#until he begrudgingly needs to dig them out
petitfarron · 7 months
Does your OC have a sense of occasion?  Or do they tend to dress and behave the same regardless of where they are or who they are with?  Does this make it more or less likely that they will be seen positively by others?  If they have a partner then what are their views on this?
This one's a little tricky, honestly. Pre-Dusk, Farron was all about dressing however he wanted, whenever he wanted, and he didn't tend to change his attitude for anyone. For him, it was simple if someone didn't like him... they could just move on!
For the most part, he's still like that, but seeing as both sets of Dusk's grandparents are fancy Ishgardian's, he does his best to act and dress a little more proper when he's going to be around them.
That means he wears ruffle-y, restrictive clothes that make his skin itch, and he tries his best to talk in a more polite manner.
Overall, I think people tend to see Farron in a fairly positive light as he is naturally friendly and outgoing. If they don't see him in a positive light, then he's fine with it, but he probably would've been giving those people a lot of space in the first place, regardless.
As for Dusk's views on it? He probably gets a kick out of watching Farron squirm on the yearly occasion he does dress up.
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s7toru · 2 months
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you've waited for gojo plenty.
back when you were alive, you'd wait for him to walk through the door you held open. he'd take his sweet time crossing the threshold just to see your polite smile fade away into an irritated frown and for your arms to tremble, not under the weight of keeping the door open, but from the force of holding back a fist.
you'd wait for him the morning of a scheduled detention, after your argument had grown and grown until the noises of barely supressed loathing slipped into higher frequencies and yaga had spun around to throw his chalk at gojo.
you'd wait for him at the front of your favourite restaurant, checking your phone for any notifications with his face on it, and sourly noting the time.
you'd wait for him to win at the claw machine, and wait for him to hand you the prize with a beaming smile, the one he typically adorns when he's smug and bragging. "see," it seems to say. "i can get it first try, i always do."
you'd wait for him outside his dorm door before heading to a mission together, you'd wait for him to ask for a bite of your crepe before you dig in yourself, you'd wait for the vending machine to spit out a second drink knowing that when he sees you holding one, he'd ask for a sip.
it became a habit.
even when he no longer needed you to wait, you find your hand reaching for another bag of chips, another dangling figure from a keychain, another ticket to see your favourite show.
sometimes it drove you mad. all this time, you've naively assumed that nothing, not even change itself, could affect how gojo was around you. you've let all those moments go for granted, and now that time has pulled up to your stop, you realise he's left you behind whilst all you've done was wait.
you had waited for him on your deathbed, but even then gojo never showed up.
the scent of the train station persists under your nose. you wonder how the afterlife was capable of mimicking such a distinct scent, of train exhaust and someone's split drink. it was truly fascinating.
getou nudges you, drawing your attention to the incoming train. you see its blinking lights off into the distance, having just emerged from the heavy fog. "look, someone's getting off here."
curiosity has you sitting upwards, back straightening.
"who do you think it'll be?" haibara wonders aloud, standing up to greet the train.
nanami puts his arm out to catch the boy before he steps over the line. "careful, the train's coming in fast."
"we should still greet them though." you say. "remember how confusing it was when you died, nanami?"
"greeting is fine and all, just make sure you stand behind the line."
you go to walk up beside haibara, chattering happily away at his best guesses, when you remember the figure seated on your left.
"aren't you coming, nobara?"
nobara sighs, her hand creeping up to itch the skin under her eyepatch. "i just don't want to recognise whoever walks out."
"i know, me too. but don't you think they'd want to see you again?"
she clicks her tongue and begrudgingly stands to follow after you.
the train doesn't seem to slow even as it approaches the platform, and the speed breaks through the still air, blowing hot steam in your face. you press your eyes closed at the sensation and only open them again when you hear the engines trail off into a quieter hum.
the doors slide open and you hold your breath unconsciously. you think you might know who it is before they walk through.
gojo steps off. his eyes sweep the small crowd waiting for him, an lazy grin on his face showing a clear absence of confusion, of anything fearful or disorientated. you think any other expression might have looked uncanny on him.
your blood freezes at the sight of him and it bleeds painful when his eyes settle on yours. something brighter spreads his smile wide and his next breath spells your name.
“you waited for me.”
the next words out of your mouth are easy as he draws you into a deep embrace. into his shoulder, the train smell dissolves into a scent you know all too well, and you smile.
“i always do.”
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a/n: i think i've gone through three denial phases where i still believe gojo is alive . hopefully this current phase will be the last, i say as i write about him dying
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corroded-hellfire · 1 year
Steve having a little sister (who’s like a first-time) senior who has a crush on Eddie. But she’s a cheerleader, her parents expect her to marry an Ivy League, senator’s son or something. She kept her crush a secret until Jason calls him a freak in front of the whole cafeteria- and she punches him.
I had so much fun writing this request! I hope you enjoy what I've come up with, and if you notice the joke I stole from Glee, no you didn't. Reader’s race is not specified and she could be adopted because adoption is a wonderful, amazing thing. Harrington!reader and Eddie 4ever.
Words: 3.1k
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“Mr. Munson, late again, I see.” 
Mrs. O’Donnell heaves a disappointed sigh as Eddie gives her an over the top smile.
“Sorry, had a meeting with the principal. He wanted to know why you gave me detention again.”
Mrs. O’Donnell frowns. “I didn’t give you detention.”
“Oh, phew,” Eddie says as he slides into his seat. “Glad to hear it. I’ll try and be on time next time.” 
The class lets out a titter of laughter as Mrs. O’Donnell rolls her eyes and turns back to the board. The dopey grin is stuck on your face as you lean forward in your seat. Resting your upper body on your desk, you bite your bottom lip as you look Eddie up and down. From your vantage point, you can only see the back left side of him, but you’ll stare at that for the entirety of the class period if you can. 
“Miss Harrington?”
Begrudgingly, you tear your gaze away from Eddie’s glorious hair and see Mrs. O’Donnell watching you impatiently. 
“Um, yes?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to enlighten us about the Stamp Act?” the elderly woman says. 
“Uh…” you trail off, mind suddenly blank of everything that isn’t Eddie Munson. “I would not.”
A few people in the class let out snorts of laughter, but Eddie barks out the most beautiful sound you’ve ever heard. It makes your stomach fizzle, and your head feel all floaty. Even O’Donnell’s disapproving scowl can’t dampen your giddiness. 
The rest of class, you’re riding on a high. You made Eddie laugh. Out of all the accomplishments in your life, you’re not sure if one has ever meant more to you. Making honor roll? Eh. Becoming a cheerleader? So what? Doesn’t compare to making the cutest guy you’ve ever seen laugh.
Okay, you tell yourself. When class is over, you’re going to talk to him. The bell rings, and you’re scrambling to get your things together. Tossing them into your bag, you sling it over your shoulder and follow Eddie out of the classroom. 
“H-Hey, Eddie?” you manage.
He turns his head to look over his shoulder and gives you a smile that has your heart stuttering.
“Hey, Harrington. What’s up?”
“Did you see A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2?” you ask, somehow not stumbling over your words. You’d had Steve bring the VHS tape home for you to watch just so you could ask Eddie about it.
“Freddy’s Revenge?” Eddie asks, wrinkling his nose up. “Such a letdown after the first one.”
“Yeah,” you say with a chuckle. “The first one was pretty good. This one made me want to fall asleep.”
“Ironic,” Eddie says with a smirk. He opens the school door for you, and you give him a grateful smile as you step out into the parking lot. You watch as he digs his keys out of his pocket. “See you tomorrow, Harrington.”
“Bye, Eddie.” You’re staring at him as he walks away, and you know you need to stop. But how can you when his ass looks the way it does in his jeans? Once he hops into his van, the trance is broken, and you make your way to your brother waiting in his car at the other end of the parking lot. 
You groan as you yank open the car door and slip inside. Steve looks less than thrilled himself, but it has nothing to do with you. Your parents are forcing the two of you to join them at a company party tonight, which both of you are vehemently against. But Steve was tasked with picking you up from school, taking you home so both of you can get ready, then to the party. 
“Think I can fake an epileptic seizure and get out of this?” Steve asks on the way home.
“You’re not epileptic,” you say.
“That’s why I said ‘fake’ it,” Steve says with a scoff. 
“They’d find a way to make you come anyway,” you say, crossing your arms over your chest. 
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The party is just as horrible as you and your older brother imagined it would be. You’re forced into an itchy blue dress and Steve looks like he’s about two seconds away from ripping his tie off. The stuffy guests walk around with their noses in the air, only deigning to talk to those they deem successful enough. You want to throw yourself out of one of the windows as you see your parents approaching you with an older couple that they’ll probably expect you to remember from somewhere. 
“Well, look at you,” the older man says. “All grown up.” The way he says it makes a shiver go down your spine. 
“You must have all the boys chasing after you,” his wife says with a wink. It’s like they’re competing to see who can make you the most uncomfortable. Before you can open your mouth to speak, your mom jumps in.
“Oh, we have high hopes for her,” she says with a chuckle. “Going to go to Yale or Stanford and find her an Ivy League man to settle down with.”
And when exactly did we decide this? you think to yourself. 
“Someone well-to-do,” your father adds. “A senator’s son, maybe. Who knows? We could be raising a future First Lady here.”
You want to gag. Steve must sense your temper rising, because he rests a hand on your shoulder and gives it a reassuring squeeze. 
“Remember us when you’re famous,” the older man says. 
I don’t even remember you right now. The words are on the tip of your tongue, but your dad changes the subject to something about profit reports. 
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Steve drives the two of you home before your parents, the two of them insisting they were going to stick around a little longer. The minute you get into your room, you throw your heels towards your closet. Your brother hears you banging around and comes to stand in your doorway, leaning against the doorframe and crossing his arms over his chest. He’s taken his tie off and undone the first few buttons of his white button up shirt. 
“What’s the matter, First Lady? Didn’t like getting signed up for an arranged marriage?”
You whirl on him, practically shoving a finger in his face. “Do not call me that. I am not some prized pig they can sell at the fair.”
“Technically, I think the pigs are judged at the fair, not sold.”
Groaning, you rub your hands down your face. 
“I’m running away,” you say, throwing your hands in the air. “I’m joining the circus. Or a motorcycle gang. Anything! As long as it’s not here.”
“Oh, relax,” Steve says. “When you go off to college you can date whoever you want. They’ll never know.”
“Why do I have to wait until I go off to college?” you demand. “Why can’t I date whoever I want right now?”
“Do you want to date someone right now?” Steve asks, furrowing his brows.
“That’s not the point,” you say, but you feel the heat rising to your cheeks.
“Holy shit, you do,” Steve says with a huff of laughter. He pushes himself off the doorframe. “Who is it?”
“Goodnight, Steve.” You shove him out of your doorway before slamming and locking your bedroom door. 
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“The fuck did you say, Freak?”
Jason Carver’s voice grates on your nerves as you make your way down the hall. Unfortunately, there’s only one person the jock douche would be calling that name and it has you seeing red. You were still steamed from your parents’ comments last night, and this is just going to push you over the top.
“Who, me?” 
You walk into the cafeteria to see Eddie grinning at the basketball playing asshole.
“You’re the only freak here,” Jason says.
Your white cheer sneakers squeak to a stop on the linoleum floor, and you drop your bag down by your feet. The clatter has Jason’s gaze shifting to you. Most of the cafeteria’s attention shifts to you, actually. But you don’t notice as you stalk up to the bully. Normally, you might say something snarky to him, but you’re done with words. All your pent up frustration is taken out on Jason’s chin as you serve him a right hook. He stumbles back a few steps and there are gasps around the cafeteria. Your hand is throbbing, but the pain is nothing compared to the satisfaction you feel at shutting that jerk up. The small smear of blood above his upper lip has you smirking.
“Miss Harrington!”
With a groan, your satisfaction wanes when you see Principal Higgins glaring at you. His glasses are perched low on his nose and his hands are high on his hips.
“My office. Now.”
Thankfully, Principal Higgins’s secretary is kind enough to give you some ice to put on your knuckles. Some staffing emergency took precedence, so you’re stuck sitting on a bench outside his office while he deals. 
“You’ve got some arm.”
The voice that you’d know anywhere sounds from above you and your neck cracks from how quickly you look up. Eddie stands there with his hands in his pockets, a sheepish smile on his lips. 
“Oh. T-Thanks,” you say. 
Eddie takes a seat next to you on the bench. He yanks a black bandana out of his back pocket and smooths it out across his lap before folding it lengthwise. 
“May I?” he asks, gesturing to the ice you’re holding against your hand. 
“Sure.” You extend your injured hand out, and Eddie secures the ice against your knuckles with the bandana, then ties it tight enough to keep everything in place.
“How’s that?” he asks. 
“Better. Thank you.” You find it hard to meet his eyes, so you keep your focus on your hand as you bring it back into your lap. 
“So,” Eddie says, turning himself sideways on the bench and making himself comfortable. “What made you punch ol’ Carver? I mean, I know we all want to do it, but no one’s been quite so brave. Not until you, that is. And from a cheerleader? One of his own?”
“I’m not one of his own,” you say, looking up at him. But Eddie has a playful smirk on his lips.
“Nah, I know you’re not. I’m just teasing you. But what did want to make you do that? Couldn’t have been all on my account.”
“Why not?” you ask with a frown.
Eddie lets out a chuckle and shakes his head. “Listen, Harrington. I don’t see you as someone who goes around punching people for the hell of it. You’re one of the nicest people in this hell hole of a town. The jackass must’ve done something to deserve it.”
“He did,” you say. “He called you a freak.”
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” he says, leaning in towards you with a conspiratorial whisper. “But most people do.”
“Well, they shouldn’t,” you say with a frown. “You’re not. And I hate how Jason always does it in front of a crowd. It’s like he needs to put you down in front of others to prove he’s this king or whatever. So, someone needed to knock him off his throne in front of people, too.”
“My knight in shining cheer skirt,” Eddie teases with a wink. He’s shocked when your face goes red and you’re unable to look him in the eye. “You okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” you say, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. The heat in your face is getting worse by the second and you feel it’s only a matter of time before you crack. 
“You sure? I didn’t make you uncomfortable?”
God, that’s the last thing Eddie could ever make you feel. You immediately shake your head, refusing to let him think those thoughts even for a moment. 
“No, no, not at all. I’m sorry, I guess I’m just an…awkward person,” you say with a wince. 
“Maybe I like awkward,” Eddie says, gently kicking his black boot against your white sneaker. Butterflies erupt in your stomach, and they have plenty of room to buzz about, seeing as you hadn’t gotten to eat your lunch.
“Maybe I like awkward, too,” you say softly. 
Eddie smirks. “Oh, then you must adore me, Harrington.”
“Maybe I do,” you say with a shrug, forcing yourself to maintain eye contact with him. 
