#unfiltered studyblr
fylson · 5 months
fylson › 23. they/them. white european. tme.
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welcome to my unfiltered brainrot dump.
🫀 languages, translation, media interests (literature, cinema, tv shows, podcasts, animanga, manhwa), true crime, cats, sugar gliders, furry fandom & <women3.
🦔 oc fursonas and whatever lore created are tagged as fylsona (i think i'm funny).
📔 studyblr sideblog: @etymologically.
⚠️ i try to always provide alt text to my original posts and when i reblog, too. i don't tag when i reblog from already described content, however. i'll tag my own posts as undescribed for future reference, if i can't provide alt text then. constructive criticism is always welcomed.
this post is updated whenever necessary.
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wecandoit · 2 years
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look how pretty the new grocery store on my campus is!!!
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studyingmood · 3 years
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Unfiltered posts of a recent bujo spread 💛
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paperringgss · 2 years
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18. 08. 2022
✧I woke up at 7 AM to compensate for the mess I was yesterday. I borrowed the Sudha Murty books from my tution teacher and the book by Horowitz is from my school library. I'm reading all of them right now haha. I have a test on history tomorrow so I learned that chapter today. It was a fun chapter so it didn't feel exhausting or boring and I'm very pleased with that ! ✧
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wooow, double resistance wins if there's no sensitive plasmid in the population, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiild. sick. unexpected. #baffled
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carmen-sandie-go · 4 years
This is my method of a minimalistic, study planner without a lot of time spent on making a planner.
FIRST- a random page telling me the year because i dont know that
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This is a random page that i made due to my pinterest surge.
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This page is going to have my holidays , my exam dates higlighted.
3. A COMPLETE YEAR PAGE WITH ALL THE IMPORTAMT DATES ( up to you if you wanna make it or not )
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As you can see it just has birthday dates currently but will soon add holidays , festivals and important dates.
4.PERIOD TRACKER ( u need it luv )
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You can use it for a pill tracker , book tracker , movie tracker , post tracker. Etc
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These are some of the pages that work for me you can do it anyways you want .
I use a weekly spread. A mknthly study tracker , some habit tracker ( k dunno if i ll be able to follow along ) a random starting page.
You need to see what works for you how ut works for you and if it doesnt . Try another way. There is no reason to make a bujo if doesnot work for you. You can have a sheet of paper , a calendar, an app.
* disclaimer *
These photos are not tumblr worthy i know but this is what i use. Unfiltered.
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yellowtonin · 7 years
A long ramble-y truthful tea time on my struggles last quarter #unfilteredstudyblr
i have been neglecting this blog and all you lovelies and for that i sincerely apologize. i’d like to explain and take this opportunity to open up a dialogue on the struggles of being a student - something that really needs to be discussed more within the studyblr community and in real life as well. it’s human nature to share our success and bury our failures, even if they eat us alive. there have been efforts to change this and it was definitely a goal of mine when i started this studyblr, to be open about my entire journey. but i failed.
before i word-vomit any more, thank you for reading this! it’s actually been a while in the making but i didn’t have the power to post it until now. this isn’t meant to be a “how to not be an ina” or a warning of any sort. i simply want to share this so if there’s anyone willing to brave wading through these paragraphs who’s going through the same thing, they know they aren’t alone. i know some people go through more in life, but these are my struggles. i couldn’t bring myself to post on this blog or even reblog and visit other studyblr’s bc seeing everyone’s “perfect” notes and “perfect” academic lives and “perfect” grades was too much. i don’t often see people share such downfalls in their academic life online and i hope this changes because we should have each others’ backs. if you need someone to talk to, i’m here. i will be back to posting notes and such now. i will also be checking my asks more regularly (sorry loves I just couldn’t). smell ya later, loves~
winter quarter (so the past few months) was very draining and i’m sorry to say that i really couldn’t bring myself to put anything substantial here. i thought i had a better handle on minimizing stress by preparing material in advance, prioritizing better, managing my time better… i practiced self care more than ever, made efforts to take care of my physical being, ate healthy. i took breaks. the quarter was definitely off to a great start. and yet, it all went downhill a couple of weeks in. some habits i maintained and others didn’t work out as well. i started eating less but indulging in junk foods more. i made efforts to exercise but made even more excuses. i was constantly drained. i did manage to stay relatively on top of my course material but the cost was that i was overworking myself by never giving my mind a break. 
