the-kipsabian · 1 year
had a mcfucking panic attack jfc
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hwangism143 · 5 months
𓆩♡𓆪 nicknames. 𓆩♡𓆪
hyung line.
han jisung.
"good morning my pookie wookie snuffle bear."
you look at jisung in confusion, wondering what the hell just came out of jisung's mouth. he was hunched over his cereal when he said, "oh. i couldn't think of one nickname, so i decided to give you them all!"
soon, what seemed like an irritation, became another thing for you to look forward to during your day. you woke up every morning wondering what crazy nickname jisung was going to give you the next day.
the prize however, went to 'better than felix's brownies and any lemon meringue pie.' you really regretted introducing jisung to baking reality tv.
"you do-" jisung hesitated, "you do like these nicknames, right? like they don't annoy you?"
"no," you giggle, "they don't."
placing your forehead on jisung's, you ease his tensions by saying, "i like them. but not as much as i like you."
lee felix.
felix paced around in agitation. "okay, now i feel bad," you whined, "i didn't even put this much thought into a nickname for you. everyone called you sunshine, so i did too!"
"aw, don't feel bad," felix called out in his restless stupor.
you walk over to him and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your chin on his shoulder. initially, he is tense until he relaxes against you and lets out a sigh.
"hey," you say softly, "it's ok."
"no," replies felix, "it's not. it's like a relationship rite of passage."
you roll your eyes at him. "felix. you help me grow and bring out the best in me. that's proof enough of you love. you don't need a nickname to show it as well."
but felix is lost in thought. he mutters something under his breath and he turns to face you, visibly lighting up.
"that's it! i'm sunshine and i help you grow, so that means that you're my..."
you initiate a little drumroll with your feet.
"sunflower!" he finishes triumphantly.
kim seungmin.
"we need to talk."
your heart sunk into your stomach the moment he voiced those four words. nothing ever good came from a conversation succeeding that ill-fated sentence.
"what is it," you ask, hoping he doesn't notice the nervousness in your voice.
"we have to talk about the terms and conditions of our relationship."
"we had a contract?" you ask in confusion.
seungmin looks at you with a glint of mischief in his eyes, "an unspoken one, yes. as per what's prescribed, i need to have a nickname for you. i do not, however, have a nickname for you."
relief washes over you, soon replaced by a little bit of exasperation. who on earth would start a conversation so simple with a sentence so daunting? kim seungmin, that's who.
ah, you were in love.
"well," you ask promptly, "what's my nickname?"
"i have thought a lot and," seungmin smirked, "you don't deserve one."
"hey," you laugh, "that's not fair!"
"but you love me either way, sweetheart."
yang jeongin.
"i have made an extremely important decision," jeongin announced promptly. he walked over to you and sat down, a wide smile adorning his face.
"innie, you said that yesterday when you finally decided between glazed or barbecued chicken after pondering over it for twenty minutes," you reply endearingly. jeongin had a bit of a... indecisiveness problem.
"but, honey, really," a smirk started to play on his lips.
"honey? that's new," you ask in confusion. the way he said it with a low tone made warmth (and ungodly thoughts) seep into your body.
"exactly, yeobo," he said, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest.
"so. what was the decision," you're beginning to get slightly impatient, your curiosity getting the best of you.
"from now onwards," he haughtily proclaims, "you are no longer to be referred to as y/n. you are now christened as honey or yeobo, depending on my mood."
you laugh into his chest, mocking his extremely poor british accent and blushing at his newfound names for you.
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The End (The Surprise, Part 25)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of afab body parts, baby times, emotional times, explicit language (let me know if I've missed anything!) Word count: 2.3k
Summary: Everything you've ever wanted, everything Emily's ever wanted–it's happening. ❤️
NOTE: You guys 😭😭😭 I've literally had so much fun writing this series! I know it's not the end end. I'll keep adding chapters as I feel like it. But still. This is a bittersweet one to finish up. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. ❤️
The End
You blinked awake, and it was as if your senses, your body itself, were restarting after a hard reboot. Your brain couldn’t quite catch up with the bright lights, the beeping of the machines, the throbbing pain below your belly…
Your breath caught in your throat. Your belly. It had shrunk, not completely, but it was empty, you knew. You coughed and winced, glancing around the room so quickly you made yourself dizzy, your brain seemingly unable to take in any of the visual information. You felt tears spring to your eyes, a cold panic seize your chest; you could hear your heart rate monitor beep faster, more urgently, until alarms were going off. Where was the baby!? Something was wrong, something had gone terribly, terribly wrong. She was gone. She was lost.
But, then, something familiar, finally. A voice you recognized. Emily’s: soft and gentle and comforting, the way she always sounded when you were scared and she was trying to calm you down. 
“Hey, hey,” she cooed, and your eyes swam as her face came into view. You were so confused and you felt sick and your stomach hurt and your baby… You choked out a sob and Emily gently grasped your face, kissing your eyelids. “It’s okay, honey. You’re okay.” She had huge, dark circles under her eyes, like she hadn’t been sleeping, and when your eyes focused, you could see that she was on the verge of crying, too. And that terrified you.
You couldn’t seem to get any words out, but managed to place your hand over your stomach, looking into Emily’s eyes to ask a question you weren’t sure you wanted the answer to.
Emily wiped tears from under your eyes and sniffled. “Baby, she’s fine. She’s just fine. She’s sleeping right there.” Emily pointed to the chair behind her. Beside it was an elevated box, an incubator, and inside, just barely poking out, you could see her skin, her little foot, minuscule and perfect.
You sobbed in relief and Emily kissed your forehead, wiping her own tears away before running a hand through your hair. “She’s okay, honey.” Her voice broke as she looked at you. “You scared us, you know that?”
You pulled Emily toward you, so you could press your forehead to hers, could just breathe her in. She was so relieved, had been so scared, her body literally shook with it. You kissed the side of her head, holding her close.
You cleared your throat and looked again at the incubator, shocked at how your stomach had shifted from being sick with worry to being sick with excitement.
“A girl?” you asked, voice hoarse from the anesthesia. Your eyes twinkled with mischief as you waited for Emily’s answer.
She nodded, grinning and shaking her head at the long-running joke. “You were right. You want to hold her?”
You nodded vigorously, trying to sit up further and wincing at the pain in your abdomen.
“Careful, careful!” Emily exclaimed, lunging forward to help you. “Be gentle with yourself, please, baby,” she insisted, watching you as if you could break at any moment.
Emily washed her hands thoroughly, then doused them in hand sanitizer before squirting an ungodly amount of sanitizer in her hands and bringing it to you. She rubbed it into your skin, then pulled your shirt open a bit so that your chest was exposed.
You waited, barely breathing, as Emily carefully pulled the incubator over. She opened the little door and reached in gingerly to grab the baby, cradling her carefully and kissing her forehead.
“Eve,” she whispered, voice thick with emotion. “Meet your mama, sweet pea.”
Emily’s eyes were full of tears again–and so were yours–as she carefully placed the sleepy baby on your chest. You sniffed, blinking tears away as you cradled your daughter’s tiny, warm body. Eve gurgled and wriggled and blinked her eyes open. She wrapped her hand around your pointer finger and you giggled. Nothing had ever felt more right, more perfect in the world, than Eve resting on your chest, than her little heart beating against yours, than holding her here while Emily sat propped on the bed beside you, running her hand through your hair and kissing your head every few moments.
“Hi, pretty girl,” you whispered to the baby. Eve coughed a bit and started to cry and you patted her back gently. “Oh, shh. It’s okay, Evie. You’re okay, baby girl.”
You weren’t sure how long you sat like that, you and Emily, just watching her, just beaming to one another every time Eve moved, every time she made a new adorable sound, every time she yawned or blinked or squeezed her little fists. But it wasn’t long enough. You didn’t know that you’d ever get enough of this.
Dr. Delgado came in and smiled at you all. “How are all my ladies doing this morning?”
You grinned so wide your cheeks hurt. You pressed your hand into hers and looked into her eyes. “Thank you. So much.”
“You’re welcome,” she said, and by her voice you could tell she really meant it. “Now, Y/N, you lost quite a bit of blood during the c-section and the resulting surgery to repair your uterine lining. I’m terribly sorry to have to tell you this, but… you will not be able to have more children.”
Emily squeezed your shoulder, and both she and Dr. Delgado waited a bit, as if waiting for you to break down. But you didn’t feel sad, at least not right now. You had Eve. You and Emily had a child. That’s what you had set out wanting, and that’s what you had. You couldn’t imagine needing anything or anyone else besides the two girls you had with you right now.
You nodded. “Okay.”
“It also might take a bit longer for your c-section incision to heal than most, since your body’s healing internal damage, too. All that to say, let Emily help you. Understood?”
“Understood,” you confirmed.
“Alright,” Dr. Delgado consulted her tablet. “Some official business now. Emily, now that Y/N’s awake, do you feel comfortable putting the name on the birth certificate?”
“I do,” she said, her hands never leaving you.
“Alright, so obviously, first name ‘Eve.’ Last name?”
“Prentiss,” you told her. You’d both decided that a long time ago.
“Any middle name?”
You looked at Emily and she nodded toward you. “Your call, honey. You won.”
You stared down at Eve’s sweet, crinkled face and smiled. “Julien.”
Emily sucked in a little breath beside you, furrowing her eyebrows when you looked at her.
You shrugged. “It’s can be a girl’s name. Your family should be a part of her name, too.”
“Eve Julien Prentiss,” Dr. Delgado repeated. “Is that right?”
You both nodded, and Emily planted a kiss on your cheek.
“Alright. She was born yesterday, August 24, at 5:42 AM. Four pounds, one ounce. 17.1 inches. All in all, she’s doing very well. I’d like to monitor her for at least 48 more hours and, ideally, I’d like her latching and breastfeeding, at least some, before you take her home, if we can make it happen. We can always supplement with formula as needed, though. Right now, she’s got a nasal cannula to help her breathe, but she’s doing very well with it, so I think we should have you guys home within the week, at most. Alright?” She set down the tablet and gestured toward you. “While I’m here, you want to try breastfeeding?”
“Yes!” you answered excitedly. “Please.”
Dr. Delgado handed you a moon-shaped pillow and placed it around your waist. “Okay. So we’re gonna send you home with one of these. It’ll help you stay comfortable, especially while you’re recovering. You’re gonna want to do what’s called a football hold while your incision is healing…”
She gingerly lifted Eve off your chest and positioned her under your arm, just like you were holding a football, and showed you how to hold her head up. “You’re gonna kind of lift the breast up,” Dr. Delgado explained. “And then you bring her to the nipple. You almost want her nose to touch the breast.”
You followed her instructions, using your other hand to press Eve toward your nipple. Emily watched behind you, her fingers rubbing the bottoms of Eve’s feet. You frowned a bit as the baby tried to squirm away, twisting her head.
“Here,” Dr. Delgado suggested. “Try squeezing the tissue around the nipple to make, like, a nipple sandwich. Then brush it against her mouth. She should kind of yawn… Yes! Just like that!”
Eve opened her mouth wide, and you gently pressed her toward your nipple, gasping softly as she took hold and began to suckle. Her little mouth was warm and firm against you.
You smiled and turned to Emily, who was looking at you like she might start crying again.
“Well, that was easy,” Dr. Delgado said, clapping her hands together. “I tell you what, if all babies latched that easily, new parents would spend half the amount of time in the hospital.” She stood and made some notes on her tablet before moving toward the door. “I’ll leave you all alone for a bit. She’ll unlatch when she’s done, you can burp her, and she’ll likely want to take a nap afterward.”
“Thank you, Dr. Delgado,” you called after her.
“Thank you!” Emily echoed.
When the three of you were alone again, Emily wrapped her arms around your neck from behind, planting kiss after kiss on the side of your face.
“Oh, honey, you look so beautiful,” she said, nearly breathless. “Both of you. You know what…”
Emily stood and rifled around in her purse for her phone. When she had it, she stood back and held it out, as if to take a photo.
“Hey!” you protested. “I thought we said no hospital pics!?”
Emily gave you a pointed look. “We said no labor photos. And I kept my word on that! Honey, you’re too pretty not to take a picture of. I mean, look at you!” Emily’s eyes were suddenly swimming again. “Look at my beautiful girls!”
You let Emily take her pictures, knowing that you’d probably be glad to have them later.
A few minutes later, as Emily was scrolling through the photos with a discerning eye–“Baby, do you mind if I post one of these? …Not the boob ones! Just one of the others? Oh! Could we take one of all three of us?” –Eve unlatched from your nipple and yawned, spilling milk out the side of her mouth, which you dabbed up with your hospital gown.
“Hey, Em,” you called to her. “Could you come here and take her for a second? I need to burp her, but I’ve got to move a little, my leg’s falling asleep.”
She was at your side faster than you could finish the request, lifting herself into the hospital bed next to you, and gently taking Eve from you.
“Okay,” you said, fighting off a yawn. The adrenaline of meeting your daughter was wearing off, and the exhaustion of meds and healing and new motherhood was hitting all at once. You tapped Emily’s arm. “I can take her back.”
“I can burp her, honey,” Emily told you, reaching slightly for a burp cloth and draping it over her shoulder. “Why don’t you rest for a while?”
“Are you sure?” you asked, already lowering yourself, slowly, painfully, so that your face rested on Emily’s lap.
“I’m sure,” she said, running one hand through your hair while the other tapped rhythmically against Eve’s back. “It’s not just you now, honey. I can finally pull my weight.”
You squeezed her thigh, smiling against her. “Oh, Em. Baby, you’ve pulled more than your weight. The whole time.”
Before you had the chance to say anything else, you were conked out. So conked out that you were drooling, even snoring a bit. Emily smiled and shook her head at you.
Eve let out a burp that seemed almost too big for her body, and Emily chuckled. “Oh, good job, sweet pea,” she whispered, kissing Eve’s head. “That was a big one. Let’s not wake up Mama, though.” Emily patted Eve’s back for a bit longer, then noticed the deepening of the baby’s breath, the rise and fall of her tiny chest. Eve was asleep, too.
Emily watched you both, her heart filled with so much love she thought it might burst. And to think, just 24 hours ago, she’d been so close to losing you both. She’d never been more thankful in her life, never more determined to keep people safe and happy than she was you and Eve.
In a moment of inspiration, she fished her phone out of her pocket, and held it above her head, positioning all three of you in the photo. You, curled asleep on her lap and Eve sleeping softly on her chest beneath her hand.
