#so if you made it through this I love you
leaawrites · 2 days
Freaked Out
Lando Norris x fem!reader
Summary: Lando makes his relationship official via Live stream
Warnings: mentions of an engagement, use of Y/n
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The lights were low. There was no sound but the breathing in sync of two people deep into thoughts. Two hours went by of lying in the same bed with no eyes closed.
“Are you sure you want to stay with me?” Lando asked, his hand gliding through the hair of the person beside him. She hummed, snuggling deeper into his chest. Inhaling his scent like it would be the last time. “I mean, are you really sure? You can’t walk with me around all holding hands and you have to put up with all those stupid rumors about a life you know ain’t true.”
“Lando,” she mused, propping her head on her hands and looking up at him. “I’ve put up with all this for god knows how long. This doesn’t change anything.” His eyes lingered on her hand a little longer, smiling at the shimmering light reflecting on the diamond.
“Two and a half years,” he said, reminding her on how long they’ve been together. Still surprised at how long they got to keep their relationship in private, away from the media and all of those people around them.
It might seem rather fast, but nothing ever felt as right as asking her to marry him. Nothing ever made him feel so sure of himself as when she said yes. The reminder that he had someone who loved him. The knowing that someone was willing to put up with him forever. It made him feel safe.
“Are you sure you wanna keep it a secret? Keep us a secret?” Lando asked, playing with the ring on her finger.
“I’ll be yours in silence for however long you want me to,” she said, laying her head back down, soothing his chest with kisses.
Lando didn’t answer, he couldn’t. There was never a moment when he didn’t want to just post a pic of the two kissing or making put or whatever it is that will make everyone know that he was a happy man with her. But he knew it wouldn’t work that way. There will always be some crazy fans, offended at the though of him having a future with anyone but them. He felt guilty for not showing her off like he’d want to. It weighed him down day by day, though he knew it was worth it. When he came home from a race weekend and wanted nothing but held, he knew her arms would already be open as he walked through the door. She was everything he wanted. She was more than he deserved.
Being a man, chronically online, Lando knew about almost every trend going around the world. No exception for the one McLaren just posted with Oscar as their star in the spotlight.
“Hey guys,” Lando spoke into the phone as he walked into the living room of his home in Monaco. His girlfriend didn’t look up, already used to him walking around the apartment when he talked on the phone with someone. “Can you watch my girlfriend while I set my sim up?”
Lando placed the phone on the coffee table, camera facing his girlfriend who worked on something on her laptop. At the familiar sentence structure, she looked up, her head following the boy, who walked into his game room.
“What the-” she started saying, before being cut off by Lando putting his head out of the room.
“You can’t swear, I’m still a PR-nightmare, you can’t be one as well,” he yelled out to her, before disappearing again.
“Hello?” The girl said, looking at the screen in front of her. At first she thought it was a normal video, though soon enough she saw the endless comments of unknown people flood the screen. Her eyes widen at the sudden realization of what just happened. “You’re live? Are you kidding me?” She yelled at the boy, who burst out laughing in the other room. He came rushing out, snatching his phone back and reading through the comments of very surprised fans, to say the least.
“Sorry, guys. Sorry,” Lando spoke to the people, still giggling at his little prank and his girlfriends grimace. “Not my girlfriend.”
That made her look at him, a mischievous look in his eyes as he smirked, looking at her and not the screen which was filled with freaked out people. Some saying, “Good lord, thank god. I just had a heart attack, thinking he really cheated on me.” And some saying, “That’s sad, she’s really pretty.”
“My fiancee,” he corrected himself, smiling at her. The girl in front of him, couldn’t help her own smile forming on her lips. Then he ended the live, leaving the people shocked and the world stuck in questions.
“What have you done, Norris?” Y/n asked, pulling her fiance down on the sofa with her.
“I’m not hiding you anymore,” he simply said, snuggling in the nape of her neck and peppering it with small, soft kisses.
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kenntolog · 3 days
HIII MIYA <33 first of all, I have read ALL the post with cool bf sukuna, I’m in love 🥰
I wanted to request loser girlfriend feeling BOLD and sending a video of her doing the Tyla dance trend (if u haven’t seen it, it’s this) and sukuna’s reaction hihihihi
𝝑𝝔 an: HEY DARLING, THANK U SO MUCH🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 sending you all my love!!
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he is in the locker room with his teammates, gulping down some much needed water when he receives a video and a message containing only a winky face emoji. he’s intrigued and clicks on it without thinking.
sukuna is so baffled he doesn’t even notice the water no longer going down his throat but down his chin, soaking his shirt quickly as he brings the phone closer to his face.
red eyes focus on your smoothly moving figure, roaming over your body, as he curses under his breath, noting to himself that low-waisted anything looks great on you. you turn away from the screen and bend down slightly and oh, sukuna is dead. his mouth suddenly becomes dry despite the forgotten bottle of water he drank(more like showered with it) a second ago.
you do it like a champ, hypnotising him, fascinating him to the point he doesn’t even realise that toji is leaning over his shoulder to watch. sukuna hears his appreciative hum and shoves his head away roughly, barking curses at him as he leaves the locker room abruptly to call you.
you respond immediately, voice unsure as ever, “‘kuna?”
“you’re getting bold with me, aren’t ya, loser?” he says with a satisfied smirk apparent through his tone.
“maki made me send it!”
he snickers under his breath and informs you that he’s coming over so you can show him how you do it in flesh ;))
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fastandcarlos · 2 days
Kisses For You : ̗̀➛ Lando Norris
summary: 2.6k of the fluffiest early morning with lando
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A faint groan escaped from you as a change in colour disturbed your sheet. Lando couldn’t help but chuckle as the shutter then went down.
“You’re an idiot, you mumbled, pulling the duvet up tighter around your body, hoping somehow that the morning hadn’t arrived just yet.
“Yeah…but I’m your idiot,” Lando couldn’t help but tease, a quiet snigger coming from him as you pushed further into the pillow. “You looked too cute.”
Lando continued to hold his phone tight in his hand as he studied your features quietly. Your eyes were still shut, but the corners of your mouth had turned up, no matter how annoyed you wanted to be at Lando for disturbing your sleep, you could never truly stay made at him for long. His hand comes up, brushing through your hair, tucking the loose strands behind your ear.
“I love seeing you when you’re like this.”
“Like what?” You asked in confusion, shuffling your frame closer to where Lando laid, hissing slightly at the change in temperature across your bed. Your spot was toasty, but now you found yourself laying in the cold. Lando reacts straight away, placing his hand against your waist to try and squeeze you just a couple of centimetres closer towards where he was.
“So sleepy.”
As soon as he finishes speaking, Lando presses his first kiss of the day to the top of your head, feeling his heart quicken slightly.
You could only chuckle, “yep, you’re still an idiot.”
Lando knew you never meant it as you tucked your head into his chest, you loved to tease him and try and wind him up. He was happy though, he didn’t care what you were doing, it was just nice for him to be home. He loved being able to wake up with all of his comforts around him, but most of all he loved waking up knowing that his best friend was right beside him. Those moments were the ones he loved to capture, the ones when you were at your most comfortable, a side to you that no one else in the world got to see, because no one else made you feel like Lando did.
That was the moment when Lando was reminded of your previous night, the passion and relief mixed perfectly together as the two of you reunited.
Your touch was always what Lando craved the most whenever the two of you were apart. The feeling of your fingertips desperately digging into his arm, fearful that he would go again, or how you called out his name and threw your head back, giving him the satisfaction that he was the reason you felt so good. Lando struggled to believe sometimes that the two of you still had so much lust and attraction after so many years, but the feeling of making you feel as if you were the top of the world was something that he would never tire of. Where you found yourselves was an entirely different moment from last night, but that didn’t stop you still sending Lando’s mind into overdrive. If he was honest, his mind was always filled with thoughts of you, those moments he captured in his memory, the ones he treasured forever.
He was lost in his own little world at that point, entirely unaware of the trail of kisses that you had left across his collarbone, still smelling the effects of last night as your nose tickled his bare skin.
Lando was hungrier than ever last night.
Soon enough Lando rejoins you in the room, letting you know as he reciprocates your kisses, pressing several to your forehead, poking his finger gently against the side of your arm.
It was lazy. It was comfortable. It was everything that the two of you enjoyed together.
“You’re so beautiful,” Lando whispered against the top of your head, “how did I ever get so lucky?” He then asks, following up with yet another kiss.
“It’s too early for you to be this cheesy,” you laughed, relaxing your hand over the top of his heart.
“It’s true,” Lando argued in reply, “you’re funny, smart, caring, trusting, selfless, considerate, and pretty damn good in bed, I could go on and on,” he added, breaking each word with a kiss, hearing you laugh at his last words. His voice was sincere, Lando was incredibly fond of you and over the years he had made sure to be more and more vocal about the effect that you had on him.
As much as you want to tease him, you can’t. A shiver runs down your spine, knowing full well that your cheeks were a dark crimson once Lando had finished talking. You felt like you were floating on a cloud, if Lando wasn’t there holding onto you, you were sure that you would roll off the bed in a fit of giggles and excitement. He somehow had the control, knowing you weren’t particularly happy about being woken up, he’d soon turned things around and wrapped you around his finger again.
At last, Lando watched as you opened up your eyes, eyelids fluttering at the bright light. “You’re the best.”
Your hand on his chest pushed gently against him, the exhaustion in your expression was clear to Lando as you moved lazily opposite him.
“You’re just the best human ever.”
“I don’t think many would agree,” you laughed, “but luckily for me, your opinion means the most.”
“And yours does to me.” Lando responded.
“Really? I wasn’t expecting that,” you admitted, with how many people Lando had to impress day to day, you always thought you were low on that list, you were powerless compared to some.
“It’s always you.”
And that was the moment where Lando crumbled.
He suddenly found himself unable to speak, barely able to look at you as his sudden confession turned him into a weak mess beside you too.
Deep down your opinion meant the world to him, he always wanted to do right by you and know that you always had a smile on your face.
“I love you,” he spoke, so quiet you could barely hear him as he pressed a kiss again to the top of your head to be able to hide his own embarrassment. “I love everything about you.”
“I know,” you replied, your voice quiet too, “you told me that plenty of times last night you know.”
“And I meant it too.”
Every single last word spoken, Lando had meant.
“I’ll always mean it, I never will quite understood how I managed to find someone like you.”
A comfortable silence descended upon the two of you, your hand tracing on Lando and his arm shaking around your waist managed to do all the talking for you both.
“I mean I always knew that true love existed, but I never imagined that love would feel this good, it still overwhelms me, still leaves me wanting more of you every second of every day.”
A shaky breath escapes from Lando as he gives himself a moment to find his composure again, knowing you’re holding onto his every word.
“I wish I knew your secrets, try to understand why you make me feel this way. All I ever want to do is protect you, make you feel as loved as you deserve to be.” Your head tilted back as Lando spoke, moving your hand up to cup the side of his face, feeling him press a kiss to your fingertips. “Everything about you just drives me crazy.”
You couldn’t quite believe what you were hearing from Lando, although he had a tendency to be sentimental with you, this morning someone had opened up the floodgates.
It always seemed to be the way, once the two of you came down from your high the previous night, Lando would fill you back up with loving reminders again.
“You know there are no secrets to share, I’m just me…just happy…with you,” you whispered, brushing the pad of your thumb against his cheek.
For the first time in a while, Lando met your eyes. His heart swelled as the wide smile on your face suddenly took his breath away.
“How do you always manage to find the right thing to say?” Lando enquired, shaking his head at you.
“Surprisingly sweet for someone broken from their sleep a few minutes ago, right?” You joked.
You wished there was more to it, but being honest, you often found yourself pondering the same thing.
“You can get some more sleep if you want, I don’t mind.”
Lando took a hold of your hand and tried to tuck it back into the duvet so that you could snuggle back down to sleep again, but you were having none of it. You were wide awake now, admiring the view that had finally returned before you after so long being there all alone.
“Do you think you’ll ever stop?” You then asked as Lando took your hand and pressed several kisses to the back of it. “You’re not out of kisses?”
His head shook proudly, “for you? There’s no such thing I’m afraid.”
As much as he wanted to mess with you, Lando admittedly was quite concerned by your lack of sleep, the two of you had barely slept the night before, too busy reminding one another of what you had missed out on.
“I bet you can’t keep on doing this forever Lan.”
“Is that a challenge for me?” He pushed, attacking your cheek with several feather-like kisses. “Because I can guarantee you that I’ll never tire of kissing you y/n.”
Your eyebrows raised as Lando seemed to throw down the gauntlet, not that you ever doubted him.
“Sorry? I can’t quite hear an answer from you babe.”
“Shut up will you,” you smiled innocently, “I love you.”
Those three words were still special to Lando, and as he heard them for the first time that day, his body froze in delight.
As his smile grew, you reached behind you and picked up your own phone from your bedside table, opening up the camera. You leant back slightly so that Lando was in full view of your shot, snapping the moment his smile was at his widest, knowing that photo would come in handy next time he went away. As the shutter went down, Lando came forwards, tickling against your waist.
“That’s not fair,” he laughed, a wave of euphoria running down his spine as he heard your laughter echo around the room.
Lando carried on for a few moments, knowing to stop as soon as heard you calling out his name, struggling to catch your breath.
The smirk on his face made you want to hit against him, curse him for being so cocky when it came to his ability to tease you. But you couldn’t. Because deep down you loved it. You loved when he pushed your buttons and tried to tip you over the edge.
His proud smile was impossible though.
You hated him for it.
You hated how well he knew you.
How much he loved to love you.
But opposite you, you knew that Lando felt the exact same way.
“Aren’t you the cutest!”
“Go away,” you scoffed as Lando clasped his arms around your frame to pull you back into him.
His head shook in response to your request.
“You don’t want me to leave,” he argued.
Could you respond? No. Was Lando correct? Absolutely. You wanted him to stay more than anything and never leave you again. You wanted him as he was right now, playing with your hair and showering you with all kinds of affection, the affection that you missed and craved so badly when he was off and racing around the world. Feeling the warmth of his frame beside you felt like home, the safe space you were desperate for.
Your brief moment was broken by Lando capturing your lips, telling by your eyes you were losing yourself pretty deep.
“I love being yours.”
It felt like you found yourself in one of those cheesy romcoms, the type that you watched when you were a child and dreamt of one day hopefully having a relationship like it. Although now, it was your reality. Everything that you’d dreamed of as a child was now coming true, and that was all thanks to Lando. Thanks to the man who stared at you with such adoration you felt weak at the knees.
“I’m sure there are many people around the world who would disagree with that,” you chimed.
Lando pouted in response to your words, “they’re all liars, the only person in the world that I want to be with…is you.”
Your hand returned to the side of his face, “I bet none of them miss you like I do.”
“And I bet that however much you missed me, I missed you so much more,” he couldn’t help but tease, ignoring the shakes of your head as you tried to argue against him.
You want to speak, but Lando shuts you, pressing a kiss to your parted lips before anything escapes.
“You’re impossible,” you whisper against his lips as Lando pulls away ever so slightly. “How am I ever supposed to win against you when this is how you treat me?”
Lando shrugged, he didn’t want you to win, not when him winning resulted in peppering kisses all over your body and face.
“I love you,” he found himself announcing again.
Some could be forgiven for being intimidated by the closeness of Lando, but you knew him better, you knew how much he needed you close by.
“I know, and I love you too,” you reminded him, not that Lando ever doubted you for a second.
“Everything about you is perfect,” Lando spoke, coming back at you, trailing his finger tips alongside either side of your body, feeling the goosebumps against your skin.
“Lando, stop.”
He pondered for a moment, but eventually Lando did as you asked. “Stop what?” He asked, opting for the innocent choice.
“We can’t do this again.”
As much as you wanted to push Lando away, still feeling the effects from last night, he was like an irresistible force beside you who you could never avoid for long.
He had known you long enough to know exactly how to get you where he wants you for his own satisfaction, and mostly, how to get exactly what he wants from you too.
“I know what you’re thinking,” you told him, reading Lando like a book. “I promise, later, I just can’t right now.”
“I get it,” Lando assured you, never wanting to push you to anything. “We can do kisses now, and maybe other things can wait until later.”
“Thank you,” you whispered, “I don’t mean to disappoint or anything.”
You were doing anything but, if Lando was anything, he was understanding, he knew where the line was and never overstepped it.
“You could never do such a thing y/n.”
Lando gave you a moment to settle again, smiling widely as you chose to settle against his chest, draping your arm across his frame as his wrapped around your own.
“Y/n,” Lando whispered as you both found yourselves staring up at the ceiling.
“Yeah Lan?”
“Let’s stay here today, right in this spot.”
“You mean all day?”
“Yeah,” Lando cheered, keen to savour as much of the time he had with you as possible. “This is where I want to be with you.”
“Let’s do it,” you chimed, much to Lando’s delight. “A lazy day in bed with you sounds like a dream right now.”
Lando squeezes you tighter against his chest.
“Don’t forget all those kisses too.”
˗ˏˋ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ! ´ˎ˗
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taurasiluvr · 1 day
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including . . . paige bueckers, diana taurasi, emily engstler & caitlin clark
how you can help palestine
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, mdni. lesbian... sex, a lot of it lmao. fingering, praise, size kinks.
