#ugh i wish school was usually like this
running-in-the-dark · 2 months
my niece is staying with us for the whole weekend for the first time. until now it's always been one night only, not two.
it's the second night now and I have already decided this is not happening again anytime soon. I'm so fucking exhausted. it'd be less exhausting if it was my nephew, I think - he's older and also doesn't need as much help (even when he was her age).
I love my niece but she just asks so many questions. like when we're watching a show or a movie, even if it's one she has seen before (even multiple times), she doesn't understand what's going on and constantly asks me to explain everything. I don't mind it, really, but it does take a lot of energy. plus tonight it took over two hours for her to fall asleep because she was scared by the noises of the house and the nearby road. I get it, but damn I'm so fucking tired, I just want to sleep 😭
#my nephew will get to stay for two nights soon so that it's fair and everything#but then I think we'll go back to one night only for a while#I just can't sleep when someone else is here. and I do not handle being tired well. or rather being even more tired than usual#so yeah no this is too much#I'm so glad I don't have children. I literally would not survive#we played board games with her today. her idea. she chose the gsme#but it was so fucking difficult.....#I think most kids would have understood this game at like. 10 maybe. probably before that really#she's 12 and a half and just did not get it at all#she's got difficulties learning and she's finally getting (more) help for that in school now but I'm really.. a bit shocked that it took#this long for her parents to accept that#she's a great kid but it's been obvious since she started school that she needs more help#so anyway yeah it's 3am and I think she finally fell asleep after I put Charmed on for her#I've got a massive headache and I'm so fucking tired I feel like I'm losing my mind lol#couldn't sleep last night & I hope it's better tonight. but having someone else here is stressful.#ugh I wish this wasn't so hard for me. I want to be the fun aunt (I'm their only aunt.. aunt-like person... whatever) but I know I get more#and more impatient when they're here. I hate that. but I can't change it. I've tried! for 10 years! but it didn't work#don't get me wrong - I'm never mean or angry with them. I just get somewhat annoyed and I know it's noticeable and I hate that#they don't seem to mind. they love visiting us. but I don't like it because I hated the way adults treated me when I was a kid so I want to#be better#:(#anyway I have to sleep now or tomorrow will be hell :)#personal
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one day I will stop being disgusted just from thinking about him but today is not that day.
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pitchsidestories · 3 months
Jealousy II Patri Guijarro x León!Reader
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masterlist I moodboard I word count: 2985
a/n: Hi, we hope it's not too confusing to read, the oneshot is a bit darker and more dramatic than our usual fanfics. The inspiration for the oneshot was this request here.
Carefully you applied the glamorous eye makeup you had in mind to your eye lids; you were getting ready for your older sister’s birthday party. Looking in the mirror you remembered a quote from a book you read for your English class in school beautiful little fool. According to Daisy in The Great Gatsby, it was the best thing a girl could be in this world.
You didn’t want to be a beautiful fool and didn’t yearn to be perceived as one. Another glance at your reflection and you realized you were done. Time to go to the party.
“Mapi, feliz cumpleanos, hermana!”, you greeted her grinning. Their home was almost a second home to you, you felt more at ease here than in your own appartement. You noticed Bagheera at his usual hiding space behind the window curtains, but for you he came up to get a few cuddles, before returning to it.
“Thanks, glad you could make it.”, she replied smiling, giving you a hug at the same time, pressing a grateful kiss to your cheek.
“Yes, I mean you’re getting old now, so..” ,you teased her, the grin on your face deepened.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get old soon enough, too.”, the defender promised you, laughing.
“Ugh, don’t remind me, Maria.”, you groaned playfully.
“Is that a gey hair?!”, she gasped dramatically while holding up a string of your hair to the light of the lamp.
“Girls.”, Ingrid shook amused her head. She was used to your lively banter now.
“Sorry. Is Patri here?”, you asked her curiously.
“Of course, she’s somewhere around.”, your sister waved it off.
“You can’t miss her.”, the Norwegian added winking.
“Nope, definitely nod.”, Mapi smirked.
To watch the couple, harmonize so well as they did was always a little heart wrenching to you. There was a deep fear inside you that you would never be able to find a love like they had. On the other hand, you were incredibly happy for your older sister.
“I’ve not seen her in ages, I need to say hi, I’ll come back to you soon.”, you told them excitedly.
“Sure.”, the defender answered doubtfully.
“We won’t see er again until the morning, right?”, Ingrid asked.
“Probably not.”, her girlfriend responded in an honest tone.
The truth was you were undoubtedly, terribly, madly in love with one of your siblings’ closest friends. So, you couldn’t wait to see her again. She was the guest at this party you were the most thrilled to meet again.
“Oh, hi, gorgeous.”, a flirty tone of the stranger held you back.  
“Hi, nice to meet you.”, you muttered, while your eyes searched around the living room for the face you yearned to find.
 “Very pleased to meet you. You must be Mapis sister.”, the woman purred. Her voice irritated you, she almost sounded like Bagheera.
“I’m, from where do you know my sister?”, you questioned her, only half-interested.
“Oh, we’re friends.”, she shrugged.
“I see.”, you nodded.
She held out her hand. “But we haven’t met yet.“
A bit too formal in your opinion but you still shook her hand. Why not play along for a while?
“That’s true.“, you replied politely.
“Can I get you a drink?“, the stranger asked, the corners of her mouth quirking upwards.
To your surprise, she immediately grabbed your upper arm as she led you to the bar.
You frowned, the grip was too tight, too desperate.
And then you saw her.
“Y/n?“ Patri appeared right in front of you, eyeing you closely.
You wished this girl would finally let go of your arm.
“Hi.“, Patri said blankly.
She was in suit pants and a half unbuttoned shirt.
“Hey, you look beautiful tonight.“, you complimented her and you meant it.
Before the midfielder could reply, the stranger tightened her grip around your arm. You sucked in a breath, this might leave a bruise.
“Let’s go outside for a bit.“, the girl said, her voice sickeningly sweet. It was less of a suggestion and more of an order.
“Okay.“, you agreed.
While the stranger led you outside to smoke, you struggled to tear your gaze away from Patri.
You watched her watching you leave until she disappeared in the crowd.
You failed to see how Claudia appeared on her teammates side, shaking her head: “You’re a fool, Patri.“
“She so clearly has feelings for you.“, Alexia rolled her eyes, sipping on her drink.
“Y/n has asked her on dates multiple times in the past few years.“, Claudia agreed.
Patri released a sigh: “I can’t go out with her.“
“Why not?“, Lucy now joined the conversation.
“She’s Mapis sister!“, Patri pointed out the obvious.
Alexia shrugged: “Yes, and?“
Her younger teammate looked at her in exasperation: “Did you not hear what I just said?“
“Remember that Mapi dated Alba back in the day?“, Alexia countered unimpressed.
Now it was Patri who rolled her eyes: “Don’t start with this again. You can’t compare that.“
“Of course I can.“
Patri held up her hands, abandoning this conversation: “Whatever. I don’t want to talk about her.“
“Okay. Another drink?“, Claudia blinked innocently at her.
Relieved, Patri nodded: “Please!“
You had no idea when your sisters birthday party had ended. In fact, you did not remember most of the early morning hours.
When and how had you gotten home? What was that beautiful strangers name again? Where even was she?
All those questions popped into your head when a ringing on your door woke you up.
Groaning, you looked around your bedroom. You were alone, that was good.
You got up and quickly glanced into the mirror, realizing that you still wore last nights dress. There were mascara stains on your cheeks, a bruise on your arm and a slightly purpling hickey on your neck.
No time to take care of this mess, you decided. You walked through your apartment and opened the door.
Relief flooded through you as you found yourself opposite your sister and her girlfriend.
The ease you felt for a minute was erased in the next when you saw their concerned faces scanning your bruised and shambled body.
“Hi Y/n, you need to stop. We worry about you.”, Ingrid begun, sounding deeply worried.
“What do you mean?”, you asked confused while the two women made their way through your appartement.
“You know exactly what we mean.”, Mapi answered frustrated.
“A little party never killed nobody.”, you defended yourself half-heartedly. Meanwhile, your sister and her girlfriend were taking place on your sofa, you were sitting in between them.
“That’s not a little party.”, the defender disagreed.
“And y/n you deserve to be loved for you as a person not only because of your looks.”, Ingrid softly strokes your hair.
“I’m fine.”, you protested.
“Y/n it’s okay. Ingrid is right.”, Mapi told you compassionately.
“But.”, you started, your lips trembling. Memories from last night came back in pieces.
The way the beautiful stranger only used you like a piece of furniture to satisfy her needs and ignored your thoughts and feelings behind your pretty façade. How she couldn’t wait to leave once you showed your longing for more than just touches but a real connection. The scary thought you had when you heard the door slammed shut, maybe you deserved the way you were treated. Maybe love was something that only happened to people who were worthy of it.
“Come here.”, Ingrids warm voice brought you back to the present moment.
“My girls.”, your older sister whispered gratefully, while she and the Norwegian pulled you into a tight, long hug, hoping that one day you realized that you were worthy of love for the person you were even with your faults who sometimes led to self-destructive behaviour.
“Can you let me go now?”, you questioned smiling lightly.
“Yes, before this gets too cute.”, Mapi laughed, releasing you from her hug.
In the passing weeks you tried to break the pattern you were in, meeting more of your friends for a cup of coffee, going to less parties, seeing a psychologist. The changes you made didn’t get unrecognized by Patri who watched you doing this from a comfortable distance.
It was at the end of a media day, the league would start soon again,  that Patri announced: “I think I’ll accept y/n’s date offer, girls.”
“What?!”, Claudia yelled excitedly.
“Yes.”, she confirmed it seriously.
“But why now?”, the smaller woman raised an eyebrow at her.
 “Yeah, what changed?”, Keira wanted to know.
“I don’t know.”, Patri responded truthfully.
“That’s okay.”, Lucy reassured her.
The midfielder’s heartbeat faster as she spotted you hugging your sister. Her heart sank when  the brunette heard the next words coming from your mouth.
 “Girls, I’ve a date, I think she’s serious.”, you cheered.
“You do?”, Mapi glanced at you happily.
“Yes, we’ll go out tomorrow. Fancy dinner and when a bar.”, you went on delighted.
“Sounds great.”, she admitted.
“We’re happy for you, y/n.”, Ingrid beamed at you.
“Thanks.”, you couldn’t help, but to smile at the possibility to have found the one.
You ignored as the other half of the team got quiet, listening to your conversation.
“Fuck.“, Patri cursed under her breath.
“Wow… you have really horrible timing.“, Claudia sighed, her gaze still fixed on you.
Patri nodded slowly: “We do..“
“Maybe you shouldn’t tell her then.“, Keira suggested the obvious which Patri rewarded with an eye roll.
“I won’t.“
“Maybe it’s better that way.“, Claudia said.
“Yes, maybe.“, Patri sighed.
However, she was not ready to give up yet.
She and Mapi met on the next day for some coffee, unbeknownst to you.
“What do you mean the date went horrible?“, Patri asked, slowly stirring milk into her coffee to avoid seeming too eager about what Mapi just told her.
Mapi shrugged: “Oh, apparently she only talked about her ex during the date.“
“In front of her?“
Nodding, the defender took a sip from her cup: “Y/n got bored after thirty minutes and left.“
“Understandable.“, Patri said quietly.
“It’s sad. I had hoped she would have finally found someone for a serious relationship.“, Mapi continued.
The midfielder could read the genuine worry in her teammates face.
She decided to lay it all bare.
“I was so close to accepting her offer but then this new girl came…“
Mapi choked on her coffee.
“Wait, what?“, she asked between two coughs.
Patris gazed was trained on the small wooden table between the two football players: “Yes, I know…“
“Why?“, was the defenders only question.
“I didn’t want to give in because you’re her sister and we are friends…“, she admitted.
Mapis eyes softened as she studied the younger player: “Patri… if you love her, go out with her.“
Patri looked up in surprise: “That would be okay for you?“
“Of course. If you really love her.“
“I do…“
“Then ask her out. She deserves someone who doesn’t just see her looks.“
“She’s not perfect but no one is…“, Patri said more to herself than to her teammate.
“That’s not what a person wants to hear after she told you that you could be the one for her sister.“, Mapi laughed.
Blushing, the midfielder grinned innocently: “Sorry.“
“You still have my blessing.“, the defender chuckled.
You walked through Barcelona, Alexia next to you. You had not felt like talking to your sister about the date but you knew you could trust Alexia with the details. And she was more than willing to listen.
You were in the middle of explaining of what you did after you left the restaurant when a familiar face appeared in front of you.
You stopped yourself mid-sentence: “Patri? Hi…“
“Hey, do you have a second?“
You stalled. She was out of breath, had seemingly been looking for you.
You looked at Alexia, then back at Patri: “I do…“
“Good.”, she sighed relieved.
“So?”, you rose an eyebrow expectantly.
“Would you go out on a date with me y/n?”, the Mallorquin woman asked, licking her lips nervously.
“Wait, are you serious?”, you gasped. Almost couldn’t believe that this question came from her mouth.
“I was never more serious.”, you could see the determination in the midfielder’s pretty brown eyes.
“I’m asking because whenever I asked you.. you said no.”, you tried to put the hesitation you felt into words.
“I thought Mapi wouldn’t approve of this. And Mapi means a lot to me as a friend.”, Patri explained.
“But she did?”
Something like hope flattered inside your chest. Was this just a dream, you hoped it wasn’t and if it was it hopefully would never end. This being realer and better when whatever you’ve imagined in so many sleepless nights when sleep couldn’t find you and the yearning for her overcame you.
 “Mapi did.”, the friend of your older sister confirmed earnestly.
“I really liked you for a long time.”, you confessed.
“I know but I was scared. And I wasn’t sure if you meant it because you’re always with someone else.”, the brunette admitted.
“Yes, I guess I’m not good at this kind of stuff.”, you guiltily bit your lip.
“Maybe we can figure it out together.”, she suggested carefully.
“Okay, but I’m warning you I’m not easy.”, you told her.
“I never cared for easy anyway.”, Patri reassured you.
“So, we give it a try?”, you glanced at her, waiting eagerly for her reply.
“If you’re willing to. Because you haven’t answered if you want to go on a date or not.”, she remarked.
“I want to go on a date with you.”, you smiled at her, meaning every word you said.
“Okay, but first we need to finish gossiping y/n.”, Alexia threw in grinning. The Barcelona captain has been watching everything from a safe distance until now.
“Ugh, Ale.”, Patri groaned.
“No, I’m just joking go ahead.”, she laughed.
“Can I take you on a date right now?”, the younger midfielder laid her eyes on you, it was clear from the look of her face that she couldn’t wait any longer.
“Yes, you can!”, Alexia answered for you winking.
“I didn’t ask you.”, Patri shook her head amused.
“I think it’s time for us to go.”, you decided smirking.
“Yes, please.”, she nodded happily.
“Bye, Ale.”, you waved at the older woman.
“Enjoy.”, the blonde responded cheerfully.
While you made your way through the buzzing city, the sun was about to set, the night never seemed more promising to you, as you walked hand in hand with the woman you had feelings for since forever. You always liked the city your sister chose to play for, but this evening you fell in love with it. The beauty of the architecture and everything else was almost too overwhelming. Before the mass of people made you feel lonely but now you were a part of it.
“Well, were do you want to go y/n?”, Patri whispered into your ears as you passed the neighbourhood of Gracia.
“You pick. You asked me out.”, you mouthed back.
“Good, I already know a place.”
And that’s where your story begun, the first date ended with a kiss on your doorstep, but you came back for another, because it left you even hungrier. But for the first time in forever you felt safe, knowing that you’d see her again and Patri wouldn’t walk away.
The summer break came. For most of the players it was only a short period of time between the end of the season and the next games with their national team.
You and your girlfriend wanted to make the most out of your free days, enjoying the pure bliss of having no responsibilities.
That was how you found yourself on yacht with a group of people, most of which you did not know. But they seemed to know your sister which meant that some stranger always came up to you, wanting to talk when all you wanted to do was lay in the sun and sip on some cocktails.
Even the woman in charge of preparing the drinks wanted to engage you in a conversation but your replies remained monosyllabic. Once she was done pouring, you flashed her a smile and disappeared with a cup in each hand.
Patri had been watching from where she was tanning herself in the afternoon sun. As you approached her, she moved her sunglasses to the top of her head: “Y/n?“
“Yes?“, you asked, sitting down next to her.
“What are you doing?“
You shrugged, handing her one of the cups: “Just got us some drinks.“
“Why was the barkeeper staring at your tits?“
You suddenly felt uncomfortable in your bikini top and jeans cut-offs. “She has? I didn’t even notice, Patri. Everyone stares at me… always.“
You relaxed a little when Patri looked you up and down with a smirk: “I mean I get that they look at you. You’re gorgeous.“
“Can’t help it.“, you assured her again.
“But the flirting… not a big fan.“
You took a sip from your drink: “Relax, I’m yours.“
Your girlfriends eyes sparkled, challenging you: “Prove it.“
You put your drink down, pushed your girlfriend back on her towel to straddle her and kissed her passionately.
“Again?“, Patri asked, innocently blinking up to you.
“Maybe with less people to see?“, you suggested. You had the sudden urge to get away from everyone, to do more than just kiss her. You only wanted to be Patris.
You both got up. Patri took your hand in hers, leading you towards the inside of the boat.
She winked at you: “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everyone knows that you belong to me. I’ll leave my handprints all over you.“
You smiled quietly about how right this felt. She would never get mad or freak out. If she was jealous, she made sure that everyone knew that you were her girlfriend.
You always knew that Patri could handle it.
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literaila · 8 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: satoru does not get the 'flu' that you have, or why you can't take megumi to the bookstore
warnings: symptoms of the flu, satoru is a bastard, cute kids
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year two.
you:  can you take megumi to the bookstore? i can't make it 
"megumi wants me to ask you what you mean by 'i can't make it.'" 
your phone rings as soon as the message is sent, making you groan and roll over in bed. your palms are sweaty, and your body feels a bit like you got eaten alive. 
you probably shouldn't have answered, but honestly, how can you be expected to make smart decisions in this state?
you sigh into the phone. "it means that i can't make it, satoru." 
usually, his voice would make you smile but right now it just makes you want to die. and sleep for a couple... billion years, at least. 