She typed out a caption for social media:
My girls ❤️
She couldn’t help it. You were, both of you, too good not to share. And she’d gotten about a million calls from the BAU, not to mention your mom and even her mom, asking for photos and updates. She pressed post and then threw the phone to the side, content for now just to be. She would never take you for granted again, knowing she could have lost everything yesterday. But instead, she had gained everything. Everything she’d ever wanted, here in this room, in this bed. Forever hers. Her girls. She was the luckiest woman in the world.
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 months
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon ☁️
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Finally, some more Bale!Bruce!! I'm sorry for starving you all </3
NSFW. proceed with caution. Make out sesh, thigh riding.
Bruce makes a request to do nothing for once. Who are you to refuse? But nothing turns into a passionate make out.
The order is here -> 🎂!
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"Don't you look like a sunshine today." The voice of your husband reached your ears, and when you looked up through tired eyes to glare at him, he only grinned back at you from behind the rim of his coffee mug.
"Oh, shush." You grumbled sleepily, brushing past his sitting form and ruffling his hair on the way.
Bruce scoffed softly at your antics, knowing very well that you knew how much he hated having his hair messed up. Quickly, he reached out his arm and managed to land a gentle slap on your ass.
You squeaked and scrambled to get his arm away from you. Bruce chuckled mischievously, grinning as he lifted the mug to his lip to take another sip.
You, on the other hand, dragged yourself to the big counter to make your usual morning pick-me-up. There was silence between the both of you as you enjoyed your beverage with a soft hum.
"... you started it." His sly comment made a small gasp fell from your lips as you clutched your chest.
"You're on thin, thin ice, Mister." You warned, pointing your finger at him accusingly.
He only smiled back at you widely, a smile that both made you want to kiss his cheeks and hit him over the head with a frying pan. You know, the average marital experience.
Bruce put his cup down with a clink, right next to the latest edition of the Gotham Gazette, before sauntering over to you, wordlessly wrapping his arms around you and pressing a sweet kiss to your temple.
"Good morning, sweetheart." He said softly, resting his chin in your shoulder.
"That's better." You huffed, a smile breaking onto your cheeks.
Bruce hummed in response and let his eyes fall shut as he gently swayed the both of you from side to side. The tile was cold against your feet and the summer breeze that brushed in through the big, open doors facing the beautiful garden belonging to the Manor made goosebumps rise on your skin.
"What are your plans for today?" He asked before pressing a featherlight kiss to your shoulder.
You chuckled softly, twisting your body to face him with his arms still firmly around your waist.
"Well, it seems like you have plans for me today." You smirked at him, stroking your hand down his soft brown locks.
He let put an amused huff and straightened his back to his full height.
"Maybe I do." He grinned, spinning you around to face him.
You barely had enough time to put down your drink.
"A warning next time?" You raised your brow at him, your arms crossing over your chest.
"Sorry, honey." He chuckled, though you knew these little moments of mischief were what kept the little boy inside him alive.
You rolled your eyes playfully.
"So, your plans?"
"I figured we can just do.... nothing. I don't know when the last time was that I did nothing." He mused.
Your expression softened.
"Nothing means lying on the couch all day, slipping into the occasional nap until we wake up at an ungodly hour and eat way too much food?" You asked with a grin, tilting your head and watching as a smile spread over his lips.
"I didn't know my lovely girl was a mind reader." He joked, gently flicking you on the forehead.
You scrunched up your nose in response. Bruce chuckled.
"And here I thought you knew me, Mr. Wayne." You sighed with faux disappointment, before you gave him a soft smile.
"D'you want me to get the good pillows from upstairs?" You whispered playfully, like a child hiding something from their parents.
Or, in your case, a very loved british butler that has chastised you too many times already for bringing the Manor and his housekeeping system into disarray.
"You're perfect." He replied, gently taking your chin between his fingers and pecking you on the lips.
You giggled against his lips, reaching your hand up to pinch his cheek.
"If you keep going with those compliments it'll get to my head." You smiled.
"I have always been one to spoil the ones I love." He smirked, nuzzling into the palm of your hand.
A chuckle fell from your lips.
"Lucky me, that I get to call you mine." You hummed, stroking your thumb over his cheekbone.
Before he could respond, you cut him off.
"I'd be even luckier if you could get breakfast ready while I fetch those pillows...." you trailed off, averting your eyes.
Bruce pinched your side and slightly shook his head at you with a smile.
"I think Alfred prepared something."
You sighed in relief.
"Thank God. We don't need you burning the kitchen down." You chuckled, twisting out of his embrace and making your way upstairs.
"Now, excuse me-"
He started with a scoff, but a sharp look from you made him snap his jaw shut.
Bruce grumbled and turned to plate whatever delicious meal Alfred had made. You giggled all the way up the stairs.
"I love you!" You called out, earning a grumbly "Yeah, Yeah." With a huff.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
After a delightful breakfast you were splayed out on the luxurious couch in Bruce's arms. Your belly was comfortably full and the cushions felt like clouds as you watched his face, carefully tracing his handsome features with your eyes.
His chest was falling and rising with soft breaths, and his eyelashes gently brushed the top of his cheeks. He wasn't quite sleeping, but in a relaxed state that would rest him nonetheless.
You continued to admire him, running your finger from his temple over his cheekbone all the way to his jaw. A pleasant hum rumbled in his chest as his eyes opened, and he smiled at you softly.
You smiled back at him, a smile so sweet Bruce could feel his heart melt into the crevices of his ribcage.
There was no need for words when you guided his face to your own and pressed your lips to his in a gentle and passionate kiss. Like an automated response, his arms snaked around you in a tight grip, one of his hands cupping the back of your head.
It was a dance of teeth and tongue with a harmony of soft sighs and hums that bounced off of each other. Your arms wrapped around his neck, and with his help, you maneuvered yourself onto his lap.
Before you could sit down properly, he pushed one of your thighs to the side, making you slip and sit directly on one of his. You gasped into his mouth at the sudden pressure against your pussy.
The hand on the back of your head wove its fingers into your hair and tugged lightly, making a soft moan fall slip past your lips. Bruce only pushed you further into him, your noses bumping each other occasionally as he deepened the kiss.
He was practically devouring you, licking into your mouth and tugging at your puffy lips with his teeth. Y
ou managed to pull away for a breath, lust glistening in Bruce's eyes as he took in the state of you.
Panting above him, red lips, dilated pupils with disheveled hair. To him, you looked like heaven. He leaned in, brushing his lips against your ear.
"Ride, baby." He said lowly, and you had to try your hardest to bite back the mewl that was sitting in the back of your throat.
He planted one of his hands on your hip, gently starting the movement of you rubbing yourself all over his thigh. You didn't hesitate to grind your aching cunt down onto his leg, soft moans spilling from your lips.
He groaned when you tugged at his hair to capture his lips in a feverish kiss once again. You sped up your movements, squeezing your eyes shut at how deliciously your panties felt against your clit and folds.
Bruce was only pushing you further in the direction of your orgasm by pushing you down on his thigh with his hand, chuckling into the sloppy kiss when your breath hitched in your throat.
The sensation was overwhelmingly good, setting all your nerves on fire. He swallowed up all your moans and groans, the sighs, and whatever other divine noises you were making.
He pulled away briefly, his chest heaving same as yours, as he whispered in your ear.
"Just like that."
Your hips stuttered, and you mewled, tightly grasping onto him. You were rutting against his thigh like the neediest thing in the world, only reaching your peak of pure ecstasy when he kissed you once more.
Your movements became sloppy, and with a last cry into his awaiting mouth, you came undone.
Your breath was shaky, your thighs quivering as he gently helped you through your high.
With a heaving chest, your forehead glistening with a thin layer of swear fell to his shoulder. You felt leaden, all your limbs pulling you down.
"You did so good for me, my love." Bruce cooed, rubbing your back.
You collapsed onto his chest.
"Need a nap.." you slurred, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
He chuckled, brushing some stray strands of hair out of your face before pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"Get some rest, sweetheart. I've got you."
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I hope ya liked it! 😚
More Bale!Bruce -> 💫
《DC taglist》: @allysunny @arkhamknightscxnt @hellonheels-x @gaozorous-rex-blog
Lmk if you want to be added/removed!!
DC taglist: Bale!Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson.
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yourmomxx · 1 year
car’s outside (but I don’t wanna go tonight)
sam winchester x reader
summary: sam feels bad because he’s always away on hunts. you reassure him
warnings: angst, fluff, insecure sam
word count: 1.3k
requested by @fuiabarcelos
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Sam came home when the hand of the clock showed way past midnight. You would like to say you noticed, but you didn’t. Like every other night, you had waited up until late for your boyfriend to return, but as much as you missed him, you had to fall asleep at some point.
Sam was quiet when he entered the bedroom. For a moment, when he saw you, he just froze and leaned against the threshold. The lack of moonlight was no obstacle for him to make out your figure under the bedsheets, curled up toward his side of the bed, leaving space as if he was there.
Sam was careful when he lifted the covers and slid under them, like a silent breeze drifting through a window.
He shuffled closer to the warmth of your body, wrapping one arm around you. In sleep, you let out a noise and scooted closer to him, pressing against his side and resting the palm of your hand over your heartbeat, just as the two of you always did.
Just like he had never left.
You weren’t an early bird. Usually, Sam was. He went out for runs, or just left bed early to get more of his day, but whenever he was home with you – which seemed to be a lot fewer times lately – you tried your best to let him sleep in.
He barely got four hours of rest anyway while he was with Dean, so whenever you could, you let him take as much time as possible. Sam always claimed to have a sort of inner clock that woke him up at ungodly times anyways, but whenever he shared a bed with you, that clock seemed to be muted.
You were preparing breakfast when Sam came down the stairs. It didn’t matter what time it was, because you were two grown adults living in your own place, and you could very well decide at what time of day to eat what, thank you very much.
Some eggs and bacon were sizzling in the pan, as two strong arms wrapped around your waist from behind. You felt the soft tickle of Sam’s breath against your skin, and the start of a stubble, while he pressed light, whispered kisses over your naked shoulder.
“Sorry I stayed away longer than I said I would,” Sam apologized softly next to your ear, voice still rough and drunken from sleep.
You blindly raised a hand to his head behind you and began scratching his scalp. Sam hummed into the crook of your neck.
“It’s okay baby,” you reassured him quietly.
“Hm, ‘s not,” Sam mumbled. Without a warning, his hold around your body tightened, and he lifted you up, twirling you around and placing you down on top of the kitchen isle. You yelped in surprise, naked thighs unsuccessfully shying away from the cold stone plate.
The freezing feeling was fast forgotten, when Sam dashed forward, hands supported on either side of your body, pressing his lips into yours.
A surprised grunt slipped past your lips when you pushed your mouth back into his. Sam’s lips felt chapped, and dry, maybe a bit bloody. They felt like the best kiss you’d ever gotten.
“Sam, the eggs are going to burn.” You protested when he pulled back to gasp for air.
Gaze fixated on you, Sam reached behind him, grabbed the dial, and swiftly turned it from a 6 to a 0. He smiled up at you, pure mischief blinking in his eyes.
“You’re insufferable,” You said, but the grin on your lips took away all the power behind it. Sam merely hummed and leaned in closer to you again. You met him halfway.
This kiss was softer, slower. An appreciation of the other’s presence and basking in it, rather than the kiss of reunion from before. You didn’t mind.
Sam had always felt perfectly shaped for you, in any way one could imagine. From the first day, he had known your lips like he had mesmerized them from an earlier life, and when he shared a bed with you, his arms hugged your body in just the way to make you feel harbored.
“How was the hunt?” You whispered. Sam’s head was resting in the crook of your neck again, as you pressed your cheek into his hair and carded your fingers through the dark strands.
Sam grunted. “I’ll never get used to you so casually asking that.”
A soft laugh escaped your throat.
Sam shifted and looked at you. “It was good,” He answered. “Missed you, though.”
He pecked your lips. You pouted. “I missed you too, baby.”
Something dark crossed Sam’s face. The corners of his mouth fell.
“You know, it’s days like these I wish I wouldn’t have to do this,” He admitted to you.
You nodded in understanding. “I know.”
Sam furrowed his eyebrows. “How can you live with this so easily? With me? I would’ve kicked myself out months ago.”
Your thumb softly smoothed out the worried line of his eyebrow. “Sam, what you and Dean do out there is so important,” You remind him. “You save people. And you love doing it.”
Sam shook his head, unconvinced. “Why are you being so understanding about this? Why can’t we fight, and you can you just yell at me to stay?”
“Would you?”
Sam didn’t answer, just averted your eyes at the question.
“Exactly.” You smiled softly. “Sam, I know I couldn’t keep you from this. And that’s why I would never ask you to give it up. I would never make you choose.”
“But it’s not how this should be. How we should be. I.” He touched his forehead softly against yours.
“Always one foot out the door. It’s not what you deserve.”
“Maybe not. But I know how much it means to you. Being out there, saving people, being with your brother. And I would never keep you from that.” You added.
Sam’s eyes flashed with an offer. “Then come with me.”
You softly shook your head. “You know you can’t ask that of me.”
He bowed his head again. “I know, I-“ He sighed. “I’m sorry.”
You tilted his chin up to look at you. His eyes were liquid, glistening in the dim light of your kitchen like warm copper. “Hey. You didn’t let me finish before.”
Your thumbs caressed his cheek, your hands holding up his head. “Maybe it is not what I deserve. But it is what I want.” You leaned closer to him. “You are what I want, Sam Winchester.”
Sam leaned his forehead against yours. “You are what I’ll always want.”
For a moment, you closed your eyes. You felt your breathing through the silence of the kitchen, the rising and sinking of your chest, and how it accommodated to move the same as Sam’s.
You felt the beating of a heartbeat. You couldn’t say if it was Sam’s, or yours. They beat the same.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He whispered. You grinned.
“You bring me souvenirs from every town you go in.”
“That’s nothing.”
You lean back and look at him. “For me, it’s everything.”
Sam’s eyes dart in-between yours, and the look that burned in them was so sincere, it almost made his heart ache. Dean had called you a witch once, Sam just called it love.
He wrapped you into another kiss.
You spent a lot of time kissing that morning.
The eggs were already cooled down by the time you served them, and the bacon was no longer crispy, but it didn’t matter. Sam was too captivated by being back home with you, to pay that much mind to the food anyway.
