#unsure if shiro
intothegenshinworld · 2 years
Hellooo! Did you see the Scaramouche teaser? If so what are your thoughts on it? I was literally sobbing when watching it LMAO I wanna give that man a hug so bad D:
Oh also! Can I be called Spooky anon??
Im bad at sending requests so I’ll mostly just be chilling haha (^▽^)
Hi hi, Spooky Anon! :D Welcome to the blog!!
I did see the Scaramouche teaser. I really like his background story and I'm very hyped to play his story quest to (hopefully) get to know more about him and his past! //but yes. he really does need a hug, huh TuT
No pressure to send in any asks! You're free to chill and pop in whenever you want :3
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leftdestiny-posts · 3 months
When the health providers go ❌
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pidges-lost-robot · 4 months
Redrawing of the characters with different outfit ideas
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Drawn on this scene:
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This is an au of if their outfits had not been so obviously the colour of their lions and if they’d eventually transitioning to something that fits more with their lions colour palette
I decided to have Keith be a lot more practical for living out in hot weather with a lot lighter clothing cause I don’t think he can be bothered with heatstroke (and yes Lance makes a wide variety of jokes from ‘glad we’ve got amelia earhart onside’ to ‘didn’t realise we needed help escaping from an Indiana Jones character’ or ‘hey what National Park were you a ranger at’ and finally ‘I think Laura Dern wants her outfit back’
Pidge I wanted to go for a more teal which is more in keeping with her brother’s palette but as @seypia pointed out her brother actually at some point wears in the flashback so that’s what I tried to go for
I’m having the og blue of Lance’s shirt be a more reddish purple, where its clearly pointing towards a more Keith colour like he’s trying to peacock as, rather than dressing more as himself
And Hunk covering up his more prominent yellow colour in his palette with a more violet colour, a much softer colour that would blend more into the background of the show as he’s unsure about this whole idea
I may do one of these in the shack with Shiro’s outfit change but this is what I have for now
(I did not redraw the bike I tried then lost the will with it xD)
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Keith x reader ~ Childhood friends to lovers ❤️‍🔥
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You met at the garrison when you were barely teens, when Keith’s hair was shorter and he NEVER opened his mouth in public.
It’s not that he didn’t like you when you first met, he just didn’t want to like you. He was comfortable being a loner and didn’t want to put in the effort a friendship requires
But you were just so nice to him. He lowkey loved and hated it at the same time. He wanted to ignore you like he did everyone else but you wouldn’t leave him alone and he felt too guilty to tell you to go away. You noticed he was always alone so you tried to offer him some kindness.
He kinda wanted you to leave him alone but you didn’t and eventually, he started to looked forward to seeing you everyday. Seeing you run to him with a smile on your face and an extra lunch bag in your hand for him made him feel important. He’d never admit any of that to you tho.
One day, you weren’t at school and the whole day was just off. He didn’t feel right, he felt sad and invisible as he walked past all his classmates in the hall. He felt like no one truly saw him besides Shiro, who was often too busy to really give Keith attention, and you.
The next day when he saw you, he came up to you first!!!
“Where were you yesterday?” “I had a doctors app-“ “Next time, tell me you’re gonna be gone. I was worried.” He reached out for your hand, holding it between his own cold hands. “Oh…okay. I-I’m sorry, Keith.”
Omfg he was worried about you? After one day??? How cute!
From then on, you two were inseparable, the best of friends. He went to you every time he was really sad and needed support or when he was extremely angry and needed to just rant and yell to you. He confided in you so much, he trusted you more than anyone else. He told you the ugly and embarrassing secrets he’d never told anyone else before.
That day that he punched Griffin, after going to the dean’s office he found you outside reading. You could tell he was upset as he stomped over to you, making you immediately toss your book aside and give him your full attention.
“Keith? You okay? What happ-“ He flopped down in the grass beside you, laid on his side with his head resting on your thigh and began crying. He made sure to keep it quiet and keep his face hidden from you but you could feel him shaking. Unsure of what to say, you just began playing with the hair covering the nape of his neck. He LOVED the physical affection. He didn’t talk to you at all that afternoon, he just cried in your lap for a while then hugged you tight and went home.
That moment was when you both began to catch feelings. He loved that you were so kind and accepting of him, always so comforting. You never pressured him to talk to you, your presence alone was enough to calm him down.
You loved that he trusted you and always protected and checked up on you. He would do anything for you, all you had to do was ask with your pretty smile and soft eyes and he’d comply.
As you both grew up, he came to love your praises. You always told him how smart he was and how amazing he was at piloting, he couldn’t get enough. You fed his ego so much.
He was and still is terrible at returning the compliments. He’d often offer you constructive criticism instead, which took some getting used to but made you realize that he genuinely cared for you and only wanted the best for you.
You’d often walk hand in hand around the garrison and if anyone gave you two a weird look or tried to tease y’all about being a couple, Keith would literally bark at them while keeping your hand in his grip. “Fuck off! Mind your business…” and you liked his fiery personality. He was your scary guard dog.
When Keith got kicked out of the garrison, it broke both of your hearts. He was completely lost without you or Shiro around and you couldn’t sleep well at night for over a month bc you were so worried about him. Just like that, he had disappeared.
It was a while until you finally found him in that shack in the desert. You had gotten a tip from a teacher at the garrison while they were talking about him being a recluse and how he would sneak out to that shack in the middle of the night just to be alone and enjoy the quiet.
You found it one day and sort of just barged in, catching him half dressed and sleepy in his bed. “Keith?” He sat up abruptly, fists up defensively. “(Y/N)? How…what…?” His hands dropped to his sides as he stared at you in surprise. You ran and hugged him tightly, smiling as he hesitantly hugged you back.
He looked different…his hair was longer, he looked like he had been working out a lot and the bags under his violet eyes were very prominent.
You decided the garrison just wasn’t for you and you’d rather be with Keith. It just wasn’t the same there without him so you left it all behind and began visiting him every day.
He had never been so depressed and anxious before you found him and now that you were back in his life, he slowly but surely began to smile and eat more and act like his normal moody self.
The night finally came that you helped him rescue Shiro and he told you he’d be forever in debt to you for helping him save his brother. After getting Shiro to safety and settling everyone down, he pulled you outside his little shack so you could be alone together and he hugged you so tight it almost hurt as he cried on your shoulder. This time, his tears seemed to be from happiness and relief. He finally had his support system back ❤️‍🩹
Once you found yourselves in space together, his attitude changed a bit. He was much more busy and irritated and quiet all the time. Being a young adult out in space with the tremendous pressure of defending the universe took its toll on him.
