#ughhh fandom is the worst
ellsss · 2 years
theres maddd racism against reed shannon from the wilds fandom on twitter and its pissing me off
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heart4buddie · 2 months
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sealingknight · 1 year
Keep remembering how season 4 hurt me and I am thinking. Do I want season 5 to be like if seasons 1 and 4 had a baby and then added steroids? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. A 100 combinations of different things that's what!!
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dr-spectre · 17 days
I saw this really great thread on twitter by Grungygrim and it definitely highlights my thoughts and frustrations with the story of these games and the Splatoon fandom as a whole. (be forewarned, i get really tilted in this blog post fyi.)
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I made a blog post about 2 weeks ago where i said that i was happy that the narrative online that "Callie is an idiot who got kidnapped and then brainwashed/mind controlled against her consent" is going away. Unfortunately I'm gonna have to retract a lot of the stuff i said. I'm still seeing, TILL THIS DAY THAT NARRATIVE ONLINE! IM STILL SEEING SO MUCH MISINFORMATION AND IT MAKES ME REALLYYYY ANGRYYYY!!! As a big fan of Callie, people completely outright ignoring her character arc THAT WAS SET UP SINCE SPLATOON 1 BY THE WAY!!! and not even bothering to look at outside sources for more information and lore genuinely pisses me the fuck off to no end.
No, hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL/BRAINWASHING! I DONT WANNA KEEP REPEATING IT! YOU CAN LOOK IT UP! if a person is genuinely uncomfortable and doesn't wish to take the suggestions to heart while hypnotized, THEY WONT DO SO! THEY STILL HAVE CONTROL! Yes, Marie did say "kidnapped" in some of her dialogue, but from her perspective, OF COURSE SHE'S GONNA THINK CALLIE GOT KIDNAPPED! She's known to worry about Callie all the time and ruminate about her, of course she's gonna think of the worst case scenario, doesn't mean she's right though. Was Octavio still in the wrong for hypnotizing Callie in the first place and allowing her to bring out her darker traits more easily? YEAH! NO SHIT! HE'S A BAD DUDE! Not a totally evil person but he has made some awful decisions out of desperation for his people. Why do you think he was so quick to help out the New Squidbeak Splatoon in the finale of Splatoon 3? His people got turned into fluffy monsters by a giant bear, he's all about helping his people.
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Hell look at how Callie acts while under the Hypnoshades, she decorates Octo Canyon and her peppy and energetic self is still in tact even during the final boss, she's just more mean and violent. Callie was in an emotional and mentally unwell situation due to her overworking herself and being incredibly lonely as her relationship with Marie was damaged overtime. Callie accepted the suggestions of DJ Octavio and heard him out, AS SAID BY HER FROM THE RELATIONSHIP CHART! She wasn't forced into anything. She didn't suffer "sexual abuse" from Octavio by being forced into skippy clothing as some psychos say online, if she didn't want to wear that outfit she wouldn't cause hypnosis is NOT MIND CONTROL!! I hate having to repeat this over and over again, i hate how the developers basically rushed and ruined this interesting villain arc with stupid shades, only to try and hastily fix it later with an obscure post about A GOD DAMN RELATIONSHIP CHART THAT PEOPLE EITHER DONT KNOW ABOUT OR DONT CARE TO LOOK AT BECAUSE THEY SEE SPLATOON AS SOMETHING FOR KIDS AND TO NOT GIVE ANY CARE TOWARDS!!!!!!!!
I made a god damn giant blog explaining Callie in Splatoon 2 because i felt so frustrated about how my favorite character in the series was being treated and i tried to salvage the story that the writers tried to make. The way that people made her situation worse by saying she got kidnapped and forcibly ""mind controlled/brainwashed"" actually gave me chest pain, thinking about that kind of scenario for Callie actually hurts me... Heck i cant even listen to the Splatoon 2 stage music or final boss music because hearing her reversed vocals makes me feel uncomfortable due to the misinformation online. I hated all the misinformation and i wanted it to stop. HELL EVEN IN GIANT TIMELINE VIDEOS WHERE PEOPLE DO TONS OF RESEARCH THEY STILL GET IT WRONG!! UGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! i guess it'll still be the common and popular notion that Callie is an idiot that got kidnapped and then ""mind controlled"" by some shades... oh well... ugh...
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I'm sorry if I'm coming off as really angry, i am. It's just, my brain is really hyperfixated on this squid and she means a lot to me. Seeing the way the fandom as well as the writers treat her makes me really mad. I hope i can find some peeps who feel the same way as i do. Misinformation is so frustrating man... i dont even wanna get into the Octarians because that's a whole other can of worms... anyways im done ranting. have a good night or good morning wherever you live y'all.