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knottyk · 2 years
It Can Wait
Pairing: Eddie x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie spend a rainy morning together. Eddie is a silly goose who you can’t help but tolerate. 
Word Count: 1.1k
tags: extreme fluff, domestic mornings with eddie, established relationship, cuddles, kissing, sexual implications, a dot of smut (let me know if i missed anything)
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Most mornings, you wake to Eddie’s empty side of the bed and sometimes, he’d wake up to yours. 
At night, you crash from exhaustion and he arrives with you already in deep slumber, just squeezing himself to whatever space he could take. 
With his late night gigs at the bar, early shifts at the shop and your whole day spent at work, you barely catch each other awake. 
But this morning is a wonderful exception. 
He grips your waist and pulls you closer, your face levelled with his neck. 
You snake your hand under his chin and rest it on his temple, arm resting on the length of his face, swirling your fingers where his hair meets his skin. 
You look like tangled ropes but you inhale his scent and enjoy his warm exhales. There’s a hint of beer and tobacco from the night before and an earthly undertone but you don’t mind. 
The blanket is splayed mostly on the floor now, your body heat mixed with his is enough to warm the room. Faint pitter patter of the rain against the window panes lull you lightheaded and your mind is free from the list of things pulling you awake. 
It feels like a dream. 
The mattress is cold in parts your skin haven’t touched and there is some relief when you extend your leg and swipe your arm at the expanse of the empty spaces. 
Your shirt rides up and his index and middle finger walk up like a tiny figure towards your exposed tummy where he rests his palm flat. The warm handprint on your lower belly spread and tingle on your skin while you stretch. 
“Can we just stay like this,” He grunts as he nestles his chin on top of your head, his shirtless figure smooth against your own. “Forever?” 
You chuckle and feel the rumble of his chest. 
“We’ve got mouths to feed.” You kiss the base of his neck and lay your hand on his chest, nails scratching at the little bumps on his skin and running them over his fuzz. 
“We’re the only mouths to feed. Besides, I can think of other ways to keep full.” He pulls away and looks at you, his chin doubling at the position of his face.
Catching the traces of mischief in his suggestive expression, you fake a pout, scrunch your brows and squint your eyes. He mirrors you and snatches a peck on your cheek.
One on the left, the right and then countless around your face until he has you bubbling in laughter. When your laughter dies down, he captures your lips in his in the most gentle manner. 
He’s like cotton or a soft feather pillow against your lips but you push him away and dig your chin towards your chest. He slightly perks up on his elbow and watches you with confusion. 
“Morning breath.” You manage to get out through tight lips. 
Then, Eddie laughs a deep, hearty laugh. He bellows with his head thrown back into the pillow and you wonder why. 
You watch as he calms before speaking again, brown eyes on you with a lingering smile. “I held you hair back at ungodly hours at night after your night outs and I’ve held your hand in the bathroom after that trip to the spicy ass Mexican restaurant.” 
You wince at the memory and he kisses your forehead. “Morning breaths won’t scare me away, promise.” 
And you giggle again while pushing his face away when he speaks in a breathy voice aimed at your nose, each word with an unnatural hiss. “Good. Morning. Sweet. Hhheart.” 
“Eddie!” You squeal and try to get away from him but he has you locked by the waist. 
You thrash against the pillows as his fingers dig at your sides, knocking over a frame on your bedside table. Eddie continues as you practically crawl out of his caged arms, still breathing exaggeratedly at your face. 
Growing tired, you cover your face to shield it from him but pries it open. You give up after a few tugs. He kisses you again and this time you don’t budge. 
He pecks the corner of your smily lips and nestles in the crook of you neck, kissing your jaw. 
The room falls silent, save for the soft, steady breathing and the raindrops on the roof. You almost drift back to sleep if not for the shrill ringing of your alarm clock. 
Eddie hugs you tighter. “Don’t go.” He mumbles, his leg trapping yours underneath. 
“If only I could.” 
Eddie stays in his position and dramatically sighs when you pry his arms away. 
You get up and take off your shirt to put on a bra. For a moment, he watches you shamelessly and consciousness creeps up on you so you turn your back towards him. 
With a chuckle, he pushes himself off the bed and goes behind you. You gasp as he cups your breasts in his hands. 
“We can just go around town like this. I can be your bra.” He stops for a second. “Now I’m really a supportive partner. Y’know since I’m supporting yo-“
You cut him off with an attempt at firmness in your voice. “Eddie, no.” But you fail at containing yourself. 
He nudges your legs with his knee to make you start walking and you laugh, head falling on his shoulders as you step wonkily with his guide. 
“Beep boop. Beep boop.” He marches with a fake and deep robot voice. “See, like a well-oiled machine.” 
He stops in front of the floor length mirror and just stares at you with a love sick smile. You sigh contentedly as you close your eyes, head still on his shoulder. He kisses your exposed neck, hands still supporting your breasts. 
Mornings like this held a special place in your mind, reserved for days when you don’t feel like yourself. When the weight of the world is pressing down on you and leaving tomorrow tainted with no hope. Simple moments like these with Eddie were easy and make life worth living for.
You bask in the moment of peace before opening your eye sharply when his innocent grasp crept up to your hardened buds and slowly caught it in between his fingers. 
With one eye open, you see him already waiting for your reaction with a playful grin as he worked his index and thumb. 
“Eddie!” You swat his hands but hours later, your phone rings endlessly.  
You are tangled up in a jumble of limbs while catching your breath; chest pounding, head spinning and heart full of love. 
The rest of the world can wait.
a/n: this must be the sweetest and most teeth rotting fluff I’ve ever written in my entire literate existence. I hope you like it :)) (oh, and my first time writing in present tense, yes it’s an achievement.) I’m currently experiencing this head-splitting headache and achy muscles so i wish i can cuddle with eddie but alas, we can’t have it all. this is all the world can give me and i cannot complain.
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gyutarling · 9 months
late night adventures with beomgyu...
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♯ — beomgyu x gn!reader ⋆ fluff ⋆ wc 1.7k
warnings! — cursing, mentions of burning things, mentions of ghosts and death, catcher in the rye slander (not srs if u like that book thats cool!), a little pretentious, jokes about dating a senior citizen, lowercase intended, not proofread
note — went ballistic after gyu made an insta..... save me manic pixie dream boy..... save me....
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“gyu, where are we even going?” you enquired. frankly, you were still a little grumpy from being woken up at 3 in the morning, with beomgyu outside your window holding your shoes, wordlessly telling you to follow him.
when no reply came after several pauses, you glanced over next to you, only to find him completely zoned out. you were about to open your mouth to snap at him, patience spreading thin from the sleepiness, but then he smiled.
“the library, we’re sneaking in.” he turned his eyes back to the road ahead after making eye contact with you, mischief still heavy on his cheeks.
what he said took you a few seconds longer to process. “oh, okay— wait. what?!” in your befuddled state, you stopped in your tracks, “what do you mean by ‘sneaking in’? why the library?” honestly, you were more surprised that you didn't have more questions, but then again, this is beomgyu, you wouldn't put something like this past him.
beomgyu casually fixed his bangs, “sneaking in as in, we’re gonna not-so-legally enter the library like, right now.” he stopped in front of said building, you didn’t even notice you had been walking for so long. “and the library because there's a book i wanna burn.”
you almost shouted out a question, if not for beomgyu placing his hand over your mouth when he saw you staring at him with wide eyes. “hush! we might get caught!” his hand dropped after he felt your tongue touching his palm, “gross! anyway, do you have a paperclip i can borrow? kinda need to pick this lock before we do the actual ‘sneaking in’ part.” he held out his hand as he inspected the lock.
“what the fuck? are you insane?!” you opted for whisper shouting instead. you take it back, just when you thought he couldn't get any crazier, he proves you wrong with his stupidly perfect smile that seems to grow wider with each late night adventure. “first of all, why did i have to come with? could you not have done this yourself? i don’t wanna get in trouble again.” you said with a roll of your eyes.
“this is a two-person operation! besides, it’s more fun this way. so sorry in advance if i do get us into trouble,” beomgyu whispered back, and by the dimple peeking out from his smirk, you can tell he didn’t mean his apology.
you let out a relenting sigh and handed him a paperclip, “okay, but second of all, what book got you so enraged that you just had to sneak into the town library at such an ungodly hour just to steal and burn it?”
“it’s not like it enraged me, i mean, books are supposed to make you feel intense things, so i would have liked it if it did enrage me,” beomgyu mindlessly spoke while fidgeting with the paperclip, “it’s ‘the catcher in the rye’, borrowed and finished it recently, and i don’t know, the main character is just such a whiny ass bitch boy. he’s got this whole self-loathing, self-aware hypocrite persona going on, and throughout the book he pretty much just talks and drinks and pities himself. i think the author tried to make him too relatable, to the point that he became unrealistic, if that makes sense,” he rambled on, “the only part i liked was near the end, the part with his sister was actually pretty well-written.”
“so you are enraged,” you couldn’t help but giggle at his mini rant, “you’re cute when you ramble, by the way.”
“hm, i’d say the word would be ‘unimpressed’, i just don’t like it.” he pretended to inspect the lock closer, yet still failing miserably at hiding his reddening cheeks. a few minutes after poking and moving the paperclip around inside the keyhole, you heard a click, and seconds later, you two were inside the pitch dark library. “alright, we’re in. the rest should be fairly easy.”
“hold on, one more question,” you realised as you took out your phone for the flashlight, “why didn’t you just do this when you still had the book? why did you have to return it and then come back?” you were too far into the theft and arson two-person operation to be angry at beomgyu for dragging you into it at this point. you were happy to be hanging out with him anyway.
“hey, this might make me a criminal, but i’m not a heathen. i return my shit, never had an overdue book in my entire life,” beomgyu bragged, “mrs. librarian is basically my best friend.”
“and yet you don’t know her name?” you laughed at his antics.
“i believe in the magic of mystery,” he said in an exaggerated fancy accent, “besides, names and such formalities are for first dates, which i might score one soon, heard her husband’s been out a lot.”
“gross, dude! she’s like 78!” you couldn’t help but to playfully shove him.
“and yet she remains such a radiant beauty, her prune-like visuals never fail to amaze me!” beomgyu emphasised even more, and you both couldn’t help but let out loud laughs you weren’t supposed to.
“how romantic, even shakespeare wouldn’t have been able to be as eloquent as you. save it for her, though, i don’t wanna hear about how you’re into an old, saggy woman who’s pushing 80.”
as the laughter died down, you two decided to split up to look for the object of beomgyu’s hatred. you were a little unsettled by the dark, this was a library after all, a very fitting place for a victorian ghost to haunt.
just when you were about to let out a breathy laugh at your own absurd thoughts, you heard a creaking noise. you quickly turned off your phone’s flashlight, this was it, you always knew beomgyu would lead to your downfall by baiting you to some supernatural entity. he probably made a deal with the devil and offered up your soul. no, scratch that, beomgyu is the devil himself—
“boo!” you let out a squeak and fell backwards, startled as you saw beomgyu with his flashlight shining from below his face. you breathed heavily, trying to catch up with the shock as he let out silent cackles. beomgyu might be even more evil than the devil.
“oh man, you should’ve seen your face!” he spitted out between laughter, but that abruptly stopped when you two heard the jingle of keys. you looked at beomgyu, panic still in your eyes, but for a different reason this time. you were still on the ground when he helped you up and dragged you to a corner, sandwiched between two bookshelves as he covered your mouth.
you didn’t know if you were dizzy from being out of breath, or the distance (or the lack thereof) between you and beomgyu. one hand covering your mouth, one hand on your waist to keep you steady, his equally fast breaths on your cheek. if you weren’t insane enough already, he gave you a reassuring squeeze, and leaned his forehead on yours from exhaustion. you wanted to stay like this forever.
of course, your dazed moment was interrupted by the lights of the library turning on, and then came the sound of approaching footsteps. your anxiety returned, and beomgyu glanced to the side just to quickly turn back.
“change of plans. fuck the book, we’re booking it.” he smiled. honestly, how can he have time for word play in such a predicament?
“what—” at that, he grabbed your hand and bolted out from between the shelves. you could hear the shouting of someone, presumably the security guard, but the buzzing adrenaline was louder. beomgyu hurriedly bursted through the doors that you both came in from, with your hands still connected, then down the streets. your legs burned, but at that point, you two were laughing like crazy. in the small, empty neighbourhood, well into the night, you swore you could take on anything if you had beomgyu by your side.
slowing down, he continued to hold onto your hand as you came to a stop. inhaling and exhaling rapidly, the rush died down and you noticed the delicate snowflakes that nipped at your skin. beomgyu seemed to notice as well, he stood up straight and stared upwards, mesmerised by the fluttering whiteness.
“it’s the first snow,” he mumbled, “you know, they say that seeing the first snow together with someone means you’ll be with them forever, and any wishes you make will come true.” he looked back at you, and you found yourself admiring his twinkling eyes.
“that’s pretty,” you smiled at him, “did you wish for anything?”
“yeah, i wished that you were mrs. librarian instead— hey, ow! i’m kidding!” beomgyu dramatically rubbed his arm after you very lightly and playfully punched him.
“moment ruined.” you said, unimpressed as beomgyu giggled.
a comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you continued watching the snow, it’s light enough to not be too cold, but cold enough for beomgyu to pull you closer to him, close enough for the moment to feel real.
“sorry you didn’t get to take out your burning anger on the book.” you slightly chuckled as you remembered the events of the night.
“it’s alright, didn’t matter too much to me,” he shrugged, “i didn’t even hate the book that much, just wanted an excuse to drag you out with me.”
you looked at him, stupefied, “so you couldn’t just ask me to hang out during the day like a normal person? what if that security guard was secretly a victorian ghost protecting the library? and what if said ghost happened to die from a thief who burned their house down?” you started exaggerating to show that you weren’t actually mad at him.
beomgyu jokingly scoffed at your silly rambling, “normal is boring, and from your whole spiel just now, you’re clearly not normal either, weirdo.” at that, you both smiled at each other.
beomgyu is truly beautiful, but especially when he smiles. the way his nose scrunches, pinkish from the cold, eyes turning into crescents with tiny sparkles in them. the way his lips curl up, matching the wispy ends of his soft-looking hair, framing his face perfectly. his smile is truly perfect.
in that moment, all you could feel was beomgyu and the world, both infinitely yours.
