#tysm for the ask!! really hope you enjoy the rest of the fic as it wraps up :D
dollgxtz · 2 months
That predator x prey fix changed my brain chemistry. MORE PLEASE. Maybe in the woods? Somewhere in the middle of nowhere? I’m begging you, the way you write sylus is exactly how I imagine him 😫
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Word Count: 3.6k
Tags: sylus x fem!reader, predator x prey, cnc, hitting, choking, biting, slight injuries, pet names like kitten and sweetie, ends in fluff :3
AN: Back again with another spicy fic for my fellow deviants. I love writing this stuff so much. I hope yall enjoy! Tysm for 5,000 likes btw! I never would have thought people would like my stories this much!
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You feel like you’re on the verge of collapsing.
Pushing off from the tall tree you decided to rest on, you start brushing off the dust and grease from the trail mix you were snacking on. Sweat pooled on your face and down your neck, and much to your dismay there wasn’t much breeze today.
“Sylus…are you about ready to go?” You asked, looking ahead at the man that was already 10 steps ahead of you. His long legs were certainly an advantage. You hear him chuckle and turn to meet your gaze.
“Tired already? I thought for a hunter you’d have much more stamina than this sweetie” he teases, making his way back towards you. “Yes, we can go if you’re done”
You had nonchalantly mentioned a few days prior how you felt cooped up in the bright city of Linkon, and had seen pictures of people doing hikes near this camping area. Didn’t really think anything of it until Sylus of course, had bags packed and items prepared for you within a weekend and insisted he was taking you somewhere “quiet”.
This certainly came as a shock. Though you didn’t complain much until now. You were surprisingly good at this hiking stuff, good enough that you felt confident on the more difficult trails that were so remote it was almost impossible to find the trail sometimes.
You scoff at him, rummaging through your bag to find a half empty metal water flask at the bottom. Taking a quick swig, you peer past the bottle to scan the surrounding trees and scenery.
“Say…we didn’t really see anyone on this trail. Kinda strange right?” you ask, sighing with relief as you finished chugging the rest of the cold water. Sylus raises an eyebrow at you, seemingly in thought.
“We are pretty far out. These are the more difficult trails after all” he said nonchalantly, watching curiously as a small smile arose on your face.
“Is that so?” you ask, taking a few steps forward to gaze up at Sylus. Although confused, he takes an arm and wraps it around your waist, listening intently.
“Yes. Why do you ask?”.
“So…no one else uses them?”.
“Hardly ever”.
Sylus was certainly no dummy but was unsure what you were getting at. Knowing you well enough though, he could definitely see you were up to something. You lean in closer to him, the smell of his sweat and his bourbon cologne enveloping your senses. Your hands messed with the hem of his t-shirt. A slight blush rose to your cheeks.
“You have something in mind kitten?” he asked coyly, his patience beginning to dwindle a bit. Any longer and he’d definitely get it out of you one way or another.
You hesitated, looking down at his feet. He was more than indulgent into giving you what you asked for in terms of sex, but this might be a little too much. You debated just dropping it.
“No. Say it sweetie” Sylus teased, as if he had just read your mind. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, rendering you a bit helpless. “Or should I see for myself?”
His eye lit up a bit as he said this. You gulped, shaking your head before opening your mouth to speak.
“I was thinking..." Heat rose up your neck, "Maybe we could come back here at night. And maybe you could…hunt me down a little?"
Sylus chuckled, not the least bit surprised you suggested something like this. You begin to pout at his laughter and try to turn away from him, unsuccessfully of course. He immediately ended your small outburst with a quick but deep kiss.
“You never say anything that surprises me kitten” he said, shaking his head in amusement. You yelp a bit as he picks you and your bags up, beginning to carry you bridal style back to the cabin.
“Well, go on then. How does one get you out here, all alone, to hunt you down?”
The night was almost unbearably muggy. The August heat laid down on you with it's full weight, crushing the air from your lungs. The sheets were kicked down to the bottom of the bed, barely hanging on. You wore nothing but bikini-style underwear and a thin, silk camisole, your body was still slick with sweat. The window was open and the fan was on but nothing challenged the summer heat wave.
You were unable sleep. Not fully. You were passing in and out of consciousness in a hot, confusing haze, not ever sure when you were awake, when you were dreaming, and when you were in that weird space between.
When you felt hands on your legs, you were pretty sure you were dreaming. They caressed up your calves to the sensitive backside of your thighs. Another hand tucking the hair out of your face, gently following the curve of your neck, then under and around your shoulders.
You were lifted out of bed by strong arms and a familiar, bourbon like smell. Your eyes started to flutter open.
"Shh, shh. Don’t wake up now…not yet" You nodded in agreement, plunging back down into sleep. A lukewarm breeze on your back stirred you. The sound of a car door opening, then the familiar smell of a pine car freshener. You were being placed in the back seat.
"Sy?" You asked, barely able to muster your voice. You tried to force your eyes open.
Sylus’s tall form leaned over you in the dark. A devilish look darkened his features. Then he was gone from you, and you were asleep once more.
You snapped awake when the car bounced across some deep pot hole. Where were you? How did you get here? The car rolled to a stop as you sat up, your heavy, restless sleep weighing down your limbs.
"Oh, good. I was worried you'd miss the best part."
"The best…part?" You asked, trying to take in your surroundings. Still waking up from slumber, you try your best to rub the blurriness from your vision.
Thick forest surrounded the car on either side. A familiar, faded trail sign loomed over the driver's side. You were confused, and the deep timber of Sylus’s voice was scaring you a little. He was getting out of the car and coming round to the other side when you finally put it together.
He opened the back door, and then his rough hands hauled you out of the seat like you weighed nothing. Your bare feet met rough gravel with sharp discomfort.
"The best part," Sylus said. Then he let you go. You stumbled into the gravel, your legs not quite ready to take your weight. You hit the gravel hard, small rocks biting into the fat of your thighs and your palms.
“Ow-!” you cry, rubbing your hands together to ease the sting. You look back up at him, feeling tears beginning to form in your eyes as you tried to meet his gaze.
He didn't even look at you. He wore a black t-shirt that even in the dark accentuated his muscles. The sleeves were tight around his biceps. It was tucked into black pants, accompanied by those favorite shoes of his. He pulled out a watch from one of his pockets.
"Three minutes," he told you, his voice without a hint of levity. It was almost bored, even.
You didn't move, suddenly shivering in the summer heat. You watched him roll his eyes. His hand found the back of your head and you screamed when he pulled you up to him by the hair. Your hands on his forearms helped. You could feel his muscles there and suddenly felt like he could throw you into a concrete wall if he felt like it.
You remember that Sylus is dangerous. You had no chance against him if he wanted to hurt you. He could do it with ease, even now all it would take is a quick twist of your neck and you’d be gone. You both stare at each other, his expression cold and void of any emotion.
“I suggest you start running” he growled. “My favorite part isn’t any fun if my prey doesn’t fight back a little.”
Your stomach dropped, a jolt of excitement rippling through you as you caught his meaning. He tilted his head, waiting for your response. You nodded, biting the corners of your cheeks to keep from begging him to touch you already.
Then he’s throwing you forward again.
It felt obscenely cruel, like he didn't care if you ate gravel again. You stumbled, but you didn't fall this time, using the momentum to propel yourself into the woods. All your focus turned into trying to “survive”. Your hunter reflexes and skills were certainly helping, as you felt yourself whipping past the trees and growing the distance between you and Sylus.
It wouldn’t last long though.
You could hear the crunch of gravel and sticks beneath his shoes from behind you, clearly in no hurry though. As if he was just taking a nightly stroll.
Your bare feet met the soft dirt at the start of the trail. It was pitch in the woods and you could hardly see anything in front of you, relying entirely on muscle memory. Broken branches scraped against your ankles.
You splashed through the creek you had jumped over earlier, the ice cold water shocking you a bit.
“Shouldn’t you know the trail a little better than that, kitten?," Sylus mocked almost lazily from somewhere behind you.
You wasted no time to think though. You were on solid ground once more, soft dirt and moss bouncing beneath your feet. You kept running until your lungs hurt. Trees scratched up your arms and legs, dirt and mud splattered across your limbs. You lost track of time, not sure how long you'd been running for.
Your lungs began to burn and you had no choice but to finally stop. You attempt to catch your breath and take in your surrounds but you can hardly see anything.
Were you even going the right way? Is this the same trail even?
Trying not to panic, you start jogging forward. Maybe you could find a tall tree or a big rock to hide behind?
Something rustled in the bushes. Your heart pounded, your blood rushed in your ears. You tried to quiet your breathing but your lungs fought for air. The forest was quiet again.
Shit, you were so fucking lost.
You wanted so badly to sit and rest, but you forced yourself forward. The path got more difficult here. You had to use the trees and rocks around you to navigate rough terrain.
The bushes rustled again, this time ahead of you.
You froze to your spot. An animal? Your pursuer? You suddenly were even more terrified, wondering if you were gonna meet an untimely demise by a bear or something.
Then he appeared out of the darkness ahead of you like a tiger emerging from water. It was a smooth transition, his movements liquid and purposeful. It was like he belonged to these woods more than the world outside. How did he get ahead of you?
Twigs snapped beneath his shoes as he made a steady pace towards you. He rolled his shoulders, stretching his neck as he strolled confidently forward.
You turned to run, sprinting into the woods on shaking, tired legs. A scream escaped you as the adrenaline pooled again in your body. Your higher brain, the part that knew this was a game, was having fun. But that deeper core of your being? The part responsible for fight or flight? An integral part of the human core? That part was terrified.
Feeling generous, Sylus let you get a few paces ahead before sprinting after you. In almost no time he caught up to you, his evol wrapping around your ankle, causing you to fall and hit the mossy earth. Sylus wasted no time getting on top of your thrashing body. He wasn’t even panting or out of breath, unlike you, who was struggling to breathe underneath him.
His arms were around your hips, pinning you against his body. His breath was hot in your ear. You squirmed and thrashed as hard as you could, trying to break free of his grasp. The cold and familiar feel of his evol began to snake around you, threatening to hold you in place and trap you under his looming figure.
“Stop!” you screamed, animalistic terror overtaking your body. Your defiant attitude raged forward, refusing to accept your predicament.
“Hush now kitten” Sylus cooed, brushing some hair out of your face. “You did a good job making it as far as you did…but you’re mine now”
Screw you!," you hissed, kicking at his legs, adrenaline moving you harder than you meant to. Your heel found a soft part of his inner thigh. He released you with a hiss.
Oh, shit," you turned to face him, already about to apologize, but froze at the expression on his face. He chuckled, but it was a joyless sound. Then a hand was coming down across your cheek, hard enough to stagger you.
Your ear rang, a heavy stinging sensation burned that side of your face. Heat pooled between your legs. The pain thrilled you. You let out a few choked gasps, the stinging sensation turning into just a slight burn.
Then his hands were on either side of your face. He was gentle, tilting your jaw towards him to examine the damage.
“Behave. I don’t want to bruise your pretty face” he said, his tone a mix of anger yet overwhelmingly concerned. You nod reassuringly, a need of a sudden defiance overcoming you.
“Yknow, for the leader of Onychinus, you hit like a bitch” you spat, a smug expression growing on your face.
He struck you again, hard enough to draw a sound from you somewhere between a wince and a whimper. You swore you saw stars.
"Always fucking testing me" he growled. “Let’s fix that”.
One hand was grabbing you by the hair again, another wrapping around to grab your throat. He squeezed. That sweet, floating feeling. Then release, the blood rushing back.
He did it again, longer, until you felt weightless, until your vision started to blur. Then release, and you crashed down into your body.
He wrestled you down onto the ground. Your fingers dug into his forearms leaving hot, red scratches. You kicked at him, but he was expecting it this time. You really, really tried to fight him off. You put everything you had into it, animalistic protests falling on deaf ears as he was simply much stronger than you. He shoved your face into the damp earth.
“Fuck you," you groaned, your breath stirring the dirt in front of your lips.
“You’re about to sweetie”
You heard his belt, then his zipper. He shifted his body against you and you could hear the shift in fabric as he pulled his pants down. You struggled against him the entire time, and he barely even acknowledged you. Fuck, it turned you on to see how easily he could overpower you. One handed, even.
He pulled your hips up to his, spreading your legs apart with his knee. He leaned over you.
"Do you have any fucking idea," he muttered, his voice fanning a building flame between your legs, "How much restraint it takes to not fucking hurt you?"
His words alone drew a whimper from you. Instinctually, you backed your hips against him, inviting him. You pressed your ass against his cock, feeling it hard and warm. His breath shuddered.
"Can't believe you like this," he muttered, lining himself up with your cunt. "You want to take my cock face down in the dirt. How would the Hunters Association feel if they know they had such a dirty girl protecting Linkon hm?”
You weren't even sure when he got your underwear off, but he found your cunt dripping wet. Of course he did.
He dips a finger in between your folds, and you whimper and shake beneath him. Practically panting, you attempt to push back against the friction.
“Sy…take me, please” you whined, the aching hot feeling in your core beginning to be too much to bare.
“Louder” he said, pushing the head of his cock inside your hole just barely. Even though he’s barely inside of you, the sensation is incredible. You can barely think of a few words much less say them, bliss and pleasure flooding your entire body.
You try and push yourself up against him but he hovered just out of reach.
“Not what I asked for” he said plainly.
“Please Sylus” you begged. “Please fuck me in th-”
You didn't get to finish your sentence. His cock pushed into you in one motion, a loud, gasping moan escaping you. A low growl escaped him, sending a thrill down your spine.
Sylus pulled back, then pushed into you again. Hard. His hands squeezed onto your hips beyond bruising. Fuck, you were sure he could break the bone if he wanted to.
He fucked you hard, both of you a sweating, panting mess. The sounds of his cock slamming into your soaked pussy rang out into the forest, your moans unbridled by fear of bothering any nearby wildlife.
“Ah! Hgn…Sylus, that's too much," you managed through your moans, pain blooming across your body. You squirm a bit but it only makes him grip your body tighter.
"You can handle it," he growled, not even slowing.
His teeth sunk into your shoulder, electricity running through your body. He bit into you like a rabid dog, his breath quick and heavy on your skin. You cry out, unable to do much besides take the brutal pounding Sylus was giving you.
Your legs were shaking against him. The sounds you made were wild, a flurry of unbridled moans and curses. Sylus didn't speak so much as he growled; rough, guttural. A feral animal lost in how good fucking you felt.
"Fuck, fuck, I'm-Sylus, fuck, I'm so..."
He released his bite on you, growling encouragement in your ear. You teetered on the edge for what felt like eternity, your high just building, and building, and building.
His hand buried into your hair again, pulling your face from the dirt. He used your hair to pull you against him, sharp pain rocketing down your back.
It was enough to tip you over the edge. You came hard, shaking and nearly crying with how fucking good it felt.
Three hard thrusts and Sylus was cumming with you, unable to hold back. The familiar warm feeling of his seed shooting inside your walls was exhilarating. The two of you gasped for air, panting and heaving, sweat pouring down the both of you. You lay there on the ground shaking and whimpering like a hurt animal, all your sensations overwhelmed by the animalistic sex that just occurred.
Sylus immediately pulled out of you, leaning back on his ankles. He gathered you up against him, clutching you in his embrace tightly. Neither of you said anything, just panting and holding each other. Eventually you managed to breathe normally, and didn’t feel so adrenaline pumped. You steadily relax in his arms much to his relief.
“Be honest with me” Sylus starts, brushing some tangled hair off of your sweat and dirt covered face. You hum questionably, wondering if something was wrong.
“Was it too much? Are you hurt?”
You let out a snort, much to his surprise. “I mean I am sore…but I’ve fought wanderers who hurt me far worse than that”
This earned you a slight chuckle from Sylus, who began rubbing his fingers on his temple in amusement. “Is that so? Are you saying I need to hurt you better than a wanderer? I can certainly make that happen sweetie”
You immediately shake your head, and Sylus lets out an even louder bit of laughter.
“I-I was kidding!! Don’t you dare-”
“I know sweetie, I would never hurt you that bad. Not even if you asked me to” he said softly, standing up with you in his arms much to your surprise. He helps you straighten out your clothes, offering a steady shoulder while you put your underwear back on, eventually tending to his own. The sun was steadily rising at this point, the peak of the sunset cascading a warm glow over the forest.
You attempt to start walking in the direction of the car but your legs are terribly achy and shake with every step. Sylus leans down in front of you, motioning for you to get on his back. You oblige, happily leaning your head against the back of his neck as he carries you.
“I brought you extra clothes in the car” he says, making careful steps to avoid turbulence for you. You beamed from behind him, feeling giddy all of a sudden.
“You’re so sweet Sylus, it’s cute”
You hear an audible hmph come from him, but it only makes you giggle more.
When the two of you finally made it back to the car, the sun had risen even more, much to Sylus’s displeasure. He helped you take off your dirty and torn clothes, helping put a thin but simple nightdress over your head. After having your face wiped down with baby wipes you relax in the passenger seat, exhaustion finally overwhelming you.
“When we get back, we’ll have a nice shower and dinner before we go to sleep sweetie. How does that sound?” Sylus asked, gazing at you with the softest look you had ever seen from him.
“Best words you’ve ever said to me Sy”
He grinned and started the engine.
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vettelsvee · 2 months
Hey, how's it going?I have been thinking, for me, Seb gives off a GREAT vibe of a big family guy, who has a big family with the person he loves, my opinion of course. Could you write something like this?
E a propósito, adoro tudo o que você escreve!!
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ROADTRIP TO MONACO | Sebastian Vettel
f1 masterlist | ao3 | requests or let's talk!
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retired sebastian vettel x wife!reader
word count: 2894
summary: seb and a pregnant y/n go and have a trip to monaco with their three little ones after seb's retirement
warnings: none, just mentions of pregnancy sickness as y/n is on her first term of her pregnancy! fluff, lots of fluff, and dad!seb
a/n: i love that seb. i actually love seb and oscar so much that the only thing i want to do is write about them. i'll be waiting your feedback, comments and requests please! and also, don't forget reblogs are truly appreciated (also, so close to 1k! tysm to you all because i most of the times feel surreal with all of this and how much you seem to enjoy my fics). also, anon: hope you like this!
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© VETTELSVEE (2024). please, do not steal, copy or translate my works. thanks for reading!
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The soft melody of an alarm broke through the darkness of the bedroom Sebastian and you shared around one-thirty in the morning, interrupting the couple's deep sleep. Sebastian, still startled by the noise, managed to quickly stretch his arm to turn off the alarm in an attempt to fully wake up. Meanwhile, you rubbed your eyes, fighting against the tiredness.
"Is it already time to get up, sunshine?" you asked sleepily.
"Yes, darling, it's time," Seb nodded as he sat up in bed. "If we want to get to Monaco on time and avoid Charles from killing us. We should leave in about an hour and a half."
You yawned, curling up under the blankets.
"But it's too early, love… Don't you think we could, and should, sleep a little longer?"
Sebastian approached you and gently stroked your hair. He was aware that the fourth pregnancy was being a bit challenging for you compared to the previous three, despite being only in the second month.
If fatigue, nausea and dizziness were making life difficult for you at the moment, he didn't want to imagine how you would feel four months from now.
"Y/N, sweetheart, don't worry. Let me be in charge of waking up the kids and getting everything ready. You stay here and rest a little longer, okay? I promise I'll let you know when everything is ready so you only have to get in the car."
You looked at him with a tired but grateful expression. Still, you knew you had to help prepare the final details of the trip, and most importantly, make sure the kids were perfectly ready..
"Are you sure? I don't want you to take on all the work, really," you expressed with concern in your voice. "Even though I'm tired, I can help you..."
"I'm absolutely sure, darling," the man interrupted, smiling and giving you a warm kiss on the forehead. "These are the kinds of things I retired for, so focus on going back to sleep, alright? I'll see you in a bit, liebe."
"Sebastian…" you spoke again. "I'm really serious: we're in this together, and I don't want you to handle everything alone. It's a family trip, not a trip of Seb with his three kids. I want to help."
He admired your determination, but he wanted you to be treated as you deserved.
