#uhhh what was this scene in.... uhhhh.....
drawsdenfiles · 8 months
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30. Past
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snailwitdamail2 · 7 months
calling it now. the new apes trilogy is gonna have an ape/human kiss like the og movie did.
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teeth-draws · 2 years
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“You are a scholar, are you not?”
@shepherds-of-haven‘s Red + my MC Halle as Milo and Kida for Halloween huehue
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zaptrapp · 1 month
Ea’s Bad Batch Finale Rant
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Here we go, doing this as I’ve done for ep.1. Of course SPOILERS AHEAD for the last episode (sigh, it’s all done and gone isn’t it?). Warning, this is going to be chaotic and emotional... so yeah, deal with it haha.
The intro… the eerie music… chills.
Is something bad about to happen or…?
Please leave Wrecker alone.
We are not starting on a good note, why’s Wrecker so beaten up???
This is not good, I’m not good.
I mean I know why, because of last ep beast, but c'mon why Wrecker...
“Clone Force 99 ended when Tech died” fuck If I’m not crying wow….
Crosshair shaking so much… nah I’m out already what the fuck is this.
Crosshair wanting to sacrifice himself, YO CHILL?!?
Hunter please discipline your children.
Dr. Hemlock x Rampart or did I just imagine the sexual tension?
But what if...
Enemies to lovers Dr. Hemlock x Rampart lmao please someone, anyone?
Kids please beat the shit out of miss Dr. PLEASE KIDS!
Omega being so smart, her character development, the courage! SLAY GIRLIE
now we're talking
"Is it Omega's or Echo's handiwork?".... "Omega's." LMAO they know Echo doesn't fuck around that much hahaha
Emerie i give you one last chance.
green kid I feel you so much, I'm also afraid of heights hahah
here we go with the Incredible 4 (aka the super clones? enhanced clones? brainwashed clones? whatever....)
they give off a lot of "Avengers Unite!" vibe
ready to slay aren't we?
When I said slay I didn't mean slay the bad batch, just to be clear.
annd Hunter is a goner
Annnnd Crosshair is a goner too i guess?
Creepiest point the show has ever been what the actual fuck is this supposed to be a children show?
Yup Wrecker is done too.
Yo the scene where Emerie and Echo see his squad being taken away. I got chills, you can fucking see his reaction, the shock.
Emerie don't fuck this up and get those kids to safety thank you.
Nala Se and Rampart too?! slay
Omg Rampart stfu for one second or just go away you're useless anyway
Not the squad being tortured
"We'll survive, but you won't" -> OOOOOOHHFFFFFFUUUUCK
Hunter be mine
Oh wow Nala Se I see where you're going with this.
Too bad we didn't have more Hemlock x Rampart interactions, boyfriend died, sad.
Aaaaaand 2 are down.
Bye Rampart and Nala Se, you actually were on my dead bad batch bingo list.
Rest In Peace Nala Se🙏🏻 you got redeemed.
Rest in Sass you bitching ass imperial Rampart 🖕🏻
UH Hemlock this was such a bitchy thing to do.
and here goes the chaos
Wrecker is so fucking menacing. HE IS PISSED
OK WRECKER IS MAD MAD and also scary scary now…
Hunter with that spear makes me feel things.
Uhhh he got it coming from a mile away
And Clone CX-2 is down….
So, uhhhh…. That wasn’t Tech uh……
Tech was….
….Dead dead?
Like actually dead this whole time?
NO ECHO fuck god
“Take a shot everytime the bad batch is on the verge of getting killed”
-> not me being absolutely wasted and with my nerves asking for mercy
Please Hunter, Crosshair, kill that bitch ass Hemlock
major disney villain vibe in the storm with the hostage secured to his wrist yada yada...
"DROP YOUR BLASTERS" well well well
Why is Hemlock’s screaming voice kinda sexy tho
I'm so sorry for what I've just said.
CROSSHAIR PLEASE bciakwnfbhc I’m dying too here
You can do it YES you can do it
Crosshar leaning on Hunter like he did with Tech in the clone wars season 7 HAHAHAHA YUUUUP I've been fed.
Uh that was personal
Guys... that's enough. Yup I-I think he's dead now. Yes, definitely gone. Uh, you can stop shooting, he's cold. He also just fell off a cliff... HE DEAD DEAD!
evil space imperial boyfriends reunited in hell
The way Omega chooses to hug Crosshair first, as a DadHunter! stan I feel a bit betrayed but comprehensible… he just saved her not missing the shot.
with one hand tooo, kudos
group hug I'm so teary
Wait so they did it?
Oh wow I bet my money on Hunter and Crosshair to die but I was wrong?? This is… refreshing.
Look at them kids!! And the clone cadets, and the rescued clones!!!
Look at them all cozy and happy
Nah Echo my man where are you going?
Rex mention pt. 2 or something...
Rex should have been there in the finale but ok i guess... a bit disappointed but still
Nah Echo should have been there for the last shot.
It’s over uh?
look at them, finally happy and free. WE DID IT.
Not the flash forward I cannot handle it
Ok Pabu!?
YOUNG ADULT OMEGA fuck yesssss
oh she looks awesome
deceased. dead on the ground. dead like hemlock.
She’s a rebel pilot
"You're our kid" I'M SCREAMING
he chose to be a dad, I knew it
She chose to keep fighting
They should have included Wrecker and Crosshair in this where are they??
But also it’s as it began, Hunter and Omega and their father-daughter bond
“Bye dad, imma be a pilot and save the galaxy” aka “imma move out from the basement and live on my own”
Oh Hunter you’re an old man now…. My heart is aching but also it means he got to live a peaceful life until the rest of his days.
the beard, the long hair, the gray hair.... i wonder how crosshair and wrecker are doing? and echo?? and howzer? AND CODY?
like you cannot leave me like this? hello?
This is gone full circle now.
Goodbye Bad Batch! It’s been a pleasure!
(I’m still crying)
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fandomwe1rd0 · 19 days
I swear Rickdepedence Spray is such a horrible episode like oh my fucking god. Angry rant about this nightmare episode under the cut! TW for inc*st because well we're talking about this episode
Oh my fucking god this fucking episode is so fucking horrible like oh my god fucking god. I love Rick and Morty but why just so much why!? Like why does the episode exist, DAN WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!? My major problem with this episode, well my two main problems is Morty's sexualization and the fact that it has WAY TOO MUCH incest like WHY!? Wait that would imply that there is ever the right amount of incest- But yeah there is a LOT a LOT!