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PERMANENT TAGLIST (italics = can't tag!) @malswrldsworld (send an ask to be added!)
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soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
I am once again sick and tired of people downplaying Sirius's intelligence. I need more art where he is studying and reading and doing that smart nerd shit!!!!! Also if I see one more modern AU where Sirius is an influencer* or something I will start throwing things because he would not fucking do that.
(*i know that i have written one where he is BUT the whole point is that it didn’t make any sense and he was miserable)
no but literally— sirius would’ve been SUCH a big fan of free-time studying? he’s got everything he needs to know for school down pat, so he’s gonna look into more obscure magic for fun. he’s convinces james (very easily, i might add) to take the invisibility cloak into the restricted section and then they just sit there reading and taking notes all night. if they did discover the room of requirement while at hogwarts, sirius would’ve been in heaven: room for practice?? peace and fucking quiet?? private space to plan mischief?? FREE BOOKS?? good lord.
he’s SO clever. he likes being the smartest person in the room. he doesn’t suffer fools gladly. he’s got his own topics of interest that he can completely lose himself in when he’s on a research binge. as there’s no need for him to study the readings assigned in class — he knows all of that shit already — he’s going to do entirely unnecessary additional reading and he’s having the time of his life while he’s at it. his schedule is divided in eating time, homework time, class time, mischief time, staring-at-james time, and an ungodly amount of self-study. sirius is a NERD and a genius one at that, and he flat-out refuses to act shallow when he’s so clearly not; being bright and sharp and demeaning to others is an intrinsic part of him that he’s never going to let go of, not really.
influencer sirius would only be happy if he’s the video essay-kind of influencer. he’s delving into the academia. he’s writing 30 page theses and his vids are just him presenting them. he’s a model? he’s studying international law in his free time. he’s going to LEARN things (and look amazing while doing it). he needs the brain stimulation. he does difficult crosswords and sudokus when he can’t sleep, or at the breakfast table while his attention is thinly divided between three conversations and his cooling coffee. learning is as fun for him as making others feel stupid is.
we NEED more art of him being like this:
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but it all makes sense to at least james, and sometimes remus and peter when they’re sleep-deprived enough to keep up with him
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satans-helper · 3 months
Pretty Baby
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Jake Kiszka
Word Count: ~4500
Warnings: this is nothing but filthy PWP. I was just in the mood [slash, obviously; low-key sub!Jake & dom!Danny; dirty talking; oral sex; rimming; intercrural sex; light spanking, light choking]
18+ only <3 hope you enjoy!
Jake looked up in awe at the expanse of smooth, golden skin before him, his eyes traveling up the length of Danny’s torso gleaming with a fine layer of sweat, to the face of his bandmate that was so ungodly beautiful that he was already going weak in the knees. Before he’d stripped his upper half of clothing, Danny had looked even more ungodly–straight up devilish, actually, because of the seductive red and black he’d been adorned in on stage, the glitter and jewels dripping down his body and shining under all the lights. Sometimes it was so hard to stay focused with so much distraction. Thankfully, Jake didn’t have to try so hard anymore. Danny was right there in front of him, guiding every thought and every movement.
Beginning with Jake’s mouth. Danny cupped his chin, fingers splayed over his jaw as he tipped his head up. Jake was already on his knees between Danny’s spread legs, and his heart thumped with gratitude at Danny slowing things down and beckoning him to slide back up for a kiss. 
“Mmm,” Danny hummed against his mouth, strong arms circling his shoulders and keeping Jake in place. Not that he wanted to be anywhere else anyway.
Jake hooked his fingers in Danny’s sweat-dampened curls, tilting his head to perfectly match his lips; his own cock was already swelling in his pants, even more when Danny fully hauled him onto his lap, bringing their groins together. Jake let a moan escape when he felt Danny’s hands gripping his ass–the hold was already strong enough to bruise, and Jake’s cock twitched between them at the mere thought of the imprint of Danny’s fingers being locked into his skin. 
Danny pressed a kiss to his jaw, then pressed an array along his neck. Jake sighed and closed his eyes, reveling in the gentle affection of Danny’s talented mouth like velvet and eager hands still squeezing his ass. They’d done this exact thing enough times yet it never lost any allure for Jake–he waited for it every night they played, his dick tormented by a shallow, perpetual ache while his world was filled with the thunder of Danny’s drums. Each beat brought him one step closer to getting what he wanted, and when the curtain finally fell for real and they could whisk themselves away and shut the door, Jake was reminded every single time that it was all he ever wanted. 
“You were such a show-off tonight,” Danny said softly, his breath warm in Jake’s ear. It was the first time he’d said anything at all since they got off stage, and hearing his voice again sent a tingle up Jake’s spine. 
Jake moaned softly as Danny kissed his throat, then clarified, “In a good way or a bad way?”
“It’s always good,” Danny said, tilting his head back to look up at him. His hands down below gave another squeeze, blunt nails digging into the fabric of Jake’s pants. “You just seemed like you wanted some extra attention tonight.”
That was true, but not just from the audience. Jake rolled his hips into Danny’s body and tried to lean in for another kiss, but Danny pulled back, then suddenly there was a sharp slap against his ass, making him let out a high-pitched, surprised yelp.
“Right?” Danny pressed, just barely managing to slide his fingers past Jake’s tight waistband to press his nails into bare flesh instead of his pants. 
The spot that Danny had slapped still stung, yet Jake still briefly considered feigning brattiness to get another one. But looking into Danny’s deep and beautiful eyes that sparkled with just the right amount of mischief, he knew that he’d ultimately get all that he wanted with pure honesty just the same. 
“You’re right,” Jake admitted freely, pressing his hands against Danny’s chest. His thumbs ran through the smattering of coarse chest hair, his sternum a little damp with residual sweat too. “I’d say it’s quite obvious now that I’m always trying to get your attention.” 
One corner of Danny’s mouth curved up slightly–just barely enough to notice. “You’ve got it now, Jakey.” The hand down the back of Jake’s pants slid up his back and into his tangled hair, teasingly tugging. “What are you gonna do?” 
“Worship you,” Jake answered without hesitation, sliding his hands up from Danny’s chest to his broad shoulders, snaking one around the back of his neck. He wanted to kiss those sinful lips again but Danny tugged his hair harder, making Jake’s neck crane back, pulling him away. 
“You are very good at that,” Danny affirmed, and the praise made the warm, aching desire coil even tighter in Jake’s belly. He tried to shake out of Danny’s grasp, but that only made the hand in his hair pull so taut that Jake’s shoulders cracked and he couldn’t even see Danny clearly anymore. Instead, he was forced to blink up at the ceiling–so dull and boring compared to the sight he was being denied. 
“A little impatient?” Danny asked, maintaining his grip in Jake’s hair as he gave another fierce squeeze to his ass.
“Just a little. We don’t have all night,” Jake said, finally wincing at the sting of his scalp and the unnatural, forced angle his head and neck were at. 
“We could. I could keep you here all night if I wanted,” Danny replied, and Jake still had no idea exactly when his drummer became so filthy with his words and actions, but thank god the change had come. Jake had looked and fantasized from a distance for so long–he’d just never expected Danny to be like this when the fantasy had finally become reality. 
Jake whimpered both from the discomfort and Danny’s next words, spoken low in his ear: “I could tell everyone about what a desperate slut you are. Think they’d believe me?” Danny’s hand on Jake’s ass moved around to his crotch, squeezing his junk–hard. It made him buck and gasp. 
“I don’t know,” Jake said, no longer feeling able to be very coherent. 
“Hmm,” Danny hummed. He got Jake’s fly undone but then brought his hand to his hip instead of taking his already bare cock like Jake wished he would. Danny leaned forward in the chair, pressing his lips to Jake’s strained neck: “Maybe they wouldn’t. Maybe they'd need to see you on your knees for me.”
It shouldn’t have turned Jake on, but it did. He wiggled in Danny’s lap while he clawed at his shoulders, trying to get more skin under his fingers, trying to get Danny to soften those words with his lips once more. Instead of obliging Jake’s thoughts, Danny suddenly shoved him right back down to the floor. 
Jake’s hands gripped Danny’s knees as his own were pressed down hard into the cold tile. He really was desperate, so desperate he almost asked why Danny had stopped touching him, but then he leaned back just a bit to watch as Danny pulled his pants down to the middle of his thighs. Jake inhaled a sharp breath at the sight of that long, thick, hard cock already leaking precum–not a new sight any longer but one that he never got tired of. His mouth was watering as if Danny was something to eat. 
“This is what you want, isn’t it?” Danny asked, and it could have been a question laden with smugness but all Jake heard was genuine curiosity. As if he didn’t know. As if Jake needed to tell him every time that he had a big, beautiful dick that Jake wanted in his hand, his mouth, his ass, at every given opportunity. 
Jake nodded, then when he realized he was just gaping like an idiot while staring, he took a breath and said, “Always, Danny. Jesus fucking Christ. Look at you.” He shuffled forward, planting himself right between Danny’s legs again, and didn’t ask before he wrapped his hand around his cock.
Danny let his head fall back as he let out a sigh. “I’ve been waiting for this all night,” he said, voice all soft and sweet, when he met Jake’s gaze again. Just as quickly as those sweet words came out of his mouth, the next ones made Jake’s own cock throb and ache harder in his pants: “Now show me what you’re good for.” 
Jake knew just how Danny liked it. He started by drooling all the saliva from his ogling all over the head of Danny’s cock, using his hand to get his shaft wet and start jerking him off; while he was doing that, Jake bent down and flicked his tongue over Danny’s balls, teasing for a few seconds and listening to him moan softly before he sucked one right into his mouth.
Danny groaned so loud that anyone even near the door would have heard. Jake just kept on sucking and stroking, his hand making wet sounds as he jerked Danny off and the suction sounds from his mouth growing louder too. A hand shot down to first caress the hair at the crown of his head; when Jake prodded the tip of his tongue into Danny’s sack again, his hair was pulled and tugged, urging him along. 
Using Danny’s thighs as leverage, Jake pushed himself up so he could sink down onto his cock. It was always an uncomfortable stretch for his mouth at first, but somehow the challenge made it hotter–he relaxed his jaw as best he could while his hand gripped the base of Danny’s cock to keep him steady, flattened his tongue against the underside and swallowed as much as he could in one motion.
“Oh, fuck,” Danny let out, the curse word a long groan, while his fingertips scratched against Jake’s scalp. When Jake managed to look at him, Danny was staring right back, his cheeks all flushed and his eyes bright with what Jake surmised as both admiration and desire.
Jake hummed around his cock, a nonverbal question; Danny nodded as he closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he bit his lip and tensed his thighs, then he said, “Yeah, just like that.” He brushed a strand of hair away from Jake’s forehead. “My pretty baby–so fucking pretty when you’ve got my cock in your mouth.” 
The dirty praise, as always, made Jake want to try harder. He braced both hands on Danny’s thighs again and swallowed even more, bringing his nose right into Danny’s pubic hair–it was a dangerous position, because then he felt both of Danny’s hands on top of his head, holding him there. 
Jake’s eyes quickly began to water just as the pressure in his chest rapidly built up. His lungs wanted him to breathe; his throat wanted him to get rid of the obstruction; but his heart wanted to prove to Danny that he could stay with that cock down his throat for as long as necessary. So he stayed, focusing on breathing through his nose and keeping his tongue as out of the way as possible. 
“Fuck yes, what a good boy,” Danny cooed, petting Jake’s hair. Jake’s eyes were closed in both concentration and to try and keep more tears from falling, only able to feel Danny shift in the chair. The hands on his head stayed but he was pushed back until his back was straight; Jake’s hands squeezed Danny’s quads in desperation, gagging thickly around his cock now, as he managed to blink tears away and look up at Danny standing in front of him. 
Danny wiped tears away from Jake’s cheek with his thumb. “Need a breather?”
He really did. But Jake shook his head, which made the head of Danny’s cock nudge the back of his throat with just the right amount of pressure to make him choke so badly that Danny took it upon himself to yank him off.
Jake gasped for breath as tendrils of thick saliva ran down his lips and chin, sliding down his neck and onto the collar of his shirt. He coughed and swallowed while he tried to swipe away the rest of the tears in the corners of his eyes; quickly, Jake was interrupted by Danny swiping the head of his cock over his spit-slick lips. 
“It’s a good thing you’re not singing tomorrow night,” Danny said, grabbing a fistful of Jake’s hair. Before he felt even halfway ready, Danny pulled him forward and slid his cock as far down Jake’s throat as he could, eliciting another ragged, wet gag. “I’m gonna wreck you, Jake.” 
He already felt pretty wrecked, but he’d willingly and eagerly keep going for Danny. Not that he had much of a choice–Danny was easily keeping him pinned to the ground and adhered to his dick, pushing Jake’s head down so far that he could only inhale the scent of sweat and musk from Danny’s pubes again. Jake clawed against Danny’s legs, both because it was nearly impossible to do much of anything, including breathe, and because as twisted as it was, he wanted more. He wasn’t even sure how much more he could take, but he’d take whatever Danny gave him without a fuss. 
And Danny gave him a lot. He started to fuck into Jake’s mouth, each thrust of his hips making him gag and choke so fiercely that Jake just had to resort to just letting his jaw drop as much as possible, foregoing any real suction or technique. Danny seemed to enjoy that just fine–rough moans and low curses rolled out of him as his cock slid back and forth over Jake’s tongue, his pace quickening and his hold tightening. Jake’s own dick was straining against his pants, the fly undone but his pants were still too tight around his lower body and prevented any freedom. He wouldn’t dare try to touch himself yet either, although he didn’t really have the ability to–his mind was hyper-focused on keeping himself upright and stable with his hands on Danny’s legs. He also couldn’t break away from the obscene yet stupidly hot wet, sloppy sounds his own throat and mouth were making and the deep moans and purrs of approval from Danny. 
Danny abruptly pulled himself out of Jake’s mouth; Jake coughed again and went to wipe the mess of saliva away from his chin, but Danny grabbed his wrist to stop him. “Such a sloppy cockslut,” he said, spreading even more of the spit around Jake’s chin and mouth with his dick. 
Jake stayed rigid on the floor, knees spread, with the arousal from those words from that mouth on his drummer weaving deep inside his belly and groin. Now that he had time to breathe, he really, really wanted to touch himself; he blinked up at Danny in a silent plea, too embarrassed about what his voice might sound like to try and speak yet. 
