cloned-eyes · 1 year
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kekekeke @therisingdarkness suggested I should make this a new series
Edit: ao3 no longer exists
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yoursselo · 2 years
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the kissableness of mason’s lips needs to be studied like how can someone’s lips be so insanely kissable we need to do some research on that
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chrisbesitos · 16 days
chris teaching his girlfriend how to play Fortnite.
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"Sorry, I didn't know you were streaming." Y/N said after open the room door.
She arrived at the triplets house and couldn't find anyone, so she looked in Matt's room and found Chris and Matt streaming. She just wants to say 'hi' to Chris.
"Y/N!" Chris smiled and opened his arms to receive a hug from his girlfriend, Y/N approached smiling and embrace Chris' shoulders, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I miss you so much."
"We saw each other two hours ago." She giggled, Chris didn't let her go so easily, he kept holding her body against him, completely forgetting they were streaming. "Hi, Matt."
"Hey, Y/N. How's your parents?"
"They're good, my mom invited you to lunch in their house on sunday." She replied, still being hugged by Chris. "Let me go, Chris."
"Please stay with us."
Y/N ended up saying yes. Chris didn't let her get a chair for her, he made her sit on his lap. She tried to fight against him, but he held her by the waist, not letting her get up.
"Hey, chat. This is my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N."
"What are you playing?" Y/N asked adjusting her position on Chris' lap, moving her waist pressing her ass against her boyfriend. He pressed his fingers on her skin, Y/N smirked.
"We were about to play Fortnite." Matt said, already with the game opened on his computer.
"Oh, I don't know how to play this."
"It's time to learn." Chris said, he held Y/N's by her waist and get up. He made his way to his room, carrying his girlfriend there. "Stop with this."
"With what?" She play dumb.
"I'm gonna teach you how to play, but you behave yourself." Chris demanded, Y/N bit her underlip and nodded. "I'm being serious, princess. We're streaming and I can't stop what I'm doing to take care of you."
"Okay, I'm gonna behave. I promise." She gave him a kiss, holding his neck while he sat in the computer chair and put Y/N on his lap.
Chris gets back in the stream, he opens the game and teaches Y/N the controls to play Fortnite. While she tried to play, Chris cursed the players who were trying to kill Y/N, but she ended up dying either way.
"Shit." Y/N groans, Chris chuckled and gave her a kiss on her shoulder.
"That's okay, you're still learning." Her cheer her up.
Y/N played again, she didn't win, actually she died once again, but this time she kill one player.
"Oh, did you see it? I killed him!" Y/N said excited, Chris nodded and hugged her waist.
"See? You're learning, I'm proud of you." He gave her a peck on the lips, Y/N giggled. "What?"
"Matt told us to stop with the PDA." With this, Chris held her chin and gave her a proper kiss. "Okay, stop. There's a million people watching us."
Eventually, Y/N get tired of play Fortnite, but Chris didn't let her leave his lap.
"Can we play Minecraft later?"
"Whatever you want, princess."
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chris would 100% teach his girlfriend how to play his favorite games and she would ask him to play her favorite games!!!
Tags: @lizzymacdonald06 @deliciousluminaryanchor @lushjunkie @sweetreliever @watercolorskyy @ivysturnss
join my taglist!
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
birds of a feather II Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1647
a/n: dear readers, the inspiration for the oneshot was this request here, we hope that we did the great idea justice.
warnings: contains coach abuse through a parental figure
“Come on move over, Viv!”, Jonas yelled before pushing Vivianne stronger than it would have been necessary.
Watching this scene unfold from the bench brought back memories which were engraved into your brain. But none of your teammates noticed your skin turn pale or the slight wobble of your underlip.
The harshness in your coaches’ voices and the physical aggressivity reminded you of your days in the youth team your stepfather had coached. Back in the day all you did was helplessly staying silent, eager to please, whatever he wanted from you to become what you wanted to be a professional footballer.
Unlike your child self the Dutch midfielder’s reaction wasn’t silence.
“What are you doing? You just said I should get ready!”, she shot back, visibly frustrated by his behaviour.
“You were too slow!”, the Swedish man replied angrily.
“You should have told me in time then! God!”, Vivianne shouted
Listening to their fight made you shrink a little bit more, every word they exchanged felt like a whiplash to you. Their sentences opened cuts you thought have long healed, but they turned out to be still open and you had a hard time to stay focused on the game in front of your eyes.
Flashes of the past returned to the forefront of your mind; you tried your best to ignore those, knowing fully well they would haunt you in your dreams tonight.
“Come on, guys, stop that nonsense.”, much to your relief the co-coach separated the two fighting parties.
“Can you believe that?!”, the forward asked you, sounding exasperated.
“Viv are you okay?!”, you whispered.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”, she assured you.
“Okay, good.”, you nodded. Although nothing was good. Not really, but you weren’t sure you could confide into her. You were still new to the team, and you didn’t want to bother her with things which laid in the past but had a way to resurface in the present.
After the game which resulted in a draw you were the last to be in the shower. Under the harsh waterjet you tried to scrub off what happened today, the skin turned already red, because of your strong rubbing against it.
“Hey, are you coming? You don’t want to miss the bus.”, Kim cleared her throat impatiently to get your attention.
“Yes, everyone is waiting for you.”, Leah added, standing right next to your team’s captain, her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“I’m coming.”, you promised.
“Do you need help with anything?”, Lia asked concerned.
“No, I’m good, we can go.”, you waved her off while getting dressed, the clothes clinging to your skin and your hair was still wet when you left the changing room with your teammates.
You were quiet on your way back. You did not want to be that quiet. Everyone around you was talking and joking. But you just sat there, your thoughts spinning.
You barely even managed to say good bye to your teammates before going home.
Standing in front of the door of the small apartment, you could already hear your stepfathers voice.
He was yelling again.
For a moment you considered just leaving but then you thought better of it.
Carefully, you opened the door.
“Hi, I’m home.“, you announced yourself quietly.
Your stepdad immediately turned to you: “You played like shit today.“
You flinched as he stomped towards you: “But I…“
His hands wrapped around your upper arm. The sport bag dropped from your shoulder as he pushed you around in anger: “Whatever your coach said, he’s wrong! Remember who got you to where you are now?! Who coached you first and saw your potential!“
His face was so close to yours that you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
You could not get yourself to meet his eyes.
“I’m tired… I just want to go to bed.“, you said calmly, to not risk upsetting him even more.
He continued, pushing you backwards repeatedly until your back hit the wall with full force: “You better remember that! And you better work your ass off at the next game. I refuse to let you embarrass me again!“
There was so much you wanted to say. You wanted to shout how glad you were that he would never coach you again and how sorry you felt for the other kids. You wanted to scream that you owed him nothing, that you were the one who had built this career for yourself.
But you felt too drained to fight, so you just nodded and disappeared into your room without another word.
At training the next day, your stepfathers words reverberated in your head and you found yourself subconsciously pushing your body to its limit at every exercises.
This did not go unnoticed by your teammates.
“Woah, hey. Slow down, little one.“, Beth stopped you. She was smiling but there her eyebrows were knotted together in worry.
Steph appeared on your side as you caught your breath: “Yes, you don’t want to hurt yourself in training.“
“I won’t.“, you said plainly, hoping they would back off and would let you continue.
“Y/n…“, Beth started, the smile suddenly gone.
“Relax a bit. This is almost as obsessive as Leah is with her training.“, she chuckled but you knew she was serious.
The blonde defender grimaced at her: “Excuse me?!“
Her voice went soft as she added: “But yes, something is off… Y/n, if you want to talk about it, you should know that we’re here for you.“
You could feel the tears well up in your eyes so you just shook your head.
“And if not to us, there’s also a psychologist here.“, Lia continued empathetically.
“It’s fine. Really. Just need to be better at the next game.”, you tried.to wave their worries off.
“You played like ten minutes. Not many players can make a difference in ten minutes.”, Katie argued.
“Yes, but it’s not good enough!”, you shouted, pushing the arm of the Irish woman which stretched out for a hug away.  
“Alright, calm down. Katie rolled her eyes annoyed at you, before turning her head to your other teammates who stood there equally clueless about your sudden emotional outbreak, sounds like she really does need to see our psychologist.”
You were close to shout at her, telling the older woman that she had no idea what was going on inside your brain, how unloving and dangerous your home felt. That family wasn’t always as perfect as the club painted it to be. But you decided to be quiet and continued to do your training.
It was after the next match day at home when Kim noticed that your stepdad was pushing you around.
” Girls, look.”, the captain nodded worried into your direction.
“We can’t just-“, Katie begun, already rolling up her sleeves, ready to fight against the taller man.
“Katie. He’s gone.”, Caitlin interrupted her girlfriend.
