#u really gotta look closely at the things people are saying and dont just trust dni's
violentviolette · 1 year
a heads up to young people or people who've just not encountered this before but it is a very frequent and common thing for terfs and radfems to have "terfs/radfems dni" in their abouts/pinned. "dni's" are essentially useless, at best they're just meaningless virtue signaling and at worst they're actively used to hide ops bigotry
they do this specifically to lure people into a false sense of security so they can slowly feed them terf rhetoric without them noticing in order to slowly radicalize them. this is a known tactic that terfs have been using for years now. they're called crypto-terfs and they specifically hide their beliefs in order to trick people because they know that being openly a terf is not tolerated in most spaces these people will often say things like "u can use whatever pronouns and name u want, but biological sex is real" or "i support trans people but womens shelters and bathrooms need to stay afab exclusive. its just about biology" "lesbians are attracted to vaginas, u cannot be attracted to amab people and call urself a lesbian" "he/him lesbians do not exist, if u use he/him pronouns u are aligning urself with men and masculinity and cant be a lesbian" they will also often have lesbian seperatist views, this is the belief that afab lesbians do not have much in common with the wider queer community and should seperate themselves out and close in amongst themselves for protection. they have a very "us and them" mentality where they encourage distrust of other queer people, saying things like "the wider lgbtq+ community is obsessed with men. as someone who wants nothing to do with men i feel ostracized among them. the only place i feel safe is with other afab lesbians" "bi women cannot call themselves gay" "we have nothing in common with other gay women"
these things are gateway arguments that lead down a line of biological essentialist, racist, and conservative thinking and seek to normalize those thoughts and arguments in order to indoctrinate more people to their hate group. its very important to be mindful of these things and not just trust that because someone has "terfs dni" in their about/pinned/card means that they are automatically a safe person to be around and are trans inclusive/positive
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patchiko · 8 months
PLEASE make a headcanon of how Jason acts like when he's jealous
GOT YOU SO BAD ANON, AND THANK YOU SM!! Its always so nice to hear if my writing’s accurate caus i try so hard to make it accurate #I WANT HIM !!
Jealous Ak!Jason Todd HC’s SFW
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i wish his eyes were green so i could make an,
I think Jason could have a really hard time with even a friend he deems too close
A lot of it is his fear and insecurity of being replaced, subconsciously i think it reminds him of how Bruce replaced him with Tim.
When his jealousy is really bad, the connection/relation is very conscious to him.
Around the person hes jealous of he’s super quiet, unnaturally quiet— he wouldn’t let you two out of his sight.
literally at your hip, not directly touching you, but making sure the other person cant get too close.
arms crossed stank face and everything. he looks like he’s part of the mean girls.
If its really bad around this person, he’ll just straight up leave without saying anything.
If he does talk he’s snappy and or responds as shortly and quickly as possible
This guy is giving the nastiest looks/side eyes known to man
If it gets really bad and you dont notice he’ll snap at you on accident. It happens in a spit second and its truly just bc of how pissed he is.
“Why dont you ask [name]” or etc, its kinda childish but he really doesn’t know how to hold it together. these kind of emotions stem from when he was still a teen, so expressing it is messy and frustrating
RESPOND ANYTHING ALONG THE LINES OF, “Maybe I will.” and hes done, truly that’d break his trust so bad. He ghosts you completely. I really don’t think he’d even get back into a relationship with you.
After the person leaves he’s still being quiet, when you ask after taking notice he doesn’t tell the truth
He knows its not right that he feels this way over something so mundane but he can’t help it, he couldn’t handle being replaced again by someone he loves dearly.
You gotta be patient with him, I think if you gently pry and explain how you’ve noticed his behaviors he’ll crack open for you.
Not a gush of emotions just a quick confession.
“I just don’t get having them around when you have me.”
I think its good to take into consideration how much time he was alone
so its easy for him to be confused why you’d want other people in your life as well compared to him who’s content with just you.
he’s not dumb! so its pretty easy for him to understand this after you explain
but he still has that replacement insecurity that starts the jealously.
even with a conversation, truly only time can help him overcome it. You could show him a million things to prove your loyalty but only till you’ve spent like a decade with him, then he will trust you.
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i love him so bad. ur safe with me bbg i SWEAR.
inbox 2 rq or ramble 💟
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valiumgf · 11 months
ok so! coping with schizophrenia/schizoaffective on low dose/no antipsychotics (I do use mood stabilizers still) info under the cut
1. process your emotions as they come!! (you've gotta figure out how you process best, journalling, visual art, talking things over with someone you trust, exercise, nature walks, yoga, writing poetry, whatever works best for you!) by as they come I mean: literally ASAP!! don't let it have time to marinate and get lost in your subconscious without properly addressing it! something that helps this is really paying attention to where and how you feel emotions (example: I feel guilt and anxiety like a ball in my chest, when I notice I feel it I know I gotta talk to someone ASAP!)
2. OK you're recognizing something you hear/see might not be there think about what stressful events have occurred recently, how does it relate? is there a common trigger (feeling, memory, situation, even a passing thought that occurred before the experience!) try to write down the contributing factors and what the experience was if you have the time! (writing in your phones notes app can quickly work!) acknowledge the experience: i saw this, it made me feel this. next try to redirect your thinking to something else! (I'll explain what I mean by this in 3)
3. OK so the experience happened, but I don't know why? acknowledge it, acknowledge what things it made you feel! now think of something unrelated that doesnt evoke a strong emotional reaction from you, redirecting thinking allows me to not ruminate and not increase emotions related to the experience which just makes me personally spiral!
4. you have better insight!!! congrats and if u dont have better insight we will talk,abour redirecting less intense experiences!!! now you can treat the mild experiences you may still have akin to intrusive thoughts! once again, acknowledge, redirect! or, if you're able to, you might be able to just redirect and not use the mental energy to acknowledge them every time when you're confident!
5. if you struggle with going outside due to paranoia, try to focus more on your feet and listen to some music or talk on the phone! I know personally the less I focus on my surroundings on bad days the less my surroundings seem looming and threatening, also if you're afraid of other people and have the confidence: offering a smile when you pass by someone helps me feel less afraid of others and from all the bs I learned in DBT "wide smile open hands" DOES work, open body language and smiles do make me feel more at ease in public!
6. STIM!! my main one in public is closing my hands tight then opening them, sadly some stims are stigmatized but if you feel comfortable it does make it easier to be out of safe spaces!
7. delusions, this gets tricky! for me, it's not about "changing the belief" because let's be honest, it's basically impossible! what helps me, in, the beginning: was "ok so there's two possibilities, 1. your belief is factual, 2. it's not factual" you want to operate your decisions and actions under meeting in the middle, and not doing anything extreme! (example: "my neighbour's are always talking about me and it distresses me": ok! maybe say hi and ask them how they're doing next time you see them, maybe it could improve their view of you! and if not, you're building a little connection with someone you live near!) (example 2: I am being targeted: "I should maybe tell someone I'm feeling anxious (for whatever reason you feel comfortable sharing) and tell someone to keep in touch with me!" it does not confirm that you actually are being targeted but sets up a safety net which can help with the pain of being persecuted without feeling believed) also recommend looking into double bookkeeping!!
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stars4-max · 1 year
Reasons why I think I'm certain character from twisted wonderland.... under the cut
tw — talks of starvation, isolation, death, abandonment, underlining stalking, horror, bullying... not talking of these by a lot but there are mentions so heres your warning
Idia, Malleus, Riddle, Rook, Azul
1. Idia Shroud
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❝ Hey. ...So, uh, can I go now? ❜❜
— Okay hear me out. Listen. If you knew me personally or even if you don't I think you'd realize just how often I don't leave my room or go outside even if i want to
— I'm relatively always on the internet reading, playing games, drawing, watching YouTube, yknow.
— I don't go to sleep at reasonable times even when I say goodnight and if it weren't for the fact I'm tired 24/7 with no real energy I would NOT be sleeping in for even an hour. ((which happens anyway sometimes))
— I dislike irl interactions (unless I trust u a bunch) and I honestly try to avoid it as much as I can.
— I'm only /open/ to close friends(who I will see as family), my partner, or my cousin and I'd let them enter my space with no consequences
— I forget when I should eat and just avoid it whenever I can/want to because of personal reasons.
— Sometimes I forget to care for my hygiene ((dw I shower everyday when I have the will to stand))
— I put myself down faster than you can blink or I keep calling people names ((none offensive, think like... idk, tree or smth.)) to hype myself up
— I really.. and I mean really.. have a lot of family oriented trauma and if I could I would genuinely make a robotic family of how my family was before to me.
— that's not it but it gets more personal as I go on so erm
— #1
2. Malleus Draconia
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❝ You aren't afraid of me. But I'm starting to become afraid...of losing you. ❜❜
— Now. Hear me out. #2
— For some reason, when I would ask my friends of what they first thought of me it was always "I was intimidated" or something of the sort and I would genuinely get so confused while looking like this.
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— I don't get invited much to anything or get asked if I wanna join something a lot but theres this one person who makes sure to ask me if I wanna play games or watch videos together a lot like Malleus and Yuu ((PLATONIC YUU FOR ME DAWG. I SEE HER AS MY MOTHER.))
— I get isolated a lot in my family and if I wanna be around people I gotta do it myself (which is hard) and sit there but still be overlooked
— I'm not as in touch with my emotions as I make myself out to be, I'm very much out of them and I'm only really acting as to how I think people would want me to
— I don't understand human customs hel. Like I genuinely get so confused and be in awe when I see things others see like everyday
— I have big issues with abandonment and death when it comes to close friends (I'm talking like 4 year friendship and stuff.) or family I've grown attached to (my cousin), I'd genuinely do anything if it meant they'd stay with me ((vague spoilers lol!?))
— I take what my friends say very seriously if they aren't indicating that they're joking no matter what I sound like. That being said I make jokes unintentionally sometimes when im not even meaning to be funny
3. Riddle Rosehearts
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❝ How was that? Do you understand the full extent of my capabilites now? ❜❜
— You don't have to hear me out on this one I'm a little shocked too.