“God, you’re beautiful,” Danny told him, idly stroking his wet cock in front of Jake’s face. Jake could only imagine what he actually looked like, but Danny was the only one he ever wanted approval from. If him being all red-faced and sweaty, with tangled hair and covered in his own spit was “beautiful,” so be it. 
Danny bent down and hauled Jake up onto his feet. Jake moaned with relief and adoration as soon as Danny’s lips met his in a deep, slow kiss; he wrapped his arms around Danny’s waist and pressed their groins together, frantically rutting his trapped erection against Danny’s free one. 
“Please touch me,” Jake begged, reaching down to grab Danny’s ass, using what strength he had left to force Danny to hump against him. 
“I will, beautiful,” Danny told him, caressing Jake’s neck with his fingers, pressing more kisses to his cheek. “But I want you to see yourself when I do.” Without letting Jake even think, Danny whisked him over to the vanity. 
Jake let out a surprised grunt as Danny planted a hand between his shoulders and shoved him down, pressing his cheek against the surface. All Jake could see was the scattered array of makeup and gemstones until Danny grabbed him by the hair and forced him to look straight into the mirror. The sight of his own face was jarring for a moment, but then he looked at Danny, who was so stunning that Jake felt like he couldn’t breathe. Tall, powerful and majestic and with a face like an ancient god, Jake couldn’t take his eyes off him until Danny suddenly, finally yanked his pants down and Jake tried to peer behind himself to look at what might come next. 
Danny sank down to his knees and spread Jake’s cheeks; Jake briefly considered asking him if he really wanted to do that given how he’d been trapped in those skin-tight satin pants all night, but he’d asked before during an earlier hookup and was immediately told, “Like I give a fuck." So Jake just stayed bent over the vanity, letting Danny spit on his hole before he swiped his tongue long and slow through his crack. 
“Oh god, Danny–” Jake whimpered, biting his lip to stifle the wave of noise that would come out otherwise. It had never been much of a secret how much Danny loved his ass, but Jake hadn’t anticipated how much Danny would love eating his ass. 
Danny hummed his affirmation against Jake’s skin, not sparing a second away from using his tongue and lips to drive him wild. But Jake’s cock was still hard and neglected, and now trapped between his own body and the sharp vanity; he pushed back against Danny’s face to make some room, and Danny let him. But when he tried to wrap a hand around himself for some relief, Danny took that over too, finally. 
Jake dropped his head down against his arms, huffing out gratitude that steadily turned into muffled moans. Danny’s other hand held his ass fiercely, keeping him spread open while his tongue licked, teased and prodded his hole; Jake could feel spit running down his perineum as he was stroked, then he felt Danny’s whole mouth sucking on his balls.
He slapped the vanity with one hand as a sob ripped from his chest. “Fuck, Danny–what the fuck–”
Danny chuckled with his mouth full and his hand wrapped around his cock. His other hand reached up to tug at the hem of Jake’s jacket. “Take this off,” he ordered after he tongued Jake’s balls out of his mouth. 
Jake grunted with the effort of propping himself up enough to follow the order. He tossed his jacket aside and Danny smoothed his hand over Jake’s shirt at the small of his back while he went back to circling his rim with the tip of his tongue. Jake shuddered and closed his eyes, back to pressing his face against his forearms while he was half-naked and arching his back, pressing his ass back into Danny’s face as much as he was allowed.  
As the pad of Danny’s thumb rubbed over Jake’s hole, he said, “We should always have lube on hand.”
Jake shook his head against his arms. “I know.”
Danny took a bite of one plush cheek before he replied, “That’s okay. I’m still gonna fuck you.” Jake was lifting his head and opening his mouth to actually protest, but then he felt the slide of Danny’s cock right between his inner thighs. Danny laid his upper body over Jake’s backside, pushing his nose through his hair. “As much as I’d love to fuck you for real, I don’t wanna ruin that perfect ass.”
Jake’s thighs trembled around Danny’s cock, the hard weight of it pushing into his soft skin, the heat from it so palpable. “But you have no problem ruining my throat,” he noted, just teasing, but then Danny’s hand that had been jerking him off was wrapped around his sore, swollen throat instead.
“You liked it,” Danny said, starting to thrust his hips back and forth. He nibbled at Jake’s ear as he squeezed his neck tighter. “Your knees are gonna be bruised. Your throat is gonna be sore for days. And if I asked you to do it all again now, you would, wouldn’t you?” Jake nodded, eyes closed, and felt Danny’s hand even more viscerally against his throat as he swallowed. Danny squeezed tighter yet and jerked Jake’s head back as he said, “Look at yourself, Jakey.”
Jake opened his eyes and looked in the mirror, but not at himself. He looked at Danny, right into those pretty eyes with those long lashes–his gaze was so soft and gentle, not at all mirroring the hold he had on Jake and the harsh stabs of his hips. 
Danny leaned back and smiled in the mirror. He let go of Jake’s throat and Jake inhaled a much-needed breath; just when he thought Danny might be relaxing a bit more, he watched Danny’s hand wrangle in his hair again. 
“That’s it–arch that back,” Danny said, his voice not much more than a whisper. He was getting close, Jake noted. Jake followed that order too and the dip of his back was caressed over his shirt by Danny’s warm hand; fingers stroked down his spine, drew circles over his hip, then skated across his ass. 
Jake was getting close too. Danny’s fist around his cock was relentless as was the rhythm of his thrusts–he might not have been inside him, but the mimicry of full-blown sex was so close, so intense, that Jake hardly noticed. So when Danny freed his hair and his fingers began to rub over his rim again, Jake bucked and gasped, his body shocked by the one piece that had been missing.
“Fuck. You’re so hard,” Danny purred, his lips parted and eyelashes fluttering as he looked down at Jake’s body. Jake was dripping into his hand and Danny certainly felt that too–he twisted his wrist and circled his cock feverishly, adding, “So wet for me too, goddamn. I can tell you’re gonna come soon.”
“Yeah,” Jake panted, his whole body being shoved with the weight and fervor of Danny’s hips. His thighs were squeezing around Danny’s cock tighter as the orgasm continued to steadily build, the tension radiating through his strained, taut legs up into his belly. He met Danny’s gaze in the mirror and asked, “You too, Danny?”
Danny nodded, and Jake could see a bead of sweat drip down the bridge of his nose. “Hell yeah.” He circled his thumb over Jake’s rim again while he diligently stroked his cock, all while still humping against Jake’s ass to get the slide of his own wet cock fast and fluid between his thighs. 
Oftentimes, when Jake was alone and just getting himself off, he was thinking about Danny. He would close his eyes and his brain would work so hard to try and visualize Danny there, those big hands touching him, that beautiful face close to his, that strong body on top of him. Whenever he had the real thing, like now, all of Danny was so enchanting that it was difficult to comprehend him as fully real, and the orgasm that skyrocketed out of Jake’s body was unmatched each time. 
Despite being so ungracefully bent over the dressing room vanity with most of his clothes soaked in sweat and still clinging to his body, Jake felt like he was ensconced in the ultimate fantasy. He didn’t have to close his eyes to experience it either–he kept his focus on the mirror, watching every little change in Danny’s facial expressions and every little movement of his body. The visual, the touch, the heat and the weight against him all compounded into so much beautiful, supercharged sensory overload–another twist of Danny’s hand and pounding against his ass and Jake fell forward against the vanity, moaning and cursing without a care for who might hear, shooting his load right into Danny’s fist.
“Fuck yeah, that’s my good boy,” Danny affirmed breathlessly, stroking Jake’s cock with his cum until he was squirming, trying to escape the overstimulation. Danny let him go but, as Jake was trying to catch his breath, he slipped his wet, sticky fingers past his lips and pressed them against Jake's tongue. 
Jake dutifully sucked on them, tasting his own release while his heart continued to hammer with excitement at Danny’s impending release. His fingers slid out of his mouth and Jake was just looking in the mirror again when Danny’s curls shadowed his vision; Danny replaced his fingers for his lips, capturing Jake’s mouth in a hurried kiss that both of them were moaning and whimpering into. 
Danny’s thighs trembled against Jake’s, and Jake felt the wet heat surge between them as Danny’s hips stuttered. With his hand fiercely gripping Jake’s jaw, he kept them connected there too, their tongues sliding together while their bodies both slowed and melted into one another.
Just when Jake thought he was going to completely revert back to his normal sweet self, he could feel Danny wiping up his own cum from between his legs, then a hard smack with his wet hand was brought down on Jake's ass. He hissed at the sting, back arching again involuntarily; Danny turned his head to the side to kiss him again. 
“It shouldn’t be so hot,” Jake said after Danny pulled away and was just resting his chin on his shoulder.
“What shouldn’t?” Danny asked, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath with his nose in Jake’s hair.
“You being mean. It shouldn’t be so hot.”
Danny chuckled and pressed a kiss to his collarbone. “I’m not mean. I’m domineering.” He brought his lips to Jake’s ear and whispered, “You get off on it, obviously. Or should I stop?”
Jake pivoted his body so he could lean back against the vanity, giving his spine a break, and look up at him. “I have absolutely no plans to ever tell you to stop,” he said, resting his hands on Danny’s hips. What everyone else was doing, where they were, what was going to happen next–Jake should have known, had some idea at least, but he was clueless and he didn’t care. Right now, it was just him and Danny in that dressing room, wrecked and ruined, basking in the afterglow that Jake wished he could live inside of forever. 
Danny gave Jake a lovely, adoring smile. “Anything for my baby,” he said, and he kissed his forehead and held him against his chest, letting them bask in it a little longer. 
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freesia-writes · 3 months
Ch 19: Montage
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~ Master List ~ Previous Chapter ~ WC: 2.8k
Vibe Songs: “One Last Dance” by Us The Duo or, an instrumental option: “Billow Gently” by Sophie Hutchings and Lavinia Meijer
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“Look at this,” Lyra said, having turned over a small log and squatted down to inspect the contents hiding beneath. “Look at the legs on that thing!” A brightly-colored insect of sorts crawled along the edge, seeking a return to the dark privacy it had been enjoying. It had more legs than she could count, and they rippled mesmerizingly as it scurried out of sight. Hunter knelt next to her, leaning over to squint at the small worms wriggling in the soil, and he used a small stick to brush away some of the crushed leaves, revealing another one of the bugs, less vibrant than the first but just as graceful as it crawled onto the twig in Hunter’s hands. He held it up toward Lyra, who shifted backward with a little giggle, shaking her head as he dropped it with a grin. They rose slowly, brushing themselves off and stretching stiff joints, and she slipped her hand into his, both of them tight-lipped as though the beaming smiles bursting forth needed to be hidden. Continuing along the path, he brushed his thumb along the back of her knuckles, wondering if he would ever tire of the way her cold hands brought such warmth to his chest. 
* * * 
“Ha! Gotcha!” Lyra announced, slapping her hand of cards onto the table triumphantly.
“No!!” Wrecker yelled, throwing his own across the room. “I needed one more card! You’re cheatin!”
“I would never!” she gasped in dramatic affront.
“Mmm, we need to find a different game,” Hunter rumbled, folding his own cards back into the deck and giving her a stern look out of the corner of his eye, pressing his lips together to avoid laughing at her wide-eyed response. He was delighted with the way she was gradually unfolding, increasingly comfortable to be animated or relatively bold.
“How about arm wrestling…” Wrecker grumbled, and now it was Lyra who guffawed boisterously before clapping her hand over her mouth at the ungodly sound that had escaped.
“Bring it on,” she said, trying to recover and setting her arm up on the table, holding her hand out for Wrecker’s, but he just stared from his seat opposite her with delighted confusion.
“I wasn’t serious.”
“Ah, I thought it might make you feel better,” she continued, realizing then how condescending she might be sounding. “Shoot, I’m making it worse, aren’t I…”
“Yup. Get out,” Wrecker said, eyes sparkling with mischief as he stood up and solemnly pointed toward the front door. Lyra shifted uncomfortably in her seat, truly concerned that she’d crossed a line despite the playfulness in his demeanor. 
“This is my house, Wrecker,” Hunter interjected, stretching in his seat with a lazy grin. 
“Fine,” his brother huffed, winking at Lyra with an accusatory finger in her direction. “But I’m watchin you.”
She laughed, taking the deck from the middle of the table and beginning to shuffle it. “Well watch this…”
Hunter caught her eye and they shared a smirk against the backdrop of Wrecker’s indignant grumbling.
* * * 
The fire crackled noisily in the hearth as Lyra approached from the kitchen, a warm mug of tea in each hand, and Hunter’s hand brushed hers as he took it from her. She curled up next to him on the couch, tucking her feet to the side and nestling against him, relishing the weight of his arm across her shoulders. He didn’t miss the way her eyes lingered on his lips as he blew across the surface of the tea, making the tendrils of steam dance in front of his face before taking a sip. The smell of cinnamon rolls in the oven filled the small cottage with a coziness beyond comparison, and he leaned his cheek against her hair, taking a deep breath of all the scents of this new sort of life he was still struggling to comprehend. She held her own tea in one hand, the other moving to rest tentatively on his knee.
An hour of conversation later, Hunter was laying across the couch, his head resting in her lap as she gazed down at him, enraptured. Her hands ran through his hair, stroking it away from his face, and explored his face with feather-light curiosity, a slight tremble to her touch as she followed the curve of his eyebrows, the slope of his cheek… He closed his eyes for a long moment, taking a deep breath as she caressed back up from his chin and buried her fingers in his hair, leaving them there to brush her thumb back and forth across his temple as the distant crash of the waves was the only sound added to the steady beating of their hearts. 
* * * 
“Here they come,” Lyra said, pointing to the fathiers trotting across the meadow toward them. She reached into her bag, pulling out a single, soft rope, and greeted the animals as they came to a halt before her, snuffling against her hand for the cubes of sugar she never failed to offer. Both received a treat and a fond stroke along the neck before she fastened the rope along the chest and neck of one, patting the other one and sending it on its way. 
“But–” Hunter said, brow furring for a moment.
“Darn,” she said, finishing the makeshift bridle. “I’ll have to sit behind you.”
A slow grin spread across Hunter’s face at her being “forward”, and he pulled his hair up into a bun on top of his head. “Maybe I sit behind you this time,” he poked, and she waggled her eyebrows in response. 
