#unfortunately I can’t find them or their username
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Designed a holoform for High Tide! I’m still tweaking it, mainly the outfit and hair and some aspects of his face, but I think he looks pretty good!
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leah3477sblog · 4 months
How to use the Wayback Machine to get a deleted fic
The easiest way to do it is when you have the url of the fic you’re searching.
If so, you just open the Wayback Machine (url: https://web.archive.org/) and you paste the url in the search bar.
If you’re lucky, copies have been made of this web page and you’ll get a timeline with the days when the copies were made.
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From there you can try to click on the link indicating the most recent one, and see if the fic was still available at the time.
Sometimes you’ll encounter an error 404 already, if so try to go further back with the blue arrow at the left of the date you’re watching.
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And then, tadaaaa:
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From there, you can use the Print to PDF function of your device to save it as a PDF.
How to get the url of the fic I’m looking for ?
The fastest way I found is to Google the title and author.
Most of the time I’ll find a tumblr post with a fic rec or a fic post, with the link to ao3. I’ll follow it and end on the error 404 page on ao3 but from there I can copy the url of the fic to use it on Wayback Machine.
And if I can’t find the link to the fic ?
Then you can try to search with the username of the author.
On ao3 the url page with the works are all like https://archiveofourown.org/users/********/works (******** being the username of the author)
Or you can also try from their user page with http://archiveofourown.org/users/********/ or http://archiveofourown.org/users/********/pseuds/********
Sometimes you’ll get an old copy of their work page and from there you’ll be able to click the fic links.
Some of them will work, some others won’t.
And, unfortunately, if the fic is Mature or Explicit, I haven’t found the way to access it. There is the warning about adult content and even if I click Proceed it doesn’t work, probably because the fic page wasn’t saved from the url with the ‘?view_adult=true’ suffix
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box-of-roses · 8 months
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅. Tangled Up .⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
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♡ Synopsis: There’s a string connecting you to your soulmate that only you two can see; What happens when you see your string is tangled up and Kenma helps you untangle it.
♡ Characters: Kenma, Y/N, Lev, Alice (your bestie)
♡ Warnings: A little angsty
♡ Words: 2k
Pt. 2 | Pt. 3 | Series Masterlist
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Dancing. Some people dance for enjoyment. Others dance for money, some dance around their feelings. Perhaps that’s why your string was so tangled. The string delicately tied to your finger twisted and turned like most did. The difference, at least from the people you had asked, however, was that yours had knots. Pieces rolled over themselves and turned into more and more bows as the years went on. You wished your parents could see your string. Just to know if the bows had always been there. To know if there was something wrong with you.
The years went by and knots tangled not only on the string but in your stomach as well. Fear of what people would think of you, you refused to tell anyone. Anyone except for your dearest friend that is. You don’t know his name and he doesn’t know yours. That didn;t mean that he wasn’t your best friend though. It was better that way. It was better to not know each other’s identities. The things you talked about were too private. Much too private to find out it was someone you knew. You simply knew him as ‘Applepi’ ,you would call him Pi for short though. And he would call you Lucky. It was a funny username because you felt anything but lucky. The string tied around your finger reminding you of just how unlucky you seemed. Sometimes if you needed cheering up you would be his Star. Luckystar.
Your friends teased you mercilessly, they didn’t know the complexities of your relationship but they knew something was going on. The way your eyes would light up when that ever so familiar name would brighten your screen. The way you didn’t hear them talking to you when he talked to you. The way that you would stop everything to respond to him. They kept telling you that you loved him. That couldn’t be right though. Love? How could you love someone you haven’t met yet? How could you love someone you don’t even know the name of? They tried to get you to just tell the poor boy your name. That you loved him. That would ruin everything though, the carefully built level of trust you put into each other. Only because you didn’t have to worry about the repercussions of your conversations. Telling each other your identities could ruin everything you wanted to protect.
The stars are where you would look to wish every night. Wish that your string wasn’t so tangled, that it could loop like everyone else’s. Flow freely instead of wind in your head like a boa constrictor and make it hard to think. Some days you even wished there were scissors sharp enough to cut the damned thing. Your thoughts were interrupted by the vibrations of your phone against your leg.
Hey. I’m in the middle of class Pi 🙄
So you don’t want to talk to me?
I was going to give you the tea from the day but whatever
Like you’ll resist the temptation to tell me for long
You roll your eyes and place your phone back in your pocket. He usually breaks pretty quick. You know that all he does is play on his phone or gaming system in class. Unlike his friends. You don’t know much about them, by design. Can’t have you two figuring out who the other is just yet now can we? Ahem- ignore that.
The crisp air of the classroom made your hair stand up and your teeth chatter. Your desk happened to be right next to the window. The faulty window. Why they never bothered to fix it you didn’t know. You had forgotten your jacket unfortunately. Truly what a sad experience. You were rushing this morning and barely made it out with your lunch. A buzz against your leg. You knew better though. It would be a few more minutes before he gave in.
Certainly enough time to complete the paper in front of you. You smiled at the silly notion. Timing yourself to get done in order to get just the right text from him? Utterly hilarious. Another buzz. And two more questions to get done. Another. One more to go. And you finished and turned it in just in time to get the next message as you sat down.
I know what you’re doing
I won’t fall for it
Fine 🙄
So this guy I play w/ walked into the cafeteria and went to go get a milk right?
So anyway. He grabs the milk and goes to open it and it just squirts out
Completely ruins his clothes 💀
You’re right that was hilarious
So now you reply
My plan worked
Like it always does
Next time it won’t
Wanna bet?
And what exactly would you be betting?
A name.
We’ve been friends for years
You know things about me not even my closest irl friend knows
I think it’s about time we got each other’s names
Not without a little wager though. Simply for my own selfish gain of victory
I won’t fall for it or you get my name. If I don’t I get yours. Fair?
Glad we could come to this agreement
Maybe we’ll meet each other
Keep dreaming
Oh I will
Don’t worry 😉
Literally never do that again
Goodbye Lucky
Parting is such sweet sorrow </3
Till I can glance upon your name again Pi
And now it was finally your turn for lunch. The red string on your pinky is still bowed and knotted. With a sigh you put your hand back out of your sight. Your lunch table is littered with your friends and people you don’t know. Your friends notice you and wave you over.
“Hey Y/N! You haven’t met our new friends yet.”
“Nope. Sure haven’t.”
“Come on now, don’t look so down. You can’t spend all day everyday texting with that boy of yours.” Your face grows hot as you glare at your friends.
“Not ‘my boy’ he’s just a friend.”
“Maybe he won’t be forever.” You make fake gagging noises.
“Ew.” You all smile. Then you look around at the two new additions to the table. “Y/N, nice to meet you.” You hold your hand up to your mouth like you’re sharing a secret. “Hopefully these weirdos didn’t kidnap you and trap you here. Blink twice if you need help.”
“Rude! They came willingly.” Your friend rolls their eyes. “This is Haiba Lev and R/N. Lev is on the volleyball team. I know we haven’t dragged you to a game yet but maybe one day.”
“Well! Now that Y/N knows me they’ll have to come to a couple.”
“Fine.” You sigh.
“Why are you so against it?” Your friend Alice asks.
“I just don’t like sports.”
“Liar, I know you watch figure skating during the Olympics. You literally made your poor mother pay for streaming so you could watch it.”
“Yeah but that’s like entertaining.” Your phone buzzes.
How’s lunch?
Shouldn’t you be in class right now?
Your point? I don’t see it
You smile at your phone as you set your fork down. Your friends sigh.
“They always get like that, the minute their mysterious boy texts them they’re gone. They’re not going to reply because they’re off in their own little world.” Alice explains to Lev and R/N.
“One of my friends is like that. He spends all day texting someone and playing games.”
“Maybe your friend is Y/N’s mysterious boy.”
“I can ask. He doesn’t really like me a whole lot though.” Alice nods and the table falls back into comfortable chatter. With one exception. You. You’re still typing away on your phone.
One of my friends brought these new people to sit with us
It’s not awful I was just really confused for a second 💀
My friend does that all the time
He’s literally like “You need to find more friends for when I graduate.”
Blah blah blah
That’s hilarious
Lunch is sadly almost over and unlike you I actually pay attention in class
Ouch Lucky
I pay attention
If you don’t want to talk to me just say so 🙄💅🏻
I never said that
I just know if I talk to you I won’t be able to do my work
I’ll accept it
Talk to you after school then
Don’t you literally have practice after school today?
And? We have breaks your know
It takes an embarrassingly long time for everyone to get to practice
My last class is just right by the place so I’m there first
Just as long as you’re sure it won’t get you in trouble
Bye Pi! Talk to you soon :)
Bye Star :)
You weren’t lying, lunch was pretty short. Lev and Alice wanted to keep talking so they decided to walk you to your class. “So Y/N, are we actually going to get you to a volleyball game?”
“Maybe, I guess you’ll have to see.” You fall into a comfortable silence as you walk in between the two. It was nice to listen to their idle chit chat. When you got to your last class of the day they quickly said goodbye and left you to fend for yourself. This class was your least favorite so Pi was used to you texting him the whole time.
I thought you weren’t going to talk to me?
You know the drill by now.
What’s going on over there
Nothing much
I don’t believe you
Something exciting always happens to you
Okay 🙄
How’s that new friend of yours?
You jealous or something?
He’s nice, he walked me to my class with one of my other friends
I think they like each other 🤭
I know this is your least favorite class
What’s going on?
Nothing much
I’m talking to you so there’s that
So dismissive
I actually do have tea but I kind of don’t want to tell you
Did you not learn from earlier?
I always win this game
Yah but now there’s a prize if I win
You want my name that badly?
I want to show you that I can win this little game of yours
Your funeral
Using my own strategies against me are you
Not gonna work
You put your phone away with a frown as you actually decided to pay attention, since Someone. Decided they didn’t want to talk to you. You don’t know why he’s so desperate to win this game. Two can play this though. If he didn’t talk to you then you wouldn’t talk to him. So what if you were upset tomorrow for not getting to talk to your favorite person?
By the time you had gotten home there still wasn’t a response from Pi, you know this is just a little game but you were starting to get worried.
Are you okay?
I win
I was getting worried
We never go this long without talking
I won
What’s your name Star?
Your anxiety grew with every minute spent waiting for a reply. The awful delivered message staring you in the face. You knew he did a club after school. Maybe that’s why he hadn’t responded yet. You try to rationalize to yourself. Not wanting to look at the awful message you put your phone down and got up to make yourself dinner. That didn’t help though, it was all you could think about. Maybe tomorrow you will get a response.
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I hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry it’s angstier than other parts but I promise it’ll be worth it! <3!!! My asks are open so send in a request if you want! Sorry this was posted so late, my friend that usually beta reads for me got really busy </3 this is an apology for not having time to work on Cover Girl too. Life got super hectic and I’m trying to work on my school stuff and after school activities. Sorry :( the taglist for the series is open though so just comment here or the main post to be added to that <3 feel free to check out my other works if you liked this :)
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated <3
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slasher-catcher · 2 years
Spider Rings - Ch.1
Art the Clown x Reader
(Originally posted on AO3 by Frothy-Frowns -- relax, that’s my NotSFW username, I’m not ripping someone else’s work, lol)
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Summary: In cute, playful banter, you accidentally marry a strange monochromatic clown with cold eyes. Congrats! Best of luck to you on your honeymoon~
First chapter is SFW. The next one is NSFW and has two versions for either genitalia, depending on the reader’s preference. Absolutely NO minors, please.
18 Pages/ 8,561 Words ... so, uh, a pretty lengthy read.
Warnings: ... none in this chapter really, other than Art being Art. So like.. mild stalking? General creepy vibes? Some good ol’ fluff. Accidental marriage. Maybe hinted unhealthy obsession. Swearing. This closely follows the beginning of Terrifier.
I completely threw away the whole bathroom scene because that man will NOT be getting any ass if he’s been rolling around like a dung beetle. We have SOME standards, damn. (Reader’s description isn’t enclosed, but I sorta wrote this with them being plus sized in mind, so do with that information what you will. Also Reader uses they/them pronouns.)
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“I think I just twisted my ankle!” 
“Dawn, really?” Tara laughed in exasperation, propping the stumbling scarecrow girl up on her left, tucking her shoulder underneath her arm for support. Reader took to her right, snickering along with their drunken giggling. The little group had just left a rather rowdy Halloween party just down the street, slowly making their way towards Dawn’s car parked to the curb, a ways further than the line of cars of the fellow partygoers. 
The outing sure was… something, as far as Reader could say. Parties weren’t particularly their scene, but Dawn was pretty persistent when she wanted to be (which was often, unfortunately), and Tara may or may not have bribed them with the promise of Halloween treats that were sure to be there. Reader could still taste the sweet icing of the orange and black cupcakes on their tongue. The sugary confection was certainly more welcoming than the aftertaste of a poorly made candy corn jell-o shot, anyhow. 
The feverish night seemed to slowly simmer down to a chilly crawl the further the trio walked into the night, their chatter and clicking steps being the only sound in the hushed dark. Streetlights overhead lit the stretch of asphalt, concrete and their hair a mix of blinding white and cold orange, making their wriggling shadows seem a lot taller than what they really were. “Maybe ya wouldn’t have twisted it if you hadn’t gotten on top of that table,” Reader sighed, shaking their head and readjusting Dawn’s weight on their side. Dawn only shrugged her shoulders in dismissal, blonde hair bouncing with the movement. “And dance with clearance-isle Gru and his cluster-fuck of minions on the floor?? Hard pass, babe.”
