#unfortunately unshaded
patchworkheartouija · 1 month
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I decided to quit my denial of Moray being a cowboy and post him.
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py6oto · 8 months
mmmfmg Frreelatta Please feed us let. Giv ekissy? 🥺 pleSe they desevre t’kissy
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freelatta has been requested and freelatta has been delivered !! while im not particularly a shipper myself this was super fun to draw !! freelatta is probably my favorite dynamic out of all of them.
which you can probably tell with how i got carried away.
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chisatowo · 1 year
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Melts into the floor
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teoceearts · 22 days
teoceearts' $30 (USD) Summer Fakemon Flash Sale
Until Saturday, August 31st, 11:59PM MST, I'm offering fakemon commissions! If you have a little guy you'd like someone else to draw, I'm willing to be that someone else. Work is light at the moment and I unfortunately require money to pay for things that I need in order to live.
Some examples below!
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DM here or email at [email protected] to discuss commission details and payment information. Credit teocee94/teoceearts when reposting your finished piece to other platforms.
Rules below the cut:
Price is non-negotiable per 'mon, and pays for a transparent, full-color, unshaded image file featuring both the standard and shiny variants that you as the commissioner can use and edit non-commercially as you see fit, including as a visual reference with which to commission other artists. This image file will be formatted similarly to the Mokira splash sheet above, but as a transparent image.
Each additional evolutionary stage, alternative form, or pose included in the commission will cost an additional $30. - Gender differences will be either free or an additional $10 pending distinction and complexity; Pikachu, Bidoof, or Sneasel would be free of charge, while Unfeazant, Meowstic, or Indeedee would cost extra.
I am not offering new or revamped forms of existing, official Pokemon, including convergent/regional fan-designs or special forms like Megas! The design must be unofficial; either your own original work or that of another artist not affiliated with GameFreak, Nintendo, or The Pokemon Company and their design teams. If the design is not your own, credit the original designer so that I may tag them and/or link to their original design in the description.
Some kind of visual reference and a loose lore rundown of your concept are required. If all you have is a crumpled notebook-paper stick-figure sketch and a slapdash Dex entry, I'll work with it. I am willing to redraw AI-generated fakemon if you have no other visual reference of any kind, but I ask that you do not prompt new generations specifically for your commission.
I am not helping conceptualize new fakemon whole-cloth, which is beyond the scope of this offer. I reserve the right to creative liberties in interpreting your design. However, all proposed changes will be discussed with the commissioner before finalizing the piece.
You are not permitted to profit off of my artwork, edited or otherwise, without my explicit consent. This includes AI seeding. Do not feed my work into an algorithmic generative machine. Do not produce stickers, pins, or other merchandise of my work for the purpose of sale. Production for personal use is a different story which we can discuss, and licensing for sale is beyond the scope of this particular offer.
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asrielwithans · 7 months
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so its been a hot minute!! ive been focusing on my youtube channel for the past couple months, so i haven't had much time for the skrunklies unfortunately! buttt im back and im gonna give em all redesigns to get myself invested again, starting with artificer themself! unshaded + more info under cut :]
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for all those who want to draw her, here you go! explaining some bits of this redesign:
i didnt like the old one too much- too red, too saturated, the scars were hard to place, no spiky fluff or anything! basically i just redid it to something id prefer to draw over and over! i also wanted it to be more original/creative than it had been before.
you may notice a style change here- this is more similar to the style i draw in most of the time. i'd prefer to keep drawing rain world things in this style rather than the lineless one, since its what im used to and it looks better in the long run!
what does this mean for the artihunter comic? well, first i'll redesign hunter too, of course. then i'll redo the first few pages if i feel like continuing the comic, and we'll see from there!
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mcsm-catified · 6 months
Hello! My name is Dusk, and this blog is dedicated to Minecraft Story Mode… but as cats!
Most of the stuff you’ll see here is the designs of the canon characters in cat form, with the occasional art piece using those designs. My end goal is to turn all 100+ characters into cats eventually.
I appreciate each and every person who wanders onto my blog. Thank you for being here, and thank you for remembering this wonderful game.
Can I use your designs in my own projects?
Yes! As long as I’m verbally credited as mcsm-catified wherever it’s posted, do whatever you want. I’d also love to be tagged so I can see what you’ve made.
Will you draw X character as a cat?
Eventually, yes! I’m going mostly in chronological order, so make sure to check whether I’ve already done it.
Do you take requests?
For designs, I only take requests for canon characters that I haven’t already done. I don’t mind going out of order for requests. As for actual art requests, you can request literally anything mcsm related and I’ll happily do it using my designs. Can be silly or serious.