"I know, Y/N," he explained, "but I also know how tired you are. Really, allow yourself not to worry about your kids for once. I promise I'll wake you up soon enough so you can get ready."
You nodded, trying to avoid continuing the conversation and settling back into bed, closing your eyes and trying to sleep without thinking about how long your husband might take to prepare your kids.
Meanwhile, Sebastian left the room with determination and headed towards the children's rooms. Emily, Charlotte and Matilda slept all in different rooms, so he went from door to door, opening them gently and affectionately, and then approaching each bed.
He first woke up Charlotte, the middle one, who rubbed her eyes and looked at her father, confused.
"Dad, what's going on?" she asked, puzzled. "Did you have a nightmare and want to sleep with me? Or is mom having the baby?"
"No, no," Sebastian chuckled at his seven-year-old daughter's antics. "It's time to wake up. Remember we're going to Monaco today."
The little girl's eyes lit up immediately.
"Yes, that's right! We're going to your old workplace!"
After letting her fully wake up, the head of the family went to the room of the youngest, Matilda, who was four years old.
"Matilda, wake up, honey," whispered Vettel, giving her a gentle tap on her shoulder. "We have an exciting day ahead. We're going to see those fast cars daddy used to drive."
The youngest Vettel lazily stretched in his small bed and yawned. Sebastian then smiled, picking her up while she just wanted to hug Seb. 
"That's what I like to see, little one," he commented, tousling her hair. "Let me dress you so mom doesn't have to worry too much, okay?"
Both the children and Sebastian hurried to get ready. There was no doubt that, despite the sleepiness, the family was full of energy and excitement for what awaited them in the country about seven hours from their residence.
After also waking up Emily, your eldest, and making sure all of them were ready, Seb put cartoons on the living room TV to keep the children entertained and returned to his room, where you were still resting, seemingly peacefully asleep.
"Honey, the kids are ready. They're waiting for us in the living room. Are you feeling better?" he whispered as softly as he could, gently stroking your arm.
You opened her eyes and sat up in bed, stretching aggressively. “Thank you so much for getting our little devils ready, I owe you one."
He tenderly kissed you on the lips.
"You don't owe me anything, you did enough effort to bring them into the world and act as both father and mother when I wasn't around. Let me help you get ready, we have a great day ahead."
Quickly, Seb helped you change you clothes, gently touching your small but already slightly prominent pregnant belly. Once you were finally dressed in sportswear for comfort, you both walked hand in hand out of the room and headed to the living room, where your children were already waiting impatiently.
After making sure everything was ready and the kids had no further needs, you all headed to the garage, quickly getting into the family car. While Sebastian made sure the suitcases fit perfectly in the trunk, you took care of buckling the children up and offering them a few games or movies to keep them entertained on the way, although you were quite aware they would end up asleep.
"Are you all ready?" you inquired, turning around from the passenger seat and looking at her children with a smile as Seb began to start the car.
"Yes, mommy, let's go!" exclaimed little Matilda, who received cheers from her sisters.
With the car's engine purring softly, they set off on the Swiss roads amidst the darkness of the night, which, despite being synonymous with tiredness, brought a surge of energy to the youngest members of the family, where conversations and plans for Monaco came to the forefront.
"Do you think grandpa Norbert is going to come, Dad? I heard you talking to him the other day," exclaimed Charlotte, once again showing her admiration for Sebastian's sister. "Is grandma Heike coming too?"
"I want to hear the loud noises of the cars and see how fast they go," Emily added immediately, excited.
Sebastian smiled as he drove, very happy to hear the excitement of his children and, especially, to be sharing such an experience with you all not only after his retirement.
As the hours went by, tiredness arrived, and the children fell asleep. Quite the opposite happened with you: you woke up when you no longer heard the sudden conversations between the siblings. As you progressed along the winding roads and approached Monegasque territory, the sky began to lighten, giving them a beautiful sunrise.
"Look, honey, the sun is rising," you commented to Seb, pointing to the horizon stained with warm colors. "I can't believe we're finally arriving in Monaco after weeks of waiting..."
After a couple more hours of driving, and lively conversation among the family resulting from a brief stop for breakfast and in your case, vomiting a couple of times, you arrived in Monaco. The city looked completely different from any other time of the year as the streets were adorned with flags and banners for the Grand Prix. Furthermore, the grandstands, the paddock, and the countless yachts docked in the harbor made Monte Carlo seem even richer than it already was.
"We're here, guys," Sebastian announced to his children sweetly. "If you need something, just make sure to tell me, alright?”
Seb parked the Mercedes in a parking lot reserved for VIP guests, and then got out of the car to help you. He made then a phone call, possibly to Leclerc, your kids began to stroke your belly. You reacted early and quickly moved them away, aware that journalists and paparazzi could discover the secret.
"Let's follow dad, guys," you whispered to them, getting down to their level. "And remember: no one, not Uncle Charles or anyone who asks you, can know that dad and I have made a little baby, okay?"
The children nodded in response to your question, which somewhat reassured you were still nervous. However, the excitement began to set in as you walked alongside your kids, following Seb towards the place where the free practice sessions would take place, partially pushing aside your worries. The sound of the engines grew louder with each step you took, with the youngest of the family covering her ears with his little hands.
"Look, mommy: there's the Ferrari team!" exclaimed Emily pointing towards the red team's garage.
Charles appeared in his racing suit, as Free Practice was set to begin in just thirty minutes.
As soon as he spotted your husband, who was slightly ahead of all of you, he raised his arms in the air with great joy at seeing him again on the circuits, a wide smile adorning his face.
"Charles!" exclaimed Seb when he finally reached the Monegasque, giving him a strong hug. "Thank you so much for inviting us. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. The kids are very excited to be here, and especially to see you."
Leclerc returned the hug to the German, reminiscing about the two years they were teammates.
"You don't have to thank me, Seb," replied the Ferrari driver. "I'm sure Emily and Charlie remember something, but I know it's all new for Matilda. Anyway, I'm sure they'll enjoy it like the first time, just like Y/N!"
As the conversation continued between the two men, you and the kids surrounded the Ferrari driver, who felt a bit shy seeing the children's excited faces.
"Thank you, Charles," you expressed with your little ones embracing you somewhat shyly. "We're very grateful that you made it possible for us to come," you leaned closer to the Monegasque and whispered: "and don't tell anyone, but despite Ferrari's shitty strategies, you're doing great."
After a few minutes of conversation catching up on your respective live, and where Seb almost revealed you were expecting your fourth child, Charlotte, Emily and Matilda crowded around Charles, excited to see their father's former teammate again. Despite the constant denials from the team engineers, he managed to let your kids have a close look at his car.
"Look," said Charles, excitedly, pointing to the vehicle, "this is the car I'll be practicing with today, and that's my teammate's, Carlos," he pointed to the car beside it. "What do you think?"
The children's eyes widened with passion as they began to examine the car closely.
"Can we touch it, Uncle Charles?" asked the four-year-old, grabbing Leclerc's race suit pants.
Charles smiled, nodding enthusiastically, inwardly melting at the scene he was witnessing. He wished he could see himself like that with Olivia in a few years.
"Of course, but do it quickly so you father doesn’t get fined again," he said jokingly.
While the kids explored the car, and after you joined them shortly after, Charles and Seb began to converse animatedly yet seriously about the expectations for the Grand Prix and the sensations he had so far in the 2024 Formula 1 season.
The sudden hustle in the Ferrari garage made it clear that Free Practice 1 was about to begin. Sebastian and Charles had their conversation interrupted when Leclerc's beloved engineer insisted he get into the car as soon as possible. It was finally time for you to head to the corresponding grandstand to enjoy the practice session.
The Monegasque was forced, much to his regret, to interrupt his conversation with the your husband. Seb, however, understood, and immediately turned to you all, who were eagerly waiting to go to the best spot to watch the cars go around.
"Come with me, kids," notedhim, "it's time to go up to the VIP grandstand to get a better view of the session."
Taking Matilda in his arms, holding his daughters' hands with his free hand, and with you on his left, you all formed a little chain to avoid getting lost in the commotion on you way to the designated spot.
You were moved by the scene you were witnessing. Holding onto Seb's free arm, you tried to control your tears as your followed your husband's lead.
Minutes later, you had found your reserved seats, but numerous fans who had recognized Seb had delayed him. You were used to this, as were your kids. Moreover, none of your minded as they were aware that Seb had done great things for and in the world of motorsport.
“Look dad!”, exclaimed Emily excitedly as her father sat down next to her, “That's Charles! He's going really fast!”
"Yes, he's going fast indeed, Emily," Seb answered, still in shock at what he was witnessing after many time.
As the practice hour progressed, you captured some moments of the family with your camera, all of them fully caught up in the energy emanating from the circuit at that moment. The applause and words of encouragement, though impossible to hear for the drivers, were felt as the local hero made his appearance on the track.
When it came to an end, faster than they thought, you all made your way back to the Ferrari garage, where Charles had promised to meet his former teammate after the session.
Once there, you saw the blue-eyed with his girlfriend, Alexandra, engaged in lively conversation, likely about what had happened on the track during the previous hour. Charles, upon seeing Sebastian with you at the garage door, hurried over as fast as he could.
"Seb, I thought you'd be gone!" he exclaimed excitedly. "I didn't get to see you: you know, speed problems," he laughed at his own bad joke, "but I'm sure you had a good time, and your amazing wife and kids did too, right?"
Matilda and Charlotte shouted in unison. You and Emily nodded quickly.
"I'm really impressed, Charles," Vettel said enthusiastically. "Apart from the track being in wonderful condition, the weather cooperating, and not having too many idiots running around today, your performance has been incredible."
Alex joined the conversation, greeting your and the kids first, and then Seb.
"It's been wonderful seeing you in the stands. I wish I didn't have to stay locked up in the garage all day, but there are these crazy Charles fangirls out there..." she joked.
You laughed at the comment. If she only knew all that you had to go through in the early years of your relationship with Seb…
"Anyways…" Leclerc began, placing his arm around his girlfriend's waist. "Alex and I have been talking these past few days and we'd like to ask you if you'd like to join us for dinner tonight. It would be nice for us to spend some time together, just relaxing, and celebrate that you've finally come back around here," he explained, looking directly at your husband.
"But really, if it's any inconvenience for you," she hurried to add, "or if you need to head back home or..."
Sebastian looked at you, who nodded excitedly at the proposal.
"It would be an honor, Charles."
After exchanging details for the dinner, they bid farewell momentarily due to Leclerc's press commitments. During that time, you returned to the hotel where you would stay for a couple of days to freshen up and prepare for dinner, as managing three children wasn't an easy or simple task.
When you met again, this time at the restaurant, you were warmly welcomed by its members. Dinner unfolded amid laughter and lively conversations, mostly revolving around Formula 1 anecdotes and your private lives.
As the night progressed, Seb and Charles delved into deeper topics about the world that absorbed so much of their lives. Alex and you, on the other hand, got to know each other more and realized they had more in common than you initially thought.
The children, meanwhile, were having the time of their lives: Charlie, Emily, and Matilda, who fell asleep early, spent the night playing games with the young couple, who still seemed like kids in your eyes.
"I hope you've enjoyed the day, guys," Charles said, raising his glass of wine. "I hope we can enjoy many more moments together, especially when the little one comes because, Y/N, I know there’s a reason why you’re not drinking alcohol when you like wine so much."
"Cheers!" you all exclaimed while you tried not to get nervous and more shy than you actually were, laughing at the revealed secret. 
As you continued to enjoy the delicious food, along with the laughter and entertaining stories, you knew that trip to Monaco would become a cherished memory in the years to come. There was no doubt you should definitely do this more often and, above all, around the world if given the chance, something you had been waiting for years.
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stsgooo · 8 months
moonlit goddess.... maybe jinshi is wondering why his dear maid continues to pull away from him... and maybe gao shun lets it slip that "they shouldn't have been close that day anyway".... and jinshi pesters him until he folds n explains.... IDK I JUST WANT A HAPPY ENDING FOR THOSE TWO :((((( (not forced ofc!! i jus love ur writing!)
Bridge the Gap.
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✩࿐ summary: life and death really makes a girl wonder.
warning(s): idiots in love, chapters 61-65 manga spoilers, master/servant like relationship, description of near drowning, suggestive content, ambiguous ending. wc; 9.3k
pairing(s): jinshi/fem!reader.
a/n: tysm for reading my fics means the world to hear ppl actually enjoy them, anon!!! ;') i wasn't really going to make a 2nd part of moonlight goddess as i thought it was okay to leave off there, but i love jinshi sooo i'll take any excuse to write him. this was initially going to be a part 2 of clumsiness, but i figured my plans worked better with what you were envisioning! im not entirely sure how to feel about this, but i hope this lives up to the standards! i apologize for any mistakes, this was written mostly in the early mornings when i had time!
part i. m.list
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"Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"
"Y/N, please, stop asking me that."
"Oh, yes. My apologies, Jinshi-sama. Sorry."
This were, admittedly, not going well. Both of you soaked, hair dripping, and standing in the cave behind a rapid waterfall, and a dull ache in your chest as you recovered. Partly your fault, partly the fault of some crazed marksman that was hiding in the forest, trying to slaughter Jinshi and, by proxy, you.
To understand how you two ended up in this situation, we would have to back up a bit.
"Oh? Y/N, I didn't know you'd be attending this as well?"
"It was a last minute switch with Suiren and I."
"You... enjoy these hunts?"
"I've done everything I could to avoid them in the years past."
Your lack of excitement was apparent and clear. It appeared to bring no ease of mind to Maomao who dragged her rather disgusted eyes from you towards Gaoshun. The older man just kept his attention on the moving scenery outside, a distant glaze over his eyes.
Maomao obviously wasn't optimistic. Just like you. You were almost proud that she had caught on so easily.
The sweltering heat outside seemed to seep into the carriage, cooking you alive in your rather formal wear. Something that you were spotted in far and few, having been years that you truly cleaned yourself prim and proper. You had been on the edge of declining even going when Jinshi, with a grin and a certain glitter in his eyes, had too happily informed you that it was a direct invitation from Shishou.
Your fate had been sealed.
Maomao peeked at you from the corner of her eye, head tilted, "Do you mind me asking why you avoided these events?"
You don't even spare her a glance, "I fear if I spoke my honest opinion, I'd stain Jinshi-sama's reputable name with my foul mouth." You reply flatly in return.
"Please don't." Gaoshun said softly from his seat, looking particularly tired.
You decided to ignore the slump of Maomao's shoulders as if disappointed by the swift interruption and decline on Gaoshun's part. Turning your eyes towards the shifting world outside.
It'd been exactly five months since Jinshi had danced under the moon and you came to the conclusion that any impure thoughts you held for your master would be safely tucked away in the back of your mind (and heart). Forever your secret. Only to be heard in your dreams and upon your death, when you repent for any ill thoughts to the Great Man above.
Everything had returned to its normal routine. You would get up in the morning, prepare breakfast alongside Suiren, eat, then proceed with any chores the woman gave you for the rest of the day, then repeat. Equally, your relationship (or lack thereof) with Jinshi had remained the same. Conversations filled with pleasantries. Simple things that had always lingered between the two of you since you were children. Pleasant and simple. As the world shall ever be.
It got a bit ruffled with Jinshi had cornered you and practically ordered that you come to the hunt instead of Suiren.
In the middle of scrubbing away at the floors, he had found you. Stood above you with that grin, “Y/N, you’re one of my most loyal servants, hm?” He’d begun with an inflection in his tone that made you horribly hesitant.
You had faltered in your scrubbing to stare up at him with confusion, “Uh…well, I suppose, Jinshi-sam’s.”
“Why don’t you join me for the Hunt this up coming week?”
Your had heart dropped. And, by the look Gaoshun had dawned, his had too. The Hunt, in your humble opinion, was a glorified weekend for the men in high positions to rub one off while killing animals. It wasn’t something you found interesting in or much grace. That’s why you had declined Suiren’s question on whether or not you’d like to take her place only three days prior. You had no interest in watching anyone, even Jinshi, size each other up while a defenseless animal bled.
“Jinshi-sama, I believe Suiren—“
Ever the gentleman, he had cut you off, “No worries, Suiren agreed to take over matters while you’re gone! She’s the sweetest, right?” He had appeared all to eager and all too himself for you to ignore.
So, with a heavy heart, you’d sighed, accepting defeat and his invitation.
Now, you would find your torture for a multiple day retreat with a bunch of men with their c—
The carriage came to an abrupt halt, bringing an unruly end to your thoughts as you all carefully exited and were greeted by the sunshine. The humid air heavy with the condensation of the area and already making a sweat appear on your brow. But, ever the lady, you pleasantly tuck your hands into your sleeves and follow behind Gaoshun and Basen.
You were a little surprised as Maomao stuck closely to your side; but not all too surprised to find her attention on your surroundings, vague surprise in her eyes. The area was as equally as beautiful as it was a burden to you.
The buildings weren't anything for you to revel at. Spending an entire lifetime within palaces and in buildings as equally or above standard to those, it just wasn't anything special. The nature surrounding the area, however, was something to stare in awe at. Lucious trees, beautiful grass, and beautiful array of plants and flowers. It almost made you regret all the time you had spent away from this place.
But it wasn't like you had the chance to truly return since the last time you were here. Nothing could bring back that little girl.
You deterred your thoughts away as Gaoshun slid the door open. Immediately, you were hit with a wave of heat that you made you tense up. It was apparent that you wouldn't find your much needed cool down you were desperate to find since you were confined in the carriage days prior.
You were the last to enter and when you did, you faltered at the sight before you.
Jinshi was sprawled across the couch, wisps of his dark hair framed his sweat glistened face, eyes closed in contempt. A small dent appeared between his eyebrows and a frown adorned his face. However, your attention was caught on a drop of sweat that made its way from his hairline, down his cheek, his jaw, his long slender neck, and past his— his collar.
His modesty was of no worry, apparently, as he laid with his robes parted open to reveal his chest. Itself was glistening with sweat. Delicate skin on showcase for all to see. It brought a soft blush to your cheeks, as you blatantly ogled him. Pressing your lips together to contain whatever thoughts you had about him from burst from your seams.
"Y/N," Jinshi's voice hit your ears, tender and smooth. You're suddenly hyperaware that he's staring at you with raised brows, lids peeked open to stare at you.
You straighten your back and offer a bow, "Jinshi-sama. Do you require anything?" You had to get it together. It was inappropriate to behave in such a scandalous way. "Request for ice? Tea?"
Jinshi shook his head, sitting up, "No, rather I'd like for you to rest after such a long journey."
You falter, your arms wavering from their position in front of your face, "Uh.... Wouldn't the room be more tolerable with some ice?" You spare a glance around the room and grimace. The windows are shut tight, only bits of sun peeking through the cracks. Basen looks rather miserable, but trying to appear his usual stern self. While Gaoshun and Maomao seem rather okay with showcasing their small discontent with the heat. A nice cube would help at least cool down a bit.
You also couldn't stand another second seeing Jinshi like that. As if he were some type of nymph testing your faith.
"Really, it's fine—" Jinshi attempted, but you were already turning on your heel.
"I will return with ice." You didn't miss the way Jinshi's face fell and his eyes cut to Gaoshun who shook his head in return.
Your fast paced adventure led you to the main hall, where people were moving in and out. Various officers and servants filled the area, finding their rooms or helping their masters and fellow officers to their own rooms. Everyone appeared to be feeling the heat as they wiped their brows. Much like you, they appeared to be attempting to defeat the heat.
You found your way towards an attendant who helped you get something situated for Kousen. Something that brought you both distaste and irritation. Something to be addressed at a later time.
Joy filled you as you turned around, ice would soon be in the room and you could crowd around it like it was a new lover.
As you were about to make your way back to the room, you ran into someone.
You were about to apologize when they whirled around and you let out an audibly sigh that conveyed your unwavering exhaustion for them.
"Hey, watch where— Oh, hey, " Lihaku blinked, kind face twisted up in vague recognition. “You’re that lady-in-waiting. What are you doing out here?”
“I’m on loan from Jinshi-sama,” you answered rather flatly, not missing the small frown accompanying the man’s face.
