#under the readmore is just rambling
flaggermousseart · 7 months
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rambling headcanons under readmore
After rebuilding the hotel Lucifer moves in, wanting to help Charlie in whatever way he can. For Charlie’s sake, he’s going to try and get along with her friends somehow. What starts out as a trial in ‘not raising to any of that fucker’s insults’ becomes ‘alright, I can tolerate the Radio Demon’ then ‘okay, maybe Alastor is not THAT bad’ and somewhere along the line he starts to develop feelings for him.
Lucifer panics. He’s never felt anything like this since Lilith. She’s been gone for years, and he didn’t think he’d feel anything like this again. He decides that this is crazy, and if he just ignores it and pushes all these new feelings as far down as possible, they will go away.
They don’t.
And soon the whole damn hotel seems to know. This is extremely embarrassing, but the only one who’s opinion really matters to him is Charlie. Lucifer thought she’s be disappointed that he’s moving on from her mom. Charlie is not; she’s seen how depressed her father has been, how much he’s been struggling these last years, so if he can find happiness again, he should go for it! When Charlie starts pushing for him to ask Alastor out, Lucifer almost wishes she’d disapproved.
But ... perhaps he should do it. He’ll probably get a no, but maybe a humiliating rejection is what will finally snap him out of it. Maybe he can somehow move on then.
It turns out there was one person in the hotel who had not picked up on Lucifer’s feelings:
Alastor had no clue.
So, when Lucifer asks him out, his first thought is ‘is this some sort of trap?’ and the second is ‘oh. how can I use this?’
... so he says yes.
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nightislandnoveltymug · 6 months
actually, proper answer now that i'm awake and have had some time to percolate lol. best thing armand did!
i should say this is kind of a tie for me because the person armand becomes with daniel is always going to be up there -- he didn't let him die, he gave daniel what he wanted, but more importantly he told him, and showed him, that he loved him, and just in general in their time together he allowed daniel to see so much of his real genuine vulnerability and cared for him and worried about him so much and that fucks me up!!
but!! the thing i actually wanted to mention is his homes! (this is maybe cheating a little bit because it isn't something he did, it's something he does, but whatever.) one of the things i love most about armand is that he's always creating these stable places and central points for everybody to congregate on. while a lot of the others are sort of nomadic and don't stay in touch and you don't really know where they are, he is always (as he says) "a canker in the very eye of the world". he's easy to find, he stays in one place and he uses his resources and his power to create these stable, lasting home bases and then opens his doors to others. he creates stability and then shares it in a way that really nobody else does.
and i think it's very interesting because this sort of stability is a character trait that (i think!) maybe most people would first and foremost think to associate with elders like maharet, or marius, when in actual fact, the truth is that neither of them has ever done that -- for their own disparate reasons they've always been highly reclusive, and have protected their own stability by staying out of touch with the rest of the vampire world, not opening their doors, and for the most part not helping anyone or intervening in anything in any way.
there's something fascinating and honestly poignant about like... armand, maybe subconsciously, running a household according to an ideal which (imo!) is based on marius, except that marius has never actually done that. not for vampires. and so in actual fact, this is something that armand has innovated; this actually comes from him, and is coloured by his experience with the covens (which marius has never shown anything but disdain for), and perhaps even beyond that, by his experience with the sense of community in monastic life (which really ditto).
i personally suspect that rather than praiseworthy, he probably sees this as ultimately pretty self-serving on his own part, because he has this longing for community that drives him to create these places, so he probably just sees it as something he does so that he won't have to be alone. and also, from the way he talks in late canon you get the sense that he rather sees himself as trying to atone, and as trying to emulate those who are better than him. when in fact he's doing something that nobody else is doing, and in many ways (imo) behaving more like a leader of a community than any of the characters that everyone else thinks ought to lead, like marius or lestat. not because they couldn't, but because neither of them has ever had the resources, capabilities, patience, and willingness to create something like that and then open it up.
and for a character who's been so lost, and has spent so much of his life feeling lost, feeling abandoned (and i think, right up until present day, still feels that way really), and has spent so much of his life looking for something to anchor his life to, without ever having the luxury of truly finding it, and having to just sort of go on anyway, keep living anyway -- for that character to be a stable anchor point for everybody else is something that really really gets me about him, maybe especially because i think he isn't fully aware of it himself.
