#unsanitized tour
embeehatesbee · 2 years
IN WHICH, Roy finds you struggling to put your jeans on.
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I’m back with another Bianca short fic. I saw these pictures and immediately thought of a story, I just had to write it.
Trigger warnings: none.
Not proof read
You struggle trying to fit into your jeans. The same jeans you have been wearing since high-school.
Roy watched you jump around your bedroom, this was the first time this had happened and was causing you a lot of trouble.
Roy finally made his presence known by kissing his teeth and walking toward you with a worried expression on his face. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
Looking up at him, he was topless and wearing a pair of joggers and socks. With sweat on your forehead, you shook your head as Roy wraps you in his embrace. "My jeans don't fit me anymore."
"That doesn't matter, my love." He knelt down to your level, taking your hands with his and leaving soft kisses on your knuckles. "Jeans shrink."
"Or maybe I'm just too fat." Being abruptly cut off from your boyfriend.
"Nonsense!" He almost couldn't believe what came out of you mouth, almost as if you insulted him. "You're not fat, don't ever think of yourself as that."
"These jeans were okay last week, maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much at the buffet." You continue to ramble. Roy sensed that this was putting a strain on you, he gestures you to stand up.
He carefully removes your jeans in accordance with his instruction and tosses them to the side before gazing up at you with sparkling eyes.
Between those large doe eyes, there were always words, something sacred. A language that only the two of you can understand.
He whispered, "You're beautiful, Y/N," and his hands ran up your thighs. He gave you a second look before kissing your right leg and the other one shortly after.
His lips left a sensation, a feeling that only he could affect.
"I love you." He said with such care, traveling his mouth upwards and trailing them underneath the lining of your underwear. "You're the most breathtaking being I've ever laid my eyes upon."
As he looked up at you with such mercy, you let out a chuckle and placed your hand just on his right cheek. You're lying." 
"When have I ever lied to you?" He puts his hand on top of mine, leaning onto my palm.
"Not even Ryan Reynolds?" You asked, he shook his head and kisses your palm.
"Don't be too cocky, darling." He says, making you lightly nudge him with your foot. He laughs, you laughed with him.
The insignificant things he does make you want to  fall in love with him all over again.
"I'm just kidding. You are beyond anything Ryan Reynolds can match." He slowly rises from the floor, holding the sides of your shirt before lifting them up slightly.
You raised your arms to make access easier, giving his actions your consent. Roy looks you up and down with his mouth slightly agape. "I still can't get over how good you look."
"We've been dating for 6 years, love." With a cheesy smile trying to get on your lips, you reminded.
"Doesn't mean I can't appreciate you." He shook his head and pulled you in closer, rubbing circles on your hips. He gave you a beaming smile as you felt your noses rub against one another.
His teeth were so perfect, you are always left speechless whenever he does. He'd even have to shake you back to reality at times, you loved his smile that much.
"You're so beautiful." He wanders along your waist's faded stretch marks.
"Stop." You say, feeling your face get hotter from everything he was doing. "You're making me embarrassed."
"You shouldn't be." He responded quickly, giving a peck on my lips before he knelt down lightly to leave kisses on your shoulders.
His hands roamed around your body, softly running his fingers through the soft fabric of your bra. "Your legs, waist, tummy, breasts..."
With that word, you hear your hook clasp open.  "...Is everything a man could ask for." He whispered.
A smirk dancing on your boyfriend's face, you were quick to catch the bra, placing your arms around your chest.
The cold air hits your body, immediately getting replaced by Roy's fleeting touches. He was so gentle, he holds you as if you were a vase.
Not once letting a scratch on you.
"Have I made you nervous?" He asked, his breath hitting you ear causing chills to run over your body. You hesitantly nodded, an amused smile plastered on his face as he places a finger underneath your chin. "We've been dating for 6 years."
He mocks you, blushing at his words he leaves a kiss on your forehead, signaling you to look up at his hazel eyes.
"What are you doing?" You ask, your face flustered as you nibble on your lip. He smiles brightly, running his thumb on your bottom lip before getting a hold of both your arms.
He slowly pulled your arms away from your bra and separated them. As it slowly fell off your shoulders, he watched as your fully round breast broke free, causing you to shiver once more.
You looked down, blushing at what he's doing. He kisses his teeth, bringing your face up.
"Look at me." You respond with a nod. He gave your boobs a light squeeze, which made you yell, and you could feel his hand riding up your waist.  "You're so beautiful, I don't know why you're with me," a chuckle left his lips.
"You say that as if it's a bad thing. You're more than enough for me." You assure, he was so good at showing you affection you'd sometimes forget to do it in return. "I should be the one asking why you're still with me. I could barely get through a week without you having to comfort me with something.
He laughs at that, cupping your face and pulling you closer. "You're perfect. Perfect to me." Your breast pressed against his upper stomach, his warmth comforting you.
"You think so?" You asked, ecstatic over his words.
"I believe that we both deserve each other, "He gives your cheek a light squeeze as he pecks at your lips. "However, that does not mean that I will not devote the remainder of my life showing my love for you.'
"When did you become such a romantic?" You asked, letting him lean your foreheads together.
"Since the day I met you, my love." He says, cheekily letting his hands roam around your body. He loved doing that, he loved memorizing you.
He was intimately familiar with each and every mole, stretch mark, and scar you had in your body.
"Have I told you that you looked beautiful today?" He asked, which made you laugh.
"Yes, a number of times." He smiles and kisses your temple.
"I don't tell you enough then."
You were so in love with Roy. Everything about you and him just made sense, like two magnets that were bound to stick together.
He was your rock, your moon and stars. Not a day goes by without him, and he'll be in your life for the rest of it.
"How did I get so lucky?" You breathe out by accident, Roy catching your eyes and kissing you once again.
"How did I get so lucky?" He asked himself as well, leaning down to leave yet another kiss. It's absurd at how silly you get when he kisses you, like you're being lifted 5 feet in the air.
"You're beautiful, Y/N." He says again, for the 6th time today.
And you feel beautiful whenever he looks at you, you really do.
"I love you, Roy." Simplest words yet held so much power, it's what kept you to tied for the longest. "I'm falling in love with you everyday."
"As I am with you." He pulls away, walking towards the bathroom and exiting not long after. He walks towards his side of the closet, grabbing a pair of joggers and a shirt. "Here. Wear this."
He settles them on the foot of the bed, holding my hand as he lead us outside of the bathroom.
"I love wearing your clothes." You admit. "They make me feel like you're hugging me all the time."
"Don't I already do that?" Roy asked, raising his brows as he took a tanktop from his dresser, putting them on and pulling you closer to him.
It's hard to keep the two of you separate, you learned that the hard way. "I meant when you're out on tour, I use to sleep in our closet just to smell you."
"I must make up for lost time then." He pecks your lips before pulling away and grabbing your jeans. "I ran you a bath, keep yourself relaxed and I'll be right there to join you."
Looking through the slightly crooked door, your heart warmed at the lit candles and rose petals floating just above the water.
"Thank you." You tiptoed to kiss him passionately on the lips, which he gladly reciprocated. Sensing that we were getting lost on track he pulled away.
"As much as I'd love to do that right now, you need to relax." He says, looking towards the bathroom.
"Why don't you come with me?" Your arms were wrapped around his neck.
"I will, but I'm gonna need you to just sit there and look pretty, mkay?" He points at the tub "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll have to fix these first please." He raised your jeans, giving you one last peck before leaving.