You were vaguely familiar with Lihaku. What with Maomao getting involved in the problems within the inner and rear palace, you were bound to make new acquaintances when she was dragging you around. Lihaku was the first one you had ran into. On orders to accompany the girl from Suiren, you had gotten to see her investigative skills firsthand. You were impressed, surely, when she had made the discovery about the potatoes. But the impression was overshadowed by Lihaku, who had spent the entire time chatting your ear off.
He was kind, handsome, and smart when it called for it. But you could tell that, like most officers, he had an airheaded vibe to him. One that deterred you from making things too complicated with him.
Friendly enough, and one of the few people that didn't seem to disinterest Maomao, you accepted his very vague and shadowed feature in your life.
"Well, that's nice of him." He said, clearly disinterested in where this conversation was going. "I'm glad to see a friendly face, though."
You offered a small smile, "As am I. Not many kind faces around here often."
"You can say that again." You hear a loud inhuman snort and a tug on your gown, taking a large step back, you look down. A large dog with drool leaking out from the sides of its mouth stared back at you. "Oh, hey, boy, no!"
"O-Oh my." You uttered, slightly breathless as you looked at the large beast.
Lihaku glanced at you, offering a withering smile, "Eh, sorry, he gets excited around new people— not a great trait in a dog like this, you would think, but he's a real gem. Just has his moments. Hey, now—"
Lihaku pulled out something metal and brought it to his lips, then blew. It emitted little to no sound, at least, any you could truly hear, making your perk up when the dog tilted his head and sat respectfully before the officer. He blew again and the dog laid. Again, and the dog stood on all fours.
You smiled softly, watching in wonder as it obeyed whatever silent orders it was getting from Lihaku.
"He's very smart." You observed as the dog sat down again.
"Right?" Lihaku beamed, "I can get him to come running from kilometers away if need be."
"Useful when you're in a bind."
"For sure!" Lihaku's demeanor reminded you of a proud father as he puffed his chest and looked distastefully towards the cages lined up outside. "He's real smart, yet they still want to use those birds in the end."
You didn't want to point out the various problems that could come with using a dog; as there were probably another list of various pros to actually use the dog. The hawks had been used for years and you doubt that some dogs would be taking their place any time soon. It'd probably be a long time before these arrogant men came to their senses and found better means. Despite dogs being loyal and determined to their cause, the hawk would always be chosen.
Or, the better alternative, they didn't do this hunt anymore.
But you knew that was a longshot.
It wasn't long after that you bid Lihaku a farewell and good luck on his duties, making your way back to the room. You exchanged pleasant smiles and greetings with familiar faces, but nothing that kept you from relaxing much longer.
When you returned to the room, everyone had found their own areas and activities to occupy themselves. Gaoshun and Basen were playing Go near the windows, Maomao was reclining on the floor where a sliver or air was flowing through (from where, you weren't completely sure). Jinshi was back to sitting on the couch, a book in his hands. Something that was quickly disregarded as you gently closed the door behind you.
"The ice should be up soon." You informed the room with a respectful bow.
Jinshi didn't look at all interested, "What took you so long?" It sounded like contempt. Irritation if you had to really dig. Something that made you falter.
You look up and see the pout on his lips— childish, as always. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jinshi-sama. I happened to run into a friend and got caught up in conversation." You apologized softly. The last thing you wanted to do was bring him more annoyance and disturbance.
He straightened considerably, "A friend?"
You didn't like the way it was spoken. A touch of disbelief was enough for you to eye him with your own distaste. Even if you and Lihaku were nothing more than strangers with vague familiarity with one another.
"Yes, a friend." You confirmed with thin lips. Despite your inner voice telling you to reign in your attitude, you upturn your nose and decide to join Maomao— whose eyes were shooting between the both of you with trepidation and vague sympathy. "He was being kind."
Jinshi huffed, "I didn't know you had any secret friends."
"Not a secret. Just don't find any time to speak about it with you, Jinshi-sama."
That made the man falter, a darkened shadow over his face. "I suppose." He frowned heavily now, squinting at you with something unreadable. "Who is this friend of yours?"
You, finding no reason to lie, continued on, "Officer Lihaku."
In an instant, three heads snapped to you with varying degrees of emotions. Maomao looked shocked, but welcomed the information with a shrug. Gaoshun looked pale and overwrought, for whatever reason you weren't entirely sure, but you had an itching feeling it had to do with Jinshi.
The same Jinshi that was now face down on the couch, letting out a miserable sound. Speaking into the fabric of it all, unintelligiable. But you swore you heard something along the lines of— "that second rate, again?!" As he continued to rant and cry.
With that, you decided it best to not involve yourself with whatever Jinshi was battling. You wouldn't win anyway.
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You'd always hated Kousen-sama.
He almost always seemed to loom in the shadows. An masked man who held no personality or words of his own. Pleasantries offered out of necessity and not because that was simply the right thing to do. He was mysterious. He hardly appeared, but he was always there. A reminder for what things would return to one odd day. A symbol for exactly where your loyalties and master lied.
Kousen-sama was to always appear before others with his mask on. To avoid them seeing the ghastly sight of scars and blemishes that adorned his skin because of his sickness (whatever that may be) and spare him the indecency of stares. He was unmoving. Stone amongst he lively environment that ate away at their lunches and softly conversed with one another.
Prince. The respectable Kousen-sama. The great son of the empire. The brave prince against all odds.
Oh, how much you hate Kousen-sama.
But you still had woken up early to help him pin his hair back. To slip his robes on. To delicately place the mask on, fingering the bangs out through the slits to allow some type of familiarity. You were his confidant. His reliable and kind servant.
As always, you and Basen stood behind Kousen-sama with your backs straight and eyes ahead. A pleasant servant on loan and stern guard, you both were familiar faces against the unrecognizable figure in front of you. It reminded the people exactly who was before them. Exactly who had decided to grace their presence.
Still, it brought you discomfort.
You still eyed Gaoshun in the corner of you eye. The older man sat at the other end of the table. Maomao standing behind him with a distant look in her eyes, obviously not paying attention to the things happening around her. Not entirely surprising, but you felt the overwhelming urge to scold her for her lack in etiquette.
Oh, you're starting to think like Suiren, aren't you?
Suddenly, Basen is tensing up beside you and Kousen-sama is turning his head away from a scowling Shishou. Your eyes snap between the two with a scowl of your own. Whatever that man had said—
Kousen-sama's hand clenches. So tightly that his knuckles turn white and he shakes. You know something isn't right. You had missed something. Something so obvious and you were too concerned about Gaoshun.
The man stands from his chair, the legs loudly clattering against the tiled and stone floor. You watch uneasily as Kousen-sama raises, takes a moment to collect himself, then practically speeds away from the room. You don't waste a moment to bring your sleeve covered hands to your mouth and make your own exit.
As you pass a concerned Maomao and Gaoshun, you hear a barely uttered whisper from the girl— heat. Food.
You try to hide your confusion and worry as you follow behind your master.
It doesn't take you long to find him.
Down the path, up against a tree, the masked figure was hunched and obviously breathing heavily. You draw closer, outstretching a hand to gently press it against the large expanse of his back.
"Kousen-sama, are you quite alright?" You ask softly, hunching slightly to capture a glimpse of his eyes from that slit in the fabric.
When you do, you're almost breathless. His violet eyes are alight with something distant and scornful. Eyebrows furrowed as he meets your own gaze.
"Y/N...?" He sounded vaguely surprised under it all, breathless himself. As if he couldn't quite believe that you were here in front of him.
You nod once, reaching out and grabbing ahold of one of the ties keeping the mask all together. "I'm going to remove this. No one is around."
His hand is suddenly wrapped around your wrist. Not tight or unrelenting, but enough to make you freeze. Warm and clammy skin against your own to make you feel scorched. You don't need to see his entire face to know that his jaw was clenched now.
"I can't," he said in all his self-assuredness, "Someone might still come."
What a pain. You thought to yourself as you draw in a heavy breath.
You don't waste a second to slip under his arm, wrapping it around your shoulders and allowing him to lean most of his weight against you. "No worries, sir, I'll just find us some place where no one else is around."
You gently guide Kousen-sama from the line of trees and deep within it. Finding an oddly familiar path created within your mind to follow that takes you towards an overflowing waterfall. A loud crash of water hitting the rocks and body of water below that brought you a distant sense of comfort. The refreshing smell of the water hits your nostrils and you take a deep breath.
With Kousen-sama against you, you felt the sweltering heat hit you tenfold. But the mist from the waterfall brushed against your skin like a gently caress from an old lover.
This is it.
You stumble over to one of the few trees next to the waterfall and gently guide Kousen-sama to sit up against it. The man took a heavy breath and you finally felt a little at ease. Reaching forward, you moved to take the cloth off once again and then—
A loud thud and chunks of dirt hit your cheek.
You frowned, looking to the ground only a could feet away and saw a small crater. A sharp smell filled your senses and you stiffened. It was an unkind and almost putrid scent. The smoke from the small crater was the main cause.
You were suddenly cut off as Kousen-sama wrapped his arms around you, jerking you upwards and away from the tree. You would've basked in the way his body was pressed against your back or the way his fingers seemed to mold into your abdomen— you would've if it weren't for the loud crack in the air then the pieces of bark that flew through the air around you.
The tree that he had been pressed up against only moments ago was now split open with a piece of metal imbedded into the wood. It looked eerily similar to the same that had been in the ground moments ago.
"Is that a feifa?!" His voice pierced through your thoughts, oddly frantic and uneasy as he moved quickly from the tree and towards the river.
You glanced up at him and found him already staring down at you. Eyes narrowed and, if it weren't for the mask, his entire face would be scrunched up in that familiar distaste and panic. Yet he seemed eerily calm as he dragged you through the trees and into the water.
"Sorry, but this is gonna get a bit dramatic." His voice was soft against your head, warm breath caressing your hair as he wraps a protective arm around your head.
Your eyebrows raise, "Dramatic— WHAT?" You should've known his tone and choice of his words were a warning for what was to come, but you were still caught off guard.
He gave no indication that he was going to jump off the cliff.
"Jinshi, you goddamn idiot!"
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You mustn't get ideas above your station.
The water was oddly clear. Even with the mix of the overflowing waterfall, under it all was peaceful and calm. Fishes and water like insects lived in harmony.
Cool and calm. Always.
You are there to serve your master.
The little boy's head burst from the water with a big grin, short hair flat against his head and dripping. The sun reflecting off his violet eyes and almost blinded the little girl curled up on the side shore. Her face set into a scowl, clothes drenched, and a looming unimpressed older man behind her.
"It's so nice out, why don't you come in!" Beckoned the boy from the water.
The little girl shot him a nasty look, "You know why, you jerk!"
The boy's grin faltered, tilting his head at his friend, "Eh? Why are you being mean?" His voice wavered on the ends, still just floating in the middle of the basin.
"I'm not mean! You're mean! You're the biggest meanie!" The little girl stood up to throw an accusatory finger at the boy, her sleeve heavy and uncomfortable as she moved.
The boy's face reddened, eyebrows scrunched together, "I'm not mean! You're mean!" He repeated.
"No, you are! You're the biggest meanie in the whole wide world!"
"No, you are!"
"You are! You pushed me into the water!"
"You are! You should swim!"
"I hope you drown, meanie!"
The boy's expression fell completely. A heartbroken glint in his eyes flooding them. His lips trembled. But, before he could do something like cry, he was already swimming deeper
Nothing less, nothing more.
"Now, now," a large hand rested on the little girl's shoulder and gently tugged her back, turning her around to face the man. He seemed to be trying to appear as tender as he could to try calm down the girl's high nerves. "No need to get angry."
"But, Gaoshun—" The little girl whined.
Gaoshun shook his head, patting her shoulder, "No, we don't argue. Try to forgive and forget, yeah?" He reminded the lessons that he'd attempted multiple times to teach the two children. "No reason to walk around with resentment for others, right?"
The little girl scoffed her shoe against the ground, a pout on her lips, "Do I have to, Gaoshun?" She knew what this would call for. Exactly how this would end for her.
The man heaved a sigh, nodding, "Yes, you do. Now, go reconcile. I'll wait here."
The girl faltered as the man raised to his full height, cupping his hands behind his back. She dragged her feet through the soft soil and found her way towards the boy once more. He was grasping onto the edge of the bank, sniffling and snorting. His shoulders shook and his face was stuffed into his arms.
The little girl frowned. "Um... Are you okay?"
The boy stiffened, not turning around as he answered, "No."
"I'm sorry, I said something real mean." The little girl uttered, stepping closer as she clutched her wet clothes. "I just... You pushed me into the water, I can't..."
"I thought you were my friend!" The little boy whirled around on her, face red and eyes filled with big tears. He looked enraged but incredibly disheartened. The girl blinks in return as the boy glares. "You say such mean things to me. Friends aren't supposed to be mean!"
The girl clenched her jaw, "You were mean to me first!" She accused.
The boy sniffled, wiping under his nose with his forearm. "You're my friend." He repeated as if that cleared up any anger.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The little girl slowly sat beside him, her feet dipping under the water. "It is nice." She whispered.
The little boy dragged his eyes upwards, looking hurt but hopeful. "Right?" he asked, equally as quiet.
"You're my friend too, Jinshi." The little girl nudge him with her leg.
Jinshi's eyes twinkled, wide and all too bright, "Really?"
"Really." The little girl confirmed with a toothless grin. "My friend forever and ever!"
Jinshi positively beamed, the water sloshing as he jumped happily. "Forever and ever, and ever!"
"And ever!"
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"It's no longer... appropriate for you and Jinshi-sama to be friends."
"I don't... I don't understand. He's my friend."
"His mother no longer finds it appropriate for you to concern yourself with Jinshi."
"But, Gaoshun—"
"No, Y/N. It's over. Come along. Suiren has a present for you."
"He's.... He's my friend...."
"I'm so sorry."
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You are to give your life to your master.
The woman paused, back pin straight, as she entered her master's office, finding him curled up in the corner, muttering nonsensically to himself. The guard of said master was watching on with a pitiful expression of his own, only breaking his eyes away when the woman entered the room. His expression only seemed to deepen.
She didn't need to ask. There was an unspoken understanding as to what their master's breakdown was regarding. The Apothecary. The one that had gotten the attention of everyone in the palace as of late. The one that had been causing her great grief as of late— and was about to create more.
"Jinshi-sama?" The woman called softly, stepping closer.
Jinshi's lifeless eyes continued to stare at the floor below him. A gentle rocking seeming to soothe himself from the rages of his mind. "I don't need anything, Y/N. Thank you, kindly." He uttered just as lifelessly.
The devoted servant's chest clenched. Her face flushed as she reached out a wavering hand. To place it delicately against his hunched back. To offer her best comforting words that she could. To distract him away from her.
Any inappropriate behavior will be punished, severely.
She faltered. This wasn't her place. This wasn't a part of her duties unless Jinshi said so. Inappropriate behavior wasn't called for. It will be punished severly.
Retracting her hand, she stands, and offers a respectful bow. "Please call me if you need anything, Jinshi-sama." And left him in his dark corner.
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"Gaoshun, may I ask you something?"
"Of course, Jinshi-sama."
"You have been in my life for as long as I can remember. You remember more than I possibly could about my younger years. Whatever happened to cause me and Y/N to fall apart?"
"It had to be around the time I was eight that I noticed we were growing apart. Even now, I see it so clearly."
"It's been a long time, Jinshi-sama. You're no longer children."
"All the more reason to know, isn't it?"
"I don't know...."
"Gaoshun, nothing will come of it. I'm simply curious."
"I'm sorry to put you in this position. Please return to what you were doing."
"Jinshi-sama.... you might not like the truth..."
"I usually don't."
"Where to begin.... Before her eighth birthday—"
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Everything felt so muffled. Faraway. Featherlight.
Was that a pressure against your chest? A thump that came into quick successions, then stopped. For something soft and ever so delicate to press against your lips?
Everything was distant. So far away from your grasp. From your state of being. As if you were already long gone from whatever reality you were in moments ago.
It was almost like floating. A gentle sway and a crack.
A joyful gliding against the sky that soothed you away from worries and woes.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Repeating endlessly. Happily. Wetly?
Thump. Thump. Lips.
You welcomed it. Whatever it was. Whatever kept the rhythm. The wonderful rhythm.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
Thump. Thump. Lips.
You shot up with a cough.
Your throat burned and head ached terribly. Your eyes almost felt like they were about to pop out of your head and roll away. You felt horrible.
It didn't help that you were drenched from head to toe either.
Beside you, there was a heavy and loud sigh of relief as he fell to his backside. He let a silence fall over you both as you recovered, hand pressed against your throat and heaving.
Jesus. Had you almost...
The thought alone almost made you sick.
"I'm sorry. I thought.... I didn't think you still couldn't swim." His voice was soft, barely heard over the waterfall. Kind and cautious, worried and terrified. Things that seeped from his tone as if it were bleeding out and bearing all its insides to you.
Exposing him to you.
You peeked over your loose strands of hair to glare viciously at him. "When would I have the time to learn to swim?" You shot back ruthlessly, not entirely caring from etiquette in this moment. "You've lost your mind."
"Right." Jinshi immediately agreed, almost looking fearful as he watched you.
You push yourself up and take in a deep breath, coughing slightly at the burn of your throat. Taking in your surroundings, you swore that this was that—
"Are you really alright?"
You glanced back at the man and found him still sat on the damp ground. His eyebrows are furrowed and a small frown on his lips as he stared up at you. It made you uncomfortable. To see such a glittering violet staring back at you earnestly. Honestly.
You instead clutch onto your dress, "Suiren is gonna kill me." You scoff, tugging the garments apart.
You could hear Jinshi sputter behind you. The gravel and dirt below him crunching as he probably scrambled up from his spot.
You spared a feeble look over your shoulder to find him with his eyes clenched slowed, hand covering your body from his gaze. You snap your gaze back around and tug the fabric a little too hard as you scoff.
You wouldn't deny the pang of hurt that clenched your chest.
"Don't worry, Jinshi-sama, you won't have to see my unruly body of mine for long. I just want to make sure Suiren doesn't slaughter me when we return."
"I— No, I'm just— okay." He finally muttered.
You are stripped down to your underthings, placing the dress and various pieces on the ground as delicately as you can to avoid too much dirt being stained into the fabric.
As you place the last bit of clothing down, you hear the flutter of fabric behind you.
Jinshi is a bright red, gently tossing his robe down behind him. His back is facing you and you know its for whatever mock sense of modesty he wants to give the both of you. You instinctively reach out and take his robe in your grasp, twisting it and squeezing it to watch out a fair amount of water drip out.
"You worry about mine later. Take care of your things first."
Yeah, right, You think as you twist it with an unrelenting grip. You are there to serve your master. It's one of the first things you learn. His needs came before your own. His needs were your needs.
Jinshi snatched the robe away and squeezed the fabric tight, an overflowing amount of water released from the cloth and into the ground.
Okay, so maybe he was better at it than you.
You nod, turning your attention towards your own garments and try to ignore the overwhelming feeling that you had eyes on your rear.
"So, um—" Jinshi cleared his throat when his eyes dragged away from you, cheeks a bright red. "What now?"
"Well, we could attempt at trying to swim back—"
"You can't swim."
"I was going to say that."
"Oh, sorry."
There's a soft silence between the both of you as you finish up. Gently redressing, you make your way towards the entrance of the cave, where the waterfall is blocking it from any negative eyes. You press your lips into a thin line and regard it bitterly. You remember this waterfall.... you could recall the times you whimsical pondered what it'd be like to ride down it like in those stories.
Jinshi had promised such when you both were too young and too dumb to realize how naïve dreams like that were.
You couldn't really judge that mini-you, for you had your own dreams of—
"Remember when Gaoshun first brought us here?"
You hadn't realized that Jinshi made his way over until he was standing beside you. Robes lose over his shoulders and tugging on his top layer. Violet eyes were watching the water as if it were a canvas of memories in the long distant past. Something to be admired and viewed with daisies and smiles. Not to be addressed as anything but good or amazing. Not to see the truth of it all.
You press your lips together, drawing in a heavy breath, "I remember you pushing me in the water and Gaoshun having to pull me out."