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toots-senpai · 8 months
cod landlords: drabble series { price.two }
Author:@toots-senpai (Pt.1 here)(☆MY MASTERPLAN☆) Fandom: COD::MW2 Pairing: JOHN PRICE X READER (PT.2) Rating/Warnings: angst, drugs, lil bit of smut Word Count: 2.9k A/n: lol okay i might write another one my bad fr but i needed some more fluffy heart dragging with this man ughhh. this is unedited lmk if there's errors :)
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mdni-ageless blogs blocked. little nsfw below the cut
The journey to actually get Price's full attention is one of the worst things you have to experience. Dinner goes as fine as it could after he's choked on his dinner at the age gap. It's almost humbling in a way, he pays for the whole thing then drives you back to the complex and walks you to the door before giving your head a kiss as a goodbye before he secludes himself away in his apartment across the hall. You could say he's a tease but maybe he's just genuinely trying to properly court you, it's at least what you're trying to tell yourself as the actions at dinner haunt you awake. A burning sensation in the heart and a choking sensation in your throat at the embarrassment the rest of the night before you fell asleep on the couch. The only thought before you go to sleep is the reassurance that maybe the old man was just being chivalrous.
He makes up for it in the morning though, knocking on your door too early before you wake up and you catch the nervousness in his system when you open the door. He's fiddling with a ribbon on the bouquet of arranged flowers in his hand and his other hand holds some quick breakfast from some nearby coffee shop with two coffees so you can spend breakfast together. You have to laugh and he definitely takes it the wrong way and frowns because of course he didn't know how long you stayed up last night in fear of random rejection or ghosting like every other man nowadays. But once you settle your laughter to small giggle and kiss his scruffy bearded cheek and welcome him inside after taking the coffee from his hands that's more than enough for him to chuckle back at your sleepy form and give you some good mornings. He's clearly been up for longer than you and he asks his way around your kitchen as he navigates it for a vase. He makes the arrangement pretty for you in the glass as well and talks to you about whatever you have to complain about for how the rest of your day and he talks about what he has to do for the day, an invitation of times he isn't busy that unfortunately collide with the times you'll be in your meetings.
Yet he doesn't falter and he starts doing this every morning, waking you up before work with a knock on your door and the trudge to the door starts to get tiring after the second week of dying flowers that he's ready to replace once again with another bouquet that makes you giggle but it's not enough anymore. You have to complain and reassure while you're complaining about how you hate waking up early but when you slide your extra key yo him, he's absolutely thrilled and his schedule changes a bit. You don't wake up to him knocking anymore but instead he's waking you up an hour after when he usually knocked at your door with some random freshly brewed coffee in his hand in your coffee mugs and it's always the way you like and just when you start enjoying the schedule, he ruins it again. Waking you up earlier by only a half hour with fresh breakfast he's made in your kitchen and dragging you out of bed, regardless if he has to pick you up out of bed or if he's just holding your hand. You actually start to get used to that schedule a month and a half into his early morning shenanigans and one morning you're up ridiculously early, more than a hour and half earlier and for some odd reason, he's sleeping next to you. He hasn't been sleeping that long and his muscles twitch softly in the early stages of his sleep. Honestly he may have accidentally fallen asleep with the way he's in such a hurtful position he fell asleep in. You shift awake and he's up immediately, eyes trained on you with the small fear from the slightest movement shaking him awake.
There's another one of those comfortable silences that you've started to enjoy, even more when he pulls himself a little closer, eyes softening as he gives you another one of his bright smiles.
"Hi. Sorry." He almost chokes as he looks at up at you and rearranges himself hurriedly. You have to laugh at the his desperation and his confused glance despite him starting to get used to it clearly with the small smile that comes after your laugh. The rest of that morning is full of tight embraces and light kisses pressed to exposed skin before he's off for the day, doing his average maintenance. That day was one of the most terrible days you've genuinely dreaded work tapping away at your computer, your phone whispering ghastly from the lustful depths of hell as you finish the last of your report. With every second feeling like minutes as you look from your phone to the almost done document in front of you that desperately needed to get in by the end of this hour. You know once you have that phone in your hands, there's nothing getting you off the time trapping device. Making sure to always leave that and your pen away so that you didn't self consciously touch it like it was just your second nature. Devils on your shoulders and your fingers tapping deathly slow you finish the thing and send it in without revisions before your hurriedly walking away from the computer to sit near the bookcase that holds your addictive possessions.
