#thanks for the suggested tags tumblr.com
you guys should be thankful i didnt put the trashcan one in That Post
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hiperchile · 1 year
i'm still like. shock. btw
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herpsandbirds · 2 months
Hiya! idk if you'd be interested in helping me out here, but I've been struggling to find an animal to base the patterns on this character on.
Y'all know all sorts of cool Birds, Herps, and Invertebrates, which are frankly what I'd love to use! Any handful of interesting guys helps!
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Here's the guy in question, go wild, and thanks a ton!
Coloration/pattern ideas:
I feel like you should really look at a lot of different coloration and patterns before settling on something.
Here are some suggestions:
Herps and Birds (and More) (Posts tagged cuckoo) (tumblr.com)
Herps and Birds (and More) (Search results for: tanager) (tumblr.com)
Herps and Birds (and More) (Search results for: jay) (tumblr.com)
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vintagetvstars · 3 months
Quick disclaimer: I’d like to thank both of you for all the work you’ve done running this tournament, and I still think the final match-up was a great one. The results have really gotten me down, though. Bigtime. Nichelle’s win in the semifinal round gainst a hugely tumblr-popular (and more contemporary) opponent with a bigger body of work came as a delightful surprise, but somehow it’s made her loss a huge bummer to me. Eartha Kitt was lovely—I’m not hating on her at all! (To be clear, I’m also not suggesting there was any kind of “rigging” going on…how would that even happen, lol). It just seems super weird that I never saw any propaganda submitted for her vs. the metric ton of Nichelle propaganda you all received. And even though life’s not fair, it does seem a little unfair (and a little…boring?)—at least to my whiny butt—that the same actress won BOTH the hot vintage movie star poll and the hot vintage TV star poll…especially since her opponent didn’t ever get to become a movie star, at least not beyond a role she’d made iconic on TV.
Anyway, thank you all again for all you do! I’m still looking forward to the men’s tourney, even though I know for sure that my faves are going to be knocked out super early. Just wanted to share my thoughts/distress here instead of shouting them into the void that tumblr dot com can be. Obviously, I got way too invested, haha.
Oof I definitely understand anon and I’m sorry the results were a bit disappointing. I think both women were lovely and equally deserving and personally would have loved to have gotten a tie to crown them both but I’m happy for everyone who really wanted the Eartha double crown!
Now that I can speak freely about my personal preferences, I am a huge Star Trek fan and I adore Nichelle Nichols! She was my number 1 for this competition and I was so ecstatic to see so much love for her throughout the competition! But I’d be lying if I said we both weren’t a lil sad about not getting a Nichelle Nichols upset win or a fun double crown tie! However I do adore Eartha Kitt and she is definitely deserving of a double crown so I’m not at all upset that she won!
Definitely no harm in being a bit upset about the results of something you were invested in and cared about, as long as you’re able to calm down and move forward at the end of the day that’s what matters. I hope this ask helped you get some of those emotions out so you can go forth and continue enjoying your hot vintage tv favs! Thank you for caring so much about our fun lil tournament 💚
Also if it helps at all we fully plan to bring this tournament back next year and we have already decided that winners of previous tournaments won’t be eligible to compete in future tournaments. So next year could very well be the year of Nichelle Nichols!
But in the meantime we hope you enjoy the men’s tournament! Even if your favs don’t make it all the way, I hope it’ll still be fun! (I certainly understand watching your favs get knocked out early 😔 so many of my favs went down in rounds 1&2 of the hot vintage movie men’s tournament).
- mod vintage
it's understandable to be upset, especially in a race so close (i think it was decided by only about two dozen or so votes in the end). while i love eartha and am happy to present her with the crown, im also very much looking forward to seeing if nichelle can snatch the win next year!
i was completely unaware of how beloved earth kitt is until running this tournament. even though there was no propaganda submitted, the reblogs and tags on the final spoke for themselves - hundreds of people commenting about their love for her and asking their followers to vote in her favor.
thank you for being so invested and for your ask. definitely stick around for the men's bracket - you never know how any of the men's polls are going to go on tumblr.com.
- mod violet
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basil-is-adorbs · 9 months
Hi! Saw one of your posts while scrolling the omori tag and I noticed it was tagged it as “tw glitch” “glitching” “glitches” “tw flashing” and “flashing images”
I would like to suggest you replace them with (or at least add) the tags “glitch” “flashing” and “flashing lights” as those are more commonly blocked by photosensitives!
For more information: tumblr.com/photosensitive-despair/721042731866128384/tags-to-use-for-photosensitive-content
Have a great day!
Aaaaaah I see! Thank you so much! It was hard to know properly which tags to use! But now I know! Thanku 👏 I appreciate you telling me. I’ll go add the tags now
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gomamonday · 2 years
Gomamon Day is THIS FRIDAY! GET HYPED!!1!
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I originally established Gomamon Day back in 2017, I wrote a small FAQ about it back then: https://tumblr.com/gomamonday/168174866156/gomamon-day-2017, here's an updated version:
Why a digimon?