Tara groaned in mock irritation, rolling her eyes.The print of her ribcage-designed top flashed a smidge in the cool lights every time she twisted a certain way. “Thanks a lot, by the way.”
“For what?” Dawn laughed.
  “For promising you weren’t gonna get shit faced tonight.”
The girl pulled an innocent face that neither Reader nor Tara believed. “Guys kept buying me drinks. I can’t help it if people find me interesting!” “Yeah, it was definitely your mind that they were after,” Reader snarked sarcastically, earning them a swift pinch on their shoulder before Dawn fully pulled her arm off of them, retrieving her phone from her patchwork pockets. Tara easily caught sight of the cell phone’s glow and twisted her head, trying to sneak a better peek. “Who’re you texting?” Dawn raised her nose high into the air and tucked the screen against her shoulder, hiding it away from her prying eyes. “None of your business!”
Reader’s eyebrow raised as Tara pulled away from under Dawn’s arm, leaving her to fully walk without both of their support. “You gave that asshole your number, didn’t you?” Tara asked accusingly, nearly scoffing in disbelief. In hindsight, she really shouldn’t be so surprised. This was Dawn they were talking about. The girl has zero restraint for most everything that comes her way.  
Dawn wagged a finger in her face back and forth mockingly. “Oh my god, you’re SO jealous.”
“Of what? That kid was talking to like, five other girls!” 
Reader rolled their eyes and gave their head another shake. They could hardly believe that anyone would want to give their number to the meatheaded viking guy that kept purposely spilling his sticky, watered down witches brew punch on nearly all the girls at the party for a chance to chat, but Dawn was just a different breed, they reckoned. It wasn’t too long until they finally reached their designated curb, slowing down their pace when the car came into view.
“Oh, stop being such a bitch, just get in the car.” Dawn scooted past the both of them to round the vehicle, only to be stopped mid stride by Tara taking hold of her wrist. “Oh, you are not driving.” 
Dawn dangled her car keys in her hand, letting them clink and clack, as if the gesture alone proved her sobriety. “I’m fine.” Tara wasn’t having any of it. The girl herself had thrown back the odd drink or three too, but at least she could walk a decently straight line without any assistance. Well… not much, anyway. Although, those Jekyll & Gins were beginning to talk back to her.
Nevertheless, she held her hand out to Dawn expectantly. “Give me the keys,” she demanded. 
Reader nudged past them to lean against the side of the car, arms folded across their chest as they watched the two throw a minor fight over the keys, patiently waiting for them to finish. The ends of their long, billowy black sleeves fluttered from the chilly breeze that flew past. Their fingers tippy-tapped against their arms, tongue idly prodding at the little extensions they stuck onto their canines. In all honesty they were pretty impressed that the fangs had stayed intact all throughout the night – they were certain when they were sticking them on that they would pop right off in the middle of the party. Hooray for little victories! While the little group hovered around the car, across the way were a man dressed from head to toe in a clown costume, trudging along. The steps he took in his rather large black shoes padded louder the closer he walked towards them. The black trash bag that was slung over his back crinkled when his gloved grip tightened around it. After what felt like an hour – but what was definitely only a few heavy seconds – Dawn finally caved, letting Tara take the keys from her hand and slumping back into the cool metal of the car. Reader frowned in disapproval, arms crossing a little tighter against their chest when Tara gave a little stumble of her own. “Really don’t think that’s such a good idea either, girly. You smell pretty flammable yourself.” “Then why don't you drive us, Reader?” Dawn released a long, drawn out groan, beginning to lean her weight more and more on the hood of her car. It seemed like all those poison apple martinis were finally dragging her down into a full stupor. Oh boy. They sighed and scratched awkwardly at the back of their neck, fingers catching on the black lace, jeweled choker wrapped snugly around it. They sure did hope they didn’t accidentally rub off the two little fang bite marks they dotted right above it with red marker. “You already know I can’t drive. Besides, my place is nearby. Can’t very well drive you home and make it back, D.” 
 The blonde scarecrow only gave an unintelligible drunken grumble under her breath at that. 
Tara groaned and stuffed the keys into her pocket. “Yeah you’re right, Reads. I’m fucking lit. But if I get something to eat, I can drive us, okay?”
Footsteps stopped more than a few meters away from the trio, crunching leaves silencing. The clown paused when their squabbling finally reached his ears, snapping him out of the set daze he had been in. With a frown he watched them from the shadows, as silent as the night around them. Pitch black eyes studied the three persons closely, as if memorizing their images for later.
“Did you say food?? Is there even a place that’s open late?” Dawn sat up a little from her perch on the hood, a light cringe stretched across her face. Reader nodded, sticking their thumb out and pointing it in one direction. “Well there’s a pizza place just ‘round here. Could give that a go, yeah? I can stay with you guys a tick longer until you get your bearings.” 
Tara gave a short nod at the suggestion. “Yeah, that’ll work fine. Come on D, let’s-”
“Okayokayokay. Just give me… one minute.” Dawn mumbled, holding up a hand as her eyes fell closed. Reader hummed with a little concern, biting their lip until just a little fang poked out over their black painted lips. As aggravating and nerve-wracking as Dawn could be, they certainly didn’t take much pleasure in seeing her aching like this. “Fuck me,” Tara groaned, throwing her head back in annoyance, black hair spilling across her face. “Like, one minute, for real.” Dawn pleaded softly before falling silent, needing a moment.  
The skeleton gave a sigh, shifting her weight until she stood comfortable enough to wait ‘one minute’ out. Her eyes began wandering around to take in the not-so-interesting scenery before they caught sight of someone in the shadows. Her brows furrowed as she stared at the tall, thin clown standing stock still, a rotten toothed grin stretched across his face and accented with heavy black grease paint as he stared right back at her. A chill shot down her spine.
“Take all the time you need, it’s okay.” Reader pulled their cross body bag a little closer, digging into it until they retrieved an unopened bottle of water and of ibuprofen, handing both it and the pills over to Dawn. The scarecrow didn’t hesitate to toss the medicine into her mouth and wash it down with heavy gulps of water, nodding a silent thank you towards them.
The vampire raised an eyebrow, snorting in amusement. “Y’know, I could have just handed you a couple of fentanyl and you took them without even looking at them. For shame, Dawn. For shame.” The water bottle crunched loudly as Dawn drained it empty, gasping when she finally pulled it away from her lips. “At this point I’m willing to suck twelve dicks if it meant my head would stop spinning.” Reader choked, barking out a surprised laugh. “Jesus christ you’re a hazard to society! Your mother must be proud.”
Dawn grinned, tossing the plastic bottle into her car carelessly. “Who do ya think taught me, Reads?”
And just like that, Reader’s laugh turned into a thread of strained wheezes, leaving them to clutch their stomach.
Neither friend noticed Tara’s stiff stance as she continued to lock eyes with the clown nervously. Her shoulders fully tensed up when the clown’s dark eyes released their grip onto Tara and darted swiftly over to land on Reader as soon as they began laughing at whatever they and Dawn were talking about.. A bead of sweat began to form on her brow from her rising anxiety. Just what was this guy's damage? “.. D. D, Reads, look.”
Prompted by her urgent hissing, they both turned their heads towards where she was staring. 
“Holy. Shit.” Dawn began laughing at the stranger in the shadows. Reader blinked, taken quite aback when their gaze fell onto the man in the shadows of the buildings, who already had such a piercing stare settled onto them. Not a shred of light seemed to reflect in his gaze. 
Did.. did he recognize them from somewhere?? He couldn’t have been at the party they just left, he was coming from the wrong direction. That, and Reader was pretty sure that they’d remember a unique face like his. The sharp, protruded cheekbones with an equally sharp chin that jutted out, a large hooked nose with a little black dot on the tip and heavy makeup lined around his eyes and mouth sure did stand out, even in the dark. They could tell that he certainly put a lot of work into his costume, and it definitely showed. 
They raised a hand and gave a polite little wave, their sleeve swaying with the movement. “Uh, hey there! Lovely night, isn’t it?” 
“Reader!!” Tara hissed and grabbed their waving wrist, tugging them back and making them give a little squeak in surprise. “That is not funny. I’m about to scream.” 
 Reader turned to look at Tara, face twisted in confusion as they rubbed at their wrist. “I.. I wasn’t jok-” 
“Heeeey, handsome!!” Dawn called out, waving widely to him, laughing loudly. “My friend wants your number!” “Dawn, cut it out,” Tara grimaced, looking back and forth between her heckling friend and the menacing stranger. “I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
Dawn disregarded her friend’s demand, always looking for a way to further stir the pot of trouble. “Come buy us dinner!!”
As the two quarreled, never did the clown’s piercing stare leave their vampire-dressed friend. A little trickle of worry began filling Reader when they realized that he never blinked once. Their hands slowly closed into one another, twisting with concern. Aw man, was he needing something? He seemed so unnaturally still. They took a short step towards him, tilting their head to the side. “Hey, um.. do you need help with something? Is it … your bag? I could help carr-” “Oh my god you guys, stop!” Tara’s breath got momentarily caught in her throat when Reader took a step closer towards that.. thing. Her hand shot out to once again grapple their friend and yank them closer, keeping her hand around their wrist. “Just shut the fuck up.” Their eyebrow twitched in annoyance with their friend, yanking their wrist out of her grip with a silent huff. Heaven forbid they manage to get one word in without her interrupting. “T, please. I was just saying hello. That’s not a crime.” “Maybe he’ll drive us home,” Dawn snarked at Tara, swiping the keys from her to dangle in front of her face. 
“Seriously you guys, I wanna leave. Now.” Tara deliberately looked away from the stranger, not being able to handle those ice cold eyes peering at them from the dark. Of a clown, of all things, a fucking clown. They gained some weird creeping Peeping Tom and he just HAD to be a clown.  
Reader pinched their brow in frustration before calling out to the lingering clown once again. “I’m sorry for my friends, sir, we…” When they had glanced back towards where he had been located, the shadows were bare. Their face creased with confusion and gave the whole street a quick look around, frowning lightly. “... where did he go??”
At their ominous words, Tara whipped back and glanced around as they had, feeling her anxiety increase tenfold. A sticky ball of dread began growing inside Tara’s belly, forcing her to nudge Dawn awake from her slouched, lethargic fog.  “Let’s go. Come on, let’s just go.” She tugged her off the car’s hood, pulling her along. Reader trudged along right behind them, arms beginning to hug around their center. The encounter succeeded in throwing them off their kilter a bit. The guy hadn’t even said a word and the girls had treated him so awkwardly. Oh, they could already tell that this will eat away at them for at least the next few nights.
                                     ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● 
The large, brightly glowing sign that read PIZZA, WINES & LIQUOR buzzed over the pizza shop with a hum. Inside the shop, rock music accompanied both Tara and Reader as they sat together in one of the few booths provided in the small closure. Reader lightly swung their feet, keeping themself occupied by sipping on the drinks that were provided and carefully folding the napkins they plucked out of the table's dispenser. They hummed along with the overhead guitar solo as they slowly created a little origami creature. 
Tara leaned against the pale bricked wall of the inner booth, thumb sliding across her screen every couple of seconds. She was going through the reel of selfies that were taken at the party, many of the three friends laughing along and having fun. 
"Oh yeah? You dressed up?" At the main counter, the owner stood with a telephone pressed to the side of his face, rapping his knuckles against the counter as he spoke. "Oh, you sick fuck… where am I gonna go, back to my wife?" He replied as if whatever notion the person on the receiver had said was incredulous. 
Tara’s eyes pulled away from her screen and glanced over her shoulder at the pizza man, unimpressed with the one sided conversation. Out of curiosity she looked back at Reader to see if they too were listening in, but they seemed to be completely into their own little world. 
The man's chatter went on and Tara decided to sink herself back into the photo reel, until a brightly flashing red battery icon took over the screen, before it completely turned black. Her tired face reflected back at her. "Great." 
Almost as if summoned by the dying battery, Dawn’s heels clacked loudly on the tiled floor as she made her way back from the bathrooms, the toilet still running loudly in her wake. The restaurant phone began to ring once again in the background as she slid into the empty side of the booth, groaning in relief. 
"That was the longest piss I have ever taken." 
Tara placed her phone back into her pocket, sarcasm dripping off her reply. "Thank you for sharing that." 
Reader snickered under their breath, fangs poking out from their lip as a smile tugged on the corners of their mouth. "Charming as always, D." 
Dawn made a face at them before pulling her own phone out, scrolling through her notifications. "This guy wants me to meet him at his apartment right now." 
"What a shocker," Tara replied easily, taking a peek across the table at her phone, as if to read the message herself. 
Reader glanced up from their napkin, giving Dawn a raised eyebrow before returning to their folding and creasing. "Are you gonna do it?" 
The scarecrow shrugged, a mischievous smirk pulling at her lips. "I told him I would." 
That made Tara’s eyes snap back to their friend. "What??" 
Dawn pulled up from her phone with a roll of her eyes. Jesus, sometimes Tara’s nagging really grinded on her nerves. “I’m kidding. I have a little more self respect than that.” 
“If only you had a brain.” The skeleton replied, side eyeing their friend with a smirk, folding her thin arms and propping them on the table. Dawn sent a snarky face at her in response. “I’ve been wanting to use that one all night.”