A smile was on your face as he exits the bedroom and wandered off to his office, the same place where he sews his dresses and clothes.
"I love you!" He yelled. A laugh escaping your lips as you got in the tub.
You really were the luckiest woman alive.
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shallowseeker · 2 years
Dean's farewell tour + avoiding Cas, Part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The last bit! About how Sam runs out of options and throws a last-ditch effort to get through to Dean.
No one can be strong all the time
One of my fave things on this show is the rotating availability of strength and faith. No one has the strong position all the time. Here, in season 14, Sam and Cas are struggling to lift up Dean from his Michael-wound.
Sam is a bit lost for options. He tends to psychoanalyze in order to lock down and academize his emotions, OR he plugs in work as a substitute for truly processing.
Cas tends to go lone wolf to "spare" his loved ones danger and burden, and he is likely somewhat emotionally handicapped by The Empty Deal in this season. However, Cas has probably developed the most true resilience of the three at this point. It's interesting to watch. Sam is quite strong on the backend of season 15. Anyway…
Where there's a spark
So, we pick up with Cas realizing he can try to heal Donatello, and boy does he get fired up about it:
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/// Quick aside: I'd like to posit that perhaps the prophets are actually getting the unsanitized, unrationalized word of God-Chuck here, considering Chuck successfully kills “first-borns” Jack *and* Mary *and* Michael *and* Dean in season 14-15, and Dean ends the series dead as well. Anyway…moving on. ///
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If there's a spark-- a hope-- I have to try. That's some Resilience. Chuck didn't rebuild Cas—Cas rebuilt himself from ground up. He kept trying.
Anyway, with the "get out," I'm amused by Cas's return to rude, angelic impatience in these later seasons. He's not carefully combing his hair and aping human anymore--he's more integrated--more complete self.
Meanwhile, Dean picks up on and MIRRORS Cas's firey energy and determination. Dean is hanging on Cas's every word: "(overly vehement) We changed our minds."
This follows a very common Dean-Cas pattern. That is: one of them gives up, the other one gets angry or shows concern, and the despairing party rallies with some remewed energy. Really, that's just a SPN-family pattern, but it's a well-showcased, recurring one here with Dean-Cas.
Very rarely do they give into each other's suicidal missions. The times that they have (Cas closing heaven in season 8, Dean's soul bomb in season 11) were deeply troubling to them. As evidenced by Dean getting worked up at Cas offering himself to Lily Sunder in season 12, and Cas balking at Jack's suggestion of letting Dean die with Michael in season 14, they have become strictly opposed to that at this point in time in their relationship.
As Sam and Dean wait, we get more passive-aggressive sibling cattiness. Dean remarks, "Nothing's changed, Sammy." (And really, that's true to an extent. Dean is still suicidal all the way into season 15. He's still appealing to Cas about the coffin in two episodes later in 14x14.)
A leap of faith
Cas heals Donatello:
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This moment is remarkable to me--the "do it"--it's quite literally a leap of faith!
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He looks up into Dean's face. Dean smiles.
ON DEAN. A SMILE-- "It's a miracle."
This is played a little wry in the show, but the fact remains, Dean took a leap of faith on Donny. Will he be willing to take a leap of faith on himself?
The next bit is just cute. While Sam is trying to pull himself together outside, Dean and Cas are fussing over little ole' Donatello.
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And Dean promptly throws Cas under the bus hahaha! I can only imagine how awkward-but-matter-of-factly Cas delivered the update to a stunned Donny. Good this he’s amoral/soulless?
After a few seconds, Donatello probably just nodded in understanding, like: "Well, Cas. While that's not exactly what Mr. Rogers would have done, I understand."
Sam's meltdown
Outside the hospital, Sam's spinning out. Because despite his carefully chosen words, Sam is just not getting through. Sam is smart, and smart folks try to intellectualize and solve problems; they try to follow a formula for "therapizing" tough emotions, too. Sam systemizes and compartmentalizes and, at worst, dissociates. It's a rough go.
Sam has a mixed history of dealing with Dean's big emotions. He's not always that great at dealing with them (and who could be?) I mean, he tries. He does a good job. Sometimes, he's a little pushy. But Dean won't often open up that much, because of the dynamic that he's not just Sam's brother, he's his parent. And when Dean SINKS into grief and suicidality, that's likely very likely triggering for Sam re: John's spousal grief and Bobby's lurking suicidality.
We see this at play when Sam shoves cases at a deeply grieving Dean in season 13, and when that doesn't work, he shoves breakfast beer and strip clubs. Like a child, it triggers intense fear when his parent crumbles so completely.
And Sam gets tumultuous when his bedrock foundation shifts too radically. Dean's behavior was very likely bringing back some tough memories of John, too. Because of that, even mentioning Cas would be frightening, devastating. Sam's "military-family" support system is supposed to be, needs to be strong. (They need to snap out of it, get better, and be there for him...for everyone...because there's always a war on.)
Sam made incredible strides in season 13 and seemed to equalize many of the adult relationships in his life, especially in terms of the new bunker dynamics: AU hunters, Mary, Jack, Cas, Dean. It became a sort of communal family system (common to any society not steeped in rugged American-upper-white-individualism).
But the core of the dynamic persists here. It's very human. It's scary. Dean is sort-of his brother and his parent.
Side note: Sam dynamics
Cas is his friend but also sort-of his parent-doctor by proxy, too. Cas is the "Nothing is worth losing you," match to Dean's "There's nothing I'd put ahead of you,"
Sam is clearly distressed when Cas goes AWOL, too. Sam’s had a lot of seesaw “parental” losses lately, from Mary to Cas to now the impending loss of Dean.
I wanna flashback to 12x19, and how Sam acted with Cas when he went after Kelly.
Dean, operates with fear and grace, understanding Cas's: "I needed to come back with a win for you...and for myself." But Sam's kinda clueless. (That's not blame so much as observation.) At that point, Sam has a "Cas is invincible and he always comes back," mentality, like how a child views a protector or father. (Like how in 13x01, after Cas is clearly dead, Sam is still asking Dean if he's really dead, like it just doesn't compute.)
Sam gets profoundly rattled when Dean or Cas get shaky. (Or gone.)
In 12x19, Sam is aware something is "off" to the point that he puts a tracker on Cas's truck! And Sam gets really disturbed when Cas runs off with a Kelly and her new baby.
Sam: How did this happen?
Dean: (Scoffs) What? The lying? The Heaven plan? Or the fact that I'm working on this stupid truck?
Sam: No, I mean, what's wrong with Cas?
Dean: Well, he hasn't exactly had a banner year. I mean, think about it. Between Lucifer (Blows air) killing Billie, Ramiel, everything's been blowing up in his face. And he's so desperate for a win right now, he can't even see straight. (gestures to truck) Go ahead and give it a try. (Sam climbs in truck)
Because Sam was raised by Dean, and due to the unstable military circumstances of his childhood, Sam expects his caretakers and protectors to be there for him and the mission, Cas included.
This dynamic starts to recover a bit in late seasons 14 and 15, when Dean and Cas more readily treat Sam as a bonafide brother-equal, not brother-child.
Sam does his best, despite these baked in dynamics, but he’s still struggling with them in season 14.