“Y/n?”, Kim was the first who was at your side, the rest of the team swiftly followed her.
“Kim? Katie?”, you blinked at them in surprise.
“Are you good? Is he bothering you.”, the Irish player wanted to know from you with deep concern in her voice.
“He’s my stepdad, he always acts like that.”, you looked down, ashamed that your home wasn’t as beautiful and wholesome as theirs.
“You know, I don’t think I like him an awful lot.”, Beth admitted.
“The next time he pushes you, I’ll push him back. Such an asshole!”, Katie cursed.
“No one’s pushing anyone here!”, Kim demanded in full captain mode. All she cared about was your well-being. The rest could be solved at a later stage.
“Right, and we need to get y/n out of this unhealthy situation at first.”, Lia added earnestly while brushing softly through your open hair with one hand to calm down her and your nerves.
“You really are the personification of Switzerland, Wally.”, Katie teased her, attempting to lighten up the depressive atmosphere.
“Someone has to find a reasonable solution.”, Lia defended herself.
“Maybe she could sleep at one of our places tonight until we have a plan?”, Kim suggested.
“Sounds good.”, Leah agreed seriously.
“She can stay with me and Viv.”, Beth announced, giving you a warm smile.
“Yes, she can stay as long as she wants. Plus, Myles will be so excited to see her again.”, the Dutch footballer grinned at the memory of their little puppy who loved you a lot.
“Thanks, girls.”, you mumbled gratefully.
Gently, Beth put her arm around your shoulders: “That’s what we’re here for.“
“Yes but all your families are so cute and then there’s mine… so I thought I never belonged.“, you admitted, not sure if you were making any sense.
Alessia shrugged, her gaze fixed on you: “Not everyone has a perfect family.“
“And family is not always blood-related.“, Beth added softly.
For a moment you were sure that you saw tears glistening in her blue eyes but you could not blame her. She had been through a lot.
“What do you mean?“, you asked.
“What Beth is trying to say is that we can be your family, y/n.“, Leah explained.
You looked up at her in surprise: “Really?“
“This is what this team is and always was.“, Kim nodded solemnly.
“A family…“, you said conclusively.
You looked at your teammates and were left speechless by the determination and empathy in their faces.
After years of suffering through the abuse in youth teams, your heart felt full with gratefulness and adoration for your teammates. But it simultaneously was also breaking for the children still having horrible coaches and being dismissed.
In that moment, you made a promise to yourself to make whatever team you would join a safe space and a family as well.
But for now, you were ready to let your guard down and let your Arsenal family take care of you.
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vyinter · 2 years
WAITTT is that kim kangmin bullying sungjae kkjchdsjckhk
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velvetti · 11 months
A mole was found
Warning: Non-con, double penetration, rape, bondage, threesome, implied no aftercare, gender neutral but made with male reader in mind, rushed, not proofread, this is more like a oneshot.
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If accidentally getting affiliated with the mafia is unlucky, then you would be the god of bad luck. And unfortunately for you, after being assigned to spy on the mafia for over a year, they had managed to find documents detailing their exploits, which gave them enough evidence to drag you to the torture interrogation room.
Like any normal person, you tried to resist but let's be honest, could you really fight against trained mafia members dragging you by both of your arms? Not to mention when they've been annoyed by your constant resistance, they knocked you out by smashing your head against the wall, hard enough to make you unconscious but not hard enough to kill you.
By the time that you have woken up, you were set on your knees on the floor, hands tied behind your back with a blindfold over your eyes. The position...confused you? Usually traitors would be set on a wooden chair, fully tied down with a gag in their mouth, not whatever position you are in.
You could slightly make out the layout of the room based on how the light is shining down on you, seemed like the mafia members didn't bother to give you a thicker blindfold. There is a single lightbulb over your head, otherwise most of the room is dark and quiet. In the mist of confusion, you decided to risk something, tapping your finger on the floor and pretending to be impatient in order to try to use the echos to imagine the room's layout.
The plan worked, but things didn't seem to be in your favour as the room turned out to be quite large. How could you even escape in these circumstances???
Right at that moment, you heard footsteps echoing from a direction, cutting your line of thought almost immediately. The sound is somewhat scattered, you could make out that two people are heading towards you. You feel the light shining on your blindfold getting slightly darker, someone is standing right in front of you.
You heard murmurs and whispers, a cold sweat fell down your forehead while your hands fiddled together. You figured it's the best decision to stay silent and not say anything unless you're talked to, after all there isn't any reason to give away any information about yourself.
You felt a pair of hand grips your chin, the fingers digging into your cheeks and tilting it to different angles. You assumed it was to judge your appearance, which seemed to be at least attractive since you heard an amused hum from whoever was checking you out.
You felt your waits being held, turned over to your back before your head is placed on a lap of one of the two people, your knees being held up to your shoulders. The only thing you could hear is the sound of belts buckling and your voice protesting whatever the two are trying to do to you.
You froze the moment you felt the heat of something hot right over your face, as well as the feeling of your clothes being unbuttoned. Without any warning, the warm length shoves into your mouth, causing you to gag almost instantly, tears building in your eyes.
Meanwhile underneath, two fingers were knuckles deep in your hole, stretching it open and revealing your insides to the cold air. The fingers didn't stop rearranging your insides while the length moves in your mouth, ignoring all your gags and pathetic noises.
The second length eventually enters your under hole, a pair of hands grips your hips to move you more steadily. The cock in your mouth muffles your noises, shoving deeper down your throat when the length underneath pulls out to its tip, just to ram inside you again, giving you a bulge on your lower stomach.
You were biting your underlip, trying your best to not make any noises but they kept going out of your throat without any sign of stopping. You felt so violated yet it felt so good getting your insides ruined by people you don't even know the face off, unable to fight back and vulnerable like some kind of onahole.
The cock in your mouth was pulled out, a small strand of saliva connected its tip to your lips and left a quiet pop sound. The person holding your waist suddenly held you up straight, burying the length inside you deeper and grinding it against your spot. Before you could make sense of anything, the cock positions its tip against your entrance. You tried to protest and push the first person off, it was only met by a spank on your ass and the person shoving their cock into you.
The two started going by a faster pace, each taking turns to hit your deepest spot as the person behind you pulled your head back by your hair, the person in front of you shoved two fingers into your mouth to muffle your moans and play with your tongue.
After half an excruciating hour, they finally finished inside you with a grunt. At this point, your mind was already blanked, your body sweating and twitching from the intense workout, your hole gaping even when they pulled out and tears falling down from your eyes, staining the blind fold.
You heard a few small sentences before you pass out.
"What should we do with them, boss?"
"Keep them, they're good as a stress reliever."
At least now you know that you're good in bed <3
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Author note: This will get a remake due to the unsatisfactory of the plot.
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icameheretoreadstuff · 10 months
can't wait
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Pairing: Kakashi x F!Reader Warnings: 18+, MDNI, NSFW, smut, dry humping, public, he's your bf <3 Summary: you're in the woods with Kakashi. A/N: masterpost & links are pinned on my tumblr.
You ran throughout the woods with kakashi right behind you, with wind in your hair. You turned around for a moment only too see he was not behind you anymore. You stopped running and took a deep breath. You felt you could see something up in the trees so you hid behind a tree. You closed your eyes to focus on where he was when he jumped down from the sky right and landed right infront of you. "Hi handsome" you giggled and wrapped your hands around his neck, the warmth coming from his chest made you squeeze tighter against his chest.
"are you trying to hide from me?" he asked you as he leaned his forehead on yours "No, I'm trying to hide us" you smiled as you leaned twoards his lips as he wrapped his hands around your waist. "you are huh?" You really couldn't get enough of his lips, as they were hid you looked up at him with a look he knew too well. "use your words, hun" he chuckled "I wanna kiss you" you smiled as you kissed his nose "you just did" he teased, you pouted and he just chuckled as he kissed your pouted underlip.
He leaned back and you let your hands glide down onto his chest. He lowered his face mask slowly, you opened up his vest and You held your hand on his neck as you guided him slowly against your lips. The instant his lips were on yours, you felt like you melted. It was so hard to only just kiss him, it always builded up more and more until you were both were panting and naked.
He pulled you into a hug as he inhaled your sweet kiss. "I love kissing you" you smiled, He smiled and you quickly leaned back. "Wait!" you looked at his smile and melted comepletely "I'm never gonna get enough of your smile" you smiled as your thumb glided slowly over his underlip. He kissed your thumb and you stroked his cheek as you leaned twoards his lips, kissed him deeply and for a moment you both forgot every thought and worries you both were carrying.
It went fast from deep kisses to heavy makeout. His hands around your waist, you grinded on his thigh while tasting the sweetnes of his tongue.
