#unnamed narrator you will always be famous
livvywritesworld · 1 year
A Fist in the Mouth | Overview & Analysis
For those who don’t know, I am a creative writing student in my first year of university. In my introduction to creative writing class this semester, I wrote a short story called ‘A Fist in the Mouth’ for our fiction unit. After a couple rounds of editing, I submitted this piece to my university’s literary magazine and was later accepted for publication.
This is my first ever publication acceptance so of course this story holds such a special place in my heart now, and I thought I might make a post about it just kind of sharing a couple of snippets and some of the inspiration and thought I put behind the story as a whole.
(please let it be known that I retain all rights to my original work and no plagiarism will be tolerated)
excerpts and analysis under the cut
‘A Fist in the Mouth’ began as a way for me to kind of reintroduce myself to short fiction after a period of not having written anything at all due to some health issues. I had all of these ideas for the short fiction piece that I needed to write for class and none of them were working out how I wanted them to while still fitting within the word limit. So, I decided to discovery write something while listening to one of my many Spotify playlists just to kind of get in the groove of writing once more and really just see what would happen.
As I was writing, the song “Modern Girl” by Sleater-Kinney came on shuffle and for those of you who have never heard the song, there’s a repeating lyric, “hunger makes me a modern girl.” This really sparked some inspiration in me and all of a sudden I was writing about a teenage runaway come riot grrrl serial concert goer experiencing the horrors of girlhood and ambition. 
‘A Fist in the Mouth’ begins like this:
There’s a difference between running from and running to. When I left home, I thought I was running towards. I didn’t think of it as me leaving my parents’ oppressive religious household, though that was a fact that I readily acknowledged as a girl. I only ever thought of it as me, freshly eighteen, running full speed at a future I thought I deserved. A future I knew never would have found me if I’d stayed in that town, in that house, with those people, spending my days on my knees praying to a god that didn’t see me as deserving of anything more than I’d already been given.
Now, I think all I was doing was running away from every facet of my life. I didn’t feel the same way about God as the rest of my family, was scared to death of them looking at me one day and suddenly seeing all of me. Back then, I felt like I didn’t have any other choice. And I probably didn’t.
The narrator is kind of inspired by the character Maxine in the film ‘X,’ which I had watched a couple of weeks before writing the story, as well as Ethel Cain’s discography. I really wanted to write from the perspective of a teenage girl fleeing a very religious household (religious trauma for the win) because she wants more out of life than what her parents have laid out for her.
As we move through the story and see how the narrator interacts with the 90s Seattle grunge & punk scene, we are introduced to the narrator’s insatiable hunger (her ambition, queerness, and dedicated yearning). I use a lot of motifs throughout the beginning and middle of the text to try and recreate this feeling for the reader.
I was nineteen and my presence felt both excessive and non-existent. I wasn’t eating as much as I should’ve been, couldn’t really afford three meals a day. Most of my money went towards rent and bills, any real food I got would be leftovers from the diner. The cook was a bit sweet on me, so he’d make me a sandwich every day, free of charge, whatever kind I wanted.
The thing was though, even if I did get enough to eat, I still never felt full. I’d look in the mirror and my mouth would be this gaping cavern, something that didn’t fit on my face. It didn’t matter how old I was, how much life I did or didn’t experience— in the mirror smiling back at me was a gape-toothed girl looking to swallow the whole world if given the chance.
Then, we meet the character of Magdalene Williams, who is the only character in the story that I’ve named. The inspiration for Magdalene was definitely Mary Magdalene— I kind of wanted this holy-like figure to come into the narrator’s life and really give her a taste of the life that she craves for herself.
Magdalene invites the narrator to an all non-men punk show on the edge of Seattle and the narrator feels her hunger clawing up out of her stomach and demanding to go. She is inherently drawn to Magdalene and has no idea why. So she accepts the invitation. 
The story kind of unravels from there, and we end with Magdalene coming onstage with her band and giving The Performance of a Lifetime and generally really disturbing the narrator. The narrator knows that something Is Not Right here, she’s been very active in the scene for the last year and has never heard of Magdalene yet the entire crowd is going wild over her, and once Magdalene starts singing she immediately knows that something is wrong. And yet. She just can’t look away.
In Magdalene, the narrator sees everything that she wants, everything that she is so hungry for, and it terrifies her. She’s also a little jealous, and a little horny but very much in a prophet/faithhealer x devotee kind of way. 
I wrote the entire story in past tense because I really wanted it to have a sort of confessional vibe, to really keep in tone with the religious themes and imagery. My professor suggested after workshop that I might try it in present tense but it just was not working. During our class workshop however, everyone said that they liked the choice of past tense because it was almost like the narrator was telling us, the reader, that she experienced such an intense period of wanting in her life and still made it out in the end.
I don’t know if it’s too much to share on here like word count-wise, but the last few paragraphs of the story are my absolute favorites and I’m so proud of them. They’ve remained mostly unchanged in my various rounds of edits and I’m so impressed with myself for being able to write like this after having literally not written anything substantial in around six months.
Before I left home, my whole life was like a sepia photograph of a sunny day. Over-exposed, parents with smiling faces and sons with square jaws, daughters with ribbons in their hair. Wooden crosses on the walls, simple and unornate because God doesn’t need to be loved in gold foil. Grass stains on white tights, Sunday kitten heels scuffed from being worn so often, deodorant powder refusing to wash off the baby pink dress Mama thought looked so nice with my brown eyes.
There’s a difference between running from and running to. At eighteen, I was running towards something. I’msure of that. I don’t think I ever had an idea of what that something was, or what I even wanted it to be, but I did know that I didn’t want to be some televangelist’s golden daughter proffered up to God like Icarus was to the sun.
I noticed things about myself the way my family noticed things about God and religion and theology. Studied myself in mirrors, in the dark, in the depths of my own mind. I noticed everything and remembered nothing. Blood never started to fill my mouth until I surrounded myself with idolatry of a different kind, the screams sounded too much like mine.
At nineteen, I was running from. That night, hunger attacked every fiber of my being, ate away at my organs, left behind teeth marks and blood. I saw that hunger reflected in Magdalene, her mouth an open wound as she screamed out her lyrics. I wasn’t scared, though. There’s nothing scary about hunger, what’s scary is the response hunger elicits from other people.
This, I noticed. All in real time. Learned it of myself.
I watched the crowd feed Magdalene, and consequently devour her whole. Sanctify her living and alive, right before my eyes. And I never wanted anything more than I did then. I craved it, would’ve let hordes of women and girls crucify me where I stood just to be in Magdalene’s position. She never could’ve been full, not with the way she sang, but at least she was well fed. Oh how I wanted to be kept in excess.
Have learned to become my own number one fan lol
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anti-dazai-blog · 5 months
Second Anniversary Special
As many of the long-time followers of this blog know, I originally started out on the classic literature side of tumblr, which is what lead to my venturing into bsd. As an homage to my roots as a classic lit enthusiast, I’ll be going through all the works that I’ve read written by bsd authors:
The Spider’s Thread by Akutagawa
This short story is brought up in a lot of animes, which is unfortunately the most likely way western bsd fans. I could make an entire separate post of commentary on how the American school system doesn’t cover most foreign literature (outside of English [as in from England] and French works), and that is an absolute travesty. However, that’s not what we’re covering right now. 
Anyway. The Spider’s Thread is a very short story—like two pages at most. You can go read it now. For all the other entries I plan on rating the novels out of 5, but this one’s truly too short to rate. If you wanna read it you can find a hundred pdfs online. The same probably goes for most works of classic literature, so. Go wild enjoy the wonderful world of free online pdfs.
The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
I was probably assigned other works by Poe, but this one is most likely his most famous short story. I was assigned it in middle school/high school/ and at least twice in college. Again, very short short story—you can read it in a few minutes tops. 
5/5 for the sole reason of it aligning with my personal sense of humor. I get that it’s not supposed to be funny, but unreliable narrators are and will always be hilarious to me. I love a guy insisting that he’s not crazy while he’s off murdering a guy. Cask of Amontillado-core protagonist. Funny because E.A. Poe also wrote Cask of Amantillado. I’m out here starting to suspect that E.A. Poe just really loved writing his unnamed unreliable narrator protagonists.
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
I’ve never read Tom Sawyer, but in 11th grade my class read Huckleberry Finn. 3/5 because I don’t like the way it was taught in class, but I did enjoy analyzing it more than some other books we did. 
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky
Currently reading it so I can’t give much feedback, but so far I’d like this guy (Raskolnikov not Dostoyevsky) to meet Meursault from The Stranger. If anyone’s made this crossover, please send it to me. And if not and you wanna go make it yourself—please I’ll love you forever.
Dracula by Bram Stoker 
I mean we’ve all done Dracula Daily. Or at least I’ll assume you’ve heard of it. 5/5, Mina’s best girl, Quincey’s best boy, I have very basic opinions but I’m standing by them.
The Stranger by Camus
Meursault the prison is clearly named after Meursault, the fictional character who famously goes to prison, right. We’re all on the same page about this, right? 
Anyway if you’ve never heard of or read the stranger, [spoilers] it’s about this guy who kills a guy for no reason (“it was just so hot outside, idk what happened but now there’s a dead guy, this is a good enough criminal defense right? You’re not gonna send me to jail for just this one little mistake---oh you’re giving me the death penalty? Ah. I see.”) Solid 4/5—points deducted for being a little slow by some parts (although I can’t vouch for how it is in the original French, this was only my impression from the English translation I read)
After making this list, it’s clear that I haven’t read too many books my bsd authors, so next years my anniversary special will be more about the classic literature I have read. I do plan to keep posting until then. So please enjoy another year of the anti-dazai blog!!
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bugflies00 · 1 year
RIGHT so the pirate au
well it's nothing very original don't get your hopes up or anything BUT. basically it's mainly lmancrew (with a crimeboys focus) and tntduo centered and it's set in like a medieval-esque fictional setting like basically six of crows minus the magic. like i literally typed six of crows into pinterest to get good images those are the vibes
wilbur's captain of this ship called the l'manberg (ok no but i hesitated between naming the ship or their og town lmanburg but i ended up naming the ship that because i just think it's such a good ship name like . she/her in a boat way. does this make sense) and the crew is niki, jack, eret, fundy and tubbo (well obviously theres more people cause how would a ship Function but the rest of those are Unnamed background characters).
wilbur's also a pretty high ranked official like idk general or captain of the guard idk how the military works i would have to figure that out, but basically he's kinda famous and so's his ship. they aren't participating in a war it's more of like an explorer position because wilbur's known for being a brilliant cartographer and so the previous king just kinda appointed him to this new position to let him fuck off & do his own thing mapping the whole world with his crew. the issue is the old king died with no heir and replaced by his nephew (dream) who's much more controlling and power-hungry than he was and who doesn't want to waste money & resources on some bs like maps. this will create Conflict (im so good at narration guys. Help)
tommy's like a homeless orphan (as he alwyas is) and really needs a job and money and all that and he hears the l'manburg isn't at sea for once and wilbur & his crew are taking a rest at the capital for a couple days before sailing back off again. naturally he sneaks in, lives in the storage room for like a week or two, surviving off scraps of food . then tubbo stumbles across him and almost reports him, but tommy convinces him not to and so tubbo helps him for a couple days. then someone else finds him, and he's brought to the captain and they all threaten to throw the stowaway overboard (they wouldn't actually they're all kinda softies) and tommy's like pissing himself from how scared he is especially cause wilbur's like . this really famous general who's had books and songs written about him and shit (he doesn't know yet hes just an annoying pretentious prick (/lovingly)) so he's like Ohmygod im dead and then wilbur's like . "Can you cook" "erm no" "can you clean" "yeah ig" "Can you fight even somewhat decently" "yeah bitch me and my knives are the best they call me th-" "Ok you're hired" AND THUS tommy joins the crew
and so they keep on sailing with their mission yadda yadda and WHAM they encounter the most notorious pirate crew of the continent, named, you guessed it, las nevadas. and tommy's heard a lot of proper horror stories about them and he's terrified but the crew have fought them off a bunch of times before so they're mainly annoyed because they're gonna have to deal with the frankly disgustingly homoerotic rivalry that their captain and the pirate captain have been passionately engaging in for several years now. THATS RIGHT TNTDUO BABY oh they are so pathetic and so gay it's actually embarrassing they'll have like sword duels . wilbur's the uptight, bitchy, and somewhat pretentious general with perfectly styled hair and ornate coat always huffing and puffing and waxing poetry meanwhile quackity's the fuckin bad boy stereotype with like a half unbuttoned poet or blackshirt (slut) (wilbur cannot stop staring its embarrassing) and he's always hanging off ropes and shit and doing sick acrobatics and taunting wilbur GOD they're so. and yeah they have sword duels where all they do is "distract the opponent" in order to "efficiently win the battle" which is code for "practically make out while hurling insults at each other"
also crimeboys is like "in awe of the legendary general" "who is this child on my boat" >>> "oh my god the general's a prick" "oh my god the child's a demon" >>> "maybe he's not that bad but i would rather die and curse his entire family line than admit that" >>> "that is my brother i would die for him and if you lay a hand upon him you won't have hands anymore" (the funny thing is they both end up with that same level of protectiveness and making the same threats despite wilbur being a like Adult and high ranked official with power and influence and decades of training of elaborate swordsmanship behind him . and tommy is a stowaway fifteen year old orphan with three knives and teeth and a whole lot of anger . but they're both like "no i must protect and die for the other" im sorry i just love them ok theyre so stupid) i just LOVE crimeboys having to go through begrudging bonding instead of instantly being ride or die brothers GIVE ME TO MORE ENEMIES TO FRIENDS TO BROTHERS anyway
also we also get emerald duo in the form of them being co-captains (please pretend that is a thing i know Nothing about anything ever) of this other ship and they're like independent merchants or whatever idk i have not figured out that whole bit yet MY POINT IS they're not affiliated with anyone they just sorta do their own thing and only help people if they want to or are indebted . they help out wilbur sometimes cause he's a dumbass
speaking of wilbur like i said he's had books and songs written about him (his age is kind of a grey zone like on one hand he's pretty young for a general but he's also had time to become this like famous and mysterious figure so can't be Too young . so i think probably like 27-29? smth like that) and one of them was a legend about how he fell in love with a mermaid . yes she had red hair and teal scales and her name was sally BUT SHE'S STILL AN OCEAN MERMAID I KNOW SALMONS LIVE IN RIVERS anyway . also for little tntduo crumbs he's called quackity a siren multiple times (in his mind he's insulting him like "ooh you manipulate people" and everyone around him is like "that is the Gayest thing you could possibly have said") and quackity's like "didnt you date a mermaid" "yeah but sirens are like evil mermaids" "so you want to date me" and then wilbur stabs him
ALSO more about wilbur's character development (this is a bit spoilerish but also it's not like im ever writing this full fic so you're not exactly risking much but just be warned) he starts out like i said as this really uptight military official who started when he was really young and trained really hard and flew through the ranks really fast because he worked his ass off . And so he's Very protective of his rank & title & prestige not so much because he's snobbish but because he worked so hard for it but so it often comes across as him being this like pretentious fuck (well he's also pretentious but thats just wilbur) . also he originally dreamed of being a cartographer and he spent his whole childhood drawing up maps but then he realised he couldn't make a living out of that so he decided to work hard enough to be at the top and then do what he wanted. and so he wears like his tricorn hat with a feather and his ornate coat and neatly tucked in shirt and everything cause for him it's like Proof that he Did it yknow . but then as time goes by, especially in the presence of quackity (who's very antihero-esque and so does not give a shit about ranks or whatever he's a pirate he does his own thing) and also a bit tommy (who was literally dressed in rags until they clothed and fed him but still behaves like a street rat on the most famous ship of the country) he slowly loosens up and he ends up ditching the coat and the hat and instead wears more stuff like loose poet shirts (open because he's a slut) . and so yeah character development through clothing and whatnot
ok so YEAH those are the tidbits that were plaguing my mind the most but there's definitely a whole lot more in my head like ive got a pinterest board and shit
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Midnight Rain, dorothea, tis the damn season theory:
On folklore, Taylor theoretically wrote three connecting songs about a love triangle: cardigan, august, and betty. What if, on evermore, Taylor did something similar, writing two connecting songs about a relationship: dorothea and tis the damn season?
Tis the damn season is about someone coming home for the holidays and thinking about an old flame/relationship and thinking about what it would be like to briefly get back together with them. This is someone who knows the narrator better than the narrator’s new friends, colleagues, and lovers. It’s someone that the narrator cannot fully get past.
Dorothea is from the reverse perspective of someone who was left behind in a small town. The narrator misses and recalls memories with Dorothea, someone they loved who left. In Taylor’s own words, Dorothea is, “the girl who left her small town to chase down Hollywood dreams — and what happens [in tis the damn season] when she comes back for the holidays and rediscovers an old flame.”
I believe that tis the damn season is from the perspective of the character named Dorothea – and that dorothea is from the perspective of the tis the damn season muse.
When listening to Midnight Rain the first few times, I started to notice similarities and lyrical parallels between it and dorothea. Midnight Rain is from the perspective of someone who was chasing a more glamorous life and career, and this narrator is singing about a lost love interest of theirs who wanted different, more simple things and was left behind. Below are some specific lyrical parallels.
Midnight Rain:
My town was a wasteland
Full of cages, full of fences
Pageant queens and big pretenders
But for some, it was paradise
Hey Dorothea
Do you ever stop and think about me?
When it was calmer
Skipping the prom
Just to piss off your mom
And her pageant schemes
Midnight Rain:
And he never thinks of me
Except when I'm on TV
You got shiny friends since you left town
A tiny screen's the only place I see you now
And I got nothing but well wishes for ya
I believe that tis the damn season and Midnight Rain are from the perspective of the same person, aka Dorothea herself. And dorothea is from the perspective of Dorothea’s love interest.
I have always experienced dorothea as an almost patronizing song. The narrator is practically assuming that Dorothea is utterly unhappy in her new life and that she could be better off going home to them. While there may be truth in this, it is an oversimplification of the situation. The narrator is frozen in time in this life that they once had with Dorothea, and they seem to want to keep Dorothea frozen in time with them as well.
Even though TDS and Midnight Rain are from the perspective of the same person, they are very different songs. TDS is a soft, gentle, reflective song. The narrator, Dorothea, looks back longingly on her relationship with her lover. She is tempted to get back together briefly over the holidays, but she knows that it could never last.
Midnight Rain, on the other hand, feels like much more of a direct response to the patronizing, assumption filled tone of dorothea. Midnight Rain very clearly sends the message that while Dorothea cares deeply for her ex and part of her wishes that their relationship could have worked out, the two of them are wildly incompatible. Her ex wants a simple, happy life, while Dorothea is chasing fame and a much more glamorous, untraditional life. These two people’s interests, dreams, and lives are incompatible and likely always will be.
The question is, of course, who are Dorothea and her ex?
I think that Taylor is Dorothea, and some unnamed person is her ex. At this point, Taylor is much more famous than anyone she has ever been linked to romantically. She has made it clear in songs like Lavender Haze that she has very mixed/negative feelings about ‘settling down’ into any sort of traditional marriage and life. Now that both Taylor and her ex have moved on, the only place that her ex sees her is on tv or in magazines.
As to whom Dorothea’s love interest is, it could be various people – it’s likely someone who was quite serious about Taylor, but ultimately was forced to let her go because they wanted something she could never give them.
In addition, as we know, if the characters in the folklore love triangle are based off of a real life triangle Taylor experienced later in life – clearly Taylor was placing the real life people in a mostly fictional setting. I think that Taylor is likely doing a similar thing with the characters of Dorothea and her love interest. The real life version of Dorothea’s ex is not necessarily a childhood friend from Taylor’s literal hometown. I believe it could be a more recent ex who is just closely tied to a specific place Taylor lived in and a time in her life.
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ramonmeimer · 11 months
Never Bet the Devil Your Head: A Tale with a Moral" by Edgar Allan Poe
Never Bet the Devil Your Head: A Tale with a Moral" is a short gothic tale by Edgar Allen Poe about a man named Toby dammit. Toby, who is self centered and arrogant, enjoys lecturing people about their behavior and finding flaws in them until one day he dares the devil to make a bet with him. 
