#ugh I messed up the feet pose
bippiti · 7 months
505 cl16
where you reminisce on your first love
wc 3k
an done for my 1.2k event! first fic in the series, lmk if you wanna be tagged and as always pls like + rb<3
(starts in 2014, ends in 2024ish)
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i'm going back to 505
you rushed down the road, feet peddling as hard as they could as you biked down the street. your eyes glanced down to your watch, squinting before you read the time. great. you were going to be late.
you thought that was you’re biggest problem, and then a new one came crashing onto you, literally.
while you were busy checking the time, you failed too notice someone else running in your direction. you don't know what had them too preoccupied to notice you- but you could technically say the same thing about yourself so-
you were bought back to the moment by the stinging you started to feel on your knees, you hissed looking down and seeing red. ugh
you began to apologize, looking up and stopping mid sentence.
wow. he was pretty. really pretty
you slapped yourself mentally, wincing while standing up. it was definitely going to scar. you reached your hand down to help the mysterious boy up, who sharply inhaled when your hands met. he had scraped his hands up pretty bad when you guys collided.
"i'm so sorry again"
"you're completely fine, i should've been paying more attention" he said while laughing
he has nice laugh
"anyway, i think i should properly introduce myself, i'm charles le clerc" this time he was the one to extend his hand out
"y/n l/n, nice to meet you" you smiled as you shook hands
then you remembered what had gotten you into this mess. you checked your watch again. you were definitely late now.
"i'm so sorry charles but im running late to a painting class, i really need to go" you picked up your bike, kicking the dust off of it.
"wait i am too, are you going to mme. callarios?"
you looked back at him in shock. "how did you know"
he shook his head, "you're going in the wrong direction, since we're heading the same way mind if i show you?"
you didn't see why not, so he climbed in front of you and began to head towards your class
if it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
the bike halted as you reached your destination. building 505. you stared at each other nervously before walking in. the class had started at 1pm, and it was nearing 2 when you arrived. granted, it was a 4 hour class but still.
you cringed internally as you felt all eyes on you when you opened the doors to the class.
"y/n, charles! great to see you. we've split up into partners, so you both will have to work together. decide who will be the painter and who will be the model for the first piece. switch in an hour and a half!" she explained quickly, ushering you both to the only empty table.
you both sat across from each other, and after a small game of rock paper scissors, you were adjusting in your seat getting ready to pose for the next 90 minutes.
when you look at me like that, my darlin', what did you expect?
you didn't know how you managed to keep a straight face, his stares were piercing into what felt like your soul. you knew that he had to be like this, he was painting you after all. but knowing that didn't help. after silently uttering some words of encouragement to yourself, you maintained a straight face.
after what felt like forever, you heard the timer go off, and with one last stroke of the brush charles was up and you were swapping places. you cracked your knuckles before sitting on the stool. this was gonna have to be the best painting you've ever done.
before you knew it you were hearing to now familiar ring as you finished off the details of his eyes. you stood up, backing away from the piece. not too bad you thought.
after everyone had finished, you went to the room across as they all dried. it was acrylic, so it wouldn't take too long. there were snacks and refreshments scattered throughout the space. grabbing a drink and seat, you started to learn more about charles. he had two brothers, one older and younger. his mom still cut his hair, you thought he might be embarrased but he showed it off proudly.
“all these years and she still hasn't given me a bad haircut”
“if my mom could cut hair like yours, i'd be getting it done by her too”
“you should come by her salon sometime, i think she'd like you”
“yeah, she's out of town so next month when she's back”
with those plans made, you collectively went back into the painting room. you both swapped paintings and looked at them for a while.
you gauged his reaction, at first his face was blank and you were scared that you had made him look like a troll or something, but slowly a smile creeped up onto his face, he looked up to you.
“it's really good”
you smiled and looked down to yours, he had gotten your likeliness down to a t. he left clear marks and left the strokes visible.
looking up you saw him searching your eyes for a reaction, just like you had.
“you did so good, i love your painting style”
he seemed relieved when you said that, smiling. as everyone around you began to pack up and leave, you both exchanged numbers before grabbing your paintings and going your separate ways.
not shy of a spark
you had texted back and forth a lot since then, and soon enough you found yourself at the doorstep of his moms salon. after being welcomed in you sat down and showed her photos of the haircut you wanted. she nodded, and began to wet your hair
“charles talks about you a lot, you know”
“does he really” you said with a laugh
“he does, i think he likes you dear”
that shut you up, she smiled warmly
“at this age, love is everywhere, make sure you grab it while you can”
you left the appointment with amazing hair and a lot of questions, you didn't think he could possibly like you back. but now, who knows
the knife twists at the thought that I should fall short of the mark
I'm going back to 505
you walk into the painting studio, excited with the a dragonfruit in your hand. today was still life day, normally you found it boring but mme. callarios had let everyone bring their own fruit.
you spotted charles when you got in, and lifted your dragonfruit for him to see. he put his hand up, showing off the orange he had started to peel. he tore off a piece for you, and offered it once you got closer.
your hand was cramping as your eyes continued to squint at the pink fruit in front of you. you regretted picking dragon fruit barely half an hour in, the seeds and the outer skin were proving difficult to paint accurately, you glanced over to charles, his was coming along nicely. you ended up pushing through the ugly phase and were somewhat proud of the piece. it had definitely been your most challenging one so far
If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive
you were biking to charles' place, over the weeks you had both become closer, and he wanted to cook for you. you were somewhat scared, charles didn't seem like michelin star material, but maybe he'd surprise you.
he did end up surprising you, but not in the way that you thought.
pasta was on the menu for the afternoon, and you sat on the counter as he went around getting all the ingredients ready. basil, pine nuts, garlic, and olive oil were all pushed onto an island before he began on the pasta. getting out the flour and egg, he began to knead the dough together.
he looked nice in moments like this, comfortable. you liked to think that maybe you could see more of him like this, when he's quiet and the silence isn't awkward. existing together in his apartment kitchen. once he was done cutting the dough into pieces, he salted the water and dropped the pasta in. he came over to you and you both began talking.
you ended up getting so immersed in the conversation that the pasta was forgotten- at least until it was too late. you glanced over to the stove, eyes widening as you saw smoke rising from the pan. you both jumped up and yanked it off the gas, bringing it to the sink. what was going to be amazing pasta was now a charred rock. you couldn't help but laugh before getting side eyed by charles.
"i guess we're going to have to order pizza instead"
you ended up binging some random show you found on netflix, and as a souvenir took home the rock of burnt pasta, you named it char, short for charles charcoal
In my imagination, you're waitin' lyin' on your side
charles had become a f3 driver now, and hadn't been in monaco for a bit. you watched all his races, and you were the first person he called after his first win in pau-ville. he was excited, and so were you.
you're feelings for him had kept growing, and you couldn't help it, no matter how much you tried. you loved everything about him, his eyes, and how they'd light up when he saw you, his smile, and the dimples that formed when he did. his hair, his voice, just him.
soon enough he was back in monaco and you were excited to see him.
you grabbed coffee and began walking around the streets, stopping at building 505, walking into the currently empty studio. you looked around some of the paintings before sitting on some stools.
you knew him too well now, 3 years of friendship will do that. he was nervous, when he bought his hand up to his face you had saw he had bitten his nails. you didn't bring it up, but before you could say anything he started to speak
"i've been trying to figure out how i should say this for the longest time. i've known for a while now, but it really hit me in pau. i couldn't have don't any of this without you, i don't even think i'd be who i am without you y/n. and now that i'm back i can' t handle not telling you. i like you, i really like you"
you were stunned for a minute, before you kicked back the stool you were sitting in and kissed him. the puzzles had fallen into place, you couldn't believe it.
he deepened the kiss, bringing his hand to your waist as you sat in his lap. your fingers ran through his hair, tugging as you began to roll your hips against his.
you pulled away, panting. smiling at him before you began to kiss him again, his hands roamed down to your shirt, tugging it up as he separated from you again. you raised your arms, and took his off as well. a silent beat skipped between you both and you laughed
"are we really about to do this right now"
"yeah, i think we are"
you pulled him closer to you once again, his tongue slipped int your mouth effortlessly and you almost moaned, god he knew how to make you melt.
soon enough, the rest of your clothes followed suit and you were on the cool tile floor. as his hand started to trace your inner thigh you grabbed his hand. he looked up, somewhat confused but before he could say anything you spoke,
'i've never done this before"
he relaxes almost immediately, and smiles down at you
"neither have i"
you weren't ashamed to admit you were shocked, sopmeone like him.. never? not once?
he could see the gears turning in his head and he spoke up
"there were girls now and then sure, but i always wanted it to be you, it's always been you honestly"
you couldn't see yourself rn, but you were sure you were giving im heart eyes by now.
"it was the same for me too actually" you said sheepishly
"was it really?
"yeah, it was" and with that you bought your hands up to his shoulder, flipping him onto the floor. you kissed him softly, turning his face to kiss along his jaw, his neck, going further down to his chest, then stomach. pausing for permission, after seeing his nod you pulled down, eyes widening as you saw it. well this was gonna be interesting
you left kisses on his tip, working your way down before you took him all in your mouth. he hit the back of your throat and you almost choked, but hearing the moans coming out of his mouth kept you going. you could feel him start to pulse, and before you could do anything else he was bringing you off of him, kissing your lips as he turned you around.
“can’t have you doing all the work can i cher?” he said as he pulled your underwear down, almost moaning when he looked down at you, all of you.
he traced his hands down your sternum, down to your waist and legs. spreading you open he dipped his face down.
you could feel his tongue inside you, pulsing before he started scissoring you open. he was good- too good at this. you don’t know if you could handle it. soon enough, he was back on top of you, kissing you gently as he lined himself up with your entrance.
he cleaned you up afterwards, he was quiet, soft. you could get used to this
but I crumble completely when you cry
it had been months since that night, you and charles had been going strong, but after he joined f2, something changed. his eyes no longer lit up when he saw you, he started buying things for you instead of making them. you’d wake up to your phone being full of messages, but none of them from him.
it hurt. he hurt.
it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he called you, asking where you were.
you answered, mme. callarios’ place. he said he was going to be there soon.
you felt your heart drop, wether it was excitement or fear, you couldn’t tell.
you knew the minute he stepped through the door it was going to be bad. you could read him like a book. you composed yourself as he came closer, pressing quick kisses to the others cheeks, you painted a smile on your face and smiled at him.
his eyes were full of emotion, for the first time in months. it’s almost funny, you knew it was coming but the moment the words left his mouth you broke down
“i’ve been seeing someone else”
“i see”
at first it didn’t register, not really. a heartbeat later you felt the tears pricking at your eyes. you turned around trying to excuse yourself, but before you could take another step a sob escaped your lips. you started to cry. you couldn’t shut up, why couldn’t you just shut up? you could feel yourself gasping for breath, all the air in the world wasn’t enough for your lungs right now. you were getting lightheaded, knees turning shaky before ultimately giving up on you. the impact resonated around the empty room.
he stepped forward, kneeling down. his stupid, warm hands brushed up against your face, trying to wipe away your tears.
you couldn’t even push him off of you. you really were pathetic.
you managed to fight your way up, shaking and all but running out the door.
never again, you were never going to love anyone like that again
i’m going back to 505
you walked into a crowded room. your latest collection had been getting a lot of coverage in the media, and it was the last day it was up for the public. the pieces would be going to the individual buyers first thing tomorrow.
building 505. it no longer made a bitter taste seep into your mouth. it’s crazy to think a decade ago you were standing here painting him, how time flies.
the first few months were the worst. he was the only thing you could think of, you were a broken record. so naturally, you did the one thing that made you feel close to him again, painting. and it saved you
you could get out every thought you were too afraid to say out loud, every emotion you didn’t want to feel with simple strokes on canvas
you didn’t think anything would come of it, honestly. you were meant to go into investment banking, like your parents. the universe had other plans though
one of mme. callarios’ friends was a museum director, and took a liking to your pieces. he asked you to do some works on commission. word got around fast, and now you’ve made a name for yourself as an artist, in some ways all thanks to charles
charles. now he had his dream job, f1. working with the team he used to tell you about, the team he worshipped.
you were happy for him, sometimes you wonder if he was happy for you. you still think of him when you eat pesto, you still keep char in a jar under your bed, you have all of the paintings you made that summer in a closet collecting dust. there were pieces of yourself that you gave to him that will stay his even though you’re done.
none of that matters now though, you turn to someone who’s called your name and start explaining the piece they’ve asked about
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urlocaldesertdweller · 2 months
Gym Buddies ;)
You and Sloan are very close friends, who would've thought that you two wouldn't be.? But any whooo with being best friends you two love to work out and train together!
Working out alone getting sweaty and hot, and working out the negatives from your mind is already great but doing it with your best friend sounds like one of the best things ever!! The idea would be suggested by Sloan considering they would love to see you try to get more into weight lifting and upper body strength, and in your simple mind gave no thought and a little too quickly said yes.
Mind you, your "friendship" with Sloan since the start was always of passionate bro-friendship with a small hint of competitiveness but that's only because you each want to see the other constantly at their peak! Where the two of you always seemed to be hyping each other up even with the simplest of things.
Even taking in playfighting, arm wrestling, and sparring in the training grounds are very common between the two of you which always raises most of your comrades watching you basically hype each other up while still holding a extremely tense staring contest while trying to pin each other down.
"Come on Y/N! Do you really what you lose to me?!"
They heave gripping hard into your shoulders, their golden skin glistening with sweat, their current clothing choice doesn't help.
"Not even in my nightmares!"
You'll gain an advantage by throwing your head back then quickly throwing your skull towards theirs in a hard headbutt making them yelp staggering back while holding their forehead.
"Fuck... You got me good!"
"Hell yeah! Dont mess with me."
You beam with pride as your friend compliments you which leaves you crossing your arms in confidence leaving you unable to sense them sprinting up to you sweeping under your feet with their strong legs. With an oof you fall on your tailbone making you yelp, god you want to cry with the pain but you bite your lip hard not wanting to cry from something so minor of an injury.
