#love how I use a nickname on here that I hate but have already committed to
livvywritesworld · 1 year
A Fist in the Mouth | Overview & Analysis
For those who don’t know, I am a creative writing student in my first year of university. In my introduction to creative writing class this semester, I wrote a short story called ‘A Fist in the Mouth’ for our fiction unit. After a couple rounds of editing, I submitted this piece to my university’s literary magazine and was later accepted for publication.
This is my first ever publication acceptance so of course this story holds such a special place in my heart now, and I thought I might make a post about it just kind of sharing a couple of snippets and some of the inspiration and thought I put behind the story as a whole.
(please let it be known that I retain all rights to my original work and no plagiarism will be tolerated)
excerpts and analysis under the cut
‘A Fist in the Mouth’ began as a way for me to kind of reintroduce myself to short fiction after a period of not having written anything at all due to some health issues. I had all of these ideas for the short fiction piece that I needed to write for class and none of them were working out how I wanted them to while still fitting within the word limit. So, I decided to discovery write something while listening to one of my many Spotify playlists just to kind of get in the groove of writing once more and really just see what would happen.
As I was writing, the song “Modern Girl” by Sleater-Kinney came on shuffle and for those of you who have never heard the song, there’s a repeating lyric, “hunger makes me a modern girl.” This really sparked some inspiration in me and all of a sudden I was writing about a teenage runaway come riot grrrl serial concert goer experiencing the horrors of girlhood and ambition. 
‘A Fist in the Mouth’ begins like this:
There’s a difference between running from and running to. When I left home, I thought I was running towards. I didn’t think of it as me leaving my parents’ oppressive religious household, though that was a fact that I readily acknowledged as a girl. I only ever thought of it as me, freshly eighteen, running full speed at a future I thought I deserved. A future I knew never would have found me if I’d stayed in that town, in that house, with those people, spending my days on my knees praying to a god that didn’t see me as deserving of anything more than I’d already been given.
Now, I think all I was doing was running away from every facet of my life. I didn’t feel the same way about God as the rest of my family, was scared to death of them looking at me one day and suddenly seeing all of me. Back then, I felt like I didn’t have any other choice. And I probably didn’t.
The narrator is kind of inspired by the character Maxine in the film ‘X,’ which I had watched a couple of weeks before writing the story, as well as Ethel Cain’s discography. I really wanted to write from the perspective of a teenage girl fleeing a very religious household (religious trauma for the win) because she wants more out of life than what her parents have laid out for her.
As we move through the story and see how the narrator interacts with the 90s Seattle grunge & punk scene, we are introduced to the narrator’s insatiable hunger (her ambition, queerness, and dedicated yearning). I use a lot of motifs throughout the beginning and middle of the text to try and recreate this feeling for the reader.
I was nineteen and my presence felt both excessive and non-existent. I wasn’t eating as much as I should’ve been, couldn’t really afford three meals a day. Most of my money went towards rent and bills, any real food I got would be leftovers from the diner. The cook was a bit sweet on me, so he’d make me a sandwich every day, free of charge, whatever kind I wanted.
The thing was though, even if I did get enough to eat, I still never felt full. I’d look in the mirror and my mouth would be this gaping cavern, something that didn’t fit on my face. It didn’t matter how old I was, how much life I did or didn’t experience— in the mirror smiling back at me was a gape-toothed girl looking to swallow the whole world if given the chance.
Then, we meet the character of Magdalene Williams, who is the only character in the story that I’ve named. The inspiration for Magdalene was definitely Mary Magdalene— I kind of wanted this holy-like figure to come into the narrator’s life and really give her a taste of the life that she craves for herself.
Magdalene invites the narrator to an all non-men punk show on the edge of Seattle and the narrator feels her hunger clawing up out of her stomach and demanding to go. She is inherently drawn to Magdalene and has no idea why. So she accepts the invitation. 
The story kind of unravels from there, and we end with Magdalene coming onstage with her band and giving The Performance of a Lifetime and generally really disturbing the narrator. The narrator knows that something Is Not Right here, she’s been very active in the scene for the last year and has never heard of Magdalene yet the entire crowd is going wild over her, and once Magdalene starts singing she immediately knows that something is wrong. And yet. She just can’t look away.
In Magdalene, the narrator sees everything that she wants, everything that she is so hungry for, and it terrifies her. She’s also a little jealous, and a little horny but very much in a prophet/faithhealer x devotee kind of way. 
I wrote the entire story in past tense because I really wanted it to have a sort of confessional vibe, to really keep in tone with the religious themes and imagery. My professor suggested after workshop that I might try it in present tense but it just was not working. During our class workshop however, everyone said that they liked the choice of past tense because it was almost like the narrator was telling us, the reader, that she experienced such an intense period of wanting in her life and still made it out in the end.
I don’t know if it’s too much to share on here like word count-wise, but the last few paragraphs of the story are my absolute favorites and I’m so proud of them. They’ve remained mostly unchanged in my various rounds of edits and I’m so impressed with myself for being able to write like this after having literally not written anything substantial in around six months.
Before I left home, my whole life was like a sepia photograph of a sunny day. Over-exposed, parents with smiling faces and sons with square jaws, daughters with ribbons in their hair. Wooden crosses on the walls, simple and unornate because God doesn’t need to be loved in gold foil. Grass stains on white tights, Sunday kitten heels scuffed from being worn so often, deodorant powder refusing to wash off the baby pink dress Mama thought looked so nice with my brown eyes.
There’s a difference between running from and running to. At eighteen, I was running towards something. I’msure of that. I don’t think I ever had an idea of what that something was, or what I even wanted it to be, but I did know that I didn’t want to be some televangelist’s golden daughter proffered up to God like Icarus was to the sun.
I noticed things about myself the way my family noticed things about God and religion and theology. Studied myself in mirrors, in the dark, in the depths of my own mind. I noticed everything and remembered nothing. Blood never started to fill my mouth until I surrounded myself with idolatry of a different kind, the screams sounded too much like mine.
At nineteen, I was running from. That night, hunger attacked every fiber of my being, ate away at my organs, left behind teeth marks and blood. I saw that hunger reflected in Magdalene, her mouth an open wound as she screamed out her lyrics. I wasn’t scared, though. There’s nothing scary about hunger, what’s scary is the response hunger elicits from other people.
This, I noticed. All in real time. Learned it of myself.
I watched the crowd feed Magdalene, and consequently devour her whole. Sanctify her living and alive, right before my eyes. And I never wanted anything more than I did then. I craved it, would’ve let hordes of women and girls crucify me where I stood just to be in Magdalene’s position. She never could’ve been full, not with the way she sang, but at least she was well fed. Oh how I wanted to be kept in excess.
Have learned to become my own number one fan lol
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Hi, so um... I don't know if this is considered rude or ignorant (please feel free to yell at me if it is) but I promise I only have good intentions with this.
Okay... I just want to say that it most certainly was not Robespierre's Reign of Terror. The Reign of Terror was more of a group project and Maximilien Robespierre did not have the tyrannical power that Thermidorian propaganda often credits him with having. He was never the leader of France, rather one of twelve members of the Committee of Public Safety. He wasn't bloodthirsty, he actually hated violence and tried to have the death penalty abolished in 1790 (however the National Assembly had already accepted a different proposal a year before for a more humane form of execution, so they went with that instead). He never tried to start a cult around himself. The Festival of the Cult of the Supreme Being was more of his attempt to bring the country together in a celebration of the Revolution and denounce the hardcore atheists who called for the violent abolition of all religion. And he was nicknamed The Incorruptible for a reason, might I just add. He wasn't perfect certainly, what with the Law of 22 Prairial and I'm sure he could have done more for women's rights, but he wasn't a tyrant either. He didn't execute anyone who disagreed with him, rather that's not even how the Committee worked. They could sign arrest warrants, but their prosecution in the Revolutionary Tribunal was out of the jurisdiction of Committee members. Not to mention that Robespierre signed the least number of arrest warrants out of all 12 Committee members. Robespierre was relatively quite a decent person (as was Saint-Just), at least in comparison to say... Collot and Billaud, who were responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the Terror. After Robespierre was executed (without a trial!) by the Thermidorians, they needed to justify killing him, so the Thermidorians began spreading mass propaganda about him and used him as a scapegoat for their own crimes. (Then the White Terror happened).
Also Robespierre had autism and this is a proven fact. There is no way that fruit tart obsessed, 5'3 man didn't have autism.
Anyways, I think I'm done here. Very extremely sorry about all this but I couldn't help myself. I'm just trying to be helpful because a lot of misinformation surrounds Robespierre and it does annoy me whenever I happen across it. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Regardless, I hope you have a very wonderful day (and again, I am very sorry if this comes off as being rude or indignant).
Oh my gosh thank you so much this is very cool??? Fuck my year 10 history textbook ig 😭😭 I mean I didn't expect nuance from it but I did hope it would at least, well, have some commitment to spreading information (not sure why I expected that) (clearly it didn't)
And don't apologise 😭 I promise you that I am well aware of my lack of awareness (hehe irony) and I love finding out new stuff and this is very very cool <3
I looked it up and here's an article from Britannica if anyone wants more detail :) If you have any other information I'd love to hear it
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panelshowsource · 8 months
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it's actually been leaked for some time, although — and not to sound whiny — any time i've posted it or just talked about it i've gotten 10+ anonymous messages telling me i'm the devil and ruining the establishment of taskmaster with my irresponsible gossiping. so i didn't post about it and deleted any of the asks/convo about the new cast, even though ofc everyone has had tonsss of thoughts about it 😅
anyways would have laid down my whole life betting john robins (one of THE most obvious future tm contestants, being such a good friend of alex's!) and joanne mcnally would be on so i feel very vindicated — and excited! — in that regard! we're gonna have a great time :)
someone sent an anon asking about people i'd bet — not who i want, but who i'd bet — would be on the show so i'll think more about that and post later this week! the series will def have more seasons so i'll try and get some guesses in heh
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OMG ME TOO her name is mabel! she's sooooooo cute ≧◡≦
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hello anon!! actually you don't need me for this, it was recently posted on tv_bunny :)
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she's great! she reminds me a lot of roisin, in that when she's not doing her semi-pre-written joke material, she's supremely good at hanging, bantering, fitting in with the vibe. i really appreciate that when it comes to panel shows particularly! but i can't say i've seen much of her standup
(wait — can i digress for a second — roisin is one of the ONLY recurring catsdown contestants who actually brings in sensible mascots that have the purpose of helping her/bringing her luck, and her presentations of them are always so hilarious and she deserves more credit for that)
+ not important but i really like her voice
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thank you for sending her well wishes <3
i appreciate the message and you weren't the only person to say this, but i think some people are only part-way informed as to her journey reclaiming her name. her intention was never to scrap the nickname shappi or stop people from calling her that; it was 1) to reconcile her experience growing up in the uk with her name and how that led to her committing to shappi as a teen, and 2) to be published, credited, and billed as shaparak in professional capacities. she has clarified many times, including here and here, that it is totally acceptable to call her shappi; people on tv & radio still call her shappi after formal introductions, like in the new wilty when everyone calls her shappi throughout the entire episode; her social media handles are still shappi; and so on. she's shaparak, but that doesn't mean she "no longer goes by shappi". there is some confusion here i think some people are taking her journey, which was lovely to follow, as rejecting shappi — but that isn't the case.
i already updated her tag to 'shaparak khorsandi' a while ago and would definitely credit her full name where necessary, but socially, colloquially, like in the quick text post i made asking people to give shappi some love, there is no disrespect in calling her that! of course, plenty of people are credited by one name and are regularly called another/a nickname, like olivia colman who is actually called sarah by her family and colly by most everyone else. she seems really happy with having done her book and her recent show under her full name, and it's been beautiful to see her come around to love shaparak as much as she has loved shappi :')
btw for anyone who doesn't know, shaparak means butterfly in farsi!
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hahahahaha that is hilarious
long story short is just that keith lemon is a disreputable character (and i mean character literally, he's not real, he's played by leigh francis!) who spends a lot of his energy shouting and oogling over boobies etc
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i think it's fair to say hating on white supremacists does bring us all together 😅
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i'm sorry i haven't seen it! but ugh tamsin greig is one of my longest-time crushes fr i actually think the friendship between her and stephen mangan is one of my roman empires. i have a list of scripted tv rewatches i plan to do this year — the thick of it, peep show, and so on, some of my faves ever — and green wing is def on the list so maybe i'll add friday night dinner!
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thethoughtsofhers · 1 year
Mar 4. 22
The Lifeguard of Bikini Bottom.
My nickname from me that I gave you
Remember where it comes from or do you need a clue
Hope you know that name was always out of love from me
That day at the beach, me, you, and the dogs looking out into the sea
You told me about your past
Thinking I’d be the one to be your last
When our highs were highs but our lows were lows
Hope you understand this is not me trying to expose
The love I thought I once had
But boy did that shit end real fucking bad
Left me out in the cold, felt like I was cheated on
Probably was if I was replaced as soon as I was gone
Realized my value after you left
Now men just think I’m a motherfucking theft
Playing with their heart and wasting their time
Like I’m committing some kind of fucking war crime
Thought you cared about me, but you didn’t after all
Cause your actions always showed differently causing our downfall
After our fallout, you asked to be friends
Cause the guilt was eating at you to make amends
But after all that helping and the things that I did for you, I felt ashamed
I even burned all them letters and had those pictures unframed
Memories of us riding, smoking blunts to J. Cole
I tricked myself into thinking we were each other’s halves side by side within the soul
Remember that time where we thought we were gonna die?
Together in your car, that moment felt such a high
I knew from the bottom of my heart that I always cared
Had to go to therapy cause losing you had me impaired
Shout out to Usmania, she knows what she’s doing
I know she’s proud of me, after doing all that unscrewing
Took a number losses, but learned a large amount of lessons
Therapy was once a week, eternally grateful for those sessions
You kept telling me that I hate you
But how when at one point I thought it was just us two
I probably did say it and meant it at one point
But that's cause you was already with a new joint
Had devja vu even before you posted a picture with her
Said damn once I saw it, now I see who you really prefer
Already forgot about me, like I was just another option
Heard you, hope you enjoy your new brand of naproxen
Had me looking so fucking stupid
But glad to see you’re happy cause I’m like Eros, you know, cupid
My loyalty runs deep
It’s a personality trait that many and not even you can atone to keep
Getting these thoughts off my chest
Yet here I am, still praying for you, wishing you the best
You know you can’t ever attain to my level
Cause I’ve been focusing on self-growth while you’ve been drinking and partying like a devil
It’s kind of like you got away with doing what you did
Thoughts kept going to the darkest of places, God forbid
Looked at you and thought that’s unfair
Cause I felt like I was living in a nightmare
It took some time for me to move on
I wasn't reading the Bible when I was with you, but it’s crazy what’s said in the story of Babylon
Karma hit em like crazy, according to Christ, the greatest of all men was John
Even after the breakup, I was still hoping for some sort of miracle
That the nightmare was fake but reality crept in and turned me satirical
Looking back I realized we were kind of like my mom and dad
I wonder if you ever tell people if I was the best you ever had
Not looking for any external validation
But for some reason, the thought of it just gives me some sort of fixation
Silly of me for thinking no one will be able to have what I had with you 
Isn’t it funny how I thought nobody would come between us two? Now don’t get the wrong idea, I’m not looking to compete
Past, present, future, ex, or next, I hope you treat the girl real sweet
Looking back I realize you weren’t even that great
I think we had unrecognized childhood trauma that put us through that state
So many red flags from you that I brushed under the rug
I said fuck when I realized while I was smoking with that drug
You entered my life to test me, to teach me, and to bring out the best in me
But, the best has yet to come for me and the story of us is now history
I did so much for you and it was all out of love
But I was told it’s something I should be proud of
In a sense, it’s true because it just shows how much I can give
Writing out these thoughts I guess with some sort of resolutive
Remember that day when you rushed us out of the bookstore?
I know it wasn’t your thing, but there was never a lot that I asked for
Of course there’s three sides to every story
Mines, yours, and the truth but it doesn't matter if our love went straight to the crematory
The saying goes, “Love goes both ways”
And little do you know I figured out your one street maze
Realized my potential after you gave me the farewell
Sometimes I wonder if I really put you through Hell
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manjirot · 2 years
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Summary: your daily life as the maid and girlfriend of the most dangerous crime organization in Japan.
Bonten x fem!reader
Cw: sexual jokes, sexual flirting, polygamy relationships, sexual content, pet names, the trio shenanigans + Bonten,
MDNI!! Though this will be sorta wholesome but sexual things will still be brought up so MINORS PLS DNI!!!!
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“WHAT IS HAPPENING!?” You screamed, running around in Kokonoi’s office area holding strains of your hair. “What do you mean you own me?” You asked. “I thought I was gonna be the maid!”
Kokonoi sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “Sit down. Now, what you just signed is a contract and in this contract it is said that you belong to us! You’re still the maid because we’re in need of one but what I’m saying is other than your original cleaning duties, we’re allowed to have fun with you.”
“Wha- fun with me? What are you even talking about?” You frowned, you’re hoping he’s not about to say what you’re thinking.
“Princess, what he’s trying to say is that we can play with your tits whenever we want to,” Mikey said as he pulled you closer and squeeze one tit.
Sanzu moaned, “no fair! I wanna squeeze her tits too!! Sugarplum can I squeeze a tit, huh huh!?” Two seconds in the house and these guys already given you nicknames…
“Shut up, your voice is giving me a headache! Anyways you’ve already signed so you really don’t have a say in the matter.” Kokonoi said. “Let’s go, I’ll introduce you to everyone and show you your room.”
“So I really don’t have a say in this at all?” You asked, knowing it’s futile.
“No!” The three men said in unison.
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You followed Kokonoi into the living area where the rest of the men were along with Mikey and Sanzu. “Everyone, this is Y/n. Our new maid and also our girlfriend.” You jerked your head and looked at Kokonoi then at Mikey and Sanzu.
“Girlfriend you say?” The oldest Haitani brother spoke.. he got off the couch and walked up to you, “what’s your name babygirl?”
“Y/n L/n.”
He grabbed your chin with his finger, “what a lovely name..”
“And you’re pretty cute too! And you can clean and cook, damn what more can you ask for!” Rindou appeared beside Ran, “this is my baby brother, isn’t he adorable?”
“More like stupid,” Kokonoi said underneath his breath. “Hey! I heard that,” Rindou shouted.
Suddenly a tall man with a scar on his face stands in front of you looking intimidating until he takes your hand and kisses it softly, “it’s a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. My name is Kakucho but you can refer me as Kaku.”
You’re taken aback with his approach and how gentle he is, “likewise Kaku.” You say softly as your face turn slightly red.
“You motherfuc- you get no brownie points Kakussy, if that’s what you’re thinking!!” Sanzu shouted, “Being romantic gets you no pus- OUCH!!”
“Why are you being so damn loud Sanzu? Jeez, you’re gonna wake up the dead.” a man with a cigarette hanging from his mouth as he spoke, he walked in and sat down on the bar. Following behind him is a buff built man with sharp eyebrows and a very intimidating glare.
“This her?” The man with the eyebrows asked. Kokonoi nodded. The man then looked at you, “Names Mochi. This here is Takeomi. fortunately we both are in committed relationships so we’re not participating in this but we will drop by from time to time to visit ya.”
“What you do mean by fortunately Mochi? You think you and Omi are better than us!?” Rindou asked, narrowing his eyes at the two men. “I never said that,” Mochi said.
“You totally did.” Sanzu said, “you literally said you two are better because you don’t have to go online to find a girl or a maid!!”
“You know what, I’m outta here!” Takeomi shouted. He rushed out passed you and slammed the mansion door behind him. “Tch, I fucking hate him.” You heard Sanzu muttered.
Mochi scratched his head at the awkward silence, “I should um, I should get going.. my girl is expecting me home. See you guys tomorrow.” He quickly left.
Another awkward silence took place until Ran spoke, “so sleeping with babygirl?”
“ME! I’m sleeping with her! ME! ME! ME!” Sanzu yelled, “I’m sleeping with her and that’s-
“Shut up, I’m sleeping with her.” Mikey finally spoke.
“Okay…” Sanzu immediately calmed down and pouted. He was crying on the inside. Ran and Rindou laughed at how quick he was shut down.
“Koko, I still have some work to do but show Princess her room.” Mikey says. He cups your cheeks into his hands, “make yourself at home, alright? I’ll be in bed as soon as I’m done.” He then kisses you, you felt his hot tongue all in your mouth but all you could think of if he thought of you as a bad kisser.
He released you and a trail of saliva follows, “I gotta teach you how to kiss princess.”
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The mansion is huge like fucking huge, it probably has twenty rooms or more in it, “Kokonoi?”
“Is this mansion for me?” You asked as you followed him to your room. Kokonoi chuckled, “don’t be silly, it’s not just for you! It’s for all of us. The six of us will all be living here with you.”
“Are you serious!?” You yelled, “as a heart attack” Kokonoi said. Your head is spinning at this spot. “You didn’t catch on when Mikey said he’s gonna sleep with you?”
“But why me? I’m just a ordinary girl… I’m not really pretty or anything special. So why me??” You asked.
“You peeked Mikey interest… and we’re here.” Kokonoi the opened the door and you were amazed with what you were seeing. The room is huge, the bed is definitely king size. The bathroom looks like a whole room itself and you have a walk-in closet, a freaking walk-in closet!!
While you were freaking out over how beautiful your room is, Kokonoi just leaned in the doorway, smiling. “Everything to your liking?” You turn around happily, “of course this is perfect, everything is perfect!!” Seeing you get happy like this is adorable, he wants to keep that smile on your face at all times.
Just as Kokonoi was about to leave you shout his name, “Kokonoi!!” He peeped his head back into your room, “what’s up?” He asked.
“Thank you,” you say softly. He felt his cheeks burning, damnit why are you so cute. “You don’t have to thank me.” Kokonoi said trying to play it off, “thank the bossman and you can call me Koko, alright?”
You smiled at him, “alright Koko.”
“Also,” Kokonoi cleared his throat, “you should know that you’re working for slash dating the most dangerous men in Japan.”
“Eh?” You give him a confused look. “What are you talking about? You told me you guys were k-pop stars.”
Kokonoi chuckled covering his mouth, “Oh, no. We’re far from that.. we’re actually a-.”
Suddenly you screamed bloody murder from upstairs. “I’m guessing Koko told her the truth, aye?” Ran asked as he sipped on his beverage. “He definitely told her.” Both Rin and Sanzu said in unison as they played cards together and Kakucho sat there with a expressionless look on his face, thinking why would they even lie to you in the first place.