His hand slipped down your pants, he hummed into your lips as he could feel how wet you were. His finger slipped between your folds, you moaned into his lips as he groaned "I love you." He grabbed your thighs, pulled you up closer to his boner and pinned you up against the tree as he grinded his boner twoards your clothed clit.
His muscled arms wrapped around you as he moaned into your lips. You could feel the heat between your kisses and his thrust began to become more needy.
"please" you whimpered, his rough kisses and his boner was making you crazy. His hips were vibrating when he pushed his bulge into your core as he was so horny he could burst, his breath was shaky as he kissed you deeply "I want you inside me" you moaned, he smirked at your response.
He let you down and you dragged your pants down to your knees "I need you" you said as you kissed his neck softly while openening up his pants and dragged it down, his big cock bounced out of his boxer.
You felt like you had no time. Your mind was foggy, as you whimpered you turned around and pushed your hips up "You need my cock that bad, huh?" He hummed as he slipped his tip inside your wet clit while moaning "yes please" you hummed as you hold onto the tree for support.
The wetness of your clit was used as lube and he couldn't stop silently moaning as it felt so good to feel your wet entrance hugging his tip. He thrusted slowly, rolling his hips his dick went deeper and deeper inside you. "you fill me up so good" you moaned "i love filling you up" he flirted as he moaned deeply while thrusting slowly into you.
You loved it when he was vocal with you, only for you to hear. "You're so perfect" he hummed as he glided his hand under your shirt and cupped your breast. He rolled his hips as he squeezed your breast, you whimpered as you bended your back. With his free hand he gripped your hip tight and thrusted his hard long dick deeper inside you.
"fuck" he groaned as he watched your ass bounce with each thrust. "I need you so bad y/n" he hummed "does this feel ok, hun?" you moaned in response which only got him more excited.
He moved his hand from your breast and gripped your hips tight as he could feel you squeezing your walls "y/n" he moaned as he bended his knees and thrusted automatically deep and fast into you.
He moved his hands up while cupping both of your breast as his hips clapped hard into you "mmf" he hummed as he held your breast tight. "keep doing that" he hummed "keep squeezing my cock" you moaned at his words, feeling close "fuck" you moaned. squeezing your walls around his thick cock. "just like that" he cooes as he pinched your nipples.
"I'm close" he hummed and began to pant as his hips snapped up into you. "kakashi-" you moaned as you could feel your breath getting deep and fast, you bended your back and thrusted back onto his big cock. "keep doing that" he cooes "don't stop" he moaned "fuck" you moaned as you climaxed "fuck me harder" you panted feeling the rush of his hips rapidly clap harder and faster into you "close" he barely managed to say as he moaned and panted over and over again. "i love you" he whimpered and gripped your hips as he climaxed hard into you.
He slipped out his cock and found something to clean you up from one of his pockets. You whimpered as he slowly cleaned you up "careful, I'm so sensetive right now" he smirked as you raised up, took on your pants and turned around "i love you" you smiled as you kissed him deeply.
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golyhawhaw · 10 months
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Greetings all. I present to you a new overlay for your male sims. This is masculine overlay with a slight emphasis on cheek jowls and the attachment to the underlip. Download and other information under the cut.
This download contains:
A Skin Detail Overlay
This Overlay contains:
Full Coverage Swatch
Face Only Swatch
Face Only (EA Eyes)
I have added a bit more variance for those who would prefer to use the face on its own and for those who want to use EA eyes for variance.
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Public Access on 10th of December.
If you like my content, consider me on Patreon for earlier downloads or sending a donation
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l5byrinth · 7 months
new romantics
“the best people in life are free.”
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pairing: finnick x fem!reader, platonic!johanna x fem!reader, literally everyone else just platonic
summary: celebrating the anniversary of getting rid of the hunger games with your found family with a surprise for them in store as well.
a/n: i wrote this like rn which is almost 1 am and i’m not mad about how it has turned out. i should probably edit this but wanted to finish at least one of the requests by today!! also anon i kind of changed it by making johanna someone like sister for reader just so more people feel included when reading <333 hope you like this anon and tbh it’s really bad but i hope you enjoy!!
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WITH a wide smile on your face, you jokingly scolded your little child and Peeta for running around the living room. You were busy chatting up with your closest friends Katniss and Johanna, while the rest of your friends were all having a conversation of their own. You were glad the others got distracted by the two, because they were just questioning the fact you passed on a glass of wine. “Sorry,” Your little toddler pouted their underlip forward, your heart melting at the sight.
You motioned for the kid to come and sit on your lap, “That’s okay, sweetie. Now, show aunt Johanna and aunt Katniss your teeth.”
The little child bared their teeth for Johanna and Katniss to examine. Your kid had recently lost two of their teeth, and saying the little one was proud was an understatement. “Wow, you’re all grown up now.” Johanna commented, making the small child smile even wider. Katniss questioned, grabbing the young one’s hands, “What’d you do with the lost teeth?”
Your kid hopped off your lap, “Made money with it, duh.” And the youngster sprinted off to Peeta, who was already waiting for him.
Laughter filled the room, and even Katniss - who was a hard one to crack - couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. Finnick, who was previously busy in the kitchen preparing one of his favourite meals, entered the sitting room. His gaze fell upon you and, just like every time he looked at you, it was like he fell in love all over again.
When you noticed him on the other side of the room, you excused yourself to your friends before making your way over to your husband. You draped your arms over his shoulders as he rested his hands on your waist, “How’s everything going in the kitchen, love?” He smiled and leaned in closer, letting his nose brush against yours, “It’s going just fine.”
“Ugh, get a room you two!” Haymitch, who was playing with your child together with Peeta, yelled out of nowhere. You rested your forehead on Finnick’s chest while chuckling. He pulled you in closer while he did the same. “Let’s go to the kitchen.” Finnick offered, putting some distance between the two of you to look at you. He grabbed your hand, before leading you to there.
The stove was filled with different kinds of pans and pots, and judging on the kitchen counter covered by many ingredients, you could tell Finnick really was trying his best. “I need you to taste, darling,” Finnick said while grabbing a wooden spoon. He dipped it into one of the pots and blew on it a few times. He sipped on it a little himself, just to make sure it wasn’t too hot, before offering you.
Your eyes widened when you tasted it and Finnick’s face fell, “Oh, no, don’t tell me I’ve ruined it.”
“I’m so sorry, Finn.” You apologised while pulling a faux soured face. With his hands covering his face, he shook his head in disbelief, “I knew it! I should’ve…”
He stopped when you removed his hands, letting him see the smile on your face. “I was just kidding, Finn, that was amazing.” You assured with a giggle. “Oh, you! Darling, if it weren’t for you being so damn adorable…” He pulled you in closer as you couldn’t hold in your giggles. When your laughter died down, he left a kiss on your forehead, before resting his against yours. “We’ll tell them, right?”
You nodded in response, forgetting about the entire world in your lover’s arms. Just like you did since the moment you met him.
A call of your name by Johanna brought you back to reality. “Where are you?” She continued in a sing-songy tone while entering the kitchen. She stopped when she saw the two of you and a smile tugged at her lips as she said, “Oh, hey lovebirds.”
“Hey, Jo.” Finnick and you said in unison while you faced her.” She walked over and grabbed your hand, “I’m going to steal my wife from you real quick, Finnick.”
Finnick responded, pulling away from you with furrowed eyebrows, “Sure…” You let go of Finnick and followed her out of the kitchen as Finnick yelled, “Wait, you mean my wife!” You and Johanna laughed while linking your arms, “Nope. Mine!”
“You wish!” You heard Finnick faintly before you entered the dining room.
The two of you started talking as you set the table, a lot of memories being recalled. “Oh my god, I remember how terrified I was of you when we first met!” Johanna’s mouth fell agape by your exclaim, and she jokingly responded, “Ouch!”
You playfully nudged her side with your elbow, “You were scarily intimidating, Jo! How could I not be?”
“You know what, I’m actually glad I gave that impression. Exactly what I was going for.” Your best friend spoke, setting the last plate on the table.
“I can’t believe that we have come so far.” You still remember the hard times as clear as day. The hunger games, the rebellion, the war. But you got through it together with all the people who had become such a huge part of your life along the way. Like Johanna, who was basically like a sister to you. “Done!” Johanna said, as she just finished putting all the cutlery in place.
“What’s wrong?” She questioned when she noticed you had fallen silent. “Just grateful,” You started with quivering lips, “You’re like a sister to me and I couldn’t imagine a life without you-”
Johanna walked over to you and pulled you in for a tight, but comforting hug. Something only Johanna could do. She pulled away as she said, “Now, stop being so sentimental. I don’t want to cry in front of you.”