— When I was younger I used to be wayyy too bossy and rude and if anyone even apposed me I would get angry and metaphorical go "off with your head"
— The only reason I woupd be so bossy and rude was because of my family and how they'd bend to my every will and encourage my behavior to others because i was a "golden child"
— especially my mom. She would see my bossy self and go "thats my mini me", looks and her personality
— As I grew older that bossy nature lessened of course but there are times i get angry when others dont have the same thought process like me and don't do something correctly in my eyes
— The only reason I don't let that bossy nature slip by is because of the fact I became my own ace and punched and told myself that I'm not the addition of my mother and I'm not the queen of the world
— of course I'll still follow rules but if they're like... unnecessary I'm not following them at all. Especially if its smth like "u MUST tie ur shoes five times" suck my D-'EYE'-C-K fr. 🐈
— I still have anger issues but I try and not let it slip past either. There was a time I got so angry that I was shaking and I had to be held back from attacking someone ((metaphorical "off with your head"))
4. Rook Hunt
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❝ Non... Speak not. At this point, I can hear your inner voice just by gazing into your eyes. ❜❜
— I'm not as shocked by this
— For the other three it's more personal but for rook its in all caps PERSONAL. I see beauty in literally all things even if it truly is the most ugliest thing in space
— I can watch people from afar without getting caught exactly but enough for someone to get restless if I want them to be
— There are times I find information of someone on accident and I will be going deep into it. Like deep into it and then I'll forget it because it's not anything needed at that moment
— People either feel safe talking to me or unsafe and I cannot explain why bc even I dont know.
— I would wear outdoor boots for/with everything if I could and ik it would make people scream in horror.
— talking about horror i would watch detailed horror movies just to say how beautiful it can be and the symbolisms.. etc.
— I can also read characters kinda well??!?! and write them sorta well???!?? idk how to explain it but give me enough time with watching a character and I'll tell you exactly why I think they act the way they do or think the way they do or feel the way they do or how they would react to xyz, etc.
— even when I or my friends dont like someone I don't just base my reaction on that ((like I'm not a fan of neige or vil but if you told me to choose between the two I could not. both of their characters are good and if you wish I can even try to explain how.))
— I had a phase where I would speak in one language for a while ((spanish)) but i forgot what I used to say however half the time it was always me sayinf "i love you" to others i loved
— I called someone my butterfly once i think???? Cant remember who
5. Azul Ashengrotto
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❝ What do you think? I have remarkable potential, don't I? ❜❜
— I used to get bullied for a lot of things, my weight, my hair, my skin, my clothes, how i act, my glasses, my grades, how my moods would change drastically, my gender, etc
— So even when I was younger than I am now, I would see if others needed me to do something so I could gain favors or just get blackmail to raise over their heads for them to do smth for ME
— I was a people pleaser and a people eater no in-between.
— Unlike azul I didn't have a floyd or jade with me and it was just me myself and I
— LIKE azul I got a lot of people indebted to me lol.
— I would change myself and how I acted with people irl and on the internet to get literally every favor i could. I would know everything abt someone and they would feel like they HAD to help me with smth bc of that or bc i would show my more pathetic side
— I got so insecure of myself that I would try to take down any pictures i had of myself so that I could be "free" of the embarrassment.
— my family wouldn't help
— unlike azul I would do a lot of things to ensure i was skinny and cute and nice to others perspectives that I'd starve myself... so um.... yeahh.......
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terminalisms · 10 months
caved so quick to the 2nd muse impulse o mein gott......throwing sejoon into the mix with another minimal stats page + round two of rambly character intros 😵‍💫 if u are interested in plotting just like this post or add me on discord!! (tip.toph) 🥰
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tw! mentions of terminal illness, death of a parent
only son to 2 anomalies. plain jane working class background
in a past life, dad is still a top tier hardboiled detective who doesn't gotta think about the fact he has a wife and kid at home
in this one, mom is inconveniently out of the picture for......... [vague gestures] reasons and he has to hunker down into single father life fast. ends up opening a restaurant in order to be able to provide
but in spite of all of this his childhood isn't so bad! he and his dad are close despite obvious stark differences in personality, which can be summed up as naive softie vs cynical hardass. even if sejoon's too trusting ways has dad up at night wondering how the hell is this kid gonna survive on his own
also dad: [does the absolute most to keep him shielded and sheltered cause he's Seen Things and as a parent's bare minimum that means letting a kid being a kid. which means shoving things deep under a rug and the default response to any inkling of curiosity being "Don't worry about it"]
until sejoon's anomaly kicks in at 12-13 by making a patron's chair float on accident and his dad's like k. better late than never......
its a little (ok a lot) hard to coach sejoon through controlling his abilities considering dad's own anomaly is not anything remotely close to moving things w his mind (its memory manipulation btw for some hwang fam #trivia) and sejoon is like ): but this is so cool why shouldnt i wanna show it off......
their deeply anti-anomaly district with equally staunchly anti-anomaly neighbors, friends, politicians being a VERY good reason not to: (:
dad: wear this patch thingie. dont ask why just do what i say
(thank god for nullivi huh like seriously)
doesnt stop the bubble bursting with when people realize ur not "human" they treat u different but ykw.........the sun is still shining and the world is much much bigger than their humble slice of daegu for EVERYONE to be that way
sua's open for admissions just around the time sejoon's thinking about higher ed AND broadening his horizons. gets in on arts scholarship and off he goes
baby bird leaving the nest turns fish out of the water. college and seoul are a bit of an adjustment but exciting all the same. and he does thrive! gets involved in the sporting rallies, really developing his artistic vision, has a social life, and gets to be his #true self among fellow anomalies the whole enchilada
things only really go downhill in the last 6 months of his undergrad with 2 wrecking balls: a devastating breakup and (TW: ILLNESS, DEATH) his dad being diagnosed by stage iv lung cancer
its right after graduation that sejoon immediately falls off the face of the earth for 3 years to be his father's sole caretaker until his death (END OF TW) no one i mean no one knows what he was doing or where he is
but hes back now to do his mfa!! let the bella loca where the hell have u been-isms begin
vibe wise hes bright, social, easy to talk to but can also be kind of spacey eccentric and the ultimate pacifist. the type that makes u feel like u guys are sooo close but then when u reflect ur like actually idk if i really know much about him at all (which!! is not totally intentional he just makes for a better listener and is great at making conversation about what YOU have to say). these days that same can do energy is there but it doesnt feel the same if u look too close but its fine!!! everything is fine
plots that are marginally better than the first time around but not by much:
friends who were blindsided by him going mia without warning
friends who are gracious enough (or equally ??????? avoidant? weird even) to pick up where they left off like nothing happened in the first place
people who dont even know who he is so like none of the above for his sob story doesnt even really matter
this is really really limited to one (1) person but somebody who managed to run into him in the three years that he was laying low
will require extensive plotting but the ex......not necessarily endgame but i am in the mood for some bittersweet woulda shoulda coulda's, angst and answering the penultimate question of: why did we break up?
former teammates? i imagine he was part of house samjoko during undergrad
ur a stranger feeling nosy and ur ultimate mission is figuring out where hes been. he lets u speculate
u need someone to do ur graphics. can be contractual pro bono whatevah.......
im running out of steam here but i am open to it all please hmu
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garbobezo · 1 year
I still struggle because I don't want to make you feel unwanted. I don't want to make you feel how you made me feel. I'm that empathetic, but I'm starting to learn to accept the endings in my life.
There's no reason for us to stay in contact. You were never my friend. I loved you. I saw something in you that now I just don't see. Perhaps I've awakened to the truth of who you really are. And a part of me is sorry because I swore I'd love you regardless. I swore that you could take off the mask and that I'd still love you.
But not only is that not the case. I created a monster, and now I'm scared of you. Or perhaps the betrayal was so deep that I just can't look at you the same. You still know the address of my heart. You still pass by it on your way to work. You know the number to my soul, and you call late at night. I'm afraid to say no because I know what it feels like to have your dreams crushed.
But I'm not your dream, am I. I don't know what I am to you, but I know I'm not your person. You love being loved. And I loved the way I loved you, I swear I fell in love with my own obsession. With my with love. And that's okay because now I know my place and it's far, far away. I don't even think "one day you'll wake up and realize" anymore because that's still hoping that you'll see me.
I'm no longer trying to sell myself a dream, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't either.
I see you for what u are, incapable of seeing me. You're not the one for me because the one would have chosen me in a heartbeat. And honestly, that's okay. You don't need to be the one. I apologize for over extending my place and your role in your and my life.
I accept that now completely and openly with all my heart. Because it's clear to me now that I made you up in my head. I don't know why I chose you of all people to fantasize, but I did. And now the party is over. Now it's time to go home. You made your choice the door closed. You're stuck. There's no way out now.
Everything is already said and done, and no matter how hard I tried, it's not the same as it was.
I'm sorry. You made your choice and now you gotta live with it.
If I'm being completely honest, it is not even a matter of being engaged or having a girlfriend.
If you ended things tomorrow, that would change nothing because I can't trust you or a word you say. Your word means nothing. Your actions hold no value. I dont know who you are.
You've tainted your character/image, and I can't fix it. I can't unsee it. When we make love, now it feels like im fucking a stanger. You wore the mask for so long that it became you. And now even the slightest effort to make emends or be truthful means nothing to me. Because you're not true. You're not authentic. You're not raw.
I'm a good person with good morals, and you even brought me down to your level. But at the time, I didn't care. I was doing it all in the name of love. But where is the love? There's no love here. There's a whole lot of manipulation but not love.
I hate that I still have a soft spot in my heart for you because it's that soft spot that's writing this explanation to you. Because I don't want to leave you without closure. I don't want to leave you without an explanation. I don't want to do you how you did me. I don't want to front and pretend I have feelings for you to spare your feelings. I'd much rather be real and give you the common courtesy to tell you the truth which you never gave me. Which is we missed our time. Maybe in another life. You're none of my concern anymore. I wish you all the best.