 ⠀ ── ⠀rylin's notes ;; requests are open for those who want to send them in :p also just wanted to add i tried making this as inclusive as possible, if you are plus-sized, let me know if this was good !! its never my intention to make anyone feel left out, my writing is for EVERYBODY (except men)
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PAIGE BUECKERS (slight nsfw)
 ⠀ ── ⠀paige is taller than most people, standing at around 5"11'. all her previous partners were taller/around her height so once she'd began dating you, everything kind of shifted and she loved it. she likes to tease you about it a lot – and yes, she is the type to purposely put the mugs on the highest shelf so that you call her over – and with some convincing (she loves seeing you struggle on your tippy-toes, trying to reach), she'll come and help you.
however, not only does she love it – it turns her on exponentially. the way she could easily push you around and assert her dominance in small, playful ways became an undeniable part of your relationship. she adored the way you looked up at her with those wide eyes, the mixture of surprise and amusement whenever she effortlessly moved you out of the way or pinned you playfully against a wall.
paige found herself reveling in the power dynamic, her hands lingering on you a little longer, her touches a little more deliberate. the height difference allowed her to envelop you completely, to make you feel secure yet electrified by her presence. she loved how easily she could lift you, how her strength contrasted with your smaller frame, and how it made her feel in control yet deeply connected to you. every time you called for her help, whether it was to reach something or open a stubborn jar, she felt a thrill run through her. it was more than just the physical act; it was the way you relied on her, the way you trusted her to take care of you in those moments. that trust, that dependency, was intoxicating for paige.
she wouldn't call it a kink per say – more like an aspect of your relationship that added an extra layer of excitement and intimacy. she loved the way you looked at her when she teased you, the playful spark in your eyes that matched her own. it was a game you both played, one that kept the flame of your relationship burning bright. and while she wouldn't call it a kink (it for sure is), she couldn't deny how incredibly turned on she was by the way your dynamics played out.
“need some help, shorty?” she called out as she walked into the kitchen, leaning against the doorframe with that familiar, mischievous smirk.
you sighed dramatically, “you know, you could just put things where i can reach them.”
“but where’s the fun in that?” she teased, stepping closer.
she pressed herself against your back, reaching up effortlessly to grab the bowl. you felt her breath on your neck, and a shiver ran through you. she lingered, her body warm and solid against yours, and you could sense her enjoying the moment. her arm brushed against your side as she placed the bowl in your hands, and she didn't pull away immediately. instead, she stayed close, her fingers lightly tracing the line of your shoulder.
“you're too cute when you struggle,” she whispered, her lips brushing against your ear.
you turned around to face her, your heart racing. the playful glint in her eyes had shifted to something deeper, more intense. she looked down at you, her height making you feel both vulnerable and cherished.
“it's not fair,” you said softly, but your voice lacked any real protest.
paige smiled, her hands coming to rest on your hips. she leaned down, her forehead touching yours, and you felt her warmth envelop you.
“that's too bad cus i really enjoy it,” she murmured, her lips dangerously close to yours. you scoffed, shaking your head dramatically as she laughed.
you could feel the heat between you both, a magnetic pull that had your pulse quickening. she loved having this slight edge over you, the way it made you look up to her – both literally and figuratively. unable to resist any longer, she closed the distance, capturing your lips in a kiss that was both tender and fierce. you responded immediately as her arms wrapping around you, lifting you slightly off the ground, making you feel even smaller in her embrace. the kiss deepened, and you melted into her, your fingers tangling in her hair.
when she finally set you down, you were both breathless. paige's eyes were dark with desire, and she pressed her forehead against yours once more.
“you drive me crazy, you know that?” she whispered.
you smiled, your heart swelling with affection. “great. now, can we get back to making dinner? ’m starving.”
she laughed, a rich, joyful sound that made your heart soar. “only if you promise to keep needing my help with the high shelves.”
you nodded, a playful glint in your eye. “m’kay.”
 ⠀ ── ⠀she knew what she was getting herself into the moment she began dating you. unlike paige, she would (and has) admitted to having a shameless size kink. diana towers over almost everyone, being 6ft and all – but it really gets her going when it's you.
in bed, she never ever shys away from showing you not only how small you are compared to her – but how strong she is. diana's eyes gleam with anticipation as she playfully pins you down, her muscular frame effortlessly holding you in place. the contrast between her towering height and your smaller stature ignites a primal excitement in her. she loves the way you fit perfectly against her, the way she can envelop you with her body and make you feel both vulnerable and protected at the same time. diana takes immense pleasure in using her height and strength to her advantage, positioning you just where she wants you, lifting you effortlessly, and holding you in place with ease.
she's fiercely confident, and it shows in every movement. diana knows exactly how to play with the power dynamic, teasing you with her dominance while also ensuring you feel cherished. her touch is commanding, yet tender, and she enjoys exploring the boundaries of her strength and your responsiveness.
when she's not pinning you down, she enjoys playfully lifting you, carrying you around, or simply holding you close to her, making you feel small and cherished. diana's size and strength are constant reminders of her presence, and she loves the way you respond to her, the way you melt under her touch, the way your breath catches when she effortlessly moves you. and again, it turns her on in a way she can't even begin to explain.
diana's enjoyment of her size kink isn’t just physical; it's also deeply psychological. she loves the way you look at her with a mix of awe and desire, the way your body reacts to her dominance, the way you crave the unique dynamic you share. it's an intoxicating power play that she never tires of, of strength and submission that fuels her passion.
diana's eyes gleam with anticipation as she pins you down, her muscular frame effortlessly holding you in place. the contrast between her towering height and your smaller stature ignites a primal excitement in her.
“look at you,” she murmurs, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “so tiny beneath me.”
diana revels in this dynamic, the way you squirm under her dominance; it's a game she loves to play, and you're a willing participant.
she lifts you with ease, her hands gripping your waist as if you weigh nothing. you feel the heat of her breath against your skin as she whispers, “could hold you like this forever, princess.”
there's a possessive hunger in her eyes, a deep-seated desire to remind you of your place in her world. she seats you down on her lap as she spreads your legs, you could feel her breath fanning on your neck. she rubs your clothed pussy, earning a moan from your lips. her lips quirked up into an excited smirk as she watches your reaction.
“you like that, don’t you?” she teases, her voice low and husky. her fingers continue their relentless teasing, applying just the right amount of pressure to drive you wild. the friction, even through your clothes, sends waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
“such a good little thing for me,” she praises, her tone both affectionate and commanding. her free hand moves to your hip, holding you in place with a firm yet gentle grip. the intensity of her gaze never wavers, her eyes drinking in every expression that crosses your face.
she leans in closer, her lips brushing against your ear. “love how responsive you are,” she whispers, her breath hot against your skin. “every little sound you make, every shiver... it drives me crazy, baby.”
diana's hands grow bolder, one slipping under your shirt to caress your bare skin, the other continuing its tormenting touch. she revels in the way your body reacts to her, the way you arch into her touch, the soft gasps and moans that escape your lips.
“mine,” she murmurs possessively, her voice a mix of desire and adoration. “all mine.”
with each passing moment, the intensity between you builds, a potent mix of lust and intimacy that leaves you breathless. diana's dominance is unwavering, yet there's a tenderness in her touch that speaks volumes about her feelings for you.
her lips find yours in a searing kiss, full of passion and possessiveness. her hand moves faster, the pressure increasing, pushing you closer and closer to the edge. “wanna hear you, princess.” she demands softly, her voice a tantalizing whisper against your lips.
 ⠀ ── ⠀emily liked the fact she was much taller than you, but it wasn't until she finally slept with you when she realized how much it turned her on. in daily life, it was honestly just a plus for her – she loved holding your hips as she led you places, feeling the way you fit perfectly against her side.
she reveled in the little things, like reaching for items on high shelves for you or wrapping her long arm around your shoulders, pulling you close as you walked. it made her feel protective and strong, and she could see the appreciation in your eyes, the way you leaned into her touch. and like paige, she'd never call it a size kink even though... it for sure was.
but it was in the privacy of the bedroom where emily's height advantage truly came into play. the first time she had you beneath her, your smaller frame dwarfed by her own, she felt a surge of excitement that she hadn't anticipated. the sight of you looking up at her, wide-eyed and eager, was intoxicating – it got her wet beyond comprehension.
she loved the way you responded to her, the way you would shiver under her touch, your breath hitching as her hands explored your body. emily found herself becoming bolder, her confidence growing with each gasp and moan she elicited from you the more you guys fucked. she'd pin your wrists above your head, her grip firm but gentle, and savor the sight of you laid out beneath her, completely at her mercy.
emily's dominant side thrived on your willingness, your trust in her. she enjoyed the power play, the way she could effortlessly maneuver you into different positions, the way her strength made you feel both vulnerable and cherished. it was a thrilling dynamic, one that brought you both closer together.
outside the bedroom, her dominance was subtler but no less significant. she'd guide you with a hand on your lower back, steer you through crowds with ease, always keeping you close. the height difference was a constant reminder of the bond you shared, a dynamic that seeped into every aspect of your relationship.
"you're so beautiful," she murmured, her voice low and husky. "love how perfectly you fit with me."
with a fluid motion, emily lifted you effortlessly, placing you on the bed. you gazed up at her, feeling a familiar thrill as she towered over you, her presence both commanding and comforting. she straddled your waist, her long legs framing your body, and leaned down to kiss you, her lips capturing yours in a slow, passionate kiss that left you breathless.
she pulled back slightly, her eyes dark with desire. "you like it when i take control?" she asked, her voice a seductive whisper.
"yes," you breathed, your response immediate and sincere.
a smile curved her red lips as she pinned your wrists above your head, her grip firm but not painful. the weight of her body pressed against yours, a delicious reminder of her strength and dominance. she leaned in, her breath hot against your ear. "good," she whispered. "cus i love it too."
 ⠀ ── ⠀caitlin never missed an opportunity to show you how small you are compared to her. whether it was easily pushing to the side or or lifting you up as if you weighed nothing, she reveled in the stark difference between your statures. it was a reminder of her strength and dominance, and you couldn't help but feel a thrill every time she did it.
caitlin's dominance showed in countless little ways, she loved wrapping an arm around your waist, guiding you through crowds with an ease that made you feel safe and protected. her height allowed her to effortlessly reach things on high shelves for you, a simple act that never failed to bring a smile to her face. she enjoyed playfully teasing you about your size, her comments always laced with affection.
caitlin's physicality was a constant presence, whether she was picking you up for a quick kiss or pulling you into her lap while watching a movie. she thrived on the power dynamic, finding joy in the way you responded to her strength. your smaller frame seemed to increase her confidence, making her feel both powerful and nurturing.
her protective nature extended beyond physical gestures. caitlin was always looking out for you, her sharp eyes and quick reflexes ensuring you were never in harm's way. she took pride in being your rock, someone you could rely on no matter the situation. this sense of security and trust deepened your bond, reinforcing the unique dynamic that defined your relationship.
in more intimate moments, caitlin's dominance took on a deeper, more intense form. she loved exploring the contrast between your bodies, the way her hands could easily envelop yours, her arms strong and reassuring around you. she loved watching your reactions, the way your breath hitched and your body shivered under her touch.
she placed you gently on the bed, her hands lingering on your hips as she leaned down to kiss you. the kiss was soft at first, but it quickly deepened, her lips moving against yours with a hunger that made your heart race.
caitlin pulled back, her eyes dark with desire as she looked down at you. "you're so perfect like this," she murmured, her hands sliding up your sides. "so small and delicate."
you shivered under her touch, the weight of her gaze making you feel both vulnerable and incredibly turned on. caitlin's hands were firm yet gentle as she pinned your wrists above your head, her body pressing against yours. the sensation of her strength holding you in place sent a wave of excitement through you.
"you like it when i take control, sweet girl?" she asked, her voice low and husky.
"yes," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper.
a satisfied smile spread across caitlin's face as she leaned down to kiss your neck, her lips leaving a trail of faint hickies in their wake. her hands roamed your body, exploring every curve and contour with a possessive hunger. she loved the way you responded to her touch, the way your body arched and trembled beneath her.
"so fucking pretty," she whispered against your skin, her voice full of adoration. "all for me."
her words sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but moan softly in response. caitlin hands moved to your hips, gripping them firmly as she positioned herself between your legs. her fingers teased your entrance, you were practically dripping and caitlin loved it.
"so wet and i haven't even touched you yet, baby." she mumbled as she looked down at you, her lips quirked into a smirk.
her finger slipped into your sopping cunt as your head fell back in pure ecstasy. she added another finger, then another and you swore you've never felt more full in your life despite it just being her fingers.
"let go for me," she urged, her voice a soothing command. "wanna hear you."
with each thrust, the sensations built within you, your moans growing louder as you neared the edge. caitlin's touch was everywhere, her presence overwhelming and comforting all at once. you clung to her, your body responding to her in a way that was almost instinctual.
when you finally reached your peak, you cried out her name, your body shuddering with release. caitlin held you close, her strong arms wrapping around you as you came down from your high. she kissed your forehead, her lips gentle and tender against your skin.
"my sweet girl," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine affection. "i love you so much."
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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slvttyplum · 14 hours
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choso loved to pamper you after turning you every way but loose and pushing his dick so deep inside of you that it felt like a stomach ache was coming through. his love for you was unconditional, and he was going to make sure to show it every single time, even if that meant pushing you through the mattress multiple times a day.
anything you wanted, he was going to have it in his hands in less than an hour. he loved seeing that beautiful smile on your face; it brought him joy; it made him smile and blush until he was blue in the face. your happiness was everything to him, even if it turned him on.
mhm, ever have a man that loved you so much, so deeply in love with you that even the slightest smile that came across from you made his dick stand at attention like it was in the army? of course, it shocked you at first, seeing that every time he did something for you, when you went to give him a kiss or hug, his dick would be pressing against you very harshly.
he wasn't even embarrassed; if anything, it turned him on to know that you knew that his dick was hard for you and only you and that the dick that was pressing against his pants was calling for you. a lovely gesture being brought to your attention, you never minded it, because it made you want to fuck him more and make him. whimpering mess, just so the cycle could repeat.
the same thing happened a few times a week, even more if the both of you were lucky. choso would fuck you until your vision was blurry and you could barely walk on your own, then come back into the room with little gifts.
he would surprise you with little things, like the bracelet you were eyeing in the window, breakfast in bed, or walking into the bathroom a few minutes later to a warm bath with wine—little things like that. this was a terrifying surprise when the both of you started to date. no partner of three months wants to come home to a cartier bracelet from their boyfriend. that was until he practically forced you into receiving these things.
"look at me… you deserve the best and only the best. im doing this because i love you." that's all you had to say, and you took anything he gave and did for you with open arms. how could you not accept the things he was giving to you, on his own accord as well, it was sexy to have him slide into your legs one minute, eating you out so good that you were squirting and having an anklet with his initials on it dangling over his shoulder the next.
this was a new feeling for you that couldn't be described—the high you were on when he was thrusting inside of you and pressing the tip of his wet dick against your sweet spot just to get a high again once you climbed down from your previous one when he had a full platter of food on a plate for you to eat.
he kept you on your toes, and you loved that shit, no one was doing it like him. choso was all the things you wanted in a man and more, and you were all the things he wanted in his partner, you made him cum happy and content, just the thought of you having him finish in his pants, no seriously, he came in his pants more times than you could count on your hands.
he wanted you to live your life with ease and in the best way you could with him by your side, even if that meant making you uncomfortable for a little, just to see you smile and be happy for the rest of his days.
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mariasont · 2 days
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a/n: this came to me yesterday and i sat my ass down and WROTE
that should be me fr
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pairings: aaron hotchner x bimbo!assistant!reader
summary: reader is gone for the morning and leaves hotch a couple sticky notes
warnings: just my babies being so infatuated with each other it literally hurts, hotch is a pining fool, i love him, i need him, i want to kidnap him to my basement
wc: 0.8k
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Hotch was having a rough day. He had never put much stock in the idea of luck, favoring the belief that a path was carved from the choices made. However, if he were to entertain the notion of luck, he would concede that today, he seemed to be rather out of it.
A lot had gone wrong. For starters, he had stained his favorite white dress shirt with coffee this morning. This undoubtedly set the precedent for the day, he was sure.
As soon as he arrived at his office, he was greeted not by the familiar click of the lock but by a stubborn door that refused to budge, his key sitting on the side table in his apartment. This then led to him reaching out to the custodian for a spare, only to be intercepted by Chief Strauss, who, in her usual fashion, had a litany of critiques ready for the BAU.
The day had been steadily unraveling, and the realization that you wouldn't be in until lunch because of a doctor's appointment was the tipping point. Normally, all these minor irritations could be overlooked, but in your absence, he could truly grasp just how much he relied on you.
You handled a lot on his plate, if not everything. You planned out his schedule, answered his phone calls, you double-checked his paperwork. You consistently shouldered more than he ever asked, despite his repeated warnings about overloading yourself--warnings that he, admittedly, never listened to.
Time seemed to crawl at a snail's pace. He found himself unwittingly watching the door, anticipating the bright burst of pink and the shimmer that accompanied you, but unfortunately that did not happen. Lunch couldn't come quick enough.