Can you draw my mcsm OC as a cat?
You’d have to commission me (prices are below) but I certainly can! This also applies to AU designs you’ve made.
And here are my commission prices! It’s not restricted to just cats or mcsm. Prices are in USD, and I can only use PayPal unfortunately.
Headshot/bust: $3
Halfbody: $4
Fullbody: $5
Flat colour (lineless)
Headshot/bust: $10
Halfbody: $15
Fullbody: $20
Ref sheet: $20
Headshot/bust: $25
Halfbody: $30
Fullbody: $35
Flat colour/pattern/gradient: +$0
Simple unshaded: +$2
Simple rendered: +$5
Complex unshaded: +$10
Complex rendered: +$20
Humans/humanoids cost +10%, anthro furry cost +15%
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winxclubsource · 10 months
Hi! I love the blog and I would like to make Flora gifs of the newest seasons but I hate how they whitewashed her skin tone (and I'm using my older psds for her and they still make her look the same skin ton as Bloom, because that's what the show did 😥) I'm wondering if maybe anyone can help me on how I can get her original skin tone back in gifs and without making other character in the same gif (like Bloom) look so yellow? I'll take all the tutorials, sorry for the bother!! ❤
It's very hard to fix Flora's and Aisha's skin tones without affecting other characters in the gif. If you have access to After Effects, I highly recommend using it as it has a Color Correction section that works a little more than just PS.
First, pick the scene you want to gif and upload it to After Effects. You can upload it as a gif, but there is no gif option when exporting so you would need to export it again as a gif in PS. Once you have your scene in AE, go to the right of the screen and look for the Color Correction option. Click on Color Correction so you see the list and look for Change Color.
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Once you click Change Color, this is what you'll see to the left of the screen:
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Select the eyedropper in the Color to Change section, and click the character's skin tone. I recommend avoiding picking from their cheeks as they usually have blush. Then go to Lightness Transform and lower the lightness until their skin gets closer to the original skin tone. Save your work and do what you would usually do to make it into a gif ready for coloring. Once in PS, use the Selective Color to adjust the reds and yellows till you get an exact or close to an exact match of their original skin tone.
For example, here's a very simple Color Correction edit with Flora:
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The only thing I did was turn the lightness down after color picking her skin. With Flora, you often have to color pick both her shaded skin and her unshaded skin in order to darken everything. If you just color pick one or the other, only the one you pick will change (in most scenes at least).
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The program reads her hair as being the same color so her hair has also darkened, causing the lines to fade as well, however, she definitely looks much better.
And here I've done the exact same thing with Aisha:
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Again, you can see that her hair has also changed color, and the shells in the background were also affected, but still much better than before.
Unfortunately, even with this fix, it's hard to combat dealing with other characters in the same scene. Below, I've used the exact same fix, only color picking Flora's skin and lowering the lightness. But...
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As you can see here, the other characters now have a bit of a tan, as their skin tones are very close to Flora's in S8 (but it's not that bad since they were all lightened lol). Thankfully, Flora's S8 skin tone does have more yellow and red than the others, so her skin will still end up darker. Depending on the scene and character, you may be able to lower the yellow hues in the white section of Selective Color in PS without affecting Flora's skin tone, as seen here:
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You'll also notice some unfortunate "glitching". This is due to the background matching their skin tones. If you're going to use this fix, I'd recommend sticking to scenes where the background is a very different color from their skin (like the above solo examples of Aisha and Flora on the beach). That means avoiding reds, beiges, and yellows as those will change.
Now, if you don't have After Effects, here are two psds for Flora and Aisha respectively. These aren't meant to be all-around fixes; you will likely have to play around with the adjustments depending on what scene you're working with. More often than not, these psds will not work with group shots. Occasionally they will, but usually, they make the other characters very yellow.
Happy creating!
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redcallisto · 1 year
hello hello! I would like to ask, what does it take to draw a face? More precisely, how to determine where the eyes, mouth, nose, etc. are? (I know that you are not a teacher, but unfortunately I knocked on your door with such questions eh)(°▽°)/
Hi! Is it bad to say that I wing it for the most part? LMAO I do have a set of rules I follow when it comes to drawing the features, but for placement of the face, well,
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This is a basic shape I start with for the entire head. the circle is just a starting point. The line indicates where I would place the eyes, but it's very sketchy and could move around slightly depending on who i'm drawing. from the structure of the face, the eyes should be slightly above halfway on the face to have room for the rest of the features. The nose and lips also vary depending on size
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Here's some basic features. The eyes aren't on the corner of the face, but a little inward, so there should be some of the head peeking through from the sides. The distance between them is the width of the nose and a little more. The nose length varies depending on character, ofc, but I usually place the nose around the start of the inner dip of the face. for the placement of the lips, it comes directly under the nose. From the profile view it juts out immediately from the nose dip, though it's harder to tell from the unshaded front. That said, the eyebrow area(?) also juts out a bit, which is something to keep in mind!