“Congratulations,” she sneered saucily before tucking back into her phone screen. Just as the word had left her mouth, the door of the shop was tugged open with a clatter, doorbell tolling with a ding of the new arrival. The monochromatic clown that they had unofficially met in the street pulled his way through the door, trash bag sitting heavily over his back. 
Neither the scarecrow nor the vampire looked up, too preoccupied with their activities to take notice, but the skeleton sure did. The bell caught her ear and had her looking over, only to feel her heart drop hard at the sight of the clown. Her chest began hurting with rising anxiety when she saw that his seemingly soulless eyes instantly targeted and locked onto Reader as he made his way to the booth parallel to their own. He stuffed the trash bag in first, pushing it against the wall and sliding in after it. His gloved hands folded together and were placed onto the table before him, settling into a comfy position. His gaze never faltered. 
Tara took a slow, shuddery breath before nudging Reader’s side. “R.. Reader…”
 Reader’s eyebrow twitched, a little stamp of tongue sticking out from between their lips in concentration. After making one final crease, Reader finally sat back against their seat in triumph, lifting the folded napkin up off the table. In their hands sat a little bat, its wings stretched out wide. “Look! It’s a little baby! A stinky sky puppy!” They grinned, little fangs flashing. They turned towards Tara, holding the creation out in front of her. “Tadaa!” 
Tara shook her head, lazily swatting the napkin off their palm before taking their shoulder into her hand, pulling them closer to her. She tucked her face low, whispering into their ear. “That guy is back.” 
Reader blinked, frowning when she had slapped the origami creature out of their hand. Rude. 
It took a second longer for her words to register in their brain. “..Guy??” Prompted now, their head swiveled to the left and gave a surprised little jolt when the previously empty booth beside them was now preoccupied by the mystery man from the shadows. A shiver rolled down their back. Had he been staring at them the whole time? 
.. They found it a little concerning that they found that a little exciting.
The bat had smacked into Dawn, making her sputter and swat it away from her, looking up to make a comment on it, but paused when she noticed that both Tara and Reader were looking off to the side. She followed their gaze, and laughed. “Look, it’s your boyfriend~” She winked at the vampire before returning to her phone. 
Reader’s cheeks warmed a little at the teasing, but otherwise hadn’t looked away. They seemed to have entered a staring contest with the clown man. The rock music overhead still strummed along as their eyes stayed locked. They could already feel their own eyes beginning to sting. How could he go this long without blinking?? Honestly they were beginning to feel pretty impressed. Reader’s ears twitched as the sound of the shop owner’s voice sounded in the background, him talking to a new caller. “I told you this a week ago.” He spoke, tone irritable. “We’ll go to your mother’s…. I don’t know, six weeks from now.” 
The clown didn’t seem to notice anything else in his environment, fully focused on the vampire sitting across from him. Slowly, his head tilted to the side, gaze never breaking. Almost instantly, Reader did the same, head slowly tilting to the side, mirroring the stranger. Something about the exchange felt so … intimate. In a way that Reader could neither comprehend nor explain. A smile broke across their face. 
The clown stayed absolutely stationary, but Reader didn’t miss the way the black corner of his mouth twitched upward. 
The pizza man seemed to have finally taken notice of his newest customer and tugged the phone away from his face. “Ey I’ll be right with ya, buddy!” Not a second later he was mumbling back into the receiver, scoffing under his breath. “You gotta see the shape of this fuckin’ guy that just walked in.”
If the stranger had heard any of the man’s words, he didn’t give any indication that he had. He stayed, frozen in time, as still as a professional New Yorker statue performer. Which is why it made Reader jolt again in surprise when suddenly he sat rod straight in his seat, shoulders pulling back and flashing a bright grin at Reader. Were his teeth that red before?
The goofy face and the absurdity of the situation had Reader finally snapping. Their face cracked into a wide grin, fangs flashing brightly as they released a sudden burst of laughter, lifting a hand up to cover their teeth. The clown’s head tilted again, their odd reaction seeming to catch him off guard. His grin faltered for a moment, eyes searching the giggling vampire trying desperately to muffle their noise. Slowly, his red and black toothed grin stretched even wider, dark eyes crinkling as an actual authentic smile took over his face. Oh, he liked that reaction… he liked that a lot.
Tara had been keeping her eye set on the stranger as well, not trusting anything about him. Something was off about him, she just knew it. Reader’s sudden outburst of giggles made her damn near leap out of her skin in surprise, snapping to look their way. Did they not see it too? Even with the way he’s been just oogling them?? 
She dropped her hand back onto their shoulder, swiftly pulling them back to facing her. She lowered her head to them, aggravation etched heavily in both her expression and voice as she hissed to them. “Reads, stop it. He’s fucking creepy. You’re only making it worse!” 
The vampire only shook their head in dismissal, waving her off with a lighthearted smile. “Oh it’s fine, T. He’s just playing around.” 
“It’s creepy.” She repeated, not relenting.
“I think it’s pretty charming, really. Look!” When they both turned to look at the clown again, his position changed once again. His elbows were planted into his table, gloved hands had their fingers laced together for his pointed chin to settle right on top of them, smiling brightly at Reader as if he had been waiting for them to look at him again. Their pleased reaction made his grin widen just that much. Reader returned the toothy smile, cheeks warming under the heavy attention. It wasn’t something they were used to, and in most circumstances made them uncomfortable, but the way the monochromatic stranger looked at them so warmly had their chest doing.. something. Something they couldn’t quite put their finger on, but it sure did feel fluttery. Exciting. They easily fell back into another eye lock with the stranger, enjoying the silly faces he pulled, and the rather cute toothy smile. 
Tara gulped silently, painted lips twitching into a harder frown. Something was wrong about this. He was wrong. Everything about him was wrong. She didn’t like how his eyes bore so deeply into Reader. She shook her head, short black hair gently fluttering along with the movement. Reader’s second burst of giggling after the clown made yet another weird face – this time, he lifted a knuckle up to his large hooked nose and gave it a little cranking motion, sticking his nasty tongue out, face scrunched – made her shudder, arms wrapping around her middle. 
Almost miraculously, The scarecrow finally pulled her nose out from her phone screen again. Her brow furrowed as she took in Tara’s tense posture. “Are you okay?” She received no answer, and turned her head to follow their gaze to, surprise surprise, see that the clown was still upsetting her. Reader seemed fine enough, so why couldn’t she be?
Tara slowly pulled her eyes off of him to finally look back at her friend across the table, gaze hard. “I think we should get our food to go.” 
“Why?” Dawn frowned back, not at all pleased with the idea of leaving after they’ve just got settled down. She followed the skeleton’s stiff gaze as it flicked back across Reader and landed on the clown man once again.  “Him?” 
As far as Dawn could see, the guy was just a fucked up looking weirdo. Reader seemed into it enough, so what was the deal? She didn’t want to get up just because some ugly guy had the hots for their friend. She knew Tara could be a little protective of them – and her, on occasion – but jesus, sometimes too far was too far. 
“Seriously, I wanna leave.” 
An annoyance dripped off Dawn as she yanked her phone off the table and pulled out from the booth. “Jesus christ.” 
Tara’s heart dropped again that night, feeling a cold sweat forming as Dawn made her way to the clown. “D, stop.” 
She took no heed of Tara’s empty words as she stood in front of the guy. Despite her being literally right there in front of him, he seemed completely zeroed in on Reader, eyes not wavering for a millisecond off of them. God, this freak had it bad, huh. “Um, excuse me. Excuse me.” Dawn batted his arm. It was like she was just a gust of wind, because he didn’t acknowledge her existence. Or anything, for that matter, outside of Reader.
Reader blinked when Dawn scooted herself in front of the clown, brow raised in curiosity. What was she planning to do? They certainly hoped that she wasn’t planning to bully or embarrass him, as she was pretty known to do every so often. It’s not like he was doing anything wrong, so what was the problem?
The man didn’t seem to see a problem. Hell, his dark gaze stayed absolutely locked onto them, even with Dawn lowering her hand to hover right in his face and beginning to snap loudly not two inches away from his face. He didn’t even blink, painted lips tilted upward and eyes lidded lightly as he stared deep into their soul. It… made a shiver crawl down their body, though definitely not an unwelcome one. They swallowed, feeling the air between them become more and more intimate the longer his lidded eyes glued to them. Hoh boy. 
“Can I get a picture with you??” Dawn persisted, head tilting until it completely covered his eye’s path, golden hair falling from her shoulders and down in a curtain, further blocking his way. Reader suddenly took in a breath of air, not realizing that they had been holding it for the majority of their locked gazes. Had their heart been pounding in their chest this whole time?? Slowly they placed a hand over their chest, as if to steady the beating muscle.
Dawn’s light irritation grew when the clown’s gaze seemed to stare right through her, as if she were just air. You’ve got to be fucking kidding. 
“Dawn, come on.” Tara urged, hugging herself tighter.
“Shut up.” She waved her off like a pesky fly, trying to grab the clown’s attention again. “Hello? Helloooo??” She blinked in annoyance. Finally she reached out and grasped his closest arm, lifting it out of the way and dropping it over the back of his booth seat. “Okay, I’m gonna take that as a ‘yes.’” She surged forward, plopping herself right onto his thigh, moving to press her faux straw covered chest against his, making herself comfortable. Reader blinked in surprise at Dawn’s sudden invasion. They frowned at her, suddenly feeling heavily shameful at her intrusion of his personal space, as if they made her do it. “Jesus, Dawn! Sir I-I’m sorry, she’s..” Their words tapered off when his deep, dark eyes once again met theirs when Dawn took her seat on him, moving out of the way. They became flustered once again. Even with their rambunctious, personal-bubble-popping friend making herself cozy on his lap, his attention never faltered, never waned, never blinked. Reader felt their face beginning to heat up once again. Why did that make them feel so warm??
The scarecrow wiggled, making herself comfortable and preparing him for their photo shoot. She reached up and began tugging on the little black hat that sat on top of his head, purposely pulling until the string that held it in place around his head snapped against his face, hat dropping from her hold and tumbling to the floor. The pop from the string seemed to finally, finally break him of his concentrated gaze, slowly turning to look at the blonde who invaded his personal space. The lidded, pleased stare from before fell into something cold and unreadable, mouth falling flat. Tara shuddered at how quick his expression fell. 
“Uh, oh.” Dawn reached a hand up, tapping a finger on the tip of his hooked nose, right on the little black dot that sat there. “Sorry.” She batted her golden lashes at him innocently, not at all registering the cold, unimpressed glare he laid on her as she bent over, swiping the little hat off of the tiled floor and setting it right back onto his head. His head slowly lowered, glare seeming to get icier when she wrapped an arm around his shoulders and arch her chest up, pressing it right against his own as she posed. Her arm stretched out with her phone in hand, clicking as she began taking pictures with him. Her hair effectively covered half of his face, sticking to the white and black makeup.
Tara couldn’t believe Dawn, shaking her head in disapproval, hand reaching up to rub at her neck anxiously. Of course the outgoing brat would pull some shit like this, just to rub Tara’s fears and concerns right in her face. It was times like these that seriously made her question their friendship. 
Dawn pulled away from the camera to look back over to the clown, suddenly snatching his chin in her hand, squishing his prominent cheeks inward until his black painted lips puckered outward. Pleased, she turned back to the screen and puckered her own lips into a duck face, pressing the side of her face against his and taking two more pictures with him. He stared coldly into the camera. When the scarecrow decided that she’s had enough, she released his chin from her grasp, a fake smile flashing as she tapped his nose once again. “Thanks.” 
She pulled herself out of his lap without another word, returning to their booth. The man stayed frozen in the spot she maneuvered him in, arm still slung over the back of the booth, frown prominent. Reader frowned with concern. They knew Dawn could be a bit much, especially to people who weren’t already used to her antics. They hoped that the stranger wasn’t too upset with her forwardness. 
Tara fixed Dawn with an icy glare when she slid back into her seat. “What the hell is wrong with you??” 
Dawn grinned, already beginning to post the pictures onto her media. Her followers will definitely get a kick out of this weirdo. “What, didya think he was gonna hack me up into little pieces or something?” She scoffed, as if the very notion was ridiculous, thumbs tapping away. 
Reader sighed, raising a hand to rub their nose bridge. “D, really. Silence doesn't equal consent. You shouldn’t have done that, and you know it.” She rolled her eyes and sent a short sneer Reader’s way before burying back into her Instagram. “Not you too, now. Relax, it’s not like I fucked your little boyfriend or whatever.” 
Both Tara and they cringed and Dawn’s crude words. Jesus, she really had a way to make people uncomfortable.
By the time the pizza man had hung up on his call and made his way over to the clown, the mystery man had shifted back to his previous objective of fixing Reader with a rather smoldering stare, hands clasped together again and settled on the table. “What can I get for ya, buddy?” 
To nobody’s surprise, the clown didn’t answer or even acknowledge the shop keep, only keeping his eyes locked on Reader. They tilted their head once again, feeling warm under his gaze. Was it getting a little hot in here?? It was beginning to feel so bizarre, how his eyes could go from iceberg cold to blazing warm with just a mere glance.
The pizza man’s patience seemed to already be thinned by the previous calls, making his tone snap a little when he pressed further. “Hey. Hello?? If you don’t order anything, you’re gonna have to leave.” 