"megumi wants me to ask what you mean by that?" satoru says again like you can't tell he's grinning. 
"just let me talk to him," you sigh, turning over on your side, which does nothing to ease the ache in your abdomen, by the way. you feel briefly nauseous like you might need the bowl you dragged under the covers, but it eases. you swallow bile. 
"what's wrong?" satoru asks, still teasing, and doesn't put megumi on the phone because he has never, not once in his life done anything without an argument. 
really, why do you put up with him?
"well you just forgot that both of the kids are in school right now, like they are every day, so..." 
you close your eyes, pulling the covers up even higher. "oh. yeah." 
"did you get hurt, or something?" satoru asks, no concern evident in his voice, "going on another mission?" 
satoru is silent, waiting. and you really truly do hate him. anyone else would just do you this favor. 
but not your best friend, no, he does nothing you ask. 
"i'm sick," you tell him, after a whole minute of silence. 
you can almost hear it as his brows furrow. "what?" 
"i have the flu or something," you cough into the receiver, hoping that it hurts his ear. 
"ugh," you groan, trying to rub the ache out of your jaw. "not all of us are immune to getting sick, you freak. will you take megumi to the bookstore for me? please?" 
"i don't think he wants to go with me." 
"satoru," you whine. 
"...and also i'm not allowed to enter the premises anymore." 
you sniff, wishing that you had more tissues, "what? since when?" 
"a couple weeks ago," he answers, nonchalantly. you can hear him moving around, probably wreaking havoc on the house you'll have to deep clean in a couple of days. 
not to mention your room. seriously, getting sick is the worst. 
"nuh uh," he says to you, very seriously. "that's between me and the children. they swore me to secrecy, and you're the one that's always going on and on about trust and how easily it's broken..." 
"you mean that you swore them to secrecy." 
"i bribed them," satoru agrees as if it's not an insane thing to say about your seven and eight-year-olds. 
"with what?!" 
"tsumiki took the offer of picking whatever takeout she wanted, and i think megumi was just glad i couldn't bring him anymore, the brat." 
you can hear his eyes roll, and the mention of the little boy's name reminds you of why you're having this discussion in the first place. 
"satoru... i really can't take him and i promised we'd go today," you groan into your pillow, voice feeling very sore. you shouldn't be talking to this insane man right now, you should be asleep. 
he pauses. "i can wear a disguise, i guess?" 
you groan again, hopefully, louder. "no, you're right about him not wanting to go with you." 
"i guess i'll just..." you attempt to sit up for the third time, feeling a bit dizzy as you do so. "i'll take some medicine and see if i feel better by the time they get out of school."
you're already mentally checking your medicine cabinet, not even sure if you have anything to help this ease by later in the afternoon. just some pain relief would be nice, but if you're contagious...
"what? no."
"well, you can't take him," you answer, still annoyed. 
"he doesn't need to go..." 
you hope that satoru can feel your scowl. "i promised." 
"he's a reasonable kid..." satoru says, clearly not remembering the brooding that happened the last time megumi had to re-read one of his books. "i think." 
you're silent. 
"look, i'll talk to him, okay?" he settles on, finally. "and i'll give him a couple hundred yen, it'll be fine. 
your mouth opens, and you cough, before, "no, satoru--" 
"get some rest," he exclaims, unpleasantly. 
"have him call me when you pick them up, satoru--" 
"don't die of the flu or anything." 
and then he's gone, and now you've got a headache, too. 
you think you might be dreaming when you open your front door.
the knocking had woken you up--you think--but with how long it took to walk from your room, into the hallway, and then the door, honestly, you might've fainted. or decided to take another nap against the wall. 
because once you open it, it feels like you've done this before.  
once again, three people are standing in front of you, two of them already arguing before you even take a step back to swing the door all the way open. 
the light hurts your head as you squint at the three of them. 
"it was my idea--" megumi is saying to satoru, grumpy, you know, from all day at school, and because he's talking to satoru.
"you're not taking all of the credit," satoru says back, "i bought everything." 
"'cause you're rich." 
"wow, so you're objectifying me?" 
"yes," megumi answers immediately, even though you doubt that he even knows what objectifying means (actually, you're pretty certain satoru doesn't even know). you cough, and it feels like something has died inside of you. 
the three of them turn towards you, tsumiki with a pleading look.
"it was my idea, okay?" megumi tells you before anyone else can say anything, and then he pulls tsumiki along with him as they move past you, through the door, into your apartment. 
yes, it's clear that satoru has raised them. 
"i said we should bring soup," tsumiki looks up at you, waiting for the praise she knows you'll give her. 
"our idea," megumi amends, easily. 
then they're out of your reach, going to sit on the very same couch they'd slept on a year ago, probably trying to escape satoru.
who you turn to, with a frown. his hair is so white it hurts to look at.
he points into your apartment, "those are devil spawn." 
you cough. "don't call them that." 
he raises a brow at you. probably at how soft your voice is, or the fact that you haven't hit him in the thirty seconds he's been standing there. 
it's a new record. 
"why are you here?" you rasp out, wiping some snot from your nose.
"no 'hello?'" 
"hello, satoru," your voice is retched, "why are you here?" 
"you look kinda rough, kid," 
you sniff, leaning against the doorjam. you could fall asleep here in an instant. "i'm sick, you jerk." 
"so this is sickness..." satoru says, intrigued, pretending to inspect you closely like you're some lab experiment. 
"i distinctly remember a cold that had you shaking on the floor of your dorm, begging shoko to heal you." 
satoru points a finger at you. "that was an uncurable illness." 
"and yet we're still stuck with you." 
satoru just smirks, pretending to be an angel he is not. 
you cough again and then sigh. it's cold with the door open. "are you just here to annoy me?"
"no," satoru shakes his head, giving you a ridiculous look, "well, i was telling megumi that you couldn't take him to the bookstore, cause of your disease or whatever," he ignores your weak protest, "and then i suggested that maybe we could see how you were feeling, bring you a little gift basket--" 
"no, he didn't!" megumi calls. 
satoru frowns. "devil. spawn." 
you snort, somehow amused at all of them, finally moving aside so he can walk through the door. 
satoru passes, suddenly brighter, but not before leaving an obnoxious kiss on your cheek--a resounding smack following. to which, you promptly wipe off. 
he frowns, and you push him so you can close the door. and then you trail into the kitchen, sitting down immediately before you fall. 
it's so embarrassing that just standing for too long has made you this lightheaded. 
satoru sets a bag on your kitchen counter and begins to unpack it. 
you try to see over his hands. "what did you bring me?" 
"you guys are so unappreciative," satoru tells you, pouting, "you only want me for my goods." 
"and the view," you answer, easily. "what'd you get?" 
megumi and tsumiki comes over to you, both of them giving you a short (megumi) and tight (tsumiki) hug. you've trained them well. 
"soup!" tsumiki tells you, grabbing the container from satoru's hands, despite his look. and then she walks over to your stove, looking in the cupboards for a pot to heat it in. 
because she's used to taking care of herself. they both are. 
"satoru," you nod to her, and he frowns, but reluctantly takes over, pushing tsumiki away from the stove. you're both familiar with this behavior from her. 
most days when you make dinner, tsumiki is trying to sneak into the kitchen, refusing to let you take care of it. 
she pouts a little now, but lets satoru handle the soup.
"gojo got you all of these," megumi tells you, bringing your eyes away from the other man, pushing a stack of pill bottles and medicine containers your way. "i don't think he knows what any of them are." 
"hey! that's a great selection," satoru pours the soup into a pot and sets it on the stove, returning to the counter with the three of you.
"this is a muscle relaxant," you tell him, frowning as you look at the packages--most of which are not for the flu. this is why he's not allowed to go to the store without you.
"well, your muscles need to relax, don't they?" satoru asks, dryly. "wish we could find some of those for your brain..." he mutters, afterward, and you throw the packet right at his face. 
"i found those little sour things you like," megumi continues, smirking just a moment at satoru. "they didn't have a big bag." 
"thanks, megs." 
"there's tissues, and chapstick if your lips get dry. and i picked out the cough drops because gojo wanted to get chocolate flavored or something--" 
megumi rolls his eyes. 
tsumiki steps to your side again. "and we got flowers, but those are still in the car." 
"no, they're not," satoru suddenly has a bouquet of roses in his hands, almost covering his entire face. "they're right here." 
"when did you do that?" 
"when you guys were ridiculing my excellent taste," he pouts, white hair falling over his glasses. 
you laugh. 
"where's your vase?" he asks, going through every cupboard before finally listening to your answer. he settles on the other end of your kitchen, cutting and arranging the bouquet. 
tsumiki taps you. "are you feeling bad?" 
"just a little out of it, sweetie, don't worry." 
"did we get everything you need?" megumi chimes in, giving you a brief moment of eye contact before looking away. 
"yes. you guys did great, thank you both. you're very sweet." 
satoru ahems loudly. "and what about me?" 
"you could've done better." 
the kids both laugh and you push them into the living room, telling them to go sit down for a bit--knowing that satoru dragged them from school to the store to here without a break--and that you'll find a snack for them. 
and then you sigh, a bit nauseous from sitting up for so long. 
"do you need to lay down?" satoru peers at you, setting the bouquet on your table. "you look green." 
"thanks. how'd you learn to do that?" you gesture to the flowers which are arranged beautifully. honestly, you're surprised he didn't leave them on the counter for you to deal with. 
"i am a gentleman." 
"ha. no, seriously." 
"...i may, or may not have looked up what to bring someone who has the flu--and the flowers were extra, but!" he pauses as you laugh at him, resting your head against the cool counter. "i only had to do that because i don't get affected by stupid things like the flu or whatever you have." 
"of course," you whisper, closing your eyes. 
and then there's a hand on your forehead. "you're really warm." 
you press your head into his hand, which is also pleasantly cold. "yeah." 
"did you sleep all day?" 
you nod. 
"really? that's so lazy." 
you push him away, and he laughs, just loud enough for you to hear it. you open your eyes again when you hear him move away, watching him stir the soup on the stove. 
"you probably shouldn't have brought them here," you tell him, gesturing to the living room. "i don't want to get them sick." 
"they missed you," satoru shrugs. "you wouldn't want them to be sick alone." 
"yeah, but..." 
"i'm the worrier today," he interrupts, wrapping his hand around your wrist so he can pull you. "go lay down on the couch with them and i'll get your soup ready." 
"you'll burn it, you mean?" 
"as a punishment for all of the cruel things you say to me," and satoru smiles as he nudges the top of your head with his nose. 
his eyes are almost stern (almost, but not quite) as he watches you lay down on the couch, your hands gestured in defeat, and nods when you're settled in. 
when he walks away, you call, "bring us some water!" 
there's no response, but you know he'll do it. 
tsumiki just slightly nudges you with her hand and you smile, opening your arms for her to cuddle under. 
megumi doesn't do the same, but you don't fail to notice when he scooches just a little bit closer to you both, his thigh touching yours. 
your head still hurts and even the smell of the soup is making you a bit sick, but you'll deal with it as long as they're all here. 
you're arguing with satoru about dinner, several days later, when tsumiki and megumi sneeze at exactly the same time. 
it took a couple of days for you to recover, but now you're better than ever, happily fighting with satoru over the stupidest things and watching over both of the children for any defects that happened while you were out of sorts. 
they're mostly okay. 
but now the both of you look over to them, your eyes wide, satoru almost wincing. 
and then you look back to him, already scowling. 
"hey, it was just a sneeze," he tells you, quickly, already knowing what you're about to say. 
"i told you--" 
and then he sneezes, taking a step away from you. 
you groan, giving up on dinner. it looks like the next few days are going to be spent coddling all of your children. 
next part
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 6 months
Ok, I have two alternatives, pick which one you like the best.
Reader get picked to tutor Eddie even though they have always been at each other's throat, she thinking he's a drama queen, pissed that the popular people doesn't like him and he thinks she's a stuck up bitch without humor.
So they go back and forth but maybe one day when she's having a bad day and Eddie says something and she starts crying he gets all "what, how, why? What did I do, please don't cry!"
Or, that he catches her reading a romance novel and outwardly she has always just read classics - books that are 'high education'
Request by @somethingvicked 🫶💞 went with the first option 💞
Warnings; Little bit of angst, meanish Eddie, fluff. Accidental kiss.
"You've got to be kidding me?" you gawk at Miss O'Donnell who has called you back at the end of class. She's asked you to tutor someone and at first you were all for it.
That's until you found out it was Eddie Munson, Munson who is currently sitting at the back of the class with his feet up on the desk in front of him, he gives you a sarcastic little wave and you turn back to Miss O'Donnell and hope she comes to her senses.
"He needs a tutor if he wants to graduate. You're the best student in the class. It will look wonderful on your college applications that you tutored Mr Munson" shit there was really no getting out of this.
Reluctantly you turn to Eddie who already doesn't like you. In his honest opinion you seemed prissy and stuck up. The two of you spent half your time at each other's throats, it had been like that for so long.
Equally you couldn't stand Eddie either. He was loud, a show off and you were sure he was jealous of the popular people he claimed to hate.
How you would manage to tutor him for weeks on end was anyone's guess. One thing's for sure, you were dreading this.
"Meet me after school tomorrow and we can get started okay?" You say to him already grumpy at having to spend extra time with him. Eddie swings his legs off the desk and smirks, then bows.
"As you wish princess" ugh, you storm out but not before hearing Eddie's laughter.
The first week of tutoring Eddie is as horrible as you expected. He's antagonistic, makes no effort and needles at your patience until it's paper thin.
"How can you be expected to graduate if you don't make an effort?" You snap as Eddie strums on his guitar.
"That old bat has it in for me, even when I try my best she still doesn't care" Eddie hisses back and you feel the beginnings of a headache come on.
"You just need to apply yourself better, if you want to graduate then you need to ace this Munson" he glares at you.
"Don't you think I know that? It's easy for you though isn't it princess, since your little miss perfect" the insult flares up your annoyance and you and Eddie devolve into your usual arguments.
"Don't you think I have better things to do then tutor you Munson? So do us both a favour and start paying attention, so we can go our separate ways sooner".
He huffs and places down his guitar with gentle care, grabs his notebook and
"Did you draw these?" you ask curious as you trace your fingers over the images on his notebook. He nods and looks at you like he's expecting you to give him shit.
"They are really good Munson, you could think about applying to an art course after graduation" Eddie scoffs and takes his notebook back.
"Yeah like anyone's going to take me with my grades" his tone is all annoyance and it pisses you off.
"I was only trying to compliment you, why do you have to be so touchy all the time" you look away from him stubbornly, he is silent for a few seconds and when he speaks again his voice is soft.
"I'm sorry, I'm not used to a lot of compliments from people" this softens you as well and you turn to face him and give him a small smile.
"Well you're really good" there's a faint tinge of pink to his cheeks when you say this. He nods and settles back down beside you.
"You know uh, you're pretty good with the whole writing thing, uh shit, you know what I mean" pleased and a little flustered at his compliment you clear your throat and mutter thank you, then get started with the book you and Eddie are reading for class.
Today has been the worst day. You overslept, forgot to hand your essay in to your biology teacher, the rain soaked you completely as soon as you left your home and you've been verging on a cold ever since.
So the thought of having to tutor Munson again does not fill you with joy, in all honesty all you want is your bed and to sleep. You couldn't get sick, you had too much to do.
Of course from the moment you meet up with Eddie he's difficult. All because it's Friday and he has a Hellfire meeting.
"I have to set everything up princess, I don't have time to waste here with you" furious you round on him.
"You think that I want to be here? No. I'd rather be at home so sit down and let's get on with this so I don't have to sit with your annoying ass any longer than I have to"
"Well at least I'm not a stuck up bitch with no sense of humour and a permanent stick up my ass"
Eddie's words cut to the bone and you stiffen in response. Don't cry, don't cry you chant to yourself, but you can't help as the tears roll down your cheeks, Eddie's big brown eyes widen in shock as you begin to cry.
Humiliated, you're just about to leave when he steps in front of you. "Wait, what did I do?" The two of you exchanged insults on a daily basis and you had never cried before, Eddie begins to panic as your sobs continue.
"Please don't cry" he says, he hates seeing you cry. Your little whimper stabs at his aching heart and on instinct he reaches over to you and takes your hand, the gesture surprises you both and it dries up your tears.
"I'm sorry, I don't like seeing you cry, please stop" you sniff and wipe the remainder of the tears away, Eddie's hand is still holding yours and it's making you feel things that you never expected.
Eddie gently strokes your hand with his thumb, marvels at the soft skin and how your hand fits perfectly in his own.
Uh, shit. This was new. You smile at him, suddenly seeming shy. His heart skips a beat. Jesus h Christ.
"I didn't mean it" he stumbles over his words and you sigh sadly, peer at him with an expression that tugs at his heart.
"Yes you did" he shakes his head fervently and assured you that he didn't.
"I just snapped back without thinking, I'm sorry" he pleads with you and you hear the sincerity in his voice and calm down a bit.
"I'm sorry too. Today has been so shit, I'm tired and I feel like crap. I just want to sleep" Eddie immediately grabs his notebook and pencil and sits down, he looks to you patiently.
"Let's do half an hour and I'll cram as much as I can in my brain and then I'm going to drive you home okay?" relived you nod but still feel worried.
"Miss O'Donnell won't be happy" you tell him and he shrugs as if he doesn't care one bit.
"Leave the old dragon to me okay princess?" touched at his sweetness you take his hand and squeeze it as a thank you. Surprisingly the half hour passes by cordially and Eddie is still sweet.
Before you know it the half hour has ended and Eddie is true to his word and drives you home. You don't feel much better and your stomach is fluttering like crazy being so close to Eddie.
What the hell was happening? Was this some side effect of the flu? Eddie's big brown eyes meet yours, "Thanks for driving me home Eddie"
He shrugs like it's no big deal and on impulse you reach over to kiss his cheek. The only thing is he moves so you miss completely and end up pressing your lips against his.
His eyes widen and you pull away embarrassed, your heart is racing and your lips are tingling from the kiss. You stammer out an apology but Eddie waves it off, you race out the door and into your house.
All the while Eddie is touching his lips, his own heart is racing a mile a minute and all he can think about is that he really wants to kiss you again.
