#umm barriss
d3epfriedangels · 2 years
umm because i die inside everytime I see my old art- here's my most recent Barriss and Ahsoka piece vs my first <3
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March 5th to December 4th .... what the fuck
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Hello, may I ask for some Barriss and Luminara headcanons?
OMG YES YOU CAN! 👏🏻😭 I was literally going to beg people to ask me for more Mirialan headcanons because my real life has been tragic and I could use some more wholesome Mom-inara and Barriss content. Fellow Mirialan stans, as always feel free to add on to these headcanons 💚💙 I always love seeing what other people come up with. I’ve also linked my other headcanons of these two down below…hope you enjoy ☺️
1.) The heart shaped belt Barriss wears actually once belonged to Luminara when she herself was a Padawan. Barriss’s blue cloak was actually handmade by Luminara and gifted both items to Barriss on her first official day as a Padawan.
2.) When Barriss was a child, Luminara would always bring her back a little souvenir from her missions as a Padawan/Knight.
3.) Luminara did a lot of reading on Mirialan mother/daughter customs in preparation of taking Barriss under her wing. Ever since she met Barriss, she was very determined to become the best Master/Mom to her much like her own Master was. After all it pays one to be prepared right?
4.) Luminara was the one to cut Barriss’s hair when she officially became a Padawan as per tradition (similar to how human Padawan learners cut their hair short but without the braid). Luminara is personally very fond of Barriss’s short hair thinking it suits the girl’s personality the best (even though she thinks her Padawan is beautiful no matter what she looks like). Barriss finds it soothing when Luminara brushes/fixes her hair after long, stressful days.
5.) Being the biggest supporter of Barriss’s healer studies, Luminara would help her Padawan prepare for big exams/assignments by pulling all nighter study sessions with her. She’d make them snacks (since she is 100% a great cook) and tea and schedule mandatory breaks so Barriss isn’t just staring blankly at her reading. Luminara constantly reminds Barriss how proud she is of her.
6.) Barriss practices her healing ability a lot on Luminara and insists on taking care of her Master whenever she’s sick/injured/stressed. Luminara of course does the same for Barriss but she worries so much more since she doesn’t have the gift of Force healing and doesn’t want to fail her girl.
7.) They observe and celebrate Mirialan holidays together but always invite their friends to join them (Luminara loves sneaking invitations to Ahsoka because she knows Barriss is too shy to ask).
8.) They like to keep up on the latest literature and holoentertainment together. Ending the day falling asleep with a movie on snuggled up together are cherished moments for both women.
9.) Luminara always loves to give Barriss a hard time about wearing high heels to Geonosis. She can’t let it go same as Barriss’s curtsy to Ahsoka.
10.) They fly in sync with each other just like their fighting style.
11.) Luminara tries very hard to get Barriss into speeder bike riding but Barriss being a healer has issue with her mom going above the speed limit in Coruscant without a helmet.
12.) Barriss likes to make/gift floral arrangements to Luminara to show her love and appreciation.
13.) They too are competitive with each other like Anakin/Obi-Wan and Anakin/Ahsoka when it comes to coming up with battle plans, slicing droids, etc. But of course it’s their infamous snowball fights that has everyone excited.
14.) Gree and the Clones love observing and being around the mom/daughter duo. They love hearing the banter and will laugh at anyone who claims the Mirialans aren’t dramatic.
15.) Self care is important to them so they have mother/daughter spa days together (Ahsoka eventually joins them).
16.) Barriss gets very upset/protective of Luminara if people try to hit on her or is disrespectful on their missions. Nobody tries anything with Barriss with Luminara’s death glare.
17.) When alone, Luminara and Barriss always end their conversations with an “I love you”. Luminara always gives Barriss a forehead kiss and Barriss always goes running and springs for the hug when Luminara returns from a mission.
18.) When apart, they always pray for one another before bed as they usually pray/meditate together before bed back at the Temple.
19.) Luminara secretly put together a holocron for Barriss to have later. She recorded all her lessons and documents memories of their time together so that no matter what happened in the future, Barriss will always have her Master.