“Oh, yeah. This is gonna be fun.” Ran chuckled.
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this is gonna be a on-going series!!! just think of this as episode one LMAOO! lmk what you think of it :)) MWAUHH <33
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depravitymoon · 2 years
La Squadra Backstory thoughts (Rough Draft) 
Author's Note: Inspired a bit by @sluttbuttsstuff's backstory head canons. Will develop more later. I'm actually basing this on their stands, personality, possible symbolism behind the stand and personalities.
Warning: These get dark, mention of murder suicide, abuse.
Prosciutto (and Pesci)
Prosciutto comes from an old mafia family. His father worked at a cemetery. His legitimate job is laying people to rest. His mob job is burying people alive who offended the gang. So Prosciutto has been acquainted with death for since childhood.
He grew up seeing his father abuse his mother. Just being taught very problematic views on 'how a man should handle his wife'. He would help his mother with her make up for events (and to cover up the bruises).
Later on he discovered his dad is an even bigger piece of shit, having affairs and even getting a fisherman's daughter pregnant, hiding the illegitimate son, Pesci. Pesci's mother returned and begged Prosciutto's father to help (because she's dying).
Learning about this her husband's affair caused Prosciutto's mom to have a breakdown and commit suicide. Prosciutto's father blames Pesci's mother for his wife's depression and tries to kill her but Prosciutto kills him first.
Haven't figured out how he gets recruited by La Squadra. I imagine he betrays his father's mafia and help Passione slaughter the leaders.
Pesci did not join Passione when Prosciutto did. Prosciutto did try to keep Pesci away from that life. However, once Pesci's mother passed, he had nowhere to do. His mother's family disowned her for sleeping with a mafioso and Pesci never made friends, so poor Pesci didn't have better options. When first getting Beach Boy, he was sad. It reminded him of the good times when he and his mother would fish together.
Honestly, I can see Formaggio and Mista being cousins.
I sense an inferiority complex inside him. Perhaps he use to play with dolls (or just torture them to blew off some steam). You know, the kid that bullies because he's been abused by others. He hung out with teenagers in Passione and he wanted to join too. Just going to link @sluttbuttsstuff 's backstory for Formaggio here because I just fucking love it.
Just gonna link Melone's backstory here, because it is literal perfection.
He’s not actually Italian and his name is a nickname due to his hair. So why is he so obsessed with the Italian language? Because he worked hard to understand it to adjust to his new home and it made him patriotic.
Ghiaccio's actually from Canada and of Ukrainian descent. He knows about ice skating from playing Hockey and doing Ice Skating competitions. C'mon! Ice, aggressive, skates, you can't tell me you didn't think hockey!
How'd he end up in Italy? Parents moved to Italy. At first Ghiaccio hated it, but he quickly loved it. Sure, he missed Canada, but fell more in love with the Italian language and literature.
Things couldn't stay normal forever! His parents were stupid enough to anger Passione over a dumb decision. Ghiaccio didn't want to die due to their mistake, so he turned on them and reported them to the mob. He faked his death, having the news claim he died along side his parents, abandoning his old name and becoming 'Ghiaccio'.
I wrote about this one already!
TLDR Illuso was a nerd who got bullied. In high school, he murdered his bullies and got away with it. In college, he continued to murder people who disrespected him. He coincidentally killed a target of La Squadra, so they forced him to join and fake his death.
Polpo's illegitimate son. Mom got killed due to gang violence, so he was raised by her sister. He saw his cousin as his older brother. Risotto was a shy awkward kid who didn't have alot of friends. Really adored his cousin. So when his cousin was killed by a drunk driver, his heart became cold and he was willing to throw everything away to make that fucker pay. Around that time, his stand manifested. People kept their distance thinking Risotto was possessed. He even got kicked out his aunt's house. Age 18, he used Metallica to kill the drunk driver.
He was smart enough to lie about obtaining Metallica after joining Passione. Oh, and he joined Passione thanks to Polpo's recommendation. Polpo doesn't give a shit about being a dad, but he knows talent when he sees it.
I'm not sure how I feel about his eyes yet. Either he was born with them or they became red and black due to Metallica.
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potteresque-ire · 3 years
More ask answer about Word of Honour (山河令, WoH) and the so-called “Dangai 101 phenomenon” under the cut ~ with all the M/M relationships shown on screen, does it mean improved acceptance / safety for the c-queer community?
Due to its length (sorry!), I’ve divided the answer into 3 parts: 1) Background 2) Excerpts from the op-eds 3) Thoughts This post is PART 1 ❤️. As usual, please consider the opinions expressed as your local friendly fandomer sharing what they’ve learned, and should, in no ways, be viewed as necessarily true. :)
(TW: homophobic, hateful speech quoted)
After WoH had started airing, I had waited for one of China’s state-controlled media to publish opinion pieces about the show. Specifically, I’d like to know ~ what is the administration’s current take on Dangai  (耽改), as a genre? How does it characterise the closeness of the same-sex leads—the closeness that is suppressed when the original IP, of the genre Danmei (耽美) was converted for visual media presentation?
This is important, as China is a country where the government’s attitude becomes the official public attitude. The state opinion pieces will be quoted and parroted, especially if they come from heavy-weight sources (state-controlled media also have their importance/influence hierarchy). Production of the upcoming Dangai dramas will adjust their scripts accordingly. Marketing tactics will also adjust, make sure it doesn’t spread “the wrong message”; Dangai and Danmei dramas have both been pulled off shelves during or immediately after its airing before (Addicted 上癮 and Guardian 鎮魂, respectively), despite having already passing the censorship board.
If a heavy-weight state opinion piece pans the one-lead-fawning-over-the-other scenes in WoH (there are a few of them), for example, scenes / lines of such suggestive nature will likely disappear from the upcoming Dangai dramas for at least a year or two. If the critique spills over to a harsh stance against the presence of queers in Chinese media, all future Dangai dramas can become strict “socialist-brotherhood” stories, their “no homo” message reinforced by, for example, by inserting a female lead (or changing one of the leads to female).
Whether the official public opinion equates the true public opinion or not, public behaviour in China is quickly driven by the official public opinion. Example: the Xi regime’s conservative stance on queer issues has already translated to a quick deterioration of queer tolerance in China; open expressions that were tolerated, even welcomed, just several years ago are now met with significant hostility in the public.
This is a reflection of the nature of their government. A quick thought experiment may explain this. Take … jaywalking. It’s probably fair to say we’ve all committed this “crime” before?
Will you still jaywalk if your government declares it immoral to do so? Where I am, in the United States, the answer is definitely a no. The public will probably laugh at (and make memes about) the poor official who made the declaration, kindly ask the government to do something useful for once (f*** off), and keep jaywalking.
Now, what if the declaration comes with a law that includes a one-year prison term + lifelong criminal record for jaywalking? Let’s say this law is fully executable and irreversible, given this being a thought experiment—nothing you, or the public, can say or do can contest it.
Will you still jaywalk, even if you disagree with government’s stance that the act is immoral? You’ve got a neighbour who continues to defy the law. Will you think twice before letting your young loved ones go out with them?
Very soon, jaywalking becomes “bad”—even though such “badness” had little moral basis at its origin. It is bad because the government has “characterised” it to be so—an authoritarian government that doesn’t allow challenge of the characterisation.
The retention of queer elements in Dangai is the jaywalking in the example. The Chinese government stepping in to characterise (��性) an event, a phenomenon etc is common, and the people know the drill well that they fall in line quickly.  
If a powerful state-controlled media publish a negative opinion piece on the queer elements in Dangai / Danmei, therefore, those elements can disappear overnight.
My question had been: will the state do it? The Xi regime has made its distaste for LGBT+ representation in visual media abundantly clear with its NRTA directives. However, while the Chinese government typically puts ideology (意識型態) as its Guiding Principle, exceptions have always been made for one reason. One word.
TU is a legendary financial success story every production company (Tencent itself included) wants to replicate. As a result, there are ~ 60 Danmei IPs (book canon) with their copyright sold for Dangai dramas; this long line of Danmei dramas in the horizon has been nicknamed “Dangai 101”, after the name of the show ���Produce 101” Dd was dance instructor in. These dramas are all competing to be the next TU by profit.
Adoration from fans is nice, but money is what matters.
C-ent is currently in a financial bleak winter. The anti-corruption, anti-tax-fraud campaign started by the Xi regime in 2018, which cumulated to a sudden (and unofficial) collection of 3 years of back-taxes from studios and stars, has drained a significant amount of its capital; the number of new TV dramas being filmed fell 45% between 2018 and 2019, and production companies have been closing by the tens of thousands. The tightening of censorship rules also means production is associated with more risk. The commercial sector outside c-ent is also eager for replications of TU’s success—they need more “top traffic” (頂流) idols like Gg and Dd whose fans are sufficiently devoted to drive the sales of their products. Such “fan economy” would benefit the government, even if it doesn’t have direct stakes in the companies in and outside c-ent. People’s Daily, the Official State Newspaper, previously published a positive opinion piece on fan economy in 2019, estimating its worth at 90 billion RMB (~13.7 billion USD) per year.
But if the state allows the queer elements in Dangai’s to pass the censorship board (NRTA) for profit, how can it do so with the current “No homo” directive in place? From previous experience (scarce as it may be), the queerness has to be sufficiently obvious for the shows to make the profit everyone is wishing for. Dangai dramas in which the leads’ romantic relationship remains subtle have not sold the way TU does, even if they are well-reviewed and feature famous, skilled actors (as Winter Begonia 鬓边不是海棠红 last year.)
NRTA, and the government behind it, can’t just say I’m turning a blind eye to the flirting and touching for the money. What can it say then?
Here’s what I’d thought—what it can say, or do, is to “characterise” these Dangai dramas in a way that leave out its queerness. It did so for TU. TU’s review by the overseas version of People’s Daily devoted a grand total of two characters to describe WWX and LWJ’s relationship—摯友 (“close friend”). The rest of the article was devoted to the drama’s aesthetics, its cultural roots. (The title of the article: 《陳情令》:書寫國風之美 Chen Qing Ling: Writing the Beauty of National Customs).
How could it do that? The State’s power ensuring few questioning voices aside, I’ve been also thinking about the history and definition of Danmei (耽美)—Dangai’s parent genre as the causes. Based on the history and definition, I can think of 3 ways the queer elements in Danmei (耽美) can be characterised by the state, 2 of which provide it with the wiggle room, the movable goalposts it needs should it choose to want to overlook the queerness in Dangai.
The 3 characterisations I’ve thought of, based on the history and definition of Danmei (耽美) are:
1) The queer characterisation, which focuses on its homoerotic element. * Summary of the characterization: Danmei is gay.
2) The “traditional BL” characterisation, which focuses on BL’s historic origin as a “by women, for women” genre. The M/M setup is viewed as an escapist protest against the patriarchy, a rejection of traditional gender roles; displays of M/M closeness are often “candies” for the female gaze. * Summary of the characterization: Danmei is women’s fantasy.
3) The aesthetic characterisation, which focuses on beauty—from the beauty of the characters, the beauty of a world without harm to the romance. * Summary for the characterization: Danmei is pretty.
The queer characterisation (1) is well-understood, and likely the default characterisation if it is to be made by the fraction of i-fandom I’m familiar with. Most i-fans I’ve met, myself included, would likely and automatically associate the M/M relationships in The Untamed  (TU) and WoH with queerness.
The “traditional BL” characterisation (2), meanwhile, equates Danmei with BL as the genre of homoerotic works developed in 1970’s Japan for women comic readers, and has been widely interpreted from a feminist point of view.
Under such interpretation of “traditional BL” works, the double male lead setup wasn’t meant to be an accurate depiction of homosexuality. It wasn’t about homosexuality at all. Rather, it was about the removal of women and along with it, the rage, the eye-rolling, the unease women readers had often felt when attempting to interact with mainstream romance novels of the time, in which the female leads had mostly been confined to traditional women roles, and their virtue, their traditional feminine traits.
The M/M setup therefore acted as a “shell” for a het relationship that allowed removal of such social constraints placed on women. The lead with whom the woman audience identified was no longer bound to the traditional role of women, such as being the caregiver of the family. The lead could instead chase their dreams and roam the world, as many contemporary women already did or aspired to do; they were no longer limited to playing the passive party in life and in the relationship—and they enjoyed such freedom without risking the love, the respect the other male protagonist felt for them.
BL, in this traditional sense, has therefore been interpreted as an answer for, and a protest against the heteropatriarchal gender norm still dominant in societies deeply influenced by Confucianism, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China. The M/M setup is, at heart, (het) women’s fantasy. The inclusion of two young-and-beautiful male leads also satisfy “the female gaze” ~ the popularity of BL among het women has therefore been compared to the popularity of lesbian porn among het men. In both cases, the audience is drawn not for the homosexual element but by the presence of double doses of sexual attraction.
(Please forgive me if any of my wording comes as disrespectful! I’m not used to talking about these topics.)
The availability of the “traditional BL” characterisation (2) is key to bypassing queerness as a topic in the discussions of Danmei (耽美).
The aesthetic characterisation (3) is very closely related to 2) in origin, but deserves its own point as a characterisation that can stand on its own, and may be more obscure to the English-speaking fandom given the common English translation of Danmei (耽美) as Boy’s Love.
Boy’s Love, as a name, amplifies the queer characterisation (1) and de-emphasises the aesthetic characterisation (3); Danmei (耽美), meanwhile, does the reverse.
Where does the name Danmei come from?
When BL was first developed in Japan, it used to have a now out-of-fashion genre name: Tanbi. Tanbi was borrowed from same name describing a late 19th century / early 20th century Japanese literary movement, known as Tanbi-ha and was inspired by Aestheticism in England. Aestheticism “centered around the doctrine that art exists for the sake of its beauty alone, and that it need serve no political, didactic, or other purpose”. Along the same line, the core belief of authors of Tanbi-ha was that art should celebrate beauty and reject the portrayal of ugliness in human nature, the darkness of reality:
…Tanbi writers argued that the ideas of naturalism writers such as “objectivism,” “truth is more important than beauty” and so on would “oppress human beings’ desire” so as to “lose beauty and human nature.” Accordingly, they insisted on “acute mental and emotional sensibility” [Ye, 2009].
(Source, with more details on Tanbi.)
Neither romance nor homosexuality were requirements for works in the original Tanbi-ha genre. BL borrowed the name Tanbi because its early authors saw their work created under the same principles: the emphasis on the beauty of their characters, their love (romantic and platonic), in a world that was also beautiful and untouched by ugliness such as sexism and homophobia.
The stubborn persistence on keeping one’s eyes trained on the beautiful, the willingness to turn a blind eye to reality for the sake of the beauty is built-in in the genre’s name. Tanbi  meant more than beauty, aesthetics; its kanji form was written as 耽美;  耽 = to sink, drown in, to  over-indulge in; 美 =  beauty.
Tanbi, therefore, literally means to drown in, to over-indulge in beauty.
Over time, as the genre expanded its writing style, Tanbi eventually fell out of favour as BL’s genre name in Japan. However, as it gained popularity in the Sinosphere in the 1990s, starting with Taiwan and Hong Kong, the kanji of Tanbi was retained as the Chinese name of the genre.
In Mandarin Chinese, 耽美 is pronounced Danmei. A hyperfocus on the aesthetics, the utopian aspects of traditional BL is therefore retained in Danmei by its name. People’s Daily could therefore devote its review of TU on its aesthetics. Realism, including politics and all discussions of social issues, can therefore be swept aside in the name of respecting the genre’s tradition.
I’ve mostly been reading about and observing c-fandom, and I believe these 3 characterisations have all attracted its own kind of fans. Fans who care and talk about queer issues even when it isn’t encouraged by their sociopolitical environment, who shine a light upon these issues in their fan works. Fans who treat the M/M leads as if they were a traditional cishet couple, such as calling one of the leads 老婆 (wife) and assigning him biologically female functions when needed (via, for example, the ABO trope). Fans who insist the works must meet their beauty standards, rejecting those that fail (for example, if the leads are not good looking enough) by claiming they’re there for Danmei, not Danchou (耽醜, “over-indulgence on ugliness”). Fans who are drawn to the genre by a combination of these characterisations.
By the history and definition of the genre, all the above reasons for fanning Danmei are as valid, as legitimate as one another.
I thought about this related question then: are c-fans of the second (traditional BL characterisation) and third (aesthetic characterisation) groups homophobic? When I first asked this question, I—a fan whose fandom experience had been entirely in English-speaking communities—assume the answer was yes. I thought, in particular, the insistence of treating Danmei’s M/M couples as cishet couples in a homosexual shell had to be conscious queer erasure. How can anyone ignore the same-sexness of the leads? How can anyone talk about Danmei without associating it with homosexuality?
However, as I read more—again, specifically about c-fandom, and in Chinese—I realised the answer may be a little more complex.
Previously, I had largely thought about homophobia in terms of individual attitudes. This has to do with my current environment (liberal parts of the United States), in which the choice to accept or reject the queer community has become a close to personal choice. Pride flags fly all over the city, including the city hall, every summer, and most churches welcome the LGBT+ community. I hadn’t considered how an environment in which queers have never enjoyed full social exposure, in which education of related topics is sorely lacking, would affect Danmei’s development as a genre.
In such an environment, it is difficult for Danmei to evolve and incorporate up-to-date understanding of RL queerness.
The consequence I can see is this: Danmei is more likely to be “stuck” in its historical characterisation as (het) women’s fantasy inside than outside the Great Firewall, with its queerness de-emphasised if not erased—and it draws fans who are attracted to this kind of characterisation accordingly. This is, perhaps, reflected by the fact that the (het) women-to-queer ratio of Danmei / BL fans is significantly higher in China than in the West (Table 1 in this article summarises how Danmei / BL fans have split between different genders and sexual orientation in the Sinosphere vs the West in different research studies).
Another driving force I can see for Danmei to retain BL’s traditional feminist and aesthetic characterisations: women in China are not free from the social pressure that led to the birth of BL in 1970’s Japan. While many of them have achieved financial freedom through work and have high education, the young and educated have been subjected to immense pressure to get married and have children especially in the past decade.
In 2007, the China’s state feminist agency, the All-China Women’s Federation (中華全國婦女聯合會), coined the term 剩女 (literally, “leftover women”) for unmarried, urban women over 27 years old. The government started a campaign that, among other things, associated women’s education level with ugliness, and their unmarried status with pickiness, moral degeneracy. The reason behind the campaign: birth rates are plummeting and the state wants educated women, in particular, to nurture a high quality, next generation workforce. More importantly, the government sees a threat in the M/F sex imbalance (high M, low F) that has commonly been attributed to the country’s “one child policy” between 1979-2015, which encouraged female infanticide / abortion of female foetuses in a culture that favours surname-carrying boys. The state fears the unmarried men will become violent and/or gay, leading to “social instability and insecurity”. Therefore, it wants all women, in particular those who are educated, to enter the “wife pool” for these unmarried men. (Source 1, Source 2: Source 2 is a short, recommended read).
For Chinese women, therefore, patriarchy and sexism is far from over. Escapist fantasies where sexism is removed—by removing women from the picture—are therefore here to stay.
Danmei is therefore not queer literature (同志文學). The difference between Danmei and queer literature is highlighted by this reportedly popular saying (and its similar variations) in some Danmei communities:
異性戀只是傳宗接代,同性戀才是真愛 Heterosexuality is only for reproduction. Only homosexuality is true love.
The attitude towards heterosexuality is one of distaste, viewed as a means to an end the speaker has no interest in. On the contrary, homosexuality is idealised, reflecting the disregard / lack of understanding of some Danmei fans have towards the RL hardships of c-queers. The ignorance may be further propagated by gate-keeping by some Danmei fans for safety reasons, keeping queer discussions away from their communities for fear that their favourite hangouts would meet the same uncertain fate of other communities that previously held open queer discussions, such as the Weibo gay and lesbian supertopics. Such gatekeeping can, again, be easily enforced using tradition as argument: the beauty 美 is Tanbi and Danmei (耽美), remember, includes the beauty of utopia, where ugly truths such as discrimination do not enter the picture. A Danmei that explores, for example, the difficulty of coming out of the closet is no longer Danmei, by its historical, aesthetic definition.
[I’ve therefore read about c-queers viewing Danmei with suspicion, if not downright hostility; they believe the genre, by ignoring their RL challenges and casting them as beautiful, even perfect individuals, and in some cases, by fetishising them and their relationships, only leads to more misconceptions about the queer community. Dangai, meanwhile, has been viewed with even more distaste as potential weapons by the state to keep gays in the closet; if the government can shove the Danmei characters into the “socialist brotherhood” closet, it can shove them as well.
I haven’t yet, however, been able to tease out the approximate fraction of c-queers whose views of Danmei and Dangai is negative. The opposing, positive view of the genres is this: they still provide LGBT+ visibility, which is better than none and it would’ve been close to none without Danmei and Dangai; while Danmei may skim over the hardships of being queer, fan works of Danmei are free to explore them—and they have.
This article provides insights on this issue. @peekbackstage’s conversation with a Chinese film/TV director in Clubhouse is also well worth a read.]
That said, Danmei can only be dissociated from the queer characterisation if there’s a way to talk about the genre without evoking words and phrases that suggest homosexuality—something that is difficult to do with English. Is there?
In Chinese, I’d venture to say … almost. There’s almost a way. Close enough to pass.
The fact that M/M in traditional BL has been developed and viewed not as queer but as a removal of F also means this: queerness isn’t “built-in” into the language of Danmei. The name Danmei itself already bypasses a major “queer checkpoint”: it’s impossible to refer to a genre called Boy’s Love and not think about homosexuality.
Here’s one more important example of such bypass. Please let me, as an excuse to put these beautiful smiles in my blog, show this classic moment from TU; this can be any gif in which the leads are performing such suggestive romantic gestures:
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How can I describe this succinctly? In English?
Two men acting in love? Er. That’s… the definition of gay, almost.
Two men acting gay? Well. GAY.
Right. Fine. Let’s go negative. Queerbaiting? … Still gay, because the word “queer” is in there.
[Pie note: for the record, I don’t think TU or WoH is queer-baiting.]
Personally, I find it impossible to describe the GIF above in English that I do not automatically associate with RL romantic love between two men, with homosexuality. But can I do it in Chinese?
… Yes.