You just gave him space and tried to keep yourself busy as well. He wasn’t sure if he liked the space or not.
As you all began to get into the swing of life out in the cosmos, Keith began coming around to you more often.
“Wanna come train with me? It’s boring by myself.” You were way too excited to spend time with him. You missed him so much while he was being distant. This moment changed everything. You two were inseparable again.
The whole team noticed that you had a way of getting him to soften up and relax when he was really frustrated. Everyone knew that you two loved each other but would never admit it to the other.
Finally, loverboy Lance steps in. He had to get y’all together. Keith is so dense and only seems to open up to you. You both just need a push from Lance the matchmaker.
He goes to Keith first and Keith shuts down the whole idea. He is terrified to lose your friendship by pushing a relationship on you so he totally rejects Lance’s help. He even tries to tell Lance that he only sees you as a friend but we all know he’s a terrible liar.
When Lance approached you, you couldn’t help but confess your burning love for Keith. You love him more than anyone in the world and you were also scared of making the friendship awkward by confessing to him. But Lance is the best wingman in the world. He would never let you fail.
Lance helped you come up with the right words to say and also tried to get you to practice some pick up lines, to which you just scoffed at him.
Finally, the day had come. You were gonna tell him how you really feel, how you’ve been feeling all these years.
You approach Keith’s door, waiting a few seconds before your shaky hand knocks.
The door slides open and a small smile grows on his lips. “What’s up?” You walk past him and into his room without asking permission, finding a seat on his bed. He was confused as to why you didn’t even smile at him like you normally do. “(Y/N)…are you okay?” He came to sit beside you, watching you with worried eyes.
“Listen…I uh…I have something to tell you but you have to swear, promise me that you’ll always be my friend…” Keith’s cheeks begin to flush as he nods slowly. He’s pretty sure he knows what’s about to come out of your mouth. “I promise.”
“I…I’m in love with you. I’ve loved you since we were kids. You…you mean the entire universe to me and I just want to call you my boyfriend. I don’t want to ruin our friendship so I understand if you don’t-“
“Shut up. I love you too…more than anyone. Let’s just date already.” And now his face is burning red hot as he avoids your gaze.
You guys fell into it so quick and smooth. It was an easy transition from best friends to lovers. You shared your first kiss just a few days after making it official.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you ever since that day you told me you were worried about me when I wasn’t at school.” This makes him smile bigger than you’ve ever seen him smile before.
“Yeah? Funny…that’s when I first wanted to kiss you too.”
There’s no one else he’d rather be with. You are his person and he is yours, forever and ever and ever ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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missaturn1 · 8 months
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Not sure if this is the best way to post comics on tumblr but here it goes!
I’m usually very unsure about making and posting comics so I sat on it for a bit, but this is not the first time I have a Taylor Swift song in my mind that just gives me Sheith feels, and if you don’t think this man was indeed on his Vigilante Shit when he decided to explode some shit to sneak into a military quarantine facility for Shiro,,, then I shall change your mind uwu
We all know Keith would do anything for Shiro right ;) hope you guys like the intense stares and the fan service hehe
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vxmp-irate · 3 months
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Petals - a Klance Fic
I’ve finally posted the first chapter of my tattoo parlor/flower shop klance fic to AO3
The McClain family has been a staple in Garrison city for generations. Owning a small botanical shop on the corner of the busiest street, their family is well known and loved by their community. For generations, the responsibility and ownership of the shop gets passed down to one of the next of kin.
This year, Lance is being given the responsibility to uphold the McClain family name by taking ownership of the shop from his parents, and making the shop prosper for the years to come.
Keith Kogane, coming from a small city in Texas, has just graduated college with a degree in arts, and his next step is one he’s unsure of. His brother, Shiro, had told him about this tattoo shop in his city, one that’s located on the corner of a fairly busy street, and he thought it would be a good idea for him to check it out.
So, after a couple of online interviews with the owner of the shop, Allura, Keith had packed his things up and moved across the country to live near his brother and work as a paid apprentice as a tattoo artist.
TLDR: Tattoo artist Keith/Botanist Lance
If you like it, please make sure to leave kudos, it helps a lot
I’ll be posting updates regularly, and the chapters will release whenever I get to them :)
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kittybroker · 1 year
Intro post!
I'll reblog cat pictures and value the kitty.
Now I'm sure you're all saying kitties are all valuable, and while that's true one cannot simply dismiss the importance of proper accounting in today's economy.
If you want to submit a picture of a cat you can use either the ask function or send in a post submission and value it yourself. Feel free to tag me into any kitty post you want.
Please make sure to read the FAQ below before sending in any questions.
While I am mostly a joke blog, please be wary when sending overly personal/strange asks, particularly when I do not know who you are. Absolutely do not ship this blog with other blogs, and particularly do not make comments to me about this.
Tagging system: I'll tag all the cats here with #crazy kitty The pricing of kitties is set into one of five categories:
#free bin - $0 kitties #bargain bin - Under $5 #discount kitty - Under $20 #valuable kitty - Under $50 #premium kitty - Anything over $50
#alt currency is used for any kitty not using kitty dollars.
Note that kitties from before 27/01/24 may not include the #bargain bin or #premium kitty tag as those tags were introduced after the blogs creation.
#set deal - For pairs kitties sold together #collection - For collections of different kitties in a collection
#silly kitty - For memes and humorous kitties #art - For drawings of kitties or kitties with art attached #fake kitty - For kitties that aren't really actually kitties at all
#text post - For posts that aren't actually evaluations #asks - Posts that are sent via ask #tagged - Posts sent via tagging #in the replies - Tags from the replies of a post #kitty music - For self-promotional music posts or music performed by kitties (meowsynth)
I'll probably post my own cat a bit here as well and tag that with #my cat.
Submission: You can submit kitties by tagging me in posts or sending asks (when the inbox is open). I will not always get around to tags as sometimes there is too many to get to or I have already evaluated the post. I prefer people tag me into a post over DMing, and will not evaluate a kitty sent in DMs. I would also ask you to not send too many asks or tags in a row simply to avoid too many posts being sent in at a time and allowing others to send stuff in. If you are unsure on how to tag me please refer to the FAQ, do not message me asking how to tag me into posts.
Rules for submission: Please no real people or anthropomorphized cats. Anything that is pretty much just human is a big no go zone for evaluation (particularly evaluating real people). As long as it's clearly an animal I don't really care. Do not tag me into more than 2-3 posts at a time.