20.) Not only did Barriss set Luminara’s body free from Imperial custody, but she gave her a proper burial in accordance with Mirialan customs. She was also able to get in possession of her Master’s lightsaber (which she keeps forever) but wears the green kyber crystal around her neck always. Barriss new lightsaber hilt looks similar to Luminaras hilt as well as her attire.
21.) Luminara actually knighted Barriss as a Force ghost after they reconciled and Barriss finds peace within herself. Barriss learns to commune with her Master in the netherworld so that they could still be connected.
22.) Barriss along with Ahsoka tell the Skywalker twins and other Jedi all about Luminara and pass on her teachings/story.
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katethecrazy · 3 years
Luminara & Barriss
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on the top of my list of underrated star wars queens… you will find a smaller list of even more underrated queens and on the top that list… you will find yet another smaller list of queens who are both underrated and were done so dirty by d*ve f*lon* and g*orge l*cas, and on top of that list are luminara unduli and barriss offee aka umm barriss and barriss.
barriss did nothing wrong ever in her entire life. the end of s5 was fake news. haha. gotcha. it's all just a prank. you were fooled. barriss did nothing.
*sigh* d*ve, turn your location on, we need to talk--
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symeona · 3 years
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[image description: it's a drawing of baby Barriss Offee with Luminara Unduli holding her. Luminara is looking at Barriss affectionately while she's playing with a holocron and looking at the stars. End of i.d.]
Umm Barriss and baby Barriss⭐
This is ofc a manifestation of all the feelings I have for @royalhandmaidens 's posts. She has completely changed my perception of Star Wars. Idk why I'm emotional, I just am ok. Here are my feelings. Take them. Bye.
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Do you have any criticisms of the Jedi order or the Jedi? Like I love them and all but the whole padawans during war was kind of iffy even if sw universe doesn’t really have the same concepts of adulthood. Idk. Even though Padme is supposed to be 14 in tpm, I guess it doesn’t hit as hard because she doesn’t look 14 umm
Ah, that’s a very interesting question with an interesting answer. Yes and no. 
Yes, I do have criticisms of the Order in the sense that I recognize that they’re not perfect - thankfully! They’re not perfect, they’re not meant to be perfect, they never pretend to be perfect, and I don’t expect them to try to be perfect. And it’s a good thing too, because perfection would make the Jedi into these lofty, shiny beings, elven-like, ‘untouched by the sorrows and sins of men,’ yadda yadda yadda. And while that’s often what the fandom criticizes them for, that’s decidedly not how they’re characterized. They’re all in all very down to earth.
So yeah: sending teenagers into war sucked (even though yes - multiple arguments can be made in universe (the skills and maturity of the Padawans, for example) and out of universe (the need to have relatable characters for the young audience) to justify it. Still, it sucked).
Some of the choices they made during the war were probably wrong. As Yoda said: the right path, no. The only path, yes. 
Some of the Jedi were stubborn bastards, like Qui-Gon. Some were kinda intimidating and a bit cold. Some weren’t really people persons, like Mace. Some took a great deal of pride into their work, maybe too much, like Jocasta. Some lost their way, like Dooku, Krell, Barriss or the Inquisitors, and they did horrible things. Some were slightly insane and probably a bit morally questionable, like Quinlan on any given day. 
The Jedi weren’t monolithic, so of course I’ll criticize them individually. Now onto the “no” part of the answer...
I’ll explore the Jedi’s flaws when I write, but I’ll always, always, always talk about how good they were a lot, lot, LOT more. And the reason why is quite simple: I feel like Jedi criticism is nitpicky and pointless, because talking about any flaws of theirs is not only beating a dead horse, but beating a horse that’s so dead it’s been decomposing for fifteen years. 
Everything has been said on the subject of the Jedi’s faults - most of which I don’t agree with, but some that I’ll readily recognize (because again, they’re not meant to be perfect). But what is the point of talking about what the Jedi did wrong after a while? Even supposing they were half as flawed as the fandom makes them out to be (which they aren’t) so what? They all died. Their children died. Their history, art and philosophy were completely erased from the galaxy. Most of their legacy was forgotten. 
Whatever punishment they might have deserved for not paying enough attention - or too much - to a prophecy, for failing to untangle Sidious’ web, for being blind to a lie or another when they were too busy dying on the front lines to see clearly, for failing to save all the clones, for failing to protect all the Padawans... Whatever punishment this all deserved, they received a hundred times over. 