There’s a term, 賣腐 (pronounced “maifu”), literally, “selling 賣 the rot 腐”, derived from the term known among i-fans as fujoshi and written, in kanji, as 腐女. Fujoshi, or 腐 (“rot”) 女 (“women”), describes the largely (het) female audience of the Japanese BL genre (>80%, according to Wikipedia). Originated as a misogynistic insult towards female Japanese BL fans in the 2000s, fujoshi was later reclaimed by the same female BL fans who now use the self-depreciative term as acknowledgement of their interest being “rotten”, for BL’s disregard of the society’s traditional expectations on women.
賣腐 is therefore to “sell the rot” to the rotten women; ie. the suggestive romantic gestures, exemplified by the GIF above, between the M/M leads are catering, performing fan service to their target audience.
[賣腐 is also a term one will see in the state opinion pieces.]
There’s nothing gay about this term.
I’ve therefore found it possible to talk and think in Chinese about Danmei while giving little thought to queerness. The history and definition of Danmei allow that.
Again, I’m not saying any of this to excuse homophobia among in Danmei and Dangai fandoms. The point I’m trying to make is this — given that Danmei has three potential characterisations, two of which can be discussed without abundantly evoking queer concepts and vocabularies, given that history of Danmei, as a genre, already favoured characterisation 2 (traditional BL), the government addressing homosexuality in its opinions on Danmei and Dangai is far from a given.
By extension, the popularity of Dangai may mean a lot or little to c-queers; by extension, the state can approve / disapprove of Danmei and Dangai in a manner independent of its stance on homosexuality, which is itself inconsistent and at times, logic-deying (example to come…).
This is both good and bad, from the perspective of both the government and the c-queer community.
For the government: as discussed, the “triality” of Danmei allows the state to “move the goalpost” depending on what it tries to achieve. It has characterisations 2 (the traditional BL characterisation) and 3 (the aesthetic characterisation) as excuses to let Dangai dramas pass the censorship board should it want their profit and also, their promise of expanding the country’s soft power overseas by drawing an international audience. These characterisations also allow the state to throw cold water on the popularity of Danmei / Dangai should it desire, for reasons other than its queer suggestions—despite the Xi regime’s push against open expressions of queerness (including by activism, in media), it has also been careful about not demonising c-queers in words, and has countered other people’s attempts to do so.
Why may the government want to throw cold water on Danmei and Dangai? They are still subculture, which the state has also viewed with suspicion. In 2018, a NRTA directive explicitly requested that “c-ent programmes should not use entertainers with tattoos; (those associated with) hip-hop culture, sub-cultures (non-mainstream cultures), decadent cultures.” (”另外,总局明确要求节目中纹身艺人、嘻哈文化、亚文化(非主流文化)、丧文化(颓废文化)不用。”).
Subculture isn’t “core socialist values”. More importantly, it’s difficult to keep up with and control subculture. 環球網, the website co-owned by People’s Daily and Global Times (環球時報), ie, The State Newspaper and The State Tabloid, famously said this on its Weibo, on 2020/03/04, re: 227:
老了,没看懂为什么战。晚安。 Getting old. Can’t figure out what the war is about. Good night.
The State also cannot stop subculture from happening. It doesn’t have the resources to quell every single thing that become popular among its population of 1.4 billion. What it can do to make sure these subcultures stay subcultures, kept out of sight and mind of the general public.
Characterisation 1 (the queer characterisation), meanwhile, remains available to the state should it wish to drop the axe on Dangai for its queer elements. I’m including, as “queer elements”, presentation of men as too “feminine” for the state—which has remained a sore point for the government. This axe have a reason to drop in the upcoming months: July 23rd, 2021 will be the 100th birthday of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and the state may desire to have only uniformed forces and muscled, gun-toting “masculine” men gracing the screens.
What about for c-queers and their supporters (including group I fans)? What good and bad can the multiple characterisations of the genres do for them?
For c-queers and their supporters (including group I fans), their acceptance and safety are helped by the Dangai genre, by the Dangai 101 phenomenon, if and only if the state both characterises the queer elements in these dramas as queer (characterisation 1) AND their opinions of them are positive.
Personally, I had viewed this to be unlikely from the start, because a queer characterisation would mean the censorship board has failed to do its job, which is embarrassing for the Chinese government.
Characterisations 2) and 3) are not bad for c-queers and their supporters, however, and definitely not “enemies” of Characterisation 1);  they can not only serve as covers for the queer elements in Dangai to reach their audience, but also, they can act as protective padding for the LGBT+ community if the content or (very aggressive) marketing of the Dangai dramas displease the government — with the understanding, again, that the “traditional BL” arm of the Danmei community is itself also highly vulnerable by being a subculture, and so its padding effect is limited and it also deserves protection.
The downside to achieving LGBT+ visibility through Dangai is, of course and as mentioned, that these dramas are, ultimately, deeply unrealistic depictions of the c-queers. The promotion of these dramas, which has focused on physical interactions between the male leads for “candies”, can encourage even more fetishising of queers and queer relationships. The associated (character) CP culture that makes and breaks CPs based on the dramas’ airing cycle may also fuel negative perception of queer relationships as attention-seeking behaviour, something that can be initiated and terminated at will and for the right price.
Finally, with all this said, which characterisation(s) have the government taken re: Dangai and/or WOH? And what opinions has it given to its characterisations?
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captains-simp · 3 years
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Fhskdhwksnsns I accidently posted this before I was done writing it 🤡🤡🤡
I love Wanda so the first part took me ages to write but writing soft Carol made this either the messiest or best fic I've ever written
"Do I mean that little to you?"
"Was it all a lie?"
"I think I'm inlove with you."
Warnings: cheating and me fucking around with the MCU timeline regarding when characters are introduced
6.7k words
[ masterlist ]
Buy me a coffee ☕
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Your relationship with Wanda had always been far from perfect. It was evenings like that difficult one that made you reflect on just how many red flags you had ignored. You had chosen to live your life with her in blissful ignorance, thinking it would work out.
But as time went on there were things that were harder to ignore. Things that hurt you to notice, both about Wanda and yourself. You thought they would go away. They only ever got worse.
That night was the final straw. You couldn't deny the issues that had been growing like weeds in your relationship for a year when you walked into your appartment to see Wanda's head between another girl's legs.
You didn't feel mad. Or upset. You felt empty. Empty at the long awaited realisation that you had committed to the wrong thing.
You didn't say anything, too shocked to know what to say and not knowing if you would even be capable of stringing a sentence together.
The woman's eyes flickered open and met yours and in that brief moment you saw the familiar look of lust before it turned to fear. She roughly pushed Wanda away as she looked anywhere but you and moved away from your soon to be ex girlfriend.
Wanda gave her a questioning look before whipping her head around to see you after following the woman's uncontaminated glances. She stood up instantly and straightened her shirt while the woman on the couch got dressed.
"You're home." Was the first thing Wanda said. Yeah. You were definetly done.
"I am." Your mouth was dryer than sandpaper but you somehow managed to say that.
"I should..." The woman muttered as she awkwardly glanced between you and Wanda before rushing past you and out the door.
Neither you nor Wanda spoke for a while. You were still looking at her, searching for any signs of...anything. She didn't meet your eye. She made no attempt to defend herself. To defend your relationship. It was downright heartbreaking.
You needed to sit down, but there was no way you were sitting where Wanda had just been. Not that knowing what Wanda had done on that couch had bothered you before.
You left the hallway to wander aimlessly towards your bedroom, knowing you weren't the only one Wanda had fucked in that bed, but you had never had to see that.
She followed you into the room, more trailing really. There was no urgency to her pace and she still didn't speak. Did she really not care?
You sat down on the bed and stared at the floor, mot knowing what to feel. Wanda didn't sit next to you. She made no move to comfort you. You didn't need comfort, not from her. You needed an explanation.
"When did it start?" You wanted to ask how many, but you already knew the truth would hurt too much. The ones you knew about were enough.
"I don't know." Wanda huffed. She sounded frustrated, as though you were wasting her time. That finally pissed you off.
"I deserve an explanation, Wanda." You said clearly, keeping your voice surprisingly steady as you looked up at her. She still didn't look back.
"What's done is done." She said simply.
"Do I mean that little to you?" Tears sprung to your eyes as you said that. Wondering for the first time if Wanda had really ever cared about you.
When Wanda finally looked at you you wished she hadn't. Her eyes were full of pity, watching you like a stray puppy in the rain. She moved forward and sat down next to you on the edge of the bed.
"I loved you." You didn't fail to notice the past tense, it cut through you like a knife. "But I wasn't ready." You had started dating so soon after Ultron. At the time you knew Wanda was grieving badly, you had questioned if it was best for her to dive into a relationship the way she had in that state.
Her self-confidence and driven nature always put your mind to rest. There were red flags before the relationship had even started.
"When you realised that...you didn't have to stay." Your voice wavered slightly.
"I know that." God the pitifulness was even in her voice.
"So why did you?" You held your breath waiting for that an answer. Wanda took a few seconds to consider that, like she wasn't quite sure herself.
"I like being around you." She sounded truthful, but you didn't allow yourself to believe her.
"When you weren't around them." You couldn't help the bitter tone that crept into your voice. Wanda didn't like that. Thinking she actually had any right to be mad at you.
"Oh for the- we had fun, didn't we? It's not like it was a complete waste of our time!" She exclaimed, standing up to face you.
"I wasn't dating you for fun, Wanda. It was so much more than that. I wasn't just someone for you to fuck like all of those girls, I was your girlfriend!" You felt proud at what you had said. You were right. About all of it. You were especially right to use the past tense. Something you didn't think you could manage to do. But that pride was short lived.
"You were a distraction!" You froze. Every fibre of your being turning ice cold from her words. You and Wanda stared at each other for felt like an eternity. She didn't take it back. There was an unreadable expression painted on her face. You knew it wasn't regret.
That's all you ever were to her? A distraction? Everything you thought you had...
"Was it all a lie?" You whispered. You hated the question. You would hate the answer. But you had to know.
Wanda's expression faulted and for a second the pitifulness returned. It was quickly pushed to the side when she spoke again, remaining stoic.
"Call it what you want." You bit the inside of your mouth in an attempt to stop your bottom lip trembling as you finally looked away.
"I'd like you to go. We're done." You whispered, turning away from her.
She left without another word. Her boots thudding against the floor as she walked away in the purposeful way she failed to show you that night.
The door to your appartment clicked shut before you broke down into tears.
You had gotten a hotel room that night, unable to stay in your own home. You couldn't lay in your bed without wondering how many people had been in it. Wondering how fewer it would have been if you had just confronted Wanda about it when you first knew. But you didn't, and those months of heartbreak were finally coming to the surface.
You arranged for time off of work once you got back to your appartment. Once that was done you flipped over the couch cushions, retrieved your toasted pop tarts and sat down to watch your comfort show under a bundle of blankets.
It worked for a while. The plates (yes plural) full of pop tarts and the hours of TV took the edge off of the numbness you were feeling. That was until a text from Carol brought you back to reality.
Care Bear: you okay?
You smiled a little. Carol was definetly something that would provide you with comfort, living up to her nickname as always. But she worked with Wanda, and the last thing you wanted was to make her life awkward.
Carol was your best friend. She was Wanda's friend too. That was how you had met. After Ultron Carol had introduced you to Wanda at one of Tony's parties. She had even been a wingwoman for Wanda, you pondered over what Carol would do if she knew Wanda had cheated.
The blonde had always been protective of you. It was sweet. Especially the small acts she never even noticed she did. Like standing closer to you when you were in a room full of self righteous jerks. Always being the one to catch you when you tripped over thin air, even if she was preciously on the other side of the room. Knowing when you were uncomfortable in social situations and casually taking you away from them in the most subtle manner that didn't cause a scene. You had never been able to confide in anyone like you could with her. Not even Wanda, although that was probably because she never shared either.
You: 👍 :)
Care Bear: --_--
Care Bear: Wanda's here
You bit your lip as your thumbs danced over the keyboard; evaluating the best response. You were surprised Wanda was even at the Avenger's headquarters. You had assumed she would be spending her nights with random hookups for a while rather than just one night. She finally had the full freedom to do that but she went back to the Avenger's Headquarters instead?
You: she okay?
Care Bear: I haven't seen her since she went to her room, doesn't seem to be in a talkative mood
Care Bear: you guys okay? 👀
Carol never liked to pry into yours and Wanda's relationship. She always let you confide in her. But in the cases where it was obvious something had happened between you, she checked in on you in the least subtle ways. Carol was smooth in a lot of way, but that was not one of them. It had become a joke between you and Carol ended up embracing it.
You: we broke up
Care Bear: I'm on my way!!
Care Bear: or I can give you space to mope?
You couldn't help but smile at Carol's messages. Your reply was instant. You would love to have Carol binge shows and eat trash food with you.
You: come mope with me :(
Carol confirmed she was on her way less than a minute later and you got up to toast the last of your pop tarts and get a drink.
You weren't sure how soon Carol arrived on your balcony. You were sure very few things had made you happier than the sight of your goofy friend proudly holding up a multipack of poptarts while dressed in her sweatpants and goose t-shirt. The shirt was one you had gifted her for Christmas one year and if she wasn't wearing her Captain Marvel uniform, she was most likely wearing that shirt.
You got up to open the sliding door for her as you suppressed a chuckle. Carol appearing on your balcony without warning had stopped scaring you around the ninth time it happened. That was about the time you stopped trying to convince her to just use the stairs like everyone else.
As soon as she was in your appartment she threw the box to the couch and enveloped you in a bear hug. You wrapped your arms around her middle and closed your eyes as you held onto her. You smiled at the familiar smell of vanilla and cat hairs, being so easily comforted by it.
"Are you okay?" She muttered into your shoulder.
"I am." You said truthfully. You hadn't slept well the previous night, even at the hotel. You had cried for a while. But the next day you had felt better, as though a weight had been lifted from.your chest. You were still hurting, but you would be just fine.
Carol pulled away and rested her hands on your shoulders as she studied you, trying to find any evidence of a lie. Upon finding none she nodded and smiled at you kindly. That was something you loved about Carol. She never pitied you, even when the worst happened. She was sympathetic and supportive and never condescending. 
"What are we watching?" Carol asked as she picked up the box on the couch and took it over to your toaster. She knew you wouldn't want to talk about Wanda yet. She would wait for you to bring it up. Until then, she would act as though you were moping because you were sick rather than the reality.
You replied to her with your comfort show that she had grown familiar with and sat back down on the couch with the blanket over you. Carol soon returned with two plates of pop tarts (it wasn't like you had eaten anything else) and two hot chocolates. What you really craved was some alcohol but you decided to leave that till later on.
Your blonde friend sat back down next to you when you lifted the blanket for her. She instantly brought her legs up under her and put her arm around you. You easily leant into her and rested your head on her shoulder before she leant her own head on yours.
Neither of you spoke for a while. Carol occasionally laughed at something on the TV and you found yourself smiling at the sound of her laughter more than the show. It had always been contagious.
Wait. Should you of been smiling that much for someone who had walked in on their girlfriend cheating less than 24 hours prior? Probably not. But then again. You had seen it coming. All the signs prior had softened the blow.
"You alright?" Carol asked again as a whisper as she pretended to keep most of her focus on the show.
You hummed in response and fiddled with the edge of the blanket for a while until you spoke.
"She cheated." You muttered. You could feel Carol freeze. Her whole body tensed up making her as stiff as a plank. Her shoulder wasn't as comfy when that happened. "But it's okay." You assured.
Carol took ahold of both your empty plates and placed them on the table before turning her body towards you so she could see you better.
"That's never something that can just be 'okay', y/n." Carol said in a gentle tone.
"I know but...I already knew before... before I saw." You could hear Carol breathing heavily as you avoided her gaze.
"Christ, y/n." She whispered. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"
"I don't know I just...I guess I thought if I ignored it it would go away." Upon reflection you really weren't sure why you never addressed it.
Carol didn't say anything at that. You glanced up nervously to see her looking deep in thought, trying to understand what you meant. Carol was never one to hope things would go away. Her life as a hero had taught her to comfront every obstacle she faced.
"And you saw her..."
"Yeah, I did. I thought I could handle knowing what she was doing behind my back but actually seeing it...it was hard." Carol breathed out hard as though she had been holding her breath and pulled you into another of her infamous bear hugs. You wrapped your arms around her again and squeezed your eyes shut.
The blonde gently stroked your back in soothing circles until you moved away, not wanting to but knowing Carol wouldn't move away first and Lord knows how long you would have ended up staying like that.
"And you're really feeling okay about it?" Carol asked with a slightly furrowed brow, reading your face for any trace of a lie as you spoke.
"Yeah." You smiled assuringly. You didn't feel like telling Carol the rest. About how you had only ever been a distraction to Wanda. But there was something else you wanted to admit. "It was for the best." You started. Carol could tell something more was coming so she sat up a little straighter to show you you had her full attention. "Even before I figured out I what she was doing things just didn't feel entirely right with Wanda. She was great, but it always felt like something was missing." Carol didn't show any reaction to that. She seemed surprisingly stoic, like she was trying to suppress something. You figured it was probably just that she was thinking about what you had said.
"Enough about all that though." You said when Carol hadn't spoken. "You never got to tell me about your super amazing mission last month." Carol's eyes lit up at the mention of her successful mission.
There were some missions she wasn't allowed to talk about. Some she could. And some she could eventually talk about. Her last one was the latter and once she was clear to tell you about it she did, in great detail and the most animated way. It had been one of her best missions and you were incredibly proud. But you were interrupted by a false alarm at the Headquarters before she could finish.
You loved hearing about Carol's work that she was passionate about. You loved hearing how she could handle herself out there. Recalling some of those missions put your mind to rest when you hadn't heard from her in a long time. And you needed the distraction. Carol knew that.
You listened to Carol intently with a smile but the stress and upset of the previous events had you suddenly feeling very tired. Your eyelids began to feel very heavy and your head became empty as you felt yourself drifting off to sleep.
You woke up in your own bed, beyond comfused. You couldn't remember getting into bed or falling asleep. Still in a half asleep state, you tried to recall the events of the night until you remembered Carol. Had she carried you to bed? Had she left?
Your heart ached at the thought that your best friend wasn't there. Refusing to believe it, you wrapped your duvet tightly around you and trudged out of your room.
She was sleeping soundly on your couch with the blanket you had been curled up together under. You smiled at the sight of her looking so peaceful, taking a moment to consider yourself the luckiest person alive to have a friend as caring as Carol.
You came back to your sense when you realised how creepy it felt to be standing over your best friend and staring at her sleep, not to mention how freaked out she would be if she awoke to your duvet covered silhouette. But you didn't want to leave her side.
Carol stirred when she felt you kneeling on the couch. Countless nights of sleeping next to her had taught you she was a fairly light sleeper. You were thankful that she wasn't startled by you kneeling over her as you adjusted your blanket.
"Y/n?" She muttered as she rubbed her eyes to try to see you better.
"Go back to sleep." You murmmered back before laying down on her stomach and holding the duvet over you both.
You felt so at home in her arms. She didn't protest to you and instead wrapped her arms around your back and closed her eyes again with a content smile.
You rested your head in the crook of her neck and soon drifted back to sleep. Carol, on the other hand, struggled to sleep for a while. You had slept in the same bed before, countless times, but you had never been so close together when you did. It had never felt so intimate.
It was making the butterflies that had started arriving years ago whenever you were around dance around happily. As much as Carol tried to ignore them, her feelings for you only ever grew.
Over the next few days Carol visited you a lot. You had always been happy to spend time with your friend, but in those days you appreciated her company even more. In fact you were pretty sure you craved it.
She checked in on you often and stayed the night when you asked her to. You tried not to be too clingy with your friend, knowing she had a busy life and a lot of responsibilities to take care of and you didn't want to keep her away from her hero life.
It made the moments you could spend with her even better. You had always had that thought process with Carol, but it was enhanced since the night you slept ontop of her on the couch - something she never commented on.
You mainly spent your time together in your appartment, but on that day Carol had another idea.
"I promise it's safe." Carol grinned at you as you looked over your balcony for the umpteenth time in the last five minutes. You never really realised how high the sixth floor was until your friend was encouraging you to jump off your balcony with her.
"You need to get out of that appartment." Carol insisted.
"I could go on a walk to do that! You know...like a normal person." Carol laughed at your defiance to try what she had offered.
"Just five minutes, you'll love it." Carol said genuinely as she took ahold of your hand. You had never realised how her hands seemed to fit perfectly in your own before. You smiled at the sensation of a slight tingling in your hand upon contact with Carol's.
"Ease off." You giggled, shaking Carol's hand.
"I'm not doing anything." Carol protested earnestly, giving you a comfused look. You gulped and tried not to think about what the feeling was. "If you don't like it I'll bring you right back, you're safe with me - the Strongest Avenger." She said with a cocky grin, she had heard someone say it once and it went straight to her head. You rolled your eyes at her with a smile then paused, biting your lip as you considered the offer properly.
"Okay." You breathed out.
"Okay?" Carol asked with an excited grin.
"What the hell, sure!" You exclaimed. Carol chuckled and went to stand behind you. The material of her suit pressed against your bare arms and made you shiver slightly, you assumed from nerves. Carol had told you you didn't need to wear a jacket or coat, claiming her powers would keep you warm.
She wrapped her arms around your waist to hold you tightly against her and you gripped onto her forearms, not being able to stop yourself smiling.
"You ready?" Carol asked as the yellow swirls started to surround Carol and heat up your back and stomach. Blue and red glimmers occasionally appeared amongst the swirls and you tried not to get too distracted by the beauty of Carol's powers.
The next thing you knew your feet were slowly leaving the ground until the tips of your shoes were an inch away from the floor. You felt weightless and couldn't help but laugh a little at the absurdity that you were floating on thin air.
"Okay?" Carol checked.
"Okay." You confirmed.
As soon as the word left your mouth you felt like you were being catapulted through the air. Wind whipped your hair across your face and everything was a blur. All you could focus on was the whirling colours and Carol's strong grip on your waist.
You were going directly upwards for a few seconds until Carol eased you both forwards slightly, angled so you could finally take in your surroundings.
The speed at which you had been going to get so high in such a short amount of time was insane. It was impossible to know exactly how high up you were, all you knew was the faint clouds in the nighttime sky were closer to you than the ground. A lot closer.
The small gaps amongst the thin layers of clouds gave a glimpse at the stars that shimmered above you. The view below was just as breath-taking.
The city was lit up by the lights emitting from each building, each playing a part in the beautiful display. The lights shimmered and twinkled just as the stars did, the two very different worlds having the same beauty from such a height.
As Carol leveled herself out more you felt your legs drop infront of you and away from Carol. Your grip on the hero tightened in response to the new position.
"Do you trust me?" Carol asked carefully. You nodded, not knowing what your friend was planning but knowing you would go along with whatever she had planned.