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good-beans · 6 days
Art for my mom :)
I was telling her about how cute the milgramblrgram art was, and she knows I swore off drawing real people but here was a Window of Opportunity where I was doing it lol 😅 We're going to visit her dad soon and she asked if I could make something of him of his kids! I found a fairly recent photo of them and used it as a starting point
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scarrletmoon · 14 days
afraid to admit i haven’t listened to the artist du jour that everyone’s talking about bc i’ve been waiting to get into it organically but the more people are like “if you don’t like this music then something’s wrong with you” the less i’m interested in actually listening to it and im afraid it’s going to turn into resentment if everyone keeps this up
maybe it’s bc i don’t use spotify anymore so i don’t have the same gamified discovery playlist (i don’t think this is necessarily good or bad, im also just not on a music kick rn so i’m not looking to find anything new yet)
i know i’m being sensitive as usual but like. idk. i know people are just making jokes but i guess now i feel more aware of how i might be hurting others while making the same ones
i think part of why i’m bummed out about this is bc the #1 hit era is kind of over? even when i was in my annoying “not like other girls” music phase, i still knew all the words to Low for some reason. and now? i haven’t heard a new taylor swift song in about a decade and she’s one of the biggest stars in the world (i mean im not complaining that much, im not really a fan of hers). the collective culture we used to have has kind of broken up into bubbles that occasionally intersect
anyway my dumb point is, i’m sad that people think less of me bc i haven’t heard a song that apparently the whole world has heard, and it’s making me sad that a problem i thought would end in adulthood kind of hasn’t. there’s some pop culture stuff i just didn’t grow up with. i’m tired of pretending so people don’t treat me like a freak (derogatory). i’m also tired of caring what other people think of me. i know i shouldn’t. i’m only human. i know i shouldn’t. i can’t help it
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nebulous-nevermore · 1 year
ghost trick live reaction so far! spoilers for the beginning of the game ahead and all that fun stuff
ive gotten through the first two chapters so far,,,, there’s already been a kitty and a puppy. does the dog die is a yes but you bring him back so its okay. i want the black kitty that stepped on my corpse to come back like hi baby let me pet you pleeease
also i love that we’re pulling no punches with the killing people thing. there’s no beating around the bush with it which is refreshing. everyone’s dyin everywhere,,, and its not just the good guys we’re immediately right off the bat killin jeego. squashed. i would imagine tengo is in for a similar fate but like,,, man. also funny that we immediately assume that this is simply the right thing to do. not bc killing people bad or anything just bc a girl is in trouble. ik the real motivation is to find the truth and all,,, but its funny to think that sissel simply believes women can do no wrong
ray is also v interesting. the lampshade thing is really kinda cute im ngl. curious how he’s(?) gonna come back into play. he’s actin like he’s been around the block for quiiite a while,,,, but he must’ve died the same day, right? because the soul disappearing when the sun goes up stipulation,,,, that’s gotta apply to him too right? though i guess in fairness if he’s also got these ghost tricks. he may very well have been going back and forth in time and all,,,, and may very well have been around the block quiiiite a few times. cant wait to see what’s the what tbh
anyways im excited to play more tomorrow :D
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shiny-meowstics · 8 months
yes, I think palworld could get into some legal trouble because a lot of its designs are blatantly using/copying pokemon's assets (doubly so since they're selling it). hiring artists/designers is Not Hard and "satire" is not an excuse to rip off shit. also imo it's just a cheap looking game that looks to be using a lot of pre-existing assets to begin with
but also, yes, I think it would be extremely funny if it got better review scores/reception than scarvi AND I believe pokeco CEOs should be made to sweat a little bc their cash cow franchise is easily replicated and all it'll take is One Good Competitor to threaten their spot at the top
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dbphantom · 1 year
Reddit users as soon as you say Egghead Luffy is actually wearing a dress with a cropped jacket over top
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Am I wrong tho? That's a dress. The jacket sleeves and the hood are attached to the top part which is seperate from it. And when he transforms into G5, he's just wearing shorts and no shirt which I also do when I'm wearing a dress, so I mean...