some other elements were out of my control, like how my three hardest midterms were scheduled on the same two days and how my finals scheduled three on one day and one the next. or how my biochem class was team-taught and both professors’ had completely polar teaching methods. i also underestimated my classes when i signed up for them; i had expected biochem and my neuro classes to be the hardest but physics surprised me. i thought psych would be my relaxed, fun class but the material was more neuro than psych, so it wasn’t. i didn’t truly enjoy any of my classes. yes, i had friends in them. yes, i liked my professors. but no. i didn’t enjoy the material i was studying.
now, this happens to any student; there’s always some subject for which your method of learning and thinking an visualizing and understanding isn’t suited for. for most people these are their math classes. for me it’s chem and practically anything that focuses on processes at the molecular level. and when it takes additional effort to understand a subject, we students tend not to enjoy it. my neuro, physics, and biochem classes all focused on things at the molecular level. yay.
my second biochem midterm was the hour before my physics midterm and boy oh boy was i a ball of anxiety, and i’m using the a-word in its medical sense, not colloquial. so guess what happened? that’s right, an anxiety attack. a full blown anxiety attack within the first ten minutes of the test. my heart was pounding, my vision was narrowing, i couldn’t breathe… i thought i was having a heartattack. the worst part about this, the absolute worst part was that i was thinking logically. i knew it was just a test and that i had done all that i could in the limited time i had. i knew that everything would be alright even though no, i didn’t know some pathways, but there was so much more i knew!!! i knew i was capable of getting through that exam. i knew i was “””overreacting””” (additional quotation marks bc no i do not condone comparing anxiety to overreacting). and yet my body was doing its own thing. i handed my test to my ta, explained my situation in a few words and rushed to sob in the bathroom. my ta, bless her soul, talked to my profs and arranged for me to take the makeup test. she met me in the bathroom and said all the right things and then got my stuff and sent me on my way, 30 minutes before my phyiscs exam. i cried randomly throughout the entire day. 
i went to talk to my neuro prof about possibly postponing that exam since it was the next day but he uncomfortably informed me that i required a doctor’s note. and yes, i did randomly burst into tears in front of him. no, i wasn’t embarrassed. i was just tired. he told me the best thing would probably to sleep and i agreed. so i went home, napped for an hour and then studied far less than i had hoped to. it was hard. it was tough. my head was pounding like there were a thousand drums within it. i took the rest of that day off and then started relearning everything i needed for my biochem exam. it was sadly surprising to realize how little i retained when i had studied the first time; my brain truly didn’t store that information. that makeup test, though harder than the actual as was policy, was a blessing.
this wasn’t the first time i broke down during an exam (throwback to one of my orgo exams… a story for another time) but this was the worst. it also seemingly came out of nowhere bc you know what?? i didn’t feel bad at all. i kept telling myself i was doing all that i could for both my head and my grades. i subconsciously lied to myself and successfully too! i can honestly say i didn’t see it coming, even in retrospect. but it taught me a lot. i didn’t get enough time to rest after my midterms but i started studying for my finals a couple of weeks in advance and took plenty of breaks and watched plenty of the animated star trek. i wasn’t able to go home as i like to do in such dark times but i was fortunate enough to have my mom visit with my furbabies for the remaining period. having a support system near is so so important. i feared for my grades because i was honestly far too close to c’s for comfort in those 3 classes. but i pulled through. i did better than i could’ve hoped with a significant improvement in my neuro exam score compared to previous ones. my overall grade was still within a standard deviation to the average so i got a b- but i have never before been so proud of myself for a b-. i pulled b’s in my other two classes as well and am also so so proud. spring break was calling my name and i threw myself wholeheartedly into the endeavor of relaxing. i spend time with friends and family. i stayed home and went out on the town. i drew and read and watched tv and also took walks around the lake and cuddled with my furbabies. i let myself heal for a while. and now i’m back for spring quarter. i’m being cautious now in ensuring my class load is manageable. i’m scheduling exercise in and i swear excuses won’t get the best of me. i hope this term is better. and where there is hope and willingness, change follows. i refuse to be blinded to the workings of my own head. i will push myself but respect my limits. i am still not 100 but i am excited for this fresh start.
if this helps even one of you i will be overjoyed. thanks for bearing with me and my rambling~
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lau-and-history · 5 years
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91/100 - 15092019
My university life completely unfiltered. I really want to finish this paper before going on vacation but there's still 10-15 pages missing, even though I have already written 10 pages in the last 48 hours. I have several different stacks of paper I need to work with, I actually started writing one of my chapters instead of typing it because I couldn't bear to look at the screen anymore. There is a slat somewhere under one of the stacks because I had to put my chips/crisps somewhere. I eat while writing because I just feel like running out of time. My life and my desk are just a mess right now.