“Well, maybe I like sweet, pretty cheerleaders who can sucker punch like Bruce Lee and talk to me about horror movies.”
Your mind stopped listening after Eddie called you “pretty” though. Did he really think that? Or was he just saying it to be nice? 
“Hmm,” you muse. “Guess I should send Hailey Hudson from the team your way to talk about Halloween then, huh?”
Eddie chuckles and the same sensation as when you made him laugh before fills your body. 
“Nightmare on Elm Street is more my cup of tea,” Eddie says. “Plus, talking to any other cheerleader bedsides you doesn’t seem very appealing to me.”
“Miss Harrington,” Principal Higgins says, sticking his head out of his office. “You can come in now.” He steps back inside, and you release a sigh. Of course talking to Eddie would have to come to an end eventually, but why now?
“Well,” you say, standing up from the bench. “Guess it’s time to hear my sentence.”
“Maybe if you get released early for good behavior, we could grab pizza sometime?” Eddie looks nervous, and that alone makes you want to laugh. Why on earth would he be nervous asking if you wanted to hang out? 
“That sounds great,” you say, the euphoric smile unable to stay off your face no matter how hard you try. 
“Yeah?” Eddie asks, seeming shocked. 
���Why do you sound surprised?” you ask with a giggle. Taking courage from the fact that he seems to be getting nervous around you as well, you decide to be a little bolder. “I don’t just throw punches for anyone, you know.”
The most endearing smile grows on Eddie’s face, and he places one of his ring-clad hands over his heart. 
“I am very honored to have the most beautiful girl in school defending my honor.” He outstretches his hand out to you as you begin to walk backwards towards the principal’s office. “I’ll wait for you.” 
You can’t help but giggle. “I’ll have my parole officer contact you.”
“Should be easy since I’m in the phone book.”
“I’ll make sure to let her know. Bye, Munson.”
“See you later, Harrington.” He gives you one last smile before you step into the office.
The worst part isn’t the detention you were given or that you have to apologize to Carver. It’s that you’re told to call your parents to come and get you. Apparently, the school nurse is out for the day, and they can’t have you staying in school with a potentially injured hand. It hardly even hurts anymore, but you’re not going to let them know that. Let them think that you’ll be headed to the hospital for all you care. 
When you pick up the phone from the desk, your finger hovers over the numbers. Principal Higgins is sitting right there, making sure you’re going to tell your parents exactly why you need to be picked up. At the last second though, you dial a different number. 
“Thank you for calling Family Video, this is Steve. How can I help you?”
“Uh, hi, Dad,” you say, gripping at the receiver pressed against your ear. 
“Dad?” you hear Steve ask in confusion. “This is—”
“I-I know,” you say. “I’m just calling, Dad, because I need you to pick me up from school. I’m in Principal Higgins’ office. 
You can tell Steve understands now by the sigh that comes across the line. “What did you do?”
“Well, my hand is injured, and the nurse isn’t on duty today, so they don’t want me staying at school while I’m hurt and no one can check it out.”
“Tell him why it’s injured,” Principal Higgins says.
“Yes, tell me,” Steve echoes, obviously being able to hear his former principal’s words.
“I, um, I punched Jason Carver,” you say.
“You did what?!” Steve all but screams.
“He called Eddie Munson a freak in front of the whole cafeteria.” You say this piece looking Higgins dead in the eye. Are you going to do anything about that? you want to ask. “So, I punched Carver to shut him up.”
“Honestly, I’m impressed,” Steve says. 
“Thanks. So, uh, can you come get me?”
“My shift is over in ten minutes,” Steve says. “I’ll head there as soon as I get out of here.”
“Thanks, St—uh, Dad. I’ll see you soon.” You hang up the phone and Principal Higgins stares at you over the rims of his glasses.
“He on his way?” he asks.
“He’ll be here soon.”
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“I can’t believe you punched Jason Carver,” Steve says, shaking his head in amusement as he drives you home. 
“He’s an asshole,” you defend with a shrug. 
“Over Munson, though?” Steve asks incredulously. “Seriously? Couldn’t have picked another hill to die on?”
“Nope,” you say through gritted teeth. Crossing your arms over your chest, you stare out the passenger window. 
“Why Munson, though, I—” Steve cuts himself off with a groan and shakes his head. “Oh, no. Please tell me I’m wrong.” 
“I’d love to,” you reply. “But I need to know what you’re wrong about first.”
“Munson isn’t the guy you want to date, is he?” Steve asks nervously.
Your face gets hot for what feels like the millionth time in the past few days. But that’s all the confirmation your brother needs, because he’s letting out a groan that makes it sound like he’s in agony.
“You really have a thing for the Freak?”
“I have one good fist left,” you say. “Want me to use it on you?”
“I’ll tell Mom and Dad about your detention then,” Steve says with a shrug.
“Then I’d tell them about you moving the dirty magazines from beneath your bed into the air vent,” you counter.
“How do you even know about that?” Steve asks, shooting you a glare before looking back at the road. 
“Your room and mine share the same vent and I can hear the pages rustling when the air is on.”
“You’re the worst,” Steve grumbles. 
“You also have no room to complain with some of the trash you’ve dated,” you point out. 
“Are you and Munson…a thing?” Steve asks, sounding like he hates every syllable of the question.
“No,” you tell him. “But he asked me to go get pizza with him. So, maybe soon.”
“And that will make you happy?” your brother asks.
A smile comes to your face just thinking about it. “It would.”
Steve nods his head and lets out a deep breath as if he’s resigning himself to the fact that you have feelings for Eddie. 
“Okay, but you’re telling Mom and Dad.”
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oikasugayama · 9 months
How would the BSD men react to you wanting to paint their nails (alignment chart 🙏)
Love it/hate it
Let you/wouldn't let you maybe?
sorry for the wait, but thank you for this request! i needed something silly and fluffy to do <3
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When you ask him if you can paint his nails, he gives you a weird look and asks "why?" You respond "just because" or "it'd be cute" and he thinks about it for a moment--maybe needs some convincing--but allows you to.
Jouno (doesn't understand the point--he can't even see it--but you tell him you want to practice and you'll make it super neat and in a lovely shade of red to match his uniform, so he agrees), Akutagawa (needs only your pouting puppy dog face to agree; he acts like he sits begrudgingly, but you see him admirning his black nails for the next few days, and when they chip he tells you he needs a touch-up), Oda (says you can practice on yourself, can't you? but when you say you just wanna see him in nail polish, he says alright, alright, but it has to be something fairly neutral), Sigma (doesn't really have a concept of nails being a decorative thing, so he doesn't even consider paitning them until you ask; he lets you and actually quite likes the soft tone of purple that matches his hair), Ango (sighs and says no, but you press him for a reason why and he can't necessarily come up with one, so when you promise to remove it if he doesn't like it, he allows you, but honestly he doesn't hate it), Fukuzawa (has to think about it for a few moments, but when you ask if he's ever painted his nails he says "no, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try").
When you ask, he either perks up and says yes right away, or after you convince him he becomes really interested.
Nikolai (says YES, and digs through your polish to pick what color he wants), Junichiro (says okay!! :D and asks for a simple black because he's always liked the idea of painting his nails), Poe (realizes he'll get to hold your hand and says yes, and then he actually really likes having his nails black), Atsushi (asks if you really want to do that for him, and is very happy when you enthusiastically says yes!; he also picks out which color he wants and is happy to hold your hands), Tetcho (allows you but only if it's black, and then he quite likes it and how it makes his hands look (and he wants you to match your nails to his)), Dazai (excitedly says yes and picks out an obnoxious pink and shows everyone his lovely nails that his girlfriend did for him), Chuuya (thinks it over, glances through your collection, then allows you to paint his nails black or deep red because it would look cool), Tachihara (similar to Chuuya, thinks about it and looks through your colors then lets you do something dark and moody), Bram (is fascinated by the body-safe paint and lets you paint his nails because it's a fun addition to his outfit; he goes for a deep red or a dark dark purple).
You ask him, and though he seems interested, he ultimately won't let you.
Mori (can't let his subordinates see him like that, and also if he were to need to perform surgery on someone if there were some insane incident it wouldn't be medically sterile for his nails to be painted, or something like that he says), Mushitaro (is willing to let you until he inspects your own nails and sees how messy they are, then he changes his mind because he doesn't want them messy -.-).
You ask him, and he grimaces and says no, for a variety of reasons.
Kunikida (could be convinced if you really, really, really wanted to, but he doesn't want to deal with the paint chipping and the upkeep it would require if he let it happen and ended up liking it), Ranpo (eats with his fingers so often that he absolutely refuses to let you paint his nails because he's heard you complain about the taste/smell of nail polish), Fyodor (lowkey has "traditional values" on some random things and thinks nail polish isn't for him, but also he bites his nails and if he tastes that polish he'll be disgusted), Fukuchi (straight up says no, that's for girls, he's a man and not interested, and also he has shitty beat up nails anyway).
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Rockstar AU in which Corroded Coffin is slowly becoming more and more famous to the point that Dustin and Mike are STRESSING that after this next concert, the tickets will go through the roof with their pricing. So they have to go now.
Lucas isn’t as big of a fan, but he still wants to go. And Will takes any opportunity he can to hang out with Mike so he joins in on the need to go.
They all realize that they can’t drive, and someone will have to take them.
So they go about nagging Nancy who outright refuses no matter what they bribe her with. Jonathan apologizes because he has work that night and can’t call out.
All the boys agree that there’s no way they’re asking their parents.
Dustin reluctantly offers up Steve as their last option.
“No fucking way!” Mike yells. “He’s so fucking lame and probably doesn’t even know what Corroded Coffin is! I’d rather have my mom take us!”
Lucas points out that if Mrs. Wheeler goes, she will tell all the other moms about it, and the lead singer and guitarist Eddie Munson is known for his… unhinged theatrics.
Will hesitantly says, “I wouldn’t mind if Steve goes with us.”
Mike’s eyes snap to him. Will shrugs. Dustin prays that this will be enough.
“Fine.” Mike gives up. “But if they kick us out because of him, I’ll never let you live this down!”
“Mike, that doesn’t even make sense,” Lucas comments.
“He hasn’t even agreed yet,” Dustin reminds them, already heading out the door to ride over to Steve’s and ask. The others trail behind him.
“Like he’ll have any other plans,” Mike sneers.
The ride over is filled with Mike making rude remarks and the other boys asking what his fucking problem is.
“I just don’t want Eddie thinking we’re lame!” He finally confesses, praying that the cool air is enough to blame for the flush on his face.
Will catches his eye, and Mike nearly falls off his bike. Luckily, he can play it off since they’ve made it to Steve’s.
Dustin is ushered forward because he’s the favorite. He knocks and Steve almost immediately answers.
“Steve! Dude! How are-”
“Nope,” Steve immediately says, jutting his hip out, leaning against the doorframe.
Dustin gapes. “I didn’t even ask anything.”
Steve crosses his arms and looks around the group. “I know that look. It’s the ‘we need a babysitter’ look. I’m not doing it this time.”
Dustin pushes past him and the others follow behind him into the house.
“Hey hey hey! I didn’t even- take off your shoes at least!” Steve yells after them.
Will already has his shoes off while Mike rolls his eyes at Steve, begrudgingly taking his shoes off. Lucas apologizes. Dustin doesn’t even bother to untie his shoes.
“You have to take us to this concert. You owe me,” Dustin says.
“Owe you for what?”
“For… for telling me my hair looked good at the snowball dance!” Dustin exclaims proudly, complimenting himself on his improvisation skills.
All the other boys rapidly agree with Dustin while Steve tries to argue that it did look good. The conversation derails quickly into a general argument until Mike unexpectedly speaks up, “Alright! Enough.”
He digs through his backpack with alarming urgency and pulls out a picture of… Eddie Munson?
“We need to see him. This may be our only chance! And when I tell you that you were my last option, I mean that you were my last option. I would rather have my fucking dad take us! But they insisted it be you. You have to understand that begging you like this- this is rock bottom for me. But I beg you. Please take us,” Mike finish dramatically thrusting the picture into Steve’s hands.
“Dude, why the fuck do you have a picture of Eddie Munson in your backpack?” Dustin asks and the other boys join in egging him on.
They’re all oblivious to Steve’s little crisis over the image of the metalhead until he suddenly announces, “I’ll do it. I’ll take you guys.”
Dustin immediately yells and hugs him. Lucas and Will hug each other as Mike snatches the image back and stuffs it into his backpack again - face beet red.
“Wait, when is it?” Steve asks breaking the hug.
Dustin stammers out a few, “Well, it’s funny that you asks… so funny actually. Hilarious. Funniest thing I’ve heard all day…” All the boys make their way to the front door.
“It’s tomorrow night at ten! We’ll be here at nine!” Dustin yells immediately rushing out the door and slamming it behind him.
The boys all laugh as the rush to their bikes, hearing Steve yell, “Always the goddamn babysitter!”
Nevertheless, Steve rushes into his car at 9:05, while Dustin and Mike scream that they’re going to be late as if it’s the end of the world. About ten minutes into the ride, Mike finally notices what Steve is wearing.
“Uh, Steve. Please tell me you have something on under that,” Mike groans.
Steve glances down at his yellow sweater and asks, “What’s wrong with this?”
This sends Mike spiraling while Dustin laughs, “You’re joking, right? Tell me you’re joking.”
Steve shakes his head. Dustin joins in with Mike’s breakdown.
When they get there, Steve realizes what they mean. In the venue - that is on the surprisingly smaller side - there isn’t a single person who isn’t sporting either a t-shirt from the latest album Hellfire or wearing all black.
Steve sticks out like a sore thumb. The people around him give him looks, but he doesn’t really care since he’s never heard of Corroded Coffin. Besides, with him standing a few rows away from the stage, there’s no way the band would spot him.
The opening band is alright and gets the crowd really going to the point where Steve can see why none of the kids wanted one of their parents to bring them. He gets lost in the general vibe of the place, reminding him of a way more intense version of the big high school parties he used to go to. He knows Dustin would kick him in the shins if he told him that.
Once the opening band walks off stage, the lights go out, startling the audience. “What the hell-” Dustin says before loud chords play out with a flash of lights.
Steve catches Will and Mike holding hands in one flash and in the next they’ve broken away with red faces.
Steve would laugh fondly at the pair, if there wasn’t a sudden spotlight on Eddie Munson. And fuck he’s gorgeous. His eyes flicker over the crowd, and Steve swears that his eyes narrow when he looks toward him, but there’s no way he can see anything in the spotlight.
He sings into the mic, and Steve’s heart beats a little faster. Thank you kids for making him take them here.
A few songs in, Steve is relaxing into the music which isn’t his usual taste, but there’s something about Eddie that… makes him want to hear more.