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𝕿𝖜𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝕿𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 | 1
Read Chapter two - here [MASTERLIST]
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screencaps and gifs: Pinterest
Pairing: dark!Joel Miller x Fem!reader
Warnings/tags: MDNI 18+, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, BLOOD, Auctioning people, talks of BDSM, talks of virginity, talks of STD and STI tests, Dom and Sub dynamics, underage drinking (20), THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONTENT YOU CONSUME
Summary: 20,000 dollars in student debt can lead to irrational decisions, like engaging in a questionable discussion when a friend who is knowledgeable about BDSM mentions an auction she's attending.
WC: 3.6K
A/n: the first of the new and improved version of my mister miller fic🫶🏻
For notifications follow - @sinful-mind-joyful-fics
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Cold and heartless, Dr. Richards, your financial aid advisor, was a stern woman. You had expected that, considering the difficulty of having to inform hundreds of students about whether they could afford to continue their college careers or not. Last week, you discovered an unpaid dues notice from the school when you were looking through your financial reports. You had thought that all your dues were covered by a creative writing scholarship and financial aid.
Dr. Richards set your papers down and sighed, taking off her glasses and looking at you with an unexpected hint of pity. "Would you like me to be kind or blunt?" she asked, her voice steady but softened by the weight of bad news.
Your hand slapped to your forehead instinctively as dread pooled in your stomach. "Blunt," you muttered, bracing yourself.
"You're $20,000 in debt," she continued without missing a beat. "The total cost of your first year was $40,000. $20,000 was covered through financial aid and the scholarship, but if you wish to continue, the remaining $20,000 has to be paid by the start of next semester."
Shock and anger twisted inside you, making your vision blur. "Three months?!" you exclaimed, your voice rising with panic. "How am I supposed to afford that? I can barely afford anything as it is."
Dr. Richards leaned back, her eyes holding a mixture of sympathy and resignation. "I understand this is difficult, but the reality is, you need to find a solution quickly. Perhaps a private loan, more scholarships, or even a part-time job."
The office walls seemed to close in around you, the air thick with the weight of impossible choices. You stood up, feeling the urgency of time slipping through your fingers. "I'll figure something out," you said, your voice a brittle whisper of determination.
As you stepped out into the corridor, the gravity of your situation bore down on you. The campus buzzed with the usual life of students, oblivious to your internal turmoil. Every step you took felt heavier, each echoes a reminder of the $20,000 chain now dragging you down.
Night fell as you wandered the campus, lost in thought. The familiar paths seemed alien, shadows stretching long and menacing under the flickering streetlights. Once you made it back to your cramped dorm room, you opened the door and flopped onto your bed without even glancing at your roommate, Faith.
"Whoa, are you okay?" Faith asked, concern lacing her voice.
You lifted your head from the bed just enough to reply. "Remember the financial notice I got last week? Turns out I'm $20,000 in debt, and I didn't even know. Ugh, I should have read the papers more thoroughly." You sunk your head back into the thin, scratchy comforter on your bed, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on you.
Faith sat down on the edge of her bed, her eyes wide with concern. "That's... a lot. What are you going to do?"
You sighed deeply, the sound muffled by the comforter. "I have no idea. Three months to come up with twenty grand? It feels impossible."
Faith was silent for a moment, the tension in the room thickening. Finally, she spoke, her voice a mix of determination and desperation. "We'll figure something out. There has to be a way."
You nodded weakly, and Faith gently moved your shoulders to get you to sit up. She sat next to you and nudged you playfully. "Maybe a sugar daddy? You're a hot 20-year-old with a banging body," Faith joked, her mischievous grin breaking through the tension.
You managed a small smile, though part of you wondered if she was actually being serious. Faith was always open about her sex life, unlike you. You were a virgin, but the thought of a sugar daddy did sound appealing in your desperate situation.
"Yeah, right," you replied with a chuckle, though the idea lingered in your mind longer than it should have. Faith's laughter filled the room, a momentary reprieve from the oppressive worry.
Faith stood up abruptly before walking to her laptop and bringing it over to you. "A Twilight marathon isn't going to fix this," she cut you off, her tone serious, as she settled beside you.
"I know, I know... but," she hesitated, her expression grave, "well, I might have a solution." With a look of persuasion, she showed you her laptop screen, displaying a website named 'Twisted Temptations.'
"Your BDSM club?" you blurted out, taken aback.
"Okay, okay, listen," Faith hurried to explain, sensing your shock and disapproval. "We're doing this auction... You get 10% of whatever they bid for you."
You stood there, frozen in disbelief, waiting for Faith to continue. "How do you think I paid for college and..." she paused, choosing her words carefully, "most don't even want sex. You should at least look at the application."
You shook your head, doubt clouding your thoughts. "I don't know, Faith. This is so out of my comfort zone."
Faith moved closer, her expression softening with concern and determination. "Listen, I wouldn't suggest this if I didn't think it was safe. The club is strict about boundaries. You set the limits, and they are respected. Plus, I'll be there to guide you through everything."
You glanced at the laptop screen, the application form open and waiting. The prospect seemed overwhelming, yet there was a glimmer of hope—an unconventional solution to your daunting financial problems.
Faith sensed your hesitation and continued, "I know it's a big step, but think about the benefits. You need the money, and this way, you control what happens. You set your limits and preferences, and everything is mutually agreed upon with your partner. Trust me, you'll be safe."
You took a deep breath, considering her words. "But what if something goes wrong?"
Faith smiled reassuringly. "It won't. The club has strict rules and procedures to protect everyone involved. I'll help you with everything—filling out the application, setting your boundaries, and making sure you're comfortable. You won't be alone in this."
The weight of your financial troubles pressed down on you, and Faith's unwavering support felt like a lifeline. You sighed and sank onto the bed next to her. "Alright, I'll do it, but you have to help me. I don't want something to go wrong."
Faith's eyes lit up with excitement. "It won't," she assured you confidently. "Let's get started." She quickly filled in your name, age, and other essential details, then looked at you with a reassuring smile. "Okay, now we need to talk about your preferences and limits. This is really important."
You nodded, feeling a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "What kind of preferences?"
Faith glanced at the screen, scrolling down to the next section. "Let's start with the basics. Are there any absolute no-go areas for you? Things you absolutely won't do?"
You bit your lip, feeling a flutter of nerves. "Well, I'm a virgin, but I'm ready to...you know, not be. I just don't want to do anything I'm not comfortable with."
Faith nodded, her expression serious but supportive. "That's totally okay. You can specify that you're new and what your limits are. Many people in the club respect that and will help you explore at your own pace."
She typed as she spoke, checking off boxes and filling in fields. "What about things like light bondage, sensory play, or role-playing? Have you ever thought about those?"
You blushed slightly, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. "I've never tried any of it, but I guess I could be open to light stuff. Nothing too intense to start."
Faith smiled encouragingly. "Perfect. We'll start with light bondage and sensory play. You can always update your preferences later as you get more comfortable."
She continued filling out the form, asking about your comfort levels with different activities, safe words, and any medical conditions or allergies. You answered as best as you could, relying on Faith's guidance and the snippets of information she'd shared with you over the years.
"Remember," Faith added, "most of what you like and don't like is decided mutually between the dom and sub. Communication is key. You'll discuss your limits and preferences with your partner beforehand, and you can always say no if something doesn't feel right."
Faith noted your availability and reviewed the application one last time. "Alright, I think we're all set. Ready to submit?"
You took a deep breath, nerves, and excitement swirling within you. "Ready."
Faith clicked the submit button, and the screen flashed a confirmation message. She turned to you with a grin. "Welcome to Twisted Temptations. You're going to be great."
As you sat there, a mix of relief and apprehension settling over you, Faith squeezed your hand. "Remember, you're in control. This is about exploring your boundaries and discovering what you're comfortable with. And I'll be here every step of the way."
You nodded, and Faith smiled. “The auction will be held next week. You’ll need to get an STD and STI test done, and you desperately need to get something sexy.”
You gasped at Faith. “I own sexy clothes?”
Faith giggled and walked over to the closet. "Well, maybe not yet, but that's what I'm here for."
She flung open the closet doors and began rifling through your clothes. After a moment, she pulled out a baggy hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, holding them up with a look of mock horror. “Unless you plan on seducing someone with the allure of ‘Netflix and no chill,’ we need to do some shopping.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Okay, okay, point taken. But where am I supposed to find something sexy?”
Faith’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “Leave that to me. We’ll hit up the mall tomorrow, and by the time we’re done, you’ll have an outfit that’ll make jaws drop.”
You felt a mixture of excitement and dread. “Fine, but no leather. And nothing with feathers. Or sequins. Or—”
“Relax,” Faith interrupted, still laughing. “I know just the thing. You’ll be sexy, not sparkly.”
As Faith closed the closet doors with a flourish, she turned back to you, her expression turning serious. “But seriously, the tests are important. We need to make sure you’re safe and everything is in order.”
You nodded, the gravity of the situation sinking in again. “I’ll make an appointment first thing tomorrow.”
Faith grinned and flopped down on the bed beside you. “Great. Now, let’s watch a terrible rom-com to celebrate your big decision. It’ll be our last bit of normalcy before you become a sex goddess.”
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help but smile.
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Faith and you decided to Uber to the auction. The city lights blurred past the window as you fidgeted with the hem of your newly purchased dress. Faith noticed your nerves and squeezed your hand reassuringly.
“Alright,” she said, her tone both calming and excited, “let me walk you through what’s going to happen tonight.”
You nodded, trying to focus on her words instead of the churning anxiety in your stomach.
“When we arrive at the venue, we'll check in at the front desk. They'll hand you your papers and auction number,” Faith explained. “Then, we can mingle and meet some of the other participants. It's like a real auction party, so don't be shy about striking up conversations.”
You took a deep breath, feeling slightly reassured. “And when does the bidding start?”
Faith grinned. “Bidding starts at 10 PM sharp. That's when the real excitement begins.
As the Uber came to a stop outside the venue, I looked out the window at the unremarkable building that awaited me. Faith led the way, exuding confidence as she stepped onto the sidewalk.
Stepping into the venue, anticipation swirled around me like a gentle breeze, mingling with the soft melodies of background music. The interior whispered of understated elegance, with dim lighting casting enchanting shadows across the polished floors and plush furnishings. Faith guided you towards the check-in desk, where attendants bustled about with papers and pins. You exchanged a nervous glance, excitement bubbling beneath the surface as you approached the desk.
“Welcome,” greeted the attendant with a warm smile, “may I have your names, please?”
You and Faith exchanged introductions before the attendant handed you each a set of papers and pins to attach to your dresses. With a playful grin, Faith nudged you and held up her pin, wiggling it teasingly.
“Alright, partner in crime,” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief, “let’s get these on and make sure we’re looking sharp for the auction.”
You chuckled, feeling a surge of affection for your friend as you both leaned in to help each other attach the pins to your dresses. 
With your pins securely fastened, you and Faith made your way toward the main ballroom. The air seemed to buzz with an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation. As you approached the entrance, the grandeur of the room came into view.
The ballroom was a striking blend of opulence and decadence. Crystal chandeliers cast a warm, golden glow over the space, illuminating velvet drapes in deep, sensual hues that lined the walls. The polished marble floors reflected the ambient light, creating an almost surreal atmosphere. Guests mingled in clusters, their laughter and hushed conversations weaving a tapestry of sound that filled the room.
At one end of the ballroom stood a grand stage, draped in rich, crimson fabric and adorned with luxurious golden trim. The stage was set for the auction, with a sleek podium at the center and rows of plush chairs arranged in front, ready for the evening’s main event.
As you stepped further inside, the scene grew more intense. The guests were an eclectic mix, their attire ranging from sophisticated evening wear to daring, barely-there outfits that left little to the imagination. Leather, lace, and latex dominated the fashion choices, with some attendees adorned in intricate harnesses and collars, their outfits hinting at the BDSM theme of the event.
Faith squeezed your hand one last time before she was swept away by a familiar face, her confident stride never faltering. You stood there for a moment, feeling a sudden pang of anxiety as the crowd seemed to close in around you. The noise, the lights, the sheer number of people—it was all too much at once.
Your heart raced as you tried to navigate through the sea of faces, each one strange and intimidating. The grandeur of the ballroom that had seemed so captivating just moments ago now felt overwhelming. You took a deep breath, attempting to steady yourself, but the sensation of being out of your depth only intensified.
The guests were like nothing you had ever seen before. A man in an immaculate tuxedo strolled by, a jeweled mask obscuring his eyes, while a woman in a full-body latex suit and stiletto heels sauntered past, her movements deliberate and commanding. A couple nearby caught your eye: the woman wore a sheer, flowing gown, her partner trailing behind her on a leash, wearing nothing but leather shorts and a collar.
In one corner, a group of people had gathered around a figure suspended in a rope harness, their intricate knots both artistic and functional. Soft moans and murmurs of appreciation floated through the air as the person twisted slowly, lost in the sensations the ropes provided. Another attendee, dressed in a sharp, tailored suit, held a riding crop, playfully tapping it against their thigh as they chatted with a scantily clad submissive whose eyes never left the ground.
Guests lounged on plush sofas, some openly engaging in power play dynamics. A woman in a sleek corset held a leash attached to a submissive kneeling beside her, while another couple whispered intimately, their hands exploring each other's bodies with practiced ease. The atmosphere was charged with an erotic energy, a palpable sense of anticipation for what the night would bring.
As you continued to weave through the crowd, searching for a familiar face or a quiet corner, the overwhelming nature of the evening began to settle heavily on your shoulders. The mix of luxury and raw sexuality, the boldness of the guests, and the anticipation of what was to come all blended into a dizzying mix that left you feeling adrift.
In that moment, you longed for Faith's reassuring presence, her confident guidance. But she was somewhere amidst the throng, leaving you to navigate this new and intimidating world on your own. You felt a prickling sense of vulnerability, the realization that you were truly stepping into uncharted territory sinking in as you tried to steady your breath and find your footing in the extravagant chaos surrounding you.
So, like every college student in a social bind, you made a beeline for the bar. "Shit," you muttered, realizing you had left both your fake and real ID back in the dorm. Trying to muster some confidence, you approached the bar, hoping your outfit might be convincing enough. You sidled up next to a tall man with salt-and-pepper hair, dressed impeccably in a well-tailored suit. You could catch the faint scent of pine and campfire from his cologne.
Putting on your best flirty face, you addressed the bartender. He was the complete opposite of the man beside you—average height, slightly taller than you, skinny, tattooed, and wearing an ill-fitting button-up uniform top. His head was shaved clean. "One shot of Tito's, please," you said, playing with your hair in an attempt to seem older and more sophisticated.
The bartender chuckled. "ID, please?"
You leaned forward, arms together to emphasize your cleavage. "ID, really?" you said, trying to be as seductive as possible.
The bartender looked tempted but quickly shook his head. "No ID, no alcohol," he said firmly, turning away.
You groaned in frustration, which caught the attention of the man next to you. He smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He was older, that was clear, but he looked good. His stubble was neatly trimmed, his curly hair slicked back in a way that seemed both effortless and intentional, and his eyes were large and expressive.
"So, no ID?" he asked, his voice warm and slightly amused.
You smiled back. "No, but a girl can try."
He set down his glass of whiskey, the amber liquid catching the light. "Well, how old are you then?"
"Twenty," you admitted, locking eyes with him.
Before you could continue the conversation, Faith appeared, grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the bar. "What were you doing talking to Joel Miller?" she asked, her voice a mix of shock and concern.
You glanced back, watching Joel as he turned back to his drink. "Just chatting. Why?"
Faith handed you a pamphlet and opened it to a specific page. "Page four," she instructed.
As you skimmed the page, she continued, "Joel is... intense. He's someone to shy away from until you're more experienced. Trust me on this."
Your eyes widened as you read the details. "Intense" was an understatement. "So, who's the safe bet?" you asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Faith's face softened. "His brother, Tommy. He's more laid-back and a better choice for someone starting. You'll find him much easier to talk to."
You sighed, glancing back toward the bar. "Guess I dodged a bullet, huh?"
Faith smiled. "Yeah, you did. Now, let's find Tommy and get you introduced. He's around here somewhere."
Joel suddenly appeared as you and Faith navigated through the crowd, stopping you both dead in your tracks. "Tito's," he said, handing you a glass with a wry smile. He glanced at the number pinned to your dress before walking away, leaving you stunned.
"What was that about?" Faith immediately questioned, her eyes wide with surprise.
Before you could respond, a voice boomed from the auction podium. "May all the products please make their way backstage."
Faith turned to you, her expression shifting from curiosity to urgency. "We'll talk about this later. Right now, we need to get backstage."
Your heart pounded as you nodded, clutching the glass of Tito's Joel had given you. You downed it in one gulp, hoping it would calm your nerves, then handed the empty glass back to Faith. She gave your hand a reassuring squeeze. "You'll be fine. Just remember what we talked about. You're in control."
With a deep breath, you joined the other "products" making their way to the designated area. The backstage was a flurry of activity, with organizers checking names and numbers, and participants adjusting their outfits one last time. The air was thick with anticipation and a hint of perfume mingled with the scent of leather.
An organizer approached you, checking your number against his list. "You're number 3, correct?" he asked.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely audible over the din of conversation and last-minute preparations.
"Great. Just wait here until you're called," he instructed, pointing to a row of chairs along the wall.
You sat down, your mind racing. Faith's words echoed in your head: "You're in control. You decide your limits." The reality of what you were about to do began to sink in, but you steeled yourself, determined to see it through.
As you waited, you couldn't help but think about Joel. His unexpected gesture with the Tito's, the way he had looked at you—something about him intrigued and unnerved you. But Faith's warning was clear: he was intense, someone to be cautious around. Your thoughts were interrupted by a tap on your shoulder.
"Number 3, you're up next," the organizer said.
You stood up, smoothed out your dress, and took a deep breath. As you stepped towards the stage, the curtain drew back slightly, giving you a tantalizing glimpse of the auction room. The ambient lighting cast a soft glow, illuminating the expectant faces of the bidders, their anticipation palpable in the air.
Stepping into the spotlight, you felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins. The auctioneer's voice echoed in the room, commanding attention as he announced, "And now, presenting number 3, starting bid at $500."