Jinshi's face screws up slightly, a faint blush on his features as he almost looks around with shame. "Right...." He straightens, "I'm sorry."
You blink, "Huh?"
Jinshi glances at you with a small smile, "I, uh, never really apologized back then. Made you apologize like you did something wrong." He explains weakly.
You raise an amused brow, "I told you I wished you would drown."
"I kinda deserved it!" Jinshi counters, his lips cracking into a grin. That charming grin he gets that makes your heart flutter. Make you hopeful for terrible and wistful. "I'm real sorry."
You smile softly, eyes kind and soft as you regard him, "I forgave you a long time, Jinshi-sama."
Jinshi's expression faltered, "Don't call me...." He trailed off awkwardly, turning his attention back to the unrelenting waterfall. You watched him for that moment. That split second where it looked like he was actually going to say something that would make you lightheaded. His jaw working and the muscle jumping as he seems to contemplate his next words.
Say anything and I'll cling to it, You think, watching his lips part, I always have. I always will.
"I'm surprised you were the one that followed me out. I thought the Apothecary might've done it."
You tense. That was certainly not what you expected him to say. Of all the things he could say? The Apothecary.
The waterfall in front of you is suddenly much too loud and violent. The cave seems to darken and your eyes drag from Jinshi to stare at your bare feet. Of course. Of course. Why wouldn't he want Maomao? Why had you even came here? Who were you to get between whatever silent signal he was trying to send to the other girl.
Him and Maomao. It was nicer than him and you. Jinshi and Y/n.
You straighten, pushing down any ill thoughts and heavy feelings into the dark pits of your chest and mind. "I apologize for the intrusion. I thought it'd make more sense for me to accompany you, Jinshi-sama."
"Why are you apologizing....?" He trailed off and then made a noise that sounded eerily similar to that of a caught man. "No, wait, I'm really glad that you're the one who came! Like really glad!"
"You don't have to spare me, Jinshi-sama. I'm a woman now, not a little girl."
"I'm not—" He visibly slumps, closing his eyes and trying to collect whatever thoughts he has and place them appropriately. He draws in a breath and faces you, looking oddly serious compared to his usual self. "I'm not trying to spare your feelings. I was just trying to say that— Well, it's not— I want you here, Y/n."
He's sparing your feelings. He's being kind. He doesn't actually want you there. You can't be friends.
You don't spare him a response. Instead, walking further into the cave. You raise your eyebrows, looking at the gaping hole above you where light and the sounds of nature filtered in. What could possibly get you both out of there...?
Whistle. Sit.
Of course. Him.
Jinshi sighs, "I spoke to Gaoshun before we—"
You place your fingers in the corner of your mouth and blow. A loud whistle bounces off the cave walls and out of the hole. You wait and hope to hear a bark or see the familiar tall man, but there's nothing.
"What are you doing?" Jinshi asks slowly, glancing between you and the hole above.
"Hello?" You cup your hands over your mouth and shout as loudly as you can. "Is anyone out there?"
Jinshi frowns, staring at you uneasily, "Y/n, please, we don't want to attract them this direction."
In the mess of almost drowning and seeing peeps of Jinshi's bare skin, you'd almost forgotten that you both had been chased down here by some violent assassin. Rather foolish, if you were honest.
You place the tips of your fingers against your lips and try to force the blush spreading across your cheeks off. "Sorry." You offer a bow of your head, despite the position you both find yourselves in.
You receive no response which causes you to peek at him. The stare that he's leveling you with doesn't bring you any type of comfort. It usually meant he was about to say something that—
"Hop on my back and see if you can reach up there."
—you wouldn't like.
Your eyebrows shot upwards and you stared at him with wide eyes. If Suiren was here and knew what he just proposed, she'd positively lose her mind. No matter how long she had known you— she'd think it improper. He was your boss and you were his lowly servant. To be in an position above him or treating him like a mat, it was...
It was simply ridiculous.
"If you're the one below, you'll get crushed." He jabs a thumb over his shoulder. "Do it."
And that's how you ended up here. Legs wrapped around Jinshi's shoulders and heads, hand reaching out for the dirt above. You dig your fingers in and glance down at the man below you.
"Are you sure I'm not hurting you?"
Jinshi sighed for what seemed the hundredth time that day, his hand on your thigh squeezing gently. "Y/N, please stop asking me that."
You grimace, "My apologies, Jinshi-sama. Sorry." You shakily raise from your place, ignoring the soft and deep grunt Jinshi gives as you stand on his shoulders.
You dig your nails into the damp dirt and begin to tug yourself up.
This is it. Finally, you could get into the open forest once again. You're not going to be suffocated by his presence. Everything will return back to its rightful places—
You froze when it smacked you in the forehead.
You tried to keep calm as you felt the slimy breathing thing rest on your skin. Body tensed up and eyes staring widely at the bright sky above.
"Y/N?" Jinshi softly called, noticing the way you tensed.
"F—Frog." You utter, jaw clenched tight and you felt it shift as you take a deep breath. "A frog."
Jinshi blinked, looking up at you with his own wide eyes, "Hey, don't-don't freak out! Just shake your head and it'll hop off."
You shake a little, but follow his instructions. However, you may have overestimated the shake as you lose your grip on the dirt and begin to fall back.
The tumble down is short and not all that hurtful, like you had been expecting. You had closed your eyes in anticipation, fear of having to watch the ground quickly approach too much for your tiny heart. You expected to feel the damp mud to be seeping into your clothes and little bits of stone and bark digging into your skin. However—
There was nothing except the soft silk under your fingers. The scent that resembled a sweet fruit, one that you had smelt quite often in the mornings. In the noons, the evenings, the nights, repeat. You knew that smell and that familiar beat against your own chest.
Peeking your eyes open, you find that Jinshi is already staring back at you. The first thing you notice is that you both are extremely close to one another. His breath fans against your dewy face, making goosebumps raise off your skin and a shiver sent down your spin. Next is his tender expression, Eyes gentle and twinkling. His expression isn't filled with pain or anything that would indicate that he was uncomfortable with the very short distance between you both. The last thing you notice is the fact that your body is pressed against his.
Your complexion flushes and you blink down at him.
He's warm. Incredibly warm. A sharp contrast to his damp clothes, which are open and pooling under his shoulder blades, revealing his bare chest to you. Your breath is ripped from you as you stare at the plump skin. You've seen it a million times. Every day as you help him get ready for the day. It should be normal. Should be something that doesn't make you lightheaded.
But it does.
He's right there. Right against you. You can feel his heartbeat ramming against his chest and into yours. You can feel every small breath he takes—as if hanging onto this moment with, what? Trepidation? Unease? You weren't entirely sure but you knew that you felt light.
Was it so bad that you felt nice in this moment? That this warmth was wrong? Was it so out of your reach that you simply couldn't imagine a man wanting to embrace you in a way?
You are to give your life to your master. Any inappropriate behavior will be punished, severely.
Yes. It was.
You clenched your jaw, ignoring the tender look in Jinshi's eyes as you try to bring your mind into the present.
The frog.
It wasn't anything that you wanted to touch, but Jinshi was your master. Your discomforts and fears must be pushed away for his sake and needs.
Reaching down, you feel for any signs of the frog. It wasn't large, but it wasn't entirely small either. It wouldn't be hard to find in all it's slimy and— There it is.
Your hand brushed it and you feel almost elated to find it. Your hand cupped around the bulge from Jinshi's robes. It feels much bigger than the average frog that'd been on your forehead. It was unmoving to, except for the small twitch it gives as you rest your palm down. You gripped it.
"Hng," Jinshi grunts, his eyes close. You're a little shocked as his hips shift, his hands at your hips dig into your flesh, almost too eager. You snap your eyes upward to his suddenly sweating and flushed face. "I-I'm sorry, but... but could you move your hand? It's making things, um, rather difficult."
You grip onto the twitching frog below you—
"U-Uh—" Jinshi moans in a deep and guttural way that would make anyone, especially you, malfunction. It doesn't help that his hands latch onto you harder, pressing you closer and releasing a stuttering breath against your ear.
Why was he squirming so much? Why was his face so red and dripping with sweat? Why was his chest heaving and his hands flexing around your skin? And why was this thing twitching and getting bigger in your hold....
You are to give your life to your master. Any inappropriate behavior will be punished, severely.
You felt a little sick at your intrusion. At the gall. You couldn't believe yourself. You had violated one of the single rules you were ever given. You violated Jinshi's space. His entire being. You were to be punished and hated— ousted from your position.
Disgusted with yourself, you slowly stand up. Jinshi's softly panting from his position on the ground, running a hand through his mused hair.
"S-Sorry, I haven't— I'm a bit—" Jinshi's obviously embarassed and uncomfortable. Look what you've done. You've ruined it all. "Hey, where are you going?"
Before you could think much more as his hands grip your hips once again and pull you down.
You're sat on his his lap and you could feel it.
"J-Jinshi-sama, I'm so-I'm so sorry!" You tucked your head down, shaking with trembling lips.
Jinshi's hands fall to your thighs, limp, "Eh...?"
"What I did was truly inappropriate and-and I will take any and all punishment!"
"Punishment...?" He sounded terribly confused, still a bit breathless. You keep your head ducked and he remains unmoved. "Why would I... you're not getting punished."
"I give my life to you. Any inappropriate behavior will be punished." You repeated softly under your breath, tucking your hands against your face to hide away from his gaze. From the judgement and hatred. "It's only just."
There's a longstanding silence between the both of you and you're hopeful that he's coming to his senses. That you'd be released and freed. That you would finally accept the gap and space between them. To fall away, finally, to the shadows.
It was tarnished the moment Jinshi wraps your hands around your own, gently prying your hands away from your face.
He doesn't look vengeful or angered. No. No, he looks kind. As he always has been. Kind and considerate. Honest and open. He'd always been so...
He'd never really been angry with you. Not without sadness being overbearing. Always so quick to forgive you. To push everything away with a smile and crinkle of his eyes.
"Y/N..." His words are as soft as his expression.
Your hands shake, "Please... Please hate me." You pleaded quietly, pressing your forehead against his hands as if he were a monk to be begged to.
"I'm not going to punish you or... or anything of the sort. Why would you want that?"
You draw in a watery breath, shoulders shaking, "It's easier to let go that way." You admitted.
"Let go of what?"
"Of my love for you."
His shout echoed off the cave walls. Your humiliation and embarrassment was quick to follow once it bounced back at you. Made you flinch back and try to push yourself back from his lap. Why did you say anything? Fool. Disgusting fool.
"Hey, hey, hey," Jinshi's hands wrap around your wrists and tug you forward a bit. You refuse to meet his eye. You refuse to be humiliated and demeaned— "Don't do that. Don't close off."
You clench your jaw and try to push the humilation deep within you, taking a deep calming breath as you stared at his bare collar. "You're so kind and so... you. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable or disgusted, but I need to tell you. And then I would hope that you would let me go."
Jinshi's eyebrows shot up. "Let you go?"
You've been thinking about this for some time. That it all would be better if, in the end, you were to serve someone else. That you were pawned off for some soldier instead of this slow torture. This uncomfortable, unbearable tiptoeing.
"I would like for you to offer me to a soldier or anywhere else."
The reaction is instant. The way Jinshi's complexion darkens and he stares at you with wide eyes. He slumps into the damp ground and almost turns into putty. His hold on you slackens and gives you ample opportunity to move away. But you're frozen in your spot.
"Why would I do that?" Jinshi's voice is quiet, slow, "You're... You're mine."
A blush takes over your cheeks, "Jinshi-sama, It's not appropriate! I shouldn't be like this with you."
"What if I like it?"
You blink at him. "Huh?"
Jinshi leans forward, his thumb gently skirting against your skin. "What if I have some love for you too? What if I don't care about what's appropriate or follows the rules."
I would ask who you are. You were tempted to say but your mouth was clamped shut in shock. Following the rules had been completely him. He was put in his current position now to ensure the rules in the rear palace were being followed diligently. The thought that he would love someone like you when there were people like Maomao or princesses out there. People much more deserving of his devotion. It wasn't right.
As if sensing you're not believing him, he pulls away and presses his lips thin. "Okay, I'll convince you." He straightens up and takes a breath. "I spoke to Gaoshun not too long ago. Before we came here and I know everything now."
A pause. Everything. He knew everything now? Everything is so much. Everything is... well, everything. What exactly had Gaoshun told him?
"What's everything?"
"That my mother didn't want you around anymore. That Gaoshun told you that you weren't allowed around me anymore. That you stopped being my friend and became my employee."
Your stare up at Jinshi with wide eyes. "That's not...Us being friends wasn't right anymore."
Jinshi frowned, shaking his head and his hands slide up to your arms. "If I had my way, I would've had you by my side all that time. Not as some lady-in-waiting, but as my equal."
You shake your head, ignoring the erratic beating of your heart against your chest. "Don't say that. Don't say things you don't mean, Jinshi." You beg softly.
Jinshi reaches out, wrapping his hands around your own, pressing it against his chest. "I mean it with everything in me. If it were up to me, I wouldn't have ever been separated from you. Forget what my mother said." His words were sweet, tempting. They made you lightheaded. So did the sudden brightness and tender smile on his face. "That's the first time you've called me Jinshi since we were kids."
"What? I've always called you Jinshi."
"No, you've always called me Jinshi-sama."
You suppose you had.
"Jinshi," You utter, unsure of what else you both could say.
Jinshi's expression, if possible, softens further, leaning forward an inch. "Yes?" He whispers back just as softly.
Your eyes trail between his eyes before moving to his lips, parted and glistening, "Jinshi..."
Jinshi's hand slides up your thigh and his lips are ghosting against yours, "I'm here. I promise." He whispers before pressing your lips together delicately.
Your heart soars. Your hands shakily press against his cheeks, drawing closer as his own press your hips together. He's soft. He's tender. He's cautious and all encompassing. Filling your senses and making you lightheaded.
As you both part for a breath, he flips you onto your back. His hand grips the underside of your thigh and presses you close enough that he lets out a soft and broken sound.
His eyes are heavily lidded as he gazes down at you, lips pink. "I just want you. No one else. I promise." He utters.
You twist your hands into his hair, eyes fluttering. "You're it." You pass back.
His lips are back on yours. Wet and eager. This is sudden. Fast. But you've been waiting for so long. Had been clinging onto the smallest of things. Desperate to have this closeness that you had now. To feel his skin against yours. His breath mixing with your own. Everything him and everything you intertwined.
You just wanted to cherish this—
You and Jinshi both tense up, jumping. Looking over his shoulder, your eyes widen upon finding a familiar dog staring down at you both, wagging tail eager and happy to see you.
Jinshi's eyebrows furrow, "Huh...?"
There's not much warning before the dog is jumping down. Landing straight on Jinshi's back, causing the poor man to let out a pained sound. He's squishing you against the ground as the dog stands on his back, happily lapping his tongue against your cheek.
Vague disgust and disappointment wash over you, but you smile all the same. "Oh, boy!"
He barks again. A greeting you're sure.
Above, Lihaku and, surprisingly, Maomao appear. Both of them stare down at you with varying degrees of emotions. Lihaku looked excited and kinda like his dog, while Maomao.
Well, Maomao looked all too knowing.
"Well, you look rough!" Lihaku called down with a grin, "Glad to see you're not dead."
"As am I!" You huff out a laugh, then look to Maomao. "Hello, Xiaomao!"
"Hello." Maomao said flatly, she looked lower and her face screwed up distastefully. "Is Jinshi-sama okay?"
Lihaku then he spots his dog and slightly pales, letting out a sharp whistle. "C'mon, boy!"
The dog eagerly jumps off Jinshi, going to sit by your head and wag his tail. The man above you sighs in relief, pushing up off you. He sits up and you try not to focus on the bright blush on his face.
"Why did he do that?" The royal asks.
"Must've thought something was wrong." Lihaku rubs the back of his neck, frowning down at you both. "What... exactly where you two doing?"
You and Jinshi glance at one another, furious blushes flushing over you both. Despite anything that Jinshi said, there were things that you weren't allowed to do. Rules and laws that forbid something like this form happening the public eye. For a man like himself from being with a woman like you. A servant with a beautiful prince.
Protecting him was the priority.
"Nothing!" You shout back, ignoring the eyebrow raise that garnered from both Jinshi and Maomao.
Everything was better left alone. A secret between the both of you. To cherish and hold for however long it may need. You could deal with the anger and longing later.
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ssturniolo · 11 months
hi! how are you? so this is my first time requesting anything so sorry if im not doing it right.. anyways, could i please request a fic where like yn sitting on the couch mindlessly scrolling through tiktok, and she saves an edit of matt to a collection and he see it happen, so he grabs her phone (which i lowk feel is outta character for him but wtv) and he starts scrolling though the collection and making fun of her and stuff?? idk i thought itd be cute/funny. but yea you dont have to just a suggestion:) thank you<3
btw im in love with your ficsss!!
I know
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 - Matt x fem!reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 - request <3
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 - Nothing, just fluff (not proofread)
𝔞/𝔫 - awww tysm! Your so sweet!
After a long day at work, you’re so grateful to be curled up with Matt on the couch, scrolling through TikTok absentmindedly. After awhile of not really paying attention to what you’re watching, a certain edit catches your attention.
Your boyfriend, Matthew Sturniolo being edited to ‘GMFU’ is the cutest thing ever, and you find yourself blushing at your phone even though he’s literally sitting right next to you.
After hearing the same audio play at least 6 times, Matt glances over your shoulder to see you adding an edit of him to a collection named ‘loml’.
Laughing quietly to himself, Matt leans over to plant a kiss on your cheek before asking, “can I borrow your phone for a sec princess? I need to look at something quick”.
Not thinking anything of it, you hand your phone over immediately, leaning your head against his shoulder.
Matt turns the phone screen away from you slightly, going to your TikTok collections. Smiling to himself, he clicks on ‘loml’ surprised to see 1,385 videos saved.
Confused at why Matt’s smiling at your phone, you lean over immediately embarrassed.
“Hey! Gimme my phone back” you say, quickly snatching it from his hands.
“One thousand three hundred eighty-five?” He giggles, unable to hold his laughter back. “Geez baby I love you too”.
Rolling your eyes, you scoot your body away from him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I can’t believe you just went on my phone for that” you pout, half joking and half embarrassed he found this.
“I’m sorryyyy” he drags out, pulling you back over to him, sitting you on his lap.
Refusing to look at him, you still pout playfully at the smile still plastered to his face.
“You don’t look sorry” you mumble as heat creeps up your neck.
Matt lifts your chin, forcing you to look into those beautiful blue eyes of his.
“For the record, I think that’s actually really cute” he says, leaning in to plant a kiss on the tip of your nose.
“Your lucky I love you” you joke, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I know baby, I know”.
Not sure I love this but whatever, I hope y’all enjoy!
XOXO - Zoe
601 notes · View notes
t1red-twilight · 4 months
OMG OMG can you do something with angst request #10 "i miss you. your side of the bed doesn’t even smell the same anymore" with peter :)))))) Ive been sad and need some angst to match the mood and who better to ask!!!
summary: “i miss you. your side of the bed doesn’t even smell the same anymore.”
content/warnings: gn!reader, andrew!peter, angst, major character death, grief, descriptions of ptsd, disordered eating (if you squint)
notes: omg tysm!!! i GOTCHU girl (gender-neutral). i really really tried with this one, i hope you enjoy it. i hope you feel better, dear anon. this fic made me cry lol
word count: 1k
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you had had a grueling day at work. you hadn’t slept the night before; your head plagued with dreams and regrets that you would carry as long as you would live. everyone was bothering you in some shape or form, plus, you had forgotten your lunch.
all you wanted was peter. you opted to walk to his home instead of trying to bear the late night traffic.
when you saw him, your shoulders finally released the tension that they had been holding.
“hey, pete.” you sat down next to him. “you would not believe how hard work was today. a rude older lady harassed me about messing up one of her forms, even though she was the one that filled them out.” you slouched and looked at the ground.
the honks of busy city life filled your ears. the smell from the rain lingered. “i forgot my lunch again. i don’t have enough to eat out right now either, so i just didn’t have lunch. but that’s not a big deal.” stomach pains were something that you were becoming quite familiar with. inhaling deeply, you continued. “i canceled more plans. i know you don’t want me to, but i just want to spend any time i have, with you. I can’t bear to be further away from you.” the sound of him scolding you felt like whispers against your damp skin.
you reached up and wiped a lone tear from your cheek. smiling as wide as you could handle, you tried to ignore them.