There’s an odd pause between songs when Eddie begins talking to the audience. He pulls his hair in front of his mouth and is… oddly adorable. He seems to get flustered by the crowd while simultaneously radiating with all the praise.
He introduces each band mate and gives them a look before saying, “They’re going to kill me for this, but we’re going to do something new tonight.”
One member - Gareth - gives Eddie a look like not again.
The audience waits in anticipation for Eddie to announce whatever scheme he’s thought up. “Ladies, gentlemen, and everything beyond and in between… we’re going to invite someone to the stage.”
Steve laughs as Mike and Dustin fight to get Eddie’s attention.
Eddie takes his time, holding his hand above his eyes to block out the stage lights and actually observe the audience. Eddie laughs darkly into the mic. “I won’t lie to you guys. I had this person picked out from the moment I saw him. Welcome Mr. Yellow Sweater to the stage!”
Steve’s heart drops in his chest and everyone around him turns to him as if they’re going to murder him - especially Mike. Dustin, Lucas, and Will, on the other hand, excitedly shove him along, ushering him to the stage.
Steve makes his way to the edge of the stage and looks up to see Eddie holding his hand out. Steve takes it and perfectly scales the stage, ending up right up in Eddie Munson’s personal space. “Well, hello there, pretty boy. What’s your name?”
Steve is thankful that only he can hear Eddie’s words. “Steve,” he manages to choke out.
“Steve, please tell me you spilled something on your shirt and this was the only thing left for you to wear,” Eddie says.
Steve looks down at his sweater once again because hey, what’s wrong with his sweater? He shakes his head.
“You keep getting better and better…” Eddie looks him up and down.
The drummer yells, “Eddie! The fans are getting restless. Get on with whatever this is!”
Eddie shoots him a apologetic look and tugs Steve towards the microphone. “Everyone, meet Steve the exact person I pictured when writing this song.” The crowd begins screaming as a few notes ring out. Steve has never heard this song in his life but it somehow sounds familiar.
Eddie pulls a stool forward and whispers, “Take a seat, sweetheart.”
Steve immediately sits down and prays that his face isn’t as red as he imagines it to be. Eddie shamelessly eyes him up and down as he sings some song about a place like Hell called The Upside Down with demobats, strange vines, and what sounds like the budding romance with a stranger.
It’s weird as fuck, but somehow Steve just gets it.
As the final notes ring out, Eddie looks off as if he’s recalling some memory or trying too. He shakes his head and says to the audience, “Let’s give another round of the applause to the poor soul I dragged up here.” The audience roars with applause that confuses the shit out of Steve, but luckily it drowns out Eddie saying in Steve’s ear, “Meet me after the show at the back right door.” He cocks his head towards the back at Steve’s left.
Steve immediately replies, “Okay, but I have four kids with me.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up.
“They’re my… friends.”
Eddie stares at him in disbelief and huffs out a laugh. “You’re full of surprises, Steve. I’m happy to meet them.”
Steve nods at him not knowing what else to do and makes his way to the edge of the stage and hops down. As he makes his way back to the kids he can’t help but think what the fuck just happened.
All the boys are yelling, asking what he said to him and why did he choose him and is he nice and…
“He said he wants to meet us after the show,” Steve says first.
“What did you say to him?!” Mike shouts.
“I told him that we couldn’t because Wheeler here has a strict bedtime.”
All the boys’ jaws drop, and Steve is actually afraid Mike will murder him. “I’m kidding. I said we would,” Steve says nonchalantly leaving out the part where Eddie had rendered him speechless after asking to just see him.
The rest of the concert passes pretty quickly, and Steve tries not to get his hopes up that the winks Eddie gives the audience are all directed at him.
As Eddie wishes everyone a goodnight and makes his way off stage, Steve’s heart starts pounding in his chest. Mike and Dustin are frantically trying to appear cooler than they are while Lucas and Will try to muffle their laughter. Steve guides them towards where Eddie had told him to go, going directly against the flow of everyone exiting the venue. 
Steve looks around, making sure no one else is following them and pushes the door. It swings open and Steve steps through expecting some sort of security to be blocking him but… there’s no one.
There’s a loud shout of “Holy fucking shit!” chanted over and over again down the hall, with more people joining in. Steve follows the noise cautiously until he gets to a door that is slightly cracked. Sounds of squealing, laughter, and floorboards creaking - from what sounds like people jumping up and down - ring out through the crack.
Steve pushes the door open and is met with a startled shout that comes from none other than Eddie Munson. “Man, you’ve got to get better security in this place,” Steve says without thinking but Eddie’s bandmates are nodding in agreement and shouting out things like “That’s what we’ve been telling him!”
Dustin pushes past Steve and gets down on one knee to bow and say, “My lord,” he stands up and continues, “I am Dustin Henderson. Huge fan.” He holds out his hand and giggles as Eddie bows back and shakes it. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Dustin. Never change.”
Dustin’s smile widens into what is an almost terrifying grin of joy. Steve turns to find Mike gaping at Eddie, frozen in place. 
Eddie smiles at Mike and asks, “And you are?”
“Mike,” the boy chokes out. He clears his throat. “Mike Wheeler.”
“Good to meet you, man,” Eddie says, resting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing briefly.
Steve’s heart warms at the interactions, he turns around to find Will and Lucas nearly hiding behind him. He nearly tells them to get a grip, but he knows what it’s like being under Eddie’s gaze for the first time and can’t blame them.
“Eddie, this is Will and Lucas,” Steve introduces them as if Eddie’s one of his friends or something. 
Will blushes when Eddie shakes his hand, and Lucas makes a comment about loving his work which Eddie thanks him for.
“Well,” Eddie says, “I can’t wait to speak to you guys more, but I’m going to request a few minutes with Steve here. If that’s alright?” Eddie holds eye contact with Steve who looks at the other kids first - who are all urging him to say yes with their eyes - then he nods his confirmation. Eddie tries to hold back a smile. “I hope the rest of my band can provide entertainment that isn’t lame.”
“Hey, fuck you, man! What do you mean your band?!” Is the general response from the other members before the four boys are firing questions at them.
Eddie pulls Steve into a small dressing room and closes the door. Steve doesn’t know what he’s expecting but it certainly isn’t Eddie’s response. “I’m so sorry, dude. I- I don’t what came over me up there,” Eddie’s face has dropped and he’s fidgeting with his rings looking endearingly awkward. He continues pacing and going on, “I just saw you, and, really, stage Eddie is a huge flirt, but I’ve never singled someone out like that before. And you clearly aren’t even a fan. Are you a fan?” Eddie questions, eyes narrowed, invading Steve’s personal space.
“I am now,” Steve replies, glad that his charm has suddenly made a reappearance. Eddie blushes and he pulls a strand of hair in front his face. Steve finds him absolutely adorable. 
“I guess I just wanted to apologize... again. You’re just... so familiar, and I needed a closer look. Because... I meant what I said about you. You’re exactly who I pictured and... Fuck, I’m coming on way too strong right now.” Eddie sits down in an uncomfortable looking foldable chair, burying his face in his hands.
“You know,” Steve says slowly approaching Eddie, “I hadn’t even heard of you or your band before those kids showed up at my door yesterday.”
Eddie sarcastically replies, “Thanks.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, that- that’s not what I mean. I mean... I almost didn’t take them here. I truly didn’t want to.”
Eddie looks up and smiles amusedly at Steve. “You’re really digging yourself a deeper hole right now.”
“I-” Steve sighs and grabs the chair closest to him, drags it directly in front of Eddie, and immediately sits across from him, so they’re eye to eye. “I wasn’t going to until Mike showed me a picture of you. And something in me told me I needed to go; you know? That I somehow had to meet you. And that song, man, it was so fucking weird-” Eddie snorts. Steve continues, “But I understood everything you were saying as if it was... weird deja vu or something. I don’t know.”
Eddie holds eye contact with him for a few moments, searching his eyes for any lies. He shakes his head and sighs, “I know exactly what you mean. But maybe we’re both crazy.”
“Maybe,” Steve replies. He boldly grabs Eddie’s hands and holds them in his. He glances down at their hands and smiles. Then, he catches sight of his watch and more specifically the time. He shoots up. “Shit! I have to go. The kids’ parents are going to absolutely kill me if we don’t head back soon.”
Eddie stands and nods at Steve. Neither of them wants to leave each other’s company. Steve frantically looks around and spots a pen. He scribbles his home number onto Eddie’s arm and rushes out of the room. “Guys, we need to head out.”
“What? Why?” Mike asks, and man that kid needs to keep that attitude in check.
“Check the time,” Steve suggests. The boys look at their watches.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Dustin says then turns dramatically towards the group. “Gentlemen, it was lovely meeting you, I can’t wait to see you again one day.” He nods his head and rushes out the door. The other boys hurriedly say their goodbyes and rush out. 
Steve holds eye contact with Eddie for a moment then hurries after the boys. He wonders when he will call. 
(Oh gosh... is this... unfinished??? I meant to finish it. Anyways, Eddie definitely calls Steve and when they meet up again Steve is like “How the hell do you still have my number on your arm?” and Eddie nonchalantly replies, “I got it tattooed so I wouldn’t lose it.”)
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yui-samidare-reborn · 2 years
it's cold, really cold. Yui is bundled up with gloves, a scarf, a hat, snowpants and a big old jacket. She’s busy driving to work. The dim streetlights barely illuminating her path with their orange glow. It was around 5 in the morning. She could see people shoveling their driveways as the snow continues to come down. She focuses on the road, any number of things could pop out and negatively affect her driving. She exhales as she sees something come into view. A man who seems to be from the provincial government is holding up a bright sign. Yui pulls up to him as she rolls her window down.
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I need to head into work.
he responds in a gruff tone.
Lady, there's about three feet of snow on the road, no one is gonna get through until the plows finish digging people out.
Yui pinches the bridge of her nose, she really didn’t want to be out in this cold but school wasn’t canceled.
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I have to get to work! I can't just not show up!
That's not my problem, lady! Unless you wanna come through and plow these roads!
Yui mutters under her breath, she really didn't want to keep arguing with him. The detective begrudgingly turns around, her car sliding a bit on the ice. She does a silent prayer so she doesn't crash. She continues on until she thinks she sees something, or someone. A boy...freezing in the cold... The detective stops her vehicle and gets out to help, but he's already passed out. She picks the stranger up and loads them in the back of her car. She then heads home.
(@mystery-orphans-club, @floral-samurai )
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sozila · 2 months
convalescence. (sukuna x reader)
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synopsis: convalescence noun. time spent recovering from an illness or medical treatment; recuperation. ryomen s. itadori was a disease that infected every part of your life, and you didn’t notice until it was too late.
pairing: best friend's older brother!ryomen s. itadori x pre-med uni student!fem reader.
warnings: explicit content eventually, mdni. mentions of sexual assault.
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you are on: incubation. (part three)
i'm so sorry this took literally forever to release! i was writing parts of the nanami fic and this chapter simultaneously, and then got really busy in between :( as an apology, wc for this chapter is 7.3k!! biggest shoutout to @beeh-ive, my one and only beta reader <3 ilysm and you are my iv, my lifeline. mwahs. anyways i hope you enjoy!!
ao3 link here.
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incubation. (part three)
sukuna kept the hello kitty band-aids you gave him in his wallet. 
he had no intention of using them, though he kept telling himself they were there if he needed some in an emergency. if that was the case, they wouldn’t be sitting in the photo pocket where he could see anytime he opened his wallet. 
what he forgot was that anyone else could also see them in his wallet, in all their flashy pink glory. that brings him here; when he begrudgingly pulls it out to pay for gojo’s food and he hears the brat start ooh-ing at the sight of them.
“aww ‘kuna, when were you gonna tell me you got a girl?”
he prods around sukuna hoping to sneak a glance at any other evidence. albeit sukuna didn’t hold anything else of yours, he sure as hell didn’t need fucking gojo knowing anything. before he could continue with his trifling, the cafeteria attendant hands sukuna his card back and he shuts the wallet with a quick slap, thrusting the tray into the over-curious man.
“shut the fuck up and eat your damn food. moocher,” he grumbles under his breath as he walks far ahead of gojo, who was skipping behind him like a satisfied child. satoru knew that the band-aids could just be a fluke, but he knew better than to overlook such a detail if it gave headway to bothering his grumpy friend. you think satoru gojo would miss the detail of seeing you on his motorcycle that night? no one was allowed to ride with sukuna minus his family. all he knew now was that he kept an eye peeled for you, the girl that sukuna threw punches for a couple nights ago. 
geto’s eyes flick up from his phone when the two reach the table he and shoko were already sat at and nods in greeting. “got my fries, bossman?” sukuna slides a container of fries to shoko and she puts her palms together in thanks towards him, already digging in. 
geto turns to the older itadori, brows knitted. “i didn’t want to grill you at the house, but todo found out about the mahito shit.” sukuna rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest, sinking more into the chair. “you saw what the fucker did. you think i was gonna let my little bro’s friend get felt up by a frat brother?” geto sighs and puts his phone on the table. “i let you get some in because he touched her. but it’s not a good look when other frats saw an upperclassman beat up his younger out of the blue. todo says he’ll let it slide because of the circumstances, but next time, he’s gonna call an advisory meeting.” 
sukuna was irritated beyond belief. so sukuna was on thin ice, and mahito was facing nothing because he got his shit rocked? he scoffed. this was the exact reason he couldn’t be on the executive board for the organization. “whatever, man. i would’ve done the same even if it wasn’t a brother.” geto nods solemnly. “as a person and your friend, i don’t see anything wrong, trust. but as the vice, i have to tell you this so you’re aware. rules are shitty, i know that the most,” 
geto seemed genuinely apologetic so sukuna lightened up a tad. as the year had progressed, he could tell geto was getting fed up with dealing with social events and conflict resolution at the fraternity house. sukuna was surprised that todo was also slipping in his spirits, considering how proudly he boasted and enacted his duties as fraternity president. there’s no way he was able to make the decision to warn sukuna without feeling bad. todo was big on making the “respect women” rhetoric heavily enforced amongst them– so sukuna boiled it down to the answer that the panhellenic caught drift of the fight and made a push on todo. it checked out. the main board always did drown out scandals and washed blood from the hands of their brothers, unfortunately. therefore, sukuna was grateful this was his last year in the wretched organization as an active. he was only here because his grandpa was an alum anyways. 
“yeah, i don’t give a fuck about that consequence bullshit, geto. mojito got his ass kicked for touching up a girl, the end.” shoko pipes up, not looking up from her food.
satoru bursts into a cackle, his drink spitting out a little. “shoko, his name’s mahito!” 
she gives him a grimace of disgust. “the fuck? mahito, mojito.. bitches need to get better names, i swear to god.”
