#unfortunatley this is not going in the tags
you guys should be thankful i didnt put the trashcan one in That Post
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hershelwidget · 10 months
Actually now I think about it. We’re barely scratched the SURFACE that is my Big Brained Thoughts About Radio Star. so to fix that here’s me throwing damn near all the drawings I never showed y’all. go bonkers. also im not going to explain a SINGLE ONE OF THESE you have to find any possible context in the tags im so sorry
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oh thats. l. less than i thought. uhm.
can i offer you then This Thing
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and uhhh uhh uh. scrambles. some select Words from my Note and Document about him respectively
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ok so funny story. half my radio star content is straight up Missing :)
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lucyvsky · 4 months
hi lucy i luv you :)
hiiii sopie i love you sosososo much
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skating over frozen lakes
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52452764 by hufflepuffbaby Derek catches the most captivating scent while in the forest and can't help but follow it. It's probably going to end up being one of the best decisions he's ever made.   Sterek Christmas Bingo - skating over frozen lakes Words: 1121, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 3 of A Very Sterek Christmas Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Mentions Laura Hale Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Pre-Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Relationship Additional Tags: Sterek Bingo Christmas/Winter 2023 (Teen Wolf), Pre-Relationship, Full Shift Werewolves, Full Shift Werewolf Derek Hale, Laura Hale Lives, Dead Hale Family (Teen Wolf), Slightly Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Ice Skating, Skater Stiles Stilinski, stiles can skate really well, Unfortunatley, he cannot walk on normal ground tho, clumsy boy - Freeform, POV Derek Hale, mostly just derek watching stiles, and not realising that hes falling in love, Mates, Werewolf Mates, Fluff read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52452764
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the-writer1988 · 6 months
Just looked through the new dream hashtag, can you be more specific as to where the hate is coming from? Not to be too technical, but I do remember a consistent cassandra criticism and hate flare up around the beggining of this year, but other people were very vocal on how that was wrong (it is), and also around new dream appreciation week. Some of the talk came from people who'd just finished the show, others were unfortunatley just really nasty towards her character. Is there something more recent that's happened? :(
Apologies for the delay in replying! I got the ask through just as I was going to sleep last night and as I was working early this morning, I didn't have a chance until now to reply!
To answer your question there was a post I reblogged whilst I was at work - a New Dream picture set - and I just automatically copied all the tags. I thought I had removed the anti-Cass ones and then I got a message later from one of my close tumblr friends that she'd seen my post and had got upset by it. I quickly edited the tags after that to remove the offending tags. It was a mistake that I hadn't realised had gone through and I felt awful about it.
I see quite a few Cassandra fans are ostracised by New Dream fans even though they are New Dreams fans themselves! Cassandra fans cannot interact with New Dream fans and its sad. One of my closest tumblr friends is a Cassandra fan but love New Dream but cannot interact with or talk to most New Dreams fans because they are blocked!
There is so much more to Cassandra fans than just being a fan of Cassandra! And, I really wish New Dream fans were more welcoming of people who like Cassandra too.
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scuba-divers · 2 years
Grave Brigade: The Great Info Dump Thus Far.
Okay, so Grave Brigade- What, exactly, is it, and what am I planning to do with it?
You may have heard of Grave Brigade if you lurk around my page. It's usually in the tags of art posts I make related to Terraria [typically Terraria's enemies] or it's mentioned in the text I put in a post. Well, here's what it is, summed up and compacted into a rather large nutshell.
Grave Brigade, nutshelled. [A tl;dr]
Basically, Grave Brigade is an Alternative/Alternate Universe, or AU for short, of Terraria. Now I expect that if you've seen this post, it's likely because you're following me, so I'm going to assume you know at least a bit about Terraria. Now, why on earth do I call this an 'AU' and not just 'my interpertation of the Terraria lore' if Terraria's lore is so open? Well, you see, that's the neat thing, it isn't focused around lore change or anything. It's focused around enemies, but not just any old enemies.
Now, I know what you're probably thinking: "How can you make an AU based off of enemies??" Well, it focuses around the unique enemies, specifically the main three linked below:
Of course, there are other unique enemies that'll likely be included [Eyezor, Nymth, Tim, Rune Wizard, ect.] but these three are the main cast. Why? Well, it's just because they're my favorite enemies in the game.