Toby is always very arrogant, often saying “I bet the devil my head” and then completes a random dare given by himself or his friend. For this none of his so called friends liked him that much also he would often make jokes and remarks about them. One day when Toby and his unnamed friend were walking in the dark woods hand in hand they saw a bridge. Once they crossed the bridge they saw a small wall/fence, toby then claimed that he could jump over the fence while making some dance moves he was sure of it so he even said his famous words “i bet the devil my head”. Suddenly someone coughed in the darkness “ahem” said the small mysterious man. He was wearing a full black suit, clean shirt and hair was parted in front like a girl’s. The weird man goes again “ahem” to get attention from the two friends. Once they acknowledged his presents the man confirmed if Toby said that he would bet the devil his head if he could do the dance move over the fence. Toby's friend confirmed and the man seemed weirdly pleased. Unknowing who this man was, Toby started mocking the man's coughing and saying “i don't care who the devil this man is' '. Once done mocking Mr.dammit started taking steps back preparing for the jump once he was ready the man counted from one. One, two, three and away. Toby started running towards the fence on the way. Toby's spectating friend saw him leap and do the move but he fell. After sometime Toby's friend understood that he was not getting up, he was on the ground not moving. He went to check. Once he stepped over the wall he saw a metal bar right at his neck. He understood that Toby had been badly injured. He rushed quickly to him and saw Toby's body with his head decapitated and to be nowhere seen just like the mysterious little man. The still unnamed friend is now alone with Toby's headless body crying. 
Never Bet the Devil Your Head delivers a life lesson of no one is immortal to failings in a very dank humor and satirical manner. The story also expresses a type of karma where Toby dammit has been mocking and using the devil's name his whole life and now got the karma for using this kind of easy betting and daring phrase. As the narrator in the story said it is much easier to say “I bet the devil my head” than "I bet you a dollar” or another easier betting phrase. This type of dark humor  is expressed in all of Poe's works.   
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solacefruit · 4 years
Hello! Been reflecting on the feedback you gave and there’s something that struck my mind. In regards to what you mentioned about over-using epithets, I was wondering about how to strike a better balance; I feel like constantly using just names and he/she/etc would get too repetitive for my liking, but how do I avoid leaning on epithets too much? What even is too much? I know you might not have a real answer, but I thought I should ask anyway just in case. Also, thank you for the feedback!
Hello there! Firstly, you’re very welcome, and secondly, good news: I do actually have an answer for this issue of epithets. Epithets themselves aren’t actually good or bad, but–like anything–over-use or misuse of them can spoil writing. What makes the difference is almost always context. 
The mistake that fandom writers often make is that they slap just any old epithet any-old-where, thinking it’s better than repeating a name too many times, which is how you get “the taller man,” “the blonde boy.” These writers fundamentally misunderstand what an epithet can (and should) do, which is describe character. That’s not the same as telling you their height or appearance. I literally mean you should strive to reveal meaningful characterisation with your choices. Otherwise, you’re better served just using a pronoun or name. 
So, things to consider when figuring out whether to use epithets or not:
Point-of-view: I bring this up first because it’ll impact everything else. If you are writing in third-person limited, epithets can be great friends to you, because whenever you use them, you are telling your reader what your focal character thinks of the person they are describing. It does not need to be accurate or true! In fact, in third-person limited, everything you write is told through the perspective of the character who is seeing and thinking about the world, so everything is biased on account of being seen through their lens. Because of that, using an epithet can be a great way to reveal your focal character’s perspective and personality by how they think of other people.
For example, “Oakheart prowled over” versus “the handsome warrior prowled over.” This second example tells you what a third-person limited narrator thinks of the character, and the first one doesn’t. As you can imagine, this is a lot of power! Use it wisely. (More on this later).
By comparison, third-person omniscient narration is told by an unseen, usually unknown and unnamed disembodied voice who is describing the protagonist and the rest of the world equally. The narrator can know and see things the protagonist cannot, including the protagonist! That means you can use epithets for anyone, protagonist included–but it’s a good idea to figure out how honest your narrator is first. Do they see the world the way it is, and report it “truthfully”? 
If so, you need to be careful about subjectivity: “the handsome warrior” is going to make the reader think of what they think of as handsome, and if that doesn’t line up with what your narrator later describes physically, your narrator–or worse, you, which some readers conflate with narrator–is going to seem biased or opinionated and that’s going to have ramifications. I can advise sticking to objective facts when using epithets in this narration style, and keep in mind that the epithets you choose to apply to any character is going to reflect your narrator’s implicit thoughts and opinions. This can be used to fantastic effect when your narrator does have a strong voice and set of opinions (essentially, when they are a character in their own right), such as in A Series of Unfortunate Events or Pride and Prejudice. But if you’re trying to keep your narrator invisible to the reader, proceed with caution when using epithets. 
Unfamiliarity: epithets are most commonly used before people get to know each other, before learning names. That’s when it’s appropriate to describe someone by their looks, because often that’s all there is to go on: “the dark-haired man,” “the sharp-eyed woman,” “the boy in the blue cloak.” However, once a name is known, these kinds of epithets tend to lose their usefulness, because (see above: third-person limited) why would your focal character keep thinking of them like this once they know their name? Do you think of your friends by their name, or their hair colour? Would you think “the tall person” when thinking of a partner, instead of their name? Probably not! Your characters are the same.
Social distance, respect, and/or role: epithets include titles, such as Her Majesty or the emperor, and often it is not appropriate to call the king just “George,” even in private narration. Because of that, characters who are royal, divine, or otherwise upper class in some significant way often are referred to primarily by epithets. 
This can also be true of characters performing a business role, such as a postal worker or shopkeeper, or a parental one, like mum or dad. “The mailman dropped off the package, wished her a good day, and continued down the road” is a perfectly reasonable use of an epithet. You can even do something like: “George!” she said, waving down the mailman. And what that tells you is that the mailman is named George, and clearly the focal character knows him pretty well. That’s a lot of information in one sentence! 
Defamiliarisation: similar to above, you can use epithets specifically to obfuscate a name or to imply that a person (or creature) does not have one. In that context, a repeated epithet (or collection of epithets) essentially becomes a name in the mind of the reader and serves the same function. Perhaps the most famous (or infamous?) example of this is Frankenstein’s monster. It is often referred to as the creature, wretch, demon, fiend, being, and so on, because it was never given a name and the absence of a name is significant. These epithets tell you a lot about the characters of both the creature and the creator. 
Revealing character detail: this is the one that a lot of people slip on, as I mentioned before, because it’s not always immediately clear when an epithet adds or detracts to an interaction. My rule of thumb is to ask yourself when unsure, “in this moment, what does this reveal?” or “in this moment, what does this highlight?” If a satisfactory answer springs to mind, it’s probably fine. So, for example:
“I told you not to take the patrol past the forest,” said Nightstar. “You disobeyed me.” Mousetail looked away in shame. 
There’s nothing wrong with this passage! However, you can also do this:
“I told you not to take the patrol past the forest,” said Nightstar. “You disobeyed me.” The deputy looked away in shame.
What does this highlight? By using this epithet, the reader is reminded of the relationship between these two characters, which in this moment is heavily laden with emotion and tension. You would not achieve that same result with only names. You would also not receive the same result with:
“I told you not to take the patrol past the forest,” said Nightstar. “You disobeyed me.” The brown cat looked away in shame.
You don’t get anything from the use of this epithet, because being a brown cat is totally irrelevant to this exchange. It doesn’t change anything about the dynamic, or the emotional tone, or the dialogue. It’s empty words, thrown in just to avoid saying a name. That is not a choice that serves your story well and when people say using epithets is bad, this is almost invariably the kind of thing they’re referring to. 
For the thrill of it: sometimes epithets are fun! Sometimes it’s fun to throw in an unusual description detail, or a particularly choice combination of words in a more poetic style. Sometimes it just sounds good. However, it can be risky–for all the above reasons. Weigh them all up carefully before you throw in your “the moonlight-eyed cat” or “the boy with sun-soaked hair” type thing, but don’t not put these sorts of things in if you feel your story needs it!
I hope this helps! When it doubt, interrogate your choice and see if it is actually adding to what you’re trying to achieve. If it’s not, cut it and replace it with a name or pronoun. There’s no formula to what’s too much or not enough, so you’ve got to judge it on a case-by-case basis. Good luck with your writing!
26 notes · View notes
wkcdogshowlive · 4 years
The 145th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show will be held at Lyndhurst, a property of the National Trust for Historic Preservation, in Tarrytown, New York on Saturday, June 12 and Sunday, June 13, 2021, with live coverage across FOX Sports networks. Due to the ever-changing government restrictions during the pandemic a move to a springtime, outdoor dog show was necessary to uphold Westminster’s strong commitment to the health and safety of everyone who attends our show.
When and Where is Westminster Dog Show 2021?
The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show will return for the 145th year at Madison Square Garden on February 15 & 16, 2021!
Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream on Official Channel
Fox Sports, also referred to as Fox Sports Media Group, is the sports programming division of the Fox Corporation that is responsible for sports broadcasts carried by the Fox broadcast network, Fox Sports 1, Fox Sports 2, and the Fox Sports Radio network. The division was formed in 1994 with Fox’s acquisition of broadcast rights to National Football League games.
It is possible to enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Online without cable. You can enjoy all the games on Fox Sports. For this, you have to spend a little cost. And you should confirm your subscription on Fox Sports.
A FOX SPORTS Digital Subscription can be purchased for either: $4.99 per month with payment in advance and automatically debited every 4 weeks, payable by credit/debit card or PayPal or.
Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream All Over The World
Sports is a very famous event not only in the USA but also in Various Countries. There is a lot of fans in The World who love to enjoy Sports. So it is possible to enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream from any corner of the world. For this, you need to know some channels and information. Only for the fans, we are sharing this. Let’s know about that.
You can watch Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live on Sky from the UK. Sky UK Limited is a British broadcaster and telecommunications company that provides television and broadband Internet services, fixed-line and mobile telephone services to consumers and businesses in the United Kingdom. For the basic service, here’s what you pay: Installation: £0, £30 or £60 – Free if you get a Sky+HD box! You only pay the installation once.
Westminster Dog Show 2021 match will broadcast on ITV. ITV is a British free-to-air television channel. Previously a network of separate uniquely identifiable regional television channels, ITV currently operates in England, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. From 2001 until 2013, the primary ITV channel was called ITV1.
BT Sport is a group of pay television Westminster Dog Show 2021 channels provided by BT Consumer; a division of BT Group in the United Kingdom and Ireland that was launched on 1 August 2013. The channels are based at the former International Broadcast Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.
Latin America
Movistar TV is a subscription television service operated by Telefónica. Currently, the service is available in Chile, Perú, Colombia, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Argentina. In Spain, this service merged with the satellite platform Canal+, resulting in a new platform called Movistar+. You can enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream From Latin America.
ky México is a company that operates a subscription television service in Mexico, Central America, Dominican Republic, and Panama. It produces TV content and owns several TV channels. It is one of Mexico’s leading pay-TV providers and is owned by Televisa and Vrio, a subsidiary of AT&T Latin America.
Thermoplastic elastomers, sometimes referred to as thermoplastic rubbers, are a class of copolymers or a physical mix of polymers that consist of materials with both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. While most elastomers are thermosets, thermoplastics are in contrast relatively easy to use in manufacturing, for example, by injection molding.
When it comes to Sports in Japan, several TV companies are covering the sport on a free-to-air basis. These include the likes of Fuji TV and TBS. There is also however a major paid TV channel that covers Sports in Japan, with regular live shows as well as numerous archive shows. That is NTV G+, which we refer to as just G+ for simplicity purposes. Fran From Asia can enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream By using G+.
Fans from Australia can enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream on Foxtel. NXE Australia Pty Limited is an Australian pay television company—operating in cable television, direct broadcast satellite television, and IPTV streaming services. It was formed in April 2018, superseding an earlier company from 1995.
Fans From New Zealand can enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream on TVNZ. Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to as TVNZ, is a state-owned television network that is broadcast throughout New Zealand and parts of the Pacific region. Although the network identifies as a national, part-public broadcaster, it is fully commercially funded.
Show Club will telecast Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream. Show Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. It is based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. Norton plays the unnamed narrator, who is discontented with his white-collar job. He forms a Show club with soap salesman Tyler Durden.
Teleport was the first Romanian Westminster Dog Show 2021 channel launched on 1 December 2003, by Silviu Prigoana, the man behind Taraf TV and Ethno TV. In March 2008, Realitatea-Caţavencu Group bought the station and brought a new team to manage the channel, team led by Vlad Enăchescu, a former manager at TVR1. You can enjoy your favorite Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live on Teleport.
Westminster Dog Show 2021 on Without cable
Behind This Modern World, There Is Another World That Is Called Internet World. If You Want To Watch Westminster Dog Show 2021 Online Without A Cable, You Have To Find The Online Accessible Channels. Watching Without A Cable Is A Prevalent Choice For Those With High Mobility, Or Simply Those Who Don’t Want To Use Cable. It will be The Best Streaming Services For You. There are many without cable site, for your knowledge we are sharing some of those.
DirecTV Now
It will be one of The Best options to enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 live streaming. For international users, It Can Be the Better choice for you. DirecTV Now Is The Channel Under The Umbrella Of AT & T. Any Package You Can Free Travel For A Week. Direct TV is one of America’s most popular satellite channels.
DirecTV Now starts at $40 per month with its Live a Little package, which includes more than 60 live channels. DIRECTV NOW lets you stream your favorite channels and On Demand titles for a low monthly price. There’s no bulky hardware or annual contracts required, but you will need hours on end to watch the news, Westminster Dog Show 2021, movies, and more on DIRECTV NOW. You can also stream on your computer and mobile devices.
FuboTV Is One Of The Better Option To The Streaming Channel. Fubo TV Is Available For All NCAAF Lovers For All Times. For Watching Westminster Dog Show 2021, You Can Use Fubo TV You Are Anywhere It Doesn’t Metter. To Gating Access To Fubo Tv, You Can Use iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Laptop, as well as PC.
This means you’ll get Sports. The only match you won’t get is on ESPN. Once you subscribe, you will be able to stream your local Show Event on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, Fire TV, Chromecast, iOS, and Android.
FuboTV offers a $55 base package in addition to several a la carte channel additions ranging from $5 to $29 a month. You can upgrade your Cloud DVR storage and add one extra simultaneous stream for monthly fees.
Sling TV
You can enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream On Sling TV. It is an American streaming television service operated by Sling TV LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dish Network. Unveiled on January 5, 2015, at the Consumer Electronics Show, the virtual multichannel video programming distributor aims to complement subscription video-on-demand services for cord-cutters, offering a selection of major cable channels and OTT-originated services that can be streamed through smart TVs, digital media players, and apps.
You do not need a Dish subscription to get Sling TV. It’s available on several different platforms including iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku. Plans start at $30 and include around 30 live TV channels. Local channels are limited or nonexistent on Sling TV. Sling is one of the most affordable cord-cutting services on the market, offering two packages Orange and Blue with 30+ live channels starting at $30 a month or combined for $45 a month. Orange offers the Disney Channel and ESPN, while Blue offers a slate of Fox channels, NBC, Bravo, and Discovery.
Westminster Dog Show 2021 on a Device
In This Modern Era in 2020, Smartphone Is The Most Using Thing To Watch Anything, To Get Information About Anything, And So On. For The Users Of Smart Phone We Are Ready To Give You The Information, So That, You Can Always Enjoy Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Show. You Can Install Official Broadcasting Software. Or You Can Get Access By Using Smartphone To Following Our Instruction. Always Follow Our Site And Enjoy The Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Stream On Device. Let’s know about some apps to enjoy the Westminster Dog Show 2021.
Roku is a line of digital media players manufactured by American company Roku, Inc. The devices offer access to streaming media content from various online services. The line was introduced in May 2008 with its first model, developed in collaboration with Netflix. The Roku series has been considered on the overall market for digital media players, helping to popularize the concept of low-cost.
Roku is an app, which will provide you Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live streaming. After setting up Roku, access the Roku channel store for adding new channels. By entering the focus channel in the search bar, you will find an app, now install it. You have to subscribe to the channel from your devices to get access to Roku. You can access Roku by using the information on Channel. Then you will enjoy the live Event Westminster Dog Show 2021.
Roku streaming players start at just $29.99, and Roku TVs are available from a variety of TV manufacturers at affordable prices. There are no monthly fees for watching free channels or for using a Roku device. History Vault $4.99/month Stream acclaimed series like America the Story of Us and The Men Who Built America, probing documentaries, and captivating specials, all commercial-free. Choose from the largest collection of historical videos with new content added weekly.
Final Text
Westminster Dog Show 2021 will be the biggest event of this year 2021. In The Event, famous stars will be a great experience for you, your friends, and your family. I hope you get all information about Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live Streaming from our site. Because our site is all about Westminster Dog Show 2021. We have tried to give you information about Westminster Dog Show 2021 Live online streaming, social media streaming, using the app for streaming, and so on. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask us through our contact option. If you need more information, please visit this site.
1 note · View note
rolex24live · 4 years
The popular Rolex 24 At DAYTONA on the DAYTONA Road Course will open the IMSA WeatherTech Sportscar Championship season. The IMSA WeatherTech Sportscar Championship currently features competition in four classes: the headlining Daytona Prototype international class, Le Mans Prototype 2, GT Le Mans and GT Daytona. On Friday, Jan. 29 – prior to the Saturday-Sunday, twice-around-the-clock Rolex 24 – the IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge season will begin with the four-hour BMW Endurance Challenge.
When and Where is Rolex 24 2021?
59th running of the Rolex 24 At DAYTONA, North America’s most prestigious sports car race set for Jan. 30-31, 2021, at Daytona International Speedway.
Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream on Online Channel
NBCSN is an American pay television channel that is owned by the NBC Sports Group division of NBCUniversal. It originally launched on July 1, 1995, as the Outdoor Life Network, which was dedicated to programming primarily involving fishing, hunting, outdoor adventure programs, and outdoor sports. By the turn of the 21st century, OLN became better known for its extensive coverage of the Tour de France but eventually began covering more mainstream sporting events, resulting in its relaunch as Versus in September 2006.
It is possible to enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Online without cable. You can enjoy all the games on NBCSN. For this, you have to spend a little cost. And you should confirm your subscription on NBCSN.
To get NBCSN, you’ll only need to subscribe to the cheapest, $55/month Plus plan. Peacock Free consists of 7,500 hours of programming, including next-day access to current seasons of first-year NBC shows, Universal movies, and curated content such as SNL, Vault, and Family Movie Night. The two premium tiers come in at $4.99 per month with ads and $9.99 per month with no ads.
Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream All Over The World
Sports is a very famous event not only in the USA but also in Various Countries. There is a lot of fans in The World who love to enjoy Sports. So it is possible to enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream from any corner of the world. For this, you need to know some channels and information. Only for the fans, we are sharing this. Let’s know about that.
You can watch Rolex 24 2021 Live on Sky from the UK. Sky UK Limited is a British broadcaster and telecommunications company that provides television and broadband Internet services, fixed-line and mobile telephone services to consumers and businesses in the United Kingdom. For the basic service, here’s what you pay: Installation: £0, £30 or £60 – Free if you get a Sky+HD box! You only pay the installation once.
Rolex 24 2021 match will broadcast on ITV. ITV is a British free-to-air television channel. Previously a network of separate uniquely identifiable regional television channels, ITV currently operates in England, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. From 2001 until 2013, the primary ITV channel was called ITV1.
BT Sport is a group of pay television Rolex 24 2021 channels provided by BT Consumer; a division of BT Group in the United Kingdom and Ireland that was launched on 1 August 2013. The channels are based at the former International Broadcast Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.
Latin America
Movistar TV is a subscription television service operated by Telefónica. Currently, the service is available in Chile, Perú, Colombia, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Argentina. In Spain, this service merged with the satellite platform Canal+, resulting in a new platform called Movistar+. You can enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream From Latin America.
ky México is a company that operates a subscription television service in Mexico, Central America, Dominican Republic, and Panama. It produces TV content and owns several TV channels. It is one of Mexico’s leading pay-TV providers and is owned by Televisa and Vrio, a subsidiary of AT&T Latin America.