And beyond that, I firmly believe that the compassion, bravery, love they displayed consistently throughout the war and before far outweighs  any systemic of individual fault. I won’t go over why their philosophy on attachment, balance, self-control and the like were very much meant to be seen as good things in universe - just look through the billion metas on the subject on my blog or the blogs I follow, and the quotes by Lucas validating Jedi teachings that go with those metas - but even overlooking the fact that they were right narratively speaking, they were still amazing. 
They loved their men, they loved their Padawans, and they were so kind, as we saw time and time again. They were badass space wizards who devoted themselves to complete altruism instead of seeking personal gain through their magic powers. Who does that? They could harness the very essence and fabric of the actual universe and they spent their days running around trying to fix other people’s problems and getting blamed for not fixing them all. They were affectionate with each other (and yes, that’s easily demonstrable with like a few hundred captures of casual physical contact and caring words) and they even extended their compassion to their enemies - scumbags like Maul and fricking Hondo. I just love them so much.
So, yes and no. Yes, as in it’d be pretty boring  and wrong to see the Jedi as perfect. No, as in the good they did and strived to do makes any serious criticism that I have almost irrelevant, and it’s the good that I focus on. 
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meteor752 · 4 years
I think Star Wars characters playing sports are my fav thing to write tbh, just because it makes me laugh personally.
So anyways Basketball!
We were eight (Or nine, but fucking Tilde refused to play that bitch), so it’s the Jedi gang again, which includes Kit, Plo, Shaak, Luminara, Aayla, Obi-Wan, Anakin and also Depa, who’s new.
The teams are Kit, Anakin, Shaak and Depa vs Luminara, Aayla, Obi-Wan and Plo.
And as usual these are all based on my actual class
So it started off as usual, choosing teams, getting small little bands in two different colors to signify who was on which team, all the betting and threats and taunting, you know, the usual.
Ahsoka, Nahdar, Barriss, and Caleb are all chilling on the side cheering, while also making their own bets on who will win.
It becomes chaotic very quickly.
Depa discoveres that she can’t manage to make a point, even when she’s just a feet or two from the basket, and Shaak is still very confused and would rather not touch the ball so that team already lost two players.
Anakin comes up with the strategy to climb the wall bars next to the basket and to have someone toss him the ball so he can place it in it. That goes about as well as you’d expect.
Someone on the other team: *Gets the ball*
Kit: *Screeches like hell to distract them*
Anakin starts grabbing onto Obi-Wan’s waist whenever he gets the ball in an attempt to stop him, which usually results in them both falling to the ground, laughing, and Ahsoka groaning on the side.
Plo and Aayla work well together, despite the fact that their strategy is that when one of them gets the ball, the other one just screams to get their attention so they can pass to them for a chance for a point.
Kit: Wait guys I wanna try something!
Everyone: *Freezes and then waits as Kit tries to score across half the field (and failing)*
Which becomes a joke, that when someone says that they wanna try something then everyone stops so they can try something.
They all end up hitting their feet at least once while dribbling so the ball bounces away, and they are all very annoyed when it happens.
Aayla: *Tries to dribble past Kit so she can score a point*
The ball: *Hits against her foot in an angle so it bounces back right in her face*
Everyone: *Needs to take a five minute break so they can stop laughing*
It does not take long for Aayla to start doing what Kit is doing, which is to just scream whenever someone on the other team gets the ball.
Because of Anakin constantly grabbing Obi-Wan which almost always results in them falling, everyone just stumbles over them all the time which leads to more people on the ground laughing.
Plo: Anakin I think you’re playing a bit foul
Shaak: Please, who isn’t doing that?
Kit: Umm, I actually play really nice thank you very much
Also Kit when Depa misses the basket again: *Screams every swear word in all the languages he knows*
Luminara is way too short for the sport, and she’s not having a good time.
Anakin has an issue when it comes to passing the ball, because instead of doing that he throws it as hard as he can which means everyone has to duck to they won’t have a limb cut off if it would hit them.
Anakin: Guys I gotta go grab some water
Anakin, two minutes later: *Comes back eating a chocolate bar*
In the end team Luminara, Obi-Wan, Aayla, and Plo win because they did “The last point wins”, but in general no one had any idea on who had the most points because they just stopped counting.