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lovelytsunoda · 1 year
one of the boys // charles leclerc
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summary: she's worked for ferrari for four years now. four years that only let her feelings for their number one driver grow stronger and stronger, until she wishes that charles leclerc would stop seeing her as just one of the boys, and start seeing her the way that she sees him
pairing: charles leclerc x mechanic! reader
warnings: ferrari fuckups, sexual tension, sad charles, actually charles goes through a whole range of emotions, matchmaker seb, mentions of workplace harassment, set in the 2022 season when charles won australia, sexual innuendos and references.
she sat on the halo, her feet resting against the seat as she leaned over the engine compartment, her boiler suit tied off around her waist and her hair pinned to the back of her head as the bahrain sun beat down.
ferrari had bottled it again. which meant double-duty for the pit crew to fix it for jeddah.
the radio hummed softly in the background as she cursed, losing her grip on the ratchet. when the engine fried itself, it had also made the parts a lot harder to take apart.
"fucking hell." she groaned, resting her head against the cool, red body of the car. "vasseur was supposed to fix this."
"what are you still doing here? you should have left at least an hour ago?"
the movement in the garage, as well as the voice breaking the almost-silence was enough to get her to look up, heart hammering against her ribcage.
the same annoyingly alert reaction that she'd had to his presence for the last two years.
"charles. what are you doing here?"
"hiding." the driver smiled sadly. the balaclava lines had faded fomr his face, but she could still see the sweat in his hair, the scent of the race mingling with his team-sponsored cologne. "you know how it is after a weekend like this."
"yeah, i do." she could feel the blush creeping onto her face, and she subtly pinched herself to try and make it go down. charles leclerc couldn't give her butterflies, it wasn't right. technically speaking, he was her superior.
but that didn't change how much she cared about him, how much she longed to feel the monegasque's lips against hers
"you should not be working. come out with the rest of us, we're getting drinks and commiserating. did i use that word right?"
it was hard for y/n not to smile at charles' attempt to learn the english language. he had a fantastic grip on the language, but when he tried to use larger words to sound cooler, it was usually followed up with uncertainty, all adding to what she liked to call his 'boston terrier energy'.
"yeah, you got that one right." she chuckled, dismounting the car, pain rocketing through the nerves in her feet as she hit the ground too hard. "that's a beauty of a car. such a shame that the scuderia doesn't know how to treat it properly."
standing next to charles, she was all too aware that she was wearing nothing but a sports bra on the top half of her body, and she wondered if she could pull her boiler suit back on without charles noticing.
charles snorted. "try driving that thing."
she patted him on the shoulder, a sad smile on her face. "give me ten minutes to go put some proper clothes on, and then we'll go out somewhere. drinks are on me, god knows you deserve it."
"seb, i don't know what to do!" y/n groaned, face against the tabeltop as the german man laughed.
sebastian vettel had been the closest thing she had to a father when she was on the road with the scuderia. in all fairness, the job with ferrari hadn't even been what she went to school for. she had picked engineering at college because it was what everybody else was doing, and she'd stumbled upon this job by accident with the promise of travel. when she was starting to regret everything, it had been sebastian who had convinced her to stay.
"ugh, this is so not funny!" she shouted, throwing her arms in the air and wincing as her knuckle banged against the shop window. they were in a quaint little café in fiji ahead of the australian grand prix, and y/n was in need of some serious advice.
but to get advice from seb, you needed to bribe him with coffee first. hence why they were in the rustic cafe, every bare surface covered in plants that sebastian had spent ages talking to the manager about.
sebastian vettel was a nerd. in a good way, of course.
"you're a lovely young woman, y/n. you have a nice figure."
"does hanna know you're out here complimenting younger women?" she joked, taking a sip from her strawberry lemonade.
sebastian laughed, shaking his head. "you need to let everybody else see that side of you, y/n. let your hair down, wear a nice pair of jeans for once instead of that boiler suit. let the world see the lovely girl that we all know is there."
"i'm going to miss you when you retire."
"i know, kiddo. listen, we're all going out after the race, to have drinks and whatever. go out with hanna, buy yourself a nice new dress on my credit card, and then come out for drinks with us. i guarantee that one look at you will whip charles into shape. you're a catch, y/n. i think that charles would be lucky to have someone like you in his life."
"i'm already a part of his life. as a work friend. and i'm accepted that i'm not likely to be anything more."
seb raised an eybrow. "doesn't sound like it."
in another bar, on another part of the small island of fiji, carlos and charles were having a very similar conversation.
"carlos, i can't make a move! technically, i'm higher ranking at ferrari than she is. there's a power imbalance, what if she feels like she can't say no? it's a harassment case waiting to happen!" charles whined, a pint glass clutched in his hands.
carlos shook his head, an annoyed sigh escaping the back of his throat. "you're an idiot, hermano. she's in love with you! you think you're the only person who sees her staring at you in the garage?
"forgive me if that's not something i want to be wrong about. i could be staking our careers on your little hunch."
groaning, carlos buried his head in his hands. getting through to his teammate was a hopeless and futile affair. once charles leclerc was set in his ways about something, there was no changing his mind.
"what about the party in australia? ask her to dance, buy her a drink? you're not getting any younger, charles. you need to get back out there and start dating again."
as f1 descended on albert park, the glitz and glamour taking over melbourne, y/n y/l/n and hanna vettel were standing in a small, glitzy boutique, armed with hanna's husband's credit card. the young ferrari mechanic was standing in front of a floor-length mirror, her hair falling around her shoulders.
"hanna, i don't know how i feel about this." she inhaled, staring at her reflection and the ferrari red dress that hugged her figure. "i love it, honestly, i do, i just cringe at the thought of ever wearing it outside of the house. especially if i;m in front of charles!"
hanns sighed, brushing her fingers through the younger girl's hair. "have a little bit of faith in yourself, darling. you look stunning, this dress shows off all your best physical attributes, and charles already knows your best qualities."
"yeah, because who else is going to sing nineties stoner rock songs in the car on the way to the track with me?" y/n laughed, remembering singing ‘teenage dirtbag’ with charles on their way to the track in jeddah, a carpool with some of the other mechanics. charles barely knew the words, but then again, y/n got them wrong a lot as well. “yeah, okay. lets do this fucking thing.”
hanna grinned. “that’s our girl!”
hours later, she was regretting her decision, standing in front of the club in her baggy leather jacket, shaky knees knocking together as she stood outside the front door in her heels and that tiny little dress, voices and laughter wafting through the walls as the inside hummed with the rarity of a ferrari victory. she nervously tapped her fingers against the side of her purse as a group of haas mechanics crossed the parking lot, wolf whistling at her before she flipped them both the bird.
“are you coming inside, or are you just going to stand there and freeze your balls off?”
“oh, if only I had balls to freeze. and this is bloody australia, its not even that cold.” y/n chuckled to herself, turning to look at jessica hawkins, one of the aston martin young drivers. “I need someone to remind me that I dont look stupid in this goddamn dress that hanna vettel picked out for me.”
jessica cocked an eyebrow, looking the mechanic up and down. “babes, you look hot! who are you trying to impress?”
“charles.” y/n mumbled, her face flushing pink before she cleared her throat. “its stupid, isn’t it?”
the other young woman shook her head. “not at all.” she grinned, linking her arm through y/n’s. “come on, lets go get you your man!”
the inside of the club was crowded, yet closed to the public as f1, f2, and the w series descended on the establishment. all of the f3 drivers were too young to legally drink, and had made their displeasure quite clear as they were herded away to an italian restaurant instead of the club.
"drinks for the lovely ladies?" abbie eaton chortled, bringing tequila shots over to where the mechanic and jessica were standing. "cheers on three, yeah?"
jessica sounded off with the countdown, the three women tapping the tiny glasses against each other before throwing back the burning alcoholic drink.
"if i'm going to do this," y/n began, raising her voice to be heard over the drake song that was playing. "i'm doing it right!" she took off her jacket, throwing it over a chair before she made her way over to the dj booth, her ballet flats sticking to the floor.
after a whispered conversation (and a monetary bribe), wheatus' 2000 hit 'teenage dirtbag' began to play over the speakers as y/n and jessica took to the floor, champagne flutes in hand as they began to dance.
from across the way, under the deep blue lights, charles leclerc was in a trance as he watched the way she moved, laughing and giggling as she sang along, finally getting each word right. adn charles would be lying if he said he didn't love the way her legs looked in that short little dress, how full her breasts looked in the red fabric that cradled them.
"is he still being a pussy?" pierre gasly groaned. "come on, man! you won the fucking race, and that's still not giving you the confidence you need to tell her you have a crush on her?"
"i'd rather not embarrass myself too much, thank you pierre." charles grumbled, taking another sip of his fruity mixed drink.
"he won't even drink proper alcohol." carlos commented. "i think she broke him."
pierre shook his head. "i will not stand for this, i am not letting it go on any longer. ilies!" he shouted, waving over his best friend- save for charles of course- and social media manager. "we need you to do something for us, for charles."
ilies nadri nodded. "it's about that girl he keeps talking about, isn't it?"
"exactly. so here's what you're going to do."
back on the dancefloor, y/n was beginning to forget that charles was watching, laughing and singing with jessica as the dj began to play 'toxic' by britney spears, at a drunken lando norris' request.
"looks like you've got an admirier. and it's not charles." nerea marti pointed out, nudging her head in the direction of ilies nadri, who was beginning to make his way over to the girls.
"well, if charles isn't interested." jessica shrugged, calpping her on the shoulders. "you look too pretty tonight to go home alone if you don't want to, and it looks like there's a good looking bloke who wants to join ya."
moments blurred as nadri took y/n's hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles and making her laugh with a french come-on, and before she knew it they were dancing to britney.
and she had forgotten about him, about the reason she wore that red dress in the first place.
but charles never forgot about her, his eyes boring into the back of ilies' head as he watched them dancing to a christina aguilera song. his grip was steadily tightening on his glass, and carlos looked over at him with a concerned glance.
"are you sure that getting her to dance with ilies was the smartest idea?" carlos whispered under his breath, raising his eyebrow at pierre. "he's going to break the fucking glass."
"or, he'll get jealous and go over there." pierre reasoned.
"how the fuck do you have a girlfriend, gasly?"
but pierre's reasoning must have been rooted in proof, for charles put down his glass and tromped over to the dance floor, his eyes a certain shade of jealous as he prepared himself to finally make a move.
he didn't speak, sweeping over the dancefloor to grab y/n's arm and pull her away from ilies and away from the dancefloor and it's illuminated vinyl flooring.
"charles, what is wrong with you?" y/n shouted, tispy on her feet and buzzing from alcohol as she tried to ignore the way her chest tightened and her heart skipped a beat at charles' possessiveness.
"i'm in love with you." he blurted out, desperation in his voice. "and i'm tired of hiding how i feel. i don't care how it looks to the outside, or to mattia, but i want to be with you. you were never just one of the boys to me, y/n. you were just you. and i like who i am with you. i want to be able to be that person for you, all the time."
"charles." she said softly, heart softening before starting and stopping again in an erratic beating pattern that would have worried her if she could have heard the beating over the refrain of charles' confessions playing on loop in her mind, louder and louder each time. "just kiss me."
and that's what charles did, an *nsync song playing in the background as he mashed his lips to hers, backing her up against the wall as she giggled, wrapping a slender, bare leg around his own, arms looped haphazardly around his neck and over his shoulders.
"charles, your phone isn't in your front pocket, right?" she panted.
charles looked confused, resting his forehead against hers. "no, i always put it in my back pocket."
"fuck." y/n all but moaned, arousal pooling in her own thighs as she thought about what was in between charles'. "that means that it's your rock-hard cock that's pressing against me right now, and that's so fucking hot."
grinning to himself, charles pressed up against her even more. "whay don't you join me at my hotel, and i'll show you just how fucking hard you make me."
"is that a threat or an invitation?"
"it's whatever you want it to be, mon cher."
"kiss me one more time, and you've got a deal."
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 11
Part 1 Part 10
Steve Harrington is stoned out of his mind in Eddie Munson’s bed. His eyes are red and periodically drooping closed, and he’s been smiling goofily up at the ceiling for the last ten minutes.
He’d started out sitting but has been steadily melting into Eddie’s pillows ever since. What a lightweight. Eddie refuses to be charmed.
“I’m hungry,” Steve whines, smacking Eddie’s hip repeatedly with his good arm.
“It’s the munchies, man. It’ll pass.”
Steve fucking Harrington fucking pouts in Eddie fucking Munson’s fucking bed in the fucking underworld. “I’ve never had them before,” he mutters.
Eddie eases down next to him until they’re hip to hip, so he doesn’t have to keep looking at him. “You don’t usually get hungry when you’re high?” he asks before remembering this is somehow his first time.
“Weed virgin,” he says, before dissolving into laughter, drawing out the E in weed so much that it sounds like he’s saying an extremely unenthusiastic “whee!”
Eddie can’t control himself. “Well, if you ever get too hungry, I’ve been told I taste delicious.” It comes out lascivious, just like he meant it.
When Harrington starts laughing, he wants to shove the words back down his throat and let them curdle like spoiled milk. “Like, like, the Donner party?” he asks, gasping through his laughter. It’s starting to sound a little hysterical.
“So caught up in the hilarity of cannibalism you didn’t get the innuendo,” he squeezes Steve’s cheek mockingly, caught up in the joke now, in the high of making a pretty boy laugh with a stupid quip and not getting punched about it.
“What’s an innuendo?” His eyes are wide and trusting, face flushed by the hilarity of the moment.
“It’s okay,” Eddie says, “you’re high out of your gourd.”
Steve smiles over at him, nuzzling into the pillow.
“Oh, no.” Steve Harrington is sweet when high. He may never recover.
“Hmm?” It’s barely a sound with the way Steve’s smushing his face into Eddie’s pillowcase.
“Go to sleep, pretty boy.” He does. It takes Eddie much longer.
Eddie wakes in the night to Steve muttering in his sleep. He sounds distressed. On instinct, Eddie movies his hand to pat the other boy’s head, running his fingers through his oily hair until he falls back asleep.
He’d think it was a dream, but when he wakes up again, first this time, his hand is still in Steve’s hair. He removes it hastily, pulling at the strands as he extricates himself. Steve murmurs, blinking his eyes open.
“Mom?” Steve blinks his eyes blearily a few more times.
“What day do you think it is?” Eddie asks, breezing past the moment. “It has to be at least Monday, right?”
Eddie can almost see Steve’s brain rebooting, changing tracks. “Ugh,” he says, levering himself upright. “I’m going to fail Chemistry.”
“I already did!” Eddie says, smiling brightly, like the thought of summer school doesn’t make him feel like dying.
“Dude,” Steve says, shaking his head. “It’s November. You’ve got plenty of time.”
Eddie thinks of the missed quizzes, failed labs, unfinished homework, and wishes it worked like that. Maybe it does for people like Steve with rich parents and jock tendencies. Someone who teachers like. But Eddie’s a Munson straight through – there’s no way this is coming up heads.
“You know, maybe this whole thing will be worth it if I never have to see Mrs. Click’s face ever again.”
Steve finally stands from the bed, putting a hand on his hip and wagging the other in Eddie’s face. “Young man, if you don’t apply yourself, how will you ever get anywhere in life?” He pitches his voice high. The intonation’s off, but the tone is eerily accurate. Eddie shudders.
“Never say that to me again.”
Steve laughs. They lapse into silence.
Eddie wants to offer the other boy breakfast, an extra toothbrush, some coffee, but he settles for grabbing one of the water bottles and handing it over, reveling in Steve’s quiet, “thanks.”
“What now?” Steve asks.
“Truth or dare?” Eddie asks, just to be an ass.
“Truth,” Steve says, no hesitation, like he’s used to answering fast at intimate parties Eddie’s never been invited to.
“When did you first have sex?” he asks, just to be an ass again.
“Jenni Bartley, seventh grade.”
“Dude gross,” Eddie says, nose wrinkling. “You were like a child!”
Steve shrugs, crosses his arms defensively, “I was thirteen!” Then his nose wrinkles, too. “Oh, gross.”
Eddie laughs.
“Well, what about you?” Steve asks wiggling his eyebrows dorkily. “When did you pop your cherry?”
Eddie feels his cheeks blooming pink. “Nu uh!” he says, crossing his arms like he’s seen umpires on TV do. “You can’t just repeat the same question back, man. That’s cheating.”
Steve throws his hands in the air. “Fine! What’s the first thing you’re going to do when you get out?”
The first thing that crosses his mind is a shower, followed closely by a milkshake and a basket of fries from the diner. That’s not what sticks, though. “Give Uncle Wayne a hug.” Steve’s mouth drops open. “Why do you look surprised?”
He picks at his nails, not meeting Eddie’s eyes. “I don’t know.” He picks the skin around his thumb, sucks up the bead of blood that blooms up. “I just wouldn’t have even thought of that.”
Eddie thinks of what all the kids in the halls used to say, big house, no parents, and can’t say he blames him. “What would you do?”
“I thought we couldn’t just repeat the question,” he says, but continues before Eddie can mount his defense. “I want a full breakfast from the diner.” He sighs, like he’s imagining it now. Steam rising off a hot cup of coffee, butter melting into pancakes fresh out of the gridle, hash browns fried just right, bacon dripping with fat. “I’d kill for some bacon.”
Eddie clutches his hand to his chest with a theatrical gasp. The smack of his dislocated then relocated finger against his chest hurts, but the show must go on. “I thought you said you wouldn’t eat me!”
Steve chuckles, shaking his head ruefully. “Last resort, man.”
“What’s your favorite color?” Steve asks.
“Obviously black.”
“Black isn’t a color, man,” Steve says. “You really are flunking chemistry, huh?”
“That is not chemistry!” Eddie says with faux indignation.
He pushes the hunger pangs down and continues the game. They’ll have breakfast at the diner again someday, even if he has to kill for it.
Part 12
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rebouks · 4 months
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Hiiiii Robin aka Bird Boy!
Sorry I took a bit longer than usual to reply but dad suddenly decided he’d had enough of the forest and we went back home! I thought maybe it’d be fun to wait a bit longer and show you our house and stuff. I don’t really like moving around all the time but I guess it kinda gives you lots of new stuff to talk about so that’s something.