But their scarred hand comes into your lowered gaze making you look up leading up their arm to their smiling face. The overhanging lights from above along with you being beneath them literally make them look like an angel. You take a short second to admire their pure beauty even amidst simple sparring, with a visible gulp you take their hand as they help pull you up...which also reminds you of your tailbone breaking your fall making you place a hand around your butt which makes Sloan giggle.
"I'd say sorry... but I can't really control how you fall buddy!"
"Nah, I'd say that we are now even with that headbutt I gave ya."
And of course, with such kind of playfighting would gain a small audience mainly painfully watching the two of you and betting on will they or won't they kind of thing with your complicated relationship to your team.
"Ugh, this is borderline painful to watch! More painful than whatever Baptiste is going through with his ex."
"Pipe down D.va! You are so loud they almost heard you..."
After warm-up up and when you really mean straight-up play fighting you finally hit the weights and small courses. With the two of you being so close you make a simple pattern of either one of you lifting your limits while the other both encourages and basically trash talks you, basically both becoming each other's gym trainer!
You heave, mouth dry desperate for water eyeing it it on the bench to which Sloan comes back into your view snapping their fingers with a clear whistle. They remind you that you are currently holding 75 pounds over your shoulders in a bowing position which is starting to make your legs shake from holding this pose. They be lying if they said that they were also sneaking some peaks of you looking all breathless and sweaty in front of them.
"Ah ah ah!!! No water for you until you prove to me that you can lift more than me. Power through this you...um dirtbag!!!"
You mumble something feeling your face become tingly and cold from the small gust of wind hitting your slick body with sweat. This makes Sloan get on their knees to meet your gaze which stops the cool breeze, you groan as you now see Sloan blocking your wind they huff slapping your face gently. Making you snap out of your trance, their words minutes ago finally hit your brain making you finish and pump through one more set making you scream your vocal cords out through the straining.
"WHOO!!! ...BEAT...that!!!"
"That's the spirit! And promise...I got this in the bag..."
They crack their knuckles and lay onto the rest prepping themselves as you hum and give a nod with an awful smirk which you know is going to fire them up! In the first few sets, they power through easily which makes you bite down your pride a little until you watch them start to slow down at a steady pace making you ready for anything to happen.
"Lets go Sloan lets go! ...You're one of the strongest people I know...!"
That was a partial lie considering the many literal beasts of people who have joined in overwatch but that's why you say it in a sarcastic tone which makes their face tighten, you watch their muscles flex once more to pump through, their number of sets is starting to get eerily closer to yours but at this point you don't care anymore since you know that your buddy has an awful asthma history. You make a mental note as you drag their duffle bag closer with the tip of your foot.
"Hey, Sloan...do you want me to step in.?"
They groan their eyes glued to the ceiling from above clearly thinking if they can manage just once more push. You don't leave your eyes on Sloan making any certain sort of distress. It takes them a short minute to groan and yell with one last pump in their arms doing one last lift as they manage to let it rest on the handles which makes you relieved as you toss them a bottle of water when they sit up breathless at a normal rate, you still can't help but watch their chest rise and fall stretching the damn near skin tight shirt they chose to wear...
"Oh god...I think we are even..."
Of course, the only thing on their mind is still the track of meaningless numbers that are only to stroke your egos between you and them. You give them a look to which makes them giggle.
"...God what did I do now.?"
"Maybe DONT scare me like that! I was worried that you were going to have an asthma attack stupid!"
You huff turning away in a clear pout which you hide a growing smile when you hear their giggles burst into laughs with your childish acting.
"Awe! Were you actually worried about me.? How flattering..."
They bat their lashes dramatically before chugging the water bottle you tossed. You watch them spill some onto their white tank top dripping from their lips down to their chin and neck then on their shirt... Geez get your mind out of the gutter this is your best friend!
"You bet your ass! I always will give a damn, especially about you."
Sloan only falls into a snickering fit as they stand from the bench to which you cross your arms looking away with huff and then a smile.
"Alright alright! I get it. You might as well love and kiss me buddy with all of that!"
"Heh, nice joke! ...wait what did you say.?"
They say in a playful tone as they grab your hand interlocking their fingers with yours as they drag you away into the showers. Anyone paying attention would have an overall idea of what was going to happen in the showers between the two of you.
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awkwardtickleetoo · 3 months
I just realized, no one has ever written about this position. Let's use snf as an example (for Sap's thunder thighs)
Sapnap chilling on the couch until George decides to be annoying and sits between his legs on the floor, constantly jostling his comfortable position, talking through the whole movie, tugging his leg hair. Sapnap eventually just leans forward and snatches George’s tiny wrists, pulls them out so he's T posing in a way and sets his legs over his biceps. When he releases George’s wrists, the weight of his legs pressing his keeps his arms pinned out, he can't even reach past his thighs with his bent elbows. Sapnap just takes out his annoyance slowly and methodically, working all of George’s tickle spots in just the way he knows how, to drive George crazy, even worse for him is he's so close to grabbing him but he can only brush his fingers against his wrists
oughhhh georgie my helpless little instigator georgie my baby boy :((
god this has. so many little details that i just love so so so much oh my GOD.
like. firstly the sap pinning george’s arms with his legs UGH. secondly the trope of a lee ALMOST being able to reach the ler’s hands but being juuuuust short of actually reaching???? trying their hardest to grab and just barely brushing???? genuinely such a good trope oh my god it’s so perfect. holy shit.
i can literally see this happening too like. firstly, on a strictly precious note, that position seems so snf to me :(( like george just sitting on the floor between saps knees and resting his head on his knee, sap running his fingers through george’s hair to help him relax, even dropping his hands down to massage his shoulders every so often and just letting him chill, that’s. ugh. that’s so them they’re so sweet with each other.
but. the casual touches and gentle affection… it does something to george. especially the massaging, the sneaky swipes against the sides of his neck, the way sapnap looks down at him with a smug grin as he tries to make his flinching as subtle and unnoticed as he can (it doesn’t work) and soon enough. he’s in a lee mood. more so than he already was (that’s usually the reason he sits by sap like that anyway). and he needs sapnap to do something that isn’t just occasionally fluttering his fingers in areas that make him squirm.
so he instigates.
of course sapnap knows exactly what’s happening. so he lets him.
soon george is grabbing at saps ankles, pushing and pulling his legs, even leaning over and pretending to bite his legs, doing anything he can to vaguely irritate sapnap and push him to retaliate. sapnap isn’t irritated at all, he actually thinks it’s really endearing when george gets like this bc he gets all giggly and shy and won’t say what he wants but they both KNOW what he wants, but eventually he puts george out of his misery and “retaliates” against him
and he does exactly what you said, he grabs george’s wrists and yanks his arms out to the sides, making george squeal and yell out in shock, and he throws his legs over his biceps and shifts on the couch to keep his calves straight and flat against the cushion under him, making sure he wouldn’t move and that george couldn’t move him.
and george knows what’s coming, so he whines and breaks out into giggles before anything happens, squirming the rest of his body that’s still free and trying to let out the pent up nerves coursing through his veins. his hips shift and he kicks his legs, sliding his socked feet against the carpet before curling his knees up, shaking his head and trying to free his arms with a weak “sahapnap, dohon’t :(“ before sapnap leans over and digs into his ribs
his weak pleas then pretty sincere after that
sap keeps messing with him, scratching under his arms and down his sides and squeezing his ribs and hips, reaching forward to spider over his knees as well and making him squeal and kick out, and he makes sure to lean in so he can tease and growl into george’s ear as well, a trick he knows always makes george extra squirmy
george isn’t really trying too hard to escape, but he’s definitely squirming, and he’s definitely straining his shoulders trying to pull his arms free, to bend them past saps thighs, to grab at his wrists or arms or head to get him anywhere else that’s not attached to his body, but it’s purely instinct. he knows it won’t work and he doesn’t want it to.
eventually, sap stops, and he cards his fingers through george’s hair again to help calm him, guiding his head to lay against his thigh as he lets him slip his arms out from under his legs. george is still giggly, but it’s leftover, and soon he gets too sleepy for the floor to be comfortable anymore, so sap has him join him on the couch and lets him lay on his shoulder as they relax and watch a show together <3
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yellowkitkieran · 11 months
Lazy Mornings (Kieran Tierney)
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Word Count: 1.0k
Summary: Kieran attempts to bribe you upon waking up in the morning.
"Ugh- Shadow hey- Key get your dog!" 
"Before eight am he's your dog," Kieran mumbles, voice muffled by the pillow his face is shoved into. Shadow whines between the pair of you, tapping his paws on the mattress impatiently. The Rottweiler whines, which is always followed by a high pitched bark- the latte rod which finally spurs Kieran into motion. 
You watch out of the corner of your eye as your boyfriend flings back the covers, muttering half hearted, soft threats at the dog whilst he stretches. Golden light filters through the gap in the curtains, perfectly illuminating Kieran's bare chest. The marks your nails left last night are still visible, and you smile to yourself as you recall the three rounds of fun you had. 
Kieran yelps when Shadow's massive paw lands on one of the larger marks you made the night before. The purple bruise on his forearm must throb, judging by the way Kieran then cradles the appendage to his chest. "Alright, Jesus lad I'm coming! I'm coming!" 
Shadow races off down the hall, full of energy after a long night's rest. Kieran is just the opposite- the pair of you only fell asleep a few hours ago and he would've loved a bit more sleep. Kieran makes it all of three steps before he pauses to lean in the doorway, nursing a yawn. You'll gladly watch him, the muscles of his shoulders rippling like water in a stream when he laces his fingers together and stretches again. 
"How many times are you gonna stretch before you let the dog out?"
"At least one more if you're watching me," Kieran rumbles in his scratchy morning voice. 
"Oh darling, I could watch you all day. Keep stretching like that- oooohhh yep that's the ticket… let Shadow out in the garden and give him a bone, then come right back up here." 
Kieran hangs on the top ledge of the door frame, his torso on full display as he grins at you. It's like something out of a book, one of those poses that's taken over tiktok that makes women feral. Safe to say you've fallen victim to this particular trope. Not that you're complaining; you'll enjoy this view any day of the week. 
"Aye doll, I'll be back in five minutes. I'll bring breakfast too, because something tells me we'll need the nutrition."
Something about the way Kieran's accent grows thicker in the morning has you rubbing your thighs together. The slight ache between them still lingers from last night, though you're more than ready to have his face buried between them again. 
Shadow barks from somewhere downstairs, probably close to making a mess in the kitchen. "Go on, don't make Shadow wait any longer. Or me for that matter! Go!" 
"Aye lass I'm going, I'm going. Just enjoying the view-" Kieran dodges the pillow you chuck his way, your aim accurate enough to be a nuisance. "Alright- hey! Quit throwing things," he ducks another decorative pillow, "I'm gone!" 
"Five minutes!" You remind him, snuggling up on his side of the bed and breathing in the remnants of his body wash. "I miss you already!"
Seven minutes later- yes, you timed him- Kieran returns with Shadow at his feet and a pair of protein bars in his hand, one pink and one tan. "Strawberry milkshake or chocolate dream?"
"Mmm…" You tap your chin, contemplating which sounds better in that moment. "Normally I'd go chocolate dream buttttt I think I'll take that strawberry one today!" 
Kieran unwraps it for you, holding it out in your direction before yanking his hand back at the last second. Shadow sits at his side, eager for what he thinks is his treat. "Not so fast, doll. You have to pay the toll if you want your breakfast. I did all the hard work, letting Shadow out-" 
"Letting your dog out like a responsible pet owner-"
"Going all the way downstairs to rummage through the pantry and find the perfect snack-"
"That you insisted on grabbing!"
Kieran is fighting laughter at this point, but he's committed to the bit. "I'm even giving you the last of my very favorite flavor. I think that deserves a little toll for all my trouble and sacrifices!"
You groan, reclining on the pillows and covering your eyes with your arm like a Shakespeare actor. "You can be sooooo dramatic-"
"Me dramatic? Look at you, love! Lounging about like someone in an old timey play- swooning and all!" You peek out from under your arm. It takes all your willpower to keep from mirroring Kieran's smile.
"Can you blame me? I mean when there's a Scottish man as attractive as you in my room whilst I'm in my nightie, of course I'll swoon." 
"Mmhmm… guess I can't blame you there. But I'm afraid I must demand payment for this terribly taxing journey I've undertaken in retrieving your breakfast," Kieran says in his best royal English accent. The absurdity of it has you in stitches immediately, curling on your side whilst your shoulders shake with laughter. 
"I'll kiss you if you never do that again," you get out between giggles. "Come here so I can shut you up!"
Kieran straddles your waist, one knee on either side of your hips. He dips down, protein bar still held out of your reach, and presses his mouth to yours. He's pleasantly surprised when you dart your tongue over his lips, which part seamlessly to allow you to deepen the kiss. You entertain him for a minute or so, until you can crack an eye open and snatch the bar from his hand. 
Shadow barks when Kieran exclaims, "Hey! You tricked me- ughhhhh you used your kiss against me!"
You take a huge bite of the bar, chewing with a self satisfied smile. "I just know how to play the game, darling. Maybe you should brush up on the rules."