You chuckled at her comment, wiping away the tears that had escaped bay. “Let’s call everyone to the table now, shall we?”
With the dining room filled with the people you loved with your entire body and soul, you couldn’t wish for anything else. Everyone had taken a seat, admiring the food that lay upon them. Most of the food was cooked by Finnick, who was sitting beside you and holding your hand tightly. Your little child was sitting on the other side of you, talking to you about everything and nothing.
You smiled at your child’s story, and when it finished, your eyes found Finnick’s. You knew exactly what his eyes were telling you. Both you and Finnick stood up and the room quieted down. He wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you in closer as you spoke., “It has been quite some time since the day we finally got some peace in our lives.”
“And sitting here, with the family I found during the hard times, there is no place I’d rather be.” You continued, everyone listening attentively and some nodded at your words. “So since we’re celebrating the anniversary of the day we finally got rid of the games, there was something Finnick and I wanted to announce as well.”
Everyone waited in anticipation, wondering what was going on as you and Finnick shared a look. He nodded encouragingly with a soft smile.
“We’re having another baby!” You announced as Finnick held up the photos of the echo you had made a week ago. The whole room erupted in joy and excitement. Johanna was the first to get up from her seat and run over to embrace you, followed shortly by Katniss. Finnick was being congratulated by Peeta and Haymitch, as Katniss told you, “I knew it! You were so obvious, you know?”
However, before you could respond, your small child stood on your chair, “Daddy told me not to tell anyone!”
“Yes, and you didn’t, baby. You did such a good job.” With the brightest smile on your face you kissed your little one’s forehead.
“We can’t wait to welcome our little baby to the family.” Finnick said to everyone, to which they nodded their head to. Everyone sat back down on their chairs as soon as they all had congratulated you. You and Finnick sat down as well, relieved that you didn’t have to keep this from your loved ones any longer. “You’ve got to name your little one Effie if it’s a girl.” Effie commented, grabbing ahold of Haymitch’s hand with as she looked at you with a smile.
“Or Peeta if it’s a boy!” Peeta exclaimed.
“No, no, no! You should definitely name him Haymitch.”
“In your dreams.” Katniss said, rolling her eyes at the man.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips and you turned your head to face your husband, who was already looking at you with a lovesick smile.
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laurapetrie · 3 months
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More coveted than any [girl] was Jean Shrimpton who, with her Pekinese features, could well have been tied up in ribbons, placed on a swing and told to sing 'Swing High, Swing Low' from Véronique. Miss Shrimpton's appeal is not so much in her baby-blue eyes, cleft underlip and cosy round cheeks but in the length of her extremities, and the underwater manner in which she wields them. But it was bright-eyed Bailey who realised that by wearing Levis and jackboots, and clothes that militate against her sweet-briar appearance, 'the Shrimp' can belong to the contemporary scene. - Cecil Beaton, 1967
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bougiebutchbinch · 5 months
God I'm such a sucker for dom/sub edizzy where Ed enjoys domming because he gets to come up with endless fun 'fuckeries' (or.... scenes), and Izzy enjoys subbing because he's fucking gaga for Ed in all his Whacky Weirdness (affectionate), and god DAMN, this stressed-out little chihuahua-man needs to turn his mind off and just exist.
But it gets stale, eventually.
Ed is the flavour of neurodivergent that needs endless variety, whereas Izzy is the flavour of neurodivergent where everything needs to be the same forever, please, or I will have a nervous breakdown. Plus, neither of them have any idea how to manage each other's emotional needs!
Ed topdrops HARD. He requires a lot more aftercare than Izzy, but Izzy is kinda awkward and embarrassed about giving it, and is definitely awkward and embarrassed about needing it himself.
It's like, the 1700s. Neither of them have read 'the new bottoming/topping book'.
So, obviously, things crumble.
To the point where one time, they're setting up a scene, just going through The Familiar Motions (which to Izzy are such a source of comfort, and to Ed a source of growing torment) when Ed reaches his emotional broiling point. He crumples to the floor in tears, tugging at his hair, tearfully confessing to Izzy that he can't do this, he can't, he can't -
Cue Izzy panicking, tied to the bed, halfway to subspace already, now jolted out of it and adrift in a tidal wave of brain chemicals, his only thought what the fuck did I do wrong? Is it me? Is he tired of me?
(because deep down, he's been afraid of that for some time)
But his captain obviously needs something. And Izzy's gonna try his best to give it.
He's tied up to all four bed posts. He can't move, can't fucking get to Ed to stroke his hair and kiss him and do all that other soft shit he should hate a whole lot more than he does. But he can flop back on the pillows, staring at the ceiling. Coralling his spiralling thoughts.
He has to hold it together, for his captain. Has to do this, for him.
"C'mere, Eddie," he says, but his voice is all broken and scratchy and weak, so he clears his throat, tries again. "Eddie. Here."
And Eddie, snivelling, underlip trembling, comes. All dressed up in his leathers, beard big, shoulders broad, looking the very part of Blackbeard. Except for his tear-filled brown eyes - which are looking at Izzy so fucking warily, like Ed expects him to give him a fucking scolding.
And - yeah, maybe if this had been in the middle of a firefight, Izzy would've. But it's not. it's just the two of them, together, and right now, hurting Eddie is the furthest thing from his mind.
"What d'you need?" he asks, all gruff. Tugging at the ropes, rough hemp chewing on the tender insides of his wrists.
Ed gives a petulant little shrug. Fucker. Izzy's not a mind reader; he can't just intuit...
But... maybe he can. Ed's shoulders are shrunken, his spine stooped. He looks like a wet fucking cat. Pathetic. Useless. All the things the great Blackbeard should never be.
But Blackbeard is a myth. Eddie's a man. And Izzy knows better than most, how men can act as one thing and deep down, be another.
He thinks of the moments when he feels so fucking small and useless and broken. How Ed makes him feel good... And, glancing at the persistent bulge in Eddie's tight leather pants - how neither of them have said the word they agreed on, that'd bring this whole farce to a close - Izzy knows just what to do.
He licks his dry lips. Either this works, or Blackbeard snaps and kills him. Luckily, Izzy's always liked the thought of dying at his captain's hand.
"Wanna be mine tonight, Eddie?" he asks.
Ed's eyes go wide. Then narrow. Whole fucking face journey, mashed into a couple seconds: surprise, anger, fear, relief. Izzy waits patiently for him to settle, gripping the ropes that hold him spread-eagled for his captain's attention. Heart fluttering in his chest like he's staring down an oncoming enemy battalion: outgunned, outmanned, but still hungry for the fight.
"C'mon then," he says, nodding to where, despite it all, he's still half-erect too, bare cock plump against his scarred thigh. "Up here, there's a good b-boy."
His voice almost breaks on the last word, every instinct screaming at him not to demean his captain in the way he likes to be demeaned. Ed's so much better than him, brighter and sharper and fucking brilliant; he's not so weak as to need this. Or at least, he shouldn't be. Right?
But it's hard to focus on that when Ed crawls over him, danger in every movement, sleek and lithe as a jaguar. Fucking beautiful.
Then he ducks his head to bury in Izzy's neck, over his swallow tattoo, and nods.
"Good boy, telling daddy what you want," Izzy whispers into his hair - the same words Ed was supposed to say to him, when all this was over. He feels his captain sigh against his swallow and go deliciously slack.
It ain't what Izzy likes, as a rule, but for Ed... for Ed, he'll do damn near anything.
...Then Izzy gives Ed a healing dommy sloppytoppy, all while still tied to the bed, Ed crying while he rides him into the mattress. They hug after and hold each other, but not for nearly as long as they should. And everything hurts like an infected wound, but they can't stop picking at this thing they call a relationship until it scars.
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alienaiver · 10 months
Proposals Plus One
Iwaizumi Hajime x gn!reader
warnings: spoilers and references to Godzilla Minus One, it is gender neutral but you are being proposed to ! <3 also iwa gives oikawa the finger if thats not ur thing wordcount: 2.4k content: FLUFF, proposals, genderneutral reader, poc!friendly and body positive reader, Childhood friends to lovers trope, SFW, No use of y/n, canon compliant, post-timeskip, one-shot, established relationship, use of honorifics (iwa-chan is the only one, by oikawa of course), this was supposed to be a drabble hi, also oikawa appears at 5ish am in argentina, i salute him for his dedicated friendship
notes: when i describe iwaizumi watching the movie i basically just described myself LMFAO!!! anyways.. i wanted this to be a let-iwaizumi-experience-my-favorite-movie but it turned into... this! i hope u enjoy heheh <:) <33 PLEASE enjoy my title pun as a reference to Godzilla Minus One!!!!!