You weren't even halfway through your text to John when a call comes from your supervisor, the ringing bringing an ache in your nervous system that makes your fingers twitch over the bubble letters of the keyboard of your phone. You have to drop the phone back to where it was and then to the greatest length imaginable towards the salt being rubbed into your wounds of the long day that's leaving you sore, you send the message and he's not available. Then that day was an even longer day of soreness and lack of attention, falling asleep on the couch with your phone open waiting for him to come back to your apartment. That next morning, it's actually three o'clock in the morning. He's trudging into your home like he owns it, keys jingling as he walks in slightly stirring you awake. You'd left everything on, the kitchen lights, the television, your colorful led's and your phone. You can feel his gaze over your body for a moment before he's leaning over the top of the couch to turn off your phone that's probably almost dead. He's almost half asleep as he walks around your apartment and turns everything off, he starts with a gruff sigh and he leaves your tv for last, placing the remote softly on the table before he's picking you up like he does every once in awhile in the morning.
He's sighing in content once your in his arms and he's putting everything he has out of his pockets carefully with one arm hooked under your thighs. He smells like his cigars and dryer lint from fixing some dryers from the community laundry mat downstairs he mentioned needed to be done during breakfast yesterday morning. He's got some clean clothes on though and his hands are free from any form of dirt it feels like as he rubs your back on the way down the hall to your bedroom. Everything melts away in his grip and it's even better when he places you down first and cuddles into your front, sighing and rubbing your back. It would've been criminal to not fall back asleep in his arms, no complaints in the way he pulls you slight on top of his chest with an arm wrapped around your waist pulling you closer.
It's confusing but the attention is too tempting to resist. Despite how much of a lulling need you have for his presence is starting to effect the way you've been sleeping and even your daily habits you never want it end. It's creating a situation that's now become worse as he starts a new routine of coming to your house at night after whatever he's done for the day. Eating dinner and sleeping next to you for another month, waking you up in the morning with breakfast and your usual coffee. It's always to good to be true though, you know it when he wakes you up a couple months ago with only coffee after what felt like his endless days of breakfast. Rubbing his fingers against your scalp lovingly until your eyelashes bat awake to look up at him.
"Mm, there you are luv." He mutters as you start waking up fully, grabbing his coffee out of instinct and sitting up with him as you take him in as he sits next to you with his legs over the side of the bed. The silence that morning isn't as comforting, the situation, elephant in the room, it just has to be brought up but not in the way you're expecting. "I'm getting shipped out today." He states, breaking the news like it's something you should've been expecting and not like your brain has finally wrapped to his routine like a domesticated animal. You almost choke on your coffee but you play it off too well because the coffee was hot anyways and he comes to reassure you with his usual look of admiration and teasing laugh. It's dark in your room besides the lamp on your bedside and he's fully dressed besides his shoes as he sits on your bed. When you look out of your window, it's dark outside, sun still haven't risen from the horizon, you genuinely choke that time.
"What time-"
"Yeah.. Got something to show you. Get dressed." He states before he's walking out of your room without closing the door. You place your coffee on the bedside table and look at the clock reading three hours before he usually woke you up. The morning is something out of a movie, comfortable silences as he escorts you through the city while he's teasing you about your yawning as you walk through the city as it slowly starts to wake up. He spends as much time with you as he can that day, going to a coffee shop and watching the sun rise from a nice spot in the park with a gorgeous view and one of the best comfortable silences that still ushers you back to sleep when you think about it now. As the sun rose that day, he confirmed your shared relationship, shared laughs and promises that he'll always come back. That day was heartbreaking, to be tore into from your chest cavity and dopamine filled just to rip your heart straight from your chest when he walked you back to the complex and into his apartment for the first time. He hands you his ring of miscellaneous keys and he's got a fish tank that he shows off while he asks you to take care of them while he's gone. Not that many instructions given while he shuffles on his uniform in the other room. How many times you've cried on that couch now compared to the day you first walked into his bedroom and took in his place would probably have made you think twice back then.
You sometimes say to yourself during your breakdowns that you wish you could go back and tell yourself to really think about what you were really getting into. It's not that you wish you never met him, maybe you should've just kept it the situationship that it was. The feeling of coming back to that cup of coffee on your bedside and the emptiest your apartment and even building has felt is something that you wish didn't wrack tremors against your ribs and convulsing of your lungs when he's gone for too long with silence to your letters. The depressions while he's away is something that not even your magical plant can fix. If anything every joint just helps the tears come out after you've been doing this for so long. It's been almost two years now. That first mission he took wasn't that long at all if you think back to it, he was gone months the mission after that and that time you genuinely hated the way you reacted when he wasn't even gone that long that first mission. You wish you would've been more grateful about how quick it was that he came back to you after these long runs of uncomfortable silences. Feeding his fish, struggling to eat in the morning before you work, cleaning your work space that got depressingly messy and doing it all over again the day after that.
