#ugh (affectionate)
inkedberries · 1 year
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yeah no no it’s not like i have an obsession or anything
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lazycranberrydoodles · 4 months
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hua cheng's patience: infinite
hua cheng's impulse control: zero
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izel-scribbles · 2 months
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human john + arthur sketches!!! and also faroe!!!
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babygirl #1
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babygirl #2 (in order, not in ranking)
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arthur looks so wrong here help
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listening to my malevolent playlist for the 193827294901th time this week (my airpods are gonna give out) (here it is btw: x)
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fisheito · 1 month
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rei calling blade a treasure on main
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http-sawposting · 8 months
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say goodbye and send me off with a kiss farewell
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radioactive-mouse · 1 year
i have GOT to get more insane abt lifeseries joel and grian. they’re so fucking everything. late game last life for them really is like the both of us are at our absolute lowest and can’t really be bothered to care anymore, but there is a kind of freedom in allowing yourself to pretend you’re a monster without remorse, to let yourself grow vicious in a way you’ve been trying to rein yourself in from. the two of them take each other hands, all grasping claws and sharp-toothed grins, and say monsters it is then, just the two of us. they just. they understand each other in a way nobody else quite does. the two of them settle together in limlife and,,, they can just feel the seconds counting down until their names turn red and the world grows sharper and they grow sharper with it. they’re comfortable with what they’ve got— jimmy and the bad boys and the bread bridge and all of that, it’s lovely— but there’s an anxious, giddy anticipation growing between them and they can both feel it.
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yrsonpurpose · 10 months
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All he can think is a supercut of other people’s letters they’ve quietly sent to each other. Words that went down in history. “Meet you in every dream … Keep most of your heart in Washington … Miss you like a home … We two longing loves … My young king.” One day, he tells himself. One day, us too.
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beybuniki · 1 month
I think the dissonance between you and the anons comes from the fact that you do see shipping potential with other characters their age but not bkdk, if that makes sense? Like you can see other pairings through a shipping lens so why not bkdk also (I’m not saying you have to, I’m just assuming people see it as a double standards of sorts)
which i would understand if i hadn't stated multiple times that i am not rejecting any romantic reading at all whatsoever, so i don't know why people act like i am, especially when i retweet ship fan art occasionally like why is this so serious to some people help
but to spell it out, i do not enjoy throwing bakugo and deku into silly ship scenarios as easily as i do in other constellations because their canon relationship is more complex and my opinions on their dynamic are more nuanced and deeper than my opinions on their friendships with other characters. the implications of 17yo bakugo asking deku out on a date differ from the implications of someone like rody asking deku on a date and i don't rlly feel like ignoring that.
i do think that deku had a crush on bakugo as a kid and he does carry some of that into their teenage years and makes everything more complicated like i am not denying that, which is why im confused by people who accuse me of having a double standard when my own interpretation and fan art more often than not hinges on this assumption. just because i don't see bakugo recognize or reciprotate any of that does not mean they can't have that one day, throwing them into that as teens just goes against the reading that i'm very commited like it's not that easy (the love thing), or i wouldn't want it to be that easy it doesn't feel right to me
some people do and i like and respect those readings, i wouldn't share their art/thoughts or do those requests otherwise lmao
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mintypsii · 8 months
watched usopp's little arc with defeating sugar and wow it took A LOT for him to turn back after running away to fight them again. but then later he finds out that she's awake and thinks about how he'll lose his memories of Luffy if he doesn't take care of her again, and IMMEDIATELY makes up his mind to shoot her from SO FAR AWAY?
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
UGHHHH kubosai baking cookies and making hot chocolate together on a rainy night,,,
wearing stupid matching pajamas that aren picked out for them, probably naruto themed or something or even just kusuo wearing purple while aren wears pink, watching a movie/binging a show while cuddling under a blanket,,,
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Come gather 'round people. Wherever you roam. And admit that the waters. Around you have grown. And accept it that soon. You'll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth savin'. And you better start swimmin'. Or you'll sink like a stone. For the times they are a-changin'
-the times they are a-changin', bob dylan
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zer0pm · 1 year
Imagine Luis trying to help you finish your work but you end up getting distracted by him instead.