I’ve seen a few days for celebrating other digimon (Flamedramon, Renamon), as well as days to celebrate pokemon (such as 7/28 as Popplio Day), and figured it would be nice to celebrate a specific digimon species; not necessarily “Jo’s Gomamon”, although that is the one that most digimon fans are familiar with.
Why Gomamon?
Many years ago, along with Patamon and countless virus types, he was established as one of my favourite digimon. I quickly got tired of the Adventure anime and am mostly familiar with them through the old PS1 games. Over a decade ago I decided to begin collecting digimon merchandise, with a main focus on Gomamon and Patamon. Over the years more recently, they appear to me as a sort of embodiment of positivity and happiness, and have helped me get through a lot of negative or otherwise not-so-great times in my life. So for me personally I think having one day to celebrate them would be great to show others how awesome this underappreciated digimon is!
Why December 9th?
December 9th is the day I got a special Gomamon custom-made plushie of my own; in fact, he’ll be 9 years old this year! His name is Natticus, and you can follow his cohost once he decides which username to use (Natticus or NatticusTheGomamon on cohost) or check out his old tumblr archive @natticusthegomamon​. He was made by magnastorm on DeviantArt and is one of the most popular “Gomamon” art submissions there! The date also correlates to the same month Gomamon was first revealed in the Digimon Pendulum Version 2 (Deep Savers) in December 1998.
How do I celebrate?
You can draw or write about them, take some photos if you have a collection (no matter whether it’s gigantic or just one plushie), make a photo story of your own Gomamon’s adventures, livestream a digimon game (Gomamon is obtainable in Digimon Survive, Cyber Sleuth, Hacker's Memory and Next Order!) or just reblog some relevant posts~ Make a Gomamon OC (or ask an OC owner to draw theirs!) You’re free to @ or submit posts to this account anytime from now until then, or you can make your own post(s) and tag them with at least one of these hashtags below so I can find them to reblog here!
#gomamonday #gomamon day
Any rules?
No negative/hateful posts about anyone or mon; we can all love Gomamon without being mean to other monsters right? While I'd like the day's celebrations to stay SFW, if you do make other content (NSFW or "SFW fetish" content) please do not directly tag it under #GomamonDay, use something different like #GomamonDayNSFW instead. Late posts are okay, I’ll likely be celebrating at least all weekend long!
Feel free to ask/message me if you have any other questions, ideas or suggestions! Thanks!
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dramioneasks · 2 years
I can’t seem to find a fic I read a while ago. I just read parts when I accidentally deleted the tab 😖
I tried looking at the tags but I couldn’t find it, perhaps someone has read it recently.
Hermione and Draco become friends and I believe Hermione thinks Draco is gay, but he isn’t. Draco has liked Hermione for a while and she dated other men. It sounds so simple my explanation but I do remember that Hermione thought he was gay that’s the one thing I can remember. I’d really like to finish reading it. If anyone can suggest any until I find the one I’m looking for I’d appreciate. Thank you.
here are two: dramioneasks (tumblr.com)
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✨Hogoshamaru Week 2021✨
Takes place from October 25th to October 31st
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Let's have an event to celebrate OG Sesshomaru the way RT always portrayed him: as Rin's Hogosha. And Hogosha means parental figure 💖
Whether you see Sesshomaru as Rin's father figure, big brother, trusted adult, or guardian, all kinds of fanworks are accepted: fanarts, fanfics, thoughts, analysis, headcanons, amvs, images, etc., as long as they are related to the beautiful relationship of Sesshomaru and Rin as FATHER AND DAUGHTER
Day 1: Hogosha
Day 2: Modern AU day
Day 3: Gifts
Day 4: Teaching and learning
Day 5: Family
Day 6: Adult Rin (is still Sesshomaru's daughter)
Day 7: Kohaku can come too! / Hogoshamaru is a protector of children
We also have Scenario Prompts:
Rin and Kohaku training with Sesshomaru
Sesshomaru helping Rin brush her hair
The first time Rin calls Sesshomaru "dad"
Sesshomaru comforting Rin or Kohaku after a nightmare
(Remember that these are only suggestions, feel free to create what you prefer for this week 🤗✨)
Tags: @hogoshamaru week, @hogoshamaruweek2021
All creations will be reblogged to this blog: http://hogoshamaruweek2021.tumblr.com
Many thanks to all of you for your interest and prompts for this event ✨. If you have any suggestions or comments, please let me know!
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In Hiding Part 4/?
Hey loves! Sorry it took so long for me to write part 4, I’ve had school and band. I like this chapter, so I hope you do too!
Word count: 1566
Warnings: Really un graphic violence, mentions of undiagnosed PTSD, OCD, and depression, and my inability to write good endings
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The last 30 minutes on the Quinjet were pure hell. Tony kept trying to grill you, and you didn’t respond, which motivated him to ask even more questions.
Finally, he rolled his eyes and asked, “Where are your parents?”
Hundreds of locked-away memories flooded your mind. Your parents had sold you to HYDRA at age 5. You didn't know much about your parents or their identities.
After he asked about your parents, you broke eye contact and looked anywhere but into someone's eyes.
“I see.” Tony scowled but continued asking more questions, but you weren't in the mood, even more now than before.