One moment Carol had her reassuring grip on your waist, guiding you through the night air, and the next she was gone. You plummeted through the air in an instant, a silent scream escaping your throat. You squeezed your eyes shut tightly, not wanting to see the world spinning as you fell, but as soon as you were falling you were safe again.
You landed on Carol's back surprisingly lightly. You blinked a few times in shock, not understanding what had happened until you realised that Carol was flying horizontally and the position allowed you both to have a much better view and in a better position.
You sighed with a grin as stared down at the city in awe, your eyes occasionally flickering up to the dark sky. You rested your head in the crook of Carol's neck and wrapped your arms around her front, easing into her as easily as you had that night on the couch.
It was the happiest you had felt in such a long time. You felt safe with Carol, even from such a dangerous height and the whole event had you feeling more relaxed and content than you could ever remember.
A warmth spread over your body as the pair of you gently flew over the city. While you wanted to believe it was from Carol's powers, you knew deep down that that wasn't it. Because you had had that warmth for Carol on the coldest nights, you had had it when she was on the other side of the room, it had been there for as long as you could remember. And it was only getting stronger.
It didn't take anymore encouragement to get back into your usual way of life without any issues. Thanks to Carol there didn't seem to be much difference. The times that you would have been spending with Wanda you spent with Carol. She knew you were okay and that you didn't need her to mope around with you anymore - not that you had really ended up doing that together much. But you wanted her with you; she seemed to want to be with you too.
While you had slept in the same bed multiple times since you had on the couch, you never cuddled close to her like you did before. You knew that if you did that warmth would return. You knew, deep down, what it meant. However you had no idea if Carol's feelings for you were anything more than platonic, it was a line you weren't willing to cross, so you pushed those feelings to the side as much as you could.
Despite your efforts, those mornings you woke up next to your friend you found that you had your head resting on her shoulder or an arm hooked around her waist or one of your legs tangled with hers. She never seemed to mind, in fact one time you could have sworn you saw her eyes drop when you separated yourself from her. You told yourself you were just seeing things that weren't there.
So one night when Carol casually invited you to an Avenger's party you almost choked on your popcorn. You had always gotten along with the team - ever since the mix up on the mission that had led you to meet them and Carol. You had been to a fair few of those parties in the time you had been friends, but that party would be different.
Carol had assured you that no one else on the team knew exactly what had happened between you and Wanda. Your friend knew you didn't want people knowing and Wanda wasn't about to announce it, all the team knew was that you had broken up.
"You don't have to." Carol said quickly. "Wanda will be there." She informed in unimportant fact kind of way. "I just thought it would be nice for you to see everyone again. They miss you."
"They do?" Even thought you had known the Avengers for years, you still couldn't help but be a insecure before seeing them. You didn't have any powers or training. You always wondered what you could possibly bring to their table. Those worries were always put to rest once you were settled in, the smiles on their faces and laughter they emitted when you saw them was hard to fake. Besides, it wasn't like they had any reason to fake it.
You very quickly stopped being insecure when it came to Carol though. You had spent so much time together and knew each other so well that you never worried what she thought of you. She reminded you often of the traits she loved so much, it had been something you had started.
"I'd love to go." You smiled at Carol then went back to the screen. You never liked to make things awkward with exes. It wasn't like you and Wanda were going to become best buddies any time soon, but you were determined to be civil. You just hoped she would be too.
"Great." Carol concluded after studying you for a bit, wanting to be absolutely sure that it was what you wanted. "I'll pick you up at eight on Saturday."
"It's in two days?" You exclaimed, turning to Carol with a horrified expression.
"It is?" Carol confirmed in a not-too-sure tone, not understanding what the big deal was.
"Jeeze, Carol, give a girl a better warning next time." You huffed as you leant back against the couch. The blonde chucked next to you and muttered an apology.
Carol continued watching the film she had put on while you planned when and where you would get an outfit. You knew the dress code of those parties, that wouldn't be an issue, but part of you wanted to match with Carol.
"What are you going to wear?" You asked casually.
"Haven't decided yet."
Damn. You would just have to wing it.
Carol knocked on your door at exactly eight o'clock on the night of the party. You were startled at the sound of it at first, not expecting her to actually use the door for once.
You opened the door with a wide grin on your face but felt as though you had the breath knocked out of you when you saw your friend. She was wearing a tailored dark y/f/c suit with a neat white blouse. Her hair was slightly tossled and hung loose around her shoulders. It all went perfectly with her familiar warm smile. She looked beautiful.
Carol's outfit was strikingly similar to your own y/f/c dress that was a much lighter tone but the similarity was still there.
"H-hey." You stuttered as you continued to take in her outfit.
"Hey yourself." Carol grinned smugly, not oblivious to your stare.
"You look...really...amazing." You couldn't help but say. It was the truth.
"You look really amazing too." Carol said a lot more easily than you did. You giggled and stepped out of your appartment and locked it.
"Milady." Carol said in a terrible English accent as she offered her arm for you to hold.
"Milord." You went along and put your arm easily through hers before you started walking down the hallway, unable to contain your smile at the childish and loveable act.
When you arrived at the party you were bombarded with people wanting to talk to Carol. You had grown used to that, but it was still a downer when you wanted to stay by Carol, at least for a while.
Eventually, you were summoned away from your friend by the Avengers who were eager to catch up with you after so long.
"How've you been?" Nat asked with a welcoming hug as she outstretched her arms I'm an open hug.
"I've been pretty great." You replied honestly as you hugged her tightly. There was no one you were closer to than Carol, but Nat was someone you considered a friend without a doubt.
"What about you?" You asked genuinely as you pulled away.
"Same old." Nat smiled in her familiar way she saved for those she knew rather than the strangers in the room she had to play nice with.
You talked to Nat for a while as though nothing had changed. You hadn't seen Wanda and you had no idea where she was and no one mentioned her. You were thankful there wasn't any tension around the group. They all talked to you in the same way they always had with the exception of them asking about Carol more. You kept missing their knowing smiles hidden behind their drinks.
After a while you and Tony had your own convosation and it seemed as though being around the others was the only kind of self control he had when it came to refraining talking about relationships. As soon as you two were left alone he didn't hesitate to start saying what he had been thinking.
"Hey, don't get me wrong, you and Wanda seemed great, but I always thought it would be you and Carol who would end up together." Tony said as though he was voicing a passing thought.
"Me and Carol?" You tried to ask smoothly. Admittedly you had been thinking a lot about what it would be like to date Carol. You couldn't seem to stop your mind wandering at night to imagining scenarios with her in which you were dating. It always made you smile so your cheeks hurt until you reminded yourself it wasn't real. Carol would never see you that way, would she?
"Well I didn't see it until Nat pointed it out. Then we actually all kind of assumed you were dating before you and Wanda became a thing." Tony continued in his casual manner before taking another sip of his drink.
"Really?" You looked over at Nat who was talking to Carol. Nat seemed as though she was trying to convince Carol to do something because the blonde had the conflicked look upon her face that always appeared when she had been thinking long and hard about something.
"You certainly acted like it." Tony snickered as he followed your line of sight. As if on cue, Carol and Nat glanced your way and a heat began to grow along your neck at the feeling of embarrassment at being caught staring.
Nat had a small smirk playing along her lips while Carol mirrored your expression guiltily.
You missed Tony and Nat exchanging knowing smiles. You missed the way Carol's cheeks became tinted pink too.
"Excuse me." Tony said as he put a hand gently below your shoulder before walking off in the direction Nat had also departed too.
You smiled at Carol and wandered towards her place on the balcony, glad that she turned around entirely to face you. Unfortunately the blush on her cheeks had faded by the time you would have been close enough to spot it.
"Enjoying the party?" Carol asked as you stepped out onto the balcony and leant against the railing.
"I am." You said certainly. The blonde turned to copy your position so you could both gaze out at the buildings below you. The view you had gotten with Carol was undefeated, but the Avengers tower provided something special too.
"I told you they missed you." Carol grinned as she nudged your side with her elbow.
"Yeah." You blushed and peered down at the railing.
"I don't know about you but my shoes are killing me and I think I've talked to enough of these guests to bore me to death twice over." Carol sighed with a childish smile. You grinned back and nodded.
"You want to stay at mine tonight?" You asked hopefully.
"I'd love to." Carol's smile grew as you held her arm out for you to link your arm through again.
"Milady." The hero said with the same terrible English accent.
"Milord." You mocked as you put your arm through hers easily.
Maybe Tony was onto something.
That night when Carol took the same place she always did in her home that was as much hers as it was yours, you couldn't focus on the movie playing on the screen. You couldn't focus on anything except the blonde beside you.
You had your head resting on her shoulder and everytime you moved to get your drink and turned back to her your eyes instantly strayed to her lips, images of kissing her filling your head.
You remembered the night she moped with you after your breakup and how she had been the best friend you could ask for. Except you didn't want Carol to be just your friend. You wanted her to be more.
Your mind had been racing since since party, considering what Tony had said to you and how true it was. You and Carol really had always acted like a couple. You had never thought anything of it, even when Carol did it considerably less when you were dating someone.
Because you had been in more than just one relationship in the time you been friends with Carol. None of them ever felt right. You always thought there was something missing. Something that the next person would fix. No one ever could though. Because what you had been looking had been right infront of you the whole time.
All those feelings that had come bubbling to the surface the couple of weeks prior, they had been there all along. Christ, you were such an idiot.
"Carol..." You whispered, more afraid of what you were about to say than anything before. You wanted to back out. You didn't want to mess up what you had with Carol, but you had never been so sure of something than you were for your feelings for Carol in your entire life.
"Yeah?" She said softly.
"I think..." You held your breath and you could have sworn Carol did too. "I think I'm inlove with you." The blonde froze for a solid minute. Neither of you spoke. Tears threatened to come to the surface as you realized what you had done.
Eventually, Carol put her bowl of popcorn down and slowly turned towards you. You didn't dare meet her eye, instead playing with the edge of the blanket over you both and hoping it would trigger a sink hole beneath you.
"You do?" She whispered. You nodded and bit your lip in an attempt to hold back your tears. Carol lifted your chin gradually so you were looking at her. She had an unreadable expression.
"I love you too." You half laughed half sighed in relief as a smile spread across your face and the tears finally sprung free.
"Yeah?" You choked out. Carol instantly cupped your face and wiped your tears off of your cheeks as she smiled back at you.
"Yeah!" She giggled. "I've wanted to say that for so long." She admitted in a rush.
"Why didn't you? It could have saved us so much time!" You exclaimed and gently punched her arm.
"I was scared, even with Nat trying to convince me to say something." Carol explained, it was her turn to look away in embarrassment but you quickly pulled her back the way she did.
"That's really sweet, I'm here now." You assured genuinely.
Carol smiled back at you as her eyes glanced down at you lips. You grinned at the obviousness of what she was thinking and bravely closed the gap between you. After that prompt Carol eagerly met you half way and smiled into your long overdue kiss. Her lips were so so soft and moved against like a perfected dance. When you pulled away for air you rested your forehead against hers and breathed heavily with a heart filled smile.
"We have to do that more often." Carol said as her hands landed on your waist.
"We absolutely do." You agreed before pulling her into another kiss, engraving the memory of that night into your mind forever.
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kikyan · 3 years
Izaya Ending
TW: Dub-con! Degration! Name calling! Oral Sex (both giving and receiving)! Collar! Choking! Vaginal Sex/Penetration! Think that’s it if not lmk!
“Oh? It seems he even has the Dollars searching for you!” 
“ Izaya, please I apologize for anything that I did that caused you to do this, but I need to get back to Shizuo!” 
“ And do what? Apologize for my actions and say everything is fine? You truly are different than other humans (Y/N)! Besides, does Shizu-chan know?” 
“ K-know what?” 
“You can drop the act. I know who you are (Y/N) or should I sa-?!” 
“ Izaya, I won’t ask you again. Please, I apologize for what I said or did but I must return to my fiance.” 
“ I can’t do that (Y/N). You thought you had me fool, no you thought you had the whole world fooled, but unlike Shizu-chan, I know the real you. You are far too unique, too precious to be in the hands of that brute, that damned monster!” 
“ Speak of the Devil, he really did arrive, didn’t he? (Y/N) it’s better if you stay, wait no- I want you to see God punish his worthless creation, than have his Goddess forgive him and the cycle continues!” 
Grabbing her arm, (Y/N) was dragged to the door where Shizuo lay in waiting/ Shizuo’s eyes lit up with hope as (Y/N) arrived, quickly scanning her to ensure that she was not harmed by Izaya. 
“ This is low, even for you Izaya. What the hell do you want anyway?” 
“ I want (Y/N) of course! How rude of you to keep her from society, from me! She is too perfect, in fact, she is perfection! I can’t stand you of all people, a damn monster near her!” 
“ If I am a monster, what the hell does that make you?” 
“ That hurt Shizu-chan, but I’m sure my goddess, (Y/N) would forgive you nonetheless!” 
Grabbing a stop sign Shizuo prepared to swing at Izaya before seeing (Y/N) duck down. 
‘This is too dangerous for (Y/N)! I have to lead him away. . .’ 
“ You see (Y/N)! This monster swung at you! I told you, he would only hurt you! Stay with me, my Goddess!” 
Taking his knife out, he swung it at Shizuo cutting him horizontally across his chest. As Shizuo remained unfazed he swung the sign hitting Izaya as well sending him flying back inside the apartment complex. As Izaya got up and grabbed the knife and (Y/N), before placing the knife under (Y/N)’s throat causing her to panic slightly. 
“ (Y/N)! Izaya you damned bastard! Let her go, that’s low. . .” 
“ It’s fine! Besides, my Goddess is so forgiving, I'm sure she will let this slide! In fact, I feel as if instead of the way I initially thought, it was you Shizuo who used (Y/N)!” 
Catching him off guard Shizuo looked down from (Y/N) with a hurtful expression as he pondered if he did truly use her as Izaya said. 
“ Kid. . . ding. . .!” 
With that Izaya took this time to spin (Y/N) from his hold and bolted to Shizuo, knife ready and a gun to end this beast’s life. As Shizuo looked up he failed to notice the blade approaching fast, approaching close to his eye until it did, leading to Izaya stabbing Shizuo in the eye causing him to crouch down in pain and hold his eye that was bleeding profusely. Izaya held the gun on his forehead before looking down with insanity filled eyes and a smile to top off the look. 
“ Shizuo, let’s ask (Y/N) if she forgives you for using her?” 
Turning to the side he was met with (Y/N) sobbing as she looked at him straight in the eyes before blurting out, “ Izaya, please! Leave Shizuo alone! He did nothing wrong! I’ll do whatever you want me to do just please leave him b-!?” 
“ Oh but (Y/N), you already are. He did nothing wrong? That sounds like forgiveness! Now Shizuo, any last words?” 
Turning slightly noticing he lost the battle and that Izaya won, he mumbled a small “ I love you (Y/N), forgive me” before having his life taken away as well as his fiance. 
(Y/N) ran to catch his body as she sobbed louder before clutching his arm, the one that held his engagement ring. Looking at his corpse (Y/N) continued saying “I FORGIVE YOU I’M SORRY PLEASE, PLEASE COME BACK!” 
“ . . . I-I-I-I-I. . . I f-forgive y-you. . . I forgive you Izaya. . .” 
Crouching down to hug (Y/N) from behind, Izaya smiled before speaking. 
“ Indeed (Y/N), you truly are special! Who would have guessed in a million years that I would meet the one who changed me! The one who became my goddess, the one who made me see humanity in a new light!” 
“ I-I-Izaya. . . why me. . .? 
“ Why you ask? Simple, it’s because . . . yOu’Re My FaVoRiTe HuMaN~” 
Standing on the rooftop Izaya was speaking with a female in pigtails as he began to tell her that she wasn’t really planning on killing herself and that she had one or two secrets that she didn’t tell anyone, so if her parents had one. . . what was the big deal? 
“ All humans lie, hide things, no one really makes it through this life being completely honest. Everyone's the same, no exceptions! Well, that is what I thought until I met (Y/N) (l/n) but I’ll let her do the rest from here on out. What you choose to do is on you in the end so choose carefully~!” 
Walking out to the edge with the girl (Y/N) looks and stares at the blood splatter as she turns to her and says, “ we humans will commit the worst of crimes, murder, robbery, rape, you name it. Though, the biggest crime any human can commit and go about not knowing is lying to yourself and making a mistake thinking it will solve the issue. Do not fear, I am not judging you I just want you to know, no matter what you choose to do tonight, I forgive you and I assure you, a second chance is waiting for you all! So please, on the bright side, you now know what is happening and now you know what you can do to change it!” 
The girl began to sob as she clutched onto (Y/N) sobbing and pouring her heart out with her smiling as she looked at the girl. After some time she finally left and (Y/N) looked up to the moon before hearing Izaya speak once again before hugging her and smiling. 
“ Who would have known, so tell me is this you speaking (Y/N)? Or is it Saika?” 
“ You can rest assure it’s me Izaya, but please don’t mention Saika.” 
“ I never imagined someone as happy and cheerful as you to wield Saika, more importantly, go through something as traumatic as you have. Oh well, that’s life I guess! I’ll be waiting by the door whenever you wish to leave my Goddess. . .” 
“ Alright. . .” 
As (Y/N) stared at the moon and then the red blood splatter she began to recall that memory, that small memory that started it all. 
In a small room all alone lived a young girl in her ‘timeout punishment’ as they called it. It was actually isolation, for three days the young girl hasn’t eaten and was barely drinking enough water to stay alive, but who was she to complain? Looking out she saw several children walking around and playing and it began to sadden the young girl as she could not join them for a small game of tag. Her mother was most likely with some other man and so was her father. As they argued and took out their stress out on other people, such as their daughter (Y/N), they failed to realize the young girl apologize for everything. 
Blood stained the nice mats and floors as two bodies lay on top of each other with wounds in their stomachs causing their entrails to leap out. 
“ I’m sorry mother and father! I apologize, if I wasn’t so weak then this never would have happened. On the bright side, I have freedom now! I also heard that I can play with the neighborhood kids too! Ah, don’t look at me like that mom! I know that I caused you so much pain, but you did too! I know for a fact that I should have done so much more but it’s fine mother! Father was upset when I defied the orders but then again father always got mad!  I ended up reading a book on how to make friends and it said that I should try to make them happy and if I make them sad to apologize! I love people mom and dad! I’m scared they won’t like me or worse hate me! Which is why I need to make them happy, which is why I need to be happy!  I don’t know when they are sad so I will just apologize if I do something you would disapprove of mom, dad!” 
Looking down from the moon (Y/N) smiled before turning to face Izaya and walking side by side. He too was hurt and didn’t know how else to cope so it was fine! Besides, you’ve made so many friends so any sacrifice that was paid was rightfully paid! After all, you were his goddess and he treated you like one! You’ve made so many friends so it’s been working right! Well whatever, just remember that (Y/N) is afraid of people hating her and never wanting her, so treat a friend right before you start to see not only you fall but they themselves. 
“ What are you thinking about (Y/N)?” 
“ Nothing much Izaya, c’mon let’s go home if that’s all. I still have dinner to make!” 
“Indeed, so what are we making?” 
“ well, what’s your favorite meal?” 
“Well, what was Shizu-chan’s favorite meal?” 
“ Well. . . if you want we can make that. . .” 
“ Then it’s settled! Hey (Y/N). . . you don’t hold it against me for killing Shizu-chan do you?” 
(Y/N) turned to look at Izaya who held the same crazed expression as he did when he pulled the trigger. Shaking her head (Y/N) looked up to smile at Izaya before mouthing, ‘I forgive you Iza-chan!” 
Smiling at the nickname he approached the girl standing before him as he grabbed her by the waist before kissing her softly. Soon after the kiss turned heated as his tongue found its way next to the girls as their tongues entwined together. Feeling the need to breathe, they separated as their only connection was the string of saliva that hung from both of their lips.  
" You are just so forgiving and unpredictable. . . It's exciting to see what our dear (Y/N)-chan will do when faced with a predicament but I think it's more exciting to see how much you of all people can hold on, can withstand before you break! Don't worry my Goddess, because you have me to help you!" 
"Thank you Iza-chan! I appreciate that you will make me happy as much as I make you happy!" 
Grabbing the (h/c) haired female, Izaya began to walk downstairs with his goddess in hand as his mind raced and began to wonder, how far would your relationship with Shizuo last, that is if he was still alive? Well, whatever the case was, Izaya wasn't going to lose to Shizuo so with a sadistic, yet smug grin, he turned to the female he held in his hand and said, 
"(Y/N) - Chan. . . How does a baby sound to you?" 
Pushing Y/N onto the bed, Izaya began to remove his jacket. Pressing kisses onto her neck, mumbling to himself about how this child would be absolutely perfect.
"I-Iza. . .?" 
"Shh. . . (Y/N) - Chan~ don't worry~ The pain you will experience will only make you stronger, our baby will be the summit of all of humanity. Our child will be born to be the perfect mix of our best qualities.”
"Iza. . . I-I. . . If you want a baby then I'll give you one, I'll give birth to our baby. . ." 
" Perfect~ Just to make sure that monster hasn't tainted you, he didn't touch you did he?" 
"No. . . We decided to wait till marriage. . . But it's fine Iza! I mean the one I love is well. . . you isn't it?" 
Not liking the response the young girl gave him Izaya smirked before turning to a straight face filled with anger and lust. 
"That's perfect!~ That means I'll be your first right (Y/N)-chan?"
“O-Of course! You’ll be my very first Iza!”
"That's perfect! (Y/N), you should do more than love me, you should worship you me like your God, your savior, and your salvation. So until then, until I know I have your life, love, admiration, and belief, you are just a lowly human that doesn't deserve my attention."
"Iza! I'm sorry for what I said, but I hope you still know I love y-!?" 
"Apologizing isn't enough (Y/N) - Chan!~ You need to show me you mean it! Show me your love, your faith, show me who you belong to, lowly human. . . " 
" W-w-what should I do?" 
"Well. . . That's up to you to decide! I'm sure Shizuo asked you to do something naughty before right~" 
"W-w-well t-t-that's-!?"
" So you aren't denying it! Well, I guess I'll have you so the same but show more devotion to me! Show me your love!" 
Understanding what he meant (Y/N) turned to the side before nodding and proceeded to get off the bed getting on the floor before nearing Izaya again. 
Izaya began to smirk seeing how submissive (Y/N) was acting and decided to edge her on more.
"Let's make a bet (Y/N) chan~" 
"A bet?" 