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Warning: suggestive themes and mild sexual content 😘 look away, minors.
The dull clunk of ceramic on a hard surface placed beside you nearly makes you jump from your seat. It was a hot drink, steam rises from within its liquid contents and a delicious aroma fills your senses invitingly. You look up to see the amused look of Luis Serra grinning knowingly at your mild surprise.
“Another late one, eh?” He had his own mug in his hand, taking short sips as he leaned against your table casually. His white lab coat was open, revealing a partially unbuttoned white collar shirt and dark blue jeans. The open coat flowed down the length of his form, accentuating his tall frame. His grey eyes ran down your hunched posture before rising to meet your exhausted gaze.
It was just the two of you in the lab, everyone else had already gone home for the day. You were both in the same research department and were leading your own projects. When it came to biochemical and pharmaceutical research, Luis was a genius in the field, same as you. It was actually how you two grew close. Your line of work makes you both linger in the lab long after the sun has already set until it was only the two of you left. These frequent, private moments in the shared space would then be filled with meaningful conversations and playful banter. You learned quickly then that Luis was a serial flirt, but he possessed a gentlemanly charisma that did not deter you from engaging him further. In fact, you welcomed his attentions.
One day, he asked you out and you two have been officially dating since. The both of you were mindful to keep your personal lives out of the workplace, wanting to maintain a sense of professionalism between you in front of your peers. Thankfully, none of your fellow coworkers caught on to your affairs so you were able to carry on with your respective works as normal.
You reply to him with a groan, burying your tired face in the palm of your hand. “Have to file another report for Wesker, apparently there’s some big meeting tomorrow morning-” you turn your wrist to glance at your watch, completely crestfallen at the lateness of the hour. “This is going to take forever.”
The Spaniard frowns, a flash of genuine pity in his eyes before they alight with an idea. “How far are you along?”
“About three more pages to go.” It didn’t sound like a lot, but the amount of information that you needed to provide is not only lengthy in detail, but also time consuming as you must include multiple references from other reports as well. And since you were the last person in your team still in the building, it fell on you to make sure that it was concise and perfect. The pressure from that thought alone made your grimace deepen.
“Perhaps, I can offer my assistance,” Luis says, pulling you from your downtrodden thoughts.
You glance at him, visibly touched by his considerate intent but dubious, “Thanks, but you weren’t working on this project, Luis. You don’t have the necessary information to provide meaningful insight for my report.”
He nods, “Correcto. But that wasn’t what I was offering.”
This piqued your interest. “Oh? Then how exactly are you planning on helping me?”
“Dos palabras,” he lifts his hand and extends one finger in the air after another. “Positive. Reinforcement.”
Your intrigue only amplified at his words and still you couldn’t make heads or tails of what he actually means. “So basically a reward system,” you say slowly.
“¡Sí!” The man chimes with infectious enthusiasm. “Right now, you have no motivation to finish your work, yes? If there was, say, something to look forward to, then you would be more inclined to finish. And, ideally, at a faster rate. ¿Comprende?”
“I get you, but.. what would that even entail? What are you giving me?”
The Spaniard shrugs, his characteristic smirk gracing his handsome features. “Guess you’ll have to finish this current page to find out. Chop chop, my dear.”
With a swift clap on your back, Luis retreats from your side to return to his own desk on the other end of the laboratory. Your eyes followed his stride and lingered on his form long after he sat down with his back towards you. You wondered what sort of “positive reinforcement” he had in mind for you.
You shake your head, choosing not to linger on that tempting thought. You had a report blaring at you through your computer screen that needed your undeniable attention and you were only halfway done through the current page. With a determined roll of your stiff shoulders, you went back to work.
After nearly half an hour, you finally finished the hellish portion of the report. Much sooner than you had anticipated. “One down!” you said aloud with a triumphant smile.
Luis perks up at your declaration and rises from his work desk to return to your side. His eyes scan over the document. “Hey, this isn’t bad. Muy bien.”
“Thanks, Luis.” Your mood lifts ever so slightly at his warm praise. “Just two more to go. I can do this.”