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supurman · 1 month
guy's totally trustworthy, right? he's superman for god's sake. so spider-man had no issues in removing his mask around the guy... a usual pit of anxiety going unnoticed. superman just made him feel - if you wanted to be cheesy about it? - safe. so peter is hiking the mask up to his nose, hesitating a second before pulling it off completely, ruffling his already a mess hair. ugh, mask-hair " peter parker, by the way. believe it or not, my ID doesn't say spider-man. "
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the day was saved [...] whatever it was coming out the sky of new york  was now headed back where it came from. clark's suit was peppered in tears - the edges of his cape fringed in burns. and his skin showed signs of scraping despite his famous imperviousness. these were all the tell-tale signs of a fighter.
together the day's heroes found a balcony to perch on. clark stood relaxed upon the edge. a far cry from the statuesque pose people think he always dons         like a pillar. (  it was great to fly, but there was no better place then his feet on the ground. )
his gaze panned to his left where spider-man was. while clark didn't notice the anxiety he did feel something was amiss        spider-man was less quippy than usual. especially  after such a big fight... his gaze remained still on him. soon, the reason came apparent. from a webbed mask identity, to his chin peeking. an intense pause where clark's eyes subtly widened. and then there he was. the spider-man himself. emotions were no stranger to superman and he allowed them to show when the cape was on.clark was surprised, but he was not bewildered as his humbleness allowed to see this as a show of trust more then a impending secret most people would be prying for. either way, whites contrasted with alien blues. this is not only what courage looks like but trust.
to be quite honest, clark never liked the masked look for anyone. trust came with a face even if the identity was secret ( much like how clark and superman operated ) , but he respected anyone's method of heroing. a new fondness came to his gaze at the reveal  and he was now shedding the shock that once pried his eyes so open.
his smile comes onto his face as natural as the morning sun clinging to east facing city walls. ❝ wow , look at you. ❞ superman couldn't help but float off the edge of the building to look at peter parker. so young, dark brown hair, and looks like any other young adult out there. but he really was the heart of this city this one man wasn’t he ? even if clark practiced his own secret identity double life there was no way to hide being shocked when another revealed themselves. he knew from personal experience how much it meant to do it. it meant showing your true self, revealing the loved knows you’re connected to, never being able to hide again into an identity unknown. it was no small matter   and it was a matter clark found himself honored to receive. ❝ is it peter - parker , or just peter parker. ❞ superman joked in a playful manner. no post battle bruises could hide his illuminated warmth - not with this big surprise revitalizing him back into his former self.
❝ clark kent, from the daily planet [ ... ] do i get an exclusive with spider-man on the space invasion situation now ? ❞ a smirk. there was trust here. just two hearts of different city's becoming more then comrade heroes on the field but friends.
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theberrybrothel · 9 months
Berry Brothel Christmas
“Merry x-mas girls, It's showtime!” I wake up and my nose is immediately assaulted by the smells of cinnamon, gingerbread, eggnog, and of course rum. It's X-mas at the Brothel, so management has prepared a special list of acts for the patrons who have decided to brave the cold, and spend some of their money on us.
 I look in my assignment box and find my act for the night; the card is red, decorated with reindeer. It says: ‘All I want for X-mas is You’. I smile to myself, just the one I was hoping for. I get dressed for my little number. I'm wearing a sexy elf costume, tight green pants to show my ass and a low cut green crop top to show the tits. Its matched with a pair of high heels that curl at the toe ending in a bell, so every step I take jingles. I top the outfit off with a short green cap with bells around the crown so I jingle even more. Still jingling, I step out into the main hall to join my group for the evening.
 Tonight I'm joined by Brenda, sporting a sexy Santa outfit complete with gloves. Can't beat the classic, and Eartha who is going for a hipster christmas party vibe. She is wearing a knit beanie pulled low over her head, covering her brown hair and an ugly christmas sweater that is sporting a malibu barbie theme. The look is completed by the converses she has on her feet. We start walking to the green room, and talking about what we are gonna do after we finish this show, and are done for the night. 
“Going out drinking with Christy, Ann and Jen. They have to be back early though so I’m down to chill later” Brenda says. “They all are working the late shift upstairs covering for some of the staff that went home for the holidays' ' Brenda has worked at the brothel for a while, so she has the extreme stripper curves that so many of us get after a few months of inflation. Honestly, Management can mold us however they want but they don't want to change much from the tried and true.
Eartha is one of the few exceptions to this. Management keeps her flat as a board, in all places. For the odd duck that isn't into curves, or wants a very specific type of transformation. It's probably the reason that Management denied her request for time off. Some V.I.P with those specific tastes is going to be in town. “I think I’m going to put on Die Hard and sleep the rest of the night. I’m going to go visit the Fam for New Year since Janice can cover my clients.”
“Ugh you have the most predictable tastes in movies Earth” Brenda teases. “How about you Jordan?”
“I might head over to the Punk Rock Museum, see who is playing. It will be a nice change from the Christmas pop”. 
 We get to the fork that leads to the green room and the main stage.Brenda splits off to the stage. Looking through the window in the green room, Eartha and I see the stage has been made to look like a literal stage from a high school auditorium. Brenda’s client, a well dressed man sits in the single chair facing the stage. I recognize him from some of his other visits. He is a nice guy; respectful too. Bennet I think his name is.
Brenda walks out and strikes a pose. The light projectors fill in three dancers who will all be linked to Brenda’s movements. We call this a shadow dance. Brenda takes a shot of blueberry liqueur, we use that when gum will mess up the performance. As the music begins to play. Brenda starts lip syncing.   
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun
Brenda begins by stepping forward slowly and sensually, using her enlarged assets she adds an extra jiggle and shake to every one of her steps. The Shadow dances mirror her, so when She bends over to Bennet he had four sets of cleavage surrounding him.  He only gets a quick peek before . She twirls away the tell tale blue spot appearing on her nose and quickly flushes her face blue.
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in jingle bell square
In the frosty air
The other three dancers all stay their natural color as they continue to mirror Brenda’s movements.
Brenda places her hands on her thighs, and sticks her rear out. Bending over to give him a better look at her now blue tits. They have started bloating up, smoothing the wrinkles of her outfit. A sharp eye can also see the slight belly bump that is pressing on the shiny Fabric of her costume. He smiles back at her and she stands up straight, slapping her thighs in the process. She has timed it so that the blue flush is passing right through her smack.
What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh
Now that she is fully blue, she begins to make slow hip shaking twirls emphasizing the size of her hips as they get fuller and juicer with every twirl. Simultaneously a blue band can be seen separating her red top and red skirt.  She faces away from Bennet so that he can inspect her rear, bending over again so that it is fully on display for him. she gives it a bit of a shake before standing up again.
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
As she stands back up the man spanks her bare ass causing it to jiggle. She turns around with a playfully shocked look on her face, repeated by the other 3 girls that circle around his chair.  The four dancers line up placing their elbows on the girl in front of them’s ass they all playfully wag a finger at him. No touching until she is ripe. 
When she stands up you can see the blue band has grown, her belly button is now on full display. The middle of her extreme hourglass is filling in her thighs filled with juice widening her stance. They have also become hard to bend, causing her to have to swing her legs out to take a step forward.
Brenda tries to do the sexy stride that she did when she started the dance but now it looks silly and awkward. The four girls all line up in front of Bennet facing away from him placing a hand on the dancer next to their ass cheek. they shake and rotate their hips sensually. Brenda’s inflated hips hit into both dancers on either side of her, throwing off their rhythm.  The shadow dancers all turn and look at her. they mockingly look angry that her size is messing up their choreography; they all stop mirroring her and go sit on Bennet’s lap like groupies, teasing him with their perfect breasts and asses, while Brenda struggles to finish her routine.  Due to her rapidly increasing size when she turns around and struts rather waddles away. my, you can see that booty jiggle!  The fabric of her costume breaks away with a sharp snap leaving her naked in the middle of the room as she awkwardly still tries to dance.
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell rock
Her breast are really out of control now, jiggling and bouncing with every tottering step she takes. her body has started the process of rounding out filling in her once luxurious curves higher and higher on her body until she is more or less round.
What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
 She takes a few more tottering steps before her body has totally outswelled her legs and forces her feet from the floor. Bennet smiles at her, past the groupies as he watches her flap her limbless hands and feet helplessly in an attempt to finish dancing to the song. The three shadow dancers leave Bennet and take positions on each side of the stage. With a nod the first gives Brenda a hard shove and rolls her to the other two dancers waiting to catch her. After sending her back across the stage one of the dancers brings Bennet up on stage and positions Brenda in front of him. Another dancer places a large prop bow on her so she looks like a helpless present. Brenda looks at him with her big puppy dog eyes “Master I think Im ripe”. she says the words breathlessly trying to contain the anticipation that is in her voice. He stands up, pushing the holograms away as they look on with jealousy, and free’s he very hard cock.  “Well then time for your present berry.”
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh
  He rolls her so that her mouth is at the level of his dick. dutifully knowing what he wants, she opens her mouth  to takes his cock moaning through it and licking at it. I am told that bjs are extra good here because the guys can feel the juices flooding your mouth. plus all that swallowing is really good for getting guys off.
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
  Bennet grabs ahold of Brenda’s hair as he begin to speed up his thrusting face fucking her with passion  
That's the jingle bell
 Brenda’s eyes go wide as she feels Bennet’s member stiffen in her mouth she knows whats coming and that she is powerless to stop it
That's the jingle bell
 He comes in her mouth, hard by the way his body is shaking.As he finishes the lights in the room go out so that the pair can be taken to a more private playroom. 
That's the jingle bell rock
Eartha ribs me as she heads out of the room “Guess it was a ‘swell time’ after all.” I roll her eyes at the pun
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xnekoyokaix · 2 years
My forever ghost
Prompt - Firsts
This was ridiculous!!!
She fought ghosts for a living, she'd jumped into the Thames, out of a burning building, been through the other side, twice!
Why did this feel so fucking scary when she'd done all that.
It's just Lockwood, she'd chided herself, not a Changer, it's not life and death. 
Shit, why did it feel like it was then!
Her heart strained in her chest like it would literally burst free any second.
She still stood there, her hand on the door handle. "Turn it!" She told herself. "Just like a haunted house, you don't linger or the fear gets you."
OK, a ghost, she could imagine he was a ghost that needed containing. No fear, get in, get the job done, straight to the source.
Ghost, he's a ghost, contain the source, be quick.
She still stood there, shaking slightly. Trouble was, she'd never done this before. She'd never told ANYONE this. None of her family had ever said it to her growing up so she'd never even said it as a child.
She'd not even said it to Norrie, whom she thought might be the only other person in this world she really had loved. Albeit in a different way.
It's just Lockwood, she said again. Ugh she was going round in circles in her own head stood out here.
She fingered the necklace around her neck trying to gather courage. She was completely sure how she felt, the fear was all about how HE felt. And she was pretty sure about that too after the past few months they'd been dating.
She smiled to herself, actually dating! It had been like a dream, dinners, movies, walks in the park, cuddles and kisses on the sofa. Her heart sang whenever he touched her and they couldn't get enough of each other's company.
She wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know how fully he had her. More than that she wanted to hear him say it to her.
Her hand loosened on the door handle. What if he didn't, what if he wasn't quite in it like she was. What if she said it and he didn't. What if she said it and he freaked out, panicked, backed off, called it off!!
Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. She shook her head, she'd let the fear get in.
Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, she chanted to herself. 
She wanted him to know, she didn't think he'd leave her, she had a feeling deep down that he was in as deep as she was. Trust it, she wanted to trust it, to trust him.
She gripped the handle again.
He's a ghost, she said again. Get in, get it done quick, don't let fear set in.
She wrenched the handle, and, with a force that she really hadn't meant, burst the door open, so hard that it banged on the bookcase behind it. 
Lockwood lurched to his feet, his book launching across the room as he went straight to a defensive fighting pose.
Lucy just stared in shock with her mouth open. She couldn't believe she'd done that!!
"Lucy?" Lockwood panted as the shock subsided. "What, what's wrong?!"
"You're a ghost!" She blurted, shock and tension and bewilderment blurting out the last thought she'd had coming through the door.
"What?!" Lockwood looked thoroughly baffled and was starting to get that worried frown on his face. He straightened and moved quickly to her. "Luce, what's wrong, I'm not a ghost, I'm right here."
He put a hand on her cheek and his eyes searched her face to try and puzzle out what was going on.
Her eyes prickled with tears. Oh fuck she'd messed it up. She couldn't say it now!
"No, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that you're a ghost, I'm sorry, it's not what I wanted to say."
He smiled at her in a way that showed how endearing he found her little mad moments. He put his other hand to the back of her neck and rested his forehead on hers, he made a quiet shushing noise to try and calm her. When her breath had slowed he lifted his head and gazed into her eyes.
"What did you want to say, my love?"
Her breath caught. He'd never called her that before. It wasn't the same as saying IT but it fed a tendril of hope back through her embarrassment and fear.
"Yes," she breathed. "That's what I wanted to say."
He pulled back a little and gave her a quirky smile. "Sorry Luce, I don't quite follow."
" Love." She breathed, almost in a whisper. "I love you."
She felt like her heart stopped then, time froze and the words hung in the air between them. There was no breath in her lungs and she couldn't breathe in. It was painful, she needed to breathe but she couldn't. She was pinned by his eyes, desperately watching them for some sign of his response.
He blinked and his eyes went as wide as she'd ever seen them. His face seemed to drain of what little colour it had and he honestly did almost resemble a ghost as the pale lights of the library glittered on him.
Then time seemed to rush back in with a whoomph of air as she breathed in. And it suddenly seemed like his eyes melted. A smile slowly, so slowly, stole across his face, gentle and serene at first, then replaced by a smirk and that infuriating sparkle in his eyes that she knew meant he'd just thought of some way to tease her.
"Well yes," he said. "I can see how those two statements are easy to mix up." He grinned at her. "Very similar."
He said this while nodding slightly as if in agreement with himself.
Her mouth hung open and then she slapped his arm and smiled herself at the absurdity of what she'd just done.
He took her hands in his and smiled again. Her face felt like fire and she thought her cheeks must nearly be the same shade as her hair.
He hadn't freaked out, or backed away. The fear ebbed out of her slowly and it felt like her body was slowly regaining warmth after being in a spectral freeze. She shook her head slightly, laughing.
He breathed deeply then, a slightly shaky breath that had her pausing again to look at him. He smiled wider and moved a hand back to her face.
"I love you, Lucy Carlyle. I've loved you for quite some time."
Tears rushed to her eyes and a sob half broke from her. He smiled again and then his lips were on hers.
She melted into him as if he was a part of her own soul. Home, that's what he was, her home, her Lockwood, her love, and no more fear.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
I Did Something Bad - 1.
Bodyguard!Stucky x Reader AU
Part 2 <<
Run-through: You’re a rich spoilt brat, and your two bodyguards are the ones who have to put up with you and your attitude all day every day. Until one day, they’ve had about enough. And they decide to tame the brat in you…
Themes: bratty!reader, smut, daddy kink, bodyguard!stucky
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“What a brat.” Steve mumbled under his breath.
“I agree.” Bucky sent a brief nod towards him.
They were both right behind you, each holding your countless shopping bags as they walked the steps which led to the front door of your house.