(Y/N) tilted her head slightly adding to her "cute" factor causing Izaya to smirk seeing how he was about to taint his Goddess before that monster did. 
"Yes! Let's see. . . Oh! I know! If you can show me your faith by simply being a little naughty then I'll reward you! If not, you'll get punished!" 
(Y/N) scared expression causing Izaya to harden upon her expression. 
"After all, a lowly human like you has to be punished already for doubting in your God! Now (Y/N) - Chan, let's start!" 
(Y/N) began to near Izaya's jeans and nervously began to unbuckle them before turning away with red dusting her facial features. 
"Aww is a sinner embarrassed to face her punishment? Her God?" 
Nodding slowly, (Y/N) began to turn around to face Izaya who was smirking as he saw the young girl timidly stare at his erect member. 
(Y/N) began to fumble with his boxers as she blushed before thinking about the previous time she did something like this. It was late afternoon, Shizuo and (Y/N) had a mini drinking competition which lead to some intense moments. As soon as her mind came back to her she realized that Izaya's member was exposed and she was staring at it. 
A small chuckle brought her out of her daze before she remembered that she needed to do this, to avoid punishment, she didn't mind doing what she was going to do, but if she didn't do well, she was going to be punished and she feared that a lot more. 
(Y/N) began to near his member and placed a small kiss upon the tip causing Izaya to shift a little as he stared at the female below him as she nervously wrapped her lips about his member, begin to slowly suck on it. 
Izaya tilted his head back as he tried to silence his moans. His Goddess was tempting him, in fact, he had to restrain himself from taking her then and there. 
"A-a-ah. . . (Y/N)-c-chan. . . ~"  
Letting small moans escape his mouth he looked down to see the young female, she was red from embarrassment and small tears slipping from her eyes as she continued to tease the young male. 
As the female began to suck a little harder, Izaya bit his lip but it was futile as he huffed a little before letting out soft moans. 
"(Y/N) - chan!~ I-I-I a-a-ahh~" 
Letting his lust get the best of him he grabbed (Y/N)'s hair and pushed her mouth further in causing her to choke a little and to deep throat him. Getting used to his length was difficult for the young girl as she was trying to match the speed of his forcefulness and her own. 
Izaya was shaking a little as he began to chuckle as he stared deep into the girl’s eyes before whispering and grunting a little in response. 
"S-so (Y/N)-chan. . No more like a lowly human. . . Do you believe that was enough? Are you going to finish and follow through with your punishment?" 
(Y/N) continued to suck on his member before hearing more smaller grunts indicating he was close and he was. Izaya was blushing as he continued biting his lip, although this degrading was a big turn on for him and hopefully his "lowly human" he couldn't conceal his excitement as he let one more moan out before releasing inside the girl’s mouth. 
(Y/N), already a step ahead, began to swallow the male’s cum making sure to get any leftovers around her mouth. 
"Good job, but I still didn't feel your devotion, your faith in your actions. Nonetheless, I did feel pleasure, so I'll reward you my lowly human~" 
Izaya began to reach for a collar of some sort before showing it off to (Y/N). As she soon understood the message she allowed him to place it on her, she made sure her hair wasn't a bother as she allowed Izaya to gently place it around her neck. Soon after it was placed Izaya noticed how the collar had a circular ring piece in the center and as he smirked he allowed his fingers to wrap around the ring before yanking it causing (Y/N) to jerk forward and meeting his hungry gaze. 
"You were so good, but not good enough. . . Out of my utter kindness as your God. . . I'll pleasure you as well lowly human." 
"I-Iza. . . I-I-I l-love y-yo-?!" 
Izaya grabbed the collar and dragged you to the bed, not before turning and witnessing your red face, you were being slightly choked due to the tightness of the collar, small tears from the previous event and the biggest turn on, you were drooling a bit and it was so cute, like a little ahegao face. 
" You look so fucking hot, are you tempting me? Do you wish to seduce me and make me forget your crimes? Well, that won't work human, but that doesn't mean I can't play with you~" 
"I-Izaya w-what are you doin- a-a-ahh~" 
Small moans escaped from the girl’s mouth as Izaya began to kiss her, his tongue entering her mouth and slowly melting together with hers causing ultimate bliss. Halfway during the kiss, Izaya's hands wandered downwards to the girl’s jeans before he unbuckled them and proceeded to pull them down causing the girl to gasp. 
"Izaya! W-wait!?" 
" I believe you mean God~" 
(Y/N)'s jeans were removed as Izaya's fingers began to near her clothed womanhood. As he massaged your clit through your (f/c) underwear he smirked as he saw his goddess bright red and soft moans and mewling sounds as he made her feel pleasure. Soon after his fingers made it inside and he massaged her womanhood with much ease and it drove poor (Y/N) crazy. 
"I-Izaya. . ." 
" I think you mean God my lowly human!~" 
"G-God. . . I-I f-feel strange. . ." 
" Not yet! Don't tell me that's all! Well, I guess I better start!" 
Izaya neared (Y/N) womanhood as his tongue went to meet her clit and massaged it ever so gently. Making sure she could experience everything he made sure to hold onto her thighs before sucking and nibbling lightly against the bundle of nerves. Causing her back to arch, (Y/N) moaned in pleasure before Izaya began to change not only where he was attacking but the speed. He slid his tongue up and down one last time before he used his tongue to plunge into (Y/N) womanhood. His tongue went in and out of you as you moaned loudly, it was driving you over the edge. Soon after he stopped before getting up and returning back to his position, straddling you but he replaced his tongue with his finger gaining more access. To start off "soft" he allowed two fingers to access the girl plunging them in and out at a small pace before adding another and going faster causing the girl to moan and turn to face her God. 
" I-I-I f-feel f-funny. . ." 
" It's only a matter of time, my dear human." 
(Y/N) began to feel a knot in her abdomen, it was getting more intense and tight with each time his fingers went inside of her. As she was reaching the point of no return he began to speed up as (Y/N) let out one more moan before her body trembled as her eyes slightly rolled back as her juices sprayed everywhere especially on Izaya's fingers. Izaya smirked before seductively removing his finger from inside of (Y/N) and licked them before smiling softly. He leaned down to whisper, 
"That was amazing! You taste so sweet I can't get enough of it!~ but. . . I think it's time we moved onto the main event don't you think, my lowly human, my little slut. . ." 
It was only at this point that (Y/N) noticed the mirror facing the bed. It was a large, floor mirror that gave the observer a good view of the bed. It hadn’t been there before meaning one thing: Izaya had bought it just for this event.
“Ah, I see you’ve noticed it, finally! The perfect instrument for this night of trial! It’s there to test you, you see. . .”
Izaya’s hands snaked around (Y/N) to the back of her shirt. From there, he pulled one of the straps holding her shirt up, letting the tie unravel. 
“You didn’t really think that our fun, little night would end here, did you? I said we were gonna have a main event; an event with a special little treat for you, my lowly slut. Take it all off, we shouldn’t waste any time!”
(Y/N) sat up in shock. Izaya was being too candid, too forward. The darkness of the room led to Izaya’s face having dark shadows. The look made him too lustful and brought a familiar knot to (Y/N)’s abdomen.
Leaning in, Izaya whispered, “Hurry up.”
With shaking hands, (Y/N) brought her hands to her top and took it off in one swoop. The air suddenly surrounded her and she felt ever colder. The easy part was over, but now came the bra. She had been dying to take it off ever since they arrived home, but she couldn’t have expected that it would be in this situation. 
She could feel her face flushing red as she undid the hooks behind her back. She couldn’t bear to face Izaya, but she could still feel his lustful gaze directed towards her. She could feel him surveying every part of her body in arousal.
When she finally slipped the garment off, her body may have been cold but she could still feel the heat pouring between her legs. The air enveloped her body and made her nipples harden up. They perked up even more when Izaya brought his face closer to her.
“No matter what, I want you to look at me. It’s the very least a whore like you can do during this. If you can prove yourself through this, then you’ll get through this next trial~”
Without breaking his gaze, Izaya began to descend upon her chest. Taking one bud into his mouth, he began to swirl his tongue around it. His other hand pinched the remaining nipple and worked together to create a rhythm. Popping it out of his mouth, he bit into the skin around (Y/N)’s chest before moving on to the opposite bud. The sensation made her mind cloud and her mouth threatened to let moans escape. Every part of her body was on fire.
“Mmm. . . Is this pleasurable for you? Are you enjoying it? Don’t forget, my little bitch, that you have to prove your love for me. How devoted are you really?”
“Izaya, I-”
“How many times do I have to say this, (Y/N), only through your actions. Hm. . . Maybe a little punishment will help set you straight?”
Izaya kneeled up from the bed, pulling (Y/N)’s collar with it. The collar constricted around her neck, bringing a wave of euphoria as she was choked for those few seconds as he filled the two of them, leading to Y/N being on top of Izaya. 
“Don’t think this is how we end it. Just for now, you’re nothing more than a slave with a hole. If you ever want to be anything more, prove it.”
Staring at him for a few seconds, (Y/N) was in disbelief of what she was hearing. Did Izaya really believe that, that she was just a warm hole for him? And she already sucked him off, what more did she have to prove?”
“Well go on, prove your devotion to your god, to your complete master.”
(Y/N) knew what she had to do. Her whole body was shaking as she lifted herself on top of Izaya. She could feel her cunt getting wetter by the second, almost soaking Izaya’s midsection. She couldn’t believe that she was doing this with Izaya, much less how obedient she was. It was her first time, she should be hesitant! Maybe she had been secretly wanting this for so long?
Once she was in position, she began to lower herself onto Izaya’s member before being stopped by Izaya.
“Ah, ah, ah, did you think that this is your only punishment? No, no, no! Turn around, (Y/N), face the mirror. If you dare to look away for even a split second, your god will make sure you get disciplined.”
(Y/N) found it good to not upset Izaya. That would be an adventure for another time. Hesitantly, (Y/N) turned around to look at herself in the mirror. When she saw herself, she couldn’t believe the state of her appearance. (Y/N) looked like an arousing mess. Her hair was messy, but it looked artistic in a way. Her hairs were jumbled up and her lips were swollen. Her chest was flushed, riddled with hickeys and as hard as ever. 
“Remember what I said~”
Filled with determination, (Y/N) rose onto her Izaya and steadied herself. She lowered herself onto Izaya’s member, sliding it in with ease. It hurt a lot at the start, but the pain went away and was quickly replaced with arousal. (Y/N) felt like a crab, looking at herself in the mirror. It was uncomfortable to watch, but she didn’t dare disobey Izaya. 
She started moving up and down, watching as her breasts bounced along with her body. Izaya laid below her, helping her along by holding her waist. His fingers dug into her sides, making her squirm around. If only she could see him, what face would he be making?
The room was echoing the moans of both (Y/N) and Izaya. He stayed silent, except for his grunts and the occasional moan. That, along with the sight of such a lewd image right before her eyes, made the knot in her stomach grow and grow. 
The wet claps grew within the room, along with Izaya’s heightened pace. Now, his nails dug into her sides but she didn’t dare comment on it. (Y/N) was too distracted by the intensity of her senses. Her hair started to stick onto her face and she found herself moving into Izaya’s thrusts. Her arms were burning from the position, she kept trying to adjust herself into a better position. 
Izaya’s hands briefly left her waist to play with her breasts some more, before returning to add some much-needed support. The clapping now was wetter, almost sounding empty and echoey. (Y/N)’s abdomen could feel herself tightening around Izaya, but the position just wasn’t enough. Lifting herself up more, she raised her heels and put all her balance on the balls of her feet. The position was just enough and to add more friction, pounding Izaya in further. 
She lowered her hand to play with her clit before her own hand was replaced by Izaya. He said nothing as he played with her folds, rubbing and tugging at it with ways that sent (Y/N) into a frenzy. Her legs twitched and shook, threatening to compromise her position. 
Soon, the passion was more than (Y/N) could withstand. She came all over Izaya, feeling the liquid flow out of her. Her vision blurred and she could feel chills wash over her body. Between her legs, it felt as if everything was pulsating and her heart was ringing in her ears. Izaya followed shortly afterwards, removing himself from her insides and letting her fall onto her side.
His arm snaked around (Y/N) once more, pulling her closer.
“Guess what, my sweet (Y/N). You passed!  You managed to catch my attention through that amazing performance! What do you think?”
(Y/N) had no thought within her mind. The pulsating still hadn’t gone away and the fluid between her legs still felt sticky. If there was one thing she knew, it was that this baby would certainly end up interesting.
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ellewriteswrongs · 3 years
layers of love - prinxiety
1.8k words
ao3 / ko-fi / previous work
summary: self-indulgent fluffy prinxiety, very domestic, some shrek references, y'all know the drill
cw: mild swearing, slight innuendo/suggestive dialogue
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Virgil asked from where he laid against his boyfriend’s chest. Roman’s hand stilled as he played with Virgil’s hair.
“Hmm?” He hummed, continuing to rock them with one leg hanging out of their shared hammock. “‘Course you can.”
Virgil made something akin to a purr as he laid in the sun, his hoodie discarded for once.
“When you first said you loved me…was it scary?”
Roman’s brow furrowed at the question, leaning back to try and see the other man’s face.
“Scary? I…I guess I don’t know. I think, in the moment, it just felt right,” he spoke with a soft smile, pausing only to plant a kiss on the other man’s forehead. “But ever since I realized it…every time I thought about saying it, I was terrified.”
When Virgil only shifted, tightening his grip around Roman’s waist, the latter continued.
“I was so worried you’d be freaked out and think I was moving too fast and the last thing I ever wanted was to scare you off, but I…” he trailed off, letting out an amused chuckle. “I was only ever afraid of losing you. Loving you has never scared me.”
Virgil hummed, leaning up to steal a lazy kiss from the corner of Roman’s lips.
“But what about all those stupid stories you like?” He smirked, folding his arms over Roman’s chest as he rested his chin on them. “Quite a bit of pressure there, Princey.”
Roman chuckled, twirling a particular strand of hair around his finger.
“Ahh yes, those stupid fairytales that you make me read to you all the time,” he teased, earning a playful slap on his shoulder. “I’ll have you know, I have more than enough understanding of when dramatic proclamations of my undying love are unwanted.”
Virgil just exhaled a short chuckle, reaching to pull Roman’s hand out of his hair and over to hold it against his cheek, first pressing a kiss into the palm.
“Isn’t that why it’s such a big deal though?” He mused, his eyes half-focused on the beach around them. “Like, isn’t the whole point of falling in love so that something changes once you say it? And…and nothing changed when we said it.”
Roman stiffed a little bit from under him. “Did you…want something to change?”
No. No, of course he didn’t. That was the best part about it.
He told Roman as such.
“I guess I just…always thought something would change, even if we didn’t really want it to,” he explained, closing his eyes as Roman started playing with his hair again. “But I like how we are. How we’ve always been.”
“How we’ve always been? I don’t know about you, stormcloud, but I think things have definitely changed for the better.”
Virgil huffed with a small smile.
“Alright, fine,” he said, his cheeks hot. “I’m glad we changed even if it was just a little.”
Roman chuckled, his chest vibrating comfortingly against Virgil’s head.
“Yeah, I think I like you a little bit more these days, sunshine.”
Virgil scoffed, jabbing Roman’s side with his elbow.
“Thanks, babe," he spoke teasingly. “What glowing praise."
Roman only wrapped both arms around him and squeezed tight, one hand cradling the back of his head and the other holding him by the waist.
"My darling dark and stormy knight,” Roman cooed dramatically, peppering kisses all over his face until the other started laughing. "The angel from my nightmares, oh how I adore you with everything I am."
Virgil smiled, his gaze soft and fond as he looked up at the man he loved.
"Mhm, that's more like it," he smirked, stealing a kiss. "I love you, dork."
Roman bent down to lean their foreheads together.
“What's with all the introspection, my love?"
"Good word, babe."
“Shut up, I'm just worried about you," Roman grumbled, tucking Virgil's head back under his chin.
"You're worried about me? Because I’m talking about being in love with you?" Virgil asked, taking one of Roman's hands to fiddle with his fingers.
"Well, you just don't...talk about it. We both don’t,” Roman explained, his voice vibrating through his chest. "And I'm glad we are, it's just...not what we do."
Virgil smiled, sighing contentedly.
"Nothing's wrong, I promise,” he assured him. "I guess I've just been thinking a lot lately."
"Oh wow, congrats," Roman teased with sarcastic claps.
“Shut up, oh my god,” Virgil complained, not even trying to hide his laughter. "I'm trying to be serious here."
"Alright, alright, I concede," Roman smiled, holding up his hands in mock surrender.
"I just kind of realized that I've been feeling different lately,” he started, causing Roman to immediately stiffen and lean back to see Virgil's face. Virgil smirked, rolling his eyes fondly. “I just told you nothing's wrong, chill babe."
"You telling me to chill out is quite ironic, methinks," Roman teased, relaxing back into the hammock. “It's not my fault you're rubbing off on me, Frank Fear-o.”
Virgil snorted a laugh at the nickname before he continued.
"Ever since we said it, I've just felt... better," he spoke, a soft smile on his face. "I don't even know how to explain it, it's just...better. I get headaches less, when I get anxious, it turns into panic attacks like half as much."
He paused as Roman's lips met his temple.
"And I think the strangest thing is," he spoke, propping himself up on his forearm to look down at his boyfriend
below him. “When you told me you loved me, I didn't doubt it for a second."
Roman gave a short, watery chuckle; his eyes tearing up just a little.
"Even just a year ago, I wouldn't've believed anybody who said that to me but you," he paused, reaching to squish Roman's cheeks with one hand until they both laughed. "I knew you'd never lie to me, but more than anything, I felt it."
He leaned in, intending to only steal a quick kiss before it swiftly escalated.
“Who knew you were such a sap?" Roman teased, breathing heavily as they eventually broke apart.
“Says you, Romeo."
“Oh, I wear that badge with pride, darling," he beamed. "According to Thomas' Twitter, I'm his 'simp' side."
Virgil snorted, laying back down as he leaned into Roman's shoulder.
"Okay, they're definitely right about that one,” he mumbled, ruffling the other’s curly hair affectionately. “I’ve got you wrapped around my finger and you can’t even deny it.”
Roman grabbed one of said fingers and brought it to his lips, planting a dramatic, drawn-out kiss with the most exaggerated noise he could.
“But of course!” He bellowed, earning a fond eye roll from his boyfriend. “For it is my only duty to bestow upon you all of the love one can possibly muster.”
Virgil quirked an eyebrow.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve got a few other duties, babe,” he challenged with a smirk. “Like maybe the concept pitch for the next scripted video that you haven’t done, or the notes for the editors, or the fact that Thomas hasn’t even picked up his ukulele since last year, or—“
“Okay! Okay, fine, I can’t devote my whole life to smothering you forever,” he agreed exasperatedly. “But if I could, I would.”
Virgil chuckled, folding his arms over Roman’s chest and resting his chin on top.
“Hmm, yeah I think I’d hate that.”
Roman gave an almost comical pout, pulling out the puppy dog eyes.
“Nope, absolutely not, you’re not getting me with that shit,” Virgil asserted, trying to maintain a firm tone as he came dangerously close to breaking into a smile. “Smother me twenty-four seven and I’ll dump you on the spot.”
Roman pulled a disbelieving face.
“You really think I’m buying that?” He smirked. “That you’d dump me for spoiling you absolutely rotten with my sweetness.”
He knew full well what he was doing.
“I need my space, princess,” he spoke, putting on a suave tone that he knew he wasn’t pulling off by the giggles that came from his boyfriend. “I gotta’ keep up the aesthetic.”
Roman brought Virgil’s hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles.
“Alright, alright, I respect the commitment,” he spoke, punctuated by kisses from Virgil’s hand up to his shoulder. “It’s so tragic that Mr. Misery Business would rather brood than swoon.”
“Who says I can’t have both?” He grinned. “I’m multi-faceted these days, babe. I have layers.”
Roman snorted a laugh, ducking his head right by Virgil’s ear.
“Layers,” he spoke with a heavy Scottish accent, his hands squeezing Virgil’s sides. “Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. We both have layers.”
“Oh my god,” Virgil cackled with laughter. “I hate it. I hate you, never speak to me again.”
Roman smirked, unfazed.
“But Virgil, that’s what friends do, they forgive each other.”
“One more word and you’re not getting any kisses for the rest of the week.”
“It’s already Friday.”
“Well, I don’t exactly want to punish myself in the process.”
Roman flushed a little at the rare admittance of affection.
“You think you couldn’t go a full week without any kisses?”
“I mean,” Virgil spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t exactly want to find out.”
He answered with a chaste kiss to the other man’s temple. “I guess the world may never know.”
“If Logan were here right now, he’d probably try to get us to find out.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing I never listen to the ol’ poindexter anyways,” Roman grinned, quirking an eyebrow.
“Ahh, yes, my favorite thing about you,” Virgil teased with a sly smirk. “How you’d rather be eternally petty than have an ounce of rational thought in that pretty little head of yours.”
Roman gave an offended scoff.
“You know what, I’m just going to ignore everything you just said in favor of the fact that you called me pretty,” he defended with a humph.
“Oh, you like that?” Virgil continued teasing. “As if you don’t already know you're pretty.”
Roman feigned his innocence.
“I’m afraid I haven’t the slightest idea, darling. Perhaps you’ll have to enlighten me on what you find so appealing,” he drawled, his voice syrupy sweet in a way that would’ve made Virgil weak in the knees if they weren’t currently lying on top of each other. “My cute button nose? Thick, wavy locks? Maybe my taut, round buttocks?”
Virgil barked out a laugh, rolling his eyes with fond exasperation.
“Pull another Shrek quote out of that ass and I’ll see to it that you won’t be able to sit for a week—a full week.”
Roman froze, his eyes widening in surprise.
“Is…is that a threat or a promise?”
Virgil just groaned, shoving him until the hammock teetered and he panicked, clinging back onto the other man. “You’ve been spending too much time with your brother.”
“You may be right, but this is certainly more fun, I must admit,” he sighed happily.
“Just shut up and take a nap, princess.”
“As you wish, my love.”
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221bshrlocked · 3 years
VII. Needs
Pretend You Don’t See Her! Masterlist
Pairing: Mob!Sebastian Stan x Reader
Words: 4164
Warnings: Some angst, some swearing. SMUT!!! Wrap the dingaling my dudes please. Better safe than surprised. 
A/N: The smoot is here. Let me know how I’m doing in the comments please and maybe push that reblog button?? :D Thanks people!!