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flowers-that-sing · 2 years
ok i said id do it so im doing it
i have Thoughts on nancy wheeler. and how she approaches relationships. 
because nancy needs love, everyone does, and she deserves to be loved, and her attachment to family, to friends, to lovers, always tends to be rocky
i think if we’re gonna get into this we gotta start with family. her parents dont really love each other, and there is no trust between them or real loyalty (and her mom was literally about to hook up with an actual high schooler which i’m not gonna get into rn bc thats not what this is about but Yikes)
 her dad is absent, he doesnt support any of his kids, only makes it appear so on the outside. at some point i think karen wheeler might have been closer to her children, nancy more than mike, and nancy has always strove(strived??? striven?????) to gain her mother’s approval and care (as she grows up, this becomes less important to her, as does her relationship with her mother as she realizes she really doesn’t get her and doesn’t care to). her family has never been close, theyve never talked much about feelings, everything is repressed, and everything is for show. their clothing choices, the curfew (because if it was a safety issue i feel like maybe just maybe karen and ted might care a little more or do a little more but they just dont seem to give a shit and the curfew they have/had set is really just to make it look like they do), how they invite people over to their home, etc, it’s all for show. 
and nancy sees display, and proximity, as what is important--with steve, with jonathan, yes, but not just with romantic interests. in season 4 when she gets closer to robin, robin is there and nancy starts to attach to her. steve is there and nancy starts to attach to him again. even eddie to a degree. but now that she and jonathan are so far away, they’re falling apart, even though when they’re together in person it looks like they’re really in love. it’s the proximity and the display that makes her feel more secure because that’s what’s normal for her. 
and nancy wants to protect people she cares about. she does. and she tries to. but it’s not just protecting people, not the same way steve would fight tooth and nail to protect everyone or the way joyce would someone out of a prison, for nancy, it’s about logic and control. she needs to have things under control--part of why she has so many guns. part of why shes so detailed in making plans. part of why she is a lot better at not letting emotion cloud her judgement (even when the issue might require more emotional thought than logical). 
and oh boy i am SOOO off topic arent i
nancy favors control over security. when shes far away from someone the relationship matters less--it’s clear with jonathan but not just with him, you can even see it with how she interacts with her brother. she hardly really even sees him and when they were around each other she did say “hey you should talk to me” but after that they continued to not be around each other and she didn’t try to change that, instead focusing on the people in front of her. 
nancy is a really powerful, intelligent, totally fuckin badass character. and like all the other characters in this show her relationships and attachment styles are influenced by trauma and by societal standards and her family and childhood. she’s beginning to learn different but it’s new to her. and what i think nancy needs is time out of a romantic relationship, with anyone, to learn about security and attachment and love even when you dont see someone and care and sometimes not having control in relationships and i want her to grow into herself and grow into her friends/chosen family without the pressure of conforming to what romance “is supposed to look like”
i dunno if this really made sense i kinda just rambled a lot but i hope at least some of my points got across ok! if u have any thoughts pls lmk id love to hear them :)
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maurenislife · 21 days
i hate tiktokers and mf lifestyle youtubers
now before i say anything im not hating
im not even really hating on what you think cause i dont wanna be or have a desire to be known for anything cause thats not even my mode or my goal in life and i dont idolize anything cause im not a sad 16 year old who yearns for a image that i liked and bookmarked on the internet ANYWHO ...
everybody thinks your a instant hater cause ur just jealous...... umm newsflash u fucking junkie whore, whats not meant for me isnt mine to have and whats not done for me i can do myself it takes nothing to get a few coins and prance around in a marble counter cosplay
Moving foward this whole brigade of wannabe lifestyle whores
they all immolating and channeling which i think is quite impressive down to the candance and lingo etc. its impressive :) all the copy and pasting they do is quite impressive to see, and ill sit with a popcorn bucket and vape to laugh at it all cause its a waste of time.
a long time ago i stopped being jealous of certain lifestyles and things cause once u can attain them or find a way, or figure out how the sausage is made its not that hard and that isnt impressive or even likeable in any sense
people are immulating at a high frequency and the universe can sense imposters and non believers who do not live in. their truth and go cower in fear and just simply conform one thing they will never know if nobody can smell it the universe can sense it even if nobody can see, universe sees, it feels, it calls out, it grasps you
Everybody wants to potray and cosplay a shitty portray aina but what u dont know is lets say even if u make it big, get the sponsorships, the trips reap the benefits of u raping your own life with cameras and tripods what is it all for? fuck money, fuck the gift. fuck the family feeding for just 45 seconds what are you gaining in spirit?
like what in your femmine spirit and the many who have died along the way for you to get here are you proud the answer might still be yes just to stick it to me or it might be genuinely yes cause you in turn think you are very much a success i mean thats what you have been showed and by scoreboard standards band 4 band u beat a bitch >
you didn't though lame you didn't, the inner work didn't completed and i honestly dont give a fuck if a bitch got a isn't for me of why i dont know her and im not in her household,
bitch with your content I AM IN YOUR HOUSE, I AM IN UR BRAIN, your constantly gagging up information every-time u take a bite into a stupid food u bought cause of your audience and everytime u gag up information when you say spend the day with me
we see inside your frame even if its all a act what does that inherently say about you???
You give us yourself and think we got no right to comment
okay enough of jealous prefacing and putting the condom on for yall
These women grew up being ridiculed or extremely loved theres no inbetween because both have the ultimate libido and desire to be seen and heard and viewed in a certain light to get illicit reactions out of other people... its odd ngl
i look at my tiktoks and its all been jokes i crack on me or stuff me and my friends did drunk and just goofing im not saying everybody gotta take that route i do appreciate lifestyle influncers who serve the purpose of showing us the viewer and cost breakdown of spas or vacations or maybe even a resturaunt or things i might wanna go do
like who am i to get mad at them for the sake of curiosity and further knowlege on a place i intend to visit i never been like dope case closed type shit
But if you a wannabe ..........................................................
its a waste of time and energy and your soul and we see it bleeding out for a "look at me mommy" like its sad.....
you can tell the want the mommy to compliment their outfit and the sister to ask where did you learn to do your makeup? and the auntie to ask where can i get that slice of pizza
they want the overall appeal of who is gonna ask me
who is gonna notice me and with each clip you see apart of them kinda just yelling out to the universe not only notice me but award me for being noticed and nobody is gonna do that not even 1 million viewers can set you free,
you know the one philposhy thingy of the barnyard picture and like idk ill have to look this up but basically to break it down simply
theres a pic of a farmhouse and soon it gains popularity every mf wants to go and soon its like a disney w a giftshop its copied and copied till it loses its meaning idk look that shit up its a real philosphy and its deeper than what im saying but i ont got time for allat yo
bitches copy till they mf face turn blue and they want it to have the same effect the 1st one did
but the reality remains your immulation ends there
your cleaning the same marble counter like everybody else
taking the same pic on that goddamn boat like everbody else
wearing the same oufit bookmarked and tagged on pintrest like everybody else
its a waste..... why do we need 567,000 copies of the same bitch doing the same shit its lost its meaning besides "you did it"
like ................... no
and i dont wanna be different either and throw my hand in and see who can do it better cause why its so dumb
live ur life like ??? u gone spend ur 20s and 30s chasing after whats not yours ............... no thx
0 notes
leopoldainter · 5 months
BeWain ofTittIketnifeOATs
He dropped one roll of rolls Carla go home
Yeah he walked from face to case not passage
I am wall.
Like the tital
Hey budy
Thinking oos fur26 to Nissan egs gotta remember eggs so important she practically indestructible I drove over in tune to see o mmm wat are may be I wait a maybe we should wait and see who we auto safety center heads bobbin
We're upon dataTabashful. Erp plex flashing. Baby potty
Putalatotem upbehind Andbnows skyd eleminte
Like a librarian
Dude, try ure unicor s yeh some plp still talent.
She goes m.m I'm writing q resem in here or there
You come off it
You'll probably be busy with not bedroom um kids...
Anakin A beachwll oihyhyhy grace be damned I'll say, I'd they had bibles back then then ways this, a broke toe
I was three miles arch there weren't shoes you had to back flip.
I like the shirt she has, on
What, it's clothes
Scamerella and some topiary the shader effect ca.e in nicely he is not a cartoon character
Yes he is
But you pay him
Where sit go
He made it sound differently like maybe we missed a fence or Bedard but what does Carthage. Mean to us. Really
We ate not close
That'd tdfdtgvun
What now. I heard them try this before offer it guilts and tell them just how mich u cost to hug' hold and deyle say o I like that titanic
Crocodile tears
One neat ah s just bizarre on the other hand dlike she's rules your JUST Pershing square, did that hurt anyone else no
Because mi onion fresh brown soup mix is making waves at tims again we follow ours youp schedule until theys like why way them back out at all
That's how you get minimum wage dishes washed with just. Ykno
And with Kate snl scary cute nag blond not that cute oh what she goons so here's a stand I see jub jub maybe the one thing I wanted was the housr hippo. Until you get it and you say how's hippo and den eerder like what you can not put theater nettoyerzHuh just that hersoveen. Bunmhk
She banked her head see. Like onthe the simpsons I get paid either way, so aig I don't pour the burnt champagne, no, out og meshtell her hairs no ubg
Well how bout we do listen to four seasons of Melon and honored do.
I bet she
No she's like some kind on Anastasia gaga, all day one eye open one eye cmon Kim cmon Kim take her dog Ahh trooper
I know they're rich but did those people have to do all that stuff beside rhme
That's Rick
Oh naows oroblem
Tumblr media
But the look on her face said I need a friendtttkm.
Win enough
They'll let you play it
They're so entitled re.embet when all liz wanted to tell Tracy was that ahhh never mind
And then one time it's schits mreeom meets the flashlight tree twig hush
Ok ....
Si k stran woah
Yeah that is the wheel of time
Now it's not my jokepeabody you've never seen an italian up close
It's not a dress
And your. Friend s cousin ir whatever.
I see you anglo"commieMadface
Forget I ha
Lave A have nek pimple turtleneck black beret I'm training for a play skit
By the them to show Darla la labytterfree.
He traded it on the Ss an.
Payday.meaothTried he's just a cartoon Glas water dontchard but to pure,
Antenna da d
ColdVoid Of Bars Just so you'll know now foe aorta sure tdydns
Yep cut in half
Halloween stuff
Yup rain e
Uh uh whole nine yards you got what poket rocks phone timer.
Stop him he's going to kill himself
How do I tell him I'm a cartoon
A doy just say that Mr nimbus had prickly such forwarders but have you seen the kfcs by now its basically available door tdoor
Shake and bake I'm not Mexican that's bender
Dad you always know to keep mom a float
I think that might be a
Lupperfedt trust city of lighta
Also cool so you kno I dont know when it comes to girl stufg
Also others marbles porcelain when you've seen all, then it's like reack
A baby tank
Ok not elephant
Go leave monopoly howses on a floor a lutside
Some of tastyicrea
May be to
Annie hey! We're seeing people with red haris
.. not totally sutr its like anadfitfss plug, people tried working things show up later promise, the Chinese suites of theidylic Italy didn't come from fog
Kraid and Ridley
CorEscent a gluevr
Beguiling ain't it
It's fine
Do rhegatsi dehspider Dan e, I swear I don't Eben di rocks and stone A fourth . Of course of course why have oars unpaddle a wall, you don't. Maybe it's a gentle trout
And budget soup must mean hamburges sloce em an deicem it's a lot at shoping
Get it
Storage supplies the pop mobi
Weanie p
To didReborndeDragon Wheels a pair a dime
It's all plain
Trees not clued you in too?