Thermoplastic elastomers, sometimes referred to as thermoplastic rubbers, are a class of copolymers or a physical mix of polymers that consist of materials with both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. While most elastomers are thermosets, thermoplastics are in contrast relatively easy to use in manufacturing, for example, by injection molding.
When it comes to Sports in Japan, several TV companies are covering the sport on a free-to-air basis. These include the likes of Fuji TV and TBS. There is also however a major paid TV channel that covers Sports in Japan, with regular live shows as well as numerous archive shows. That is NTV G+, which we refer to as just G+ for simplicity purposes. Fran From Asia can enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream By using G+.
Fans from Australia can enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream on Foxtel. NXE Australia Pty Limited is an Australian pay television company—operating in cable television, direct broadcast satellite television, and IPTV streaming services. It was formed in April 2018, superseding an earlier company from 1995.
Fans From New Zealand can enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream on TVNZ. Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to as TVNZ, is a state-owned television network that is broadcast throughout New Zealand and parts of the Pacific region. Although the network identifies as a national, part-public broadcaster, it is fully commercially funded.
Show Club will telecast Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream. Show Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. It is based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. Norton plays the unnamed narrator, who is discontented with his white-collar job. He forms a Show club with soap salesman Tyler Durden.
Teleport was the first Romanian Rolex 24 2021 channel launched on 1 December 2003, by Silviu Prigoana, the man behind Taraf TV and Ethno TV. In March 2008, Realitatea-Caţavencu Group bought the station and brought a new team to manage the channel, team led by Vlad Enăchescu, a former manager at TVR1. You can enjoy your favorite Rolex 24 2021 Live on Teleport.
Rolex 24 2021 on Without cable
Behind This Modern World, There Is Another World That Is Called Internet World. If You Want To Watch Rolex 24 2021 Online Without A Cable, You Have To Find The Online Accessible Channels. Watching Without A Cable Is A Prevalent Choice For Those With High Mobility, Or Simply Those Who Don’t Want To Use Cable. It will be The Best Streaming Services For You. There are many without cable site, for your knowledge we are sharing some of those.
DirecTV Now
It will be one of The Best options to enjoy Rolex 24 2021 live streaming. For international users, It Can Be the Better choice for you. DirecTV Now Is The Channel Under The Umbrella Of AT & T. Any Package You Can Free Travel For A Week. Direct TV is one of America’s most popular satellite channels.
DirecTV Now starts at $40 per month with its Live a Little package, which includes more than 60 live channels. DIRECTV NOW lets you stream your favorite channels and On Demand titles for a low monthly price. There’s no bulky hardware or annual contracts required, but you will need hours on end to watch the news, Rolex 24 2021, movies, and more on DIRECTV NOW. You can also stream on your computer and mobile devices.
FuboTV Is One Of The Better Option To The Streaming Channel. Fubo TV Is Available For All NCAAF Lovers For All Times. For Watching Rolex 24 2021, You Can Use Fubo TV You Are Anywhere It Doesn’t Metter. To Gating Access To Fubo Tv, You Can Use iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Laptop, as well as PC.
This means you’ll get Sports. The only match you won’t get is on ESPN. Once you subscribe, you will be able to stream your local Show Event on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, Fire TV, Chromecast, iOS, and Android.
FuboTV offers a $55 base package in addition to several a la carte channel additions ranging from $5 to $29 a month. You can upgrade your Cloud DVR storage and add one extra simultaneous stream for monthly fees.
Sling TV
You can enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream On Sling TV. It is an American streaming television service operated by Sling TV LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dish Network. Unveiled on January 5, 2015, at the Consumer Electronics Show, the virtual multichannel video programming distributor aims to complement subscription video-on-demand services for cord-cutters, offering a selection of major cable channels and OTT-originated services that can be streamed through smart TVs, digital media players, and apps.
You do not need a Dish subscription to get Sling TV. It’s available on several different platforms including iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku. Plans start at $30 and include around 30 live TV channels. Local channels are limited or nonexistent on Sling TV. Sling is one of the most affordable cord-cutting services on the market, offering two packages Orange and Blue with 30+ live channels starting at $30 a month or combined for $45 a month. Orange offers the Disney Channel and ESPN, while Blue offers a slate of Fox channels, NBC, Bravo, and Discovery.
Rolex 24 2021 on a Device
In This Modern Era in 2020, Smartphone Is The Most Using Thing To Watch Anything, To Get Information About Anything, And So On. For The Users Of Smart Phone We Are Ready To Give You The Information, So That, You Can Always Enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live Show. You Can Install Official Broadcasting Software. Or You Can Get Access By Using Smartphone To Following Our Instruction. Always Follow Our Site And Enjoy The Rolex 24 2021 Live Stream On Device. Let’s know about some apps to enjoy the Rolex 24 2021.
Roku is a line of digital media players manufactured by American company Roku, Inc. The devices offer access to streaming media content from various online services. The line was introduced in May 2008 with its first model, developed in collaboration with Netflix. The Roku series has been considered on the overall market for digital media players, helping to popularize the concept of low-cost.
Roku is an app, which will provide you Rolex 24 2021 Live streaming. After setting up Roku, access the Roku channel store for adding new channels. By entering the focus channel in the search bar, you will find an app, now install it. You have to subscribe to the channel from your devices to get access to Roku. You can access Roku by using the information on Channel. Then you will enjoy the live Event Rolex 24 2021.
Roku streaming players start at just $29.99, and Roku TVs are available from a variety of TV manufacturers at affordable prices. There are no monthly fees for watching free channels or for using a Roku device. History Vault $4.99/month Stream acclaimed series like America the Story of Us and The Men Who Built America, probing documentaries, and captivating specials, all commercial-free. Choose from the largest collection of historical videos with new content added weekly.
Kodi is a free and open-source media player software application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available for multiple operating systems and hardware platforms, with a software 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. Here you can enjoy Rolex 24 2021 Live.
Kodi Solutions’ starting package costs $5/month for a single stream on one device. For streaming on up to three devices simultaneously, the cost is $8/month. You can stream Kodi Solutions on up to 5 devices simultaneously for $10/month.
Final Word
Rolex 24 2021 will be the biggest event of this year 2020. In The Event, famous stars will be a great experience for you, your friends, and your family. I hope you get all information about Rolex 24 2021 Live Streaming from our site. Because our site is all about Rolex 24 2021. We have tried to give you information about Rolex 24 2021 Live online streaming, social media streaming, using the app for streaming, and so on. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask us through our contact option. If you need more information, please visit this site.
1 note · View note
CFP National Championship 2021 is an upcoming Bowl Game event. It will air in January. You need to get ready to enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream. All the information about CFP National Championship 2021 we will share with you. You need to follow the instructions. Let’s know all about CFP National Championship 2021.
When and Where is CFP National Championship 2021?
t is planned to be played at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida, on January 11, 2021, with kickoff at 8:00 p.m.
How To Watch CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream on Online Channel?
ESPN is an American multinational basic cable sports channel owned by ESPN Inc, owned jointly by The Walt Disney Company and Hearst Communications. The company was founded in 1979 by Bill Rasmussen along with his son Scott Rasmussen and Ed Egan.
It is possible to enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Online without cable. You can enjoy all the games on ESPN. For this, you have to spend a little cost. And you should confirm your subscription on ESPN.
You can access ESPN via the existing ESPN app on a variety of streaming players, mobile devices, and smart TVs. It costs $5.99 per month or $49.99 annually. You can also bundle ESPN with Hulu and Disney+ for $12.99 a month.
How To Watch CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream All Over The World?
Bowl Game is a very famous event not only in the USA but also in Various Countries. There is a lot of fans in The World who love to enjoy Bowl Game. So it is possible to enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream from any corner of the world. For this, you need to know some channels and information. Only for the fans, we are sharing this. Let’s know about that.
You can watch CFP National Championship 2021 Live on Sky from the UK. Sky UK Limited is a British broadcaster and telecommunications company that provides television and broadband Internet services, fixed-line and mobile telephone services to consumers and businesses in the United Kingdom. For the basic service, here’s what you pay: Installation: £0, £30 or £60 – Free if you get a Sky+HD box! You only pay the installation once.
CFP National Championship 2021 match will broadcast on ITV. ITV is a British free-to-air television channel. Previously a network of separate uniquely identifiable regional television channels, ITV currently operates in England, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. From 2001 until 2013, the primary ITV channel was called ITV1.
BT Sport is a group of pay television CFP National Championship 2021 channels provided by BT Consumer; a division of BT Group in the United Kingdom and Ireland that was launched on 1 August 2013. The channels are based at the former International Broadcast Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.
Latin America
Movistar TV is a subscription television service operated by Telefónica. Currently, the service is available in Chile, Perú, Colombia, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Argentina. In Spain, this service merged with the satellite platform Canal+, resulting in a new platform called Movistar+. You can enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream From Latin America.
ky México is a company that operates a subscription television service in Mexico, Central America, Dominican Republic, and Panama. It produces TV content and owns several TV channels. It is one of Mexico’s leading pay-TV providers and is owned by Televisa and Vrio, a subsidiary of AT&T Latin America.
Thermoplastic elastomers, sometimes referred to as thermoplastic rubbers, are a class of copolymers or a physical mix of polymers that consist of materials with both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. While most elastomers are thermosets, thermoplastics are in contrast relatively easy to use in manufacturing, for example, by injection molding.
When it comes to Bowl Game in Japan, several TV companies are covering the sport on a free-to-air basis. These include the likes of Fuji TV and TBS. There is also however a major paid TV channel that covers Bowl Game in Japan, with regular live shows as well as numerous archive shows. That is NTV G+, which we refer to as just G+ for simplicity purposes. Fran From Asia can enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream By using G+.
Fans from Australia can enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream on Foxtel. NXE Australia Pty Limited is an Australian pay television company—operating in cable television, direct broadcast satellite television, and IPTV streaming services. It was formed in April 2018, superseding an earlier company from 1995.
Fans From New Zealand can enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream on TVNZ. Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to as TVNZ, is a state-owned television network that is broadcast throughout New Zealand and parts of the Pacific region. Although the network identifies as a national, part-public broadcaster, it is fully commercially funded.
Show Club will telecast CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream. Show Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. It is based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. Norton plays the unnamed narrator, who is discontented with his white-collar job. He forms a Show club with soap salesman Tyler Durden.
Teleport was the first Romanian CFP National Championship 2021 channel launched on 1 December 2003, by Silviu Prigoana, the man behind Taraf TV and Ethno TV. In March 2008, Realitatea-Caţavencu Group bought the station and brought a new team to manage the channel, team led by Vlad Enăchescu, a former manager at TVR1. You can enjoy your favorite CFP National Championship 2021 Live on Teleport.
How to watch CFP National Championship 2021 on Without cable?
Behind This Modern World, There Is Another World That Is Called Internet World. If You Want To Watch CFP National Championship 2021 Online Without A Cable, You Have To Find The Online Accessible Channels. Watching Without A Cable Is A Prevalent Choice For Those With High Mobility, Or Simply Those Who Don’t Want To Use Cable. It will be The Best Streaming Services For You. There are many without cable site, for your knowledge we are sharing some of those.
DirecTV Now
It will be one of The Best options to enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 live streaming. For international users, It Can Be the Better choice for you. DirecTV Now Is The Channel Under The Umbrella Of AT & T. Any Package You Can Free Travel For A Week. Direct TV is one of America’s most popular satellite channels.
DirecTV Now starts at $40 per month with its Live a Little package, which includes more than 60 live channels. DIRECTV NOW lets you stream your favorite channels and On Demand titles for a low monthly price. There’s no bulky hardware or annual contracts required, but you will need hours on end to watch the news, CFP National Championship 2021, movies, and more on DIRECTV NOW. You can also stream on your computer and mobile devices.
FuboTV Is One Of The Better Option To The Streaming Channel. Fubo TV Is Available For All NCAAF Lovers For All Times. For Watching CFP National Championship 2021, You Can Use Fubo TV You Are Anywhere It Doesn’t Metter. To Gating Access To Fubo Tv, You Can Use iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Laptop, as well as PC.
This means you’ll get Bowl Game. The only match you won’t get is on ESPN. Once you subscribe, you will be able to stream your local Show Event on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, Fire TV, Chromecast, iOS, and Android.
FuboTV offers a $55 base package in addition to several a la carte channel additions ranging from $5 to $29 a month. You can upgrade your Cloud DVR storage and add one extra simultaneous stream for monthly fees.
Sling TV
You can enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream On Sling TV. It is an American streaming television service operated by Sling TV LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dish Network. Unveiled on January 5, 2015, at the Consumer Electronics Show, the virtual multichannel video programming distributor aims to complement subscription video-on-demand services for cord-cutters, offering a selection of major cable channels and OTT-originated services that can be streamed through smart TVs, digital media players, and apps.
You do not need a Dish subscription to get Sling TV. It’s available on several different platforms including iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku. Plans start at $30 and include around 30 live TV channels. Local channels are limited or nonexistent on Sling TV. Sling is one of the most affordable cord-cutting services on the market, offering two packages Orange and Blue with 30+ live channels starting at $30 a month or combined for $45 a month. Orange offers the Disney Channel and ESPN, while Blue offers a slate of Fox channels, NBC, Bravo, and Discovery.
How to Watch CFP National Championship 2021 on Device?
In This Modern Era in 2020, Smartphone Is The Most Using Thing To Watch Anything, To Get Information About Anything, And So On. For The Users Of Smart Phone We Are Ready To Give You The Information, So That, You Can Always Enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live Show. You Can Install Official Broadcasting Software. Or You Can Get Access By Using Smartphone To Following Our Instruction. Always Follow Our Site And Enjoy The CFP National Championship 2021 Live Stream On Device. Let’s know about some apps to enjoy the CFP National Championship 2021.
Roku is a line of digital media players manufactured by American company Roku, Inc. The devices offer access to streaming media content from various online services. The line was introduced in May 2008 with its first model, developed in collaboration with Netflix. The Roku series has been considered on the overall market for digital media players, helping to popularize the concept of low-cost.
Roku is an app, which will provide you CFP National Championship 2021 Live streaming. After setting up Roku, access the Roku channel store for adding new channels. By entering the focus channel in the search bar, you will find an app, now install it. You have to subscribe to the channel from your devices to get access to Roku. You can access Roku by using the information on Channel. Then you will enjoy the live Event CFP National Championship 2021.
Roku streaming players start at just $29.99, and Roku TVs are available from a variety of TV manufacturers at affordable prices. There are no monthly fees for watching free channels or for using a Roku device. History Vault $4.99/month Stream acclaimed series like America the Story of Us and The Men Who Built America, probing documentaries, and captivating specials, all commercial-free. Choose from the largest collection of historical videos with new content added weekly.
Kodi is a free and open-source media player software application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available for multiple operating systems and hardware platforms, with a software 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. Here you can enjoy CFP National Championship 2021 Live.
Kodi Solutions’ starting package costs $5/month for a single stream on one device. For streaming on up to three devices simultaneously, the cost is $8/month. You can stream Kodi Solutions on up to 5 devices simultaneously for $10/month.
Final word
CFP National Championship 2021 will be the biggest event of this year. In The Event, famous stars will be a great experience for you, your friends, and your family. I hope you get all information about CFP National Championship 2021 Live Streaming from our site. Because our site is all about CFP National Championship 2021. We have tried to give you information about CFP National Championship 2021 Live online streaming, social media streaming, using the app for streaming, and so on. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask us through our contact option. If you need more information, please visit this site.
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sugarbowl21live · 4 years
How to watch Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Streaming Online
Sugar Bowl 2021 is an upcoming Bowl Game event. It will air after a few weeks. You need to get ready to enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream. All the information about Sugar Bowl 2021 we will share with you. You need to follow the instructions. Let’s know all about Sugar Bowl 2021.
When and Where is Sugar Bowl 2021?
The 2021 Sugar Bowl is a college football bowl game that is scheduled to be played on January 1, 2021, with kickoff scheduled for 8:45 p.m. EST.
How To Watch Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream on Online Channel?
ESPN is an American multinational basic cable sports channel owned by ESPN Inc, owned jointly by The Walt Disney Company and Hearst Communications. The company was founded in 1979 by Bill Rasmussen along with his son Scott Rasmussen and Ed Egan.
It is possible to enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Online without cable. You can enjoy all the games on ESPN. For this, you have to spend a little cost. And you should confirm your subscription on ESPN.
You can access ESPN via the existing ESPN app on a variety of streaming players, mobile devices, and smart TVs. It costs $5.99 per month or $49.99 annually. You can also bundle ESPN with Hulu and Disney+ for $12.99 a month.
How To Watch Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream All Over The World?
Bowl Game is a very famous event not only in the USA but also in Various Countries. There is a lot of fans in The World who love to enjoy Bowl Game. So it is possible to enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream from any corner of the world. For this, you need to know some channels and information. Only for the fans, we are sharing this. Let’s know about that.
You can watch Sugar Bowl 2021 Live on Sky from the UK. Sky UK Limited is a British broadcaster and telecommunications company that provides television and broadband Internet services, fixed-line and mobile telephone services to consumers and businesses in the United Kingdom. For the basic service, here’s what you pay: Installation: £0, £30 or £60 – Free if you get a Sky+HD box! You only pay the installation once.
Sugar Bowl 2021 match will broadcast on ITV. ITV is a British free-to-air television channel. Previously a network of separate uniquely identifiable regional television channels, ITV currently operates in England, Wales, Scotland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands. From 2001 until 2013, the primary ITV channel was called ITV1.
BT Sport is a group of pay television Sugar Bowl 2021 channels provided by BT Consumer; a division of BT Group in the United Kingdom and Ireland that was launched on 1 August 2013. The channels are based at the former International Broadcast Centre at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.
Latin America
Movistar TV is a subscription television service operated by Telefónica. Currently, the service is available in Chile, Perú, Colombia, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Argentina. In Spain, this service merged with the satellite platform Canal+, resulting in a new platform called Movistar+. You can enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream From Latin America.
ky México is a company that operates a subscription television service in Mexico, Central America, Dominican Republic, and Panama. It produces TV content and owns several TV channels. It is one of Mexico’s leading pay-TV providers and is owned by Televisa and Vrio, a subsidiary of AT&T Latin America.
Thermoplastic elastomers, sometimes referred to as thermoplastic rubbers, are a class of copolymers or a physical mix of polymers that consist of materials with both thermoplastic and elastomeric properties. While most elastomers are thermosets, thermoplastics are in contrast relatively easy to use in manufacturing, for example, by injection molding.
When it comes to Bowl Game in Japan, several TV companies are covering the sport on a free-to-air basis. These include the likes of Fuji TV and TBS. There is also however a major paid TV channel that covers Bowl Game in Japan, with regular live shows as well as numerous archive shows. That is NTV G+, which we refer to as just G+ for simplicity purposes. Fran From Asia can enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream By using G+.
Fans from Australia can enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream on Foxtel. NXE Australia Pty Limited is an Australian pay television company—operating in cable television, direct broadcast satellite television, and IPTV streaming services. It was formed in April 2018, superseding an earlier company from 1995.
Fans From New Zealand can enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream on TVNZ. Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to as TVNZ, is a state-owned television network that is broadcast throughout New Zealand and parts of the Pacific region. Although the network identifies as a national, part-public broadcaster, it is fully commercially funded.
Show Club will telecast Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream. Show Club is a 1999 American film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Bonham Carter. It is based on the 1996 novel of the same name by Chuck Palahniuk. Norton plays the unnamed narrator, who is discontented with his white-collar job. He forms a Show club with soap salesman Tyler Durden.
Teleport was the first Romanian Sugar Bowl 2021 channel launched on 1 December 2003, by Silviu Prigoana, the man behind Taraf TV and Ethno TV. In March 2008, Realitatea-Caţavencu Group bought the station and brought a new team to manage the channel, team led by Vlad Enăchescu, a former manager at TVR1. You can enjoy your favorite Sugar Bowl 2021 Live on Teleport.