My project plan for GB
So, what, exactly, am I even doing with this AU of mine? Well, it could just float around in my mind and sort of exist, but no, I'm taking it a bit further. I'm not making a comic or a written story, however; I'm planning on making this thing into a series. An animated one, to be exact. I've been building up characterization for the three I mentioned earlier for months, and since little is actually known about these guys, they're basically blank slates for headcanon characterization. Using Blender for effects, IBISpaintX for sprites backgrounds, Google Docs for scripting, Ableton Live 11 Intro [along with my mediocre composing skills] for a soundtrack, the possible help of some others and more, I'm going to attept to make a cartoon series about my versions of these wacky undead people that I'm obsessed with, infused with the worst possible mixture of headcanons, headcanon personalities and awful animation because almost everything I know about Blender was found out by fucking around while making VRchat avatars.
What's up with this series?
Grave Brigade [The Series] follows the wacky and sometimes [usually] dangerous adventures, situations and shenanigans that a trio of zombies get themselves into, and that's basiaclly all.
Who are the characters, and what are they like?
Well, putting it simply, the characters are my versions/characterized versions of the unique enemies from Terraria.
The Main Cast
The main cast is composed of my characterized versions of the three I mentioned before:
Doctor Bones, or, as everyone just calls him, Bones, an undead archeologist who unfortunatley lost all of his memories from when he was a human. The only thing that remains of his past self is his obsession with anything regarding nature, archaeology and/or history. Outgoing, energetic, uncannily physically strong and lacking common sense, this guy can easily unintentionally [or intentionally] cause trouble wherever he goes. [Yeah, I'm aware that in the canon game he's supposed to be a reference to Indiana Jones but I have always and will always disregard that fact because he's at very least 20x cooler than the original source.]
Victor [A.K.A. The Groom], an awkard guy who doesn't like talking to people he doesn't know [or even being around people he doesn't know for that matter] and would much rather wander around pouting about his afterlife choices than go on a rampage for human flesh. Obviously the husband of Angela.
Angela [A.K.A. The Bride, A.K.A. Angie]. She gets bursts of rage and pissed-offness every now and then, but she's usually pretty chill. She's always the first one to choose violence in any situation, because despite the fact that she's typically pretty chill, she always thinks it's the easiest and fastest answer [She isn't always wrong with this view, but but I'm gonna say that ~65% of the time, she is]. Obviously the wife of Victor.
Why am I putting actual effort into characterization and a series?
I just felt like I had so many ideas and concepts for these undead dorks, and I wanted to do something with them. Not a lot of people in the Terraria fandom/community even aknowledge these guy's existances, so I thought that since I'm the one big fan of these guys, I need to make something! And boom, Grave Brigade was born.
So basically, this freakishly long post is just to provide information on my Terraria AU. That pretty much draws a conclusion to my current plans for it, so I'm done writing.
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cel-aerion · 1 year
Okay I feel like this is gonna get unwieldy if I try to send it as an ask so I'm just gonna tag @monty-glasses-roxy and start a new post (since reblogs with asks get weird, or at least they used to, and old habits die hard). Original post is here, but I'll also quote the relevant bits just for ease of reading.
"Yeah Chica being afraid of flying is really funny, especially if she's scared of literally nothing else. Not a single other thing has ever phased her but this one singular mode of transport makes her nervous."
"If we were meant to fly, we'd have wings." "Don't you technically have wings?" "Yeah and I can't fly with them so clearly evolution knew it had absolutely fucked up with that one."
"...they settle on meeting up at the local bowling alley that her brother (she calls Bonnie her brother) happens to run."
Others (Monty and Chica when they all meet up, yeah, but it's happened before and it will happen again) ask how a wolf and rabbit could be siblings. Bonnie eternally delights in giving absolutely ludicrous answers, usually involving an elaborate backstory and meandering plots. Roxy will too, sometimes, but she's more likely to just be annoyed at people for asking stupid questions - Monty and Chica are probably fine when they ask, because they're genuinely curious and want to know more about their new friend, but a lot of others are probably more judgemental or nosy about it. Anyways, the moment Bonnie knew he approved of Roxy's new friends was when he made up one of these explanations, as per, and Monty immediately replied with, "Oh, and here I thought maybe it was [insert equally lengthy and ridiculous explanation here]."