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Iwaizumi’s hands are not still for more than a few seconds at a time during the little more than two hours you spend in the cinema. They shift between grasping onto his soda or taking the popcorn from you – only to put them back onto your lap, or grasp onto your hand like his life depends on it. Especially during the big, cinematic scenes. When Godzilla starts to charge the atomic beam attack, you hear him take a sharp intake and lean into you, like he really can’t contain his own mortal vessel.
It’s really cute.
You’re glad he brought you along with him, even if you’d been hesitant to begin with.
“Oikawa always goes with you,” you tried to argue, “I don’t want to take his spot.”
Iwaizumi had lowered his gaze and tried to hide his expression when he admitted that Oikawa wouldn’t be in Japan for the release. You genuinely thought he would, so you couldn’t hide the surprise at the admission. “So… you’re not imposing yourself.” he’d grunted afterwards and got up from the dining table, “but you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
Whenever there’s a big action scene, like when Noriko falls from the open and destroyed train free-fall into a pool of water or when Godzilla destroys the cinema, he leans forward in his seat before he looks at you and even through a dim cinema with lights only emitting from the screen, you can see the stars reflecting in his eyes, his mouth open in a smile you don’t see often on him. Like he can’t really believe what he’s seeing, and he’s checking with you to confirm it.
When the credits starts rolling and people start to leave, your boyfriend puts his palms on his temples as he uses a moment to process what he’s just seen. Then, very slowly like he’s edited into slow-motion he turns towards you. His eyes are wide and his mouth slack, but the more you get into view, the more the corners of his lips tugs upwards.
You laugh and grip his upper arm, squeeze it lightly, “was it everything you needed the 70th anniversary to be?”
The look he gives you is perplexed; almost like he can’t believe that you’re asking him that. He drags his hands down his face, dragging the skin with him and making a grimace, “what’s the time?” he then suddenly ask, real time seemingly catching up to his body as he hurries to check his watch.
“It’ll roll again at 6! That’s in 45 minutes! We can grab a quick bite and then”- he interrupts himself with a cough before he reminds himself and tenses his shoulders -”sorry, we have a reservation.”
You take him in for a minute, your underlip worried between your teeth as you weigh your options. The reservation isn’t important in and of itself; it’s just a small Yakiniku place that ended up being close to the cinema and you’re full from the popcorn and candy anyways.
You hum, dramatically as you pretend to be an actor for the effect. Iwaizumi’s already on his phone, checking the Google Maps route to the restaurant. You fish out your own phone and go to the cinema’s website to buy two new tickets. During the booking you see it’ll be shown in another of their screens, which only makes you smile mischievously.
When the booking’s confirmed, you start to get up with a sigh, “let’s talk about the movie at the restaurant, yeah?” you try to keep yourself neutral as to not give away your plan. Iwaizumi smiles and puts his arms through the sleeves of his light jean jacket. The summer heat is peaking, so he’d only worn it to have pockets.
You grab onto his hand and squeeze it as he gets up next to you, “thank you for coming with me, it means a lot.”
You kiss his him chaste on the lips before you start to drag him out. After you’ve both been by the bathroom, you pass by the snacks and tug at him, “can we go back in real quick? I really regretted not buying that chocolate bar when we browsed before the movie… please?”
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes at you but smiles widely and follows you, his other hand already searching his pocket for his wallet.
You grab two different chocolate bars, one you know that he likes and your own favorite. Then you go to the soda aisle and pretend to think it through deeply. Iwaizumi’s eyebrow perks up at your behavior, “what do you need soda for? The restaurant will have drinks. If you want something specific we can pick it up on the way home.”
You shake your head and tighten your lips into a frown, “yeah but look! They have this fun variant of melon soda. Don’t you want to taste?” you point to the small sign next to it, “it’s cinema exclusive.”
Iwaizumi is never really able to say no to you, but he is perplexed about the behavior you’re exhibiting. You bite your lip as you give him a pleading look, fearing your luck’s running out. The puppy eyes makes him shake his head and grab two cups to fill. You kiss his cheek with a laugh.
With renewed drinks and snacks (minus the popcorn, you can still feel the kernels stuck to your teeth) you go to sit down by one of their benches, pretending to tie your laces. Iwaizumi sees that your laces aren’t untied, but he stays quiet.
When you sit back up with a satisfied grunt, you grab your phone from your purse and find the tickets, “look babe! We’re in the middle row seats!”
He squints to look properly at what you’re showing him, his nose crinkling in a way you think is adorable. You wish you’d had a second phone to secretly record this reaction. There’s nothing like it. Warmth and blood rises to his face and makes his ears bright red as his eyes widen, mouth hanging slack.
“What did you- how… when did you?” he asks, clutching at his hair with his free hand. You laugh, proud to see him with revived excitement, “I booked them right after. We’re going to have so many snacks that dinner can be a little later… I’d rather experience that with you than that restaurant!”
Iwaizumi pulls back from you a little with a laugh as he drags his hand over his mouth, suddenly looking unsure of himself. You tilt your head to the side. He says, “but that restaurant’s really… uh… special.” You sigh and reach out for his hand, “yeah but you’re more special to me. We can always go some other time, right?”
You’re suddenly afraid he doesn’t want to watch it again, that it was just the adrenaline of excitement making him say it back when the credits where rolling. He mutters unintelligible words under his breath before he mumbles an announcement, “well now’s a good as time as any.”
He then looks at you, the blush returning as he puts the drinks and snacks down next to yours on the bench, “I uh- I need to call Shittykawa real quick.”
Your eyebrow quirks up at that, but you nod. Maybe he wants to tell him about the movie before you watch it again; this used to be their thing growing up after all.
You sit back down on the bench and take out your phone, scrolling through social media as you wait for him to make his call. You’re surprised when the sound of a FaceTime call starts ringing through the air and Iwaizumi looks annoyed. It’s not an uncommon expression on him, so you’re not sure you’re able to decipher the meaning behind it right now.
“Iwa-chan? That’s early! Doesn’t it take 10 minutes to the restaurant?” Oikawa gasps on the other end, “no way, did you get cold feet!? Iwa-chan!!” he suddenly scolds and Iwaizumi grunts out a shut up and you assume point the camera towards you because Oikawa’s voice greets you, strained and perfectly polite. It’s eerily unnatural when acted towards you and not a fan. Confused, you just wave at him and Oikawa gasps again. “In the cinema? That wasn’t the plan at all! Did you already do it?” he continues on, and you make a grimace to Iwaizumi. What the hell is he talking about?
Iwaizumi snaps at Oikawa and hurriedly moves out of earshot from you, mumbling into the phone. Then he comes back with his back straightened´up and stiff, legs seemingly wobbly under his weight. He puts his phone with Oikawa on the call up against the plant next to you, pointing it towards you. You can see Oikawa lying on his stomach on a bed, eye masks on and no light except for the screen – Argentina’s far behind Japan after all. Before you can ask what he’s doing, he’s jogged back in front of you and practically falls to his knee in front of you, wincing from the pain of landing unexpectedly hard.
You think you’re catching on.
Your breath catches in your throat as you keep your eyes locked onto the man in front of you, suddenly fearing he’ll disappear into thin air and that this is just a dream.
Iwaizumi clears his throat and opens his mouth to start talking before he catches himself and hastily goes through his pockets. He pats the chest pocket an extra time before his nimble fingers slide inside and come out with a blue velvet box. Your hands go to cover your mouth, because it’s the same color as Aoba Johsai’s turquoise.
“Why’d you choose Seijoh?” an angry-looking 15-year-old from your new class asked you during the rounds where you’re supposed to get to know each other. With a strained smile you admit sheepishly, “I loved the colors of the school’s volley uniform.”
When he sees your expression he laughs, “I planned to do this at the restaurant – but you willingly choosing to go to the cinema to watch my … uh, my thing, not once but twice. And in a day no less, well…” he clears his throat and looks away, “it kinda knocked me off my feet. I’ve known for a long time this was going to happen but… when you showed me your phone with that excited expression that I love? It’s like… well, it was like the entire universe conspired to confirm that it has to be you… you know?”
He shakes his head and apologizes for sounding so cheesy before he drags a hand through his spikes. When he looks directly into your eyes after gathering himself, you straighten your back and start nodding. He hasn’t even asked you yet but your legs are shaking with the intense feeling of your response.
He laughs when he sees you nod. The raspy and relaxed one, reserved for you. You stare at each other for a time, admiring each other’s eyes and being in this moment, this time in life carved for the two of you. Then he shakes his head and starts to open his mouth. It must take too long though, because your shared childhood menace of a best friend starts booing. You both look to him and Iwaizumi has a scolding ready on his tongue until he sees the fat tears shining on his screen, Oikawa’s nose red and wrinkled.