Hey up here
Stay not on fire somewhere else's jerk
O no. O
I meant I dind ukno k o
That you felt
A that
It's just
A film
Of my dgrccdh. Cheek Sam e
Eventually they call oprah she stops gives olit a thought..
You know sometimes enough enough and I just need some sleep.
A few years from now so help me God if she has lipstkk flyrd sky hokey invasion deAmedixa they nuked themesekfe a lor
Got time matching to di si Ussr you can to afford yet
Who cares
Hoes just avoid the bouinite
You knew
Wht I thought it was game
Where's ou
O most lyke
Most lyke
Is rught
Devastate and sit stay coffee she's fine he's dead she's angela basset another creature entire were just all hanging on to moral hallway of circuit closest the fiat He put kn the wall.
He asked for meny
You had ti Kill to get wall paper like this back then
I .donr donr
Ira early fail to satiety a cloushen muffk. It's gotta all Abe from eye don't know my pupil
Areyua we re ally membery
She has toncil
Yeah k
Just kidding snl that's the point
A false toc
Thw hot laws
Dumbledudud wah
Yeah can yku please
He's like I thought I'd go to jail like three chapters overall lik don't use the thew I'm foub rib now
It's mok dude are Dunhill...
K let's try the bulb
Ok the bulbs bulbs
Tyler Domenic Altieri
And a ministry
In dedication to decimating Celine Dion Isle, God man she earned it.
I don't ono
To who would
You ha ha guest August sistd8dedzis trump also not bad which is the good you want most or possibly risk pissing. Of t deside it's norms moms indoor pool
We have washrooms
What do you do
Whkllol it's yoda
I al ways win summer. Toda
And burp
0 notes
actualbird · 3 years
when and how each of the nxx team first drank alcohol
written by somebody who hates the taste of basically all alcohol except soju mixes
wc: 1.2k
luke pearce and mc: teenage shenanigans
when theyre both 16 years old and luke is but a month away from moving out to study at Central University, luke sneakily buys like 2 six packs of beer. how did he buy that when hes a minor? well, everywhere on the planet has at least one convenience store that honestly couldnt give a fuck about whos buying what. cashier probably looked at luke pearce, a very nervous gangle of a teenager, and decided not to call him out lest he spontaneously combust
so hes got beer!!! and when mc's parents are out of town for a weekend, he suggests they drink for like, cool kid creds. or maybe so that both of them know what "type" of drunk they are in the safety of home with a trusted friend. or maybe mc finds the beers and is like "luuuuuke, whats---" and luke immediately bursts into apologies he just wanted to see if he could get some so that they could have a cool fun drinking night!!!
whatever the reason, mc agrees and thus they both get sloshed.
both of them discover that theyve got a pretty regular alcohol tolerance. the main issue is that mc IMMEDIATELY verbalizes that "wow this tastes like SHIT!" and luke whos still trying to play it cool says "not really!" when in fact he also thinks it tastes like SHIT.
still, they both truck on and equally finish the beer which normally wouldnt be enough to knock a person out unless theyve got a low tolerance, but mc and luke are teenagers who did not know about Pacing or Getting Some Snacks Into Ur System While Drinking So That The Alcohol Isn't Just Having A Party With Ur Stomach Acids. so the night ends with both of them hurling into the toilet
theyre clingy tho, they dont wanna leave each other, so they like, take turns in the same toilet.
really forges a friendship like no other
vyn richter: well now he can't drink THAT exact flavor...
hes been tasting wine since 12 years old because that was the same age i hc he got into wine making because [vyn backstory/cn server spoiler] i assume thats some kind of requirement in royal lineage lessons??? i (jokingly) imagine vyn's childhood to be like the movie Princess Diaries but instead of being fun, it just Sucks Most Of The Time, but yes theres just a vague mixed bag of bougie lessons going on in his younger days like in princess diaries and one of em is winemaking
and also winetasting because thanks to new info i learned from my gf and also frantic googling; theres so much complexity and layers in wine flavors much akin to how perfumes and colognes have a core scent and then undertones.
(sidenote: vyn and marius talking about wine be like
vyn: this is a favorite of mine in particular; dry but with dessert wine undertones and just a hint of---
marius: it tastes like grapes
vyn: shut up, that is not what it---
marius: it tastes like some OLD ASS GRAPES
vyn: //stopping himself from bashing the wine bottle over marius' head.)
vyn, a lover of knowing stuff other people dont know, quite enjoys the study of winemaking and tasting even if he does find it disgusting that when hes gotta taste several wines in one go, he has to spit it out so he doesnt get drunk at the class (REAL THING THAT HAPPENS IN WINETASTING CLASSES, AMAZING). like, gross, he thinks! but he'd also not rather be a drunk tween stumbling thru the estate, he gets it.
the issue arises when his dad who is also rlly into wines tries to make a casket along with vyn as a bonding activity. vyn is NOT interested cuz wow, u decided to pay attention to me only now and only when it's something you also enjoy? he MUST roll his eyes. but still, against his wishes, vyn looks forward to it. they both try to recreate this one great vintage from years ago that they both like, they slap it into the casket to age, and theyll get back to it after like 10 years
and then they never do! cuz vyn leaves! and now in the present when ANY wine gets close to the flavor that that wine was trying to recreate, it always just leaves a bad taste in his mouth...
marius von hagen: ok just a small taste----
i dont know why---maybe it's me projecting my questionable but hilarious family happenings onto the von hagens---but austin (dad von hagen) seems like the type to see marius, like 8yrs or something, curiously staring at the glass of whiskey on his desk and hes like "would you like a taste? it's quite strong though, i must warn you." and marius is like WELL IM STRONG TOO and takes a sip
for many years, even when studying abroad in italy where theres SO MUCH WINE AROUND, whenever hes offered alcohol hes like
Tumblr media
marius does get into moderate drinking (mostly for PAX business and like, social functions etiquette and whatnot) when he returns to stellis though, and as long as it isnt whiskey, hes fine with drinking whatever alcohol
just not whiskey. he has flashbacks of the sheer BLEGH
artem wing: preps for the worst (and he is the worst)
he has his first drink when hes 21 years old. technically, drinking age in Stellis is 18 but artem was REALLY NERVOUS so he made sure to wait for the age where itd be legal anywhere in the world
and he makes it a whole Event of sorts, it's an Ordeal, it's a Serious Undertaking and please, neil, celestine, stop laughing, hes TRYIING TO EXPLAIN!!!
cuz he calls neil and celestine and tells them he needs their help on a certain day and this will all take place in his apartment and whatever happens cannot leave that premises or be told to anybody else.
neil and celestine are stupidly worried cuz he gives no further details until the day itself when artem finally explains whats actually going on
artem: in the future of my career, i can foresee that social functions involving alcohol may happen, so i need to be prepared for it but also ive never had alcohol before. if i get drunk to the point i can no longer remember things, promise you'll take note of my behavior please so i can study it later
but yeah neil and celestine think hes overthinking this but then he starts drinking and theyre immediately glad he did call them cuz
one drink and hes gone
and they both have to wrangle him
and take notes bc they DID PROMISE
artem, sliding off of his narrow minimalist couch as he cry-rambles his insecurities: i feel like theres a small child in my mind thats also me and everyday he screams "unloveable! unloveable!"
celestine, taking a seat on the floor and giving artem a sidehug once he finally falls off of the sliver of a couch: there, there, buddy, youre plenty loveable
celestine: //whispering to neil? how many drinks did he have?
neil, in a tone that betrays how weirdly impressed he is: One.
193 notes · View notes
spotsupstuff · 3 years
another appeal of inkypages is having it be a proper slowburn cuz hear me out
Six is a scum. he hurt Qi Xiaotian and the entire party in shadow play. and Tang is shown to have been concious of what he was forced to be doing to his adoptive son (whether the others were conscious too or not is up for a debate). and, from what ive seen here and there, people kinda rush the whole “the scholar now trusts the shadow 100% and is ready to open his arms wide for the other” which just seems. unfair to Tang as a character. Tang has a strong sense of loyality, hes logical and fucking damnit he loves Xiaotian so fucking much. hes aware that he is no superhuman n so hes cautious around things. for him to accept Six Ear to such length, there has to be a journey explaining the betterment of him
and its so important in my eyes for them to first be just friends outside of the mission after The Weapon and outside of all the stress factors and without being forced to share the same living space. a lot of the relationship progress that happens on the airship is somewhat “minimalized” by the fact that they literally have No Other Choice but stand each other. its okay if something begins there, but for Good Proper Development they should have the choice as characters to do what they want, have a room to make any choices, otherwise it feels like takin two dolls n goin “now kiss!!” (which is fine to do sometimes, dont get me wrong, we gotta get serotonin Somehow, but if u want depth in a ship it, i think, should have something more to it than that)
its mainly the reason why anything inkypages-like happens in fruit twins au so late. theres the entire psychological journey that Six Ear begins on the ship and then theres that month n smth where he Actively by himself sticks around and continues to put effort into his own moral, psychological and emotional development. this month full of work is why Tang gets so surprised by Six not seeing them at least as friends in my fics. the whole WBS mission wouldnt have resulted in that
cuz of multiple reasons, Six didnt really wanna dub any relationship a “friendship” by himself so it was important Tang would initiate the actual evolution of any close relationship by extending his hand with a patient smile and the explanation of Why hes doing this (the whole “I think I like the someone you are becoming.” sentence). next steps have to be taken by both of them so the connection between them would be a healthy one. and That has to take into account Six Ears state as a person
i like to think that... Six is the one who comes forward with the confession of something greater. itd be something quiet, like he sits next to Tang late in the evening, looking over the sea as they are hanging out at Sha Dalis place and says a silent “Im sorry”. because hes gotten better about genuine apologizing- isnt that wonderful? and because the apology doesnt make much concrete sense by itself, he adds “I might have fallen in love with you. If Im understanding myself right.” and i want them to talk about it in detail. nothing gets brushed off. this is about acknowledging everything involved so the consent and agreement can be as clear as tarn ice, because bad communication is starting to be a boring trope to constantly prod
and isnt it just so satisfying to have them hug, so close to each other that their silhouettes basically look like of only one person, and then it dawns on Six that this is all Him. this is possible thanks to him Trying and being Better and being Here and Active where it matters... usually when someone points the sentence “these are consequences of your and Only your actions” its Not Good but hes gotten so far and now the sentence leaves him breathless out of the sheer pride in himself and hes smiling and pulling the human somehow even closer
the OTHER appeal of inkypages is that the moment Tang becomes more certain around Six he WILL throw a chancla RIGHT into his face n that bastard will Not Know what the FUCK just happened at all. it just will not compute in that walnut brain of his n i think that is beautiful
92 notes · View notes
hamphobicbasil · 3 years
Could u elaborate about the dsmp story being bad? Not a rabid/brain dead fan, just genuinely curious and I enjoy reading people's rants lolol
oh you dont know the floodgates you just opened
a few things:
1. despite not liking the creators of the dsmp anymore, I don't actually hate most of them. [the ones that are particularly unsavory fall outside of this of course] so all that I'm saying i truly mean in a critical sense towards the story, its also just all purely my opinion as someone who enjoys fictional and fantasy stories and who like criticizing works to see what it does well and what it doesn't do well
2. for clarification I'm going to use the c![name] to indicate when I'm talking about the characters. Don't get me wrong, I think its annoying too but its the only way I'm gonna be able to write this thing without getting something across the wrong way yknow?