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A familiar ringing pulls you from sleep and you groan when you feel the heavy source of heat move away from your back. Pulling the covers over your head, you turned around and finally realized where you were. As you peaked through the covers, you saw Sebastian holding the phone a little tightly, and you were sure whatever it was had to do with you because as soon as he sensed you were awake, he hissed angrily at Chris before ending the conversation. 
Before you could say anything to him, he was slithering under the covers and pulling you towards him again, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you as close to him as possible. You weren’t sure what this all meant and you hoped it wouldn’t come to an end any time soon because for the first time in forever, you felt like you belonged to someone and perhaps, someone belonged to you.
“Good morning,” you whispered against his neck and felt your stomach twist when you heard his hoarse, gravelly voice ring in your ears.
“Morning sweetheart,” his fingers wrapped around the back of your neck and squeezed, and you couldn’t help but shiver under his touch because you haven’t been awake for more than five minutes and he was already getting you hot and bothered from the simplest of actions. Sebastian, however, misunderstood your reaction to him and pushed himself away from you, his eyes frantically searching your face for any signs of discomfort. When you refused to look at him, he tilted your chin up and blinked confusingly at you.
“I’m sorry I didn’t- Y/N, I didn’t make you uncomfortable did I?”
It took you a few seconds to register his words and when you did, you felt a little bolder and trailed your hands down to his chest. Sebastian held his breath when he felt your fingers slide through the space between his shirt buttons, turning back to you again and swallowing shyly at your sudden moves. He trailed his eyes over your features, afraid your response to him was forced and not because you truly wanted him.
“Y-you did...but in a good way.” You focused on the skin peaking through his shirt, marvelling at how hard the buttons were fighting to stay closed. 
Sebastian didn’t know how to react to your words but then he felt you rub your thighs beneath the covers and realized that, yes, you did want him, perhaps even needed him to scratch that itch. Lord knows he’s been wanting to do the same ever since he saw you that fateful night. 
“Yeah baby? What way would that be?” He pushed one of his thighs between yours, smiling devilishly when you saw you shut your eyes and bite on your lower lip to suppress a moan.
“I- I think you know.” You didn’t want to meet his gaze, couldn’t if you actually tried. He was such a force to be reckoned with and you weren’t sure you’d be able to hold back from acting on your deepest desires should you find him as needy as you were. 
“Want to hear you say it...please sweetheart.” Sebastian allowed his hand to roam the expanse of your skin, pushing on your lower back and sighing heavily when he felt the heat of your center dragging against his slacks.
“Seb...please-” He was sure he died and went to heaven because even though he’d heard that nickname a million times before, it never sounded so angelic and soft as when it came from you. Before he can try to talk himself out of it, Sebastian was grabbing your hips and pulling your roughly against his thigh, trying his hardest not to blink so he wouldn’t miss a single second of you coming undone at his touch.
“Come on baby, you look so pretty like this...all needy and quiet and fucking heavenly...use me Y/N, use me however you want and drench me.” Sebastian wished you could open your eyes and look at him but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. A part of him was afraid you’d still run away from him, that this was all a dream his sick mind conjured up since last night. He didn’t want to let you go, wishing he could stay in this bed forever. For the first time in god knows how long, he felt like he was right where he belonged. He had his whole world in his arms, and nothing else mattered. His hands never let up, dragging you deliciously across his thigh and groaning when he felt your heat wet his pants. What he’d give to push you down and lick you dry until you couldn’t remember anything but his name.
“Goddamn- you’re the prettiest fucking sight in this world. Cum on me darling, cum on me and let me walk around with the scent of your sweet little cunt soaked into my skin. Mark me dragă mea! Atât de frumos. God baby, that’s it. C-cum...now!” 
You weren’t sure what it was that threw you over the edge, the way he whispered the filthiest things into the quiet room or when he spoke in what you assumed was his native language. Perhaps it was a mixture of that and the underlying meaning behind his words. He wanted you to mark him, he wanted to walk around with the scent of you on him. He thought you were the prettiest sight in this world and wanted you to use him for your own pleasure. It didn’t matter in the end because as you threw your head back and screamed his name over and over again, Sebastian leaned against you and kissed along your neck, biting harshly on your shoulder as he felt you shudder in his arms. 
He kept on pushing you down on him, wanting to prolong your pleasure if only to see you let go with him. In him.
When you did finally manage to catch your breath, you swallowed the lump in your throat before opening your eyes and looking at him. It should have terrified you, the way he was looking at you right now. He was feral, eyes dilated until there was barely any of the soft blue left in them. But he somehow looked soft as well, as if he was committing every inch of you to memory. You smiled at him and felt your heart skip a beat when he returned the expression, pulling you against him and kissing your forehead before removing his leg.
“I- uhh,” you struggled to form a coherent thought, mostly because you were still high on all the endorphins rushing through your bloodstream.
“Thank you.” Sebastian swiped your hair back and almost laughed when he saw the quizzical look you were throwing him.
“For giving me a chance to e-explain myself.” You could tell this was difficult for him, opening up and being vulnerable with someone else, someone he barely knew anything about.
“Can I ask about yesterday?” You kept your hand on his chest, hoping the skin contact would put him at ease.
“I- I can’t tell you everything just yet, but I do want to tell you why I said what I said yesterday. I won’t try to make excuses Y/N, because...as much as I hate to admit it, Chris was right. I could have handled this a lot better. But I want you to understand that I didn't mean those words. I swear on my life baby I would never...I could never say something like that to you.” He was breathing heavily and you knew the two of you needed some coffee before this conversation went any further. 
“Okay?” Sebastian wasn’t sure if he’d heard you correctly and when you nodded at him with that lovely smile again, he knew this was it. You were it for him. 
“Yeah. How about we go freshen up and have some coffee and you can tell me whatever it is you can then? I- I won’t ask for details I swear, I only need to hear your side of things..just for- just so I know.” He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve you and he realized he needed to make this right before anything else happened. You were so easily forgiving with him when you didn’t have to be and in that moment, Sebastian knew he’d spend the rest of his life making sure he became the man you thought he was.
“That sounds good, yeah. I- okay.” He was never one to flush under someone’s gaze or become so nervous that he couldn’t form a proper sentence but you’d found your way into his heart and made him act like a teenager all over again. Surprisingly, Sebastian didn’t mind any of this, not when it was you that was breaking down his walls.
You sat up on your elbows and kissed his cheek, not waiting to see his reaction and jumping out of bed towards the bathroom. Sebastian held his cheek and looked at the closed door, grabbing his heart and sighing when he felt lighter than ever. Grabbing his phone, he made his way to the other guest room and freshened up, shooting a quick text to Chris as he descended the stairs to make some coffee. 
You, on the other hand, spent a few minutes looking at yourself in the mirror. What the hell just happened? Your eyes trailed down your form, smiling at the memory of his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him. 
But as happy as you were, you couldn’t help but think over the past twenty four hours. There was a lot to think over and evaluate, especially now that you knew Sebastian was a much more complicated man than he let on. But you had a feeling he’d be worth the hassle. 
Putting your hair up in a ponytail, you brushed your teeth and took a quick shower, allowing the hot water to wash away every insecurity brought about by last night. You were thankful you found some casual clothes in the dresser near the bed and smiled when you realized why Sebastian was reluctant to let you go with Chris last night. 
As you went down the stairs, you could hear Sebastian talking on the phone and made sure he heard you approaching him in case he didn’t want to say anything in front of you. When he held out the cup of coffee and continued his conversation, you felt relieved because true to his words, he did want to let you in on what happened and wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. He walked to the couch and hissed something into the speaker before turning to you and apologizing. You smiled and shrugged your shoulders, following him and sitting right next to him, almost chuckling at the way he seemed to grow nervous every time you touched his skin. 
“Hey uhh Chris, let me call you back. There’s this thing...I need to um, yeah.” At that you did laugh, apologizing when you heard Chris teasing him through the phone before he turned it off and threw it on the table.
“No no, you have nothing to apologize for. Chris just...it’s been a while since I’ve, since I grew close to someone. Someone like you.” The change in his behavior was endearing and you would have never guessed that such a dangerous alpha-kind-of-guy would act so shy in front of you of all people.
“I can move to the opposite side if-”
“NO. N-no, please stay here.” Sebastian grabbed your wrist and pulled you back towards him, relishing at how you easily melted into his arms. 
“About yesterday-”
“Let me make this easier for you.” You cut him off, turning until you came face to face with him and you had his undivided attention. “I heard you talking with Chris yesterday so I know, I know where your mind went when you heard him talking about me. I can sort of understand how that must have looked and I don’t blame you. I really don’t work for him, and I hope you know that by now. I- I kinda got what this was all about, with that man I mean. I’m assuming he isn’t a friend and from the sounds of it, he had Aaron work for you so he could get some information on your business? Or your deals? I don’t know and honestly, I don’t think it’ll change anything so you don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to.” You held his hand in between your own, massaging his wrist and squeezing his fingers to put him at ease.
“He wasn’t feeding him information about my work, sweetheart. He was telling him about you.” Sebastian felt his chest tighten at your expression. You were so calm and collected and understanding and he wasn’t sure how you’d managed to be this sweet when, as far as he knew, you didn’t have a really nice life up to this point. But he wasn’t about to abuse your understanding either and against his better judgement, he went ahead and told you what last night’s issue was actually about. 
“Me? What do I have to do with anything? I’m nobody...I literally just started working for you.” Your little outburst shot straight to his stomach and it must have shown on his face because you found a way to move closer to him and place your hand on his chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to- it’s okay. Can you...do you mind explaining to me?”
“When I tell you it’s been a while since I’ve been with someone Y/N, I mean it. I can’t even remember the last time I went on a date. And- fuck, there’s a reason for that. The things that I’ve done, and- and what I do now...it’s dangerous for anyone to be with me. But I couldn’t stop myself with you. You were a surprise baby, a goddamn sweet surprise and for the first time since I was a kid, I wanted to be selfish. I wanted you, wanted to get to know you and take care of you and make sure you’re not in danger. I expected him to come after me after that night with you. I was in his territory and I had no business being there. I was so busy trying to get closer to you baby girl that I didn’t see what he was doing to try and get close to you. And I- fuck it if I didn’t see red yesterday and almost fucking killed him when he touched you. I- I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t want you to see this side of me this soon but I can’t not be honest with you. I swear on my life I didn’t mean what I said yesterday, I was afraid and stupid. Please...please give me another chance. I- we barely know each other but I need you, I need you like I need air and that fucking terrifies me but I don’t care. You’re it for me Y/N, don’t want anyone else. Never going to look at anyone else darling.” 
Sebastian’s voice broke and you weren’t sure how to react to any of what he said because as far as you could tell, that sounded a hell of a lot like a declaration of love and he was right. You barely knew each other and there was definitely a lot that was yet to be exposed. But you couldn’t shake away the feeling in your stomach, that same feeling that only grew over the past few days of interacting with him. You could tell he’s been through a lot more but was choosing to hold back for now and you hoped that the day would come where he’d trust you enough to tell you his story. 
You slowly got up and stood between his legs, looking into his eyes as you held out your hand and waited for him to take it before pulling him behind you. Sebastian wasn’t sure what you wanted of him so he decided to follow your lead and wait until you spoke your mind. You went up the stairs and occasionally looked at him, smiling to reassure him as you stood at the top of the stairs. You raised his hand to your lips and kissed his palm before pulling him to the room again. Sebastian was close to losing his mind, hoping he wasn’t misunderstanding your intentions and that the two of you had moved past this little bump in the road. 
You walked into the room and shut the door behind you, moving to the bed and softly pushing on his shoulders until he was sitting down at the edge of the mattress. As you leaned down to kiss his cheek, Sebastian wrapped his arm around you and kept you there until you wrapped your arms around his neck and moved to straddle him.
Sebastian reluctantly ended the kiss, shutting his eyes out of fear of looking at you and pushing you beneath him. 
“Baby, you don’t have to-”
“Shh, please Seb. Let me show you how much I lo- how much I care about you.”
Sebastian opened his eyes and looked at you, truly looked at you, and found something swimming in your eyes that he thought he’d never see again in his life.
You trace his eyebrows and lean forward to kiss one eye before slowly moving to the other, completely melting into him as he turns the two of you around and pins you beneath him on the bed. 
“You have no idea how much I want you Y/N.” Sebastian whispers as he begins to strip off his clothes, never once breaking eye contact as you mirror his movements and pull the shirt over your head. His hands begin to shake when he sees that you aren’t wearing anything underneath and almost loses his mind when you make quick work of the shorts and throw them away. 
“You’re a fucking dream baby, and I never want to wake up from it.” He aggressively pulls his shirt off and moves to unbutton his pants but you sit up in nothing but your panties and push his hands away, unbuckling his belt and undoing his slacks agonizingly slowly. 
“Shit, please…” He’s rubbing your shoulders and tilts your head up so you could look at him, almost falling over when you pull his pants down far enough to cup the bulge on his boxer briefs while smiling at him. Sebastian swallows the lump in his throat, no longer able to control himself as you continue to tease him. He abruptly pushes off the bed and slides both articles of clothing down his thick thighs, trying to hold back a proud smirk when he sees the way you react to seeing him.
“Seb,” you lay back down and open your legs, unable to hold back from moaning his name over and over again as he settles between your thighs and rocks against your clothed heat. 
“I feel like I’ve known you all my life,” he whispers to you, kissing your neck and holding onto your hands as he licks and nips at the flushed skin of your chest. You buck against him when he bites on your nipple and rolls the other one between his fingers. 
“I need you, Seb- please, we can do slow later. Just, fuck me already.” You aren’t sure how you’re saying any of this without wanting the earth to swallow you and you have a feeling it’s only because you’re with Sebastian and not some other man. He swears under his breath before rolling your panties down your legs and throwing them on the floor. 
“Wait fuck, I- I don’t have a condom.” You can sense a hint of panic rising in his chest and grab his cheeks so he could look at you.
“I...I want to feel you, all of you. Nothing in between us. Please.”
“Are you sure sweetheart? We can stop and-”
“I haven’t had sex in years. And I was tested right after my last...encounter.” You wished you were being awkward about this and you hoped he wasn’t thinking you were being too needy with him or misunderstand your words.
“I- neither have I.” Sebastian wants to ask so many questions but he realizes they would probably kill the mood should he voice them now so he shuts up and lowers his lips against yours, his stomach dropping when he feels your hand wrap around his cock before rubbing it against your slit.
“Shit baby you’re soaking. Haven’t even touched you yet.” He looks down to where you’re touching him and loses all train of thought when he sees how soft and almost innocent your hand looks squeezing and pulling him. 
“Oh god Seb you’ve no idea how much I’ve been thinking about you. Just- just looking at you in that suit makes me wet baby, I...fuck oh fuck that’s it.” He slowly inches inside you, groaning against your neck when he feels you clenching around him tightly as he bottoms out. 
“You’re- you’re perfect. Everything about you is perfect.” Sebastian can barely hold himself up, finding it harder to rely on his arms as you gyrate your hips and beg him to move. He pulls out and growls into the room when you cross your legs behind his back and forcefully push him back into you.
“God damn it, fuck. You tryin’ to kill me darling?” He’s sort of laughing, sort of begging his heart to beat so he doesn’t completely lose mind. But then he feels you digging your nails into his back and he lets go, pushing himself up and thrusting into you like a wild animal. You’re both panting and screaming each others’ names, and it takes Sebastian a few extra seconds to notice how you squeeze him a little bit harder when he talks to you in Romanian. He picks up the pace and rotates from swallowing your moans and sucking on your tongue to telling you how good you feel and how he can undoubtedly stay in between your thighs for hours. 
“Touch me Seb, t-touch me.” You throw your head back and rotate your hips violently against him when you feel the tips of his fingers rubbing furiously at your clit. He’s torn between staring at where you’re joined and committing your facial expressions to memory. Never in his life has he felt this physically and emotionally connected to someone and he swears again when he feels your cunt swallow him.
“Fuck, baby- look at me...l-look at me.” He takes hold of your cheeks and thumbs at your lips, not sure if he wants to kiss you until you’re breathless or bite you until you’re screaming his name.
Your hand leaves his back and grasps at his wrist. Sebastian is staring at you like he’s finally found his heaven and you cum around him just as he closes his lips softly around your lower lip. He hisses when he feels you contracting around him, fucking you through your orgasm to stretch out your pleasure and reach his own. 
“C-cum for me Seb,” the short request shoots straight to his heart and for a brief moment, Sebastian wonders if this is what it feels like to catch a bullet into his chest. It must be because his own release catches him off guard, the sheer force of it knocking out his strength and he falls on you as he continues to thrust his cum deep inside you. You’re shaking from how warm and full you suddenly feel, scratching his neck and whispering his name and telling him all kinds of sweet words as he comes down from his high. 
Sebastian slowly returns to himself a few minutes later and he barely manages to push off of you before falling onto his side. You’re looking at him like he’s your world and he’s close to tears but holds them back to not ruin the moment. He smiles at you when you move to face him and kiss his cheek. 
“You’re amazing.” He’s rubbing your neck and pulling you closer to him, bumping his nose with yours and laying out his arm so you could lay flush to him.
“You’re pretty amazing yourself.” You return the compliment and chuckle when he blushes at your words, hiding in the crook of your neck to hide his embarrassment. 
As the two of you drift to sleep, Sebastian realizes that no matter what happens now, he is going to try his hardest to become the man you think he is. A man that’s worthy of your adoration and who can one day be deserving of your love as well. 
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Pretend You Don’t See Her: @feelmyroarrrr @yallneedtrek @talk-geek-to-me @lovecatystuff @scuzmunkie  @diablefatale @ayybtch @searchingforbuckyfavs @that-damn-girl @ruthyalva96 @pizzarollpatrol @calwitch @maybeisthemoon @metalarmsandmanbuns @saliarheva @becs-bunker @gogomez-509 @hailmary-yramliah @sycochick @evilxcupcakexnik @redgillan @dragonqueen0606 @sydthekid1518 @bbmommy0902 @honey-bee-holly @godohammers @mazarinqueen @ladifreakingda @duhh-danielly @buckysoldierstories @prettyboyswow @siana2208 @infinity-saga @g4y-lolita @clarissahaan @le-tha @booya--18 @superhero-missouri @i-stan-stuff @stuckyinamoose @this-is-serenaa @sweettangeriness @sergantbuckybarnes @cynic-spirit @bisoubarnes @som-iserem @krazykiara @buckys-estrella @clintbartonswifee @thesoftdumbass @marvelous-capsicle @2s0uls @kcd15 @bitchierrichie @paranjaperiyauniverse @romanosgirl1978 @iwillmakeyoucraveme @luckyfiction17 @bitterstar88 @lostinspace33 @niknoca @tumblstreets @minetticatinwonderland @the-endoftime @coraz0ndcristal @dancingalone21 @sweetlittlegingy @spideyxstan @calwitch @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @positionsfyou @poeta-nascitur @nevenabadr @tanyaherondale @brooke-supernatural16​
Sebastian Stan: @libbymouse​ @its--fandom--darling​ @princess76179​ @miraclesoflove​ @freeshavocadoooo​ @talk-geek-to-me​ @words-way-of-life​ @niall7inches​ @nevenabadr​ @atashi-no-yuuki​ @lostinspace33​ @planetariumx​ @brooke-supernatural16​ @leannawithacapitala​
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4ragon · 3 years
I'm not the original anonymous but I would extremely want to see that essay about Apollo's trust issues.
Also since I just finished Spirit of Justice, do you think Lamiroir ever told Trucy/Apollo about her and if so what would be their reactions?
Let’s see if I can write this up without crying again like I did on twitter.
So a while ago a friend of mine asked me why I liked Apollo, and I really couldn’t put my finger on it. I knew he was my favorite, but unlike Simon Blackquill, I hadn’t done that deep dive into figuring out why. I’d always just sort of loved him, and was never able to pinpoint the part that made me care about him so much. It drove me crazy, too, I love rambling about characters that I love, and I love writing from Apollo’s perspective more than anything. So why did I love him? Why did I care about him?
Well. I figured it out. I figured out my answer.
I think there are two things that characterize Apollo more than anything. One: He has trust issues. He genuinely believes that the people around him don’t give a shit about him. Especially after being betrayed multiple times in that first trial, he truly and deeply believes that the people around him are only trying to hurt him and is too scared to really believe that they care about him.
And two: He cares so much about the people around him that he constantly helps them anyway.
So like. And I won’t tag her because I don’t think she’d appreciate it, but I was watching the laquilasse AA4 stream last night, and the entire opening of Turnabout Corner is so striking to me, especially right after the end of Turnabout Trump. At the end of Turnabout Trump, Apollo’s trust and belief in Phoenix is finally and thoroughly shattered, and Apollo lashes out, punching Phoenix in the face. And for good reason! That was a huge breach of trust! Apollo literally did the exact thing that got Phoenix disbarred, namely present evidence that wasn’t real. Sure, they never exactly claimed it was the real deal, but Apollo didn’t even know it was faked, he just trusted Phoenix and this new piece of evidence and it almost fucked him over. It did sort of fuck him over, he did lose his job and his Mentor.
And then, Phoenix calls him and says that they’re in trouble, and Apollo doesn’t even question it, of course he shows up to help.
Like. You can feel how much he mistrusts Trucy on their first meeting, in everything he does and says. Especially when Trucy and Phoenix are in the same room, he’s actively thinking about how he doesn’t ‘buy their act’ when Phoenix is calling Trucy daughter-ly nicknames. And then, in a way, he’s kind of right? They guilt him into essentially being their errand boy, and I feel like they’re constantly and loudly using him throughout so much of the game.
And Apollo was there anyway. Apollo doesn’t even trust them and he’s still there the first instant Phoenix says he needs his help.
Like you can loudly do and say whatever you want and crush his dreams and betray his trust, and despite everything, there’s always that part of Apollo that desperately needs to help anyone who asks him. He can’t even bring himself to trust them, and he’s still crawling back the moment someone needs him, ready to let them disappoint him over again.
Like this struck me about Apollo from the moment I played AA4, but he’s so lonely? And desperate for connection? He cares so much about a world that has always and consistently never cared about him, and he just keeps caring and keeps caring even as that starry-eyed naivete is ripped away. And I feel like he just wants someone to care about him back, but never really able to believe that they do, because they never really seem to, because every time he allows himself to trust it’s just thrown back in his face so horribly.
Here’s an interesting thing I noticed: in Turnabout Trump, there’s a really interesting line. Phoenix has accused Kristoph of being the murderer, the extra person in the room. Kristoph takes the stand and claims to have witnessed the moment Phoenix committed the murder. And this exchange happens:
Apollo: There must have been someone else there at the moment of the crime!