Correction, your father’s house. You didn’t actually own anything, you were just blessed enough to have been born in a filthy rich family. And you were an only child, so your parents treated you like you were the most precious thing in the world. You were spoilt.
Spoilt like Steve and Bucky had never seen before. You had people to do everything for you. You didn’t even do your own make up or hair in the morning; you had an entire team for that.
Your parents were away most of the time, on business trips and earning more money so you could be even more of a spoilt brat. Given they were away, they had two of the most highly trained, professional bodyguards stay with you to ensure your safety – Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.
The two were the best of friends, and initially they didn’t even want to put up with you. But the paychecks which came from your father each month were hefty. So they compromised; put up with your annoying, bratty self just for the salary.
There were other perks of the job. They got to stay in a lavish mansion, they got to travel everywhere, enjoy the finest things in life, along with you.
 “Uh, can one of you guys come help me?” came the sound of your voice from inside your bedroom. The two men who were outside your bedroom groaned quietly.
They shared a look and opened the door to your grand bedroom and stepped in. They always envied you, and all the nice things you had without even having work a day in your life. They both looked around, looking for you in the spacious bedroom.
You stepped out of the walk-in closet wearing a black, lace bodysuit – showing off your cleavage and your legs.
The two men’s eyes almost fell out of their sockets.
Oh another perk to the job, you were smoking hot. And that almost made up for your attitude that they had to put up with at times, because who wouldn’t like a doll parading around them all the time?  
You walked up till you stood in front of them, nonchalantly checking out the new rings and jewelry you had on, which you had bought earlier. Not caring about the fact that you were semi-naked in front of the two.
“Can one of you zip me up?” you spoke, without looking up.
And it took both of them a few seconds to process everything. They shared a look again, filthy things on both their minds.
“I’ll do it.” Steve spoke up before Bucky could even open his mouth and offer to help. The latter glared at his friend. Steve walked up behind you, and gently pushed all your hair out of the way and shifting it over your shoulder while he shamelessly let his eyes roam over your semi-exposed body.
He took his sweet time to find the zipper and closing it gently, letting his fingertips lightly caress your skin. He admired the shape of your body once he was done, Bucky did the same. You walked away from Steve, not even thanking him and went on to admire yourself in the mirror.
The two men couldn’t take their eyes off you as you posed in front of the mirror, checking yourself out and clicking pictures here and there.
“I want a green smoothie.” You said, to no one in particular. But neither of them heard because they were busy checking you out. And seeing they weren’t moving you turned around and faced them. “Hello? I said I want green smoothie.” You said, as usual, in that bratty voice of yours. You had absolutely no patience, you were a total brat.
But that didn’t matter right now. Not when you looked like that; beautiful and enticing, but so out of their league.
Bucky cleared his throat and peeled his eyes off you. “Steve will get it. Someone has to stay here with you.” He made the decision without even sparing Steve a look.
And poor Steve had to agree and leave the room. While Bucky stayed in your room and enjoyed the show as you tried on all the clothes and lingerie you bought earlier today.
 You caught Bucky staring at you through the mirror and you internally smirked. You considered yourself lucky that the two bodyguards your dad had appointed were both eye candy. All your friends drooled over both of them; you included.
How could you not? They were always so… hot. Black suits, dark sunglasses whenever you were out, broody and handsome; they could make any one’s heart flutter. You knew how the brat in you annoyed them, but you couldn’t help it. You liked the look on their faces when they realize that they can’t do otherwise but obey you.
 Steve returned with your smoothie and you took it, again without thanking him. He noticed you were in another bodysuit, nude colored this time and much more flimsy. He discretely sent a questioning look towards Bucky and the latter smirked and raised his eyebrow at him. As if boasting and saying, ‘yup, I helped her with that one.’
 “I’m going to the club later tonight.” You announced and the two men almost groaned out loud.
You were a true party animal. And Steve and Bucky hated your useless, equally as spoilt, friends. Each time you went clubbing, they always had to carry you home because you cannot handle alcohol for too long. And the worst part, they’d have to deal with your hungover self the next day.
Steve couldn’t help but point out. “This is the fifth time in the past three weeks. Are you sure you should be partying so much?” he sounded like he was done with you, but was still trying to be polite because you were still his boss’ daughter.
Bucky nodded, agreeing with his friend. And you frowned at both of them.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but do I pay you to lecture me?” you asked, crossing your arms over your chest, your action accentuating your breasts.
Steve looked down at the ground, afraid he might have been staring at your chest for too long. “No ma’am.” He replied, hands in front of him – standing in a classic bodyguard pose.
You scoffed, giving them both a look which told them not to mess with you. “Good. We leave at ten thirty.” You announced and walked back into your walk-in closet.
As predicted, you were wasted within the first three hours of being at the club. And just like always, Steve and Bucky had to carry you out and bring you home.
Luckily you didn’t throw up on the sidewalk or in the car this time. Your driver drove all of you home, and Bucky had you on his lap in the backseat, your feet on Steve’s lap. You were blacked out.
“She looks so angelic when she sleeps.” Steve commented, quietly.
Bucky chuckled. “Wait till she wakes up tomorrow and makes everyone’s life a living hell.” Bucky said, remembering the last time you were hungover and how you had him, Steve, your housekeeper, maids and chefs, all run around like headless chickens.
Steve chuckled at the same memory. “I swear if she treats us as her slaves like last time, I’m gonna quit.”
Bucky sent a look towards his friend. “Please don’t, I can’t handle her on my own.” He pretended to shiver at the thought of him having to put up with your antics all on his own.
And the two men shared a laugh.
 They put you to bed once you all made it home. They placed you under the covers, the maid took off your shoes and most of your jewelry, took out the pins in your hair and turned the lights off before they stepped out of your room.
The next day, the minute they each woke up in their rooms, they heard your loud voice coming from upstairs. And they both groaned as they got ready for the day.
Steve was out of his room and on his way to you first. Bucky came shortly after. And they found you in bed, whining about having a terrible headache.
“Do you need painkillers?” Bucky asked and you glared at him.
“I already took them.” you spat at him.
Clearly you were going to be even more of a bitch today.
“Did you have breakfast?” Steve asked, standing at the end of your bed.
You groaned.
“The thought of food makes me want to throw up.” You whined, testing his patience already.
Steve sighed. “Look, you need to eat. It’s the only way you’ll get rid of the hangover-,”
You cut him off.
“Ugh, okay mom!” you mocked. “Fine, whatever, just get out.” You said rather rudely. And while Steve was still debating what to say to you, Bucky spoke up.
He stepped up closer to you, standing by the side of your bed. “Hey, easy. We’re just trying to help. You need to eat so y-,”
You cut him off as well. “Like I said before, I don’t pay you to lecture me, why do you even-,” you were going off but this time Steve cut you off.
“Enough!” he raised his voice, and both you and Bucky turned to look at him. He had never acted like this before. You could see the irritation on his face as he stared at you.
“You don’t pay us, first of all, your father does! You don’t do anything other than sit there and be a brat and spend his money! We technically don’t work for you, we work for him. So let us do our jobs, which is to take care of his spoilt daughter who has no manners whatsoever. His daughter who treats people like slaves! People who actually care about her more than her own parents do!” He spat, making your jaw drop.
He continued, less loudly this time. “For once, drop your attitude and do as we say. Get in the shower, and then come downstairs. Breakfast will be ready by then.” He looked at you dead in the eyes while he scolded you. “Move, now!” the authority in his voice had you scram out of bed and rush into the bathroom immediately.
Once you shut the bathroom door behind you, Bucky turned to Steve and extended his arm so they could do their secret handshake.
“What was that?” he asked, clearly impressed.
Steve smirked. “Just taming the brat.” He answered.
Bucky laughed. “What if she tells her dad and gets us both fired?” he asked.
Steve knew you would never tell your dad because you would be somewhat ashamed in saying you got blacked out drunk at the club and then were rude to people afterwards. “She won’t.” he said and they both made their way out and into the kitchen.
 Breakfast was ready by the time you came downstairs, rather sheepishly. You kept your eyes to the ground as you sat at the kitchen island. Surprisingly, you waited patiently for your breakfast.
Bucky took the plate and placed it in front of you. Baked beans, hash browns, eggs, toast – not your usual breakfast because you normally had sugary cereal in the morning.
You sighed rather loudly, frowned and began complaining, “But this is n-,”
Bucky cut you off by grabbing your chin gently and tilting your head up so you looked up at him. He didn’t even think twice before touching your face, but you didn’t mind it. At all.
You looked up into his ocean blue eyes, very similar to Steve’s.
“A big breakfast will help, trust me. And it’s better than that bowl of sugar you’re used to.” He said, cracking a faint smile. You shyly returned him a smile. “Eat.” He pointed at the plate and went to find Steve in the living room.
You were pretty quiet for the rest of the morning. Quiet as in, you weren’t throwing a fit when the meal that the chef made for you wasn’t what you wanted. Or you weren’t whining about how you hate everyone in this house. Or you weren’t being a bitch to absolutely everyone you saw because you were hungover.
You spent most of the day in your room, sulking. Mainly because you weren’t used to people talking in loud voices at you. Steve and Bucky came to check up on you a few times, asked you if there’s anywhere you need to go. But you said no each time. You barely spoke to them, at least you weren’t rude.
 You were tame – but it didn’t last for long.
The next day, you were back to being a brat. Once the hangover passed, you were just as loud and rude as before. You were even rude to Bucky – all your manners from the previous day forgotten – when he came to ask you what you wanted for breakfast.
“Is there a way to ever get a straight answer out of you for once, without you being sarcastic and bratty all the time?” he asked, wishing you were back to yesterday when you were all quiet and obedient.
You scoffed and got out of bed. “You or Steve yell at me one more time, and I will call dad and have both of you fired. You hear me?” you spat at him.
And he wanted to tell you off, like Steve did, but then he took one look at your appearance. Messy hair, your reading glasses on, an oversized white shirt – no pants. You looked too adorable to scold. So he let you go.
 You tested Steve’s patience too that day. As usual, people ran your errands and Steve brought you something that you had asked for and you took it without thanking him.
“Will a ‘thank you’ hurt?” he asked.
You glared at him.
“Stop it. You’re not my mom.” You said bitterly and he groaned and walked away.
This had been their daily lives for the past year and a half. And each day they thought there was no way you could out do yourself and be any more of a brat. Yet, each day you kept surprising them with how annoying you could be to deal with.
Then one day, you truly out did yourself.
You were nowhere to be found.
 “This is it, I’m calling her dad.” Steve took out his phone but Bucky stopped him.
“She’s our responsibility, calling her dad would be equivalent to digging our own graves. Don’t.” Bucky reasoned. He couldn’t even imagine calling a parent to tell them their child has gone missing.
They were both panicking. You had snuck out earlier in the afternoon, and it was now nighttime and you still weren’t back. The two were pacing around the living room.
“I don’t get it, usually she tells us before even going outside in the yard.” Bucky was trying to figure out what must’ve gone wrong.
Steve sighed, ready to punch something out of frustration. “She acts like such a child sometimes. Can’t even track her phone because she left it here.” He shook his head.
“It’s nearly midnight Steve, she should be back by now. We need to do something. Did you get anything from the camera footage?” Bucky was worried sick – both about your safety and his job.
Steve swore under his breath. “Nothing on there. I mean we don’t even know if she went out on her own or got kidnapped or some-,”
A voice cut him off.
“Chill moms, I’m fine.” You walked into the living room with a smirk on. And the two men looked at you like they were witnessing some miracle. Bucky was relieved, yet somewhat irritated. Steve was just angry.
“Where the hell have you been? You were missing for 8 hours!” Bucky asked, the smug look on your face was beginning to piss him off.
You didn’t bother answering, you walked right past them and into the kitchen. The two, now irritated, followed you.
“Answer, god damn it! Where have you been? We were worried sick!” Steve hissed.
You took a water bottle out of the fridge and took a long sip while looking at them both with nothing but cockiness in your eyes.
“Well good news, I was so annoying and bratty that the kidnappers dropped me right back home.” You fake smiled, obviously being sarcastic and walked out of the kitchen. You heard the two groaned as you left them in the kitchen.
 You rushed upstairs and went right into your bedroom, and not even a few seconds later – they both walked into your room very angrily and without even bothering to knock first.
You sighed. “Get out. I’m tired, I need to sleep.” You spoke, without looking up at them.
“I don’t think so. Now answer me, where the fuck have you been?” Bucky asked, clearly mad.
You chuckled. “Watch your tone with me.” You sassed.
Steve stepped forward and walked right up to you. He stood closer to you than usual, invading your personal space. But you didn’t mind it one bit.
“Or what, huh?” he asked, sliding his hand into your hair gently, tugging on it a little making your head tilt back so you looked up at him.
You were speechless as you looked up into his ocean blue eyes. Mainly because you weren’t expecting this, but also because the look on his face sent a tingle dancing down your spine, and ended right at your core. Definitely not a bad tingle.
When you recovered, you were about to lift your hand up and slap his hand away from you but then you realized that Bucky was behind you, locking your wrists in his grip behind your back.
“Let’s try that again, sweetheart. Where have you been?” Bucky whispered in your ear, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear and making you shiver.
You looked up at Steve, immobilized and not hating it. “I… I was out with my girlfriends.” You confessed and almost whimpered when bucky tightened his grip around your wrists.
“And what did we say about sneaking out, or going anywhere without informing us?” Steve asked. You believed it might have been your imagination, but it felt as though he leaned in a little, bringing his face closer to yours.
It took you a few seconds to process given the proximity of the two men was interrupting your ability to think straight. “You… you said it was against the rules.” You remember that long talk you had with both of them the day they joined. When they took the time to explain the rules to you but all you did was roll your eyes at them and sigh.
Bucky chuckled darkly right in your ear. “Seems you have broken an important rule, sweetheart.” He gently kissed the skin beneath your ear and your eyes flew shut. Your lips parted as you tried hard not to moan at the feeling of his soft lips against your skin.
When you opened your eyes, you found Steve smirking down at you. He felt a rush course through him and leaned in to gently take your lower lip between his teeth; tugging on it playfully. His actions were gentle, but you shivered still. Steve bit down on your lip, while Bucky discretely kissed down your neck.