“You already have eight liiiikes~” Dawn tapped her phone screen with her nail, making a light clack, clack noise as she called over to the clown in a singsong voice. Her comments were already beginning to flood, asking about the creep. 
“Can you hear me in there?” The man pressed further, lowering himself until his face was eye to eye with the clown, trying to grasp his attention like Dawn had. But just like he had the scarecrow, his dark eyes zeroed right past the shop keep, as if locked into tunnel vision and Reader was the only focus. They shifted a little in their seat, biting their lip and studying the clown. Seconds later, the pizza man gave up, standing up straight and dropping his hands in exasperation. “Oh god, it’s gonna be a long night,” he grumbled, walking back into the kitchen. 
Reader’s eyes trailed after the shop keep as he walked off, before flicking back to the clown. They fumbled with their fingers a little, brows furrowed in concern. The poor guy must be so uncomfortable now, making them feel for him. They shuffled in their seat again, as if working themself up to talk to him. Finally, they found their nerves and opened their black painted lips. “Hey, um.. are you alright? Dawn can delete those pictures, if they make you uncomfortable. I’m sorry about all that.” 
“Tch, like hell I will,” the girl injected, scoffing. She tossed her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her head, not bothering to pull up from her cellphone. “Everyone’s eating this shit up.” Reader’s eyebrow twitched in mild irritation, fingers tapping hard on the table before them in an attempt to relax themself. Maybe if their fingers wiggled around, they’d lose the sudden urge to wrap them around her throat.
The clown’s head tilted slightly to the side, eyes boring into theirs for a moment or two longer, before suddenly sliding out of his booth, standing up tall. They leaned back slightly, taken aback. They didn’t expect him to be so tall. Tara tensed beside them as they both watched the man approach one of the other empty booths. The table still had paper plates with crumbs and pizza crusts on it. In the middle lay a small pile of money, a dollar bill and coins for a tip. The clown looked over his shoulder at Reader and back at the table, as if making sure that they were watching him. And watch him they did, both confusion and curiosity painting their face. 
His dirty fingertips that were uncovered by the rest of his gloves reached down, pinchin the quarter off the table, and lifted it up. The overhead lights caught on its face, making the coin shine a little as he held it up for them to see. He then made a show of turning on his heel until they were facing his back, taking a knee in front of the toy capsule vending machine slots that sat right next to the entrance to the little shop. Reader leaned to the side, trying to see what he was doing. Tara only shook her head, squeezing her thin arms around herself as if for protection, sinking lower into the booth seat. 
The sound of the quarter slotting into the machine and the loud cranking of the knob made their eyebrows raise higher. Was he getting himself a toy?? 
The clown took a moment to crack open the capsule, plucking the item out of its container, before swiftly pulling himself up from the tiled floor. With a giddy smile, he nearly skipped his way back over to the trio’s booth before once again taking a knee, kneeling in front of Reader. Tara pressed herself against the pale brick wall in agitation. The man’s movements caught Dawn’s attention and she looked up from her screen, wanting to see what would happen next. 
He raised the toy up for Reader to see, other hand waving at it in a silent ‘tadaa!’ Between his index and thumb fingers rested a little ring, metal with two hearts stuck side by side. He grinned expectantly at Reader, gesturing to the ring.
Reader leaned further back into their booth seat, blinking in surprise. Was.. was this for them?? Oh, that was rather cute. Their face began warming again as their eyes flickered between the ring and the clown’s face, lips parted in silent question. From across the table Dawn snickered, not believing what she was seeing. “Aww.” 
“I-is that for me?” They asked shyly, lips beginning to quirk upward. 
The clown nodded gleefully, showing off the ring once more, before holding up a finger in a ‘hold on’ gesture. Before they knew it, the mysterious man was reaching out and taking their hand in his, making Reader’s breath catch in their throat. 
Tara’s shoulders lifted up, putting her own hands on top of the table’s surface. “What are you doing??”
  The clown paid no mind to her as he lifted up Reader’s hand with care. Another shiver ran down their spine when they realized just how much bigger his hand was compared to their own. Slowly, the clown slid the double hearted ring onto their ring finger, until it finally rested at the base of their digit. He held their hands a moment longer, as if admiring the metal adjourning their finger, rubbing his large thumb over it. With flourish he released their hand and waved his own around it, as if showcasing the little thing with pride. His head tilted to the side, smiling almost bashfully as his hands came down to clasp over his chest in adoration, eyes lidding. 
Reader’s face burned hot through the whole transaction, mouth fallen open. Oh, oh that was just precious. A bright, toothy smile stretched across their heated face, lifting their other hand to cover over their mouth, bashful. “Oh, oh my. This is so sudden. I do!” They giggled, eager to play along with the silly, silly man. Their words had him shimmying his shoulders almost shyly, red teeth glinting brightly under the lights. 
Suddenly Reader’s eyes widened in realization. “Oh, just a sec!”
They pulled their cross body bag up into their lap, sticking their tongue out as they dug around for what they were looking for. The clown watched curiously, hands still pressed to his chest in endearment. Once they finally caught hold of what they were searching for, they smiled wider, pulling it out and holding it up for him to observe.
In their hold was a little plastic spider ring, one that they had collected off of the cupcakes they scarfed down at the party. They loved it when the treats had little garnish toys and picks, especially when they were silly little rings. Apparently holding onto the thing was a good decision, because the way the clown’s dark eyes lit up at the sight of it had their chest feeling that certain little fluttery warmth from before.
“Reads-” Tara began nervously from beside them, not liking this one bit. It was bad enough that the creep came over to initiate the act, but they didn’t have to encourage him! Reader paid her no mind as they carefully took hold of the clown’s hand, much like he had theirs. With a soft smile, they slid the ring onto his much larger finger. They couldn’t push it up very far, what with the rest of his glove stopping them, but it was on nonetheless. “See? Now we match!” 
Dawn was pressing her hands over her mouth, trying desperately to stifle her loud laughter and the absurd act that was taking place in front of her. The clown slowly retracted his hand to hold it up to his face, expression soft as he turned his hand in different angles, admiring the little plastic spider as if it were a three carat diamond ring. 
Reader smiled, pleased with the soft expression of happiness he held. “I know it’s not as fancy as mine, but I hope it’ll suffice?”
Their words seemed to snap the stranger out of his haze, blinking for the first time that night as he’s brought back from whatever he had been thinking. With flourish, he took hold of their hand once more, lowering himself further to press a kiss to their ring. Tara felt like she was about to be sick as the clown pressed kiss upon kiss on the little metal hearts, moving onto pressing his lips to their much smaller knuckles.
The vampire choked, sputtering at the sweet little kisses. Oh my god, oh my god that’s so cute??! Their face burned an entirely new shade of red and they began giggling in both bashfulness and disbelief, laughing harder when the clown began kissing up their hand and slowly making his way up their arm. 
He never ceased and didn’t seem like he would, lacing his fingers with theirs and trailing his lips up their sleeved arm to their shoulder, trying not to smile too hard as he did so. Their laughter cracked into a gasp at the feeling of his lips landing on their uncovered collar bone, lips leaving a black smudge in his wake. Oh shit, oh fuck, when did it get so damn HOT in here???
“Hey, you can’t-!” Tara sat up straight, wrapping her hands around Reader’s arm closest to her and yanking them towards her, pulling them away from his creepy attacks. They gave a surprised yelp at the sudden interruption, whipping back to look at Tara. The clown’s curved eyebrows shot up high when they were pulled away from his grasp, parted lips suddenly pulling into a snarl. He slowly pulled up from his knees and stood ramrod straight, staring over Reader’s head at Tara, fixing her with the chilliest, most hateful glare she had ever been given. Her eyes widened in fear. 
“Oh shit??” Dawn choked, fumbling with her phone in her hands, quickly swiping until her camera was pulled up. If any drama was going to go down, she’d be damned if she didn’t record it! 
“Ey, what seems to be the problem ov-” The pizza man returned, hands holding paper plates of large slices of pizza. The clown’s threatening, towering stance and nasty bearing teeth had him pausing. “Oh hell no, I don’t think so, pal!” 
The shopkeeper plopped the plates onto the booth table behind them before gripping onto the clown, grabbing fistfulls of the back of his black and white costume and forcefully shoving him towards the front of the restaurant. “Fuckin’ FREAK! Get outta here!”
The trio all watched, wide eyed as the much shorter man shoved the clown out of the door, bell dinging as the clown stumbled into the street, whipping around in anger. The man quickly stepped back to snatch up the black trash bag that had sat in the booth, tossing it out with the clown. “Take your shit and don’t come back!”
Tara felt immensely better without having the creep hovering around them, but Reader stared through the glass door at their silly clown, hands clutching onto the front of their chest. What had happened?? They just looked away for a moment, what could the clown have possibly done to warrant such a forced leave?? They were just playing around, that wasn’t bad, was it? Their shoulders fell, unsure of what to even think. 
The clown stood fuming, fists clenched tightly into balls at his side. His head snapped back to glare through the glass, but fell short when Reader’s crestfallen face caught his eye. His shoulders and hands slowly released their tension as he met their searching eyes. 
Slowly he lifted both of his gloved hands up, pressing them against the cool glass and leaned his face in. Reader watched, brows beginning to knit together, lips parting. Just what was he planning to do? He couldn’t come back in.
Reader’s mental question was quickly answered as the clown’s tongue fell out of his opened maw, and slowly dragged it up the glass, hot breath fogging around the muscle’s path. His wide eyes stayed locked onto theirs the whole time, pulling back only to repeat, running his tongue slowly up the glass. 
Their jaw fell completely open, face feeling so hot that the color was surely spreading to their ears and down their chest. Not once did they look away. They couldn’t. Not with how heavy his gaze had gotten. Not with the way his chest seemed to heave up and down as he breathed heavily. Not with the way his fingers gripped hard against the glass, as if struggling hard not to just rip the thing open to enter again. Not with the way he licked the glass like he wanted to do it to them.
They swallowed thickly, lifting their hand up to attempt to cover their flustered face, but it was much too late. The clown’s mouth twisted into a hungry grin. He already saw it. 
And boy did he seem to like it.
“I said GET! GET OUTTA HERE!!” The man whipped back around when he noticed the trio still staring at the door. The man’s face grew a ruddy color as he grew angry. “I’ll call the police, freak!” 
Slowly, oh so slowly, the clown removed his fingertips from the glass, pulling himself away from the door. He momentarily broke eye contact to haul the hefty black bag over his shoulders. When he looked back at Reader, he gave a toothy smirk and a saucy wink, fingers wiggling in a wave goodbye as he slowly left their eyesight.
“... Holy shit,” The scarecrow bursted out laughing, smacking the table. “Oh my GOD, that guy was obviously turned on by you!” 
Tara finally sat up properly in the booth for the first time in what felt like hours, releasing a long breath and glaring heatedly at Dawn. “You’re fucking sick, you know that? That was insane. Insane! Right, Reads?” 
Reader didn’t reply, staring at the wet strip on the door. They rubbed their cheeks bashfully, looking off to the side. Wow, what a night.
“You three okay?” The pizza man grabbed the paper plates from the other table, placing them in front of the trio. Dawn wasn’t hesitant to swipe her plate, beginning to fold her piece. “Oh, he’s harmless.” 
Tara paused, but eventually gave a short nod, beginning to pick at her pizza’s toppings. 
The man placed his hands on his hips, looking down at the vampire. “You okay?” 
Reader fingered the little double hearted ring that still sat on their finger, nodding absentmindedly. That seemed to please the man well enough as he patted the back of their booth comfortingly. “Don’t worry ‘bout him, he won’t be comin’ back. I’ll make sure of that.” 
The vampire hummed emptily at his words, not really feeling much comfort from them. They.. they really liked the silly clown guy. It was a shame that they couldn’t get to know him a little better. Now they’d probably never see him again. That thought alone had them sighing silently, propping their head up in their hand, leaning on the table disheartenedly. Tara side eyed them curiously, picking off bits of her slices and chewing them.
                                   ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・●
“And you’re sure you’ll be fine heading back by yourself?” Tara asked persistently, giving Reader a searching look, as if looking for any reason to walk them home. Lord knows they didn’t need another Halloween freak tailing after them like a lovesick dog. 
Reader laughed quietly, patting her arm reassuringly. “Yes, mom. Seriously, I’m solid. My place is just a block away. You should worry about getting home yourselves.” 
Dawn tucked her phone back into her patchwork pocket, stretching her arms high above her arms. “We’ll be fiiiiine. We’ll even text ya when we get there.” “That might be a little tough, considering my phone died a couple minutes ago,” they winced, smiling strainely. “I’ll put it on charge when I get home. G’night, guys!” 
“See ya, babes.” Tara and Dawn parted, beginning their trek back to their ride. Reader let out a tired sigh and turned the opposite direction, walking down the sidewalk. The walk back wasn’t very difficult, but it did sting a bit from being in their pinching shoes all night. A bad decision on their end, really.
They climbed the steps to their apartment and paused at the door, sliding their hand into their bag to fish for their keys. They blinked in surprise when their fingers clacked against something.. rectangular?? 
Curiously, they grabbed hold of the thing and pulled it out, baffled.
  When the hell did a VHS tape end up in their bag??