You're deep in this hole now though, despite this silence he's had for the last couple of months the dead joint in your fingers just helped you cry about all of it. The cycle of the consistent feeling of him being gone is something you hold back your feelings for, you love him too much to not wait for when he comes back. The aching of your heart feels like heartburn and you cry on the tiles of John's bathroom floor. This is a nice change of pace compared to his pillows from his couch to his bed full of your tears. The tugging feeling at your heart this time makes you wonder if you've smoked too much or if this man truly has you wrapped around his dangerously delightful string of his love. Perhaps you've been playing with the sharp string too much, dwelling and sitting on the rope as if it was a tightrope instead of stitches that are easily ripped with the wrong move. You can breathe just fine but it hurts a bit and your throat just feels so constricted. It feels like a panic attack but it stops and soon as it started, your deep breaths were perfect medication against it and felt so good in comparison to the constriction you just felt.
The keys at the front of John's door makes that constriction again but this time in your lungs from the small fear and this time it doesn't go away. You're already hunched over when he walks in and he sees your hand on the floor and freaks out before you even have the chance to catch your breath. He tries to help you up and analyze what happened but you usher him off and calm him down with you as you sit against the door and regulate your breathing. Breathing with him for awhile until the pain is gone and as he usually does, he breaks the ice.
"You were crying?" He states with concern and rubbing at your wet cheeks and this man really can't state this obvious ass shit and not get laughed at by you. You are still too out of breath to calm down and go back to your regular breathing, swallowing the spit in your throat as you take his frame into your sight. He looks so good right now, maybe it's the lack of his presence, his smell that makes your head swirl. You don't want to blame it on your lack of air that probably made you so spacy but it really doesn't matter cause just the sight of him after him being gone for so long has left you with an endless desire for him. It's one that makes you pull him down by the neck and kiss him with desperation and he meets it with a little bit of concern, trying to pull away but finally coming back with same desperation when you pull him back instead of letting him pull away.
Your chest has been cracked open again, adrenaline pumping into your system with his scent an aphrodisiac spurring you on to keep his attention on you. Everything being tossed aside with a combined feverish need and he just has to state the obvious like he always does as you let him lay you on the floor in the small hallway of his apartment. He whispers the sweetest of affirmations of him being home just for you during his foreplay and cockily talking about he won't fee you for smoking illegal substances in his home as he puts you on his bed and keeps his face between your legs for hours. He's insatiable, beard grown out a bit and giving you a bit of beard burn as he whispers more words of affirmation your way. Your drunk off his soothingly affirmations and his bare body against yours dragging out orgasm after orgasm is the best way to wake up and slide back into the combined routine you two share. Healing your cracked ribcage with every soothing kiss he presses into your skin, every wrap of his arms around your body that makes you forget every time your ribcage was cracked open in the first place. You don't know if you'll ever be ready for him to leave you, even if it continues happen time and time again. You're too wrapped up in his strings and he reassures you every time he comes home, unraveling the restraint from the string you've struggled yourself into. Every plate of food and five star coffee, is worth some panic attacks. You really couldn't think of changing it.
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fortheloveofexy · 6 months
UGHHH!! you are so right about AI art. the other thing is too is that it’s not even good, like all this AI art looks like SHIT, the characters are so sanatized, they all look the exact same in the same style almost like they are made of plastic, there are so many amazing artists in this fandom who really give these characters a heart and soul and there is NONE of that in this AI art
Exactly, yes! Not only is it unethical, but AI art is also just really bad art.
Like, not even just on a technical level where there are anatomy bugs, deformed objects or strange, uncanny lighting. AI art is inherently impersonal. You can just tell there is no soul to it, because the AI is more concerned with making the characters portrayed in it Optimally Attractive than it is with portraying a character's personality.
For example, in that Neil AI art I was complaining about earlier - not only does the AI art show Neil with the incorrect hair and eye color (an oversight on the behalf of the prompter, maybe, but one an actual artist who read the books would have never made), but also - nothing about his face or expression in that image says "I just watched my mom bleed to death in the passenger seat and hurriedly burned her corpse in a makeshift car pyre".
Nothing about that image captures the emotions of that scene. The horror, the grief, the trauma and fear and shock of it all. Nothing about that image portrays Neil as being panicked, or frightened, or wrecked beyond comprehension. Hell, he doesn't even look numb.
He just looks like a posed Barbie doll, with not a single thought or emotion behind his eyes. At best, it's hollow and meaningless. At worst, it's deep in the Uncanny Valley, and not in a good way.