This is our house! It’s not as big as yours looks but there’s only two of us and we’re not always here so it makes sense that it’s not massive. Dad usually rents it out whilst we’re not here cos he says it’s better for the house that it’s looked after but I know he means it’s better for his bank too lol!! I guess it works out for me though cos he says I can put as many plants as I want in my room as long as I keep them alive so they’d die if we left it empty every time we left. He says it’s like I brought the jungle inside hahaaha, I like it though!
The last person who rented the house was one of dad’s old work friends and he left this cool telescope for me to play with since I’m “so keen about the stars and shit” HIS WORDS! I know you’re supposed to use it at night but it’s kinda fun to spy on people during the day too. Like I’m pretty sure our neighbours are getting a divorce cos I overheard the guy moaning about the lady to my dad once and sometimes you can hear them yelling and see them waving their arms at each other through the window or on the balcony (don’t tell anyone though hahaa!)
I think dad’s kinda happy to be back (look how bushy his eyebrows are though ahahhhahah) he spends a lot of time fishing but I know it’s only a matter of time until he gets itchy and runs out of money again. Half of me wishes he’d get a good job here so we wouldn’t have to move around all the time but the other half is glad to leave. I guess it’s kinda nice here AND I was born here but I don’t even like swimming and there’s water and beaches EVERYWHERE ugh..
I guess I don’t really think Sulani feels like home anymore, not since mom died. It’s pretty and it’s nice but something is always missing so it’s kinda lame too if that makes sense. Maybe that’s why dad likes to leave sometimes too, I’d ask him but he’d probably get upset so maybe not! I was gonna leave that part out cos it’s a bummer but we don’t really keep many secrets from each other so I said it…
Anyway, dad’s a pig and never cleans ANYTHING and I think he got bored of me complaining about how big and heavy the vacuum is cos he got me a cool mini one (it’s a “sorry we move around so much but here’s a present so shh” present but I’ll take it hahaa) he took it off me for a few days after I hoovered some crumbs out of his bed and sucked up his headphones by accident but that’s his fault for eating cookies in bed when he should be sleeping.
Oh and since there’s not many fun rocks to find or dig up here I decided to start up my shell collection again. I found a few nice ones I guess but I really want to find a conch! Dad said they’re pretty rare but you’d think with all the stupid sand and beaches around here that I’d be able to find at least ONE even if it was a tiny one but not yet! I’ll let you know if I do though!
Anyway, I’m kinda sad we left Granite Falls in the end cos it was so close to the holidays I hoped maybe your family would go camping again and we’d be able to explore together again. Hopefully next time we move we’ll move even closer to where you live so there’s more chance we’ll get to see each other! A bird pooped on me the other day though which dad said is supposed to be lucky so I decided to believe him and hope we get to hang out again one day SOON (after I had a shower anyway because EUGH!)
Hope you’re okay and glad to be done with school for the summer!
Love Alex :)
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squoxle · 1 year
𓆩♡𓆪 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 ~ 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐇𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐟 (18+)
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*𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓’𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅.*
✩✩𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘴 𝘴𝘦𝘹𝘶𝘢𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴:ⓌⒶⓇⓃⒾⓃⒼ
<<𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠/𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲, 𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐭𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐩𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐲𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝑆𝑚𝑢𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑤/𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝐸𝑚𝑜𝑗𝑖❤️‍🔥
✩𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔:𝐁𝐛𝐬𝐟!𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡!𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐒𝐇’𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐢𝐬!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
☆𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞/𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬
☆𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡, 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤.
The screeching sound of Coach Amy's whistle echoed through the gymnasium. "Come on, ladies! Hustle! Hustle!' she yelled. "How do you expect to compete against anyone like this? Damn, my 6-year-old son can hit a ball better than that!" You were doing deliver and pop-serve drills with the rest of your team. Usually, these were the easiest drills, but Coach Amy puts a lot of pressure on competitions. "Great job, ladies. Let's take a quick break and then when you come back, we'll split into teams and play a quick match."
Heather jogged over, tossing you a cold Gatorade, "Hey, Y/N. Do you wanna hang out after practice?" "Can't. Sunghoon said I gotta go straight home after practice." You took a quick sip of the cool drink. "Awww. Why? "Dunno. He just said I better be home. It's probably something stupid." "Hmm...okay, well, maybe another time." "Yep. Ugh. Coach is dragging practice out today." "I know right...I wish we could be done already." You nodded your head in agreement after taking one last sip before capping the bottle. "Well just don't let her know or else we'll be running laps and it's hot as fuck outside. Feels like hell on earth--"
Coach Amy came jogging in before you could finish what you were saying. "Sorry, ladies. I'm having an emergency at home right now. So, practice is over for the day. You can all go home for the evening. Or not. Oh, and make sure you get your stuff out of the lockers cuz' school's gonna be closed all next week for maintenance... Uhhhh...and try to practice your technique at home... Dammit, where'd I put my keys?" She prattled, gathering together her belongings before leaving the gym.
"Woah! Did you hear that?" Heather beamed. "Yea, we're done for the day." you sighed. "Not just the day, the WEEK!!" she continued.
"What are you two so excited about? You need all the practice you can get. Especially Heather's lazy ass." Kimberly scoffed. She's the team captain. Great leader...but it's more like a dictatorship. "God, what now Adolf Kimberly?" Brianna spat. "I'm not even fucking talking to you, bitch." "K, and. I heard you talking shit so I'm just trying to see what it's all about."
Brianna "Bree" is another one of your teammates. What really makes her stand out--aside from the black lipstick and eyeliner--is her nonchalant, badass mentality. As far as you know, she is only capable of expressing 5 emotions: spicy, empty, chill, tired, and happy...though the reasons behind her smile vary.
"Fuck you." "I guess you finally ran out of things to say huh?" "I have plenty to say. I'd just rather not waste my words on your gloomy ass. You freaky, emo, bitch." "Wow, that was almost good enough to tickle my feelings." "Whatever." Kimberly rolled her eyes before exiting the gym.
"Thanks, Bree." "It's all good Heather. You know how much I enjoy knocking the queen off of her throne." Brianna snickered.
The rest of the girls had already left, only you three were in the gym at this point. "I really wish we could hang out guys, but my lame-ass brother wants me to go home right after practice." "Ehh, it's cool. I got a few things to do too." Bree said as she let her hair down. "Boooo. Everybody has something to do except for me." Heather whined. "What about your history assignment. Isn't it due tomorrow?" Bree prompted. "Oh shit! I forgot. Gotta go girls. Byeeeee." Heather threw her bag over her shoulder before heading out. "I didn't know she was taking history this semester." "She's not. I was just trying to get rid of her." Brianna smiled before lugging her backpack on. "Have fun with your brother." she waved.
"Alright, Sunghoon. I'm home. Now, what was so--" As you walked in you noticed another pair of shoes at the front door. "Sunghoon?" You could hear him in the living room, but who the hell was he talking to?
"Hey, sis. Look who came to visit." Sunghoon said pointing to a familiar face.
"Hey! Long time no see huh?" Heeseung chimed as he scooped you up in his arms. *There was no way he was actually here.* you thought to yourself. It felt like the whole room was spinning. "Hehe. Look at her face." Heeseung chuckled. "She looks like she's seen a ghost," Sunghoon added.
Almost 2 years ago, Heeseung, signed up for a trip studying abroad in Switzerland. "Are you sure you still wanna do this?" Sunghoon asked as Heeseung finished packing up his dorm. You joined Sunghoon to see Heeseung for the last time before he left with the rest of his group. "Yea. I can get some cultural experience and even put my French to some good use." "To good use huh? Doing what? Seducing Swiss chicks?" "No," Heeseung laughed as he playfully pushed Sunghoon's shoulder. "I'm gonna be working with a psychiatrist." he continued.
At this time you were 17 and Heeseung was almost 20. He had been friends with Sunghoon since elementary. They were so close, that Heeseung felt like another brother to you, which is exactly why having a crush on him was the most repulsive thing you could ever do. But you couldn't help it. The feelings you had felt so wrong and so right at the same time. Still, a relationship between the two of you was impossible.
You can remember the one time Sunghoon found your diary. He had been suspecting that you were hiding something from him so he wanted to know if you had a secret boyfriend or something. Fortunately, he hadn't found anything connecting the dots back to your massive crush on Heeseung. You were 14 at the time and Sunghoon was always very protective of you, even now, he's the same way.
Present Day... "I thought you were supposed to be gone for another few months," Sunghoon said before taking a seat on the couch. "Yea, I was, but they ended up cancelling the trip early. So, I thought why not surprise my best friend with an unexpected return?" You still stood in shock as your brother went back and forth with Heeseung about his trip to Switzerland.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I brought you guys something." Heeseung said as he walked over to his black duffle bag. He pulled out a small black trash bag. "I got a knife for you, Sunghoon. It even has your name engraved in it." "Woah, how'd you do that." "Oh, well there was this guy who branded all sorts of stuff. That's the same guy who put your name on this music box." Heeseung said, passing you a small wooden music box. There was a rabbit sculpted on the lid with flowers carved around the base. Your name was engraved on a gold plate in the center with rose bolts as fasteners.
"It's beautiful, Heeseung. Thank you," you smiled. "You're welcome," he replied. Maybe it was just your emotions, or maybe it wasn't, but the way he was looking at you was different. He could genuinely be happy to see you, but it felt like he wanted something more than a friendship.
"What else did you get? There's no way this was everything." Sunghoon said, taking Heeseung's attention off of you. "You guys are gonna love this." Heeseung chimed pulling out 2 large books. "A book?" You and Sunghoon questioned in unison. "Not just any book...a book box." Heeseung smiled as he opened the 'book box' to reveal an assortment of candy. "Authentic Swiss candy. Literally the best in the country," he smiled. "And this book over here has the sweetest Swiss wine." "I'll be taking that." Sunghoon laughed as he swiped the bottle from Heeseung's hands.
Sunghoon went to the kitchen to grab a few wine glasses. "Hey, Hee. Do you have anywhere to stay tonight?" "Umm, no. But don't worry about it. I'm gonna get a hotel for tonight and then I'll go shack up with my brother until I can move in on campus." "Well, you can stay here as long as you want. No need for a hotel. You know how much our parents love you." "Where are they by the way?" "Out of town for a business trip. They should be back in another week or so." "Oh, okay. Well, I can sleep on the couch if that's okay." "Or you could just have the extra bed in my room." "You still have that?" "Yea, it's a great storage unit." Sunghoon laughed.
After a few glasses of wine and some candy, Sunghoon and Heeseung headed off to his room for the night. Since it was Friday, they played games for a few hours before finally going to bed.
Aside from the massive amount of noise coming from your brother's room, you couldn't sleep at all. Once it finally quieted down you went to the kitchen to grab a drink.
You blindly walked through the darkness of the hallway, making your way to the kitchen.
"Couldn't sleep?" a voice in the darkness took you by surprise. "Sunghoon?" "Nope. He's still asleep. It's just me." "Oh..." "Well, you don't sound too thrilled to see me. Were you hoping to sneak out with your boyfriend or something?" "What!? No! I don't even have a boyfriend. I was literally coming to get a drink." "Relax. I was only teasing." You weren't actually offended, you just didn't expect him to say something like that.
"What are you doing awake anyway?" "Time is different in Switzerland, so my sleeping schedule is kinda off." "Oh." Heeseung walked over to the fridge and pulled out a cold water bottle. "Here." "Huh?" "You said you were coming to get a drink, right?" "Oh. Yeah. Thanks." You screwed off the cap before taking a sip from the bottle.
*Wait...Is he WATCHING ME??!! Why the hell is he--* *Cough. Cough.* Distracted by Heeseung's gaze you choked on the water in your mouth, spilling it all over your shirt. "Dammit," you mumbled to yourself. "Are you okay?" Heeseung ran to grab you a towel. "Yea. *cough* I'm fine." "Here let me help you." Heeseung started to pat at the wetness on your shirt, tapping gently across your tits. "Hmm, this isn't gonna work," he said before quickly removing his shirt. "Put this on," he commanded, passing you his shirt.
*Is he being serious?* "What?" Heeseung said before looking down to see your bare tits showing through the wet shirt. The cold water had also caused your nipples to harden. "Shit. Sorry. I'll turn around." Before he turned around you could see the imprint of his dick in his pants. It took you a few seconds to process what was happening before you started to remove your wet shirt. Surprisingly it was more difficult to take off than you had anticipated. As you wrestled with the shirt, you managed to yank it over your head, but not without whacking Heeseung on the shoulder. "Ouch." He said, turning back around to face you...topless.
"Oh my god. I-I-" "TURN AROUND!!" you whisper-yelled. "Sorry," he apologized before quickly turning around.
Both of you were quiet for a moment. "Heeseung?..." "Yea?" "You can turn around now." He slowly turned back around meeting your eyes. "I saw the way you were looking at me. What were you thinking about?" Your question caused Heeseung's eyes to widen. "I-uhh... You're Sunghoon's little sister. I can't..." "I know, but what if it's just one time?" You reached over to grab Heeseung's hand and place it on your exposed tit. He gently started to massage your tit in his hand. "See? It's not that bad... Just one time Heeseung. We can be quiet." "Okay, but this is never happening again, right?" "I promise."
You had no idea what succubus had taken over your body, but you were in no mood to stop what was about to happen.
Without your oversized shirt on, you were left in a pair of pastel panties. He immediately started to kiss your lips before pushing you to sit on the wooden bar stool. He was pressing on your thighs as he deepened the kiss. You could feel how desperate he was for more as he lifted you off of the stool. You wrapped your legs around him as he pulled you in even more.
"Wait," you said stopping him in his heat. "Let's go to my room," you said before leading him down the hallway.
❤️‍🔥: *Click* You locked your bedroom door before Heeseung carried you over to the bed. He started to kiss you again, but this time it was different. You could tell that he was getting more excited as he moved down to your neck, then your breasts, and ultimately...
Heeseung pulled down your panties and began to lap at your wetness. You took advantage of this moment and started to grind on his face by tugging at his hair. You noticed while he was eating you out that he was also jerking his cock. His soft moans were really turning you on...as if you needed any help getting turned on. Heeseung looked so sexy as he practically begged to stay between your legs. The way he ate you out caused you to squirm and moan.
"I don't wanna have all the fun by myself." You said breathlessly before Heeseung stopped and slowly rose to his feet. You fell to your knees as you stroked his thick, twitching dick before putting it in your mouth. It was so thick you could feel your lips stretching around it. He immediately started to forcefully pump himself in your mouth, moaning with every push. You didn't even have the chance to really get into it before he filled your mouth with his hot load.
"Sorry..." he apologized after cumming embarrassingly quick. "Umm, it's okay," you replied, shocked at what just happened. :❤️‍🔥
He gathered his clothes together and got dressed before leaving your room. "Goodnight, Y/N." "Night..."
The next day, you woke up to the sound of Heeseung and your brother playing the game. You knew that's what they were doing because of the loud shouting and rapid clicking of the controllers.
"Heeseung cover for me. I'm gonna flank these guys on the left." "Okay. FUCK!" "What happened?" "Some guy fucking scoped me from the roof." "Oh shit. Hold on...I'm gonna take a few out over here while I wait for you to respawn." "Dammit. These pussies are camping. I gotta find another way around." "Don't worry about it. I'm just gonna fall back and hit them with a grenade." "Okay, let me know when you get over here so I can pick up the loot."
*Knock, knock, knock* "Hey, Sunghoon." "What?" "Is it okay if I go out with the girls today?" "Uhh sure. Wait, no. Why?" "I was gonna hang out with them yesterday, but you told me to hurry home so I had to cancel." "Wait what? Hold on lemme finish up this game and we can talk okay."
It was nearly impossible to talk to your brother when he was in the middle of a game, especially if he was playing with friends. But you kind of wanted to get away for the day. Last night was insane and you didn't know how to look at Heeseung right now. Even just thinking about him got you excited. "Okay, I'll be in my room," you said before walking back to your room.
You decided to listen to music while you waited for Sunghoon. It had been almost 10 minutes before you heard a knock at your door. "Hey, umm...me and Sunghoon are done on the game, so you can go talk to him now." It was Heeseung, the main reason you wanted to go out today. "Oh, okay. Wait, Heeseung..."
You wanted to talk about last night. How did he feel? What was he thinking? "Yea?" "Can we talk about last night?" "What about it?" "We almost had sex. Don't you remember?" "SHHHHH! What the fuck is wrong with you?" he whispered loudly at you before walking into your room to slightly close the door behind him. "What?" "We're not supposed to be talking about that." "Yeah, but I-" "No. we're not talking about this. Just pretend it never happened. You're Sunghoon's little sister and that just feels really wrong." "You weren't thinking about that when you were fucking my mouth."
Before Heeseung could respond, Sunghoon walked in. "Umm. What are you guys doing in here? Y'know what... never mind. What were you trying to ask me earlier? Something about going out." "Yea. I was asking if I could go hang out with some of the girls from my team." "Sure, but you gotta be back home before 6, okay?" "Alright."
The two boys left your room before heading to the living room. "Hey, Heeseng can I talk to you for a minute?" "Sure man. What's up?" "I don't mind you hanging around my sister. I mean we basically grew up together, but you better not be fucking around with her." "What are you talking about?" "I'm just saying. You can't do that with her. I know how you used to like her. You told me that one time you got drunk." "But, that was years ago. I don't even like her like that anymore. I swear. She's like a little sister to me." "Okay, that's good. I just wanna make sure you understand how I feel about that." "Yea. I got it. Your sister's off limits."
It wasn’t long before you went out to the mall with Brianna and Heather to hang out for the next few hours. You had already done a little shopping and now you were sitting in the food court eating lunch. "Okay, so wait. You're asking me what I would do if my brother's best friend was a total hottie?" Heather squealed. "Obviously, I'd fuck him if I had the chance." she laughed. "Yea, but he's your brother's best friend and you guys grew up together." "But he's hot." "Ok, hold on lemme say something. Let's just say he's like a 10, right. And he shows the slightest interest. But on top of that, the thought of being with him makes you feel that rush." "That rush? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "You know like the taboo, forbidden love type. It kinda makes you want it more doesn't it." "OH MY GOD! Yessss. That makes it hotter." "No way. That makes it worse."