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The next chapter(s) are still being worked on. I’m unsure when they’ll finally be finished, but just know that they ARE being worked on. I’m just trying to make it a nice, long read. I haven’t seen Terrifier 2, so if I write something in the next chapter that seems off with the new info, that’s why. I’m too short on muns right now from moving into my new apartment to go see the movie. (And boy lemme tell you just how SAD I am about it ;;;; )
1K notes · View notes
ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
My family is still staying in half of the church that wasn’t affected by the bombing because there is nowhere else to stay other than tents. They are limited to one small meal a day and one shower a week. They are sleeping on the floors, but no one can sleep since there is bombing everywhere around them. Even when there is no bombing, they can still hear the loud buzzing sound of the military planes above them, which would keep anyone who hears it awake. Along with everything, My grandma has diabetes and osteoporosis, so she can’t walk. She has to take her insulin medication along with many others; however, she has run out of many of her medications.” Am on my knees requesting for donation. Target $450
This is a SCAM! Do NOT donate or boost this user! Please report and block them and tell others to do so as well!
There are a few things that make this account suspicious: it is a new account, it is not verified, and the username seems to come from a username generator. Real Palestinian accounts can be new, have peculiar usernames, and not be verified, though, so if an account has one or even all of these traits, do NOT immediately report and block. These suspicious traits are only enough to indicate more digging needs to be done.
The thing that confirms this is a scam though is the user asks for insulin. Insulin does NOT get into Gaza, so if any user asks claims to be in Gaza and asks you for money to buy insulin that is a scam.
For some further proof, I tried searching up their user, which is the one of the first things you should do if you are unsure about the validity of a fundraiser. Unfortunately, nothing came up, so I tried reverse image searching their profile picture. Their profile picture has a match, user “thoughtfulpersonpersona” on Tumblr. If you try to go to that blog, you’ll find it is deleted.
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Luckily, if you simply search the blog name, you’ll find people have made callout posts for the user. thoughtfulpersonpersona shows up on an official scam list and the message they sent out is word for word the one that instantwerewolfthing sent. This confirms that instantwerewolfthing is the new account of thoughtfulpersonpersona, which is a scam.
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Please be careful when donating to blogs, but do not let some shitty scammers prevent you from donating to real people who need help! If you are unsure about a fundraisers validity, don’t report and block, do some digging. Check the comments and reblogs to see if anyone said if it was verified or a scam. Look up their username to see if anyone replied to an ask of theirs that confirms if it’s real or a scam. If you can’t find anything at all about whether the fundraiser is valid or not, I would recommend you just leave the fundraiser be until it is verified or exposed for being a scam and donate to a fundraiser you’re sure is verified instead.
Here is Nabulsi and El Shab Hussein’s google doc of verified Palestinian fundraisers. All of these fundraisers are confirmed to be verified, and many of them are far from their goals! Please donate to these fundraisers if possible:
I would like to clarify that I am not Palestinian or a professional scam buster, but it is not very difficult to do some research to see whether an account is valid or not. If we’re all careful, we can avoid giving money to the disgusting “people” who exploit the suffering of Palestinians for their own gain and instead give it all to the people who really need it.
I hope that all Palestinians can reach their goals, get to safety, get medical care, rebuild their homes, and get whatever else they need or want. Every person deserves the right to live and to live their lives to the fullest. I really hope that all Palestinians are able to get safety and live the lives they want. I hope that soon they will all be able to drink clean water, to continue their educations, to eat good meals, to be healthy, to be safe, to be happy. I wish them all the very best. Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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Silver Lining 7
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
Part of the Silverfox AU
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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The library casts a wave of deja vu over you. The smell, the shelves, the soft rustle of patrons trying not to make a noise in the deathly din. You feel like the lost college student, once more trapped in the stacks, trying to eke out a final draft.
Since the calamitous destruction of your laptop, you’d been paralysed to do anything more than sulk. It took a few days to get the energy up to make a choice; buy a new one or find an alternative. The former option isn’t affordable but once you get this script down, you could splurge for at least a chromebook.
Negotiations with your sister were less than successful. She claimed the innocence of children as her shield. She couldn’t control their curiosity. It’s unfortunate that it happened but she’s a mother of two and can’t afford to pay for your expensive toys… Right, but she has a macbook in her luggage.
To no one’s surprise, and to your sister’s expectation, your parents agreed. It’s hard to pay for two kids in this world, your laptop isn’t a necessity. You can dig out the old Windows XP tower from the basement…
It’s futile. You love your family but they leave you feeling that the sentiment isn’t mutual. You can’t blame them. You're thirty, you’re living at home, and you have a job that isn’t really a job.
You settle in at a computer, your newly registered library card in hand. You paid the two dollars for an hour. You hope it’s enough to retrieve your work from the cloud and finish up the last edits. It’s only an hour per hour for additional time.
After getting used to the clacking keyboard and the worn ball of the old mouse, you start to whittle away. You’re immensely thankful for the omnipotent powers of OneDrive. Everything is still there.
You check the time. Ten minutes left. You’ll have to go top up, at least for another hour. You sit back and grab your phone from beside the mousepad. You had it face down on silent so you could focus. It’s only then you see the slew of notifications.
Your mother wants you to grab coffee cream on your way home and your next payment on your still standing student loan is coming due. Under all that, there’s a message from Bucky. You figured he’d be checking in. You are cutting it close to his deadline.
‘How’s it going? Was hoping to have the final draft today.’
Your stomach boils. You can get it done and he’s being less than pushy. Not demanding by any means but you’re taken back to your last job. To the constant pressure of expectation and the oppressive workload that never slowed down. All that and the closed door dealings that left you sleepless and quaky after midnight.
‘Will send over soon.’
The response should be good enough. A promise you can keep. You place the phone down and lean forward, cradling your head as you tell the memories to leave you alone. This is different. This isn’t that office, this is something you can walk away from at any time.
You close your eyes as the world narrows between your ringing ears. The silence of the library is replaced with the muffled ringing of office phones and the smothered voices of employees conferring between cubicles. You see the door, closed again, you feel the edge of the desk digging into your stomach, you hear his raspy words, your insides splinter.
Your eyes snap open as you sit up. No, you’re not going back there again. The computer’s lock screen shines blue at you. Time’s up. You dig around in your purse as you stand. It’s over so let it go.
As you stand at the counter, waiting for the librarian, your phone lights up. You tap your card on the desk before stepping away. You should answer it.
You quickly march across the lobby and into the vestibule between the inner and outer doors. You shouldn’t disturb anyone here. You check the ID again, it’s him.
“Hi,” you answer.
“Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting. I’m just a bit restless since I got back in town,” Bucky plunges right in without small talk.
“N-no, j-just wrapping up.”
“Great. Did you want to meet up tonight? I am working on the recording space and I thought you might like to check it out?”
“Ch-check it o-out?” You wonder. You imagined yourself just handing off the script and bouncing. Get paid and go home.
“Uh, yeah,” you hear him fumbling on the other end, “I was thinking… well, maybe it’s better if I talk to you in person–”
His voice is completely drowned out at the outer doors open and a group of rowdy students enter, completely ignorant to the atmosphere. You expect they’ll get a warranted shush from the staff so you don’t bother. You just turn your back to them and plug your ear.
“A lot going on?” Bucky asks.
“N-no, just… library’s b-busier than I th-thought.”
“Library? Oh, you doing more research?” He wonders. You hesitate again. You’re used to his bluntness. To him not caring about anything but what he wants. That’s an easier dynamic then all these questions.
“L-long st-ory,” your words creak out.
“I’ll come meet you,” he offers, “I got a few books to bring back. Which location are you at?”
Again, you're reluctant. His eagerness surprises you but you assume it’s more impatience. It'll be good to just get this over with.
“O-Oxblood,” you answer.
“Hm, never been to that one,” he comments, “when's good? Like an hour or something?”
“S-sure,” you shrug.
You give up. People don't really ask when they ask. They tell. Your mother, your sister, him.
“Sounds like a plan. I'll just finish up what I'm doing and head over,” he voice catches at the end, “shit, got another call. Talk later.”
Before you can respond the line is dead. You're almost grateful for the abrupt end. You're expecting this writing gig might just be a one-off situation.
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brxkxnhxxrtsclxb · 2 months
i wanted to make a list with tips for those who have recently discovered monster high and love the dolls and wanna partake in the hobby in starting a collection 🖤
for starters: i wanna say you do not need to watch the show / media attached to it if you don’t want to or don’t have the time. you can still enjoy the dolls cuz at the end of the day, they’re dolls and you can do whatever you want with them :3 they’re for play so create your own lore and enjoy it however you please 🖤 also, if the show wasn’t for you, that doesn’t make you less of a fan. you can still enjoy the dolls and hobby 🖤
also: MONSTER HIGH IS FOR EVERYONE !! it doesn’t matter if you’re male, female, nonbinary, straight or queer, you can partake in this hobby !!
to start, find the dolls / characters that interest you most
whether you want to collect only dolls of one character or multiple of any and every character, it’s up to you to decide :3 it’s okay. there’s no right or wrong way of collecting. narrowing down the dolls you like best helps to get started. you wanna be sure your first doll(s) is special and really speaks to you 🖤
if you like several dolls and are undecided on certain ones, feel free to wait it out and see how you feel about them in a few days, a week, a month or however long you need
sometimes it’s best to wait and contemplate so you don’t end up regretting a purchase. of course if you do, or loved the doll at first but then changed your mind, it’s okay. you can always sell the doll later. you might be holding onto someone’s grail there !!
if you find you like a doll that has been available for a while but can’t decide between that one and a newer doll, go for the older one (this is specifically for G3 since that’s what we currently have widely available)
dolls have a shelf life of about a year. eventually lines start being phased out (currently SS3 is slowly being phased out) and we have no idea how much they’ll go for in the resell market (see SS1 and SS2 draculaura)
if you wanna collect G1 dolls, check out ebay, mercari, facebook marketplace and your local thrift stores. you never know what you may find and sometimes there’s good deals !!
when it comes to G1 dolls, you have to play the long game and have LOTS of patience. many of these dolls go for hundreds and that’s not okay imo. you don’t have to dump these amounts of money on them, especially since bills and other necessities gotta get covered first !! again, patience is key !! eventually you’ll score your grails
speaking of secondhand market, be careful and make sure you read the descriptions and ask questions. don’t be afraid to do so
unfortunately there have been a surge of scammers flooding the MH community. these are easy to spot. they will either use someone else’s photos for the listing, have zero reviews or refuse to answer questions and provide more pictures. sometimes it’s a combination of all. also know they’re not entirely honest about the condition of the dolls. some will not say they’re a smoke friendly home. please ask questions !! also, request them to add a photo with their username written on a paper to add to the listing to further verify they do in fact have the doll
do not purchase from scalpers
i know, kind of contradictory to say check the secondhand market and then say do not buy from scalpers. of course, it’s your money and you can do what you please with it, but if you can, try not to buy from them. it’s the reason they keep bulk buying the entire stock leaving fans without a chance at grabbing a doll they love and why they keep pricing what they price. if people stop buying from them, they’ll have no choice, but to lower their prices cuz no one is buying them and they don’t wanna sit with a stock of dolls they obviously do not want. so if you can help it, try not to buy from them. as stated before, it’s about patience and good deals do show up. also, wait from buying collector dolls on the aftermarket. the hype needs to first die down before they are lowered in price (happened with bride of chucky, creature from the black lagoon and addams family skullectors)
watch out when shopping online from walmart or / and amazon. sometimes other sellers will list a doll (G3) for an inflated price while they’re currently available in major retailers
you do not need every single doll
only buy the dolls you love. i know it can be devastating to love a doll and see everyone hating it, but don’t let that deter you !! with everyone sharing their personal collections and mattel pumping out dolls so frequently, it can be overwhelming and think you must have every doll. that’s simply not true. don’t feel bad for missing out on collector drops you weren’t fully in love with. and if you don’t really love a doll, it’s okay to opt out if you feel it’s the best choice. it’s also okay to purchase and sell later if you truly didn’t like the doll after receiving it
check for sales
i’m not sure about other countries but in the US, retailers will have sales and many dolls end up on sale. amazon does this too. check frequently. you never know when a doll you want may be on sale !!
check the community (get involved if you feel comfy enough to do so)
i encourage to check reddit, instagram, twitter and other forms of social media to keep up with doll news and leaks. it’s also a great place to make friends, ask questions and help each other out when drops happen. if you make good friends with someone, we can also use each other as proxy services if we live in different countries and grab each other certain exclusive dolls we have no access to :3 some dolls / lines don’t make it to certain countries
it’s okay to take breaks
mattel pumps out dolls frequently and the market can be so saturated, it’s overwhelming. it’s completely fine to feel that way and to take breaks when needed🖤
these are all the tips i can think of at the top of my head
collections are personal and there’s no right or wrong way of doing it. whether you’re an in-box or out-of-box collector, the most important thing is to HAVE FUN !!
i hope this was helpful !! enjoy your collection and welcome to the community!!
anyone can feel free to add any other tips they have to help a new collector out 🖤
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AITA for talking irl to somebody who has me blocked online?
Backstory: I (18M) was friends with someone I’ll call Emery (18 NB, they/he). I met them in freshman year of high school and we were pretty good friends. We stopped talking because I moved schools, but still followed each other on Instagram and reconnected through that near the end of our senior year.
Since I still live in the same town, we ended up hanging out in real life a few times, going to the movies, sleeping over once or twice, just hanging out at the grocery store and shit, etc. I was really excited for this because I missed him a lot when I moved schools.