Sam, spiralling in 14x12
And uh, here, in 14x12, it's painful. Dean exits the hospital still sad and fatalistic. Since Sam has tried "everything," he reacts with what should read a macho slugfest, but instead reads kind of tragic and out of control:
He HITS him:
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Cas comes outside and silently watches, assessing the fight and seeing if he should step in. Dean is so fatalistic and depressed (remember, he is still post-Michael mind-injury), he can't even fight back.
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Sam finally grabs him in a bear hug, pleading for Dean to believe in them. Sam believes in them. Sam appeals to emotion, instead of lore or logic or magic.
Dean gives in, but he hasn't actually changed his mind. He's only relented to a stall of time.
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Dean is tentatively stumbling into the shadow of hope, and he looks to Cas. He pledges to keep believing until he can't anymore.
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Interestingly, Sam looks to Cas for confirmation that this is acceptable compromise for now. It's a family decision. There's comfort in Cas's nod of agreement.
Cas has clear importance here, despite that Dean doesn't even really deal with WHY Cas and even the suggestion of goodbye felt "awkward" and tense.
But something else Sam overlooked is that Cas's presence isn't just important to chipping Dean's armor--he's able to lend support to a seriously off-kilter Sam.
And that is lovely.
Nevertheless, it's remarkable to me that Dean is still appealing to Cas for permission to die in 14x14, and he's still keeping it all from Jack.
More on that here.
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jamesabelc · 1 year
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The Bianca Del Rio
Unsanitized Tour in Manila
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veronicasanders · 2 years
(Spoiler...the "secret beef" is that she recently had to take Courtney "to therapy" to reveal that she's "the pretty one". This was of course said over a montage of photos of the two of them and got a huge laugh. I guess it's secret because Bianca is still the only one who knows about it. 😜)
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I GOT TICKETS TO BIANCA!!!! deserves all caps
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trixree · 2 years
I hate using the language of "canceled/canceling" because it feels delegitimizing but this thing with John Mulaney and Dave Chappelle is a situation where canceling can be something positive and meaningful. On the one hand, people have overblown canceling as this rabid force attacking everyone and everything. On the other, it's become a glib "oh no, don't let the libs cancel you" joke for ultimately pretty harmless shit. But this is someone immensely popular with a platform and a large audience inviting an infamously transphobic comedian to deliver a surprise transphobic, homophobic, and weirdly ableist opening on their tour and then calling that person their best friend.
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The first tweet hits particularly hard because it's a reminder that being the butt of a joke that 12,000 people laugh at isn't very far from being the victim of a hate crime. It's not just offensive, it's fucking dangerous. It's demonstrably unsafe.
Transphobia isn't "brave" or "unsanitized comedy", it's a crucial tool for maintaining the status quo of interpersonal and legislative violence.
So yeah, cancel John Mulaney. Hold public figures accountable for targeting us, over and over again.
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artificialqueens · 2 years
FaceTime Comfort (Biadore) - Whiskey Neat
A/N: It's been a while since I've written but you guys know I couldn't resist an opportunity to write another sickfic. I am a sickfic whore! This is my take on the prompt "Adore is sick and Bianca is on tour. Bianca tries her best to make Adore feel better from across the world." Enjoy!
BRAT ❤️: Can you call me? 
To worry wasn’t Bianca’s first reaction when she checked her phone. She was currently backstage for intermission during tonight’s Unsanitized show in Paris. Bianca assumed her friend’s text meant that she just wanted to chat and catch up since they had both been quite busy lately and hadn’t seen each other in a while. 
But before she could respond to Adore, Bianca was being summoned back onstage. Exiting the dressing room, she made a mental note to call Adore as soon as she got back to the hotel later. 
Bianca didn’t check her phone again until she was in the Uber back to her hotel. A hint of worry began to settle in her chest as she saw she had received another text message from Adore. 
BRAT ❤️: Please 
Sure, the bitch was always persistent but this felt different. A more serious tone laced the second text that she wasn’t used to hearing from Adore. 
Willow: Heading back to the hotel now. Will call as soon as I’m there. Everything okay? 
After receiving no response, Bianca opened Instagram to pass the time. She was liking a few friends’ posts when she scrolled upon a cancellation announcement from a bar in Texas and her heart dropped. 
“Due to personal illness, Adore Delano will not be able to make it to tonight’s show.” 
“Shit.” Bianca thought out loud. Something really was wrong. She debated calling the younger queen right then and there but she was only a few minutes away from the hotel now. As soon as she arrived, Bianca rushed to her room, throwing her bags haphazardly onto the floor before kicking her shoes off and settling on the bed, FaceTiming Adore. 
The call was answered moments later by a dark screen. She heard some shuffling sounds and a small raspy “hi” before the phone was pulled out from underneath what she could now tell was a blanket and Adore’s face came into view.
The younger queen looked exhausted. Dark circles accented her bleary green eyes and her messy bun was disheveled with strands of hair falling down onto her ghostly pale face. 
“Hey, did I wake you?” Bianca asked, after observing the pillow and blanket that her friend was curled up with. 
Adore rubbed her eyes and muttered a barely audible “Mhmm.” 
More concern filled Bianca’s chest after calculating that it was only around 7pm where Adore was and the place she was laying was definitely not her bed. 
“Where are you? Are you okay?” Bianca asked. 
“Bathroom floor.” Adore told her after a few moments, shifting the phone so the older queen could see. “I’m so sick Willow, I don’t know what to do…”
The way Adore’s voice shook made Bianca wish she could reach through the screen, scoop her friend up, and hold her until she felt better again. 
“I’m sorry baby, what’s going on?” Bianca asked, sympathetically. 
“Woke up in the middle of the night feeling like shit. Started throwing up and haven’t stopped since…fucking food poisoning.” She cursed. 
“Are you staying hydrated?” Bianca inquired. 
“Been drinking water…this is the longest it’s stayed down since this shit started.” Adore sighed. 
“That’s good at least….you’re probably through the worst of it.” Bianca assured through the phone. 
“I guess.” Adore muttered, wincing as a cramp made its way through her abdomen. “I just hate feeling like this.” She sniffled, eyes filling with tears. “I can’t do anything. I had to cancel my show and I feel so useless!” Adore paused, taking a shaky breath, “I wish you were here…I miss you.” 
“I miss you too…I’ll be home soon.” Bianca reassured, “but for now, what can I do to help you feel better?” 
Adore thought for a moment before requesting, “Just talk to me? About anything. I need a distraction.” 
And that’s exactly what Bianca did. She filled Adore in on all the excitement of tour, telling her about all the cool places she’d visited, people she’d met along the way, and throwing in a few memories of the times the two of them had visited some of those same places together. Adore’s responses were growing less and less coherent as the conversation went on and her eyelids grew heavier. Just when Bianca thought her friend had fallen asleep, Adore cut her off with a miserable sounding groan.  
“It’s happening again…” Adore moaned, feeling that familiar tightening in her throat as the nausea crept up for the umpteenth time that day. 
“Okay, it’s okay. Sit up baby.” Bianca gently directed, immediately forgetting about the story she had been telling. 
With shaky limbs, Adore pulled herself up into a sitting position in front of the toilet, bracing herself for what was to come while Bianca muttered words of comfort into the phone. 
Her stomach did a dangerous flip. “Don’t listen.” She told Bianca, suddenly feeling embarrassed. 
“Queen…do you not remember how many times we’ve been drunk together? I’ve seen you vomit before.” Bianca remarked.
“I wasn’t dying then.” Adore argued. 
“That’s not what you said at the time.” Bianca teased, receiving a weak scowl from the sick queen before continuing, “you do know that you can mute yourself, right?” 