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Supplementing class notes 🤘(please excuse me I use emojis a lot... It's a problem really, but otherwise I'll talk a lot like I'm doing rn... See I will stop now.. Ugh.. 😂)
Listening to Venice Bitch by Lana Del Rey
(though I shouldn't be hehe but then again better than procrastinating..... Since I'm bored of that too 😸)
Click for higher resolution.
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academicaimee · 7 years
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2.8.2017 | so in terms of using up all my notebooks, I decided to get on the artistic bandwagon. I’m not super proud of all the spreads I’ve done in this art journal, but I finished it yesterday (yaaaay) and figured I would share some of my favourites that I had a lot of fun making, even if they’re not the greatest to look at. bonus of my tea mug (I knit so I don’t kill people).
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medical-magpie · 4 years
French podcasts for the french learners
I've noticed that a lot of you in the studyblr community were trying to learn a language, and well, I thought I'd put my two cents in and recommend some of my favourite podcasts for all the french learners out there. I probably wouldn't consider any of them to be beginner-friendly, to be fair I think you'd need at least a B1 level to quite get them since some of them are by journalists who use technical terms, others contain slangs and weird idioms, but if your understanding of french is already good and you want to improve your listening abilities, I'm sure you'll learn something from them.
1) Le nuage, by Nouvelles écoutes
If you enjoyed Chernobyl this one is for you. In the south of France, on a hot summer day, Julia Roch-Rivière, director of Le Douvrey (one of the oldest reactors in the country) is made aware of a breakdown in a reactor, from here, her only goal will be to protect the nearby population while avoiding her colleagues who want to cover it up. it's 5 episodes, all of whom are very interesting 8/10 would relisten to it.
2) Qui est Miss Paddle? By Pavillon sonore
This one is more of an essay, Judith is a journalist one day she realizes that her boyfriend has been liking Instagram's posts from this beautiful girl she'll soon start to call miss paddle. Don't be fooled by the synopsis the story isn't about the girl on the pictures, it's about Judith and her relationship. It's well documented, she interviews experts on the subject as well as her friends and family on what makes a relationship toxic and how to spot one to get out.
3) Mes 14 ans, by Paradisio
Lucie just turned 30, at the bottom of a drawer, in her childhood's bedroom, she finds the diary she kept as a fourteen-year-old, year where she lost her virginity to her first love. The way it's done makes it is intimate like you were the one reading her diary, it's raw and sweet just like a coming of age movie but with the input of her 30-year-old self. Probably my favourite on the list. Still, no transcript found though.
4) Inspiré de faits réels, by charles et mathias
If you liked "last podcast on the left" this one is definitely for you, it follows a similar style by telling the facts that inspired horror movies. Be careful though your hosts speak a french full of slangs at the speed of sound, except when they build some dramatic tension.
5) Le bureau des mystères, by Charles et Mathias
If I were to compare this one I would draw a parallel with either Welcome to night Vale or The Magnus Archives in terms of setting, yet the bureau is no fiction, its goal is to catalogue every mystery on Earth. They tell you stories from around the world and try to explain them. It's entertaining if you're not into horror it's probably not for you.
6) 20 ans d'âge, by MadmoiZelle
Who are the twenty-somethings? what do they dream about? how do the fresh twenty years olds anticipate their next decade? Those are the questions Alix try to answer as she interviews one every two weeks. The portraits are diverse and touching, the guests range from artists to regular students from various economic backgrounds even though most of them seem to come from Paris. To me, it is The podcast to hear from the gen Z, undistorted, unfiltered.
7) Bonus round, Podcasts on my to-listen list
Le Book Club, women talk about books that impacted their life.La base, the basics of a given topic in 2 to 5 minutes.Entre nos lèvres, women talk about their sexualities.La Librairie Yokai, stories about yokais.                                 
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cafedemic · 4 years
Welcome to cafedemic! The only study blog with the ramblings of an overworked high schooler with high ambitions and low work ethic. This is my blog to document my journey from being me to becoming my future self, from being a high schooler to becoming a doctor of neurology, and securing my lifelong dream. Well not really lifelong but my dream nonetheless. I’m looking forward to the day this becomes a full on medblr :)
This blog will be a mixture of my ramblings, posts related to medicine and academics, and my unfiltered studying life. Make no mistake, I’m not here for the aesthetics. I’m not going to post my super fancy notes and stationery. While I love that stuff, I’m here solely to make sure that we as students know that we don’t have to be perfect. We don’t have to be focused on aesthetics. We don’t have to be alone.