Why hasn't my ask been answered? I get a lot of asks, and I can't answer everything. It usually takes a few days to a week to get around to answering an ask. Sometimes the ask may also contain a submission that cannot be posted, ie you submitted a real person, a cat in the harmful situation or with wounds. For text based asks I cannot get to everything and am frequently inundated with comments. Not all will get a response. If you ask a question answered in the FAQ I will not answer.
How do you evaluate the kitties? The economy guides my hand, I merely see the truth of what is already there.
I tagged you into a post, but you never responded? I get a lot of tags, and often a lot of the same post. I will try to avoid responding to the same post multiple times (sometimes I forget!). Sometimes I just have so many tagged posts to get to I have to cut some out. I do see every tagged post though so you're post will still be seen, even if not answered.
What is the most valuable kitty ever? Our current estimates would put Intergalactic Shiro, now at an impressive 720000000000
What currency are the kitties evaluated in? They are all in Kitty Dollars. I've never heard of this "USD" or "Euro" stuff. None of it is real.
I want to tag you in a post, but I don't know how? To tag me into a post you will need to reblog the post and add the tag into the text field of the post (no the tags!). If you type @kittybroker you should see this blog appear in a dropdown menu. Select kittybroker and then reblogging the post. You can also tag me into the replies of posts by opening the notes, heading to the replies section and tagging me there with the same method.
Can I submit myself? Many before have attempted this perilous feat. Yet I remain strong. No real people will be evaluated!
Kittybroker, you reblogged a bad post! Sometimes I reblog posts that I should by mistake. Please notify me if this is the case, ie. the cat is in danger, the video is not safe or harmful. I do my best to try educate myself on what the best, but I still miss stuff. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO FANDOM DRAMA/PROBLEMATIC USERS. DO NOT MESSAGE ME ABOUT THIS.
Kittybroker, I want to support you but I hate capitalism! Good news for you! The best way you can support me is to check out the #kitty music tag! I write a fair bit of music and you can find it at my old soundcloud, or you can find my recent piano sheet music here! Completely free! I really appreciate any support with my music work outside of kittybroker and sharing or listening to my stuff helps a lot!
Do you have a cat? I do, although I rarely post it out of both privacy concerns and the sheer number of other kitties sent in. The rare occasion I do however they will all be tagged. His name is Boris and he is around nine years old. He is very crazy.
That is all for now! Remember to stay crazy and kitty!
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dunmeshistash · 23 days
Do you know what Shuro's retainers were doing when they weren't accompanying him? Like, I don't think Maizuru would allow them a lot a free time but don't know how much ninja-ing they'd be able to do? (Also Maizuru would want to keep them, esp. Izutsumi, out of trouble)
Unsure, Maizuru herself was following him around apparently so maybe they were just hanging out while she did that? Hien is called the "most senior member" and apparently she keeps an eye on the others by the way they interact so Maizuru wasn't leaving them unsupervised
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In that cross section drawing Izutsumi is going with Maizuru while she follows shiro and the other retainers are having a meal together
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justaz · 2 months
all this was to say that lance had the perfect set up for a deep, beautiful character arc but…well. we all know what happened. he’s arrogant, overconfident, and cocky and this ends up with him making mistakes and costing his team a pretty run with the flight sim. yet you can see in that episode with the yupper that lance has a deep insecurity that he buries and hides under smirks and quips and a whole lotta pride. (they also could’ve tied it to his family as well since they gave him multiple siblings which would’ve overshadowed his accomplishments which is the root of him striving for greatness and perfection so much that he gets tunnel vision and his team pays the price, but i digress.) with his competition/rivalry with keith, the star student who is effortlessly talented, it would’ve been beautiful for them to be equals as coleaders without them realizing. it wasn’t a conscious decision for either of them but lance’s little line from the first episode had more truth than he realized - “lance and keith, neck and neck”.
and then to lose that along with himself when kuron takes control of the team, to watch him struggle and flounder and fall deeper into his insecurities, his pride and ego wounded so much that he is unsure of his every move, his every word, his every breath. it would’ve been PERFECT for him to figure out that kuron was a clone and that the team was under galran command. lance being forced into the leadership role, much like keith was, and having to make decisions and choices for the team as black paladin - still being so unsure of what he’s doing and if it’s right. he full heartedly believes that the team needs keith back, they can’t do this without him, but keith is on the space whale and no one can get ahold of him so it’s up to lance. lance who slowly heals the deep wound within him that has him believing that he’ll never be good enough and grows his confidence back on solid ground. lance who becomes steady and sure of himself and leads the team almost effortlessly.
all this paralleling keith’s character arc which (ofc) happened off screen in canon. keith who was restless and explosive for years bc he never had a mother, his father died when he was young, he was bounced around from foster home to foster home, and once he found a permanent home, shiro goes missing and is presumed dead. keith who is constantly searching for something he can’t name and finding his mother and is forced to be with her for two years while glimpsing the past and future. keith seeing his parents meet and fall in love, watching as his mother practically tore herself apart inside as she left him and his father behind - feeling a piece of him settle within at the sight. she didn’t want to leave, she would’ve given anything to stay. watching his father and shiro raise him, their love unconditional until the day they left. krolia watching little keith rage at the injustice and being there for his older self and healing those wounds. settling every restless piece within him until he became the man who stepped back onto the castleship with a space wolf, an altean, and his alien mom.
keith and lance finding a shred of stability with one another as coleaders of voltron and best friends since they definitely grew closer during s3. they were attached at the hip, they did everything together, the line between platonic and romantic blurred so much that it wasn’t even there anymore, it was just them. but it was unhealthy how close they were, how dependent they were on one another. only to be torn apart and with their unhealthy codependency, they completely fall apart without the other there so theyre forced to rebuild the foundations of their beings. lance crumbles all alone as he and the team become distant and he rebuilds as black paladin. keith crumbles alone at the blade hopping from mission to mission and rebuilds on the space whale with his mother.
steady keith and lance meeting almost like for the first time after lance and the team took out kuron and keith and krolia found a hidden altea. together they turn on lotor and take him down too. since kuron has already been dealt with, lotor didn’t get away and all that other shit in canon didn’t happen so they get to remain in space until they take the empire completely. allura places shiro into the clone’s body and meets romelle and talks of freeing the hidden altea after the war is over and theyre not at risk anymore. keith and lance are unsure of how to proceed with the whole leader thing but there again pops up the coleader resolution. as steadier, mature versions of themselves, keith has really stepped into the black paladin position while lance had always been more suited for red. keith and lance, leader and his right hand, but they’re equals. theres no competition, no rivalry, no jealousy or envy, just respect and love.