Butttt every Rick and Morty episode has positives! And I refuse to not mention the ones in this one! Don't worry there's not a lot! Uhm...I uh...laughed at like...1 of the jokes. Uhm...Beth, Jerry, and Summer were...ok. The President was also okay...they weren't at their best, but they certainly weren't at their worst, so uhm that's...fine. Butttt I REALLY LOVE RICK IN THIS EPISODE LIKE OH MY FUCKING GOD :D Yeah him uhhh with a CHUD is weird, but I mean they are sentient and she seems to be of age, so I can't judge. (Also I assume the age-inappropriate thing isn't talking about Princess Poneta being underaged, but talking about Rick being literally 70) BUT HE'S LIKE ACTUALLY NICE TO MORTY IN THE EPISODE! Like I give him WAY too much credit but the "Oh, hello kiddo, how's your Saturday" IS SO FUCKING CUTE LIKE AWWWWW! HIM ACTUALLY BEING NICE TO MORTY WHEN HE GOES IN THE GARAGE AND HIM HOLDING ONTO MORTY PROTECTIVELY THE SECOND THE PLANE STARTS GOING DOWN AWWWW HE LOVES MORTY SO MUCH!
Okay time for me to stop foaming at the mouth over Rick not being a complete ass to Morty and start suffering when I list everything bad about this episode!
Here's a fun drinking game! Take a shot everytime they say "incest"! Like I understand that Morty and Summer didn't DO anything (Thank GOD) But why was the incest baby thing even needed??? Like why??? Who in the writer's room was like "Hey y'know what would be GREAT for this episode?! What if Morty and Summer had a baby!" And everyone else in the writer's room were like "Yeah! What a wonderful idea! Let's bring it up mutiple times because why not?! Besides all the OBVIOUS reasons why not!"
Alsoooo the humor isn't even that good, like I will admit I did laugh at one of the jokes. It was the "He (The sperm monster) had a gun!" I dunno, I found it funny, but the rest of the jokes are incest jokes or sexualizing Morty, incest and sexualizing minors isn't funny. Moving on!
So, the elephant in the room, well the other elephant in the room besides all the incest, all the sexualization of Morty! I mean literally all the episode was started from Morty...uh...ahem...let's just say...enjoying himself with animal equipment. (Gross) I mean it doesn't SHOW anything, but still. ALSO! Later in the episode, it barely covers him uh...ahem...with the animal equipment again! As we hear him...uh...making noises no sane person wants to hear come out of a minors mouth, ik the voice actor is an adult but still, STILL! He's trying to sound like a child, which makes this soooooooo distrubing. Ik it's not supposed to uhhhh make anyone excited, but STILL! Nobody wants to hear that, like that scene is SO awkward like ughhhhhhhh. I hate it
Anyway, that's it! Fuck this episode!
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autumnslance · 27 days
(@driftward) Glimpes of the past meme. What has AERYN ACHIEVED? A CRITICAL C'ORETTA moment? When was IYNA INJURED? And when Dark, uhhh, Dark.. uhhhh.. AUTUMN AFRAID? And maybe a bonus MORTAL moment with... (wait for it) MEVAN?
Gremlin. All of these prompts on the same doc came to a bit over 4000 words. Half of these words are these scenes.
There's a lot here, so under a cut they go!
send ACHIEVED for a scene from my muse's past in which they completed / achieved something they were proud of
“Top marks again,” Emelia said, smiling brightly. “Even beating out the older students.”
Aeryn shrugged, trying to remain modest but seeing how pleased her parents were made her smile in return.
“Your academic skill has been noticed,” Tanzel said, reaching over to squeeze her skinny shoulder. “My old friend at the High Crucible has been following with interest. He is willing to sponsor your continued studies, on the condition you apprentice with him afterwards.”
“Truly?” Emelia asked, while the grandmothers murmured in the background.
Aeryn frowned. “I like alchemy, but I want to study magic.” She ignored Nani Shaila’s derisive snort.
Tanzel nodded. “I told him so, even with how…difficult, casting has been for you,” he said diplomatically. “But he thinks a well-rounded education in the current theories will be an excellent foundation, given the work they must do for the satrap.”
Her heart beat a bit faster. She could still study what she wanted—she was so close to figuring out how to tap into her aether, she just knew it—and would have secured herself a position in the High Crucible as well. She nodded eagerly, trying to contain her excitement.
Even better, Zaine was coming home on leave in a few days, and she couldn’t wait to tell him.
send CRITICAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they thought about / were reminded of something they're insecure about
C’oretta paused just inside the door of their house, hearing the nurse Master Hamon had insisted upon talking with her mother. “Now then, Miss C’leiha, let’s get this done before your daughter gets home.”
“I told you before, Mida,” C’leiha said. The nurse’s name was not Mida. “Khell wants a big family, but I am not interested in having children.”
C’oretta bit her lip as the nurse took in a deep breath. “Is that so, Miss?” The nurse said mildly.
“Pregnancy is awful, and the changes to one’s health and body, even lasting after, ugh,” C’leiha shuddered. “And I’ve missed opportunities with my career I wouldn’t otherwise. No, we shall not be having a big family. I’d be happy with just the two of us.”
C’oretta forced her smile back on and called “Mama, I’m home!” before she stepped into the room.
C’leiha sat up, beaming. “Oretta! Welcome home, darling, did you have a good day at school?”
Reminding C’leiha that she was training at the Pugilist Guild now wouldn’t be useful, so C’oretta only nodded, still smiling, shrugging slightly at the nurse’s apologetic look.
send INJURED for a scene from my muse's past in which they sustained a significant injury
To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant…
The sky burned. Iyna’s head ached as if struck, though it was her side that felt every flame.
…To all of my children, to whom Death hath passed his judgment…
She had been returning to the Citadel when something had obviously, terribly gone Wrong with the transmitter, Dalamud distantly pulsing red in the sky above.
…The soul yearns for honor, and the flesh the hereafter…
Her flesh was certainly yearning for relief of some kind, though not that of the Lifestream just yet. She pulled herself to her feet, wincing and holding the gushing wound at her side. That wasn’t good.
…Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after…
Her ears rang, the words hard to make out, but she turned back to where her contacts had risked dropping her off and hobbled that way.
…Shining is the Land's light of justice…
The land was twisted and torn, what parts of the city that hadn’t collapsed burning. She blocked out the sounds and scents of people dying, as she had hundreds of times over the decades.
…Ever flows the Land’s well of purpose…
What the fuck had Garlond done?
…Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe…
She stumbled on, holding her side, calling on years of training and discipline and hate and stubborness to keep going, the ringing sound almost like a song in her ears urging her forward…
…The Land is alive, so believe…
“Iyna!” The familiar voices of her rebel contacts drew near, and she almost wanted to weep in relief. They were still there. They had come to find her, knowing she wouldn’t have gotten to the city proper yet, in her circuitous route to throw off suspicion.
Caution was no longer needed. There would never be a better time.