Also I don’t bother with tagging the previous Star Wars sport thingies, just go on my blog and search around if you want to read the clones playing Volleyball or the Jedi gang playing Floorball
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
For the fandom ask: 003 for Egon, Ahsoka, and Jake Green please
Oh, those are interesting choices!
How I feel about this character: I like him.  While Peter is often viewed as the de facto leader of the group, I don’t think the Ghostbusters could function for long without Egon.  And not just because he’s the brains of the operation.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Janine.  And nobody else
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I guess the other Ghostbusters.  And Slimer.  Don’t think we see him interacting much with other people.  While we do meet his Uncle Cyrus during the TV show, and I think his mother appears at some point as well, the appearance of his relatives are few and far between.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Well, it’s not exactly the fault of the character as the TV show was mostly episodic in nature, but I would have liked to have seen him undergo more character growth.  Especially since the movies and some episodes alluded to the fact that he was born to rather rigid parents and he wasn’t given much opportunity to just be a kid.  Would have been nice to have seen him learn to loosen up a bit.  Then again, he might not have been the same braniac we all knew and loved if that happened.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’ll most likely go more into this when I get around to reviewing the Extreme Ghostbusters episodes, but it rather stinks how he and Janine didn’t officially end up together.  There wasn’t any real reason why the sequel show didn’t allow them to have gotten married and maybe have a kid or two during the ten year time gap.
Favorite friendship for this character: Gotta go with Peter.  I love the banter they have!
My crossover ship: None
How I feel about this character:  She’s pretty cool.  At first, she was rather generic, but as time went on, she became more complex and fleshed out
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I guess Lux Bonteri?  That’s the only love interest I remember her having
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Probably Anakin
My unpopular opinion about this character: Don’t know if this counts as unpopular, but I do think there should have been an explanation as to why she suddenly started using duel lightsabers in the Clone Wars series.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she could have had a proper on-screen goodbye with Padme.  Or at least have been able to meet Luke and Leia after the events of Return of the Jedi. (Unless that did happen in a novel or comic book adventure?)
Favorite friendship for this character: Padme, Rex and Barriss Offee.  (Even though that third one ended kinda bad.)
My crossover ship: Can’t think of a single one
Jake Green:
How I feel about this character: A pretty good main character.  His transition from estranged son to unofficial town leader was believable and well done
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Emily
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Stanley and Robert
My unpopular opinion about this character: Drawing a blank on this one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish we got to know more about what he did when he was in the army
Favorite friendship for this character: Stanley 
My crossover ship: Umm.....  I stink at this, sorry.
Send me a number
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phoenixhrt22 · 6 years
Bros and Bartender’s part 8
Obi-wan looked up blankly at Maul, he kept his face emotionless as he slowly stood to look at the tattooed monster of a man. Next to Maul, Rex was desperately trying to break out of the restraints so he could be with his brother.
“Let him go Maul” Obi-wan murmured, eyes darting back to the gang leader.
Maul nodded at Savage who untied him. Rex almost fell over with the sheer panic of losing his twin.
Obi-wan turned to look Rex who was on his knees examining the wound, before he got up and moved to a medkit that hung on the wall.
A gun clicked and they all froze. Obi-wan twisted back to see Maul aiming right at Rex.
“Don’t even try it boy...” he snarled. Rex narrowed his eyes but put his hands into a dismissive gesture and turned back to Cody.
“Now Kenobi” Obi-wan turned his attention back to Maul at that point. “To complete my revenge you could watch as your loved one bleeds to death, or, you can end the suffering here and now.”
Obi-wan raised both eyebrows at this but decided it was best not to ask.
“In this gun is one bullet” Maul continued, “You can shoot anyone in this room, heck you could even shoot me,” Maul leant back on the chair and grinned at him.
“It’s very tempting but I assume there is a catch..”
“Indeed” Maul replied “If you shot me or Savage my men would kill you and your friends in seconds. You could shoot your self and I swear on family honour I would leave your friends alone forever or shoot Cody and put him out of his own misery.”
“You have no honour...” Rex mumbled from the floor.