How to watch Sugar Bowl 2021 on Without cable?
Behind This Modern World, There Is Another World That Is Called Internet World. If You Want To Watch Sugar Bowl 2021 Online Without A Cable, You Have To Find The Online Accessible Channels. Watching Without A Cable Is A Prevalent Choice For Those With High Mobility, Or Simply Those Who Don’t Want To Use Cable. It will be The Best Streaming Services For You. There are many without cable site, for your knowledge we are sharing some of those.
DirecTV Now
It will be one of The Best options to enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 live streaming. For international users, It Can Be the Better choice for you. DirecTV Now Is The Channel Under The Umbrella Of AT & T. Any Package You Can Free Travel For A Week. Direct TV is one of America’s most popular satellite channels.
DirecTV Now starts at $40 per month with its Live a Little package, which includes more than 60 live channels. DIRECTV NOW lets you stream your favorite channels and On Demand titles for a low monthly price. There’s no bulky hardware or annual contracts required, but you will need hours on end to watch the news, Sugar Bowl 2021, movies, and more on DIRECTV NOW. You can also stream on your computer and mobile devices.
FuboTV Is One Of The Better Option To The Streaming Channel. Fubo TV Is Available For All NCAAF Lovers For All Times. For Watching Sugar Bowl 2021, You Can Use Fubo TV You Are Anywhere It Doesn’t Metter. To Gating Access To Fubo Tv, You Can Use iPhone, iPad, Mac, Android, Laptop, as well as PC.
This means you’ll get Bowl Game. The only match you won’t get is on ESPN. Once you subscribe, you will be able to stream your local Show Event on Apple TV, Roku, Amazon, Fire TV, Chromecast, iOS, and Android.
FuboTV offers a $55 base package in addition to several a la carte channel additions ranging from $5 to $29 a month. You can upgrade your Cloud DVR storage and add one extra simultaneous stream for monthly fees.
Sling TV
You can enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream On Sling TV. It is an American streaming television service operated by Sling TV LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dish Network. Unveiled on January 5, 2015, at the Consumer Electronics Show, the virtual multichannel video programming distributor aims to complement subscription video-on-demand services for cord-cutters, offering a selection of major cable channels and OTT-originated services that can be streamed through smart TVs, digital media players, and apps.
You do not need a Dish subscription to get Sling TV. It’s available on several different platforms including iOS, Android, Apple TV, and Roku. Plans start at $30 and include around 30 live TV channels. Local channels are limited or nonexistent on Sling TV. Sling is one of the most affordable cord-cutting services on the market, offering two packages Orange and Blue with 30+ live channels starting at $30 a month or combined for $45 a month. Orange offers the Disney Channel and ESPN, while Blue offers a slate of Fox channels, NBC, Bravo, and Discovery.
How to watch Sugar Bowl 2021 on a Device?
In This Modern Era in 2020, Smartphone Is The Most Using Thing To Watch Anything, To Get Information About Anything, And So On. For The Users Of Smart Phone We Are Ready To Give You The Information, So That, You Can Always Enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Show. You Can Install Official Broadcasting Software. Or You Can Get Access By Using Smartphone To Following Our Instruction. Always Follow Our Site And Enjoy The Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Stream On Device. Let’s know about some apps to enjoy the Sugar Bowl 2021.
Roku is a line of digital media players manufactured by American company Roku, Inc. The devices offer access to streaming media content from various online services. The line was introduced in May 2008 with its first model, developed in collaboration with Netflix. The Roku series has been considered on the overall market for digital media players, helping to popularize the concept of low-cost.
Roku is an app, which will provide you Sugar Bowl 2021 Live streaming. After setting up Roku, access the Roku channel store for adding new channels. By entering the focus channel in the search bar, you will find an app, now install it. You have to subscribe to the channel from your devices to get access to Roku. You can access Roku by using the information on Channel. Then you will enjoy the live Event Sugar Bowl 2021.
Roku streaming players start at just $29.99, and Roku TVs are available from a variety of TV manufacturers at affordable prices. There are no monthly fees for watching free channels or for using a Roku device. History Vault $4.99/month Stream acclaimed series like America the Story of Us and The Men Who Built America, probing documentaries, and captivating specials, all commercial-free. Choose from the largest collection of historical videos with new content added weekly.
Kodi is a free and open-source media player software application developed by the XBMC Foundation, a non-profit technology consortium. Kodi is available for multiple operating systems and hardware platforms, with a software 10-foot user interface for use with televisions and remote controls. Here you can enjoy Sugar Bowl 2021 Live.
Kodi Solutions’ starting package costs $5/month for a single stream on one device. For streaming on up to three devices simultaneously, the cost is $8/month. You can stream Kodi Solutions on up to 5 devices simultaneously for $10/month.
Apple TV
If you can’t watch the Sugar Bowl 2021 Live from anywhere, you can use other online streaming channels like Apple tv or iPad. Apple tv provides the streaming service per month. Apple tv gives other facilities. Apple tv provides a full HD video. It is also one of the low-cost online streaming channels. There is no free travel on this Apple Tv. This is not a big deal for you to spend per month on your entertainment. Hurry up, don’t be late to subscribe to the Apple TV.
Apple TV Plus costs $5 a month, or $50 for an annual subscription, and it offers a standard seven-day free trial. People who buy an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, iPod Touch, or Mac starting back on Sept. 10 qualify for a free subscription for one year. Previous Apple device owners aren’t grandfathered in.
Final word
Sugar Bowl 2021 will be the biggest event of this year. In The Event, famous stars will be a great experience for you, your friends, and your family. I hope you get all information about Sugar Bowl 2021 Live Streaming from our site. Because our site is all about Sugar Bowl 2021. We have tried to give you the information about Sugar Bowl 2021 Live online streaming, social media streaming, using the app for streaming, and so on. If you have any questions about anything, feel free to ask us through our contact option. If you need more information, please visit this site.
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ryanmeft · 5 years
Movie Review: Transit
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“Folk don’t like other people’s joy when they’re suffering misfortune.” Have truer words ever been spoken? There’s a reason single people prefer to spend Valentine’s Day with a Netflix subscription and a pint of chocolate chunk. The words are spoken by the unnamed narrator of Transit, who sees a lovelorn man in a cafe in Marseilles on a regular basis. The man has impersonated a deceased writer to try and flee a fascist state, and is now stuck in limbo, like the inhabitants of Casablanca.
It is not just a limbo of the body but of the heart and mind, as well. Georg (Franz Rogowski) is hired to deliver a letter to a famous writer, but when he gets to the writer’s hotel room he finds a scared proprietor and a lot of blood. The writer, one Franz Weidel, has killed himself in the room’s bathtub, though only hints and speculation are given as to why. That will be a recurring theme in the film, in which, as in life, many things are left unsaid and unresolved. Georg flees Paris hiding in a train car with a friend (Ronald Kukulies), who dies en route, leaving him alone in a strange city attempting to secure an exit visa to Mexico as the forces of an fascist government descend upon it. Here, he continually encounters a strange woman, who runs up to him on the street as though she knows him, then walks away befuddled when she does not.
We will learn the woman’s name is Marie (Paula Beer), and that she has a strange connection to the dead writer whose letter started Georg’s troubles. It is the kind of connection that seems like the stuff of soap opera, but against the odds is handled well by Christian Petzold. She is, you see, the estranged wife of the dead writer, and George has just accidentally impersonated that writer after being mistaken for him at an embassy. There is allure between Georg and Marie, yet Marie is unsure of what she wants: she wishes to find her missing husband, is having an affair with a doctor (Godehard Giese) who is more in love with her than she with him, and finds Georg intoxicating.
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 Petzold, whose previous film Phoenix was also patient and mesmerizing, and also about a refugee and a woman unsure of what she wants, is dealing here with material that could turn into a soap opera, but he deftly keeps things on a true emotional level by never giving in to melodrama. Witness the scene in which Georg and Maria are finally together, the doctor having been fooled into leaving without her (George is not always a stand-up person, and the same can be said for Marie). They melt into each other, Marie leading him from the window to the bed, and we wonder if the film will now become a love story. No. No sooner are they locked in embrace than Marie’s mind changes back to her husband again, and you can see the hope drain from Georg’s face. Yet what hope could he have had? He knew she was a married woman, one, in fact, who already was someone else’s mistress. He himself is impersonating a dead man. He must have known commitment was neither of their strong suits.
Any judgement we may feel about this is held at bay by the circumstances and the lack of Hollywood histrionics. The movie is based on a 1942 novel by Anna Seghers, one in which the invading government is naturally the Nazis; it has been transported here to the present day, and the fascists change to a generic, never-explained status. They are, narratively speaking, a maguffin, an unseen way to ensure these people cannot escape their circumstances; this is a movie about doomed love, and the idea of a fascist state is mere background and convenience. The love triangle between three adults is not the only ill-fated affection in the film. Georg, as himself, also befriends his late friend’s son Driss (Lilian Batman) and deaf wife Melissa (Maryan Zaree). Georg becomes a replacement for the boy’s father, despite knowing full well he intends to leave Marseilles and the boy behind. Does he care for the boy? Certainly, but there’s also a pattern of selfishness to him, a tendency to pursue what he wants in the short term without much thought toward the long. Such characters are generally portrayed as shallow or villains, but Petzold here gives us one whose selfish desires happen to also be selfless. Georg is a study in contrasts.
The previously mentioned narrator, who we will learn owns a cafe, says early in the film that ports are places where stories are told. Surely, he has seen many more stories come and go other than Georg’s, and will see many after. The cafe, the narrator, the sense of claustrophobia all make me draw comparisons to a personal favorite short story, Hemingway’s A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, in which two employees of a cafe debate the life story of a reserved, elderly patron. It is a story that creates a world out of only thoughts. Hans Fromm, a previous Petzold collaborator, creates this one out of little more than cobblestone streets, cramped buildings, and ships sailing far off in the harbor; the feeling of being stuck reaches into the emotional, so that the tight physical confines reflects how the characters feel about their situation. A haunting score by Stefan Will, also a Petzold regular, mostly loops but succeeds in adding to that sense of being closed in with something, be it jackboots or the results of your own actions, getting nearer all the time. By the final frame, in which all seems lost, Georg nevertheless appears to be in peace, or at least resignation. Possibly he just wants out of limbo, any way he can get there.
 Verdict: Must-See
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
 You can follow Ryan's reviews on Facebook here:
 Or his tweets here:
 All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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space--cadet-glow · 5 years
My English Translation: German Donald Duck Comic: „Horror an Halloween"
Never forget the time I got so bored that I spent a week translating the entirety of the Donald Duck comic as featured in THIS video.
The completed version of my translation under the cut.
(Note that this is my key to how my translation works: DT = direct translation, word for word EQ = English equivalent, the sentence in English)
Erzähler: „Wenn Kinder in bester Gruselmanier durch die Straßen schrecken, um Süßes einzustreichen, dann ist die Nacht der Nächte: Halloween!" DT: „When children in best scary-fashion through the streets scare, in order sweets to pocket, then is the night of nights: Halloween!" EQ: "When children scare through the streets in their best scary-fashion in order to pocket sweets, then it is the night of nights: Halloween!" (NOTE: „Erzähler" or "Storyteller" is what I'm calling the Narrator/Scene Cues.)
Kinder: „Süßes oder Saures!" DT: „Sweets or sours!" EQ: "Trick or treat!"
Donald: „Was habt ihr für tolle Kostüme! Dafür kriegt ihr was Feines von mir!" DT: „What have you all for terrific costumes! Therefore get you all something fine/nice from me!" EQ: "What terrific costumes you all have! Therefore, you all get something fine/nice from me!" (NOTE: Donald Duck kept his name. And „was" here is being used basically the same as „etwas".)
Donald: „Tick! Trick! Track! Die anderen Kindern sind schon alle auf der Straße! Wollt ihr nicht auch langsam los?" DT: „Tick! Trick! Track! The other children are already all on the streets! Want you all not also slowly/already go?" EQ: "Tick! Trick! Track! All the other children are already on the streets! Don't you all want to go already?" (NOTE: Huey, Dewey, and Louie have become Tick, Trick, and Track, respectively.)
Donald: „Komisch! Kein Mucks zu hören. Was die drei wohl aushecken?" DT: „Comical! No words/sounds to hear. What the three possibly cooking up/plotting?" EQ: "Funny! Nothing to hear. What are those three possibly cooking up/plotting?"
Donald: „Jungs? Huch, keiner da..." DT/EQ: „"Boys? Huh, no-one there..."
Tick, Trick, und Track: „Buuuh!" DT/EQ: „"Booo!"
Donald: „Aaargh!" DT/EQ: „"Aaargh!"
Tick: „Hehe! Voll erwischt, Onkel Donald!" DT: „Hehe! Fully caught, Uncle Donald!" EQ: "Haha! Busted, Uncle Donald!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Trick: „Ganz schöne Gruselschocker unsere Kostüme, was?" DT: „All/quite pretty scary-shocker our costumes, what?" EQ: "Quite the shockers are costumes are, right?"
Donald: „Hmpf! Ein klein wenig! Aber warum verschanzt ihr euch noch hier oben?" DT: „Hmph! A little bit! But why entrenched you all yourselves still here above/upstairs?" EQ: "Hmph! A little bit! But why are you all still holed up here upstairs?"
Track: „Wir haben noch etwas über Halloween recherchiert!" DT: „We (x) still something about Halloween researched!" EQ: "We were researching something about Halloween!" (NOTE: The sentence is in conversational past.)
Tick: „Laut dieses Werks über Übernatürliches verlaufen überall auf der Erde mystische Kraftlinien!" DT: „According to this work about supernaturals run all-over on the earth mystical power-lines!" EQ: "According to this work about the supernatural, all over the earth run mystical lines of power!"
Trick: „Welche sich zum Teil auch überkreuzen." DT: „Which/that themselves to the part also cross-over." EQ: "That partly also cross over themselves."
Track: „Und an genau diesen Orten öffnet sich jedes Jahr am 31. Oktober eine Spalte zwischen unserer und einer Parallelwelt, der Anderwelt!" DT: „And on/in exactly these locations opens themselves every year on 31st October a chasm bewteen ours and a parallel-world, the Otherworld!" EQ: "And every year on the 31st of October, in exactly these locations, a chasm opens between our world and a parallel world, the Otherworld!"
Tick: „Nur in dieser einen Nacht ist es den Bewohnern der Anderwelt, Elfen, Feen und Trollen, möglich in unsere Welt hinüberzuhuschen!" DT: „Only on this one night is it the inhabitants of the Otherworld, elves, fairies, and trolls, potentially in our world over-to-scurry!" EQ: "Only on this one night are the inhabitants of the Otherworld- elves, fairies, and trolls- potentially able to scurry over to our world!"
Trick: „Ihnen gefällt Halloween! Vor allem wegen der Süßigkeiten!" DT: „To them appeals Halloween! Above all because (of) the sweets!" EQ: "They love Halloween! Especially because of the sweets!"
Track: „Allerdings müssen sie bis Mitternacht wieder in ihre Welt zurückkehren, denn dann verschließen sich die Durchgänge wieder!" DT: „However must they by midnight again to their world return, then for/because then closes themselves the passages again!" EQ: "However, they must return to their world by midnight because the passages close again!"
Tick: „Stell dir vor! Laut des Buchs gibt es sogar zwei davon in Entenhausen!" DT: „See for you before! According to the book there are even two thereof in Duck City!" EQ: "Go figure! According to the book, there are even two of them in Duck City!" (NOTE: Duckburg is Entenhausen, which can also mean "Duck Residence".)
Donald: „So ein Quatsch! Wer sich so was nur ausdenkt!" DT: „So a nonsense! Who themselves so what only thinks!" EQ: "Such nonsense! Who thinks of such things?!" (NOTE: Very idiomatic. If you think „Quatsch" here is funny, just wait until you see the fiasco it causes in "The Minish Cap".)
Trick: „Na ja, wir gehen jetzt jedenfalls auf Süßigkeitenjagd! Bis später, Onkel Donald!" DT: „Well indeed, we go now anyway to sweets-pursuit! Until later, Uncle Donald!" EQ: "Well, we're going on our pursuit of sweets anyway! See you later, Uncle Donald!"
Donald: „Dass ihr mir aber um Punkt neun Uhr wieder zu Hause seid, hört ihr!" DT: „That you all to me but on the dot nine hour again to home be, hear you all!" EQ: "Be back home at nine o'clock on the dot, you hear?!"
Erzähler: „So ziehen Tick, Trick und Track gemeinsam mit den Nachbarskindern von Tür zu Tür..." DT: „So wander Tick, Trick, and Track together with the neighbourhood-children from door to door..." EQ: "So, Tick, Trick, and Track wandered from door to door together with the neighbourhood kids..."
Track: „Das ist die mit Abstand beste Nacht des Jahres! Findet ihr nicht?" DT: „This is the with distance/far best night of the year! Find you all not?" EQ: "This is by far the best night of the year! Don't you all think so?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Kinder: „Süßes oder Saures!" DT: „Sweets or sours!" EQ: "Trick or treat!"
Erzähler: „...nur an eine traut sich keiner von ihnen zu klopfen! Nämlich an die des Geldspeichers..." DT: „only on one close itself no-one them to knock! Namely on to the Money-Storage..." EQ: "only no-one dares themself to knock! Now onto the Money-Storage..." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Again. And the Money Bin has become the Money-Storage.)
Erzähler: „Dagobert Duck ist schließlich bekannt für seine Abneigung gegenüber derlei Späßen! Um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, hat er sogar auf Notbeleuchtung umgeschaltet..." DT: „Dagobert Duck is ultimately known/famous for his aversion towards such fun/pranks/jokes! In order on number safe to go, (x) he even to emergency-lighting switched..." EQ: "Dagobert Duck is ultimately known/famous for his aversion towards such fun/pranks/jokes! In order to be on the safe side, he even switched to emergency-lighting..." (NOTE: Dagobert Duck is Scrooge McDuck. And that second sentence is both in conversational past and is idiomatic.)
Dagobert: „Murmel!" DT/EQ: „"Mutter!"
Dagobert: „Halloween, pfff... Neumodischer Affentanz!" DT: „Halloween, pfft... Newfangled monkey-dance!" EQ: "Halloween, pfft... Newfangled tomfoolery!"
Dagobert: „Feiertage sind verlorene Arbeitstage! Basta!" DT/EQ: „"Holidays are lost working-days! Enough!"
Dagobert: „Und zur Krönung des Ganzen soll ich auch noch meine geliebten Taler für Süßkram hergeben! Niemals!" DT: „And to the culmination of the entire should I also still my beloved thalers/dollars for sweets-junk hand over! Never!" EQ: "And to top it all off, I should also hand over my beloved thalers/dollars for sweet junk! Never!" (NOTE: Random fun fact: thalers were a type of German coin used until the early 1900s. Also, more idioms.)
Dagobert: „Dieses Halloweengedöns ist völliger Humbug!" DT/EQ: „"This Halloween-fuss is complete humbug!"
Dagobert: „Wehe dem, der es heute wagt, hier anzuklopfen!" DT: „Woe (to) the, the it to-day dare, here to knock!" EQ: "Woe to he who dares knock here to-day!"
Erzähler: „Unterdessen..." DT/EQ: „"Meanwhile..."
Track: „Los, Brüder, lasst uns die Abkürzung durch den Stadtpark nach Pinkeburg nehmen!" DT: „Come on, brothers, let us (to) the shortcut through the city-park to Pinkeburg take!" EQ: "Come on, brothers, let's take the shortcut through the city-park to Pinkeburg!"
Tick: „Gute Idee!" DT/EQ: „Good idea!"
Tick: „Die im Villenviertel haben immer die beste Bonbons und das cremigste Karamell." DT: „The/those in the villa-quarter have always the best sweets and the creamiest caramel." EQ: "Those uptown always have the best sweets and the creamiest caramel."
Toneffekte: „KRACKS" DT/EQ: „CRACK" (NOTE: „Toneffekte", or basically, "Sound Effects", for when there is accompanying words that's not the Narrator.)
Trick: „Du sagst es. Die können sich so was leisten!" DT: „You said it. Those can themselves (something) what afford!" EQ: "You said it. They can afford things like that!"