"Wait wait wait wait WAITTT!!! Oh my god. Don't tell me you did it." "WHAT!! No! Of course I didn't." "Yes, you totally did. You fucked your brother's best friend. That is so fucking hot." "That must've been the reason Sunghoon wanted you to come home. I remember you telling us he went to another country or whatever. Oh, I bet you couldn't wait to hop on that dick." Brianna laughed. "Guysssss. It's not like that." "Then tell us what it's like." "Yea, tell us what it feels like to fuck your brother's best friend."
"Look, I'm gonna tell you exactly how it happened. I literally got up to get something to drink. I thought that my brother and him were asleep so I didn't expect Heeseung to be in the kitchen." "And I guess that's when he gave you something to drink huh?" Bree winked. "No. Ugh, y'know what? Fuck this. I'm not telling you guys shit. I'm just gonna eat my damn lunch, okay." Brianna and Heather burst into laughter and continued teasing you for the rest of the day.
Brianna dropped Heather off at her house before bringing you home.
"Hey, I know we were joking around and everything earlier. But seriously, if your brother isn't okay with that, maybe you should let it go." "What do you mean?" "I'm sure he has his reasons for being against it. Maybe Heeseung doesn't treat girls right or maybe Sunghoon might feel uncomfortable looking at his best friend kiss his little sister. Especially if he sees him as a brother. Just think about it okay." "Okay, I will. Thanks for taking me home." You smiled. "Anytime. See ya later, Y/N." Brianna waved before driving off.
You walked inside to see Heeseung alone in the kitchen. You were getting a sense of deja vu. The last time you saw him in the kitchen by himself, you two ended up in your bedroom. "Where's Sunghoon?" you asked, breaking the silence. "He left a few minutes ago." "For what?" "He said he had to do something for school before Labor Day." "Oh, okay."
"Did you have fun?" "Huh?" "With your friends." "Oh, umm yea I did. We mainly just hung out at the mall…y’know. Girl stuff." You said before walking to your room to change your clothes.
*That was weird...Maybe I'm just overthinking things. He could've been genuinely asking.* you thought to yourself.
To take your mind off of your secret affair with Heeseung, you played some music on the mini speaker in your bedroom. You pulled your jeans off before taking off your shirt, then you walked over to your dresser and pulled out an outfit to wear after your bath.
"Hey..." You were so zoned out in the music that you hadn't even noticed when Heeseung walked into your room. "Oh my god!" you gasped, covering your lace bra with the folded clothes in your hands. "Oh shit. I'm sorry," he said immediately turning around. "You must enjoy sneaking peeks at me." "No, it was an accident. I swear." "Right. Because I'm Sunghoon's little sister huh?" "What?" "That's why you find me so repulsive." "That's not true." "Well, how come you shut me down earlier? Huh? If it's not true then it must be something else. What the hell did you come in here for anyway?" "I-uhh-I was actually coming to apologize for that." "For what?" "For being so harsh. I just don't want your brother to know about us."
*Woah. When the hell did we become an us?*
Heeseung turned to face you. "I really do like you, Y/N." He continued to walk closer to you. "And I want to be with you. We just have to keep it our little secret, okay?" Heeseung whispered in your ear, sending chills up your spine. This was much different from the way he acted the night before. "Can you keep a secret?" He asked, gently grazing your lips with his. "Yes." you submissively responded as Heeseung kissed your lips.
He proceeded to guide you into the bathroom in your room. It was like you were entranced by the way you let him take control of you. He locked the door behind you before turning on the water in the shower.
❤️‍🔥: "We gotta be quick. Who knows how long Sunghoon's gonna be." Heeseung said as he began to remove his clothes. "Wait! Are you gonna get in the shower with me?" "Of course I am," he chuckled before walking into the warm shower and kissing you again, but this time you could feel him forcing his cock between your thighs. It barely grazed your clit before you let out a soft moan.
"You like it that much? Huh? You like the way I tease your pretty little pussy?" The hot, steamy water caused Heeseung's hair to stick to his face. Heeseung started to grind harder and faster, sending you over the edge. This time he was focusing only on stimulating your clit because he loved feeling you shake in his arms. He grabbed your hands and pinned them behind your back before lifting one of your legs to expose your throbbing, dripping cunt. "I'm gonna fuck your pussy raw, baby," Heeseung said as he began to pump himself into you. Within seconds you were already ready to cum. "Cum for me baby." after hearing this you came hard and loud, but he didn't slow down and continued fucking you the same way. "Do you like it when I fuck that perfect pussy of yours?" You were a dripping, moaning mess, he had fucked you senseless. You could barely even speak, only broken whimpers escaped your lips.
"Get on your knees and suck it. I wanna cum all over those perky tits." Heeseung huffed as you trembled down to your knees. "You're such a good girl," Heeseung said as he pulled your chin to kiss your lips. "You're such a fucking good girl for me, baby," he continued before stuffing his thick, throbbing cock in your mouth. He did a few strokes before pulling his cock out to let you breathe. "Open up baby girl," he said as you opened your mouth. Heeseung spit on your tongue and shoved his dick back in your mouth, pulling it out every so often. "Mmm fuck, baby. I love fucking that pretty mouth of yours," he groaned as he continued fucking your mouth. "Yea, baby. Just like that. You're doing so good." He threw his head back before pushing 3 long, hard strokes down your throat and pulling out to cum all over your tits. "We can go again after your brother goes to sleep." :❤️‍🔥
Surprisingly, he actually stayed to finish showering with you. He lathered the lavender loofah in his hands before rubbing it over your tits, cleaning his load off of them. He proceeded to clean your shoulders and slowly moved down to the rest of your body.
Sunghoon came home soon after your sexy, teasing shower with Heeseung, but by that time you had fallen asleep on the couch.
You felt a soft kiss placed gently on your forehead.
"You're like a drug to me, Y/N. And I'm addicted. I love the way I lose control around you. Sunghoon's little sister or not, I love you and I have for a very long time."
Heeseung's voice cut through your dream, but you were unsure if you were dreaming or if he really said that.
"Wow, she's sleeping this early?" Sunghoon said seeing you lying peacefully on the couch. "Yea, she just came home, showered, and passed out on the couch." Heeseung chuckled. "Hmm, well I don't wanna just leave her here. Every time she falls asleep on the couch she wakes up in pain. I'll just carry her to her bed and then we can go hang out for a bit." "Uhh, I don't mind bringing her for you." "You sure?" "Yea, I got her." "Okay, thanks. You might want to pull her covers back first-- Y'know what I'll go do that and you just pick her up."
Heeseung forgot that he hadn't had the chance to take his clothes out of your bathroom. He was hoping that Sunghoon didn't see his clothes lying on your bathroom floor. Fortunately, the lights were off and Heeseung kept it that way. For some reason, unbeknownst to Heeseung, there was something about carrying you to bed that he loved. This was the first time he ever did it, but he remembered Sunghoon doing it a few times when you were younger. There were times you'd fall asleep in your brother's bed and he would always carry you to bed, so it was no shock to you when you woke up around 3 a.m. under the covers in your bed.
Feeling a little flushed, you walked to the kitchen to grab a cold drink. You were actually thirsty, but you were also hoping to run into Heeseung in the kitchen. However, to your surprise, the kitchen was completely empty.
You grabbed a tall glass from the cabinet and filled it with cold water, even though you were tempted to get lemonade or something. You drank a few sips before taking the glass back to your room.
Before going back to bed, you peeked into Sunghoon's room to check on him. You had fallen asleep early so you were just checking that he was in bed. You saw your brother curled up in his bed, wild strands of hair framed his delicate features. Your brother could be very annoying sometimes, but you knew it was just his way of looking out for you.
You slowly closed the door before entering your room.
"HEESEUNG!!" you quietly shouted before closing the door behind you and placing the glass of water on your desk. "What the hell are you doing in here?" "I forgot my clothes in your bathroom." "Oh..." "Did you want me to leave them in there for you to try on later?" "No, I-" "I'm teasing." Heeseung held his clothes in his hands and walked toward the door.
"Hmm, you closed the door. Were you expecting something else? Maybe that extra round now that your brother's asleep?" Your cheeks turned red upon hearing this. "WHAT! NO. I-I didn't even think about that." "Okay, so you don't mind if I just walk out and go back to bed?" "I...umm-" "Exactly," Heeseung chuckled as he continued walking to the door.
"What? Lemme guess, now you want me to stay?"
You saw a grin widen on Heeseung's face as he dropped the clothes in his hand and practically pounced on you, taking a handful of your hair as he pulled you in deeper for a passionate, aggressive kiss.
❤️‍🔥: He leaned you over your bed, grinding himself against your ass as he continued to kiss and bite your neck and shoulders. Still keeping a grip on your hair, he reached his free hand into your panties. He pushed two of his fingers into your wet pussy and used his thumb to stimulate your clit.
You remembered what he said earlier about loving the way you shake in his arms so you already expected to be edged and teased until you could barely stand. Occasionally, he would pause to lick your pussy from behind, spreading your lips with his fingers. "Okay, baby. It's my turn now," he said before softly spanking your ass. You crawled onto your bed before feeling Heeseung force his thick cock inside of your pussy causing you to let out a soft moan from the pain. Upon hearing that, Heeseung placed a hard smack across your ass.
"I love it when you moan for me, baby. Do it again," he commanded, smacking your ass again as he continued to pump himself inside of you. The strokes weren't fast and aggressive like earlier, instead, they were long, full, hard strokes. He'd slowly pull back, nearly letting the tip escape the warmth of your throbbing hole before quickly slamming himself back into your pussy.
By this time your knees had given out and you were fully supported by his grasp around your waist. He continued like this for a while, spanking your ass and fucking you from behind before flipping you over on your back. "I wanna watch you cum." he said as he started to pump himself inside of your, picking up the pace with every stroke. "Play with that clit for me, baby. I want you to squirm for me." Just as he instructed, you started to rub your clit. "That's it, baby." he kept up a consistent speed before you came all over his dick. He pulled out of your pussy and forced himself into your mouth as he filled it with his cream.
Even though you were exhausted, you wanted to go again. "Heeseung?" you called out as he sat over you. "What?" You didn't say anything. You just looked at him and he must've read your mind because he just smiled before inserting himself back into your pussy. Tears rolled down your cheeks from the overwhelming sense of pain and pleasure. He continued to fuck you hard while sucking on your tits. Heeseung grabbed your hands, holding them over your head as pounded himself deeper into you before the two of you came together. You could feel his hot load flood your pussy as it continued to spill out. :❤️‍🔥
The next few days continued the same way, you and Heeseung sneaking around and fucking whenever Sunghoon wasn't looking. However, by that time Heeseung and you had made things official. You were now secretly dating your brother's best friend.
Since there was no school the following week, you and Heeseung had plenty of bonding time whenever Sunghoon went to work. On top of that, your parents were still away on a business trip, so the two of you enjoyed every moment you had together.
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💌Requested by: @hoyeonheeseung
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@chlorinecake @sussyjake @furious-eagle @cherrriesss @abbyizzy @weyukinluv @addictedtohobi @thatonenoona @wavykook @givemeyourtmihyun @jaeljn @hoonmywk @valennshit @19-yunalyn @hoonbby @frostedblankets @hoonsyo @no-mannerism @perfectxserendipity @chubbibish @ihrtlix @bunniesforsoobin @thereadersparadise @thatbooknerdfr @aiden2001 @belongstoheeseung @jakeybabe @donut-crazs @rizzhee @nikimeows @woonieees @uarmyxtae @rebecca-johnson-28 @they2luv1naia @isa-2007 @silcry @riverscafe @pearlwhitesoul
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twinklelilstarkey · 9 months
Tutor: Dress Picking
Words: 2.4k Type: Angst? Warnings: This is literally a chapter just to announce that I'm back, so, yeah, settle in folks :) because shit is about to hit the fan, but not yet.
Tutor Masterlist
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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Hours later, when stepping into school, you are more than in a good mood. You must admit, you almost got to school late due to oversleeping with Rafe after having conversations that led until 5AM. Your headache has gone away with a simple aspirin, and most of your worrisome thoughts are in the back of your mind, safely tucked away.
You also were able to leave the house with Rafe without his family noticing, and the same thing goes for your parents. You made it home safely, put on new clothes as you had already showered at Rafe’s house, and he dropped you off at school. Your parents would never know of such a thing as they weren’t home when you got there, and you, supposedly, were with a friend of yours the whole night – one they know very well, but have no idea you don’t even speak to anymore.
Almost late or not, every minute of this morning was better than any other. You wish you were still in bed and that today was a Saturday, not a Wednesday. A day where you could just lie in bed with Rafe, talk about life, and get affection. Gosh, you would sell a kidney for that. Your poor kidneys.
You still got a few minutes in the car with him, even though different, it was still minutes that you had for yourselves. A lot of kisses and reassuring words were exchanged. As well as promises that everything will go well and nothing bad will happen. And if it does, he’ll be parked outside as soon as you call, ready to get you home.
Because of this, when the bell rings to tell you to get to class, your mind is still cloudy and warm.
You sit on your chair and stare at the empty page of a notebook while remembering the dumb ways Rafe made you laugh this morning, from the time in bed to the shower. The way his kisses were always soft and warm, and his arms would always hug you tightly and close enough for all your worries to fly away. Ugh, that kidney is about to go.
The classroom's door closes as the teacher walks inside, and the class begins. You lift your eyes off your notebook and notice a bit of movement beside you. You don’t have to look to know. Kristy wasn’t missing school again. She’s in class. In her usual seat, beside you. Her eyes are currently drilling a hole into the side of your head with all that staring, kind of hard to ignore.
Overall, the class itself is very uneventful since school is about to end, and there isn’t much the teacher can do to make everyone still find it in their will to study or work further. Due to this, the hour is slow, and there aren’t many notes that you can take from what is taught and discussed between the teacher and the other students.
In the corner of your eye, you see a small piece of paper being slid over to your side of the table, but you look away as soon as you can. You’re sure that Kristy is better than sliding small pieces of paper asking for an apology or time to talk, but maybe after the stunt that she was able to pull on you in that car... You probably need to draw new conclusions about this girl.
Throughout this one class, you continuously saw how Kristy tried to get your attention by sliding the piece of paper closer and closer or even trying to write a completely new one. You ignored all of her attempts. But also hesitated to check your vibrating phone as the possibility of it being her was just as large as the piece of paper she last tried to slide into your field of view.
The bell rang, and the teacher screamed the small assignment over the loud chatter that quickly erupted. You took a quick note of it in case you forgot it and got up to put your things away. Five different pieces of paper are just by your notebook now, and you almost want to scoff at the stupidity. Curiosity is also biting at your skin for wanting to know what is written in all of them, but you are better than that. Kristy sits there as you put your things away, almost as if waiting for you to address her or pick up her papers.
You slide your bag over your shoulder and take a step to the side to begin walking to the door. You ignore the hand that stretches in your direction to get a hold of your arm (but fails) and walk out of the room. Once outside, your phone begins to vibrate in your pocket, and you pull it out, knowing for a fact that Kristy isn't that ridiculous. The caller: Mom.
“Hello?” You say as soon as you accept the call and put your phone by your ear.
“Guess who just got invited to a party?” Your mom asks excitingly.
“All of us!” She corrects excitingly. “Rose Cameron just called, saying that there will be a small get-together with the few families close to the Camerons at the country club. We’re all invited to celebrate your and many others' graduation. Isn't this amazing?”
You open your locker while an expression of surprise is more than obvious on your face. She continues to talk to you all about the details of the party, like how many people, what to wear and what will be there for decoration. You move your books around in the locker to switch classes, and not once do you need to speak because your mother speaks for the both of you.
The call drags out until the next bell calls you into class, yet not a new word has been said by you during the whole thing. You smile at your mom’s rare excitement for a party because, sincerely, it's hard to forget how any event organized by Rose has left your socialite of a mom more than pleased with the range of guests, food, or conversations. You’re in for a hell of a night.
“When is it, exactly?” You ask right as you get near the classroom.
“At the end of this week. Rose said something about it being a great way to celebrate the end of classes for all the graduating students invited.” She explains, leaving you to nod to yourself, “When are you free to go dress shopping?”
“I’m not sure.”
“Well, we won’t need more than an hour,” a lie, “to find a good dress for you, so as soon as you know a day we can go, call me back.”
“Will do.”
“Now, go to class. Your bell must have rung almost 5 minutes ago.”
You chuckle at her exactness and say your goodbyes before ending the call. Inside the classroom, you find everyone already seated, but the teacher is still absent. You walk towards the back of the class and ignore the same pair of eyes as before - since it seems the person has failed to gain something more interesting to look at lately.
You take your usual seat and think back on the conversation with your mother. The party doesn’t seem bad, but you can only wish for good company during it. Usually, your company in parties such as this is not exactly talking with you, much to their disappointment. And standing by your parents the entire evening doesn’t seem exactly exciting, as the conversations will be quite… uninteresting for your ears, surely.
While you occupy your free time on your phone, ignoring the constant whispering and glaring from all directions of the room, the teacher continues to take his sweet time to appear. Long enough for the guy in front of you to turn around and hand you yet another piece of paper. At this point, trees cry with all the attempts at communication Kristy happens to do.
Maybe it was how annoyed you felt. Maybe it was the fact that all their attention left you as soon as the teacher decided to walk in with a mug of hot coffee in hand. But you opened this last piece of paper. Truthfully, you did it so quick the unfolding and folding back up wasn't noticed by a single soul, and you read it.
Are you going to Cameron’s party? – Kristy
“Definitely not my color, mom.” You say for the thousandth time while looking at yourself in the mirror of the boutique.
“Are you sure? I like it on you.” She says while tilting her head to take another good look at you.
“I like the style, just not the color.” You admit to her, in a calm tone, nothing to start fights over - as you usually tend to do when picking a dress for a party your mom is so excited about. “The red looks better on me.”
Your mom gives you her usual look, ‘Well, but I hate red’, which only lets you know that this discussion about a dress will lead you to another hour of dress shopping. Nothing ever made you feel as grateful for yourself for clearing your schedule the way you did for this entire evening. As always, your mom is against any color that isn’t light and sweet or any cleavage that isn’t conservative enough. While you happen to like a lot of different styles of dresses and have dealt with your mother’s antics for years, your tastes still tend to clash.