From what I could tell, he enjoyed our rekindled friendship just as much as I did. He even suggested that I got a job at his workplace and helped me through the process. (I didn’t get the job though unfortunately 🥲)
However, one day I realized that their Instagram account was… gone? This was the only place we contacted each other so I was worried and asked a mutual friend what happened. The mutual told me that his account got deleted (They’re a chronic comment arguer so it made sense lol) but that he had a new account! So I clicked the name the mutual sent me but… it said the account didn’t exist. I asked if they mistyped the username and they assured me they hadn’t. I ended up looking up the account on my brother’s phone and sure enough it was there. The fact that only I couldn’t see it confirmed what I worried about in the first place: They had blocked me.
I reread our DMs and looked at my recent posts on Instagram wondering if maybe I said something wrong, but couldn’t find anything in particular, so I have no idea what caused them to block me. However, I’m still going to respect it obviously and have tried my best not to worry about it and just accept the L and move on. I know how annoying it to make a mutual friend ask about that so I didn’t ask them to other than just saying “did they say anything about why they blocked me?”. Maybe I made a mistake or maybe they suddenly decided I have bad vibes; I’ll likely never know what it was so there’s not much reason for me to continue thinking about it.
Anyway, flash forward to now, there’s an event that started up recently that has meetings every week on Monday. I went to it last year and am planning to go every week this year as well. However, when I went on the opening day, there was Emery. I panicked, because wtf are you supposed to do when you interact with someone who has you blocked online!? I just said hi and tried to ignore them for the night, and they did more or less the same.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do from here though. I don’t want to go to them and be like “sooo why did you block me btw?” and I also don’t want to ignore that and talk to them like it never happened, but I also know I can’t just ignore them when I see them every week… The meetings only have about 5-10 people in them. We have to speak sometime.
So WIBTA if I tried to talk normally to somebody who has me blocked online??
What are these acronyms?
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xojennyboo · 5 months
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A/N: Another update!!! I can’t apologize enough for not posting consistently. I’ll try to do better but unfortunately life gets in the way. I hope you enjoy this small update. Please continue to read, vote, and suggest what you want to read. Please follow me here and on tumblr, I use the same username. Enjoy!
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When you're truly in love with a person, it feels like time stands still. You feel like you're on cloud nine and no one can tell you otherwise. You will go out of your way to protect the one you love and to fight for that love. Relationships aren't easy, they're complicated. They go through different phases and experiences some good and some bad, hoping that in the long run things will end up being okay.
Your relationship with your boyfriend Harry has been a rollercoaster for the past couple of years. Thankfully, most of your moments are good. When things do end up getting bad though, it was a habit to get it resolved that same day or the following day. Unfortunately, right now, you and Harry were having a fight and weren't speaking to each other.
It all started when he decided to take you to an after party for the Grammy's. You were definitely star struck by the many celebrities that were attending. at this point in your relationship, you understood the role Harry played in these events. He was loved and liked by many, and you were fortunate to call him yours and know him in ways that no one else did.
One thing you had to get accustomed to was how friendly Harry was .it wasn't a bad thing, you never thought it was, but it was difficult at times when Harry didn't realize when someone was being excessively friendly or flirty. That's exactly what had happened that night. There were drinks involved, too many for your liking. There was a specific celebrity who was all over Harry. Many knew about your relationship with Harry, it wasn't a big surprise. But the nerve of this person was getting to you.
That night you felt disrespected and neglected throughout the entirety of the event. You smiled when you had to and took photographs when needed. You stayed in the background and watched the love of your life shine. You couldn't help but feel rage when she would put her arms around him or whisper in his ear. You just wanted to grab her ponytail and yank her across the room. But you held back, not wanting to create A scene.
Your face expressed everything to Harry though. The many times he would scan his surroundings in search for you told him he had fucked up. But for the time being, he had a lot of alcohol in his system to fully grasp anything. He would just catch your eye and give you a small smile, smiling back to not raise any suspicion. By the time you got home, you helped Harry out of his suit and tucked him in. Inside you were very upset. You couldn't sleep at all that night, deciding to stay in the living room and watch your favorite comfort show the rest of the night.
The following morning you started cleaning the apartment, which was occasionally something you did when you were upset. it was definitely a give away to Harry. He woke up that morning with a minor headache. He was very thankful to find 2 painkillers with a glass of water on the nightstand. He took them and got up to start his day. He thought about the night he had, hanging out with his peers and having a blast. What had made it special was having you by his side. Once he was done showering, he went downstairs and saw you excessively cleaning. We’re talking micro cleaning, where you would clean everything from the cabinets or reorganize everything. "Hey, good morning love", you hear him say as you cleaned the sink. "Morning", your back was facing him. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at your tone of voice and actions.
"Is everything alright?", he stepped closer to you your body stiffening a bit. You simply shrug your shoulder at his question not caring how bratty you were being. "Y/n, honey talk to me", he stepped closer, his hands placed on your shoulders. You flinched away from him, walking away from him and into the living room leaving him appalled. "Y/n", he followed you, not leaving the matter. You didn't respond. You hear him sigh in frustration behind you, your behavior ticking him off. "So, are you just giving me the silent treatment all day?", his voice going up in volume compared to his gentler one used a few minutes ago.
Again, you didn't answer. You grabbed the cushions from the sofa and fluffed them, not paying him any mind. "Well, when you stop acting like A bratty child, Ill be in the room", he says, starting to walk away. "Now you know now it feels", you say. He stops in his tracks and turns around. "What on earth are you talking about?", he frustratingly says. You roll your eyes annoyed at his cluelessness. You knew that he remembers everything, even when drunk. "Last night, you ignored me all night. Too busy with your friend to even notice", you yell, your fury just coming out at this point. "My friend? What are you on about", he says back.
"Harry don't play dumb with me. I know you remember everything from last night. did you not realize she was all over you, pushing me to the side”, your hand moving as you yelled at him. "You were too drunk to even bother to go talk to me. Do you know how fucking stupid I felt watching my boyfriend getting touched excessively by someone else!!”, your eyes stinging from the tears threatening to spill out. "I looked at you the whole night to make sure you were alright. You smiled back!', he defends himself. "You don't fucking get it Harry”, you slop down on the sofa, attempting to control your shaky hands. "What is there to get!! You knew what you signed up for when we got together. You knew the baggage", he says. You didn't bother saying anything just standing up and storming into your room, locking the door so he wouldn't come in. You were so tired physically and emotionally, that you didn't realize when you had fallen asleep.
Harry's POV:
We hadn't spoken in 3 days. This has been the longest fight we’ve ever had. That night was a bit blurry, and I do remember y/n being distant. I guess I had too much alcohol in my system to realize that she was all over me. I do feel like an asshole but something in me didn't want to reason with her. The day of our fight I had stormed out of the apartment after y/n locked herself in our room. I had a writing session with Tom that day. He eventually told me what had happened. He basically scolded me for being a dickhead to y/n. I felt like such an idiot.
I let things cool down a bit. Y/n still wasn't talking to me, but we slept in the same bed every night and she still included me in dinners, breakfasts, and lunches. She was keeping her distance. So today I woke up early to go on a run. On my way back I went to a nearby flower shop and bought a bouquet of her favorite flowers. I also picked us up some breakfast from our favorite breakfast spot around the corner. I also got her favorite coffee. Luckily the walk back home wasn't long, arriving in 5 minutes.
When i got in, I heard the shower on, she was awake. I set the table really quick and placed the bouquet right in the middle of the table. By the time I was finished she was done getting ready and walking in the kitchen. She abruptly stopped, looking at the scene in front of her. "What's all this?", she asks, stepping closer to the table to look at everything. Her eyes instantly lit up when she saw the flowers. "I am an idiot and I'm sorry", I say, cautiously walking towards her, she didn't back away, a good thing. I place my hands on her shoulders, her body relaxing against my touch. Her back was facing me as she looked at the table once again.
"Please forgive me", I whispered. She didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. She let out a sigh as she turns around in my hold looking up to me. Looking into her eyes I take a glance of the pain that I had caused her. We’ve gone through thick and thin together, gone through small arguments which were always fixed right away. I love her deeply and we shared a special bond together. I should've taken a closer look at how she felt and understood where she was coming from.
Y/n embraces me in a tight hug. Tears sting my eyes as I hear her cry. I hated hearing and seeing her cry, especially when I was the cause of it. "I'm so sorry my love. Please don't cry", I say, kissing the top of her head. I cup her face, seeing her red puffy eyes. I wipe them with my thumbs, placing small kisses all over her face which causes her to laugh. "I'm such an idiot. I love you so much y/n " I say placing a gentle kiss on her lips. "I love you too", she finally breaks her silence causing a huge smile to break out on my face. "Does this mean I'm forgiven?”, I ask hopeful. "Mmm, yes, but you have a lot of making up to do", she says, sitting on the chair to start eating her breakfast.
"I will do anything for you. You're too important to me. I don't want to lose you", I seriously say. She looks at me with adoration. "You won't lose me Harry", she quietly says. "I will always be here for you", she says, taking a hold of my hand across the table. "I love you", those three beautiful words filling up my heart with so much joy.
For the remainder of the breakfast, we talked over our days apart. Her laughter filled the room, her eyes shining bright with light. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was captivating in every sense of the word. "Why do you keep looking at me like that?", she interrupted my trance. "You're beautiful", I tell her. She stayed silent, a small blush appearing on her face. "I love the way you blush every time I compliment you”, I say, standing up and walking towards her on the opposite side of the table.
“The way your body reacts to my words, my touch”, I say leaning into her body and closer to her ear as I let my words settle. I can feel her chest rising and falling against mine. I love feeling her body, her touch.
His words were captivating you in ways unimaginable, your breathing picking up in pace as he whispered in your ear. You feel his fingers trace against your arm, goosebumps forming on your skin due to his touch. this felt so erotic. “I want you, y/n”, he kisses against your ear. “I want you in ways I cannot explain myself”, he confesses, his kisses moving against your face, small pecks leading towards your lips. “Be mine y/n. Let me show you how much I love you. You’re the only one. My one and only. The only woman I want to spend every minute of everyday with”, tears now spilling from your eyes. “Don’t cry my love. Please. Let me make it better”, he says, his lips centimeters away from yours. “Y-yes”, you whispered. Without other words he connected your lips together and kissed you with so much passion. His hands cupping your face, deepening the passionate kiss, taking your breath away. Your hands rose up towards the back of his head, fingers intertwining with his curls, pulling him closer to you, as if that were even possible.
He moaned against your lips as you tugged on his hair. His kissed down to your chin and down to your neck, nipping at the skin making you moan. “Harry”, you whisper, his face buried against your neck as his hands explored every inch of your body. His hands reached your ass, tapping it as a signal to jump up. You did as instructed, as your legs wrapped around his waist, hands cupping your thighs as he led you through the apartment. He led you towards the bedroom, where he plopped you against the mattress. He didn’t waist any time removing your clothes and his, leaving you both naked in seconds. “Goodness you’re such a goddess”, he kissed down your body, leaving wet kisses and licks against it, your body reacting to every action he made. He kissed down your navel until he reached, you’re aching core. You let out a gasp once his tongue made contact with your clit.
"Mmm. You taste so good", he mumbles against your core. His tongue circles your clit and moves down to your wet entrance. His hands gently placed on your waist, your hands reaching down to intertwine with his, gripping them tightly as his tongue explored your aching pussy. Your hips moved to the rhythm of his
Tongue his nose pressing against your clit. "Oh, fuck H-Harry. Feels so good", you moan out, the sensation of his tongue licking you becoming too much. Harry placed small longing kisses against your clit, before kissing up your body again and attaching his lips to yours in a needy kiss.
“I can never get enough of you, do you know that?", he mumbles against your lips. “Me too Harry", you gasp as he sucks on your neck leaving a small red bruise. "I need you. Now.", you say to him, wrapping your legs around his waist bringing him closer to you. Quickly, he positions himself in front of you and slowly inserts himself in you making you both moan in unison. "Always ready for my cock aren't you baby", he moans against your ear, thrusting with each word. "Yes, yes. Always ready", you moan back, his rhythm picking up.
All you could hear as you close your eyes was the sound of skin slapping skin .it was the most erotic sound ever and you couldn't get enough of it. The feeling of him inside you felt heavenly .it was the perfect fit, the perfect size. Harry always made you feel loved and desired. He knew the kinks you were into and was always opened to trying new things with you. He always made you cum whenever you had sex, which was such a turn on. He also enjoyed leaving marks on you and vice versa. it was to remind you both of your want and desire for one another.
His grunts against your ear brought you back to reality. He was close, feeling his muscles tense along his back as your hands roamed down it, reaching his butt and squeezing it lightly causing both of you to laugh. "Let me ride you", you say, his movements slowing down listening to your words. Without giving it a second thought he flipped you both over positioning you on top. You take ahold of his hard wet cock and slide onto him, both your heads falling back at the feeling of your wetness against one another. His body tenses as you slowly ride his cock, moving up and down, your hands placed on top of each of his pecs.
"You look amazing riding me honey", he says, taking ahold of your waist. You felt your orgasm coming and you start riding him faster and harder, his hips meeting you halfway. "Fucking hell baby, I'm gonna cum", he moans, taking control of your movements and thrusting upwards into you, your head falling back at the intensity of his thrusts. "Oh fuck!", you moan loudly and soon you came and let your orgasm take over your body riding out your high. Harry came soon after. After the intense organ you both had, you cuddled in each others' arms and talked about the most random things. You hated fighting with Harry, but you loved him, nonetheless. He was yours through and through and you were his until the end.