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therealkaidertrash21 · 5 months
Cinder re-read ✨
chapter 6:
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i hate her so much I can't even put it into words
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1. oh, cry me a river
2. if that's your best I don't want to see what's your worst
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Chapter 7:
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things that make sense after you reread the book
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it actually sounds so creepy if you don't know what's actually happening 💀
Chapter 8:
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things that make sense after you reread the book part two
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I know Erland doesn't actually believe this but the fact some people do makes me furious
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stay positive ☺️🤞💕
@that-multi-fandom-hijabi (if you want to be tagged or removed from this updates, tell me)
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ceasarslegion · 1 year
"Ughhh all these annoying fandom people never LET me DISLIKE anything"
If all youre getting in response to your opinion is offense, have you considered that you might be being a massive cunt about it?
Someone saying youre being a dick for butting into their fun completely unprompted and calling something they like the worst thing ever made and that their taste is irredeemably disgusting isnt them "not letting you" dislike something, its them responding to you being a total fucking asshole about it.
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thevulcanbobdylan · 1 year
Roslin x Adama +"My love," for the comforting gestures prompts. Please & thank you.
I'm new-ish to the BSG Fandom and just started watching again (got to Colonial Day last time I watched, which was years ago). So, almost finished with the miniseries (or I will be tonight.).
Ughhh I love this. I hope you enjoy it! I really did try to come up with an answer for this that I could insert nearer the beginning of the series, but this one was so loud in my brain that I couldn't ignore it. So this is set near the very end. I hope it's not too spoilery and is still enjoyable for someone just starting out - otherwise forget it until you get to season 4!
Jack Cottle excelled at two things in this life. The first was emergency medicine. The other was shutting off his damned ears. He’d served in one medical bay or another for longer than some of these kids had been alive, and in the curtained, false privacy of those spaces, he’d overheard things that could drive a man senseless. Usually, it wasn’t the poignancy or the mortality, but the sheer inanity of it that got to him. Nobody was meant to be a fly on the wall the way a battlestar doctor was.
At this late stage of his career, Jack’s sense of hearing was so finely tuned that he could be selective about it. So it was that he always knew when the Admiral was on deck. The old man made a habit of coming down, first thing after the end of his regular duty shift, around 1900. Besides that, it wasn’t unusual for him to step in at irregular hours, and if Cottle’s well-honed senses caught a whiff of booze or a sense of self-medicated unsteadiness about the man, well, he could switch those off as well. It was none of his damned business how the Admiral spent his rare leisure time, so long as he wasn’t causing any disturbance to the patient.
Indeed, Cottle prided himself on the perfect selectiveness of his hearing. Seated at his desk, pausing a moment between charts, he took the time to light a cigarette and let the wordless voices prickle in the back of his awareness. He’d allow them their grief, their distress - they were adults, after all. It was when she started sounding particularly fatigued that he might make himself busy with something more obtrusive, cleaning instruments and the like. That was usually enough to run the old man off, at least for a while, and let the President get some sleep.
This time, in the space of his brief half-listening, he heard something that didn’t sit right. So soft and quick, he wasn’t certain what he’d heard - a sob, perhaps, or a choked sound of pain. He suppressed the urge to grumble. It was unusual enough that he felt the need to check. If they were trying to frak in his sickbay – 
But when he passed the gap in the curtain, it was clear she was sleeping peacefully. The old man was holding one of her thin hands to his lips, and his rugged face was red and streaked with tears. Jack should’ve turned away that instant - all his instincts screamed at him to flee - but he wasn’t fast enough, and he heard what that choked voice was saying.
“My love.”
He’d been wrong, before, about the inanity being the worst of it. The President lay, grim and pained on his medical bed, lit by the awful fluorescents and looking for all the world like a godsdamned angel - her lover, hunched and helpless at her side. And Jack Cottle, backing away, found his finely trained hearing deafened by a roar that started in his chest, as his heart broke right along with Bill’s.
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brutalitybunny · 2 months
6, 14, 46 (if any), 50, 78, 79 for AA the meme?
6. Favourite Antagonist (in the role of the antagonist! e.g Edgeworth in AA1 counts but only in AA1.)
UGHHH gant or daryan??gant or daryan????? but well it kinda has to be gant huh? i love daryan but as an ANTAGONIST he's flop. he's mid. he's nothing. i LOVE gant. i loved roleplaying him and i love drawing him and i WISH i thought about him more but it's harrrrrd without someone to bounce off of ... but it's fine. but strictly speaking in his role as an antagonist i just love h
Scratch that
favorite antagonist is stronghart 100%. UGH IT'S HAAAAAAAAAAARD but stronghart is gant 2. stronghart is gant but given more time to bake. stronghart is so fucking awesome. omg. when 2-5 hit? bro when i tell you i was wooping and hollering i was shaking my screen i was abt to bite someone i was going feral. HE'S SOOOOOO. <3 i love a "by any means necessary" ass character and he's the peak of it.... i love his design and i love his drama.