Track: „Und uns damit die Bäuche füllen! Hehe!" DT: „And us therewith the bellies fill! Hehe!" EQ: "And we'll fill our bellies! Haha!"
Ungeheuer: „Heheheeee! Hehee!" DT/EQ: „Hahahaaaa! Hahaa!" (NOTE: These three imp-like creatures are unnamed, as far as I can tell, so I'm just calling them „Ungeheuer"- or "Monsters".)
Ungeheuer 1: „Kein Fauref!" DT: „No sourth!" EQ: "No trickth!" (NOTE: These monster guys speak with really thick lisps, so essentially, what he's saying here is "No sours", or "No tricks!")
Ungeheuer 2: „Füüüüfef!" DT: „Sweeeetth!" EQ: "Treeeeath!" (NOTE: Likewise, "Sweets" or "Treats", to keep up the "sweets or sours"/"trick or treat" pun.)
Ungeheuer 3: „Mjammm!" DT/EQ: „"Yummm!"
Frau: „Hier habt ihr eure Süßigkeiten, Kindern! Happy Halloween!" DT: „Here have you all your sweets, children! Happy Halloween!" EQ: "Here you all have your sweets, children! Happy Halloween!" (NOTE: Just "Woman". The one at the door.)
Tick: „Klasse! Vielen Dank!" DT/EQ: „"Great! Many thanks!"
Ungeheuer: „Heheee! Hehee!" DT/EQ: „"Hahaaa! Hahaa!"
Ungeheuer: „Heeee! Füüfef!" DT: „Heeee! Sweeeetth!" EQ: "Haaaa! Treeeath!"
Trick: „Holla! Was sind das denn für welche?" DT: „Well! What are the then for which?" EQ: "Well! What are they supposed to be?" (NOTE: Extremely idiomatic.)
Frau: „Ui! Bei eurer Verkleidung kann man ja richtig Angst kriegen! Was genau seid ihr denn? Kobolde? Na, egal! Hier habt ihr was!" DT: „Jeez! With your disguise can one indeed rightly/really fear get! What exactly are you all then? Goblins? Well, all the same! Here have you all something!" EQ: "Jeez! With your diguise, you can really get scared, indeed! What exactly are you all, then? Goblins? Ah, whatever. Here's something for you all!"
Ungeheuer: „Bääähhhh!" DT/EQ: „Pttthbthhh!" (NOTE: I have no idea how to translate this, since it's just the sound of blowing a raspberry.)
Frau: „He! Ihr kleinen Teufel, ihr zertrampelt mir meine schönen Blumen!" DT: „Hey! You little devils, you all trample (for me) my beautiful flowers!" EQ: "Hey! You little devils, you all trampled my beautiful flowers!"
Track: „Ziemlich drüber die drei, wenn ihr mich fragt!" DT: „Pretty chaotic the three, if you all me ask!" EQ: "Pretty chaotic, those three; if you all ask me!" (NOTE: Idiomatic, and I'm still not sure if this is right or not!)
Tick: „Ja, die vergrätzen uns noch all die großzügigen Süßigkeitenspender. Die behalten wir besser im Auge!" DT: „Indeed, the bothering us/our still all the generous sweets-givers. The keep we better in the eyes!" EQ: "Indeed, they're still bothering all of our generous sweet-givers. We'd better keep an eye on them!"
Ungeheuer 2: „Uuuh! Grofef Hauf!" DT/EQ: „"Wooow! Big houth!"
Ungeheuer 3: „Grofef Hauf, viel Füüüfef!" DT: „Big houth, many sweeetth!" EQ: "Big houth, many treeeath!"
Trick: „Oha! Die Bande hält direkt auf den Geldspeicher zu!" DT: „Whoa! The gang heads directly to the Money-Storage to!" EQ: "Whoa! The gang is heading straight for the Money-Storage!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Füüüfef! Fonft Fauref!" DT: „Sweeeatth! Elth sourth!" EQ: "Treeeath! Elth we trickth!" (NOTE: This is assuming that „fonft" is supposed to be "sonst".)
Toneffekte: „DING DONG" DT/EQ: „DING DONG"
Track: „Keine gute Idee! Die werden ihr saures Wunder erleben, wenn Onkel Dagobert ihnen aufmacht!" DT: „No good idea! The will their sours miracle experience, if Uncle Dagobert them up-opens!" EQ: "Not a good idea! They will experience a miraculous trick if Uncle Dagobert opens up for them!"
Tick: „Genau! Hehe! Wo doch jeder weiß, dass er Halloween nicht ausstehen kann." DT: „Exactly! Hehe! Where yet everyone know, that he Halloween not stand can." EQ: "Exactly! Haha! Everybody knows that he can't stand Halloween."
Dagobert: „Wer da? Wer wagt es, mich an diesem unerfreulichen Abend zu stören, hm?" DT: „Who there? Who dares it, me on this unpleasant evening to disturb, hm?" EQ: "Who's there? Who dares to disturb me on this unpleasant evening, hm?"
Dagobert: „Drei kleine verkleidete Rotzbengel, wie? Die nichts Besseres vorhaben, als hart arbeitende Leute auszunehmen?" DT: „Three little disguised brats, how? The nothing better planned, then hard working people to swindle?" EQ: "Three little disguised brats, eh? Who have nothing better to do than to swindle hard-working people?"
Ungeheuer: „Hu?" DT/EQ: „"Huh?"
Ungeheuer 1: „Rotfbengel?" DT/EQ: „"Brath?"
Ungeheuer 2: „Waf ift ein Rotfbengel?" DT/EQ: „"Whatth ith a brat?"
Dagobert: „Verwöhnte Halbwüchsige wir ihr, die glauben, sie könnten einen anständigen Bürger um seine Ersparnisse bringen! Gar nichts kriegt ihr! Nicht so viel!" DT: „Spoilt juveniles we you all, the believe, they can a decent citizen about his savings take! At all nothing get you all! Not so much!" EQ: "Spoilt juveniles who believe they can take away a decent citizen's savings! You all get nothing at all! Not at all!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Nicht Füüüüfef fu Halloween?" DT: „Not sweetth fo' Halloween?" EQ: "No sweetth fer Halloween?"
Ungeheuer 2: „Böfer Mann!" DT/EQ: „"Bad man!" (NOTE: Or to get a word that can be 'lisped' for it, an alternate translation could be "Nathty man!")
Ungeheuer: „Gaaaaarrrghhh!" DT/EQ: „"Grrrrrrrrrrr!"
Dagobert: „Schluck! Mir dünkt, diese Beißerchen sind nicht Teil eines klassischen Kinderkostüms." DT: „Swallow! To me seems, these pearly-whites are not part (of) a classical children-costume." EQ: "Gulp! Seems to me, these pearly-whites are not part of a classical children's costume..."
Dagobert: „Deren Saures will ich nicht erleben, besser ich verschanze mich!" DT: „Their sours want I not experience, better I entrench myself!" EQ: "I don't want to experience their tricks, I better hide!" (NOTE: Or another translation could be, "I better get lost!")
Ungeheuer: "Groar!" DT/EQ: „Roar!"
Dagobert: „Ächz! Diese Teufel lassen nicht locker! Und sie sind wesentlich stärker, als sie aussehen!" DT: „Groan! These devils let not loose! And they are considerably/much stronger, than they appear!" EQ: "Groan! These devils will not let up! And they are considerably/much stronger than they look!"
Dagobert: „Keuch! Ich kann sie nicht aufhalten!" DT: „Pant! I can them not stop!" EQ: "Pant! I can't stop them!"
Ungeheuer: „Hehe! Heee!" DT/EQ: „Haha! Haaa!"
Ungeheuer 2: „Böfer Mann!" DT/EQ: „"Bad man!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Dem feigen wir'f aber!" DT: „The cowardly we'f but!" EQ: "He'th but cowardly!" (NOTE: No clue.)
Toneffekte: „SCHEPPER" DT/EQ: „"CLATTER"
Ungeheuer 3: „Fnappt ihn euch!" DT: „Grab/get him you!" EQ: „Get him!" (NOTE: This is assuming „fnappt" is supposed to be "schnappt".)
Dagobert: „Liebe Güte, das ist ein Alptraum!" DT: „Lovely goodness, this is a nightnamare!" EQ: "Good grief, this is a nightmare!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Dagobert: „Der Tresor ist meine einzige Chance!" DT/EQ: „The vault is my single/only chance!"
Dagobert: „Uff! Geschafft! Hier bin ich sicher... Es sei denn, diese Biester können 40 Zentimeter harten Stahl durchdringen!" DT: „Ugh! Done! Here am I safe... It be then (unless), those beasts can can 40 centimetres hard steel penetrate!" EQ: "Ugh! Made it! Here, I am safe... Unless those beasts can penetrate 40 centimetres of hard steel!"
Toneffekte: „KLANG" DT/EQ: „CLANG"
Dagobert: „Besser ich verstecke mich zwischen meinen Talern, in der Geborgenheit meines Geldes." DT: „Better I hide myself between my thalers, in the security (of) my money." EQ: "I better hide between my thalers, in the security of my money."
Dagobert: „Kein Laut mehr zu hören? Ob sie aufgegeben haben?" DT: „No sound more to hear? If/whether they given up have?" EQ: "No more sound to hear? Have they given up?"
Dagobert: „Huch! Was kommt denn da?" DT: „Yikes! What comes then there?" EQ: "Yikes! What is there?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ungeheuer: „Überrafung!" DT/EQ: „Thurprithe!"
Dagobert: „Das glaub ich jetzt nicht!" DT: „This believe I now not!" EQ: "I don't believe this!"
Ungeheuer: „Groar!" DT/EQ: „"Roar!"
Dagobert: „Hilfeee!" DT/EQ: „Heeelllp!"
Erzähler: „Inzwischen..." DT/EQ: „"Meanwhile..."
Kinder: „Vielen Dank, Herr Duck, bis nächstes Jahr!" DT/EQ: „"Many thanks, Mr. Duck, until next year!"
Donald: „Hehe! Gern, Kinder! So, ein einsames Bonbon ist noch über! Damit ist Halloween vorbei!" DT: „Hehe! Gladly, children! So, a lone sweet is still about! Therewith is Halloween over!" EQ: "Haha! Gladly, children! So, not a sweet is still about! Therefore, Halloween is over!"
Erzähler: „Wenn Donald sich da mal nicht irrt..." DT: „If Donald himself there (softener) not wrong..." EQ: "If Donald there is not wrong..."
Donald: „Wie spät es wohl ist?" DT: „How late is well is?" EQ: "How late is it now?"
Donald: „Viertel nach neun? Typisch!" DT/EQ: „"Quarter past nine? Typical!"
Donald: „Die Jungs sollten um neun Uhr zu Hause sein! Es ist doch immer dasselbe!" DT: „The boys should at nine hour to home be! It is but always (the) same!" EQ: "The boys should've been home at nine o'clock! It's always the same!"
Donald: „Ungezogene Lümmel, denen werd ich die Lauscher langziehen, sobald ich sie erwische." DT: „Naughty louts, to those/them will I the ears stretch, as soon as I they catch." EQ: "Naughty louts, I'll give them an ear-full as soon as I catch them." (NOTE: Idiomatic??? ...B-b-but, Donald... None of you HAVE ears...)
Trick: „Habt ihr das auch gesehen? Die drei haben Onkel Dagobert in den Geldspeicher erfolgt, ja ihn geradezu gejagt!" DT: „Have you all that also seen? The three (x) Uncle Dagobert in the Money-Storage followed, indeed him literally hunted!" EQ: "Did you all see that, too? The three followed Uncle Dagobert into the Money-Storage and literally hunted him down!" (NOTE: Second sentence is in conversational past.)
Track: „Und sie sind noch immer dort drin!" DT: „And they are still always there in it!" EQ: "And they're still in there!"
Tick: „Glaubt ihr, Onkel Dagobert ist in Schwierigkeiten?" DT: „Believe you all, Uncle Dagobert is in trouble?" EQ: "Do you all believe Uncle Dagobert is in trouble?"
Trick: „Sehen wir lieber mal nach!" DT: „See we better (softener) to!" EQ: "We'd better take a look!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ungeheuer: „Heheeee!" DT/EQ: "Hahaaaa!"
Dagobert: „Stopp! Anhalten! Lass mich sofort runter!" DT: „Stop! Halt! Let me immediately down!" EQ: "Stop! Halt! Put me down immediately!"
Track: „W-was war das? Ein D-Zug?" DT/EQ: „"W-what was that? An express-train?" (NOTE: „D-Zug" is short for "Durchgangszug".)
Tick: „Nein, das waren diese drei Gruselgestalten und..." DT/EQ: „"No, that was those three scary-figures and..."
Trick: „...sie hatten Onkel Dagobert in ihrer Gewalt!" DT/EQ: „"...they had Uncle Dagobert in their control!"
Track: „Schnell hinterher! Sie laufen in Richtung Stadtpark! Wir dürfen Sie auf keinen Fall..." DT: „Quickly afterwards! They ran in direction City-park! We allow you not case..." EQ: "Quick, after them! They ran in the direction of the City Park! In any case, we can't..." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Tick: „...aus den Augen verlieren! Schon klar!" DT: „of the eyes lose! Already clear!" EQ: "...lose sight of them! Got it!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. Again. And it's really starting to wierd me out that Heuey, Dewey, and Louie always speak one after another in that same order every time...)
Donald: „Ah ja! Wenn das nicht meine drei Pappenheimer sind! Schamlos dahinschlendernd! Tz!" DT: „Ah yes! If those not my three rascals are! Shamelessly strolling/moseying! Tch!" EQ: "Ah, yes! If those aren't my three rascals! Shamelessly moseying about! Tch!" (NOTE: „Pappenheimer" are people that can be counted on to be naughty. Since I already used "brats" for „Rotzbengel", I just went with "rascals" for this one.)
Donald: „Stopp! Und Kehrtwende! Euer Weg führt nach Hause!" DT: „Stop! And about-turn! Your way leads to home!" EQ: "Stop! And about-face! Your path leads home!"
Trick: „Onkel Donald? Nicht jetzt! Es ist etwas passiert!" DT: „Uncle Donald? Not now! It is something happened!" EQ: "Uncle Donald? Not now! Something just happened!"
Track: „Onkel Dagobert! Er wurde entführt! Von... was auch immer für Wesen!" DT: „Uncle Dagobert! He was kidnapped! By... what also always for beings!" EQ: "Uncle Dagobert! He was kidnapped! By... whatever those beings are!"
Tick: „Leute! Seht euch das an!" DT: „People! Look yourselves that at!" EQ: "Guys! Look at that!"
Trick: „Sie... Sie verschwinden durch eine Art Portal!" DT: „They... They disappear through a kind (of) Portal!" EQ: "They... They're disappearing through a kind of Portal!"
Track: „O nein! Und Onkel Dagobert mit ihnen!" DT/EQ: „"Oh, no! And Uncle Dagobert with them!"
Tick: „Aber, na klar, das ist die Erklärung-- diese drei Horrorfratzen kommen aus der Anderwelt!" DT: „But, well clearly, that is the explanation-- those three horror-faces come from the Otherworld!" EQ: "But, of course, that is the explanation-- those three horror-faces come from the Otherworld!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Trick: „Und genau dorthin haben sie gerade den armen Onkel Dagobert verschleppt!" DT: „And exactly therein have they just the poor Uncle Dagobert kidnapped!" EQ: "And to exactly there, they've just kidnapped poor Uncle Dagobert!"
Donald: „Das ist doch lächerlich! Verrückte Fantastereien! Nichts weiter!" DT: „That is still laughable/ridiculous! Crazy fantasies! Nothing further!" EQ: "That's just laughable/ridiculous! Crazy fantasies! Nothing more!"
Track: „So? Und wie bitte erklärst du das eben Gesehene dann? Nun komm schon..." DT: „So? And how please explain you that simply sight then? Now come already..." EQ: "So? And, please, how do you simply explain what you saw, then? Now, come on..." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Yes.)
Tick: „Wir müssen Onkel Dagobert helfen! Und der einzige Weg, das zu tun, ist, ihnen in ihre Welt zu folgen!" DT: „We must Onkel Dagobert help! And the only way, that to do, is, them to their world to follow!" EQ: "We must help Uncle Dagobert! And the only way to do that is to follow them to their world!"
Donald: „Mir gefällt das nicht! Ganz und gar nicht!" DT: „To me appeals this not! Entirely and at all not!" EQ: "I don't like this! Absolutely not at all!"
Trick: „Durchhalten, Onkel Dagobert! Rettung naht!" DT: „Perservere, Uncle Dagobert! Rescue approaches!" EQ: "Hold on, Uncle Dagobert! Rescue approaches!"
Track: „Na prima, wir sind im Nichts gelandet!" DT: „Well great, we are in the nothing landed!" EQ: "Well, great; we landed in nothingness!"
Tick: „Dafür fühlt sich der Boden aber recht solide an!" DT: „For that feels itself the ground but right solid (x)!" EQ: "In return, the ground feels quite solid!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. And „an" is with „fühlen" as „anfühlen".)
Trick: „Pure pechschwarze Finsternis, wenn wir nur..." DT: „Pure pitch-black darkness, if we only..." EQ: "Pure pitch-black darkness; if only we..."
Track: „Augenblick, langsam zeichnen sich Umrisse im Dunkel ab!" DT: „Minute, slowly outlines themselves silhouettes in the dark (x)!" EQ: "Just a minute, silhouettes are slowly outlining themselves in the dark!" (NOTE: Likewise, „ab" goes with „zeichnen" as „abzeichnen".)
Tick: „Ja, sieht so aus, als wären wir in einer Art Tunnel!" DT: „Yes, appears so (x), as if are we in a sort (of) tunnel!" EQ: "Yes, it appears as if we're in a sort of tunnel!"
Trick: „Und das dort muss der Ausgang sein!" DT: „And that there must the exit be!" EQ: "And that there must be the exit!"
Donald: „Worauf warten wir dann noch? Nichts wie raus hier!" DT: „Whereupon/what wait we then still? Nothing how out here!" EQ: "What are we waiting for, then? Let's get out of here!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Track: „Wow! Das haut den härtesten Halloweenfan aus dem Kostüm!" DT: „Wow! This flays the toughest Halloween-fan out (of) the costume!" EQ: "Wow! This flays the toughest Halloween-fan out of their costume!" (NOTE: I have no clue.)
Tick: „Das muss die Anderwelt sein, und diese Höhle ist die Verbindung zu unserer!" DT: „This must the Otherworld be, and this cave is the connection to ours!" EQ: "This must be the Otherworld, and this cave is the connection to ours!"
Trick: „Der helle Wahnsinn! Abgefahrener als jeder Fantasy-Streifen." DT: „The bright madness! Totally as any fantasy-film." EQ: "Sheer madness! Totally like any fantasy film." (NOTE: Idiomatic. Also, I can't tell if it's Dewey or Donald speaking here. Oops.)
Track: „Irgendwo in diesem Irrgarten muss Onkel Dagobert sein!" DT: „Somewhere in this maze must Uncle Dagobert be!" EQ: "Uncle Dagobert must be somewhere in this maze!"
Tick: „Aber wie sollen wir ihn finden, und das ohne dabei aufzufliegen?" DT: „But how should we him find, and the without in the process exposed?" EQ: "But, how can we find him without being exposed in the process?"
Trick: „Keine Sorge! Dank unserer Aufmachungen dürften wir nicht weiter auffallen." DT: „No worries! Thank our presentations/get-up may/should we not further stand out." EQ: "No worries! Thanks to our get-up, we shouldn't stand out any further."
Track: „Wir vielleicht nicht, Onkel Donald in seinem albernen Jäckchen schon!" DT: „We possibly not, Uncle Donald in his silly little-jacket already/anyway!" EQ: "We probably won't, but Uncle Donald is still in his silly little jacket!" (NOTE: This is the closest I can make sense out of this sentence.)
Donald: „Derlei Beleidigungen verbitte ich mir! Ich liebe diesen Anzug!" DT: „These kind (of) insults forbid I (for) myself! I love this suit!" EQ: "I forbid these kinds of insults! I love this suit!"