“i want to move to somewhere quieter, but i could never leave you.” you fiddled with your fingers out of habit.
there was a pause. your ears rang. “you don’t ever have to worry about me leaving, okay? i promise. i’ll stay here as long as you need me too.”
you waited; your eyes trailed downward, head turned away. the street was still slick with the combination of the oil from the city mixed with the rain. your breathing was fitful now, tears soaking the neckline of your top.
“i miss you. your side of the bed doesn’t even smell the same anymore,” you choked out, your hands rubbing the sockets of your eyes. you scanned the graveyard before returning your gaze to where peter rested.
Peter’s headstone was simple; he never would have wanted something grandiose. you and may picked out a simple granite. it was more may’s choice than yours, you had been too hysterical to even cope with the fact that the funeral you were planning was his.
even through hysterics, it never really hit you that he was dead. not until he sunk in an urn into the earth.
he always insisted an urn, better for the environment. neither you or may could handle having him sit on your mantle. you both decided that it felt too dehumanizing.
his headstone read: Peter Benjamin Parker: Lover, Son, Hero.
“it’s not getting any easier. i still love you more than anything, peter. i’m not capable of loving someone else, i think.
“you’ve ruined me romantically.” you laughed at the thought. it was a joke, even though it rang truer and truer as each day passed.
“you are the highlight of my existence. good lord, peter. you mean so much to me. there is nothing that i wouldn’t do to see you again. or, at the very least get your pillow to smell normal again. it reeks of me.”
peter died in your arms.
you could not quite recall the turn of events completely, but you could very clearly remember what he had said to you last.
he stumbled into your apartment through the fire escape. it got blurry after he thudded onto the carpet.
there had been some criminal ransacking the city who had a particular vengeance for peter. every time peter went out, he came back worse and worse. the name of the scum that killed him laid dormant somewhere in your mind. you refused to even think about him, as far as you were concerned, he was beneath you.
you had known that peter’s crime fighting could result in something serious, but pete had always insisted that everything was going to end up all right.
“i got him,” he had said. you ran over to help him. everything you remembered was from the third person, like you were watching yourself from above. you couldn’t recollect anything you said in response. “finally you’ll be safe from-”
from this point everything was crystal clear. you could name the shampoo still faintly straggled in his hair. it was your shampoo; now tarnished with the intense irony scent of blood that congested the throngs of your shared bedroom.
“peter, we have got to call an ambulance.” you were getting frantic. you tried as hard as you could to hoist him up, but he resisted. his arms rested atop your shoulders as you tried and tried to lift him up.
“it’s my time, love, it’s-”
“no. just let me get you to the hospital. if you hold on just a little bit longer, we can get you fixed up, okay?”
he inhaled like he was going to say something. his forehead fell to your shoulder.
“honey?” you shook him. “peter?”
“pete? peter?” you hand moved to his scalp. you tried to thread your fingers through his hair to no avail. the matting from his blood halted you fingers as soon as you began.
“c’mon, darling. stay awake, okay?”
your screech was pathetic as he laid limply in your arms. his chest was concave and his left foot had been barely hanging on.
you changed your shampoo after that; the smell of it only ever brought you that night. whenever you closed your eyes, you saw visions of peter. you could not decide which was worse: the memories where he was happy, or the play-by-play of his soul shrinking away from yours.
nights were now filled with television reruns, your ceiling, anything that could keep you awake occupied your time. when you were asleep you could be with him again. but, you never wanted to wake up. the hollow throbbing pains of having him ripped away from you again when you woke made you an insomniac.
you doomed yourself to repeat this cycle. it was as if you ever managed to get over peter, you’d lose everything that you had of him. so, you clung to every crumb that remained. even though those crumbs were slipping through your fingers like sand and disappearing with time as days passed.
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Hi! I've read a couple of your fics and guidelines for requesting and I'd like to give it a go. Can I get a Tech x reader who's a friend of Phee (canon divergence where He lives) where he falls in love with reader and spends time relaxing on Pabu. Hope you have a wonderful day/night/whatever time it is for you! 😁
Falling Swiftly
Tech x Reader
Summary- Being a friend of Phee's, you meet The Bad Batch. Tech catches your eye, and you eventually get to live out your dream with him on Pabu.
A/N- *slowly slides in*.....So its been almost three months since I've posted.... SORRY! Better late then never? Either way, it's here now!! I hope you enjoy, TYSM for requesting!!! I went a little crazy at the beginning, sad to happy is MY FAV! The timeline is slightly exaggerated.
Word Count- 1,622
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Tech. CT-9902. Brown Eyes.
You had first heard of the name when your friend Phee had sent you a Holo message. One that explained she ran into a group called 'The Bad Batch,' that they would be returning to the island with her.
You were ecstatic that your long-distance friend would be returning to Pabu. It had been weeks since you had seen her, you needed to catch up.
She always told you about the trifling adventures she went on, she was the thrill seeker of the friendship. You were content living vicariously through her.
Though, her bringing in a new 'batch' of people? Mild concern flowed through you, but you trusted Phee's judgement. Even if she had barely escaped death many times.... Okay, maybe you didn't trust her completely.
When word spread through the island that a ship was inbound, you knew it was her. Pabu didn't get many visitors.
You eagerly awaited her at the top of the island, a safe distance from the landing pad. You were practically bouncing on your heels with excitement.
"Phee!" You exclaimed as soon as you saw her exit the ship. She laughed and walked over with open arms.
A warm hug was exchanged, but cut short as the rest of 'The Bad Batch' walked down the ramp.
A small girl and three men, who vaguely resembled clones, appeared.
Your eyes immediately landed on the quirky looking man. He wore glasses, shaded yellow, and had his head down to look at his Holo pad. He somehow managed to not trip or run into anyone. This slightly impressed you.
"This is Pabu. My home away from home!" She announced to the group.
"And this, is my dear friend." She shared your name to the group while you awkwardly waved.
The tension was eased as soon as the young girl, ran up to you.
"That's such a pretty name, I'm Omega!" She radiated energy, her kindness was contagious. "Thank you. It's really nice to meet you, Omega."
Pleasantries were cut short as Phee continued her tour. You trailed along with them, mostly keeping quiet.
You always noticed how people tuned you out, almost forgetting you were there. It was something you were used to, so why change? You were talkative to the people you were comfortable with, wasn't that enough?
Somehow you didn't feel that way with, who you learnt was, Tech. Sure, his eyes were glued to his pad most of the time- but the few days you spent with him felt different.
When traveling around the island with everyone, Tech didn't let you trail behind. He always kept up with your pace. Only a few words were exchanged alone, but he always made you feel... human. He didn't let you be forgotten.
It shocked you when he knocked on your door, asking to go on a walk. You could faintly hear Omega and Wrecker snickering behind a bush.
Fighting your surprise, you accepted.
From there, the two of you spent hours upon hours together.
The smile on your face would only grown when he started ranting about his current interest. His vast knowledge amused you.
When he recounted tales of him and "The Bad Batch's" adventures, you felt like you were really there. Not to mention some of the recordings he had showed you.
One night, the two of you had found yourselves by the sand. The sound of the water splashing up made you sleepy.
With your arms crossed under your head, you laid flat. Tech, who was next to you, sat bent over. Of course- his Holo pad was between his hands.
"Did you know some beaches glow?" He started, eyes still down.
"Hmm? Really?" You asked, shifting your attention to him.
"Well-" He pushed his goggles up. "They are not technically glowing. The bright light is caused by ostracod crustaceans, which are bioluminescent organisms."
You closed your eyes, listening to him rant on about different sea life that illuminated light.
Your smile soon dropped, sadness overtaking you. A wave of emotions hit, you remembered all too well that he was leaving in the morning... You understood he had to save his old friend, Crosshair. Though, it didn't hurt any less.
Desperately, you tried to conceal your pain. Only a sniffle escaped.
Tech, oh so observant, Tech. "What is wrong?" He set his Holo pad down, eyes locked on you.
He cared about you so much... You squeezed your eyes shut and shuffled to a sit. You could barely respond, your tears overtaking you. "You're leaving..." At that, you shoved your face in your hands.
You didn't notice that Tech had moved closer until his hands gently pulled at your wrist. "I'll be back." He insisted, trying to see your face.
"Tech, I'm worried for you. What if something happens?" You stared at him, an argumentative tone present.
With an unintentional scoff, he spoke. "I have been on many improbable missions. If I thought this one was impossible, I wouldn't be going."
You sat there, wrist still in his grasp. "You don't understand.." Your eyes filled again.
It's true Tech was not one for emotions, or picking up on tension. It was difficulty for him to process others feelings.
"I know. Please... Help me understand."
You just sobbed, he pulled you tight against his chest. You could feel his heart beating, it was fast like yours.
He kissed the top of your head, at a loss for words. Eventually, a hand fell down to rest on your back. He slightly rubbed it every so often.
That was all you remembered of that night. It had been days after, no one knew when they would be coming back. If they were coming back. It was a no contact mission, the risk was too high.
Your mind was filled with thought of him. Sure, he was gone, but he seemed so vivid in your memory.
He was genuine. You knew he wasn't lying when he pushed your hair back and complimented your eyes.
You knew he wasn't lying when he held your hand softly and told you how he yearned to stay with you.
You knew he wasn't lying when the two of you picked flowers and promised a future together.
Who knew that future would be at such a high stake? Was your Tech going to come back alive?
It had been a painful two weeks. Each day without him was a stab to your heart.
What had stressed your out most, was seeing their ship fly in... It was about to be reality. Was he alive? Dead?
You anxiously shifted on your heels at the top of the island, not unlike the first day you met Tech.
Hunter was the first off the ship, next was the man you assumed to be Crosshair.
"Hunter! Is he-" You would later feel bad for not welcoming Hunter back as well, but he'd understand.
Your question was answered as soon as you saw him pace out the ship. For once in his life, he wasn't holding his Holo Pad.
As you would later learn from Hunter, Tech had never been this eager to land the ship...
"Tech!" You ran up, meeting him. A slight jump had you wrapping your arms around his neck. His own hands joining on your lower back.
All you could do was bury your face in his neck and whisper thanks to the Maker.
Your arms only relaxed when you felt kisses on the top of your head. "Oh, Tech. I missed you more than words can describe." You said, pulling slightly away to look into his eyes.
"I think I understand." He said looking down at you. Your eyebrows furrowed slightly, confused. Then it hit you- the beach.
With a sob, your grip tightened again as you held him.
A slight pang hit your chest when remembering that moment, it quickly went away. You were completely content with Tech, living out your days on Pabu.
The memory did, however, make you want to see your husband. Getting up from your chair in the kitchen, you headed out to your somewhat of a shed. Tech mostly worked in there, tools and projects that helped Pabu.
You gave a quick knock on the wooden door to let him know you were there, but you assumed he already knew by him calling you name.
A mischievous grin came across your face when you realized he had taken his sleeved shirt off and tied it around his waist. The Pabu heat was no joke in the summer.
"What ya working on?" You queried, leaning over him. Your chin rested on his sweaty shoulder.
"Experimenting on an echolocation device to persuade fish towards the fishermen's ships." He explained briefly for you, head still down working at a handheld device.
When you didn't move nor respond, he shuffled to look at you. "Did something happen?"
His eyes absentmindedly scanned you for any physical injury. Deep down, Tech was still a soldier.
"No, just thinking about you." You smiled at him, just wanting to spend time with him.
He understood well enough and moved to pull a chair up by the table. "Here, you can watch." His words seemed off putting, but you knew that's just how he was. That it was his way of showing he cared and also wanted your presence.
So, you sat and listened to him rant about the technological side of his piece, and that the last step was to make it bolt to the base of the fishing boats.
You couldn't offer many ideas or solutions, but Tech being able to talk out the project helped him tweak his wires. He always worked better with you next to him...
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! This is BARELY proof read, sorry! I just wanted to get something out for you guys!!! Please let me know of any constructive criticism!
Tags- (LMK if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss @dangraccoon
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
notes: OMGIE YESSSSS THIS IS CUTE (it has been rotting in my inbox for a few weeks months and this i apologize for) also i didn't know if you wanted hc's or a fic so i js went with a fic for this one BUT I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS TYSM FOR REQUESTING ML I HOPE YOU ENJOY!! 🫶🫶
Warnings: Gn! Reader, Fluff? Slight crack ig, Rushed at the end kinda
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Think Babes, Think!
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Raphael and his brothers were training in the dojo, as usual. Nothing new, nothing to bat an eye for, though Raphael was somewhat distracted. This was not usual.
What was he thinking about that made him so distracted you ask me?
Who's them?
He's gonna try and flirt with them today, that's why he's so worked up.
Raphael is put against Donatello today in their sparring matches, and while they circle each other just waiting for Master Splinter to give them the 'go,' Raphael can't seem to shut his thoughts up.
They probably don't even like you back.
You're an ugly, gross mutant, they're human and just perfect, no human wants to be with a mutant, nonetheless one like them.
Ugly green freak-
His anger was beginning to show on his face. Donatello noticed, raising a non-existent brow, he started, "Uh- Raph-"
Raph lunged at Donnie right away, which the taller turtle narrowly dodged, causing Raph to tuck and land on his knees for him to quickly get back up again. The rest of the sparring match was a blur, Raphael was just angry.
He came back to his sense when he heard Donnie groan from the floor as he stood over him panting slightly. He wasn't as angry as he was a few seconds ago, but the feeling of anger definitely lingered. Donnie got up, Leo and Mikey were already seated on their knees, Leo having won that match. "Uh, Raph, you look, like extra angry dude-" Mikey spoke up prompting Raph to whip his head at his younger brother and send him a glare.
"I am not angry." He spoke through gritted teeth, Mikey put his hands up in mock defense as Donnie and Raph go to sit on their knees beside their two brothers. Master Splinter stands in front of his four sons his hands clasped behind his back, the boys wait to hear what he's about to say, Raph, with an angered look on his features.
"You boys did-"
"Casey! Cut it out!"
"I didn't do nothin' red!"
"Say on God, we both seen you Jones!"
Master Splinter sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose at the certain ruckus going on at the new arrivals if you'll call them that, Leo also seems to sigh, the rest of the brothers unphased.
At the sound of their voice, Raph's anger was immediately lifted a ton, and he thought about his plan to flirt with them today. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to. His attention turned back to his sensei when he heard another sigh come from him. "You boys did well today, remember your strengths, hide and let go of your weaknesses. We will resume our training tomorrow."
"Hai sensei!" The boys say together, bowing slightly before getting up and meeting their human friends who're in the living room.
As the four boys walk in, April gives a warm smile and wave, (Name) flashes their usual grin, and Casey continues munching on popcorn. Donnie runs to April first much to Casey's dismay and he gets ready to pick a small fight. Mikey, as usual runs to grab a comic book and he plops on the couch next to Casey, giving (Name) a fist bump, Leo also walking over to greet and join his friends. (Name) looks to Raph who seems to be taking the soul out of that poor punching dummy.
(Name) walks over to him, smiling slightly. "Hey Raph, what 'cha up to?" They ask talking over his quieter grunts. He pauses for a moment, looking at them and sighing slightly, (Name) didn't pick up on it.
"Nothing, just punching." He replies, crossing his arms, they look at the dummy and back at him, nodding in understandment. He really wanted to say something sweet to them, something that would give them the hint. This was so, so, not like him. He's not supposed to care about this, the only thing he's supposed to care about is punching aliens and taking down Shredder. So why, why was he so persistent with this?
Although now that he thinks about it, he may have to be a bit more straightforward with (Name). There was that one time...
"Hey." Raph says as a greeting, seeing (Name) walk into the lair, they plop down on the couch next to him, and he sets his comic down.
"Hey Raph! What's up?" (Name) smiled and started idly tapping their foot on the ground. This was his chance, why was he doing this? Never mind that he's doing it, no matter how soft he comes off as.
"You," he clears his throat, "you look cute today." Raph says mentally cursing himself at the way he sounded and how they easily could've taken that as him implying they don't look cute everyday.
(Name) pauses for a moment, taking in his words. A bright smile etches across their face and she gives him a thumbs up. "Thank you Raph! You look pretty good yourself!" They stay quiet for a moment before speaking up. "You okay? It's totally not like you to give out compliments like that!" (Name) tilts their head a wave of concern washing over their adorable human features.
Raph was dumbfounded, shocked even. He stayed quiet for a moment as he processes how his flirting just flew over your head. Were they playing dumb with him to avoid rejecting him? he wouldn't blame them... (Name) was a human and he was an ugly green freak!
"What do you mean?! I can't compliment people?!" He plays the angry and defensive card to get out of that one.
(Name) watches as he punches the dummy, looking over how his muscles flexed at certain points, taking it all in. They wished he seen them the way they do. Why can't he like them back?
Raph stops his punching and turns towards (Name), he took a deep breath and sighed. "(Name), can I ask you something?" He sounded almost nervous? What was wrong?
"Of course Raph! What's up?" (Name) asked slightly concerned, it could be anything at this point. (Name) was hoping he'd get it over quickly so they don't have to wait any longer in suspense.
"Would you," Raph clears his throat, "Would you want to go out sometime?" His tried not to wince as his voice took on a higher pitch at the end.
(Name) thought for a moment, was he asking them out? Probably not, either way they would love to go. "Sure!" They smile, "Any specific reason?" They ask curious as to why Raph of all people would want to go out with them.
Raph sighed audibly through his nose. Welp, this was going to be all or nothing. Time to rip the bandaid off for this one. "I was asking you out on a date." He crosses his arms he scoffs. "Forget it, you wouldn't want to go on a date with an ugly green mutant. Stop playing stupid with me." Raph walks off, angry and a little sad.
(Name) pauses for a moment, as if something wet had just hit them in the face. "What?" They mumble. "Raph wait!" They call out and Raph pauses.
"What do you want?" Raph turns around to face them again, although he didn't really want to. (Name) lightly jogs up to him. "I would love to go out with you, I just didn't think that you liked me like that..." (Name) says rubbing the back of their neck awkwardly.
Raph raises a brow, a small smirk on his face. "You really are that dense." He said crossing his arms, getting an eye roll from (Name)."Where were you thinking we go?" (Name) asks, referring to their up coming date, completely disregarding his (lighthearted) insult.
"Mr. Murakami's place, it's not like I can go anywhere else." Raph says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. (Name) shrugs and nods. "You do have a point there." They smile at him and plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Pick me up at 8 on Friday!" (Name) skips off to go hangout with April who was seated on the couch engrossed in her laptop for school. Raph was left there with pink cheeks and wide eyes, his jaw slightly agape.
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@fashionablysouly @serendipitous-girl
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lightsoutletsgo · 7 months
if you're still doing the previews thing then can I please ask about 6? thank you sm! love your charles series ❤️
yes I am!! tysm for sending in a request, I hope you enjoy this little sneak peak. I actually love this fic sm!
enchanted — ls.2 x reader (■■■□□ 60%) based on “enchanted” by taylor swift. you meet logan at a party and are swept off of your feet
Logan cleared his throat to get your attention, “Look, I know we only just met but would you maybe… wanna get out of here?” You raised an eyebrow at him and he blushed, “N-not for anything like that, I just get the sense you don’t wanna be here and neither do I really… I know a good place for milkshakes, i-if you wanna come that is?” You smiled, he was suddenly so shy, “I’d love to!” Standing up, he offered his hand to you, you gladly took it as he pushed his way back into the kitchen and through the hallway, emerging on the other side of the house to exit through the front door. Just as you reached the front door you remembered Mae. “Hold on, I need to find my fri- Hi!” You turned as Mae draped herself over your shoulders, not quite drunk yet but buzzed from the atmosphere, “Hey babe, you heading out?” Her eyes locked onto Logan, before dropping to where your hands were still linked together, “Oh?” She whispered loudly, “Good choice! Make sure you put a sock on the door.” You shrugged her off, feeling embarrassed at her insinuation. “Mae! We’re just gonna hang out, you have your phone right?” She nodded, “Mhmm, but I’m probably gonna be going home with that guy from my chemistry class.” “What happened to bio guy?” You noticed Logan watching the two of you with an amused look. Mae waved her hand, “Oh, he was totally not worth it. Cute, but he thought Taylor Swift was overrated.” “Definitely not worth it.” You sent Logan an amused look of your own, as if to apologise for the delay, “Okay, love you!” Mae pulled you into a hug “Use protection!” She whispered loudly before cackling and stumbling back into the crowd of people starting to spill out into the hallway. You turned to Logan, “Let’s go!” 