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“...and then megumi told him to eat a dick, can you believe it? i think the guy was too embarrassed to say anything after that–” 
yuuji was raving about something that happened in his design class that you thought was just so yuuji of him to find hilarious. you laugh at his recreation of the scene, only to stop with the sight you caught from across the pavilion.
it was a familiar 6 foot 5 inches of black leather and faded jeans. your cheeks heat at the memory of your last exchange from the past weekend. his hands brushing yours, your eyes watching the drop of his eyelashes, your lips inches from his enough so you could feel his warm breath– you had to shake the thought away. it was inappropriate to assume that anything was even going to happen. you notice sukuna wasn’t alone. he was walking with the same brown haired girl from the party. the pretty one in the little black dress, you remember. she was in deep conversation as they walked, and sukuna seemed awfully in tandem with her. 
what, why did you even care? it wasn’t like you harbored any interest in the older itadori anyways. he was bad news all around, too brash for your liking. did you forget how every person you knew thought he was an asshole, save for his brother? he’s only ever insulted you! you bet he took you home out of necessity, you would imagine he’d get a scolding from yuuji if he found out sukuna could have helped you and didn’t. he was nothing more than your best friend’s emotionally-constipated older brother. 
but.. you didn’t let your brain register that your heart sank at scenarios in your head between him and that cooler girl. she was definitely more fitting to sukuna’s type, you were sure. her style was more mature, and aesthetically matched his. she wore demonias and you had a collection of mary janes. she probably didn’t even own any pink glitter ribbons, like the ones you liked to wear. 
“aww, you always do this! are you even paying attention to me?” you snap out of the gloomy bubble you were ruminating in. you were too focused on a man that didn’t even appear in the same social circles as you, how pathetic! you had bigger things to worry about, too. your shiny new internship was waiting for you. yuuji gave you a whiny tug and leaned his head on your shoulder, enlisting a chuckle and shove from you. he truly had the face of a puppy. “okay, okay! you have my full presence now, you big baby.” yuuji beams at you with a goofy grin. he continues on, animatedly, distracting you from the revelations you’d made. what you didn’t catch was that he followed your line of vision when your mood dropped, and was well aware it had something to do with his brother..? he had every intention of finding out why. 
the both of you enter the lecture auditorium and you tap into your rhythm again, forgetting your gloom. physics was easy for you to lose your brain into as the subject was satisfying once you got the hang of it. on the other hand, yuuji found it unnecessarily confusing and ended up needing your help from time to time. after the three hour lecture, your professor informed the class that you were to work on a project that weighed a quarter of your grade for the course. it was allowed to have a partner, but you could work individually if you wished. while you preferred doing such high-risk assignments by yourself, you couldn’t say no to the same puppy face that mouthed pleads to you. when you pack your things and go down to write your choice on the professor’s clipboard, you add “yuuji itadori” next to your name. “did i ever tell you i love you more than nobara and megs? you should know that,” he loops an arm around your neck and ruffles your hair, tousling the hairdo you had it in. you chortle. “you owe me like, thirty coffees.” “heard loud and clear, cap’n!” you decide that it would be best to start working right away and yuuji tells you they should work at his place so he could shower you with snacks and things (look at him, already living up to his deal). obviously there was no way in hell you’re passing that up, and you get to hang out with your lovely best friend for another couple hours. a total win-win.
10:00 P.M.
whoever said this was a good idea was a big fat liar. you were on the fifth reiteration of the same problem you were trying to explain to yuuji and he looked like his brain was going to spontaneously combust from the words you were throwing at him. “wait, what do you mean hooke’s law applies here?! i’m so loooost!” he threw his hands up in defeat and slumps on the coffee table, face mushed into the glass.
“we need to take a break or i might die…”
you sigh and shut your laptop. “me too. i think i forgot what i said as soon as i told you.”
you pick up an unopened bag of doritos and toss it to yuuji’s head. “nothing like red 40 to clear your sadness, though,” he moans in agreement and reaches for the bag, his head still stationary to the table. you dig in the tray of snacks for a packet for yourself when you hear the front door unlock.
in comes the same leather jacket and faded jeans, along with a bunch of grocery bags in each hand. they looked extremely heavy altogether, but he seemed to carry them with no real effort. he sets them on the kitchen island and peers at the two of you in the living room. sukuna’s face shifts slightly when his eyes land on you. you turn your head away with a jolt.
“got your shit, yuu,” he calls.
the younger itadori lifts his head finally to look for his brother, throwing him a thumbs-up.
you pretend to be immensely busy with your search for chips when you felt him walk by, and out of the corner of your eye you could see him glance at you as he goes up the stairs.
of course he would stop by when you were trying to forget about his existence. but again, why did you care?
yuuji peeks at both of your reactions and frowns. he didn’t like this one bit. at best, sukuna was just being his usual rude self to you. at worst, something was happening between his best friend and his older brother… eughhh. the thought made him writhe a little. he knew that nothing good would come out of it for either of you. growing up with a brother like sukuna.. he knew how he could get. 
“i hate you so much! you’re pushing dad away!” sukuna throws the first thing he sees at the woman in front of him. her eyes are dim with guilt. “ryomen, you know it’s not like that..” her words fall in nothingness, and she falters. what could she say? her red fingernails fumble with the button on her suitcase. “you’re throwing us away! you’re leaving me and yuuji for that ugly stupid man!” he screams in anger, but tears are flowing heavily over his bruised face. yuuji watched as his brother berated their mother, helpless. he wanted to tell him to stop, that this was too much.. he shut his eyes tightly and imagined the day before, when they were going out for ice cream instead. the giggles they had, his mother wiping his chubby chin with her sleeve, the game of hide and seek he and his brother shared at the neighborhood park. “yuuji, my messy boy,” his mother cooed, eyes crinkling with a smile. her blouse billowed with the summer wind. heavy footsteps broke the evocation, and from the crack of the door he saw another figure. no! he clamped his tiny hands over his ears until they went white, knees to his nose. the smell of his mother’s perfume in the dark closet helped him go back– to tune out the muffled sounds of fighting. the voices of his mother, his grandpa, and that man ebbed away. slowly, he drifted, his mind crystal blue.. the only thought left was the taste of chocolate and his mother’s soft caress; a silent requiem.
yeah, fuck that. and fuck him for trying to mess around with your head.
yuuji throws a dorito at you. you make a sound of annoyance and throw one of your own in retaliation. he giggles. “wanna go get banana milk?” you stretch your arms above your head with a yawn, cracking your fingers. “yeah, we could use some fresh air.” he hops up immediately and goes to put on his shoes. “hey, ryo, we’re going to the convenience store for milk, be back soon!” he yells from below the stairs. you hear him give a grunt of acknowledgement from above and you both make your way to take your minds off things. it wasn’t just physics that lay heavy on your hearts.
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as soon as sukuna’s saw yuuji’s text that he would be studying with “a friend”, he was already speeding through his last repair at the shop. choso, his cousin-slash-coworker, nearly yells at him with the speed he was screwing the bolts back in on the vehicle. no matter. he’d done this same shit a million times over, it was like clockwork. he changed out of the oily uniform and got on his bike before he could get a proper scolding. he shoots a reply.
“bringing groceries. be there in 20.”
he tucks his phone away before yuuji could deny him. and just like that, he was lumbering to the elevator of yuuji’s complex with a giant load of bags in each hand. it was insanely efficient, if he said so himself( sukuna was conveniently leaving out the part where he switched out his bike and borrowed satoru’s camaro to make the aforementioned grocery trip, but he digresses). 
he entered the apartment with a little difficulty, but it was worth it when he saw the mary janes sitting neatly on the shoe rack.
when he sets the bags on the counter, he looks to the living room to see you looking at him with that gorgeous face of yours. something about your complexion was so naturally saccharine, like you radiated sunlight.
he raises his hand to give a small wave but falters midway seeing your expression flip, snapping away from his gaze with your face flushed with an emotion he couldn’t decipher.
sukuna was mildly confused. weren’t you on new terms since that night? not even a bit?
“got your shit, yuu,” the kid throws a thumbs up.
as he takes off his jacket, he finds himself glancing repeatedly at your now-nervous form. he couldn’t help feel a little irritated. sukuna was seemingly the only one exempt from your natural state, for whatever reason(sukuna’s aloofness to the fact 1. you both met officially only two weeks ago and 2. the amount of times he’s argued with you, was borderline insane). 
you were wearing a different set of ribbons today, a pale lavender in hue. he wondered how many more were in your collection. the outfit you wore was simple but flattering, albeit he couldn’t see it properly.
a chuckle rumbles his throat when his focus shifts to see your face was almost entirely inside the tray of chips, doing anything to avoid small-talk he assumed.
his brother was slumped on the other side of the table as well, and he just shakes his head. it always was hard to tutor yuuji, the little brat was just so hyper. he says a silent prayer for you and walks up the stairs without another word.
he’d talk to you tonight eventually, he would make sure of that.
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the street was mostly empty and dark, save for the streetlights marking your path back. the trip was fairly short but you and yuuji were walking at a leisurely pace, sipping on the tiny drinks. yuuji hesitates to ask you about sukuna, so he settles for talking about the party. 
“so how’d you like the party? i was totally shitfaced, so i never got to ask you,” he joyfully perked up. you sigh and look at him with a small accusatory smile. “yeah, you totally left me in the dust, whore. the party was okay, i guess. i did meet this cool guy,” you began. 
yuuji ooh’s and bumps your shoulder with his. “well, don’t just say that and stop! tell me more,” he eggs you on in a lilty tone. “actually, he said he knew you. his name was suguru,” yuuji snaps and shakes a finger in the air. “yeah i do! he’s super chill, one of sukuna’s frat brothers. he’s the vp for the fraternity!” your eyebrows lift in surprise a little. “oh wow. i didn’t know he was the vp,” you murmured, taking the information in thoughtfully. so suguru was more than just affiliated, he was practically running the show. and he was close with sukuna, which was kind of unfortunate. so much for having an interest in someone decent. “yup! he doesn’t seem the type, but he does a good job. or so i’ve been told by gojo and ryo,” he laughs, taking another sip. 
“sooo… anything i missed at the party?” you were hoping he wouldn’t ask, but you assumed it would’ve come up eventually. you nod and sigh, looking up at the dark sky. yuuji slows down to a stop, brows cinched together. “something bad happened?” his voice drops to a lower, more serious tone. 
“when you guys left, i ended up bumping into this really sleazy guy.. i guess he was trying to flirt with me?” you began. 
yuuji looked visibly enraged, his eyes twitching. “go on.” 
“he didn’t end up doing anything crazy because megumi came, but he did.. grope me.” you mumbled. 
this was so stupid, you genuinely wanted to forget it even happened. you hadn’t put a ton of thought on the event until you recounted it, and it left a pit in your stomach. 
yuuji crushed the milk carton in his hand and started walking faster. “i’m calling suguru and figuring out who the fuck that was, there is NO WAY–” 
your eyes widen as his usually innocent and sunshine personality switches to an aggressive demeanor. you catch up to him and stop him from starting a second round of fighting. man, maybe yuuji was related to sukuna– the way both of them reacted instantly was too alike. 
“wait! oh my god, hold on!” your hands push into his chest and he looks at you incredulously. “he got beat up at the party! he got what he deserved,” yuuji looked properly confused. 
“megumi never told me he beat up someone, what?” 
“it wasn’t megumi, yuu! it was sukuna.” 
his face dropped the confusion and something unreadable replaced it. “...oh, i see. he saw that shit happen to you then?” 
your face blanched. you didn’t think about that. did sukuna just watch you get assaulted? you wracked your brain to figure out the chronological order of events, but the adrenaline in the memory made everything a blur. “i.. i don’t know, maybe!”
yuuji’s face hardened.  “and he did nothing to stop it?” 
you had to defend sukuna, he literally beat up the slimeball for you. there was definitely something you were missing, but you didn’t know what. your voice was wavering. “megumi stopped it, so it’s fine, yuu! can we drop it now? please?” 
yuuji notices that this was getting hard for you to talk about, and his anger for his brother was getting displaced onto you. he softens, shoulders untensing. “I’m sorry, [name]. that was shitty of me to grill you.” he looks away, a guilty look falling on him. you wrap your arms around his torso and squeeze lightly. “it’s okay, yuu. i know you’re just worried for me. i really appreciate it.” he squeezes you back tighter. “i feel horrible that i was trashed and did nothing to help you. that’s so not what a best friend should do,” he says into your hair. you sigh, cheek pressed on his chest. “seriously, i don’t blame you. i just.. don’t know how to feel about it yet, so be patient with me.” he squeezes you tighter. “i’m gonna be here for you always, babe. nobara, megs, all of us okay? if you ever need to talk about it don’t hesitate. i love you so much,” your heart swells with warmth. you knew how much your friends cared for you, you never had a doubt about it. “you’re gonna make a bitch cry, yuuji, seriously,” you fake punch him in the stomach and he doubles over groaning, playing along. “now, i’m going to teach you that physics problem and you’re going to understand it,” you pull away from his chest to shake a strict finger at him, lips quirking in a smile. he gives you a firm salute and starts bounding to the apartments. “sir yes sir!” 
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when you entered the flat again, you make a beeline towards the bathroom upstairs. you hadn’t noticed your eyes got teary enough to smudge your makeup during your heart to heart with yuuji. he was bent over with laughter when he showed your raccoon face to you in his phone’s front camera, earning him a smack. 
you’re looking down at your own phone as you walk up the stairs to take a better look, when you’re met with a wall you didn’t notice before. or wait.. a firm surface? sukuna has an arm propped on the wall before the bathroom, and he was looking straight down at you. 
your face goes red immediately, and you can’t back up because you’d end up tumbling down the stairs. a weird checkmate. “so what’s with you avoiding– why are your eyes like that?” his eyebrows go from serious to confused. you frown up at him and start wiping at them. “is it really that bad? god…” a rough hand holds your chin and pushes your head up, the other rubbing under your eye gently with his thumb. 
“you cryin’, sweetheart?”
his voice rumbled in a whisper, breath on fanning on your lips. your heart was pounding so hard in your ears you barely heard him. you were so close you could see his stubble, the scar on his upper lip, even the intricacy of his neck tattoo. 
“no, i wasn’t, well– actually i was, but not for the reason you think-”
 your eyes drift to the bathroom door as you ramble until the hand that was holding your chin is now wrapped around the small of your back, just shy of your ass. 
you shut up. 
he smirks.
“alright, you just look like a panda then. now, are you gonna tell me why you're avoiding me?”
 your face pulls into a mild glower. “i’m not avoiding you, what?” 
“yeah, you are. didn’t say hi to me.” your hands press on his chest to ease from the proximity. you notice he’s wearing a wife pleaser like the first day you met him. what was your mind going to? your eyes flick back up quickly and narrow at him. 