Tick: „Trotzdem... wir müssen dich irgendwie tarnen!" DT: „Nevertheless... we must you somehow camouflage!" EQ: "Nevertheless... We must camouflage you somehow!"
Trick: „Perfekt! Unter all dem Schlamm und Gras erkennt dich niemand!" DT: „Perfect! Under all the mud and grass recognise you nobody!" EQ: "Perfect! Under all the mud and grass, nobody will recognise you!"
Donald: „Also, ich finde, ich seh zum Fürchten aus!" DT: „Also/well, I find, I appear to the fear (x)!" EQ: "Well, I think I look scary!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Track: „Genau das ist ja auch der Sinn! So fügst du dich perfekt ein!" DT: „Exactly that is indeed also the point! So fits you yourself perfectly (in)!" EQ: "Indeed, that's exactly the point! So you fit in perfectly!" (NOTE: „einfügen".)
Tick: „Jetzt aber los! Wir müssen uns beeilen!" DT: „Now but loose! We must ourselves hurry!" EQ: "Now, let's go! We must hurry!"
Verkäufer 1: „Leckere Molchaugen! Im Dutzend billiger!" DT: „Delicious newt-eyes! In the dozen cheaper!" EQ: "Delicious newt eyes! Cheaper by the dozen!" (NOTE: I'm just calling these two "Salesmen". Also, „Molch" can mean either "pig" or "newt", and judging by how the next item is bat-related, I'm going with "newt" for the typical witchy-potion theme.)
Verkäufer 2: „Fledermausflügel! Ganz frisch! Und knackig!" DT: „Bat-wings! Entirely fresh! And crisp!" EQ: "Bat wings! Very fresh! And crisp!"
Donald: „Börks! Nein, danke!" DT/EQ: „"Blech! No, thank you!"
Verkäufer 1: „He, schon gehört, die haben einen von der anderen Seite gefangen!" DT: „Hey, already heard, the (x) one of/from the other Side captured!" EQ: "Hey, have you heard, they captured one from the Other Side!" (NOTE: Conversational past.)
Verkäufer 2: „Jub! Soll in einer Palastzelle darauf warten, vom Obermotz abgeurteilt zu werden!" DT: „Yeah! Should in a palace-cell thereon wait, by the Boss sentecned to be!" EQ: "Yeah! Should be in a palace-cell, waiting to be sentenced by the Boss!"
Trick: „Onkel Donald, die meinen bestimmt Onkel Dagobert!" DT: „Uncle Donald, the mean certainly Uncle Dagobert!" EQ: "Uncle Donald, they certainly mean Uncle Dagobert!"
Donald: „Damit könntest du recht haben! Also los..." DT: „Therewith can you right have! So loosely..." EQ: "You might be right there! So, let's go..." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Track: „Hier muss es sein!" DT: „Here must it be!" EQ: "It must be here!"
Dagobert: „Du glaubst wohl, weil ich in der Ecke stehe, hast du gewonnen, wie? Kampflos ergebe ich mich jedenfalls nicht!" DT: „You believe well, because I in the corner stand, (x) you won, how? Peacefully/without a fight yield I myself in any case not!" EQ: "You truly believe that because I am in the corner, that you've won, eh? In any case, I'm not giving up without a fight!" (NOTE: Idiomatic and conversational past. Whee.)
Donald: „Oje, klingt als sei der alte Haudegen ernstlich in Gefahr! Beeilung, Jungs!" DT: „Oh dear, sounds as if is the old warhorse seriously in danger! Hurry up, boys!" EQ: "Oh, dear, it sounds as if the old warhorse is seriously in danger! Hurry up, boys!"
Donald: „Da ist er! Keiner sonst zu sehen... und ist das ein Schachbrett?" DT: „There is he! Nobody otherwise to see... and is that a chessboard?" EQ: "There he is! Nobody else to see... And is that a chessboard?"
Tick: „Aber gegen wen spielt er?" DT: „But against whom plays he?" EQ: "But, who's he playing against?"
Dagobert: „Was habe ich gesagt? Jetzt geht es deiner Königin an den Kragen! Hehe!" DT: „What have I said? Now goes it your queen on the collar! Haha!" EQ: "What did I say? Now, your queen is in for it! Haha!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. One of my favourite idioms, to be honest. Could also mean "in trouble".)
Dagobert: „Wusste ich's doch! Das war eine Falle!" DT: „Knew I it still! That was a trap!" EQ: "I knew it! That was a trap!"
Dagobert: „Hahaa! Und matt!" DT/EQ: „"Hahaa! Und checkmate!"
Donald: „Da wird doch der Hund in der Pfanne verrückt. Gegen sich selbst! Und natürlich gewinnt er!" DT: „Since shall still the dog in the pan crazy. Against you yourself! And naturally win he!" EQ: "Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Against yourself! And naturally, he wins!" (NOTE: Very idiomatic. And I have no clue who's speaking here, so I just assumed Donald.)
Trick: „Pssst! Onkel Dagobert!" DT/EQ: „"Pssst! Uncle Dagobert!"
Dagobert: „Wie? Donald? Kinder? Was macht ihr denn hier?" DT: „How? Donald? Children? What doing you all then here?" EQ: "What? Donald? Children? What are you all doing here?"
Donald: „Na, wir sind hier, um dich zu befreien!" DT: „Well, we are here, in order you to be-free!" EQ: "Well, we're here in order to free you!"
Trick: „Wieso hat man dich eingesperrt? Was hast du angestellt?" DT: „Why (x) man/you yourself locked up? What have you employ/get up to?" EQ: "Why did you get locked up? What have you done?"
Dagobert: „So genau weiß ich das auch nicht... Irgend so ein Unsinn wie Beleidigung des heiligen Halloweenfestes!" DT: „So exactly know I that also not... At all so a nonsense how insult(ing) of the holy Halloween festival!" EQ: "So, I do not know exactly, either... Some nonsense like insulting the holy Halloween festival!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Donald: „Ha, sicher, weil du dich weigerst Süßes zu verteilen!" DT: „Ha, sure, because you yourself refuse sweets to distribute/hand out!" EQ: "Ha, sure, because you refuse to hand out sweets!"
Tick: „Das ist doch jetzt erst mal völlig egal! Pack lieber mal mit an... ächz..." DT: „That is still now first/times completely the same! Pack better (softener) with to... Moan..." EQ: "That is not important right now! Better join with us... Moan..." (NOTE: Extremely idiomatic. These ones almost killed me.)
Toneffekte: „KLICK" DT/EQ: „CLICK"
Dagobert: „Zu spät, Kinder! Sie kommen mich holen!" DT: „Too late, children! They come me get!" EQ: "Too late, children! They've come to get me!"
Ungeheuer 1: „Böfer Mann, mitkommen!" DT: „Bad man, with-come!" EQ: "Bad man, come along!"
Ungeheuer: „Fu unferem Herrn! Hehee!" DT: „To our Mathter! Hahaa!" (NOTE: Funny. Of all the words for them NOT to lisp in German, it's "Master". Hmm.)
Erzähler: „Und so wird Onkel Dagobert vor den Obermotz geführt!" DT: „And so is Uncle Dagobert before the Boss led!" EQ: "And so, Uncle Dagobert is led before the Boss!"
Obermotz: „Ich, der Obermotz, bin Herr über die Anderwelt. Daher ist meine Aufgabe, über diesen Sterblichen zu richten!" DT: „I, the Boss, am Master over the Otherworld. Hence/that is why is my task, over this mortal to judge!" EQ: "I, the Boss, am Master of the Otherworld. That is why it is my task to judge over this mortal!"
Donald: „Ein wahrer Volksauflauf. Die Leute hier haben anscheinend zu viel Zeit!" DT: „A true people-casserole/crowd. The people here have apparently too much time!" EQ: "A true crowd. The people here apparently have too much time!"
Tick: „Apropos Zeit..." DT: „By the way time..." EQ: "Speaking of time..." (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Tick: „...ich will ja nicht hetzen, aber genau die läuft uns gerade davon!" DT: „...I want indeed not rush, but exactly the/that runs us just thereof!" EQ: "...I don't want to rush, but our time is running out!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. The idiom here is „die Zeit läuft uns davon", to be exact.)
Trick: „Du hast recht! Um Mitternacht schließt sich der Riss zwischen den Welten!" DT: „You have right! At midnight closes itself the rift between the worlds!" EQ: "You're right! At midnight, the rift between the worlds closes!"
Donald: „Und wenn wir bis dahin nicht zurück sind, sitzen wir hier fest! Üble Aussichten!" DT: „And if we by then not back are, sit/stuck we here firmly! Bad prospects!" EQ: "And if we aren't back by then, we're stuck here firmly! Bad prospects!"
Dagobert: „Über mich richten? Dann erzählen Sie mir doch erst einmal, wessen ich angeklagt bin!" DT: „Over me judge? Then tell you to me but first once, whose I accused am!" EQ: "Judge over me? Then you tell me what I'm accused of!" (NOTE: Eh. Idiomatic.)
Obermotz: „Der Missachtung von Halloween!" DT/EQ: „"The disregard for Halloween!"
Obermotz: „Sie haben sich Fremden gegenüber in keinster Weise gastfreundlich gezeigt! Und sich..." DT: „You (x) yourself strangers towards in (the) least/any way hospitable shown! And you..." EQ: "You have not shown hospitality towards strangers in any way! And..."
Obermotz: „...überdies geweigert anderen etwas Gutes zu tun!" DT: „...moreover refuse others something good to do!" EQ: "...moreover, you refuse to do something good for others!"
Donald: „Recht hat der gehörnte Riese! Das kann ich aus eigener Erfahrung nur bestätigen!" DT: „Right has the horned giant! That can I from own experience only confirm!" EQ: "The horned giant is right! I can only confirm that from my own experience!"
Track: „He, auf wessen Seite stehst du?" DT: „Hey, on whose side stand you?" EQ: "Hey, whose side are you on?"
Obermotz: „Was haben Sie zu Ihrer Verteidigung vorzubringen?" DT: „What have you to your defence on-to-call?" EQ: "What do you have to say in your defence?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Dagobert: „Einiges, Sie eingebildeter Kerl!" DT: „Some, you conceited man/bloke!" EQ: "Some things, you conceited man/bloke!" (NOTE: Idiomatic. That and other possible translations include, "You stuck-up fool/dolt/wretch/fellow/guy".)
Dagobert: „Wissen Sie, wie ich es nenne, wenn mich jemand dazu zwingen will, dass ich mein sauer verdientes Geld für Süßigkeiten ausgeben soll? Nötigung!" DT: „Know you, how I it call, when me someone to that force wants, that I my sour well-deserved money for sweets spend should? Coercion!" EQ: "Do you know what I call it, when someone wants to force me into spending my hard-earned money on sweets? Coercion!" (NOTE: The idiom here is „sauer verdientes Geld".)
Dagobert: „Da, wo ich herkomme, habe ich das Recht dazu, Feiertage nicht zu feiern, wenn ich es nicht will!" DT: „There, where I come-frome, have I the right to that, holidays not to celebrate, if I it not want!" EQ: "Where I come from, I have the right to not celebrate holidays if I do not want to!"
Obermotz: „Das mag sein, aber hier gelten andere Regeln!" DT: „That may be, but here apply other regulations!" EQ: "That may be, but other regulations apply here!"
Obermotz: „Ich erkläre den Angeklagten somit für schuldig und verurteile ihn zur... Resozialisierung!" DT: „I declare the accused thus for guilty and sentence him to (the)... Rehabilitation!" EQ: "I declare the accused guilty and sentence him to... Rehabilitation!"
Obermotz: „Eine ordentliche Portion Anderwelt-Feenstaub wird das Übrige tun!" DT: „A proper portion Otherworld-pixie-dust will the rest do!" EQ: "A proper portion of Otherworld pixie-dust will do the rest!"
Ungeheuer 4: „Gurk!" DT/EQ: „"Gah!"
Obermotz: „Jeder, der damit in Berührung kommt, erkennt die Regeln Halloweens an! Und zwar auf ewig!" DT: „Anyone, the therewith in contact comes, recognises the rules Hallowen (x)! And indeed to eternity!" EQ: "Anyone who comes in contact with it recognises the rules of  Halloween! For eternity!" (NOTE: „anerkennen".)
Dagobert: „Nein! Nicht! Ich..." DT: „No! Nothing! I..." EQ: "No! Don't! I..."
Track: „Leute, die Uhr tickt! Wir müssen etwas tun!" DT: „People, the clock ticks! We must something do!" EQ: "People, the clock is ticking! We must do something!"
Donald: „Dann machen wir das doch! Attacke!" DT: „Then do we that still! Attack!" EQ: "Then, we'll do that! Attack!"
Tick: „Jetzt oder nie!" DT/EQ: „"Now or never!"
Trick: „Komm, Onkel Dagobert! Gib mir deine Hand!" DT/EQ: „Come, Uncle Dagobert! Give (to) me your hand!"
Dagobert: „M-meine Beine sind w-wie aus Gummi..." DT: „M-my legs are h-how from rubber..." EQ: "M-my legs are l-like rubber..."
Donald: „Reiß dich gefälligst zusammen! Es geht um unser Leben! Also lauf!" DT: „Pull yourself kindly together! It is about our lives! So run!" EQ: "Pull yourself together! It's about our lives! So, run!"
Obermotz: „Eindringlinge! Ergreift dieses unwürdige Gewürm!" DT/EQ: „"Intruders! Seize those unworthy vermin!"
Dagobert: „M-mir ist s-so schwummerig! Warum ist mir so schwummerig?" DT: „(For) m-me is s-so dizzy! Why is (for) me so dizzy?" EQ: "I-I am s-so dizzy! Why am I so dizzy?"
Track: „Das kommt von Feenstaub! Aber keine Angst, zusammen schaffen wir das!" DT: „That comes from (the) pixie-dust! But no fear, together accomplish we this!" EQ: "That comes from the pixie-dust! But, have no fear, together we can accomplish this!"
Donald: „Oder wir gehen gemeinsam unter! Seht mal hinter euch!" DT: „Or we go together under! See/look (softener) behind you!" EQ: "Or we go down together! Look behind you!"
Tick: „Heiliger Bimbam! Sieht fast so aus, als hätten wir die ganze Anderwelt auf den Fersen!" DT: „Holy smokes/cow! Looks almost so (x), as have we the entire Otherworld at the heel!" EQ: "Holy smokes/cow! Looks almost like we have the entirety of Otherworld at our heels!" (NOTE: Everyone in this panel is in silhouettes from far away. I'm just guessing at who the two speaking here are; especially considering that the next panel shows a completely different order of everyone running from the previous time we saw them not in shadows.)
Trick: „Und wenn wir nicht einen Gang zulegen, gehören wir bald dazu!" DT: „And if we not a gear get, belong we soon to that!" EQ: "And if we don't move up a gear, we'll soon belong here!" (NOTE: In the context of "we'll be stuck here"???)
Obermotz: „Lasst sie nicht entkommen!" DT: „Let them not escape!" EQ: "Do not let them escape!"
Donald: „Da vorn ist die Höhle, unser diesweltlicher Landeplatz!" DT/EQ: „"There in front is the cave, our earthly landing-place!"
Track: „Bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass der Durchgang in beide Richtungen funktioniert!" DT: „Stay only to hope, that the passage in both directions functions!" EQ: "Let's hope that the passage functions in both directions!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Tick: „Los, gib dir 'nen Ruck, Onkel Dagobert!" DT: „Loose, give (to) you a jolt/jerk/tug, Uncle Dagobert!" EQ: "Quickly, give yourself a jolt/jerk/tug, Uncle Dagobert!"
Trick: „So ist gut! Ein kleines Stück noch, dann hast du es geschafft!" DT: „So is good! A little piece/bit yet, then (x) you it accomplished!" EQ: "This is good! A little bit more, then you've made it!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Donald: „Puh! War der Tunnel wirklich so lang?" DT/EQ: „"Phew! Was the tunnel really so long?"
Track: „Spar dir die Puste lieber fürs Laufen, Onkel Donald!" DT: „Save (for) you the breath rather for (the) running, Uncle Donald!" EQ: "Better save your breath for running, Uncle Donald!"
Ungeheuer: „Heeee! Heee! Greift fie!" DT: „Heeee! Heee! Attack them!" EQ: "Haaaa! Haaa! Attack 'em!" (NOTE: It's lisped here, so the closest thing I could get to that in translation was slang.)
Donald: „Keuch... Ich hatte ganz vergessen, wie dunkel es hier drin war! Wenn wir uns nun die Köpfe stoßen!" DT: „Gasp... I (x) entirely forgot, how dark it here in it was! If we us only the heads bump!" EQ: "Gasp... I completely forgot how dark it was in here! If we only bump our heads now!"
Track: „Lieber 'ne Beule als gebeutelt! Nicht langsamer werden!" DT: „Rather a bump than shaken/battered! Not slow become!" EQ: "Better a bump than being battered! Do not slow down!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Donald: „Ächz! Jetzt sehe ich gar nichts mehr! Nun ist alles aus!" DT: „Groan! Now see I really nothing more! Now is everything out!" EQ: "Goran! Now I really don't see anything anymore! Now, everything is over!"
Toneffekte: „ZUSCH" DT/EQ: "ZAP" (NOTE: I just guessed on this one.)
Donald: „Hurra! Entenhausen! Du Heimatstadt meines Herzen!" DT/EQ: „"Hooray! Duck City! You hometown (of) my heart!"
Toneffekte: „DONG" DT/EQ: „"DONG"
Tick: „Um Haaresbreite, Leute, um Haaresbreite." DT: „By hair's-breadth, people, by hair's-breadth." EQ: "By a hair's-breadth, people, by a hair's-breadth."
Trick: „O nein! Sie kommen hinterher! Wir..." DT: „Oh no! They come afterwards! We..." EQ: "Oh, no! They're coming afterwards! We..."
Track: „Das schaffen sie nicht, der zwölfte Schlag ertönt jeden Augenblick!" DT: „The accomplish it not, the twelfth stroke rings every moment!" EQ: "They can't accomplish that, the twelfth stroke is ringing this very moment!"
Toneffekte: „DONG" DT/EQ: „DONG"
Tick: „Da! Der Riss zwischen den Welten ist wieder verschlossen!" DT: „There! The rift between the worlds is again closed!" EQ: "There! The rift between the worlds is closed again!"
Donald: „Ein Glück! Das heißt, wir haben jetzt mindestens ein Jahr lang Ruhe!" DT: „A luck! That means, we have now at least a year long peace!" EQ: "What luck! That means we now have at least a year-long peace!"
Donald: „Hüstel... tja, ich muss mich wohl bei euch entschuldigen, Kinder!" DT: „Ahem... well, I must myself probably by/at you apologise, children!" EQ: "Ahem... Well, I probably must apologise to you, children!"
Tick: „Entschuldigen? Du? Aber wofür denn das?" DT: „Apologise? You? But for which then that?" EQ: "Apologise? You? But what for, then?"
Donald: „Wenn ich mal wieder etwas als Aberglaube abtue, was ihr mir erzählt, dann dürft ihr mir die Federn rupfen, einverstanden?" DT: „If I (softener) again something as superstition dismiss, what you (to) me tell, then may you all (for) me the feathers pluck, agreed?" EQ: "If I dismiss something that you told me as superstition ever again, then you all may pluck my feathers, agreed?"
Tick: „Ach, Onkel Donald! Vergiss es!" DT/EQ: „"Oh, Uncle Donald! Forget it!"
Track: „Hauptsache, wir sind alle heil davongekommen!" DT: „Main thing, we (x) all safely got away!" EQ: "The main thing is, we all got away safely!" (NOTE: Conversational past.)
Tick: „Und das bisschen Feenstaub, das Onkel Dagobert abbekommen, wird ihn schon nicht aus der Bahn werfen!" DT: „And that bit (of) pixie-dust, that Uncle Dagobert received, will him already not from the track/course throw!" EQ: "And that bit of pixie-dust that Uncle Dagobert received won't throw him off-course!"
Track: „Genau, das hat er mit Sicherheit bald verdaut!" DT: „Exactly, that has he with certainty soon digested!" EQ: "Exactly, he has certainly digested that soon!"