Following him out you looked up and down for a nearby Uber or taxi but Logan pulled his keys out of his pocket, “I was designated driver tonight anyway so I haven’t drunk anything!” You paused, “Don’t you need to be here to you know… drive your friends home?” Logan shook his head, “They’ve told me they’re going to Uber home so, we’re free to go!” Hearing a car door unlock you looked down the road to where a flashy looking car was sitting. “That’s your car?!” Logan nodded, “Why do I get the feeling you’re not just a regular driver?” Logan laughed, “You’re right I’m not.” “You’re totally like Ansel Elgort in ‘Baby Driver’, right?” Logan snorted as he opened your door for you, hand coming up to rest against the door frame so you didn’t hit your head. You couldn’t even argue with the butterflies that you felt then. He was doing these things seemingly without even thinking. Once he was sure you were safely belted in, he closed your door before jogging round to the other side of the car, sliding in and securing his own seatbelt before he turned the ignition and the engine rumbled on with a smooth purr. “Are you still cold?” He asked, fiddling with a setting on the centre console, “A little– oh!” You felt your body relax into the seat even further as it began to heat up, “Let me know if you get too warm.” You smiled to yourself before you had to stop your mouth dropping open. He set the car into reverse and turned to look over his shoulder, the hand not on the wheel resting on your headrest. From this angle his jawline looked even sharper and you found yourself daydreaming about what it would feel like to kiss it, ‘there’s no way he doesn’t know what he’s doing…’ you thought to yourself as he finished reversing and settled back into his seat, smoothly changing gear and pulling away from the party.
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base0h · 2 years
Hello! I really enjoyed the confessing to an oblivious s/o, but dang watching even shank’s and mihawk’s self esteem plummet HURT
If you don’t mind can we get a part 2 where it turns out the s/o was actually trying to be a good friend but was absolutely shattered thinking their man was in love with another, like after that ‘practice confession’ they’re straight up sobbing in their room!
Thanks for always posting such good fics💙💙
a/n - AAAAA IT HURT ME TOO 😭 omg wait this would be so sad but cute at the same time- tysm anon!! I’m so glad you like my works :)) 💜💜💜💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, part 1
It’s always been you
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- of all the things you wanted most in the world, it was for mihawk to share the same feelings you had for him
- When he asked you for help with confessing his love to another, your heart broke in two, it was like your whole world came crashing down for a moment
- it was painful to help him, knowing that those words weren’t meant for you.. but for someone else
- how lucky that person was to be the receiver of Mihawk’s love
- why couldn’t it be you?
- you went to your room to hide for the rest of the day, face in your pillow as you started to cry quietly
- Mihawk always knows what’s happening, so he managed to hear your sobs from outside the door
- he didn’t want to intrude in case you didn’t want anyone to bother you.. But he just HAD to open the door, he couldn’t take it, hearing you cry like that
- But before you opened the door, he heard you say this, “There was someone else?… Dammit!”
- He stopped, his hand stuck on the doorknob, wait- so did you love him back? Were you literally just being your oblivious self?
- He wanted to break down the door just to confess his love again, but- that really wasn’t his style
- he knocked before opening the door, making you scramble to your feet, pretending as if you were doing something else
- your act was seen through way before you even knew he was there, tears still flowing down your cheeks, snot starting to leak out of your nose, your eyes puffy and red from sobbing
- “Y/n what’s wrong?”
- You could barely stand to look him in the eyes, “Um. I heard what you said- not that I was eavesdropping..” wait- he was.. STUTTERING?!
- you were shocked, mihawk never stuttered, never
- “There’s not someone else, it’s always been you.” He managed to say, the SLIGHTEST tint of pink on his cheeks
- you were about to faint or start sobbing again, you really didn’t know which one was gonna happen
- why not both?
- Mihawk was a bit confused as to why you were crying- were you depressed by his confession?
- maybe this was the best day of your life, you really didn’t know, but you gave him a big hug as you ugly sobbed into his chest
- prepare for the most awkward hug of the year, and very weird back pats 💀
- it’s like he’s trying to say “there there” but literally doesn’t know how???
- idk the message came across alright 😭
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- imagine Benn dragging Shanks to his room and just slamming his drunk ass on the floor while dumping a bucket of water on him 💀
- benn would literally just leave him be before he managed to hear someone crying in your room
- who else would it be other than you?
- to you, shanks was sooo- amazing
- there was no one else you had more feelings for than him
- His playful personality, the way he literally was drunk 24/7 and always flirting with you, and even the way he’d go to you whenever he’d start sobbing after drinking too much
- but when he asked you for help with confessing his feelings to someone else, you couldn’t help but have your heart shatter
- …you thought maybe there was hope that he liked you! With all that flirting he’s done with you, how could he like someone else?
- I guess you thought wrong
- fast forward to you starting to sob into your blankets, struggling to wipe all your tears away with your wet sleeves
- “There was someone else... I’m so stupid.” You said between sobs as you pounded your bed, your face slamming into your pillow, cries being muffled by the soft fabric
- benn hears all, you can’t escape him
- he grabbed shanks and shoved him against the wall for him to listen, and as you kept sobbing about how there was someone else, Shanks literally just ascended
- he sprinted out the room, breaking a window or two, maybe even a picture frame before bursting into your room, polluting the air with his alcoholic smell 💀
- “Y/n *hicc* I love you too-!”
- *dies and snores on the ground*
- … this asshole
- “What?! Shanks! Wake up!”
- literally didn’t wake up until 1pm the next day
- woke up hungover asf and literally didn’t remember confessing, but when you started kissing his cheek and giving him cuddles, he just went along with it 💀💀
- thought god enlightened his path, making everything he wanted come true 🫠
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- he’s gonna go sulk in his little training room for however long
- one of those people who will do a thousand pushups for every tear he sheds 💀💀
- (he actually cries a bit tho- he’s sad)
- after his 100000008 push-ups, he was tempted to go to your room and just- spit out all these bottled up feelings, but he didn’t
- when he walked past your room, he heard muffled sobs from inside (don’t ask me how he found your room he has an internal compass for you)
- “I’ve liked him for god knows how long- shit!” You said, sniffling and blowing your nose into nearby tissues
- Zoro’s eyes widened, so- you did like him!
- he was jumping for joy (inside his mind) on the outside he looked like 😐
- he opened the door without knocking, completely interrupting your crying session
- “Y/n. I heard you.”
- …
- “Why are you spying on me-?!”
- “I’m not spying on you dammit!”
- “Then how’d you hear me?!”
- “I- I was just listening very carefully as I walked by!”
- … idiot
- “Y/n. There’s not someone else. It’s always been you, not anyone else.”
- his words were filled with so much- devotion and sincerity, it was almost weird to see Zoro be so- romantic
- You were happy of course! But it was a bit shocking- and you were still trying to stop crying..
- There was a long awkward silence after his words, making him start blushing like crazy
- “Can you say something you idiot!” -Zoro
- “What am I supposed to say?!”
- “I don’t know maybe- I love you too or something?!”
- “… I love you too Zoro.”
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a/n - these were cute :)
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
So, I really liked your two Aaravis fics, and I have an idea/request. You don't have to do it if you don't feel like it of course.
So there is that dark mark on Aaravos's chest. And we know that it became dark after his imprisonment. Now the idea is that the reader either knew Aaravos *before* it lost it's shine, and like, later got trapped in the mirror too and reunited with him, or maybe met him in the mirror and asked about the mark. And like, asks Aaravos why it lost it's shine, and after hearing about the things, instead of looking at him differently, or scared, they see that Aaravos is sad, so they preform a little trick. So they make a little light ball, making it look like they took it out of their heart and then place it on Aaravos's chest (where the dark star is), and saying that "It's okay, you can have my light" or something like that, idk....
Like, the concept is just reader accepting that darkness, and cherishing it and all that cheezy, fluffy stuff. Like I said, you aren't obliged to write this, this is just a random idea my maladaptive daydreamer self came up with. Have a lovely day, take care, and thanks for feeding us Aaravos fans with your lovely work!
AAAA TYSM THIS REQ IS SO GREAT!!! I love this idea, it made me so excited ajsjdj HOPE U ENJOY!
🥀CW: angst (with happy ending), fluffiness, aaravos being insecure, mentions of trauma and suffering/containment
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when the news of aaravos' imprisonment reached you, you were shocked. how could he have been discovered, he had been so careful and meticulous in his planning, and all of his motives were for the good of humanity! you, and many other elves who supported him were not only surprised, but also outraged. to trap a startouch elf, to take your lover away from you... you knew you could never rest until you could see him again. years of pulling strings, gaining popularity, playing the puppeteer behind the scenes had led you to this moment. you had fought for centuries, sacrificed so much to see him again, and here you finally were. before you stood aaravos, your star touch lover, in all of his glory. it had been so long, and your heart seemed to sing at the sight of him. and yet, something was different.
when aaravos first saw you, he thought he was in a dream. you had appeared to him on so many nights, only to fade away once the morning came, slipping through his fingers like sand. the memory of you, your face, your voice, your touch, it all felt like a painful distant nightmare that played throughout his head every single time he closed his eyes. he had missed you so, so much, yet he knew he had changed. not only mentally, years of imprisonment had long since broken him, but physically as well. the glowing star on his chest had faded from a shimmering splendor to a cold ember, with nothing of its former glory remaining. he couldnt help but feel ashamed at its bleak emptiness, a disgusting mark of his failure and imprisonment. however, he would not focus on it now. you were here, in front of him, and he was free.
"my star.. is it truly you?" his voice was soft, broken and cracked from the emotions swelling inside him. you didnt dare open your mouth, knowing you would probably begin to sob and nodded, your eyes were already brimming with tears. the both of you rushed forward suddenly, throwing your arms around eachother and weeping with joy. you both stayed like that for a while, entangled in eachother and whispering softly. you werent sure how long you layed there on the floor, however it soon began to grow dark. ever so gently, aaravos layed the two of you onto the floor, his hands shaking as though afraid he would break you. as you stared at him, you couldn't help but ponder a certain change on your lovers skin.
"where did it go?" you ask softly, motioning towards his chest. he looked at you in confusion and you added for clarification, "what happened to the star on your chest? why doesnt it glow anymore?" you couldn't help but feel you made a mistake, as you watched the flicker of shame and disgust cross your lovers face.
"it faded, along with most of my powers, when i, well.. when i fell and was imprisoned" aaravos answered softly. his voice was so fragile, barely a whisper as he spoke. "it is simply a blight upon my skin, a mark of my failure and punishment. a cruel scar. it paints me as nothing but a lightless monster, a burden, and a villain." disdain and self disgust seemed to leak from his voice, and he shuddered as he spoke. pain filled your heart at his words and you reached out to rest a hand on his chest. you wished there was a way to undo all the centuries of pain and trauma the both of you had endured while separated, and you wished you could help him understand his beauty.
"you are none of those things aaravos, that is just what the other dragons and elves want you to believe. however, i know that you are special, beautiful, and so, so strong because of your differences and you have fought and suffered for what you believe in. this star is a mark of your perseverence, and it is nothing to ever be ashamed of." you gently pulled your hand away, and placed it on your own chest. using some simple magic, you made your own hand glow with a soft orb of white light resting on your palm.
"you don't have to bear the weight and darkness of your burdens alone. let me share my light with you, and share your darkness with me." you reached out, pressing the glowing ball against his chest and watched a small, pained smile break through the sadness and doubt that had resided on aaravos' face, and he covered your hand with his.
"thank you my love, thank you for finding me, and for always reminding me of the light and the love that we share." he leaned in, resting his unoccupied hand on your cheek and pressed his forehead against yours lovingly.
"i love you until the end of time, and i believe that our love will last as eternal as the light that we share." his words seemed to touch your very soul, and released a flutter from your heart. for years you had drowned in your own misery, but you felt like you could finally breathe again. he was back, and you two were reunited. nothing would stand in your way every again, and neither of you would ever be separated by anyone or anything.
I HOPE THIS WAS TOO YOUR LIKING, THIS WAS SUCH A COOL REQ THANKS FOR REQUESTING!!! REQS ARE STILL OPEN, FEEL FREE TO REQUEST ANYTIME! this was such an emotional thing to write, and i genuinely really like this lmao tysm for the idea and inspiration!
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darkeralmond · 1 year
omg hi! i love your work :) could you please write more ethan x hughes!reader? i really loved their dynamic in the imagine you wrote :)
TYSM FOR THE REQUEST!! I love their dynamic too!!
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Ethan Edwards x Hughes! Reader
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synopsis: it’s the 4th of july and you and your brothers decide to throw a party at your parents’ house
warnings: fluff, ethan being adorable, luke being a protective brother
word count: 1k
a/n: HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!! and if u don’t celebrate it then happy tuesday!! this is a 4th of july themed fluff fic, so i hope u all enjoy!!
masterlist | request info
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The whole backyard was decked with red, white, and blue decorations for the 4th of July. Jack, Luke, Quinn, and you decided to throw a party at your parents’ lake house. Luke invited his best friends from the hockey team while you invited your closest sorority. There were a couple more people there including Jack and Quinn’s friends.
A while back, you and Ethan had finally become public with your relationship which meant you guys told Luke about it. He was a little upset since you went against his words, but he was overall supportive.
Trevor had been grilling all day while everyone hung out around the lake. You rested on a pool-like chair with Ethan, his arms wrapped around you tightly. Luke flirted with your guys’ friend, Jocelyn, which caused you to laugh. “Looks like he's having fun,” you said while looking up at Ethan.
He opened his eyes and he looked over at the two of them, letting out a snicker of his own. “Sure looks like it.” He looked down at you and smiled softly. “What about you? You having fun?”
“Yeah, of course I am!” you beamed. “I’m here with you and my brothers. That's all I could ask for.” A warm smile spread on his face at your answer, before he placed a quick kiss on your forehead.
The intimate moment was ruined by Mark spraying Ethan with a water gun. The cold water hit you as well, causing you to yelp as you sprung up from the chair. Ethan also got up and glared at Mark before a devilish smile spread on his face. He looked over and saw water balloons in a bucket close by, so he lunged for them and started throwing them at Mark.
The two boys broke out into battle while you laughed as you fled from the scene. You made your way up the stairs to the deck. You were greeted by Trevor, Jack, and Cole as they sat at a table near the backdoor.
Trevor was the first one to notice you walk over since he faced your direction. “Hey, Y/N!” He looked down at your wet shirt and started laughing. “What happened to you?”
You laughed as you took a seat next to Cole, sitting across from your brother. “Well, Mark sprayed Ethan and I with a water gun. Now, they’re out there being children.”
Jack looked over in that direction and smiled widely. “Oh shit, Luke’s getting in on it!” You flung your head in that direction and watched as Luke sprayed the boys with water guns. You laughed loudly along with Jack and the guys before bringing your attention back.
Cole then smiled at you and tilted his head, “How are you and Ethan doing? I’ve heard a lot from Jack.”
You smiled a bit and nodded your head. “We’re doing great! I mean, it’s really only been looking up since we became public.” You looked back over at the boy you loved dearly. He had a radiant smile on his face and his nose scrunched slightly.
You felt your stomach flip as you admired him from afar. You ran your fingers through your hair as you looked back at Cole. “Is Luke handling it well?” Trevor asked. “You know how he is.”
You let out a giggle at the male’s comment, “Yeah. He’s handling it the best he can.” You looked back at Luke and watched as he playfully fought with Ethan. “He’s still friends with him, which that’s always good.”
Jack laughed, “I’m surprised. Luke’s usually pissed when you do things he asks you specifically not to.”
“Maybe it’s because of Jocelyn,” you suggested. “He’s been more lenient ever since he got with her.” This caused the guys to laugh at the table. You smiled as you looked back at the boys.
Ethan then noticed you watching him from the deck and waved you over. “Y/N! Come on!” he yelled out to you. “Grab the biggest water gun!”
You looked back at the three boys and got up from your seat. “I’ll be back!” you giggled as you ran down the stairs, grabbing the biggest water gun you could find.
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You sat on the stairs leading up to the deck with Ethan as you stared up at the starry night. The fireworks were about to start going off and you two found the perfect spot.
You rested your head on his shoulder as he snaked his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He rested his head atop of yours and whispered, “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Ethan.” You felt warm and tingly every time you were around him. It didn’t matter how long you guys had been together, you still felt as giddy as you did the first time you saw him.
You then heard footsteps behind you. “Ahem,” a voice cleared their throat. You looked back and saw Luke standing at the top of the stairs. “You guys are too close.”
You rolled your eyes and scooted away from Ethan. “Why do you have to be an overprotective brother now?”
He crossed his arms over his chest and huffed, “Because you’re dating my best friend.” He then looked over at Ethan. “You guys are cute by the way…” he mumbled.
You grinned, “What was that?”
“I said ‘you guys are cute by the way’,” he said louder.
You smiled warmly and got up, rushing up the stairs and hugging him. “I love you, Lukey!” You let go of him and playfully punched his shoulder. “Now, go find Jocelyn and kiss her under the fireworks!”
He rolled his eyes and scoffed, “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” You couldn’t help but notice the small smile that formed on his face due to your comment. You squeezed his cheek and made your way back down to your spot next to Ethan.
The first firework set off into the sky, creating a beautiful view in front of you two. You smiled widely as you looked over at Ethan. He looked back at you and placed his hand on your cheek. He pulled you in for a kiss, your eyes fluttering shut as they made contact with his.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
hey! you've already done that courtney x sick!reader fic (which i adored) so i was wondering if you'd be comfortable turning the tables and doing a reader x sick!courtney? maybe where she has a stomach bug or something (idk that's the last thing i had)
many thanks x take care of yourself
Stay With Me || Courtney Miller x reader
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist • courtney miller x sick!reader ⋆୨୧˚ summary: when courtney calls and cancels your date night due to a stomach bug, you don’t hesitate to drop everything and take care of them
word count: 0.7k
warnings: mild sick fic, mild swearing
a/n: tysm for the request love, hope you enjoy this!! 💌🩰
     Your phone rang. You paused, mid brush through your tangled hair, to grab it. You were in the process of getting ready for a long-awaited date night with your partner of seven months, Courtney Miller. You figured it was probably them calling you now, confirming the time or asking for directions to the restaurant.
     Speak of the devil, you thought as you looked at the caller ID and saw it was none other than Courtney. You answered with a “hey” waiting for their reply, but it didn’t come right away.
     “Courtney? What’s up?” You tried again.
     “Hey (Y/n),” their voice came out weak and your brow furrowed.
     “Court? Are you ok?” You asked.
     “I’ve been better,” they answered, explaining, “Stomach bug.”
     “Oh no, how are you feeling? Can I help? Do you need anything?” You heard them laugh on the other side of the phone. 
     “I’ll be fine,” Courtney said, “I was just calling to let you know I probably won’t be able to make our date night. Throwing up’s a bitch.”
     You smiled, “Don’t worry about it, we can reschedule, alright? I just want to make sure your ok.”
     “Thank you,” Courtney said, “I just need some rest, that’s all.” But you heard their muffled groan following that statement.
     “I’m coming over,” you said. 
     “Really (Y/n), I’m fine—”
     “I’m already in my car,” you lied.
     “I’m already at your house,” you teased.
     This got a laugh out of Courtney and they relented.
     “If you’re going to be impossible, you have a key, let yourself in (Y/n).”
₊˚ ✧ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿ ✧ ₊˚
     You did. Upon arriving at Courtney’s house, a few minutes later than you would have liked but only because you stopped to get their favorite soup, you let yourself in.