His vision began to waver, the words on the page melting into an indecipherable stew as he pressed a long finger into his temples. The lamp at the edge of the desk flickered capriciously. A mental note to replace it was quickly overshadowed by the more pressing need for an aspirin, prompting him to reach for the left drawer.
His eyes widened imperceptibly, fingers reaching into the space as he pulled the flimsy object from the drawer. It was a hot pink sticky note, its surface alive with glittery ink, smiley faces, and hearts. The corners of his mouth lifted, the tension in his back easing just a hair.
Aspirin isn't in this drawer silly! First one to your right! And don't take more than 2, okay? Between that and your scotch drinking habits your liver is screaming!!!!
He couldn't suppress the laughter that rumbled through him as he pressed the note to his desk. He turned to the drawer on his right, pulling it open to find, much to his satisfaction, the aspirin. Attached to it was yet another sticky note.
You found it!! So proud!! Hope your day is going amazingly! Don't miss me too much! :)
His heart thumped louder in his chest, a wave of heat blossoming across his neck as he carefully folded the sticky notes, tucking them into the pocket of his suit jacket.
When you finally came ambling into the office--your ponytail swaying, a pink ribbon securing it in place--he felt an instant lift in his mood. His jaw relaxed, fingers instinctively straightening his tie--a needless act but one that gave him a moment to admire you. You looked beautiful. You always did, but as he fingered the note in his pocket, he could feel his chest constrict just looking at you.
"Hi there, Mr. Boss Man," you sang out, voice as sweet as syrup as you glided towards him with an ease that defied that height of your heels. "The office didn't burn down without me, did it?"
"It came close."
"Flattery will get you everywhere," you giggled, the bracelets on your arms tinkling like wind chimes as you wrapped them around your notebook. "You look stressed. Are you stressed?"
"I'm fine, just a headache." He paused, his hand absentmindedly reaching again for the sticky note. "How was your doctor's appointment?"
"Squeaky clean bill of health." You beamed at him, shifting your weight to your toes. "Did you see my note?"
"I did. Thank you." A grin was vying for control of his features while his hand found its way to his neck, pressing lightly in a vain effort to steady his racing pulse.
"You're so very welcome," you chimed, sending him a smile that nearly made the air evaporate from his lungs. "Also, I fixed a couple issues in your calendar, and I ordered you a new lamp, I noticed yours was broken. I hope that's okay."
More than okay. You were perfect. If he were a man who believed in luck, he would be inclined to think you might be his good luck charm.
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taglist: @hotchhner @khxna @readergf @sarcasm-and-stiles @edencherries @aurorsworld @princess76179 @malindacath @freyy253 @broadwaytraaaaash
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pucksandpower · 16 hours
Burn, Baby! Burn!
Lando Norris x firefighter!Reader
Summary: Lando almost burns down his house (twice) and meets the throughly exasperated love of his life in the process
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The shrill screech of the alarm pierces through the calm of the fire station. You jolt upright in your chair, coffee spilling across the table. Another firefighter bursts into the room.
“We’ve got a call! Some bloke has managed to set his kitchen on fire boiling pasta!”
You shake your head in disbelief as you follow your colleague out to the truck. Who in their right mind manages to burn water?
The sirens wail as you weave expertly through the London streets. You’ve lived here your whole life and know every nook and cranny. As you near the address, plumes of smoke curl up in the distance. Sure enough, you pull up to a posh townhouse billowing with black smoke.
You hurry to unravel the hose, pulling on your heavy fire gear with practiced ease. As you blast water at the licking flames, they hiss and retreat. Within minutes, the fire is out.
Your captain does a sweep of the place to check for any remaining embers. You start to inspect the damage. The kitchen is completely demolished — cabinets charred and counters blackened. And there, in the middle, stands a lanky man with a mop of brown hair. His eyes are wide as saucers as he takes in the ruin.
You stride over. “What in blazes happened here?”
“I, uh, was just trying to make some pasta,” he stammers.
You spot a scorched pot in the sink. “Pasta? All you need for that is water, salt, and noodles. How did you manage to incinerate the whole bloody kitchen?”
“Honestly, I’m not really sure,” he says, raking a hand through his hair. “I filled the pot with water, turned on the stove, went to get my phone and next thing I knew, the place was up in flames!”
You rub your temples, frustration simmering. This overgrown child clearly can’t be trusted alone.
“What’s your name?” You ask.
“Lando. Lando Norris.”
Lando Norris … why does that sound familiar? You rack your brain trying to place it.
“Well Lando, unless you fancy burning down the rest of London, I suggest you leave the cooking to the takeaway. Or hire a personal chef or something, sure looks like you can afford it.”
Lando chuckles at that. There’s a twinkle in his eye that irks you.
“Will do, firefighter ...”
“Y/N,” you supply.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful firefighter,” he says with a wink.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. The last thing you need right now is an incompetent flirt.
Your radio crackles to life. “Y/L/N, need you to hang back with the resident until a building inspector can come assess the safety.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath before responding. “Copy that.”
You turn back to Lando. “Looks like you’re stuck with me till the inspector shows up.”
“Well I certainly won’t complain about that,” Lando says with a dimpled grin.
You plop down on his couch, which by some miracle remains unscathed. Lando sits down next to you, angling his body in your direction.
“So, do you rescue fiery damsels in distress often?”
You snort. “Wouldn’t exactly call you a damsel. But putting out idiots’ fires? More often than you’d think.”
Lando clutches his chest in faux offense. “Idiot? I’m wounded!”
Despite yourself, you feel your lips quirking upwards. There’s something endearing about him, even if he is concerningly incompetent.
“Gotta admit, this is a new one,” you gesture around. “Never been called for someone catching water on fire before.”
“Ah well, I like to keep things interesting,” Lando says with a wink.
You’re about to respond when your radio crackles again. “The inspector’s been held up across town. Gonna be another 30 minutes.”
You lean your head back and groan. Lando perks up beside you.
“Well, lucky me! More time with the lovely firefighter.”
You toss a decorative pillow at him. “You’re incorrigible.”
Lando just laughs, dodging the pillow with ease. “So tell me, Y/N, what made you become a firefighter?”
You debate shutting him down, but something about the open curiosity on his face makes you open up.
“My dad was a firefighter,” you explain. “Some of my earliest memories are of playing at the fire station with the other firefighters’ kids while our dads were on calls. I was maybe 5 or 6 when my dad let me slide down the fire pole for the first time.”
You smile at the memory. “I knew then that I wanted to be just like my dad. I thought firefighters were the coolest people in the world.”
Lando is watching you intently as you speak.
“What about you?” You ask. “What is it you do, besides wreak havoc in the kitchen?”
Lando smirks. “I’m a Formula 1 driver.”
Your eyes widen — no wonder his name is so familiar.
Lando looks pleased at your recognition. “So you’ve heard of me then?”
You nod. “Guess that explains how you can afford a posh place like this. Though I’d think a racing driver would have a bit more common sense in the kitchen.”
Lando shrugs sheepishly. “Never really had to fend for myself until now. I’m a bit hopeless at all things domestic.”
You shake your head in exasperation. “Been living off takeout, have you?”
“You know it,” Lando says with a wink.
You’re about to retort when the building inspector arrives. You greet him as Lando shows him around the thoroughly singed kitchen. After an extensive examination, the inspector deems the place safe, reminding Lando to get repairs done immediately.
With that settled, you make your way outside, Lando following at your heels.
“Don’t suppose I could get your number?” Lando asks as you reach the fire truck. “You know, in case I have any other domestic mishaps that require rescuing.”
You raise an eyebrow at him. “How about I just pray we don’t meet again? Since that would likely mean you almost burned your place down … again.”
Lando clutches his chest in mock offence. “You wound me! And here I thought we were really hitting it off!”
Despite yourself, you let out a laugh. “You’re ridiculous.” You pause, considering him for a moment. “But seriously … try not to burn the place down again, yeah? I’d rather not have to peel you off the floor next time.”
Lando grins. “I’ll do my best to keep the place flame-free. Though I can’t promise I won’t still need rescuing from time to time.”
You roll your eyes, but can’t help the smile tugging at your lips. “Take care of yourself, Lando Norris.”
As you hop into the fire truck and speed away, sirens blaring, you catch Lando waving out of the corner of your eye. You let out a small laugh, shaking your head.
What an absolute disaster of a man.
It’s been nearly two weeks since the incident at Lando’s place. You’ve replayed that day in your mind more times than you’d care to admit. There was just something about that hapless yet charming Lando Norris.
Speak of the devil — the fire alarm at the station suddenly blares to life.
“Never a dull day, eh?” Your captain jokes.
You hustle to gear up, a sense of deja vu washing over you. As you near the now familiar posh townhouse, plumes of smoke once again curl into the sky. Your disbelief grows when you see a very sheepish looking Lando standing outside.
He grimaces as your truck pulls up. “Before you ask, yes, it was me again.”
You leap out of the truck, pulling the hose as your team gets to work quelling the flames.
“What the hell happened this time?” You shout over the roar of water.
“I, uh, may have tried to microwave some leftovers,” Lando says, rubbing the back of his neck.
It only takes a few minutes to extinguish the fire and assess the damage. Thankfully, it seems contained to mostly the microwave this time. Lando leads you inside, where smoke still lingers in the air. Your eyes immediately zone in on the microwave, or rather, what’s left of it. The interior is completely blackened and melted.
You whirl on Lando. “Please tell me you didn’t put something metal in there.”
Lando winces. “Right, so, funny story. I may have left a fork in the takeaway box.”
You drag a hand down your face in exasperation. “Lando, are you actually incapable of functioning like a normal adult?”
He has the decency to look ashamed. “I know, I’m a disaster, truly. But in my defense, the microwave came with the place already. I didn’t even think to check for a manual or proper usage instructions.”
You snort. “I’m pretty sure not putting metal in the microwave is common sense.”
Lando shoves his hands in his pockets. “Suppose I don’t have much of that.”
You sigh, suddenly feeling a bit bad for berating him. He really is just hopeless, not malicious.
“Look, maybe it’s best you just avoid the kitchen altogether,” you suggest gently. “At least until you get some proper instruction.”
Lando nods enthusiastically. “You’re absolutely right. In fact, why don’t I just take you out for dinner? Be a lot safer than me bumbling about the kitchen.”
You cross your arms, biting back a smile. “Are you asking me out while I’m on duty?”
Lando’s eyes widen. “No no, of course not! I would never compromise your professionalism.”
You can’t help but grin. “I’m just teasing you.”
Lando looks relieved. “Right, sorry. But truly, I’d love to take you to dinner, if you’re open to it.” He smiles sheepishly. “I could certainly use the company of someone responsible in the kitchen.”
You consider him for a moment. There are about a million reasons you shouldn’t agree to this. But despite the situation, you find yourself charmed by Lando.
“Tell you what, why don’t you swing by the station once my shift is over in ...” You check your watch. “Four hours. You can ask me again then.”
Lando’s face lights up. “It’s a date! Well, hopefully, if you say yes.”
You chuckle and turn to leave, but Lando calls out your name. You glance back and he smiles warmly.
“Thank you again for rescuing me … in more ways than one.”
Four hours later, you’re wiping down the fire truck when an expensive sports car pulls up outside the station. Lando hops out, beaming when he spots you.
“Fancy meeting you here,” he calls out cheekily.
You roll your eyes good-naturedly. “Don’t you know this is a strictly no-playboys zone?”
Lando clutches his heart. “You wound me, Y/N! I’m much more than just extraordinarily good looks.”
“What good looks?” You challenge.
Lando strolls over and holds open the passenger door. “Have dinner with me and see for yourself.”
You pretend to consider it, then shrug. “Eh, why not. Beats more takeout on my couch.”
You hop into Lando’s flashy car and he zooms off towards the restaurant. Lando insists on opening every door for you and pulling out your chair. You poke fun at his over-the-top chivalry, but find it endearing nonetheless.
Over dinner, you learn there’s much more to Lando than his hapless antics. He’s unexpectedly clever, with a sharp wit to match. He’s passionate about racing, his eyes lighting up as he tells you about life on the circuit. And despite his lavish lifestyle, he’s remained remarkably down-to-earth.
Conversation flows easily between you two. You’re amazed at how you manage to lose track of time, the restaurant emptying out around you.
When Lando finally drives you home, you linger in the parking lot, neither of you wanting the night to end.
“I had a really nice time tonight,” you say softly.
Lando smiles. “Me too. Think it’s safe to say there were definitely some sparks between us.”
You groan at the terrible fire pun, shoving Lando playfully. His eyes gleam with mirth.
“In all seriousness, I’d love to see you again,” Lando says. “If you’re willing to take another chance on this walking fire hazard.”
You pretend to consider it. “Well, seeing as I’m trained to deal with hazards ...”
Lando perks up hopefully. You grin and lean over to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“I would love to see you again. And until then … just please stay away from anything flammable.”
A few months have passed since your unusual first encounters with Lando. To your surprise and delight, you’ve settled into an easy relationship that feels almost like second nature. Lando has been actively planning creative dates, seemingly determined to take you on adventures across London.
It’s been a whirlwind of posh restaurants, West End shows, helicopter rides, and more. Lando delights in lavishing you with exclusive experiences. While you appreciate the gestures, your favorite nights are spent cuddled on the couch playing video games.
You’ve helped Lando gain basic competency in the kitchen. He can now make scrambled eggs and pasta unsupervised. Progress.
In turn, Lando has taken an interest in your life as a firefighter, asking for crazy stories and even visiting you at the station with treats for those on shift. He greets you after work with hearty meals — takeaway warmed up in the oven without any explosions — a welcome respite from having to worry that you would come home to find his house burnt to a crisp.
You’re touched by how you’ve each become such a fixture in the other’s unusual life so quickly.
One morning, the two of you are lounging on Lando’s couch during a rare shared day off when he suddenly perks up.
“The British Grand Prix is in a few months! I know it might be tough for you to get the weekend off but I would love it if you could come,” Lando suggests excitedly.
Your eyes widen. “Seriously? I would love to see your world up close.”
Lando grins and pulls you in for a kiss. “It’s a date then! Fair warning though, the garage can get a bit chaotic. But I can’t wait to show you off to my team.”
You laugh. “Well in my line of work, chaotic is the norm. I think I can handle it.”
On race day, Lando picks you up in a sleek McLaren emblazoned with his number. You take in the organized chaos of the paddock, amazed by the scale of it all.
Lando guides you through the sea of team members prepping for the big day. He greets his mechanics warmly, introducing you with a hand on the small of your back.
“Lads, meet my girl Y/N,” Lando announces proudly.
The mechanics appraise you curiously. One whistles under his breath. “Nice catch, Lando. She’s clearly out of your league.”
You laugh as Lando flips him off good-naturedly.
Another mechanic, Dan, gestures to your athletic frame. “So what is it you do, Y/N? Personal trainer? Athlete? Fitness influencer?”
You smile wryly. “I’m a firefighter, actually.”
Dan gapes in disbelief. “A firefighter? No way! But you’re so ...” He vaguely gestures at you.
You quirk an eyebrow. “So what? Girls can’t be firefighters?”
Dan holds up his hands quickly. “No no, course not! Just didn’t expect it, is all.”
Lando grins and squeezes your shoulder. “She’s saved my arse more times than I can count.”
You laugh. “He’s not wrong. Man’s a walking fire hazard.”
Lando’s team ribs him fondly about his cooking mishaps. But you can tell they’re impressed, regarding you with newfound admiration.
“Go on then, show us what you can do!” Dan cajoles.
You grin mischievously. “If you insist.”
Before Dan can react, you swoop down and lift him effortlessly into a fireman’s carry. The other mechanics whoop and holler as Dan flails comically over your shoulder.
After a few seconds, you gently set a very flustered Dan back down.
Lando lets out a low whistle. “Have I mentioned how hot it is when you go all firefighter on me?”
You smirk. “Never gets old seeing you boys underestimate me.”
Dan rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah, fair play. Reckon I earned that.”
You laugh good-naturedly and pat Dan on the back, assuring him no harm done. As you all chat, you notice Lando’s gaze lingering on you admiringly.
As race time nears, Lando has to start prepping with his team. But he keeps glancing over at you with a newfound awe. Your little display of strength clearly left an impression.
Soon it’s time for him to get in the car. You wish Lando luck with a quick kiss, giggling at the mechanics’ dramatic groans.
Once the race gets underway, you stand behind the monitors with Lando’s performance coach, cheering him on with every overtake. You join the crew in jumping to your feet when Lando crosses the chequered flag for an exhilarating podium finish. The garage explodes into celebration, and Lando sweeps you up into a spinning hug when he arrives.
“My good luck charm,” he proclaims, keeping you close as champagne sprays wildly.
Later at an afterparty for the drivers and teams, you sip cocktails under strings of lights. Lando proudly spins you around the dancefloor, making sure everyone can see you on his arm.
“Have I told you how amazing you are?” Lando murmurs into your hair.
You grin. “Might’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
“Well I’m saying it again. You’re incredible, Y/N. Today was so much better getting to share it with you.”
Your heart swells at the sincerity in Lando’s eyes. You cup his face gently.
“Couldn’t imagine a better first Grand Prix. Thank you for inviting me into this part of your world.”