“Biancaaa” Adore whined, almost pleading. She pushed her phone to the side so the older queen could no longer see her. 
“Alright! Alright…” Bianca picked up her phone, “I’m turning my volume down. Signal when you want me to listen again.”
While Adore did her thing, Bianca rolled onto her side, quietly chuckling at how dramatic her friend could be. “And now we wait.” She thought, glancing at the clock. It was after midnight and she was beyond tired. But as long as Adore needed her, she would stay awake. 
About 5 minutes later, Adore’s face reappeared on the screen, cheeks red and tear streaked.
“You survived?” Bianca quipped, turning her volume back up. 
“Barely.” Adore rasped, wiping a hand over her face. 
Adore wrapped the blanket around her shaking body and laid back down. “I just wanna sleep till this bullshit is over.” She huffed, burying her face into the pillow. 
“Then sleep, Pussyface. I’ll stay on the phone and you can end the call when you wake up.” Bianca offered. 
“M’kay.” Adore agreed, eyelids growing heavy once again. “Sorry for keeping you up.” 
“It’s okay…I’ll sleep in tomorrow.” Bianca told her. 
Adore scoffed weakly. Bianca Del Rio never slept in and they both knew it. 
“Talk till I fall asleep?” Adore requested. 
“You’re not sick of me running my mouth yet?” Bianca joked. 
“Never.” Adore answered, lips twisting up in the tiniest hint of a smile as her eyes fell closed. 
As requested, Bianca picked up where she left off on her story telling. Midway through the first story though, she heard soft snores coming through the phone. Grateful to see that the sick queen had finally fallen into a peaceful sleep, Bianca soon followed suit after plugging in her phone and making sure her volume was turned all the way up in case Adore needed to wake her during the night. 
The next morning Adore awoke to two surprises. One being how much better she felt, and the other being the sight of Bianca still asleep on the other end of the FaceTime call. 
“So she is capable of sleeping in!” Adore thought, smiling fondly at the other queen’s sleeping form. 
After wandering to the kitchen and making herself some soup, Adore settled on the couch to spend the day watching movies. Bianca may have still been asleep but Adore could internally hear the older queen scolding her if she did anything but take it easy until she recovers fully. After choosing the first movie of the day, Adore ended the FaceTime call, sending a few texts to Bianca. 
BRAT ❤️: Hey sleeping beauty!
BRAT ❤️: I slept for 12 hours and I feel SO much better!! You must really be getting old seeing as you did the same 😉 
BRAT ❤️: Seriously though, thank you for taking care of me last night. I love you the most! 
  BRAT ❤️: And don’t worry…I’m taking it easy today. Nothing but water and soup and movies that you’d hate! Sleep well Willow 💕
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jbonz · 3 years
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I haven’t giggled all night, like last night, in years. It was great to see the Bianca Del Rio - Unsanitized Tour #biancadelrio #Unsanitized #unsanitizedtour #NotTodaySatanNotToday #BiancaDelRioSeattle #BeautyFadesDumbIsForever (at Moore Theatre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvg23YhTWP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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berlynn-wohl · 6 years
25 years ago today, U2 played Sydney, Australia, and recorded their astounding Zoo TV tour
On the 27th of November 1993, U2 filmed the second Sydney show of their Zoo TV tour, releasing it on home video the following year. 
Conceived in the wake of the end of the Cold War and the dawn of the 24-hour news cycle, Zoo TV expressed anxieties about such issues of the day as the cultural domination of television and the return of fascism to Europe.
But this was the 90′s, a new era for U2, and in particular a departure from the painfully earnest image they had spent the previous decade cultivating. For this tour, the band was determined to hide their sincerity and social consciousness behind a thin layer of glossy, arty Eurotrash.
On this tour, Bono debuted three alter egos (à la Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust). First was The Fly, the quintessential leather-clad pop star, who wears a slick disguise so he can tell you the truth from behind it:
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The Mirrorball Man, the preacher-stealin’-hearts-at-a-travelin’-show, who would prank call the White House every night from the stage:
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and finally MacPhisto, The Fly’s ultimate fate: a washed-up Vegas lounge singer who, in truth, was the devil in disguise:
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The stage’s industrial aesthetic featured lighting rigs crafted from Trabants -- the fragile and pathetic East German cars that to this day remain an infamous representation of the Communist system that produced them:
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In addition to seven Trabants, the stage featured 36 television monitors and a B-stage, where the band would do an “Unplugged” interlude each night. 
This elaborate tour cost $250,000 a day (almost half a million in today’s dollars) to run, whether they played a show that day or not. All but a very few shows sold out -- over 5 million people saw Zoo TV -- and this juggernaut of a tour further secured U2′s status as Biggest Band In The World, maintaining their relevance in a post-Nirvana musical landscape when so many of their 80′s fellow-travelers had not. 
But beneath this extravagance was U2′s signature social consciousness: During some of the shows on the tour, a satellite link-up with war-torn Sarajevo was established, and Bono would talk to people living in the city while it was under siege, allowing the show’s audience an unsanitized look into the lives of downtrodden but determined people (one of whom even had the guts to criticize the band then and there for what they saw as an empty gesture): 
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A few years later, U2 would put on a legendary concert at Sarajevo which you can read about here [x]. 
Though critics and fans alike were sometimes befuddled by U2′s dramatic surface transformation, the tour received wide critical acclaim. A journalist for the Independent reported on the show: "I came as a skeptic, and left believing I had witnessed the most sophisticated meeting of technical wizardry and mojo priestcraft ever mounted." In 2011, Pitchfork said of Zoo TV: “Even 20 years on, the tour looks like something to behold, a singularly inventive experience that no band—including U2 itself—has been able to really expound upon in a meaningful way.”
Zoo TV: Live From Sydney has since been re-released on DVD, but you can also watch the entire show on YouTube (here’s Part 1):
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rehazu · 2 years
Right, forgot to mention I went to see Bianca Del Rio and Sherry Vine live on the Unsanitized tour in Stockholm!
I haven't laughed this much in ages, I really needed that.
I couldn't take pics of Bianca because we weren't allowed and I respect that, but here's some pics of Sherry Vine.
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stevedjr · 3 years
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I've been a fan of @misssherryvine for a while, but never had seen her live. She came to @statetheatreportland with Bianca Del Rio's Unsanitized tour. And I loved every minute of it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CVerogGLyq5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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vamoaescribir · 3 years
11 Agosto 2021
Vi mis últimos post y hasta yo me deprimí perdón, el de hoy va a ser más animado ya que una inesperada noticia me hizo el día, como mencione antes una de mis Drag Queens favoritas es Bianca Del Río, pues anuncio por su cuenta de twitter que si gira con el show Unsanitized Tour va a llegar hasta Latinoamérica, obvio incluyendo a la bella Ciudad De México, aunque es hasta abril del 2022 y no he comprado mis boletos, estoy muy emocionada y segura de que iré, si las cosas salen bien ya estaré vacunada para esa fecha, será el primer show de Drag al que asisto, va a ser complicado, normalmente mi mamá me acompaña a estos eventos, pero estoy 100% segura de que no va a disfrutar el show, ya que no es su estilo y no la quiero obligar, ya convenceré o encontrare alguien con quien ir.