     You walked down the hall and towards Courtney’s room, finding them lying in bed.
     “I brought you soup,” you offered it to them and they took it, thanking you.
     “How are you doing?” You asked, taking in Courtney’s pale face and tousled hair. Even sick they were gorgeous, you thought. 
     “Better now that you’re here,” Courtney said, smiling up at you. 
     “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” you told them, sitting on the edge of the bed. 
     “I still feel really bad about our date night,” they said, and then looking you up and down, “and that you got all sexy for nothing.”
     You blushed and took their hand, “Well, maybe not for nothing,” you said, mirth in your voice, “we could have our own little date night here.”
     You ran to Courtney’s kitchen, grabbing a bowl and silverware. Coming back into her room and ignoring her bewildered but amused expression, you set the items in your hand on their bedside table.
     “Soup?” You asked, putting on your best high-society waiter voice.
     Courtney giggled, a sound that was beautiful to your ears.
     “Don’t mind if I do.”
      You made a show of pouring the soup and handing it to them.
     “Anything to drink?”
     “Water’s fine,” Courtney said, nodding to the drink beside their bed.
     “That is an insult to your waiter,” you teased them. But you sat down next to them and said, “See? Now it’s a date.”
     “Thank you,” Courtney said, blowing on a spoonful of the soup.
     You sat there, talking, until the soup was finished and Courtney’s eyelids began to droop. You got up and grabbed them a blanket, stopping by the bed as they turned to the side. 
     You bent down to brush a few strands of hair away from their face and kiss Courtney on the cheek. 
     Courtney grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards the bed and you stumbled forwards landing next to them. 
     “Lay with me?” Courtney asked, all innocence aside from the wicked grin on her face. 
     You let out a breath, giving in and laying down next to them, “If it’ll help you sleep.”
    “It will. Definitely,” Courtney said, nestling in to you.
     You stroked their hair, “Can I get you anything else?” You said softly.
     “Just…stay?” Courtney said quietly.
     “Your practically on top of me, I’m not going anywhere,” your assured them, joking. But Courtney was already asleep. You reached over and turned off the lamp next to their bed. 
     Stay with Courtney?
“Always,” you said, into the darkness as you watched Courtney sleep peacefully beside you.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this little fic, i love writing for courtney!! have a wonderful day <3
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fluffypandabun · 10 months
First of all I am absolutely in love with your writing style! I love your fics so much and wanted to request something if your free? What about Switch Casey and Switch Mikey? I picture them to have a good relationship that’s silly and fun. Maybe they could be gaming or be giving the other a massage which leads to tickles? Tysm and have a wonderful day!
Awww tysm im so glad you enjoy my writting! Also Sure Sure!!!! Mikey and Casey are an underated duo imo and I really need to write for them more, I hope you enjoy this very silly fluff<3
There were a lot of things Casey had to learn about now that he would be spending the rest of his days in a non apocalyptic timeline. It was admittedly a rather big adjustment to go from living in a world tinted red where food and was scarce and everyday was a fight for survival, to a world filled with bright colors and clean air with a well protected lair to sleep in (Donnie made sure of that) and plenty of food to eat (Mikey made sure of that one). 
It could be overwhelming, and on days when it was really bad Casey would find himself curled up with his back to the wall, eyes squeezed shut, and he was able to pretend for just a little bit Leo, HIS Leo would be the one to knock on his door to ask him if he was alright. As much as Casey appreciated and cared for the younger turtles, who had taken him in as one of them and gave him his own place to stay in this familiar unfamiliar world, he still found himself missing his family from the future. And as bad as that future had been, being with his family had made it worth it. 
Thats where Casey found himself today, hidden under the bed Raph and Donnie had “found” and put together for him in a spare train car they had fixed up. He admittedly felt a bit childish, hiding under the bed like this. But it felt…safe in a way he couldn't describe. His back was pressed firmly against a wall and he had a clear view of the entrance of the room, covered by a green curtain to give him privacy. Casey would have preferred a door but he was grateful for some sort of cover from the outside. 
He sighed softly, fiddling with the sleeve of his hoodie. The material softer than anything he was used to, a stark contrast to the rough scratchy feeling of the fabric of his battle suit. As nice as hoodie felt on his body, he found himself missing the familiarity of his battle suit and he was half tempted to crawl out from under the bed to try and find it (He knew where it was, folded neatly on top of the small table that acted as his bedside dresser, easy to grab incase he ever needed it in a pinch) when there was a knock on the side of the train car and the entrance curtain shifted as Mikey poked his head in.
“Case my dude! What do you want for dinner…” The box turtle trailed off with a frown, brow raising as he looked around the room. “Casey..?”
“Down here.” Casey called muffled from under the bed, he poked his head out looking sheepish and feeling more than a bit embarrassed. Mikey looked at him and beamed, walking over and plopping himself down.
“There you are!” He cocked his head to the side. “What are you doing under there?”
Casey squirmed until he had pulled himself out from under the bed, sitting crossed legged beside Mikey who was still patiently waiting for an answer. Casey tried to think of one but found he couldn't piece together the words, so he just shrugged. 
“I….don't know…” He sighed. “Hiding…? I guess..?’
Mikey frowned; “Hiding? From what?”
Casey grimaced, voice unsure. “...Everything? Kinda? I mean…” he trailed off and when Mikey gave him an encouraging look he took a deep breath and continued. 
“A lot of things here are still new to me, you know? And sometimes…sometimes there's too much new stuff and it can get kinda just..”
“Overwhelming?” Mikey offered, Casey nodding. 
“Yeah! Overwhelming.” 
Mikey nodded sagely for a moment before he spoke. 
“Why didn't you come to one of us?”
The teen rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I uh…didn't want to bother you…?”
He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth at the look Mikey shot him, the box turtle crossing his arms over his chest. “Casey, you know you can always come to us for anything right?”
The way he said it definitely left no room for debate, not that Casey ever would debate him, he knew just as well as the others how Mikey could be, he nodded quickly, hands held out in front of him.
“I know I know! Im…just still used hiding being my first option, old habits die hard yeah?”
The box turtle's gaze immediately softened and he scooted himself closer to the teen to rest a hand on his knee. Casey was surprised at how much the touch helped ground him and he felt the tension he hadn't realized he’d been holding in his shoulders leave. 
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked and Casey took the time to think on his answer before he slowly nodded. 
“Yeah I think so…everythings still a bit…floaty, but I’m okay.” He shot the turtle teen a genuine but still shaky smile to show he meant it. Mikey took his hand away from his knee, much to Casey's dismay at the lack of contact, to rub at his chin. 
He hummed to himself in thought for a moment before his eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers. “I got it!” the turtle quickly stood, pointing at Casey. 
“Wait right here I’ll be right back.!”
Casey could only get out a nod before the turtle had ran out of the room, he didn't even have the time to fully process what the turtle could even be doing before Mikey reappeared, dramatically thrusting out his hand to hold up a handful of washable markers.
“Behold! I have returned with a solution!” 
Casey blinked a few times, knees held to his chest. “You…want to draw..?” 
“Correction my friend.” Mikey chirped, plopping back down next to the human. “I want to draw on you.”
Casey raised a brow “....Me…?”
“Yeah!” Mikey grinned, bouncing up and down on the spot. 
“Whenever Leo gets all Spacey and stuff he lets me draw on him to help ground him and stuff! Plus, these are washable markers so you don't have to worry about them staining your skin or anything!”
The turtle's excitement was contagious and it cause a slight grin to tug on Caseys lips as he chuckled. “Alright sure, I’ll give it a try…as long as you promise not to draw anything dumb on me”
Mikey sent him a truly innocent smile, “I would never, now, gimmie!”
He made a reach for Caseys arm and after a second of hesitation, he rolled up the sleeve of his hoodie to reveal tanned arms littered with scars. Mikey moved to sit up against the bed beside him pressed up close to the human's side, grabbing his now sleeveless arm and tugging it across his lap. 
“Right, now you can tell me to stop at any time if you don't like it alright?” 
Casey nodded, and after a moment of hesitation, he shifted his body slightly so he could comfortably rest his head on the shorter turtle's shoulder. Mikey paused for a moment, before letting out a pleased sort of noise as he uncapped one of the markers and drew a line on the top side of Casey's hand. 
Casey flinched slightly, “Feels weird” he muttered, though he made no move to pull his hand away, and after a second Mikey continued to draw across his hand, rambling about some cooking show Casey had never heard of. 
It was…nice…very nice actually, the soft sensation of the marker across the top of his hand and the sound of Mikey's animated voice made Casey feel warm. He eyes grew heavy and he gave up trying to keep up with what Mikey was saying as his eyes started to slip shut, he was nearly about to fall asleep when Mikey suddenly flipped his hand over and started drawing on his palm. 
Caseys eyes snapped open and it took every ounce of self control he had to not yank his hand away right then and there, soft tingly sensations spread across his palm and up to the tip of his fingers as Mikey lazily drew lines and circles across his palm, coloring in old scars and going on a tangent about pie crusts. 
Casey bit down on his lip, screwing his eyes shut he fought to not let a peep escape him, but it was getting harder by the second and Casey could only hope that Mikey moved on to drawing on a different spot before he just about burst from all the giggles building up in his chest. 
Luckily, Casey got his wish, not so luckily the spot Mikey decided to move on to was his wrists, and if the sensation was bad on his palms it got about ten times worse there. 
Unable to fight back any longer, giggles began to spill from Casey's lips, hunching up his shoulders as he tugged at his hand desperate to get away from the tickly feeling. 
Mikey, mid rant about the importance of a good non soggy pie crust, stopped in his tracks, he turned to the giggling teen and cocked his head to the side, bemusement on his face.
“Uhh I didnt think pie crusts were that funny to you Case...” 
The human shook his head, still tugging at his wrists, even thought Mikey had stopped drawing the phantom feelings were still there and it left him giddy with laughter. 
“IIhihihihit t-tihihihihickles!” 
Mikey blinked a few times, looking down at the marker in his hand and then back up at Casey a few times before his eyes lit up and his face split into a beaming smile. 
“Awwwww Casey!” He laughed. “You have ticklish hands? That's adorable!” 
Before Casey could protest Mikey quickly began drawing on his palms again, this time not caring to make anything other than quick scribbles and slow circles, whatever made Casey laugh more. 
And laugh he did, with a squeal Casey all but flailed about, face flushed and nose wrinkled as he giggled, occasionally squeaking in between bouts of laughter.
“N-Noohoho! Mikey!” 
“Yeeees Casey?” Mikey hummed, tracing the lines in the human's palms to make him squeak. “Is there something you need? I know I need you to stop squirming, im trying to draw here you know! Your gonna mess me up!” 
If Casey could glare at the turtle he would. “Y-Yoohohohour just drawing s-scrhihihibles!”
Mikey let out an offended gasp, doubling down on his scribbling down Casey's wrist. “Hey! It's called abstract art.”
Casey started giggling even harder, and Mikey giggled right alongside him. Happy to see the normally quiet and melancholy teen practically glowing with laughter. 
It was at this moment Casey's mind suddenly remembered the fact he had a hand free, which so far had just been flailing about uselessly at his side. Uncoordinated and lost in laughter, he grasped frantically around on his bed with his free hand before he found what he was looking for. 
Holding on tight to the pillow he whipped it around and smacked Mikey straight in the face with it, the turtle let out a surprised ‘Oof!’ and fell back,letting go of Casey's hand who immediately brought it back to hold against his chest while giggling. 
Mikey lay sprawled on his back for a moment, silent from shock before he burst into laughter, sitting up on his elbows and grinning playfully at Casey, still laughing. 
“Duhuhude! Did you just smack me in the face with a pillow!?”
Casey giggled softly looking just a little bit apologetic. “Sorry! Sorrhehehy! I had to defend myself somehow!”
Mikey's smile turned more mischievous as he sat up, “Oh yeah? Well should have made sure I stayed down, Jones!”  
With a war cry the smaller turtle threw himself at the human, who cried out in surprise as he was knocked back to the floor, for a split second Casey's instincts told him he was actually being attacked, but the feeling soon passed and his panic turned to giddy playfulness and he was back to laughing, trying to grab at the turtle and push him off, the two of them fighting for the upper hand as they tussled on the floor.
Casey had his own apocalyptic training behind him, but Mikey was still a trained ninja, and a mutant one with super strength at that. And the turtle's fingers finding themselves buried in between the spots on his ribs certainly didn't help either. 
Casey let out a rather embarrassing snort, half grappling with the turtle and half flailing as his laughter got a bit more frantic. 
“aHA! M-Mihihihkey! T-TahaAHTS! Y-Your cheaATIHIHIHING!” 
Mikey cackled evilly. “Always use your enemies' weakness against them! Didn't your sensei teach you that~?” 
“Sh-Shuhuhuhut uuhuhuP!”
“Hm, clearly your sensei didn't teach you manners huh?” Mikey tsked disapprovingly, and if Casey had another pillow within reach he would have smacked him with it again. 
Well fine, if he wanted to be like that then two could play at that game. 
Reaching up, Casey used his free hands to slip under the turtle's arms, wiggling his fingers in the same way he’d seen the others do before. With a loud shriek Mikey clapped his arms down, trapping Casey's fingers and sealing his own fate as the human teen gained the upper hand. 
“Actually” Casey spoke over Mikey's loud cackles. “My Sensei did teach me to use my enemies' weakness against them, good thing we share the same weakness huh?” 
Mikey shrieked with bright happy laughter as he squirmed back and forth underneath the now triumphant Casey, frantically kicking out his legs as he pushed at the humans arms. 
“W-Wahihihihit! Cahahase I-Im sohohohoHOHOHORY!” 
“Never start a fight you can't finish, didn't your sensei teach you that?” Casey teased, Mikey snorted.
“Ihihihim g-gonna tell ehehehveryone a-about youhohor tihihicklish haHAHANDS!” 
Casey felt his face flush, he already knew Leo would have a field day with that one, he moved his hands down to poke at the box turtles sides. “You wouldn't dare!” 
“Wahahatch me!” Mikey cried, reaching up to grab onto the humans' sides causing him to squeak and falter, once again giving Mikey the upperhand. 
The two teens continued to tussle on the floor, neither keeping the upper hand for long as their laughter filled the room, the question of what would be made for dinner long put on the back burner. 
There were a lot of things Casey still had left to learn, but maybe learning how to be a kid again was a pretty good start. 
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 9 months
First of all, I just want to say that I absolutely love all of your stories, I feel like you totally understand every characters from SnK and I couldn't stop smiling every time I was reading something wholesome (and my heart was breaking when it was sad kfkdndndn), can't wait to start your Jean x Reader slow burn fic. 🤗
I was wondering if I could request some headcanons for girlfriend Pieck x f!reader (if it's alright to ask for f!reader ofc, if not simply g!neutral) ? 👉👈
(Btw, in your masterlist, when we click for the Zeke boyfriend link, it's actually the Dilf!Jean x reader)
Have a nice day/night. 😊
a/n: thank you so much, i adore you! i hope you love my jean fic so much, just bare with me because the first chapter needs to be edited! wlw/mlm/etc relationships are perfectly fine here, and they always will be. i've been waiting for people to request wlw, i feel like it doesn't get enough love and tysm for telling me about my masterlist! i will fix it, anyway heres
girlfriend pieck finger
the sleepiest girlfriend in the whole entire world. she's always sooo tired, no matter how much rest she gets the previous night. always rubbing her eyes and yawning.
pieck naturally smells really good. it's a natural but sweet type of smell. she also has exquisite taste in perfumes and shampoos.
she's not much of a chef but she enjoys baking. her favorite thing to make is probably cupcakes because they're quick, simple and delicious.
she has a really loud laugh. you don't find it obnoxious at all. it's beautiful and reminds you of some sort of celestial being.
i'd say her love language is giftgiving with physical touch being a close second. she's the type to bring you 'just because' flowers.
your relationship with her is entirely freeing and healing. there is no toxicity about it.
she's a bit of a night owl so often times the two of you will be running to the nearest convenience store in the middle of the night for snacks.
pieck doesn't really dress up unless it involves you two going on a date. she likes to wear cute sundresses that are a little bit floral, but not the ugly type of floral. you know what i mean.
she's your biggest supporter. she listens to you so intensely. she's also highly opinionated and will tell you the truth even if it hurts, but she'll deliver it in a nice way.
it's hard to fight with her. she just blankly stares at you and blinks her big grey eyes until you calm down.
she isn't really the jealous type but loves to make the "that musta been your other girlfriend" joke.
she loves to play with your hair. brush it, braid it, curl it, etc.
pieck can't do her own makeup to save her life but she likes to practice on you and it turns out beautiful but also interesting.
she adores her forehead and cheeks being kissed.
she likes to sing with you.
pieck is also very fearless, very bold despite her sweet little face. she's very proud to be your girlfriend. she lets everyone know you're her partner and she is yours. she doesn't care what people think or what they say.
my ko-fi
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OMGGG hey tysm💕💕 I absolutely loved the James fic !:) and I’m glad you enjoyed the idea <33333 Okok I have another idea for you hope it’s not too lame!!
Basically rusty James and reader have known each other for quite some time, they met through mutual friend and since then he’s been head over heels for her, but she’s too oblivious to his flirtatious antics. To his dismay though she’s been asked out by some random guy on a date where she either was stood up for or maybe he was being such a prick to her that in both ways she storms out wherever they were. On her way back home she comes across James, who sees her all messed up, frustrated and in tears obviously confused and concerned. And in the end he makes it up for her by taking her on short cute date (of your opinion) and later on probably finds the guy who did all the damage and beats him up lololol
Of course bby! (I LOVE YOUR REQUESTS FR also i'm not putting a date scene for rusty in this because I'm bad at good dates and not ending them like I'm the most traumatized person ever.)
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﹛♛﹜But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain.
You walked over to the lunch table, setting your bag down next to Rusty's.
"Oh hey Y/n. What's up?" One of his friends asked you, patting your back. To which you just smiled and said "Nothin much"
Rusty looked at you quietly before returning back to his lunch.
"Oh Rusty guess what. I got asked out yesterday." You smiled brightly, very proud of your accomplishment.
He nearly choked on his food as he looked at you.
"You serious, man? Who? You finally found someone other than me? The man of your dreams?" He said, pretending he didn't believe you as a joke. Only deep down he didn't feel so good. He felt sick and wanted to lay on the floor until the ground swallowed him whole.
"Mac westen" You said with a smug smile, sitting on top of the table.
He felt as if someone grabbed his heart and threw it on the floor right next to him.
"Oh. That's cool I guess. Congrats." He said, not really delivering good energy, which you just brushed off.
Rusty walked you home like he always did, only this time he wasn't talking with a boastful voice. In fact, he barely even spoke.
You gave him a hug, like normal as your arrived at your house. Rusty wanted to cry knowing that he would have to share these hugs with someone else.
"Whats wrong, Rusty?" You asked sweetly as he hugged tighter.
"Nothin'. Just givin' you a good luck hug." He lied right through his teeth. But you didn't have to know that.
You smiled before walking into your house, immediately getting ready for your date. Rusty walked to his house, thinking "When did I let her slip through my fingers?" and "Why can't it be me?" but he knew the answers to both questions. He supposed that maybe he just wasn't your kinda guy and just wanted someone more stable. Or that maybe he could offer you way more than he ever could.
You slipped into a white slip dress and a pair of white heels that had little diamonds on them. You did your hair and makeup, wanting to look absolutely perfect.
Once you were done, you walked to the place where he said the two of you would meet. The diner.
You saw him in the last booth, sitting by himself as he looked at the menu. You walked his way and sat down in front of him, putting your purse on the right side of you. He smirked slightly and took in your figure. You blushed and looked down.
"So uh. What are we doin' tonight?" You spoke quietly.
He rubbed his hand on your thigh. You weren't that phased because Rusty did that all the time when he was nervous or angry. But you were quite uncomfortable for it to be someone else touching you but you pushed the thoughts away and looked at him with a smile.
"Well I was planning on eating and then I can take you back to my place." He spoke as his hand rested on your knee.
You looked at your menu, feeling like he was staring holes into your body.