“Let’s get out of here,” she said, swaying into her allies’ arms. “They’ll think I died with the rest.”
“You still might. Gods, this is a lot of blood!”
“Carry her, we have to go.”
A hrothgar scooped her up, and they ran through the burning woods to their transport.
The song continued, a terrible lullaby sending Iyna into dreams of more fiery skies and burning cities.
When she woke days later, side stitched and burns covered, she did not remember the dreams nor the song.
(Later she recognized the voice)
send AFRAID for a scene from my muse's past in which they were scared / under threat
Dark shouldn’t have wandered away from her siblings.
They were noisy even when not chattering and laughing and so she had slipped away to hunt for herself, and had found a nice young antelope she could easily take with her bow.
Then the boar had arrived, scaring off her quarry and staring at Dark with its angry eyes.
She stood frozen, hoping if she just didn’t move one way or another it would go. At thirteen summers, she was taller than many adult Hyurs, but still unmistakably adolescent in her gangly limbs that did not match the size of her hands and feet, nor her still plank-straight torso. Her shortbow’s pull was strong, enough for wildlife up to small deer, but a boar?
It was larger than her, its hide thick and tough, its yellowed tusks long and pointed. It huffed out a heavy breath.
Dark swallowed a whimper and tried to stop her trembling.
It rushed forward. Dark screamed, loosing her arrow instinctively. It pinged off a tusk.
There was a shout, and the boar was body checked by a large roegadyn man, his spear driving into the creature’s side. Dark let loose another arrow. This one, luckily, pierced through the boar’s eye, finishing its ferocious death throes.
She fell to the ground, shaking and choking out a little sob.
Cold Autumn pushed himself off the boar’s twitching, whimpering, dying body. He stood there for a moment, shaking himself, muttering prayers and curses to both Nophica and the Elementals, apologizing for what had transpired, thanking them for the bounty of the boar’s body while keeping his sister safe, promising to see none of the boar wasted. The ritual helped him calm down, giving Dark the time to settle as well, and whisper her own prayers in response, following her eldest brother’s example.
His broad shadow fell over her, and she looked up. His expression of relieved anger was almost more frightening than the boar had been. “I told you to stick with us,” Cold said.
She nodded. She had disobeyed. The others were calling from the woods, hurrying through the underbrush, asking if everything was all right.
“We’re fine!” Cold called, deep voice easily carrying through the woods, slowing their siblings’ rush. He reached down and grabbed Dark’s upper arms, his hands huge and strong as he hauled her to her feet and looked her over. “Hurt?” he asked, tone gentler.
She shook her head.
“Good shot,” he said. “Finished it quicker than I could alone. Don’t do this again, Mouse.”
She nodded, flinging forward to hug him tightly. He returned the embrace, and then led her to rejoin the others.
send MORTAL for a scene from my muse's past in which they had a brush with death, either themselves or someone close to them
The tunnel’s collapse was sudden, no Earth inspired nearby to sense, let alone stop, it. Mevan’s training with the town physicker wasn’t so much interrupted as changed in its course, following him to the site as people were pulled out of the rubble. She and the physicker were kept busy, hours passing in a blur.
She used the basic cleanse inspiration, many of the miners too injured to hiss at the sharpness of the aether scouring their forms. She used alchemical solutions to dull their pains and medicate scraped and torn flesh. She traced her hands over their wounds as if she were stitching them, her inspiration knitting them together. She set broken bones, weaving torn tendons, ligaments, muscles, flesh into whole pieces before splinting the limbs or wrapping the ribs, the spines.
Through it all, Mevan grit her teeth, mouth full of the taste of copper and grit, bones aching, skin tender, innards twisted. She felt each cut and bruise, each break and tear, that her patients experienced, her inspiration’s sympathetic reactions guiding her to what needed healing.
Her back ached, legs tingling as if asleep as she worked on a broken spine. She wasn’t good enough to deal with nerve damage yet; hopefully Master Ildris would come soon, a message had been sent to the enclave…
A shout, as one more body was pulled from deep in the rubble. They called for Mevan, and she ran to see. The man barely breathed, every attempt a shallow, raspy hiss. He was a mass of blood and bruising, limbs crushed and mangled. She set to work.
Sparks danced in her hair as she cleansed him, more blood welling and pooling in places it should not be. His skull had been mostly protected by his helm and luck besides, so there was no brain damage—not from being struck, anyway. She ignored his extremities for now, seeking the damages in his pulverized and punctured torso.
It was so much. Too much, making her sway as blackness crowded her vision. But she sucked in a breath and set to work. Mevan was only Celestial inspired, but she had aetheric reserves that made even Divines jealous. She could keep going. She had to.
So she began knitting his wrecked organs back together. Clearing and repairing his lungs so he could breathe…but his airways were blocked, so take care of that. That caused a skip in his also damaged heart, so hurry there, finish the lungs in a moment…but now other things were failing, more blood and bile where it shouldn’t be, a cascade that she chased, trying to catch up to the failing pieces. She even tried turning the sympathetic bond around, willing her own organs to remind his how they ought to work—
“Mevan,” Ildris’s voice, soft and sad. Her thin, calloused hand rested on Mevan’s. “Ease his pain. And let him go.”
“But I can—”
“No,” her mentor said. “There are some things beyond even Inspiration. You’ve done more than could be expected, but it’s just as important that we know when to give in to fate.”
Mevan’s vision blurred, from both weariness and tears. The man was too weak to groan, but as deep as she was in his innards, she felt every agony. She withdrew; slowly, carefully, and with Ildris’s guidance, dulled his nerves and released the humors that would make him feel better than he was. Mevan fumbled for one of her vials, pouring it down his throat, sensing further relief as he relaxed, little other sensation left to him as she watched his battered organs fail.
Her own breath paused, briefly, as his finally rattled to a stop.
Mevan slumped against Ildris, who held and rocked her, brushing a kiss across Mevan’s temple, as she had when Mevan was a child and sobbing about how she missed her home, how she couldn’t reach the promise of her inspiration—not until she found her calling to heal.
“I know,” Ildris said. “The first is the hardest.”
“It gets easier?” Mevan rasped, her vision swimming, darkening as she shivered; she had been healing for hours, and this had been the worst. She had hit aethershock.
“No,” Ildris admitted, as Mevan’s consciousness faded away.