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Also, fun fact, the numbers on the back change from 163 to 5G (or SG, to fit the front) only on this panel, which I'm assuming was an error, but could also just be a G5 reference, I dunno.
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Watch next chapter have him unzip it and have a shirt underneath just bc I posted this asgdgdjssjdh
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ciphernull · 1 year
personal grumbling re: char dev woes
hmmng i keep finding myself lacking something when it comes to developing my characters here. i guess it's like... i miss collaboration?
i'm so used to making characters for tabletop that it feels lonely doing it without other people involved. oc asks are fun and all but i really need someone to just... bounce ideas off, n discuss interactions n themes n parallels and all that good stuff! i really want to like, not necessarily even roleplay (though i do want to get back into that. eventually.) but just create something *with* someone again.
but then this also feeds back into the whole "all my ocs feel half baked" issue because how am i supposed to get someone interested enough to want to actually talk about ocs personally if i can't develop them to the point of being interesting? it's such an annoying feeling.
i know a lot of this is in my head, because i do this all the time! but it's still a Problem for me, even if it's a made up problem. and i don't mean to sound self deprecating about this or anything, m' just a bit frustrated with myself. and maybe a little lonely. idk. bleh.
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neurotonic · 6 months
I looove your latest fic... I was rereading it again and it got me thinking about their entire situation. If things didn't escalate the way they did, do you think Prism would have been able to sick her robots on Phoenix after being so up close and personal? Seeing their scars and realizing they're as much of a human as the agents she was trying to save? Sure, Phoenix could have broken out at any time, but would they even need to?
Thank you so much, first of all! ;u; It really means a lot, especially since I don't...really write all that much and this one's a little more self-indulgent wuhjkhrger BUT um. yeah. If you meant without the whole agency 101 seduction stunt I still think Prism wouldn't have been able to find the strength to kill Phoenix, even with her robots. One of my earlier ideas for this had absolutely none of that making out stuff involved, and it still virtually ended the same way. If she was given the chance to really think about it, I don't think she could kill them. A bit more of my thought process under the cut :]
I wanted to toy with the idea that humanizing the legend is enough for Prism to like... doubt what she's really doing here. The proximity I think is something I wanted to keep in mind, because even in the games, she's always somewhere else or there's a barrier in between them that she couldn't interact with Phoenix directly. I could only think of two instances where Prism gets real close to Phoenix before her eventual change of sides: the Robot confrontation in Blind Spot, and the ending of Cold Shoulder (WHICH is what directly preceded her change of heart). I thought to myself mmmmmMaybe there's something I can work with here. Maybe she did have a distorted image of Phoenix in her head that only fueled her frustration and vengeance towards them............... so what if she finally meets them and they're. much realer than she anticipated? so this was born.
I call it kind of self-indulgent because. Well. There was no other reason I added the makeout thing except for me going "AH I just wanted to do it" LMAO!! Half-joking half-serious though, I just think exploring the agent's body was the tipping point for me. There was also one time where I wanted to let them have their fun and finish what they started, but that felt like I was straying a bit too far from what I originally wanted to do. That, and I feel very insecure about writing something That explicit.
.......Well I hope that answered your question KSJDFHS sorry I just used your ask as rambling grounds for this fic. I think the girlies are allowed some more yuri in the tags okay. Okay? Okay. Short answer she would've still released them, in the hopes that the distance between them will make her vengeance return again. It would've been a much shorter fic if that happened.
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sunsage · 11 months
🕯️ sup
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
He really doesn't get it.
Sun Wukong isn't new to forgiveness, having granted it many times and occasionally (though not very often) being offered it in turn. And he's not... new to the concept of forgiving someone you loved who hurt you greatly either.
(But there is a wide gap between being forgiven and having what they once had.)
But he just can't see why Macaque keeps coming back to him. Back in their world, he could always assume it was mostly because of MK, since the kid was first to make an offer of friendship. Amidst the constant threats to the realm's stability, the safest place to be is among the people you could trust to protect you.
(And if Macaque can trust MK but not him, that's fine.)
But why does he still cling to Monkey King's side here? In this place that seems to thrive on change and new experiences, where none of their (his, mostly) enemies were trying to end the world and death was temporary, why would Macaque need to trail him all over the city, spend so much time in his house and sleep in his bed?
That's what he doesn't get.