The man beside you hums in agreement. “You most definitely can. And your efforts so far deserve a reward.”
You blink at him incredulously, “You were serious about that?”
“Why would I not be? Am I not a man of my word?” Before you can answer him, Luis turns your seated form to face him, your chair swiveling under his strength. He extends his hand to you with a warm smile, “Give me your hand, por favor.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, reaching for his hand and clasping it. He felt warm to the touch, a welcome contrast to the chilly air flowing in the laboratory. He squeezes your hand affectionately, “Now close your eyes.”
You tilt your head at his request, amused curiosity curving subtly upon your lips. He throws you a telling glance to follow his lead and you do as he says without any further resistance. For a moment, there was nothing and you wondered what he was doing until you felt the fan of his warm breath against your ear followed by a tender kiss upon your cheek.
It was only until you felt his breath leave you did you open your eyes, a look upon your face as if you were just waking from a trance. His face hovered by yours but was far enough where you can see him fully. His body hunched slightly over your seated form, his hand at the backrest of your chair, supporting his weight so that he doesn’t fall over you. The temperature of your body rises at his closeness.
He looks down at you through thick lashes. “A blessing of sorts,” he winks, explaining himself before you had the chance to inquire him on what he just did. “To lift your spirits and motivate you to keep going. Is it working?”
Now that he mentions it, the weariness that hung over you like a thick blanket felt lighter on your shoulders. There was no denying that his charismatic presence and comforting attention has put you at ease. The kiss certainly helps as well but you dare not admit that out loud. The man’s ego was big enough already, no need for you to stroke it. You had to mentally slap yourself from letting that line of thought drift to naughty waters.
Still in a distracted state from his tender affection, you merely nod in response. Your lover’s easygoing smile widens and he plants another chaste kiss. This time upon your lips. You felt you were in a daze before, now your mind went completely blank.
“Let me know when you’ve finished the next page,” you catch Luis say before he leaves you with your mouth slightly agape.
To say you were confounded was an understatement. The two of you have kissed plenty of times before in the past but never at work. You were not opposed to it, per se, and truthfully it stirred within you temptations begging to be explored. But you did not think that Luis would create openings for such temptations so casually. You wanted to confront him about it but can hear him typing away loudly at his own desk. Taking this as a sign to return to your own task, you go back to work as well.
This next part of your report should have been done faster. It was not as detail intensive as the last, yet there was no doubt that you lagged in completing it. You knew why too. You were completely and utterly distracted. Luis’ innocent gesture kept running to the forefront of your mind like a song on repeat. It was such a short instance too, you can hardly call it a meaningful interaction. But the memory of how his lips felt against yours lingered and it took a bit of extra mental effort to power through the next portion of your project. Eventually you succeeded.
With a huff, you lean back into your seat and announced your small success once more. “Alright! Another one down.”
“That’s great, mi corazon. Well done.”
Luis’ voice nearly makes you fall off your chair. When you look up, he was already leaning over your shoulder, glancing through your new entries with genuine intellectual interest. When did he walk back over to you? How long was he standing there?
“This is excellent stuff. I’m certain Wesker and the higher ups will be pleased with your research,” he smiles down at you in praise. “I believe another reward is in order.”
Without giving you a chance to recover let alone register his words, Luis grasps your chin between his fingers and turns your head towards him. Your dark-haired lover then adjusts his position to better angle himself as he leans down to capture your lips once more. This kiss started off gently before deepening gradually into something fiercer. His devilish tongue swipes along your bottom lip for invitation and snakes inside your responsive mouth to engage your wanting tongue in a slow, sensual dance.
Desire bubbled feverishly in the pit of your stomach and you nearly moan into his mouth, but the sound turns into a longing whimper when he pulls away from you. Again, much more quickly than you would have liked. His hypnotic grey eyes beholds your lustful expression appreciatively.
“Eres mi tesoro,” he says with a husky voice so low, the sound flows into your ears and soothes your senses into a tender lull. “Haces que yo quiera ser una mejor persona.”
You’ve heard Luis speak in his native tongue many times before. For him to use it to sing your praises with genuine adoration sent shivers across your body without fail, stimulating you from your exhausted state and sharpening your awareness until your only center of focus was him.