Lando smiles softly. “You’re the best part of my world now.”
Over the following weeks, you start to notice Lando looking at you with a new hunger in his eyes. The easy affection between you has shifted into something more wanton and primal.
One night, as you’re cooking a simple pasta dish together, Lando comes up behind you, hands encircling your waist. He plants a trail of kisses down your neck as his grip tightens possessively.
You lean back into him with a pleased hum. “Well hello there.”
“Mmm, ever since I saw you lift that mechanic, I just keep thinking about all the ways you could put that sexy strength to use,” Lando murmurs against your skin.
You grin and turn in his arms. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you tell me more about that?” You purr teasingly.
Lando crashes his lips to yours, backing you against the counter hungrily. You just barely remember to turn off the burner before completely losing yourself in the feel of him around you — one burnt pot of boiling water is more than enough for your relationship, thank you very much.
Later, lying spent and sated in Lando’s bed, he nuzzles against you. “Have to say, your skills in the bedroom rival your skills as a firefighter,” he jokes.
You swat his chest playfully. “Careful or I may have to break out some new moves on you.”
Lando’s eyes gleam. “Promise?”
You grin and roll on top of him, ready to stoke the flames between you once more. Though your relationship started unconventionally, it seems things with Lando will never stop burning hot.
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likeumeanit9497 · 2 days
just like that | m.s. |
matt sturniolo x fem!reader
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based on this request :))
summary: after dating for four months without having sex, y/n finally decides that she's ready to take matt for a ride
warnings: smut; established relationship; unprotected p in v; oral (fem receiving); riding; mentions of questionable consent (NOT with matt dw); dirty talk; 18+
notes: damn i completely forgot about this im so sorry:/ i've just been so busy over the past week or so it completely went under the radar. def not my best work (i wrote it all today), but i wanted to get it up because i'm going on a trip through europe for 6 (SIX???!!?!?!) weeks and will probably not be able to post much when im there. anyways i hope u all enjoy!!
p.s. working on one more fic that i would LOVE to post before i leave tomorrow, if not it might be a while before im able to write again :/ it's gonna be a good one for the matt girlies though so keep ur eyes peeled ;)
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“Do you want anything from the kitchen baby?” Matt’s soft voice in my ear pulled me from the lull I was in, curled up beside him on the couch watching a movie. My drooping eyes fluttered open and I couldn’t help but smile once I came face-to-face with my beautiful boyfriend. The late-August sun was setting, and it shone through the living room windows in just the way that made Matt’s gorgeous blue eyes almost transparent; a harsh contrast to his dark eyelashes and tidy beard. He was looking at me with such unclouded care, the way he always did, and it never failed to make my heart flutter.
Matt and I had met on social media about six months ago, and started dating just two months after that. Our earliest conversations online had consisted of occasionally discussing our shared interest in pretty embarrassing hobbies — playing Minecraft, journaling, and watching rom-coms to name a few — but those occasional conversations evolved into staying up all night messaging each other, multiple-hour long Facetime calls, and eventually meeting at a restaurant for our first date.
Although it hadn’t been long since we started dating, Matt’s soul was one that I felt like I’ve known all my life. Never before had I felt more at home around another person than I did once I met him, and his presence in my life gave it a new level of stability that didn’t exist before. I had dated a guy in high school for almost two years, but the quality in the time spent with Matt versus him was incomparable. I was sure that Matt was the person that I was meant to be with, and everyday he did something new to prove that to be true without even trying.
Another thing that I loved so much about Matt was that, even after months of dating, he hasn’t once pushed me to have sex with him. In one of our early conversations, I had told him that my ex had always made me feel bad when I would turn down sex with him. While him and I did have sex a few times during our relationship, I had since come to terms with the fact that I really was just doing it to make him happy. Once Matt got over his immediate anger for me, he had sat me down and told me that he could wait forever, but that he won’t have sex with me unless I tell him I’m ready.
That was months ago, and still, he has kept his promise. While we have done plenty of other things in bed, he has always made it a point to stop everything before it gets to the point of sex. At first, I felt riddled with guilt because I felt like I should want to have sex with my boyfriend —especially one so kindhearted as Matt — but over time that guilt has fizzled out from Matt’s reassuring words and actions. He never ever put me in situations that he knew had the potential to make me uncomfortable, and wouldn’t allow me to feel bad about it either.
Lately, though, I had been feeling slightly different. While before, I would squirm at the thought of anything more happening once Matt’s hand would slip out of my panties, now I feel a slight tightening in my stomach at the idea of more. And before, I would feel a certain level of nervousness as I felt the weight of his member in my hand, where now there is a flutter in my core at the thought of that same part of him filling me up.
Never before in my life had I felt any of these feelings, and I didn’t quite know what to do with them. I was afraid of the abundance of dirty thoughts that flooded my own head constantly, and I realized that I was ready for more, but only with Matt. I had been contemplating on telling him this for the past week, but as I watched him walk back over to me on the couch in nothing but baggy grey sweats — the black ink of his tattoos hypnotizing me — my body reacted in such a way that let me know that tonight was the night.
“Here, I know you didn’t say you wanted anything but I grabbed you a water anyways. I haven’t seen you drink any yet today and you-” I cut Matt’s rambling off by climbing on top of his lap as soon as he was back on the couch; wrapping my arms around his neck and planting a deep kiss to his pink lips. He responded with a soft hum against my lips before wrapping his own arms around the small of my back. I opened my mouth slightly before pressing it against his again and moving them in a slow but passionate rhythm. Matt quickly followed suit, slipping his tongue through my parted lips before using it to explore my mouth. I fluttered my eyes open for a brief moment and caught a glimpse of Matt’s most beautiful features up close — lidded eyes, flushed cheeks, straight eyebrows — and released a satisfied sigh against his mouth.
I ran my hands through his soft brown hair, tugging slightly at the ends and eliciting a soft gasp from him as I felt my body flood with arousal. His hands travelled up and down my back, his firm yet somehow delicate touch a comfort that eased my nerves. From my place on his lap, I could feel a growing hardness against my ass. This wasn’t uncommon, obviously, but in the past I usually pretended to ignore it pressing against me. This time however, I rolled my hips up and down, feeling it slide against my aching core. “Baby.” Matt’s voice was barely above a whisper against my lips, but the combination of shock and arousal was still evident in its tone as he grabbed firmly onto my forearms to hold me still.
I detached my mouth from his while still keeping our faces just centimetres apart. His breath was rapid, but so was mine as we stayed like that for a moment; wild eyed and equally uncertain. Finally, I repeated my action by grinding my hips against his clothed shaft; this time watching as his eyes rolled back slightly in pleasure. “Y/n, what are you doing?” He mumbled, clearly wavering between making sure I was okay and wanting desperately for more. I continued grinding my hips against him, my mouth dropping open as I felt his shaft reach my nerves. “I want you Matt.” I whispered, and I watched as his eyes widened in shock; pupils dilated. “What do you mean?” He asked hesitantly, brushing his knuckles softly against my arms.
“I mean, I’m ready. Ready to have sex again.” I blurted out, feeling my face immediately flush in equal parts nervousness and arousal as I waited for him to respond. His face was unreadable as he clearly tried to gauge whether or not I was serious. That was confirmed once he finally spoke. “A-are you sure? I don’t want you to think just because I’m hard we have to do anything, baby.” I felt his dick twitch in between my legs as he spoke, and it shot electricity down my spine. “I know Matt, but I really am sure.” I responded, running my hands up and down his bare chest and leaving a trail of goosebumps in my path.
He continued to stare at me, his eyes travelling wildly across my face; clearly still in a state of uncertainty. I, on the other hand, was growing more and more frustrated by the moment as the heat continued to grow between my legs. “Give me your hand.” I stated, and he obliged; placing his much larger hand in my own. I guided his hand down to the waistband of my sweatpants, inside of the material, and finally slid it against my dripping wet core. Intaking a sharp breath from the contact, I watched his face as it immediately darkened once he felt my arousal coat his fingertips.
“See? I told you I’m ready,” I leaned forward slightly, bringing my lips to his exposed collarbone and kissing it wetly. “So please Matt, can you fuck me?” The room stayed silent for a beat, the only sounds being our ragged breathing, and I felt fear begin to trickle down my spine; worried that Matt might reject me. Just as I was about to retract everything I had just said, Matt’s hand snaked to the back of my head, guiding it up from his chest before crashing his lips onto mine.
I deepened the kiss immediately, feeling a mutual level of desperation like a surge of electricity between our lips that had never been there before. Matt’s hands began traveling all across my writhing body — taking his time on the curves of my ass — before planting firmly on my hips where he helped them grind against his rock hard member. Breathy, almost silent moans fell from both of our lips as our bodies slid against each other, and the deep-rooted sensation was taunting.
Matt’s hands slithered from my hips up to the bottom of my t-shirt, where he toyed with the material for a moment before detaching his lips from mine. “Can I take this off?” He asked, glazed eyes staring longingly into my own. I nodded, and without a moment’s hesitation my vision was blocked for a brief second by Matt peeling the fabric over my head and tossing it to the side. Once my vision returned, my view was of Matt’s hungry eyes glued to my bare chest.
Matt had seen my tits countless times before throughout our relationship, but at this moment it was like he was seeing them for the very first time. Mouth slightly parted, his breathing was ragged as he brought both hands to my chest and cupped my tits delicately between them; pushing them together slightly and brushing a thumb along each nipple. I hissed at the feeling, and that seemed to pull him from his trance, as his eyes immediately shot up to mine. “This okay baby?” He asked, and I nodded my head wildly.
A smirk toyed at the corners of his mouth before he attached it to my left nipple. I released short moans as he sucked and nibbled it gently, still pressing my core against his throbbing shaft. I felt myself falling deeper and deeper into a trance that I had never experienced before, and it was like my body and mind had completely separated as I mindlessly tugged desperately at the waistband of his sweats. Catching on to my gesture, Matt shifted slightly below me before using one of his hands to haphazardly pull his sweats down slightly; allowing his cock to spring up in between my legs.
I gasped at the sight before me, only now realizing its true size with it between my legs and feeling just a tinge of excited fear trying to figure out just how it was going to fit inside of me. Shaking the thought from my mind, I collected a pool of saliva in my mouth before spitting it in my hand and bringing it down to his shaft.
Running my thumb along his slit, I felt his whole body shudder below me from the contact. I began pumping my hand up and down his length; spending extra time twisting my wrist around his sensitive tip, and watched as his mouth went slack on my tits. “Mmm, keep doing it just like that baby.” He muttered against my plump skin, and I continued to work his cock in my hand while simultaneously grinding my core against its base. Just knowing that I was making him feel good was making me feel good, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head in pleasure.
After a few short moments, I felt Matt’s hands snake to the waist band of my own sweats. My eyes found his again, and I watched as they searched my face. “You’re sure you want this, Y/n?” He asked, his voice gentle but laced with a huskiness that could only be explained as pure desire. I nodded desperately once again, feeling so pathetic but not capable of giving a shit. “I’m sure baby, please.” My voice had a slight whine to it, making my frantic need even more evident.
Planting a soft kiss to my lips, he grabbed firmly onto my sweats and began peeling them off of my body. I lifted my hips up slightly to assist him in this, and once I dropped them back down, I hissed from the feeling of my bare core against his cock. “Matty, I need you right now.” I practically cried out, leaning my body forward and planting nibbles and kisses along his exposed neck. The suspense was torturous, my body only just now recognizing how badly it was craving his.
His hands cupped my ass, and he used his grip to lift me just a couple inches off of him. I felt him spread me open slightly before dragging a finger once again against my aching folds. “Mmm, so wet for me baby.” I released a breathy moan at the combination of his touch and words, and squirmed in his grasp. “I’ll help you get it in, but I want you on top. That way you can take it as slow as you need to, okay?” His voice softened as he spoke, and his hands massaged me gently causing me to physically relax. “O-okay.” I muttered, so turned on that I was willing to do just about anything he wanted me to.
Just then, he placed a soft kiss to my lips before I felt the very tip of his cock brush against my opening; causing me to gasp. “Shh, it’s okay baby. I’ll go slow.” He whispered in my ear, and I pressed my forehead into the crook of his neck in anticipation. Finally, I felt my walls begin to expand as he pressed the first few inches into me. Moaning at the sensation, I felt my whole body flush in immediate lust. As if they had a mind of their own, my hips subconsciously began lowering onto his shaft; taking more and more of him as I sunk down.
A moan fell from his lips as my walls enveloped him inch by inch, and I slowly lifted my head from his neck and straightened my body up to allow more of him to fill me up. Even though he was big and I hadn’t had a dick in me in a long time, my slick arousal allowed him to bottom out without causing me to feel any pain; only indescribable pleasure. Once every inch of him was in me, I stayed still for a moment looking down at him. His desire was plastered across every inch of his face, and it made him look impossibly beautiful. There was no fear in me in that moment, only want, and so I began riding him.
As soon as I propelled my body up and down his shaft just once, I felt a pit of arousal begin to grow in my stomach. Groaning in pleasure, I continued with my moments; holding onto his shoulders to keep my trembling body stable. “Mmm you feel so good baby.” Matt moaned out, his eyes never leaving my pinched face. After a while, my body adjusted completely to his size and I was able to increase my speed. As I slid my walls up and down his shaft, Matt gripped onto my ass with all his might, using his hands to help me maintain my speed.
Moans fell from my lips as his cock ruthlessly hit my g-spot, and I felt my lower stomach build in pressure. “Fuck.” I muttered under my breath, feeling my skin go flush from the heat of the moment. The room filled with the echo of our wet skin slapping against each other, adding to the erotic air around us. Prolonged strings of moans fell aimlessly from my lips, and as I came closer and closer to my impending climax I began struggling to maintain my movements.
Matt seemed to pick up on this, as he adjusted his hips and began pounding into me from below; his hands holding me in place where I just clung onto him for dear life. “F-fuck Matty, like that. S-so good.” I cried out, my voice choppy from his rapid movements. My brain melted into a pool of liquid as all I could think about was reaching my high that was just out of reach. “You’re taking me so good baby.” Matt groaned out as he continued driving his length into me, staring deeply into my eyes with a fogged over expression.
“I-I think I’m gonna — oh god, think I’m g-gonna cum Matt.” My eyes rolled to the back of my head and I dug my nails into his shoulder blades, struggling to give into this new overwhelming sensation bubbling up inside of me. At this, a guttural moan fell from his lips and he somehow increased the speed of his thrusts even more. “Want you to cum around me baby, please.” There was a desperate whine to his voice as he spoke through his shortness of breath, and it was enough for me to reach my climax. Legs shaking, I released a plethora of moans and curses as my body was hit with multiple waves of indescribable pleasure. “Good girl, feels so good honey.” Matt’s voice was soft in my ear, and it helped to bring me back to earth as my hurricane of an orgasm left my body in shambles.
I continued to bounce on Matt’s dick slowly as I attempted to regain what little composure I had before my orgasm stole it from me, but I quickly learned that all of my energy had been stripped away. My body was trembling uncontrollably, and my head was filled with a fog that made it difficult for me to stay upright. Matt caught on to this, as he planted his hands firmly on my hips, keeping me still, before reaching forward and kissing me deeply. “You tired, baby?” He asked gently, rubbing circles on my sensitive skin. Sheepishly, I nodded, and Matt didn’t hesitate before guiding me off of his lap and helping me lay down on the couch.
As soon as my head hit the soft material, I felt my body immediately begin to relax again. I watched from my place on the couch as Matt began to slowly crawl over to me, before leaning above me. “You did so good baby,” He brought his lips to my chest and began dropping soft kisses against my skin, “Now,” His mouth travelled from my chest down to my stomach, “I want you to just lay here and relax,” He continued to move his lips down my stomach to my hips, “Let me make you feel good, okay?” His face was now hovering above my swollen heat, and I couldn’t help but nod frantically, feeling a sudden need to have his mouth on me.
Matt situated his body so that he could lay down with his face still just above my core. He brought both of his hands to my folds and I flinched as he used his thumbs to spread them apart slightly; exposing my bundle of nerves to the air. My vision partially skewed by his hair flopping in front of his eyes, I watched in awe as he brought his mouth closer and closer to where I needed it the most; before immediately gasping in pleasure once I felt his warm tongue make contact with my clit.
Immediately, Matt got to work in swirling his tongue in expert circles on my overstimulated nerves. This sensation in combination with his rough beard against my inner thighs was so intense it was almost painful in the best way possible, and I was incapable of controlling the throaty moans that fell from my lips as I watched him devour me entirely. Matt then used his mouth to suck on my nerves, bringing forward yet another new sensation that drove me crazy. It felt so unbelievably good, my hands flew to his hair where I held firmly; doing everything in my power to keep him in place. “Oh yeah baby, please, just like that.” I struggled to get the words out through my constant gasps of pleasure, but it was clear that they didn’t fall on deaf ears as Matt moaned in pleasured acknowledgement against my heat and kept his rhythm and pressure the exact same.