Iwaizumi decides to simply give him the middle finger before he turns back to you. He says your name with an embarrassed lilt to his tone and finally, at last, formally asks you;
“Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
You laugh, unabashed and excited. In your bewilderment you shake your head in disbelief and the raw fear in Iwaizumi’s eyes makes you flinch and yell out a too loud “yes!” to make sure that you were merely reacting to the overwhelming situation in front of you.
People in the cinema are looking, silently clapping and smiling at you both but generally keeping a polite distance. You sniffle and lean towards Iwaizumi, foregoing the ring to fall into his arms. It takes him a moment to process before his arms wraps around you too, pulling you into him so tightly, shaky breaths leaving him as he keeps pawing at your back, your hair, your neck. Like he can’t really believe this is happening, either. You repeat the word “yes” like a prayer, your heart thrumming at intervals you’ve never tried before.
You pull back and wipe a tear from Iwaizumi’s cheek, “you better calm down before we watch it again, huh?”
Oikawa clears his throat from the phone, “the ring, Iwa-chan! The ring!”
Iwaizumi gathers himself and rather forcefully grabs onto your hand before apologizing, letting his finger caress your knuckles in apology. You let him, and he fumbles to get the ring out. It’s a simple one, so very like him. Oikawa chimes in with your exact thought, “he was so panicky at the jeweler! You should’ve seen him!”
You wish you had. Flustered Iwaizumi is your favorite flavor, but seeing him with shaky fingers fitting the ring onto your finger, warms you more than anything else.
You perk up, “is your war finished?” you ask and Iwaizumi’s eyebrow rise for a second before he hears the reference to the movie you just watched and beams, eyes glowing with an excitement you didn’t think could be topped moments before. He leans forward and says yes before he kisses you.
Oikawa cheers and you hurry to pick up his phone and show Oikawa the ring in detail, “you could’ve warned me!” you scold him and he shrugs, “eh, I honestly thought you already knew. And don’t worry, I took plenty of screenshots for your families and friends. There’s even a pretty romantic shot of you hurling yourself into his arms.”
You gasp in feigned insult, “I did not hurl myself!”
Iwaizumi stands before you with his hands in his pockets, a bright smile, “you did kinda hurl yourself.”
“Shut up! Both of you! I’m not taking you into the movie with me! I’m canceling your ticket!”
Iwaizumi pretends to panic but leans down to rest his forehead against you, “you can hurl yourself at me for the rest of my life, I don’t mind. Don’t listen to Shittykawa.”
You shake your head at your two friends.
No, your friend and your fiance. It feels surreal. You wonder how long it’ll take you to get used to. You can’t wait to spend the time finding out.
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tenyrasims · 11 days
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𝑨𝒔𝒉 ~ ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Cas time 🎶 ~ and ohu baby. ~ fuuu Already obsessed with his eyes 😇 hey ash, i got some real cool plans for you 😂
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── Thanks to all awesome cc creators ♥ Hair by o0corruptedghoul0o Eyes and Nose Piercing by @pralinesims Eyebrow piercing by @magic-bot - Underlip Piercing by @asansan3
Necklace by @plazasims Ring 1 - by @natalis-sims - Ring 2 by @sugarowl earrings from Forest Divinity set by @agena87
Jeans by @ooobsooo2 Top by @gorillax3-cc Boots by @becky-sims
Arm Tattoo by @unidentifiedsim - Chest Tattoo also by pralinesims
Squatting Poses by me ♥ might put them up in next pack. lets see. ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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chrisbesitos · 8 days
Chris helping when young reader is stressing over university, pretty please?????
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀this is me trying.
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( warnings: fluff, cursing, stress (?).
( synopsis: y/n has being struggling with stress because of the university and chris helps her.
Books, papers, pencil and pens. All over Y/N's desk, a pretty mess of study material because of a very important exam. She has three weeks to study, but for some reason, her mind can't relax, not until she gets ready for the exam. This is consuming her mind, she can't eat, she can't sleep, she can't live. She can't even cry, because with tears in her eyes, she can't read her papers.
This is unhealthy, yes, but she can't stop. She doesn't know how, if she knows she's getting crazy, she just doesn't know how to take a break and breathe.
She's been in the room for the whole day, it's 6 pm and Chris doesn't even know if she ate something. He has been out for a meeting earlier, he warns Y/N, he told her to take a break and eat. But her breakfast was still untouched on the table, not even a crumble was gone.
Chris hates her exams weeks, because he feels like she's losing her mind and he's slowly losing his girlfriend. Chris gets out to record car videos and she's still in the same place, he gets ready to sleep and she's there, talking alone about numbers and math. Y/N is smart, the smartest girl Chris ever know, but her insecure mind fuck with her all the time. Lately, Chris just can sleep when he realizes she's passed out on the desk, so he puts her on the bed, but after a couple hours she's awake again.
He moves towards his room, Y/N is there with her nose on her books. He walks carefully, Chris touches her shoulders and she jumps.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, doll." He whispered, Y/N nodded, she gave to him a small grin and turned back to her study. Chris sighed, he frowned his eyebrows, he was really worried about her. "Doll, how long have you been here?"
"I'm studying, Chris." She said, impatient. Chris opened his mouth, but nothing came out, because he's not accustomed to this behavior from her. Y/N took a breath, Chris noticed how fail was her breathing. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to. But you're really disturbing me right now."
"What's the last time you ate something? Did you have at least water today?" Chris held Y/N's pen in her hand, he spined the computer chair, now Y/N is facing Chris.
Black bags underneath her tired eyes, any one could see how tired she was, not only Chris. He wishes she could see what she's doing with her. Chris caresses her cheek, giving her an upset look, Y/N makes a pout on her lips, she hates to see his boyfriend sad.
"I can't stop." She whispered, he could barely hear her crying voice.
"You have to. Doll, this is not healthy." Chris kneeled on the ground, he held her hands hard and put it on his chest. "You're not eating properly, not sleeping right, all you do is fucking math. You have to give a break to your little head, or else you're gonna break."
Her underlip trembled and tears began to get formed on her eyes, fat tears started to roll down her cheek and she started to sob uncontrollably. Her shoulders shake as she body too, she couldn't handle it anymore. Chris lifted and hugged her weak body, she shrank herself into his arms as she sobs loudly. He carried her on his arms until the bed, where he sits with Y/N on his lap, caressing her back and letting her put all her pain and tiredness out.
"Jus' let it out, I'm right here." Chris whispered in her ear, his voice in a low and calm tone. "I'm gonna hold you, doll. I'm not going anywhere."
Y/N took almost a hour to stop crying, she's still sobbing lightly when she's lifted her head and looked at Chris. Her face was wet by her tears and her nose was running, Chris' lips leaned upward in a small smile as he grabbed the tissue box on the nightstand from when Y/N was sick and Chris bought for her nose.
He helped her with her nose, after this, he pressed her lips on her forehead on a gentle kiss. Chris rocked her in his arms, caressing her back.
"I didn't know how to stop, I feel like if I stop, I'll fail my exam." Her voice cracked again, Chris massaged her scalp to calm her down. "I'm so tired, my head hurts and so do my stomach. I wanted help, but I don't know how to ask."
"I know how college can be stressful and your mind tricks you, makes you think you're gonna fail, but you're so smart. You work so hard, I can see your effort." Chris said, he offered a gentle smile. "You just need to learn how to study in a healthier way, no more be without eating and sleeping, you get it? We can work it together, I'm here to help you, I'm always here."
"I love you, baby." Y/N said, embracing her arms on his waist. Chris kissed her hair. "Thank you for being here for me."
"I'll always be here with you, I'm never gonna leave, 'kay?"
After this, Chris carried Y/N towards the kitchen, he prepared a quickly meal for her. While she eats, Chris cleans the mess from the desk, then he returns and carries her back to the room. He put on Y/N's favorite show, laying in the bed with her laying on his body, like she usually do. She didn't take too much to fast asleep, she was really tired. By the end of the night, Chris was happy that now she'll try to get a better study routine and Y/N was happy knowing her boyfriend will always be by her side.
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please chris, help me with my college stress
tags ; @lizzymacdonald06 @deliciousluminaryanchor @lushjunkie @sweetreliever @watercolorskyy @ivysturnss @brianna-grace12 @blahbel668 @gabri3la-sturns @strnlxlqve @stvrnzcherries @unknvhx @pvssychicken @all4l0vee @i4longhairchris @sluttybitchformattsturniolo
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ilovemason19 · 1 year
Lazy Evenings - João Felix
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pairing: João Felix x Reader
summary: what’s better than lazy sofa sex on a rainy november evening?
warning: smut, reader riding joão, kinda dom!joão & sub!reader, praise kink (heavy on that one), joão calling reader portuguese pet names & good girl (twice ig), size kink (if u squint with closed eyes), lmk if i forgot something!
word count: 1,3k
requested: yes
a/n: ik we have october but november just sounds better, anyways enjoy :), feedback is always appreciated, tysm!
