#uhhh should I tag the fandoms…
bellabellaci · 3 months
wait wait wait whaaatt ok ok so I’ve been on a nostalgia kick recently and have been looking back into old fandoms I was apart of, like minecraft diaries. and I was going through the wiki to try and refresh’s myself on the lore because I don’t feel bothered to watch all the old videos😭 but but I realized I recognized some of the titles of the divine warriors! They’re also title of gods from ffxiv (the fury, the destroyer, the matron, the keeper, the wanderer)
The Matron The Destroyer The Wanderer The Fury The Keeper are the titles of 5 (of the 12) deities from ff14
both matrons symbols are the same too :D!
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and! One of the other deities by the name of menphina, within eorzean mythology resides within a heaven/hell of ice with another deity by the title of the fury!
so we got another link with a divine warrior (menphia the fury)
Also excerpt from menphina the lovers wiki page to explain a bit (definitely not me being biased over my characters patron lol)
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Idk if the mcd wiki is accurate/up to date or not! But I thought it be cool to share what I learned today (there’s def people who knew this b4 I just have the brain power of a shriveled walnut haha) I also do vaguely remember in one of Jess’s old videos she did say she met Jason through a final fantasy game and I do think some names and references from probably also from that game and other in the franchise but I don’t really know much since my knowledge is very surface level or non existent for most games
Yea she’s played ff14 haha! She’s posted her and her husband(pretty sure it’s him sure cus of the last name lycan) characters to twitter a few years back.. y’know I’m surprised it took me this long to make the connections because I’ve been watching my brothers play ff games for as far back as my earliest memories and even got some of their hand me down games NOT TO MENTION that their was a significant overlap in the time I lived and BREATHED mcd and would watch my brother play ff14 around the same time too?? To be fair though my brothers were going through the broody teen phase at that point too so they only really tolerated me watching them craft and gather or wander around for a bout an hour max before going to play cod or basketball with their friends😅
But back to main point I was trying to make is that it’s really neat how the series that started me creative journey is inspired by the franchise that has and is currently still fueling that drive^^!!
anyywhoosies that’s enough of my insomniac ramblings for tonight! thank you for joining me today in the cavernous maze that is my noggin🫡
I’ve got nothing else to say but look at my art if you want! and listen to dedicated to moonlight pls🌙✨ do it for me!!~ nphina💕
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ourflagmeansgayrights · 9 months
first the pirate poll drama and now the stucky fans are frothing at the mouth lmao. literally i think everyone just hates the ofmd fandom bc they want what we have (queer queer romance written by a diverse writers room that actually cares about the characters and the story they're telling)
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animangalover-writes · 10 months
Billy Hargrove fandom I love you. You are the only safe space in this cursed fandom❤️
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blurrymango · 11 months
Alright I’m boutta make a cringey post here haha.
Attention Ponytown 18+ server users that are also Slasher fans!
Fandoms tend to have their own sections of the map they gather around.
For us, I haven’t really seen a spot. Maybe it’s cuz of a lack of MLP+Slasher fandom crossover or whatever but.
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I say we claim the area that is to the right on this screen.
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This area, circled in red, shown from the whole map.
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starlightaxolotl · 8 months
Hey Ninjago fans, are you also thinking about how November 17th will mark a decade since Rebooted's Trailer dropped, because I am.
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a-sad-rat · 6 months
baby's first callout post (wowza!) hey guys don't like. follow @koldiy or reblog any of their stuff, they steal and repost art from other artists w/o credit, and it kinda sucks to see the really high amount of notes they get off stolen content
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just-call-mefr1es · 14 days
its my friends birthday this week so yall know what i had to do………
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we’re both whf fans, and since they love the stupendium, i thought drawing them as that song stupendium did for whf would be neat:3333
[ im just gonna continue drawing my friends as things theyre interested in for their birthdays now because they really seem to like it when i do thst:D (and its super fun) ]
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berensteinsmonster · 10 months
i ehmmm... reworked some things about my silly project. i wasnt sure whether or not i wanted to show it more professionally but since schools starting soon i might as well showcase a hint of my rework that i did a few days ago + character redesigns
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im actually really proud of me rework :} it feels simpler and more concise compared to their old artwork. I also tried to avoid the ambidextrous sprite on Phil and Zack by keeping their zipper and scarf on the same side. I also decided to not place Smiley's ponytail in the middle so that her outline still has the shape of her ponytail
as for the story of this game... to be honest the script has not been going great since i cant seem to write out the story i want... maybe its the sleeplessness.. bah
and uhm yeah. thats what ive been working on. i hope this turns out well..!