Macaque is strong, smart and capable. He is handsome and charming and, once you get used to his acerbic sense of humor, quite funny. He can dazzle any audience and get himself out of any situation, death included. He is (despite whatever image he is trying to project) a kind, brave and extremely loyal person. He doesn't need to be anyone's shadow anymore. He can be anywhere he wanted, doing anything he wanted.
So why would he want to be here? With him?..
Wukong doesn't know if Macaque wants to be friends (he doesn't even dare to wish for anything more, not in a thousand years at least). He doesn't know if he just wants to pretend none of that ever happened (they are not going to do that). He doesn't know what he can say or do or give to make things between them better.
...He does know that they need to talk about it. All of it. Except every time he opens his mouth he says something wrong and Macaque scowls at him or fires back with one of his favourite cutting remarks or leaves. So he backs down (like a coward), because Wukong would rather keep them in this weird neither here nor there place than risk actually hurting Macaque again.
(It scares him to think that maybe he just doesn't know how to not hurt him again. Sometimes he wishes Macaque would really just leave so he doesn't have this hope that maybe-)
It's not his place to push or to rush things, not this time. Sun Wukong is a patient man, these days. If there is one thing he can do it's to let Macaque figure it out on his own terms. And if he needs to stay close while he does that, that's fine too. He can wait for Macaque to make up his mind even if takes another five hundred years. And he will. He will be right here, always, waiting for it.
Because someone you love is always worth waiting for.
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cauaullection · 1 year
I know reclassing Wrys to Swordmaster in FE11 is a meme because his stats and growths will be fucked, but you cannot look at this art
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and tell me the concept isn’t cool as fuck.
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ambalambs · 1 year
So ive been really musing on miko's childhood stuff lately. Just fleshing out a lot of it since I think ive finally settled on some major keypoints lately after all these years lol and a thought came to me of little teenaged miko being raised by a gridanian hyur family and how that would be difficult at times given his previous keeper of the moon upbringing. So like being a teen and at the age when he'd probably finally get the chance to go on his first hunt had he still been with his tribe, and so he'd take it upon himself to actually just go out into the forest on his own one day and finally get his first deer. He'd bring it back home all proud of himself and happy to share his spoils only for him to be scolded for it. Gridanian rules about hunting and all that and the fear of the elementals weighing heavy on his new family. We dont have much to go on about why the miqo'te tribes dont seem to be affected by the elementals so it just seems like something he'd never had to think about and be a big learning experience for him as a kid
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so the resident evil animated movies are Not Good and Death Island was no exception. tbh in some ways the plot was worse than several of the others because frankly the villain actually has a legitimate grievance but just decided to kill a bunch of people about it instead of having any sort of interesting morality or backstory. however this movie DOES have:
leon s. kennedy being beat up and thrown around in multiple different scenes
jill fucking up a big nasty meat man with her plasma gun
chris wearing a silly little hawaiian shirt (that gets ripped off him during the first fight)
the redfield siblings! interacting for like the second time in the entire franchise! they didn't do anything interesting together but they were both there!
jill and leon meeting for the actual first time in the entire franchise (i think) and they even get to do some cool stuff!
that one cool scene from the trailer when they all jump over a tentacle
and i mean. i can't be mad about all that tbh
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theradicalace · 2 years
the obligatory thunderstorm fic
(crossposted from ao3)
fandoms: friday night funkin
pairing: boyfriend/pico
summary: it's literally just pico comforting boyfriend during a thunderstorm idk what to tell you
Of all the things that could have happened tonight, Blake would probably put "a freak thunderstorm" as one of the worst.
It was ridiculous, really. Up and coming musician, known for handling demons and rap battling on top of cars and in active miliary zones, all with a grin and a peace sign...
And he's reduced to a trembling mess, hiding under the covers from a little bit of thunder. Could he possibly get more childish?
The rain against the windows was loud enough that he nearly missed the sound of the front door being opened, but there was no mistaking the knock at his bedroom door, or the voice that called out afterwards.
"You doin' alright in there, Morse Code?"
Storm be damned, that cheesy nickname would never fail to warm his heart. He wanted to say something, to tell him that everything was just fine, but all he managed was a vague sort of squeak.
"Yeah, I guess that was a dumb question."