Then and there, something shifted in the air. It was a pleasant shift.
Steve chuckled against your mouth. “You never learn, babygirl.” he mumbled, against the side of your mouth. And the nickname had you almost whimpering.
Bucky softly nibbled on your skin at your shoulder; making you shudder. Steve tugged a little more on your hair and pulled away to look at you. If there’s anything you knew for sure in that moment, is that you wanted them. Both of them. Bad.
“Teach me then.” You whispered. And both of them smirked and shared a look.
If only you had been careful about what you wished for…
 You were kneeling on your bed, naked and with Bucky still holding your wrists behind your back. His grip was tight and strong, but you didn’t complain. You couldn’t because Steve had his two fingers gently pumping in and out of your mouth.
He had searched your bedside table a few minutes ago, and pulled out the vibrator wand which you had hidden in there. You wondered how he knew it was there. But before you could think over it too much, he turned it on and placed it in between your legs; right on top of your entrance.
You whined in pleasure, but he quickly shut you up by pushing his fingers past your lips. “Always whining like a brat.” He commented, smirking and wiggling the wand a little and making you whine louder. And to add on to your sweet torture, Bucky circled his arm around you and gently circled your clit with his two fingers.
“What is it babygirl, you can’t take it?” Steve taunted again.
You whimpered under their touch, but something told you that they wouldn’t let you have your way so easily this time.
“I know you’ve never heard ‘no’ in your life, sweetheart. But you will tonight.” Bucky murmured in your ear, making you tilt your head back; shivering against him.
Steve chuckled, removing his fingers from your warm mouth. “You’re not allowed to cum until you have our permission, babygirl. You hear me?”
You nodded and whimpered a pathetic yes.
Your thighs began trembling as they both messed with you. Steve changed the setting on the wand, making it more intense while Bucky tilted your head back and kissed you deeply. More like invaded your mouth like he owned it; pushing his tongue past your lips and stroking the top of your mouth. You whimpered, happily trapped between the two of them.
You felt the pressure forming in between your legs, and you involuntarily bucked your hips against the vibrator, trying desperately to chase your orgasm. Steve noticed, and he didn’t think twice before lifting the vibrator off you – denying you your release.
You groaned louder, the sound muffled by Bucky’s mouth on top of yours. He pulled away from the kiss and chuckled. “It’s frustrating, isn’t it baby?” he asked, softly. You looked up at him and nodded. His soft demeanor went away the minute you agreed. “Well that’s exactly how it feels when you don’t listen.” He growled leaning in again. You thought he was going to kiss you again, but instead he licked your swollen lower lip and spat into your open mouth.
His actions elicited a loud whine out of you.
“Look at me.” Steve slid his hands into your hair again and tugged on it. You looked at him with nothing but desire in your eyes. He let go of your hair and gripped your jaw while he placed the vibrator back against your core. You felt the vibrations all over your body, a familiar warmth washing over you while you stared into his icy blue eyes.
“Always boasting about your family’s money and power, you little brat.” Steve whispered, leaning in to bite your mouth again while he pressed the vibrator further against your core, making you drip and moan louder. “Who’s your daddy now, huh?”
Bucky fingers found your clit again, and they teased you just like before. “Tell us baby, who owns this bratty little cunt?” Bucky whispered menacingly in your ear, biting on your ear lobe.
You moaned again, both at the sensations and the words. “You do…” you breathed out, unable to form coherent sentences. They both chuckled, and continued their sweet torture on your body. Steve kissed along your jaw as he wiggled the wand around and make you scream louder, while Bucky’s fingers rubbed your clit furiously.
And you couldn’t take it anymore. “Can I-… please…” you begged and it was the first time they heard you ask for something so politely.
“What was that, babygirl?” Steve asked, pretending that he didn’t hear you the first time. And seeing you weren’t answering, he lifted the vibrator off you again. “I said, what was that?” he asked again, more sternly.
You whined and whimpered at being denied again. “Please… please can I cum?” you asked again, begging with your eyes shut to stop the tears of frustration from falling.
Bucky immediately wrapped a hand around your throat and tilted your head back. “Ask nicely sweetheart. Say ‘please daddy, I’ll be a good girl from now.’“ he mumbled against the side of your mouth.
Steve increased the intensity of the vibrator again and it made you repeat Bucky’s words wantonly. They were both pleased at your obedience, but not quite done with you yet.
“Look at me, babygirl.” For a moment, Steve’s voice had you fooled. You thought he was actually going to give in and would actually let you cum. “You want to cum for daddy?” he asked, and you nodded with hot tears falling down your cheeks. And just when you thought you were getting closer to your release, he lifted the wand off your body again.
“No. You will not cum until you’ve learnt your lesson.”
 They both toyed with your body like they owned it. They switched places and Bucky had the most fun in teasing you with the vibrator. He trailed it up and down your body, circling your erected nipples with the tip of the wand and then back down to where you craved it the most.
Tears streamed down your face.
“Are you crying, baby? Good, this would teach you not to be a brat next time,” Bucky spoke as he wiggled the toy around against your wet folds.
You begged them relentlessly, but they denied you each time. Looking you deep in the eyes and saying, ‘No.’ Yet, a twisted part of you liked how they treated you like they owned you. Like you were nothing but a toy to them, for them to play with as they pleased.
Your pleas were incessant, and wanton. Steve pushed two of his fingers past your entrance while Bucky placed the wand right on your clit – unmoving. Steve’s fingers stroked your walls so slowly that it was almost agonizing.
“Aww you’re dripping all over my hand, babygirl.” He commented, making you squeeze around his fingers. Your arousal leaked out of you, coating the tip of the toy and his fingers alike. He could see what they were both doing to you, and he liked the control they both had over you. “Look at how you’re shaking.” He taunted again.
You begged again, to no one in particular. And the reply was just as disappointing as earlier. “No. Spoilt brats with no manners don’t get to cum so easily.”
And you whined again.
“Shh, you’re gonna take all that we give you. And you’re not gonna be a brat about it, you understand?” Steve silenced you.
Bucky gripped your jaw and kissed you deeply again, swallowing your pathetic moans while he pressed the wand further against you. Your body trembled, you moaned as soon as the vibrating tip came in contact with your sensitive spot. Your body shuddered as he wiggled it around just a bit. The sensation was overwhelming.
“Do you want us to stop, babygirl?” Steve mumbled in your ear, his fingers slipping in and out of you and the wet sounds were obscene.
You shook your head and Bucky pulled away to let you talk. “No, no please… don’t stop…” the last thing you wanted was for them to leave you here, frustrated and burning with desire.
 Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they did.
“Well guess what, sweetheart? You don’t get to make the rules this time. You can’t always have what you want.” Bucky smirked as he lifted off the wand from you and turned it off.
Steve chuckled and kissed your neck, releasing your sore wrists. “Good night, babygirl.” They both stood up from your bed, leaving you naked, whimpering, and tear-stained, burning with need and most of all; dripping wet.
Your body was worn out, after being with them for the past hour or two. Or maybe more, you couldn’t tell because you were a little disoriented. But you couldn’t believe that they were just walking away from you, without giving you what you so desperately wanted.
“And don’t you dare touch yourself.” Bucky said, before he walked out of your room.
Steve took a good look at you; what a beautiful mess he and Bucky had made. “See you tomorrow.” He winked before he shut the door behind him.
a/n: fear not, there’s a part 2 coming soon ;)
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Evening Antics
Alcina Dimitrescu x gender neutral reader 
Bela, Cassandra and Daniela Dimitrescu 
Summary: The Dimitrescu daughters and you are in absolute hysterics during dinner and Lady Dimitrescu is at a loss. 
Tags: this is just the girls and reader being a hot mess, they can’t stop laughing, annoyed Alcina, exasperated Alcina, wholesomeness
“Girls..y/n, for the love of Mother Miranda will you four please-” Lady Dimitrescu was cut off by hysterical laughter. You and the girls had been in a mood all day. The four of you seemed to have a case of the giggles that you could not shake. It had been a typical day at the castle but the four of you had just been teasing and messing with each other all day. Now it was time for dinner where Alcina always hoped for some sort of decorum, normally something the four of you could provide, but tonight was an exception. It’s not like the four of you hadn’t had fun filled days before full of laughs and carrying on but for whatever reason tonight the frivolities didn’t stop when Lady Dimitrescu had called you all to dinner. Alcina sat at the head of table while y/n and Daniela sat on the left side of the table and Bela and Cassandra sat on the right side. 
“I-I’m sorry my darling,” you stammered almost choking on your wine as Bela fake strangled Cassandra. 
“No Bela please don’t kill our sister!” Daniela fake begged throwing her forearms onto to the table clasping her hands together. “Please, mother will be crushed!” 
“She deserves no mercy sweet sister!” Bela said maniacally as Cassandra fake coughed and sputtered. “She scared y/n today and deserves a slow and painful death!” 
“No Bela please mercy, she’s suffered enough!” you chimed in placing a hand over your heart outstretching your other hand reaching towards Cassandra.
“Very well as the council commands I must obey!” Bela replied dramatically releasing Cassandra. 
“My revenge will be swift and keen!” Cassandra proclaimed pretending to stab her sister with her butter knife.
“You fool! That’s for butter and I’m made of the flesh of the undead!” snarled Bela causing the four of you to fall into a fit of laughter again. 
“Girls, y/n...”Alcina signed pinching the bridge of her nose with her thumb and index finger in a gesture of annoyance. She didn’t realize that her annoyance was only adding fuel to the fire. 
“G-girls, we must be quiet or Lady Dimitrescu will throw the three of you down into the basement and punish me...which I will quite enjoy!” you finished winking at Alcina causing her to blush furiously. 
“EWWWWW!” All three girls said in unison. 
“Ugh I’m not hungry anymore!” Daniela said pushing her plate away. Cassandra just made vomiting noises throwing her head over the side of her chair. 
“My poor ears I must slice them off now!” Bela lamented picking up the butter knife Cassandra had brandished at her moments ago. 
“Please my doves,” Alicna said through gritted teeth trying to keep her composure, “this is the one time during the day where I can have some peace and manners-” Alcina was cut off again by more foolery causing her to let out a loud sigh, chugging the rest of her wine motioning to a servant for a refill. 
“You’re sooo stuupid!” Daniela teased Bela. 
“You’re more stupiddeerr!” Bela retorted. 
“That isn’t even a word dumbass!” Daniela said back
“You both are morons!” Cassandra chimed in. 
“You’re an idiot too Cass!” Daniela and Bela said at the same time. 
“Well if all three of you are idiots then I must be the epitome of idiocy!” you sighed faking offense tapping your forehead causing another round of howling laughter. Alcina let out another aggravated sigh picking up her wine glass and standing up. 
“Since the four of you are physical incapable of controlling yourselves I’m going to the sitting room so I can hear myself think!” Lady Dimitrescu scolded making her way to the door leading from the dining room to the sitting room. 
“Noooo!” the four of you yelled as there was a commotion of mad scrambling of chairs being pushed back and hurrying of feet towards the matriarch of the family. 
“No no mother please don’t!” Cassandra whined grabbing onto her mother’s right leg. 
“Please don’t go!” Daniela pleaded grabbing onto her mother’s left leg. 
“Mama stay with us!” Bela begged grasping onto the inner part of her mother’s right leg. 
“I’m sorry floarea mea! Please stay!” you apologized clutching onto the inner part of your lover’s left leg. You all clung to Alcina’s legs making it next to impossible for her to take another step. Alcina rolled her eyes so hard that they posed a threat of being stuck in that position forever. She let out yet another exasperated sigh as she looked down at her girls all looking up at her with big eyes and pouting mouths. 
“I love you all...but you are simple insufferable sometimes,” Lady Dimitrescu said defeatedly. 
“We’ll be good now we promise,” Bela said as you all nodded in agreement. 
“Very well but you’re all still in trouble,” Alcina said hiding a smile under her hat as the five of you made your way back to table after Alcina had shaken the girls and you off her legs like a dog shaking water from it’s coat. “Especially YOU drage mea.” She finished pointing a threatening finger at you. 
“I sure hope so,” you said winking at her causing her blush for the second time that evening. The girls didn’t say anything that time because they knew they were on thin ice so instead they just made faces of disgust to themselves. You all tucked into your dinner plates, eating and drinking with a pleasant dinner conversation going. Lady Dimitrescu was glad for some final peace and quiet but she had to admit nothing in the world made her happier than hearing her daughters and her lover laugh.
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maraudersftw · 3 years
Blueberry + Black + Bliss
Many thanks for this lovely prompt, anon! I'm sorry I suck at stopping under 1000 words.
Sweet Blue
Lily barreled down the stairs, massive package in hand, grin rampant over lips as excitement buzzed like a second skin around her.
The Gryffindor Common Room, bereft of occupants save for a few stragglers who’d decided to forgo some precious Sunday lie-in, flew by her periphery without garnering so much as an acknowledging scan as she skipped towards the Boys’ staircase. A foot had barely fallen onto the first step when she was halted unceremoniously by an amused call of her name.
“Oi, Evans!” his voice rang out, and she whipped her head around to spot a shock of black hair, smiling hazel eyes, lazy smirk. The sight of him, burrowed inside an armchair, instantly sent the thrum beneath her ribcage stuttering. “Off to accost some poor bloke this early in the morning? At least wait for the sun to rise fully, would you? Some of us need more time to collect our wit.”
She narrowed her eyes, thoughts clattering as she debated her next course of action. Futile as the pretence that she’d been on a path to accost someone who was not the boy in front of her was, it only took Lily another half-second to make the decision, step away from the staircase, and towards him. James’s gaze brightened infinitesimally, evidently pleased by the deviation.
“Don’t club in everyone else with yourself, Potter,” she remarked happily, rounding the couch to plop down on its unbelievable cushiness. “Not everyone’s as slow as you.”
He reached out one of those unfairly long arms to bridge the space between them and flick her nose. Lily held back the widening grin. “And there’s that cheek. Even at six in the morning.”
Rather than blush tellingly at the fondness he directed at her, she nodded at the pile of Transfiguration notes and books around him. “What’s this? James Potter studying on a Sunday? Am I dreaming?”