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oxandthorn · 2 months
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wedding/bridal fic sample (327 words)
kafka is unsure about how he feels about the dress.
He was uncertain how to feel. Kafka stared at himself in the mirror, examining the creature and reflecting back at him. A tight bodice encapsulated his bubbly chest and tummy. A billowing and voluminous skirt unfurled from his waist and down onto the ground.
Was a very extravagant, and incredibly western bridal gown necessary? He and Hoshina were getting married… It didn’t seem like that big of a deal. He would've been happy with a simple a service at the local ward office. However, Hoshina seemed to want something more lavish. Why? Who knows.
“How do women do this?” 
By “do this,” he meant the strength one would need to wear AND carry such a heavy get-up for any length of time. It was heavy, and took such a long time to get into.
He twisted back and forth, continuing to look at himself in the mirror. Kafka was still unsure. Plucking at the skirt with his hands, Kafka twirled and moved around. He watched the dress ripple and roll with his movements. A delighted smile appeared on his face. The movements were hypnotic and satisfying to watch.
“Oh, I get it––” He laughed to himself.
“Having fun?”
Kafka jumped, not seeing Hoshina standing in the doorway. He leaned against the door-casing, arms folded across his chest and a sweet smirk on his face. Kafka immediately froze, blushing profusely.
“Sh-shiro, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you––” Hoshina laughed, walking in to meet Kafka. He plunged his hands into his pockets, “How’re you doing?”
Kafka sighed, “Tired. Nervous. Overdressed.”
“Why am I wearing this? I should be wearing my uniform too, right? This is silly?” Kafka asked, staring at Hoshina in the mirror.
Hoshina wore his JAKDF uniform. Finely pressed and not a thing out of place. A red and purple floral boutonniere graced his collar.
“Nah,” Hoshina shook his head.
Hoshina traced a single finger up the center of Kafka’s bare back. Kafka shivered.
Hoshina leaned in and whispered, “You look so pretty.”
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madewithlove-sophie · 4 months
What Did Love Do? | ii. | JJK Fanfiction
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Masterlist | Previous | Next
Chapter ii. The Fated Pair
A warning for those squeamish with blood and s/h at the beginning
The birth of the honored one shook the Jujutsu World, shifting the balance between chaos and peace.
A child born with the six eyes and limitless technique. A child blessed by the heavens.
It is due to this event that people of the Jujutsu World did not know of the birth of another child just 7 months later.
The birth of the unworthy child. Upon her birth, cursed the fate of her clan.
Thrown away by her own clan at birth and taken by a mere maid. Y/N Akayami was a child cursed by the God's.
Yet who would have thought, these two were destined to cross paths and disrupt the world of Jujustu.
"Get that wretched thing away from me!" A woman, beautiful yet terrifying shouts.
Upon feeling the shift of cursed energy, seeing her child's eyes. Red. Beautiful. Dangerous. A Curse. She knew her child she gave birth to a few minutes ago was not hers. A monster.
A chilling scream echos in the hospital room. The newly made mother, throws her child to the ground and attacks the crying baby with her technique.
A barrage of invisible slashes scatter the room, harming the doctors and nurses.
A minute passes. Pause. Silence.
The mother looks around as the dust settles. The window panes shattered. The smooth wooden floor riddled with large jagged splinters.
Before the dust could lay back on the ground. A wailing cry.
The baby is unharmed. On the floor. Wanting the warmth promised by her mother.
A sinister aura of red protects circles the child.
The doctors and nurses unable to move watch helplessly as the baby cries for its mother.
A laughter echoed maniacally through the room. The mother stands and grabs the nearest object that would bring her relief.
A scalpel used for the operation.
Suddenly there are two bodies on the ground. One of the lifeless mother. One of the wailing baby.
The doctors unsure of what to do watch. Unable to move.
Yet one nurse, rushes to the crying baby. The red aura long gone.
"Shhhh it's okay." The nurse coos at the baby, calming her down.
Red. Crystal Red.
Two beautiful rubies stare back the woman. How could this baby be a monster? The nurse thinks as she starts wrapping the baby in white cloth.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Footsteps heard from the corridor enters the disheveled room.
Shiro Akayami, the head of the ancient and powerful Akayami Clan, walks in.
He looks around and sees the scene before him.
A woman called his wife lies on the floor. A scalpel on her hand.
A baby softly crying held by a worried nurse.
"Akayami-sama, it happened so fast we didn't-" Before the doctor could finish, a deafening slash tore through the room, silencing his words and claiming the lives of the doctor and two nurses standing nearby. Their bodies splat on the ground as if rags were thrown on the floor.
The nurse gasps in surprise as she witnesses the gore before her.
Shiro Akayami slowly turns to the nurse. Dark evil eyes stare at the woman on the floor holding his child.
He leans over the two. Sinister. Dark. Evil.
"Kill the child. I do not care how gruesome," he declares, his voice devoid of emotion, as he stands tall and resolute. With hands clasped behind his back, he strides toward the door, leaving an unsettling air of determination behind him.
"Make no mistake." he states icily, his gaze fixed ahead as he exits the room, leaving his ominous directive hanging in the air.
- 5 Years Later -
A small child walks hand in hand with a maid, their footsteps echoing softly on the polished wooden floors of their master's traditional Japanese house. The dim glow of lanterns casts flickering shadows across the tatami mats, while the moonlight filters through shoji screens, painting patterns of light and shadow on the walls.
Her beautiful ruby eyes peek out from beneath her long bangs as she rubs the sleep from them.
"Are you sleepy, Y/N?" A gentle voice asks the child.
"A bit," the child yawns as the two make their way across the lavish garden of their master's home, unaware of another child watching them from across the garden.
"Hey! You there!" A young child shouts from his chair, pointing at the two.
The maid stops her steps and turns to her master's child, bowing respectfully as the young girl hides behind her.
"Satoru-sama," she says, mimicking the deferential tone she uses with the child's parents.
"Who's the kid behind you? You're always in a rush to hide her," he points accusingly at the young girl cowering behind the comfort of the maid's skirt.
"She is my child, Satoru-sama," she responds, her voice strained with a hint of urgency, eager to leave the uncomfortable situation behind.
You're a kid too, you know. The maid says to herself, aware of the boy's somewhat superiority complex.
Satoru, with a sneer, comments, "She looks like a scared little mouse. Can she even speak?
The maid, filled with a motherly protectiveness over the child, reprimands Satoru. "Satoru-sama, have you—" but before she could finish her reprimand to the rude child, the young girl behind her leaves the comfort of her shield and yells.
"Yes, I can! And you look like a frog!" she shouts in defense.