3. I stopped watching the streams after November 16th, [save for one Techno one but I closed out after a particularly bad story beat lol] and so all information coming afterward is all second hand from either me seeing people on twt talk abt it or people dming me. All i really know is up to dream's imprisonment and some stuff past that.
4. This is mostly aimed towards the "main" story, so stuff abt the badlands, eggpire, and whatnot are briefly mentioned.
anyways uh, i'll try to be brief but also include enough information to get why i feel the way i do on some stuff across
A. Performances Alright obviously these people are all streamers, so obviously they might not be the best actors, and hell no one is even asking that of them. However, when you're telling a story that's based on the audio with the visuals kinda coming to a second, it's gotta be pretty strong. I will say, some of the best actors in my opinion are Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. I would include Ranboo but I never watched any of his story bits or story streams so I can't say much. Wilbur and Tommy are excellent in selling their character's emotions and feelings, when I watch the stream I don't feel like I'm watching an rp but an actual thought-out story yknow? And one of my favorite Tubbo examples was in the Hog Hunt video whenever Techno attacked him, he sounded genuinely afraid and I believed everything his character was feeling.
However, unfortunately, not everyone is gonna be that good. And I'm gonna say it; Dream and Techno have to be the worst out of the entire cast. I understand Techno's whole character is this monotoned badass, however, when really emotional moments hit I feel like he never lets that fall, and a lot of intense moments just ring hollow. And I'm sorry but Dream's attempts at being intimidating leave me laughing whenever I watch them. It feels like he watched that one scene from The Marriage with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johannson and said "Oh this is what good acting looks like! Just yelling." His whole "I don't give a FUCK about Spirit!" speech isn't as great as people keep making it out to be. And whenever he tries to act coy when being a villain it feels like a guy reading the script for the first time, a bit like he's trying too hard. I have more problems with his character but his portrayal certainly doesn't help.
Everyone else is fine, and I don't feel strongly either way about a lot of them.
B. The "Lore" Okay first off, I can't be the only one who thinks it's silly that people are calling the dsmp's story "lore" when it's not, it's the fucking story. Lore indicates backstory to either the world or the characters, which a lot of the streams don't really pertain to. This is a really petty section but god it's a weird pet peeve of mine.
Other than the misusage of "lore" vs "story", the actual lore and world-building of the world are so lackluster that new elements can be introduced whenever and it often feels cluttered or not well thought out at all. And here's the thing, I feel like if the writers sat down just for a few minutes to establish world rules and general history, a lot of this could be solved! but so much is made up on the spot that it starts to feel like they're grabbing at straws to keep people invested, trying to reach that next high and intense story beat without actually earning it.
C. The Egg / Eggpire This is a pretty minor note since I was only invested in the Egg storyline for a little bit, but god it's so underused that it's almost embarrassing. Bad has provided this super interesting antagonistic force that's infecting the SMP, can control people, and who one of our main character is immune to, and it's just never used or even talked about again? Now I understand if he wanted to keep it to a side storyline only, however, to introduce this borderline eldritch creature and force within the world and then never have it dealt with is so weird.
D. The Writing Oh boy this is. kinda a big one. Now I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty obvious I have a bias for the Wilbur writing over the current team [that consisting of Dream, Quackity, and Tommy mostly]. I don't this his writing is perfect by any means, the characters constantly bringing up traitors got obnoxious after a while, and writing Hamilton but in Minecraft really isn't the modern Shakespeare or anything. However, I think his exploration of characters and plot progression was a lot more thought out and well planned, like he actually had two brain cells behind the story yknow? The current team I think fails to be as emotional or even impactful, things happened too fast and my god was everything drowned in angst for so long.
Don't get me wrong, you gotta have your characters face hardships to make them reach their goal believable, but some of the shit they put the characters through just felt like too much. From c!Tubbo's constant comparison to c!Schlatt [who btw, fucking ordered his death and kept him from his friends in a nation he felt trapped in] and on a side note, i kinda really fucking dislike the "c!Schlatt dad!!" au's or the au's where c!Tubbo inherits some of Schlatt's features, it would be like c!Tommy getting a c!Dream mask after his exile, it's feels so weird yet people eat that shit up for some reason.
But god, did c!Tommy get the brunt of it all and in retrospect after his final death, it kinda feels really fucking gross. Now obviously, I'm not trusting any of these people to write decent mental health representation, but c!Tommy's PTSD and how it was explored was just degrading. [Specifically the scene in that one Techno stream where he saw the final control room from the first war, and had a flashback / panic attack where he started calling out for c!Dream. I understand this is an actual thing people with PTSD will experience, but it felt so fucking stereotypical it got on my nerves. I actually had to close out of the stream because it made me feel sick, fiction shouldn't leave you feeling that way.] And don't get me started on how they basically reused the formula from the previous arc. [Problem introduced -> Tensions rise as things start to fall apart -> Big confrontation -> Exile -> Return from Exile -> Blowing up L'Manberg, again.]
And speaking of characters-
E. Character Arcs, or the lack of them In my genuine opinion, some of these characters' arcs are so disappointing. Especially c!Tommy's. I'm not one to believe that he was a "selfish" character or anything, however, his goals were simply set on his discs and maybe c!Tubbo, he didn't have much outside that. However, L'Manberg gave him something to care about, he gave up his discs for it and he fought for it tooth and nail, I think it taught him to open up to others and trust more. It was a great character arc for him to have, seeing him still fight even after his first exile alongside c!Wilbur, to return safely to the nation that he and his found family had built.
But then his second exile happened, and I feel like all of that was undone.
c!Tommy's exile genuinely pisses me off for so many reasons. It's not that characters can't have their low points after reaching a major change or feeling like they've "completed" their arcs or anything, but it's more of the fact that it seems like he's never going to heal that feels like a spit in the face, especially to people who might have had setbacks like that before. Progress isn't linear, sometimes things happen and you get knocked back down, it can take a while to get back up, but I don't think c!Tommy's character is ever going to be allowed to get back up. From c!Dream, who pretty much was a constant abuser in his life, killing him then reviving him, and his still fractured relationship with c!Tubbo, which by the way I have a had time believing they would still be friends after all that happened, it feels like he can never get a win and it's generally kinda a shit way to treat your characters who have been abused. Of course, not all abused characters are going to get happy endings, I'm not trying to dictate that they all should, but c!Tommy deserves one and the fact that it's so obscure feels shitty.
Side note: we still don't have a canon reason to give a shit abt the discs. Like I'm sorry but without some sorta connection to the MacGuffin why should we give a shit about him getting them other than "he wants them lol". Like hell, I would even accept the classic "they were the last gifts from his parents" or something, but we still don't have a reason.
c!Tubbo also lacks a fulfilling arc as well, from someone who started out as a yes man, he has progressed a bit into having his own interests first, but besides that sometimes his character makes me so. depressed. He's easily one of the most pushed around and hated characters within the story, all for being a kid who didn't know what to do and he's in the same vein as c!Tommy; these kids can't get a break. Also, his anti-violence beliefs morphing into the "lets kill c!Techno lol!" bit was so out of place and without proper build-up it was like. what. And now he's building nukes?? god c!Tubbo makes me so sad because he's kicked around constantly and never given a chance to grow.
Another small note, I also don't really enjoy c!Techno at all. Besides the previously stated reasons of lack of emotions when they're really needed, I find his character to be weirdly pretentious. He talks as if he's constantly been betrayed and hurt but I personally, don't see it? Like, I think one of the main examples was the Pogtopia vs. Manberg war, yknow he wanted to end the government but they just reinstated it after they won = c!Techno upset. But this doesn't make sense to me because why did he think otherwise? The entire time c!Tommy had talked about taking back their nation and starting again, so the fact that c!Techno suddenly thought there would be a sudden change is, to put it bluntly, kinda fucking stupid. I don't want to say that he "plays the victim" or anything because that feels a bit harsh, but his character feels so far up his own ass that I can't enjoy him.
I have a major grip with c!Dream as well, but that's getting it's own fucking section.
F. L'Manberg This is a quick note before we get into the, forgive me for this, endgame, of this entire rant, since the next two sections are tied together. But god, L'Manberg makes me upset because it feels like they gave up on it.
Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is supposed to be c!Wilbur's "unfinished symphony", the thing that destroyed a once charismatic and widely loved man, his attempt at power that utterly ruined him. But the fact that it just got blown up in the end after everything and left to rot felt like such a waste of time. From the first war, to Pogtopia, to even c!Tommy's exile, it all felt fucking worthless in the end, and the story is actively closer to how it was when it started now more than ever. I wished it was actually allowed to exist and continue to be a peaceful place in what is a chaotic world, but no it was just snuffed out because why dedicate to this concept of finding others you can band together with and feel safe. fuck that noise apparently?
G. The Villains Now villain-wise, I'm only talking about c!Dream [during the first war], c!Schlatt, and c!Wilbur. And believe it or not, this is actually mostly positive.