Kristoph: Justice... I just said I saw no one. Not a soul.
Apollo: B-But, that goes against what Mr. Wright said!
Kristoph: Ah yes, this mysterious "fourth person"... ...who would conveniently be the "real killer", I suppose.
And this is well past the point where Phoenix has accused Kristoph of being that person. There’s no possibility at this point that they’re both innocent, it’s either one or the other. And Apollo is still so desperately trying to find a way for them both to be innocent, basically saying, “Just give me a fourth person and I’ll believe you.” And then Kristoph turned out to be a monster, and then Phoenix turned out to have betrayed Apollo from the start, and as far as Apollo is ever aware, none of the care from either of these men was ever real. He trusted, and he suffered the consequences.
But again. He’s still there. Someone pointed out a while ago, but Apollo stays. Apollo shows up to the Wright Talent Agency under false pretenses, and he complains and hems and haws, and he still stays. Why?
Phoenix and Trucy loudly manipulate him into working their case. They’re perfectly happy to flaunt that they’re basically tricking him. And he stays. Why?
Because Apollo can’t trust them, but he wants to so fucking bad. He doesn’t even seem to like Phoenix that much, but he wants that connection so fucking bad. He cares about them so much and he doesn’t believe for a second that they extend that feeling back at him, and he’s compelled to stay anyway.
He knows Trucy is practically using him, and he’s a sobbing mess when he thinks she was kidnapped for a few minutes. He’s cynical and mean and it’s all just to cover up the fact that he loves all these people around him with all his heart and they never once pay it back. And he comes back anyway. He’s like a fucking loyal dog that is never given enough affection and so he’s constantly trying harder and harder to earn that love while never believing he’ll ever really get it.
(Shit nope crying again)
It’s just so sad. And this is all without adding anything from the 3D games. The 3D games do build on this theme in one way or another, but from the get go, this is who Apollo is. A caring young man who is constantly punished for caring and yet can’t stop caring anyway.
We see it again in the 3D games. And I think part of why I don’t enjoy DD as much as SoJ is that DD doesn’t capture this mistrust the same way. It’s so surface level, that sense of betrayal and mistrust and anger he gets consumed by in that final case. And the worst part is it doesn’t have to be! There’s already that foundation! Apollo has been hurt already a million times. The only person he’s ever been able to trust, the only lifeline that’s kept him above water since he was a child, was Clay Terran, and now that was taken from him because he DARED to trust someone new. That’s so fucking compelling! But we never get that! We never get to see how Apollo is feeling. We get that he’s convinced Athena did the murder, but never really get into the Why, into the What This Means for Apollo.
It’s a bit better in SoJ. We see how far he’s come in terms of trusting people when he trusts in Trucy wholly and immediately in case two. And then, conversely, we see his mistrust and hurt when they introduce Dhurke into the mix. Apollo refuses point blank to believe that Dhurke had come to visit him, that Dhurke cared about him. Apollo demands to know why Dhurke was there, what Dhurke wanted, how Dhurke was going to use him. He’s been able to slowly start building that trust with people like Trucy, but he still cannot let himself trust again when Dhurke had already betrayed that trust.
I said it before, but as much as I hate the slapdash ways in which Capcom keeps throwing backstory at this boy, I love what the backstories are, because they build on this angry, cynical, lonely young man I care about so much. He’s been hurt and abandoned and used and betrayed since he was young, and being good never truly paid off for so long, but he kept doing it, he kept being good, he kept caring about people because he couldn’t help it, and kept hoping that maybe they could care back. And eventually I think it does start paying off for him. People do start caring about him. And I feel like it takes until around SoJ for him to start really believing that the people around him might care about him too.
Also congrats on finishing SoJ! Since there’s a very good chance that they might be announcing AA7 soon, I...hope? fear? expect? that they’ll touch on this then. However, I also worry that they’re going to botch it up so hard.
I know what I want to happen. I want Trucy to be angry. I want her to be angry at Lamiroir and Phoenix. She is constantly putting on a mask to try to make the people she loves happy, and I feel like this is a reasonable breaking point. After all, this is kind of the one thing that Phoenix hasn’t been honest with her about. She had a brother right there, and knew the whole time?! She had a mother there the whole time?! And no one bothered to tell her?! I think she’d be heartbroken, and I think she deserves to be angry. She’s been through so much, and they never give her time to really grieve or be upset.
I think Apollo would be ecstatic and angry at the same time. All he’s ever wanted was family, and now he does! He already loved Trucy, and thought Lamiroir was amazing, so I think he would be so happy to have that family back in his life. On the flip side, I do think he’d be angry at Phoenix, particularly for keeping it to himself before Lamiroir came into the picture, but I think if they talked it out, Apollo would come around to it and be able to forgive Phoenix.
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runwithwolvcs · 3 years
You Know I'm No Good - four
First Day
Warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol, mentions of sex
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[photo of Tallulah and Lina]
don't call me kid, don't call me baby, look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
Tallulah was the first one awake in the morning, the sunrise just peeking through her blinds as she laid in bed on her side, staring at the wall. She struggled to get back to sleep and tossed and turned, feeling an uncomfortable pit in her stomach that she decided had something to do with it being her first day at La Push Tribal School.
Starting a new school in the second semester of her senior year did not bother her as much as it should have, what concerned her more was that she was walking into a school that never gets new students, let alone mid semester. All eyes were going to be on her, and she was sure that some of them had already conjured up their own preconceived notions of her. Oh the joys of small town gossip, she thought to herself as she climbed out of bed, grabbing her clothes for the day. She told herself that making friends was not a must here, because as soon as she graduates she will be back in Seattle with her old, real friends, living the life that she wants to live. She could let herself be picky, or else she’ll end up with a Josie, who seems trustworthy on the outside, but isn’t in the end. Tallulah rolled her eyes at the thought itself, if that's how she wants to be then so be it.
Tallulah quickly changed into her black tank and oversized flannel shirt, before pulling on her jeans, she tried to tame her hair without ruining her natural waves into a frizzy mess. She wasn't one for much makeup, especially not for school considering the frequent rain on pacific northwest.
Rushing downstairs to the kitchen, the uncomfortable pit curbing her appetite, Tallulah settled on just coffee, as she poured it into her mug she had grabbed from the cupboard, she heard footsteps entering the kitchen. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Lenna out of the corner of her eye, all dolled up as if she were going to Paris Fashion Week.
“I heard about what Josie did.” Lenna stated as she searched through the fridge, “you’ll get used to it.” This made Tallulah scoff audibly, “get used to being thrown under the bus for doing absolutely nothing wrong beside talking to some guy I’ve never even met before yesterday?” she asked sarcastically, turning to face her younger sister, mug in hand. “No, well, yes. It just means she did something she doesn’t want to get in trouble for, so she throws gasoline on someone else's fire to make it seem bigger than the one she started.” She keeps her eye on the tall, raven-haired girl as she closes the door, “She means well Tally.” I bet, she thought to herself. Maybe this is what sisters do, and she's the one that's being unreasonable. To be fair, she's never had to deal with someone snitching right in front of her face to her mother. At least she had the guts to do it at the dinner table.
She watched as Lenna looked over her outfit, making a face that Tallulah couldn’t quite comprehend, “is there something wrong with my outfit?” she asked, eyebrows raised in challenge. Lenna shook her head, “Nope, not at all. Between that, the tattoos and the nicotine addiction, I’d say you’ll fit right in with a few groups at school. I can point them out if you’d like, I heard dad tossed your vape maybe you can snag one today.” Tallulah shook her head before taking a sip of her cooling coffee, “I can make my own friends, and I’m not addicted” she fought the urge to roll her eyes again as their dad walked into the kitchen, clearly dressed for work. “Tally, Lenny, ready for school? Dakota picked up your sister already this morning, something about a project that's not finished yet” the short laugh that came from Lenna did not go unnoticed by Tallulah, but she said nothing, nodding her head at her fathers question. “I have to go to a tribal meeting tonight with Kira, so it’s going to be pizza for dinner, Lenny can pick it up on her way home from work, right Len?” he asked as he filled his to-go mug with coffee, even though he really wasn't asking, “Tal,” he said, looking directly at his eldest daughter, “I know this has been a big change in just a few days, but you’re doing great kid, but let's keep those rules in mind when making friends today,” clearly referring to something she has no clue about. “So, you mean I can’t skip school and sneak Paul through my window while you’re gone?” she joked half heartedly. She had no intention of ever speaking to him today, but seeing the looks on Lenna and their dad's face was probably the best start to her day she was going to get. She finished off her coffee and placed her mug in the sink, grabbing her book bag from the counter and heading to the front door, yelling ‘kidding!’ over her shoulder as she left, while her dad yelled ‘have fun!’ right back at her.
Tallulah drove in silence to the school, following the directions Josie had shown her during their day out, for once wanting to be early. She wanted to scope out all her classrooms beforehand to minimize the amount of interaction she would have to have with anyone in order to just keep her head down and float by as unnoticed as she could.
As she pulled into the small parking lot there were very few students and teachers mulling around. The school itself was small, only two stories, with a few portables that were quite run down. Nothing like her old school of 5000 students, every hallway crowded and parking lot full every day.
Tallulah parked her car and pulled out her phone from her pocket, checking the few messages she had, despite it only being 8 in the morning. One message was from her mom, wishing her well on her first day, telling her she had shipped the rest of her personal belongings that she may want or need and that she loved her. Tallulah rolled her eyes, she loved her so much she didn’t want to deal with her anymore. She checked some more of her messages and replied to those that warranted them only stopping as the incoming call notification lit up her screen.
A photo of Lina, her best friend, and her graced the screen, she quickly hit accept before placing the phone to her ear, breathing out a quickie ‘hello’. The two haven’t been able to have a conversation in days to discuss the tragedy that had unfolded the night her mom caught her sneaking into her bedroom, the dramatic gasp on the other line made her smile, “You picked up!” Lina all but shouted excitedly, before saying to someone else ‘told you she would’, clearly she wasn’t alone. “Of course I did, Li. Just because I've been shipped off to the middle of nowhere doesn’t mean I dropped out of school.” she said looking at the tiny building, that more students were now filing into. “Besides, I always answer your calls.” she stated, which made Lina laugh into the phone, “Right, right. Well I was just calling to see how you were, Kits here too.” she said and she could hear Kit bid a hello in the background, “and we wanted to invite you to this party that's happening at some club in Port Angeles next Friday. We figured it would give you some time to ask your dad if you can come or plan an escape. He can’t keep you from us forever.” she rambled, clearly excited.
She knew what club she was talking about, they had been planning on going once they had all turned 18. As exciting as it sounded, she knew her dad would never go for it, and sneaking out to Port Angeles and back would be next to impossible. “I don’t know about that, Li, but I'll try. I’m sure I could convince him to let you guys come out here if he doesn’t budge?” she asked absentmindedly, hoping she’d take the bait. Tallulah listened as Lina talked to someone away from the speaker before hearing the phone be passed to someone new, she furrowed her brows at the silence before the new speaker breathed out, “Luie.”
The only person on planet earth who was allowed to call her ‘Luie’. The nickname started with him and ended with him. She hated the nickname when he had first started using it, he would say it in such a condescending way. Like he was reprimanding a child, but it grew on her as her relationship with him developed. They had never dated, but everyone assumed they were with how touchy-feely they were with each other. But, they both hated commitment, saying that it was the root of all sadness, and they had enough of that in their life already. As if that stopped them from hurting each other anyways. Xander was all of her firsts, first friend, first kiss, first time drinking alcohol with him, first cigarette, first time sneaking out, and first hookup. It's why she always went back to him after a fight, no matter how bad it was, all her good memories are tied to him.
“Hey, Xan” she said softly, “Are you coming to Port Angeles for the party?” he asked in a nonchalant tone, knowing she could never say no to him. “I want to..” she started, “But no promises. My dads a lot stricter compared to my mom.” Tallulah heard him grunt in acknowledgment. He wasn’t going to beg, or plead her to come like Kit or Lina would, he knew he didn’t have to. “Well, let us know, ya?” he stated, voices in the background signaled that they were most likely getting ready to take the train to school, like she would be in normal circumstances. “Oh, and Luie, have a don’t do anything I wouldn’t do on your first day.” she could practically hear the grin that she knew he had before the line went dead, he wasn’t much for formal goodbyes.
Sighing, she shoved her phone in her pocket before exiting her car, grabbing her bag off of the passenger seat and slinging it over her shoulder. She made sure to lock the car before placing her keys in her bag and grabbing her timetable as she walked towards the entrance of the school. She was too busy trying to figure out what classroom she needed to head to first that she wasn’t paying any attention to any of her surroundings. Hence why she walked head on into someone, dropping the white sheet of paper in the process. Hot hands steadying her by the arms. It felt as if she had walked straight into a brick wall, she would’ve laughed it off if it wasn’t the root of all her problems so far in La Push.
“Are you stalking me?” she asked the older man, everywhere she went, there he was. Paul shook his head with a chuckle, causing the teen to glare up at him. “Well aren’t you a little too old to be hanging around a high school?” she questioned, arms crossing over her body as the heat from his hands had made her realize just how cold it was outside once they were off of her. “Relax, I was just dropping someone off.” he stated, his voice was deeper than it was the day before, like he had just woken up. She averted her eyes from him as she could feel the blush heat to her face at how silly she must have sounded. Of course that's why he's here. She hadn’t realized he had picked up her schedule for her until he read out a name from it, “First period: Miss. Young.You’ll like her, everyone does.” he said while handing her back the slip. She nodded her head, “right, well i should go find her class then.” she mumbled as she took a step back from him, he responded by giving her the directions to the class, which made her want to question how he knew that but Tallulah wasn’t sure if she wanted to know the answer, so instead, she thanked him and walked away heading towards the front doors, each step closer she filled more and more with dread, wanting to turn around and get in her car and drive away as far as she could.
She turned back to where she had left Paul standing to see him still there, only now he was talking on the phone. His whole demeanor had changed, he looked rigid and frustrated. Before she turned to completely walk through the doors, he caught her eye and gave her a small smile, the feeling of dread dissipating in that moment as she entered her new school.
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ijwrsmff · 3 years
Could I request the fluff alphabet for Kiibo? (Also your writing is really good! I loved your Shuichi alphabet post! 💕)
Thank you! I was nervous to post it because I’ve never written for Shuichi before (or Keebo) so I was worried it would be bad XD but I think it turned out okay! Hope you like this, and thank you for requesting! 
A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
He likes to have downtime with you. Watching movies, getting fast food, etc. He also won’t turn down playing video games with you. His secret pleasure is open world adventure games! Play skyrim with him...just do it. 
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?) 
Keebo values open-mindedness. Not everyone would date a robot, so if you treated him like any other person it would melt his mechanical heart. Keebo doesn’t care about looks, you can be short, tall, long hair, short hair, he is a pansexual icon. 
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack/etc.?)
He would immediately google how to make someone feel better and do his best to help. He’s never had a panic attack before, and he hasn’t been depressed so he has no firsthand experience with dealing with someone who does have depressive episodes or panic attacks. He’ll whisper to you comforting words and tell you how much he loves you. To try and help you feel better, he’d give you 100 compliments and say all of the things he loves about you (it’s everything).
D-Dreams (how do they picture their future with their s/o?) 
He likes to think about his future with you, it brings him a lot of happiness. He wants a house, and wants you to stay in his future as long as possible. He’s extremely committed so once you’re with him he plans to do everything in his power to keep you in his life. He loves you, and he may not always be the best about showing it, but he’ll do his best to paint a picture of your futures together. Whatever you want in the future, he’ll make sure to achieve it for you. 
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in their relationship or are they more passive?)
Keebo is in the middle, not particularly dominant but not exactly submissive either. It depends on his mood, sometimes he likes to take the reins but other times he’d prefer if you took control. 
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?) 
He would be quick to forgive you for any fights you do get in. But he hates conflict, so fights are few and far between. He’d rather you talk out your differences and try not to get angry over things you do or say. 
G-Gratitude (How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?) 
At first, he doesn’t really understand relationships. But you showed him a whole new world, and for that he’s eternally grateful. He may ask questions about what he should or shouldn’t do, and he always respects your boundaries. He shows his gratitude through words, since he’s not the biggest on physical contact. 
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?) 
Keebo is an open book when it comes to you. He’ll tell you anything and everything, ranging from what he did that day to his deepest thoughts. He wants a partner who can tell him everything just like he tells you, and he believes honesty is one of the most important qualities there is. 
I-Inspiration (Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?) 
You changed him on every level, because of you he’s more understanding about the world. You showed him what love is, and opened up endless possibilities for the future. 
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?) 
He won’t admit it, but he can get pretty jealous. He doesn’t express it much, but you’ll know he’s jealous if he gives you more physical contact than usual. He’ll hold you hand and take you away from situations he thinks could be dangerous. (And in his mind talking to strangers can be dangerous, you never know what they do in their spare time or if they have the intent to hurt you.) 
K-Kiss (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?) 
He may not be the best kisser, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm. Your first kiss he was red as can be, but he had the desire to try it. He’d never kissed anyone before you, so he doesn’t have much experience. But once the first kiss is over the second...and third...and tenth kiss followed soon after. In a way, he becomes addicted to it. He kisses you every chance he gets. 
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
Chances are, you would have to be friends before he asked you out. He needs a solid foundation before jumping into the deep end. He’d watched a hundred youtube videos of the best way to ask someone out and apply them when he does ask you out. He was nervous, because he’d heard of the “friendzone” and didn’t want to ruin your friendship. But he would work up the courage to ask you out over time. He was very nervous...but when you said yes? It’s the happiest he’s been in his life. 
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?) 
Keebo desperately wants to get married, but he’ll wait until you both feel ready to do so. He doesn’t want to rush it, and relishes in the time he gets to spend with you. Once you're married, he becomes a lot more physically affectionate. And he will cuddle with you for hours whispering “mine” to you with a huge smile on his face. 
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?) 
He isn’t big on nicknames, so hearing them is rare. But occasionally he’ll call you love. He prefers your name though, and uses it often. He thinks names are special, and he absolutely loves to say your name. 
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious to others? How do they express their feelings?)
When he’s in love it’s extremely obvious. Mostly because he won’t let go of your hand. You’re attached near constantly. He never thought he would like physical affection, but once he’s in love he can’t get enough of it. 
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?) 
He won’t be big on PDA at first, but once you’re in love it’s near constant. He’s always holding your hand, and if he thinks someone is looking at you he may get jealous and kiss you in front of them. Just to let them know you’re taken. 
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship?) 
His enthusiasm makes the relationship stay interesting. He’s willing to try anything for you, be it a new food place or something more romantic. He’s new to relationships, but he always seems enthusiastic to try something new. Especially if he knows you really like it. 
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliche or rather creative?) 
He’d do anything...anything to make you happy. He can be pretty cliche, romantic candlelit dinners or walks on the beach, but if it makes you happy he’d do it over and over again. His happiness is secondary to yours in his eyes. So even if you try something he doesn’t like he’d do it again as long as you were happy. 
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?) 
He has all the faith in the world for you. Whatever you decided you wanted to do with your life he’s your number 1 fan. He’ll help you whenever you need it, and wants nothing more than to see you achieve your dreams. 
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice up their relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?) 
Again...he’s trying anything for you. He doesn’t care if you stay safe and enjoy the simple pleasures, but if you want to try something new he’s always open to it. 
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?) 
He makes it his goal to learn everything about you. He loves you, and wants to know everything there is to know. 
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What’s it worth in comparison to other things in their life?) 
Your love means the world to him. You become his priority rather quickly, and once you’re in love there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do so you stay with him. If you broke up with him...his world would shatter. He places you as his number 1 priority. 
W-Wild Card (a random fluff headcanon)
Hand holding is his favorite thing in the world. At first he was reluctant, and couldn’t see what all the hype was about, but after he tried it he was hooked. He loves that he can show you he cares by doing something as simple as holding hands. 
X-Xoxo (are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
In public he keeps it simple, hand holding here and a few kisses there, but as soon as you’re in private he loves to give you more intimate kisses and is always ready to cuddle. Big spoon, little spoon, one on top of the other, he doesn’t care. He just wants contact. 
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they’re missing their partner?) 
When he misses you he calls you...a lot. He just needs to hear your voice. It soothes him in a way. For him-leave him voicemails (on the rare occasion he doesn’t answer) and he’ll go back and listen to them when he misses you. 
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for their relationship? If so, what kind of?) 
He’d move mountains for you, if you need anything just ask him and he’ll provide it for you. You’re hungry? He’s already ordered you food. Your back hurts? He’s ready to give you a massage. You want to cuddle? He’s on it. Anything for you. 
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rocorambles · 4 years
Finding Home
Pairing: Terushima x Reader
Prompt: Mythology
Genre: SFW, Fluff, Slight Angst, Greek Mythology AU, Dionysus!Terushima, Human!Reader
Summary: Terushima has never liked winter, the land too barren to produce his prized grapes, the weather too harsh for the merrymaking he’s known for. But maybe, just maybe, a certain mortal can help change his perspective.   
Author’s Note: This is my contribution for my HQ Discord Server’s SFW collaboration. There are so many talented writers on the server and I highly encourage you to check out the collaboration masterlist here to see how everyone decided to run with this prompt. (Masterlist goes live Friday, March 12th!) 
Terushima has never really belonged here and even after centuries and lifetimes, he doesn’t feel any more a part of Olympus than when he first joined the ranks of the gods and goddesses above as Dionysus, protector of misfits. 
He scoffs at the title. How fitting when he himself is a misfit among the beings of Olympus, the son of a mortal mother, a “human-lover” (a title he’s actually quite fond of despite the disdain and judgement tainting it when spoken by those around him). Ironic when he dares say most of his fellow divine beings have had more than their fair shares of “loving humans”. It’s how he was created himself after all and he scowls at the thought of the handsome brunette who he unfortunately is forced to call father. 
One would think that with all the affairs Zeus, or Shittykawa as he prefers to refer to him as, nickname courtesy of Poseidon, is off and about having, the king of the gods wouldn’t be so stringent and watchful over his kingdom above. But as free with his affection as he is, Oikawa is a stickler for tradition and Terushima sighs as he enters the gates of Olympus, plastering his trademark cocky grin on his face as he greets his family. 
It’s ironic really how Oikawa insists on these family reunions considering how they hardly really consider each other family. But no one dares to disobey and they all force themselves through the polite small talk, extravagant meals, and elegant parties, everything so detailed and beautiful yet cold, much like their organizer, and Terushima skin practically crawls at how different this is from his much more impassioned festivities, never used to how restrained the manners of Olympus are despite how many of these he has attended. 