14. Character you have the most headcanons about?
definitely has to be datz 😭 i dont think ive ever thought of a character as much as i have datz..... ive thought out every day of that mans life
46. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
HMMMM to be honest every character i went in expecting to hate (barok mostly) i still hate (he's a little funny but then i remember his backstory and get So Annoyed) ... wait. help.
it's kind of cheating to say this bc i havent played aai2 but ...blaise........... LOL BLAISE IS LIKE ... IHE'S REALLY FUCKING FUNNYYYY..i was like Omg no ew i hate him >:( (reading his wiki page) ewww i hate him (reading his dialogue)like gross eww gross (making jokes abt him)(drawing him)(thinking about h)like what can i say. he's a fucking terrible person and he's hilarious. he's disgusting and the worst and he's so fucking funny. im a metalhead im allowed to like him. i cant like mvk and gant and Not Blaise it wouldnt be fair
50. Favourite moment?
let me say smth i havent said in a while ...instead of just being like "Um the one where datz was on screen^_^" but my old favorite moment used to be in farewell my turnabout when you get the call about maya ,... Omg that gave me chills i was so scared for her for real. it was crazy. other Favorite Moments are the mia-dahlia baddie exorcism and will powers introduction scene (i just love going to ppls playthroughs and seeing them react to him)
but we live in a post-aj trilogy world so my real favorite moment is Dhurke! You're a sight for sore eyes! I knew you'd come save me!
78. Who or what got you into AA?
press buttons 'n talk's playthrough!! more specifically, this animatic
and MOST specifically it was the "i'm a BIG ORANGE POWER MAN, and i'm gonna BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU !!! ^_^" line. idk what happened. i was fucking possessed. and bored and yearning for a new interest. and it just took over me. LIKE ITS NOT EVEN THAT FUNNYYYY HELP
79. How long have you been in the fandom?
FIVE YEARS ACCORDING TO MY COMMENT ON THAT ANIMATIC jesus christ help me. it was the ass end of 2018
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bonesrbleaching · 3 months
Mortal Kombat: Questions 1, 10, and 25.
the character everyone gets wrong
OH MAN. if i had a nickel every time i saw someone talk about johnny being bad with kids. i would use them to buy a baseball bat and hunt said someones down. HE RAISED CASSIE ALL ON HIS OWN. sonya was not a good mother, johnny did literally all the work. you guys.
10. worst part of fanon
i actually dont have THAT many problems except for the cinnamon-roll-ification of syzoth. that man had a wife and child and withstood months (possibly years, they dont clarify and i cant keep track of the timeline) of servitude under an evil sorcerer all while being told his family is being kept alive only as long as he stays (they are not, in fact, alive).
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this is how i feel btw^
25. common fandom complaint you’re sick of seeing
I HAVE TWO. first of all, people on tumblr especially, complain that most mk fans are men who enjoy the violence and the sexual costumes and the angsty dialogue. THATS THE TARGET AUDIENCE. it was not made for johnshi shippers. SECONDLY. 'ughhh theres no new content mk1 is boring already' very first and foremostly it is an arcade style fighting game. do you think they had "seasons" in 1993. i played mk11 for YEARS without even knowing about the story mode or the towers. if you cant enjoy something without new content for it constantly then you need to step back and slow down.
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Idk how old your post/rblog is and i have a rant sorry you're the receiver. I used to love Jonsa crackship years ago before the show "hints" and like the amount of people shipping it has ruined it for me tbh.
And in general, idk if in my lack of tumblr use for like 5 years, everyone "grew out of tumblr' and left cause i've come back and :( it's ship wars and character wars and at least who i followed (all 4+years since they last blogged) even when they disliked a character they never just IGNORED characteristics and stuff. Like Catelyn and Sansa were always victims of misogynistic takes but at least people weren't utterly praying for their demise like i see now.
besides like Euron and the Mountain and like Ramsay and Roose, it's hard not to see the good AND the bad of every character, male or female, that's sorta the point of the series..... like even Jaime "throw a kid out the window" Lannister has a whole ass redemption arc (and my personal theory will still die despite growth!) like ughhh
sorry to rant, but like I feel like I can't follow any asoiaf blog that isn't casual rblogs cause everyone is so PRESSED in trying to up their faves that they destroy others in the process.... how is this fun for anyone???? do you like the media you are consuming????
you can just delete this i'm just tired.