“Afraid of a little competition?” he threw back, fire glinting off glasses. “Don’t worry, Evans, you’ll still beat me in Charms and Potions.”
For a second, the golden glaze of the sun hitting his hair from the window behind stole the words from her tongue, the breath from her lungs. Prompted by James’s prolonged stare, a warmth blossomed on her cheeks, bringing back some sense. “I’d beat you in DADA too.”
“Ha! You can dream.”
“I don’t make it a habit to dream about you, Potter.”
“That makes one of us,” he said, completely unabashed.
Lily fairly choked on that honesty, muscles tightening near her clavicle with strange breathlessness. “You dream about yourself? Takes the narcissism to new heights.”
James cocked a brow, but let her deliberate misunderstanding of the phrase slide. “Technically, everyone dreams about themselves.”
“Ugh, it’s too early for this,” she groaned, sliding her legs into a fold on the couch, fluffy warm pyjamas keeping the December chill at bay. “I was going to your dormitory for a purpose, you know?”
James instantly leaned forward, pleased and making no effort to hide it. “You were coming to see me?”
“To see all of you,” she mumbled like a coward. Perhaps there was also some lie interlaced in there, because he’d certainly been the reason she’d felt an extra jauntiness during her excursion. Not willing to impart that particular knowledge, Lily held out the package to him. “Open it.”
Curiosity creased his brows, smile never waning. “What’s this?”
“Open it, you impatient tosser.”
James grumbled something about ‘mean harpies posing as Head Girls’ and ‘no appreciation for those of curious minds’ while carefully unwrapping the package, all of which Lily soundly ignored in favour of vibrating with anticipation. When the last of the brown wrapping paper fell away, she squealed at the pink box that was revealed, full with a glossy sheen and pretty prints and designs; exactly the way she remembered it.
James looked at her, back at the box, then at her again. Eventually, amusement had his lips pinching together. “If I don’t find at least two dragon eggs inside this, I’ll be disappointed.”
“It’s something even better, I promise!” She wiggled her palms, urging him to open the box.
When he finally popped open the lid, Lily found herself under the very real threat of toppling to the floor, so far had she leaned forward. Eager green eyes spotted the dozen or so confectionaries that sat cheerily inside, miraculously undisturbed during their journey across England. “They’re blueberry muffins!” she informed giddily. “I requested mum to send across some from this bakery in my hometown.”
James’s smile softened as he looked inside the box, so much so that when he turned his eyes to her again, the gold in them had melted into a warm honey. “You do get blueberry muffins here too, you know,” he said kindly, voice fond.
“I know, but those are just imposters. These are the real deal. Take a bite, go on. I can bet you’ll be kissing my feet in thanks.”
“Do I have to kiss your feet? Can't it be something else?”
Her heart bloated dangerously. “James.”
“Only kidding,” he chuckled, reaching inside dutifully and picking out a muffin. At her incessantly exaggerated prompting, he made a show of rolling his eyes before finally biting into the spongey cake. It was bizarre, but Lily could swear she felt flavours blue and sweet burst on her own tongue when James moaned aloud, eyes scrunched in bliss as he chewed.
“It’s good, isn’t it?”
“What the fuck,” he whispered in disbelief after swallowing, staring down at the remaining muffin as if it had personally offended him by not being available before. “What the actual fuck?”
“I told you!” she crowed, smirking openly without a hint of modesty. “Isn’t it just the best thing you’ve ever tasted?”
“Merlin, I might cry.” He blinked, grinning at her. “Give me those feet, Evans.”
Lily’s smirk dimmed, veins strangely suffused with molten courage instead of blood as she reached forward and plucked the box from James’s lap, setting it aside on the table. The distressed cry he let out died abruptly when she looked at him again, face serious.
“Will my lips do?”
James froze, eyes wide, muffin forgotten in hand. “Lily,” he warned, voice low. “Don’t. Not if you’re still thinking—not if you’re not sure.”
Her fingers found his free hand, ran over the warm palm breezily. “I’m sure,” she confessed, lashes fluttering as she stared at his Quidditch-given calluses. “I’m sorry it’s taken me so long, but—I’m sure now.”
“Look at me.”
She did.
James’s eyes were aflame, even as his breath remained tempered. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want—” She bit her lip. “I want you to kiss me. I want to eat that muffin, and then I want you to take me to Hogsmeade next weekend.”
A beat passed. And then she found his hand snaking around her wrist, tugging her forward until she sloppily stumbled over to his armchair and right into his recently vacated lap. Distantly, she registered that they had an audience—however meagre—but she’d truly never cared less.
“Good plan,” James whispered, tossing the rest of the muffin into the box. Lily didn’t even feel inclined to chastise him for messing up the presentation, because he was gripping her waist the next second, pulling her closer until his nose brushed hers tenderly. “Always the perfect answer, Miss Evans.”
“Shut up,” Lily laughed, cradling his head, pulling him forward.
Their lips met, mouths opened, and blue and sweet burst on her tongue.
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citrinesparkles · 3 years
time to marie kondo this mess
tim drake x gender neutral reader. 744 words. notes: requested by an anon as part of my hundred followers celebration! thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy :) warnings: like two comments about food
the room was hot, bright with the glow of a summer evening, and the pile of what could only be described as stuff in the middle of the floor seemed absolutely infinite.
you had spent the better part of the day unloading drawers, tugging boxes out of the closet, and scooting furniture around. you'd collected every stray book, sock, cable, lip balm, and- most notably- three shurikens and a two-inch-tall nightwing action figure, dumping them all into a pile to sort through and hopefully regain some storage space in the process.
and now you were exhausted.
you flopped down with your back to the door, crossing your legs underneath you and glaring halfheartedly at the pile.
here goes nothing, you thought with a sigh, stretching out to grab the first knick-knack.
for nearly fifteen minutes, you made steady progress dividing everything between keep, donate, trash, and "??? why is tim such a hoarder?"
you were reaching for what felt like the millionth book when you finally heard the front door swing open and your boyfriend humming to himself.
"hey, babe?" he called.
"bedroom!" you announced tiredly.
"ugh, it's boiling out there," tim complained from the hall, growing louder as he came towards you. "i was hoping it'd be better inside, but it doesn't feel like the ac is doing much of anything."
"it is not."
"what do you wanna bet it'll be out for the rest of the weeken- woah."
you tilted your head up and back to look at him in the doorway. "hey."
"hey," he tore his gaze from the mess that was your floor and found your eyes. "were you that bored?"
"nope, but if i had been, this would have been the perfect solution." you scooped one of the books out of the donate pile and tossed it to him. "why do we have three different copies of 'the complete sherlock holmes'?"
he caught it smoothly in his left hand, flipping it around to study the cover. "can i get away with saying research?"
"you can, but i will absolutely never let you live it down."
he chuckled, crouching down and crawling forwards to lay on his stomach next to you with his arms folded under his chin. "find anything else interesting?"
"depends on your definition of interesting." your hand found its way to the back of his neck, gently rubbing circles just above his shirt collar.
he groaned quietly, absolutely melting under your touch. "up some?"
you shifted your hand, smiling at the content sigh he let out. "i found about fifty-two mismatched socks, if that counts."
"don't suppose the green one i've been missing was one of them?"
"yep. i threw it on the bed so it wouldn't disappear again."
"you," he reached one hand out to find your knee and squeeze it, "are entirely too good for me."
"then can you stop leaving throwing stars under the dresser?"
he laughed quietly, squeezing your knee again. "i'll see what i can do."
you scooted closer to him, slipping your hands onto his shoulders and digging into the muscle there. "this okay?"
"i would- left, oh, that's perfect- i would be personally offended if you stopped," he hummed happily.
you worked outwards, gently moving through the tension above his shoulder blades.
"there you go, boy wonder." you patted his back firmly before flopping backwards to watch the ceiling fan. "my hands are cramping."
tim rolled, pushing himself up on one elbow to smile dreamily at you. "you're the real wonder."
heat rose in your cheeks and you groaned, shoving his ankle. "shut up."
"hmm... nope."
"after i found your green sock, this is how you thank me? by ignoring my only request?"
"you're so... ugh."
"what, do i not spark joy?"
a laugh escaped you before you could stifle it.
"there it is! there's the joy!" he poked you in the side. "it's been sparked!"
"you're so ridiculous."
"i can't even argue with you." he flopped backwards, mirroring your pose. "want a break?"
you scoffed. "what do you think this was?"
"no, like, we should take a break. go get ice cream or something." he sat back up, leaning forward to hover over you. "i can help you finish this up when we get back?"
"hmm... you drive a hard bargain."
"is that a yes?"
"if you help me up, we can go get ice cream."
he grinned, popping up onto his feet and taking your outstretched hand. "deal."
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shinaus · 4 years
How would tamaki, denki and hawks react if they walked in on their girlfriend cosplaying as them? Like posing and everything. Saying their ultimate moves until they turn around to realize they arent alone.
A/N: oh i love the chaotic duo of denki and hawks, get ready for two dumbasses
s/o cosplays as them: tamaki, denki and hawks
oh he is DONE FOR
he’d come home from patrol and just be exhausted 
is the most affectionate at times like this
deadass all he wants to do is lie with you and cuddle as the day ends
what a sweetheart
but when he opens the door to the room you share and sees you in the same hood and cape similar to his?
baby boy does not compute
his face is bright red
can’t even move from the doorframe 
just stands there gawking at you
at this point he’s so quiet you don’t even hear him come in
so he gets an extra few minutes to watch you before you end up catching him
feels SO bad if you get embarrassed like will rush over to you and hold him close to you
but glances in the mirror and sees that now you’re matching
which he didn’t realise he’d love as much as he did until that moment
which makes him even redder
at this point he’s way too far gone so he just stands there with you in his arms to help you calm down 
once you do though ugh he is a sweetheart
cups your cheeks in his hands and tells you it’s okay
“baby i-if you wanted to wear my hero costume so badly, all you had to do was ask...”
would be his absolute best when it comes to teasing since he just can’t have you anything but happy
if you ever wanted to try on or wear part of his suit he would be more than happy to give you it
would also get really passionate about it and explain everything so confidently 
can you tell the soft spot i have for this boy
not even in a way to embarrass you at all
he would just be so happy and prideful that you love him that much to want to be like him and wear his costume
will gush about you and everyone will really just be like
damn tamaki sure do be in love huh
very sweet very wholesome
also you better believe he’d sometimes call you suneater as a tease then automatically backtrack leaving you both blushing messes
compares you to the sun like he did mirio... ugh
dear god
i don’t even want to think about how he would react
he would lose it 
be so genuinely excited
he might end up short circuiting 
you had always told him how much you admired his aspirations to be a hero
maybe there was a few compliments here and there about his hero costume
i mean - he did think it was pretty cool himself
but this?
he doesn’t know if he’s ever been so surprised in his life
when he walks in and catches you checking over the outfit in the mirror he just stands there
look of absolute shock on his face
unable to fully process that you’d want to cosplay as him
but not only that
he was sure not a second earlier you named one of his moves aloud
god he could just die
practically races over to you
arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you to him so that you have no real means of escape
“babe!!!” he calls happily, laughing when he hears you let out a whine
“i didn’t know you liked my costume that much! you should have told me and i’d have picked you up a matching support item or something!”
he’s almost too excited, it doing nothing to help the embarrassment you feel over getting caught
all you can do is point downwards, his eyes following your finger to see the exact same support item he has at your feet
and he GASPS
if you thought he was excited before oh man
the fact you went through so much work and time to perfect his costume was the biggest compliment to him
he kisses the side of your face a whole bunch to try and get you to stop blushing
would be very sweet and send a ton of compliments your way
if you’re a hero watch him want to cosplay as you
cause fragile masculinity? not in this house
i love him so much but at the same time can’t STAND him
he’d get cocky
so cocky
like you would be able to physically see his ego inflate
hears you inside the room you share mumbling about his form or some of his moves
would lean against the frame of the door and just watch
has no intention of interrupting since he didn’t realise how much he would love seeing you cosplaying him
the biggest smirk is on his fact
only when you turn around and catch him does he make himself known
chuckles a bit when he realises you’re getting embarrassed
will fuckin saunter over 
sit on the end of your bed and keep his eyes on you like
“oh keep going sweetheart, don’t let me being here stop you”
would make you go SO RED
but he’d love it
oh boy he would want you to do it all the time if he could
but ever the sweet bird man he would encourage you verbally too
as well as collect little things to give you to add to it
would let you wear his cute little goggles
he, with your permission would make it like
his hero costume if he could alter it or add more cool things to it
since it’s harder for him to have what he wants
mostly cause he can’t have anything bothering him while he’s in the air
you’re like his ultimate hero costume
loves bringing it up to fluster you a little
some nights will outright ask you to put it on
he likes seeing how proud you look in it
not to mention it’s basically you wearing his clothes
and man does he Love that
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Float Like A Butterfly... Chapter 5: So Last Season
Summary: Now that Adrien is no longer Chat Noir he doesn't have to get hit all the time. Unfortunately, his luck doesn't seem to have gotten the memo... Or has it?
"So, how're you holding up?"
"Please, Adrien, it's my mother! I'm positively ecstatic!"
"Exactly. It's your mother."
Chloe looked down for a second before her eyes snapped back up, any doubts she had hidden in an instant. "She's finally coming back! I'll finally be able to show her what she's been missing." Chloe tossed her ponytail back to emphasize the unspoken Me. "Now, I've gotta go. Sabrina insisted we do an 'emotional support routine' or whatever beforehand. Ciao!"
Sighing, Adrien stared at his phone for a moment before putting it down. He knew Chloe was grateful for Sabrina's help but it was still a struggle getting her to admit it.
Or getting her to admit how much Audrey had hurt her.
It was one thing to travel halfway around the world for your career and leave your daughter behind. It was something else entirely to completely ignore her. In all the years since Audrey left Chloe hadn't received a single birthday gift, phone call or text message. Adrien would know. Chloe would've bragged about it endlessly if her mother had taken so much as two seconds to acknowledged her existence-
Adrien's foot jerked, striking the vanity table and making the connected mirror tremble. Heart suddenly pounding against his chest as tension built up in his forehead. Distressed expression reflecting back at him.