His hand shifts from your chin to your cheek, cradling your face lovingly, a warm gesture that reaches his eyes. “Last one. You got this.”
With that, he removes himself from your side a third time, returning to his own chair without a second glance. There was a hint of a smirk tugging at the end of his mouth that you had managed to catch before he turned from you completely. The loss of him making you pout longingly. Luis was right, though. You were almost at the finish line with your work. The sooner you complete this report, the sooner you can call it a day and see what the Spaniard had in store for you as the last installment of this reward system he erected for you. Just the thought of kissing him again filled you with eager determination. With a crack of your knuckles, you hover back to your keyboard once more.
You were screwed. Absolutely ruined. Ever since Luis left you wanting with that last mind-blowing kiss, you were unable to concentrate on your report at all. In fact, you haven’t typed a single new word. The last page has been completely blank for what seemed like an eternity, blaringly white in your screen. The blinking of the line waiting for your input taunts you along with the ticking of the overhead clock.
“Luis,” you call out to him in frustration.
“¿Sí, mi amor? What’s wrong?” You hear his voice echo back, noting your tone with mindful intrigue.
“I can’t do it,” you admit, a defeated groan escaping you. “I can’t finish this stupid report.”
His approaching footsteps pick up so rapidly that he’s next to you again in a matter of seconds, evident concern on his face.
“What happened?” Luis asked. “Did you discover contradictions in your variables?”
You shake your head, burying your face in both of your hands to hide the burning, shameful blush on your cheeks. Luis didn’t catch it right away, kneeling beside your hunched form and rubbing the tension from your back with a soothing hand.
“It’s all your fault,” you pout, glaring daggers at him. “Because of your and your damn positive reinforcement, I can’t focus!”
His look of worry quickly turned to confusion before realization sets in and his lips curve into a lecherous grin. “Oh, really?” he prods, looking so infuriatingly proud.
“Don’t you dare give me that look! Was this your intention all along?”
“To be perfectly honest, no. I really thought I came up with a good motivational tool to help you along,” he shrugs, his playful tone absent as he spoke, accentuating his genuity. “It appears, however, that my idea backfired.”
You shoot him a pointed look that practically shouted at him for his astonishing observation of the obvious. “Luis, I really do have to finish this report. But how can I do that when all I can think about is you.”
Luis wears an exaggerated expression of awe, his hand placed over his heart as if you just gave him a moving declaration of love. “¡Oh Dios mío! That is the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me.” You nearly slapped him then and there but the Spaniard catches your wrist with a cheeky chuckle. “Sorry. Truly. Allow me to make it up to you.”
Still riding your mild frustration, you take his bait. “And how are you going to do that, huh?”
A playful glint in his eyes flash at your inquiry. “The way I see it, mi amor, I am the source of your distraction. There are two ways this can be resolved.”
Luis lifts one finger, “One. I can leave for the day and leave you to your own devices. Pero, I don’t think that will really help, in my humble opinion.” He lifts another. “Two. We get me out of your system.”
Already you knew where he was heading with that one but wanted clarification anyways. “You’re going to make me ask how you’re going to-”
He doesn’t wait for you to finish your sentence. He doesn’t wait for you to ask. Instead, he drags you from your chair to stand up before him and pulls you into his tight embrace before ensnaring you into another passionate kiss. Your body shudders from his talented mouth working wonders upon your senses, frustration dashed away for sensual need to take root. You are once again consumed with fervent desire, plunged into a pool of warmth. Luis had you under his mercy, but when he guided you both onto one of the medical chairs used for pharmaceutical testing, he was the one under you.
He holds you firmly against him, using his long legs to spread yours so that they hung loosely around his hips and dangled off the chair, effectively caging you around him. The entire time, not once have your lips separated and when they did, it was only to take in much needed air before diving back into one another. You loved kissing Luis, being with him like this set off sparks on you that you couldn’t compare to anything else. He teases you like it is a game of push and pull, but holds you like you are the only thing in the world to him. It was mix of sensations that fills you both with excitement and contentment, leaving you guessing of what he’ll do next but giving you comfort in knowing that everything he does is with your satisfaction in mind. And right now, he sought that for you both.