Maul chuckled “More honour than your family, boy, tell me why did your father desert the mandalorian military?”
Obi-wan could feel the anger radiating off Rex.
“But perhaps that is another story for another day......any how Kenobi you can shoot anyone, so who will you pick?”
“Obi I think we all the know the answer to this.” Anakin said as he rose up off the ground.
“Agreed” Rex nodded.
“Shoot me” they said in unison before looking at each other in surprise.
Obi-wan smiled softly at the two before shaking his head. “If anyone is going to die tonight it will be me.” At that he lifted the gun to his head.
“NO!” Both Anankin and Rex attempted to charge forward but were restrained by the two guards.
Obi-wan looked at Cody one more time before closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.
Suddenly the door burst open and Ahsoka, a short, dark haired women in a police vest burst in. Closely followed by Detective Secura, Bly and a several SWAT officers.
“Everyone drop you weapons and put your hands in the air!!” The dark-haired woman screamed.
At that Obi-wan heard a loud smack resounding around the room. He turned to see Rex and Anakin had both guards on the floor sans their guns.
Obi-wan spun around and pointed the gun straight to Maul’s heart (if he had one that is).
Maul put his hands behind his head in defeat.
Savage next to him put his gun down and put his hands behind his head as well.
Two officers rushed forward to cuff them.
“Call the paramedics, Rex get a fucking medkit and stop the bleeding” Bly shouted from Cody’s side.
Rex grabbed the kit and starting applying pressure to the wound.
Detective Secura came over and he handed the gun to her.
“Well done Obi-wan.” She have a symapthetic smile. “Do you mind filling me in on what happened exactly.”
He looked to Rex who just nodded, silently giving permission to tell the story.
Everyone gathered around as he spoke. By the end of it everyone was in shook.
“Ohhh....poor Cody,” Ahsoka sighed from next to Anakin.
“Mmmm looks like CCPD need to crack down on the prostitution in this city.” The dark haired girl looked at Secura who nodded.
“Umm sorry who are you?” Anakin asked.
“Sorry, I’m Barriss Offee, I’m a junior detective at CCPD.” The girl smiled pleasantly.
“She’s also my date.” Ahsoka spoke up sheepishly.
“Sir the paramedics are here.” A officer shouted.
“Good bring them up.”
Obi-wan sat next to Cody’s hospital bed.
Thankfully the bullet hadn’t hit any vital organs. After Secura filled the doctor and Jango in on what happened they both insisted on Cody having a full body check up, incase of any sexual diseases etc..
That to had come back clear. So they were all now waiting for Cody to come round.
He had been out for almost two days now, he had stirred a couple times but fell back into unconsciousness.
The two days had proved to be very interesting though.
He had caught Bly and Aayla making out outside the hospital. Apparently the two were in a relationship and had been for a while but due to work they hadn’t told anyone.
Wolffe had bought Plo to the hospital and Ahsoka had freaked out when she realised her God father was dating her co workers brother, Rex on the other hand had been mortified when finding out that the girl he had briefly flirted with, until Anakin told him she was a lesbian, could one day be related to him.
Tup had admitted that he had met some boy and the two had started dating though the boy was still in the closet.
Obi-wan huffed and rubbed his eyes, it had been a hectic two days.
He looked at Cody’s sleeping form and let his mind drift.
He thought about their first date together, they had gone to a theme park on the city peer. He smiled when he remembered Cody beating him on a shoot the duck and win a prize game. He remembered then how they found a lost girl with the most adorable pigtails, she was on a bench crying and Cody gave her the dog to stop her sobbing. The two managed to find her family eventually and Cody let her keep the stuffed toy.
He felt a tear fall from his eye.
He though about the first night they stayed together, nothing of a sexual sort had happened. Cody had simply fallen asleep on the coach, snuggled up to Obi-wan during a film. Obi-wan had just dragged him close and put a blanket around the two of them and fell asleep with Cody on top of him.
Obi-wan felt his body heave and more tears fall.
After hearing Cody’s story, Cody’s behaviour after their first time made sense.
He remembered it clearly, he remembered how lustful Cody had been, how he dug his nails into Obi-wan’s back when Obi-wan pushed into him and the mouns and gasps that followed. Obi-wan thought of how after the two were completely spent Cody got up to leave, because that was what he was used to. Obi-wan has stopped him of course but thought nothing of it at the time.