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something that helped me place ears better is to figure out a good alignment. A natural placement of the ears should be around the length of the nose, starting from anywhere around the eyes to ending with the nose. when it comes to how far the ears should be on the face, you should take into account how far the face should jut out with room for the neck. That little indent that leads up to the ear is always further back from the neck line I hope this helps you out! As you said I'm not a teacher lol but it's easy to remember stuff if you have something to compare with. I'm pretty easygoing with myself and don't keep myself to guidelines often since I got used to anatomy (also because characters features vary and I'd rather not same-face everyone) But as a starting point it's fine! Also another random thing I hold myself too; the size of a hand should start from the characters chin and end around their eyebrow/forehead. That's how i scale hands to characters haha And for any beginners, tracing is fine. If you post it anywhere, you 100% have to credit the original artist, though. Tracing other art as a kid is what got the fundamentals down for me, which helped me develop my own skills
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wiltingdecay · 1 year
i was wondering if you had an oc masterpost? or if you ever wanted to chat about them, im always down! rowan is gorgeous and your mind is incredible
First of all, this is so sweet like??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 omg thank you so much!!!
secondly, i unfortunately don't have a masterpost yet, i've had one in the drafts for ages but i haven't gotten around to finishing it yet (probably has something to do with how there's an unshaded unrendered art piece to attach to it lmao)
for now the best things to look at for rowan things are my tags!
#rowan aisling - general rowanposting tag
#rowan lore - self explanatory
#rowancore - writing, fashion, and other things that fit rowan's aesthetic or character arc
#posts that make me go 'yeah that's rowan' - rowancore but it's the shitpost edition
thank you so so much for your interest, it truly means the world to me 🥰
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namelessmewmew · 1 year
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[Image ID: Shown is a rough pixel fullbody of a neapolitan ice-cream themed feline character. Notable design features are their two tails and a floating golden crown. They are blinking while looking to the left. They look upset as their ears are down and they have a small frown on their face. There is two frame static/noise filter applied to the whole image. END ID]
Title:  Quick Nea Thing
Very simple 1ish hour thing I made of nea to try to work getting past anxiety making speedpaints. [and also just because of general anxiety lately but that's a whole other thing.]
I just think putting a static/noise filter over unshaded pixel art looks cool.
[text before this was typed days ago] [extra note:this post went up on my other socials 5 days ago.]
I originally wanted to post his a few days ago already but couldn't.
I am not able to upload the speedpaint now. I unfortunately do have enough privacy to do so where I am right now, don't worry I'm fine, I just don't have complete control to be where I want to be. I really need to move out this year.
Character[s]:Neapolitan [Mascot]Have a good day/night further![MewMewMew~]
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periru3 · 1 year
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Part 3 of my commentary on my derpy pokémon drawn from memory.
Original Post - Part 1 - Part 2
1K-1L - Omanyte and Omastar: exemplary mollusks, no notes. 
1L - Kabuto: Would be an A+ except that the second I drew black circles for the eyes I remembered that his underbelly is all black so I should’ve left the eyes unshaded so I could fill in the belly.
1N - Kabutops: I think I achieved, if nothing else, the Vibe™ of a kabutops. and that’s what counts. 
1O - Vulpix: overall quite good, but I know I could have done better. 
2K - Ninetales: certainly not bad, but definitely not a fox. Most likely a german shepherd cosplaying as a ninetales. very cute, but could never achieve the sheer elegance of the real thing. 
2L - Paras: *whips out my pam beesly meme* they’re the same picture. 
2M - Parasect: quite good, actually. 
2N-2O - Diglit and Dugtrio: I’d be deeply embarassed if I’d somehow fucked these up. 
3K-3L - Eggsecute and Exeggutor: So damn close to on point. How the fuck have I never noticed exeggutor doesn’t have arms???
3M-3N - Drowzee and Hypno: Okay so I felt very sure these guys were gonna suck cause they’re honestly pretty boring and unmemorable in terms of design so even though there isn’t much to them, I felt sure I couldn’t remember anything specific but drowzee’s nose. But actually they turned out... perfect?
3O-4L - Bellsprout, Weepinbell and Victreebel: stunning, I love them all. 
4M - Porygon: I have... no idea what porygon looks like. He’s just, like... a shape. He’s a guy made of several shapes. I don’t fucking know. 