“I’m feelin adventurous. Better watch out.” 
Next thing he knew, he was indeed tucked behind her on the animal, reaching around either side of her waist to hold the rope as well, providing extra security as he wrapped his body around hers. She shivered once, leaning back for a split second with a blissful sigh, then re-centered herself on the animal and nudged it into action. It broke into an easy lope across the hills, snorting with delight as it navigated through some sparse outcroppings of trees, forcing them to duck beneath some low-hanging boughs. 
When they emerged into a large open space, with nothing but flat grass stretching out before them for what seemed like miles, Lyra leaned forward against its neck, whispering encouragement that matched the animal’s excitement as it opened up into a full gallop. The ground flew by in a blur, Hunter wrapping himself around Lyra’s back and catching the tail end of the gleeful laugh she couldn’t hold in anymore. 
* * * 
The island curved below them in majestic beauty, its dark curves dotted with the warm glow of lights peeking out of windows from cozy homes tucked here and there. The stately tower of the observatory stood tall behind Hunter as he came to a halt, releasing his affectionate grip on Lyra’s hand to instead invite her in front of him, gesturing at the vista before them. Her sharp inhale of awe made him stand up a little straighter, and he slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. Something about having her close in that particular way soothed him deep in his soul. He could stay that way forever, feeling her heartbeat, listening to her steady breath, picking up on her light scent as her hair brushed against his cheek… She placed her hands over his, tugging them more snugly around her, and closed her eyes, soaking up every sensation she could to remember the moment forever. 
* * * 
“Ah, sorry!” Lyra exclaimed, clapping a hand to her forehead as she looked down at their feet.
“It’s fine,” Hunter chuckled, scooping her up in his strong-armed frame again. “We’ll get this!”
“This was a silly idea,” she confessed, blushing as they tried the steps again, watching the screen in her office where she’d queued up some instructional dance holos after everyone had left for the day. They’d moved chairs out of the way and tilted her monitor, facing each other with sheepish grins as he held out a hand to her, which she took, holding up her other arm for him to take, but he’d bowed deeply, kissing her hand before standing up with a mockingly serious expression. She leaned in, wrapping her arm against his with a giggle, and they began to move with the music. 
“One-two-three, one-two-three,” the voice on the screen announced. “Keep your elbows up, remember. Don’t let them sink against your sides.” Both of them immediately complied, straightening themselves back into their proper form as they stepped. “Back-side-together, forward-side-together. And hey, lovebirds, don’t forget to look at each other!”
“Oh gosh,” Lyra breathed, meeting his gaze with a guilty grin. “I didn’t know it was like this.” 
“Naturally,” Hunter conceded, keeping them in perfect rhythm and guiding her with a strong frame. “I have no idea why something like that would be in a holofilm called The Intimacy of Waltz.”
“That’s not what it’s called!” she protested, immediately pausing her movement to stare at him in disbelief.
“Did you not watch the intro?”
“No, I was distracted…”
“By what?”
“You,” she admitted, trying to fall back into step but unable to tear her eyes from his face as he studied her with a wry grin. 
“Me,” he echoed skeptically.
“You,” she nodded, glancing at the ground. “It’s not fair,” she murmured as she clumsily mirrored his graceful steps. “One person shouldn’t be so attractive.”
“Mmm, you should write a letter of complaint.” He twirled her, or tried to, as she missed the cue and ducked beneath his arm in a sudden twist of overcompensation. 
“And what, send it to your mom?” 
“Eh… Yeah.” He rotated her back, spinning her around more firmly now and catching her with a firm hand between her shoulder blades. She gasped in surprise at his smoothness, turning her feet quickly to catch up. He’d pulled her in more closely, and they both stilled, faces mere inches apart. Her eyes followed the curve of his tattoo along his cheek down to his lips, her own parting slightly with unspoken thoughts. Hunter’s heart leapt into his throat, his entire body flushing with warmth and anticipation, yet he was frozen in place. Her grasp on his hand tightened, and she swallowed hard before dropping her chin and stepping back, releasing him and tucking a lock of hair behind her ear self-consciously. 
* * * 
Rain poured outside, drenching the island with a refreshing shower after months of increasing warmth, and the steady drip from the eaves was a rhythmic melody behind the music that wafted from the small speaker on the kitchen counter. It had gotten dark hours ago, the few candles having burnt out during the course of the evening, and the moons peeked in through the windows to cast an ethereal glow across Hunter’s living room, illuminating the curves of arms and shoulders, hips and legs, all entwined on his couch. His chest rose and fell steadily, the only movement for minutes now, and it gently moved Lyra’s head back and forth where it rested against him. 
Their eyes were closed, faces blissfully relaxed as they snoozed. Both had fallen asleep after hours of talking after dinner, and their couch cuddle had morphed into a contented slumber, both inching downward until they were completely horizontal, wrapped around each other in unfathomable warmth and comfort. The tingling sensation in Hunter’s arm grew more demanding, waking him from his nap, and he blinked blearily, face softening at the sight of Lyra’s sleeping form tucked between him and the back of the sofa. He carefully extricated his arm, pausing as she roused for a moment before going still again with a few comfort licks that brought an irresistible smile to his face. He sat up on one elbow, brushing some hair from her forehead and leisurely studying the lines beside her lips, the creases at the edges of her eyes, the curves of her brows. The last few months felt like a dream, and he pushed away the ever-present question of the wisdom of his choices, instead soaking up every detail of her. 
He’d dozed off again when she woke up later, pushing herself up with a hand on his chest and trying not to get completely distracted by its broadness and his steady pulse beneath her palm. She glanced around the room, trying to find a chrono, but there were none to be seen. Hunter stirred, eyes slowly opening to see her hovering above, and his movement caught her attention. Tipping her head down to face him, she pushed away the cascade of messy hair that tumbled into her face from the movement and sleepily admired him in his soft vulnerability. Seemingly of its own accord, her hand found his cheek, tracing the tattoo along the face that had come to be so familiar. He took a deep breath, nestling into her touch as the corners of his lips curved into a smile. 
“Hi,” she whispered, a cascade of tingles washing over him at the adoration in her tone.
“Hi,” he echoed, reaching up to cup her hand with his own before gently turning it and bringing it to his mouth to press a warm kiss to the backs of her fingers. He’d been sleeping more deeply than he had in a long time… as long as he could remember, if he were honest, and he felt entirely unconcerned about his rummy state. Stretching a bit, he tucked one arm behind his head, regarding her fondly. 
“I’ve got to go,” she murmured regretfully. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”
“Hmm,” he sighed, turning his head to gaze at the closest moon, tucked into the corner of the window behind the forest outside. “Alright.” She gazed at him steadily, absently rubbing her lips together as she took in his sharp profile. He noticed her stare and faced her, struck by the seriousness on her face. “You okay?” he asked, voice still husky from sleep. 
“I really want to kiss you, Hunter,” she confessed, sending a jolt of electricity straight through his core at her raw vulnerability and surprising confession. His heart pounded in his chest, words swirling like a tornado in his head but none surfacing for actual use. She continued, “But… I can’t. I just can’t, yet…” 
He let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding, nodding slowly as he tried to regain a mental footing. 
“I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from… Other than just… Gods… You’re beautiful,” she whispered, caressing his cheek again as her eyes roved across the peaks of his upper lip and the sharp curve of his nose. “And I care about you so, so much. Just… Agh. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize,” he said quietly. Silence sat heavy between them, so many thoughts and desires fighting for release. “Besides,” he continued, “how do you even know if I want to kiss you or not?” The smirk was apparent in his tone, and she smacked him lightly on the chest, exhaling a chuckle of relief. They shifted together, climbing over one another to come to seated positions on the couch, where they stretched and sighed, regretful to be awake. 
Lyra rose to her feet, arching her back one last time before starting her sad walk toward the door, but Hunter grabbed her hand, turning her back to him a little abruptly. She stumbled into his arms, bracing herself with two hands flat against his chest, and he tilted his head, considering her intently from an inch away as his arm wrapped around her waist.
“What–” she breathed, but he lifted a hand to her chin, brushing a thumb against her bottom lip to quiet her question as he held her face steady in his gaze. 
“For the record,” he purred, stomach quivering beneath his seemingly confident facade, “I do want to kiss you.” She exhaled quietly, entranced by his intensity. “So whenever it does happen…” he leaned in, pressing his lips to her forehead and remaining there for a lingering second before pulling back again. She held her breath, waiting for him to finish his sentence, but he faltered, eyes flickering side to side as he realized he really had no clue what he should say. He laughed, dropping his hand from her face and running it through his hair.
“You can’t leave me hanging like that,” she gasped, playfully tugging at the front of his shirt. 
“I don’t even know where I was going with it,” he admitted, rubbing his face. “I was trying to sound… bold.”
“Well,” Lyra huffed, stepping back and straightening her clothes absently. “I can tell you one thing, ‘whenever it does happen’…” She drifted off, straightening up to face him again with a clearly flustered grin. 
“Yes?” he asked slowly, a teasing tone to his voice.
“I think I’m gonna need to be sitting down.”
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i984 · 2 years
Sweet, Foolish
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|Pairing|: Wednesday Addams x gender neutral reader
|Warnings|: Ooc! Wednesday Addams, jealous(?) Wednesday Addams, girlie really be in love and just can't tell, you had a great Valentines because people gave you stuff, confession at the ending(?), author still don't know what they're doing.
|Summary|: They say too much of something is never good. Well, too much of something sweet proves different.
|A/n|: Happy Valentines Day, all!
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You were driving her crazy.
All smiles and laughs even though you were bedridden. Wednesday feels like slapping the stupid grin off your face. How can someone be so utterly foolish to trap themselves in this situation?
Wednesday has watched the pile of various sweets in your bag grow. Class after class, student after student professed their feelings for you, and with each candy, flower bouquet, and chocolate of many kinds, you kindly returned with bright smiles and grateful remarks. 
It's as if you truly appreciate all the cheesy scenes unfolding around you everywhere you go—something Wednesday would never dream of understanding in a million years. Now though, as you lay on one of the infirmary beds after eating too many sweets, the Addams girl somehow found herself sitting beside your laying body, brows furrowed in annoyance or concern, nobody knows.
It's all those incessant fools' fault.
"What's on your mind, pretty girl?"
"Do not call me that ever again," Wednesday pointedly glares at you when she hears your snicker, "or do you have a death wish?"
You hummed in mock consideration before answering, "Death may already be standing beside my bed with you, Wednesday," You rolled on your back, staring up at the ceiling. "Besides, you are pretty."
You said that to Enid this morning. And to Yoko's black scarf at lunch. And to the block of chocolate stupid Xavier gifted you. The bouquet of flowers and the bottle of honey Eugene shoved at you too. 
"You say that to everyone," Wednesday straightens in her seat, "not that I'm complaining." Her jaw clenches for the umpteenth that day when the smug look on your face grows. "What?"
"Nothing," you mumble, eyes scanning over the ravenette's features, "except for the fact that it's pretty clear you're jealous."
"You have an unconventionally large mouth for someone who claims to have severe stomachache."
"And you have an atypically deep blush for someone who claims to be above— Uh, what did you call it?" You make a show of tapping your fingers to your chin, brows raising almost teasingly. 
Maybe the sweets poisoning will catch up to you. Maybe, you'll die soon. Misery will surely be out my way.
"Oh yeah! 'A pish posh day full of ungodly sickening romance' was it?" you smirk as you raise your chin slightly. "Yet here we are."
There's an undefined silence that fills the air. Wednesday finds herself at a loss for any comebacks. She hates it because the phenomenon only happens when you're around. She also hates it because, with each passing second, your smugness practically suffocates the room. 
Tick. Tock.
The clock sounds obnoxiously louder than usual.
"You know, if I don't know any better, I would say jealousy is a nice color on you."
With your words, Wednesday finds her breathing hitched slightly.
"Good for you, I'm not."
"Not what?" You loll your head to the side.
"Sure, Wens."
There was another prolonged silence until your mouth opened, "Enid told me something interesting earlier," you said almost conspiringly. "Apparently, someone has been asking her about what can be considered normal to give on Valentines day."
Do not trust anything the werewolf says. Surely nobody would be asking such a 'normal' question. Thing may be the one to do that. Definitely not anyone else, especially not me.
"Don't you wanna know who might've asked it? Or what the normal thing to give is?"
"Absolutely not."
"Incurious, I see," Your voice is tainted in mischief as you roll on your side, facing her. "Dark chocolate tastes quite nice— just saying."
Well. Enid has proven herself untrustworthy. Maybe her roommate deserves the pillow smothering. Wednesday pulls her shoulders back in an attempt to compose herself.
"Agreeable," the ravenette acknowledges carefully. "Though your decision to devour all the teeth-rotting delicacies all at once is not."
"Yeah, yeah," you wave a dismissive hand before propping yourself to sit up straight, resting your back on the headboard. Wednesday watched as you settled into your position before hearing a choked hiss from you.
Wednesday stopped breathing.
You grimaced at the sudden twist in your guts, arms coming to clutch your abdomen, attempting to soothe the discomfort.
If you had refused all those poor excuses of courting methods, maybe you wouldn't need to experience all this. I shall tell off those intrepid dunces next year for you. 
"You're in pain," Wednesday stated. Her face glowers when she trails the creases forming on your forehead.
You chuckle dryly. "Yes, a wonderful observation, Professor Addams. Your intuition amazes me as always," you simper. "I would also like to add that the sweetness is worth the pain. You wouldn't know this, of course. Your taste buds are most likely incapable of tasting sweet."
You're technically incorrect. Wednesday is sure her tastebuds work fine, though her body will reject the highly processed food upon the first swallow.
She'll give you a half point.
Wednesday carefully inspects your expressions. Your eyebrows seem to relax as you take notice of the vase of tulips on your bedside table. Your fingers delicately trace the outlines of the petal, a soft smile tugging at your lips subconsciously. 
I can bring you fresh tulips every morning. If you grow tired of them, I can grow you a different kind. Black dahlias are my favorite. What's yours?
"You look quite foolish, grinning like that," is what she says instead. Wednesday mentally slaps herself in agony, chest-puffing as she takes a deep breath to calm herself.
"Maybe, I am a fool."
Are you upset?
"For you."
"That statement is not the compliment you think it is," Wednesday rips her gaze from your face, eyes rolling in faux annoyance. 