He closed his eyes and put his head onto the bed, the sobbed for what felt like an centuary before a soft hand rested on his head.
He looked up to see Cody looking down at him.
“Cody” he murmured.
“Obi I’m so sorry” Cody croaked out in response.
Obi-wan just shook his head and pulled the man into a tight embrace. “I forgive you and I love more than anything on this planet. Just remember that.” He smiled as he pulled away.
Cody smiled back at him albeit the smile being a bit tearful.
“Cody!” Obi-wan looked to see Jango at the door. The man moved over and took his son in a tight embrace, Cody broke down and apologised for everything. Jango dismissed him and explained that he didn’t blame him for anything except the huge scare he was given.
Obi-wan felt his heart warm at the endearing scene. Perhaps things were finally going to start looking up.
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mollo101 · 7 years
Do you enjoy barriss x ahsoka?
Umm... It’s not my favourite. But I kind of like it. I'm happy if they get along well!
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shadows-of-1832 · 7 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to know better.
I was tagged by @kcrabb88! Thanks!
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Color: Blue, more specifically cerulean.
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick. I’m not a big fan of having to wear make-up in general.
Last Song You Listened To: I’m not exactly sure. It was either something off of the Elisabeth 2011/2012 tour cast album or the studio recording of An American Victory. I was listening to them in the Darkroom Print Lab this morning, but I’m unsure of the order.
Last Movie I Watched: It was a Hallmark movie, I remember that. I know it had Danica McKeller in it, and that it involved a mother signing up herself and her son to go camping as a way to bond, but the title escapes me.
Top 3 TV Shows: Outlander, Black Sails, and MacGyver (the reboot version)
Top 3 Characters: Umm...this is a toughie...I’m going to go with Elisabeth from Elisabeth das Musical, Elphaba, and Enjolras...(not purposely all Es...Geez, I know I’m missing so many...)
Top 3 Ships: Oh, I have an armada just for Les Misérables alone, and Enjonine definitely tops the romantic pairings for me in that fandom.
From Black Sails, Thomas Hamilton and James Flint/McGraw. From Outlander, Jamie and Claire.
Books I am Currently Reading: Currently halfway through Voyager by Diana Gabaldon and the unabridged version of Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables. Also working on The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern.
Top 5 Musicals: Of the ones I’ve seen live, Les Misérables, Wicked, Newsies, Phantom of the Opera, and Next to Normal. 
I participated in productions of Guys and Dolls and The Pajama Game during high school, and I have soft spots for them because of that. I also really enjoy listening to the albums of Elisabeth das Musical, Hamilton, and the studio recording of An American Victory (even though it’s a WIP, it still counts, right?), though I’ve never had the opportunity to see them.
Tagging: @kugirocks, @hihiyas, @kronprinzvonoesterreich, @poetvaire, @lacommunarde, @cosetteskywalker, @graphesthesia, @anneluciaf, and @barriss! Of course, only do this if you want to.
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deannalaurend · 7 years
fandom favourites
I  was tagged by @what-a-strange-little-star
Rules: Post one favourite from ten fandoms and tag ten people
I just want to point out that asking for only one favourite is not at all nice but I’ll do my best!
Star Wars: R2D2 if I had to pick one (but I ADORE Padme, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Siri Tachi, Rey, BB-8, C3P0, Han, Poe, Jyn, K2SO, Barriss, Shaak Ti - okay, I like them all)
 Lord of the RIngs: Legolas (Aragorn, Arwen and Eowyn come in close though)
Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood (again, I love a lot of them: Hermione, Tonks, Remus, Newt, Queenie, Sirius, Teddy...)
Sailor Moon: Chibiusa because I really identify with her, but I also love the Outer Guardians and Luna as characters. And Mamo is pretty cool. Really all the characters are stellar in this one.
MCU: Peggy Carter. 
X-Men: Three way tie between Gambit, Rogue and Jean. Arg, I love them all though this is hard!
Sherlock: Sherlock or Molly
Star Trek: 
TOS/Reboot: Bones
TNG: Deanna or Data
Enterprise: Trip
Voyager: Seven of Nine and Naomi
DS9: Bashir
Narnia: Lucy and Aslan
Stargate: Sam (all of SG-1....)