Feeling another orgasm begin to bear its teeth in my stomach, it was like my hips grew a mind of their own because as soon as Matt brought his hands under my ass to lift me slightly up on the couch; I began grinding my heat against his eager mouth. “Fuck.” He moaned against my clit as he continued to greedily suck and lick my nerves. I squeezed my eyes shut as a whine escaped my lips from an approaching orgasm, the pleasure that his mouth was giving me was too much. “S-stop baby.” I said suddenly, to which he immediately detached his mouth from me and I watched as his eyes scanned my fucked out face. “What’s wrong? You want to stop?” He seemed so concerned, clearly worried that he had somehow crossed a boundary, and it caused my chest to flutter. “N-no. It’s just, I was gonna cum again.” He raised a quizzical eyebrow, clearly confused by how that might be a problem. “I…I want to cum with you.” I finally said, and watched as his facial expression changed from one of concern back to one filled with lust.
He smiled quickly before dragging his body up my own, planting occasional kisses along my body on his way. Once he reached my head, he immediately began kissing me passionately, slipping his tongue through my parted lips and allowing me to taste myself on his mouth. Pulling away, I noticed my arousal laced throughout his beard, and that along with his pink swollen lips fresh off of my heat was enough to make my head spin. Just then, I felt him line his shaft up with my entrance, and immediately gasped out when he slid it in completely. Before moving at all, Matt took a moment to gaze down at my destroyed face before grabbing my legs and wrapping them around his waist. He then leaned forward and propped himself on his forearms on either side of my head; slipping a hand through my hair and grabbing onto it gently.
After noticing my body relax, he finally began thrusting into me. Starting off slow and deep, he gradually increased his speed until he was pounding his inches deep into me at a rapid pace. Already being close to cumming, I struggled to get a grip on my thoughts as the pleasure of the moment pulled me deeper and deeper into a world of euphoria. “You’re so tight sweetheart.” He muttered through his grunts, and I felt my eyes roll to the back of my head at his words. “F-feels so good Matty.” I managed to reply, tightening my legs around his waist as I tried everything I could to hold off my orgasm.
Matt’s hand snaked through my hair before he grabbed onto my cheek, brushing it gently with his thumb as he stared at me with a gaze so intense that it was almost intimidating. “I-I’m close Y/n.” He nearly whispered, and I felt his pace begin to slow slightly as he began to be overtaken by his own orgasm. My eyebrows knitted together as I felt my walls began to break. “M-me too.” I replied, wrapping my hands tightly around his biceps to keep me grounded. “Ah fuck, I’m cumming baby.” His erotic words were followed by a string of animalistic grunts as he drove his cock in and out of me — slow but hard — and it was like my body was waiting to hear those words as my second orgasm immediately ran through me like a freight train.
My breathy moans harmonized with his deep ones, and I felt my walls contract around his shaft; milking his dick as it painted them white. My legs were wrapped so tightly around his waist, he was barely able to move them as we both rode the waves of our intense pleasure. As my orgasm continued to tear through me, my back arched off of the couch and my body trembled. From above me, Matt watched me writhe in bliss as his movements completely stopped. As I finally began coming down from my high, I felt his hand brush through my hair affectionately, and watched as his face turned up in a smile before he placed a deep kiss to my lips.
He gently pulled his cock out of me, causing me to wince from the raw pain, before laying beside me on the couch and pulling me into him. Face to face, we stared lovingly at each other for a moment; my mind still spinning from how good he had made me feel, and in that moment I was worried that my heart might explode. His blissed expression told me that he was feeling the same, and his hand delicately rubbing the small of my back confirmed it. “Are you okay?” He finally asked, minor concern visible on his beautiful face. “I’m more than okay.” I answered honestly with a chuckle, causing him to laugh in relief as well. “I think I actually love sex.” I continued, causing him to really laugh this time before planting a kiss on my sweat-beaded forehead. “Well I think I actually love you.”
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gothghostiie · 2 days
Hey lovie - I'm having a little brain rot and I had to get this out but what about the 141 boys arriving home to their sweet lil reader who's become a sex crazed monster cos they're ovulating? Like the boys have the cycle app downloaded so they KNOW how they are but they were not prepared for the level of horny they're coming home to.
(sorry if this is rambly)
oooo. i love this. :3
cw: pure horny, price is an old man (lovingly), fem!gn!reader
ghost is mildly surprised. he knows you get extremely horny when you ovulate, but this.. os a new level. you practically pounce at him when he walks through that door, he catches you in a tight hug, dropping his bag. After whispering some sweet 'I missed you's he can feel your teeth on his neck, before the heat radiating off your cunt reaches his body, eyes widening slightly. "needy, are we?" he hums softly, earning himself a harsh bite. "fuck- christ, love.." he muttered, cock twitching in his pants as he carries you into bed, definitely prepared to fuck you out for a good while.
Gaz is a sweetheart, the tight hug you trap him in is another reminder of just how much he missed you while he was gone. he kisses your head and cups your face, looking down at you, just to see you eye him hungrily. the looks would make him uncomfortable if it was from anyone but you; but you made his cock twitch with it. "y'need something darlin'?" he teases quietly, grin playing across his lips as you practically pull him into the bedroom - or the nearest surface at this point - ready to take whatever he can give you.
Soap is a horny fuck, just like you are. he loves when you ovulate, knowing he gets to have hours of fun if he wants, hours of playing with you and making you feel good. however this time is a whole new level, even for him. he stumbles back when you immediately attack him, pressing your lips against his and your tongue into his mouth. "missed y'so much.." you practically growl against his skin, hands quickly opening his pants without giving him much time to think. fuck, if you let him he'll take you right there against the front door.
Price is a bit slower to take on it, he knows how you are when you ovulate, barely able to hold up due to his age. don't get me wrong, he can definitely fuck the attitude out of you when he needs (or wants) to, but this one? he's in over his head and he knows it when you pounce on him as he gets through the door. lips all over him along with your hands, he chuckles. "careful lovie, let me get home, yea?" he hums, pushing you off gently. he definitely does take it to the bedroom in a second, giving you his all and then some. more than happy to have you ride him when he's too exhausted to rut into you anymore.
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peachesofteal · 2 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader request (s): grocery run, Simon talks about “the move”
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“These look good.”
You’re holding a carton of strawberries, lifting them to the ceiling to check the bottom. “Huh big guy? Do these look good?” You lean close, tickling his toes from where he’s hanging in the baby carrier on Simon’s chest. Orion giggles, beaming at you like always, and you smile right back.
Simon tries not to blurt out right then and there how much he loves you. He stems the stream fighting to fall out of his mouth, walking mindlessly behind you, Orion kicking his feet and babbling, something new that started when he was away. He’s so proud, thrilled to watch his son start to grow, start expressing himself, and it pains him all the same. He’s missed so much, and he’s going to keep missing things.
“What about some pasta?” You’re turned with an eyebrow raised, and he blinks.
“Hmm?” He palms Orion’s belly.
“Pasta. For dinner tonight?”
“Sure honey. Whatever you want.” Your head cocks, slightly, and you put a dry bag of linguine in the cart.
“Want to go pick out a jar of sauce and I’ll meet you at the yogurt?” You stretch your back. “Not sure I feel like going for scratch tonight.”
“Okay. Come on bub, let’s go get mama her sauce.”
There are too many options. He didn’t realize there could even be this many options, white, pink, red, garlic, no garlic, the list goes on.
It’s a bit of a puzzle. What do you like? He should know these things. He wants to know these things.
“What a handsome little man.” A woman appears at his elbow, leaning past him to peek at Orion. “He’s so cute.” He gives her his only attempt at a polite smile, though it’s strained and looks like a grimace.
It’s hard, pretending to be a civilian. Walking around in a grocery store like he wasn’t just pulling a trigger a week ago. His instinct is to size the woman up, analyze her for potential threats, cover the back of Ry’s head with his hand. He grits out a thanks. “Thank you.”
“He looks just like you,” she continues, smiling, “handsome like his daddy.” The sentiment curdles his stomach, and he narrows his eyes.
“His mama agrees.” Her smile turns a little embarrassed, awkward, but still present, persistent.
“I’m sure she does if she’s got two big men around.” Bloody hell.
“If you’ll excuse-“
“Simon?” You’ve just turned into the aisle with the trolley, confused at first, and then catching up quickly. You sneer at the stranger, stepping around her to point to a sauce on the shelf, your breasts grazing his forearm. “I like this one.” You say softly, sliding a hand to his lower back, glancing over at the obtrusive woman. “Will you get it for me?” He smirks.
“Of course mama.”
“Is that it?” You eye the three bags, two duffels and a backpack. He shrugs.
“Don’t really have a lot. I have a storage unit for some things in Manchester, family stuff, but I’m pretty used to jumping around. Flat I rented came furnished.” You suck in a breath, like you’re all the sudden realizing what a daunting task it is, being his. Belonging to him. Being loved by him, a man who kills for a living, a man whose possessions only fill three, four bags at most.
“Okay, well, there are drawers… in the dresser, and half the closet of course. I cleaned out some bathroom drawers too, I wasn’t sure what you’d be bringing so I made some room in the kitchen too, in case you had dishes, and-“
“Hey.” He steps close, snaking a palm around the back of your neck and stroking over your pulse point. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I just… this is a big deal.”
“It is.” He hums.
“I’m not… changing my mind, just like… my flat isn’t exactly… Simon sized.” He swallows his grin, pleased at how you’ve walked right into his next topic of conversation.
“About that…” your brow creases. “I think we might be a little cramped here, mama.” You slump.
“I know…” you sound defeated and he thumbs your cheek. “I just… I don’t know what comes next. I’ve been here so long, you know? It’s my place. And what do we do?” He does know it’s your place, knows how much you love your stacks of books, your small hanging house plants that sun by the window. He loves how you decorated Orion’s room, dark green with gold stars, loves how your plates and cups and bowls are all a mix of painted pieces, ornate designs that don’t really match but always seem to fit together.
He knows it will be hard, these next steps, but he’s not afraid. He trusts he knows what’s best for his family, knows how to keep you safe, and happy. He knows you’ll love it, the one he’s picked out.
He just has to tell you now.
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cordeliawhohung · 2 days
pornstar!gaz x fem!reader
garrick's girl
cw: alcohol consumption, overly emotional smut, 99.9% smut, 0.1% plot, gentle possessiveness, actual morons in love
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It’s a miracle your dress is still on by the time you’re in Kyle’s bed. 
Comforter expertly smoothed over a large mattress, dipping underneath your combined weight, you’re interested to see how strewn about it’ll be by the time he’s done with you. Ravenous eyes peer at you through heavy lids, the complete opposite to the patience of his hands as he gently strokes the exposed skin of your thighs. Fat kisses press to the side of your calf as he lifts your leg, trailing down to your ankle until he reaches the strap of your shoes. Your foot falls free as he undoes the buckle, tossing the heel behind him where it clatters on the hardwood floor of his bedroom. 
“How often do you have to think about me to get off when you’re filming with other actors?” he asks nonchalantly. 
White hot embarrassment prickles underneath the skin of your cheeks and neck. Superheats you so furiously you’re certain Kyle can feel the warmth radiating off of you by touch alone. He’s quick. No beating around the bush, even though the patience of his hands would have you believe otherwise. Still, he moves with delicate intentions as he awaits your answer, removing your other shoe without taking his eyes off of you. 
“No one does it like you do,” you answer, voice trembling with want. 
He smirks, hands gliding toward the inside of your thighs before pushing them apart. Clothes still shroud both of your bodies, yet you feel the most exposed you’ve ever felt in your entire life. 
“No need for flattery, doll. There’s no cameras. No one on the viewfinder. Nothin’ but us. Tell me. I want the truth,” he urges, voice sweet as syrup.
You swallow. “It’s… not just on set.” His hands continue up along your thighs, thumbs brushing against the thin — nearly sheer — fabric of your panties. Your body lurches, demanding more, but you hold yourself back. “I think of you more than I should, I…”
“Do you think of me while you touch yourself?” he prods. 
It’s a question he already knows the answer to. One he can read in the DNA of your cells and the widening of your eyes. Shock echoes throughout your body at his insinuation, but you shouldn’t be surprised at how well he can read you. Kyle has been able to see right through you this whole time — some transparent being; skin made of cellophane. 
“Yes,” you breathe, hips writhing underneath his touch. A pathetic worm, yearning for more, longing for what he’s withholding from you. 
“Why? Is it because of how good I fuck you?” he asks. With each word he speaks, he’s sinking closer and closer to you, hands on either side of your head as his face dips into the crook of your neck — close enough that you can feel his breath on the shell of your ear. “Or is it because of something else? Something more?”
His lips part and you can feel the way the spit breaks in his mouth — already salivating at just the sight of you. 
“Were you also thinking of me when you said I love you on set today?” 
Palpable trepidation ripples through your skin; unforgiving and all consuming. Shaky hands brush along his back, following the defined ridge of his spine until you’re cupping either side of his face. You nudge him back, encouraging him to look at you. Throat tight, heart thumping — you pray you won’t regret this. 
“You’re the only person who makes me feel like this,” you say in a whisper, the pad of your thumb caressing the small scar on his cheek. “Kyle I… I don’t just follow anyone home. I’m not here just for you to fuck me. I’m here because I love you. And I want you to love me, too.” 
There is no breaking point. No instance in which the water boils over, flooding the stove with starch and foam. There is only warm fire. Campfire flames dancing in a pit; enticing and loving. A little spark. A sharp crack. Wood charring from the heat so that you can melt, sticky and sweet into the bed. 
His only response to you is his lips on yours, soft and savory as he licks up the faint alcohol on your tongue. There is no rush. No director calling out position changes, no bright lights, no camera in your face; just you and Kyle. Stone crumbles, cracks and breaks free — walls tumble until you’re open, bare and free. There is nothing — no apprehension or worry — there is only love. 
Dulcet kisses render your lips raw and fuzzy before traveling along your jaw, leaving goosebumps in their wake. Kyle tugs at the top of your dress, and you aid him in wiggling the straps down your shoulders where he pulls until your tits flow free from the fabric. He continues, embracing the line between your breasts, gracing your sternum with adoration, all while murmuring I love you, I love you between each one. 
His mantra continues, a repetitive notion as if he fears you might one day forget it if it’s not engraved in your skin. He says it into your chest, into your stomach, your pelvis; he continues his chant until he’s pushing up the skirt of your dress and placing kisses on your clothed pussy. Each pitched groan he pulls out of you is music — a symphonic melody he wants your mouth to emulate forever more.
“My girl,” he mumbles, fingers snaking underneath the band of your panties before dragging them down your legs. “Told you I’d get you alone. Wanna love you properly… wanna…” 
He cuts himself off, mouth swallowing the view of your cunt. Hips bucking up, Kyle’s name falls from your lips like a prayer as his tongue slides along your clit. It’s torturous, and already has your nerves sparking like live, frayed wires. It’s a familiar feeling — a nirvana he’s able to pull out of you on set — but there’s something different about it. The film is removed. The edges are sharper. There’s no fear or worry to muddle the bliss that’s mixing with your very blood. 
When he pulls away, he doesn’t leave you unstimulated for long before his fingers are prodding and pushing at your cunt. Your head lifts with a gasp, hands reaching for your chest as you look between your legs. Long, adept fingers glide in and out of you, aided both by your arousal and Kyle’s spit. His lips part as he stares down at his work, enchanted by the way you swallow him whole. 
It’s then that he realizes he can finally stop and smell the roses. Can take his time with you without the pressure to rush. And he is languid with it. Stuck in a dumbfounded stupor as he watches his fingers pump in and out of you over, and over, and over, and over —
Gentle hands slicing through the air, you reach for him until you’ve got a hold of his shirt. Dressy, perfect for the over-important party the two of you attended earlier. One by one, you undo the buttons separating his skin from yours before yanking him forward. He tries to keep his fingers inside of you, tries to unravel you, but you’re stripping him bare. Cloth undone, crumpled on the foot of the bed — he looks heavenly in the dim light of his bedroom. Silky smooth skin, dark loving eyes; you want to be unbound. Become nothing but stray chords and muscle, entangle yourself with whatever mess Kyle is about to render himself into. 
“I need you,” you whisper. You say it like a secret. Something nobody knows but you; as if the whole world isn’t afraid to burn to a crisp over your passion. 
He descends. Bare skin warm against yours, chest pressed against your breasts, lips on your neck, hands slowly guiding himself into you. He rests there for a moment, cock barely pressing against you, lined up perfectly yet refusing to further pursue you. Though Kyle enjoys teasing you — revels in the large pout and needy whines — everything he does is deliberate. It’s not to prod and upset you, not to rile you up; it’s a preparation. An agreement. Once he starts, he won’t stop until neither of you are sure where your bodies begin and end. 
There’s a gentle brush against your cheek. Fingers curling into the back of your head. A searing kiss that chars your lips and leaves them still begging for the heat. To seal the pact, he fills your cunt with one celeritous thrust of his hips, and he swallows the guttural moan he rips from your body. Tender. Consuming. He continues, shockwaves rippling throughout your body, moaning back into your mouth as the head of his cock splits you apart. 
You have fucked Kyle many times before, but it’s never been like this. Not with his body engulfing the expanse of your skin or his fingers interlocked with yours. You’ve never fucked like you were lovers. There’s never been such unrestrained ardor; something past simple concupiscence. The affection rotting your DNA is enough to destroy you, and you’d gladly crumble in his hands — as long as it meant Kyle gets to hold you. 