"And yeah, Roxy doesn't have a lot of friends so this was a shock to everyone that knew her lmao. "What do you mean you were dying on a plane and made two new friends??? What, did the Reaper and their wife take pity on you or what???""
"The Reaper" and "The Reaper's Wife" become Monty and Chica's nicknames as a result of this. Probably in that order. But possibly not.
"Actually, it would be kinda funny if none of them had a particularly large amount of friends and due to this one layover flight, their friendship group suddenly tripled in size."
I can see this being the case, but like, in different ways. Roxy is gruff, and awkward, and this combination probably makes those who don't know her think she's mean, or at least cold, so she mostly just withdraws instead of letting people see that she's upset about this perception, and over time she becomes hesitant to reach out to make friends because it's easier to not go through all that again, which of course just makes others thing she's even more distant, and it's a terrible cycle (and actually, maybe her being airsick unintentionally helped combat against this, because when you're feeling that awful, you're not really able to have any walls up, but I digress). And then on the other hand, I can see Chica being one of those... I don't want to say "popular girls," because that has a particular connotation, but like... she's one of those who's always friendly, she's pretty chill with a lot of people, she has friends she can hang out with for a day out shopping or something, but not Friends who she would feel comfortable spilling her guts out to or anything like that. And... unfortunatley I have no ideas for Monty at this moment, but you get the idea.
And slightly related, but I take back a bit of what I said in my original ask, or at least I'm changing the context: I don't think Roxy would be trying to play it cool when they meet in person just for the sake of her image. I think it's more likely she's just trying to not get her hopes up, what if this falls apart, what if she says the wrong thing, better to not get too emotionally invested until you're sure. But of course, as the outing goes on, that becomes less of a concern, and pretty soon she forgets to be anxious.
"Like, Monty and Chica clicked so fast and then all it takes is a little competition and almost getting kicked out of a bowling alley for bowling crimes for the pair of them to click with Roxy."
Not quite what's being said here, but it's sparked in me a mental image that while Monty and Chica are getting to know Roxy, and start to see that what they thought was indifference was just uncertainty and insecurities, they both independently come to the conclusion of "omg absolutely must protecc this puppy."
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Thanks for the tag @ilovewhiteroses
Tag Game: Latest stats
Last song: Everywhere - Paolo Nutini
Last Show: Seal Team
Last Movie: Willy's Wonderland (unfortunatley)
Currently Reading: Cleopatra and Frankenstein (unfortunatley)
Currently Obsessing Over: My CoD obsession is still going strong! Love and miss my silly lil bb with his big T-shirt head and will be writing chapter 7 for Rocky tomorrow (I do still need to write a request I got through and a Price fic, but will be working on all of them intermittedly I think. Rocky needs to be a focus because I wanna finish it and start working on the novelisation)
Tagging (no pressure) @c0de-r3d @duxpuella @mariamariquinha @b0g-b0y @torchbearerkyle
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coreytasticc · 7 months
there was a post a long long time ago buty joey heller officiall and I'm, a little sad because the content of hte post was "Cum etc" and i TAGGED it as "technically this post is entiurely in latin" because Cum means With and etc is short for et cetera and means "and other things" and so that post was wholy madeup of latin.
unfortunatley i dint not reblog it with this commentary, which ios ad because not going to lie to oyu, i think that ould have been a good vmmebnt. sadly it was but a mere tag.
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thestarsys · 1 year
heyyyyy im leon <333 you can call me nardo as well but only if youre cool
my tag is #nardooos posts
unfortunatley you cant call me leo. well like. you can but you might confuse the other leo (our host has the same name as me isnt that lovely THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE /j)
blue is the best colour do not argue with me if you do youre wrong
im a ROTTMNT fictive apparently idk man i got here like. recently
well no thats a lie ive been here a while but i only *fronted* properly recently so thats cool
he/him for now i dont want to think about gender yet
i drink iced coffee (that means im gayyyyyy <33333333)
donnie sucks /affectionate(?) <3
i have my own blog that is so sexy and cool and it’s called @nneon-leonn go follow me and send me asks it feeds my ego <33
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fairycallouts · 1 year
More hypocrisy
Let's go ahead and just, dive right in shall we? Today I received some screenshots from Lulu's current victim, KasA-Arts of her just absolutely losing her shit. Now Lulu is trying to spin it that no one owns names or colors (yet somehow she can dictate what canons her friends can and cannot pair with? Hm...makes sense/sarcasm) when she still has a warning on her toyhou.se that says you cannot use "her" names or colors. Now let's look at Lulu's "warning" on her characters/page.