I respect your fandom experience but I have a different one. I wasn't always on Tumblr but I've been a fan of asoiaf books even before the show started airing and I don't agree that things were better in the past. Dudebros on reddit (and on other platforms) always considered Catelyn and Sansa the worst characters ever simply because they found them boring. But I also remember fans making fun of the trauma Jon Snow has thanks to his stepmother, calling him whinny and saying that he should be grateful he didn't have it worse. Long before Jon//sa, I remember Sansa and San//san fans taking elements from Arya's and other Starks' stories to give to their favourite character/pairing. And then I also remember the Dark! Dany and Political! Jon theories rising. So yeah, fandom always had awful takes.
On the other hand, I've read some great meta from various fans other the years, seen some beautiful edits and art, read good fanfictions and even make some friends. So, I'm not going to say that everything about the asoiaf fandom is awful because that would untrue.
I don't post/reblog of mine triggered your ask but I guess that's what matter the least. The most important is how we should all curate our own fandom experience. My advice to anyone who might read this is to block tags of stuff that trigger/irritate you, block blogs that annoy you ( or simply post about your disliked characters/ships) and follow people whose content you enjoy.
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my-soul-stays-silent · 3 months
1 2 n 13 for choose violence ask game :3
1. The character everyone gets wrong
MELLO DEATH NOTE RRRGRRGRGRRR. GODDDDDD. HIS FANDOM INTERPRETATION IS THE WORST EVERYONE THINKS HE’S EMOTIONAL AND HOT-HEADED AND IMPULSIVE HE’S NOT 😭 LISTEN OKAY. The anime shoves their entire manga part into less than half the anime and CUTS OUT SO MUCH AND MOST OF IT IS!!!! MELLO’S PLANNING!!!! THE MAN IS COLD AND CALCULATING AND HE’S DEFINITELY NOT SOME ADRENALINE JUNKIE WHO CAN’T THINK A WEEK INTO THE FUTURE. He spends most of his time on the couch with the mafia just thinking and making plans and working out calculations and specifics and it is SO SCARY just how much detail he puts into his plans to ensure there’s no way he could lose AND HE’S PREPARED TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH THEM! MAN RIGGED HIS OWN BASE WITH EXPLOSIVES AS A LAST RESORT BECAUSE HE KNEW IF HE WAS BACKED INTO A CORNER HE WOULDN’T LET THEM CAPTURE HIM BECAUSE IT WOULD MAKE THEM LOSE THE GAME! AND HE DIDN’T SHOW A SECOND OF OUTWARD FEAR DURING THAT NOT EVEN WHEN HIS BASE WAS STORMED AND HE WAS ABOUT TO DIE! Crying. Mello is JUST AS MUCH OF L AS NEAR IS but because his plans are LOUD and EXPLOSIVE he’s seen as irrational and reckless. He’s unpredictable, dangerously so, they’re not the same thing!!! Christ. Anyway. Near’s quieter demeanour and apprehension makes Mello’s willingness to act and willingness to take it far seem impulsive by contrast sure. But when Near calls Mello too emotional you can’t take his word for it 😭 You don’t get from being an orphan on the streets to a mafia leader by being reckless and overly emotional fr Ughhh
2. Compelling argument for why your fav would never top or bottom
Not something I think about as much hmmmm. Actually putting my aroace Astarion BG3 propaganda here Astarion would never (truly) willingly bottom because frankly if he had to do enough introspection the thought would scare the hell out of him and also he’s fundamentally a person who needs as much power as he can possibly get to ensure he’ll never be powerless again and will take that power at any opportunity including sex. Sorry. He is not at that level of self reflection yet though. But if he WAS
13. Worst blorboification
Oh dear god L Death Note. Crying. Made him into nothing but a socially inept autistic boy that man is scary and his morals are more than questionable and also he’s LYING most of the time but noooooo people still make him out to be a sweet bean or whatever
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electromelancholy · 1 year
7, 9, 10 !!!
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
wahh i'm so sorry to all who celebrate but what began as 'jean's a cool character neat to see what people do with him' has turned into 'ughhh this guy again'. this is such a boring opinion right now because everyone's talking about him i know. I don't think I hate him, I don't like, scowl whenever anyone likes him, but yeah.
I will say tho the funniest I've ever been is when i named a channel in the disco server i frequent #dijon-vicquemare. who the fuck steals mustard
9. worst part of canon
The gaping hole of understanding surrounding seol i think. Like I'm white and have no real understanding myself therefore no real place to talk about it but the way other continents have huge rich histories with multiple countries and seol gets like. orientalist mystery is really disappointing. kim's name is hard to grapple with. Failing the authority check in the church is supposed to teach us something about harry sure but damn.
10. worst part of fanon
I'm not super well versed in the ways many fandoms run so I don't know what's unique to disco and what's not. Its jarring to see like... unthinking pro cop/nationalistic sentiments in fic and meta. it's never explicit of course but sometimes i read stuff and its like, whoa. this person's world is split into 'ultimately good people' and 'ultimately bad people' and it shows.