Breathe, Adrien. Breathe.
Slowly, he inhaled.
Then exhaled.
He was okay.
Adrien was okay.
Guilt pricked like a thorn for thinking of his own problems when Chloe needed him. Adrien crushed it with his anger and annoyance but it was still there. Like a splinter that wouldn't come out.
I hate you.
Swiping out of the video chat Adrien tapped on Nino's number. It rang... and rang... and rang...
He's annoyed with me. I did something wrong again and Nino doesn't want to-
Adrien smacked both sides of his face. No, dummy! Nino's just busy or something. Stop that!
It wasn't every day a teenage DJ provided the music for Paris Fashion Week, after all. Nino had to make sure all his equipment was working properly.
The door to his dressing room burst open.
"Adrien, your friend Mlle. Dupain-Cheng will be bringing the last article of the new Gabriel line," Nathalie announced. "Your father expects everything to be perfect for Audrey Bourgeois."
"Doesn't he always?" Adrien deadpanned.
Nathalie stared at his watery eyes before typing something into her tablet. "Your performance on catwalks only has a 99% success rate. He expects you'll do better."
Father thinks you're a failure just like everyone else. He-
Shut up! Adrien felt something heavy settle in his chest.
One of the makeup artists came rushing in and Nathalie gestured her towards Adrien. "Touch up his eyes," she instructed and then left.
Jaw clenching, Adrien sat perfectly still as the makeup artist did her job. He was never entirely sure what the staff thought about him. 'Professional' was a word that was tossed around a lot. That used to fill him with a little pride... Before all of this.
The last person to suggest that a thirteen year old mourning his mother wasn't 'professional' so much as he was 'depressed' had never come back to work... Oh. Adrien had forgotten about that.
Finishing quickly, the makeup artist left too. Leaving Adrien with his thoughts. He didn't want to be with his thoughts at the moment. They were distracting and Nathalie had not been subtle.
I hate-
His phone vibrated as it received someone's text.
Ni-Non: hey dude!
Ni-Non: it's crazy over here man
Ni-Non: break a leg! ;)
Adrien smiled as his unpleasant mood faded to the back of his mind... And if he saw similarities between his family and Chloe's, well, that's why he could empathize with her.
Adrien: That's theater but I guess there's not much difference.
Adrien: Thanks. ^_^
There was a knock at his door. Adrien stopped fidgeting in the awkward suit to go answer it.
"Hello, Marinette." Adrien smiled in greeting.
"Oh, uh, hello!" Marinette gave a small wave as she stepped up the short stairs and-
Adrien braced himself with one foot while his hands went to her shoulders. Steadying Marinette as she quickly removed her weight from him.
"Oh! Uh, sorry." Marinette looked away in embarrassment at having tripped into him.
"... No worries!" Adrien smiled as he shook his head. Marinette seemed... subdued. Reaching down to pick up the hat that had fallen. "Oh, no." The artificial feather Marinette made for his allergies had come loose. "I hope it's not too hard to fix it."
Marinette looked down. "Uh, y'know, it doesn't really matter. This hat is a complete failure anyway."
"What? No, it's not!" Adrien rose to his feet quickly in shock. "Why would you say that?"
"Because... the queen of fashion, Audrey Bourgeois, saw it and hated it!" Marinette's hands covered her face, voice breaking. "I'm sorry, Adrien. I really messed up. I'm a total no talent!" Her arms wrapped around herself in a hug. "Please, don't put it on," she pleaded.
Adrien's heart went out to Marinette as she laid her insecurities bare. "Marinette, everything's going to be fine." He searched for the proper spot to reattach the feather,  fiddling with it as Adrien reassured her. "Your hat looks great. I think it's awesome and so does... my father." Adrien cleared his throat as he managed to fix her hat. "Otherwise he wouldn't have picked it for me. Look!"
Putting Marinette's hat on Adrien walked across the dressing room like he was already performing. Striking a few poses to ease Marinette's anxiety. "See?"
It seemed to work as Marinette gave a small smile. "You got that catwalk down," she complimented.
Adrien rubbed the back of his neck. "Really? Thank you."
"Ah-hem," Nathalie cleared her throat. "We have to go." Without waiting for Marinette she turned on her heel and started walking towards the viewing area.
Adrien rolled his eyes but smiled at Marinette's back as she hurried to catch up. Turning back to look at himself in the mirror Adrien scanned his outfit. The suit may have been generic and a few seams too close to last year's entry but Marinette's hat was fire.
"Okay!" Adrien was gonna go out there and make sure they recognized Marinette's talent!
Holding Marinette's hat to his chest Adrien stuck his head out in a decidedly 'unprofessional' manner. Spotting Marinette's family and a bunch of his friends in the first row. Adrien's blond head caught Nino's eye from across the catwalk and he gave him a thumbs up.
Adrien waved as he ducked back behind the corner before the photographers could take any pictures of the Agreste heir acting like a kid.
You got this, Adrien. Nino's DJ-ing, your classmates came -even though most of them don't care about fashion- with any luck Alix and Kim will tease you about it for the next month.
That would give Adrien the opportunity to dish out a bunch of jokes he never got the chance to use!
The music started; that was his cue.
You got this!
Adrien posed on the runway. Camera flashes already starting. Strutting down the catwalk Adrien smirked at Marinette. See? Stopping at the platform's end he posed in various angles for the photographers. Nino seemed to be enjoying himself too and that made Adrien's smile come much more naturally.
A small eruption boomed behind him and Adrien turned to see Hawkmoth's latest fashion disaster. Gasping, as his heart started hammering in his chest.
"A fashion show without the Queen of Style!? Glitter-ally unacceptable!" The akuma villain announced. "Where's that ungrateful Gabriel Agreste. I demand that he kneels before me!"
Ugh, what has he done now?
"My father isn't here," Adrien snapped in annoyance. Hearing people running for the exits.
"Well, then. If fashion disaster daddy isn't here I'll just have to settle for Agreste Junior! You're fired!"
Adrien's eyes widened as he stepped back. Golden glitter exploding everywhere as his body became numb and his senses dark-
-Glowing ladybugs swirled around him as Adrien had the disorienting feeling of laying  down when he could've sworn he'd been standing. Glancing around, Adrien realized he was now at the Eiffel Tower.
"Adrik- Adrien!" Chloe tackled him as he stood, throwing her arms around him. "I was so scared!"
Adrien blinked in surprise as Chloe set her head on his shoulder. Not letting him go... Adrien smiled as he hugged her back. Enjoying this genuine display of affection.
"Pound it!"
Head snapping towards the sound Adrien saw another Black Cat, this one a girl with long, reddish hair, fist bump Ladybug. They grinned at each other in post battle relief.
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!
A chill to rival Frozer's ice covered Adrien from head to toe. It was one thing to see Ladybug working with a different Black Cat on the news. Quite another to have his replacement. Three. Frickin. Meters. In front of him!
Chloe didn't notice... Or rather Adrien didn't notice when she'd let go to help her mother. Who tried to fire her own daughter as thanks.
Adrien jerked his eyes away from the superhero duo-
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!
-Away from the Miraculous holders and forced himself to listen to whatever the Bourgeois were saying. Ears ringing as Ladybug and the Black Cat talked about something behind him...
"Oh, mom. If only you knew what a great team we made!" Chloe trailed after her mother as they walked down the tower's stairs; attempting to capture her attention. "We fired a bunch of incompetents. It was awesome. We should really spend more time together! What if I went back to New York with you?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Casserole- Eh, Chloe!" Audrey dismissed. "First I have to get back to Gabriel Agreste's fashion show. And they better..."
Adrien's eyes narrowed as he looked down from the railing, his grip on it tightening. Heat from a growing indignation melting the ice he felt. What did she just call Chloe?
"Adrien Agreste, right? I can give you a lift back if you want."
His tensed body jerked in surprise as Adrien realized Ladybug was standing right behind him. Throat and chest constricting as his thoughts whirled. Spots darkened his vision as he felt lightheaded. Adrien's knuckles becoming white, the metal railing digging into his skin. A single thought rose above the ringing in his ears.
I don't wanna talk to her.
Giving his best model smile, Adrien schooled his features. "Ah, thanks but-" he pointed down, "-I should really check on them."
"O-oh! Of course!"
Ladybug's face was out of focus but Adrien could still feel the melancholy in her voice.
Powering past his queasy stomach Adrien made his way to the stairs. The sound of Ladybug's yo-yo whirring reached his ears; signaling her departure. Adrien took a shuddering gasp as he leaned against a metal pillar for support. Body suddenly limp.
Breath accelerating Adrien tried to calm himself. Why was he up here? Had- Had Audrey's blast mind controlled him? Again!? He couldn't breathe.
Adrien sank to his knees as he felt his skin crawl at the idea of that- that- asshole reaching into his mind and taking away his free will. He hated it! He HATED it!
Gasping as his rage broke him out of the panic, Adrien steadied his breathing... He wanted- no, needed to know what happened... Which meant getting up and moving forward... Forcing himself to his feet Adrien wiped the sweat from his brow and followed the others down.
"Remind me to tell your father to fire the person in charge of the Eiffel Tower elevators..." Audrie panted. "This is... unacceptable... utterly unacceptable!"
"Of course, mom. Oh!" Chloe glanced down to see what she'd stumbled on.
Adrien looked up as he fanned himself with Marinette's hat.
And dropped it.
He stared open mouthed at the small, black, octagonal box in Chloe's hands. Heartbeat leaping into his throat.
What the hell is THAT doing here!?
"Ooh! What's this?" Chloe turned the box around in her hands but didn't open it.
Adrien suddenly forgot his exhaustion and rushed to her side. The lie coming easily to his lips. "Oh, I recognize that! They sell them at antique shops."
"Ew, it's old! Get it away from me!" Chloe practically hurled it at Adrien.
Catching it easily. A thrill ran up Adrien's arms and down his spine as the box made contact with his skin. The hairs at the back of his neck standing on end.
Chloe dusted her hands and kept walking. Glancing nervously at her mother. Hoping Audrey hadn't seen her with something so outdated.
I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! The voice in his head said.
Shut up, Adrien told it as he stared at the unknown Miraculous in his hand. Heartbeat hammering in his chest. But it wasn't from fear. No, it was... anticipation.
The corners of Adrien's lips curled upwards.
Notes: Oh, would you look at that. I'm back! It only took... eight months!
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Rantaro, Chiaki, and Ibuki x S/O who’s scared of touch asking to hold their hand
Rantaro Amami:
·       “You don’t like touch?... Okay.”
·       Rantaro never pried you was to why you didn’t like touch. All he knew was you didn’t like it at the very least and that was enough for him. Didn’t matter what the reason was, in the end you didn’t like touch, so he respected that.
·       However, touch was rather important to Rantaro, extremely actually. He cared about you; you were his partner. After having lost all of his little sisters, he was scared of losing you too. When out he needed you close, hold your hand or something to place his heart at ease and know you were still by his side and wouldn’t just suddenly disappear when he wasn’t paying attention to you for a moment like had happened with others so many times before.
·       Talking through both of your needs you came to a compromise. When out Rantaro could hold on to a piece of your clothing whether it be the hem of a shirt or the end of a sleeve or scarf. It was an arrangement you both could be comfortable with.
·       It was another day of searching, simply walking along down that snowy street. A chilling wind rolled past kicking up some snow as it went. He pulled up his scarf just a bit higher to shield a little more of himself from the cold. The crunching sound of the snow beneath your feet was a delightful contrast from the silent world the powdery substance had created, like placing a blanket over one’s ears. It was so quiet he could here even your meek, mumbled voice.
·       “Rantaro?” “Yeah.” “……… uh…” Rantaro simply waited patiently. He didn’t mind the lulls in conversations like most would. They were good moments to collect your thoughts on what the other had said, even if it was just wondering what they could want. “I… I’m not sure if I’m okay with touch yet, but… maybe… we could try? J-just this once, since we both have gloves on… I think I’ll feel safer trying like this.” “Okay. Would you feel better if I took your hand, or do you want to take mine.” “U-uh… I… I don’t know…” “… “Maybe we could both go for it?” “Y-yeah! I think that’s good!”
·       Whether from the cold or from fear or nervousness, Rantaro couldn’t tell why your hand lightly trembled in his, but that didn’t matter. You wanted to try and was something he was going to cherish forever.
    Chiaki Nanami:
·       Chiaki didn’t particularly mind your no touching rule. You must have had your reasons for it so she didn’t push you. Besides touch was not the only way to connect with a person, you could still happily enjoy paying video games with one another, hell if you wanted the distance you could even play on opposite sides of the world and still connect.
·       It didn’t matter the game whether single player or co-op, competitive or cooperative you’d play any and all games together. Often you’d end up just talking about whatever, the recent chaos Chiaki’s class had gotten into, the rough day you had when someone bumped into you sending you into a panic, some random thing in the news, the latest video game releases, didn’t matter really you just liked talking with one another.
·       “Did you at least go to the nurse’s office?” Your response was a bit prolonged, just a single drawn-out syllable as you tried figuring out where on the map exactly the new boss had appeared. “Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeaah. Yeah, I did.” “… Y/N you’re going the wrong way.” “Wait… No that’s the only path to the boss.” “The pathway is blocked, take the mountain rout.” “Oh!” “… You’re awfully distracted. Did something happen at the nurse’s office?” “No, no. I… I’m just… tired. Tired of getting so worked up all the time at the slightest contact. It’s been years now, but I still get so panicky. I hate it. I just want to not have to deal with this anymore… I just… I wanna hug you and hold your hand without feeling scared. I know you won’t do anything and yet I still… Aaaand I die great- just great!” Chiaki gently took the controller from you and placed it aside. “Let’s take a break from the game, okay?” “No, we don’t have to stop because of me.” “But you’re not having fun so there’s no point.” “… Okay.”