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jellydishes · 2 months
tagged by @broodsys, tagging @skeletonsgeorg and @neonhoneycomb and @diroxy
1. How many works do you have on AO3 uhhhhhhh hang on i gotta combine three different accounts lol. ANSWER: 209
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 383,402 + 194,512 + 6,876 = 584,790
3. What fandoms do you write for? Dragon age 2 and Transformers, mostly, but i randomly branch out on occasion
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? uhhh on my main account?
misfiled, a magnus archives fic, with 314 kudos
mama said there'd be days like this, a bojack horseman story with 246
the trick is not to look down, an avatar: the last airbender fic, with 227
two truths, a disco elysium nsfw story with 184
only our enemies leave roses, an umbrella academy fic, with 177
(bonus round, i won't be linking these bc it's my forbidden account, HOWEVER: 173, 124, 118, 114, and 111 kudos for the top five)
5. Do you respond to comments? i do! often very very late because of my social anxiety, but yes
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? uhhhhhhhhh OH! that would be one breath, two
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? offhand??? maybe bone meal
8. Do you get hate on fics? fairly regularly for my forbidden account, yes, i just got a nasty comment last week
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? every couple of months, yes. typically m/f or f/f in general, [REDACTED] for my forbidden account
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? very occasionally. i did a final fantasy seven/fire emblem or a while back, which fulfills both criteria
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? idk? probably, but i don't worry about it very much
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yup! i worked together on a couple dragon age fic before, for instance, as well as on my second forbidden account lol, this one specifically for transformers
14. What's your all time favorite ship? uhhhhhhhh idk probably bethany hawke/literally anybody
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? the sequel fic for believe it's easier for you
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue and characterization
17. What are your writing weaknesses? action scenes and plot
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i mean if i knew another language sure
19. First fandom you wrote for? uhhhh either yuyu hakusho or h*rry p*tter
20. Favorite fic you've written? idkkkk uhhh potentially silhouette, which is a hard fic to pitch to people but it's the fic that first saw me experiment with writing an nd protagonist back in the day, so i have a lot of affection for it
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thehollowone16 · 2 months
Thanks for the tag, @mugsdontlie
Writing procrastination game!!!
1. What's the name of one of your Wips?
Loyalty's Price; Eternity, I have half a mind to name my next one something Fear and Hunger related.
2. Describe a Wip in the format of __+__=__
Uhhhh, I'll do a non-LP one since LP; Eternity is 1 chapter from being over. Modern AU+Genjutsu = a generally bad day.
3. What tags/warnings will one of your Wips need if you share it?
Usually violence and character death though I don't think any of them have been sad deaths so far.
As for tags.....Loyalty's Price; Reunion will have Urushi, so him?
4. Alternative title to a Wip?
God I wish. Loyalty's Price feels very generic. Uhhh, maybe "No Place Else you'd rather be" a line from Fences by Paramore. It has an irony I kind of like. Doesn't work well for subtitles though.
5. Which Wip are you most likely to update/finish next?
Loyalty's Price; Eternity. Editing the final chapter though it'll most likely be split in half.
6. What is one of your Wip's document title, not its name but what you have it saved as?
LP 3; CH 11; Try 2; D2 (I rewrote much of it)
7. Post any sentence from your Wip?
"He hoped someone else had to suffocate on this putrid victory."
8. A scrapped idea from your wip?
There's two whole scrapped scenes, one is of Kabuto having a nightmare that involves Nonou that's half a flashback if you wanna read it that way, and one is him and Sakura talking about death generally but about Sasori and Yoroi a bit.
9. What's a story you'd love to write but have yet to start?
I'd kinda like to do a "what if Naruto was on Team Kabuto" but I'm still not entirely sure how to tackle it.
Same with a "what if Nonou adopted Naruto and he and Kabuto were straight up brothers". I have ideas for it but they're pretty disconnected and more vibes than a plot. I don't write kids well.
Both are hard in part because idk how much canon divergence I'm comfortable with yet.
10. How many Wips are you actively working on?
1, probably will start something else when LP; Eternity is done
11. Is there a scene you're struggling to write right now?
Struggling to edit in general. The fic has caused a bit of a panic episode that I'm in treatment for. I don't want my mental health to take away something I was really enjoying though.
12. Not a question but a second kudos!
Tagging: @aceonice , @allalrightagain , @ao3dorian-gay , @myulalie , Uhhh @girl-with-goats if any of you want to.
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prrism · 2 years
A Visit From… Bloopers Reel (Vol. 2)
Welcome to the second volume of the bloopers reel. This time around I also added some deleted scenes I couldn’t fit into the series, for one reason or another. Remember this is outside of canon from the series, meant for fun and to break tension. Please sit back and enjoy the hilarity
Warning: Swearing, utter stupidity not meant to be taken seriously
A Visit From… Jack Manifold
“You know I tried to be patient but clearly that’s not going to happen.” You speak up, startling the guy as he whips his head in your direction.
“Ahjfjjr mrimvokd!” You start laughing when all that comes out of Jack’s mouth is absolute gibberish.
“I’m sorry, what was that again?” You say between chuckles.
“Words?” He chuckles himself, slightly embarrassed.
“I can assure you those weren’t words.” You say cheekily.
“I forgot my line, can we just start over?” He looks away, trying to hide his beet red face.
“Are there still awkward potions in the chest?” You ask rhetorically before resetting yourselves to retake the scene.
A Visit From… Quackity
You could hear screaming outside your house, curious and concerned you step out to investigate only to see a man running around in nothing but… let’s say shorts for now.
“What the f***?” It slips out before you can catch yourself. “When you said you weren’t going to wear much for the scene, I didn’t think you meant you would be borderline naked.”
“That’s just how I vibe, man.” He says in his Mexican Dream voice, the both of you end up laughing as a result.
“Uhhh… Y-you good over there, buddy?” You ask hesitantly.
“Oh yes, hello.” He waves, speaking in an oddly high-pitched voice as he approaches, you can’t help but break into laughter.
“If you keep this up we’re never going to finish filming this scene.” You in fact did not finish the scene that day.
A Visit From… Punz (Second Visit)
An infuriated Punz who marches up to you and practically shoves a pouch into your hands, the force behind it almost knocking you over.
“Oops sorry.” Punz apologizes.
“You just pushed me, how dare you.” You dramatically feign hurt, you can’t hold up the act for long and the both of you end up laughing before retaking the scene.
“You seem very tense, have a seat and try to cool down a little while I get something for you.” You say in a calm matter, hoping to not aggravate him any farther then he already was. He drops himself down on the couch so hard one of the legs breaks off. The two of you stare at each other in silence for a moment.
“You’re going to have to fix that.”
“I know…” He sighs.
“Fundy stole Beenus!” He starts, you’re trying so hard not to crack, he notices. “Don’t you dare, don’t you dare.” He warns, but that just makes you laugh harder.
“Beenus…” Is all you manage to wheeze out. It takes a few minutes to calm down before you can try the scene again.
A Visit From… Tubbo (Third Visit)
“Well I’m sure you’ve already heard that Wilbur and Tommy are now enemies to L'Manberg, and as the president’s man it’s my job to help hurt them down.” Tubbo explains.