The maid, shocked by her child's outburst, gasps and covers the child's mouth with her hand.
"She did not mean that!" the flustered maid says, her voice tense with worry about the repercussions the child's words might have with his parents.
Young Satoru gasps in surprise and points at the young girl. "You're rude!" He shouts in defense.
The maid laughs in embarrassment. "She doesn't mean that." The maid repeats.
The maid removes her hand over the child's mouth and slightly pushes her head down in a bow.
"She's sorry about what she said, Satoru-sama," the maid says, wanting nothing more than to leave the young boy and head to their room. "Apologize to Satoru-sama, Y/N." The maid whispers to the child.
"I didn't meant it," the young girl mutters in apology.
Satoru laughs at the young girl. "It's 'I didn't mean it,' stupid mouse," he says confidently, reveling in his perceived superiority over the girl.
The young girl fueled with anger suddenly stomps on young Satoru's. "You're a meany!" She shouts in frustration over the annoying ugly boy before her.
Satoru gasps although not in pain but surprise at the young girl's defiance. Before he could say anything the maid laughs in embarrassment.
"Ah, young Y/N is cranky for not eating any chocolate this evening for dinner. Please forgive her rude behavior, Satoru-sama," the maid says, her voice tinged with a subtle hint of concern as she carefully chooses her words, hoping to deflect any suspicion or ire from the young boy.
The maid rushes to pick up the young girl and carries her over her shoulder. The child's dress frills in the air as the evening air chills the night.
"I'm not cranky," the girl mutters before turning to look at the young boy at the center of the garden, teasing him as she stares at those big, blue, ugly eyes.
Before the two disappear inside the house, she sticks her tongue out at the young boy in playful retaliation.
Young Satoru sneers in mock annoyance at the girl's antics. What an annoying girl!
Satoru walks to his bedroom, his footsteps softly tapping the ground as he considers their exchange.
Eventually, young Satoru lies on his bed, about to sleep. Before he could succumb to slumber, he exhales loudly, thinking about the encounter. "Red," he murmurs, remembering the peculiar crystal rubies of the girl he encountered.
Editor's note: A the start of childhood romance ~
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alluraaaa · 1 year
When the paladins touched down on Earth, it quickly became Reunion Central. Not that Keith has a problem with it, he’s just unsure of how to approach it. He doesn’t exactly have anyone to return to.
However, he doesn’t have to think about that, the decision is made for him.
He’s pulled into many a meeting of the family, given introductions he immediately forgets and hearing stories about himself. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance are thrilled to show their first families their second one. Keith, Allura, Coran, and Romelle are passed around like trading cards to the tune of “These are my parents!”
Though Keith will admit he’s avoiding Lance’s family. Nothing against them personally, it’s just… there’s so many of them, and they’re all as touchy feely as Lance. He appreciates a good group hug from the team, but it’d be different with people he’s only heard stories about.
Luckily, he’s saved from a social interaction he doesn’t want to participate in yet.
“Keith. Akira. Kogane.”
Unluckily, it’s replaced by a less favorable one.
Keith stiffens, staring but unseeing at Hunk’s grandmother. She, and the rest of the Garretts, turn to the source of the full name yelled across the way. Keith… doesn’t. He stares at the ground, unable to hide his grimace as he hears boots marching towards him.
Someone please put him back into a magic robo-cat that shoots lasers. He’d gladly get into a space fight than talk to him.
“Where the hell did you go!?” he asks, grabbing Keith by the shoulder and turning him around. Keith stares up into brown eyes covered by glasses, rage in those irises. Behind his head, Shiro is sending him a sympathetic smile, unable to stop his fiancé once on the warpath.
“Your brother goes missing and you think the best reaction is to do the same!?” Adam all but screeches.
“Hi Adam,” Keith manages. He missed him, he really did, but he also 100% knew this was coming.
“Don’t Hi Adam me, young man! Where did you go? Do you know how much I was looking for you? I was so worried! And you didn’t even say anything, you just left! Right after I get told my fiancé is dead!”
“You’re not sorry and we both know that.”
Adam sighs, like this is the biggest problem he has right now, and pulls Keith into a tight embrace. But not too tight. He still remembers how Keith likes his hugs. Keith hugs back.
He’s just as warm as Keith remembers him, and he still smells the same, like vanilla and cinnamon. It’s moments like these where Keith gets why Shiro fell in love with him.
“You’re grounded, by the way.”
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callmelyc · 1 year
Lance trying to convince ppl there's a shape shifter aboard the Atlas but everyone is like nah no way we'd have detected it
Then Keith comes into the room and ask what's wrong only to have lance pointing his rifle directly at him. Everyone demands lance to drop the Bayard, they ask what he's doing, they assume he's got something going on with him. Even team vld is trading glances unsure while Keith holds his hands up placidly
"Lance, what's wrong love?" He says worry filled eyes not looking away from Lance even once.
But lance isn't convinced this is Keith, the shifter had been trading faces he almost hadn't noticed if it wasn't for the feeling of being followed.
So to test the Keith Infront of him lance says he has a question to prove his identity.
Everyone waits in baited breath as Keith nods and lance says:
"I say Vol...and you say...?"
Keith sighs "Tron, that's an easy on-'
Lance shoots without hesitation, everyone is yelling asking wtf is wrong with him, yelling to get a Dr.
But Keith growls and his form starts to bubble & shift A towering liquid form takes his place and screeches at lance for the shot he provided. It charges, shiro charges back hand activated and it's taken into containment within minutes.
The real Keith is found knocked out in the ship bays and when asked how lance could tell the difference he simply says:
"Keith would say voltron"
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fic rec friday 37
hello and welcome to fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Fade to Black by @yokohogawa
Things between Keith and Lance are changing but Keith is restless, especially with Shiro still weak, and ends up taking a bad decision: he leaves Lance alone in the Castle with a Lion he cannot pilot. Unable to form Voltron without the newly appointed Red Paladin, the four Paladins left struggle against the sudden attack of a Galra ship and later on take damage from the explosion of a star in close proximity. Lance, on the other end, is left to defend the Castle by himself and has little time to succeed: without energy, the Lions have only 6 hours of breathable air. Beyond that point, his friends will be dead.
okay yes technically this series is unfinished. HOWEVER the first two works ARE finished, and they are amazing showstopping incredible etc. tbh im not much of a black paladin lance fan, i genuinely think solo leadership is not what he is suited for, but this fic made me way more open to it. the way he handled severe crises was as fear stricken as it was awe inspiring highly recommend
2. once again i am a child by @lilaclavenders
“You’re not a spare tyre,” Adam interjects.  “I know that,” Lance says, too unsure to sound completely defensive.   “That almost sounded like a question.” “No... it didn’t,” Lance says.