Maybe it’s the alcohol, but you sound more unrestrained than when you are on set. Like you’re not afraid to hide anything in fear that it’ll be burnt into film for the rest of your existence. Kyle leans back, lips leaving your skin for the first time in what feels like hours. A blazing incalescence sparks in his eyes as they flit across your face. He catches on to every expression that morphs in your features, how he can make your brows knit together with a particularly deep thrust, or how your lips part when he thumbs over your clit. Such a beautiful creature, laid out bare for him to witness in all her glory. 
“So fucking beautiful,” he whispers, whiskey breath panting across your face. “Look at you, my pretty girl. My girl. Could never tire of lookin’ at you.” 
Praise falls from his lips like water from a fountain, and he feels the way you clamp around him. His pretty girl, always eager for praise. His thumb grinds against your clit, adding pressure ever so slowly to the point you’re nearly seeing stars. Your hands reach out for him, grabbing for any sort of purchase you can get to keep yourself steady as your body rocks against the mattress. Nails digging into his skin, he knows you’re close. 
“Could do this every night. Have you in my bed. In my arms. I just wanna take care of you, doll.” He’s practically dancing on the edge. So close to his own euphoric release, yet stuttering to hold himself back. Not until you, he thinks. Not until you. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Give you that true love you deserve.” 
Your hips wiggle, fighting against his thumb as it unravels those sweet nerves underneath your skin. Eyelids fluttering, you try to keep your eyes on him; a fruitless effort. Your head presses back into the pillows — of which smell just like the same, spicy cologne Kyle always uses — as every muscle in your body tenses to the point of fracturing. 
“I need that. Need you,” you stutter through chattering teeth. “I love you. Fuck, I love you. P-Please, Kyle…”
“I know,” he shushes. His movements are steadfast — even and firm as he feels your muscles turn to mush under his very fingertips. You whine so sweetly, delicious honey and milk against his mouth as you fall apart at the seams. “There we go, there she is. Such a good girl, coming on my cock like that. F-Fuck. Gonna milk this cock next, yeah? Won’t ya, doll? My beautiful girl…”
When he finally lets go, he feels his entire body seize. Legs wrapping around his hips, you pull him closer to you as he twitches inside of you, dumping every last bit of spend he has to give you while his face presses against the side of your neck. A rhapsodic silence sits somewhere between heavy panting and faint giggles. There is no one to shout about the scene ending. No bored huffs as the set is torn down around you. There is only Kyle’s heat on top of your body, the faint glow of his living room lamp pouring through his bedroom door, and a gentle kiss on your jaw. 
When his arms and legs start to give out underneath him, Kyle rolls to the side, body colliding with the soft cot as he drags you along with him. Glorious giggles leave your lips as you nuzzle your nose into the center of his chest. It’s nice to just lay. To be embraced without prying, impatient eyes. To be loved. All along, you have been adored with such fervor; you were just never able to feel it through the barrier forced around your body because of work. 
“You smell good,” you mumble, once you’ve finally caught your breath. 
“Oh?” he prompts. 
“Mhm. Could eat you up.” 
“Feisty,” Kyle quips. 
A hum rumbles deep in his chest as he kisses the top of your head, arms snaking impossibly tight around you as he draws you close. You dissolve into him, limbs entangled, knotting until they’ll never come undone again. The pounding drum of his heart slowly relaxes into a steady rhythm, and you find yourself nearly falling asleep as he traces the dips of your hip. 
“So,” Kyle speaks up. There’s something off about his tone — like he’s grinning too hard to say his words properly. “How did Simon react when you said my name instead of his?” 
You groan, embarrassment flooding your face as you try to hide away. His laughter at you feels playfully mocking as he pulls you closer and wiggles around, as if he can shake the answer out of you. 
“I don’t even want to think about it,” you whine. 
“Come on, I wanna know,” he eggs. 
You sigh with a heavy pout forming on your lips. “He… grinned. Like the fucking bastard he is. Like he knew all along. He didn’t say anything on set, but when we were done he… mentioned that I should try to find you at the party tonight. He actually pointed you out to me while you were moping in the corner.” 
Despite your dig at him, he laughs. Sweet and deep. Comforting. Like he’s finally found home. 
“Well, at least he knows whose girl you are.” 
He feels your smile curve against his chest. “Garrick’s girl.” 
That night, after Kyle washes your body and holds you underneath warm, running water, you sleep in his bed. You sleep in his bed, in his clothes, in his arms. It comes as easy as breathing. As natural as dreaming. And as you fall asleep, you hum, content in knowing that this is how it should have been all along.
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moonstruckme · 2 days
rooomate james. 😭😭 literally obsessed w himm!!
Me too I love him (and you!) sm <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6 │ part 7 │ part 8 │ part 9
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 808 words
You don’t recognize James’ car until he shouts at you. 
You give a little jump, turning midair to find James smiling out the rolled-down window. 
“Want a lift?” 
“God, you scared me!” You backtrack and open the passenger door. The seat looks to have been tidied in a hurry, receipts and takeaway containers tossed into the backseat. “How’d you even know I’d need a ride?” 
James refrains from responding to give you an expectant look. You roll your eyes and buckle your seatbelt. Satisfied, he puts the car in reverse, setting his hand on your seat to look behind him as he backs out of the parking spot. 
“You weren’t home when I got there,” he says, “and then I remembered on Sundays you usually get off at eleven, so here I am. Is Art not with you?” 
“No, he wasn’t working tonight.” 
James doesn’t seem too disappointed by this. He pulls onto the street. You watch him, looking almost unconsciously for signs of wear and tear. 
Now that rugby season is in full swing, he’s gone not just during the day for training but sometimes overnight for away games. You’ve been alone in your apartment for the whole weekend while he played in London and then Bristol. It was weird. You think you’ve accidentally grown used to having James around. You don’t fancy yourself a very tactile person, and the urge to hug him isn’t terribly strong, but it’s there. 
“How was work?” he asks you. 
“It was fine. How were your matches?” 
“They were fine,” he imitates you, grinning. “No, it’s like I said. Winning the second one’s always better than winning the first and losing the second. It’s nice to end on a good note.”
He’d texted continual updates while he was gone. You sat on your couch, pretending to yourself or perhaps to some invisible, judgemental observer that you were watching TV when really you were entirely focused on James’ texts. You imagined him sitting in his hotel room doing the same, or maybe in a pub with his teammates, smiling at his phone each time you responded. 
Your imagination has become terribly overindulgent lately. 
“Honestly, I was pretty disappointed you weren’t home when I got there,” James says, a familiar teasing lilt to his voice. “I was hoping to come in and catch you wearing one of my jumpers and staring tearily at a framed photo of me.” 
You roll your eyes, but your face burns. You did use his shampoo, once. In your defense, you’d run out of yours, but you thought that it wouldn’t be so bad to smell like him, nice and fresh and comforting. It had foamed more than you expected. It did smell really nice, but it made your hair feel dry (boy shampoo always does that, you’ve no idea how James’ curls seem to thrive under such poor treatment) and you felt silly about it for days, lovesick in the most derogatory sense. 
Didn’t stop you from sniffing your hair occasionally, though. 
“You weren’t gone to war,” you reply. “And where would I get a framed photo of you?” 
James looks affronted. “I assumed you already had one. How did you get through the weekend without even a photo? You brave, brave girl.” 
“I actually threw a rager,” you deadpan. “Rented out your room to six people traveling through with the carnival and let them invite over all their friends. Did loads of hard drugs.” 
“Well, we all have different ways of coping.” He reaches over to squeeze your shoulder consolingly. You pretend goosebumps don’t skitter all the way down your arm from the brief touch. “And what a marvelous job you’ve done covering up your escapades!” He exclaims as you pull up in front of the apartment. “I haven’t come across the cocaine dust on our bathroom counter yet, so you must have really done a thorough cleanup.” 
“Keep looking, it’s around there somewhere.” 
James laughs. You’re slower getting out of the car than he is, and by the time you emerge he’s in front of you, pulling you into a hug. You think your bones liquefy. He’s warm and strong and he smells like his shampoo, both arms squishing you heartily before he lets go with a little laugh. 
“Sorry,” he says, bringing his hands to your upper arms, “I didn’t even ask. I just missed you, you know?” James has this look on his face, smile brilliant and eyes wide open. So saccharine sweet you almost can’t look at him. “Guess I got used to having you around.” 
You do your best to smile back. “Yeah, me too.” 
He squeezes your arms before turning to go inside. “You smell like Italian food, too. I don’t suppose you’ve cooked anything recently that’s still in the fridge? I’m beginning to think about second dinner.” 
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lymtw · 23 hours
The thought of you being with anyone else has always made Satoru sick to his stomach. He can't imagine you loving others more than you love him, and if he ever sees you giggling or smiling at someone else the way you do with him, he'll find a way to include himself or put an end to it overall.
It's understandable that you're at your wits end with his immaturity and his inability to make you feel like he trusts you around others, as his girlfriend, but that doesn't mean he wants you to leave him. He can do better. He can make you feel better. He always does.
You're sitting at the dining room table, working on some slides for an upcoming presentation. You're in your zone, focused, even wearing your big noise cancelling headphones, which blast your calming music playlist into your ears.
Satoru sits on the other end of the table, straight across from you. He watches the focus and concentration that has silently etched into your features, his hands folded as he, too, focuses. You haven't said a word to him in the past two hours. You let him know that you'd be working on schoolwork, but he knew there was something cold running through you when you told him this. He could tell you were still upset about what had happened earlier.
It was a brief interaction you had with someone who simply laughed at the sight of your keychain. They complimented it because it was a character from one of their favorite shows. This two minute interaction was enough for Satoru to storm over to you and the unfamiliar person. He came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as he stared the stranger down with a smile so sweet, it was obvious that it was fake. You were uncomfortable, the stranger was uncomfortable, and Satoru was radiating possession over you. You managed to chuckle nervously and apologized for the interruption.
You can feel his heavenly eyes on you, and you're trying your hardest not to crack under the tension. He always manages to fluster you so easily when he watches you, making it much more difficult to get things done.
The silence makes him want to create noise. He wants you to make noise with him. He wants to show you that he loves you and that he does things like that because you're wanted by many, but are doomed to be only his. He'll make you forget the incident ever happened. He can make you feel better. He'll discreetly plant his firm custom of only fantasizing about you, through his touch, and he'll remind you of the way his eyes lock onto you whenever you move, while he watches your reaction to him running his hands all over you. For fucks sake, you're the nightly stars in the sky to him. What's wrong with treating you as such?
Satoru slowly rises from his seat. You're unbothered by the movement, not looking up as he makes his way around the table. He stands behind you, silently setting his hands on your shoulders, as he glimpses at the professional looking word vomit on your laptop. He sweeps your hair back, clearing your shoulders.
You finally read a part of the text that can be used as evidence later on in the slides, and immediately jot it down in your notes. You're not giving Satoru the attention he wants, so he carefully removes your headphones. That definitely does the job.
"I need those. I can't focus without them." You put your pencil down and stop scrolling on your laptop, turning to look at him.
"And I need you to take a break. You said that isn't due 'til next week."
You roll your eyes and exhale through your nose, turning to face your screen again. "Guess I can work without them," you grumble.
He puts the headphones down on a counter behind him and his hands go back to your shoulders, this time dragging forward, dipping beneath the neckline of your shirt. The collar will surely be stretched out by the time he removes his hands.
"Did you hear what I said?" He asks, voice low enough to make your heart drop. His hands slide into the cups of your bra from above, allowing him to hold your breasts.
"I did," you respond, feigning nonchalance, when really you've read the same short passage three times now, as a result of his touch.
"Take a break." He squeezes, gently, taking in the quick jolt of your body when he started concentrating on your nipples. "Indulge me," he spoke, against your ear. He dragged his lips down the side of your neck, kissing every inch of it. It was warm and wet, and it was driving you crazy.
"Satoru..." you said, more breathily than expected. "I need to do this." You contradict yourself and tilt your head to give him more room. He's so enticing. He already has you on board with whatever he has planned, but you'll unstably stand your ground for a couple more minutes to deflate his ego a little.
"If you don't come with me..." he murmurs. "...I will go down there and make it impossible for you to keep working," he continued, between kissing and sucking your neck. Your thighs were pressed together, tightly, and you were so turned on by everything he was doing, all for you to throw him a bone.
You sighed. The pressure offered by your thighs was not enough to satisfy your want for the man touching you.
"Let me put your mind at ease. Bet your brain is fried. Why not just finish it off?" His hands slid out of your shirt, settling on your shoulders once more.
You reached for your pencil, only for your hand to be immediately swatted down by Satoru's hand and pinned to the table.
"Really?" His voice brought goosebumps to your skin.
You sighed in defeat and saved your documents before shutting your laptop, allowing him to lead you to the room. He hummed in satisfaction as you walked with his hand tight around yours.
"Satoru! Fuck- Holy- Oh... more, please!" Your words jumbled in an attempt to ask him to keep going against the spot he was abusing. His fingers were slowing, and the stimulation wasn't as prominent. "No. N-No! I was gonna-"
"I know," he cuts you off. "Don't want you to cum yet, sweetie," he groans, using every ounce of patience he has. He wants nothing more than for you to cry out for him once he makes you cum, but you're still thinking, meaning you can still think of the situation from earlier.
"'toru, please. I was so close. This is the second time already."
"Once you break, i'll fix you, babe. I swear. I'll make you cum more than you want to, but give me a little longer, 'kay?"
The transparency of his goal was relieving, but knowing that you'd be toyed with a while longer was frustrating.
"Don't worry your pretty head about when you'll get to cum. It could happen aaany minute now. You have to remember our rule." He smiles, watching the way your stomach quivers in anticipation of his fingers touching your cunt.
You closed your eyes and drowned in the feeling of Satoru's touch. He knows you so well. Knows what turns you on, knows exactly how to get you off, and know how to make you cum in just a couple minutes. He uses this against you when he needs to, but for the most part, Satoru is fair. He's good to you.
Eventually a rule had to be introduced in bed because of his ability to make you cum impossibly fast. The rule implied that if there was enough time to drag your pleasure out, you should make use of all that time, even if it means you don't get as many orgasms. You both agreed that Satoru mastering your weaknesses took away parts of the intimacy when he got you to orgasm so quickly, so he doesn't use those methods as much. He prefers to build you up, anyway. You loved and hated the rule. Loved that you would be observed and touched for longer, and hated that the touch fled as soon as you were on the brink of orgasm.
"Satoru!" You gasp. "Please, I... I-I need this!"
His pace slows again, your body trembling as he pulled his fingers out and stopped all contact with you. His coated digits dragged along your thigh, painting you with translucent wetness. You're so sensitive, twitching at when his fingertips ghost your slit.
"You're getting there." He smiles, too kindly at you.
"Satoru," you groan. He didn't deserve to go by ''toru' in this moment. "If I wanted to be edged, I would have stayed at the table, doing my work while you did whatever you wanted to me, had I not followed you."
"Don't be upset, princess. We both know your brain will shut off the second I make you cum. I just need you with me for a little longer." The kind smile fell off his face. "For the record, I wasn't kidding when I said I would stop you from getting any work done at kitchen table. I promise you, you would have made zero progress."
His switch flipped again, and he gave you a loving grin. He looked up at you from between your thighs, his pretty, blue eyes centered on your own. You love when he looks at you like this—like you're his world, and he would do anything to keep you chained to him. It's moments like this that keep you sane around him. He has this intensity to him when he's alone with you. It causes any doubt you have of his love for you to vanish, instantly. You can never stay mad for long enough when he looks at you this way.
He kisses along your inner thigh, his eyes glue to yours as he does so. His hand stays on your hip, softly pressing his fingertips into the skin. You trembled in his hold when you felt his tongue slide through your folds again. His arms hooked around your thighs, holding you in place when you began to squirm.
"Satoru..." you sighed, your hands gripping the sheets tighter.
"Princess." A smile runs across his lips, not interrupting him as he continues to debilitate you with his mouth.
"Can I please... fuck," you moan. "Please... please," you beg, eyes shut as you try to compose yourself before you continue speaking, but he was relentless.
He let his hands take over, his full attention on what you wanted to say. His thumb glided up and down your slit, occasionally sparing attention to your clit, which only drove you closer to insanity.
"Go on. I'm listening." He very much was listening, your little breaths and whimpers so sweet to his ears.
"Can I cum, please?" Your hips rolled against the mattress, chasing the friction of his fingers against your pussy. This brought a satisfied grin to his face.
"Did you finish all your work?" He looks down to where he's working his fingers into you, mesmerized by the way your slick drooled down his reddened knuckles and the back of his hand.
"T-That's not fair. You pulled me away from my work."
He chuckles at the impatience in your tone. "That's not what I asked you, baby. Did you or did you not finish your work?" His index and middle fingers beckon inside your velvety walls.
"N-No, fuck, no. I didn't," you whimper.
"I love you to death, but I never said this would be a fair game. I'm gonna have to say 'no', too, baby."
You looked like you were on the verge of tears. Tears of impatience and frustration.
"Oh..." he coos. "It's okay. You'll be okay." He placed little kisses on your thighs, as if comforting you through this seemingly endless loop you were trapped in because of him. "Honey, you're gonna be fine. I've got you."