4N-4O - Seel and Dewgong: pretty good, very happy with them, wish I’d remembered how flowy all of dewgong’s limbs are though
5K - Mr. Mime: okay so this is definitely a guy impersonating Mr. Mime, but not the way the german shepherd is cosplaying ninetales or those two drag queens are serving clefairy and clefable realness. This is malicious. Mr. Mime has been abducted and now everyone is trying to gaslight you into thinking this is him and this is what he’s looked like all along. 
5L - Onix: technically this is pretty much perfect, but for whatever reason I can’t shake the feeling that this is not, in fact, and onix, but rather is a weavile that never leveled up enough to evolve, and is moments away from dying of old age. 
5M - Rattata: 2 things: 1) I’m embarrassed that it took me 123 pokémon to remember rattata exists and 2) this is not a rattata, it’s just a rat. 
5N - Raticate: this, on the other hand, is definitely a raticate. Good job, me. 
5O - Jynx: this is Jynx’s marginally sluttier and much stupider sister, Junx. 
6K-6L - Grimer and Muk: okay so it turns out when you’re drawing a pile of goo with a face, there is a certain ephemeral essence to the creature that is hard to define, but must be captured to accurately convey the goo or you’ve basically just drawn a very ugly ghost. I drew a very ugly ghost. And also I forgot grimer’s a smiley lil guy. Sorry, bud. I didn’t mean to kill your childlike wonder. 
6M-7N - guys who need no introduction, because all of them are perfect and you can tell exactly who they are: this was by far my longest streak of truly perfect pokémon, and thank god cause I really needed the self esteem boost after the last two. Every one of these guys is a perfect special little dude and I love them all, but special shout out to poliwag and magnemite. Stunning. Never change. 
7O - Aerodactyl: unfortunately, the higher you climb, the harder you fall. This creature is an unholy spawn of hell and I am embarrassed to be associated with her. 
8K - Lickitung: did not expect to hit this one out of the park but I think we can all agree that’s what happened. Also if he jerked his head back very quickly, his tongue would give shellder’s tongue a high five. 
The 10 I could not for the life of me remember, despite many hours of trying. I decided to phone a friend, and my brother was able to come up with all 10 in about 20 minutes. 
8L - Snorlax: genuinely devastated to have forgotten snorlax. I hope I’ve redeemed myself by drawing him perfectly, but given how simple and also iconic he is, I’m not sure it quite balances the scales. 
8M-8N - Pinsir and Scyther: not sorry for forgetting these two. they’re forgettable. I’m quite happy with how pinsir turned out and I think we should really just focus on that and move right along to ponyta and continue to forget about scyther.
8O-9K - Ponyta and Rapidash: almost as upset I forgot these two as I am about snorlax. I’d call my rendering of both of them unobjectionable but nothing to write home about. 
9L-9M - Rhyhorn and Rhydon: another two I’m not that broken up about forgetting. Pretty happy with both drawings, especially since rhyhorn’s main characteristic is being extremely bumpy, which is hard to render into a 1″ sharpie drawing. 
9N-9O - Slowpoke and Slowbro: aaand once again I am salty about forgetting these two. I am, however, very happy with both drawings. These guys are top tier. Fucking love them. I would adopt either of them off the street on sight. I think slowpoke in particular is a prime example of me successfully remembering all of the details of a pokémon’s design, but being fundamentally bad at animal proportions, to what I’d consider delightful effect. Outstanding. 
10K - Wigglytuff: this. little. bastard! is the ONLY evolution of a pokémon I did remember that I fucking forgot! He’s separated from his sister! They aren’t even on the same page! I’m livid. The drawing is fine, but I am not. (I think in my head I sort of lumped wigglytuff with igglybuff into the “evolution added in another gen” category. like an idiot)
10L-10N - Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres: this is what the majestic legendary birds look like when you technically for the most part get them right I guess, but you drain them utterly of all their majesty, all their elegance, all their gravitas, and I for one am here for it. 
10O - Mew and Mewtwo: pretty happy with mewtwo, and though I’m not thrilled with mew, I’ll give me a pass on account of me trying to fit two pokemon into a 1″ square. It’s hard to convey an adequate amount of cuteness in that tiny a space. 
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snuffkip · 1 year
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[UNFINISHED] This was another of @dawningcrow s fat cat drawings.
Unfortunately, the file was on my old phone which broke, so the only version of it I have is this WIP I sent to my friends.
I usually don't upload unfinished work, but as I've lost the canvas, I physically can't continue it and I don't want all that work to go to waste. :(
ID under cut.