Umm, I don’t really know who to tag, so just join in if it tickles your fancy!
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Good evening or whatever time it is for you in the world! I was wondering if you had any headcanons surrounding Barriss and Luminara’s tattoos and what any of them mean, like say specific achievements or backstories regarding them. I hope you’re doing okay this spooky month! Take care, Master! 💙🤍🧡
OH YES I’VE ONCE AGAIN BEEN ASKED TO TALK MORE MIRIALAN HEADCANONS!!!! 😍💚💙 Thank you!!! This is such a fun topic to do too and it should be discussed more! Also Alexei I love you to pieces and I’m honored to be given the nickname “Master” 🥺 I hope you’re having a beautiful day wherever you are! 💚💙
So all we know is that the tattoos are a result of some sort of personal achievement in the Mirialan’s life and they seem to vary in shape and placement on the body. These tattoos are very personal in that it seems like the wearer is free to adorn their body however they like and I find that absolutely beautiful ❤️ I know the tattoos stem from Middle Eastern culture and my expertise is lacking there so if anyone knows about the real life inspirations for these tattoos, I’d love to hear them! 😊 @royalhandmaidens perhaps you can enlighten me here? 😉 But in the meantime here on my thoughts/theories on Luminara’s and Barriss’s tattoos and of course I’d love to hear what y’all think 💚💙
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For Luminara, all we can visibly see are the diamond tattoos on her chin but I feel she has way more, they’re just covered up. She’s obviously older than Barriss and has accomplished plenty in her lifetime so I find it hard to believe that the ones on her chin are the only ones she has. Personally I think Luminara is one to keep many things close to her chest. She’s not one to boast or brag (except maybe when it pertains to Barriss) and I think she finds more intimacy in keeping symbols of her achievements to herself only allowing loved ones to see. The ones on her chin were probably more rite of passage ones from her Padawan days where she wanted to show that on her face but as she grew older, she decided to place the tattoos in more concealed locations. I love to think that she has tattoos representing her relationship and love for Barriss on her (perhaps close to her heart?) 💚 As mentioned before the Mirialan tattoos seem to come in various shapes and sizes but since Luminara is so modest, she tends to go for the simplistic small diamond look.
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As for Barriss, I feel the ones on her hands have something to do with her healing accomplishments since she’d use her hands for that purpose. The shape and size of those tattoos are slightly different than the ones on her face so perhaps those are tattoos specifically relating to healing? I feel being a healer in Mirialan culture is huge and that there would be specific symbols for that. As for her facial ones, I feel that Barriss having more visible tattoos on her face than her Master is so perfect. Barriss is very expressive and wears her heart on her sleeve so I feel she’d proudly display her most monumental moments on her face. Her reasoning may also be sentimental in that I feel Luminara is one to caress her Padawan’s face lovingly and Barriss finds comfort in that. So if Luminara is the one to tattoo Barriss, it would make sense for her to want her Master to tattoo her face. Also maybe, Barriss has always admired freckles on humans and wanted to replicate that for herself. Regardless her facial tattoos are adorable and like her Master, she’s fond of the simplistic diamond shape.
I really need to sit and think of more specific backstories for these tattoos and I’m for sure going to have write fic on this topic 💚💙 Hope you guys enjoy this and that it gives you the warm and fuzzies because Force I love these two 🥺 Luminous beings they are!
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jedimasterbailey · 3 years
Fic idea: (You do not at all have to do this, I'm just trash for Umm Barriss and Barriss content) Barriss was found by the Jedi as a baby, right? Literally just found laying somewhere. So here's my idea; Anakin is telling Barriss and Ahsoka about his mother and the two girls decide to try and find their families. (Whether or not they succeed is up to you). Anyways, when Barriss tells her master that she is trying to find her birth parents Luminara gets jealous that Barriss is looking for the people who abandoned her while Luminara views Barriss as a daughter. Of course, she doesn't admit that she is jealous and now Ahsoka is talking to Barriss like, "Hey, is your master okay? She seems off." Meanwhile Quinlan and Obi-Wan are listening to Luminara sob in a fresher and saying stuff like, "Just tell Barriss you care about her, you aren't going to fall to the darkside!"