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pettyrevenge-base · 4 months
Turned the tables on my ex-wife’s attempt to make me back out last minute from coaching children’s T-ball.
About a year out from divorce. Ex-wife has been acting petty and childish to say the least. Tries to make me look bad any attempt she gets.
My young son played T-ball last year and I volunteered to be the coach. Really enjoyed it, but my work responsibilities/schedule changed before this season and I simply could not commit to do it again. I became good friends with the guy running the league and let him know before the sign ups even started as a heads up. Was disappointed, but not much to do. What I was able to do, was volunteer to get to the fields super early Saturday before the games started to set them up (chalk line the batters boxes, foul lines, put out bases,etc. Three fields total) which he was extremely grateful for.
A few weeks before the season was supposed to start they were unfortunately short a couple coaches and were sending out some desperation emails to all of the parents. My ex knew my situation, and apparently thought going onto the website and basically ‘fraudulently’ volunteering me to coach would be a great way to inconvenience me, make me look bad by having to back out, etc. so she did just that.
Buddy running the league called me, very confused. In order to register, you have to make a username/password. Username is just your email, so after a few minutes of looking through the registration we worked what happened as her email was in the account name. Ultimately, he decided to put his kid on my sons team and be the coach on top of everything else he was doing. He was pissed at my ex himself though, because this stunt could have set them back finding a legit coach if they needed to, possibly delaying the league.
Here is where I come up with the petty revenge. He sends out the official email out to all of the parents of the league with the rosters and coaches for all 10 teams. Except for our kids’ team instead of listing himself, I tell him to list my ex. Puts her name/contact info, etc and says to expect further info from each coach individually.
She emails him back once she notices to point out the ‘mistake’ saying it should have been me instead but he ignores it. He sends her all of the clearances coaches need to pass, asks for times she can come pick up equipment, the whole 9 yards. After a couple of days parents of the team apparently start emailing her asking for info on when the seasons starts and when practice will be and all that.
Eventually he does reply back, playing dumb, telling her she is the one who volunteered, as it was her username that registered, and knew it wasnt supposed to be me as he had spoken to me months earlier and knew I wasn’t able to do it this year. Put her in an awkward spot, because she either had to admit what she did, or feign some BS ignorance and claim a ‘miscommunication’ which everyone knew was nonsense as we were divorced.
After she flat out says she can’t coach and ‘she isn’t sure what to tell him’, he sends out another email to the entire league, which says ‘due to the coach of (our kids team name) backing out at the very last minute, I have no choice but to take on coaching the team myself, on top of the rest of the responsibilities. Moving forward we ask that coaches do not volunteer unless they plan on fulfilling that commitment’. He didn’t mention her by name, but everyone saw the rosters and knew he was talking about her.
She texted me a few weeks later once the season started about how ‘my buddy is an a-hole for doing that to her due to a glitch in the registration software as multiple people have approached and asked her not so nicely what happened and she knows she is getting looks from people during the games’. What a satisfying text it was to receive.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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ataraxiaspainting · 9 months
the joy i feel when i check the chrollo tag and see your username >>>
(seriously!! you capture chro’s yandere chivalry so well)
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gasp!! he's back in grease jail for a little bit but i promise...... HE'LL RETURN!
to be honest i'm very new with this kind of stuff. i'm still learning bits and gizmos when it comes to writing (and even outside of that), but that's life, i guess. there is just so many possibilities when it comes to writing, especially in the thriller/horror genre (though i wouldn't really call the stuff i write really scary per say.......). the human psyche still has plenty of traits that our pre evolved selves did, be it literal with science (for example, being scared of closed spaces, aka claustrophobia, which can be hereditary) or in a more figurative sense (with self-discovery, facing your fears, all that jazz). writing things that make readers uncomfortable, at least in my opinion, is at least somewhat based in psychology studies. for example, the oedipus rex complex with norman bates from alfred hitchcock's psycho. even though sigmund freud is still public enemy #1 in my eyes........ the man did indeed spring up my love for psychology in the first place because his research goes into nature vs nuture (which i find one of the most interesting topics to read about), as much as i want it not to be true. but alas. we win some, we lose some.
i feel like mr greasehead over here is also just interesting on a psychological level. he has no sense of self whatsoever, so he always molds himself to fit whatever situation he is in. until he can't take it anymore... which is a concept horrifying in of itself. but mainly he keeps his composure, which makes for an interesting combination with a darling that A: wears their heart on their sleeve, or B: also tries to keep their composure and acts in a way similar to him most of the time. for the latter it turns into a cat and mouse game of sorts. the question is who the mouse is and who the cat is when it comes to mind games. unfortunately for a manipulative darling, chrollo is always the latter. for plot reasons.
hier encore darling is always on her toes for a reason, after all.
You feel an invisible pressure on your neck. It’s just a knot in my throat, you think to yourself, closing your eyes. The sight of his stillness gifts you a veil of comfort so thin that if anyone were to touch it it would tear. I’m not going to die. But you can’t breathe.
Your heart tells you otherwise. You can feel, no, hear blood pulse to the very tips of your fingers. Your feet tell you otherwise. They are cold. They hurt. They are adhered to the ground. Your arms and legs tell you otherwise. There is nothing but pins and needles all over. This is your chance, the little voice in your head says with blind reassurance. Who knows when you will ever get this chance again? Do it now, and be quick about it. But you can’t breathe. You can’t breathe, and you have to try your hardest to stop the hand holding your espresso from shaking and falling on you. 
babygirl is not okay. nuh uh. she'll return eventually though. much is planned for her, whether they are good or bad things. only time will tell if she gets a happy ending. very mean of me, i know.
back to what you said though, chrollo is many, many things. being genuinely chivalrous is not one of them. respect? he doesn't know her. he can be disrespectful when he wants to be when he's picking at darling's brain or when he snaps. he can pretend though. he can indeed pretend. even if darling calls him out on his bullshit, he'll never actually admit to it. smug asshole. unless he can push the blame to darling, whether that is subtly or not at all subtly. he knows that the human mind while isolated can be desperate and believe anything if broken down enough. that's where the real scare is, i believe. anyone can be broken down if the breaker is trying hard enough. be it yan chrollo with his darling, or poor darling unintentionally pushing him past his limit.
for now, all i have planned for him (aside from the yan chrollo requests that i'm working on) in a sort of analysis for him (it's very long sob sob). it will be broken down into the parts shown below:
darling character analysis
yandere MBTI (courtesy of god ddarker-dream's yandere MBTI)
unique qualities
daily life
hopefully it will be done by mid to late january. but he has to wait for now. hence why he's back in jail. don't worry, he has feitan to keep him company. they'll rot away together. <333
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kitty-ception · 1 month
A warm welcome to my page under the cut! :)
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Let’s start things off with a simple introduction:
Who am I? My name is Everest! However, you can also call me by my username. I don’t mind ^^
Sexuality? I am asexual! Inappropriate posts and comments make me very uncomfortable, so please be respectful! Unfortunately, I am aware this is the internet, so not everyone will abide by my boundaries, but let’s try to at least keep it mostly PG here.
Pronouns? I go by factory settings, so she/her please! Honestly, I can go by any, but this is the one that I’m more used to hearing lol X3
What will I be posting?
Mostly fandom content or fanart! The fandom I’ll be mainly posting about is Invader Zim, which is my current interest. Unfortunately, this may change at any moment. For now, all you’ll be hearing from me is them while this obsession lasts!
Oc/Self insert drawings or textposts! Cringe culture is dead, so why not insert myself into my current interests? We’re all weirdos one way or another. Just a warning: All of my self insert and canon interactions are all COMPLETELY PLATONIC!! (There is only one exception to this, and it is Sebastian from Stardew Valley. What can I say? He’s great.)
Writing prompts/ideas! My brain comes up with lots of scenarios, but I myself can’t write. Feel free to use any of mine as inspiration! I’d be honored.
Random thoughts/updates in my life! Of course you’re going to see these, because what is a blog page without a “OMG I SCREWED UP SO BAD THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!” scattered here and there?
Reposts/Reblogs! Sometimes I’ll see a really good artwork my friends made or someone making a headcanon for a character in a fandom I like. Naturally, I’m gonna show it on my page because “HOW HAVE I NOT THOUGHT OF THAT CONCEPT EARLIER???”
What is your opinion on [ship]?
Honestly, I would say, “Cringe culture is dead, why shouldn’t we let people do what they love as long as they’re not hurting anybody?” but I know people witch-hunt others if they see something they don’t agree with.
So, I guess I have to put my opinion out there, so the right people can stay, and others can find a better blog to go to. Stay safe out there.
Let’s start with the fandom I’m in right now: Invader Zim.
Just a disclaimer! I view most of the main characters in this show as children! If you create or consume content that contains inappropriate material with these characters aged up or not, it is safe to say this is not the page for you. Please find another one to go to. (Also, the fact that you have to age up characters to do anything with them is pretty self explanatory.)
[ZaDr]: Mostly neutral, but partial to liking it. Sue me, I think it’s cute. Well, actually, don’t sue me. I can definitely see it, and I don’t mind having it on my feed if it’s appropriate. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaGr]: Completely neutral. I can see it happening, but I have no opinion on it. It’s just girlbosses in love. As long as it is appropriate, I have no issues with it. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[ZaGr]: Mostly neutral, leaning towards dislike. I personally cannot see this happening at all. I do think it’s really funny that Zim and Dib’s rivalry went so far that Zim started dating Gaz. Imagine your worst enemy dating your sister - I would never recover. Good luck, Dib! (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaZr]: Neutral, slightly dislike. I will admit, having to hide your relationship from the irken government does sound pretty cool. However, Tak absolutely hates Zim’s guts, and vice versa, so I don’t see it happening anytime soon. (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[TaDr]: Mostly dislike. I know that in the show, Dib did try asking Tak out, but it just doesn’t seem like the right match. Tak was only using Dib for information, and Dib depended on her for being one of the only ones to believe him. Sounds pretty toxic to me. But hey, maybe in the future they’ll chill out, and perhaps it’ll work then? (View disclaimer above for minor character ships.)
[RaPr]: Neutral. I think it’s alright. Pretty amusing to have a militaristic-centered government being run by two dumb gay aliens. I think everyone on the Massive would know they were somewhat in a relationship, because these guys are not subtle in the least. (View disclaimer above for character ships.)
Any other ship I didn’t list: Same rules apply for both characters I view as children and characters that are viewed as adults or young adults. If it’s not inappropriate or illegal, then it is fine in my eyes. Just don’t be weird and only ship them to sexualize them. That’s real uncomfortable.
Well, that’s about it folks!
Anything else that I have missed, or if I have gotten any information wrong, please do reach out to me either in private messages or in my asks. They’re always open, and I will try to respond as quickly as possible.
Thanks for visiting my page, and reading so far! Keep yourself safe and be respectful on the internet! :)
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cherryeol04 · 1 year
Bus Boy
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➻ Pairings: Hyunjin x Reader
➻ Genre: Humor, fluff
➻ Additional: Attraction at first sight
➻ Word Count: 1.1k
➻ Warnings: N/A
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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When it came to restaurants, you trusted Seungmin with finding decent places. You’ve never had the greatest luck when picking spots to eat at - the horrible food poisoning still haunting your dreams - so you passed that duty onto your best friend. He just seemed to have this weird luck surrounding him, that no matter where you ate, the food was always amazing, the service was exceptional and it was always reasonably priced. 
So when he took you to some hole in the wall near the local university, you didn’t even bat an eye. For a Saturday afternoon, the place was bustling and after a 20 minute wait, the hostess was finally able to seat the two of you, leaving you with the promise of a server coming around soon. 
Soon came and went rather quickly. You were absorbed in the menu, trying to determine what exactly you were in the mood for when Seungmin sighed heavily and closed his menu. Looking up, you raised your brow. “What’s wrong?”
“We’ve been sitting here for fifteen minutes and no one has come by.” He muttered, scanning the overly crowded restaurant. Staff was running about and if you remembered correctly, there had been at least 5 servers walking past your table since you sat down. Turning in your seat, you also looked around, eyes following one server and then another, trying to will them to come over and actually serve you. 
Unfortunately, you have yet to master telepathy. 
“Excuse me!” Your head whipped around, watching as Seungmin waved down a gorgeous redhead. He was tall, lean and looked like he could be a model. So why the hell was he working here? 
“Yes? How can I help you?” You told yourself not to swoon, but it was just out of your control. He was so handsome. 
“Yeah, we’ve been sitting here for a while waiting for someone to take our order.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. I can go see if I can find your server.” He said quickly, glancing over his shoulder briefly. 
“Can’t you just do it?” Seungmin asked, raising a brow.
“Well what?”
“I’m actually just a bus boy…” he trailed off and you wanted to scoff. He was a bus boy? That was a travesty. 
“Okay, but can’t you take our order and give it to our server or something? Do we even have one?” Seungmin requested and you could tell he was getting frustrated with every passing second. You couldn’t blame him. If you had been paying more attention to the time, you probably would have been upset too. It was probably best that you were keeping a level head though. 
“I - sure.” He seemed resigned, and you almost felt bad for him. “What can I get you?” 