Lance and Adam talk.
i have always been a fan of lance and adam even tho its the most evidence lacking fanon thing in this fandom. its truly just so interesting. and to have lance as a young cadet getting slammed so badly just in so many different directions being given at least one grownup in his corner...its a good read.
3. Lance the language man by @irish-vampire-blog
Lance didn't really try to learn a language. He just, kind of, picks up the basics and then works from there. Its usually unintentional. Ish.
He isn't stupid though. He isn't an idiot. He just isn't the same kind of smart as his friends are.
this kind of smart for lance is so REAL bc no he cannot do like quantum physics or whatever probably but the way he seems to have a pretty innate ability to successfully do many things that he tries. he just can u know?? thats the autism with the gay audacity i would imagine but i love seeing fics like this
4. my boyfriend's back (and you're gonna get in trouble) by teacupfulofbrains
hey la, hey la, my boyfriend's back
Keith Kogane has never heard of Vine. Lance McClain takes personal offense to this, and makes it his personal mission to teach his boyfriend to meme. Keith is confused, mostly.
(OR: several instances of Keith not getting the meme™ and two times he did)
I LOVE THIS FIC SO BAD I CANT BELIEVE I HAVENT RECCED IT BEFORE. yes i am a cringe zillenial who still finds vine funny and quotes it on the internet but truly idc idc. this fic is funny. this fic is cute. established klance my love and light. also keith comparing lances eyes to the star of bombay is some of the gayest shit ever and also the only time i will entertain blue eyed lance
5. The Most Dangerous Thing is to Love by running_downn
Last time something like this happened to Lance, Keith wasn’t there. He’d thought he would have been able to do something if he had been there, or at least if he was, the guilt wouldn’t be so heavy on his chest. But this time he was there. He was right fucking there and he decided that it was infinitly worse.
Basically there's a new threat after the Galra and it almost kills Lance. Desperate making out ensues, but it's okay to recognize when it's not the right time for it. Keith cries a lot cause he's older and grizzled and therefore not as emotionally stunted.
green sock reality? team still out fighting as adults and lance isn’t a fucking farmer while the rest of the team isn’t? keith’s abandonment issues treated with respect and dignity and also the acknowledgement that he’s older and therefore mature enough to handle those issues in a way that doesn’t risk a relationship that is important to him? lance understanding all this and using the supportive nature he is known for??? yes yes yes. stellar fic that should have way more hits than it does
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!
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First Meetings~
Voltron x reader drabble about the first time they met each other 💖💖💖 Gender neutral reader ALWAYS !
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This cheeky boi. He first laid eyes on you back at the Garrison when he saw you and Pidge talking one day at lunch in the cafeteria. Hunk and Lance came strolling in to find Pidge, presumably to bug them and mess with their current technology fixation. Before the two boys have even sat at the table, Lance has his eyebrow cocked, a smirk on his lips and a hand slowly running through his hair.
"Hey...name's Lance." He looks down at you, leaning on the table to get closer to you. You smile at him politely, unsure of his motive with such a flirty tone.
"Hi. I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you." You offer him your hand to shake and your smile widens. Right then, as his hand fell into yours and you were being so nice to him (and he was lowkey admiring your smiling lips), he felt it. It was kind of like he had to throw up, but also like he wanted to run a marathon. You'd think he'd go for the ol' kiss on the back of the hand cliche, but not with you. He just stares, in awe of how cute you look. You were different...he didn't know why, but he just couldn't keep his cool around you.
"I-I like your name. Heh...uh yeah. Nice to meet you, too." He mumbles, now a shy blushing mess. Your hands parted, but he kept staring at you. You couldn't help the blush that crept up on your face as you quickly looked away from him. "Oh brother..." Pidge mumbles as they roll their eyes, still tinkering with their device. "Dude, you good?" Hunk whispers to him as he watches the awkward staring contest happening between you two.
"Uh I should...get going actually." You stand slowly, smiling at the two boys again before gently nudging Pidge's shoulder. "See ya later, Pidge." Pidge simply nods, not looking up from their current project. And with that, you quickly run off to your room to scream into a pillow because OH MY GOD WHO WAS THAT CUTIE AND WHERE HAS HE BEEN ALL YOUR LIFE??? And Lance...yeah, he just starts screaming right there in the cafeteria...in front of everyone because the boy is S T A R S T R U C K.
Aww space dad is so sweet and polite. You and Shiro met when you helped Keith rescue him when he landed back on Earth after the failed Kerberos mission. You had befriended Keith just after Shiro had disappeared and while you knew who Shiro was, you had never actually gotten the chance to meet or interact with him before you were dragging his limp body off of that medical table.
As soon as he woke up, Keith was by his side. "Shiro? Hey...how are you feeling?" Keith stood from his seat and quickly approached the bed Shiro was laying on. He sat up slowly with a groggy groan. "I'm alright." He replies softly before rubbing his eyes.
"Hey, Keith. You haven't eaten all day. Come on, why don't we-" You stop in your tracks upon seeing Shiro awake and standing slowly. You had been concerned that Keith was just rotting away in his seat waiting for Shiro to wake up, but all thoughts left your mind when you saw him. He reaches his long, strong arms above his head to stretch and you just watch, taking note of how much taller than you he is. Seeing him up close like this had your heart doing back flips. His eyes look so soft and his hair is a bit disheveled and he's smiling at you. Oh god, he's smiling at you...
"Oh, uhm. Hi. I'm (Y/N), Keith's friend." You blurt out nervously, fidgeting with your fingers. Shiro nods and holds out his hand to you. "(Y/N). Nice to know Keith is making friends. I'm-" You cut him off as you slap your hand into his, shaking it excitedly. "Shiro! Yeah, I know who you are. Everyone does." His smile becomes bashful as your eyes meet, giving you a firm hand shake. He can't find the strength to let go of you, not when you were looking at him like that, his smile growing by the millisecond. The way he repeated your name made you forget how to breathe for a second. It was like in the movies, a slow motion love-at-first-sight scene.
Keith simply raises a brow and crosses his arms as he watches you guys get lost in each other's eyes for a moment. "Uhm..." Keith's voice brings Shiro back to reality. He quickly pulls his hand away, averts his gaze and clears his throat. His once soft and lovely expression has turned more serious. "I have so much to tell you, Keith."