Your eyes became waterfalls towards the end of Satoru's game. You were ruined and all hope of cumming any time soon fled by the fifth orgasm you were denied of. He showed you all the affection he could to make up for how selfish he was being with your pleasure. There were fresh hickeys as well as purpling ones all over your lower body.
Satoru loved that he had reduced you to a whimpering, sobbing mess, with just his hands and his mouth. Your arousal, as well as his saliva, coated the better part of the bottom of his face.
His fingers entered you one last time brushing every point of weakness within you, repeatedly.
"Fuck- Oh fuck... Sa...toru!" You moaned. This was different. It was better. It was good. So, so good.
His lips attached to your clit, sucking on it mercilessly.
"Holy fuck..." you whined, sitting up, tangling one of your hands into his hair. Your back arched and your face was aimed towards the ceiling as you took every ounce of pleasure he graced you with. The edge was so close, within reach.
"Please, Satoru, oh my god... please."
With one more curl of his fingers and a swirl of his pointed tongue on your clit, you were launched into oblivion— lost to the overwhelming sensation seeping into you. You cried out his name, him being the only thing running through your mind. Your eyes were shut so tightly that tears spilled down your cheeks all over again. You were panting, cracked whimpers leaving you as you rolled your hips against the mattress. Your grip on his hair tightened even more.
All Satoru could do was watch with marvel, completely ignoring the pain in his scalp. You had the prettiest blush, and like a crystal glaze, your tears decorated your face so stunningly. Your eyes fluttered open again and you looked at him through wet lashes, the most flustered expression on your face as you continued to release small puffs of air. It's then that the constant thoughts of you that echo through Satoru's mind come forward. No one is enough like you are. No one deserves you.
In all the loving thoughts Satoru got caught up in, he was unintentionally starting to overstimulate you. He wouldn't let up, too mesmerized by the way you said his name so sweetly. His arms prevented you from shutting your legs. He couldn't deny that he loved the little grunting sounds you made, and the shuddered "'toru..." you whimpered out when you couldn't handle everything he was giving you anymore.
He finally let up and patted your thigh, silently praising you for being so good for him. Your eyes were shut and your chest was still heaving as you worked to steady your breathing.
There was no doubt in Satoru's mind that you weren't thinking of his little display of possession from earlier, anymore. Just as planned, but just to be completely certain, he would repeat the process a few more times.
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bunnis-monsters · 2 days
I'll keep this one simple: Shy merman you befriend as a child and visit as often as you can throughout the years. He slowly gets more confident over time and- that's all I thought of- Whether it be sfw or nsfw is up to you! (I think I'd prefer either both or just sfw) Sorry if this is too vague!
A/N: this is a request for my 5K event! I am doing ALL requests I get within the next 24 hours, send one while you can!
It had been a few months since you last saw him. The two of you grew up together, friends ever since you helped untangle his tail from some fishing line.
He didn’t tell you why, but every summer since his 13th birthday he had been traveling away during the fall, leaving you all alone and missing him.
This time, when he returned during the winter, he was… different.
Large scars littered his belly and arms and he looked hungry and weak… but strangely satisfied. When you rushed to meet him, tears streaming down your cheeks, he smiled wider than he’d ever smiled before.
“I did it, (Name)…”
He gathered you in his arms, making sure you didn’t touch the icy cold water. You could barely make out anything he said through your tears, but blubbered out a quick response. “D-did what!? You’re hurt, I-“
He quieted you with a kiss, setting you down gently on a rock so he could move his face to your neck and deliver a mating bite.
“I defeated a great white… now… I can officially become your mate…”
Your mind was reeling from the new information and fuzzy feeling his kisses and bites gave you. You attempted to speak again but his tongue was already down your throat.
He seemed desperate, as if he wanted this for a while.
“All these years, I’ve never been able to beat one. Since I was 13, I knew I wanted to be your mate…”
He undid your thick pants, pushing them down to your thighs. He was too focused on pushing into your warm cunt to bother with undressing you completely, wanting to form the mating bond as quickly as he could.
You cried out as his large cock entered you, his webbed fingers holding onto your hips as he fucked into your needy cunt. His eyes were half lidded, animalistic noises leaving his lips as he mated you for the first time.
“I love you… I’ve always loved you, since the day you saved me… I’ll always be yours, and you’ll be mine…”
He kept fucking you, filling your womb with his cum until your thighs and ass were red from the cold. Despite wanting nothing more than to breed you until your stomach was heavy and swollen, he took you back to shore to make sure you didn’t freeze.
“I… missed you…” you said, still processing everything. You felt too good to care much about the cold or how fast it all happened, your heart soaring at the way he cooed and kissed you as he kept your body above the water.
“And I missed you, my love…”
From then on, you made sure to save up and get a house on the beach where you could visit your mate… and make sure he could see how your belly swelled with his young.
NSFW TAGLIST: @sunset-214 @screaming-crying-screamingagain @strawberrypoundtown @avalordream @icommitwarcrimes @bazpire @im-eating-rn @anglingforlevels @kinshenewa @pasteldaze @j3llyphisching @unforgettablewhvre @yoongiigolden @peachesdabunny @murder-hobo @leiselotte @misswonderfrojustice @dij-ology @i8kaeya @lollboogurl @h3110-dar1in9 @keikokashi @aliceattheart @mssmil3y
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girlgenius1111 · 2 days
mami v mama
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getting your daughter to sleep through the night proves difficult... mostly for alexia. little mila blurb :) brief mention of anxiety, no other warnings!
It wasn’t even the baby crying that woke you up. It was the quiet sniffles and whimpers from next to you in bed that really woke up. You were expecting Mila to cry; sleep training her was going… rather roughly. It was difficult, because sometimes there would be long stretches where she would sleep through the night, and other times there would be weeks on end that she’d wake up throughout the night. The baby was going through a sleep regression at the moment, though, which restarted the conversation about sleep training. She was already 8 months, and well past ready for it, but you’d been met with resistance. Not just from Mila, but also from Alexia. 
You knew it went against every single one of your wife’s instincts to let Mila cry it out. It felt that way for you, too, but you were a much heavier sleeper, and for some reason, much more convinced that sleep training was the way to go. Alexia had many hesitations. The biggest of which was that if her baby cried for her, she was going to comfort her. 
So, waking up to crying wasn’t new. Waking up to Alexia crying, though? That was new. 
“Love?” You asked groggily, rolling over to face your wife, who was staring up at the ceiling with tears streaming down her face. You didn’t really process the crying coming from the baby monitor, much too concerned with why your stoic wife was in pieces next to you, in the middle of the night. Alexia only let out a soft cry in response, one not unlike the sound your daughter made. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” you cooed, allowing Alexia to roll into you and sob roughly into your chest. She shook her head, not giving you an answer. “Tell me, what is it?” You pressed. 
“She sounds so sad,” Alexia cried. Realization washed over you, and you shut your eyes tightly for a minute, not proud of the annoyance that washed over you. This process could have been done already if it hadn’t been for Alexia’s insistence to bring Mila to sleep in your bed any time she cried.
“I know, Ale. She’s okay, though. She’ll fall back asleep soon.” You soothed, carding your fingers through her hair in a manor you hoped was comforting.  
“No, she needs me.” Alexia complained, looking up at you with a pout that, again, really resembled your daughter’s. You fought back a smile at the sight, stroking her cheek delicately. 
“She’s fine. She’s old enough for this, Alexia. She has to learn how to self-soothe.” 
Alexia frowned at you. “She doesn’t. It’s unnecessary, I will always be there to soothe my baby.” Alexia knew she was being ridiculous, but she couldn’t help it. All the little cries radiating from the baby monitor were making her feel like she was being stabbed repeatedly. 
“Alexia,” you sighed. Maybe it was the hour of the night, or maybe it was the emotions your wife was feeling, but your words sounded condescending to her. She didn’t appreciate that. Being so emotional was new to her, and she was still self conscious about it, and this felt like you were making fun of her for it. She rolled off of you, refusing to meet your gaze. 
“I do not understand how this is so easy for you.” Alexia said accusingly. 
And maybe because you were exhausted, you took that in a worse way than Alexia intended. “Yes, Alexia, it is SO easy for me to hear my baby cry for me, and not go to her. Don’t be ridiculous.” You bit back.
“Well, it seems easier.” Alexia scoffed. 
“It seems easier because one of us has to put their foot down about this, and it’s clearly not going to be you. I’m doing what’s best for Mila.” 
“And I am not. You are the perfect mother, with all the right opinions, and I am wrong about everything.” Alexia exaggerated, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms over her chest. It was a low blow; Alexia knew that you felt like far from the perfect mother, and it felt like she was throwing that in your face. 
A few tears stung your eyes, and you shook your head, moving to slide out of the bed. “I’m going to sleep on the couch.” You mumbled startling slightly when a large arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you back. 
“No, no please stay. I am sorry, so sorry. I am just upset, I did not mean any of that. Please, please stay.” Alexia pleaded, and something in her tone, something more than sincerity, had you turning around and looking carefully at your wife. You should have seen it before, that she wasn’t just upset about this. In your defense, she had promised to be better about telling you. 
“What’s going on?” You asked, although you knew, placing a gentle hand on Ale’s cheek. 
She breathed deeply for a few seconds before she spoke. “I am anxious.” She admitted, voice barely audible. “I cannot fall asleep, and it just gets worse and worse every time she wakes up and cries, I feel like I am going to throw up.”
“Ale,” you sighed, seeing for the first time how pale your wife looked, how unsteady. “Are you going to be sick?” It wouldn’t be the first time. Alexia hadn't ever experienced anxiety like this in her life, and was horrified the first time it happened. The first time Mila got a little cold, and Alexia worked herself up so much that she made herself sick. She was so embarrassed, even as you reassured her that it was a completely normal symptom of anxiety. It had only happened a few times since, but Alexia always got so teary and emotional when it happened. 
She shook her head though, taking another deep breath. “¿Puedo tener un abrazo, por favor?”
“Of course you can.” You told her, sliding off the bed and standing with your arms open on the side of it, knowing it was Alexia’s favorite way to hug you. It made her feel smaller than you, made her feel protected and safe. Alexia scooted over right away, wrapping her arms tightly around you, her head pressed against your chest. “Mila is okay, baby. She’s fine, she’s getting quieter, sí?” 
That didn’t seem to make Alexia feel better, though, her breathing picking up again as she tilted her head up, and rested her chin on your chest. 
“Can I please go check on her?” Alexia asked shakily. You didn’t want it to be like this; good cop bad cop. Alexia asking you permission to do things. She was just as much her mother as you were, and if Alexia needed to check on her, that was always going to be okay. You knew your wife wouldn’t relax until she saw that the baby was okay. 
“Go get her, bring her back here.” You said, smiling to yourself when Alexia practically ran from the room. You heard her over the monitor entering the room, and you melted a little at how soft she sounded. 
“Hola mi princesa, estás bien, estás bien. Te tengo mi bebe, te tengo.” Alexia cooed. You could hear the moment she picked Mila up, the baby’s cries instantly quieting as she snuggled close to her mami. “Te amo, te amo, te amo, te amo,” Alexia repeated, her voice fading from the monitor as she walked back towards the bedroom. 
Mila was practically already asleep when Alexia walked back into the room with her, and you resisted the urge to point out that she was probably only a few minutes away from falling asleep herself. Alexia didn't need that right now. 
Your wife slid back onto the bed, laying Mila on her chest, fixing you with a sheepish smile as she did so. 
“Do you feel better?” You asked. Alexia nodded, though she avoided your eyes and her face burned red. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, it’s okay. I shouldn’t have been so harsh earlier. I know this is hard for you, I should have been more understanding. I’m sorry this makes you so nervous.”
“I am sorry too. I was not kind to you, I was just very upset.” Alexia explained, absentmindedly rubbing one large hand over Mila’s back. The baby was wearing a onesie with footballs all over it, and she looked so snuggly and adorable laid on your wife, it was hard to focus on Alexia’s words. “I do not want to be a… helicopter parent. Sometimes I get so scared, though, I just need to know she is okay.” 
“That makes sense, Ale, that’s okay. I just need to know when you’re anxious and you need to see her, and when you’re just upset that she’s upset.” 
“I can do that.” Alexia said. “I just… I love her so much. Look at her, amor. She is so perfect.” 
You both looked down at the baby, who was sitting up under the gaze of you both. She slid off Alexia, plopping down in between the two of you, a gummy smile on her face. 
“Hi my baby,” you cooed, completely and utterly distracted from the conversation you’d been having with your wife. Mila sighed, flopping down until her head was resting on your pillow, though her face was turned towards Alexia. “You see your Mami?” You asked, not really expecting any kind of response.
Alexia turned on her side, grinning at her daughter. “Hola Milabear,” she whispered, booping the baby on her nose. Mila giggled, a sound that made you both melt into a puddle. Alexia reached out and grabbed her, easily lifting the baby up into the air and flying her around, making airplane sounds. 
“Alexia, it is supposed to be bedtime.” You admonished, though you couldn’t wipe the grin off your face as Mila continued to giggle, and your wife continued to look so light and happy. 
“We are having Mila and Mami time, amor, I cannot interrupt.” Alexia said, bringing the baby down to kiss her nose every few seconds. “Mila and Mami.” She whispered again, finally laying Mila back down on her chest. Her hand stroked over the back of the baby’s head, trying to calm the now very awake child down. 
“Mmmm,” Mila hummed, squirming around in Alexia's grasp until she was sat up on top of your wife, staring down at her.  “Mmmm. Mami.” She babbled, catching one of Alexia’s fingers and trying to drag it into her mouth. 
“What?” Alexia said, her face completely stricken with surprise. 
“Maaaami,” Mila sang again, giggling at the silly look on her Mami’s face. 
“Amor!” Alexia shouted, glancing ecstatically at you while sitting up suddenly and holding Mila up so the baby was at eye level with her. Evidently, the abrupt action startled Mila, and she immediately burst into tears. “No, no no no. I am sorry mi niña, I did not mean to scare you.” Alexia soothed, pulling Mila in and rocking her back and forth soothingly. 
“Mami,” Mila whimpered sadly, hiding her face in your wife’s shirt. Alexia was in tears, too, but had the biggest smile you’d ever seen on her face, staring at you in wonder. 
“She said my name.” She murmured, almost looking confirmation that she wasn’t having some kind of auditory hallucination. 
“She did.” You smiled, reaching out to run your fingers through Mila’s short curls. 
“I can’t believe she said my name first.” Alexia continued, holding the baby to her in a way that made you doubt whether she would ever let go. 
“Me neither. I carry her for 9 months, get my body cut open so she can be born, and this is how she repays me?” You joked, not really caring at all that Mila had chosen Alexia’s name to be her first word. 
“I’m sorry, amor. We’ve been practicing, but we practice your name too, I promise.” Alexia said worriedly, her eyes scanning your face for any hint that you were being serious. 
You laughed at how concerned she was, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “I’m kidding, Ale. You are a great Mami, and Mila is very lucky to have you. Which I think she knows.” You nodded your head to where the baby had fisted Alexia’s sleep shirts in her tiny hands, her eyes sliding shut as she nuzzled in close to Ale’s chest 
Alexia blushed hard, her face turning bright red. “I am more lucky to have her and you both.” She mumbled, somehow allergic to taking compliments when it came to being a good mother. You shook your head, laying back down on the bed and pulling Alexia to join you. Only when you were both resting against your pillows, Mila passed out in between you, did you reply.
Pressing your forehead to your wifes, you poured all your love and admiration into your words. “We are the most lucky to have you, Alexia. You are the best wife, and the best Mami, and I love you very much.” 
If possible, Alexia blushed even harder, nudging her face into the crook of your neck. “I love you.” Her words were muffled, but you could feel her sincerity. 
You sighed happily, thinking that you’d be content to stay right here, with both your girls, forever. 
this won the poll after like an hour and i was too impatient to wait any longer so i hope this doesn't disappoint :)
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taurasiluvr · 2 days
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how you can help palestine part one part two
★ i got a some requests for a last part for my paige fic, so here it is!! ★ "girlyy u shld add another part to ur paige fic where reader finally breaks up w her bf and ends up giving back to paige?? (p receives) queen ur literally feeding us rn🙇🏽‍♀️" /// "and NOW i think you should do a final third part of the paige x reader where reader leaves that bum ass boyfriend and finally gets with paige 😜😜"
 ⠀ ── ⠀warnings ;; nsfw under the cut, mdni. homophobia (from ex), arguing, singular physical altercation (if you can even call it that), oral + fingering (r giving), lovey-dovey sex, break-ups.
 ⠀ ── ⠀word count ;; 3.8k
 ⠀ ── ⠀rylin's notes ;; requests are open for those who want to send them in :p
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you and your boyfriend walk hand-in-hand into the crowded gymnasium, paige's jersey clad on your body. as you made your way to the bleachers, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. again, you were wearing paige's jersey, a silent testament to the bond you shared, and you knew it would be noticed by everyone, including your boyfriend.
he glanced at you, a small smile tugging at his lips. "you're really supporting her, huh?"