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lividlilgirl · 1 year
The Foreigner in Wonderland
(First text post. I just needed to infodump some stuff. I love reading other’s AUs, HCs and what-ifs/Imagines/Scenarios of X and Y series etc. Tried fanfic. My job and life can’t so this IS gonne BE hectic. Hope anyone reading find it as interesting as I did.)
[💟 🦁]  /  🐙 🐍 /
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The first thing you notice upon being conscious is being on fire. Next to the torrent of information you’re remembering. Or acquiring.
You are a servant. You’re name is... ███ That is your name right? Even so it feels alien to you. 
Back at hand, the cat-like beast shouts about you suddenly appearing, and for you to give him your robes. You can review the information given to you along the way.
It was easy, getting Grim to settle down, though unwillingly. You meet the Headmage, to his surprise. He ignores you when you tell him Grim isn’t your familiar. Seemingly, more than happy to continue on, and so, the other coffins open up, with no fire this time.
Each student that weren’t a student at NRC already. You’re in timeout, seemingly for bringing a “rowdy familiar” with you, so you go up to the sorting hat last. Huh, another old memory. Your vessel’s chock full of refences.
“My name is  ███.”
“... There is more than one soul with this one. They’re full of magic but of unclear origins. Therefore no Dorm truly suits this one.”
Grim saw this as an opportunity to show his stuff. Saying how he should take your place in this school. You weren’t meant to be here anyway. You were summoned here, but by who? Who indeed. Whatever the reason, you know one thing. The will of this land wishes to be saved. So why not?
Headmage Dire Crowley, just as he was about to spout some other nonsense again you speak over him.
“This is a school for those with potential in magic, no? If you’re so gracious, would you allow me to choose my own dorm?”
For some reason, other than the history and facts of this world you also gained knowledge of some people of this land. Mainly The Great Seven and the Headmage. Disney! Somewhere inside you you can’t help feeling nostalgic.
You thought it’d be a long process to get sorted into your choice of dorm. Apparently not, maybe cause you weren’t a student yet.
Feeling half sorry and half endeared by Grim, you Gracioused your way into getting him accepted into NRC. Much to your Housewarden’s anger.
Riddle doesn’t know what to make of you. He knows what to do if a student get put into Heartslabyul or chooses to transfer here. Not you though. So he pays extra attention and is slightly more strict towards you.
Ace taunts Grim, he disregards you when you showed to be more knowledgeable than him about the Seven. You defend Grim and it starts a one-sided fight.
Because of your superhuman speed, Ace, You and Grim get to cleaning the cafeteria. Ace does something he isn’t supposed to which brings Deuce to speak up about being good students. A Fight starts and property damage ensues.
By the end of the week though, you four become well acquainted. Because friends is a no no word for the bickering Adeuce duo.
Cater becomes acquainted with you guys easily, even being the one to mentioned the Ramshackle Dorm. Which becomes your hangout spot and where Ace decides to hunker down when he gets collared.
Since your abilities/”magic” or magecraft is different from theirs you speedrun painting the roses instead with just a brush. Cater is intrigued and wants to take more pics with you.
Trey as usual is brotherly to all, and you. He’s extra worried when you decide to challenge Riddle along with Adeuce and Grim.
You easily could have become Housewarden but you just want to prove a point, and it’s just a huge responsibilty. So Riddle Overblots early but no worries, your abilites were practically made to stop this!
In the end, Heartslabyul is just kinda family like to you and you enjoy their companionship fully
Leona could care less as long as you don’t interfere. He does know a strong opponent when he sees one. And not smell one, your smell is magic but also not. It also encompasses your entire being so- a headache for tomorrow. 