Let's be real...Matt TOTALLY hooked ya'll up. You were Matt's friend before you met Pidge. He was nice and funny and hella nerdy just like you. You guys just got each other. One day, he invites you over to help you with some very challenging homework because he's obviously way smarter than you and he could tell you were struggling.
You sat across from him at his family's kitchen table, your head in your hands as you sighed. "I'm gonna fail." You groan, causing Matt to chuckle. "No you won't, (Y/N). Come on, let's go over it again." You sigh and try to follow along in your textbook as he reads to you. A small figure sneaking to the cupboard catches your eye. You glance up to see who it was looking for a midnight snack. Matt stopped reading and smirked a bit. "Pidge, you better brush your teeth after you eat all that sugar." You watch the younger of the siblings turn towards you, their arms full of different candies and chocolates. "You're not the boss of me." They reply in a snarky tone, making Matt whip his head around to look at them. "I'm the oldest person in this room, that makes me the boss of both of you." Pidge simply rolls their eyes as you struggle to look away from them.
Pidge approaches you guys, slowly sliding a mars bar across the table to Matt. "Don't tell mom I'm eating sugar this late, please?" They mumble shyly as they attempt to bribe their sibling. You can't help but stare. This adorably small person with long, messy hair and tired eyes was the most gorgeous person you'd ever seen. Matt snatches the candy bar with a cheeky grin. "Only if you share with (Y/N), too."
Pidge glances over at you and sighs. "Fine. What kind do you want?" You panic, barely able to function with them standing so close. "Uh...you uh...got any Reese's?" They go to slide the candy over to you and as you reach out for it, your fingertips touch just for a second. That's all it takes for you two to make eye contact and you both become blushing messes as you both yank your hands back. The eye contact doesn't last long because Pidge is just a shy little bean, but Pidge definitely keeps glancing over at you as you reach out and pull the candy closer. You open it and take a bite, smiling a bit. "Mmm, I love peanut butter." And Pidge just can't look away now. You like peanut butter, they like peanut butter and the way your face looks as you chew. Wow, they think you're too cute.
Pidge just stares as you take another bite. The silence, at this point, is too much to bear. Finally, Matt chimes in, "Geez, Pidge, stare much?" You blush as you look up and meet their gaze. You flash them a small smile, watching them get flustered. They quickly look away and angrily snatch the candy bar from their brother's hand. "I hate you." They grumble before walking off back to their room.
"They totally like you. Oh ho ho! I'm never letting this go." Matt snickers as your face grows more red.
Baby boy met you after you were rescued from a galra prison. Pidge, of course, needed to search every cell for her father and brother and they stubbled upon you, dirty, weak and starving. You looked exhausted but hopeful. Pidge calls for some help in getting you and the others in your cell back to the castle. At this time, Keith was much too busy being the protector to really help you all escape.
Once back at the castle, all the others who were held captive with you were doing fine, but you were in much worse shape. The galra seemed to really despise humans so you were thrown in the ring to fight and man handled the most. Bruises littered your body, scrapes and dry blood painted your face. You had a hard time even making it off the galra ship and to the castle, so Shiro and Allura thought it would be best to put you in a healing pod.
It wasn't long before all the paladins were surrounding your pod, wondering how another human ended up all the way out here in the hands of the galra. Finally, as the pod begins to opens, the group goes silent as they watch you. "Someone better grab them. Last time I did, Allura nearly ripped my poor ear off." Lance shoves his hands in his pockets. "Don't look at me! They're like twice my size!" Pidge protests, their arms crossed now. "Guys-" Keith tries to intervene. "Just do it, Lance." Pidge argues and suddenly, the blue and green paladins are full blown shouting at one another. As Shiro tries to deescalate their fight, Keith notices that your eyes are still closed, but you're slowly leaning forward. He jumps forward to catch your weak body before you nearly face plant. You fall into his arms with a grunt, slowly opening your eyes.
"Hmm? Where...where am I?" You ask the boy holding you, his eyes looking deep into yours. "You're uh...We're uh..." Keith just couldn't come up with any words as his pretty purple eyes bore into yours and your hands clutched the sleeves of his jacket. Your lips began to stretch into a shy smile as he slowly came down to his knees, still cradling you in his arms (lmao bonding moment <3). He gently rests you on the ground, nearly scrambling to get away from you and back to his feet. You look around at the others, a confused look on your face. As Allura begins to explain where you are and who they all are, Keith is just staring at you down on the ground. He rubs his arms where your hands were just resting, a blush quickly tinting his entire face and neck. If God is real, Keith is pretty sure he just met them.
You stand slowly, feeling tired but better than before. "Wow, no way I was saved by the paladins of Voltron. Cool!" You smiled brightly as you clasped your hands together behind your back. "Uh, sorry. I'm (Y/N)." You look around the group as they all begin telling you their names. When your eyes landed on Keith, his eyes went wide with embarrassment. "Keith..." He mumbles shyly, making your stomach drop. "Thanks for catching me, Keith." You watch as he looks down at his shoes, his long dark hair covering his beet red face. You are so damn cute, what the hell? He's never felt this way before and neither have you. The way his name rolled off your tongue made him want to punch something, but also made him want to cry? He is such a dense guy, but something about you softened him just a bit that day.
You and Hunk met back at the Garrison. Lance was no doubt out trying to impress some cute pilot while Pidge sat up on the roof, looking for signs of their brother and father. So, that left Hunk to go on a mission of his own. It was late, far past curfew, but when your stomach is grumbling you decide to sneak into the cafeteria in hopes of finding a late night snack. It was dark and quiet as you tip toe through the halls, constantly looking over your shoulder for anyone who might catch you. As you scurry into the kitchen, you slowly open the large industrial sized fridge. The light from the fridge illuminates the room around you and as you look back once again to check for anyone who might catch you, you nearly yelp as your eyes meet Hunk's. He's sitting up on the counter with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon, his eyes wide when he sees you.
"Geez, you scared me" You both whisper in unison. The way the dim light lit up his cute chubby face had you seeing stars. There was a bit of peanut butter on the corner of this mouth and his cheeks were turning red as he stared at you. He couldn't see much detail with the way the light was shining behind you, but just the way you were standing with your hands behind your back and the way your voice sounded tired and the way you wouldn't tear your eyes off of him. Boy was whipped. "I-if you tell anyone about this-" You whispered before he jumped down from the counter to get a closer look at you. "No, its okay. I come in here all the time after curfew. It'll be our little secret."