"mhm," you replied, squeezing his hand. "she's important to me, you know that."
he nodded, his expression softening. "yeah sometimes i wish i played basketball so you could support me like you do her," he joked as you gave him a nervous laugh.
the worst part of that was – you kind wish he did, too.
you found a spot in the bleachers, settling in as the players warmed up on the court. the sound of basketballs bouncing and sneakers squeaking against the floor filled the gym. you scanned the court, your eyes quickly finding paige; she looked focused and determined, her movements fluid and confident. you felt your lips curve up into a subconscious smile as you watched her, and it filled you with adoration knowing how much she loved this sport, it made you fall in love with her even more.
as the game began, you cheered along with the rest of the crowd, your excitement growing with each play. paige was on fire (per usual), her skill on full display. you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride every time she made a basket or a crucial play. your boyfriend cheered too, his competitive nature coming out as he got into the game.
at halftime, the score was close, and the tension in the gym was palpable. you turned to your boyfriend, who was animatedly discussing the game with the dad next to him. he seemed to be enjoying himself, and you felt a small sense of relief. maybe things were starting to settle down.
as the second half began, the intensity ramped up. UConn was behind by a few points, and the pressure was on. you watched her closely, her determination evident in every move she made. with just a few minutes left on the clock, she made a play, stealing the ball and driving it down the court for a layup that brought the crowd to its feet.
you jumped up, cheering loudly, your heart pounding with excitement. your boyfriend joined in, his enthusiasm matching yours. as the final buzzer sounded, UConn emerged victorious, the gym erupting in cheers and applause.
you made your way down to the court, weaving through the throngs of celebrating fans. paige spotted you and jogged over, a huge smile on her face. she looked radiant, her eyes shining with triumph.
"my god, that was insane!" you exclaimed, wrapping her in a hug.
"i know!" paige replied, her breath still coming in short gasps from the exertion. she glanced at your boyfriend and gave him a nod.
he smiled, watching the interaction between you two. "you played a hell of a game, never thought women's basketball could be that entertaining."
you cleared your throat, nudging him slightly as you gave paige a sympathetic smile. "babe," you gave him a sigh, earning a shrug from him.
paige laughed, ignoring the comment. "well uh, maybe that's your sign to watch more."
"yeah, maybe."
there was a moment of awkward silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. you felt caught between the two people who meant so much to you, each with their own place in your heart (at least, that was what you were trying to convince yourself).
paige's teammates called her over for a group photo, and she glanced behind her. "aaliyah's boyfriend is hosting an after-party, if you're down," she didn't really acknowledge your boyfriend, her gaze fixed on you.
your lips curved up into a genuine smile as you nodded, and it felt like it was just the two of you for a moment. "yeah, we're down."
"okay, perfect." paige grinned before she turned around toward the team. you watched her go, your heart swelling with a mixture of emotions.
your boyfriend squeezed your hand, pulling you out of your thoughts. "babe, we have my function tomorrow morning, remember?"
"yeah, we won't stay out too late." your gaze stayed on the blonde before you glanced at your boyfriend, forcing a smile.
he nodded, though his expression remained wary. "okay, just don't want you to be too tired."
the drive to aaliyah's boyfriend's house was filled with a tense silence, your boyfriend focused on the road while you stared out the window, lost in thought. when you arrived, the house was already crowded, music and laughter spilling out into the neighborhood.
you spotted paige as soon as you walked in, her presence a comforting anchor amidst the chaos. she waved you over, her smile bright and inviting. "hey! so glad you guys could make it,"
"of course," you replied, returning her smile. "wouldn't miss it."
your boyfriend trailed behind you, glancing around the crowded room. "nice place," he commented, his tone neutral.
paige nodded, her attention shifting to him briefly before returning to you. "yeah, it's pretty great. come on, let's get you some drinks."
as your boyfriend found some of his friends, paige led you to the kitchen where a variety of beverages were spread out on the counter. as you poured yourself a drink, paige leaned in closer, her voice low. "you okay? you seem a little tense."
you gave her a small smile, grateful for her concern. "yeah, just a lot on my mind."
paige's eyes softened, and she gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "i'm here if you wanna talk."
"thanks, p," you replied, feeling a warmth spread through you at her touch.
the evening wore on, and you found yourself relaxing more and more as you mingled with friends and enjoyed the party. however, there was an underlying tension that you couldn't quite shake, a constant reminder of the complicated situation you were in.
toward the end of the night, you found yourself alone on the back porch, taking a moment to breathe in the cool night air. paige soon joined you, her presence a calming balm to your nerves.
"needed a break?" she asked, leaning against the railing beside you.
"yeah, just a little overwhelmed," you admitted, staring up at the stars.
paige nodded, her gaze thoughtful. "i get it. tonight's been a lot."
you turned to her, the unspoken tension between you palpable. "paige, you know i... i think that, um..."
paige's attention was fully fixed on you now, her eyes never leaving your face. "you think what?"
before you could finish, the door to the porch opened, and your boyfriend stumbled out, his expression exhausted but he immediately straightened up as he saw how close you and paige were. "hey, there you are. everything okay, what's goin' on?"
you sighed, your frustration bubbling over as you glanced back at him. "yeah," you muttered, annoyance taking over. with a scoff, you shook your head and began walking back into the house.
your boyfriend seemed confused and maybe even a little angry as he glanced toward you and paige. "the fuck is up with your attitude all of a sudden?"
"god, nothing," you retorted, rolling your eyes as you tried to push past him. "get outta my way."
"no! you think i'm fucking stupid?" his voice grew louder, anger seeping into his tone. he blocked your path, his presence imposing.
"just let me through," you insisted, trying to sidestep him.
"you've been acting weird all night, and now i find you out here with her?" he jabbed a finger towards paige, who had been watching the exchange with a concerned expression.
"jesus, you're overreacting!" you snapped, the tension in the air thickening. "it's not what you think-"
"oh, really? cus it sure as hell doesn't look like it," he spat back, his voice rising. he grabbed your arm and pushed you back outside, his grip tight as you let out a yelp.
the force of his grip was jarring, and the sharp yank backward sent you stumbling. your breath caught in your throat as you struggled to regain your balance, the pain from his grip making your arm throb. paige's eyes widened in alarm, and she took a step forward, her voice urgent.
"hey, asshole, let go of her!" paige shouted, her tone steely as she tried to pull you out of your boyfriend's grasp.
his grip tightened around your arm, his eyes locked onto paige's as his face contorted with anger. "don't fucking touch her," he hissed through gritted teeth. "you think you can just waltz in and steal her from me? you're a fuckin' girl and you're over here, corrupting her."
"corrupting her?" paige scoffed, her voice firm, her hands raised defensively. "what is this, the fuckin' 60s? are you kidding me?"
your boyfriend's grip on your arm tightened once more, and he turned to face paige, his eyes flashing with rage. "stay outta of this, you little bitch."
the insult hit you like a physical blow, and you flinched, your heart pounding in your chest. "don't call her that!" you shouted, your voice breaking with emotion. "let go of me!"
"or what?" he sneered, his grip still unyielding. "think you can just walk away from me?"
you could feel your anger and frustration reaching a boiling point. "god, just shut up! you're acting like a complete asshole."
"yeah, and who's the one sneaking around with this bitch?" he shot back, his words dripping with venom.
"i told you to not call her that!" you shouted, your voice cracking with emotion.
"or what?" he stepped closer to you, his face twisted in rage. "you gonna leave me for her? is that it?"
before you could respond, paige stepped between you, her gaze locked onto your boyfriend's. "you need to fuck off!"
"oh, so you're her knight in shining armor now?" he sneered as he finally let your arm go with a push, causing you to stumble backward. "fuckin' pathetic. you think you can take her from me? you're just a sad, desperate bitch who can't stand that she'll never want you like she wants me."
paige's jaw clenched, but she didn't move. "i don't need to take her from you. you're doing a fine job of that yourself."
"fuck you," he growled, pushing paige back roughly.
"don't fucking touch her!" you screamed, before getting his face.
the aggression in his actions was the final straw for you. "we are done," you declared, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and hurt.
he turned back to you, his eyes wide with shock. "what?"
"you heard me," you said, stepping away from him. "i'm done with this. i'm done with you, no more breaks no more... no more of this, i'm done."
your boyfriend stepped back, his chest heaving with rage. "you think this is over? you think you can just walk away like this?" he shouted, his voice echoing in the quiet night. "for a girl?!"
paige stepped forward, her expression nothing short of pissed. "yeah, it is. you needa leave her alone, seriously, this shit is getting bad."
he glared at paige, his jaw clenched. "you think you're so tough, don’t you? just wait. you'll see what happens when i get back inside."
"oh yeah? i'm not fucking scared of you, i don't care who you think you are," paige snapped, she'd had enough of this guy the moment she met him – this was her last straw. "but what you're not gonna do, is step into my fucking place and threaten me or my girl."
"your girl? you gotta me fuckin' with me," he let out a bitter laugh as he took a menacing step toward paige, his eyes blazing with fury.
paige didn't flinch, her stance firm and unyielding. "yeah, my girl," she said, her voice laced with a dangerous edge. "and if you think i'm just gonna stand by and let you grab her like that, you're fucking crazy."
he sneered, his face contorting with contempt. "you really think she wants you? you're just a pathetic rebound, a distraction."
paige's eyes narrowed, her fists clenching at her sides. "this isn't about what you think. this is about you being an abusive asshole who can't handle the fact that she deserves better."
the words hit like a slap, and he recoiled, his face twisted with rage and denial. "you're fucking delusional," he spat. "she'll come crawling back to me. you'll see."
"not if i have anything to say about it," paige retorted, stepping forward to close the distance between them. "now get the fuck out."
the air thick with unspoken threats and barely contained anger. you stood there, your heart pounding in your chest, feeling torn and overwhelmed. this confrontation had been brewing for a long time, and now it was finally coming to a head.
he glanced at you, his eyes flashing with a mix of betrayal and desperation. "is this what you want? to be with her?" he demanded, his voice breaking with emotion.
you took a deep breath, your hands trembling. "i wanna be happy. i want to feel safe. and after tonight, i-i don't feel that with you."
for a moment, the silence was deafening, the only sound the distant hum of the party still going on inside. your boyfriend stared at you, his expression a mix of anger and disbelief, before finally turning on his heel and storming back into the house. the door slammed shut behind him with a resounding bang, the noise echoing in the quiet night.
you let out a shuddering breath, your knees feeling weak. paige wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into a tight hug. "it's okay," she murmured, her voice soothing. "he's gone."
you clung to paige, the reality of what had just happened crashing down on you. the fear, the anger, the confusion – it all seemed so overwhelming.
"he'd... he's never grabbed me like that before," you murmured, your voice trembling as you clung to her. "never put a hand on me, ever."
paige held you tighter, her hand gently rubbing your back. "i'm so sorry you had to go through that," she whispered. "now you know his true colors,"
you buried your face in her shoulder, the tears finally breaking free. "don't know what to do," you admitted, your voice choked with emotion. "i don't know if i can handle this."
paige pulled back slightly, cupping your face in her hands and looking into your eyes. "you're stronger than you think," she said softly. "and you're not alone. i'm here for you, always."
you nodded, taking a deep, shaky breath. "thank you, p," you whispered.
she pulled you into a tight hug, her warmth and strength surrounding you. "you don't have to thank me," she murmured. "i care about you. and i won't let anyone hurt you, especially a 5"8 frat guy,"
you let out a tearful laugh, shaking your head as your grip tightened around her.
she gave you a small, reassuring smile. "come on, let's get you home and away from all this shit,"
you nodded again, allowing her to guide you back into the house. the noise of the party seemed louder now, a stark contrast to the quiet tension of the porch. as you walked through the crowd, you felt the weight of curious eyes on you, but paige's steady presence beside you gave you the strength to keep moving.
 ⠀ ── ⠀
"i'm sorry," you buried your face in paige's neck, the warmth of her bed comforting. the events of the night had left you emotionally drained, but here, wrapped in paige's embrace, you felt a sense of safety.
paige's hand gently stroked your back, her touch soothing. "you don't have to apologize," she said softly. "none of this is your fault, i promise."
you sighed, the tears still threatening to spill. "i just feel so stupid. i should have seen the signs, should have ended it sooner. i should have listened to everyone when they said he was toxic,"
paige pulled back slightly, her eyes meeting yours. "hey, don't blame yourself," she said firmly. "it's not easy to see things clearly when you're in the middle of it. what's important is that you're safe now."
you nodded, grateful for her understanding. "thank you for being there," you whispered. "don't know what would have done without you tonight."
"you don't have to think about what could've happened," paige's expression softened, and she pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "i'll always be here for you," she promised.
you felt a surge of warmth at her words, the sincerity in her voice reassuring. you looked up at the blonde, the warmth in her eyes making you feel fuzzy inside. "i have to find a way to repay you for everything."
"nah, you don't have to, princess." her lips curved into a smile. "you know i woulda killed him right then and there if you weren't there, baby."
the petname made your face flush as you smiled up at paige, your heart beginning to race. "not just for tonight... i meant all the times you fucked me good,"
paige let out a breathless at the vulgarity in your words, her own face flushing as she licked her lips as they curved into a smirk. "really, princess? you're gonna make me blush," she teased, her voice dropping to a playful whisper.
"mhm," you batted your eyelashes up at her, making paige let out a laugh. your hands travelled to her naked stomach, your hand flush against it. "let me make it up to you, p,"
paige's breath hitched as your hands moved against her stomach, your touch sending shivers through her body. her eyes darkened with desire as she looked down at you, her smirk widening. "oh, baby," she murmured, her voice thick with anticipation. "what do you have in mind?"
you grinned, leaning in to press a soft kiss to her collarbone, your lips trailing a path of fire down her skin. "think you deserve a little pampering," you whispered against her skin, your hands sliding lower, teasing the edge of her waistband.
paige let out a low moan, her hands tangling in your hair as she arched into your touch. "fuck, you drive me crazy," she breathed, her voice trembling with need.
you continued your slow exploration, your lips and hands working in tandem to elicit more sounds of pleasure from her. you could feel the heat building between you, the air thick with anticipation. "relax and let me take care of you," you murmured, your voice soothing.
paige's eyes fluttered shut, her breath coming in shallow gasps as you continued your ministrations. your heart raced at her sounds, a surge of desire flooding through you. your moved with purpose, paige's hands roamed over your back, her nails digging into your skin as she struggled to hold on.
you moved downward, finding your place in between her legs. her hand was weaving through your hair, her eyes fixed on your face. you moved her underwear to the side as you licked a stripe against slick pussy, earning a low groan from the blonde.
"fuck, keep lookin' at me like that," paige let out a breathless laugh as she gripped your head.
you looked up at paige, maintaining eye contact as your tongue moved against her. her breath hitched, and her grip on your hair tightened. "god, you're so good at this," she moaned, her voice breaking with pleasure.
encouraged by her reaction, you continued your movements, your tongue and fingers working perfectly to bring her to the edge. the taste of her arousal and the sight of her coming undone because of you sent waves of desire coursing through your body.
paige's moans grew louder, her body trembling as she struggled to maintain control. "don't stop, baby," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "fuck yeah, princess, oh fuck,"
you had no intention of stopping, your focus solely on her and the pleasure you were giving her. you increased your pace, your efforts rewarded by the way her hips bucked against you and the cries of pleasure that escaped her lips.
she was close, you could feel it in the way her body tensed and the desperate sounds she made. you began flickering your tongue against her clit, quickly pushing her over the edge. paige's entire body shuddered, her back arching off the bed as she came with a loud, guttural groan.
you kept going, drawing out her orgasm for as long as possible until she finally collapsed back onto the bed, her body limp and trembling. you moved back up to her, pressing soft kisses along her stomach and chest as she caught her breath.
"fuck, that was incredible," paige managed to say, her voice hoarse. she pulled you up to her, capturing your lips in a deep, sloppy kiss. "you're incredible."
you smiled against her lips, your heart swelling with pride and affection. "love making you feel good," you whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
paige's eyes softened, and she cupped your face in her hands. "and i love you," she said, her voice filled with emotion. "more than anything."
"i love you too, p."
paige's eyes glistened with a mix of love and contentment, and she pulled you into another tender embrace. you nestled into her warmth, feeling a sense of peace wash over you that you hadn't felt in a long time.
"let's just stay like this for a while," you murmured, your voice muffled against her skin.
"absolutely," Paige whispered back, her hand gently stroking your hair. "just you and me, no one else."
the two of you lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside fading into insignificance. in that moment, it felt like nothing could touch you, like you were both cocooned in a bubble of safety and love.
after a while, Paige shifted slightly, her hand trailing down your arm. "how about we get some sleep?" she suggested softly. "its been a long night."
you nodded, feeling the exhaustion of the evening catching up with you. "yeah, that sounds good."
paige helped you settle into the bed, her movements gentle and caring. she tucked the blanket around you, then slid in beside you, pulling you close once more. you could feel her heartbeat against your back, a steady, comforting rhythm that lulled you into a sense of security.
"goodnight, princess," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder.
"goodnight, p," you replied, your eyes already drifting shut.
as you lay there, on the cusp of sleep, you felt a profound sense of gratefulness. despite the turmoil, you knew you had someone by your side who truly cared for you, someone who would stand by you no matter what.
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if you enjoyed, any interaction is greatly appreciated!
with love, rylin 𝜗𝜚
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