🥰 the fact that you feel comfortable enough to send me fic idea says so much! I’m so honored and would love to hear more! ☺️ That goes to everyone! Don’t be shy to share your fic ideas, I’d love to hear them and who knows maybe I’ll write them with your permission/request 👀
Omg first off never apologize for wanting more Mom-Inara (Umm Barriss) and Daughter Barriss content because I am constantly thirsty for more 💚💙 There will never be enough Mirialan content to satisfy me 😄
I may just have to include this in my ever growing list of fluffy Luminara and Barriss stories because that would be such a sweet story with the resounding message that blood isn’t everything and they have each other. I can see Barriss relating everything Shmi did for Anakin to what Luminara has done for her over the years and she has a conversation about that with Ahsoka. That if Ahsoka ever needs maternal affection Luminara or any other female Jedi can provide that (since the poor girl is constantly surrounded by men). I can see Luminara freaking out and getting upset over the idea of Barriss possibly leaving her since she loves her Padawan more than life itself only to be relieved when Barriss tells her that Luminara is her mother as far as she’s concerned 💙💚
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symeona · 3 years
People might have been confused because you did not explain what it means. Maybe it would help to credit the ethnic groups you take from and explain what it means?
What it means?? For Barriss to wear a hijab? Uhm.. it means I drew her wearing one
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She covers her head in the movies, series and comics too. Mine's just blue and looks like a scarf. She's Muslim-coded, so I took that and ran with it. Tried to make it look pretty...
I don't understand what's confusing about this? Lots of cultures or "ethnic groups" wear head scarfs, mine does too. Which is also why it's easy to understand that Mirialan ppl are Muslim-coded, I don't... I'm confused at why you're confused tbh.
If you're asking about Umm Barriss though, (and how Islamic culture has influenced a huge part of Star Wars), you should go follow @royalhandmaidens 💐💐💐. And I did credit her but hey, I'm a stan account now, I could boost her all day 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Here's the post about Umm Barriss
Here's a wholesome post about Mirialan culture
Here's the Star Wars and Islam post
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katethecrazy · 3 years
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My Top Posts in 2021
Luminara & Barriss
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on the top of my list of underrated star wars queens… you will find a smaller list of even more underrated queens and on the top that list… you will find yet another smaller list of queens who are both underrated and were done so dirty by d*ve f*lon* and g*orge l*uc*s, and on top of that list are luminara unduli and barriss offee aka umm barriss and barriss.
barriss did nothing wrong ever in her entire life. the end of s5 was fake news. haha. gotcha. it's all just a prank. you were fooled. barriss did nothing.
*sigh* d*ve, turn your location on, we need to talk--
86 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 23:24:14 GMT
Ahsoka Tano Redesign
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early clone wars ahsoka is precious, y'all are just mean… she does need a new outfit tho--
sooooo my redesign for aayla got me in a mood and so i had to fix ahsoka's outfit. she's precious and i love her, but my baby looks so cold 99% of the time. so anyway, here you go. also i added arm thingies to sort of pay homage to her outfit later in clone wars (which i still have issues with but the arm thingies are cool i guess).
(reblogs would be greatly appreciated!!! 🧡✨💙👑)
(also, emma ( @leias-left-hair-bun ), i had to type this while wiping away tears from your way-too-nice post about me. thank you again, ma'am. 🤧)
102 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 23:24:29 GMT
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okay… everyone is entitled to their own opinion…
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(not my gifs)
117 notes • Posted 2021-07-09 16:46:38 GMT
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shaak ti is an underrated queen. that's it. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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279 notes • Posted 2021-05-09 00:03:39 GMT
Aayla Secura Redesign
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aayla secura is an underrated queen… who deserved a better outfit--
outfit inspired by this post by @royalhandmaidens !
(reblogs would be greatly appreciated!! 💙👑)
484 notes • Posted 2021-08-08 05:20:54 GMT
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symeona · 3 years
Somebody legit thought I wrote Umm Barriss cause I couldn't remember Luminara's name like
Uhmm... Barriss??
Yeah I spent 5 hours crying over a drawing but idk who tf is in it bruv. Just drawing random characters yaknow
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