“Red is too much, I think,” she comments, turning to look at the large number of dresses she has asked the worker to get for her. “What about blue?”
“Depends on the shade.” You try to ignore the look she sends you over her shoulder but fail miserably while looking down at the ground to chuckle.
“This one is too dark, I think.” She says while holding a silk dark blue dress with thin straps, “What about this one?”
“It almost looks white, mom. I’m not getting married.”
“Okay, Miss Picky. You pick one, then.”
It went on for hours, but soon you two came to an agreement after much begging on your part and almost on the store’s worker's part as well. You settled on a blue, not too light or too dark, dress with straps (your mother insisted). It has a straight neckline, but due to it being silk, it sits well on your chest. It tightens at your waist (again, due to your mother’s request: not too much), and its length rests gracefully at your feet – leaving you enough room to walk, but not much.
The moment you dramatically took in the fresh air outside, your mom wasn’t shy to pinch the back of your arm for the drama you decided to drag throughout the day. This also helped keep her distracted as your phone continuously received texts from a certain group of people who still are desperate to know if you were going to the party. They made it impossible for you to show her anything on your phone, like dress ideas, without her seeing the messages constantly being sent.
You take your seat on your mom’s car seat and set the bag with the dress inside by your legs, beginning to block the entirety of the group of girls on your phone. They have been asking you for, you assume, the same thing that Kristy had written in those papers yesterday in class: another conversation among all of you.
In all the messages you’ve received from them, you’ve read the ridiculous words of ‘unfair’ and ‘selfish’ all directed at you for either not answering the messages or not speaking to them in school, though all they did was stare at you once they saw you. You’re not sure you heard a single word come out of their mouths the day before or this morning. They all stayed silent while their eyes scanned your every move. It was obsessive, and they were driving you insane for it.
You’re just thankful that you were able to spend the evening with your mom, away from their gazes, as well as for the recent silence coming from your phone now that all contacts are blocked. Now you can finally relax and stop thinking about them and your conversation. But maybe you spoke too soon.
“Is everything alright between you and the girls?” Your mom suddenly asks while driving you both home. Her tone is calm and sweet, with nothing hidden behind it.
“Why do you ask?” You try to sound as calm as possible.
“I just feel like they haven’t been hanging out in our house that much lately. You’re always the one going out to see them,” She explains, not knowing that all the times you’ve gone out to see ‘them’ lately have been to see Rafe or Patty instead. “I sort of miss having the house full of girls.”
You two sit in silence while you simply look out of the window into the night, trying not to make any faces or sounds that could lead you into a lie that will snowball into the avalanche that is your current situation.
“We’ve just been busy, you know? With finals and all.”
“Will they be at the party?” She asks, still unphased by anything you’ve said.
“Yeah,” You assume, yet still make sure your tone makes you sound sure of your words.
“Well, good. I’ve missed talking to them. Maybe we can plan something.”
You almost zone out as soon as she begins to talk about the possibilities of having something cute like an afternoon tea party, or anything along those lines. How will you even be able to tell her the truth? You'll break her heart.
“Yeah…” You look out of your window again, “We could do that.”
As you continuously look away, your mother takes a look at you when stopped at a red light, with her smile still bright and sweet, ready to get one in return. But your eyes and mind are elsewhere - far away from the conversation you’ve just had. She noticed how your tone had just dipped from dramatic and happy to something so different it was hard to pick apart with such a short answer.
Your mother opens her mouth to say something, maybe even question your sudden change of mood directly, but the light turning green was enough to take her attention away. Some other time, she’ll be able to make you talk to her, confide in her about what could’ve happened to make you so moody. She’ll be there to hear it no matter what, right?
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Am I back 100%? I have no idea. Did I write this while having no plans to do it? Also yes. I hope it was good!
Hope you enjoyed it!! AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
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goblinontour · 9 months
To The First Girl Who Lit Him A Flame (Part 1)
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you give fetus al his first blowjob
part 2 | part 3
warnings: smut, oral (m receiving), alcohol, idk that’s pretty much it
word count: 3.6k
you were never into big parties, instead you preferred just hanging out with your closest ones and getting drunk, making fools of yourselves. but your friends insisted you needed to come tonight. apparently one of the guys from school had an empty house and decided to let everyone in, no matter if he knew them or not.
so that’s how you found yourself in his kitchen pouring yourself another drink of some sort, mainly just vodka to be fair. if you’re here and there are free drinks might as well make the most of it. the house was loud, people everywhere, some you haven’t ever seen.
after you fixed yourself that drink you decided to look for your friends but they were nowhere to be found. not in the back garden, not in the house, not one of them. that made you nervous. you didn’t like talking to people you didn’t know that well. so you just went back to the small kitchen and luckily nobody was in there. you just slumped down on the floor, sitting against one of the cabinets, downing what you had in that cup, honestly wishing you didn’t come here at all. and your luck of being alone soon ran out because you heard some steps getting closer and eventually the door opened and you cursed to yourself.
it was alex. alex turner. you don’t know him that well really. he’s a year younger than you so friend groups didn’t overlap much. but you’ve always thought he was cute. you’ve both been going to the same school for some years so you’ve seen him around, you know he’s only been getting cuter and cuter as time went by. the fact that he could play guitar made him even more of a catch.
he was talking to someone as he entered the room but when he looked around and saw you on the floor his face went a bit red. he was very shy, but the alcohol gave him a bit more courage to be able to talk to you.
“hi y/n, you doing alright?” he was scratching his head, his shaggy hair getting all messed, sticking up in places.
“yep, just lost my friends, you?”
“fine, wanted to grab a beer, you want a drink? your cup’s empty.” he’s had the biggest crush on you for ages and this was his chance. tonight or never.
“oh, uhm…yeah, sure, whatever you’re having”
ugh, why are you talking like that, you think to yourself, getting all nervous around him. this is the most you two have ever talked. you shouldn’t be nervous, you were pretty tipsy at this point, drinking usually made you feel more at ease in times like this, so why was he making you feel like that? he seemed a bit nervous too. you brushed it off as just being because of the whole situation, being left alone and being pretty much strangers stuck at this party. well, you felt stuck, don’t know about him, he seemed in pretty good spirits though.
he grabbed two beers from the fridge and cracked them open. he leaned down to you so you could take it, and your fingers brushed against his for a second, sending shivers through your body. you got stuck for a moment, hand out to the bottle but not actually grabbing it from him. that’s until he snapped you out of it by asking “mind if i stay?” with a stupid cute smile on his face.
you shook your head, letting him know it’s alright. you weren’t going to kick him out anyway, not like it was your house. you patted the space on the floor next to you and he sat down as well, spreading his legs out in front of him and crossing them.
the two of you got talking, he was actually really nice, and smarter than you’d expect, especially considering he was younger than you. a year isn’t much but usually guys were dumber, except he wasn’t. he had his way with words and the way he gestured with his hands while he talked, and how he would do it all with a smile on his face. you didn’t realise it but you zoned out and just kept staring at him.
“you’re really pretty”
did you just say that out loud?
“is that right?” he said, turning away from you, focusing on the pattern of the tiles to calm himself down. was this really happening? he didn’t want to be cocky with the way he blurted out that response, just surprised you said that. he didn’t consider himself pretty, not really.
you already said it, no way to take it back, so you brought your hand up to his hair and started messing it up with your fingers. it was really soft.
“you are.”
“you’re really pretty too” smiling to himself as he said it, and after saying that he looked back at you, his eyes flicking in between yours and your lips, as if trying to decide if he should go for it or not. but he did. he grabbed you by the jaw softly, guiding your face towards his, and he kissed you. once your lips touched you couldn’t help yourself. you brought him even closer to you, your hand still in his hair, pulling slightly on it. your tongue soon poked at his lips, begging to taste him, and he complied, deepening the kiss filled with the bitterness of beer and whatever mix of liquor you’d both been consuming, but it was also sweet. he was sweet.
you intertwined one of your legs with his own, and he guided you to sit on his lap. you put your hands on his face, holding him in place as if he was going to run away. you couldn’t let that happen, not now. his hands found their place on your hips, barely touching you, like he was scared of doing something wrong. so you took the lead and moved them to your ass. you broke the mess of a makeout session you were having to say “you can touch me you know?” moving your lips to his neck, leaving a chaste kiss there. as you did that you felt his hands squeeze your ass over your jeans. god they were huge. but he quickly stopped himself. “it’s alright alex, i like it”. he was so nervous, you felt it.
you also felt him starting to get hard under you as you kept leaving wet kisses on his neck and playing the hair at the back of his head. you bit down on the sensitive skin, not too hard, just a bit, you were getting horny as well. his hips bucked at that and he immediately raised his hands to his face to cover up.
“sorry, fuck, i didn’t mean to do that, ‘m so sorry”. you put your hands over his own and pushed them to the sides to reveal his face. he was so red, his lips puffy and shiny from the remnants of the lipgloss you were wearing. you probably looked just about the same.
“don’t be sorry. it’s okay”
you pushed yourself down on him, grinding slowly. the pressure from his erection digging through his jeans making the seam of your own rub against your pussy in just the perfect spot felt delicious. though you kinda wish you’d worn a skirt so you could feel him directly through your underwear.
your moment got interrupted when some guys walked into the room. you paid no attention to them, didn’t care who they were or the fact that they just walked in on you straddling alex’s lap. they were too drunk to remember it in the morning anyway.
you got up from his lap and put your hand out to help him up from the floor. you smirked to yourself when you saw how he tried so hard to cover his hard on.
“come on.” you said to him, leading him to the bathroom down the hall.
thank god it was free.
you pushed him inside the room and quickly locked the door behind you. maybe you were a bit too eager cause when you locked him in between your arms you made him hit his head against the door. nothing that couldn’t be fixed with another kiss, through which you could feel him smile. his lips felt so soft against your own, and he kissed you perfectly, not too much tongue, perfect. it’s like you fit together just right and this was meant to be, as cliché as it sounds.
you put one of your legs between his and raised it slightly, rubbing your thigh against his crotch, making a whimper find its way out from his mouth, going straight to your core.
“pretty boy makes pretty sounds as well” the moan he was about to let out was stopped however by you biting his bottom lip.
you slipped one of your hands in between your bodies to palm him over his jeans. he was rock hard at this point, his pants stretched to the limit.
“fuuuck y/n” the way he said your name, his voice trembling…god. you were soaked. you applied more pressure, squeezing his bulge. he was about to cum in his pants just then just from that so he stopped you, his voice all breathy and broken by his panting.
“wait, wait, please”
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing…it’s just that…uhmmm…” he was struggling to get his words out, not knowing how you would take what he was about to say.
“what is it? tell me” you didn’t know if he didn’t want to go through with it or what.
“it’s just…i’ve never…you know…”
really? alex turner, the guy in a band that the girls in school were all talking about? that wasn’t a turn off for you at all though, just made it even more exciting. you weren’t some sex guru either. you’d only been with one guy before.
he thought he ruined everything just then “fuck my life, i shouldn’t have said that” looking up, not having the courage to look you in the eye and see your reaction.
you wanted to reassure him so he wouldn’t go all shy on you, so you started playing with his hair again, he seemed to like that.
“what’s the furthest you’ve gone?” you asked, genuinely curious as to what he meant by ‘never’.
“well umm…this i guess, right now, us”
“that’s alright alex” you kissed him again, to show him you meant what you said. “do you want us to stop?”
“only if you want to stop” he was the sweetest thing ever.
“well, i don’t”
you kissed him again, for some reason knowing you would be the first to touch him was turning you on so much, you wanted to make this good for him. your kisses trailed down to his jaw, and lower, down his neck, and to his collarbone. when you got there he moaned. looks like you found his sweet spot. you stayed there and left a small love bite, hearing his sweet little noises as you did so. your hand went back to his raging erection, you could feel a slight wet patch already. he was so horny and on the edge he leaked through his jeans.
“can i go down on you?” you asked, your lips still against his skin, the hot breaths that escaped while you talked making him shiver.
“yes please”
‘please’. he’s got manners, this little one.
“you’re cute” you bet he’ll be even cuter with his cock in your mouth. soon enough.
he never had a chance to respond because you slipped your hand under the waistband of his jeans and palmed him again, this time over just his underwear, making him gasp out loud.
soaked. and big. he felt bigger than you’d expect from what he looked like. he had quite a small frame, guess all those other inches went somewhere else.
you got down on your knees and were about to unzip his jeans but you stopped for a sec when you felt his thighs trembling and noticed his hands were shaking. he had them against his stomach, lifting up his shirt slightly, not knowing what to do with them.
“everything okay alex?” you asked, looking up at him and you saw how he looked almost scared, his plump lips parted and his eyes wide watching you.
“just nervous” he mumbled.
“no need to be, i’ll make it good for you, i promise”
“i don’t doubt that” he giggled, making you giggle as well “it’s okay, you can…uhm…you can go on. if you want to, of course”
“i do alex, stop worrying about it” you reassured him, leaving a kiss on the side of the exposed skin of his lower belly, and then another one on the light trail of hair right down the centre leading down from his belly button, your breaths tickling him making another soft whimper escape his mouth.
you finally unzipped his jeans and pulled them down, followed by his underwear, which was stained by a big wet patch.
ginormous would be an understatement to describe him once his dick was free and you saw it all, in all its beauty. as the cold air hit it you saw it twitch. the head was poking, fat and throbbing from how hard he was, still oozing precum, almost dripping but you caught it as you wrapped your hand around him and spread the drops threatening to fall from his slit with your thumb, all over his tip and then down his length. he hissed as you stroked him and pulled at his skin with each of your downstrokes.
you didn’t even give that many blowjobs to your last boyfriend, it wasn’t that fun for you, but now? you had to have alex’s cock in your mouth right then and there.
you were nervous too, you weren’t an expert at this either but you wanted to make it good for him and the alcohol helped you get more confident.
you licked a stripe along the underside of his cock, from the bottom all the way to his tip, and he hissed once more as you wrapped your lips around him and started stimulating him with your tongue, circling it around his head, the salty taste spreading around your mouth. it took all the power he had in him to not cum instantly. you started bobbing your head up and down his cock, at the same time stroking him with one of your hands around the rest you couldn’t quite fit into your mouth just yet. you hollowed your cheeks and slowly started taking more of him. one of his hands found its way to your hair, not controlling your movements, more just looking for a place to steady himself. when you looked up at him you noticed his other other hand went to his mouth and he was biting down on his fingers to stop himself from making too much noise. also to stop himself from coming too soon, not wanting to embarrass himself by lasting 2 seconds. but he couldn’t stop himself from pushing his hips forward, driving his cock deeper into you and hitting the back of your throat, making you instantly gag around him and you pulled back for air.
“i’m so sorry fuck did i hurt you?” you could see the pure panic on his face.
“you didn’t al” you continued to stroke him with your hand and rubbed his thigh softly with your other “you’re just very big, i need to get used to it, i’ve never had anyone this big”
“oh, okay, sorry” he was still a bit concerned.
you can’t help but smile, he was adorable.
“did you just apologise for having a big dick?” you snapped him out of his bubble, making him chuckle. “and let me hear all those noises you got please, i reckon no one’s sober enough to care out there, music’s loud anyway”
“okay” he said but immediately turned into a groan as you took him back into your mouth.
his sounds only got louder and louder as you continued to suck him off, pretty moans and whimpers letting you know you’re doing good.
“fuckkk y/n i’m not gonna last long” as he said that you flattened your tongue, making more space for his thick cock to sink down your hole. your throat had time to get used to it by now, so you were gonna try your best to take him all. you prepared yourself by pulling off once more and taking a deep breath before going down on him again. you were about to gag once his tip brushed the back of your throat but you continued to breathe through your nose until you got it all to sink in.
“oh fuck” he groaned, his voice strained. “that feels so g- good” he couldn’t even get his words out straight, you felt too good, all those new sensations he was experiencing for the first time lighting his whole body on fire. he could feel his heart beating erratically and his breathing was all over the place.
meanwhile you just focused on your breathing, trying not to gag around him with his cock tickling your throat and the hair at the bottom of where your nose was touching him tickling you at the same time.
“i’m- gonna- fuck i’m gonna cum soon” he managed to get those words out before pulling you back by the hair so he wouldn’t shoot his load down your throat, not knowing if that would be okay with you.
manners. cute and considerate. he’s got it all , doesn’t he? oh, and a pretty dick.
“you can cum in my mouth if you want. do you want that?” you asked as you kept stroking him with your hand, not wanting to let the feeling get lost and ruin his quickly approaching orgasm. he just gave you a quiet ‘mhmm’. you wanted to push his limits a little bit.
“how bad do you want it?” you teased while flicking your tongue along his slit, making it even harder for him to say something.
“so bad ughhh please. please let me cum in your mouth.”
you took him in once more, tightly wrapping your lips around him and to push him even further you brought one of your hands and lightly squeezed his balls, pushing him over the edge instantly. his cum started shooting down your throat as you kept your eyes on him, wanting to see his face as he experienced his first orgasm from this, his first from something else other than his own fist.
he couldn’t make himself watch you in return, as much as he would’ve wanted to, he just couldn’t. it was too much, his head was thrown back, eyes rolling so far back only a sliver of white could be seen, and his mouth wide open but no sounds were leaving it, all getting stuck in his throat from the overwhelming pleasure he was feeling. it was so different from anything else he’s ever experienced, not just from the fact that it’s someone’s throat instead of a hand, but because it’s you out of all people, the girl he’s had a crush on for god knows how long was giving him his first blowjob.
he came so much, and it’s not that it tasted bad necessarily, it was better than what you’ve had before, but it was a lot and it was getting stuck in the back of your throat. you felt like you were going to gag if you didn’t pull back so you did, leaving the last few spurts to land on your lips and down your chin. you tried to swallow it but you couldn’t bring yourself to, it was tickling too much so you quickly turned to the toilet that was nearby and spit it out.
you turned back to him, barely holding himself up on his legs, his softening cock resting down one of his thighs. he took a few deep breaths to calm down and tucked himself back into his boxers. you helped him do up his jeans and before you had the chance to get up he got down next to you instead.
he wiped the rest of his cum that was left on your chin and wiped it down on his pants, they were messed up regardless so it didn’t matter anymore. he pressed his forehead against yours, his hair sweaty and sticking to you and he murmured a warm ‘thank you’ followed by a sweet kiss on your lips, and another one on your cheek, and another one, until it felt like he covered your entire face in his little sweet kisses and you scrunched up your face at his show of affection.