·       You simply watched as Chiaki went about saving and shutting off the system before placing away your controllers. “Chiaki! I wanna hold your hand!” “Will you be okay?” “I’ll make myself okay! I’M FINE!” “Chords of steel, nice. But I don’t like the sound of this.” “But I can still try, right?” “… If you want too.” Both your hands gripped around one of her’s, your nails just digging in. Your hands trembled under the pressure and your breathing wavered. Then you let go practically throwing your self back. “Nope-no-no, i- no- I just can’t- UGH Why!? Why does this have to be so stupid-” You were suddenly caught off guard feeling a blanket tossed on you. “… Thank you.” “It’s okay. I know how frustrating this can be for you… Want to play a good puzzle game to distract you?” “Yeah, I’d like that.”
     Ibuki Mioda:
·       As much as you cared about one another, at first things were extremely rough. Ibuki was a rather naturally touchy person so trying to get used to not touching the person she loved took a bit to get used to, but she forced herself to stop for your sake, as much as she wanted to hug you and such, it would never be more important than your comfort and feeling safe, she never wanted to ever scare you. Thankfully there were plenty of other things you could do together like write and play music, go to amusement parks, go traveling, maybe go hiking, or visit a zoo, perhaps try something new like going to a spa, didn’t matter you could just do anything together.
·       It was pouring outside so after some running around in the rain for the fun of it and drying off the pair of you here hidden away in Ibuki’s room. Instruments and papers were scattered about, the pair of you writing down any lyrics you could think of, Ibuki constantly changing instruments to make up an accompaniment to go with it. It was rather random and bombastic, but it was a method that had made many a great song and really, the end result didn’t matter to either of you, it was just fun making up stuff. Though there was also fun to be found in perfecting songs as well.
·       You sat on the bed trying to strum the strings of the bass guitar as Ibuki wailed away, one foot on the ground, the other propped up on the seat of a chair. You ended up placing aside your guitar opting to draw Ibuki, she looked kind cool, posing and playing away. “Hmm? Hey, how come you stopped?” “Eh, I still don’t know the bass, Buki.” “Whaaaaaaat? It’s fine I’ll show you. Let’s play!” Ibuki wasn’t half-bad as a teacher but often her lessons would derail at some point and the pair of you would end up doing something else. “Sure.” And so you picked back up the guitar.
·       “Wait. Back up. I place my fingers… here?” “Not exactly. You gotta use all your finger, get all those strings!” “Uh… Hey, could you maybe… place my fingers for me? and hold my hand in the right place?” “………” “Bu-” “Sure!” Though Ibuki sat beside you, she made sure to not get too close. She could hear how your breathing wavered a bit from the contact, but you were doing okay, not screaming like you used to when she accidentally tackled you into a hug from behind. She was glad you got comfortable around her, even after she messed up so much. She was glad you were both trying.
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Pillow Fights (iwatobi)
A/n: enjoy some fluffy (literally) cuteness💓
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Your footsteps quickly came to a halt as soft pellets of water made contact with your skin
Looking up at the darkening sky, you sighed, bracing yourself for the cold rain
“Just stay here for the night.”
Haru was right behind you, watching as the rain came trickling down, gradually turning into heavy downpour
You glanced back at the boy who refused to meet your gaze, already heading back inside
“You’ll catch a cold.”
While the two of you laid your futons, something had caught your eye, causing the corner of your lips to twitch up in a sly smile
You subtly reached for the man’s bare sides, his back towards you and unaware of the moments to come
“(Y/n) what are you-” Haru suddenly loses his composure, hunching over, control fleeting
The sound of his tiny giggles, so free and pure, left you in a momentary trance but only encouraged you more as you leaned in, Haru seeking refuge with only a pillow in his hand to shield him from your touch
It wasn’t exactly clear on who or what initiated the act, but soon your hands had also found themselves ahold of a pillow
“Y-y/n!! S-stop!” Haru, trying hard to catch his breath, eventually decided to fight back
The two of you, in the midst of laughter and pillows, gave out, falling to the floor and dazed by the overhead fan
As your breath studied, you realized the empty feeling in your stomach
“...I think I’m hungry.”
“There’s m-”
“Don’t say it.”
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“Awww baby, you didn’t have to do all this!”
A tray of your favorite snacks, drinks, and take out, gently placed near the lining of many pillows and throws, futons, and blankets
“It’s no big deal really, I was just excited to see you.” Makoto smiled, reassuring you with a chaste kiss on your forehead
Mamma Tachibana be raising him right
Settling down, Makoto raised the edge of the blanket, inviting you into his warmth
You gladly obliged, snuggling in close and welcoming his soft scent
It was nice to unwind after a long day~
However this was short lived as, unbeknownst to you, a set of twins had been scheming behind the frames of the kitchen wall, fluffy pillows clutched in their tiny hands
On the count of three, Ren and Ran smirked at each other, before dashing into the living room, where you and Makoto had been having a moment, and crashed
Before you knew it, pillows and throws were being flung into the air
“Ah! Ren! Ran! Stahh-Ahhh! The large man was tackled, getting caught under the ambush
You cheekily joined in, grabbing the pillow that was begging your back
“Not you too (y/n)-chan!”
The three of you showed no mercy, ganging up on poor Makoto
It was when you three pulled back did you realize your big mistake
Makoto face had gone dark, before suddenly pulling out his own pillow from behind and slowly advancing towards you
“All right...get back here you three...” your eyes widened as you stepped back, holding up a small cushion as your mere defense
Before you can turn around and bolt, a pillow is hurled at you, barely missing your shoulder as you duck and fling the tiny cushion at his knees
“It’s on (y/n)!”
Soon it’s a ruckus, all of you dashing around the room, whacking each other with pillows and throws.
You take this chance to slip away into a hallway, a mistake on your part as you were now cornered, catching a glimpse of a broad and tall shadow.
Your eyes widen and before you can react, you’re feet are no longer touching the ground as your lifted into the air
“H-hey! Makoto! Put me down!”
“Sorry,” placing tiny kisses all down your nape and shoulder
“Ewwww come on Ran.”
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“Aww already!”
There’s no way you came over for a sleepover to actually sleep??
“Come onnnn!” Nagisa nagged you, whining and rolling over, wrapping himself like a little burrito to catch your attention
However, after a long week of constantly working, you wanted nothing more than to catch up on your much missed nights of sleep, which is why when you felt fingers poking your cheek, you furrowed your brows in annoyance and felt for the nearest object
In your case, a pillow
Oh what have you done
One things leads to another and now the two of you are at opposite sides of the room, with your own forts and flying fluffy projectiles
“This...is...what...you get for ruining my sleep!”
Wake the whole neighborhood up typa beat
Ends with both you and Nagisa passed out on the floor
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“Ugh Rei if I look at one more circle I’m gonna die!” My people who took geometry know the pain
You dramatically extend your arms, leaning back and falling off your chair with your tongue stuck out.
“(Y/n)-san” Rei sighed, rubbing his temples. You two had been sitting at his desk for hours now trying to understand the whole concept of circles with its lines, angles, secants, tangents, and a whole bunch of other bull you didn’t get
Stop trying Rei, they’re not going to get it
“Hmm by the way Rei...you still call me ‘san’” You sat up from your position, deep in thought
Rei arched an eyebrow at you, “well yes, it’s more formal and-”
“Call me ‘chan’” you looked at him blankly
“I-I” Rei stammered, his blush deepening by the second
You grabbed a pillow and lightly smacked his leg
“S-stop playing around! We need to finish-”
“chan!” You said again, whacking the pillow this time with a bit more force
“Alright...if that’s how you want to play...” Rei shifted his glasses up his nose, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips
He quickly snatched a nearby pillow, slowly advancing towards you, already mapping out and calculating your next moves
Ahem things quickly advance and the whole house becomes a -war zone-
Ends with you just giving Rei his victory as he laughs triumphantly, posing on piles of pillows and blankets, it’s only then he realizes the extensive mess of both of your actions
You pitch in, placing the pillows back in their designated spots and folding extra sheets and blankets before crashing onto his mattress
“We didn’t even get to finish that problem did we?”
��Sorry...” you mumbled, burying yourself in his chest, “I’m so...tired...can we try again tom...orrow...”
Rei chuckled, relishing your peaceful state and soft breaths
“Of course...(y/n)-chan”~
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Taglist: @starbornecentral @enai-jigoku @allieturs @syrenblubs (let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)
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lostcoves · 3 years
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ft. asahi azumane x gn!reader
genre: fluff
wc & warnings: 1.2k | none
premise: in an attempt to kill pandemic boredom, you and your boyfriend attempt to find a new hobby together.
note: this is my piece for love and lockdown, a sinful sluts server collab! wanna thank @kkodzvken​ and @petalsrdead​ for being my beta readers!
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“(y/n), be careful,” asahi commented to you when you hopped on his back to attempt the double plank yoga pose.
“don’t worry! i got this!” you exclaimed, positioning your feet by asahi’s neck. you gripped your hands on his legs and asahi pushed himself upward, the two of you achieving the double plank yoga pose.
“fuck yeah! we’re doing it!” you cheered.
asahi joined in on your cheers, “yeah! we are–” but the celebrations were cut short when asahi lost his balance, causing the two of you to go crashing down. limbs tangled up, you let out a huff of annoyance and grumbled to your boyfriend, “check yoga off the failed hobbies list.”
“sure thing,” he sighed, disappointed. 
spending time with your boyfriend was a good time. you loved your sweet asahi! but throw in a national lockdown due to a pandemic? then time with your boyfriend can turn unbearable very quickly. 
you remembered getting the notification on your phone that lockdown was in effect because of the coronavirus, a deadly virus that ravaged many nations. you and asahi, having lived together for a few months, were eating takeout from your favorite thai place when your phones buzzed with the message. 
“well, we gotta do something to pass the time in lockdown!” you proposed a list of hobbies the two of you could try while in lockdown. asahi was so happy to spend more time with you, the fashion company he worked for gave him time off because of the pandemic and at home assignments that could be completed whenever so he could dedicate more time to you. 
yet, neither of you realized how hard trying new hobbies out was.
hobby number one: mask making
asahi whipped out his two sewing machines and multi-colored cloth while you printed out the instructions on how to create a homemade mask. 
“so we just sew this end and that end?” you read off the guide, unsure of to sew a mask. asahi, ever the fashion designer, got it right off the back and got to work sewing. you, on the other hand, struggled to find the correct ends to sew and ended up creating an abomination of a mask. 
 “ta da!” asahi held up his completed mask, a beautiful masterpiece that could bring a grown man to tears. meanwhile, you held up your backwards, mismatched mask and chuckled nervously, “i don’t think i’m cut out for mask making, azu..”
“should we try a new hobby?”
“yes please.”
hobby number two: baking - more importantly, baking banana bread 
with an american chef/youtuber on in the background for motivation, you and asahi suited up to tackle the kitchen. dressed in matching aprons (created by asahi himself), the two of you approached the kitchen with gusto and confidence. 
“banana bread, huh?” asahi looked over the recipe you got off the internet. 
“it’s all the rage!” you announced, proud to be ahead of the trends. 
“this looks easy enough to make. wanna give it a try?” asahi proposed.
excited, you responded with a nod and you both got straight to work with dealing out the ingredients and prepping the oven for the banana bread. baking with your boyfriend was so romantic! you couldn’t wait to see the end product of your baking.
not even ten minutes later, you and asahi were standing in your kitchen, as the firefighters put off the enormous fire your banana bread caused. with your hair singed and asahi coughing up smoke, you deemed this hobby to be a complete and utter fail.
“new hobby?”
“new hobby.”
hobby number three - video games
“look what i got!” you showed off your new gaming console to asahi. his lips formed a small ‘o’ at the sight of the shiny console and he asked, “you got the new nintendo switch?!”
“yup! my parents sent this over to help us kill the boredom,” you whipped out a game case with the words ‘mario kart 8 deluxe’ on the cover, “and they sent a few games for us to play.”
“your folks are the best,” asahi laughed. 
“wanna play a round of mario kart?” you offered to your boyfriend.
“sure why not! it will be fun!”
it was, in fact, not fun.
asahi was a bit of a sore loser when it came to video games. after lost eleven– yes, eleven– races in a row, asahi was on the verge of breaking the console when you interjected.
“let’s do a new hobby, babe!”
hobby number four - making whipped coffee
“okay, i think we can do whipped coffee!” you clapped your hands together, staring at the spread of ingredients before you. asahi eyed the materials warily and asked, “are you sure that we’re not gonna burn the kitchen down.. again?”
“we won’t using an oven!” you countered.
“well.. alrighty then!” asahi smiled, grabbing the ingredients.
not even five minutes passed before the two of you were dealing with another banana bread incident, as the fire department put out the flaming blender. you sighed in frustration, covering your face in your hands at the sight. 
“new hobby?” asahi frowned.
“ugh.. yeah, new hobby,” you sighed.
hobby number five - painting
asahi went out and brought home some painting supplies. the two of you would paint one another, a cutesy couple activity. surely, you guys couldn’t mess up painting, right! right? right. 
“uh.. azu?” you paused from painting your boyfriend.
“yes, honey?” he asked, stopping his process as well.
“i think i’m allergic to the paint,” you held up your forearm where you had gotten some paint on. ugly red blisters broke out on your skin, traveling up your arm. asahi could only stare in surprise at the sight, unsure what to do.
“azumane, take me to the hospital. i’m about to go into anaphylactic shock.”
"yes, honey!”
to the present
you and asahi just failed couples’ yoga, your sixth attempt at gaining a pandemic hobby. annoyed and upset, you leaned your head against asahi’s shoulder, as he took some deep breaths. 
“so,” asahi peered over at you, “from attempting to find a new hobby, you made a monstrosity out of a mask, we burned down our kitchen, i almost broke your gaming console, we burned down our kitchen again, and we had to take you to the hospital for anaphylactic shock.. am i missing anything?”
“nope,” you popped the ‘p’ and huffed, “we suck at this.”
“agreed,” hummed asahi.
“there is one hobby we haven’t tried, though.”
“oh?” you caught asahi’s interest.
“couch surfing.”
thus, you and asahi made your way to your couch and pulled up netflix. down the rabbit hole you both went, as you found yourselves sucked into the world of anime and reality television shows. 
“this is the life,” asahi commented, holding you in his arms while you finished up another season of the american show friends.
“it is,” you nodded in agreement.
“totally beats baking and making whipped coffee.”
“oh for sure.”
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