Now I'm not gonna lie, c!Dream as a staring antagonist wasn't bad actually, he posed a genuine and threatening opposition to L'Manberg, even if we didn't know his real intentions or motivations as to why he was against it. He's lucky in this sense because he didn't have to be good, he had to be passable. If anything, he felt more like an anti-hero than a tyrant or traditional villain, and my god do I wish he kept this theme going forward.
Now quick disclaimer, I don't like JSchlatt as much as the next guy, he's an adult man who should know better than to joke about some sensitive topics and act the way that he does. But the one thing I'll ever give him is that damn, was he a good actor for his character.
Now here's the thing, c!Schlatt wasn't particularly deep at all. He had no real motivations behind his exile of c!Wilbur and c!Tommy other than getting competition out of the way, had no reason to act the way that he did and yknow? that's fine. The reason why he worked was from his performance alone, he was actually intimidating. When he came onto the stream and was doing his typical bad guy stuff, it was actually intense to see what he would do. Whenever he would almost catch c!Tommy back in Manberg, whenever he would begin to pressure c!Tubbo, it put you on the edge of your seat and it felt like everything would change at the drop of a pen. He's a villain to be a villain, and this works out because he's just charismatic and well put together enough to make it interesting, even without the backstory or motives.
c!Wilbur however, is much more tragic, and the best villain of the story. He essentially was the "mentor turned evil" trope and it felt terrible watching him descend into madness, unable to trust barely anyone except for c!Techno and c!Tommy. Hell, in the end I think he still cared about them both, despite losing everything. Sure, he blew up L'Manberg, but there was still a smidge of the old c!Wilbur in there made everything he did feel melancholic. His death at the hands of his father after achieving his final wish was chilling, and something I still think about.
Until yknow, Ghostbur came back way too soon to let people feel his loss as a character within that world. And then he got revived, pretty much-undoing everything that moment meant for his character lol.
And then there's the worst one:
H. Dream. I'm going to be completely honest, c!Dream is one of the main reasons why I dislike the current dsmp stuff so much. Outside of his actions as a person, the way Dream decided to write his character as this overpowered madman of the dsmp really just. destroyed any intrigue that he could've had. Perhaps this is from my growing dislike towards him, manifesting into a bias towards his character, but god I cannot fathom why people try to insist he's interesting when he has as much depth as a fucking puddle.
And here's the thing, I'm not even entirely against c!Dream being a villain, hell I think he would've been great as an anti-hero if anything. Make him sympathetic but not through c!George to get your precious "DNF" points or anything, but show him actually caring about the people within the dsmp, including c!Tommy and c!Tubbo. This would make his rival status with them just a bit more complicated, sure they're enemies, however, he doesn't want to hurt or kill them, and there's still a level of friendship there that keeps them bonded when things get super bad. This could've been super interesting to see, the first villain of the story receiving a sorta redemption arc then descending into madness as he started to fixate on being a god. This is all how I feel personally, but god do I feel like it would've been better than his current character, and hell would've worked with how he was during the Pogtopia arc, before the war that is. I'm not trying to tell Dream how to write his own character, but there are so many other ways he could've done the madman seeking to become god rather then. whatever the hell we got.
Because instead, we got this power-mad asshole who does things... because he can? And that's one of my major issues: he tries to surround his character in mystery to make him "intriguing" but it's kinda like c!Techno, it comes off as pretentious. Not only that, but you cannot keep waving around this mystery of a backstory without ever actually revealing it. I know the story isn't over, but c!Dream is effectively at his lowest point, now would be the time to reveal his backstory. But no just keep it in the dark and keep everyone guessing, that's totally fun and not at all tiring and annoying. (sarcasm, if anyone needs it)
And back to his performance, he doesn't sell this aloof, cynical and strategic warrior that has perfected the blade or some shit, he comes off as some angry guy yelling on reddit. which i don't need to tell you, isn't intimidating. It feels like he's trying to have c!Schlatt's intimidation combined with c!Wilbur's depth, but instead he's like a little brother who's trying to hard to mimic his older brother and is kinda embarrassing himself.
but other then that i dont feel too strongly abt the dsmp lol
but seriously, these are the main complaints I have abt the story tbh, I could probably talk about more but I wont because man. this is probably gonna get me in trouble if any of the hyper-dsmp fans actually read it.
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volleychumps · 4 years
hello! first of all i want to say that your writing is really good and its the only thing that makes me keep going rn 🤡 can i please request yamaguchi, hinata and kenma with a male (i dont know if you do male reader, if you dont it can be female or gn too, however u want 😌) reader that is vv handsome (/beautiful) and always gets confessed by people? thank you sm and stay safe! 🌺
I love that this request singled out our soft boys, I hope you enjoy!
S/O Who Gets Confessed to Often w/ Yamaguchi, Hinata, and Kenma
WordCount: 1336
- honestly baby Tadashi is probably the most insecure out of everyone when it comes to you, meaning he’s constantly wondering why someone like you would choose someone like him
- “How’s my most talented boy doing?” “S-Stop...” 
- “I’m doing great-” “Shut the hell up Kei.” 
-literally knows how absolutely drop-dead goregous you are, but secretly feels the insecurity increase sharply whenever someone new seems to confess to you almost weekly
- “Y/N! Please date me!....what? You have a boyfriend? Since when?
- feels like you could do even better than him, and seems to distance himself with every new person that approaches you
- “Huh? That freckled kid in our year?...who?” 
- doesn’t feel any better when they claim to not have known, thinking he isn’t doing enough to prove his worth 
- “Yamaguchi! I missed you-” “Um, I’ve got class, Y/N, I’ll see you later.” 
- it breaks his heart when he sees your face fall before a fake smile crosses your features, waving at him as he rushes off, thinking if he pushes you away, you could be happier with someone new 
- “Grow a pair, Yamaguchi.” “I have a pair, Tsukki!” “Doesn’t look like it to me.” 
- until he sees you genuinely laughing with another guy, and seems to have his heart shatter in his chest at the sight of you with someone else
- as Tsukki knowingly shrugs on the sidelines with a told you so, look
- that is until you see him in the background with a hurt puppy expression, causing him to run away and making you chase after him 
- “Tadashi!” “G-Go away, Y/N!” 
- when you hear the crack in his voice, you don’t, and chase him all the way into a deserted hallway before he hears you sniffle, eyes shining with tears when he turns and stops running
- “W-Why are you crying?” “Why do you think, asshole? The boy I love doesn’t even want to be with me...” 
- feels immediately guilty, not realizing how much of an emotional toll he had caused before taking a shaky breath and your hands in his 
- “Are you sure about this?” “Why wouldn’t I be, Yama?” “There are so many other options...” 
- all doubt seems to disappear when you brush your lips softly against his quickly, knowing anymore would have your gentle boy trembling as you press your forehead against his, holding him by the back of his neck 
- “I don’t care about other options, you’re the one I want Tadashi.” 
- pulls you into a tight hug, his chin resting atop your head as you feel the certainty in his hold, no longer doubting himself 
- “If you say so, Y/N...” as his embrace tightens just a little more before you smile softly, running your fingers through his hair
- “I know so. Now stop avoiding the person who loves you, alright?” “I-I love you too, Y/N...probably even more.”
- “Er...you don’t get annoyed, Boke?” “Why should I, Trashyama?”
 -this hyper-active tangerine would honestly take it as a compliment the first few times it happens, feeling pride swell in his chest that his partner was so desired by others
- “You’re dating Y/N?” “Hell yeah I am, what of it?” 
- until the whole confessing thing becomes a common occurence, causing Hinata to become a little clingy at times when people call you out of your classroom
- “Love-” “I’ve gotta protect you, Y/N! What if someone steals you away from me one day?” as he follows you out into the various places people ask you to meet at 
- lowkey makes the whole confession awkward as your boyfriend impatiently waits from a short distance, grinning and kissing your cheeks after you kindly reject them, making a show out of it 
- probably childishly sticks his tongue out at the confessor behind your back
- defintely makes a point to show a lot of PDA when around your peers, holding your bag for you and your hand until you actually have to sit him down and tell it to him straight that he has nothing to worry about 
- “Shouyou, do you trust me?” “Wha-?! Why would you even ask that, Y/N? You know I do.” 
- pouts adorably when you bite back a laugh at the jealous actions of your cute boyfriend before you cup his cheeks with both hands
- “Then show it. Know that I’m not leaving you for someone new, okay? The whole school pretty much knows you’ve marked your territory.” 
- “Say that to all those guys who literally ogle you, you’re way too beautiful Y/N.”
- “Alright Mr. Wingspiker known for making it to Nationals, don’t pretend other girls don’t confess to you on the daily or at least blush when you talk to them.” 
- “Wait...they do?” 
- at your deadpan stare, Hinata grins before grabbing both of your wrists that were being used to cup his cheeks, closing the proximity between you two until your noses brush 
- “I hardly notice when I’ve got you by my side, Y/N!” 
- this introverted boy would be the type to act like he really could care less, waving you off and shrugging when you tell him you had come back from rejecting another confession
- “Mm. Third time this week?” “Yep!” “Cool.” 
- awkwardly waves to every new guy that comes your way after each let-down, not feeling the need of having to prove himself to anybody as they shove past Kenma in their emotional tantrum of not getting what they want 
- Doesn’t really think much about it until he’s peacefully waiting for you to deliver another rejection, flicking away at the joysticks on on his handheld until the guy huffs, catching his attention from his place outside the empty classroom 
- “Why Kenma Kozume, Y/N? You’re beautiful and funny, but he obviously can’t appreciate you the way I can. He’s not very sociable, and he can’t show your beauty anyone else would be able to.” 
- fingers on joysticks stop moving at his words, Kenma blinking once, then twice as he feels his heart pound at what your response would be 
- did...he really not appreciate you? Or at least not show it? 
- “I really really like Kenma, Hatori.  He doesn’t pressure me into being anything I don’t want to be, you know? He could show me off to the whole school and brag about having me on his arm, but he doesn’t because he knows it would make me uncomfortable. I...” 
- feels his chest swell at your words, wondering why he ever doubted you in the first place 
- “I’m pretty sure I’d rather be with someone who puts my well being first than show me off like some trophy, so thanks, but no thanks.” 
- awkwardly pretends to go back to playing his game when you come out of the classroom, causing you to jump and blush at Kenma’s equally blushy figure 
- “uh...you heard everything, didn’t you?” “....no. I just got here.”
- tries not to smile at the gullible, relieved sigh that slips your lips before offering you his hand, looking off to the side a bit timidly as you gape
- “Do you want to come help me practice my setting?” “But you hate doing that.” 