También convencí a a mi mama y abuelita de seguir viendo con Boys Over Flowers y sorprendentemente ya vamos en el capitulo 4 ahhh, nunca creí que llegaríamos tan lejos aunque son casi 30 episodios ya no se pueden bajar de este barco, ahora  si yo lloré mucho con ese dorama, todos tienen que verlo, ni modo se tendrán que hundir junto a mi en este barco al que nuca pidieron subirse.
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Hay que poner hoy una canción feliz, para bailar.
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tinamrazik · 3 years
The Parker - Check out the full schedule 2021/2022 Season
The Parker is located in Holiday Park at 707 N.E. Eighth Street in Fort Lauderdale. Ticketmaster is the only official ticketing service of The Parker. Buy tickets online at ParkerPlayhouse.com and Ticketmaster.com.
 The Parker 2021/2022 Season
Below is a listing of performances scheduled as of today’s date at The Parker. Additional performances will continue to be scheduled throughout the season.
 Firefall, Orleans & Pure Prairie League                              September 22
Rick Springfield                                                       September 26
Leonid & Friends                                                    September 29
Lindsey Buckingham                                                 September 30
Under the Streetlamp                                              October 9
Pablo Cruise                                                                           October 10
The Monkees Farewell Tour
with Michael Nesmith & Micky Dolenz                   October 12
Bianca Del Rio: Unsanitized                                                  October 18
Frontiers: The Ultimate Journey Tribute Band                  October 22
Taylor Tomlinson                                                                 October 23
A Solo Evening with Keb’ Mo
Special Guest The Brother Brothers                       November 2
Jackie Evancho                                                                      November 7
Bruce Hornsby                                                                      November 14
Neil Berg’s 50 Years of Rock & Roll                                     November 19
The Outlaws – with special Guest Pat Travers                   December 3
Friends! The Musical Parody                                               December 4
Whose Live Anyway? with Ryan Stiles,
Jeff B. Davis, Greg Proops, Joel Murray                   December 5
Paula Poundstone                                                                 December 9
Lewis Black                                                                            December 10
Village People 40th Anniversary Tour
           Featuring Original Lead Singer Victor Willis          December 11
Bee Gees Christmas – A Holiday Tribute                            December 22
Patton Oswalt                                                                        December 27
State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine: Cinderella                        December 29
Stephanie J. Block with Seth Rudetsky                                January 7
The Righteous Brothers                                                       January 15
Proud Tina: The Ultimate Tribute to Tina Turner             January 16
In the Light of Led Zeppelin – A Tribute                             January 22
Tango Fire                                                                             January 30
A Tribute to Aretha Franklin: The Queen of Soul
           Featuring Damien Sneed                                          February 3
Santino Fontana with Seth Rudetsky                                  February 5
The Life & Music of George Michael                                    February 6
Los Lobos and Taj Mahal                                                      February 9
The Simon & Garfunkel Story                                              February 11
Gino Vannelli                                                                         February 27
Little River Band                                                                   March 5
Les Violons Du Roy with Jeremy Denk                                March 8
Chris Botti                                                                              March 11 – 12
Laura Benanti with Seth Rudetsky                                      March 26
The Manhattan Transfer                                                      March 27
Abba The Concert: A Tribute to Abba                                 March 31
Alan Cumming                                                                       April 1
Janis Ian with Tom Chapin & Livingston Taylor                April 2
Scott Bradlee’s Postmodern Jukebox                                  April 8
Todrick Hall: The Femuline Tour                                        April 13
Steve Hackett, Genesis Revisited 2022                               April 23
One Night of Queen performed by
           Garry Mullen and The Works                                   May 12
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gregschiller-blog · 4 years
Sausage and Laws
They say there are two things you should never see being made: sausage and laws. The truth is, it is almost impossible to see either; slaughterhouses no longer offer tours and politics has become too obtuse to watch. It didn’t use to be that way. I remember an era when politics was as open and unsanitized as garbage on the curb. It was so distasteful that most people would rather tour a…
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osimint · 7 years
What the World’s Emptiest International Airport Says About China’s Influence
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The four-lane highway leading out of the Sri Lankan town of Hambantota gets so little traffic that it sometimes attracts more wild elephants than automobiles. The pachyderms are intelligent — they seem to use the road as a jungle shortcut — but not intelligent enough, alas, to appreciate the pun their course embodies: It links together a series of white elephants, i.e. boondoggles, built and financed by the Chinese. Beyond the lonely highway itself, there is a 35,000-seat cricket stadium, an almost vacant $1.5 billion deepwater port and, 16 miles inland, a $209 million jewel known as “the world’s emptiest international airport.”
Mattala Rajapaksa International Airport, the second-largest in Sri Lanka, is designed to handle a million passengers per year. It currently receives about a dozen passengers per day. Business is so slow that the airport has made more money from renting out the unused cargo terminals for rice storage than from flight-related activities. In one burst of activity last year, 350 security personnel armed with firecrackers were deployed to scare off wild animals, the airport’s most common visitors.
Projects like Mattala are not driven by local economic needs but by remote stratagems. When Sri Lanka’s 27-year civil war ended in 2009, the president at the time, Mahinda Rajapaksa, fixated on the idea of turning his poor home district into a world-class business and tourism hub to help its moribund economy. China, with a dream of its own, was happy to oblige. Hambantota sits in a very strategic location, just a few miles north of the vital Indian Ocean shipping lane over which more than 80 percent of China’s imported oil travels. A port added luster to the “string of pearls” that China was starting to assemble all along the so-called Maritime Silk Road.
Sadly, no travelers came, only the bills. The Mattala airport has annual revenues of roughly $300,000, but now it must repay China $23.6 million a year for the next eight years, according to Sri Lanka’s Transport and Civil Aviation Ministry. Over all, around 90 percent of the country’s revenues goes to servicing debt. Even a new president who took office in 2015 on a promise to curb Chinese influence succumbed to financial reality.
To relieve its debt crisis, Sri Lanka has put its white elephants up for sale. In late July, the government agreed to give China control of the deepwater port — a 70 percent equity stake over 99 years — in exchange for writing off $1.1 billion of the island’s debt. (China has promised to invest another $600 million to make the port commercially viable.) When the preliminary deal was first floated in January, protests erupted in response to the perceived sell-off of national sovereignty, a reminder of Sri Lanka’s colonial past under British rule. “We always thought China’s investments would help our economy,” says Amantha Perera, a Sri Lankan journalist and university researcher. “But now there’s a sense that we’ve been maneuvered into selling some of the family jewels.”
As the United States beats a haphazard retreat from the world — nixing trade agreements, eschewing diplomacy, antagonizing allies — China marches on with its unabashedly ambitious global-expansion program known as One Belt, One Road. The branding is awkward: “Belt” refers to the land-bound trading route through Central Asia and Europe, while “Road,” confusingly, stands for the maritime route stretching from Southeast Asia across the Indian Ocean to the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Still, the intentions are clear: With a lending and acquisitions blitz extending to 68 countries (and counting), OBOR seeks to create the ports, roads and rail and telecommunications links for a modern-day Silk Road — with all paths leading to China.
This is China’s long game. It’s not about immediate profits; infrastructure projects are a bad way to make money. So why is President Xi Jinping fast-tracking OBOR projects amid an economic slowdown at home and a crackdown on other overseas acquisitions? Economics is a big part: China wants to secure access to key resources, export its idle industrial capacity, even tilt the world order in its favor. But there is also a far greater cultural ambition. For centuries, Western liberalism has ruled the world. The Chinese believe their time has come. “China sees itself as a great civilization that needs to regain its status as leader of the world,” says Kadira Pethiyagoda, a fellow at the Brookings Institution Doha Center. “And America’s retreat gives China the space to do that.”