The door swung open quietly as Pico let himself in. He crossed the room in a few long strides, and slid under the blankets to pull his shaking partner close to him. Blake curled up against him instinctively, laying his head against his chest.
"Guessing you're probably not verbal at all right now, huh?"
Blake gave a half hearted wave of his hand. He could talk right now, it just... wouldn't be easy.
Pico just raised an unimpressed eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, well, don't push yourself. You know you're gonna regret it later."
Before he could bring himself to respond, lightning flashed outside, and Blake tensed, clinging to Pico like a lifeline. The anticipation of the thunder was almost worse than the thunder itself sometimes.
Then the actual thunder hit, and holy shit, nevermind, the anticipation was absolutely not worse.
"Take it easy there, you're gonna break my ribs at this rate."
Pico was only joking. He knew that, of course he knew that. But he still couldn't help the distressed whine he let out.
"Woah, I'm kidding! I'm just giving you shit, babe."
A moment passed where the only sounds Blake could were the howling wind outside, and Pico's steady heartbeat, before he spoke up again.
"Hey... You know it's okay to be scared, right?"
As always, he'd managed to zero in on the deeper problem without needing to be told.
"You're always so damn hard on yourself. Nobody's gonna think less of you for being afraid."
Blake pulled his hands free for just long enough to sign a quick phrase.
"Don't want to talk about this. Please."
Pico tilted his head to the side, the way he always did when he was lost in thought. Then, without saying another word he started humming a familiar melody.
It was a lullaby from when they both were younger. Blake was honestly surprised that he still remembered it at all. He could feel the notes as they reverberated through his chest, soothing and soft.
They stayed like that for a time, one song giving way the next. Eventually, it was hard to tell where one ended and another began.
The storm raged on outside. But inside the darkened apartment, Blake was comfortable in his lover's arms. Pico was still humming an aimless tune, hand rubbing slow circles on his back. Slowly, he relaxed enough to finally get some rest.
He trusted Pico to keep him safe.
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
you got a discord? 👀
uh yeah. the link is in my description. like the little about thing on tumblr? can you… not see that? i’m not. the most familiar with how tumblr works across various platforms. i’m pretty sure the link is accessible since ppl. do join. maybe they join through the… link on the post tho. but that hasn’t really been circulating so…. what is our desktop theme. can you see it on that. i haven’t thought about our desktop theme in. okay literally my entire life i have never thought about our desktop theme. i think it’s ugly. maybe i should fix it
of course maybe you just didn’t. read my description. i forget sometimes that people don’t do everything in their power to figure things out on their own before asking for help
anyway. i’ve realized another neat trick to get me to talk to you is to give me an invite to YOUR discord. i will, in fact, join every rvb space available. i already knew this about myself but yknow. funny to see it crop up when i’m talking about it. maybe not funny actually i think the things that got me to think about these things are directly related…
i don’t even know what i’m talking about. anyway if you can’t see my description here’s the link to the discord:
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splattermouth · 1 year
you know a lot of people coming back to pla and reanalyzing volos character pick up on the very obvious ‘every time i was met with tragedy and hardship, I wondered why Arceus would allow this to happen.’ line (not quite his wording but you get the gist), but i feel like i see a lot of people then glossing over the line almost right after about him using his passion for history and mythology specifically to understand the universe and the world he lives and and his position in it. (and also him mentioning i Believe in the red chain portion of the plot w adaman and irida, about wanting to know where he’s headed in life. i Know he said this, and i Believe it was at the red chain part but i am so due for a replay by this point my memory is foggy)
which just makes me kind of sad bc it feels like such a vital part of his character. but so many (understandably ofc) focus on the melancholic aspect of his character, but not so much the innately curious and thoughtful and introspective volo. like so many write him w a pessimistic ‘fuck this world’ kind of outlook rather than a ‘what could i possibly do to change things’ outlook.
(and again, to headcanon, and ive said this before, but this just further makes it look to me as if subjugating arceus and resetting to world was never intended to be his Big Plan until the final hour, in the midst of what was likely some kind of bad mental breakdown. just feels to me as if his actual goals are way way less Becoming God of the New World and much more ‘why do things happen the way they do’ and ‘i want to know where im supposed to fit in that puzzle, i want to know more about myself’)
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