You‘re sitting on the sofa between your boyfriends legs while he’s cuddling you and playing with your hair. Heavy raindrops splash against the window, you love the sound of rain on cozy days like this one.
“what do you wanna watch?” you asked him while going on netflix, looking through all those series.
“i‘d rather watch your beautiful body underneath mine” he breathed out on your neck. His words sent shivers down your spine. You turned your face to his an started kissing him. It was a slow and passionate kiss. His teeth biting on your underlip trying to push his tongue in your mouth. His big hands traveled underneath your shirt squeezing your boobs. You let out a soft whine giving him access to now push his tongue fully in your mouth.
Now you’re pinned onto the couch his hands holding your wrists down next to your face. He started kissing your neck leaving love marks all over. Since he had a hard day today due training you wanted to please him and make him feel good.
“i wanna ride you” he stopped his act looking deep into your eyes.
“what did you say?” he asked.
you didn’t know if it was a question because he didn’t understand you or if he just wanted you to say it again but due to his confused look you could tell he didn’t hear you.
“i wanna ride you” you barely whispered.
“speak up baby i can’t hear you” a smirk forming on his face he heard you.
“joão please.” you said not wanting to repeat what you just said two times.
he looked at your cherry red face “what do you want baby?” he lifted your shirt exposing your lilac bra.
“this for me?” he said squeezing one of your boobs with his big hand. you nodded.
“yea it better be.” he smirked
“joão please let me-“ he interrupts you “get up.” he helped you up as he sat comfy down on the couch, guiding you onto his lap.
“are you sure you wanna do this?” he asked not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable or even forced, cause normally he‘s always the one on top, the one in control
“yes. i wanna make you feel good” you whisper against his neck. He groaned at your words thinking about you wanting to ride him.
You took off your shirt tossing it somewhere on the couch.
“take off your bra.” his eyes admiring your whole body. “minha linda.” he breathed against your collarbone
You smiled at him and did as he said so unclipping your bra and his mouth immediately went to your right nipple sucking and softly biting on it. You moan at the tension as you get even more soaked than before. His hands trailed from your sides to your ass which he gently pinched.
”i need you inside of me.“ you told your boyfriend hovering over his lap.
He took off his shirt tossing it next to yours and starts untying the strings of his gray sweatpants, pulling them down in one swift motion. You sat back down, since you wore a skirt he could feel your clothed core against his boxers.
“you‘re completely soaked baby and i didn’t even touch you properly.” he groaned.
You started grinding on his dick wanting to hear him groan again.
“you gonna let your skirt on?” he asked pulling it up to reveal your lilac matching panties.
“uhm yea.” you replied knowing he loves this skirt. Now you’re grinding even harder on him.
“don’t make me cum in my boxers bebê' you hovered again over him taking his dick out giving it a few tugs, moving your underwear aside and sliding his hard one slowly into you. He started kissing your neck, his hands all over your body touching every inch possible not leaving one spot untouched. You slowly bounced up and down trying to adjust his size. Your face scrunched in pain but also pleasure.
“look at you anjo.. can’t even take it.” he smirked, his ego boosted to the highest peak.
You wanted to prove him otherwise bouncing now faster on his cock. Your hands flat on his chest, his on your hips with the hardest grip ever probably leaving bruises.
“slowly bebê we have time don’t rush” he guided your hips slowly up and down his dick.
“m..feels so goood.” your head shot back. He immediately started kissing your neck softly leaving purple spots all over. He loves to mark you everyone should know who you belong to.
“look at me anjo” he demanded. You loved his dominant side even though you were the one on top he was still the in control. Your mind foggy not processing what he just said. He stopped his actions and you immediately caught eyes with him. You left out a frustrated whine trying to bounce again but his grip so hard he just holds you down.
“joão please let me move.” you begged with puppy eyes hoping he shows a bit mercy.
“well you should’ve listen to me when i told you to look at me.” he said licking his lips admiring your fucked-out state, he nearly came then and there.
“i‘m sorry please just- let me make you feel good” you said again bouncing slowly up and down.
“mhh fuck baby” he groaned, kneading your breasts. “feels so.. good, so wet, so thight around me, like your pussy was made for me, for my dick only” praises over again leaving his mouth.
You just kept moaning and gibberish falling from your lips.
“i love you y/n” he said while kissing you
“i- love you too” you said between the kiss
You moved faster wanting him to fill you up to the brim. You loved gaining low grunts and moans out of him, you loved getting him all flustered and sweaty, you loved knowing that you’re the one making him feel so good.
“i’m so close” you admitted, his hand slid down between your bodies teasing your clit.
“gonna be a good girl and cum on my dick linda?” he said feeling you clench on him.
“mhh..” you nod. You look at him with big eyes, lips swollen and glistening due his spit from the kiss. Your arms around his neck trying to get as close as possible to him. His big and strong arms hugging your back, your chest now against his. You feel him twitch inside of you which made you moan his name and quicken the pace of your movements.
“fuck bebê you’re so perfect.” he moaned putting one of his hands on your thigh under the skirt stroking it.
You feel yourself getting closer and closer his hand moved down to touch your clit again sending waves of pleasure thru your whole pussy. Your nails dug into his shoulders and leave little marks which nearly drew blood.
“Taking me so well” he praised petting your head.
This was enough to make you cum all over his cock. You hold his forehead to yours as your climax washes over your entire body with his name on your lips. Your orgasms triggers his, cumming as well painting your walls white. Both of you let out heavy breathes as you rode your high out
“such a good girl for me” he said against your breasts showering them in kisses. You moaned at the feeling of his lips on your nipples pulling his hair slightly.
“you’re perfect anjo” he said his nose in your hair taking in your scent.
You smiled at him letting yourself completely fall onto him. He covers you up in a soft blanket petting your back.
“you did so good for me.” he said placing a soft kiss on your head.
You lifted your head from his chest looking at him “did i?” your eyes lit up -you love when he praises you- He nods while admiring your blushing face, and kissing your nose.
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mommyownsmee · 1 year
wlw version • requested
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I intoxicated you.
There was no way around it, no way over it and no way to deny it. You let me own you the second I laid my eyes on you the first time. I made you blind to every other person and made you blind to see all the things I did before.
While you were there, waiting.
I didn‘t know for what exactly you had been waiting, but the moment my lips hit yours, denying was senseless. You melted under my touch and your lips melted into mine.
You kissed me so full of passion, that I actually began to believe that not you had waited for me - I had waited for you.
You kissed me.
Without warning, without permission. You kissed me so full of lust and longing for my touch, as if you needed that breath I was holding. It felt like every fiber of me belonged to you, and you wanted it back.
Right under your skin.
I was under your skin and you wanted to claw me out, but you couldn‘t. And so you had been left with this need. Like- if you wouldn‘t have kissed me, you wouldn‘t been able to breathe.
Even if you stole my breath.
All you could do is get lost in my touch.
Like you’ll burst into flames
if you‘d not be tasting me.
Kissing me. Fucking me. Feeling me.
I don‘t know for how long we stood there, my hand on your back and on your hips. Later my hand slid up from your hips into your hair, pulling you closer. You didn‘t move, you just listened to your own heartbeat mixed with mine, still beating hard against my breast.
You didn‘t move, didn‘t make a step. Only your lips moved, as an answer to all the little questions I asked you this very moment.
You couldn‘t remember when in all this time my tongue decided to ask for permission to explore you completely. It wandered along the shape of your underlip, travelled across the path of your teeth.
I pulled you closer, closer, as if I wanted to swallow you whole. As if I only could exist stealing the last of your innocence and making you all my own.
The moment I asked for permission you let me in. And as soon as the tip of my tongue hit your tastebuds and the faint taste of whisky exploded in your mouth, you lost the battle.
You needed more and we both knew it.
You couldn‘t remember when my hand untangled out of your hair and found a hold on your own hand.
A few seconds after you got dizzy because you lost all your breath, I stopped kissing you.
We stood there, your hand in mine, staring into each others eyes, the music pulsating around us. Like waves that lead us to where we both wanted to be.
I lead us both away from the party, upstairs to my own room, right under the roof. You followed my steps without hesitating, your mind all swiped empty and filled with only my taste that still flooded your senses.
It wasn‘t like one of those newish love stories where Cinderella meets her princess. Yes, we danced, but we danced around each other for almost too long.