“you’re adorable alex” you giggled as you pressed a kiss to his nose as well.
“no, you are.” giving you one last kiss on your lips. “can i return the favour? you were amazing…i wanna make you feel good too. i mean uhm i don’t know what to do exactly but you could teach me.”
but you decided against that right now, the sink wasn’t the type you could sit on and you weren’t too keen on laying down on those tiles, you knees were killing you from them.
“maybe another time?” you suggested.
“do you want another time?” he asked genuinely.
“yes, definitely” you said, getting your hands all up in his hair again, fixing the mess of a mop on top of his head for him.
“alright. i’m alone tomorrow night if you wanna come over.”
“eager now, aren’t we?” you joked “yeah, i’d like that, tomorrow.”
a/n: i’m a whore for baby alex and basically everything i write is about sucking his dick lmao i think about it too much (way too much). hope you enjoy, it’s the expanded version of something i’ve had in my notes for months but i wrote half of it freezing my ass off at starbucks so soz if there are any typos.
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bunnie-online · 1 year
just ask. {A.S.}
juuuuust thinking about (modern!)anakin being your boy bsf (and roommate) catching you coming home from a verrrry disappointing dick appointment
part two
warnings: MINORS DNI 18+, suggestive, possibly ooc ani, fem reader
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it was 1 am, you fully expected Anakin to be asleep, doing this 'walk of shame' in front of him would be exactly that... shameful. you has just had one of the WORST hookups of your life with some dude you met off tinder a couple of days ago, he was alllll talk. the definition of 'sounds to good to be true'
he didn't know ANYTHING about the female anatomy, like seriously, he basically dry humped you and rolled over. lame.
you unlocked the door of your shared apartment, opening and closing the door as quietly as possible, as not to wake Anakin. to your surprise he came walking into the living room with a mug in his hand. he was in his usual pajamas, blue and black plaid sweatpants and topless. you tried not to stare but your gazes always seem to linger when it comes to Anakin. "Hey! Thought you'd be home tomorrow?" he tilted his head in that adorably innocent way he always does. his mannerisms never matched his face, or body for that matter.
"Ah noo" you chuckle and cast your gaze downward. "Oh? Your date didn't go well?" he asked again this time raising his eyebrows with the word 'date'. he might look and sometimes act innocent but Anakin was far from it, he knew what your intentions were for the night. "Ugh, not at all." you roll your eyes and set your bag down by the door. "This dude was soooo lame." you whine.
"Aw, poor thing" Anakin says in a joking tone. "C'mere, I made some tea" he offers. "Since when do you drink tea?" you laugh "I like to pamper myself from time to time!" he said feigning offense, clasping his hand over his heart in a classically Anakin fashion.
"Tell me what happened." he sits in the bar stool at the kitchen island after handing you a cup of tea. "Ani, I don't know, it's embarrassing." your face turns pink. "Please I know about the thing you did in middle school. I think I can handle this" he laugh at you cringing from that horrid memory from your pre-teen years. "Oh you know you can't bring that up all willy-nilly Anakin!" you swat at him. his beautiful laughter filled the air
"Okay so I was going to hook up with this guy-" you start. "Shocker." Anakin smirks, interrupting you "one, rude. two, shut up. three, anyyywayys, I was going to go hook up with him and it sounded sooo promising because, damn can he talk himself up. He was so good with his words! And we get down to it and dude lasts like, two minuets! Anakin, I wish I was joking.." you bury your head in your hands out of frustration (mostly sexual). "That's the third guy this month! Like can men just be honest if they're mediocre at sex?!"
Anakin chuckles. "Blows my mind that there are guys out there who're putting up false advertisements for dick." you toss your head back and laugh "false advertisements is CRAZY" you laugh harder and Anakin joins you. "Did I lie?!" he jokes again, earning another laugh from you. "You got a point" you agree with him.
"Seriously though, that's a shame. I'd never lie like that." he takes another sip of his tea. Your mind starts swirling with questions. 'what does he mean by that?' 'I wonder what he's like in bed?' 'he has to be huge, right?' "Like honestly that's so fucked up." his voice breaks you out of your thoughts. "This sounds personal for you, what're you doing? Handing out trash dick or what?" you laugh. he chuckles again. "Hah, no. But if I was, I'd at least be honest about it."
your eyes widen but you regain composure quickly. "Oh? And what makes you so confident?" you smirk at him, wanting a rise out of him. "Well, I'm sure some of the girls weren't crying because I was dishing out bad dick." he smirks. "Wow you sure are cocky." you say with fake confidence hoping he wouldn't double down. your hopes were crushed when he stood up. he made his way behind you, placing both of his arms around you, resting his hands on the counter trapping you. he leaned close to your ear. "You know, you don't have to act out for me to prove it to you. You can just ask." his voice completely changed. you have never heard Anakin speak in such a low, sultry tone. you noticeably shivered.
i highhhh key wanna finish this tomorrow bc it's midnight and i'm SLEEPY
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 months
Angst, jealousy, fwb that's obviously something more but these two are idiots. Mutual pining, enemies to... ❤️ 18+ blog
My requests will be closed just for a little bit while I get my groove back with writing ❤️ writers' block was a nightmare 🥺
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Continuation of enemies to lovers/hate fucking series.
There's a little spot under the bleachers that secretly used to be your favourite place in the whole world.
It's still your favourite place even if Eddie wasn't around to share it with. The two of you had been avoiding each other since that stupid argument over a week ago.
Was it a breakup? No. That was stupid. "This doesn't mean anything, so why don't we just stop all of this bullshit" Eddie had snapped, and you pretended that it didn't hurt your heart, leaving your very secretive fantasies as wishful thinking.
So you agreed and yelled, "Fine!" and it was fine. You didn't care about Eddie Munson. The more you pretended, the easier it was to just ignore these other feelings, the feelings that had you up late at night and worrying about what the hell was going on.
It was stupid, though, because the two of you obviously hated each other; these feelings you had were nothing; they'd go away.
So why couldn't you stop thinking about him? This was ridiculous, bad enough the two of you had that moment a few weeks ago. A moment you couldn't stop thinking about but now this?
It was easier when he was just someone who was hot as hell and who you hated, yet had incredible sex with.
Now everything was just complicated.
It was one of those parties that Jason would throw in the middle of the school year, normally you wouldn't even dream of going to these things without your friends, but you had a point to prove.
Eddie would be there and you had put on your best outfit and watched as his jaw dropped when you made your way past him, he was nursing a beer and scouring for the usual clientele who wanted weed to go with their drinks.
Some girl was hanging around Eddie and making eyes at him, not like you cared. Even if there was a clench in your heart at the sight of Eddie flirting back, that soon went away when you were asked to dance by Brad, one of Jason's friends.
He wasn't really your type but you saw the way Eddie's eyes narrowed when Brad was talking to you. You walk past Eddie and stop just for a second, smirking at him.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous, Eddie?" you tease him and he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"You think what you want princess" he nods as Lauren or Laura or whatever her name is scowls at Eddie who's no longer paying her attention.
"Well if you don't care then I'll take Brad up on his offer, have a nice time with Laurie" you shrug nonchalant.
"Maybe I will" he turns away from you and you storm away from him. Ugh Jackass.
If there's an ache in your heart when you leave then you do your best to ignore it.
It was freezing, you were not in the mood to deal with Jason and his stupid comments about your dance with Brad, you were slightly tipsy and craving something... craving Eddie to be here with you but he was no doubt too busy with Miss giggles.
"Brad end up being a dud sweetheart?" As if by magic, Eddie is there beside you and lighting up a cigarette as he watches your reaction.
"He talked about football for over ten minutes, I didn't even see him take a breath and was seriously beginning to worry for him. I don't know why you care. Isn't Lucy enough attention for you?" there's that stupid smirk on his face again, but then he turns serious.
"Stop fucking around princess. You don't want Brad and I don't want Lauren, he emphasises, look let's both cut the bullshit yeah?" his hands caress your hips and your stubborn resolve to ignore him begins to soften.
"She was all over you. She's pretty and more your type than I am. Why don't you want her?" you peer up at him curiously.
"She's not my type. Funnily enough, it's you who drives me absolutely crazy and who I can't stop thinking about. Shit, I swear I can't stand you sometimes but then you uh...you look at me like you are now and I can't remember what it is that drives me so crazy"
Well damn. "I thought you wanted this thing between us to end?" you point out and he shakes his head. His big brown eyes are incredibly distracting.
"No, no I didn't, that's why I'm here to make things right" he murmurs softly and he closes the distance between you and kisses you. The second his lips meet yours it's the strangest feeling, it's like you've found where you belong.
Here under a moon lit sky, kissing Eddie Munson. He pulls away and you tentatively rest your head on his chest.
"What are we? What is this, Eddie? It was only meant to be hate sex, just tooling around," you ask him as his arms wrap around you, pulling you closer. It's absolutely not that anymore.
"I don't know, princess", he answers honestly, as the two of you just hold each other. You don't know either but it's clear you don't want whatever this is to end.
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lunajay33 · 7 months
New World🍂Part.3
Summary:You’ve made it to the cdc and a drunken night changes things between you and Daryl, but will it change your friendship for the better or worse?
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The CDC was our last resort and after screaming and beginning we got in and everything finally felt secure, Jenner showed us to the rooms and even said there was hot water
You threw your bag on the bed as Daryl was setting up the spare couch in the room
“What are you doing?” You asked confused
“Settin up the bed, I ain’ sleepin on the floor”
“And you’re not sleeping in the couch, after sharing a sleeping bag for weeks I think we can share a bed Daryl” you laughed
“Fine” he huffed as he threw himself on the bed, putting his arms behind his head
“Do you wanna take a shower first?”
“Nah go ahead imma look around this place, maybe find us somethin ta drink” he said
So you got some clothes and hopped in the shower and god did it feel good, to finally get all the builds up dirt and grime of your skin. You finished up quickly not wanting to hog all the water and saw Daryl back on the bed with a bottle of what looked like to be some kind of liquor
“Ya want some?” He asked after he took a gulp of it
Usually you’d decline but why not, you found somewhere and you needed a night of relaxation, so you jumped on the bed next to him and took the bottle
You tipped it back and the liquid burned going down
“Ugh that’s awful” you whined handing it back over
Dinner came around so you both went down and enjoyed a fun night with the group, you could feel the alcohol kicking it and it helped you unwind
You could see Daryl was too, he was a definite chatter box when he got tipsy and you always thought it was cute, but I mean he was always kinda like that with you but seeing him open up around others was nice
“Drink up Glenn I wanna see how red yer face’ll get” he said making you laugh
As everyone slowly dispersed you took Daryl’s hand stopping him from his conversation with T.dog
“Wanna go to our room D?” You asked a little bit slurred
“Sure sunshine” he said taking your hand and leading you up to the room with the bottle still in his hand
He plopped down on the bed and put the bottle on the night stand as you stripped from you pants leaving you in one of Daryl’s night shirts and climbed in bed
You turned on your side as he did and you both just looked at each other
“Daryl why are you so beautiful?” You said making him laugh
“I think yer drunk peach” he said putting his hand on you hip
“I know I am, but that doesn’t make me a liar, you really are gorgeous, makes me wish I was one of those lucky ladies you’d hang out with back in school” you were too drunk your filter was gone
“Ya know I never did anything other than make out with them”
“Well they were lucky enough to get atleast some action from The Daryl Dixon” you could see the blush reach his ears and cheeks
“Are ya serious right now?” He asked as you put you hand through his hair
“Of course i think I’ve always had feelings for you, just think they’ve grown as we got older”
“Yer gonna regret all this tomorrow”
“No im not, im just hoping you won’t look at me any different, i still need you Daryl even if you don’t feel the same”
“Ya know why I never went further with any of em?”
“Whys that?” You mumbled
“Cuz they weren’ you”
You knew this was hard for him to say he wasn’t very vocal about his feelings
“I’m glad I decided to have lunch with you that day”
“I am to sunshine, lucky every day” he said as he pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head as you both feel asleep feeling the alcohol take over
You woke up to the sun shining in your eyes and a pounding headache, you sat up rubbing your eyes hoping this headache will go away soon, looking beside you when you heard a groan to see a tired Daryl
“How’re you feeling D?” You asked as he sat up beside you
“ ‘bout as good as I look”
“So amazing” you joked then remembering everything that happened last night
“Stop that” he groaned as he got up and put on his shoes
Maybe he didn’t remember everything, maybe that was a good thing last thing you’d want is for him to be awkward around you and distance himself
You both went down and thankfully breakfast was already made and you were desperate for food to heal this hangover
The day went on and all of a sudden the lights shut off, you ran downstairs to the room Jenner first showed you seeing everyone freaking out
Daryl came over with his chest heaving
“Daryl what’s going on” you asked placing your hand on his arm
“Place is gonna explode, runnin out of energy and the place is locked down”
“What? There has to be a way out, we’ve come so far we can’t die here” you said feeling the panic rise as your eyes started to water
He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you back against his chest as you slide to the floor crying
“I’m scared D, I don’t wanna die”
“Shhh ya ain’ dyin today, imma get us outta here, imma try” he said squeezing me tight
He got up and took an axe slamming it against the door
After everything happened, the grenade helping you get you, Daryl took your arm dragging you quickly to his truck the building was gonna explode enough second
He pushed you down and covered you with his own body against the seat
The explosion boomed making your ears ring as Daryl sat you up trying to shake you out of your trance
“Hey can ya hear me?” He snapped his fingers in front of you
Your hearing slowly came back as you focused on him
“Daryl……I love you” the rush of a near death experience showed you, you couldn’t waste your precious time with Daryl anymore, he needed to know
He didn’t say anything he held my hand as we all drove away to our next location, your heart felt like it was gonna either, you knew he didn’t like this stuff but god at least I thought he’d say something, you’ve told him you’ve loved him before but in a light hearted way because he was your best friend, but you knew he knew this was different
But at least he knew now, you loved him that’s all he needed to know
Guys I’m in my depression era, I feel like crap ever day but I hope you’re liking the story
Taglist: @deansapplepie @thebadbatch2022 @writer-ann-artist @ghostboneswrites
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biancadjarin · 1 year
thinking about Bully!Eddie
passing you notes in class
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“Hey nerd.” Eddie whispers into your ear from his seat behind you in algebra. You try to ignore him, eyes staying fixed on the teacher at the front of the class. He tugs on one of your long braids causing your neck to strain back before he leans back in his seat with a laugh.
A couple minutes later a folded up note is being pressed onto the edge of your desk. You shoot him a glare as he smirks at you and winks as he mouths “read it.”
You roll your eyes as you unwrap it quietly, not wanting to get in trouble for passing notes.
“I heard you moan when I pulled your hair. You liked that didn’t you?”
You scoff and crumble the note before tossing it back to him. He laughs and opens it up, writing a new line.
“Ok ok but I think I need a tutor ;) Your place after school sound good for our first lesson?”
“Maybe if you’d actually pay attention and take notes, you wouldn’t be failing.” You scribble in your girly handwriting before discreetly passing the note back to Eddie.
He huffs out a laugh before writing his response.
“Meet me by my van after school.”
“We can’t go to my house, Eddie. Not happening.”
You pass the note back and hope that’s the end of it. As your fingers graze his, you both linger there for a second. He lets the pads of his guitar string calloused fingers caress the tips of yours and you instantly feel tingles. Your eyes look down at your hands and he has to hold back a smile when he sees the way your cheeks blush.
He opens the note and reads it as the teacher catches the both of you.
“Munson!” His head shoots up, your eyes scan the classroom, hoping no one noticed you were passing notes to him.
“What’s so interesting that you and Miss Meyers can’t wait to discuss it after class?”
You slump in your chair, wanting to disappear, wishing you wouldn’t have fallen for his immature tricks. I should’ve just ignored him. Kept taking my notes and he would’ve left me alone. Except you know that’s a lie. He wouldn’t have.
“Oh y/n was just asking if I wanted to study together after school, she thinks she can help me with this chapter.”
Your eyes grow wide as the blush on your cheeks covers your whole face. You wish you could just crawl out of the room and disappear. Why is he doing this??
“Oh well that’s nice. You could use the extra study time. You both could. Your last quiz score wasn’t up to your usual standards Miss Meyers.” You teacher chastised. Kill me now.
You got a D on your last quiz because every time the teacher looked away, Eddie ripped your paper from your desk to copy your answers. After you got halfway through the quiz, you started to circle wrong answers on purpose just so he’d get a bad grade too.
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After the class bell rang, you and Eddie walked out of class with the rest of the students. He followed you to your locker, staring at your ass the entire time.
“You wearing a thong, baby?” He asked as he crowded behind you while you spun the combination into your lock. He left little room between you and the locker so you had to back up into him a bit to swing it open. “Mmm yeah baby, just like that. My lap was feeling empty.” He purrs as his hands grab your hips harshly.
“Ugh Eddie please.” You say as you grab what you need for your next class. His big brown eyes sparkle with a mischievous glint. He leans his face close to you, sniffing at your hair. “Yeah, beg me for it baby, say my name again.” He says into your neck. “Gonna have you screaming it later in your room.” His breath is warm and minty on your skin, it feels so good and his words are making you wet but you try to act disgusted. You push back against him but he doesn’t go far. “So do you?”
You look at him confused. “Do I what? Want to study with you? No!”
“Oh you’re ‘studying’ with me.” He says using air quotes. “No doubt about that.. I meant do you wear thongs?”
You scoff, “You’re disgusting, Eddie.” You say as you slam your locker closed. His arm comes up to wrap around your waist, holding you close to him.
“Gimme a kiss and I’ll let you go.” He whispers against your lips. You want to kiss him. Everything in your body is telling you to lean forward and see if his lips feel as soft as they look. But you can’t because if you do, he wins.
“I’m not kissing you Eddie!” You say, maneuvering out of his strong grip. “If you really want me to help you study, you can come over after school but we’re only studying. Ok?”
He smiles wide as the class bell rings. “Ok, sweet angel. Whatever you say.”
more bully!eddie here
masterlist here
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