“we’re not even friends, why would i say hi to you?” 
his head leans closer to yours, noses almost touching. "didn't yuuji tell you to get along with me?"
 you glare. "he never said that, asshole." 
sukuna gave you a vexed look. did you expect him to remember the words verbatim? "okay, he said some bullshit about warming up to each other! god, you're so difficult." 
"me? difficult?” a scoff leaves your lips. all you could think was that the audacity of this man was unbelievable. “you are literally cornering me to talk to me!" you gesture to the position you were both in, but he didn’t seem to budge.
sukuna huffs, almost petulantly. you try to push him away, but the grip of his hand on your back wasn’t letting you go. he didn’t get the answer he needed from you, and he wasn’t going to let you leave without it. between the party and now, something had happened for you to act so differently. you were so soft and open with him that night, but now? it was back to square one. 
“...you’re still in the way! seriously sukuna, what do you want from me?” you were exasperated at this point. his insistence would be endearing, if he wasn’t such a major fuckwad. honestly, out of every girl he could have bothered, he had to choose you? where was that other girl he was so stuck to anyway? why couldn’t he have just called her instead of holding you hostage and bombarding you with questions about your attitude? your irritation was growing, and his lack of response only proved to increase your frustration. why was he just looking at you?
sukuna was wracking his brain to form a coherent thought after you dropped that bomb on him. what did he want from you? this was unlike him to chase after a girl, and to almost harass her over a simple ‘hi’? he was obsessed over what? fucking hello kitty band-aids. he’s barely keeping his hands off of you with the way you were staring at him, assessing his every feature. your cheeks were puffed and rosy, your eyes still blotchy with mascara but god, you looked so perfect standing before him. he wanted to kiss you. he wanted to kiss you so bad. he wanted to kiss you that night when you told him his eyes were sanguine red. what the fuck did that even mean? he had to look that shit up and lo and behold, it was the perfect shade match. you were so fucking smart it pissed him off. he enjoyed riling you up by telling you otherwise. he wanted to yank those lavender ribbons out of your hair and never give them back. it was so perverse; the way he was holding you wasn’t enough for him. you smelled like honey and sandalwood, he couldn’t get that out of his head ever since you rode behind him on his motorcycle. he wanted his bed to smell like you. he longed to wake up there and it would be the first thing to hit his senses. this was testing his restraint in ways he didn’t know existed. he knew he couldn’t cross that line, this was mental to even consider doing! what was doing him in so badly?? even he didn’t know what had gotten into him. all he knew was that he felt a little more than just irked you were taking precautions to avoid interaction, especially when he was dying internally to merely hold your gaze.
 “y’know, i really need to go to the bathroom, so if you have nothing to say to me, i’m leaving. stick to teasing other girls.” a pregnant pause. his face fell at your last sentence, it definitely held some edge on your tone. sukuna shifted, a hand going up to your cheek. you scrunch your brows in flushed inquisition. he looks to the side before bringing his eyes back to you. they appeared poignant, almost wistful. you weren’t able to discern why, though. his voice was more delicate this time.
“..did you feel–”
“you okay babe?” yuuji’s voice from below snaps both of you out of your heated exchange. sukuna’s hands drop from you like they never belonged there to begin with. you take the opportunity to finally go to the bathroom, accidentally shouldering sukuna as you push past him. yuuji’s worried expression immediately becomes one of annoyance as he watches his brother come down instead, sourness cast on his rough face. “are you kidding me? what was that about?” yuuji had his arms crossed, jaw ticking. sukuna halts and turns to face him. “mind your fuckin’ business, brat.” yuuji bites back an insult, opting to check up on you instead. he knew he couldn’t start something with sukuna when you were home as well. 
yuuji knocks on the door of the bathroom. “did sukuna say anything to you?” you were in the middle of splashing water to cool your flaming cheeks. “no, it’s fine! don’t even worry,” you call back loudly, drying your face in a manner that was definitely too rough on the skin. 
your mind was racing with images of sukuna, his lips, the feel of him holding you, his cologne stuck in your nose– coming to do physics at the apartment was supposed to be a distraction from what was going on between you two. how come when you threw yourself more into your work, this idiot would weasel his way back to you! 
you look at yourself in the mirror and you cringe at the sight. yikes. the combination of no makeup and your blotchiness was not the best. as you go to pick up your phone from the counter, you see the time flash. 2:35AM. you were an hour past the time you wanted to leave, you had an 8am that next day. technically, it was already the next day.. you wince. sighing and opening the door, and there was yuuji. “i know i said we need to finish the problems, but i’m really tired yuu,” you admit with a nervous laugh. “i have anatomy and physiology at 8 tomorrow, and i can totally explain it to you at lunch! right?” this had got to be the lamest excuse. coming from you, the person who never avoided doing work, it was suspicious to say the least. the morning class was buyable, but procrastination was not in your vocabulary. yuuji suffered firsthand from you about it. he raises a brow. “aaalright, no worries. don’t have to tell me twice.” he laughs back weakly. this was becoming extremely awkward. both of you were acting off and the silence that followed did not help either of your cases. “okay! so i’m just gonna head home, get my things, yup!” your voice was weirdly pitchy and before yuuji could question it, you were already down the stairs in a blast. “wha– girl, let me at least pay for the uber!” he calls after you. 
you start collecting your computer and belongings into your tote bag, quickly moving. you almost trip over while putting on your shoes, slipping them on carelessly. you had matched with an uber surprisingly fast and it was already 4 minutes away. sukuna had rounded the corner from the kitchen upon hearing your commotion, yuuji on his tail. “whoa, you’re goin’ now? it’s too late at night, let me–” you throw a hand in sukuna’s face. “you’re not giving me a ride, i brought my car.” having another experience of prolonged close proximity with him in the same night was too much for you to handle. besides, this time you thankfully had a saving grace. barely. “at least let me walk you down, it’s dark as hell outside.” sukuna looked sincere in his concern, but yuuji was eyeing him indignantly. “you okay with that, babe?” yuuji gives you a face that says it was okay to say no, but you nod your head in reassurance. “yeah, it’s fine. i’ll see you tomorrow, yuu.” you blow him a small kiss with your two fingers like you usually did, and he mirrors it back. sukuna puts on the first pair of shoes he sees, already halfway out the door when you turn back around. he gestures to you to get a move on with his head, earning an eye roll from you. 
you walk out and he closes the door behind you, giving yuuji one last wave. the walk down to your car was wordless, and sukuna didn't look at you once. better than him looking at you fervently, you suppose. when you step into the driver’s seat and reach to close the door, he stops you. his tall figure crouches down to meet your level, now meeting your gawking stare. again? 
“you didn’t let me finish earlier.” 
your eyes dart to the console, fingers fidgeting. “okay, out with it then,” you mumbled. 
“i wanted to ask you if you felt the same shit i felt that night when you told me that stuff about my eyes.” 
his body language was firmly attentive to you, but his voice had a weird waver to it. he remembered what you said about his eyes? what did he mean, feel the same shit? the silver chain around his neck dangled between the both of you, glinting in the streetlight as it moved. you noticed he was breathing deeply. nervously? what the fuck. “what are you talking about?” he silently cursed and readjusted his footing, clearly uncomfortable with the fact he needed to spell it out. he wasn’t exactly in touch with his emotions. “you really are the most difficult fuckin’ girl i’ve ever met, fuckin’ hell. just tell me what you meant by it.” you peer at him from the side of your eyes, trying to search his face. you were pretty confused at what he was trying to get at overall, but you just answered his question. “nothing. your eyes are just sanguine red. i like that color.” his lips quirk up and he angles his head at you. “you like my eyes?” your face flames. “i said i liked the color! what is it with you and mishearing people?” you throw back. with a huff you turn the key to turn on the engine, which prompted him to move out of the way so you could shut the door, him laughing at your irritation. he knocks on the window and motions you to lower it. you oblige angrily. 
“you literally have 10 seconds or i swear to god i’m running over your toes.” you seethe. 
his stupidly handsome face was just egging you on. his hair was tousled, the wind breezing through it gently and he looked unfairly good. you shivered with the chill going up your neck. he licks his lips and you watch it shamelessly. he notes this. 
“just tellin’ you that you got lucky with your car today. whenever you think about getting an uber, don’t. you’re not getting in a car with any other man besides me.” 
your heart skips a beat. nope, that was just a palpitation. your heart does not skip for sukuna, you did not consent to it. before you can register it, he flicks your nose with a grin. you rapidly blink, enlisting more cackles out of him. you punch him in the arm before he’s running back to the apartments. “not fucking happening!” you yell after him, head sticking out of your window. you fume all the way home, your music turned up to drown out the pounding in your chest. 
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when sukuna opens the door, he’s met with a really pissed off yuuji. “you need to leave [name] alone, ryomen.” sukuna knew this was coming given that he witnessed your altercation to a certain degree, but he was definitely overreacting. he’s kicking his shoes off and trudges to the couch, unbothered. 
“i’m not doing shit to her, yuu. it’s just teasing.” 
sukuna leans to grab the remote off the table when yuuji grabs it instead. “i’m fucking serious. stop fucking around with my friends.” 
sukuna looks up at him with a raised brow, jaw flexed. “i said, i’m not doing shit to her.” 
yuuji laughs bitterly and shakes his head. “i’m not four anymore, ryo. i can see what you’re doing and you need to quit now.” he jabs a finger on his brother’s chest, which garners him to stand up and face him, his height paralleling yuuji’s. sukuna was just as irritated now. looking down at yuuji, he takes a moment before he speaks so it doesn’t end up in curses. 
“you forget you’re speaking to your aniki, brat.” he grits through his teeth, fists balled up on either side of him, shoulders tense. 
yuuji’s eyes narrow. “she doesn’t need someone like you fucking her life up, ryomen. i don’t care if we’re brothers, if you toy with her and she ends up hurt, i’m killing you.” 
sukuna suddenly gives him a shove to the chest. “and you need to mind your fuckin’ business like i told you to!” 
yuuji’s face flashes with mild shock at sukuna getting physical, backing up with a stutter. “so what, you’re gonna fucking hit me now? what is wrong with you lately!” yuuji throws his hands up in the air and paces the room intensely. 
sukuna’s stony face falters, his arms relaxing. what was he doing?
 “you always do this shit! you talk about respecting women and you can’t seem to fucking treat one right! is it because of mom? how much longer are you going to hold on to that?!” 
sukuna begins to bound towards him to give him a real piece of his mind but yuuji throws the remote on the couch towards sukuna, cutting him off and gesturing aggressively. “but you know what? that’s not my shit to figure out. if you want to distract yourself from your baggage, that’s fine by me, but like i said, [name] deserves SO much more than someone like you.” he spat, chest heaving from his tirade. “i’m going to bed. you can see yourself out.” the younger itadori brother’s stomps fade into the apartment as the other is left speechless, thoughts muddy with guilt and a reopened wound.
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the next day you had plans to meet with nobara at the university coffee shop, which made you mildly uneasy. with your permission, yuuji had told nobara about the party situation and her reaction was similar to his, and she had approached you at lunch to talk about it. it went rather smoothly so you didn’t feel so horrible about retelling your thoughts– nobara just understood.
what you hadn’t told her was the events of yesterday with sukuna, and those were definitely going to be coaxed out of you over coffee. she had a knack for making you empty your guts with her. it was her evil superpower, you say.  your shoes clack on the tile floor of the small joint that resided by your university as you made your way inside, head flitting to search for your redhead. it was a cozy spot, mostly run by employees that were also students at the university. the owners were an old couple that were alumni and had the place built on the courtyard spot they had first met at. the story was widely known by students and carried the spirit of the place, pictures of them and other former students littering the walls. you found it absolutely adorable as a hopeless romantic. you finally spot nobara waving at you by a window table and make your way towards her. “you look cute today, any special occasion?” you shrug, a small smile on your lips. “it’s 10 degrees warmer today, so i decided to celebrate.” “well i’m loving the skirt, don’t be surprised when i borrow it.” you giggle, sticking your tongue at her. “you mean steal, not borrow.” nobara pretends to weigh the two words with her hands. “steal, borrow, it’s all very subjective babe.” you set your bag down on the chair next to yours, a stray piece of hair falling in front of your face in the process. “hey, you.” your head spins to where you heard the deep voice and finds a tall black-haired man. “oh hi, suguru!”
nobara looks at you with a question mark on her face, eyes flicking to him and then you. you give her a little “stop it!” look with your eyes, hoping he didn’t see it. geto was awfully observant and a smooth talker to boot, so you were generally screwed much to your oblivion.
he leans a hand on the back of your chair and tucks the stray hair piece behind your ear. “you look pretty as per usual,” his grin was mind melting. your clothes suddenly felt too warm even though they were the most ventilating pieces you owned. you throw a hand in flattery at him, gushing. “oh stop, you’re too sweet!”
if nobara didn’t have questions before, she certainly did now. from the corner of your eye you could see her gaping at the scene unfolding before her.
you feel embarrassed with the display you had created and changed the subject quickly. “oh, this is nobara, by the way. you probably didn’t see her at the party but she was the one with the green haired girl.” suguru snaps and points at her. “you were the one fucking up the dance floor! i remember,” he sticks a hand out and nobara shakes it firmly, a too-sugary smile plastered on her lips. you could tell she was assessing the guy to his very bones.
“that’s me! and the girl with me was my girlfriend maki.” suguru nods in recollection. “well it’s nice to officially meet you, outside of the frat stuff! it can be a lot sometimes," he glances back at you and frowns apologetically. “which is technically why i came over to talk. i really wanted to say sorry for what went down. the pres, todo, is handling mahito’s consequences so i hope that reassures you,” he looks at you with a face of worry and concern.
“i’m glad not all frats are shitty,” nobara tells him vaguely, code for “thanks for doing your fucking job for once”. he chuckles nervously and nods in thanks. “well, i’ll leave you guys to your coffee now. sorry again,” he pats your head and beams, vanishing out the door with a jingle of the bell overhead. instantly, nobara slammed questions down back to back in hushed screams. “what the fuck was that?! and he tucked your hair? what is this, bridgerton? you didn’t freaking tell me about meeting a GUY at the party, you bitch!” you begged her to quiet down as people started paying attention to the wild hand movements she was doing. nobara, oh my god please! it’s been literally two days!” “yeah, two days of girl code betrayal! i needed to know this shit like yesterday!” she squealed at you and shook your shoulders. you wince at the bombardment and wave an imaginary flag of surrender.
“okay, okay fine! at least let me order my coffee?” she abruptly stops for a moment and notices that you in fact had nothing in front of you. “oh em gee i didn’t even peep that, my bad.” she holds her hands together in a “please forgive me” position. you both immediately burst into giggles. “buy me a cookie?” “you got it.”
you walk up the register and ask for your favorite drink and nobara’s cookie. the girl that took your order was really nice to you for some reason, but you weren’t complaining. she was giggling a lot when she rang you up, which was odd but.. okay.