You eventually drifted off into a daydream as Tony’s questions slurred together. You dreamt about what your life could've been if you had parents and weren't mutant. You could still have parents; you wouldn't have sustained all of that torture at HYDRA, and you would've gotten to go to school!
School, something many take for granted. You didn't have any higher education, and being 15 and more innovative and 99.99% of the world, it was a moot point. Still, being among everyday people, having friends, and discovering your passions, would be amazing.
Snaps in your face brought you back, courtesy of Tony.
“Kid. Kid! Hello?” He snapped in your face.
You had returned to Earth and- hey, look at that! Tony is within head butting distance. Maybe it'd get him to shut up, or would Loki attack again? He was staring at you from the back of the jet, unmoving, eyes trying to predict your following movements.
“KID!” Tony shouted.
You'd had enough of hearing him in your face, so you turned back to him, made eye contact, and-
“Don’t do that, girl.” Loki snarled from his seat.
Tony turned to him and cocked his head.
“She was going to headbutt you, obviously. Don't get within 5 feet of her.”
Tony thanked him quietly and sat in his seat, glaring at you. You made eye contact with him once more, and you smirked.
The rest of the ride was quiet, save for a few tiny pockets of conversation and Tony coming up with more dumb questions, which you elected to ignore.
You had finally reached the compound, and all you could think about was your impending doom.
Steve picked you up again, as your restraints render you immobile. You fell limp in his arms, head dangling. You were so tired and so worried.
Steve carried you into the compound and to a room, or rather, a cell. The space was empty except for a cot in the corner and a sink. The wall next to the door sported a one-way mirror.
“You’ll stay in here; Stark wants to ask you more questions; he’ll be in here soon.” He put you down on the floor, and you looked up to him. He uncuffed you and swiftly ran out in fear of you trying to bolt again.
Little did you know, he and many of the other team members were staring at you from the other side of the glass, observing you in attempts to understand how you worked and your erotic behavior.
The room was made of something that made you powerless, and the walls were a blinding white. There weren’t any windows, and a single notepad and pencil lay on the bed.
You sat in the center of the room for 5 minutes, staying stationary. Once more, scenarios of what the Avengers might do to you crowded your mind. Tears came again, and you sobbed quietly. Everything hurt, and you were once again reminded that you'd been awake for almost 24 hours. So you carefully laid yourself out on the ground, being mindful of your bruises, and cried there.
—————Avengers POV—————
“So- uh- what do we do now?” Steve pointed to you, still crying on the floor.
“Poor thing,” Wanda remarked, frowning.
“Poor thing? She may be a child, but she's evil!” Tony scoffed.
“She could be a beneficial asset to the team,” Nat suggested.
“I don’t trust her.” Tony crossed his arms and looked back to your shaking figure.
“Tony, I kinda volunteered to go talk to her.” Steve turns back to him. “She's got a notepad, and if she doesn’t open up, we’ll send someone else in.”
“Why the hell did you volunteer me? Kid hates me; it's obvious.”
“Just go see if you can get anything out of her, Tony,” Natasha ordered.
“Fine.” He rolled his eyes, stepping into your cell.
—————Your POV—————
Tony Stark stepped into your cell, the door shut with a loud ‘thud.’ His intentions were unclear, so you backed into a corner. He crouched in front of you and looked into your puffy, red eyes.
Now that the two of you weren't fighting, he noticed how truly young you were; you still had that childlike glimmer in your bright blue eyes. You had been turned into a villain, but it wasn’t your fault.
“Hey, kid.”
You didn’t respond, just blinked. He grabbed the notepad and pencil on the bed.
“Since we haven’t heard you speak, we put this here for you to write on. Do you know how to write?”
Of course, you knew how to write. You stared at Stark, annoyed that he thought you couldn’t write, and slowly nodded your head.
He handed you the notepad and pencil and asked your name, which he knew. He was trying to create a sense of normalcy for you.
“(Y/N)” You wrote.
“You have great handwriting and a beautiful name (Y/N).” He said, reaching for your hand.
You winced when Tony touched you and quickly brushed him off.
“Understood.” Tony moved back and asked you, “Did HYDRA give you your powers?”
“I don’t think so. I was young. I don’t know.” You wrote. You did know, however. You were born with powers, and that’s why your parents sold you. You were too much to handle, and many people were willing to pay hefty prices for you.
You weren’t fond of visiting HYDRA memories, let alone talking about them. Memories of being tortured plagued your dreams every night, and it seems that HYDRA had found a way to torture you even after you escaped.
Often loud noises would bring back memories, as would needles and human contact.
“I want my clothes back.” You wrote. You thought they might bring some semblance of home, a piece of you to hold, and you’d be able to smell your apartment and yourself.
Tony nodded. “I’ll see what I can do. Do you need anything else?”
You shook your head and wrote, “Please leave now. And don’t stare at me from the window. It's creepy.”
Tony chuckled. “Ok, Banner is going to come to check on you at some point.”
You nodded and waved your hand towards the door, signaling him to leave.
Tony slowly got up, and you stared silently as he left the cell. Before he shut the door, he looked back to you, stationary on the floor, staring up at him. Once he was gone, you stared into the mirror, not at yourself but any unsuspecting souls behind it.