But it’s not all so terrible and this time he doesn’t fake his wide toothy grin when two beings burst into his quarters late at night. 
He’s not foolish enough to believe Apollo and Ares are the strapping gods they’re portrayed to be, knowing too well just how monstrous and terrifying the two can be, knowing the atrocious acts they’ve committed. But as brothers? As fellow gods? They make Olympus bearable and that’s more than can be said for anyone else. So he sets aside their differences temporarily, humming along to the sound of Apollo’s music, laughingly joking that his talent for songs is the only reason women and goddesses look past the rooster-like mess on top of his head. He drinks goblet after goblet of mead with Ares in an attempt to see who can outdrink the other this time around, not stopping until his vision is so blurred that he can hardly tell if it really is Ares in front of him or a large owl with vaguely human features. 
But as soon as sunlight begins filtering in marking a new day and the end of his forced return, he’s quick to bid farewell, nose diving back down to Earth and immediately feeling more at peace as he lands in a flourishing rice field, slowly making his way to the quaint home just ahead. 
It’s an admittedly strange camaraderie, the friendship between the God of Chaos and a demi-god son of Demeter, but Terushima’s heart swells with fondness when he sees Kita sifting through the grains of his latest harvest, chuckling at the slightly quirked lips on the other’s usually impassive face when he sees the blonde making his way towards him. 
He knows the other Olympus immortals find it strange how he prefers to spend most of his time on Earth, whispering and spreading rumors about the strange god who so easily casts aside the splendor of Olympus for the humble life and home of a farmer, who prefers to idle his days away with humans and a demi-god rather than his own much more powerful and esteemed family up above. And he knows even Kita has his doubts and disagreements with the wild debauchery and havoc he wreaks upon the mortal world, preferring his mother’s more wholesome ways of providing and caring for humans. 
But both of them are tied by their kindness and benevolence towards mankind, frowning upon the hostility, cruelty, and selfishness the other gods and goddesses subject humans to. And Kita never says a word against Terushima, knowing that even if they aren’t methods he understands or condones, Terushima’s rituals and revelries bring joy, provide an escape, take away the suffering of mortals, even if only temporarily.    
Besides, the demi-god is far too busy with helping Demeter prepare for the harvest to really pay much mind to Terushima’s antics, flitting here and there as he helps ensure the earth is fertile, making sure grains and seeds are plentiful, working seamlessly alongside Terushima as the god of wine cheerfully goes about making sure there’s more than an adequate amount of ripe grapes and fruits for wine making and merriment. 
As far as Terushima is concerned, Olympus can keep its cold splendor. Here is where he was meant to be, thriving in the heat and brilliant light of the sun, sighing in content as he pops grape after grape in his mouth, the sweet juices coating his mouth as he watches the humans in amusement as they excitedly crush the small fruits, making the beverage he had shown their ancestors long ago how to create.
And then the harvest is officially upon them and Terushima joyfully cheers as his followers indulge in the delicious nectar of their hard work, wine sloshing from cups as music blares, the earth resounding with raucous ecstatic celebrations and the stomping of feet as mankind wildly dances and jumps around. 
It’s a wild frenzy and Kita slightly winces at the chaos that has overtaken the world, but it’s hard not to look on in affection and amusement as the humans and his dear friend enjoy themselves, finding temporary freedom and escape from the restraints of society. So he lets them be, spending time with his mother as she also enjoys the festivities of her followers (albeit much more demure), glad to see both Terushima and her in high spirits, knowing the hardest part of the year for both of them is just around the corner. 
A practical person might scoff at Demeter’s extreme reaction every time Hades comes to retrieve her daughter, but there’s nothing rational about a mother’s love and the world turns dead and cold as the goddess grieves and mourns the loss of her daughter, even though she knows it’s only temporary. 
Terushima sighs at the cold white snow and ice that blankets the barren grounds, feeling his own vitality drain from him when the majority of the revelries come to an end as the humans prepare for the harsh winter months ahead. He hates the mortal world when it’s like this, finding the cold quiet far too similar to Olympus and he sulks, retreating and staying put inside his shared abode with Kita, impatiently waiting for Persephone to return to her mother so that the world can defrost and resume. 
Kita is patient at first, alternating between checking in on his mother and Terushima, ensuring both great gods of the Earth are alive and well. Although “well” is a relative term and the demi-god sighs at how both their depression and grief permeate throughout the world, adding an icier edge to the already brutal atmosphere. However even his patience has a limit and though he doesn’t dare disrespect his mother, he shoves at least the god of the vine out the door, shooing him towards the nearest town and telling him not to return until he’s in a better mood. 
The blonde listens, albeit reluctantly and with a few muttered grumblings, but it’s a nice distraction, wandering around and masquerading as a human. And although he’s not in the mood to join in, he appreciates how advanced civilizations and technology have become, allowing those brave enough to face the harsh frigid weather to frolic at bars, even if it means being bundled in layers and layers of winter clothing. It isn’t anything near as rambunctious and lively as the harvest season, but he feels his mood lighten as the streets are roused by drunken and rowdy crowds, laughter and cheer filling the cold air. 
Feeling more himself after a few hours of amusedly observing from afar, a steaming mug of mulled wine in his hands, he begins to turn around and make his way back home only to be interrupted as someone crashes into him and instincts have him catching you as you tipsily stumble and giggle in his arms. He can smell the sweet scent of wine rolling off of you in waves and he fights back the urge to laugh as you sloppily smile, clinging onto him for dear life as you try and steady yourself on wobbly legs while you simultaneously thank your hero for saving you. 
Humans really are the most adorable things sometimes.
He’s a bit apprehensive about just leaving you when you’re in such a state, but he relaxes when your friends rush to your aid, profusely apologizing to him as he carefully hands you over to them and he just waves them off, telling them to have fun as he makes to walk away again. But he’s stopped by your hands still holding tight to him. 
“Come party with us!” 
This time he does laugh as one of your friends angrily admonishes you for your behavior and he gently tries to loosen your grip on him, telling you empty promises of “maybe next time”. But he freezes when one of your hands he’s managed to unhook from him softly rests on his cheek and he chokes at the genuine concern in your eyes despite the drunken haze in them. 
“You look so sad...Please stay? Maybe it’ll make you feel better.” 
The words are childish and slurred, yet Terushima is moved by the pure intentions he can sense in the syllables, drawn in by the heart and love he can feel pouring from you. All his life he has cared for others, cared for the world. But when was the last time someone had cared for him? When was the last time he had allowed someone to care for him? 
So in a moment of weakness he allows himself to let go of his responsibilities, his duties, his own walls and rules he had created to maintain a distance from the mortals he oversees in an effort to avoid dragging them into the messes caused by diving beings, to make sure no one else is subjected to what his own mortal mother suffered through because of Oikawa’s selfish desires. 
It’s ironic how little a god known as the liberator allows himself to be free, usually preferring to watch from afar and not partake in the frenzied chaos of his followers. But tonight he joins in, entangling himself among the throngs of bodies moving to the vibrating pulses of echoing music and beats, submitting to the wild energy around him, pretending just for a moment that he’s finally found where he belongs. 
You make it easy for him to believe he’s found a new home, a place he’s accepted, and even amidst the blinding lights and smoky haze, you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever met, your liveliness, energy, and humanity far outshining any of the gods or goddesses he knows. There’s nothing reserved or distant about you, no feeling of someone keeping up pretences or a front. You’re just...you and he knows even without the help of liquid courage you’ve generously doused yourself with tonight, that you wouldn’t be all that different. 
Maybe a little less handsy and definitely quieter (he subtly winces when you practically shout in his ear asking if he wants another drink). But the genuine warmth and kindness he can feel radiating from you? Your easy and uninhibited acceptance of him? That’s just who you are and he allows himself to find temporary comfort in this new sense of belonging you make him feel.  
Despite how he’s sworn to never rope a human into the twisted world of immortals, for the first time in his life, he feels the temptation to break the promise he had made to himself all those centuries ago. 
But it’s a pipe dream and as dawn’s light begins to peek through the night sky and clubs and bars close shop, reality comes crashing down on him. He remains steadfast in his beliefs, promising himself that he’ll leave and forget all about you as soon as he’s made sure you’re safely tucked in bed despite the desperate pleas and cries of his heart. And he grits his teeth as he fights to ignore his desires. 
He’s stronger than this. He’s better than this. Above the immoral lust his family is infamous for. Above the preying ways of Oikawa. 
Or so he’d like to believe. 
But he can’t help himself from sitting at your bedside, gazing down at your peaceful face, finding comfort in your deep even breaths as sleep overcomes you, telling himself that he’ll be just another minute, over and over again, until he’s forced to his feet hours later as you begin to rise. And as he makes his escape before you can awaken and see him, he knows that he’ll never be able to fully forget you.
Sometimes Kita is far too observant for his own good and Terushima groans when he’s immediately pinned down by curious knowing eyes as soon as he walks through the front doors. But he’s never been good at keeping his thoughts to himself and he rambles, spilling every little detail (probably too many details) to the demi-god who patiently listens and brews a pot of soothing hot tea that Terushima greedily grabs and indulges in as he recounts the night. 
Kita holds his own cup to his lips, hiding the smile playing on his face as the god talks about you, sharp eyes noting the unusual softness in Terushima’s eyes and quietness of his voice as he speaks about you, describing you so perfectly Kita can almost imagine exactly what you look like from his words alone.
But his smile turns into a thoughtful flat line at the sadness in the usually exuberant voice as the blonde tries to lightly wave it off and convince himself that it’s all in the past now, just another mortal he’s happened to interact with in his long life before breaking off into an awkward silence. 
“Terushima, not all relationships between gods and mortals are doomed and cursed.” 
Kita rolls his eyes as the other begins to squawk and flail his arms as he recounts some of the most tragic relationships in Olympus history to prove him wrong, quickly cutting him off after another languid sip of his hot beverage. 
“So do you think the union between my parents was also a mistake?” 
The demi-god smirks as Terushima squirms in his seat, floundering for words, weakly clarifying that he meant the majority, not all. 
“Exactly. Not all relationships between gods and mortals are destined for failure and we all know you’re certainly not like most gods. So if anyone were to beat those odds, I’d say it would have to be you.” 
Kita Shinsuke does not mince words. He does not care to flatter even the most supreme beings with unwarranted and undeserved pleasantries. He only calmly speaks his truth. So despite how casually the words are thrown, as if the demi-god was just mentioning the weather or how his day was, Terushima gapes at his long-time friend, letting the true weight of their meaning sink in. 
Not like most gods. 
Terushima has been called an outsider by both gods and humans alike his entire life, but for once, the title feels like something to be proud of, to hold his head up high and triumphantly proclaim, and he blinks back the tears threatening to slip from the corner of his eyes as he shakily returns the warm smile on Kita’s face, choking out a laugh between his sniffles at the demi-god’s next words.
“You’re not your father, Terushima. Don’t let Zeus- What does Poseidon call him these days? Ah yes, don’t give Shittykawa the satisfaction of ruining your chance at love and happiness.” 
It’s startling, absurd really, to hear the foul nickname from Kita’s usually polite and mannerly mouth, but it drives home his point that much more and almond eyes glint with steely resolve. 
If Kita notices how Terushima rarely spends the night in their shared home anymore despite how he’d practically hibernated in his room during past winters, he doesn’t say anything.
If he notices how much more energetic and boisterous the god is despite the barren lands and frigid weather that would normally have dampened his spirits, he doesn’t comment on it. 
And if he just happens to accidentally meander around town and see a familiar blonde figure whose hand is interlaced with a mortal woman’s hand, he chalks it up to pure coincidence and certainly not because his curiosity had gotten the better of him. 
Kita Shinsuke is not nosy, even if the pictures he secretly takes of the couple and proudly develops, frames, and gifts to the god of wine during the holidays that year say otherwise.
It’s Terushima’s favorite and only gift he’s ever received during the human holiday season (although that quickly changes after he makes things official with you) and the first thing he hangs up on the walls of your shared bedroom years down the line when you move in together. 
And as he holds you in his arms and fondly smiles at the photos on the wall, reminiscing on the beginning of this joint journey with you, he thinks that winters aren’t so bad after all, affectionately kissing the top of your head as you snuggle and squirm closer to his body heat, slightly jostled by him adjusting and retucking both of you back in your warm and cozy blanket cocoon protecting you from the chilly air.  
He waits for you to settle back into a restful slumber before letting his own eyes drift shut once again, melting into the bedsheets and embrace of a place and person he can finally call home. 
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everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About NatsuMikan: Natsume (pt. 22)
Today we'll talk about the Time-Travel Arc. Obviously, the focus in that arc is Yuka's past, so there's going to be a lot of content that I'll skip unless it's relevant to NatsuMikan. What ship/character content there is I will dissect heavily. This is just a warning that I'll be skipping even five or so chapters at time, and it might seem jarring. Sorry about that.
In this part, we'll see how Natsume and Mikan are in many ways fated, but also how selfless Natsume can be, even in the face of losing the person he loves the most forever. He's going to keep his promise to protect her no matter what happens, even if it means never seeing her again.
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Chapter One Hundred and Seven
For most of this arc, Natsume and the others are merely observers of Yuka’s past. They keep the talking and interaction to a minimum. There will be some instances where Natsume does enough for me to be able to analyze him, but they’re limited to start with.
For example, when Tsubasa, Tono, and Nobara are finally able to join them, there’s a dramatic reunion.
Nobody has seen Tsubasa in some time, and his whereabouts were a mystery. Obviously he shares a meaningful embrace with Mikan, but he also makes eye contact with Natsume, who looks shocked and relieved to see him again, even if he wasn’t the one to find him. Tsubasa knows Natsume had searched tirelessly for him, so he apologizes for making Natsume and the others worry. For a moment, it almost seems as though maybe they will share the next reunion hug. But to show that everything truly is back to normal, Natsume’s demeanor shifts and he gets annoyed with Tsubasa for hugging Mikan for so long.
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Thinking really hard about Natsume's love languages: nicknames, being willing to die for you one second and then pretending like you're a nuisance the next, never giving compliments so they hit like a brick when he does, just hanging around you, and physical touch.
Natsume doesn’t know how to show feelings properly. With Ruka, he can be more openly affectionate and loving, and now with Mikan he has recently (today) had the opportunity to be more honest about his feelings, but Tsubasa is different. For a very long time, he has pretended like Tsubasa was nothing more than a nuisance. Suddenly being honest with everyone would be tiresome. Besides, Tsubasa already knows that Natsume cares, since he struggled so much to find him.
If you want to hug somebody, Natsume says (or doesn’t say… this conversation seems to all be telepathic), go hug Misaki. Not my girl. It hardly matters that Misaki isn’t around and that idea is impossible to make a reality. So Tsubasa naturally shoots back that he will simply pretend Mikan is Misaki.
Natsume is a good person, as we have seen over the course of the manga. When he loves someone, he loves hard and with his whole chest. He doesn’t half-ass his feelings. Despite his occasional bouts into saying something kind and heartfelt, he is and always has been naturally a bit more reserved. His personality is one to withhold a little, and to interact with people through teases. Even at his most free, before he came to the academy, he would tease and insult before saying something sweet. His love will always be something that needs to be interpreted, because he hates being open about why he’s doing the selfless things he is. If he is too open, then people will know and then they might feel guilty or like they owe him something. He doesn’t want that. Another thing is that he just likes having fun with his friends and loved ones this way, with occasional taunts and teases. That’s just the kind of person he is.
Chapter One Hundred and Nine
We get introduced to Igarashi Kaoru, an upperclassman of Yuka’s and a mysterious figure. Yuka first met her in a compromising position, when she’s about to sleep with a boy who we will later find out is Natsume’s father. She looks very much like a more grown up, female version of Natsume, and they seem to have a lot in common when it comes to their basic personality.
Just like Natsume, Kaoru can be serious-minded and doesn’t take any shit. She’s also like him in that she shows affection through teasing.
Mikan, in this chapter, finally asks who this Igarashi person is, since she looks so familiar. Natsume sarcastically says, “Heaven knows.” I’m sure he wasn’t actually expecting to see his mother in these flashbacks. She died when she was very young and as a result she didn’t have the opportunity to talk much about Yuka. It must be a surprise to see that she played such an active role in Mikan’s mother’s life.
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Heaven knows. Get it. 'Cause she's dead. Hahahaha.
To everyone else, it’s obvious that the Igarashi person is related to Natsume. Ruka might even directly recognize her from the painting he saw at the Hyuuga house that one time, but either way they look and act so similarly that it’s apparent to everyone but Mikan.
In any case, Natsume is seeing more of his mother than he ever has before. He knows very little about her, since she died when he was so small. He couldn’t have many conversations with her and he spent more time mourning and missing her than actually being with her. Not only is Mikan getting the chance to know the mother that was a mystery to her for her whole life, but Natsume is too. This is also his chance to discover his mother and get to know her, and it’s just his luck that Yuka and Kaoru actually had a strong bond.
After Kaoru intimidates Yuka at the Hana Hime den, Mikan and the gang react to the shocking scene. Kaoru is a force to reckon with, and Noda comments on how this force and tough love helped Yuka find strength in herself and confidence in her own alice.
Ruka insists on knowing more about Kaoru, and since everyone but Mikan seems to get that Kaoru is Natsume’s mother, we can see that Ruka is asking for Natsume. Natsume won’t ask. This is about Yuka, after all, and about Mikan. Natsume will see what he will of his mother insofar as she’s in Yuka’s life. Beyond that, he won’t ask for anything. Ruka knows this, so he asks instead. He wants to know about Natsume too, and what better way than to learn about the woman who seems to have so much in common with him? Natsume is touched that Ruka would go out of his way to ask a question Natsume will not ask.
Noda answers that Kaoru and Yuka will become best friends after this, and Mikan is shocked. How could someone so scary be Yuka’s best friend? But Noda explains: Kaoru has a compassionate and caring heart behind her cold front, just like Natsume, and Yuka could rely on her, even in her darkest moments. Yuka wouldn’t have gained confidence in her alice the way she did without Kaoru by her side.
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That is a really fucking long red string!
And then Noda says it so even Mikan can tell now, that Natsume’s mother has always been beloved and a truly amazing person.
Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Noda further explains about Kaoru. She used her alice to spy on the academy for the HSP, and then after she graduated she continued to use her alice to expose corruption. She was deeply committed to doing the right thing and holding the academy responsible, and this commitment was inspiring to Yuka as well, who went down the path she did for the same reasons.
Somehow, their children met at the academy by pure chance, and are standing side by side now.
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Here they are, standing together and in love with each other. Fate is a silly thing.
They are fated somehow. The same red string that tied Kaoru to Yuka now ties Natsume to Mikan. In fact, it’s his love for her that motivated him to go against the academy, more than his own misfortune or the wellbeing of other students or even because it was the right thing to do. The strong bond between their mothers now lingers between them, but differently, and maybe even stronger.
Natsume and Mikan are holding hands, looking at each other. Were they always meant to meet? To be together? Nothing is said out loud, but it’s apparent that they’re both thinking about their moms’ past and what exactly it means for their future.
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Perhaps there's a difference between fated to fall in love and fated to be together.
Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Lots of chapters are getting skipped because there simply isn’t enough content, if any, of Natsume, not to mention NatsuMikan specifically.
Izumi is about to die, and everyone knows it as they watch. Mikan has just returned from falling through the time window. She wanted to warn her father, but Tsubasa was able to bring her back without much changing. Natsume immediately goes to Mikan’s side when she is safely returned and doesn’t leave. He holds her hand because what she’s about to witness will be deeply traumatizing and he knows that she will suffer all the more because she wasn’t able to stop it.
Everything happens as it is meant to, perhaps. Izumi is dying from Rei’s alice, since his own nullification can’t fight against Rei when he uses so much power at once.
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I don't have anything clever to say here. He just loves her so much.
Mikan is distraught, and although Natsume first just tries to keep her from approaching the window again, once he sees her crying, despairing face, he shifts. All he’s ever wanted to do was keep her happy, keep her from sinking into even a fraction of the darkness he’s had to live in. It hasn’t always been easy, because Mikan was also destined to suffer, just like him.
Everyone else is pleading with Noda to get them out of the hole, to stop the flashbacks, but Noda can’t. The window is too turbulent and any moves on his part might be dangerous.
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Protecting her no matter what doesn't only mean protecting her from physical harm, it means protecting her from seeing horrible things that she shouldn't have to see, like the death of her father.
So Natsume holds Mikan close. It is the only thing he can do, to tell her not to look and to hug her. She doesn’t need to see anymore. Natsume doesn’t just want to protect her physical safety but her mental and emotional well-being as well. He fell in love with a girl who always looks on the bright side, who is so optimistic and kind that her cheerfulness bleeds into everyone else. From the start, he was concerned that if her life darkened, her own light would fade and become tarnished.
But Natsume doesn’t need her to always smile. He just wants to protect her the best he can. If she needs to cry, then she can cry on him. He will hold her and support her and comfort her. She can’t always be happy, but all he’s ever wanted was to be there for her when she can’t be. When she needs to crumble a little, he will be there for her, because she would do the same. She comforted him too, even if she never knew she was doing it. It's not about having her be happy all the time, just minimizing the trauma. He can't protect her from all of it. Everything else is more powerful than he is. He can't keep her ignorant and blissful forever. Nobody can. But if they can't escape the flashback, then he will keep her from looking.
He can do this openly now, so he does. He wants her to know that she can rely on him and seek comfort from him. No matter what happens, he will be there for her.
So as Izumi dies, Natsume and Mikan aren’t looking. She doesn’t need to see. He keeps his focus on her, to support her, because she has to process a deeply traumatic event in a very short time. After all, the flashbacks are still going. Time didn’t stop for Yuka, and it won’t stop for Mikan.
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Natsume’s shirt is probably soaked with tears. Not that he cares.
He holds her, not just through Izumi’s death, but for most of the aftermath. He stays, holding her, for as long as she needs him to. He will only let go when she’s okay to stand again. He ends up holding her for a couple chapters, and even when they stop hugging he still holds her up. He'd hold her for hours if she needed it.
Natsume and Mikan learned that their mothers were besties and are now struck with the knowledge that by pure chance they managed to meet and become as close as they did. Natsume confessed to the whole DA class (including Mikan) that he loves her in the last part, and he's done nothing but prove it over and over again.
We'll wrap up what is left of NatsuMikan in the Time-Travel Arc next week on Monday. His low self-esteem, selflessness, and all-consuming love will all take center stage in the next few entries.
Thank you all so much for reading so far. I hope you have a lovely day!
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