“your boyfriend is so sweet, by the way. i wish mine tried half as much,”
ohhhh. she must’ve seen you and suguru talking. you let out a small laugh and brush it off. “oh, he’s not my boyfriend,” you say. her brows furrow in confusion. “the pink haired guy with tattoos? he literally told me to give this to his girl in green ribbons!”
you notice there’s a pain au chocolat on the bill that you didn’t put down. pink hair.. there’s really just two choices in that description. you flip around to see if yuuji or sukuna were around, and from the outside of the cafe in the courtyard, you see sukuna leaned on the bricks, smoking. he gives you a small wave, cigarette in hand. you roll your eyes in disgust and ignore him. insistent asshole and a nicotine addict, great.
you turn back to the girl and give her a nervous smile, awkwardly accepting the free pastry. you didn’t tell nobara about the occurrence because you could handle only so much whiplash from shaking in one day. she just took it as another freebie from you and ate it happily.
you rub your temples and sigh. something tells you you’re going to have to be a lot firmer with sukuna going forward.
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ahh! this was lowk a pain to format but i hope you loved it :) also, some people wanted to be in a taglist!! here they are:
@kawliflo @deepcloudspyhairdo just so i don't lose track, my taglist will tag you for any of my works! if you choose to opt out, please message/inbox :) also, i will cap it eventually! don't worry about this because i cross-post on ao3, and they also have a subscribe feature that can notify you when i post :)
peace luv bathtub!!!
© sozila 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other mediums or sites. cross-posted on ao3 and tumblr under same alias.
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108 notes · View notes
hqbaby · 1 year
six — best
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fuck ur instincts — suna x reader & atsumu x reader
you and suna are just fooling around—so why does he care so much when you start falling in love with someone else?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 2k content. swearing, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, slight dacryphilia, cum eating, use of pet names
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“Pay up, fuckers!”
The boys groan as you hold your hands out for them to drop their money into. One by one, they reach into their pockets and begrudgingly hand you their bets. You’ve just bested them a beer pong again.
“Fuckin’ cheerleaders, man,” Aran murmurs. “Yukie fucked us up at the last party too.”
You walk over to Atsumu with a shit-eating grin on your face. “You still owe me.”
He rolls his eyes at you then takes your face with one hand, planting a kiss on your lips. When he pulls away to find you looking stunned, he smirks. “That’s worth at least a thousand yen.”
Your grin is back. “Cocky,” you say. “I kinda dig it.”
So wrapped up being the center of attention, you don’t seem to feel Suna’s unrelenting gaze on you. He just can’t look away. It’s like his eyes are glued to your figure, taking it all in. The way you charm everyone until they’re eating out of your hand. The way you always have a witty little quip to say when they try to get under your skin. The way you light up when you’re near Atsumu and the way you close your eyes when he kisses you. 
He sees it all from the corner of the room, nursing his beer. And the whole time, there’s only one thing on his mind: He really needs to fuck you right now.
You pull away from the rest of the group and head to the kitchen to get another drink.
“Hey, Suna,” you greet when you pass by him. “Haven’t seen much of you tonight. You find a girl you like?”
He follows you out of the room, the two of you walking into an empty corridor. Well, it’s more or less empty. The only people there are passed out on the floor.
Before you know it, your back is pressed against the wall and Suna’s lips are on yours. It’s messy and harsh, all teeth and force. There’s no method to how he touches you, his hands are just everywhere, grabbing any part of you that he can.
You withdraw your lips from his, lightly pushing him away. “Wait, wait, wait,” you say, trying to get a good look at him in the dimly-lit corridor. You can’t see much, but you can see his eyes. The way they stare at you, hungry. “What’s going on, Suna?”
His voice is low and rough. “Don’t call me that.”
“Suna,” he says. “It’s Rin to you.”
You crack a smile at the request. “Rin,” you say quietly, obliging, “what’s going on?”
“I need to fuck you.”
His hands are on your shoulders, face just inches away from yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, but you know he’s sober. Just really horny, you guess.
“Like… right now?” You give him a bemused look. “Your friends are right there,” you try to remind him, nodding your head at the door to the living room. “They aren’t exactly supposed to know about this, right?”
He answers you with another searing kiss. “I don’t care,” he says against your lips. “I want you.”
At that, you kiss him back, melting into his frantic touch. “I want you too.”
Your words shoot straight to his cock and he lets out a groan. Careful not to step over the people on the floor around you, you both stumble into the closest bathroom, mouths still linked and hands still searching one another.
“Get on the counter,” he commands, locking the door behind him.
You do as he says and reach your hands out for him. The heat between your legs grows. “Rin, I need you.”
He’s back on you, hands running up and down your back as he lets you slip your tongue into his mouth. He moves his fingers between your legs, pushing your panties aside to touch your dripping core. “Fuck, baby.” He pulls his soaked hand up for you to see. “Would you look at that?”
You nod mindlessly, trying to pull him as close to you as you can. When he starts pressing his fingers against your clit, you grab his wrist. “No,” you say desperately. “I want you in me now.”
“You sure you can take me?” His voice is teasing. “Might break you.”
Your hands go up to his hair, yanking him forward to crash your lips into his. “I don’t care. Please, Rin.”
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me.”
You don’t have to tell him twice. In a second, he pulls you off the counter, turns you around, and bends you over. He lifts your skirt up and rips your panties away like they’re nothing.
“Rin,” you whine. “Why’d you do that?”
He places the piece of fabric in his pocket. “It’s fine,” he tells you, landing a harsh blow to your ass. “I won’t let anyone see you.”
You moan at the sting of his touch. Your eyes land on the mirror in front of you, catching a glimpse of your fucked out state. It’s filthy, the way Suna has you bent over, your tits threatening to spill out of your top, legs spread to the side for him. Behind you, you can see him unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down, eyes focused on your pussy.
Then, you feel it. The head of his cock pressed against your folds, moving up and down as he gathers your slick.
“Don’t tease.”
He chuckles. “Just making sure you’re ready to take me.”
Without warning, he slides all the way inside of you. You scream at the mix of pain and pleasure overtaking your senses as Suna’s hand comes to cover your mouth.
“Gotta keep it down, babe,” he tells you as he starts to thrust. He goes faster every time he moves, impatiently fucking into you, your walls clenching around him. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
You grip the edge of the counter as the knot in your stomach tightens. Suna moves in and out of you at a brutal pace, your entire body being tossed back and forth by the sheer force of it. Muffled moans spill out of your lips and your eyes roll so far back into your head you swear you can see your skull.
“Taking me so well,” he hisses. One hand moves away from your mouth and goes to grip your hips while the other comes up to grab your hair and yank your head up. “Open your eyes, baby. Look at yourself. All fucked out on my cock.”
You try your best to look at the sight in front of you, the way Suna uses your body like it’s nothing, the way he pounds into you from behind. Tears slip out the corners of your eyes as your pleasure reaches immeasurable heights.
He snickers. “Is my pretty baby crying?” he asks. “Am I fucking you too good?”
No words come out of you, just endless whimpers. You try to keep yourself quiet knowing that, even if the music outside is blaring, you’re being loud enough for anyone passing by to hear. Then, a sharp thrust sends your entire body lurching forward and a borderline pornographic moan slips out of your mouth. There’s no way you can keep quiet, not when Suna’s fucking you like this.
“Can’t even speak now, can you? Too drunk on my cock.” He knows you’re close, he can feel you clenching around him, so tight it’s making it harder for him to move. His hand pulls away from your head and goes down to rub your swollen clit. “Such a pretty fucking girl,” he says. “So pretty when I fuck you.”
Without his support, your head drops, mind too focused on your impending orgasm. You rock back and forth with each relentless thrust, your chest heaving with effort and adrenaline. “Rin,” you moan. “I’m so close.”
“I know, baby, I know,” he murmurs, leaning over your back until his lips are right beside your ear. “I’m right there with you. Come for me.”
And, just like that, a wave hits you, riding your high as Suna continues to fuck you through it. You swear the counter should be crumbling from just how hard your grip is, clinging onto it for dear life. The sounds falling out of your mouth are sinful, downright sacrilege.
With a few more thrusts, Suna stills, cum spurting deep inside you. He grabs your hips so tight that you already know they’ll bruise in the morning. His body slumps over yours, just as spent as you are. He wraps his arms around you as the two of you try to get your bearings, slouched over the counter for a moment, Suna’s dick softening inside of you.
After a beat, you start giggling. “Where did that come from?”
You can feel him smile against your shoulder. “I told you. Your skirt’s cute,” he says, peeling himself off you as you both pull apart. You wobble a little and he catches you just in time, holding you against his chest. “That’s got to be at least in the top 5.”
Your hand slaps his chest at the comment. “Oh definitely,” you tell him with a smile. “Maybe even in the top 3.”
He pumps his fist. “I still got it.”
You laugh.
Suna pulls his pants back up and fixes his belt while you retouch your makeup in the mirror. You’re focused on applying your lipstick when he notices his cum sliding down the insides of your thigh. He turns to look for some toilet paper and pales a little when he sees the empty dispenser.
You look at him with concern. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, no, it’s just…” He motions at your legs. “There’s no toilet paper here. I can go out and find something.”
You glance down, see what he’s talking about, then look back at him and shake your head. “It’s fine.”
“What? Y/N—”
What you do next has him stunned, gaping at you. You slide two fingers up your thigh, gathering the cum spilling out of you, and pop your fingers in your mouth, sucking on them as your eyes stare right into his.
After rendering him speechless, you come closer, chest pressed against his. Then, you cup a hand to his ear and whisper with a smirk, “I know I’m the best you’ve ever had.”
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“Ya good?” Atsumu asks when you come back to join the group. “I was just ‘bout to go lookin’ for ya.”
You coo at him. “Aw, aren’t you sweet?” you say, grabbing his hand. “I’m fine. I just had to make a call.”
“Everythin’ okay?”
“Yeah. Just forgot to tell my roommate I was going out tonight.”
Suna walks into the room a little while after you. It wasn’t really like you were trying to hide it. Besides, you highly doubted anyone would even suspect that there was something going on between the two of you, but you tried to stagger your entrances anyway. Just in case.
He finds you on the couch, huddled over a game of Uno with some of the other guys. You’re sitting on Atsumu’s lap with your brows furrowed in concentration. When you look up to see him, you beam.
“Suna, come join us!” you say like you weren’t just fucking him in the bathroom ten minutes ago. “There’s room over there beside Hinata.”
The bright-haired boy waves at him and pats the spot to his right, on the floor beside the coffee table. “Come on,” he says. “We’re trying to beat Y/N.”
As he takes a seat, you pull a reverse on Aran’s “Draw 4.” He curses loudly. “How the hell?”
Atsumu laughs as you lean back into his chest. He kisses the crown of your head and places a hand on top of your thigh (your legs are crossed… for obvious reasons), rubbing tiny circles into your skin. “Fuckin’ told ya, man,” he says. “Y/N’s just the best.”
Suna clenches his fists on his lap. It shouldn’t bother him, but it does. It’s not like he didn’t see it coming.
He always knew you were the best. He should’ve known that didn’t just apply to him.
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notes. this one is for the suna girlies 🫡 and also totally not bc the angst is real!1!!1! i also realize now that i made the reader in this series too hot for her own good like i would fall in love with her too yk?? i’m not choosing a side i’m team reader all the way🧎‍♀️
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irisintheafterglow · 1 year
*runs out of my cave* I can not be silenced any longer. So like... best friend biker satoru... the campus heart throb.. wearing jeans, a white T and a black leather jacket, picking you up from class and he's right there leaning on his bike or doing the thing where they sleep/lie down on top of the bike with his legs crossed at the ankles while he waits for you and he hands you a spare helmet, takes you out on an impromptu date cause you've been studying too much (according to him) and after that he takes you back home, parks his bike for a bit and walks you to your door and before you go in he cups your face and he- oh my time's up *gets dragged back into the cave* //this brainworm has been in my head for FAR too long feel free to do what you want with it babes 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
james dean, daydream look in your eye
wc: 1.5k
cw/tags: best friends to lovers, swearing, mutual pining but reader is in denial, so fluffy you can sleep on it like a pillow
note: *drags you back out from the cave* LET THEM COOK and GUESS WHAT i'm bringing back law student!gojo. hope you enjoy!!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated :))
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“Now, what the hell is Greased Lightnin’ doing outside my building?”
“I was going for Rebel Without a Cause, but I’ll be whatever you want me to be,” he replies without missing a beat. You roll your eyes and his grin only gets wider as he hands you the spare helmet from the storage box. “What, not digging the look?”
“You look like you’re gonna cut someone with a switchblade. Also, workshop that last line; it’s a little too pretentious.” His jaw hangs open in exaggerated shock at your blunt criticism of his pickup lines. You’re a little shrewder than usual after a group-turned-solo assignment irritated you beyond belief, and it was easier to mess with Satoru than to acknowledge how good he looked in his stupid leather jacket. The leather jacket, you noted, that he bought while thrifting with you last week and the same jacket he’d turned his nose up to thinking it was “not his style.” Though Suguru was practically tackling Satoru to get his hands on it, the latter had ultimately decided to buy it after you made an off-hand comment about how it’d fit nicely with his bike. 
“You wound me. I personally thought it was a great line,” he laments, stuffing your bag in the back container of the bike while you slip on the helmet. When he’s done locking up the box, his legs effortlessly stretch over the motorcycle and you climb on behind him, snaking your arms delicately around his waist. “Just for that, I’m kidnapping you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. I’m starting the bike now, so you better hold on tighter than that if you don’t wanna fall off,” he says and you can hear the smirk in his voice. Begrudgingly, you obey his suggestion and shimmy closer to him until his back is against your chest and your arms are wound tightly around his torso. You thank every deity you can think of for creating your helmet so your best friend can’t see the warmth rising to your face when you feel the pure muscle cut into his abdomen. “We’re getting dinner and you can’t stop me!”
“You’re a menace to society!” 
“And yet, your fine ass is still on the seat!” With a jerk of the key, he starts the bike before you can spit out a retort. It hums beneath your bodies and your feet leave the ground on instinct when Satoru gives the kickstand a firm strike, cutting a dangerously risky turn that has you cursing his name over the sound of the engine. His laugh reverberates against your forearms and you rest your chin on his shoulder, relishing in his natural body heat that helped stave off the chilly wind as you passed car after car. The cacophony of noises are familiar to you by now, finally unbothered by roaring vehicles, sputtering engines, and snippets of blasted radios. 