"Oh, come on Wens," you let your head fall back and hit the wall, "don't you get it?"
"Get what?"
You groan openly into the room. "I specifically asked for you to accompany me to the infirmary. Why do you think I did that?"
"To pester me into an early grave?"
"No! I was trying to spend time with you," your hand comes up to massage your head. "I like you, okay?"
Wednesday blinks at your confession. 
Her eyes trail from your slightly scrunched-up nose to the smudged chocolate near the corner of your lips. You don't seem to notice it all this time, and Wednesday feels her fingers twitch at the urge to wipe the stain off you. Pugsley as a toddler had better table manners than you.
You're tolerable, at most.
"You're a fool," Wednesday lets the words out.
But you can see the ghost of a smirk on her face, her shoulders that relaxed, and the slight raise of her chin. 
Grinning ear to ear, you let out your final blow. 
"Your fool."
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|A/n2|: If you see me rush through that ending, no you did not :D It's not Valentines anymore for me, but it might still be for you guys so ye! Forgive me for the weird pacing :")
Tag list is in this post, please interact accordingly if you wish to be added!
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thatfeelinwhenyou · 1 year
HANDS ON YOU — 051 (finale)
IN WHICH; ILAND 2 happened and you debuted first place as the leader of LUMIÈRE. Having been told that your group is involved in a lore crossover with ENHYPEN, you navigate work, friendship, and love while trying to make it in an industry filled with animosity and condemnation. When life throws you lemons, you gotta make lemonades chuck it right back!
smau + written (2.4k words)
❥・• chapter 51 — number 1 fan
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As the live stream comes to an end, Heeseung wastes no time. With a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes, he draws you close, pulling you into the most enchanting hug you've ever experienced. It's a hug you've yearned for the last 6 months, one that seemed like a distant dream while he was touring the world and you were immersed in your own whirlwind of commitments, filming variety shows, and preparing for your next album.
But even amidst the hectic schedules, neither of you let a day pass without hearing each other's voice. Late-night calls became a ritual, and even when exhaustion threatened to consume you both, you persisted, staying up into the ungodly hours of the night just to cherish those precious moments together.
And now, as your head gently rests against his chest, you feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. This hug is more than a simple desire; it's a need that courses through your very being. The absence of his touch left you yearning and anxious. Yet, as his arms wrap around you, you feel that unsettling void within your chest fill up with his very essence. There's something different about his embrace—something that makes you fit perfectly into every nook and cranny of his arms, like missing pieces of a puzzle. Leaving no doubt that this embrace is where you truly belong.
“And to think you were chasing me away just a few minutes ago.” A soft, breathy laugh escapes Heeseung's lips as he playfully teases you. You feel the warmth of his breath brush the ticklish surface of your skin, and it sends delightful shivers down your spine. With an almost instinctive response, you bury yourself deeper into the crook of his neck, savouring the intimate moment between you two.
"Oh, get a room!" Yuna groans, her playful protest piercing the air. You can almost see her rolling her eyes at the display of affection, and the other members join in with knowing glances and suppressed giggles. "Maybe we will," Heeseung replies, a hint of mischief in his eyes as he plays along. The girls erupt in mock disgust, teasing the two of you further, and you can't help but blush under their teasing gazes. The girls' playful reactions got you pouting in annoyance, but you couldn't help stealing a glance at your boyfriend, who was already gazing back at you with adoration.
With a tender smile, Heeseung gently clears his throat, "Now, if you'll excuse us," He signals for you to grab your belongings and takes this chance to sneak little gifts and souvenirs to your members. You can't deny that you're fully aware of his actions, but you decide to say nothing, knowing that this is his way of expressing gratitude to your members. They kept you company and distracted you during the long months he was away, and he wants to show them just how much he appreciates their support.
His actions speak volumes about the depth of his affection for you and the genuine concern he has for those close to you. It only makes you fall even more deeply in love with him, knowing that he cherishes not only you but everyone who's dear to you. You watch with adoration as he effortlessly spreads happiness around, knowing that he has a heart as big as the universe, and that it belongs to you.
As you draw closer to him, he reaches out with a gentle touch, enveloping your hand in his and intertwining your fingers. "Take good care of our leader, Sunbae-nim! We can't function without her," your members cheer playfully, referencing an inside joke that elicits laughter all around. You can't help but roll your eyes in mock annoyance, silently mouthing to Heeseung that you'll explain the joke to him later.
Amidst the laughter and banter, Yoon's voice rises above the rest, calling out with a grin, "We want her back by 10 a.m. tomorrow!" The playful demand earns a chorus of agreement, and you sigh defeatedly, not even bothering to refute. As they continue teasingly setting curfews and conditions, you can't help but be grateful for the bonds you share with your fellow members, who always manage to make even the most emotional moments light-hearted.
Tugging gently on Heeseung's hand, you signal that it's time to move on, and he follows your lead without hesitation. There's a warm glow in your chest as you walk hand in hand, knowing that your friends are just a step behind, supporting your newfound happiness.
As you walk side by side, Heeseung steals glances at you, his eyes a beautiful mix of amusement and curiosity. "Stop staring at me like that," you playfully chide while swinging your intertwined hands as you walk, noticing the glances that the passing staff is casting your way—not that it bothers you anyway.
Despite dating publicly for months, a lingering unease still gnaws at you when others watch you together. You worry about what they might think of Heeseung because of you, but talking to him has always helped ease your mind. Heeseung doesn’t know it, but his presence has a way of soothing your anxieties. You also don’t know how you quite literally wear your heart on your sleeves, and he was able to instantly sense your inner turmoil.
"Cut me some slack," he teases in response in an attempt to get your mind off of it. "Let me make up for all the times I didn't get to see you." His hand squeezes yours gently, and you try to maintain a stern expression, but a smile inevitably breaks free. Curse Lee Heeseung and his endless rizz.
"So, where are you taking me?" you inquire with a playful smile, intrigued by the mysterious plans Heeseung seems to have in store. He gracefully slides open the door of the black van for you, and you step inside, acknowledging his manager with a warm greeting.
"My room," Heeseung responds nonchalantly as if he didn’t just spout the most out-of-pocket thing ever, right in front of his manager. For a moment, you’re taken aback by his boldness, and your mind unwillingly brushes over the mere thought of being in an intimate setting with him.
His words hang in the air, and he quickly realises how suggestive he must have sounded. "I didn't mean it that way!" he clarifies in a rush, his cheeks tinged with a charming blush. "I just meant I wanted to spend some alone time with my girlfriend, maybe watch a cute movie or something." A delightful snort escapes your lips, unable to contain your amusement at his accidental innuendo. His manager, trying to maintain a composed exterior, can't help but suppress a chuckle, which only adds to Heeseung's endearing embarrassment.
"Smooth, Hee," you tease playfully, reaching out to squeeze his hand affectionately.
"I'd love to watch a cute movie with you, wherever it may be."
As the van begins to move, you find yourself getting lost in the enchantment of the moment. There's something captivating about being with him—the way his eyes gleam with sincerity and the way he makes your heart race with just a few words. Unbeknownst to Heeseung, it is now your turn to be utterly mesmerised by him. With a gapingly adoring stare, you drink in every detail of his face. The soft glow from the street lamps passing by casts an ethereal glow on his sharp features, accentuating them.
You marvel at how each line and curve of his face seems perfectly crafted, as if he were a work of art. His eyes, like sparkling stars in the night sky, hold a world of emotions that you can't help but get lost in. His smile, a gentle curve that warms your soul, is like a beacon of happiness. You want to capture this moment, etch it into your memory forever, and hold onto this feeling of bliss.
It didn’t take long for the van to come to a halt in front of the apartment complex, and his manager playfully ushers you out, shooting you both a teasing glance. It's been a while since you last set foot in ENHYPEN's dorm, the last time being when fate intervened with Heeseung accidentally posting that confession tweet that brought you together (thank God). Your time together is often spent in the sanctuary of HYBE's many recording rooms or your own dorm room. Being the gentleman he is, Heeseung insisted he was perfectly okay with being the one always going to you, making you feel like the most cherished person in the world.
As the door to the apartment swings open, sounds of laughter fill the air. The lively banter led by none other than Jake, passionately “coaching” Ni-ki on a game of League of Legends, "Go for the tower, not the minions, you idiot! Where is Heeseung? I literally cannot trust this kid with anything!"
Heeseung stifles a laugh, his cheeks flushing slightly in embarrassment. You can't help but find his reaction adorable, knowing that even as the responsible eldest, he can't escape the playful dynamics of the group. It's a side of him you treasure, seeing how he is able to freely embrace his inner child whenever he’s with his members.
He places a gentle hand on the small of your back as he guides you into the apartment. The rest of the members notice your arrival, and they all greet you warmly. It feels like coming home, being surrounded by the people who are not only important to Heeseung but who have also become dear to you.
Ignoring the chaos unfolding right outside his door, Heeseung and you settle into the cosy covers of his blanket, dressed in one of his many hoodies, ready to embark on a movie night. The room is softly lit, with the warm glow of LED lights creating an ambience of comfort. “So, which cute movie are we watching today?” You inquire, watching him scroll through the Disney+ catalogue on his laptop.
“Toy story?” He responds, his eyes filled with the excitement of watching his favourite animation for the nth time. You found this absolutely adorable; Lee Heeseung, who racked up a mysterious bad-boy reputation, is actually a softie at heart who can recite every single line of Toy Story by heart.
The familiar Pixar Animation intro plays on the screen, and you lean comfortably against the headboard of his twin-sized bed. The movie unfolds before you, but you can't help but steal glances at Heeseung every now and then. His eyes are fixated on the screen, but you can sense that his attention is divided between the plot and you.
To be frank, you weren’t really paying much attention to the movie itself and more so just enjoying the company. His presence alone is enough to make your heart skip a beat, and you feel a rush of warmth and affection every time your eyes meet when he excitedly looks over to you whenever a part of the movie he liked is coming up. You were already pretty exhausted at this point, but you still tried your best to reciprocate his energy.
Sensing the sleep threatening to wash over you, Heeseung wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. You rest your head gently against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart—a soothing rhythm that complements the movie's soundtrack.
You feel Heeseung shifting beneath you, his warm touch reaching over to pause the movie that was about to reach its climactic moment. "You didn't have to pause it," you protest gently, not wanting to rob him of the enjoyment he seemed to find in the film. "Go on and finish it, I know you want to."
However, Heeseung's eyes are filled with fondness as he gazes at you, his affectionate smile melting your heart. "Princess, I wanted to spend this time with you," he murmurs tenderly, tucking a lose strand of hair behind your ears, his words wrapping around you like a soft embrace. "There's no point in watching it if it's not with you. If you want to sleep, I'll go to sleep with you." He pouts playfully, and before you can respond, he carefully adjusts your bodies so that you are now lying down fully on his bed, wrapped securely in his arms.
His fingers gently stroke your hair, the loving gesture as an attempt to lull you to sleep. Instead of making you drowsy, his touch sends a surge of excitement through your veins. You become hyper-aware of his every movement, your heart beating faster as you feel the warmth of his breath against your skin.
In this intimate moment, time seems to stand still. The world outside his room fades away, leaving just the two of you entwined in your little cocoon. You're drawn to him, like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull he exudes.
As you lie there, wrapped in his embrace, you can't help but marvel at how effortlessly he understands you and how he always puts your needs before his own. Heeseung's love is a sanctuary—a place where you can be vulnerable and cherished, where you feel seen and loved for who you truly are.
With your head pressed firmly against his chest, you are able to hear clearly how his heart begins picking up pace.
“Why is your heart beating so fast?” Your trapped hands play with the fabric of his sweater, and you can feel him tiredly smile against your head.
“I have the most beautiful woman in my arms, I think any man in my position would feel the same.” You gush at his confession. Heeseung, once again, never fails to shower you with compliments, reminding you time and time again that he feels privileged that you chose to be with him. In this fleeting moment, you realise how deeply you've fallen for him, how your heart beats in sync with his, and how he's become the centre of your universe. The realisation fills you with a mixture of awe and gratitude, knowing that you've found something rare and precious.
Each passing moment feels like a dream, and as you drift off to sleep, cradled in his arms, you know that this is just the beginning. With Heeseung, every moment is an adventure, and every touch is a promise of something beautiful.
Lee Heeseung is and forever will be your number-one fan, just as you will be his.
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♡。·˚˚· ·˚˚·。♡
authors note: anddd that’s a wrap! thank you for staying with heeyn till the very end 😭 no words can even begin to express how grateful i am for each and every one of your support. i started out this smau as a creative expression and ngl i did kind of lost the plot somewhere (didn’t know what i was doing half the time) but hey we bounced back! ig? fret not, there is still a bonus chapter coming out soon (fluff warning btw) and also mayyybe something else i’m planning 🫣🤫 until then, please do stay safe, happy, and continue loving enhypen! xoxo, thatfeelinwhenyou 🤍
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coffeeghoulie · 8 months
Could you maybe do "may i have this dance?" and "you’re my whole world, you know." With Swiss and Dew?
ooooh absolutely! It's been a hot minute since I've written Swiss/Dew, hope you enjoy!
prompts from this prompt list
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Swiss hums to himself, something formless and improvised as the smell of toast fills the kitchen. It's ungodly early, or late, or however you want to think about it. None of his other packmates are awake. He had checked the packbond before slinking to the kitchen. Swiss had woken up hungry, had carefully untangled himself from his fire ghoul's sprawling limbs, making his way quietly to the kitchen, where he's now waiting for the toaster.
The tile's cold under the pads of his paws, and he shifts his weight, swaying slowly in the warm light of the fixture above the sink as he waits. Swiss grabs the jar of peanut butter and a butter knife, tail swishing lazily behind him.
The toaster pops, and he collects his prize. The fire in him is strong enough that he can just grab the hot toast straight from the toaster without flinching. Swiss keeps humming, spreading the peanut butter on it, the heat making it get all melty and soft. He throws the knife in the sink with a clatter and puts the peanut butter away, tail flicking as he takes a huge bite of his toast.
He turns and startles. Dew's leaning against the doorframe, his hair mussed and copper eyes barely open.
"Left me in a cold ass bed," He grumbles. His tail's wrapped around his leg like a kit self-soothing. Dew's wearing one of Swiss's own shirts, oversized and draped off of one shoulder.
"Oh, spitfire, didn't mean to wake you," Swiss hums. He tries desperately to lick the peanut butter from the roof of his mouth.