- “But you said you like watching me practice...so I don’t mind.” 
- swallows back the lump in his throat and ignoring the heat in his cheeks when your goregous grin lights up your features, increasing your pretiness by tenfold
- “Yeah. I’d like that.” 
- stops suddenly to give you a tight hug that held some kind of hidden meaning before walking again as if nothing had happened 
- “Hey Y/N?” “Y-yes?” 
- “Thank you for being with me. I know I don’t really show it a lot.” 
- his pace increases, practically speed walking away from you when realization dawns onto your features
- “Kenma, you were listening!” “I’m more worried about the fact that you believed I wasn’t.” 
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reynie-muldoons · 3 years
'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
for real this time lmfao
book and show spoilers below
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement.... yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really cared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOPE NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to "the baaAAAYYYY"
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12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place
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13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there- they look so good in frame together
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15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good
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16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
17:52 leave it to Milligan to come up with an escape plan off of an island with no water vessel with four kids in tow
18:08 THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭
18:08 lowkey I'm super surprised they didnt take this opportunity to have Milligan's arduous swim force his memories out and have the father daughter bonding time they deserve. I hope they give that moment ample time to flesh out.
18:13 BUCKET!!!
18:13 wait that shot is so artsy hold up lmfao
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18:13 this looks like someone's photography final hahahaha
18:41 Sticky is still on that jumping to conclusions bs he got from Curtain
19:31 "Kate... she's in danger..." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
19:36 "and it's all because of me." Not just because of you but love to see you taking responsibility
19:52 once again I am asking WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE OPEN
20:26 "Kate. She has changed." "Not really. She's always been who she is." "Her clothes. She changed clothes." PFFFT HAHHAHA they really took a moment of self-reflection and made it so much better
21:35 yikes yikes yikes
22:16 I love that Mr. Benedict got closure in telling Miss Perumal that her words stuck with him
22:40 the way she just knows Reynie took the position of leader 😭😭
23:02 "Would it be possible to get this to him?" Ma'am what part of undercover spy don't you get
23:54 it's still really weird that we are now in a position where Reynie is the one who is not trusted and Sticky is the one in Curtain's favor
24:13 and here we see Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues shining through
24:21 "the little things matter. Every minor detail, it all matters!" CALLBACK TO MR. BENEDICT TELLING THE CHILDREN THAT THEY ALL MATTER
24:55 "I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying." first of all, no. second of all, I cannot wait for him to talk to Constance.
26:33 why is Mr. Benedict graphically explaining the children's potential trauma so funny to me
26:40 "you're catastrophizing." "Yes. I am. Quite severely. Thank you." WHY IS THIS FUNNY
26:58 MADGE!!!!
27:16 she's so prettyyyyy
27:33 GOOD JOB MADGE!!!!!
27:36 wait did she just take the LETTER??? she's delivering the LETTER?????
28:22 it's sad because it's true 🥺
28:24 "I miss my teacher from the orphanage" the best lies are the ones rooted in truth 🥺🥺🥺
28:48 roll credits
29:16 Reynie honey Orion's Belt isn't on the ceiling
29:29 the way he was so confident that he had it right 😑 Curtain Stop Being a Pretentious Fuck challenge
29:52 our babygirl is so smartttt
29:55 did Milligan plant his prints 😳 oh no OH NO
29:57 is this the replacement for when they pin cheating on her????
30:03 THE KEY CARD!!!!
30:21 "one attacked me as a small child" honey you are a small child
30:24 "it did not win," she said, smiling menacingly
31:01 ✨woodworking is a passion✨
31:58 "was it functional?" "Well I guess that depends on how you define functionality" RHONDA'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND HAHAHAHA
32:17 wait 🥺
32:22 that has to be SQ :)
32:28 hi sweet boy
32:34 please tell me they did that shot of the sandwich because Madge is about to take it
32:44 hi good girl!!! Enjoy your snackies
32:50 oh god oh no the LETTER
33:25 oh wow we're doing this NOW??
33:52 and here we see another example of Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues bubbling to the surface
34:10 hey what if you uhhh weren't such an asshole
34:33 that man's voice is buttery
35:02 and they're talking about this right in front of the office door, WHY??
35:55 he's letting him go 🥺🥺🥺🥺
36:14 why does that look like a body bag
36:17 oh my gosh it definitely is a body bag, hey Martina
36:25 yep, that's about what I expected
36:36 "whoever did this to me, they're gonna pay" oh girl do I have some bad news for you
37:12 ahhhh, so Martina is the burnt out gifted kid who keeps going out of spite and sheer force of will
37:12 everything makes much more sense now
37:30 ohhhhh my gosh feelings time
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37:44 "I think it's awesome." "Yeah. I know you do." THE SHIPPERS ARE THRIVING
38:10 "it's the least I can do" that's an understatement 😬
38:20 "I don't know what I'd do without you, Wetherall" STOPPPPP
38:38 he's been writing letters to her every night and now he finally gets one back 😭😭
39:34 so Miss Perumal wrote this letter with the intention of it being sent to him, right- why did she write it like that?? 😂
39:34 they've gone to such lengths to communicate in code but the letter kind of undermines that- it was written in such a way that an onlooker would know Reynie was a spy but wouldn't know what he was doing or why. No wonder SQ was pissed
39:41 KATE!!
40:10 BREAKING NEWS: local bastard man treats everyone like shit
40:15 ohhhhh SQ bud please be careful
40:30 "always have time for my son," he said in a clipped voice that implied that he does not have time for his son
40:35 ohhh he's getting RIGHT INTO IT HUH
40:41 you mean to tell me he's never asked about Mr. Curtain's work?? Ever???? Somehow that doesn't seem right to me
40:57 hey uh what if you didn't talk down to SQ at every opportunity
41:02 "would you care to reconsider that answer, son?" "No." DIG THOSE HEELS IN SQ!!!!
41:22 I'm really not digging that Curtain is using the guise of openly expressing his feelings to communicate his anger and his unasked question. Not cool bitch head
41:33 the fact that he didn't answer SQ's spoken question kind of also answers his unspoken question
41:45 "I knew there was something off about that girl. But espionage?" "How do you so convincingly fake a tetherball obsession?" I love that this entire conversation could be about Martina or Kate interchangeably
43:05 Kate advocating for Martina with the Society 🥺🥺 the interaction I didn't know I needed
43:58 "I definitely don't like to leave anything unfinished." "That's true, I've seen you eat." PFFFFT
44:19 "well, you can't succeed without me, so..." baby girl you have no idea how right you are
44:28 please let that be Milligan PLEASE LET THAT BE MILLIGAN
44:35 I simply adore him
44:45 "would you mind helping me down, please? I'm stuck." Your honor I would die for this man
44:54 oh shit, Martina's tryna sleuth it out herself.. this can't end well
45:04 is she about to find Kate's marbles or something?? Callback to the book?
45:26 the absolute MURDER in her eyes
45:41 "the clothes of someone who had given up" ASEJDGEIDNDLFK
45:47 well that's not good
46:04 PLEASE let them be on their way already, please
46:17 Goodyear is QUAKING
46:35 why the fuck is Number Two in red, that's upsetting on principle
How surreal is it that next week is the finale?? Idk if I'm ready for that????
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blxetsi · 4 years
modern levi ackerman dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
levi ackerman x gn!reader
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- firstly, lets get love language out of the way
- i think his love language would be acts of service
- so like, he'll brew your coffee for you and set out your favourite mug when he goes to the kitchen to make his tea (bc we all know he'd wake up earlier than you 🙄)
- or he'll pick up a muffin from your favourite bakery on his way home
- or if you ask him to remind you to do something later, he's immediately writing it out on a sticky note and sticking it somewhere youd notice
- he notices youre getting low on your favourite moisturizer ? or lipbalm ? he's taking a picture of the packaging and getting it the next time he drives past walmart or smth
- he just does little things that help make your day better
- now i feel like a lot of people say this already, but he is NOT very comfortable with public displays of affection
- its not that he doesnt like it when you touch him, or hold his hand, or kiss his cheek, he just gets flustered and feels like everyone is watching you two
- but one thing he does allow is looping your arms together while you walk, especially in crowded streets
- it doesnt mean he doesnt like being close with you, he just hates doing it public. when youre alone ? hes ALL OVER YOU.
- "will you play with my hair ?"
- "levi im working."
- "okay can you multitask ?" motherfucker 😐
- doesnt matter if hes the big spoon or little spoon, just being close to you is enough.
- also would try and get used to your love language
- if your love language is physical touch hes genuinely surprised by how many times you put his hands on him each day (NOT in a sexual way) like even his mother never touched him as much and he's a momma's boy 😳
- when you wake up your coming out to the kitchen to fill your coffee, but not before kissing the top of his head as you walk past
- then youre guzzling down your coffee like its water before putting it in the sink and walking back, petting his head in the process
- you'll hug him while hes cooking, or brushing his teeth. youre giving him kisses before he leaves and when he comes home, just little small acts of love, but it happens so frequently that levi cant help but notice it
- your love language is verbal affirmations ? youre getting your coffee while saying "goodmorning beautiful"
- "i love yous" are thrown at him a lot, they never fail to make him feel better
- youll compliment this man and he short circuits for a second, quickly gets used to it as time goes on
- also too i think he'd be taller in a modern au, but not very very tall like erwin, im talking 5'7" to 5'9"
- and he's fine with his height, it doesn't bother him that much, he's the average height of a man so what's the big deal ?
- also he really doesnt care about height either. youre shorter than him ? cool, that means he can bend down to give you little forehead kisses. around the same height as him ? awesome, that makes it easier for him to give you a peck on the lips. taller than him ? mf he'll climb you like a tree if he has to. really doesn't care.
- also doesn't have a preferences for body type or anything. he thinks that character is way more important than looks 100% and he'll always find different things about you beautiful. your laugh is weird ? k now he's making you two watch a john mulaney special to so youll laugh. hate your belly and wanna lose weight, he's holding you and telling you to only lose weight if you genuinely want to be "healthier" and not so you get skinny. your acne scars bother you ? he's kissing your cheeks a lot more than usual, but you can't complain. literally Loves Every Part of You
- also i think his family would absolutely ADORE YOU and his friends for that matter
- miss kuchel is pulling you into a hug the first time she sees you, and is so accomodating and sweet. shes genuinely interested in your interests and what you do for a living, and will NOT hesitate to get levi's baby pictures out if you ask.