“I think you need to pick a lane and stay in it, Satoru,” you managed to verbalize after he opened the ginormous doors of his garage, effectively unveiling his newest impulse purchase that was sure to tank his dad’s credit score for the fourteenth time. It was pretty, you had to admit, and very Satoru. He definitely ordered a custom paint job on it for it to be such a deep shade of black and the subtle purple lightning accents running down the hardware were a nice touch. His helmet had the same design scheme and he was very excited to show you your helmet, matching his but with bright blue bolts instead. To match his eyes, you figured. 
“The whole point of this thing is so I can go between lanes, silly.” His fingers lightly flick your forehead as he enters the garage, running his hand over the new leather like it was a prized racehorse. “Haven’t you seen those bikers on the highways? They’re in all the lanes, all the time.”
“You know what I mean,” you say. “I don’t know how many clients are gonna take you seriously if they see their lawyer rolling up on two wheels instead of four. You’re not really helping the ‘rich boy whose dad paid for his entire tuition’ allegations.” 
“That’s why I’m going into entertainment law, so I can kick legal ass and look hot at the same time. Also, I really couldn’t give a shit about my tuition or my dad or school in general. I’m only here because you are.” 
“That’s the biggest lie I’ve ever heard,” you scoff and he quirked an eyebrow at your blunt dismissal of his reasoning. “Admit it, you’re only going to law school so you can pick up the hot girls in mini skirts.”
“They’re a bonus, yeah,” he admits and you shake your head in disbelief, too exasperated to ask if he’s joking or not. Part of you died a tiny bit every time he talked about a new girl he was talking to or told you about how many people asked him out. You commended them for doing what you never had the courage to do for fear of ruining your friendship with him. For now, you just laughed off his trial attempts at flirting and looked away when he stared at you a little too tenderly for comfort. “Wanna take her on her maiden voyage with me?”
“That’s what you say about ships, Satoru, but sure.”
“Maybe I want this ship to sail, then,” he says suggestively and you resist the urge to hit him in the head with your new helmet. Rides with Satoru became much more frequent after you finally agreed to let him pick you up from class despite only living a few minutes away. Often, he decided to make an unplanned detour at your favorite fast food place or a random grocery store as an excuse to spend more time with you. Maybe it was selfish or maybe it was more, but you didn’t mind his hand finding your thigh when you were stopped at a red light or his lingering gaze when you took off your helmet. You forced yourself not to think anything of it, but found it pretty hard to ignore him this time when he parked his bike on the curb and walked you to your door. 
“I should probably give this back; thank you for letting me borrow it,” you say quietly, attempting to shrug off his jacket from your shoulders when his hands are suddenly there to keep it in place. He wordlessly draped it over your shoulders when he came back from the bathroom at dinner, noting the goosebumps on your exposed skin and the way you crossed your arms to conserve warmth. As if Fate could get any crueler, he looked even better in just his jeans and his white tee-shirt, all charming and tempting and everything that you never could have. 
“Just keep it for now and give it back to me tomorrow, yeah?” He was looking at you in that way again, the one that made your knees turn into putty and had your heart racing as fast as the bike down a straightaway. It was a gentleness that he only reserved for you, or at least you hoped he did. 
“Okay, I’ll give it back after my 9:00 A.M. Is that okay?”
“Keep it however long you need it. It suits you.” His voice was too soft, too fond, too loving. The way his hair reflected the warm glow of your porchlight wasn’t helping, either.
“Thanks, ‘toru, for the jacket and for the impromptu dinner date.”
“Of course, gorgeous. Anything for you.” He turns to leave you alone again and the thought fills you with so much dread that you want to throw up. 
Fuck it. 
Before you have time to think, your hand is on his arm and spinning him around, your other hand grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling his face down to you. He’s kissing you back within a microsecond, as if he was waiting for you to stop him and make a move. It’s as natural as blinking, pulling him close until your back hits the door and feeling him grip your waist. He sighs into your mouth when your fingers find the hair on the back of his neck and you’re barely able to pull away before he’s chasing you down again, kissing you like he’s starving. When you’re both breathing a little heavier and your foreheads rest against each other, his hand gently cups your cheek and he runs his thumb over your skin. 
“You stole my thunder,” he murmurs, your fingers still carding through his hair. “I was gonna spin around and kiss you, but you beat me to it.”
“I got impatient,” you state simply, pressing another kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Can I still keep your jacket?” He chuckles under his breath, nudging his nose against yours.
“Baby, you can keep all of my jackets.”
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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Levi begrudgingly admitting that he gets a much needed release from fucking but not wanting to ask so instead resorts to huffing and pawing at you until you get the picture. Once he knows you're on board throws everything at you and doesn't stop until his stresses have been well and truly extinguished. send tweet.
we all love needy!levi
also why am i so much faster at smut requests than other requests ajsld;kf
i've written both attention!starved and touch!starved levi but this version of needy!levi is a combination of both
So Needy for Me | needy and touch-starved!levi
✧ word count ➼ 678 ✧ notes ➼ 18+, minors do not interact, needy!levi, rough sex, fem!reader, levi fucking your brains out, this turned out longer than i expected i'm so sorry the words just kinda kept coming (similar to the reader i mean what)
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after a stressful day or going multiple days without being able to see you or be intimate with you, levi finds himself needing a much, much needed release. all he can think about whenever he sees you is how much he needs to be against you
but of course, his pride makes him hesitant to ask, which puts him in a sticky situation, especially if you were too busy to pay close attention to the little signs he's giving you. as a result, he becomes even more aloof when he's responding to you (as counterintuitive as that might be), only responding with grunts or grumbles
speaking of signs, when he's this stubborn, levi's not particularly good at communicating them. i don't see him as the type to start brushing up against you or whispering into your ear when he needs a release. instead, i see him throwing snarky remarks at you, such as "what, are you allergic to coming to bed?" if you're taking too long or staying up too late when he's trying to drag you to bed
however, once you do pick up the signs, whether it's from you finally calling him out on his grouchiness or from you simply knowing how he is due to how long you've been together, as soon as you give them the okay, this man is on you
he needs to make sure that he gives special attention to every inch of your body. you're not even able to keep up as his tongue fights with yours for dominance, as his hands roam from pulling on your hair all the way down to planting a firm slap on your ass.
before you know it, he's pinning you down in bed, leaving more than noticeable bite marks on your neck, feeling his hard-on grow more prominent with the more whimpers that he was eliciting from you. as soon as levi hears you call out his name, asking for more, something snaps within him
this man essentially throws you as he flips you over, sticking your ass in the air, a dark and feral look in his eyes as his hands dig into your hips, feeling his cock twitch as you squirm in place, squeezing your legs together in impatience as your wetness begins to drip down your thighs
"so fucking needy for me, aren't you?" he'd say as he gently rubs his tip against you, letting out a small moan himself as he felt your slick on him.
"i'd say you're the one that's needy, lev-"
before you could finish your sentence, he'd slam your hips down onto him in retaliation, his cock entering you fully, the corners of his lips pulling up in a small smirk as he heard you cry out underneath him.
he'd press down on your back, pinning you to the bed and using his other hand to alternate between slapping your ass and playing with your clit, relishing in the fact that he's made you cum for the nth time. any pent up frustration from the past few days of stress and from the past few hours of failing to get your attention was being released all at once, with him drawing closer and closer to his own high with the more sounds that were coming out of you as he continued to drill into you.
the only sounds coming from the room were your moans and the sound of skin slapping skin. he'd continue fucking you well past the point of you being unable to comprehend anything other than the feeling of his cock repeatedly pounding into your sweet spot.
"you can take more, can't you?" he'd occasionally murmur to you. you'd shakily nod as you gripped at the sheets. your legs would be shaking and you'd feel a burn in your abs from the amount of times that you've cum, but you knew that it was long from over. with how stressed levi's been the past few days, you knew it was going to be a very, very long night for you.
god i'm such a fucking ;alkdsjf for rough, mean, dom!levi jahajasdl;kf #: @chaotic-on-main @romantichomicide95 @lovolee3 @svftackerman @levisbrat25 @leviismybby @idkks4m @moonmalice @elnyrae @sleepyfairyxo @averysmolbear @roseofdarknessblog @anviacker @aam1na @luvjiro @noctemys @sixpennydame join my tag list!
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callofdudes · 11 months
I may not have all the strength to fully get back into writing, but bear with me as I feel I do need to write something to help myself out a little. So have some experimental Cat!shifter Simon I saw on Twitter.
Morning Cuddles
You hadn't paid much mind to the feeling of your blankets shifting as soft feet pattered across them. The cold winter night had left you bundled up in your barracks with the heater on, and a certain someone sought to share it.
Nuzzling his head under the blanket, he wiggled in and found a small space, a pocket in the blankets by your thigh where he felt content to curl up. Laying his head against your leg, tail flicking and then dozing off.
You fell back asleep pretty quickly, your little friend nice and safe with you.
The next morning when the sun rose, it was still cold, and the sunlight was grim and slightly greyer against your window.
You yawned, stretching a little. You feel the shift on your bed and reach your hand down under the blanket, gently stroking his head. "Hey buddy..." You whisper, feeling him shift again.
It's silent, and then you hear purring, Simon coming up out from the blankets and nudging into the pets. Your hand traveling along his bare feline body.
He walked up onto your chest, paws digging and feeling the blanket, trying to make his morning bread.
You smile softly, looking down at his paws, still trying to snag his nails on the blanket.
"Well good morning to you." You scratched down his back, to which he hissed, relaxing and laying back down on your chest, tail flopping when he snuggled up to the warm sweater you'd been wearing through the night.
"Ok, just a little longer." You close your eyes, Simons purring getting slower and smoother. Settling down as the atmosphere turns relaxing.
But the slow morning is soon to close out as chaos stirs in the halls and the morning chills set in.
You grumble, patting Simon on your bed and stroke between his ears. "Price'll be waiting for us Simon, time to get up."
Simon stretched, meowing begrudgingly and flicking his tail. But he gets off of you, letting you get up and get somewhat dressed, keeping your sweater on.
Simon hopped off the bed and circled your feet, butting his head into your leg and willing you to pick him up. And so you do, scooping his small body into your arms and tucking him into your sweater.
"let's go find something to start the morning right." You kiss the top of his head, to which his tail flicks harshly, only making you chuckle.
You make it to the kitchen where Johnny and Gaz are talking while the kettle boils.
Johnny's eyes light up when he sees you both. "Well there you are. I couldn't find Simon in his room."
Johnny moves and pets Simon's head, to which he purrs loudly in response.
"Well it's good to hear you made it through the cold. I was freezing my bloody balls off."
"Yeah? Well maybe Simon can sleep with you tonight then huh?" You smirk at Johnny.
To which Johnny rolls his eyes. "Man's got no fur, not like I'd complain. You're comfy Simon."
Simon narrows his eyes before yawning again, resting his chin on your forearm and slinking back into rest until you resigned to putting him down.
But for now, it wasn't that time, and he could enjoy your fuzzy sweater.
(look this little guy isn't going away. Ask me questions or stuff with him because hairless cat Simon is now my comfort baby. Thank you for reading this little experiment post 😊)
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
For hazbin hotel au: in what scenario would cause both alastor and Lucifer to agree or find out the truth at same time?
Ngl, the wording of this has me a little confused. Uhh, so a situation where Alastor and Lucifer both figure it out at the same time?
It probably begins with Alastor suspecting but not actually knowing about Lucifer's past with his mother. And he doesn't really care enough to go digging. Until Lucifer moves into the hotel.
After the extermination when things have calmed down and everyone's getting used to the new hotel and living together, Charlie makes sure to stress to Alastor and Lucifer that she'd at least like them to be civil with each other, even if they can't exactly be friendly. They begrudgingly agree, which means they're spending more time in one another's vicinity. At some point the topic of favorite foods comes up and Alastor, being the mama's boy he is, begins praising his mother's jambalaya. Lucifer isn't enough of a dick to insult someone's mother's cooking, but he does chime in that the best jambalaya he's ever had was made by a really sweet lady he met whence upon a time when he snuck up to Earth and wound up in the middle of this really wild party in the southern US. It's a little funny; he doesn't remember most of that night. And angels usually have impeccable memories!
Alastor narrows his eyes. He decides to play a hunch.
"If you're so certain, why don't we just see how my mother's recipe measures up?" he challenges. Lucifer agrees. But he's certain that Alastor's cooking won't come anywhere close to his memory of that Mardi Gras in 190x.
On his way out the door, Alastor 'offhandedly' remarks that his maman told him stories about the Mardi Gras parade she attended in 190x.
Lucifer narrows his eyes as Alastor disappears into the kitchen.
Once dinner's ready, Alastor is watching very very closely for Lucifer's reaction. And Lucifer is very very aware of Alastor watching him very very closely. No one else is really paying attention, they're too busy digging into their meals. Alastor and Lucifer make eye contact.
Then, finally, Lucifer takes a bite.
His eyes go wide.
He meets Alastor's eyes across the table.
He knows. And Alastor knows he knows. And Alastor also knows that he knows that Alastor knows he knows.
Alastor simply smiles, cocks his head to the side, and says, "So, is it as good as the jambalaya you had in 190x?"
Lucifer doesn't answer. He eats the rest of the meal in silence. No one else at the table has any clue what that was about.
Alastor vanishes pretty quickly after kitchen cleanup, but Lucifer spends the next few days trying to catch Alastor alone. It's tricky, given that Alastor keeps to himself a lot when he's not actively doing something for the hotel or participating in some mandatory group activity. As soon as he's not needed he vanishes into the shadows again. It takes a while before Lucifer finally gets his chance to talk to Alastor. It... doesn't go well.
"I was just satisfying some curiosity," Alastor tells him. "In truth, I could care less."
After all, it's not like knowing the identity of the man who walked out on him and his maman will do him any good now. If Lucifer wanted to have some kind of father-son bond, he should have been there a hundred years ago. And he doesn't care for an apology either. If Lucifer wants to apologize to someone, he should speak to Nicaise. She went in the other direction, by the way.
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bubble-dream-inc · 2 years
TIME TO END THE WRITERS BLOCK- okay here's my request Pookie boo; Simon Riley lets his gf paint his nails. She's going into cosmetology, and needs a muse, and why not ask her hunky-dunky boyfriend?? The plot could maybe be he's on vaca, and she's all like "Yo hot stuff. Wanna get hotter?" (and she pulls out acrylics and polishes) And he's all like "...", but no matter how cold and has no emotions he is, he lets her sit on his lap while painting his nails (fake nails, cuz she put on the longest one possible to irritate him, to hear that smexxxxyyy British voice cursing on how he can't hold a teacup with the witch nails) BRIGHT ASS HOT PINK with a black skull painted on it. AND THEN SHE PAINTS HER NAILS BLACK WITH A PINK SKULL SO THAT THEY HAVE MATCHING NAILS????? COULD BE A HEADCANNON BUT IT'S SUCH A CUTE IDEA POOKIE BOO.
imma do headcanons bc my brain is too fried to come up with a full ass fic but i hope ya like it bb
Simon is very, very tired. He comes home from the gym on the second day of his leave to find you already standing in the living room, a menace with a wicked grin and a small metal suitcase in your hands.