Trick: „Apropos... wo ist er eigentlich?" DT/EQ: „"By the way... where is he actually?"
Tick: „Unfassbar, er hat sich klammheimlich weggeschlichen!" DT: „Unbelievable, he has himself quietly slipped away!" EQ: "Unbelievable, he quietly slipped away!"
Donald: „Wenn er nur nichts anstellt! Er ist noch nicht wieder ganz bei sich!" DT: „If he only nothing carry out! He is still not again entirely by/at himself!" EQ: "If only he doesn't carry anything out! He's still not entirely himself again!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Toneffekte: „DONG DONG" DT/EQ: „"DONG DONG"
Dagobert: „Wacht auf, ihr guten Menschen! Schüttelt den Schlaf aus den Augen! Noch ist nicht Zeit zum Schlafen! Dagobert Duck hat euch etwas zu sagen!" DT: „Wake up, you all good people! Shake the sleep from the eyes! Now is not time to (the) sleep! Dagobert Duck has (to) you something to say!" EQ: "Wake up, all you good people! Shake the sleep from your eyes! Now is not the time for sleep! Dagobert Duck has something to say to you!"
Mann: „Was ist das für ein Lärm?" DT: „What is that for a noise?" EQ: "What's that noise?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Frau: „Der alte Duck. Er randaliert!" DT: „The old Duck. He rampages!" EQ: "The old Duck. He's rampaging!"
Kinder: „Gähn! Mama, warum schreit der Mann so?" DT: „Yawn! Mama, why screams the man so?" EQ: "Yawn! Mama, why's the man screaming so?"
Mutter: „Keine Ahnung, Spatz! Hören wir einfach mal hin!" DT: „No clue, Sparrow! Hear/listen we simply/just (softener) there!" EQ: "No clue, Sparrow! We'll just listen!" (NOTE: Idiomatic- and about that second sentence, I, too, have no clue, Sparrow.)
Dagobert: „Heute ist Halloween! Die Nacht, in der wir den Jüngsten mit Freunden etwas Gutes tun! Sollen sie nur alle zum Geldspeicher kommen!" DT: „To-day is Halloween! The night, in the we the recently with friends something good do! Should they only all to (the) Money-Storage come!" EQ: "To-day is Halloween! The night in which we recently do something good with friends! They all should come to the Money-Storage!"
Toneffekte: „DONG DONG" DT/EQ: „"DONG DONG"
Dagobert: „Ich möchte diese Nacht würdig begehen!" DT: „I would like this night worthily celebrate!" EQ: "I would like to celebrate this night worthily!"
Erzähler: „Und so..." DT/EQ: „"And so..."
Dagobert: „Hehe! Happy Halloween, euch allen!" DT/EQ: „"Haha! Happy Halloween, you all!"
Tick: „Ich schätze, die Wirkung des Feenstaubers hält noch etwas an!" DT: „I guess, the effect (of) the pixie-dust going/keep still something (on)!" EQ: "I guess the effect of the pixie-dust is still going on!" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Donald: „Und morgen früh gibt es für Sankt Halloween dann ein böses Erwachen!" DT: „And to-morrow morning were is for Saint Halloween then a bad/rude awakening!" EQ: "And to-morrow morning, there will be a rude awakening for Saint Halloween!"
Erzähler: „ENDE DT/EQ: „"END"
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“You know disgrace isn’t that bad. Once you settle into it.”
SO. I was watching TV one day and as I was flipping the channels, I saw an ad for a new show, ‘American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace’. I was sold just on the fact that it said Versace, I love fashion; and crime, (if you know me, you know I love crime) and then I saw Darren Criss. That’s all. I had to watch it. I did a bit of research and found out that he was playing the killer, and I had no clue that Versace was assassinated. So I began watching it, and the premiere episode itself, I was hooked; I knew I’d be dedicated and watch religiously. My mom watched it with me too, because she also likes crime (at times, when I’m not forcing her to watch something like Hannibal while eating dinner).
Anyway, I missed the second episode itself <rolls eyes> So much for being ‘dedicated’. I went to my best friend’s house the day after the 5th episode aired, and I made her watch. She was hooked too, so we watched the first two episodes together. I realized then, that TV was censoring out some important scenes that added to the plot line, so I switched to watching online. But yes, bottom line, watch it online, make sure you have subs, or earphones on with the highest volume. None of the characters speak very loudly. I dont even know why this paragraph is here, I apologize.
NOW, COMING TO THE ACTUAL SHOW. It was brilliant, I thought. Like, really. It is based on the book ‘Vulgar Favors’, which I really want to read now after watching the show. The gist of the show, in my words: The first shot is set on July 15, 1997. Gianni Versace is currently in his Miami house (mansion) and he goes out to buy some newspapers. The mansion faces the beach by the way, and the show was shot in the actual Versace home. As he goes back home, he is shot by a man (Darren Criss) and collapses at the gate of his house. A man (Antonio, his partner, played by Ricky Martin) comes out from the house and screams for help to the bystanders. Criss, who plays Andrew Cunanan (the killer, and part of, apparently, one of FBI’s biggest failed manhunts), is an unreliable narrator, to say the least, making up stories to tell each person that he meets throughout the episodes. The plot, as such, goes backwards, and shows all the other murders that Cunanan has committed, along with character backstories.
Thats the gist, and I have a lot to say about the show, so get some food or a beverage (no alcohol, kids) and sit if you want to actually read through this whole post :p
Okay, first off, the casting. I cannot cannot cannot get over the casting on this show. I will insert pictures to prove that the casting was impeccable and almost scarily, uncannily similar to the real people. I will talk about the casting as well as the characters themselves here.
Young Andrew- Darren Criss as the older Andrew- the real Andrew Cunanan
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Edgar Ramirez as Versace- the real Gianni Versace (is this not freaky)
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The real Donatella Versace- Penelope Cruz as Donatella
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The real Antonio D’Amico- Ricky Martin as Antonio
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//// Andrew Cunanan is the main lead of the show, not Versace, as the title might suggest. But the reason for the show being named after Versace makes sense, because that’s the incident that finally brought Cunanan into proper notice, and what pushed him over the edge, maybe. Darren Criss, I cannot explain in words how good his acting was. His charm, his little dimples, his attire, the way he spoke, everything seemed to match 100% with the details given about the real Cunanan, as given by his family and friends.
His character, from the very first episode, is shown to be charming, intelligent (IQ of 147) and subtly at first, but then clearly- a prolific liar. He lies his way through things, he seems to have suffered from antisocial personality disorder, which according to what I read, causes the lack of empathy, which is exactly what Cunanan has. More on this later. He lies about his personality (he says in the first episode, ‘I tell people what they need to hear,’ insinuating that he told gay people he was gay, and straight people he was straight. He was, in fact, gay, and also an escort). He tells his friends, Lizzie and another guy (unnamed) in the first episode, how Versace invited him to his Opera show. This scene, set back in 1990, is explained further, as we see that in reality, Cunanan had faked an Italian background, just to talk to Versace. But he really did go to the Opera, and that night was what made Cunanan do what he did, which is explained in the last episode.
It’s also cool how they added some small details, to add to his character- he ends up eating in times of distress, or after a killing, or before a killing. He always tells people the same lies- this really stood out to me, because its hard for someone to keep up the same lies all the time. It was always that his father owned pineapple plantations in the Philippines, and that he was writing a book, and that he had a lot of money from all his clients. He also always tells people he is better with older men, and not people his age, which shows as the show progresses, how many older men he has as clients.
Cunanan essentially started his killings way before Versace, killing 4 other people. I get the feeling that the smallest of things were what triggered him to kill.
Jeff (Jeffrey) Trail, the first victim, was his close friend, and an ex- US Navy Officer. They got into a small fight, and Cunanan killed him with a hammer, in front of their mutual friend, and Cunanan’s ex-love interest, David Madson, who is the next victim.
David tells Cunanan that they cannot live a happy life together, not after what he did to Jeff, and Cunanan tells him ‘We could have been happy’, before shooting him. Cunanan really did love David though, which is clear till the very last episode.
Lee Miglin, the third victim, had probably the most horrific end. He was a 70+ year old famous architect, one of Cunanan’s clients, who tells him that their relationship cannot be real, and indirectly says that finance is the key point in their ‘relationship’, if thats even what it can be called. Cunanan, as revenge, or for whatever reason, gags Miglin’s face with duct tape, throws bags of cement on him and uses a hacksaw to kill him. He kills and leaves the body in the garage, after placing several gay pornographic magazines around him, to prove to the world that Miglin was not who he said he was. Possibly, I think, because Miglin says their relationship cannot be ‘real’ (because he was married to a very successful businesswoman), and Cunanan knows that the world doesn’t know the real Lee Miglin.
The fourth victim, William Reese, was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. Cunanan kills him and takes his car to go to Miami. Cunanan is polite, even in the case of a killing. He asks Reese- ‘Is there a downstairs? Can I lock you in there?’ He may have hesitated for a moment, but makes his decision to shoot him once Reese tells him that he has a family that he would like to see again. Its possible that Cunanan made up his mind, because of his strange and strained childhood.
Gianni Versace, the final and the most famous victim. He, on the night of the Opera, tells Cunanan that they cannot be together, and that rejection finally pushed him to the edge.
What is so different, in a very strange way, is that you cant help but empathize for Andrew Cunanan. Yes, he was a serial killer, but some scenes honestly just b r o k e my heart. In one episode, where him and David are on the run, he sits in a cafe, listening to the live singer there, while David is in the bathroom. The woman sings about who will be home when you call, will you have someone to go home to; and Cunanan sits, in the middle of the cafe, and just silently cries. Another scene that made me want to punch something (out of sadness and anger both) is in the last episode, where, Cunanan, currently hiding from the police (after Versace’s murder), calls his estranged father from a payphone, and tells him that he is in trouble and that he needs help. He sobs while talking to his father, and the father promises him he’ll be there in 24 hours, and also tells him, ‘Men don’t cry, remember?’ By the time Cunanan goes to his hideout (a houseboat) after packing his bags, his father is giving an interview on tv, insisting that Cunanan isn’t gay, and can’t be. I wanted him dead. There are some scenes from his childhood, where the father (Modesto), treats Cunanan, the youngest of four siblings, like a Prince, and on the side, calls him out for ‘not being a man’. Modesto keeps calling him weak because Andrew cries. He blames him for being weak minded like his mother and calls him sissy, slaps him and says ‘be a man’ and repeatedly telling him, ‘you don’t have it in you’.
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(sorry about the blurred face, I panicked)
Some iconic scenes of Andrew Cunanan- (THE FIRST 2 ARE LINKS PLEASE OPEN THEM) 1. Pump up the jam– Till 45 seconds. This scene is right after the murder of Jeff Trail, and you can see how he has no empathy. This is my all time favourite scene from the entire show, I think Criss is genius. 2. Gloria– Till 45 seconds. 3. All the scenes where he dances in parties and/or other places too
Lastly, there are two more iconic scenes I’d like to talk about. Last episode, he watched as the news channels talked about him being the only suspect in these murders on TV, and a bottle of champagne pops open while he’s watching. He laughs in shock, and ends up laughing his head off, clutching his stomach. I found that scene genius. And he eats dog food out of desperation in the last episode, because he is holed up in that house boat for days. It was so sad, but so real.
The last few minutes of the show have live coverage of the hunt for Cunanan, broadcasting live how the police is going into the house and everything, and the last thought that Cunanan has before he shoots himself is- ‘I’m so happy right now’, which is what he says to Versace the night of the Opera.
Now, lastly for my lecture on Cunanan, I think Darren Criss was genius, and I think he fit the role perfectly, and I’m not saying it just because I love Darren Criss (I love him, if you can’t tell already), but genuinely, he moulded and fit the character to a glove. I read a lot about the real Cunanan, and I think the show did complete justice to him. Ryan Murphy, thank you for this show.
// The show dealt with real problems such as homophobia; as seen in the case of Antonio, Versace’s partner, who doesn’t get any understanding from the people, or even Donatella, about his love for Gianni; they lived together for 15 years but there is still no consideration for their relationship. The most harrowing scene is when the priest at Versace’s funeral service let’s everyone kiss his hands except Antonio. This leads Antonio to attempt committing suicide by overdosing on pills.
There is a scene in the last episode where Ronnie (one of Cunanan’s friends and fellow druggie), gives the police some statements. All his lines have a sinister undertone, and gave me goosebumps, showing the real situations back then in the 90’s.
“You were disgusted by him, long before he became disgusting. You’re so used to us lurking in the shadows, and, you know, most of us, we oblige. People like me, we just, we drift away. We get sick, nobody cares.”
Here, he is talking about how the police, and society in general, never cared for the homosexuals, and how they never gave them a second thought. He speaks for the entire LGBTQ+ community back then, I feel, when he says this, talking about how nobody cares about their condition. There is a scene in the beginning of the show where the FBI has flyers printed with Cunanan’s details, but doesn’t actually distribute them, because they think its unimportant. They also don’t listen to the local police officer, a woman, who insists that they check all the gay clubs around Miami, seeing as Cunanan was a gay prostitute, which the FBI dismisses. Turns out, that is where he goes most frequently, and the police could have caught him earlier, but didn’t. Versace and Antonio being partners is also treated as a huge deal, along with the fact that they had escorts frequently visit the house.
Ronnie also tells the police: “Andrew is not hiding, he’s trying to be seen.” This is one of truest things said on the show, among several others. Cunanan is desperate for attention, and doesn’t want to be hidden in the shadows, he wants the world to see him. Everything he does, he does in plain sight; he uses his real name and identity, never tries to hide it, almost as if he wants to be caught, and the world would know who he was. He always tries to be the center of attention, whether it was in school, college, or later in life. He uses his real name everywhere he goes, and in a pawn shop, he gave his ID, but the woman never paid attention, because the police never put out the notice for until after a week of the murder spree. There is also a scene at a party at a gay club, where amidst the loud music, a guy asks him what he does, and Cunanan replies, “I’m Andy. I’m a serial killer.” He also calls himself a stockbroker, and several other things. He reveals his entire name as well. The guy laughs it off, not knowing anything about manhunt, because it was still not out in the media.
He always wanted to be (and was voted in high school) ‘A name to be remembered by’.
// I loved how the show took its story backwards. The first episode began with the last killing, and each episode showed flashbacks with Cunanan’s older victims and their backstories, adding so much clarity to the plot. It was different, and something I’d never seen in any show before. It really left an impact, and made sure you didn’t miss the next episode, because you’ll have to watch it to know what happened earlier. I also loved how the last two episodes were when we found out about Cunanan’s childhood, showing us why and how he became what he was.
// The scenes with Modesto, Cunanan’s father, were so frustratingly good. I hated the character with all my heart, which was obviously the intention. There is a shot with Modesto telling Andrew about how his mom was sick, and he was the one who took care of him when he was growing up. At this point, Modesto gets Andrew a car. Andrew closes the car window and the moms reflection shows up, perhaps symbolic of how he cut her out from his life, piece by piece, memory by memory. I’ve inserted the screenshot of the scene here:
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// Another character I loved was Mrs. Miglin. Her acting was so real. When Lee dies, she refuses to look at the body, or to hear anything that the police had to say. Whether she knows about him being gay is unknown to the viewers. Her reactions to the public wondering if she was even sad about her husbands death were brilliant. She always has a made-up face, looking calm and normal, and a few days after the death, she removes the makeup. If people see her makeup coming off when she cries, she wonders about their reactions, which is why she kept a cool, composed face until now. I found this entire sequence brilliant, showing how the media and the public generally portray and see celebrities, and never leave them alone in peace.
// Cunanan’s best friend, Lizzie, gives a statement on television, in the last episode, when he is in hiding. To me, these are the words that pushed him to surrender and kill himself. I think the fact that the words came from the only person who loved him in the entire world really made him realize how much trouble he was in, and that he saw no choice but to kill himself. This is what she says: “I know that the most important thing to you in the world is what others think of you.” This is so true, considering the fact that he always wanted the attention, and constantly wanted people to know things about him, and the fact that he needed to get feedback and know what people thought of his actions and his background.
He feeds lies to Versace as well, about him writing a book, and that he was going to publish it soon. Versace believes him, and tells him about how he needs to finish writing the book, and that he was sure it’d do well. Cunanan asks Versace if he could be his protege and help him out, but Versace declines politely, telling him he didn’t need any assistants right now. This also adds to Cunanan’s rage against Versace.
// You can see how Andrew got the compulsive lying. Modesto, in the last episode, while being interviewed about Andrew, lies on tv saying they discussed movie rights to his life story and that they’re talking to several studios about releasing it soon. He was also the one who taught Andrew to always be polite, and to be good mannered. It is shown in the last two episodes where Modesto gives him books about manners, and even sends him to a prep school.
Now, coming to small descriptions about the other characters. Small, I promise. Promiseeeeeeee.
Gianni and Donatella Versace- Both these characters were well rounded, and wonderful actors. Edgar Ramirez and Penelope Cruz did a brilliant job in portraying the Versace siblings. The fights, the affection, the remorse, the love, everything was so real.
Antonio D’Amico- Ricky Martin!!!! I also watched the show because I saw his name in the cast :p* His character was such a sad one. He was never accepted by society, as Gianni’s partner. Donatella hated him and said that he never gave Gianni anything, no family, no kids, nothing, and if he had, she would have had some respect for him. It was also speculated that he gave Versace HIV, which wasn’t true in the end. Antonio was really nice, because he really loved Gianni, and he proposes to him too, saying they should get married, and forget the world around them.
David Madson- Ohmygod, my poor heart. David was genuinely the sweetest guy, and it felt like he ignored the voices in his head saying bad things about Andrew, because he really liked him. It was almost as though he had Stockholm Syndrome when practically kidnapped by Cunanan. He had a chance to escape from the bathroom (in the cafe), but he chooses to come back, showing that maybe he still had a soft spot for Andrew. His childhood and youth was sad too, and the strained, but very happy relationship with his father plays in the back of his head when he is shot.
Jeff Trail- His character was also so so sad. He was gay and in the Navy, which was something that was unacceptable at the time. The Chief in the Navy gives out handbooks to all the officers about informing higher authorities if they knew that someone was gay. One night, Jeff is seen comforting another man; the next morning, the books are handed out as a warning. The man, after being beaten up, tells the Chief all the people that he knows are gay, and he mentions a man with a tattoo, meaning Jeff (no one knows). He tries to cut his tattoo off but stops because of the very apparent blood, and later tries to hang himself, but stops.
Lee Miglin- An old man, who is very well known for his architectural abilities, has some secrets. When his wife is out of town on business, he calls his escort, Cunanan. Explained above^^
Extra admiration for the young Andrew Cunanan, he was genius. He took on the smallest of details that Darren Criss had in his character; things like a small smile, a smug look, and the polite charm of someone who you would never have thought to be a psychopath.
‘What if you had a dream your whole life that you were someone special but no one believed it?’
// Andrew Cunanan //
Here are some very cool articles and videos that I found about the whole incident. 1. Facing death 2. Five lives cut short 3. Video (Who was Gianni Versace’s killer?)
Here are some screenshots I took from the show, that I liked.
These are both from the last episode, the one on the left is after he hears on the media that he is the only suspect, and the one on the right is of him eating dog food.
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Sorry for the bad quality, but this is one of my favourite shots in the entire show.
// The entire show was shot beautifully, and the locations were shown in all their grandeur, especially the Versace mansion. The characters all looked the part, and certainly played the part. I found that adding subtle hints of symbolism in the episodes really made a difference.
Thats all :p* I hope everyone who reads this enjoys. I don’t even know if anyone will read this but I really wanted to talk about the show because it impacted me so much, and the characters really shone. Simply brilliant show. I would highly recommend it to everyone. There are a few scenes that are a little hard to watch, but you’ll get used to it. Bye now 😀
P.S. Darren Criss said this in a first look video I found, I think it encapsulates the entire show:
“Truth is, you know, fear and prejudice, unfortunately, is always in fashion.”
ACS2: The Assassination of Gianni Versace "You know disgrace isn't that bad. Once you settle into it." SO. I was watching TV one day and as I was flipping the channels, I saw an ad for a new show, 'American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace'.