The evidence of his desire for you presses enthusiastically against your inner thigh. You can feel his arousal throbbing beneath the layers of fabric that separated you two. Luis groans sinfully against your mouth when you reflexively ground your hips on his sensitive organ. In turn, he squeezes the flesh of your ass daringly, pulling you closer into him while purposefully thrusting upwards, creating delicious friction. The pace he sets is slow and full of promise, rubbing along your sensitive area like a match burning at your core but not vigorously enough to set your carnal needs aflame, torturously teasing you from your release. You wanted more of him, you needed more of him.
But you remember where you are. And even though every part of your body screamed for you to succumb to your baser desires and engage in uninhibited pleasure with your Spanish lover- this wasn’t the place or the time for it.
“Luis-” you began. The man cuts you off with a kiss once more and your voice slips into another traitorous moan.
“Lo sé, mi amor, lo sé.” Luis whispers before pulling away, already knowing what you were going to say, peppering your jaw and neck with loving nips. “I am perfectly content with just this. Having you in my arms.”
A comfortable air settles between you two, allowing yourselves to calm down from your sexual high. With a heavy sigh, he rests his head upon your shoulder, not meeting your eyes.
“I’m sorry, mi corazon. I really did want to help.” Although his voice was hoarse with desire still, guilt riddled on the surface. You kissed the top of his head then, already forgiven him.
“You know,” you began to say, “this is an egregious misuse of this medical chair.”
He arches his thick brow at you, spirits lifting at your playful tone. “We were at it for awhile. You choose now to have a guilty conscience?”
His endearing smile returns to his handsome face when he sees you laughing at his words. One of his hands squeezes at your thigh to call back your attention. “Suppose we should move, eh? You still have that report to finish.”
You look down thoughtfully, pondering his suggestion before relaxing your body atop his, head resting on his shoulder. “I’m okay with staying like this for a little longer if you are.”
Luis chest rumbles in light-hearted humor at your decision but evidently had no complaints as he adjusted you both on the chair to make himself more comfortable. His arms wrap around you, drawing soothing patterns on your lower back as he rests his cheek against your head. You can feel his lips tug into a content smile.
“I like having you on top of me, anyways.” Immediately you snort unattractively and his voices pitches in curiosity. “What? What did I say?”
“Nothing, sorry.” you apologize, failing beautifully in choking your laughter down. “Forget you heard that.”
“C’mon. Tell me. I want to know.”
You lift yourself slightly to look him straight in the eyes, a tinge of red on your cheeks in growing embarrassment. “Promise not to take it the wrong way?”
He observes your expression with unrestrained curiosity. “Lo prometo. Now, what is it?”
“I just…” you trail off for a moment, biting your lip. “The way you said how you liked our current position, it sounded like you admitted to being the submissive type.”
You watched his amused curiosity fall down to that of pure, unadulterated shock. For a moment, you thought you’ve gone too far with your honesty. However, as if driven by masculine pride, Luis lifts you both up from the chair with a strength that astonishes you and places you to take his spot against the now warmed cushion.
You were not sure if what came after was meant to be a sort of punishment or more positive reinforcement. But you did not have any complaints and were so blissfully exhausted the following morning, it was a miracle you ever managed to finish your report on time. Upon submitting it, Luis used his charm to ensure you time off so that you can enjoy some much deserved rest. To your surprise, he took the rest of the day off too and went home with you with some more rewards in mind.
A/N: This is a request for @luis-serras-little-slut. Hope you liked the twist ;) Thank you very much for the sweet ask.
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aaabatteryy · 6 months
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My attempt at @lotus-pear 's dtiys! Not the greatest, but I wanted to throw it out there :)
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mikeslawyer · 5 months
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their feelings, my roman empire
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sysig · 8 months
Hello! I feel like rereading Vargas these days so, I'd like to request some Edgar, Scriabin interaction (maybe one of them being vulnerable), if that's okay?
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Day 14 - Stop making your lack of imagination my problem ò///q
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@omni-present-god-send @grimfurbybitch *casually hums polyphemus while lining* Gently holding uwu
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