At least you had the decency to let him get settled on the first day before you started with your antics.
"...What's in the suitcase." "A project." "Fuckin' hell."
After you reveal your idea, it might take some coaxing to get him to agree but it works out bc c'mon let's be honest. The man is secretly a simp and a softie when he loves someone. So he begrudgingly agrees, letting himself be dragged by your giggling self to the couch.
So he manspreads on the couch, getting comfortable as you perch yourself prettily on top of him to glue the nails to his gigantic hands (you actually have to dig around your materials a little bit to find tips that somewhat match his natural nail size), and, as grumpy as he is, he at least gets to enjoy the view of you looking so focused on his lap.
(You actually have to stop yourself from giggling a few times because of how the bright pink polish looks out of place on his dark self)
While the polish dries, you offer to go make him some tea, and end up having to help him with it between fits of laughter since he couldn't hold the cup with the extra long coffin nails he has going on.
In the end, you take some pictures and let him simmer in his misery for a while longer before moving to remove them, however, he notices how proud you were of your work, so he just agrees to keep them on as long as you cut them shorter.
So that's exactly what you do, grinning like a mad person. Doing Ghost's nails has you so inspired you actually do your own to match him, and pretend not to notice the soft look in his eyes when you proudly show your work and enthusiastically exclaim how you two are matching.
He ends up keeping them on until they inevitably break or get weirdly outgrown, and he couldn't care less about the weird stares he gets at the gym; as long as his girl is happy, he is happy.
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cal-writes · 5 months
have a bit from laws eleven sequel that probably wont make it into the finished piece but this scene was the first thing i wrote for it. the structure changed too much to properly fit it in so enjoy
“You’re such an ungrateful little shit.” Dr. Kureha is as friendly as ever, sneering at Law when she finally spots him emerging from the crowd.
“Dr. Kureha!” Chopper bounces away from his side to hug the old hag around the middle. She pulls a grimace, holding both her arms into the air (but Law can see the smile in her eyes). Law follows at a leisurely pace. By the time he reaches the pair, Kureha has extracted herself from Chopper.
“Pleasure to see you again, too.” Law tells her and extends his hand. Kureha shakes it begrudgingly. The little thumb drive passes between them with a simple sleight of hand, before Law burrows it deep in his pocket. “Appreciate you coming to see me.”
Kureha scoffs. “Like I’d go through the trouble for you brats.” She sneers but still strokes Chopper's head when he bumps into her side. “You’re lucky I have to be here anyway.” She points over her shoulder to where Dalton stands by a booth for dental implants, deeply engrossed in a conversation.
“I take back the gratitude then.” Law says and Kureha squints at him.
“Don’t test me, boy.” She warns, before she heads to the side out of the walkways of the crowd. “What do you need that shit for? Haven’t asked about it in a decade. You know which corner I had to dig this out of?” Kureha talks quietly, keeping her eyes on the people around them.
Law feels his neck prickle anyway. He hates crowds. They aren’t here for a job (his crew at least - the Straw Hats happen to have some big shot plastic surgeon in their sights who has some sort of rare artifact in his possession but they promised Chopper to wait until the convention was over so he could mingle - Law had offered to chaperone and he too wanted to mingle with people of his trade) but given their lives, it always pays to be cautious.
He shrugs, hand tightening around the thumb drive in his pocket (remembers the shape of it still). “Have to deal with it eventually.” He says.
Kureha snorts. “Finally stopping with the repression, then? Next you’ll tell me you’re seeing a therapist.”
“Maybe I’ll find one here.” Law says, deadpan.
“May the gods help to poor fucker that has to lay you on the couch.” She replies and Law smiles. (If Chopper weren’t here he would mention that he will apologize to Zoro next time they fuck on a couch).
“Always good to see you, Doctor.” He tells her and Kureha laughs.
“You too, kid.”
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looptroupe · 5 months
Foams at the mouth
I’m in the middle of writing up a whole HC post for someone asking about a highschool AU but I’m gonna take this opportunity to sidetrack the conversation towards something I’d love to genuinely see from the series… a HEAVY (film) noir lean. Think: Bogart, Framed, Gilda, Vertigo… probably pushing the era back 40’s, 50’s way (Maybe even some 30’s lean in there, if I could get away with it) instead of the general 60’s vibe Lupin has going for it.
I think there’s a TON of potential there. I mean, I’m aware something like this was pitched (and never picked up, sigh…) so there IS sentiment there, and the idea has been thought about, but instead of TWCFM’s ‘serious Lupin’ I’d love to see a true noir ‘serious Lupin’. I think you can put these characters into a serious setting without making them straight up evil, and I’ll be honest, I think it would be way more appealing than the stuff they’ve been releasing lately (besides Zero. I have to admit that I loved Zero).
I’d want the gang to actually feel like criminals, though. Cutting shady deals in illegal bars, Lupin running his mouth to big players about whatever new heist he has up his sleeve. I’d take them back to being Miyazaki-esque ‘living paycheck-to-paycheck’ rather than ‘insta-rich Lupin funding his hedonistic spirit’ because I think that would work better in this universe: Lupin is constantly getting them in hot shit with the big leagues because he can’t keep his mouth shut. Jigen has shot ten guys this week who have come knocking at their hideout’s door looking for trouble. Goemon’s sick of digging graves and is antsy to finally be who he dreams of being. Fujiko’s got her eyes on a bigger prize, like always.
Zenigata’s an underpaid beat-cop-turned-inspector who has been trying to climb the ranks for a long while. He’s ambitious, but a little too soft for his own good: he’s hopeful in a way that most of the guys in his squad aren’t, and that makes him the perfect candidate for when the commissioner has to shill a shitty 9-5 case on an unsuspecting worker. A file lands on his desk, and he flips through it with this eager fire, like he’s just been asked to take on the world, and Lupin and his gang smile up at him from the pages.
Lupin is a crook, he learns. Part-time petty thief, full-time smooth-talker: a man with a legacy to live up to and not a whole lot to show for it besides a reputation as a lady-killer and a particularly long unpaid tab at the seediest bar in town. His sticky fingers have landed him in more trouble than they’ve gotten him out of, and recent reports say that he’s managed to get under the skin of the most notorious once-criminal-now-film-director in town… the very criminal that underhandedly paid Zenigata’s boss to start an official investigation in the first place.
Jigen is a gun-for-hire. Babysitter, bodyguard, hitman… whatever you need, he’ll do, however begrudgingly. He’s not a guy you mess with: and his reputation is actually pretty good in criminal circles. He’s well-respected and well-liked. Or, he was, until the monkey-faced man at the bar implicated him in a crime he didn’t commit. Now, he’s babysitting without pay, and he’s starting to get a little sick of having to put bullets into the faces of old friends who decide his bounty is worth more than his loyalty. Figures.
Goemon’s a man slightly-less-out-of-time. A famous Japanese-American film star, he’s known world-over for starring in Samurai flicks alongside his leading lady, Fujiko Mine. The thing is, Goemon is classically trained in swordslinging, and when Lupin offers him an opportunity to be the very person he’s been portraying on screen, he’s more than happy to throw his reputation away. He never cared much for fame, anyway. There’s just this one little hitch: he’s enamoured with the sword he last used on set, and he won’t take no for an answer when he asks Lupin to retrieve it for him.
Fujiko has her eyes on a prize a little more exciting than Zantetsuken: the film empire she’s helped build herself. The tabloids can’t get enough of her, and she knows that a marriage to the most famous director the world has ever seen might just secure her a place in history. The thing is, the man she’s trying her best to seduce has stopped paying her attention since his beloved priceless-antique-turned-prop-sword went missing, and she’s determined to get it back for him. Because what would make him fall quicker? Ah, there’s just one catch: Lupin is kind of charming, and the life he’s living is… exciting. Tempting. Fujiko likes playing with fire, but she’s starting to get a little too close to this one particular flame. The heat has her cheeks burning… Or maybe that’s Goemon’s doing.
They’re a strange little bunch, the Lupin Gang. But man, do people have a habit of underestimating them. Zenigata included. Because what he thinks to be a simple case of theft soon turns into something more sinister as the layers of movie-magic veneer begin to peel away. Maybe Lupin was onto something, targeting this guy, and maybe this hotshot director isn’t quite as reformed as he says he is.
He went to court recently, after all. Say, how much did he pay the judge to overturn that guilty verdict? Zenigata would like that sum as a pay rise once this has all blown over. That, and some fresh smokes.
((Mmm someone should hop on board and help me develop this I think. Could be a fun little exercise on the side… if it’s up anyone’s alley >:) ))
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rpreaperperson · 11 months
Chapter 8:  Capture El Sin Nombre
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A young woman humming a song enjoying her peaceful day until..her ears catch some noise from behind the bushes halting her humming as she slowly approaching the bushes
“Hello?” then she saw
A little black cat
“ya sure ‘bout this?”whisper Soap
“if she’s in then Im in, with her small stature now ,it would be more easier for digging infomation” Graves crossing his arm on his chest
“Could use more eyes there”add Ghost
“Bingo” Soap clutching his vest tightly and biting his lips, glances at Alejandro who adjusting a collar with little camere around Claw's neck
“Ready Gatita?”
Her fluffy head popped out from the bushes, watching the guards guarding the front door each of them fully armed
“okay Claw just wait until Soap comes” speak Graves from her collar
“Mrreow...” she flattened her ears She didn’t Soap to be the bait for it even though she tried to convince them they were still adamant about her sneaking there alone
‘Men...I just dont Master Soap getting hurt’ her tails swishing annoyed
“There he is”
Claw perked up when she saw Soap walk to the guards with hand in the air, she flinched when the guards shot at his feet halting his step
‘How DARE theyy..’ she growled
“Easy there kitten..we can hear you growling”
The guards cover Soap's head with a sack and guide him inside, she follows them inside unnoticed
follow them under the shadow, she halted when the guard escorted him into an elevator
“Underground huh should know it”
Claw was devastated when she couldn’t follow Soap
“Listen Claw I need you to sneak around find anything, something that lead us to the boss got that?” she begrudgingly obeyed Graves and snooping around the mansion and got some information whether it was related to El Sin Nombre or not.
Until she enters the garage area, Claw halts her steps
 “oh..shit..” Graves muttered from the camera
The creature in front of her growled its body hunched ready to pounce on her, showing its blunt fangs
A rival for cat...
‘its a Dog..’
Meanwhile, Soap manages to get from that basement alive after he is ‘questioned’ by Diego and the female sicaria Valeria
His mission now is to search for Sin Nombre.
“Soap you copy?”
“I copy, how’s Claw situation Graves?”
“Bad she fighting two dogs right now”
“What?!” Soap glance Alejandro with urgency
“She’s at the garage right now”
“I think the help wont be needed Graves” snide Ghost, seemingly proud at Claw
“Why..oh...guess backup wont be needed”
A ‘wtf’ face platered against his mask, Soap cocking his eyebrows
“Anyway I found where El sin Nombre is, he is in the penthouse Third floor problem is only with Diego keycard to go through there”
“Where’s Diego?” ask Ghost
“The ofrenda, second floor” answer Alejandro
“Then Claw will find the keycard, Claw go get the keycard “ command Ghost
“Nyauw!” hearing her cue she jumped through the roof leaving the uncouncious Dogs behind, stealthily avoiding the guard hiding her little furry body in the dark, roof after roof she jumped until she landed on a window through the window she saw a bald man
“there’s Diego kitten” and in front of Diego there’s the keycard she looking for, Quitely as she could Claw open the window
Diego saw something in the corner of his eyes, and then he glanced...
But found nothing but an open window, he huffed and then walked into the window closing it shut not knowing a furry creature had stolen his keycard and escaping towards the door.
“good job Claw now bring it to Soap, he waiting for you with Alejandro on the elevator”
While bringing the keycard in her mouth she trotted her way into the elevator, there she saw Soap with a mask on and Alejandro in a guard suit
Kneeling in front of Claw Soap taking the keycard from her mouth
“Nice work Claw” petting her head
“Thats my Gatita” Alejandro opened the elevator, and three of them entered the elevator while both Alejandro and Soap holding their gun, Claw getting ready her sharp nails inside those fluffy paws
‘Time to catch Bad guys!’
When the elevator opened she followed both Alejandro and Soap, trotting her way to Sin Nombre, Soap stared at her with full of uncertain
“Yes hermano?”
“You sure about Claw? She’s not return to her human form..”
“Hermano...do you want other men to see her naked?”
“....Shit no”
Then they halt upon a locked door with a guard behind it, Alejandro signals Soap to be quiet and knocks on the door
“C-4, I have a visitor for the boss”
The door opens, then Alejandro rushes to knock out the guard
‘Ohhh~ Master Ale so cool!’ Claw stared at Alejandro in awe, she walked into the double door sniffing under the door
A familiar scent, she smelled this scent too when she gathered the intel from the stray she found when she was about to peek under there her body being picked up by Alejandro putting her away from the door.
“Stay there Gatita, dont think about engange a fight with that form”
‘Boo...’ she pouting puffing her fluffy cheeks
He put a snake cam under the door
“Snake cam is set, Time to get PID on El Sin Nombre”
“Let’s put face to the nameless”
Her tails tapping in boredom and annoyance, she glanced at the unconscious guard still standing on her guard ready to pounce the guard if he woke up
Then she saw Alejandro and Soap standing up preparing their gun, ignoring what Alejandro told her she was going to fight anyways
The Colonel kicked the door open shooting at the guards, she saw the opportunities slithering her way to the short black hair woman
“CLAW!” Soap yell in urgency, mumble a curse he shot the last guard and follow after Claw
“She’s after Valeria!”
Claw jumped into Valeria back, making she halt and fall down into the ground
“Ay! What the –“ she saw a fluffy creature on her back glaring at her menacingly (to be honest the that she makes right now it just makes her more adorable) although she doesn’t notice a lil’ blush on Valeria face
“Down! Get down, now!” command Graves from the helicopter
“I already down! Motherfucker!” yell Valeria annoyed, gritted her teeth
“oh yea...Ground Team, you clear to move in” there Soap and Alejandro, Claw meow’ed at Soap
“Secure her, I’ll cover” Soap approaches Valeria, and stares at Claw whether wants to scold her for disobeying Alejandro or praise her for capturing Valeria
“good job Claw” ruffling her head
Oh well ...Soap is a deeply sucker for Claw
Taglist: @lilpothoscuttings @kaoyamamegami
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