“Are you sure that’s what you meant to say?” You ask. Tubbo looks at you confused, then proceeds to flip through the script.
“Oh? Ooohh! Sorry.” He apologizes for the mistake. “It’s hunt not hurt, I mean I could hurt them too in all honesty.” He says nonchalantly, you can hear Wilbur break into laughter in the background.
“Are you doing this because you want to do it or because someone told you to do it?”
“Ummm… well… because I uhhh… uhhhh… uhhhhhh…” He trails off, you could practically see the gears turning in his head as he tries to remember his line.
“Take your time.”
A Visit From… Techno
“Alright, what can I…” Your voice trails off, eyes wide and blood running cold. “Eeehhhhhh…” You let out the high pitched sound without meaning to.
“Ahaha! You should really see the look on your face.” Techno chuckles.
Deleted Scene: “What the heck?” You mutter looking down at your comm, Techno raises a curious eyebrow. “Apparently Tommy wants me to relay a message to you.” You explain.
“If it is what I think it is, I’m not doing it.” Techno says, crossing his arms.
“Well that’s just the thing, it’s not much of a message, it’s just the letter E.” Instantly after you say that Techno’s face scrunches up and he glares at the wall.
“Where did Tommy say he was again?” He asks, an edge to his voice.
“I think he’s still at Pogtopia with Wilbur, why?” You ask nervously.
“… I’m gonna kill him.” With that Techno leaves without another word and you’re left standing there shocked and confused.
A Visit From… HBomb
“Wait, why is this one blue? I’ve never seen a blue stand before.”
“Well why are you in a maid outfit?” You ask back. HBomb looks down at himself.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me I was still wearing this?” He asks, slightly embarrassed. You just shrug. “Hang on, I’ll be right back.”
A Visit From… Eret (Second Visit)
“You know for someone who wants to be discreet you sure look rather flashy.” You joke pointing to their outfit. He chuckles sheepishly at this.
“Yeah I guess, but you gotta admit, I look really good in it.” She replies, striking a pose.
“Yas, work it.” You applaud, Eret strikes another pose. The two of you completely forgetting to finish the scene in favour of this small fashion show… worth it.
A Visit From… JSchlatt
“Here, a little something from me to you.” He tosses something at you, you’re too distracted trying to catch it to pay attention to what it is. When it’s secure in your grip do you look down at it.
“An apple?” You raise a questioning eyebrow his way. “Who do you take me for? Charlie?”
“Man’s not even in this series.”
“Yet. I heard he’s joining later in the timeline.”
“Can’t a man just make a reference in peace?” Schlatt sighs exasperated.
“No, because that’s exactly what you want.” You quip.
“You know what, f*** you, we’re doing this again.” He jabs back lightheartedly, the both of you sharing a small laugh before having to redo the scene.
“Only if we’re getting ahead of ourselves. No, I’m here to make amends.”
“Ominous foreshadowing is ominous.” You mutter.
“That’s what I’m here for.” Schlatt states proudly.
“Oh sh**! I didn’t think you heard me.” You look away sheepishly.
“These ram ears hear everything, baby!”
“Oh, you’re a ram! Here I thought you were a goat hybrid like Tubbo.”
“What? No! Why does everyone keep thinking that?”
“Your traits do look very similar.” You point out. “We’re getting off track, should we try again?”
“Yeah sure I’ve got some time to kill.”
A Visit From… Wilbur and Dream (Firth and Third Visit)
“By all accounts we’re actually the bad guys. Schlatt won fair and square in the election and even made some good changes to the country, and we’re the ones trying to take it back by force. This isn’t about L’Manberg or the people anymore…” Before Wilbur can continue you jump in.
“It’s about drive, it’s about power.”
“We stay hungry, we devour.” Dream joins in.
“Put in the work, put in the hours, AND TAKE WHATS OURS!”
“You two are literally the worst.” Wilbur says, semi-amused.
“Oh cmon, I see that smile you’re trying to hide.” You smirk, leaning in closer to him, he lightly shoves you away in retaliation.
A Visit From… Techno (Second Visit)
Making your way down stairs you nearly give yourself a heart attack, slipping in the process.
“Dude! Don’t scare me like that!” You scold picking yourself up.
“Can’t hold me accountable, I didn’t even do anything.” Techno raises his arms in defence.
“You presents is intimidating.”
“That sounds like a you problem.” He says matter-of-factly. You sigh and head back upstairs to try at the scene again.
Festival Aftermath
Deleted Scene: “I leave you alone for 5 minutes and suddenly everyone’s throwing hands!” You announce your arrival rather suddenly.
“Techno started it!” Tommy shouts, pointing an accusing finger at the piglin.
“I didn’t start yelling for no reason, you did.”
“Oh yeah well…” You sigh as Tommy goes off on some tangent, you hear Wilbur laugh.
“What?” You look over at him.
“Nothing, nothing. It’s just sometimes when you’re trying to diffuse a situation, I don’t know, it reminds me of what my own father does.”
“If that’s the case, I feel sorry the man.”
That’s it for Volume 2, I hope you all enjoyed
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thekuraning · 2 months
fic writing asks : 17 and 27, 28?
hope you’re doing well!! I’m just about to finally catch up with the latest chapter of moving on in a maelstrom (I haven’t checked my ao3 inbox for updates in a hot minute!!), thank you as ever for writing!
WASABI THANK YOU FOR SENDING im hanging in there i hope youre doing good too <3 and i hope you enjoy the latest chapter grelhbqughoeiqg
:') i talk a lot gomen
17. talk about your writing and editing process
so i'm definitely not the kind of person who sits down and outlines their story and all the plot points or does a ton of planning (kind of a bad habit probably!!) and mostly my fics comes from some broad concepts or ideas, vibes, or any sort of vivid scene I imagine up while im daydreaming on the way to work, and then I just kind of run with it. Actually I think from all the fics I've actually tried to follow an outline for in the past, only one has gotten past a handful of chapters (that would be Turning Point, which is shockingly complete!)
And like the scenes or vibes or ideas aren't always related to major plot points or anything either, they're just character moments and either a) do not need backstory to explain the situation, so they get to be a oneshot, or b) are VERY PARTICULAR about the backstory of the Scene and then they end up a full-fledged novella/novel/epic.