It’s tempting to see OBOR as a muscled-up Marshall Plan, the American-led program that helped rebuild Western Europe after World War II. OBOR, too, is designed to build vital infrastructure, spread prosperity and drive global development. Yet little of what China offers is aid or even low-interest lending. Much OBOR financing comes in the form of market-rate loans that weaker countries are eager to receive — but may struggle to repay. Even when the projects are well suited for the local economy, the result can look a bit like a shell game: Things are built, money goes to Chinese companies and the country is saddled with more debt. What happens when, as is often the case, infrastructure projects are driven more by geopolitical ambition or the need to give China’s state-owned companies something to do? Well, Sri Lanka has an empty airport for sale.
Sri Lanka may be a harbinger for debt crises to come. Many other OBOR countries have taken on huge Chinese loans that could prove difficult to repay. For example, Chinese banks, according to The Financial Times, recently lent Pakistan $1.2 billion to stave off a currency crisis — even as they pledged $57 billion more to develop the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. “The projects China proposes are so big and appealing and revolutionary that many small countries can’t resist,” says Brahma Chellaney, a professor of strategic studies at New Delhi’s Center for Policy Research. “They take on loans like it’s a drug addiction and then get trapped in debt servitude. It’s clearly part of China’s geostrategic vision.”
This charge conjures the specter of colonialism, when the British and Dutch weaponized debt to take control of nations’ strategic assets. China insists it is nothing like a colonial power. Its appeal to developing countries, after all, is often based on a shared negative experience of colonialism — and the desire to have cooperative “win-win” trade and investment relationships. Unlike Western countries and institutions that try to influence how developing countries govern themselves, China says it espouses the principle of noninterference. If local partners benefit from a new road or port, the Chinese suggest, shouldn’t they be able to “win,” too — by securing its main trade routes, building loyal partnerships and enhancing its global prestige?
The last time China was a global power, back in the early 1400s, it also sought to amplify its glory and might along the Maritime Silk Road, through the epic voyages of Zheng He. A towering Ming dynasty eunuch — in some accounts he stands seven feet tall — Zheng He commanded seven expeditions from Asia to the Middle East and Africa. When he came ashore on Ceylon (present-day Sri Lanka) around 1406, his fleet commanded shock and awe: It was a floating city of more than 300 ships and some 30,000 sailors. Besides seeking tributes and trade — the ships were laden with silk, gold and porcelain — his mission was to enhance China’s status as the greatest civilization on earth.
After Zheng He’s death at sea in 1433, China turned inward for the next six centuries. Now, as the country has become a global power once again, Communist Party leaders have revived the legend of Zheng He to show China’s peaceful intentions and its historical connections to the region. His goal, they say, was not to conquer — unlike Western empires — but to establish friendly trade and diplomatic relations. In Sri Lanka today, Chinese tour groups often traipse through a Colombo museum to see the trilingual stone tablet the admiral brought here — proof, it seems, that China respected all peoples and religions. No mention is made of a less savory aspect of Zheng He’s dealings in Ceylon. On a later expedition, around 1411, his troops became embroiled in a war. Zheng He prevailed and took the local king back to China as a prisoner.
The unsanitized version of Zheng He’s story may contain a lesson for present-day China about unintended consequences. Pushing countries deeper into debt, even inadvertently, may give China leverage in the short run, but it risks losing the good will essential to OBOR’s long-term success. For all the big projects China is engaged in around the world — high-speed rail in Laos, a military base in Djibouti, highways in Kenya — arguably its most perilous step so far may be taking control of the foundering Hambantota port. “It’s folly to take equity stakes,” says Joshua Eisenman, an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Austin. “China will have to become further entwined in local politics. And what happens if the country decides to deny a permit or throw them out. Do they retreat? Do they protect?” China promotes itself as a new, gentler kind of power, but it’s worth remembering that dredging deepwater ports and laying down railroad ties to secure new trade routes — and then having to defend them from angry locals — was precisely how Britain started down the slippery slope to empire.
Brook Larmer is a contributing writer for the magazine. His last article was about a Chinese-owned uranium mine in Namibia.
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trekkinghimalayas · 7 years
Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking
A First aid kit is the most important part of your backpack when you are going for a trek. So obviously you need to make sure that it has all the essential things you might require when you are out there high up on a mountain away from civilization. Another necessary thing that you need to look out for is that it does not cover much of your backspace and there is enough room for your trekking gear. So to help you choose a perfect compact first aid kit for trekking we have composed a buying guide including the most important points you need to keep in mind while selecting the best kit for yourself.
Buying Guide for First Aid Kit
While planning a trek you need to consider all the situations you could get in that may need different kinds of medical attention and then according to that all the items are needed to be stocked up. We have already made a list of the basic supplies that you might need out there in the wilderness. Go through the following checklist and get the perfect first aid kit for trekking.
● Basic and Common Medications – The most important thing in your first aid kit is the medications, especially painkillers and sedatives. Do look up for the common ones or the combined chemical medicines that could work for different needs. The basic ones are the ibuprofen, Aspirin and acetaminophen that can be used for fevers, pain and swellings. ● Wound Treatments – For heavy and deep wounds simple bandages and antiseptics might not be enough and you may need to clean and sanitize it to prevent infection. For that you need Antiseptic wipes with a base that could clean the wound. Ointments and antibacterial gels are also necessary. A compound benzoin tincture is used before applying the bandage or to prevent allergic infections. ● Bandages and Dressings – The most basic thing in any first aid kit you might buy are the bandages. And here we are not talking about the normal basic ones but every type of bandage. You need to get several pieces of the 4-inch closure strips used for larger wounds and 4-inch sterile dressing pads in case of heavy bleeding. For the blisters and burns non-adherent sterile dressing pads are the best. For heavy wounds, you may need a gauze roll to cover up the dressing and hold it in place. Also stock up on the Adhesive tape. Other than these wound cares you might need to keep eye pads and drops for any kind of eye infection. ● Medical Instruments – A Swiss knife always comes handy when you are away from the civilization. It is a perfect tool that could serve to protect you and also help you in medication. A set of Forceps and Tweezers are also good as they can be used to pluck out the sharp objects like cactus needles or a wood splinter. Safety Pins can also prove very useful in holding together a gauze roll or to pin out sharp objects. Trauma Scissors are very useful as they are blunt at the end and can be used to cut up tape or bandage from a wound without actually hurting the patient. Thermometer is the last thing you might need while you are away. Do remember to take a mercury thermometer as the battery of a digital one may wear out soon. ● Extra Materials – Reseal able Plastic bags are a must for your day trip as they can be used as ice bags to put up on swellings and wounds. Cotton Pads and Cleaning Pads are best to keep for times when the bleeding is too heavy and puncture wounds. Surgical Gloves are a must go as it is highly advisable to not treat a wound with unsanitized hands. Irrigation and Suction Syringes also come in handy and are a basic supply of a first aid kit. If in case you might topple over and fracture some part you may need Elastic Wraps and Athletic Tape to wrap it up tightly. ● Information Booklets and Guides – There comes a hiker’s medical course for the regular trekkers to take on medical treatments so that they are well prepared for every situation.
If you haven’t taken one you might need to keep a medical informational booklet or a treatment guide that contains all the basic information on treating a wound and what to do in abnormal physical conditions.
Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking
First Aid Kits are a must for every situation and when it comes to trekking or hiking, it comes handy. Let us go over certain First Aid Kits which consists of all the components required during a trekking event.
90 Pieces First Aid Kit – All-Purpose with Premium Medical Supplies and Soft Case for Home, Office, Car, Camping, and Travel
90 Pieces First Aid Kit - All-Purpose with Premium Medical Supplies and Soft Case for Home, Office, Car, Camping and Travel
List Price: $49.99
Price: $15.95
You Save: $34.04
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Product Information Having a First Aid Kit whether you are in your home or car or office that doesn’t matter, it benefits people a lot under all type of emergency situations. This pack of First-Aid Kit includes 90 items and also comprises of medical scissors with an emergency blanket and 2 cold packs. The weight of this product is 1.4 pounds which are designed with extra compartments to add all type of medicines you wish to have in your hand. Features & Benefits ● This product offers customers with the following products like closures, Band-Aids, safety pins, antiseptic towels, eye pads, the tape used in First-Aid, and etc. ● This light-weighted outer bag with more compartments allows customers to organize their personal medicines like head-ache tablets, vomiting medicine, etc. very effectively, which in turn the outer bag provides durability to the customers. ● This can be carried anywhere with your luggage either you go for camping or adventure tour or walking or hiking, etc.
Pros ● This product comes at an affordable cost, with the warranty period. ● The availability of other compartments is very useful to fill it according to the customers need. Cons ● As per suggested by the customers, some of the other product like a powder which stops the blood, a larger tourniquet, a user manual, etc. if provided it will benefit more to a customer in their crucial situations.
First Response Medical Supplies
First Response Medical Supplies Compact 130 Piece First Aid Kit Water Resistant Tri-Fold Case For Home Car Camping Hiking
List Price: $18.95
Price: $18.95
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Product Information This product of 130-piece First Aid Kit is designed to meet the ANSI and OSHA standard with the outer bag designed as a water resistant type (rip-stop nylon zippered) which provided flexibility and long life.
Features & Benefits ● This product is designed as TRI-FOLD Layout with fast access to all type of materials needed under any emergency situations like a disaster, accidents, family outing, etc. ● It is organized in such a manner that the accessing time will be very small with a clear presentation of contents that customers are in need of. ● Important Products like an emergency blanket, PBT bandage, glove, cooling pad, woven pad, scissors, eye pads, bandage with pencil, guide, note book, etc. are also provided with this pack. ● This product is a portable one which fits perfectly in backpacks, drawers, etc. which is a travel-friendly design product that can be used while going for hiking, walking, adventure trips, family outing, etc.
Pros ● This bag comes in a compact size, with warranty period for the customers. ● This product can be purchased at decent cost with all necessary First Aid Kits for the customers. ● Extra Compartments are available to keep additional first-aid medicines to be used under critical conditions. Cons ● Even though it comes at a decent cost, it can even be reduced a little bit to be purchased at an affordable cost by all level of customers.
First Aid Only All-purpose First Aid Kit
First Aid Only All-purpose First Aid Kit, Soft Case with Zipper, 299-Piece Kit, Large, Color Varies
List Price: $26.74
Price: $14.92
You Save: $11.82
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Product Information This product comprises of 131 pieces of First Aid Kits with essential products for the customers in a compact size for easy carrying. The dimension of this product is 7 x 2.5 x 10 inches and the weight of this product is 15.2 ounces. This product is manufactured by one of the leading manufacturer company meeting OSHA and ANSI standards. Features & Benefits ● This product comprises of antiseptic towels, plastic bandages, alcohol cleansing badges, first aid tape roll, vinyl gloves, fabric bandage, etc. ● The outer bag comes at compact size with long life. ● It benefits the customers those who are in need of traveling, in the case of accidents, for home, office, family outing, natural disaster, etc. ● More compartments are available which facilitate users to keep their personal medications also.
Pros ● Organized in a clear way which allows customers for easy access to products. ● This product comes at an affordable cost for the customers. ● Easy to carry when moving for outside trips, adventure trips, hiking, walking, etc. Cons ● This product is an unbalanced kit which comprises of a lot of plastic bandages. ● This product also contains China made products which are quite toxic.
Be Smart Get Prepared 250 Piece First Aid Kit
"Be Smart Get Prepared 250 Piece First Aid Kit, Exceeds OSHA ANSI Standards for 50 People - Office, Home, Car, School, Emergency, Survival, Camping, Hunting, and Sports "
List Price: $21.99
Price: $21.99
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Product Information This product consists of a total of 250 pieces of First Aid Kit manufactured by one of the most popular leading manufacturer company in the USA. This is designed to meet the OSHA and ANSI guidelines (2009). The weight of this product is 9.3 pounds with the dimension of 10.2 x 3.1 x 8 inches. Features & Benefits ● This product offers customers with 250 products which can be used by 50 peoples. ● This product comprises of aspirin tablets, non- aspirin, closures, knuckle bandages, eye pads, antacid tablets, scissors, tweezers, etc. ● This is packed in a compact outer bag which can be carried with users’ luggage in case of any trips, hiking, in the car, at the house, etc. ● The warranty year for this product is 2 years.
Pros ● This first aid kit can be mounted on the wall and also can be folded for a compact look and easy storage. ● This product comes at an affordable rate for the customers to enjoy its service. ● Consists of multiple compartments which provides an easy access to the customers. Cons ● It is not a waterproof case. It can’t sustain under heavy rain conditions. ● The material is plastic and is not waterproof. ● There are not so many useful products available with this package.
First Aid Kit Hard Red Case 326 Pieces
First Aid Kit Hard Red Case 326 Pieces Exceeds OSHA and ANSI Guidelines
List Price: $34.99
Price: $34.99
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Product Information It is an FDO approved product which is manufactured by one of the leading manufacturing company Total Resources International in the USA. This company is established in the year 1991 and with over 25 years of experience, they have developed high-quality products at an affordable cost. This product meets as well as extends the guidelines of OSHA and ANSI. Features & Benefits ● It is designed with two layers of organizing the products. One is for keeping the small product and the other is the large products. ● It can be mounted on the wall or can be folded which comes at a compact size. ● It is secured with slide latches for security lock and is manufactured from the highest quality safety standards for adults and for kids. ● It consists of products like antiseptic towels, antacid tablets, aspirin tablets, bandages, eye pad, metal scissor, gloves, antibiotic ointment, etc.
Pros ● It comes at an affordable cost to be purchased by all level of customers. ● It is a portable case which has case dimensions as 13” x 12” x 4” inches. ● This kit is suitable for use at Office, Home, Car, School, Camping trips, etc. Cons ● It will break easily because of its plastic case and can also be easily cracked. ● After some minimum use, the bandages don’t get stick properly. ● The Expiry date is less than one year and the quality is not that must good. Final Verdict First Aid Kit is one of the important and necessary pack to be carried out with us when moving for outside trips. It is also one of the important kits that must be kept in our house, car, school, etc. and for our daily use.
Dixie EMS First First Aid Kit, Red
Dixie EMS First Responder Fully Stocked Trauma First Aid Kit, Red
List Price: $39.99
Price: $39.99
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The Dixie EMS First Aid Kit, Red is a brilliantly packed first aid kit that is very useful for all emergency purposes as it has enough space, contains all ems equipment’s to treat those involved in an accident and is also portable enough to be carried anywhere. It is also available in many colors which make it more recognizable. We will discuss the features and the pros and cons it has to offer.
