of behaviors: being happy, becoming convinced of maltreatment, freaking out, disappearing – in hopes that someone reading this, who follows a similar pattern will be better prepared on how to face such a thing in a way that doesn’t lead you down a bunch of wild goose chases, thinking everyone around you is horrible, and then thinking you deserve it, and ultimately ending the relationship all together. 
When I started to have this growing distrust towards everyone around me, I immediately went to exploding on everyone close to me, suspecting something along the lines of an anti-bullying PSA, without any of the expected justice. My brain was telling me ‘You're wrong, these people are adults who know better’ but if I had listened, you’d be done reading by now. The rumination and the over-thinking caused a bunch of stray dots in my head to align and connect, spinning some wild story like putting thumbtacks on a cork board, stringing together newspaper clippings with dates that don’t quite line up. This rumination caused the initial outburst, consisting of me screaming down the phone to this poor person something fowl, chain-smoking cigarettes in the carpark of my dorm to calm the nerve as I yelled at the top of my lungs, not caring whether people three streets away could hear me or not. Unfortunately, the person the receiving end was one of my very best friends, and things were, obviously, weird afterwards. I don’t blame them; my behavior was out of bounds. But this awkwardness brought me back to reality of a small bit to properly reflect instead of jumping to conclusions like my initial reaction. Looking back now, it was a lack of appropriate vocabulary and proper insight to describe what I was feeling that kept me in the loop. 
After a long time reflecting, falling into these habits and dusting myself off again, I still have those same friends, I'm grateful to them for being understanding. The biggest thing that I learned was that: there was never even a problem in the first place. Not in a way of ignoring the problem, its exactly as I have described, in every example I've given, I was triggered completely unintentionally and wasn’t able to handle my emotions in a productive way. I was never a bad person, just that old habits die hard, and none of these people hated me at any point, at most, it was my own self-destructive behavior that would have turned people away. During any of these harrowing moments, the first thing I would do is shut down and proceed to turn myself inside-out, pacing around my dorm tearing my hair out and eventually deciding that it wasn’t my problem, it was something with them and clearly, they were doing something to drive me out. They were doing some weird form of psychological torture that, for some reason, everyone knew but me. I think it's perverted to imagine them as those sorts of people, and it feels even more perverted imagining myself, imagining them, being those people. 
But they aren’t those people. When becoming friends with someone, it’s commonly an unspoken rule to be there for each other, even when it isn’t convenient. Sometimes, we won’t be able to be there for the people around us but that is ok, my detriment was the fact that I was ignoring this fundamental truth entirely, my relationships with other people were based on how much I could help them, forgetting that sometimes I need help myself, sometimes thinking is the worst thing I could do, and talking is the best thing to do. If you feel yourself getting swept up in the spiral, sometimes all you need is to send a ‘Hey, can we talk?’ and talk through it with a different perspective. You are not a horrible person. 
I hope you enjoyed this read, and I hope it helped you in some way. It’s been modified from my initial version to be a little lighter and less mopey, it seems like I still have a bit to go, but don't we all? Thank you for reading! 
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detectivereads · 6 months
Capture the Castle
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Capture the Castle
Inside the castle the group is greeted by Bavlorna, while the Queen is coming down the stairs. On one of Bavlorna's attacks she looks at Owain and licks her lips and catch Owain and tries to eat him.
(Player me was having a day of this thinking I could stab her, but I I found this crazy witch has acid spit!!!!)
While Olhava and Sliver Horn deals with Bavlorna. Zep was dealing with Mustava.
At one-point Bavlorna, spits out Owain and he is out, she then proceeds to barf of smaller evil version of Owain (Lernlings I think the DM called them).
Sliver Horn takes a stance over the body of Owain to protect what is left of him (He is not dead but knocked out) he then kills that evil Owain’s. Zep take some damage but cast cloud kill on the up floors where Mustava was coming down to buy the rest of us some time, he also heals Owain.
Sliver Horn and Olhava does a tag team thing Olhava attacks Bavlorna get her to Sliver Horn and he was going to use his antlers to fling her up into the Cloud Kill spell.
After a while the Dm describes the ground shaking, thinking that the fighting was jeopardizing the structure of the tower, so the group had to finish the fight and bail.
Sliver horn starting charging Moonbeam, (At this point Bavlorna was down.) the floor erupted and there in her new evil bad guy get up was Selena riding a gaint white worm ( Yes before anyone asks I made the joke she was riding an Alaskan Bull Worm and that its new name.)
The tower collapses and the DM did confirm Olhava and Owain died.
But then we got resorted by Zep and Elendor which wiped them out magic wise. The pets look around to see a box that looked magical and Elendor confirms that Bavlorna is in the box and Queen Mustava is dead (not for reals since both Bavlorna and Mustava are immortal they are just out for a bit. But Bavlorna is seal in the box so she won’t be coming back anytime soon.)
Olhava saw Sliver horn sleeping and one of his antlers was snapped off, but he was ok.
Owain steps up to Sliver horn this tiny frog that stood proud and strong before this powerful stag and Owain proceeds to say, “Sliver horn that was a epic battle and we thank you for your aid.” Sliver horn then kneels where he is eye level with Owain and gives a smirk. Seeing this Owain took a chance to show his respect and head butts Sliver horn, Sliver horn smiles and said “Most interesting”.
Family reunion
After that happen a portal opens up and the party get ready in case if it was another fight, out steps this imposing woman in gold armor.
Zep starts to panic “Sister fancy seeing you here.” He nervously chuckled, she was not amused she snaps her fingers and Zep was in a cage.
Owain jumps toward the woman pleading not to take Zep away, that they needed him to help fight in the witch war that was going to happen.
Fate turns and looks down at Owain “The next time you bleed, you will bleed alone.” She then takes Zep and leaves.
Owain is worried about Zep, but they need to get move forward.
The pets did ask Elendor about the Bull worm that Selena was riding , Elendor explains that when the tower was going down and the army saw Selena and the Worm she yelled out “Grave Drinker!”
It was explain that this creature was found living and feasting in massive grave yards, and its powerful.
What was left of the army packed up and headed back to Spring.
Spring time and Tavern Scares
Getting back to Spring, the pets debrief the Queen and tell her what happen and hands off Bavlorna and explains that Mustava is dead (this was the part that we get the how immortal talks and Ruduna was not that worries about Mustava she will come back).
The Queen had hear from the scout she sent to Pan’s tavern, 1/3 out scouts came back he heard some screams but he couldn’t find his other scouts nor the tavern.
Red flags were raise
So after leaving the Court, Palenor, Olhava and Owain head over to the tavern.
The group gets to the area and looking around the pets didn’t see the tavern right away but then Palenor sees it and the party went inside.
The pets see the Pan and he greets us.
Owain starts to ask why they couldn’t see the tavern that they warn the queen about the kids and about the war.
Palenor then gets creeped out and then slowly and with great horror the tavern slowly turns into a MIMIC!!!!!!
With a whole lot of screaming and stabbing we managed to escape by knocking out a tooth in the process and leaving.
(Owain got to go gun ho on the brain)
The group goes back to the court of spring and drops the tooth in front of the Queen yelling it was a MIMIC!!!!!!
Which shocks the Queen, but she offers to craft something with the tooth.
The pets flop down in a sunny meadow and relax after the events.
(End of Session)
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