Once you thought the sufficient amount of staring was reached, you got up and went to the bed at the far corner of your cell. It was perpendicular to the door, so you could see if anyone entered and be ready to defend yourself.
It must've been an hour or so until Banner walked into your cell. You jumped up from the bed and pushed yourself into a corner. He frowned and set down what he was carrying, which was a tray of food and your clothing.
He stepped away from said items, and you scrambled to grab them, scared he’d take them back. You backed yourself into your corner once more, shielding yourself with your clothing.
“Hey, (Y/N). Remember me?”
You scowled. You remembered him, and you weren't very fond of the memories you shared with him.
You didn't move, eyes still trained on him. He kneeled about 5 feet away from you, not wanting to startle you.
His voice was low and soft when he asked, “Can I come closer?”
You stared, not knowing how to answer. Would Bruce hurt you again? Could you trust him? It didn’t look like he was holding anything more to hurt you. You allowed yourself to creep closer, slowly inching towards him.
“See, baby steps.” He looked towards the window. You assumed some people were still watching the two of you.
You let yourself come closer, until you were about a foot away from him.
“Can I touch your hand?” He reached out and touched you, but you winced and pulled your hand away. You still didn’t trust him, you would need a whole lot more prof before letting him, or anyone for that matter, touch you.
“Ok, I’m going to go now, get some sleep.” He stood and turned away from you, heading to the exit.
He stepped out, and turned off the lights in your room. It was almost pitch black, except for a dim light coming through the window. You climbed into the bed, and stared up at the ceiling. You were exhausted, but sleep refused to come.
It must have been 45 minutes when you finally drifted off to a restless sleep. You dreamt about what would meet you in the morning.
Tag list: @sweetpeaflower01 @kinny-away @mangobangi @cumulonimbus34 @oakiedokie @moonbaejpeg @coollemonsaresour @screechingshepherddeputygoth @trinity-1002107 @padmoonyfeorge @laurenced1l @vaaalexandra
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foreverkpop-net · 3 years
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ForeverKpop Network applications! Applications will stay open from the 23rd-30th 11:59pm CEST of each month! Make sure to reblog this official post and follow the rules.
More information to be seen below.
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Member Applications
- must write or create visual content for at least one group.
- your works must be your own, we do not tolerate plagiarism.
- written works must include pairing, genre, warnings (no matter how small) and word count.
- every work exceeding 550 words must be under a keep reading/read more cut.
- any NSFW content must be under a keep reading/read more cut, no matter how short.
- you don't need to post within a certain time, we are all aware you have a life outside of tumblr.
- notify us of any URL changes, if you go on a hiatus or stop creating Kpop content.
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Staff Applications
- you must be 16 or older to apply for a staff position.
- queue moderators must be 18 or older.
- available positions are: admin, queue mod, gfx & theme mod and event planners.
- admins make sure the network runs smoothly. They establish the rules and take care of any problems you might have. If you have any problems, questions or suggestions etc you reach out to an admin.
- queue mods track the network tag and queue all works that meet the requirements. Our queue will post 10 times a day.
- gfx and theme mods/creators are in charge of creating graphics for the network.
- event planners stay in close touch with the admins to come up with cool projects for the members of the network. Event planners also closely communicate with gfx and theme mods/creators for graphics.
- once you've been accepted as a staff member, you will receive an email to join the blog. If you face problems with that, please contact Admin Yuki (@yeongwvnhi) to resolve this issue.
- if you have any questions before applying as a staff member, contact any of the admins. (Admin Yuki, Admin Charlie @donghanies or Admin Eve @hoshiwhxre)
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Apply as an Affiliate
to make things easy, please send us the following information through the submit box in order to be considered as an affiliate:
1. network name.
2. your info. — your name, blog (@username) we can contact you through, + your network position (admin, mod, etc.) (we please ask that you have permission from an admin to send in an application before you do so!)
3. network url. — (__.tumblr.com)
4. network icon image link. — (on browser, right click and hit ‘open image in other tab’ for the link!)
5. link to the network’s official post
6. links to any ongoing events for them to be reblogged after acceptance.
7. any other necessary info!
once you have applied: you will receive a direct message from an admin, confirming or denying your request to become affiliated with our network. we will then send you a link to our official post, network icon link, and any other resources! thank you for applying, and we hope to become affiliates soon!
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thebluester2022 · 3 years
Live Another Life [Chapter 3 out of ???]
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Note: Thank you to @cminr for mentioning this. But if you want to be added to a tag list, feel free to message me!
Synopsis: A reader in the world of Teyvat! Mouthing off to Archons and Harbingers alike as they try to find their footing and purpose within' this new world of theirs! Surely, these new lands won't be too difficult for them...right?
Warning(s): Non-Canon to the current story of GI, Changed Events/Stories to better fit the personality of the reader, Angst, Explicit Gore, GN! Reader and mentions of death! (Possibly more warnings to come as this goes on?)
And per usual, critique and comments? Likes and reblogs? All is appreciated!
"Oh- come on now damn it! Stop nipping at my heels!" You shouted, jumping forward for the third time in under an hour due to the puppy who insisted on following you constantly biting at your heels.