- his uncle ? he probably wont be there for the family dinner, but then kuchel's gonna call him up like "levi's s/o ?? absolutely spectacular !!" and then hes like "huh maybe i gotta come visit to see the runt and his lover"
- also i think in a modern au, kuchel wouldve gotten really sick when levi is a boy, so kenny would have came home to take care of his sister and try and take care of levi. in the end she got better, and he went back to his own home, but now she requests that he come for at least one family holidy so they can all spend it together
- BUT back to mr. ackerman
- idk what he'd do in modern times, i used to think he'd be a good english professor for a university, but then i saw a headcanon that he'd go into law school and become a lawyer, and honestly ?? it makes sense
- after a long day at work he just wants to come home to you, he'll find you on the couch reading or doing some of your own work, so he'll just slip off his coat and blazer and undo his tie while slipping off his shoes by the door. before plopping his head in your lap and requesting you to play with his hair.
- if you don't live with him hes taking a shower and then immediately calling you asking to come over. if you can ?? great he'll be in bed waiting to be spooned. if not, thats fine, but levi would like to facetime and rant.
- also has the absolute WORST road rage
- "that little prick cut me off !"
- "levi he's taking his driver's test !"
- "so ? i hope that instructor doesn't give the idiot a pass 🙄" and then will immediately honk his horn at the poor kid.
- also wouldnt be a clean freak like in canonverse. his whole "everything has to be spotless" stuff stems from trauma, specifically being left in an apartment with his decaying mother for weeks on end, but since kuchel is alive that never happens
- were things a little hectic during the time she was sick ? sure ! but kenny always tried to tidy up a bit when he saw it was getting to levi.
- levi just likes things to be neat and tidy, he doesnt do a deep clean of his apartment every two weeks, but always makes sure to clean up his messes as soon as they happen
- also doesnt like to fight
- his mom raised him with the idea that communication is key, and always encouraged him to "explain why hes upset" so they could work together to come up with a solution
- its something hes taken with him to adulthood, and even though sometimes he sounds like hes talking to a child when hes trying to get you to "use your words" he really doesnt mean to
- if youre yelling at him he'll stand there like 😐 and wait until youre out of breath so he can say "okay lets talk about this"
- is also very handy
- have a hole in your wall ? hes coming over to fix it
- need a lightbulb changed ? hes got u dont worry
- you need to assemble a piece of furniture ? he glances at the step by step guide once before hes putting it together
- hes so great at that stuff, and you only have kenny to thank
- literally when kenny first came to stay with levi and kuchel when she was sick, the kitchen light went out and he asked levi to screw another lightbulb in, the poor kid stood there like 🤨 and when kenny said "what ? you don't know how to change a fucking lightbulb ?" levi shook his head and said "uncle kenny im seven 😐"
- kenny was APPALLED. and immediately made it his mission to make levi as handy as himself.
- also, dates with him are rlly lowkey.
- he likes being in your company, so staying home and ordering take out is AWESOME in his opinion. sometimes he'll dress up and make a fancy meal with you.
- if you like going to carnivals and stuff, he's reluctant but eventually caves. wins you a lot of the prizes.
- "fuck. this shit is rigged y/n"
- "sorry levi, lets go do something else !"
- "what ? no. give me another dollar im getting you that fucking turtle"
- hange always wants to see you. levi makes it his life mission to keep you away from them as much as possible. not because he doesnt want you to get along with his friends, just because he knows that hange will spill some embarassing secrets from his college days.
- erwin ? hes okay but hes on thin fucking ice.
- also is very gentlemanly. will not only hold the door for you but for everyone. hes waiting in line for his order and someone comes up behind him and asks him to scootch so they can get some napkins ? mf its grabbing a handful himself and handing it to the person, wishing them a nice day with a small smile. hes just like,, a genuinely good person
- his singing voice ? immaculate. will he sing for you ? no.
- he also loves playing board games with you. like chess or checkers. you love playing board games with him and his friends, specifically monopoly. hange makes moblit form an alliance with them. mike is a lone wolf, and erwin and levi are always helping each other out until erwin betrays him. lots of trust is ruined between these game nights, but you literally cant bring yourself to care because its so fun to watch it unfold
this is my first headcanon thingy !! im v excited !! hope u all enjoyed 🤩✨ should i do more headcanons like these ???
- all in all, levi is a cool guy, and a cool bf.
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heleizition · 4 years
How Alfred interact with his shifter babies? Where is Barbara in all of this? Is she a shifter or human? Also, I want to know more about Tim's parents... How was they and how Tim ended up with batfamily?
ok hold on . .. i need a second . .. im thinking about alfred holding like, baby panther dick in hi arms n smilng softly,,, jst . .. give me a moment . ..... like ... hes cooking n hyerna jason who’s starting to grow jst sits beside him n tucks his head on the counter n looks at alfred like feed me and alfred is so so fond of his grandsons yk,,, of his family,,,, cries
OK SO beside that tim shifts from cat to human the first time with alfred,,, hes a safe adult in his eyes and he trusts him and its a trust alfred hasnt and wont ever betray. cass just likes to sit on his shoulder while he has tea,,, he makes her a cup and she flies over to drink when she feels like it but mostly she’s chilling. steph usually runs around and tries to pick things up to “help” alfred and he gives her lil pets,,,, duke usually feels like in the way when hes shifted and alfred is cleaning up or working around him so he usually shift back and helps and it makes alfred smile a lot even after he tries to shoo duke away bc thats His Job yk,,, duke still helps sefooefshofse
OK UM i admit i did not think of babs bc she always slips from my mind,,,, i dont have a big connection to her character,,,, im not sure if she’s a shifter yet i gotta think but i kinda feel  ,,, fox for her,,,,, if u have other suggestions im open ? i dont know much about her character sadly,,,,
OK SO under the cut is tim’s story n how he met and ended up w the bat, big tw for animal (shifter) abuse and child abuse, starvation, abandonment, umm mutilation & description of injury
tim first turned into a cat (to his parents knowledge) when he was about 4 or 5. he’d been already introduced to the world but as he was a small child they hadn’t really been showing him around everywhere so only a handful of people knew/remembered small boy tim. janet has a particular hate toward that branch in her family that can shift so she’s really jst. hating her son having it and she immediately just. decides that she just doesnt want to see him. so jack and her just start locking him in a tiny cat cage, which prevent him from turning back into a boy, feed him catfood when they remember to feed him. at some point they get him declawed (which gives him terribly vivid nightmares of human him getting his fingers torned off of his hand) and when they leave they give him a tight collar while leaving him out of the cage which prevnts him from shifting back bc the collar would just go through tim’s throat if he shifted to human.
so tim drake ends up . not existing. everyone forgets the drakes had a son, tim very rarely gets to be in human shape (which hurts at some point), and when he does his parents usually yell at him and making him feel very unwanted, going as far as throwing things at him until he jst, shifts back and makes himself as small and forgotten as possible. he stopped going to school early, but he still taught himself to read (u gotta do smth when ur stuck as a cat for years) and went through lots of his parents books (that were on bottoms shelfs bc its hard to put the books back in the right shelves while in cat form and he gets yelled at enough as it is just for existing).
so he’s like 10, and his parents have been gone for a while . and he’s rly not doing good. he’s not rly clinging to life. he’s underfed. everything hurts. his brain isn’t really reactive anymore. and hes on the wall between the drakes and the wayne’s estate dick and jason are in the garden, playing around, and he just. falls asleep. passes out from exhaustion and his body kind of giving up on him.
they hear him or see him, idk, they find him and jason shifts back, holding the small kitten in his arms and he runs inside, n they take care of him, the adress on the collar said he’s from next door,,, at this point they dont know he’s a shifter,, but when he wakes up tim’s all warm and tucked against a warm body (dick) and jason is beside them petting him gently and the second tim is awake he’s tense and trying to get away bc humans have done nothing but hurt him at this point yk,, he’s barely ever met anyone,,, he sticks to the drake’s house bc he’s terrified they’ll know if he goes somewhere else
(altho deep down he thinks they’d be happy if they came home to an empty house)
and when he wakes up. thats when dick n jay understand he’s not just a cat, he’s a shifter, n jason holds him in place to remove the collar bc he *knows* he cant possibly be able to shift to human with it,,, but even without it tim doesnt shift back, hes jst, scared cat,,,,
(”hey, it’s ok, we’re like you” jason says, in the most gentle voice dick’s ever heard him use. there is a moment of silence, where the kitten blinks, and then the familiar noise of flesh rearranging itself while jason shifts into his hyena form. he’s careful to keep his distance, laying on his stomach to make himself smaller - which helps, but not by much as he’s still huge compared to the little shifter in front of them. dick knows the lines of tension and those of exhaustion in their muscles, and remembers how they didn’t even stir when jason had carried them inside. he shifts. 
“i’m gonna get you some food, okay ?” he levels his tone with his brothers. “we should have some fruits around, upstairs. fish maybe ? if you’d like ? or something else.” he smiles that smiles only he knows how to smile. “or maybe you’d like to pick yourself ?”
the little cat manages to make themselves smaller.)
they eventually manage to feed him and hydrate him, and dick tells alfred and bruce about the little shifter while jason keeps an eye on him,,, bruce connect the drake and tim shaped dots. he remembers janet and jack rejecting a gala invitation a while back bc she had recently delivered, only he’d never seen the kid.
tim only lets jason and dick close a first, bc they’re younger, bc they’re shifters, and then alfred bc alfred always brings him food on a plate and with a fork and knife like he’s going to use them as a human. he talks to tim and pets him gently once tim allows it,,, he’s a safe adult.
bruce scares him a lot, even if he’s gentle and he’s a good dad. he’s bigger than jack has ever been, and he knows he could hurt him. he just scares him a lot. he has too much authority, too much presence.
tim shifts back into a human on is seventh day at the manor, while alfred sits with him in a little room tim had hid in. he’s a very small boy and he cries out in pain when he shifts, but alfred puts a hand on his cheek and just smiles
(”hello, my boy”)
tim is very quiet, takes a shower and shifts back before anyone else can see him,,, but slowly he lets it happen around the others. one time dick n jay wake up from a nap session to a little boy suggled between them,,, there is a lot of hurt and pain from jason bc he’s been that little boy, hurt and scared and in pain, and it brings back a lot of sad things,,,
eventually he lets himself shift into bruce’s arms on the second week and he cries a lot n bruce tells him he figured out he’s the drake’s son, and jst, h, he adopts
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