And when I closed my room door and turned around to you, my breast heaving heavy, you knew it was worth it.
Your eyes fixed my body and I felt how all my senses spread out across the room, just to be captivated by you again.
„Strip for me,“ I demanded, my voice raspy again. It sounded almost desperate, and for a second as if I would beg you to be mine- and mine alone. „Now.“
You pressed your hands together. You wanted me to come to you, for only once. You wanted me to move my ass towards you and tell you that I wanted you. You wanted me to stop playing with you, for this once.
And I wanted to invite you in, and not you to be the one to burst through the closed door.
„No.“, you whispered. It had the desired effect. I came closer. „No?,“ I asked with a subtile smile on my lips. „No,“ you murmured again, only to find yourself inches away from me. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. It all felt kind of surreal.
„Do you want me?,“ my voice suddenly cut through your clouded brain. You screw your eyes open and stared at me. „Yes, I,“ you muttered, but your voice trailed off.
I wanted you.
I needed you so bad.
I didn’t want anything else.
You nodded, giving me permission to touch you, but I didn‘t move an inch.
„From your mouth. I want to hear you say you want me between your legs.“
You slowly wet my lips, unable to look up to me. Your heart was racing a mile a minute. Your voice was almost too unsteady to answer.
„You want to know what I want? I want you to be the one wanting me first. Pushing me first. Kissing me first. Don't be careful with me,“ you said. „I want you between my legs. Your tongue on my clit. I want to come on your mouth. I have waited far too long for you to finally come to your senses and take what‘s yours for years already.“
I stared at you for a few seconds. You had expected me to tear off your clothes after you said what you said- But when I didn‘t move, you finally managed to look up to me.
„Why is your heart beating so fast when I haven‘t even touched you?,“ I whispered.
„How could you know it is racing, when you didn‘t touch me?,“ you answered.
I slowly put my hand on your chest.
„Because mine is.“
You stared at my hand, unable to say anything. You didn‘t know what to do, as your heart began to flutter under my touch. You didn‘t know what to answer. And so, you stayed silent.
„What is this between us?,“ you finally whispered, desperate to know my answer, but what I said confused you at first.
„Nothing,“ I answered, my hand still where it was minutes ago. Your heart still beating faster, every pore of your body still inhaling my scent. „And now kiss me.“
„What?,“ you choked out, barely able to catch the breath you needed to not get dizzy.
„Kiss me,“ I repeated myself.
Your eyes flew to mine and your hands landed on my chest. Just as you wanted to do what I had asked you for, I caressed your cheek with my thumb, following the outline of your jaw, until my thumb settled on your trembling underlip.
All you could do is breathe.
So you did.
And the next moment you opened your mouth and sucked my finger in.
I let out a sharp noise, a loud breath, grunt and moan, all at once. I stared at your mouth, the same moment you swirled your tongue over my fingertip.
„You,“ I moaned, but nothing else.
Then I pulled my finger out of your mouth.
A smile crossed your lips, as your hands flew in my hair and to my cheek. And because you wanted, you did. You kissed me.
After all I were right. There was nothing between us- no space, no air, no denying.
It was a short kiss at first, me pulling back only inches from you after a second- To look at you, but kissing you again directly after. You got greedier with every single kiss we shared, until you took your hands away from my neck and guided them to where the hem of my dress was.
Your fingers played around it, while we were still kissing, trailing along the zipper, down to where my hips were.
„You make me lose my mind,“ I suddenly hissed, pulling back and looking at you. „You.“
With this words I pushed you slightly backwards, until your knees hit the edge of my bed and you needed to sit down because you lost balance.
„Oh, god,“ I moaned silently, my hands covering my eyes.
Then I came onto the bed, my body covering yours, making you unable to move. Settling between your legs.
I placed a hand on either side of your head and leaned down to kiss you once more.
Heat erupted inside of you, liquefying in your veins. Heat drifted between your legs and you were losing your breath. Heat formed in your stomach, nearly feeling like it would be burning all of you.
„You're such a good girl,“ I whispered against your lips, not stopping to kiss you.
Your body instantly relaxed, seeming to melt down into the bedsheets as you opened your eyes and looked up at me. My beautiful words washing over you like warm water. Without you even realizing at first, you’re suddenly all obedient, like that one little phrase put you in a trance.
I could literally do anything to you in this moment.
You remained moveless, your breathing fast. I sat up on you, my hands slid down your neck, waist, your hips, tracing the outsides of your thighs. The caress was slow, as if I was trying to memorize the curves of your body.
Heat bloomed beneath your skin, tightening in your breasts and burning a lower path.
„Take me,“ you breathed.
„I won‘t make it this easy for you.“
My possessive gaze lingered on you, almost daring you to stop me, as I slid your dress up your thighs, sliding my hand sliding between the lacy fabric between your legs. Your body shivered in anticipation.
Any sense we had left drowned in a pool of lust.
You pulled me down to you, your fingers opening my zipper, unzipping it with a swift motion while your lips found their way down my neck.
A small whimper escaped my lips. It sent a thunderstroke down your core..
And you- you moaned into my skin.
„I can feel it,“ I whispered, my hand gripping yours and bringing it over your head. „You really want me, right?“
You couldn‘t answer, your mouth completely dried out from your sallow breathing. That‘s why you only nodded, little moans escaping your lips.
„I'm gonna sneak these legs open and give you what you want.“
You turned your head, meeting my lips and kissing me deeply.
All my words.
My words sent you to heaven.
Dress open, I spread your legs, placing sloppy kisses down your body. The moment I finally arrived between your legs, you let out a loud whimper.
„So needy?,“ I moaned, pulling down your panties and tossing them to the side. „Yeah, I know you like it. And you‘re damn well going to get it.“
My tongue swiped over your heat, leaving you shaking. You screwed your eyes shut, your breath shallow.
But I didn‘t give you what you wanted. You wanted more, more of me, all of me.
„Look at me.“
My voice pulled you out of the hole of emotions you had fallen in. „Look at me when I make you come.“
Your eyelids flew open, your eyes slowly finding their way to mine. Drowning in the lust I gave you.
„I need you,“ you choked out, „I need you whole.“
My tongue swept over your clit.
„Please,“ you begged. „Please.“
A loud moan escaped your lips, as I buried two fingers deep inside you, curling them upwards. Your back ached. „Please!,“ you begged, moaning, screaming, sweating.
I slowly finger-fucked you.
„Please,“ you begged again, but I didn‘t move. „Please!“
Your pleads became more desperate, the nearer you came your high. Your eyes didn’t leave mine, while I did what I did. A soft smile had formed on my lips, and as you came my mouth opened, moans escaping it. Staring at you, while your vision blurred and you screamed in lust.
I slowly came up to you again, your legs all going numb on top of the covers. „Your moans are the sweetest sounds I have ever heard,“ I murmured, kissing your forehead. „You know princess, I really wanted to go easy on you,“ I continued, while you tried to understand what I said, your mind still as numb as your legs. „But now that I‘ve tasted what you‘re capable of.. now I‘ll give it to you. Hard. So hard, that you won‘t be able to walk tomorrow.“
„What are you going to do?,“ you whispered, trying to get the oxygen you needed to not be dizzy anymore.
It didn‘t work.
Your head kept spinning.
Oh, what I did to you..
„Hold on to the headboard,“ I moaned, taking hold of your wrists and bringing them up myself.
You obeyed. Your fingers closed around the wood, hoping it would resist.
„I need this,“ you whimpered, searching my gaze. „I need more of you.“
My gaze not leaving yours, I got my toy out of my bedside table.
„Good lord,“ I whispered, „If you keep looking at me like this, I’ll come on the spot.“
A silent laugh formed in your throat, forcing it’s way out.
Then you felt me caressing your heat with my toy. I didn’t break eye contact, as I let it slowly sink deeper, and you started to feel better than ever before.
„Are you okay?,“ I whispered.
„Yes.. yes,“ you stuttered, adjusting. „I‘m okay.“
I slid it all the way in, bottoming out, and hit you so deep, your eyes rolled back.
Oh, fuck.
„Don‘t go easy on me,“ you moaned.
„I won‘t, princess.“
I thrusted it into you as I braced myself on the bedsheets. „You need me?,“ I moaned, now even faster.
Your back arched as an answer.
„You don't need this.“ I plunged it into you. Then, again. Harder this time.
„It's me you need.“
But it was obvious - that you needed me.
Another brisk thrust. „Say it.“
„Yes,“ you moaned. Your body lost all its strength under the waves of pleasure. „I need you.“
„C‘mon princess, I know you can do better than that,“ I moaned, my hand taking hold in your hair and fucking it deeper into you. „I know you can be a good girl for me.“
„I need you!“, you finally cried out..
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