Seungmin looked a bit shocked that the other was actually going to take your orders. He glanced at you and you nodded back at him. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his seat. “Thank you.”
Seungmin let you order first, and afterwards gave his own. The beautiful bus boy, bless his soul, repeated the order twice to try and memorize it. He scurried away, practically prancing. It was cute, he was cute. 
“Ahhh. I see.”
“You see what?” You eyed him suspiciously, doing your best to not blush because you know you’ve been caught red handed. Seungmin’s knowing smirk was all you got in return and you actively chose to ignore it. 
When your drinks arrived, they were delivered by someone else who apologized for not serving them quicker. You were sad that it wasn’t the bus boy coming back to serve you, but it only made sense. Being a server wasn’t his job. If Seungmin noticed how disheartened you were to finally have a server, he chose not to comment on it and you were thankful for that.
The food arrived shortly after you got your drinks and while it wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t good either. Though you chalked it up to just being in a ‘bleh’ type of mood now. Occasionally your eyes would scan the area around you, searching for the bright, fire engine red hair in hopes of just catching another glimpse of the beautiful bus boy. The universe wasn’t on your side.
Finishing up, you insisted on paying and while you filled out the tip on the receipt, Seungmin excused himself to the restroom. Your mind was still on the red head that had captured your heart in the short five minutes you had encountered him. You were complete strangers, yet there was just something about him that drew you into him. And perhaps that’s the reason why you decided to write your phone number on a napkin, addressing it to the ‘Red Headed Bus Boy’. The message was short and sweet and as you slipped it under your empty plate, you didn’t dare get your hopes up. The likelihood that the man would actually bus your table and see the napkin and text you was very slim. 
Putting your wallet away, you slipped out of the booth, meeting up with Seungmin by the front door to leave. You chatted about the restaurant and the food you had consumed, both coming to an agreement that it wasn’t a terrible place, but next time you would try to go at a different time - when it wasn’t too crowded so you could have better service.  The rest of the day was pretty uneventful in your eyes, and by the time you got home, your social battery was completely depleted so you were more than thankful to throw yourself on your bed and just relax. You loved Seungmin to death but nothing could beat a quiet day at home. You were drifting off to sleep when your phone pinged, a groan leaving you. 
“Come on man.” You muttered to yourself as you reached into your pocket and pulled the offending device free and stared at the screen. You had expected to see a text from Seungmin, but what greeted you was an unknown number. Curiously, you unlocked your phone and pulled up the message.
Hi, this Hyunjin
Or, red headed bus boy 😂
Short, sweet, to the point, much like your message had been to him. It was also sort of awkward, but that was to be expected. It wasn’t everyday that you left your number for someone just because you thought they were handsome. You wondered if it was a regular occurrence for Hyunjin though. He was extremely good looking, you wouldn’t be surprised if men and women alike threw themselves at him. 
It took you a hot second to try and formulate a response and after writing and deleting four different messages, you finally settled on letting him know your name and that you would very much like to get to know him. Your sentiments were eagerly returned and somehow you had a date tomorrow afternoon. It was interesting how a seemingly innocuous day led to a date with a man that if at the very least, you could be friends with. You were excited to see what the future held.
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baileypie-writes · 5 months
can you make a Akimoto komachi x reader like how you did with kurumi mimino x reader, as you can tell by my username i love and adore Akimoto Komachi very much. Thank you for reading this :))
A/N ~ Sure! I’m assuming you mean wanting me to write about Komachi telling Reader she’s a Pretty Cure. Hope you enjoy!
And since you like Cure Mint so much, here’s another fanfic of mine I think you’ll like!:
Komachi Akimoto/Cure Mint Dating Headcanons
~Tea and Secrets~
Komachi Akimoto/Cure Mint x GN!Reader
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Fandoms: Otona Precure, Yes! Precure 5, Yes! Precure 5 GoGo!
Fanfic Type: Oneshot
Reader: Gender neutral
Relationship: Crush to Romantic
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Synopsis: Komachi feels as though she can’t confess to you unless she tells you she’s a Pretty Cure. So when you confess first, she just can’t hold it in anymore.
Warnings: None!
~Yes! Precure 5 Masterlist~
The sun beamed down on the town, and the heat was beginning to set in with the shift from morning to afternoon. It was unusually hot for an autumn day. Nevertheless, Komachi Akimoto didn’t falter in her work. She labored on, trimming leaves and picking up trash. She vowed to always keep the community garden in top shape. So when her hands became sweaty underneath her gloves, and her body became hot, she payed no mind.
“Hey Komachi!” A familiar voice called out to her. She instantly whipped her head around in its direction, her long ponytail following suit. Much to her delight, you were coming her way.
“Hello, (name).” She smiled gently. She wiped the dirt off her, gloves onto her apron.
“The garden’s looking good as always!” You complimented, scanning the area.
Komachi blushed. “Thank you. I just do whatever I can for the community.”
Fiddling with your thumbs, you nervously tried to find words, and avoided her gaze. “Is something the matter, (name)?” Komachi asked.
“No, nothing’s wrong! I just wanted to ask you something.” You admitted.
“Oh, okay. We’ll go ahead.” Komachi smiled sweetly, making your heart melt.
“I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometime?”
Komachi froze, her heart skipping a beat. “Out? Like on a date?” She wanted to confirm before getting too excited.
“Yes. If you want.” You said, scratching the back of your neck bashfully.
A wave of happiness and nervousness rushed over Komachi. Her face felt unusually hot from being flustered. Or was it just the heat?
She wanted nothing more in the world than to say yes, and go on a date. She’s been in love with you for ages. However, she hasn’t told you because she didn’t feel deserving of your love. People who love each other shouldn’t keep secrets. And unfortunately, Komachi has a big one.
She’s a Pretty Cure. She wants desperately to tell you, but there are three issues. One, she wouldn’t even know where to begin explaining. Two, it’s supposed to be a secret. And three, she wants to keep you safe.
But despite all that, she just couldn’t bring herself to say no to you. So, she decided to face the consequences at a later date.
“I would be delighted (name).” She said. You smiled wide, happy that she accepted. “But…”
“But?” Your smile faded a bit, confused.
“There’s something I need to tell you first.” Her face got serious.
“Oh! Alright! What is it?”
Komachi looked both left and right, then behind her. “Not here.” She then lightly grasped your hand, and led you away.
As you entered Komachi’s home, a pleasant, homey vibe and aroma flooded your senses. You both took off your shoes, leaving them by the door, before continuing on.
Komachi led you to a room with large, sliding doors and a small coffee table with cushions. She motioned for you to sit down, so you got on one of the cushions. “Would you like some tea?” She asked with a smile.
“I would love some! If you wouldn’t mind, of course.” You said.
Komachi hummed. “I won’t be long.” She then left the room, leaving you alone.
Now that all the rushing was over, you finally got the chance to be nervous. Komachi didn’t seem like the kind of person to hide big secrets. So what could it possibly be? You sat there contemplating while kitchen sounds were made in the background.
Minutes went by, and any possible answers still hadn’t come to you. But you were out of thinking time, as Komachi came into the room with tea. She sets a cup down in front of you, and one where she would sit. To your surprise, she also set down a plate of daifuku.
“Thanks Komachi! This looks really good!” You were quick to say. Komachi smiled, and got on her knees to sit on the cushion across from you. She picked up her cup, and took a gentle inhale of its scent before taking a small sip.
You copied her actions; holding the cup in your hands and taking in its scent. It was a pleasant aroma. And although it may be strange to associate a smell with a person, it truly reminded you of her. Komachi watched as you took a sip of your tea, hoping it was to your liking. She was always seeking approval.
“That’s really good, Komachi!” You said, after lowering your cup.
“Wonderful, I’m glad!” She smiled. Then her face got serious. “So, about what I needed to tell you.”
You subconsciously leaned in, curiosity taking over. “Yes?” You asked, placing your cup down, and taking a daifuku off its plate.
“Before I tell you, you need to promise be you’ll keep this a secret.”
You stopped mid-bite. “Of course! I care about you Komachi, so I’ll never tell anyone. I promise.”
Komachi blushed, and cleared her throat before continuing. “So…” You leaned in closer, taking a bite of your daifuku. “have you ever heard about the Pretty Cure?”
You let out a “Mhm!” Before chewing and swallowing. “Yes, I have. They’re those young girls that have been getting rid of those shadow monsters, right?”
“Yes, those are the ones.” She sighed, and continued. “Well, I’m one of them. Cure Mint.” She said with full seriousness.
If it was anyone else who had said that, you’d be sure they were joking. But this is Komachi. She wasn’t one to lie or joke around about something like this. And her expression further proved the fact that she was telling the truth.
“Really? Those girls look like they’re teenagers! How do you become younger?”
Komachi took another sip of her tea, and told you the whole story. She told you how she was a Pretty Cure when she was younger, and saved the Palmier Kingdom. And she told you that now, with the help of the sinister Time Flowers, she’s able to transform again to save the town from destruction. You listened intently the entire time. Each new detail was more strange than the last, but you couldn’t help but believe it. By the time the story was over, your tea was gone, as well as the daifuku.
“Wow… just… oh my gosh.” You said, still taking in all the information.
“I know it’s hard to believe, but if you just-“ Komachi started, but you quickly interrupted.
“No, no! I believe you! You wouldn’t make all this up.” After this was said, Komachi’s face expressed gratitude and relief.
“Thank you. I’m glad you understand.”
“But there’s one more thing I want to know.” You said.
“Oh? What is it?” She asked.
“These ‘Time Flowers’. You called them ‘sinister’. What does that mean?”
Komachi paused, and stared down into her empty cup. “We don’t exactly know. We couldn’t find any more information about them.”
A few moments of silence passed, before you asked another question. “….Is something gonna happen to you?”
“I don’t know. I really hope not. But for the sake of the town, I’ll continue to fight.” She said.
You smiled, and reached across the table, gently taking her hand. Komachi’s eyes met yours. “And I’ll be cheering for you.” You said. Her cheeks flushed, and she smiled back. “Now, about that date. While this was wonderful, it wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.”
Komachi lightly panicked. “Oh no! This wasn’t a-“
You laughed, before cutting her off. “Relax, I’m just kidding!” Komachi sighed, and chuckled. “But anyway, are you free on Friday? We could go somewhere.”
Komachi gave your hand a squeeze. “Yes, I’m free. And I would love to.” Komachi responded, trying her hardest to hold in her excitement. She was happy that after years of waiting and fantasizing, her dreams of romance have finally become a reality. And not only that, it was with her favorite person, you.
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getosugurusbangs · 8 months
Hello.... Can I ask your top 5 (or top 3) favorite characters from Jujutsu Kaisen? And why you loved them? And your top 5 favorite moments from the series? Thanks if you want to answer....
hello! :) just to preface this, there’s not really a select ranking or anything for these characters. just because one ends up at the end of the list does not mean i like them any less than the others
of course at the beginning of the list, we have mr satoru gojo himself. i’ve already explained parts of why i like him before, but to sum it up: he’s a very interesting character, who has a lot more depth than people tend to give him credit for. i just want him to have his peace tbh.
if gojo is gonna be at the top of the list, his other half has to be here too (plus he’s in my username so…). geto is also a character who (i see it less often, but it’s still present) gets viewed as much more of a black and white character than he actually is. is he a “good” person? i don’t know that i can say that. but is he the worst person on the planet, and an all around evil motherfucker? no, can’t say that either really. he’s definitely not like sukuna who has the whole “killing babies for fun” mentality lol
next is miss maki, but i’m also gonna put mai in here too. i don’t have a whole lot to say on them unfortunately.. (hence the condensing the list) i’ll blame it on my lack of memory when it comes to the parts of the series they’re prevalent in though. like i said previously, i’ve already talked about why i like them a little. tragic siblings (and twins at that) make me very sad. but even outside of their whole tragic storyline, i do just like them individually as characters.
last on the list, is yuta okkotsu. i find him very personally relatable, and while he can get a little anxious or even pathetic at certain times, he’s still very sweet and endearing despite it. it’s also very fun seeing his dynamics with some of the other characters, especially considering how bold certain jjk characters personalities can be lol.
as far as favorite moments from the series go, i don’t really feel bothered to answer that rn.. honestly that should be its own post/ask, so i can come back another time and think it through better lol
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ao3screenshotss · 6 months
hii. you got an anon message a while back about tumblr collapsing reblog chains and the anon said they stopped updating the app. i was wondering if that is still working for the anon because i did the same thing but the older app recently stopped working for me.
hi!! yes i managed to find the post on the reblog chains thing!!! here it is - so anon if you see this hopefully you can reply!!
but heads up if you still haven’t updated the app cause they removed reblog chains they put it back!! unfortunately the way you get to it isn’t the same you can’t press on the usernames like you used to, but if you click on the 3 dots on the top right hand side of the posts you can press view previous reblog and it’ll show you them :D
unfortunately not as easy as it used to be (anyone remember that video tumblr post where someone tagged prevprevprevprevprevprevprev OH MY GOD and there was music and you could click on the username to keep going back through the reblogs and the original post was like men with white hair something something something and the thing they were saying oh my god to was like santa claus or something?? i remember cause it was my moot (!!!) but i can’t remember past that BUT ANYWAY) it still works
TLDR: so if the only thing keeping you from updating your tumblr app is cause of the lack of reblog chains while it isn’t the same the new app still has the option! just have to click a bit more (literally once) to get there
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