So like for example, I started on Maelstrom fic for a very specific scene with a very specific character--and you might expect it to be related to the main villain! Except I didn't even have a design for him until the day I sat down to write chapter 5 (which came to me in a caffeine-fueled fever dream) and wasn't even sure what his NEXT ability would be until chapter 8. Yeah he's the main antagonist. But this entire fic. This entire damn fic. Is a stepping stone. To a scene where Yuri is going insane under house arrest and Barnaby goes to visit him. And it's the funniest fucking thing in my head. Like I want to be so clear this is just an elaborate slide puzzle to a one-paragraph gag and I have no idea if the set-up is even worth it. But then once I get started writing things kind of start to fall into place like dominoes because I spend a lot of time overthinking the world building and the canon orz
Anyways as for editing uhhhh well!!! You have probably noticed!! I have SO MANY TYPOS IN MY CHAPTERS!!! My cat hears me say so many swears after chapters are posted :( I tend to be like constantly reading and rereading and editing... the first half of a chapter. The further I go the more excited I get to post! And the less I end up reading. So uhhh yeah if anyone ever goes back to read any fic I've ever posted EVER and you're like huh I don't remember that or huh I thought it was different yeah. yeah it was. I edited it 3 months later when I reread part and realized I had 15 typos, non-sequitors, and the worst sentence composition known to man OTL
27. your favorite part of the writing process
getting experimental with it! :') i like fucking around with imagery and description and pacing to try and see what kind of vibes i can squeeze out of something. actually i forget how long ago it was but i think my buddy isleofair sent an ask once where I went on a rant about what makes a slow burn a slow burn and ever since then I've REALLY wanted to try and write a slow burn that diagetically takes place in like. one or two hours. i have no idea how it would work but i think it would be really fun to try.
otherwise i think my favorite thing is like world building but through the little background details, like trying to squish in regional dialects or brands or in-universe entertainment franchises. I was really fucking proud of myself for Barnaby's Gatorade ad reel and his promotional coffee in Maelstrom lmfaooo or like getting so fucky with Proton's slang in my pokemon fics. Still trying to figure out how to write an entire oneshot about no one understanding what he means when he says "freezycaff."
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
>:( what do you MEAN I have to have a coherent plot!!! What do you MEAN I should probably plan to avoid plotholes!!! What do you MEAN i have to write through writer's block or take breaks when I burn out creatively!!!!! NO STOPPING ONLY VIBES ONLY GOOFS AND GAFFS!!! ONLY FICS!!!
On a more serious note. My least favorite part really is since I don't do a lot of planning beforehand :( sometimes all I got be them vibes, and getting from point a to point b can be like pulling teeth if I'm not like. manic. A lot of times I feel like I have a big picture with a lot of missing little pieces, and sometrimes I just can't figure out a satisfying way to get over it. Then the perma-hiatus hammer comes out UmU RIP in pepperonis dead fics from 2018.
Thank u again for sending!! <3
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klesek · 8 months
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novem-bur day 2: skybur! fwiatc edition this time but also just general lmao (for context, in case u have no idea what it is: fwiatc is my bursona-centric fic w like 23 bursonas . not all of them by a long shot, but a good amount ! explanation for sky's whole story under the cut bc im abnormal abt him and thought i might share)
prompt list
fwiatc link (i recommend skipping to like chapter 30 or some shit but my co-author and friends say to read the whole thing. go ahead ig but it Is 150k words for just the "sequel") (the original one is just dsmp burs, the sequel/sidefic is the dsmp burs + 2 other dsmp burs + a Whole lot of other bursonas, including sky here!)
so. explanation, although this art functions fine by itself w/o context- sky is Just Some Guy who happens to live in a world where the sky gods like to fuck around and put random people on islands on the sky. for funsies. and sky just so happened to be the unlucky fella they chose this time! and when he got up there, oopsie poopsies, the sky gods "accidentally" struck him with magic lightning like a million times. and now he doesnt remember anything. and now hes stuck time travelling with a group of other versions of him while trying to remember his past life and sort it all out while Also trying not to get overwhelmed by every "new" texture or sound or sight. and occasionally getting seemingly random memories or people he vaguely recognizes but dont remember knowing.
the specific story behind this art is in. uhhhh chapter 67. where sky gets a sillay little memory of him and tommy stargazing ! and it starts fucking pouring. so they leave. cut to a memory of sky on the island again, looking at the stars, insert reference to the previous scene, then he gets struck by lightning, end memory. cue Feelings. u get the gist. u can go read it for urself if u want
uhhh yeah. go read fwiatc Thumbs up ^_^
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cinnaminsvga · 6 months
hi bestieeee
ive been following & have had notifs on for years. i actually dont even pay attention to kpop anymore AIDBBFHFDISO but ive always wanted to know sooo badly: how does LOOH end?
I know it's on indefinite hiatus but it doesn't seem like itll ever be completed, and the curiosity has always killed me 😭
"it doesn't seem like itll ever be completed" PLEASEEEEE i screamed but yeah youre 100% right LOL
its kinda hard to say how looh was supposed to end because i kinda write smaus on the go without indepth storylines lol (i.e. basically i bullshit on the go and fake it til i make it)
fair warning also that ive forgotten almost all of looh by this point... i used to have a notebook with my ideas for the smau but i lost it during my last move so this is what i can remember. apologies if there are inconsistencies but i genuinely dont remember LMAOOO its been (8)4 years...
i can give you an idea of how i was thinking of ending looh... under the cut for the sake of people who dont give af lol
i do know for a fact that i planned jimin and y/n to be endgame. it was going to be a long process of "will they or wont they" because of jimins underlying insecurities and y/n's inability to introspect would always be a hindrance in their relationship
i know i framed y/n as like a "really good person" but she really isnt perfect. i was gonna lay more groundwork to "expose" her for some of the fucked up shit she did in the past (i forgor 💀) and i was planning on exploring her internalized "holier than thou" complex
that was gonna be the second main conflict after the whole jimin vs tae conflict... kinda like a season 2 lol
BUT BACK TO SEASON 1... tae vs jimin lol so yeah tae releases that slander video on jimin and he runs away... y/n is supposed to have a big altercation with jin and make him release a statement proving jimin's innocence... jin ofc says no and y/n + jimin (+kook on the side) have to figure out a way to improve jimin's public image
my initial idea was that he tries to pivot towards becoming a professional dancer and joining hoseok's crew... i was planning on introducing a new character (likely seungkwan haha gotta keep with the seventeen member cameos) who was gonna be like a PR manager... they'd make a youtube channel and post content about their dancers. not just their dances, but interviews, challenges, etc. just to "prove" jimin is the good guy or something.