Too many times have you tried to urge and convince him to follow after his family, the way they walked off with confidence and not a single mind to look behind them? It made you feel a strange sense of relief.
They must've known that the end was near as well.
And if that was the case?
They must've had a place to go to, a final destination as you liked to think of it.
But...for this one? The puppy you decided to nickname 'Lil' Man'?
Final destination?
End of the world?
The fact you constantly looked at him with annoyance?
He didn't pay mind to any of it, just continuing to move along with his tail wagging as if it was just the average Tuesday
At least you could admire him for that.
However, as you and your new companion began to grow closer and closer to the old woman's house, the ground suddenly shook with the force of a thousand earthquakes before you quickly directed your attention upwards.
The meteor was almost close to hitting home base.
Pieces of the rock splitting from the meteor as they all went in separate directions, starting new explosions as well as shaking the ground.
You looked down.
"Now you're scared?" You said with a scoff, shifting the knife to your other hand before you stuck your hand in your pocket while you watched the puppy tuck himself between your legs.
You let out a sigh, rubbing the back of your neck as you tried to find the words to comfort the puppy. "Don't be Lil' Man, who knows? Maybe there will be another life after this one?" You suggested as you started to walk off.
What a dream that would be...
Another life?
After this one?
It's a more comforting thought than being judged by someone in the afterlife that is.
You weren't perfect, you had done some regrettable things in your life. The times you've stepped on people in order to get farther ahead, the times you've cheated on things to get better opportunities in life, or the times you've just been flat out unhelpful.
A trait your long-since distant family had mentioned more than once.
Being unhelpful, saying no to people when their situations were extremely dire.
Hell, the very thought of it at this point in your life only made you grumble as you rubbed the back of your neck again.
If there was another life.
You would definitely be a little more helpful.
Within reason of course.
But, after a few more minutes had passed, you and your tiny companion had finally reached the old woman's house. The state of it being both shocking and admirable.
It was...surprisingly undamaged. A little tattered here and there from it simply being an older house but aside from that? It was as you remembered it being all those months prior, the small one-story being colored a homey little yellow while the wonderful honey-like scent of the flowers managed to penetrate through the smoke of the air.
The porch still had a table with a vase in the middle while two chairs sat on either side and the wind chimes still hung next to the front door!
But, before you'd let yourself get too happy, you had to take a breath as you remembered your previous neighbor.
'Looks can be deceiving.' You thought before you steeled yourself and went up the steps.
Two knocks.
Two more knocks.
"Old lady?!" You called out.
The old woman hated being called that, never failing to provide you an entertaining reaction as she scolded and reminded you to add 'pretty' at the beginning of your sentence.
"Miss Ibis-"
The sound of the door opening...beforehand? You'd never get that excited over such a simple noise but...hearing it? Knowing now that you weren't truly alone in this neighborhood before the eventual end came?
It comforted you more than anything else.
"Y/N?" Ms. Ibis said in shock as she finally opened the door fully, her small hunched-over figure as she had her hair in a neat bun making you scoff.
You nodded your head. "Me in the flesh, may I come in?"
She nodded her head immediately as she stepped aside to let you through the door. "Of course! And whos your new friend?"
You rolled your eyes. "Tch, more like the world's last free-loader, the little guy wouldn't stop following me even after I tried to encourage him to go with his family."
"Animals can sense good hearts you know, you have one."
Once more, you rolled your eyes. You just weren't cold-hearted enough to be able to stand around and let a puppy watch his untimely end come at a record-breaking pace. Wide-eyed, confused, and with no one around him.
"Anyway." You said, clearing your throat as you wished to move onto something else.
"I came to have something to eat, one more taste of your cookies before we all croak."
Ms. Ibis chuckled as she went to her kitchen. "Ah yes...the meteor, did it seem close?"
"News said we'd be dead within a week right? I'd reckon it'll probably come tomorrow."
"Please." The old woman snorted. "The news always gets the weather wrong, you think they'll finally get their heads on straight when it comes to our death?" She said as she handed you a plate of cookies along with a glass of water.
You sighed, setting Lil' Man down on the floor before you nodded your head in thanks as you took the plate and cup.
"Then when do you think we'll be dead Miss?"
"Thirty minutes, maybe twenty-five?" She hummed as she went to open her blinds a little.
You looked at the plate.
You had time.
"Well...let's hope we both meet in another life old woman. Hate to be rid of these babies for the rest of forever eh?" You chuckled before biting into one of the treats.
"Well then, if you ever happen to meet me again in Teyvat. Just tell refer to me by my old name and I'll let you have free food for life!"
Link To Chapter 2
Link to Chapter 4:
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foryouthegays · 4 years
mcytblr newspaper: v2
yes, this is happening! I will be writing a paper for MCYTBLR every day (hopefully). If anyone would like to be involved with the process, suggest ideas, or edit for me, that would be greatly appreciated. Please DM me here or on my discord (a r c t u r i s #3276) to be involved. Thank you!
This volume is a lot less involved in the “blr” part of the paper, as there didn’t seem to be any big discourse, fake accounts, or viral posts today. If anyone knows of such posts, please contact me. 