[ID: A coloured but mostly unshaded digital painting of a cat sitting in a box of food packages. There is tuppleware, a bowl of lettuce and eggs, and a ketchup bottle in the background. The cat is licking an ice lolly.]
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gougeandkill · 2 years
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it’s finally easter in my timezone— i didnt draw anything for it but here’s a bunny from my backlog of unfinished stuff 🐰✂️
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neoheros · 4 years
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“can i carry that for you?” you turn your head to see atsumu behind you, unusually early since you’re used to him coming to school a lot later, but then again he’s asked you this question for the past week now so you’re gradually getting used to it.
you give him a polite smile, and as you’ve told him for the past four days, “i actually got it, but thanks— again.”
“then how about lunch later, are you fre—”
you cut him off, “don’t you have practices at lunch? i heard kita saying something about it yesterday.”
you feel bad for shooting him down and even though he’s trying his best to give you an unshaded expression, you see past through that and hope that he stops his attempts here.
“give me a chance here,” he tells you, his eyes almost pleading as he does.
you laugh as you shake your head, “i have, and it didn’t work.”
“i’m an entirely different person now.” he tells you with a chortle that didn’t seem to die down even when you repeatedly told him no.
atsumu gives you a look, placing his grip on his backpack’s strap and he sighs, “i’m trying again tomorrow.”
you nod, “i’ll say no again tomorrow.”
“how predictable of you.” he tells you with a newly branded smile, bending down to give you a quick kiss on the cheek before you could even react.
you hold back a laugh as you process what he just did, mildly raising your voice as he turns to leave, “you can’t do that anymore!”
“oh,” he looks back with a grin, “forgot!”
atsumu feels his heart pumping as he walks away, his attention mildly focusing on his steps and for a quick second, his glance falls on his hand.
his left hand that was perfectly fine three weeks ago was now covered in bandages from what he’s claiming to be an “unfortunate accident”.
“you look annoyingly happy,” osamu says, appearing by his side as he turns the corner.
atsumu nods, “we’re getting back together— soon— i think—no— i know.”
“how?” his brother grins, “punched another wall? because that went great the first time.”
“go away now,” he rolls his eyes, waving him off as he stalls to enter their classroom and he could only feel terrible for having been reminded of what drove you away in the first place.
“an entirely different person.” he repeats to himself, sighing a breath of relief while he looks forward to seeing you again tomorrow, not as the guy who punched a wall in a jealous fit, but as someone who’s not gonna stop trying until you say yes to him again.
seeing that he’s definitely not gonna lose you because of a broken hand.
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bthump · 2 years
That other comment about racism is also interesting, idk if Casca and Pippin are meant to be black (and frankly I don't think so, they look more like brown people to me), but Donovan being black is definitely sus as hell. Anyways, it's obvious that Miura had questionable views, like most male mangaka. I only hope that if someone else picks up the manga they handle these themes better and, particularly, that they give Casca her due.
Well it's never discussed so yeah the characters' races are mostly ambiguous, but imo despite that ambiguity they still do embody some unfortunate stereotypes and connotations wrt colourism and racism, even specifically anti-black racism, from Casca's unshaded lips in the first few arcs to Pippin being the biggest and strongest and least developed of the Golden Age group to yeah, absolutely everything going on with Donovan, etc (and that etc is doing a lot of heavy lifting lol). Berserk is definitely worth criticizing wrt racism as well, and I'm glad people are discussing it.
And yeah imo most writers with some form of privilege are going to have offensive biases that seep into their work if they don't actively work to combat that, and Miura's got some pretty blatant ones.
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jann-the-bean · 3 years
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Oh Trix... unsurprisingly she managed to find herself in a troublesome situation
She was just exploring around in an AU when negativity started to envelop it. And one thing that was instilled into her at a young age is that when negativity in an AU gets worse it one of two things:
Nightmare is here or...
Nightmare will soon be there
Neither are good situations for Trix as she is the daughter of Dream and Cross.
And what better way for Nightmare to get to them, then with their own daughter?
Unfortunately, she couldn’t bring herself to just abandon the inhabitants of this AU and tried to evacuate as many people as possible, or help them hide.
However it didn’t take long for Trix and Nightmare to stumble into each other... so she had no other choice but to defend herself- her goal isn’t to defeat her Uncle as that is near impossible for her but to find the an opportunity to escape...
Uh idk idk the cut will be one without the gradient background and unshaded/ un-detailed image
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Ok so this bottom one was the one I was gonna use first... but it looked so dark I didn’t like it but here it is!
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I’ve been slacking on drawing her for too long...
Trix belongs to me
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