So let’s chat! Let’s be tired together!! I’m looking forward to it!
you can find more about me below :)
If you decided to keep reading, hello hello hello! My name is Jen, and I am singlehandedly the most ambitious yet least motivated high schooler in probably all existence. It’s lovely to meet you!
More about me:
I’m Indian! Tamilian, to be exact. My culture is a huge part of my life, and I love the vibrancy that being Tamilian comes with. The music, the food, the beauty of the Tamil language... I’m lucky to have inherited it :)
I’m surrently (as of 2020) a high school junior. I’d like to be a doctor of neurology some day! Neuroscience is my absolute true love, and right now my dream school is Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. 
People like to tell me things. Whether it be problems, little happenings throughout the day, happy feelings... maybe I just have one of those faces
I love to readddddd people think I’m crazy sometimes, but reading is so important to me. It’s such a big part of who I am. 
My favorite color is grey. It’s boring, I know. But grey is where it’s at for me.
I’m excited to share my journey with you all! If you’ve made it this far, reblog and I’ll give you a follow :) I need more active studyblrs on my dash, yk?
Stay safe people. Love, Jen
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amandastudiees · 7 years
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april 18, 2017 | springtime
I was walking home earlier and I walked past so many beautiful flowers; they were so bright and the colors were so vibrant. I got a 100 on my history quiz!! I was so nervous because I felt like I didn’t know the terms well enough 😬 But I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up Connor Franta’s new book, Note to Self (which is absolutely gorgeous) and I can’t wait to read it! I also got Unfiltered by my favorite actress, Lily Collins, and the movie tie-in version of Everything, Everything (the cover for this movie edition is stunning).
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cs-blr · 4 years
Pretty word asks: flower, effervescence, azure
flower: what’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Wow, that’s a hard one. If I’m being honest, I’ve been in a super wacky headspace recently, and it’s been really hard to like anything about me. I never want to use my studyblr to preach negativity again, because I used to do that a lot, but I’ve been sitting here for 20 minutes trying to think of an honest answer, and I truly have nothing. I don’t mean that in a depressing way, but more in an im-still-trying-to-find-out way. I suppose one answer could be how I really like to cook, and think I can produce decent food? But even that has been extremely lacking recently. I don’t really know. I’ll get back to you one day, maybe. 
azure: your reason to smile?
Sunsets. Catching up with a loved one. Watching a new baby leaf grow. The expression on my roommate's face when she likes what I cook for dinner. The unfiltered, raw laughter of a child. A freshly restocked grocery store. A puppy running across a field. Seeing my role models thrive. The rare positive support from my family. A strong breeze on a sunny day. A perfect winged eyeliner moment. A funny Minecraft video. Days where I tick off everything on my to-do list. Days where I do absolutely nothing. A song whose lyrics hit just right. A really angsty fanfiction. The sudden remembrance of a cherished memory. Sushi. The never-ending, whole-hearted, scary, and sometimes undeserving support of my friends. 
There’s so much to love in life, even when life isn’t what you want it to be. Smile at the little things more, and find joy in your existence. 
effervescence: do you have a favorite poem/poet?
Unfortunately, poetry has never been my forte. I feel like I never understand what it’s trying to portray, and yet I still have a lot of respect for the art form and I want to consume more of it. 
The only poetry I have ever dedicatedly read has been Lullabies by Lang Leav. I read that in late high-school, which was one of the most uncertain and unhappy times of my life thus far. I really liked it, although when I tried to read it back recently, I found I could no longer enjoy it in the same way. Oh, how wonderful and fluid art is. 
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thisishowido-study · 7 years
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Friday 7 April 2017| 3pm ~ I handed in my research proposal for my post grad honours thesis today!! It has begun! I'm taking some time to relax by working on my bullet journal. I'm feeling the bluey-gray theme a lot this week. I finished reading Thirteen Reasons Why this week ahead of watching the show, and have started reading Unfiltered which is Lily Collins new book. The inspiration for this spread comes from @lentilstudies ♥️
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vetintraining · 4 years
Quick question...
Hey guys! I’ve been gone for a while and I’m trying to understand what type of content to make. I used to be an “original only” studyblr. But the thing is I no longer do handnotes due to lack of time (computer is the way to go). 
What do you enjoy seeing on studyblrs that like to keep their blog original (no reblogs)?
Like... random sneak peaks of their day (unfiltered photos)? Pretty study space photos? Posts on productivity? Do you look for visual inspiration or do you actually read posts?
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