on the side, the seungcheol/jeonghan/yoongi drama... yeah seungcheol gets dumped by y/n like an additional two times LOL and for funsies, jeonghan confesses his feelings for seungcheol to y/n (shocker) and its all very messy mwahahah (yeah they both end up sad in the end my bad). as for yoongi... OH BOY
so yeah he got rejected by y/n which RUINS his ego and he doesnt give up for a while. then he starts crushing on seungcheol (who previously had a crush on him lol) and it gets very messy but overall he gets called out on his power tripping ways and ends up alone at the end teehee (he was gonna get an epilogue scene where he goes to the club all drunk and shit and a younger guy hits on him but calls him "sir" after seeing his face properly lol)
as for jin/hoseok/namjoon... uhhh yeah 2seok dont end up strictly together... theyre both chaebols with fucked up senses of humor (they both enjoy playing with people like chess pieces) and jin gets super pissed when he finds out hoseok has been playing with HIM on the side. they have a heated argument that causes the collapse of bang ent (hoseok has more money/influence than him and essentially grabs the company off jin's hands) and BOOM friends to lovers to enemies to ???
oh and namjoon is there. uhhhh yeah he becomes jin's little puppet for a while. essentially namjoon spies on y/n for jin and breaks her trust. this further strains kook's mental state because he feels super guilty about everything. i was planning on kook being pro-joon and breaking y/n's heart, but i wasnt sure. it all depends on how i was feeling tbh LMAOOO sometimes i like making jungkook cry (all the time)
as for tae... yeah he wins LOL he's essentially the main antagonist (its not jin... surprise) but he actually succeeds in becoming a very popular pornstar. even when hoseok grabs the company, he keeps tae on their roster and tae becomes very rich. he continues trying to slander jimin but he eventually stops when hoseok forces him to stop (out of guilt? bribery? revenge? who knows lol)
umm back to jimin and y/n... yeah they get together blah blah y/n confesses first, jimin gets hurt a lot, y/n is bad at relationships (shes got bad interpersonal skills), they have a large argument where y/n accidentally dehumanizes jimin (ouch)... so many things. all that matters is that they do end up together... maybe not so happily, but they'll get there. i think.
SO YEAH THAT WAS SO MESSY idk how coherent this was... again like i said, i kinda write smaus on the go so a lot of these things arent necessarily canon. i only consider things canon when stuff gets posted, but again like u said thats probs never happening LOL but in the meantime, if u have more questions about any of the points listed above, lemme know!! i'll try my best to explain further (sobs i am so rusty at writing u dont even know) anyway blessings be upon ye!!
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having some of the worst times of my life ever and im scared things could get worse... how? well you see. they might create more tnb some day even after all of this.
after massacring my boy ryan like that live on screen... smack cam... removing any of ryans narrative worth or meaning just to have him show up and be cringe which i did enjoy but for real guys. my friends. if they had just had everyone do something random and lackluster it wouldve been fine but ryan showed up to drive the plot and continue his character arc from the rising (and then he didnt, as a joke).
karinas lack of real character arc (AGAIN!) so that she can uhhhh talk about crushes... instead of, for example, have her be an equal hero on-screen to the guys who have already been king of heroes and she works arguably harder than anyone else (she is a hero, an idol, and a student). shes so interesting, theres so much to her! but most of her appearances just serve to further some guys character arc (like the whole blue golden episode is mostly about ryan!.. or kotetsu even! cmon)
the character arc that antonio got that wholly ignored that hes friends with nathan and which makes me actually lose my mind when i think that those two have frequently been shown together but they didnt have a single convo together so that nathan and keith can be confined to a cage where theyre only interacting with each other instead of having any real plot relevance despite them both being really interesting!..
and the fact that antonio/agnes made its way into the show bc the director likes him and you know... agnes was her stand-in, and another reason to not let nathan talk with antonio ever because yknow?.. it just tastes like ash in my mouth to feel like the director felt some type of way about nathans and antonios prior relationship...
the buddy hero system was utilized so poorly! it threw so many characters under the bus like ryan seriously got way too much time in blue golden and their prior relationships with each other were ignored so much like man... i just love them all interacting. i dont love whatever the hell was going on with, for example, nobody noticing that thomas is gone. my heroes wouldve noticed immediately btw. instead of subaru and thomas being in a cage where they only interacted with each other, the buddy hero pair curse of 2nd cour that almost everyone suffered from
lets not even get into that even if they say that yuri is actually fine haha! they cant remove that scene where kotetsu and barnaby stared at him and went like “hmm thats rough buddy... anyway”. what the hell... kotetsu is one of the characters i think of the least and it was just so grossly OOC and just plain disgusting... the entire abuse apologism arc with yuri and lara overall as well
what about that fucking scene with jungle where they implied shady shit was going on when subarus communicator didnt go off and he was recruited as a double for thomas anyways and uhhh (checks notes) literally nothing came out of those plot threads btw. jungle CEO was introduced for no reason
and they cant remove what they did to ouroboros (the way they made it all-powerful illuminati-esque organization instead of plain old corruption etc), and the whole NEXT disease ooohhh-thing, and the literal internment camps and the various deeply bigoted implications thereof plus lackluster new character designs (oops! almost all white, pale-haired and blue/green-eyed).
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how could they bounce back from this and do i even want to see them try to ignore OR try to grapple with any of the above. oooh when i get my hands on the people who were in the writers room...............
cant they just please retcon that my favourite character fucking exploded to ten thousand small pieces. excited for scraps of my fav characters like usual but then?.. its also like spitting in my face after all the shit they pulled. put me out of my misery
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flame-cat · 1 year
okay kim stans, now that I have your attention I'm dropping a fic idea that I'll never ever make. free to a good home. kisses kisses kisses <3
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kind of smashing together a bunch of little ideas I've shown off and also kept in my brain privately for fun-having reasons. it's kind of just my dissertation on why kim is absolutely pathetic when you take down his walls. he's a tin soldier. nothing but thin walls and hollow insides. <- OUGH THATS GOOD USING THAT AT SOME POINT
so basically vague handwavey idea that I think its some time into like, the point a lot of the meta-fandom narrative has gotten to, some time down the line after a lot of the initial Mess post-martinaise smooths out into something that looks normalish, or at least isn't an immediate crisis. harry is on a sober streak, [the Hetero-Sexual Life Partners are at the very least not constantly trying to kill each other (kim has had a Talk with Jean, who is mostly just privately seething and malding now and feeling incredibly sorry for himself). ] <OR> [there was an Incident where Jean got really REALLY sorry for himself and made a whole fucking scene and basically tried to kill himself, heavily based on a fic i read (called Trigger Warning) it kinda woobifies jean a bit but other than that its soooo fucking good but tl;dr the jobwives have made up and ] kim and jean are kind of both Harry's partner in ways? jean is still a satellite officer but a lot of times he gets paired up with Harry and kim and they're kind of the nightmare blunt rotation right now.
soooo again handwaves somehow one of the old cases Kim's partner left behind that was left cold picks up a lead again out of the blue and Kim is. well. he's normally a workaholic but this is intense even for him. like Jesus. nobody at the 41st has seen him like this. he doesn't sleep for days on end. (maybe he picks up speed? from jean? he considers doing it in-game to improve his Performance so I don't think thats above him).