"Yeah I suppose that I am a bit hungry." You said, ignoring his last suggestion about taking you back to his place. You were honestly scared of what his intentions were.
He nodded before a waitress came up to take your order.
"Hello Darlings what would you like?" Her voice instantly made you smile brightly.
He stared at her figure longer than he had yours, and you were relieved. But you felt sorry for her as well, seeing her uncomfortable expression.
"Um. I would like the steak, Ma'am." You said, trying to distract her from him so she wasn't so uncomfortable anymore.
She nodded, writing your order down, looking at him for his order.
She took his order after a few attempts of him trying to touch her and swoon her with his words.
You almost felt like getting up and going home. This was your first date ever and it was going horrible.
He gripped your thigh under the table, surely leaving nail marks. You winced slightly.
"Ow. What the hell?" You exclaimed, kicking your feet.
His hand only went higher and higher, headed under your dress before you push him away and getting up hurriedly,
"Look. Uh, I don't think this is gonna work. You are being a major asshole. And I don't like the way you are touching me. You are hitting on the waitress and trying to slip your hand up my dress. And I'm sure you left a mark on my leg- yep there it is." You said crying, pointing to it.
He rolled his eyes, throwing his menu at you.
"Yeah whatever bitch. I was only trying to get you in bed anyway." He said walking out the door without paying for his food.
You sobbed at the table, leaving a tip for the waitress and also for the food.
You took your heels off and walked out the door. You had mascara stains running down your cheeks and you couldn't believe you didn't see the signs. You just wished you would've picked the right person.
You cried all the way to the bar, sitting outsid
Your thoughts were cut off by someone running into your foot, you said sorry before looking up and meeting with familiar brown eyes.
"Hey doll. You alright?" He asked, wiping your tears as he looked at you in a panic manner.
It was Rusty. You didn't wanna see him. Not saying that you didn't wanna be around him or anything. But not now. You knew he would throw a fit.
He sat down next to you, rubbing your thigh gently, making you pull away.
And it was weird to him because he was used to doing this to calm not only him but it calmed you down as well.
"Doll did he try to touch you or somethin'? He said angrily, before seeing the marks on your thigh.
He stood up, his hand covering his mouth as he tried to keep his cool.
He muttered under his breath about "Killing that bastard." and "Messin' with my girl."
"Rusty it's okay. It just didn't end well and it's fin-"
He didn't even let you finish before kicking something, the tin can rolling onto the parking lot.
"Look doll. You uh, don't need that jerk and you know what? I'm gonna take you out, okay?" He said, putting a piece of hair behind your ear.
You looked at him confused before laughing.
"Rusty James, you know that dates are for people that are in love- or somethin' like that I guess."
Mac definitely didn't feel that way towards you and you regretted even giving him the benefit of the doubt.
"Yeah, I know doll. That..That's what I'm trying to say I guess. And uh, it's fine if you don't want to, we can just go out for a coke just as good old friends." He smiled nervously.
He seemed tuff on the outside but on the inside he was burning up and felt like he was waiting for forever to hear your answer.
"No no. I like that first one, Rusty." You said as you smiled back at him.
"I love you doll." He said before kissing your cheek, pulling out off of the bench and walked down the street with an arm over your shoulder.
(I HOPE YOU LIKE IT LOVEEEE <3 I love when you send in requests it makes my days so much better
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strawmyberry · 1 year
aaa omg i absolutely loved your headcanons they are so cute!! 💗 also im tumblr is being mean 😭 i hope everything gets fixed soon <33
aa do you think you could maybe write something with kenny?? lee or ler is fine, anything you want!! your hcs for him are just so adorable i can't choose which side i like more 😭 i honestly am just looking forward to anything you have planned <3 tysm!! i hope you have a good day! 💗💗
aaaa!!! toast you are the sweetest 🥹 thank you so much for all the love and support!! it truly means the world! im so sorry this took so long!!! i hope it’s at least a little bit worth it- im still trying to get into the swing of things- so im sorry if it isn’t the best! also it has a super long intro sorry sorry sorry!! i hope you guys enjoy!!! (first fic yayyyy!!!)
— ❤️🍓 strawberry 🍓❤️
Swallow Your Pride!
Lee Kenny / Ler Stan and Kyle
Word Count: 3,038
With Cartman in Nebraska for the first few weeks of summer, Stan and Kyle think a celebration is in order! Kenny is a bit iffy on the idea; but every problem can be solved with just a little bit of friendly persuasion!
“Oh shit, dude. I’m so sorry to hear that.”
That day had started like any other. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and even though it was summer, the snow kept snowing. Softer than it normally would, sure, but the snow was a bit of a damper on the Teen Beach Movie summer that Stan had secretly been yearning for. 
It wasn’t hard to believe that Stan expected today to go like it typically would: a casual hang-out, at his house, with his friends, the four of them having a fun little Mortal Kombat: Onslaught tournament. 
“No! No, really, I am! It’s not gonna be the same without you, man. How long are you gonna be there for?” 
But it seemed like fate had other plans today. With his phone held against his ear, Stan would pace around his living room as he spoke. Kyle sat criss-cross-applesauce on the floor while Kenny laid on his side behind him, resting his head comfortably on one of Stan’s throw pillows. They were (not so) patiently awaiting Cartman’s arrival. They wanted to start kicking some ass already!
Every now and then Kyle would manage to make eye contact with Stan, shooting him a look that could only be described as a mixture of irritation and confusion. “Where the fuck is he? What’s taking so long?” He’d whisper, crossing his arms tight against his chest as Stan held up his “give me a second” finger. He’d grumble a bit at that, adding an eye roll to the mix. They could’ve started thirty minutes ago if Cartman came when he was supposed to! 
“Yeah.” Stan would pause, nodding his head. He’d turn, his eyes bouncing between Kyle and Kenny. “No, don’t worry. I’ll tell them.” He’d say, turning back around as he’d begin pacing a bit more. That seemed to peek Kyle’s attention even more, now turning to Kenny with a raised brow. 
“What do you think they’re talking about? What excuse is Cartman gonna try to pull this time?” He’d ask, trying his hardest to keep his volume low. He had never really been the best whisperer. 
“I don’t know..” Kenny would shrug, getting up from his comfortable laying position to be able to hear better. 
“Maybe he died.” Kyle would joke, letting out an overdramatic sigh. “That would be fucking awesome, wouldn’t it?” He’d add, cupping his hands together in a wistful Disney princess pose. 
Kenny couldn’t help but let a few giggles slip at Kyle’s dramatics, beginning to tighten his parka. Kyle would start softly chuckling to himself as a result of Kenny’s infectious laugh, being quick to shush Kenny while still staring at Stan intently. “Shhh! Duhude, shut up! I can’t hear!” He’d whisper through his own giggles, batting his hand at him. 
“I hear you. Okay. Yeah. I’ll let them know.” Stan would stop his pacing, now beginning to walk himself back to the center of the living room. Kyle’s giggles slowly faded as he analyzed Stan’s facial expression. He looked…upset. Shit. Did something genuinely happen? He was only joking about Cartman dying-!
“Yeah. I’ll talk to you later. Bye, dude.” 
Stan would wait for the click, shifting his eyes from his phone to the two curious boys sitting in front of him. He looked…sad. The somber expression on his face scaring away the playful atmosphere that had once graced the room. Kyle couldn’t help but hesitate before asking his next question. 
“…What happened?”
Stan would blink at that question, staring at his phone again before slowly sliding it into his pocket. “Kyle…it’s Cartman…” Stan would start, his tone heavy and serious. Oh god. Kyle would begin mentally preparing himself. He prayed to God that Stan wouldn’t start crying. He couldn’t handle Stan crying. But, after a split second, it was apparent he wouldn’t have to worry about that at all.
“Cartman’s gone for two weeks!” 
The mood in the room completely changed. Stan’s face completely changed. The frown on his face turned itself around real quick, now replaced with one of the most vibrant smiles Kyle had ever seen. Dramatic asshole. That was his first thought. After he had comprehended what Stan said though, he had a completely different thought. 
“You’re shitting me!”
“I’m not! I’m not shitting you!” 
“You’re not shitting him?”
“No! No, I’m not! Cartman’s-“
“-going to Nebraska-“ 
“No way!” 
“-to see his family! For two weeks!” 
“Thank you, GOD!” Kyle would cheer, jumping up from the floor. “Dude we gotta- we gotta do something!” Kyle could hardly contain himself as he celebrated. Deep down, he wanted to burst out into song. ‘The Witch Is Dead’ sounded like a pretty good option at the moment. And he wasn’t the only one pumped up either! Kenny was bouncing on his toes with excitement! They had prayed for this day for so long- and it was finally happening! 
“We need to celebrate!” Stan would exclaim. “Uh- shit! What should we do? It has to be something special.” He’d begin pacing around the room again, only this time; he was joined by Kyle and Kenny. 
“We should go get food!” Kyle would suggest. 
“Yeah! Let’s get food!” Kenny would second. Sure, you couldn’t see the smile on his face because of his parka; but you could pretty much hear it! 
“Okay! Food!” Stan would agree. Perfect! This was going great! “It’s settled then! We’re getting food!” He’d announce, the real question settling in as the words left his mouth. “…Uh. Where are we going to get food?” Oh. Yeah. They hadn’t really thought about that. Huh. The three boys would exchange looks, waiting for one of the other two to offer up an idea. 
“Bennigan’s!” Kyle would confidently propose, an accomplished smile on his face. “We never go to Bennigan’s! Let’s do something new and go to Bennigan’s!” 
Stan’s jaw would drop, nodding his head. “Dude! You’re a GENIUS! Hell yeah, let’s go to Bennigan’s!” With that settled Stan would rush over to the door, Kyle following closely behind. The two were so eager, they wouldn’t even notice how Kenny wasn’t following after them. 
“I can post it on TikTok- so he knows how much fun we’re having without him!” Kyle would smirk. He had always dreamed of this moment. He could only imagine how red his stupid, smug face would get after seeing how not-in-shambles they were without him there. 
“Dude. Perfect! This is gonna be sick!” Stan couldn't help but smile as he opened the front door. He’d turn, now noticing how Kenny was still in the same place that he was ten seconds prior. Maybe he hadn’t heard them the first time? “C’mon, Kenny! We’re going to Bennigan’s!” He’d call, beginning to make his way out the door.
“You guys go without me- have fun!”
Well- that wasn't what they expected. Stan would walk back into the house, Kyle following. He’d close and lock the door, a frown forming on his face as he walked toward Kenny. “But...you have to come! It won't be a celebration without you!” He’d insist. 
“Yeah! ...Do you not like Bennigan’s?” Kyle would ask, trying to offer up solutions. “We can go someplace else if you don't wanna go to Bennigan’s!” 
“No…Bennigan’s isn’t the problem.” Kenny loved the sound of going to Bennigan’s. Sitting and eating with his friends sounded like so much fun. But…he didn’t think he could afford that right now. It sucked that he had to turn the offer down, but it was much better than the alternative-
“Kenny…you know we could pay for-“
“No.” Kenny would deny Kyle’s offer before he even got the full thing out. It wouldn’t be the first time this exact scenario had played out; and every single time Kenny agreed to let them pay for him, he’d get home and have to deal with the guilt of it all. He didn’t wanna deal with that today! 
“Dude, it’s really not a big deal. Kyle and I can split-“
“I don’t want you to pay for me.” Throwing himself down onto Stan’s couch, he’d cross his arms. He wasn’t going to budge on his one. “Just go. Have fun!” Grabbing the drawstrings on his parka, he’d pull it shut, signaling that he was done talking. Conversation over. 
“But, Kenny…Kenny, we really want you to-!” Kyle would start to say, only to get cut off by a hand being placed on his shoulder. He’d turn to Stan to give him another look; just to be met with a completely different look staring right back at him. 
They’d stare at each other for a few minutes, not a word leaving their lips before Kyle finally broke the silence. “…Gotcha’.”
“Kenny…” Stan would start, glancing at Kyle every now and then to make sure he was getting into position. “We really want you to come.” He’d say, sitting down on Kenny’s left. He’d wait for Kyle to sit down on his right before continuing. 
“Surely, there must be some way we could-“ Snaking his hand around, he’d loop his hands under both of Kenny’s arms, turning him counterclockwise. “Twist your arm on this?” With that line dropped, he’d give Kyle a wink. His silent way of saying “He’s all yours.” 
Kenny would let out a surprised yelp at being grabbed, taking a second to truly comprehend the predicament he was in. He’d try to open his mouth to bargain, or beg, or something that could save him- but Kyle wasted no time. All he managed to get out was a startled, “Wait- please don’t!” before Kyle began digging his finger into his sides. A squeal would be ripped from his throat as he immediately began to thrash from side to side.
“Guhuhuys! Stohohop ihihit!!” He’d giggle, a bit embarrassed by how easily it was to make him laugh. He’d thrash around in Stan’s hold, kicking his legs in an attempt to break free.
“Don’t kick me, Kenny! I’ll make it, like, ten times worse!” Kyle would teasingly threaten, squeezing both of his sides one at a time. Like a little pattern! “You know, I’ll stop tickling you if you come to Bennigan’s with us!” 
“Mm-mhmhmhmhm!!! I dohohon’t wahahanna!!” Kenny would frantically shake his head, throwing himself to and fro as he laughed. He’d clench his hands into fists, yanking himself forward. But it seemed whenever Kenny thought he got the tiniest bit of leverage- Stan would just tighten his grip. 
“Kenny, c’mon! Kyle’s being so nice to you right now!” Stan would remark, speaking from experience. Actually, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous. Why couldn’t he go that easy on him? “Don’t you want to quit while you’re ahead? He’s being super merciful.”
“Stan. Don’t backseat drive, dude. If you think you could do better, we could just switch-“ Kyle would scoff, although it was easy to tell he wasn't as offended as his words made him sound. “If you don't trust my tickling abilities, that’s fine-” He’d grumble, sneaking his fingers under Kenny’s parka. He’d walk his fingers up and down his sides, making Kenny squeak from the sudden switch-up.
“No! No no- I get what you're doing- building suspense! I'm down for it, 100%. I'm just... bargaining with him! Tactics. You know?” Stan would quickly change his tune, nodding in agreement.
“Chrihihist!! Thihis ihis sohoho duhuhumb!!” Kenny would whine through his giggles, throwing his head back in annoyance. “I sahaid I dohon’t wahahanna gohoho! Stohohop ihit alreheheady!”
“But you do wanna go Kenny, that’s the problem!” Kyle would insist. “We know you wanna come- make things easier for yourself! We don’t mind paying, just swallow your pride and have lunch with us!”
“Nohohoho!!!” Kenny would squeal as Kyle started poking at his ribs. He’d jerk even harder, still being trapped between the couch and his two friends. “I dohohon’t wahahanna gohoho anywhehere wihihith yohohou dihihickheheads!”
Kyle would gasp in feigned horror and offense, halting the tickling momentarily; whereas Stan would just blink in confusion. “Where did you get dickheads from? I don’t think I’ve ever heard you call us dickheads before-“
“Dickheads! He called us dickheads, Stan!” Kyle would shout, a stunned expression on his face. “We can’t let him get away with that, right? He called us dickheads!” Kyle would repeat yet again, just in case the word went totally unnoticed. “Say sorry, Kenny! Say you didn’t mean to call us dickheads!”
Kenny would visibly weigh out his options as his sat there, Stan’s arms still holding his tight while Kyle’s hands laid flat on his ribs. Sure, the logical choice would be to just concede and chalk it up to a slip of the tongue. But…Kenny just wasn’t in the mood for that. “…No!” He’d confidently exclaim after a couple of beats. “You guys are dickheads and I don’t wanna go to Bennigan’s!”
“No? Fine! Suit yourself, dude. Stan, can you focus up there?” Kyle would ask, removing his fingers from Kenny’s parka. He’d crack both his knuckles, watching as Stan grabbed both of Kenny’s wrists with his left hand before beginning to hold them above his head. “You wanna be an asshole? Fine then, be an asshole!”
Kenny would giggle in anticipation, pulling at his arms, hoping for some miracle surge of strength that would let him pull his arms down. But it seemed like his luck really wasn’t there today, since no miracle surge would ever appear. He’d squeeze his eyes shut, bracing himself as he got ready for the countdown. They would have to do a countdown, right?
Wrong. Kenny was very wrong. Stan and Kyle would have some prolonged eye contact for a little bit, communicating when to start. About five seconds after Kenny closed his eyes was what they settled on. Kyle would give Stan a moment to go first, nodding his head as Stan abruptly began scribbling his fingers into Kenny’s armpits.
“WAHAhahait! Stahahan!” Kenny would jump from the sudden attack, a peel of laughter pouring out. “Hehehey, nohoho fahahair! It’s two agahahaisnt ohoneEE-“ Kenny would start to complain, not really expecting Kyle to actually go for the kill. Sure, he said he would…maybe he should’ve known better than to doubt him. But doubt him he did, so he was nowhere near prepared when Kyle dove into his hips.
“SHIHIHIHIT!” Kenny would jolt, letting out a noise that could only be described as the scream of a man who was being brutally murdered. And, for this situation? Pretty valid. “NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” He’d cackle, practically screaming with laughter at this point. Very fitting. He’d flail his legs, trying his hardest to get one good kick in- just for a little bit of leeway. Even if it meant he had to roll off the couch, he’d take anything at this point.
“Aw, damn it…” Stan would let out a very fake sigh of disappointment, tsking as he shook his head. “I’m sorry to do this to ya’, Kenny…but I can’t understand you. Like. At all.” He’d say, pouting his lips. Just for the dramatics of it all! “I’m normally fluent in Kenny! I don’t know what happened…” He’d sigh yet again, going agonizingly slow with his portion of the tickling. “…Kyle? Do you know what he said? It’s really bumming me out…”
“Oh, Yeah! Don’t worry dude, I got you!” Kyle would nod with a bright smile, immediately going along with Stan’s little bit. “He said “Please keep tickling me Stan and Kyle! I love being tickled allll over! It’s just soooo much fun! That’s the real reason why I’m being such a dick to you guys! I just loveee being tickled!” Thank you for being so honest with us, Kenny! You should’ve just asked sooner!”
“Ohhhh, I gotcha!” Stan would nod, speeding up his fingers. “Yeah, you should’ve just said so sooner, Kenny! We could keep doing this all day! Oh- actually- that just gave me an idea! Let’s do this instead! We don’t need Bennigan’s, let’s just tickle Kenny alll day long!” Jesus fucking Christ on a bike, Kenny felt like he was going to turn into a fucking tomato. With how red he was, there wouldn’t be that much of a difference. Kenny wanted to keep on a brave face, just let them have their fun until the eventually got tuckered out. But upon hearing Stan’s new “brilliant” idea, Kenny couldn’t help but worry that they actually would put that plan into motion. He couldn’t handle that. Actually, he couldn’t really handle this.
Kenny would wave his verbal white flag of surrender in the air, and it would only take milliseconds for both Stan and Kyle to stop tickling, remove their hands, and let him go. He could’ve sworn he saw the two fist-bump as they did, but he was so out of breath, maybe he hallucinated it? He probably didn’t, but he wouldn’t point it out. Just in case.
“Great! Don’t bring your wallet, ‘whole thing is on us!” Stan would casually say, making his way to the door yet again. Kenny wasn’t able to fight the look of utter confusion on his face. The two acted like nothing had just happened, like they didn’t almost kill him a few seconds ago. How the hell-?
“We’re really happy you’re coming, Kenny..” Kyle would say, staying behind for a bit as Stan walked out the door. “You can catch your breath- but don’t take too long! Stan and I are gonna wait for you outside, and we’re not going without you!” And just like that, they were gone. Like nothing had happened. Kenny would be left on the couch; feeling breathless, confused, and kind of…grateful?
They really wanted him to go that bad? He thought he was just being a burden, but they went through all that trouble convincing him- just so he would come? That meant something, didn’t it? Maybe they had a weird way of showing it; but that meant they cared, didn’t it? It had to, right? Words couldn’t really describe how he felt at the moment. In fact, only two words would be able to leave him mouth; let alone come to mind at all.
“‘Fucking dickheads…”
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