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What exactly happens in Lorca’s Sleepwalking Ballad?
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I am writing this not to place my ideas above anybody else's’, nor to suggest I am an expert, I am merely a Lorca devotee presenting a close reading of one of his poems.
‘The Sleepwalking Ballad’ is a very mysterious poem, Lorca himself said it remained as much as mystery to him as to anyone else, indeed, a large part of its charm rests on its inexplicability. Nevertheless there is a fairly clear narrative in the poem which is not, always, hard to follow. So what happens? Let’s get to it.
Green, how I want you green.
Green wind. Green branches.
The ship out on the sea
and the horse on the mountain.
Green. Why green? ‘The Sleepwalking Ballad’ is loaded with symbols of death, so green, the colour of life would appear to represent a direct contrast. More simply, green is Lorca’s favourite color (he uses it more than any other colour in his poetry, white second, blue third - count if you like!). Green, however, has many other connotations...
With the shade around her waist
she dreams on her balcony,
green flesh, her hair green,
with eyes of cold silver.
Here we are introduced to the female protagonist, who is apparently dreaming. Dreaming? But she is dead. Later in the poem we learn her hair is naturally black, so the green sheen points to her death, as do her cold silver eyes. She is dreaming from the afterlife.
Green, how I want you green.
The return of the famous refrain: “Verde que te quiero verde”, problematic in English as we don’t have a verb which combines love and desire. The refrain could represent many things but seems most likely to be the male protagonist pining for his dead lover, ‘Alive, how I want you alive’, he could be singing, but then it could just be the wind...
Under the gypsy moon,
all things are watching her
and she cannot see them.
Her cold silver eyes cannot see anything, another clear indication of her death, as is the presence of the moon, who in Lorca often walks hand in hand with death.
Green, how I want you green.
Big hoarfrost stars
come with the fish of shadow
that opens the road of dawn.
The fig tree rubs its wind
with the sandpaper of its branches,
and the forest, cunning cat,
bristles its brittle fibers.
But who will come? And from where?
She is still on her balcony
green flesh, her hair green,
dreaming in the bitter sea.
The girl is not on the balcony, she is in the bitter sea where she dreams of the balcony [or could she now be a ghost?]. The balcony is the place where the girl waited for her lover, the male protagonist, to return to her, only he came back a little too late. The girl’s similarities with tragic figures Ophelia and Sappho are unlikely to be coincidental, Lorca loved Shakespeare and Ancient Greek literature. There is also a gentle touch of Romeo and Juliet, they are star crossed lovers, in fair Andalusia where Federico lays his scene. 
—My friend, I want to trade
my horse for her house,
my saddle for her mirror,
my knife for her blanket.
My friend, I come bleeding
from the gates of Cabra.
—If it were possible, my boy,
I’d help you fix that trade.
But now I am not I,
nor is my house now my house.
—My friend, I want to die
decently in my bed.
Of iron, if that’s possible,
with blankets of fine chambray.
Don’t you see the wound I have
from my chest up to my throat?
—Your white shirt has grown
thirsty dark brown roses.
Your blood oozes and flees a
round the corners of your sash.
But now I am not I,
nor is my house now my house.
—Let me climb up, at least,
up to the high balconies;
Let me climb up! Let me,
up to the green balconies.
Railings of the moon
through which the water rumbles.
This is the most difficult part of the poem. We are confronted with not one but two unreliable narrators. One of whom, the young man, is hallucinating because of his wounds. He is a smuggler, hurt on the run from the Guarda Civil. He has been traveling from the gates of Cabra [an area in the South of the province of Cordoba which was, in Lorca’s time, famous for smuggling] to his home, an unnamed town on the banks of the bitter sea. The young man, like Odysseus, is trying to make it back to his lover. Only, as we know, he’s too late, she’s dead.
The other character in this extract appears to be the father of the girl. His presence in the poem is mysterious and inexplicable, he fractures reality: ‘I am not I’ (beautiful in Spanish: “yo ya no soy yo”). Who is he if he is not who he is? An angel? A devil? He is a trickster. A disruptive presence to the natural order of things.
Now the two friends climb up,
up to the high balconies.
Leaving a trail of blood.
Leaving a trail of teardrops.
Tin bell vines
were trembling on the roofs.
A thousand crystal tambourines
struck at the dawn light.
The two friends go looking for the girl. Why is the poem called ‘The Sleepwalking Ballad’? Well, if there is any sleepwalking at all in the poem it is in the above extract. However whether they’re asleep or not is debatable, they are certainly wary, hallucinating, seeing, as Lorca himself said he saw, a thousand crystal tambourines wounding the dawn.
Green, how I want you green,
green wind, green branches.
The two friends climbed up.
The stiff wind left
in their mouths, a strange taste
of bile, of mint, and of basil
My friend, where is she—tell me—
where is your bitter girl?
How many times she waited for you!
How many times would she wait for you,
cool face, black hair,
on this green balcony!
The two men have climbed up to the balcony where everything is, naturally [unnaturally], very strange and dream like. The girl is not there. They don’t see her body in the water. The father does not know his daughter is dead because she died very recently. Does the young man know his lover is dead? Impossible to say. If we follow the time markers in the poem, the girl either died the night before the young man returned home, or the same night he returned home. Since Lorca would have appreciated the farcical nature of tragedy, I would suggest the later. The young man probably doesn’t know she’s dead at this point, but we can’t be certain. ‘Where is she?’ the father asks the young man, with a slight hint of accusation, ‘where is your bitter girl?’ Notice how the girl shares the same property, bitterness, as the sea in which she drowned. Notice the father says she belongs to the young man not to him ‘your bitter girl’, not ‘my bitter girl’, but then he is not who he is, nor is his house his house, so what can we be sure of? Nothing.
Over the mouth of the cistern
the gypsy girl was swinging,
green flesh, her hair green,
with eyes of cold silver.
An icicle of moon
holds her up above the water.
A beautiful image of the girl suspended in time. Like a photograph we see her body hovering above the surface of the water. We know she died at night because the moon, in all her deathly pallor, is shining, holding the girl in his long, icy arms.
The night became intimate
like a little plaza.
Drunken “Guardias Civiles”
were pounding on the door.
The Guarda Civil come for the young man. In other readings it is suggested the Guarda Civil are pursuing the man because of his smuggling activities, which is logical. However perhaps they are also concerned about the recent disappearance of a young girl, last seen acting strangely on a balcony overlooking the bitter sea? Perhaps they have already found her body in the water? I believe it is perfectly plausible that the Guarda Civil want to talk to the young man about the girl, maybe they want to do this more than arrest him for smuggling. Where was he the night she drowned? Had the couple been arguing? Depending on how he answers, he could well find himself implicated in her death.
Green, how I want you green.
Green wind. Green branches.
The ship out on the sea.
And the horse on the mountain.
At this point it is safe to assume the young man has died from his wounds. There is no answer to the door. The ship, an ancient symbol of death, and the horse return with an air of finality. Notice as well how their positions restore the natural order of things, the ship being on the sea, and the horse on the mountain. Whatever strange passages of time and reality we have journeyed through after dead girl’s father alleged ‘I am not I’ are done, spent, over. The two lovers have died. The father can go back to being whoever he is. The ship is on the sea, the horse is on the mountain.
I used William Bryant Logan’s translation (New Directions, 1955) for the quotes. Thanks for reading, CB xx   
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easyhairstylesbest · 4 years
Lauren Oyler on Writing a Book 'Good Enough So People Can't Hatchet-Job You'
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Lauren Oyler is the kind of literary critic who makes thin-skinned writers think twice about putting their thoughts onto the page. She once questioned if New Yorker writer Jia Tolentino had ever met someone who wasn’t pretty (yikes!) and asserted that the best-selling novel American Dirt could have “perhaps used a little more self-doubt” (…fair). With bylines in the London Review of Books, New York Times, The Baffler, and more, Oyler often reflects on online phenomena like the popular rise of astrology and the destabilizing effect of social media on our collective mental health. More than one of her pieces of criticism have gone viral, a feat for the genre in its own right, but all the more extraordinary for their lack of sensationalism. Though her critique is often sharp-edged, it does not sacrifice nuance.
Now, she’s turned efforts to her own novel, Fake Accounts, which distills much of her critical musings into a timely premise, with a protagonist who feels like someone you follow on Twitter—an Internet writer who lives in New York City. The unnamed narrator discovers that her boyfriend of several years has been hiding a second life as a popular online conspiracy theorist on the eve of Donald Trump’s inauguration, but as she roves the sea of pink pussy hats at the 2017 Women’s March that same weekend, her boyfriend dies in a freak accident before she can confront him. Left in a social media-hazed mania, the narrator flees to Berlin, embarking on a truly deranged online dating spree and other expat follies.
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The book mirrors details from Oyler’s own life—a writer, often for the internet, who lives part-time in Berlin—and parodies the contemporary literary trends she often critiques, like autofiction and the fragmented structure popularized by Jenny Offill’s Dept. of Speculation, to explore the tension and lack of distinction between our real and online personas. If, like much of the population, you are addicted to social media, the book resonates in a very specific way.
ELLE.com talks with the author about how she deals with her inner critical voice, her lukewarm feelings about social media detoxes, and how she found empowerment in blurring the lines of her online persona through fiction.
I first heard about your book after seeing a tweet from Emily Gould that calls you an “enormous bitch” but then praises the novel as “unimpeachably great.” How do you unpack a comment like that?
Ha! I don’t think Emily meant that being a bitch is a bad thing necessarily. We’re so used to seeing more or less positive criticism or only tepidly questioning criticism, but not a ton of harsh book criticism, so I seem like more of a bitch than I think I am. But I mean, that’s totally what I was going for—make the book good enough so people can’t hatchet-job you, right? That’s what everybody is going for, I hope.
I imagine that task was really challenging as someone who reviews books. How were you able to shut off those critical voices and write?
I think a lot of people are probably feeling pressure from hypothetical critics now. Social media puts everybody in this position where you’re constantly imagining how something is going to be taken the wrong way, or the least generous reading of something that could possibly be made. How likely is it that someone will make it? There’s an aspect of the novel where the narrator is constantly anticipating the reader’s thoughts, and she is trying to justify her thinking or how she’s behaving. So I think that’s a broader issue and not just related to the fact that I’m a “bitch.” [Laughs]
AKA critic! Reading your criticism, I have been struck by the level of authority you assume—as a writer, I always struggle with “what’s my right” to say any of this. I’m curious where that comes from for you.
I think it does come in part from growing up in a place where people were not quite interested in the same things I was. I grew up in Hurricane, West Virginia, a small town between Charleston and Huntington, and I was not a total misfit, but I wasn’t encouraged the way I might have been if I had gone to a nice private school in New York City. I had to learn to trust my process of thinking through objections and criticism and shoring up all sides—because I do feel, and maybe some people would disagree, that I think quite a lot about things before I say them, and that’s part of where the sense of confidence comes from. But I do have social media-inflicted paranoia.
You’ve written a lot about social media as a critic—what made you want to approach the topic from a literary standpoint?
There’s this idea that floats around periodically that the realist novel is not equipped to respond to the pace and technology of the day, and you can’t put the Internet in a novel and have it still be literary because the Internet is inherently tacky and ephemeral and nothing on it matters and everyone on it is kind of stupid. We have this idea about literary fiction, that it has to be very elevated and concerned with the greatest issues of human life, but I think the compulsion to be sort of ephemeral and the willingness to be stupid in public without thinking much about it is a very human impulse. I was interested in this idea of the realist novel and the quote-unquote “traditional novel” that is supposed to be inimical to the Internet and social media.
What was your writing process like?
When I started thinking about writing this novel, the voice didn’t come to me immediately. I was really struggling with it. And then I wrote a version of the first paragraph, which has this much more cynical, slightly complicated tone with an inherent ironic quality that is really appealing to me, and then went from there.
One thing I thought about a lot is the possibility that people will read the book autobiographically in some way and take something about me from the protagonist. I started to feel very empowered by that, building up this fake persona that was still definitely connected to my real self.
That sounds absolutely terrifying to me.
I think it’s personally empowering because I don’t think I care if someone thinks a certain detail or one of the things the protagonist says is attributable to me. It may be attributable to me, or it may not be, and keeping both possibilities alive throughout the text is something I was concerned with. I think what is compelling about experiencing art and also making it is that it allows you to create your own agency. You can, within the confines of the work, do more or less whatever you want. I think it’s very important for people to have at least one sphere of life where you can sort of control how it works.
I have listened to and read a lot of interviews with authors who get frustrated with the notion that some part of their novel is autobiographical, and they have a point, but I also think the process of writing a novel is one in which you are pulling all sorts of things from your life. You only have what’s in your mind, what you can imagine or experience. Now, increasingly, we live in a time where we just know a lot about each other, and what I try to show in the book is that the construction of online persona versus the construction of a quote-unquote “real persona” is a very fluid process. You can’t point to any one thing and say that’s real and that’s fake. There are definitely things that are straightforward lies, but there are lots of ways to fudge things without lying and, in some way, you’re being more truthful by not being completely honest, which is the nature of fiction traditionally—that it’s saying something true by saying something false.
As a literary critic, how do you hope your book is received?
First of all, I know this is a trick question, but I hope it’s not just seen as a commentary on social media, because I think that discussion of social media even now can be siloed, like, “Oh, that’s what’s happening on the Internet. That’s an Internet writer.” I would ideally not be considered a quote-unquote, “Internet writer.” I would be considered a writer, one of whose themes is the internet.
“I started to feel very empowered by that, building up this fake persona that was still definitely connected to my real self.”
Has your relationship to social media changed since the pandemic?
I’ve got to say no, but that’s because I didn’t have a job before, so I was always on the computer at my house and I continued to be on the computer at my house. I’m kind of disappointed that I haven’t had an awakening that allows me to get off it for good. I did take a five-month break last year, and that was sort of nice, but it didn’t change me as much as I hoped. I obviously get quite a lot out of social media—my career definitely has a lot to do with having been on Twitter for ten years—and I think it’s very fascinating just to watch people and see what they do on it and how they respond and interpret things. It’s an amazing opportunity to watch this many people just behave.
What books or authors do you think people should read more of?
As far as contemporary authors go, I think Miriam Toews deserves much more attention. I loved Patrick deWitt’s novel French Exit, which didn’t get very much attention when it came out (and looking it up just now, I had no idea it was made into a movie). More people can always be told about The Last Samurai and Helen DeWitt (no relation to Patrick, I think). Joan Silber, Percival Everett. I think it’s safe to say that most authors in translation who aren’t extremely famous deserve more attention; it’s hard to go wrong with translated books in the U.S. because so few authors get translated, and the ones who do are usually some of the most renowned authors in their own countries. Which is a problem, because in the U.S. we have no idea what’s going on with contemporary literary culture in other countries, but it’s a useful way to narrow your search. Daša Drndić, Jenny Erpenbeck, Alina Bronsky (I liked The Hottest Dishes of the Tartar Cuisine). Tove Ditlevsen’s memoirs, The Copenhagen Trilogy, are being reissued by FSG in January, and I wrote about them and loved them. I still think about the book Strange Weather in Tokyo by Hiromi Kawakami, who has a few other books out here, too.
Annie Werner Annie Werner is a writer from Texas living in New York.
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Lauren Oyler on Writing a Book 'Good Enough So People Can't Hatchet-Job You'
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array-gem · 4 years
Book Review: No Longer Human by Dazai Osamu
No Longer Human is more often than not called a masterpiece written by the Japanese writer, Dazai Osamu. Published in 1948, the story is divided into three notebooks and a prologue and an epilogue. The story tells us about the life of Oba Yozo, who has always been ‘afraid of humans’.
The story in one word is depressing.  
In the first notebook, Yozo starts the first notebook with the words, “Mine has been a life of much shame.” I read this book quite some time ago so I don’t remember things as clearly now but he tells us about how he has never eaten out of hunger unlike others and how he was always conflicted with how human beings thought, worked and acted.
One part that stuck with me was when he was talking about presents.
“Whenever I was asked what I wanted my first impulse was to answer "Nothing." The thought went through my mind that it didn't make any difference, that nothing was going to make me happy.”
This part reminded me heavily of myself, of how I am always so disinterested in gifts — both giving them and receiving them — and shopping. Every time I go somewhere with my mom, there’s rarely an instance where I want to buy something. It’s usually them choosing whatever suits their taste and I just say yes. I have wondered about how nothing interested me, how nothing caught my attention and him saying that was relatable.
Yozo states he was abused by his family servants.
“My true nature, however, was one diametrically opposed to the role of a mischievous imp. Already by that time I had been taught a lamentable thing by the maids and menservants; I was being corrupted. I now think that to perpetrate such a thing on a small child is the ugliest, vilest, crudest crime a human being can commit. But I endured it. I even felt as if it enabled me to see one more particular aspect of human beings. I smiled in my weakness.”
He said if he had the habit of telling the truth, maybe he would’ve informed his parents about it but since he was not, he kept quiet and he felt as if “he had to endure whatever came his way and go on playing the clown.”
The clown. That is what he refers to himself as. From childhood, he has always gone an extra step to make people laugh, to have them pleased in him, to be on their good side. In the second notebook, however, a boy named Takeichi sees through his facade and Yozo is terrified to the point he wishes death on Takeichi; but the thought of killing him himself never occurs to him. He becomes hell-bent on winning him over, to keep him close and under watch. Yozo befriends him.
One day, when the topic of ‘ghost-pictures’(which are nothing but self-protraits of famous artists), Yozo realizes some painters have seen such trauma that they began seeing the devils in broad daylight and drew them just as they saw them.
Takeichi makes two predictions about him. One, he will become a great painter someday and two, women would fall for him. Only one came true.
Yozo attempts suicide twice or thrice in the whole book, but failing to take his life every time. He tried living a normal life with a younger girl named Hoshiko and continues his life as a cartoonist but happiness doesn’t seem to be something that lasts long when it comes to him. He forms a morphine addiction after some events and gets admitted to a mental hospital in the end. He says how he has ceased to be a part of society, to be human.
I skipped a lot of events from the third notebook but there was a part where he talked about society. He realized it’s not society, it’s merely the other person you are engaging with. Society won’t tell you anything, it’s the other person who will. From then on, he lead a more self-indulgent life for some time. I don’t remember how the last notebook ends but it was him talking about how the old lady assigned to take care of him(after he left the mental institution) gave him laxatives though he asked for something else and how tried to kill himself with those but couldn’t.
The epilogue is of an unnamed narrator being given the three notebook by the madam of a bar Yozo left the books to. She says he might already be dead by then(it took place around ten years after the notebook was written, I think). She expresses her regret with “if only he hadn’t drunk” but adds, “Even if he did drink, he was a good boy. An angel.”
And I cried.
Throughout the whole book, I disagreed with Yozo on many aspects but there were times when I was so struck by his words that I had to take a moment to stop and think.
Two prominent thoughts I had throughout that story were:
1.”People sure do love feeling depressed.” It’s the second-best selling book in Japanese history, right behind Natsume Soseki’s Kokoro.
2. My maths teacher once told me and another student, “People don’t read a loser’s story.” I wondered  what he meant by that. I realized I was indirectly calling Yozo a loser. As I couldn’t find an answer to that, I pushed the thought to the deeper parts of my mind and tried to forget it.
I had contradicting thoughts while reading it. One side of me said, “I don’t understand why this is considered a masterpiece,” And the other side said, “It really is a masterpiece.”
Dazai Osamu from the anime Bungou Stray Dogs is my current big-time crush and honestly, I wish the fandom would talk more about the characters’ personalities, the plot and the authors. That anime has introduced me to so many new authors, I’ll forever be grateful to it. I wish we get to see more of Dazai’s inner side.
Sad fact: Dazai Osamu committed suicide on 13th June, which is my birthday, and his body was found six days later on 19th June, which would’ve been his own birthday.
I’d recommend this book, No Longer Human, to anyone who can handle reading about drug usage, alcoholism, mentions of child abuse, suicides, a protagonist you might hate at times and just feeling that cold chill in your bones.
I don’t think it’s possible for a story to have the completely same vibe after it has been translated from its native language but you can get the PDF from here:
See you next time~
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