"You didn't," Dew says. He takes a step into the kitchen, hissing as the cold floor seems to bring him to more clarity. "You were humming something, it sounded nice. What was it?"
Swiss shrugs, setting his toast down on a plate. "Makin' it up as I went. I'm glad you liked it."
Dew trills softly. He wraps his arms around Swiss's middle, pressing his forehead to the multi-ghoul's chest like a cat seeking affection. Swiss chuckles and presses a kiss between Dew's little horns.
"You want me to keep humming, spitfire?" Swiss asks into Dew's hair.
He doesn't verbally answer, just nods into Swiss's chest.
"One caveat, sweetheart," Swiss says, flashing a grin down at the fire ghoul.
Dew mrrps in question, glancing up at the mischief in Swiss's gold eyes.
Swiss gently takes his arms and unwinds them from around his waist. He takes a step back, holding out one of his hands in invitation, arms open. "May I have this dance?" He says.
Dew scoffs, but sets his hand in Swiss's, the multi-ghoul's dwarfing his. The skin on skin is warm and Dew melts into it. Swiss pulls him in gently, setting Dew's arms on his shoulders before resting his hands on Dew's hips. He begins to hum again, making it up as he goes.
Dew's eyes flutter shut as Swiss begins to sway, guiding him along with him. Swiss bends down, hooks his chin over Dew's shoulder so they're cheek to cheek. His stubble scrapes softly against the sharp line of Dew's jaw, humming straight into the fire ghoul's ear.
Swiss curls his tail around Dew's, like if he could hollow himself out and let the fire ghoul crawl into his ribcage, it still wouldn't be close enough. Dew, for what it's worth, shares the sentiment and presses himself closer until they're pressed together from chest to knee.
They dance like that, Swiss humming softly in the ghoul kitchen, the outside world quiet and dark, peanut butter toast forgotten.
Eventually, when Swiss's improvisation tapers out, they just dance in the silence, and Swiss leans in closer until his lips brush against the shell of Dew's ear.
"Thank you, spitfire," he breathes, lips quirking up in a smile as the tip of his ear flicks. "I know you're usually not one for this."
"For you I am," Dew answers, honest and open in his exhaustion. Swiss laughs softly, joyously.
"You're my whole world, you know?" he says softly, yet still so brightly. He turns, presses a kiss to the line of Dew's cheekbone.
Dew doesn't respond except to purr, rusty and louder than Swiss's humming. He rubs his cheek against Swiss's, eyes shut. "I know," he says, and Swiss knows it's his way of saying I love you.
Swiss smiles, kisses his cheek again. They dance in the kitchen, the sun beginning to rise out past the window.
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multifandom-worlds · 6 months
Fluff prompt 17, Loki, she/her, Eleni
When The Moon Hits Your Eye...
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 957
Warning: NA
Authors Note: I hope you enjoy, beautiful! Thanks for the request! I really enjoyed this!
Tags: @simplyholl @holdmytesseract @ladyofthestayingpower @lokiprompts @dryyoursaltyoceantears @buttercupcookies-blog
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“Loki…” Eleni whines, being dragged out of her nice, comfy bed at some ungodly hour by the God of Mischief himself. A deep chuckle bubbles in his chest, listening to her protests as he tosses the blankets aside. He had a plan, not that she knew it, of course. 
Taking her hand, Loki pulls her to a standing position, hooking an arm around her waist. “Come on, darling. I have a plan for us that I know you’re not going to want to miss.”
“Does it involve waking up now? Can’t it wait until the morning?” Eleni protests, resting her forehead against Loki’s chest. She wants nothing more than to go back to bed. 
Loki chuckled again before grabbing her the change of comfy clothes he had already laid out for her. “Yes, my darling. Now get changed and meet me downstairs in 5 minutes. If you’re not downstairs in 5 minutes, I’m going to come drag you down there myself.” He kisses her forehand before handing her her change of clothes and exiting the room.
Reluctantly, Eleni gets dressed before pulling her hair back into a messy bun and exiting the room. Loki was standing there, leaning against the wall. He smiles, seeing her walk out of their bedroom. “Looking as beautiful as ever, my beloved. Now let’s go.” He smiles, taking her hand and leading her to the elevator. 
She followed him, stepping into the elevator with him and leaning against the wall. “Where are we going, Loki? Nothing is open at this hour.” She looked at him, trying to get a read on his plans, but he gave nothing away.
“All in due time, my sweetest one. It will all make sense soon,” Loki smiles, stepping towards her and resting his hands on her waist. “I assure you, I have a reason for getting you out of bed at this time.” He kisses her forehead gently, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away just as the elevator doors open on the main floor. He takes her hand before walking towards the compound doors. 
The air was crisp but not necessarily cold as the couple stepped outside, causing Eleni to shudder. Moments later, a warm blanket draped over her shoulder. “Here you go, Darling. Don’t worry; I made sure you were prepared.” Loki smiles as they get to his car. Like the gentleman he can be, he opens the door for her. Eleni steps in before he closes the door and walks around the front of the car before getting in himself. 
Starting the car, Loki drives them out of where his surprise awaits. Up on a grassy hill in the New York countryside, a blanket and hot drinks await them, the stars twinkling in the midnight black sky. 
Twenty minutes later, the pair arrive, her face lighting up slightly as she sees what his plan ultimately is. “Star-gazing? You remembered I wanted to go star-gazing? Loki... how... why?” she asks as they pull up to the hill.
“I remember nearly everything you tell me, darling. Now come. The stars won’t gaze upon themselves.” He chuckles as he opens his door after putting the car in park. He walks around, opening the door for her before offering her his hand and helping her out of the vehicle. The two of them walk up the hill, hand in hand. 
Pillows, blankets, snacks, and drinks lay in wait for them. Eleni lies down, her head resting on a pillow, gazing upwards, the faintest smile on her lips, mesmerized by the ethereal glow painted above her. Loki, however, instead of looking at the sky, his gaze was on her, his beautiful, perfect partner.  
“How did I get so lucky?” He whispers to himself, pulling his eyes away from her before joining her on the ground, scooting beside her so their hands are just slightly touching. He looks up at the sky, too, listening to her recount all the constellations and facts about every constellation she could find.
The two drive through the streets of New York in comfortable silence again, watching the city come to life around them. They get back to the still-dark compound, everyone still sleeping peacefully in their beds, unaware of anything around them. 
The pair lay in comfortable silence until the sun kissed the horizon in those early morning hours, chasing away the stars and setting the sky ablaze. “We should get going, my darling,” Loki said, carefully beginning to clean up the dishes, placing them back in the bag that he had brought them in.
“Yeah..” Eleni yawns as she rises from the ground. She picks up the blankets and folds them, placing them in a neat pile on the dewy grass and gathering up all the pillows that had been strewn about. She picks up the stack of blankets before sleepily walking down the hill back to the car. He unlocks it and throws everything in the back seat before opening the door so Eleni can take her things and put them in the backseat as well. Once she was inside, he closed the door, walked around to the driver's side and got in. 
“Thank you, Loki. Star-gazing was a good idea,” Eleni says as they get inside. “I really enjoyed that; thank you for listening to me ramble random facts.”
“I will always listen to your facts, darling. I enjoy nothing more than to hear you talk about what you love. I love having such a smart, passionate girlfriend.” He pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her lower back. “I love you, and I will absolutely take you stargazing again; just say the word, and we’re gone.” 
Eleni looks up at him, a tired smile on her lips, “Tomorrow?”
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sadie-bug345 · 4 months
could you the gang on a museum school trip please? <333
BYE cause this was requested so fucking long ago i feel so bad😭😭😭anyways im finally answering this amazing request‼️
gang at a museum🤓☝️
actually pays attention to the exhibits
like bro is probably out here taking notes or smth😭
pony’s into it and good for him
gets kinda tired of it halfway thru though
by then he doesn’t get whiny but he’ll def drag his feet everywhere the gang goes
not the best team player ngl
will stay at the same exhibit for hours and just think about life (??)
just goes along w what the gang wants
i feel like johnnys canonically opinionless when it comes to these not so serious activities
just vibing ngl
splits off w dally and two and they jus make fun of peoples names and achievements
and you can just hear pony from across the room like
“guys stoooop the cotton gin was a very important invention considering-“
and darry just cuts him off💀
he and steve pair off and just wreak havoc i can’t even 😭😭
they race up and down stairwells, spread false info about people featured in exhibits
you name it
they’re the employees worst nightmare😭
but like after 15 mins they get bored asf and just mope around
darry probably sends them to go sit back in the car since they so clearly don’t wanna be there anymore💀
tries to keep the group in line but let’s be real:
is that even possible😭
eventually gives up after 5 mins of trying
just puts on his little headphones and informational tape thingy and death glares anyone in the group who he senses has made a disturbance
he was standing at one exhibit when he heard a big clatter behind him
confident it was two bit, soda, or worse-dally- he whipped around his head w a nasty look on his face
only for it to be a 7 year old boy who burst out crying cause damn if someone as strong and intimidating as darry looked at me like that, i’d do the same
bro was so fast to get out of there😭😭😭
yeah he a menace, are we surprised?
in general doesn’t really get a lot of fun w it though
cause he’s just put out about being there in general so it doesn’t leave his little brain a lot of space to come up w genuine mischief
kinda goes along w whatever two wants to do cause he knows two is always down w wrecking stuff
tries to hang out w soda but his upbeat energy left dally SO emotionally drained just hanging around him😭
bruh races steve around the museum and they are SO loud
in general it’ll just be quiet and you’ll hear a loud cackle of laughter and you just KNOW two is within a five mile radius of your location
makes jokes about ANYTHING
”man, who names their kid seymour🙄” dally groans at an inventor exhibit as he struggles to find something to complain about at the normal, basic, museum
“why dal, seymour is my middle name! seymour BUTTS” 😀
and dallas is just like 🧍‍♀️
races two to see who gets through the museum faster
trips over a couch which makes the most ungodly clatter noise
everyone and their mother looks up disapprovingly at steve who’s already booking it to the stairwells💀
istg steve is just the type to spawn and despawn SO fast just in general
youll be walking outside the school and he’ll just be like “HEEEEY what’s goin on huh?” with NO warning lmaoooo
TY SO SO MUCH for requesting i’m sorry it took me so fucking long to write this😔anyways my requests are open and i’ll get to them in about a year, trust🙏
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srasdoesthings · 4 months
**✿❀Day 5: Exes❀✿**
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Was struggling to pick a couple for this day when when a fellow femstars discord member (@meltypinksugar) suggested EiHiyo and honestly. I fell in love with it ajdbnahd. I've also written up a little accompaniment blurb under the cut^^ She also helped a lot in beta-ing this piece, so big BIG thanks to him. Thank you Aurie ☆(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*. Enjoy~
“You know, I really dislike you, Ei-chan.”
The blonde doesn't react more than a simple hum. Her face remains placid, the image of calm and serenity. But Hiyori sees it --the slightest twinkle of mischief hidden behind a curtain of long pale lashes and it lights the irritation burning in her brighter.
They were in the gazebo of some party their parents urged them to attend, eager to get away from two-faced banter, drunkards, and sycophants. Eichi leaned over the railings, the smooth slope of her back curved prettily, framed by draped fabric. Hiyori stands behind her, eyes flicking between the deep red rose shrubs decorating the structure and her.
How irritating, she can't help but keep looking at her. Honestly, this whole night was all bad Hiyori.
They arrived nearly at the same time. Eichi sauntered into the entrance just as Hiyori was about to enter the main venue. Now, Hiyori knew Eichi would be there and has done exceptionally well in tolerating her as of late --maybe even enjoying her presence, but seeing her this early into the event put her into bad Hiyori.
Hiyori wanted to leave and ignore her then. Just another annoying Ei-chan thing. As she turned to leave, though, something caught her eye. That color, their accessories, the ungodly amount of pearl detailing… Their outfits were quite similar, weren't they?
She eyes Eichi the whole party, glaring at her across the ballroom, studying her form. The more she stared, the more similarities she saw between them.
A cream gown, decorated in roses and pearls, ruffled sleeves. Well whatever, their gowns had different accent colors! The silhouette was all different too, so it didn't matter.
They also had their hair styled similarly, front locks twisted into loose braids pinned to the side to compliment their similar rosette headdresses, everything pinned and decorated by a crown of pearls. Still, Hiyori had more rosettes than her, and, again, they were of different colors, so it wasn't the same!
The only thing she could not explain away though, what got to her most, were their nails.
A day ago, she and the rest of the Pretty 5 went out to get their manicures done together as a bonding activity. Knowing this ball was coming up, Hiyori opted for a simple pale pastel pink set. She thought it would be cute, even if her dress was a much darker red.
And here comes Eichi, her cream gown accented by pale pastel pink details and roses --her nails painted in dark red polish.
It made it look like they were matching. Like back then…
Hiyori stares at Eichi again. Under the intense warm light in the gazebo, she drinks in the sight of Eichi in her gown.
She was as beautiful as ever. The fabric of her gown hugged her body, accentuating Eichi's slender frame. The long span of fabric draped over her shoulders and to the ruffles on her wrists were flowy, billowing as she moved, graceful and elegant.
She was out of this world. So heavenly that it irked Hiyori. She can't look away from her.
“You're staring,” Eichi hums. She turns to Hiyori, who, in a trance, walks up to where the blonde stood. Cream skirt meets cream skirt. They slotted together. Hiyori's ball gown pressed against Eichi’s mermaid dress. The blonde let out a soft chuckle. “Did you miss me that much, Hiyori? How cute.”
“Not at all.” Yet Hiyori’s arm still moves to embrace her, hands exploring the free expanse of her back, feeling up the slope of her shoulders, how they twitched and shivered under her touch. Her nails left faint, red marks down to the small of Eichi's back before finally she finally settled on playing with the thin strap of her gown. “You really annoy me~”
They lean close to each other, forehead to forehead. Purple meets blue. Hiyori's free hand snakes up the front of Eichi's gown, trailing up from her waist to her sides, her bicep, before wrapping long fingers around her neck.
Eichi meets her head on, intense eyes staring right back at her. She feels Eichi's hand hover over her hips, unsure but clearly wanting.
She hates her. Her lips look so kissable.
“I really dislike you lots, Ei-chan.” Hiyori leans in and captures Eichi's lips in her own.
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