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ladyryukyo · 8 months
For the WIP thingy, 🗣 and 👻
🗣️Talk about your favourite WIP
i am so excited to talk about this FSHLFSG so i always find multi-chaptered fics super intimidating and i have this thing planned out from start to finish and written about 20k words for it but im too scared to post it unless im at least halfway done bc i dont want to risk abandoning it 〒▽〒
i dont even know if anyone in this fandom knows about these books, its a beyblade x all for the game crossover, you dont need to know anything about aftg, its just the setting but then with the mfb characters and beyblade instead of exy. kyoya is neil (obviously, its me duh) and on the run from his dad and gets recruited for the metal state spirits, a pretty decent college beyblade team. it has its two star players gingka (kind of a mix of kevin/matt) and ryuga (andrew; yup this is ryukyo) who convince kyoya to accept the offer despite him knowing it will put him at risk.
so theyre all in college, and the spirits are gingka as the team captain, then ryuga, kenta, hikaru, benkei, yu and kyoya. ryo is the coach. hyoma the team's physician. hokuto is their psychiatrist lmao.
i dont want to reveal everything yet bc there is some mystery there especially if you dont know the books (and even if you do cos i did make a lot of changes to the original plot); but ill put a short scene at the bottom under the cut if that interests anyone
👻Is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
tbh anything that is very introspective is intimidating to me and i am in particular talking about the dark trio and the dark power right now because thats a thing i promised and desperately wanted to do for mayblade but i am struggling so hard with how exactly to go about this. i have a whole word document dedicated to how the dark power affected each one of the dark trio but the how and why of the conversation(s) they would have about that completely eludes me at the moment bc i need it to be at least kind of in character and it has so many references in canon which is exhausting and intimidating both. i am honestly just writing all the other prompts i still have for mayblade first and probably will be leaving this one for last or until i have a sudden flash of inspiration. you never know.
the worst thing about this is that i have several ideas for several short fics talking about the dark power and the dark trio or just tsubasa or just hikaru (kyoya just wasnt as affected lol) but obv still have the same problem for these. i am so fascinated by what you could do with these kids and their trauma i just wish i knew how to go about it haha ha... ughhh
okay heres the snippet for the aftg crossover:
Kyoya only realizes his mistake once it's already too late. He's too engrossed in teaching Gingka a lesson that he doesn't notice another person appear behind Gingka until they grab his T-shirt and violently yank him around. Kyoya’s back slams against the row of lockers next to the door to the locker room. Ryo angrily shouts, "Ryuga!" but gets no response.
Internally, Kyoya sighs in exasperation. Gingka Hagane and Ryuga Himoto. He is in a room with the two people he has vowed to keep as far away from as possible. In his mind he sends a quick prayer heavenward and apologizes to his mother for all the stupid decisions that have brought him into this situation.
Ryuga fixes him with an unreadable stare of golden eyes. His hands are still clutching Kyoya's shirt, but he looks composed, almost bored. Kyoya returns his gaze with hostility, but knows he wouldn't win a fight against Ryuga because he is taller and in a decidedly more advantageous position than Kyoya.
However, when nothing happens after a few moments, he realizes that this is just Ryuga's intimidation tactic and forcefully tears himself away, taking a few steps back from Ryuga.
He looks at Ryo, whose attention is on Ryuga, a disapproving twist at the corners of his mouth. "Is that your usual tactic for recruiting new bladers?" Ryo turns his attention back to Kyoya. "Because the tactic sucks."
Gingka laughs briefly and Ryo sighs, running a hand over his face, exhausted. "No," he says, rolling his eyes. "It's not our normal tactic. But we usually don't have such a hard time convincing new bladers to join us."
"That surprises me," Kyoya replies dryly which elicits a resigned smile from Ryo.
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kayrma · 1 year
Ughhh I saw that post about seeing jegulus in the jily tag and couldn't agree more. I filter out that tag.
It's everywhere.
It's a curse.
(Also bold of them to assume that James wouldn't like to curse Regulus into oblivion after Sirius ran away from his family.)
that last bit EXACTLY!! james and sirius are brothers in all but blood and james would know all about regulus' complacency when it comes to the blacks' pureblood ideology so he would never be romantically interested in regulus for any reason
and also what is wrong with jily!! @petalstofish said it best in one of her earlier posts, they are the ones who defied voldemort three times! they're the ones with a prophecy about them! they're the ones who are the reason harry exists and the marauders fandom even has a basis to go on!
half the tiktoks i see say "dead gay furries" and i'm like bro it's OKAY if not everyone is gay if it isn't broke stop trying to fix it! i used to think snily was the worst marauders era ship but now i know it's jegulus!
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