Ruggie’s tasked to get you to join their team and to go to practice. 
It also acts as a way to keep an eye on you. Thanks! He doesn’t have to baby Leona as much! Now he’s just tailing you. You let him, as he’s no threat to you. Which is also what gets you to eat more and act more human. 
You invite him to join you after a while, to which you become buddy-ish. Even if you hangout with Adeuce or just Grim more. Yeah, Grim is in Savanaclaw with you, so enjoy the catfights over food from Grim and Ruggie.
Jack is distant, he does his own thing. He’s intrigued by you but it’s none of his business. Up until you and Heartslabyul asks him about the potential foul plays. To which he gets roped into our investigation.
He admires your strength, tactical prowess and just overall and actual sense of Justice? He thinks? You say it’s just because you want to but... And as he makes a big deal of calling you an idiot, it’s no less admirable. Unlike the Adeuce group.
In the end you foul Leona’s plans, you still play magift with Savanaclaw which even things out a lot.
Though you do let the other dorms take their out on some of your members a little. Ha! Oh and this one Horned guy that nearly overpowered you during magift. Not that you were paying attention to him. You tried your best and both your houses tied. Phew! that was more of a mental workout remembering all the positions! 
You meet Cheka when you “wake up” in the infirmary. Diasomnia might have won if you didn’t block the last disk shot with your head. to which you “faint” afterwards.
You also take jabs at teasing Leona about being “Unca!” during this, while petting Grim as he got to participate in the matches. He got a little beat afterwards.
So Savanaclaw is just a group of housecats to you, and you enjoy as much of their time as they let you.
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goldensunset · 1 year
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favorite characters come and go but she is forever <3
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xxpuppy-teethxx · 1 year
hiii tumbler!! what if i told you i was obsessed with her <3
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timeskip · 7 months
Prefacing this with the fact that I do like Illumi (as a villain, at least, but also I just think he's kind of funny) but I will never understand the urge to make him trans. Let's not forget he's canonically transphobic lol
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dicksoutformtl · 2 years
Calling the metalocalypse fandom creators of all kinds!
So I haven’t been super active in the fandom but that doesn’t mean these meathead don’t have a special place in my heart.
I want to start creating for this fandom again, who’s been so sweet & kind to me from the get go, i have a big project in mind & I would like to ask the help of other creators to make it possible. with payment of course c:
The project in mind:
You know those old subscription boxes where you can get all kinds of merch like art prints, key chains, & so much more? I’d like to try & do something like that but themed to the character.
For example: A Nathan Explosion box would include hopefully things like art prints/ other merch, a plush Nathan doll, & other things that may be associated with Nathan ( I would ask for the fandoms opinions on this one also )
If this also has enough traction you could also mix match merch instead of having one box that’s only one character you can opt for maybe Charles/Nathan themed merch.
I also wouldn’t mind hearing others ideas btw, i just think this would be an interesting & fun thing for us all to work together on. At least if anyone’s interest in it c:
If not that’s completely ok! I will still be making Metalocalypse plush dolls in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled for that
Sorry this isn’t super neat looking I wasn’t sure how to pitch this idea lol but if you wanna know more feel free to dm me or leave a comment & ask questions 💘💘💘
( forgot to add sorry aa: it will be a little while until this is up & running, i have a few other things to focus on & I need save money so I can pay those who may want to participate :3c )
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benetnvsch · 1 year
sigh- ok so ,,, some context if u want this to make sense,,, basically I saw this Bungo dog tweet earlier (Please watch it, nothing else will make sense if u don't , plus it is legitimately hilarious to me at least </3)
and just,, mmm had to draw kunikida from it because him ruining furry s0k0ku's family (?) and then being put in this outfit (???) fucking had me destroyed- good for him fkjsdhfkjh-
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(i have very mixed feeling abt it overall so I may private it later but who knows ogughhhKDJHKDJ)
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catgirlkirigiri · 5 months
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I am once again posting furry satosugu
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anannialt · 2 years
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Look Back
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