Continued from Yesterday:
Tumblr user and Quackity kinnie quack-ity has stopped posting. Their last post was a reblog of the infamous infertility post, with the caption “i need to log off” any further knowledge of this account or evaluations of the accounts typing styles would be appreciated. 
Minecraft Championships:
The first teams have been announced for November's Minecraft Championship! The Championship, held on the fourteenth of November at 8 pm GMT, will consist of teams of four. Teams are announced on the Twitter account @MCChampionship_ 
So far, teams include:
The Red Rabbits: Quackity, Tommy, Tubbo, and Wisp
The Orange Ocelots: Eret, Fundy, HBomb, and KarlJacobs
The Yellow Yacks: GizzyGazza, Quig, RyGuyRocky, and SB737
The Lime Llamas: Cubfan, Fruitberries, PearlescentMoon, and SmallishBeans
The Green Guardians: Georgenotfound, Philza, TapL, and Wilbur Soot
The rest of the teams will be posted tomorrow.
Remember to be nice to the Minecraft Championships organizers and have fun!
Today is Halloween! Remember to tag scary things you find, send some love, and have fun! If you’re trick-or-treating, stay safe and wear a mask!
No Content November starts tomorrow. This month is to show non-artists the importance of reblogging and show what this site would be like if artists didn’t post. Participation is not mandatory. For more information, see this post: https://dreamaredoodle.tumblr.com/post/628890925536542720/no-content-november-what-is-no-content-november
User wwwwwelcomegays would like to ask people to take this survey: https://wwwwwelcomegays.tumblr.com/post/633474795856658432/httpsformsgleobyrpedgsabffacz7-guys-pls-i
Uploads and Streams:
Hermitcraft is having another livestream weekend. Schedule can be found here: https://livestream.hermitcraft.com/
Philza streamed on his hardcore world. 
Tubbo streamed Minecraft horror maps with Niki Nihachu. 
Tommy streamed Five Nights At Freddys. 
BadBoyHalo streamed on Munchy.mc. 
Technoblade streamed on the Dream SMP. 
Fundy streamed a Halloween Difficulty stream. 
Wilbur streamed with Tommy, Philza, and Technoblade to rebuild civilization with 100 players. 
Eret streamed FNAF. 
Skeppy uploaded a collab between him and Technoblade. 
The Game Theorists uploaded a collab between them and Dream.
Dangthatsalongname uploaded another escape room video with Tubbo, Tommyinnit, LDshadowlady, Grian, Smallishbeans, Dream, and Wilbur Soot
If anyone would like to add on to this list, please reblog this post with the creator and who they collabed with. Thank you!
Cool posts:
https://lightns881.tumblr.com/post/633469294134575104/dteam-tumblr-demographics-survey-results-part-1 was posted yesterday, but it is a wonderful read and I highly suggest looking into it. 
I’m not aware of any milestones reached today.
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mckitterick · 2 years
I sent an ask a while back about racism on ao3, and as far as I know you never responded (sorry if you did and I missed it), but anyway I just happened to come across the post I had in mind at the time, so I figured better late than never to actually send you my sources: https://urwifey2.tumblr.com/post/680237639440465920
thanks for the follow-up, anon! I'll share the meta
background for those new to Archive of Our Own: AO3 works as a fandom archive because they don't censor, but instead expect authors and fans to tag and check tags before reading. so I'm not surprised they have all manner of things that would repel most of us
I'm not a regular AO3 user myself, so I don't know what processes are in place to tag other people's work or report certain kinds of material that need tagging (racism seems like one that should be tagged, though if it's as common as that post suggests, I wonder how they'd determine what's a valid report vs facing a new "racefail")
also, what's the word on being able to block users or tags?
someone who knows AO3 better, could you please help with anon's question?
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alfredosauce50 · 4 years
NSFW 2p! America headcanons
Okay, so tags are working again. But I don’t think I can salvage my last headcanons post. Shame because a lot of people would’ve liked it. 😳
But I guess I have some positives. This account won’t be known for headcanons. And I can suggest for people to turn on post notifications just in case this happens again. 🥴
Thank you friends.