anyway rock meet hard place Harry finally gets the poor sod to take a god damn break and go home, he and jean can sort out his disaster area of a desk and cover for him. Kim obliges, goes home and- OH SHIT WHO IS THAT! uhhh its all very vague in my head here but tl;dr Kim gets jumped maybe? nd this was all some sort of like. Ploy? to uhh . idk I think maybe the moralintern is involved in ways. but uh eyes is alive and was an espionage and faked his death and is now like. idrk yet if He stabbed Kim or what, or why its all even. happening in the first place. and tbh its not important to me cause I'm never gonna write it, I don't plan to its just something to play with at night to fall asleep.
important bit is now Kim is Leaking Everywhere and well. doesn't exactly have time to call gotlieb. so. he stitches himself up (NOT THAT WELL) and trudges back to the precinct to report to pryce. understandably people are freaked out by the Blood and stuff. harry comes with Kim to the briefing. shit gets Revealed. Kim dissociate. harry is like uhhhh okay well his home isn't safe anymore. jean can he crash on your couch can you drive us there while I sit in the back with him. and jean is like. fuck. okay. and yeah Kim kinda comes back into it on the ride there, has a Teensy Weensy (HUGEBADMASSIVE) panic attack, eventually calms down enough to clamber out of the car and. jeans apartment is 4 floors up and there's no elevator. hell on earth. Kim refuses to be helped up but 2 floors up he trips and let's jean help him, then they get to the top and Kim is like. Jean. and jean is like what- ohgodyoureunconsciousnowokayharryopenthedoor. and uhhh the rest is pure self indulgent "the boys nurse him back to health mwah" but way messier obvs. like fully "ok I have to take out the stitches you did and restitch you, throw back this glass of whiskey and try not to vomit on me. oh well he passed out. at least he's not feeling it?" and yeah.
anyway there's a Conversation between jean and harry at one point because the through line here is that harry is trying to keep his Boys safe but he doesn't know how they can keep doing This *gestures to the cop thing* and so jean is like okay well are we gonna work the case without him orrrrr and harry is like I am NOT moving a MUSCLE until Kim is 100% okay. he stayed with me for 2 days after I got shot. and jean is like okay bye- and harry is like no listen. I don't. we are killing ourselves here. and jean is like yeah? point? and harry is like maybe we. shouldn't. and they have a whole argument about it but that wakes up Kim who eats shit trying to get up and they both like rush in to make sure he didn't fuck up the new stitches or bust his head open right, and Kim is like. okay conflict resolution time. refuses to back down until everything is explained in detail to him even if he's still loopy. anddddd tl;dr Kim agrees with harry and idk what happens next but there u go
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xx-lethalexposure-xx · 3 months
INTRO POST TIIIEEEMM (really late oops)
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he/him ~ 22 ~ grey-ace & biromantic ~ intj ~ aug 31st ~ minors DNI
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hi! welcome to my goofy blog!
i'm expo or cameron, or whatever else you wanna call me, and i draw cartoons!
i mostly draw my ocs, but sometimes i draw canon characters from shows i like!
i have issues and dissociate heavily, so i may respond strangely or ramble about nothing, sorry in advance! OTL im in my own little world most of the time haha ^_^; i am. very mentally ill so uhhh yeah! please be patient with me (i wont list what wrong w me for my privacy orz and coz this intros long enough)
i love talking to people, so dont hesitate to ask me questions or request things!! i don't bite :]
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CURRENTLY FIXATED ON: keroro gunso (mostly kururu)
i enjoy...
gore & horror
sparkledogs & scene aesthetic
keroro gunso
slime rancher
zombie apocalypse media
sparkly things
zombies, run!
infinity train
uhhhh probably more but i forget (;^_^)7
okay byeeeee ♡ >w<
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hedgiwithapen · 6 days
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Tagged by @mosylufanfic
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Daydreamed a LOT. hated writing. Made up stories in my brain, mostly about Digimon. then, was Chronically Unsupervised for a summer and found Fanfiction.net and went oh heck, I could do that? I could just. write one down??? people would maybe like it?? and then I Did That. at this point I had, you see, decided I Liked Writing Now. (active choice, the way I recently decided that I Like Celery.)
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
Uhhhh ok so there's Digimon (technically) and Fablehaven (again, only technically.) Big Hero 6 and then Flash, Young Justice, Supergirl, Stargirl, Avatar, the Librarians, Leverage, Blue Beetle(movie) My Adventures with Superman, Superman and Lois, Legends of Tomorrow, pokemon (game--sapphire) and Agents of Shield. And like. my various RPGs. but a lot of those are like.... just a couple dammit hedgi day ficlets so... shrug?
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? the first one I ever posted on the internet was in I want to say 2007. but the first one I guess I ever like. actively came up with was a little booklet about an oddish and a jigglypuff escaping team rocket (they were the only pokemon I could draw) and that was back in like. '99. it had aproximately ten words in it so that's more of a fan comic than fanfiction.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I write more than I read, I think, but I read more than I finish, excuding the month of september. DHD is an outleir adn should not be counted.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I can do action and fight scenes now!!!! Also I think I'm better at dialog. I used to be real bad at both those things.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
hmmmmmmmmm. I mean. I feel like the deep diving into victorian flower language maybe? or like. How Trial By Combat worked in the Age Of Knights? How many calories a kitten with superspeed would need, perhaps. oh wait you know what, it's absolutely more obscure catholic patron saints, which I hardly even used in the fics i was researching them for, but man. did y'all know that St. Jude is also called Thaddeus and that he and St. Bartholomew are co-patron saints of Armenia? there's some kind of Barth Allen and Thaddeus Thawne Joke in there.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
I really like the key smashy "how dare you." ones. also a big fan of the ones where people leave their favorite line and a string of emojis. I love anything that lets me guess how emotional a person got.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
uhhhhh idk. metakitties?
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Long fics that drastically diverge from canon or are big AUs... I run out of roadmap and then worry no one's really going to care. also, just. ship fic in general. So I do not. or I do so rarely and in smaller sections.
10. What is the easiest type?
present tense introspective fics. those just flow.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I mostly use google docs, and I also do a lot of hand writing in a notebook. usually sitting at my little computer desk on my bed, or in the back hall at work, and typically in the afternoon-evening.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
ehhhhhhhh I'm not really like. intimidated by anything that I'm interested in doing? I'm just lazy. lol.
13. What made you choose your username?
Assigned Hedgehog by cubscouts when I was a counselor at a summer camp. It Stuck.
uhhh I tag @windona @pennflinn @wrencatte @thenarator and @parvumautomaton but no pressure but also anyone else who wants to do this.
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