Now that he's this close, he can see the color of your hair and the shape of your jaw and the curve of your smiling lips. You looked back and forth between his kind eyes and the jar of peanut butter in his hand, your heart racing. "You...want some?" He holds the jar out to you and you shake your head. "Uh no thanks. I was looking for something salty like chips or something." And before you can finish your sentence, he's opening cupboards to help you find a good salty snack. You watch him for a moment before you realize your heart is POUNDING in your chest. He was so...big. Not that you mind that, you just couldn't help but wonder how warm and comforting his hugs must be.
"Ah ha! Hope you like salt and vinegar chips." He turns to hand you the bag, a bright smile plastered across his tan face. You took the bag from his hand and nodded. "You really know your way around the kitchen, huh?" Your voice is still soft, just above a whisper. He lets out a soft laugh as he nods his head. "I mean...I'm not trying to brag, but I do whip up a mean apple pie. Do you...like pie?" He watches as you stare up at him. He wanted to look away because we all know Hunk is a shy babe, but he really loved the way your hair was messy right now and the way you looked at him made his knees feel weak. "Apple is my favorite pie." And at that, you're both full blown smiling at each other.
"I'm (Y/N)." You offer him your hand and he's quick to grab it, shaking it gently. "Hunk." He lets your hand go, but he wishes the contact would never end. Your hand was so cold in his and now he was picturing you two cuddled up in bed, his warm body bringing you comfort. You both stood in a comfortable silence for just a moment before you both hear talking and footsteps coming from the hallway.
"Goodnight, Hunk!" You whisper shout before taking off back towards your room. He watched you scurry off, not even worried about getting caught right now. He couldn't look away, not when you had just said his name so soft and panicked.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)." He sighs dreamily.
You met the princess during a mission in which team Voltron had to sneakily board a galra ship in order to deactivate a weapon that would soon be used to try and capture their precious lions. The galra were using you to their advantage- you were a weak human but you were feisty and a decent fighter so they forced you to protect and serve them and, in return, you were treated a bit better than the other prisoners.
As sirens blare in the ship, you run to where you were told to go. You were simply following orders. As you quickly round the corner, your body SLAMS into another, sending you both falling back on your butts. You quickly regain your footing and reach for your dagger before realizing the hard collision of your bodies sent it flying off in another direction. As the other figure stands, you lift your hands and take a wide-legged stance, ready to fight with your bare hands. Before the fighting began, the tall woman in front of you takes off her helmet, making you nearly gasp. "A human?' She asks, her eyes wide. Your hands fell back to your sides as you watched her. She was so tall and pretty. Did you just die and go to heaven because you are so sure she's an angel.
You shake your head to regain clarity and raise your fists again. "Yeah, and who the hell are you?" She steps closer to you, her hands up in a nonthreatening way. "I'm Princess Allura, I am with Voltron. How did you end up here? Why are you working for the galra?" You blink in shock, your hands once again falling to your sides. "Voltron?" You repeat, realizing this could be your savior. "The galra are keeping me here, forcing me to work for them. I-" She cuts you off by grabbing your hand and leading the way. As you run along behind her, you're quick to grab your dragger off the floor and return it to it's sheath on your hip.
You couldn't help but let your eyes wonder the back of her figure, admiring her long legs and slender fingers wrapped around yours. Your hand was sweating but not as much as your face was. This beautiful lady was rescuing you after you nearly punched her just seconds ago. You simply followed along as the rest of the team took out the weapon and soon returned back to the castle.
Once back at the castle, you introduce yourself, explain your situation and sheepishly apologize for making their mission harder. "Well, I'm glad you're here, (Y/N). If the galra were utilizing your talents then I'm sure we can make good use of you, too." The way your name sounded on her voice made your mouth dry. You gulp nervously, staring up at her bright blue eyes. "Y-yeah. I'm glad I'm here too, Princess." She smiles sweetly at you, causing both of you to blush slightly. For just a moment, everything else disappears and it's just you and her, eyes locked, lips slowly turning up into a smile, cheeks growing more and more red. She realizes that the moment is becoming awkward and tense so she looks over to the others, noticing their smirks. They all knew you two were falling for each other. "Well then...are you hungry?" She asks you before glancing at you once more. "Starving." You reply softly before following the team to the dinning room.
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veeketchum · 8 months
I’m rewatching Voltron rn (since I was thinking back and all I could remember apart from the names of all the characters was that one monsters and mana episode) and I’m only like three episodes in but I LOVE it
one thing though-
why has no one written a isekai fic for Voltron?? I would eat that shit UP
(this is all based off the vague memories I have of the show when I first watched it, so apologies if something’s are wrong)
imagine just waking up as a newborn but you fully remeber your old life, including watching Voltron. You can practically FEEL that something is off about this world compared to the memories of your previous life, but you don’t know what until you see a sign for Garrison recruitment.
Holy shit you’re in Voltron.
You have absolutely no clue what to do, because if any isekai trope is to go by, you’re going to get dragged into the events of the show, even if you haven’t seen anyone you recognize yet.
so you prepare. Better to be safe than sorry. You research outer space, you study how to pilot, you get your hands on whatever books you can about tech and try to get familiar with how to use it, and most importantly, you learn medical procedures and how to deal with situations quickly.
the healing pods aren’t always available in the show, the castle loses power or the paladins are just too far away to get to them.
mind you, you start this all at like age 4, so your parents are probably a little concerned. But you seem content with it, and what parent would stop their child from reading?
then your parents enroll you in Garrison, without your knowledge. Not that you were mad exactly, but you were unsure if you were going to try and stay under the radar or not. Now you have no choice.
you keep your head down most of the time, praying none of the paladins show up. They don’t, at least not your first few years. It’s your third year that you spot Keith, in the freshman class.
surprise surprise, somehow your class is shifted to help train the younger class (even though you’re barely more experienced then them? You’re seriously questioning these teachers). You, against all odds, are paired with Keith. Y’all don’t talk much outside of what’s required- Keith is Keith, and you’re still trying to figure out the best way to go about this. You ask him for a few flying tips once, since you know how good he is, but he stared at you for a while before saying “aren’t you the more experienced one?” You just shrug, and neither of you speak about it again.
It rolls around to when they get that new piloting simulator, and both classes are to use it on different days. Shiro, of course, is there, just like in show. You, by memory at this point (you can’t even count how many nights you’ve sneaked into the normal simulator to practice, or the deck to spar), ace it, soaring over everyone else’s score- and by doing that, catch Shiro’s attention.
there goes staying under the radar.
(I’m totally going to add to this, especially as I get further into my rewatch, but this is all I can think of at the moment.)
Idk, I just feel like this idea would totally be fun and new to the Voltron corner of tumblr. Again, only in the first few episodes and most of this is relying on my really old memories of the series, so sorry if it’s wrong in places.
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