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Now let's look at the absolute shit storm she posted on toyhou.se today.
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So now wait, which is it? Because you're still claiming names and colors. You still even have the post up in your sta.sh about which canons people supposedly can't pair with because you do. Ridiculous. And that bulletin she posted there? She posted everywhere.
Now after Lulu got called out by someone I'm assuming is unfortunatley friends with her, the post now reads this:
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What does any of this have to do with the abuser you are? The complete and utter pyscho you are?
Now let's compare this to the warning of her main and current victim, KasA-Arts.
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Notice the difference? Cause it's pretty huge from where I'm standing.
These tags below are added as these are fandoms she is currently in.
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commonplacethings · 4 years
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Letter to feed my starving hope
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chisatowo · 3 years
hey Keese! it's hagumi's birthday I think! did you see her birthday card? :0c are you gonna try and roll for her?
Oh yeah yeah yeah it is her birthday in japan I think! I unfortunately don't have a japandori account, so I probably won't get to roll for it, but I'm gonna hope my sibling does so I can steal his account /j
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Just to weigh in on the whole AO3 discourse thing, while I absolutely get that there are some types of fic that are genuienly morally bad (e.g. sexual content about real life minors), what do people actually think would happen if AO3 started to ban those types of work?
Like literally if AO3 decides to not allow a certain type of fic all that’s gonna happen is that people are going to stop tagging it, making it harder for those of us that don’t want to see that stuff to avoid it.
This will then also probably cause a panic where people who are writing other types of morally dubious fic which AO3 is still allowing (everything from non-con to even just normal vanilla sexual content) stop tagging their stuff out of fear that will be taken down too, which will really suck for all the people that don’t want to come across that stuff. Don’t believe me? This is literally what happened to fanfic.net in the early 10s, shit just started being taken down so people DID NOT properly tag their works (although fortunately this allowed 13 year old me to stumble across a sexual awakening so swings and roundabouts I guess).
And all the while, whatever authors AO3 does manage to weed out will just pop up on other platforms which means that if you’re (quite understandably) worried about underage celebrities seeing sexual content written about them, then AO3 banning this content literally does nothing to improve the situation because it will literally all still be out there.
tldr; if you’re worried about protecting minors, trying to censor things on AO3 would literally just make things worse for them. We live in the real world where unfortunatley you can’t just magic certain fanfiction away.
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ts4-poses · 3 years
Some of you have noticed that I posted yesterday a new masterlist. Unfortunatley I deleted by accident the new masterlist. Luckily I had a half-done backup. Oh Llama! So I did the rework and added even more tags. 
Currently, this blog experiences some massive changes and improvements, as most of you have noticed already. The TAG system did improve. As a result of the current changes, a new overhaul has been done. As of today, you will get a brand-new MASTERLIST with a filter system. Yep, you heard it.
Our lovely tags will remain as they are, but they have been reorganized, and a bunch of existing ones has been added. Some spelling errors are fixed. The list did explode with the number of new tags. It was time to change something. 🤨
The good news is: Masterlist is now way bigger and split into several categories and alphabetical order. Bad news? Well, the old layout is gone. Bye-bye, old masterlist, you served well, but we don’t need you anymore. 😆
The new filter helps to get a better overview of the tags we have. Took nearly two (now almost four) days to restructure and organize that babe. But it looks much better now. Promise! So here are the changes: 😏
Top: News/Updates, little Tutorial, a Help-Corner, Trigger Warning, and stuff you can find pose-related and beside poses on this blog.
Basics: Age & Gender, Amount, Position, Traits, and Type.
Actions: Activities and Actions. What else, right?
Accessories: The wonderful little thingies we need almost always to tell cool realistic stories.
Objects: All kinds of stuff and more stuff... you know the drill.
Sim’s Life: Everything that a Sim wants or needs in their life. Like Events & Socializing, Friends (NEW) Unbelievable, right? Not any more! Here you will find more categorized poses like Gestures, Life Stages, Location, Love, Music, Pets, Profession/Career, Transportation, and so on.
Genres: Historical Stuff, Supernatural Stuff, and whatever will come up in the future and has its own genre. This is the place to go.