Features and benefits These are some of the features that make this product a very viable proposition to customers and make it one of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking
● It measures 10.5 inches in width, 5 inches in height and 8 inches in diameter making it quite small and portable. ● It comes in many colors such as red, blue and black leaving one with many choices and one can recognize the bag. ● It is stocked with all available first aid and EMS products making one ready for any situation. ● It weighs 2.3 pounds which mean that it is quite light and one can carry it around easily. Pros ● The affordable price makes it a good budget product and the use case helps it on the list of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking in the market. ● Excellent for certain situations which involve traumas and fatal accidents. ● The kits provided are enough to satisfy the needs of clients. ● Well-shaped to be carried around everywhere.
Cons ● Some units may be flimsy and may have little defects. ● The materials used and medicines put inside may not be up to the mark and one will get irritated with what is provided. ● The company may not deliver to what they advertised.
Final verdict In the end for those who are looking for a budget first aid kit which can satisfy all those needs then this product will satisfy all their needs and at the same time is spacious enough to fill all components to help in medical situations. Its affordable price makes it a must-see product and one will be happy and content with what is there. For those who are looking for a kit that is value friendly in the end then this definitely falls into the category of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking due to its small size and lightweight dimensions and even space which helps in carrying more medicines.
Red Cross Safe Travels First Aid Kit-70 ct
Red Cross Safe Travels First Aid Kit-70 ct
Price: $7.49
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For those who deal with medical situations and in cases where the effects are sometimes horrific, then they definitely require a kit that is made of a much better material that is more affordable and is able to withstand all given conditions. The Red Cross Safe Travels First Aid Kit-70 ct definitely solves that by being made of plastic and having all the materials enclosed in a case that is easy to open and in the end is durable. It is also extremely cheap making it a very good buy for anyone needing a kit for medical injuries immediately and is in the category of becoming one of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking.
Features and benefits
● It has a plastic case with a big handle making it easy to use and is very much durable for any situation. ● The box measures about 5.5 inches in width, 1.7 inches in height and 6.1 inches in diameter meaning it is extremely small and can be put anywhere. ● It weighs 6.4 ounces making it extremely light and one to look out for when shopping for the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking ● Features more than 70 items all required for medical situations.
● Includes a gauze which is sometimes quite rare in a few first aid kits. ● Has dividers which means one can put their required medicines anywhere they want. ● Its small size and weight mean that it will not take too much of space and one can carry it around anywhere.
● It could have more materials such as antacids, heartburn medicines, tweezers and even scissors for extreme situations. ● Some medicines may have expired making them unusable. ● Not much of the stuff present here is sterilized making one contract to a virus pretty easy.
Final verdict The Red Cross Safe Travels First Aid Kit-70 ct is a kit that is extremely cheap for its price and is also at the same time small and light so that it can be carried anywhere. The plastic construction and huge handle means it is easy to operate on and for those who immediately need a kit for their trip which is in a few days then they can definitely check this out.
First Aid Kit – 163 Piece Waterproof Portable Kit
First Aid Kit - 163 Piece Waterproof Portable Essential Injuries & Red Cross Medical Emergency equipment kits : For Car Kitchen Camping Travel Office Sports And Home
List Price: $21.99
Price: $16.92
You Save: $5.07
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For those who need a kit that is filled to the gills with all the medical supplies and also at the same time do not want to spend money then, they should definitely check the First Aid Kit – 163 Piece Waterproof Portable Kit. there are many kits that want to be in the list of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking but they miss out on some features and do not deliver on what they promise. This medical kit, however, aims to solve that by proving clients with something that is an all-round package overall.
Features and benefits
● It has materials which are harder built and stronger thanks to more durable materials and that makes the end solution easier and makes the whole process much more accurate. ● All of this comes in a durable nylon case meaning that it is lightweight yet compact and one can carry around as many materials as they want. ● It has more than 163 materials such as bandages, tweezers, saber cards and much more to make one’s life easier.
● Extremely small and lightweight. ● Has tools like a flashlight and scissors for any situations meaning one need not be stressed and worried. ● It is priced well means it is of great value and can gain the title of Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking. ● It has a warranty so one can replace the whole thing in the case of any issues.
● Some sharp objects will be blunt when used for the first time meaning the use case is gone completely. ● There will be defects encountered at times and some may have faults here and there. ● Some essential materials may be missing which will ruin the whole experience of a first aid kit.
Final verdict
Well, this product, in the end, solves some of the issues that many of them face in the end to become one of the if not the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking. This one, however, provides a lot of kit by having more than 163 materials which make it more than enough to cover many situations and its affordable price tag make it very good value in the end.
First Aid Only Bulk First Aid Kit
First Aid Only 25 Person Bulk First Aid Kit, 107-Piece Kit
List Price: $23.24
Price: $23.24
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There are many kits on the market that will want to be the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking with their ideas and thoughts but the cons outweigh the pros and one is left in a spot as to decide which one is best for them. The First Aid Only Bulk First Aid Kit however, is one product that does not forget the basics of a first aid kit and provides the end user with an experience that is safe and useful for essential situations.
Features and benefits
● It contains a huge number of materials for treatment and emergency use. 107 to be exact which means one is spoilt for choice as to which one they should choose. ● It passes all standards kept by the OSHA which means one can use it in any place without any restrictions making it the only one to pass the test and be on the list of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking.
● It is priced well so that anyone can purchase it. ● Essential materials included so that they can be used for emergency purposes. ● Fills the purpose for small trips from camping to even large trips like a world tour and one can even replenish these in nearby medicine shops.
● Some materials will be broken and there will be defects. ● There may not be enough goods for the client’s requirements.
Final verdict
Overall this kit is well priced and excellently packed to place it on the list of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking as the amount of goods on offer and the experience provided to the customer in the end make it a good product overall and this will fill the purpose for those who want a first aid kit that is simple and functional.
Medique 40061 First Aid Kit, 61-Piece
Medique 40061 First Aid Kit, 61-Piece
List Price: $13.32
Price: $11.88
You Save: $1.44
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There are many kits that look to offer the same level of features and kit that the Medique 40061 First Aid Kit, 61-Piece offers but they fall to a certain amount and later are not able to deliver on that front to be on the list of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking as the value and use case this product offers is unlike anything.
Features and benefits
● This kit can be used in any place ranging from a home to a sports arena and even an office. ● The design and materials used make it very compact and light. Also, space is never an issue as it can be put anywhere ● It contains 61 pieces of medical kit which are enough to help one in their daily life.
● Small and compactness improves portability. ● Huge list of equipment with an instruction manual makes treatment easy even for a layman. ● Has a warranty so that it can be replaced anywhere.
● The box may break and fall off. ● There could be a better selection of medical supplies and more variety could be better with higher build quality. ● There may be a few defects in equipment and medicines may be of the expired variety.
Final verdict In the end though the Medique 40061 First Aid Kit, 61-Piece answers the question of being one of the Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking in terms of use ratio as its features and price is able to justify the purpose for small places and it should also fit well for very light travel. Thus being a good all round package which is affordable makes it an even better buy.
The post Best Compact First Aid Kits for Trekking appeared first on Trekking Himalayas.
from Trekking Himalayas http://www.trekking-in-himalayas.com/reviews/best-compact-first-aid-kits-for-trekking/ via http://www.trekking-in-himalayas.com
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