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askpugman · 4 years
http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/153849522959/my-oc http://ask-majesty-incarnate.tumblr.com/post/156849616881/i-uh-think-ill-pass-on-these-sleepovers-the https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/613713425402609664/scisetdiary-day-307-im-never-suggesting-things http://royalsketchbook.tumblr.com/post/144710250504 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/182944210269/tactical-inbox-nuke http://royalsketchbook.tumblr.com/post/183639285889/luna-i-dont-know-might-be-worth-it http://royalsketchbook.tumblr.com/post/175728259464 http://rainbowdashsmailbagthings.tumblr.com/post/176140837333 https://discolight-diary.tumblr.com/post/177102697391/honestly-guest-artist-strawberryoverlordart https://sparkleburstdoodles.tumblr.com/post/174274889967 https://sparkleburstdoodles.tumblr.com/post/173894346517/but-thanks-anyway https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/613722048204865536/occherry-i-usually-stay-out-of-real-world-stuff https://asklootboxes.tumblr.com/post/172366626059/reversalmushroom https://asklootboxes.tumblr.com/post/172367784974 http://askwafflesyrup.tumblr.com/post/145117191731/suck-me-up-your-butt-make-me-a-part-of-you http://askwafflesyrup.tumblr.com/post/145287624281/what-if-i-glued-shut-your-butt https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/613864738541191168/in-soviet-russia-ass-eats-you http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/176678998024/can-pegasi-lay-eggs https://brambledive.tumblr.com/post/182789982697/eats-ur-cheek https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/189976154744/youre-livin-the-dream https://ask-fancypants.tumblr.com/post/182794122552/boops-ur-organs https://ask-fancypants.tumblr.com/post/182794166252/sniffs-ur-butt https://ask-fancypants.tumblr.com/post/182807028557/walk-away-slowly-sir-walk-away-slowly-before https://askshatteredrainbow.tumblr.com/post/144456285392/hey-scootaloo-how-much-do-you-wish-rainbow-dash https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/186124594714/im https://clone-number-407.tumblr.com/post/175424984804/reversalmushroom http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/177021863139/yeeeees-let-the-hate-flow-through-you http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/178125991944/im-helping http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/179411164804 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/179479595764/askbananaswit-firstwit-shudders-saying-those http://askbananaswit.tumblr.com/post/180854896881/it-all-comes-tumblring-down https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/187206008979/askbananaswit-guardgale-beat-it-ya-bum-you https://vichyilbirbante.tumblr.com/post/176910882518/motherlyalice-i-might-call-him-the-baby-but http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/138079742854 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/176271319769/lazy-and-my-expression https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/186721751129 https://regulardd.tumblr.com/post/185619633791/im https://regulardd.tumblr.com/post/189792488776 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/156548387794/666 http://lilsunshinesam.tumblr.com/post/157619002301/eats-ur-cheek http://cmds-oc-chaos.tumblr.com/post/163796842760/thus-ends-the-life-of-the-commander-pie-ummm-he http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/175807059669/can-you-draw-me-for-free http://ask-violinsunrise.tumblr.com/post/171278596038/ask-104-and-105-by-reversalmushroom-vi-an http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/165168551369/ass-brutalewd-up-you-and-now-we-all-get-to (the original post has some funny tags) http://ask-tuesday.tumblr.com/search/reversalmushroom http://butters-the-alicorn.tumblr.com/search/reversalmushroom http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/178126394949/that-shard-got-deeper-inside-of-you-than-any-of-us http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/157495187849/thedenofravenpuff-crackship-babies-with http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/149852074394/ask-literally-anypony-still-dont-know-what https://silent-knight9313.tumblr.com/post/174601562776/judefaustine-judefaustine-wow-thnx-for-the http://ask-a-colt-and-his-fox.tumblr.com/post/153576883734/its-the-quicky-dick-piccy-trick-and-no-i-dont http://ask-a-colt-and-his-fox.tumblr.com/post/167713029919/member-when-ask-a-colt-and-his-fox-did-small https://thehorsewife.tumblr.com/post/162751750320 http://thehorsewife.tumblr.com/post/131242682875/peanut-butter-fund https://www.derpibooru.org/images/1785203 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/177460597169/is-alby-pregnant-with-boss https://dodiejinx.tumblr.com/post/183925922417/wolf-pregnant-with-you https://dodiejinx.tumblr.com/post/183490909862/what-do-you-look-like-shaved http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/41506089737/i-was-totally-winning https://awesomestrangest.tumblr.com/post/173513976966/ask-amorettevampire-amorette-owthat-hurt-really https://chrystalchord.tumblr.com/post/175225837226 https://aryion.com/g4/data/201829-22620.jpg/Rinnagata-201829-chunliavcammy3.jpg http://askserpentinepony.tumblr.com/post/173617242237/thank-you-to-reversalmushroom-for-the-ask http://societyofnight.tumblr.com/post/159756402280/light-honestly-is-that-all-ponies-know-about-us http://societyofnight.tumblr.com/post/169286962501/what-are-the-regenerative-capabilities-of https://ask-wizard-sunburst.tumblr.com/post/173483276754/honestly-these-asks-are-the-highlight-of-my-day https://78.media.tumblr.com/739544d93f89aeeaa3052bb3b2c1465a/tumblr_messaging_p82g7tJsBX1rubbaw_1280.png https://ask-wizard-sunburst.tumblr.com/post/169365996814/extra-friday-update-reversalmushroom-vv-zombie https://ask-wizard-sunburst.tumblr.com/post/169371043394/wait-wheres-his-horn http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/182117642254/ask-wizard-sunburst-some-mod-pony-doodles-to https://kazzmcsass.tumblr.com/post/189937431592/having-a-boyfriend-is-gay http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/66484568382/a-3d-printer-is-that-how-you-got-your-dick https://blurry-kun.tumblr.com/post/180414402251/what-happened-when-tirek-came-for-your-magic https://ask-midnightswirl.tumblr.com/post/181690045186/what-are-you-like-in-estrus http://command-a-pony.tumblr.com/post/150429550742 https://www.derpibooru.org/images/2389754 