Seasonal: Seasons? Holidays? Weather? Kinda, yeah! You get me, right?
Specials: Topics that don’t fit in any other category. Check out the poses for your potential general Simedits or Lookbook or whatever. Traits show up here as well, dope, huh?
Themed: Has been restructured and fulfills a new purpose. You look for Poses regarding Beauty & Care? Smokin’ fly! Yeah, I see you! Healthcare, anyone? Fame & Media? VIP, eh? Wedding? Yes, please! Foods? I knew your sim were hungry. Pregnancy? Uh, a little one is on the way?  Law & Order? Well, it can't be wrong to lock up those bad guys, right? You see where this is going?
Creators: Here you can explore who has changed their Simblr Names or if creators did retire, but most of their content is still available and more...
Trigger Warning: Link to the Trigger Info page. Just to make sure you will see that it is linked.
NSFW: The last section is the corner for ADULT CONTENT to be used at your own risk, and it requires you to read first the Trigger Warning Info if you dislike such topics.
A few tags have now a skull  ☠️. That means this tag can contain some NSFW-related content due to its nature of having multiple meanings or it serves multiple purposes. In this case, you need to see for yourself if you want/need to block those tags, too.
More topics for the ‘THEME’ section can be added in the future. If you have a suggestion, comment below. Maybe it will be added. 😉
Drop a note and tell if you like the new list with the new system.
This post will stay for 24 hours pinned before I will pin the previous Trigger Warning Post Info again.
Stay safe and sound. Happy Pose Findings! 😌
26th. April 2021
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theacademic · 2 years
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- End of the Year Reading Tag -
Thanks to @bulletnotestudies for making this! I know this is was made for being tagged and tagging others, but I wasn’t tagged and will not tag anyone, I just like to answer questions. If you enjoy answering questions as much as I do, please consider yourself tagged.
Did you reach your reading goal for the year (if you had one)?
Yes! My goal was to read 10 books (which it has been for the last years), and I have read 26 by no (29th December). I always set a low goal I know that I will be able to reach, so that I don't feel any pressure about reading, but only the fun in it.
What are your top 3 books you read this year?
1. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
2. Det er ikke synd på meg men jeg syns det by Maren Granrud (Norwegian book, unfortunatley no English translation by now)
3. Two Sisters by Åsne Seierstad
What's a book that you didn't expect to enjoy quite so much going in?
I started reading the Norwegian translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four by Orwell some years ago but never finished it. Last summer I bought the English edition in hope that I would enjoy that one a bit more, which I did not. I did finish it though. I also bought Animal Farm, and feard it would be as hard to read as Ninteen Eighty-Four, but it felt nothing like it! I really enjoyed it.
Were there any books that didn't live up to your expectations?
This is all on me for not doing proper research, but I somehow thought that The Mitford Murders by Jessica Fellowes would be a great murder mystery, and I have never been so disappointed by a book for as long as I can remember. Awful.
Did you reread any old faves? If so, which one was your favourite?
I always listen to my favourite parts of Harry Potter when I play the Sims, if that counts.
Did you dnf any books?
No. I am usually pretty good at knowing what I will enjoy, and I also enjoy a lot of different genres, which makes it easy to find something I will enjoy. If I read something I don't like I usually finish them anyway, or put them on hold for a year or two and try again (like with Nineteen Eighty-Four).
Did you read any books outside your usual preferred genre(s)?
Not really, like I mentioned above I find most genres interesting, and like to vary my readings based on my mood etc.
What was your predominant format this year?
Physical books, pocket edition is my preferred format and what I use 98% of the time (if you don't count books for my studies (which I don't), most of them have been digital copies this year).
What's the longest book you read this year?
The Secret History by Donna Tarrt (559 pages according to Goodreads).
What are your top 3 anticipated 2022 releases?
I don't really pay attention to new releases, so I have no idea. Please give me a tip if you know about something that you thing I might enjoy!
What books from your tbr did you not get to this year, but are excited to read in 2022?
I am currently reading The Goldfinch by Donna Tarrt, and my plan was to finish it this year, but that didn't happen, so that's one. I also planned on reading Crime and Punishment by Fjodor Dostojevskij, but hope I will manage in 2022.
(I apologise for any spelling mistakes or other mistakes, English is not my first language and this was written past bedtime)
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