https://serasotta-bloodbayne.tumblr.com/post/170971367904/instantly-grow-your-form-to-the-size-of-the https://serasotta-bloodbayne.tumblr.com/post/171023632954/would-you-do-it-for-a-scooby-snack https://serasotta-bloodbayne.tumblr.com/post/171060666964/all-the-gods-just-told-me-they-want-you-to-do-it https://serasotta-bloodbayne.tumblr.com/post/171248853499/kills-sotta http://glapplebloom.tumblr.com/search/reversalmushroom http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/158870390654/iamstaticdust-static-shadows-can-merge-if-we https://askmotherlyluna.tumblr.com/post/174164048551/sombras-dad-what-would-happen-if-you-and-sombra https://ask-the-rockruffians.tumblr.com/post/177754905526/hes-back-hes-nasty-hes-the-polar-opposite-of https://bluemenace.tumblr.com/post/188638204170/speaking-of-strange-fetishes-i-have-opened-up-a https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/611737630997200896 https://ask-spiritwind.tumblr.com/post/183946315773/like-i-know-i-look-a-little-feminine-but-just-y http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/179968196339/sniffs-ur-butt http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/164896330189/what-do-you-think-of-peeing-in-butts-and-having http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/178406928424/what-do-you-think-of-peeing-in-butts-having-your https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/182889295439/askbananaswit-berry-isthmus-scum-mod-and-a http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/183201200289/what-do-you-think-of-having-your-butt-peed-in https://www.derpibooru.org/images/1759277 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/148165563809/quality-content-right-here https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/184543718534/what-happened-when-thanos-killed-half-of-all-life https://missromancedy.tumblr.com/post/188526590543/why-dont-you-possess-your-bat-self-and-simplify https://ask-deluxe-spark.tumblr.com/post/178862207360 https://ask-deluxe-spark.tumblr.com/post/178889764720 https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/179028434439/you-know-you-want-to https://ask-deluxe-spark.tumblr.com/post/179386838795 http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/44205356942/my-little-mod-blog-the-second-picture-i-made http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/65823604190/is-there-a-tale-of-personal-struggle-and-triumph http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/148408319589/thatsinside-my-little-mod-blog https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/150506755049/thatsinside-8ball-the-angry-marine http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/178810446659/dopeysexcorner-reversalmushroom-stream-artwork http://rarityfightingagiantapplebees.tumblr.com/ https://lilespressocafe.tumblr.com/post/182566593963/who-the-heck-is-reversalmushroom https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/186032412069/manaphony-i-always-consider-reversalmushroom http://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/183357537964/i-have-been-seeing-your-asks-for-years-and-i-feel https://reversalmushroom.tumblr.com/post/186044370659/i-think-you-might-almost-be-single-hoofedly https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/700487
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foreverkpop-net · 3 years
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ForeverKpop Network applications! Applications will stay open from the 14th-30th 11:59pm CEST of each month! Make sure to reblog this official post you're currently reading and follow the rules.
More information to be seen below.
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Member Applications
- must write or create visual content for at least one group.
- your works must be your own, we do not tolerate plagiarism.
- written works must include pairing, genre, warnings (no matter how small) and word count.
- every work exceeding 550 words must be under a keep reading/read more cut.
- any NSFW content must be under a keep reading/read more cut, no matter how small.
- you don't need to post within a certain time, we are all aware you have a life outside of tumblr.
- notify us of any URL changes, if you go on a hiatus or stop creating Kpop content.
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Staff Applications
- you must be 16 or older to apply for a staff position.
- queue moderators must be 18 or older.
- available positions are admin, queue mod, gfx & theme mod and event planners.
- admins make sure the net runs smoothly. They establish the rules and take care of any problems you might have. If you have any problems, questions or suggestions etc you reach out to an admin.
- queue mods track the network tag and queue all works that meet the requirements. Our queue will post 10 times a day.
- gfx & theme mods/creators are in charge of creating graphics for the network.
- event planners stay in close touch with the admins to come up with cool projects for the members of the network. Event planners also closely communicate with gfx & theme mods/creators for graphics.
- once you've been accepted as a staff member, you will receive an email to join the blog. If you face problems with that, please contact Admin Chi (@chxngyunie) to resolve this issue.
- if you have any questions before applying as a staff member, contact any of the admins. (Admin Yuki, Admin Charlie (@donghanies) or Admin Eve (@hoshiwhxre))
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Apply as an Affiliate
to make things easy, please send us the following information in order to be considered as an affiliate!:
1. network name.
2. your info. — your name, blog (@username) we can contact you through, + your network position (admin, mod, etc.) (we please ask that you have permission from an admin to send in an application before you do so!)
3. network url. — (__.tumblr.com)
4. network icon image link. — (on browser, right click and hit ‘open image in other tab’ for the link!)
5. link to the network’s official post
6. links to any ongoing events for them to be reblogged after acceptance.
7. any other necessary info!
once you have applied: you will receive a direct message from an admin, confirming or denying your request to become affiliated with the network. We will then send you a link to our official post, network icon link, and any other resources! Thank you for applying, and we hope to become affiliates soon!
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